#joey takes daily naps
marvelmcumania · 5 months
You are my only love - Part 1
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Fem Reader Summary: That life's fate wasn't meant for both of you but the this did! WORD COUNT:1.4k Setting: Modern World and The 80s
A reincarnation au fic. Hello Everyone this is my first fic on Tumblr and there will be mistakes, so forgive Updates won't be frequent will be updated at any time English is not my first language Do not repost Feel free to reblog and let me know your thoughts
Navigation | Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist |Steve Rogers Masterlist
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They say we somehow always meet in the next life and this was the same thing with Steve Rogers and Y/N L/N a tale of tragic love but a tale of love that becomes one of the best things ever happened to them.
Sweetheart, I will always be with you
You are my only love
You woke up from your nightmarish dream again. And it has happened daily since you were 10 years old at first your parents consoled you but when it started increasing whenever you took a nap they decided to take you to therapy and yet still the therapist couldn't help. The scream of the deep blue eyes which felt familiar looking concerned at you and then blood pooling down from both of your bodies.
It made you feel real that the person's sinister eyes held a great obsession for you, whereas this blue-eyed man held a deep love for you. Sighing you got up from the bed rubbing your eyes.
"Why does this happen to me?"
You entered the kitchen taking a glass of water taking a sip of it.
"Are you okay there?" Natalie your roommate was sitting on the sofa watching her late-night show.
You whipped your head looking at her and shook it giving her a smile that didn't reach your eyes." Nah I am good" keeping the glass on the shelves "What are you watching?" you said taking a seat beside her.
"F.R.I.E.N.D.S" she nonchalantly said handing you the popcorn box
You took the popcorn "One of my favorite shows"
"Mine too" You both laughed when Joey wore all of Chandler's clothes. Forgetting the dream for the moment
The next you woke up on the sofa checking your phone it was 7:00 AM shrugging you set it aside looking straightforward and sighing weirdly you didn't get the nightmare again Looking sideways Natalie was sprawled on the other side of the couch TV sound dimmed.
"Hey Natalie" you whispered trying to wake her up she blinked her eyes looking at you. "Uhm it's 7:00 AM and you have your office timing at 11:00 AM it's better if you sleep some more in your room."
"Oh thanks" she yawns taking the remote and switching it off. She gets up stretches her body and reaches her bedroom stopping midway you were scrolling on your phone looking at the schedule. "Y/N?"
You looked up from your phone" Yeah?"
"At night time you were murmuring something about 'save me' 'please don't kill him' and 'I will never marry you' Like were you having a nightmare?" Your eyes widened at what Natalie said even though it wasn't in the visuals you still had it.
"Oh?" your eyebrows furrowed this was now going out of hands "I don't remember it"
"I think it's something more than that Y/N/N" You raised your eyebrow at her "Look I don't know how to say this but it's something related to your past lives"
"There is nothing like past lives Natalie" You went back to your phone heart beating radically. "These are some weird rumors and conspiracy theories"
"Y/N/N" she called you out making you look up once again "They aren't and it's a different thing also known as reincarnation. I read that on the internet"
"And is there scientific proof" You were now getting irritated was she now making fun of you she became quiet for a moment.
"I wish I could have proved but don't come running near me when your therapist thinks about it"
You scowled at her, looking back down to your phone and chewing your lips. Natalie sighed and went back to her bedroom. What if Natalie was right that this is something related to past life but you ignored her.
You get up from the sofa get ready for your office and resume your daily routine of brushing your teeth and having a good bath You come out and pick up your outfit of the day. Combing your hair making it into a messy bun. Well, you didn't have an appetite for breakfast and the only thing that would help her now was coffee. The best thing is to watch until the shop opens the park scenery.
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You were never a fan of morning walks, but to clear your mind and reach your office straight away, you decided to take two rounds and sit on a bench and mull over Natalie's talk with you. Taking out your phone, you typed about it to clear your doubt, and as you thought, well, it's 50 50 to believe in reincarnation theories.
You were looking ahead, lost in your own thoughts. When you felt something down your leg looking down, you saw a cute dog sniffing around your leg and nudging his body around your legs.
"Oh hey, bub" you bought your hand to check whether he trusted you. The dog looked at you bringing his nose near your hand and sniffed you making sure you weren't any bad guy and showed you his head and scratched his head "Are you lost bub?" looking at his collar his owner must be here somewhere.
"DODGER" The dog turns to the source of sound his tail slightly wagging "DODGER WHERE ARE YOU?"
"I guess the screaming man is your owner huh?" The dog just huffed not getting too interested in their owner's voice "Don't tell me you had a fight" you chuckle seeing the dog growling meaning they indeed had some fight. "Okay how about we go near him and make him tell you sorry with huge treats"
You began to drag the dog who was hesitant at first but soon made up your speed and soon enough you came face to face with the yelling man who was out of breath
"Hey" you yelled at the man who turned to look at you before you could make a move you stood there seeing the man but the dog began dragging you breaking your concentration and almost making you fall "Hey bub calm down"
"Oh my God Thank you, "the man says squatting down to give some scratches to the dog "Never do that again Dodge you scared me you want the toy I will buy you but" he hugs him "Never leave" You are looking at their interaction when the man glances up at you "Thank You Again"
Your breath hitches looking at the man his blue eyes giving you a familiar face the man in your dreams. You just nod at him giving him a smile "A very active dog I see"
"Yeah" he chuckles "and when I decline something of his favorite he just runs away"
You give him a smile and look back at the dog giving him a small ear scratch you are scared to look at him what if he remembers you what if the dream you always had has been the same it's been more than 2 minutes and you can already feel the sparks and connection the attraction towards him.
Before he could say anything your phone started ringing disrupting your talk It was from your colleague Natasha "Uhm Sorry I need to pick this up"
"Yeah sure" he nods giving you a similar smile you always have seen in your dream.
You pick up the call "Hey Nat!" answering when a screeching sound comes behind the caller.
Where are you?
"Uhm at the park?" You turned back before giving an apologetic smile to Steve. Hearing a huff from her "What is it, Nat?"
Do you realize what the time is now? We will be late for the office
Taking a look at the watch it was indeed late for you and you needed to catch the bus how much time did you spend here maybe the thinking made you late "Okay I will be right there just wait for me Okay?"
Yeah, hurry up!
You cut the call turning to the man who had been standing, you were surprised to find him gone along with his dog. A shiver ran down your spine as you scanned the area, but there was no sign of him anywhere. Questions stirred in your mind as you tried to make sense of his sudden disappearance. Had he simply walked away while you were distracted?
But with that, you felt more connected with him the man from your dream who looked exactly the same with furrowed eyebrows you left the question lingering in your mind and then left the park to meet Natasha at bus stand.
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animusvenenatus · 13 hours
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( emma d'arcy, 32, non-binary, they/them ) — Look who it is! If you take a look at our database, you’ll find that JOEY SOARD is a GRAVE DIGGER that works in SECTOR 8. According to the file, they’re a mutant with the power of FELINE PHYSIOLOGY. That must be why they’re AGILE and CUNNING. If you ask me, they remind me of the deep, rumbling purrs of a contented cat, piercing, green eyes watching you from the darkness, the scent of burning catnip. They are affiliated with THE DAMNED.
basic information:
character name: joey soard
nickname(s): n/a
mutation status: gen ii
birthday: july 30th
sexuality: queer
moral alignment: lawful evil
3 positive traits: sociable, inventive, charming
3 negative traits: neuroticism, aggressive, sarcastic
biography (optional): tba!
how do they feel about living in sol city? have they always lived there or did they travel from another settlement? joey is a little backstreet, dumpster cat. they've travelled to quite a few settlements during their life. they settled down in sol city a few months ago, after running away from some trouble in another settlement they'd been passing through. they like it here so far. they've found company in the damned, and they get fed daily. they can't complain.
do they trust the council’s leadership? why or why not? no. overthrow the council! charlatans. thieves! liars!!! boo, hiss.
if they chose their sector and profession, why did they make that choice? if they didn’t, why not? were they happy with their assignment or not? they didn't make the choice. too lazy and busy chasing those strange crows they keep seeing, they left it to someone else to choose for them. they quite like digging graves, though. it's not a particularly taxing job, and the holes they dig make nice napping pits, when they can get away with slacking off for a few minutes.
what’s one object that they always keep on their person? a nail file.
mutant only section
what is your character’s ability (or abilities)? feline physiology
are they gen i or gen ii? gen ii
what can your character do? what are their strengths? apex predator, burrowing, weather sensing, claw retraction, feline manipulation, enhanced bite, pheromone generation, climbing, cat falling, camouflaging, enhanced leaping, enhanced senses, quick reflexes
what are their weaknesses? becomes weak if cold, hates having their stomach touched, needs a lot of sleep, easily distracted by beams of light and anything that moves quickly, fire, hypnotism
is there anything else you’d like to specify about them? this is who you're being mean to:
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they also have cat ears on top of their head, and a long, sleek tail.
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boltupbitches · 1 year
Sliding in the DMs Part V
Warning: I did not get to proofread this. There will be quite a few typos I'll go back and fix later.
Three months had passed since Joey and Arty started hooking up on the regular. At some point they lulled into a comfortable routine of nightly dinners together at each other’s place and sleepovers.
Joey even came around to bonding with Arty’s cat, Cassiopeia. Which was a huge surprise to him as he always considered himself a dog person. Yet, the affectionate tortie was hard not to like as she often greeted him when he entered the apartment and when he woke up in the morning when staying over.
Joey could feel his heart thud in anticipation for the other shoe to drop. They had built a comfortable balance in his life. When living in LA, all he cared about was football. That was the center of his universe. Only back home in Florida did he feel any semblance of normalcy. 
Yet, Arty provided him that. He had never realized how much he craved domestication and time with another person. He was always doing his own thing as far back as he could remember. Dating was no different. Arty was the first girl he ever felt the longing to see everyday. The first person he thought of when waking up and the only person he thought of while falling to sleep. 
It was terrifying. 
Terrifying that he could imagine a future with her beyond whatever was happening currently. It was terrifying that he googled jewelers nearby, honeymoon locations, and when it was ok to say “I love you.” It made him question if he ever really felt love in his former relationships. None were ever this strong.
And he knew, like always, that he would fuck it up.
Arty was flipping through a photobook from her family reunion trip to Greece. She could see her grandparents holding each other, their eyes expressing so much happiness and love for their each other. In another photo was herself, her sister Athena, her cousins Demetri and Maria, and her grandparents in the center of the four smiling around them. Her grandparents were sitting close together, her grandpa holding her grandma’s hand as it rested on his knee.
In her mind, she knew she wanted that same kind of love. The kind that consumes you and burns from within. The kind of love her grandpa showed her grandma when he would dance with her under the bright lights of Megara at night. Or the kind of love her parents had where they ran off and eloped, although originally forbidden to do so.
Arty knew she wanted that with Joey. There were no doubts about that. She felt it so strongly some days.
It was the little things. The way he allowed her to brush his hair after a shower or when he washed her hair in the shower. It was him learning how to make matcha, knowing it was her favorite tea. It was him checking on her during the day while she was at work. And all of the other small things he did for her daily. She never had that before.
She hadn’t considered that all the guys before him were pretty shitty. He came into her life unexpectedly and, at times, she worried he would leave her just the same.
She could feel his hesitation as of late. He would get a distant look and the tension would take over him. He would get quieter, only uttering a few responses and sometimes choosing to lay down and nap for a bit to clear his mind.
She worried about him a lot and wanted to address it, but she wasn’t sure how.
So she didn’t because she wanted him to be the one to say something. She was tired of always addressing things in every relationship - this time she wanted someone to make the effort. That someone was Joey.
She’d wait for him to make a move before she did.
As she sat across from him, pondering the situation at hand, she could see Joey rubbing the bridge of his nose, his eyebrows scrunched, as he lay on her couch in silence.
Finally, after what felt like forever, he opened his eyes and stared at her with a discernible look in his eyes. 
He cleared his throat and said, “Want to take a nap with me for a bit?”
Arty bit her lip to suppress her smile, “Well, sleepy bear.. The last time we ‘napped’ involved you fucking me until I couldn’t walk. Is it that kind of nap or the actual sleep kind?”
Joey chuckled at that and was quiet for a second. “Maybe the first or maybe the second. We’ll see when we get in there.”
He raised his eyebrow at her as she stared back.
She sighed dramatically and said, “If you insist,” and slipped the night shirt off of her, turning to wink at Joey as she got up to strut into her room, making sure to sway her hips just a bit more with her walk.
Within moments she could hear Joey following close behind.
She laid next to Joey, catching her breath. Joey was equally worked up and breathing heavily.
She felt the bed shift as he turned slightly to face her. She had been off tonight in her behavior. Her normal behavior was something Joey had become attuned to. Yet, he couldn't put his finger on what had her so subdued.
Joey reached over, weaving his fingers through hers and watching her as she closed her eyes and continued cooling down from their love making.
He really wanted to say in that moment, 'I love you so fucking much. So much so that I'm scared.' But he said nothing. The words on the tip of his tongue but the panic was pushing them back down his throat.
He felt her withdrawing from him silently in their interactions and it scared him.
Just as he was about to say something she spoke up instead. "Joey.. what are we?"
Joey was quiet for a moment, dumbfounded by the question. For some reason, what should have brought him relief to finally tackle and address that same question in his mind became a tumultuous fight between two sides saying different things.
He wanted to tell her that they were lovers. That he wanted more and that she hopefully felt the same.
Yet, the other side of his brain. The anti-hero, the one that loved to self-destruct when he felt the most vulnerable wanted him to shut it down. To tell her that they were simply fuck-buddies and nothing more to protect himself from being let down and hurt.
Yet, he said nothing and laid there in surprise.
Time stretched on and he felt the bed move as Arty pulled her hand back from his.
Some more time passed before he heard her get up from the bed and limp to the bathroom. The door shut behind her figure and he could hear shower turn on.
Yet, he still laid there in dread. His chest starting to feel heavy as panic set in.
'What a great fucking time to have a panic attack, you fucking jackass.' He thought in a daze.
He quickly stumbled out of the bed, putting his clothes on haphazardly and making his way to the door. Anything to get out of the current situation and escape his current mental state.
He made it in his car just as he started to break down.
What he didn't notice was the upstairs light turn on and a person staring sadly down at him from the bedroom he was just in.
Arty wiped her eyes as she called his phone. Yet, it rang out both times. The third try sent her to voicemail as his car turned on and he quickly backed out of the driveway and down the road.
An entire month of radio silence. She stopped at his apartment only to find out from his housekeeper that he was staying somewhere else temporarily. He wasn’t answering his cellphone or social media. It was as if he stopped existing, but she knew that wasn’t the case.
She didn’t know what to do. Clearly he was still in LA as he was preparing for upcoming game, but she didn’t know his teammates, or anyone at the Chargers organizaiton. She didn’t know his family or personal friends. She didn’t even talk with the guys she used to game with - the reason she even met Joey.
Joey didn’t seem like he wanted to be found and it hurt so much to realize that. Him running hurt her. In more ways than one. She wasn’t sure where to even go from here.
By the fifth week of radio silence, she had had it and decided that she was going to go out for the night. She contacted her coworker and good friend, Chloe, to go with her.
Chloe came through with a silver mini-dress and matching strappy heels. She helped Arty do her hair and makeup, the whole time chatting with her about the mystery man she was hiding from their friends.
“No one important.” Arty said with fake nonchalance. “Just some guy I was hooking up with.. He ended up being like every other guy.” Another lie. “I wish I hadn’t wasted my time on him.” Again, another lie. 
“Well, he had to be pretty important with how much you were ditching us to be with him.” Chloe pointed out.
Arty scoffed. “Chloe, you have no room to talk.”
Chloe grinned at that. “You’re right. I don’t. Doesn’t mean I won’t say it. Face it, Arty, you’re in love and that’s ok.”
Arty said nothing to that and finished touching up her lipstick before shooting her friend a glare. “I am not in love and honestly it’s just overrated anyways.”
“You don’t believe in love?” Chloe asked curiously.
“I do. I just don’t think it’s meant for me. Time has shown me that.” Arty mumbled.
“Everyone is able to love and is meant to love and be loved.” Chloe said kindly. “This guy, whoever he is, must be special to you to be hung up. I mean, you haven’t been out partying for months since you met him. I’ve seen the smitten stories you posted, with glimpses of his hands holding yours, or you wearing his sweater. We all saw it!” Chloe exclaimed. “Maybe you don’t believe it’s love right now, but it’s close to it more than just infatuation.”
Arty was quiet for a moment before saying, “You’re right. He is special to me and I’m just so fucking mad he let himself get in the way of our happiness. But, I’ve decided that I wont’ chase him. I’ll bait him, but I won’t chase him.” With that settled, she picked up her purse and gestured to Chloe to follow her towards the door.
Chloe stopped and yanked out her phone.. “Wait, wait, wait! We gotta get this on video cause that dress is unbelievable!!” She instructed Arty to pose and recorded as she did so. The dress shined in reflection of the dim apartment lights.
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Arty adjusted her dress and said, “Send me that please. It’s going on Instagram.”
“Trying to bait him?” Chloe teased.
Arty stared back straight faced before smirking deviously. “Absolutely.”
Joey heard his phone ding with an Instagram notification. He sat the weight down he was working with and moved to check his phone, knowing that he only had Arty’s account to follow on his burner account. 
His stomach dropped at the sight of her in her dress. She looked drop dead gorgeous and he could feel the familiar feelings stirring up in him just by looking at her.
He went to her profile to see the video and a few pics posted with the caption, “Watch me dance the night away / my heart could be broken but you won’t see it on my face.” Her location was a well-known club not far from where he lived.
He winced at the caption and shook his head, “I fucking deserve that.” He mumbled and went straight to the comments. There were a few from friends he recognized from the many stories and pictures Arty shared with him.
There was also one name in particular that had his blood run cold for a moment before boiling over. 
@ killatrav: Chloe didn’t tell me her friend was 🔥
How Travis Kelce knew Chloe didn’t matter to him in that moment. What mattered was that corny ass bastard was talking to HIS girl.
He scrolled further before returning to the top and seeing a new message underneath his in response, @ chloecollor “she’s also newly single if you wanna meet her, trav 😉”
@ shebear95 liked the comment.
In that moment he thought, ‘Fuck it. Guess I’m going to the club.’ He got on his phone and called some of the guys from the team to ask them to meet up.
As he quickly got dressed and tied his hair back, he couldn’t stop thinking about how he was going to have to face his fears with this one. 
With one last look at himself in the mirror, he rushed off and out of the rental he was staying at.
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lordiedams · 4 years
The Ink Demonth (2020)
(Tumblr didn’t let me post it sooner but well its finished!)
Fandom: Bendy and the Ink Machine
3 - Work
Grant didn’t consider himself a workaholic, he loves his job to a certain, normal, degree, thank you very much. But that didn’t stop him from doing his best every step of the way.
 Right now, inside his office, the accountant was hunched on his table, working on the brand-new load of paperwork that Joey had given to him at the start of the week.
The tick-tock of the clock was what took his focus away, his head aching from the non-stop work he’s been dealing with. Grant yawned while looking at the adorable, but terrifying-looking Bendy Clock on his wall signaling 3:25 AM.
A soft growl came from the back of his throat, he’s been inside the studio for almost three days now, and by the looks of it, he will stay the fourth one as well.
Deciding to save his own sanity for a tad longer, the man got up from his chair, stretching and wincing at the noises his poor backbones did and walked out of his own office. The corridors were quiet after all was almost 4:00 AM and most of the workers were home, on their own beds. Oh, Grant envied that so much right now.
Making his way upstairs, to Heavenly toys, the Toymaker Mr.Flynn was still working as well, his bloodshot eyes from too much work without a single blink of an eye, his hands tremble while he painted the Alice Angel Doll in front of him.
 ─ Good… Too early-day, Shawn. ─ Said softly the Accountant. The Toy Maker finally broke eye contact with the piece of toy to look at him. It didn’t matter how sleep deprived he was, Shawn Flynn always would give everyone his best, although tired, smile.
 ─ Mornin’…─ He said in between a yawn. Grant gave him a pitying look; both knew that look very well.
 ─ What’cha doing here? Though’ you went home fer the nigh’
 ─ I would ask you the same, but I believe we both would have the same answer. Too much work, too little time. Will bring you a coffee on my way back.
 He brighter smile came to Shawn’s face, the toymaker nodded and went back to his own work, letting the older man continue his path upstairs.
 He ended up getting to the music department in a few minutes and surprisingly, there was more movement there than he expected. Looking around the place, he could see Sammy Lawrence at his own table by the end of the hall through the gap of the window he had there, eyes focused on the music sheet in front of him, Grant decided not to bother him if not necessary.
 Norman Polk was also still there, sitting on floor corner by the window with a projector on his lap and a dozen tools around him, practically drooling all over it he fell asleep on top of the machine. The accountant knew that Joey has been cutting corners to prevent another red line on the studio’s bank account, but he could at least give the man a damn table!
 By the looks of it, most of the essential staff was still there, forced to work non-stop day after day, night after night. He didn’t want to see how the situation was inside the cartoonist’s booth.
 He got to the old cafeteria, poor Wally was sleeping on one of the benches by the right, with Thomas also napping on the left, everyone was having a horrible night by the looks of it. He managed to get a tray with some hot coffee cups from the kitchen of the place.
 Making his way back, he stopped by Sammy’s window.
 ─ I’m not a mind-reader but I believe this right here has been in your mind for a little while.
 Sammy looked up from his music sheet, getting up to the window and grabbing one of the cups.
 ─ You have…Absolutely no idea. Thank you, Cohen. ─ Affirmed the music director, taking a long sip of the hot drink and finally sighed softly.
 Grant nodded before making his way to the sleeping projectionist. He nudged him with his tray, Norman woke up with an annoyed grumble but accepted a cup the moment he noticed that it was Grant Cohen and not Sammy Lawrence or Wally wanting him to move from his spot.
 ─ Thanks. ─ Exclaimed the tired man while watching the accountant go back downstairs, before taking a generous gulp of the drink.
 This was basically a routine for the studio employees, Grant was there long enough to understand that. The one who wakes up earlier inside the Studio has the job of bringing the coffee for the rest of the staff and believe or not, that happens almost daily.
 Joey Drew was a cold man, his money was a ‘must’ while his staff’s health was a ‘maybe’ on his book, he would do anything to anyone to make sure he was still profiting.
 Four cartoons to be finished in less than a week, meaning four different songs and sound effects to be produced in that same week, more pressure and work on the backs of the poorly paid artists and music department staff members.
 Then he decided to create an entire machine just to produce Ink, more money spend, they were almost on the red line again, but Joey still wanted Grant to make it happen anyway.
  The pressure was so much that poor Henry left as soon as he could, meaning a handful of new artists were hired to fill his enormous place on the production of the cartoons, more people to pay, even less money.
 His solution was cutting corners of it.
  “We don’t need mechanics besides Mr. Connor. Polk can handle the projectors by himself!” He would say, piling more work on his projectionist to fix all the machines by himself.
 “If the money is short, will make more toys to sell!” And there it goes poor Shawn Flynn’s weekend off.
 “We just need to be faster on the production! Is not that difficult, they can do it!” No. They can’t.
 Grant sighed, smiling at the tired toymaker before handing him a cup as well. It was a simple way of showing that no one was alone inside that poorly managed hell that was Joey Drew Studio. Sitting back on his own chair, he glanced over the stack of documents by his right, it was just too much to deal in so little time, but he had to manage. None of them could lose their job, not in a moment like these, not during a crisis, not when the entire country depended on studios like these to make people laugh, make people feel safe on a moment that isn’t.
 They needed to keep working, even if that kills them.
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creepyalienghost · 4 years
People Of Creation
It was Henry’s first year in college. He, like many others going wasn’t really sure what path he wanted to choose for his life. He had decided on five classes for his first semester, to gather the skills. Art history, Business, Computer tech, chemistry and film. He chose a few for giving the knowledge he needed and the others for some fun.
Within a few months of college he film professor gave the them the months assignment. They were to make a documentary about anything they or there group choices.
In class, Henry turned to his friend behind him and Norman who was beside him. “Do you two wanna make a group together? Would be fun!” He offered
“Must definitely!” Shawn replied with a smile.
“Sure!” Norman agreed with them.
The rest of that class they shared topics on what each wants to do this documentary on while Henry writes them down and talk why they want that topic. Shawn suggestions were
Irish folklore or the world of toy markers. Norman thought of doing people who went missing or something on the future. Henry suggested holidays or war.
They discussed on what topic they should choose but none of them can all agree on one topic though. The end of the class Came and they agreed to meet at Henry dorm later to decide. All day they went through classes thinking about what they should do or looking up more topics on there free times to add
And waited.
When they did meet up at Henry’s dorm later that night, they all had some new topics of interest to share. “Maybe we could do the documentary on storms?” Shawn ask
Both Henry and Norman shook there heads.
“Nah.” Henry disagreed then went back to thinking.
Norman, who was Searching on his phone for ideas popped up. “What about the people of the creation?” Norman looked up from his phone for a second then back when he saw Shawn and Henry taking an interest. “Says here they all live off the land and vary happen people?”
“And?” Shawn ask “what’s so cool about that?”
“Also says the talk to the gods so I’m guessing this is a cult.” Norman shrugs then leans on the wall behind him.
“Let’s do that one. Maybe we go there, see how they live and interview the people there! That would be fun!” Henry replied
“I’m down with this one.” Norman said and looked at shawn. “What about you?”
Shawn thought for a moment then nodded “alright. Let do this.”
Henry looked up and emailed the owner of the land asking him if they could do there documentary on them for a week. They waited for a few hours before Henry’s phone signaled that there was a new email. Shawn and Norman ran to the sides of Henry as he got out his phone and checked it. “Hello Mr. stein! I have read your email and I accept your request for a documentary. We are excited to have your crew come to let us share our views with you three. We expect you tomorrow. Have a blessed day!”
Henry looked at shawn then Norman. “Looks Like we’re going on to the people of creation!”
Shawn and Norman went back to there dorms to start packing for the weeks trip. Henry booked three plan tickets then packed as well. They meet up after at the Uber Norman called and headed to the air port. By 11:30 there plan was off. By morning they landed, got there bags and took a taxi to closes it would take them to the gates of the people of the creation.
It was strange but they got out and grabbed there bags from the Trunk then walked the mile up to the gates of the people of creation. “Halt!” Called someone behind them, followed by the sound of a loading gun. They all froze in place Witt there hands up.
The man came around in View of them. “You people are?”
“H-Henry stain, sir.” Henry was the one to reply. “These are my friends Shawn Flynn and Norman Polk. We had p-permission t-to come and do a Documentary on you guys.” He was Hopping it was actually there leader he ask and not some troll.
The man gives them a nasty look. “Wait here!” He ordered then went off to the side and talk into a walkie-talkie while still keeping an eye on them. All three of them was nervous as hell of what could happen but none of them said anything.
The man came back to them a minute later. “My apologies. Follow me.” He turns and opened the gate. Henry looked at the others two before following the man, Shawn followed grant and Norman followed after.
They came upon a two story house away from the other buildings. The guy that escorted them knocked on the door and another man in a suit opened it. “Greets!” He smiled “you must be Henry stein!” He shook Henry’s hand. “I’m Joey drew!”
Henry nodded as he formerly shook joeys hand. “Yep that’s me! These are my friends and crew Shawn.” He pointed to his left. “And Norman.” He pointed to his right.
“Welcome you two.” Joey shakes and greats them as well. “Come. Let me show you around!”
He starts to lead them around before Henry turns to Joey. “Do you mind if one of us films the tour?”
Joey shakes his head. “No. Go right ahead! There’s nothing to hide here!” He Smiled in a way that makes Henry’s stomach flutter.
They stopped for a minute for Norman to dig in his bag and gets out his camera. He pressed to Record button and they proceed the tour.
The first stop was at the church. A few people were praying or reading the Bible. “We gather hear every night after dinner for a daily lesson on the Bible.” Joey announces into the Camera. “And every Sunday is the full mass.”
Norman films around the church and the praying people.
They move on from the crunch to walk the kitchen and eating area. “This is we’re we have our meals.” Joey explains. “We love to eat out side but we do have tables inside
Incase the weathers bad.” He informed them.
A blonde woman that was cleaning off a table comes over. “Hello Joey.” She bowed to him. “Are these those guys you told us about?”
Joey wrapped his arm around her. “Hello. Yes this is shawn, Henry and Norman.” He gestures to each as he said there names. “Guys this is my wife, Susie.” They all greeted her and then moved on from the area.
The next stop they came to was the garden. Rows and rows of there plants and It was fenced up to keep the wild life from eating there plants. “Here’s our family garden. The ones that maintain it are finish for the day.
They move on to the rest of the buildings and areas of the land. A school for the kids, an area for bomb fires, a farm for meet, dairy and eggs. There was horses also but Joey just told them it was for fun.
Lastly they come to a little green house. “Here is we’re you will be staying for the week.” Joey informed them. “I had my husbands cheek and make sure everything was nice and clean for arrival.” He opened the door to a living room nicer to any hotel room they ever stayed in.
“I’m sorry you said husbands?” Shawn ask joey. “I thought you said you had a wife?”
Joey looked at shawn. “ I do. I have Susie my wife. And Sammy and Grant my two husbands.” He replied. “I’ll let y’all meet them and everyone else as dinner. Your going to love it! Tell then I’ll let you settle and rest up.” He smiled and left.
The three of them walked into there Little home for the next week and looked around. There was a small kitchen with fridge and microwave but no stove. There wasn’t no tv or any books besides a Bible on the coffee table. Up stairs there was three rooms and a bathroom. They all chose there rooms and unpacked there bags and supplies.
Shawn finishes and goes to Henry’s room. “It’s a little odd how they have TVs huh?
Henry shrugged. “I donno. I mean.. the amish doesnt use electricity ether...maybe here they don’t ether for TVs.”
“Ya I guess you right.” Shawn nodded and went back to his room.
After they all finish unpacking there clothes and equipment they decided to rest form the long trip here. Henry went into his room for a nap. Shawn went into his room to watch a movie and Norman went to his room and pulled out his book he brought and started reading.
Later that night, when they were getting ready for there first meal with these people someone knocked on there door. “I got it.” Henry said, walking down the stairs and opening the door to Joey snd two other man in white gowns.
“Hello again Henry!” Joey waved. “I hope you rest well?”
Henry nodded. “We did thank you. And the house is nice, again thank you.” Norman and Shawn Came up and nodded in agreement
“I’m glad to hear that.” Joey smiled. “Oh. This is Grant and Sammy. My two husbands.” He introduced them. They all said there greetings and started for the kitchen area. As they were walking and listening to Joey talk about how exciting he was they were doing there documentary here, Norman noticed one of the husbands had a limp. He wondered if he was alright but didn’t think much to it though.
When they arrived it was Swarming with everyone coming here to sit down at the long table and the cooks bringing over the dishes of good. “You guys can sit in these three chairs at the end.” Joey waved them over. Henry came over and sat at the vary end, Shawn sat in the middle of then him and Norman. Grant got the end on the other side, Susie sat beside him. Sammy sat beside her everyone else got to chose where. Joey sits on the end watching the everyone.
Once they were all sat down everyone bows there heads and placed there Palms together for prayer. Joey looked at the three visitors. “Please would you join us in prayer.” He smiled.
Henry looked at Norman and Shawn then shrugs. “Sure.” They all three bowed there heads and placed the palms then Joey announced the prayer and everyone finished it with an “amen.” And begins to scoop there serving and eat.
Joey turn to the visitors. “I appreciate you fellas praying with us. Means the world to us.” He spoke then took a bite of his role.
“It’s not a problem, Joey.” Henry replied and Shawn nodded.
“You joining us for bible lessen tonight, right ?” Joey ask them took a bite of chicken. “I mean you should. It’s fun!”
Henry finishes his sip of water and nodded. “Yea. We’re be there to film it. That’s ok right?”
Joey nodded. “That’s alright.”
Shawn stoped eating to watch everyone of them for a minute. They all were so happy here. Smiles on there faces, talking with there friends around them, eating this delicious food they make on there own. Plus living here deep in the woods! It paradise!
Norman glances at Joey as everyone was eating there food and talking to each other. He didn’t like the way Joey was asking these questions to them. He had a weird feeling from him and many of these people. One of joey’s husbands kept looking at him Shawn and Henry strangely. He was on guard of everyone and everything right now, watching everyone.
When everyone was finish with their dinner and the table was cleaned everyone headed down to the church building for bible lessees. Norman had set up his camera earlier in the day so he just push record once Joey started his lesson.
Shawn sat beside Grant and watching everyone fellow the words of there bibles as Joey reads. Grant looked at shawn before scooting closer and held the book to him to share. Shawn looked at Grant and smiled at him. Grant gave a smile back at him and they listen to the lesson.
Henry watched Joey and listen to everything he spoke. He wanted to understand what Joey was saying and why someone would want to join one of these. He couldn’t wait to interview Joey and these people tomorrow. Couldn’t wait to hear what they would say.
Once Joey was finish with the lesson he dismiss everyone and sat next to Henry. “It looked like you were vary interested in this Mr.stain”
Henry nodded. “It was interesting. I can’t wait for our interview tomorrow morning.”
Joey chuckles. “Sounds like a plan then. You three have a good night now.” Joey smiled at him as he got up and went to his wife and husbands. Together all four walked out of the church together. Once again Norman noticed the blonde man limping.
Henry got up and turned to Shawn and Norman. “Ready to go back now?”
Shawn and Henry went to the house and went to there rooms for the night. Norman went back with them but snuck out once they went in there rooms.
There was something going on with this place. He didn’t know what, but he knew something wasn’t right. Joey drew voice when he was asking Henry questions, they way the brown haired husband looked at them at dinner the fact they they lived in a the woods, The curfew thing and having guards walk around with guns.
Norman hide in the shadows as he moved around the place, dodging the guards with guns. He stopped and looked up at the church in front of him and notice it was a two story. He opened the door and peaked inside before going inside.
The church was empty. No one was sitting in the rows of benches. Norman walked slowly down the ally to the strange and picked up
The Bible that was on the table. He flipped though it and read the notes for a minute. He put it back down where it was and looked around. He noticed there was a way to back stage from the side so he went back there.
There was chairs stacked together in one corner, a few boxes full of bibles, and table With some junk on it. Then Norman noticed the was stairs in one corner going both up and down. Norman slowly approaches the stairs for the basement. One he got to the them he saw a door at the vary bottom. He took slow step down, making sure it didn’t creek. Then another. And another. He got down them and reaches for the door nob and twisted it.
“What are you doing?”
Norman nearly jumped out of his skin and turn around to the voice. It was the blonde husband, Sammy. He was standing at the top of the stairs. “I was....” Norman tried to think of something but his heart was beating to fast to think.
“Don’t you know it’s pass curfew?” Sammy simply ask.
Norman climbed the top of the stairs. “Ya. But I couldn’t sleep. I could ask the same thing to you though. This is your home after all.”
Sammy looked at Norman. “I was on my way home when I saw the door to the church opened. Thought I see what was going on.” He answered. “Come on. I’ll lead you home.”
Norman nodded and followed the short blonde out of the church. As they made there way to the house he again noticed Sammy was limping. “Are you alright?..” he asked. “I seen you limp all day.”
“I -I fine.” Sammy replied. Norman definitely noticed his voice was different here. Shaky almost. “It’s just a .. sprained. That’s all.”
Norman looked at him. “Well. Shouldn’t you put ice on it?”
Sammy nodded. “I will..I do..w-when I’m home.” He smiled up at him.
They walk in silence for the rest of the way and soon came to the house Norman was staying at. “Well. Goodnight Mr. Polk.” Sammy said. Norman watched the man as he limped away for a while. Then he went inside and got ready for bed.
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xaconite · 4 years
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things cass does after a bad day
- lay in his room in the dark listening to one artist on repeat - eat his weight in chocolate ( I mean, he does this daily, but like... think more ) - watch air bud with joey - take like 3 more hoodies from kian’s closet - nap with bones and bruce ( don’t wake him. he’ll be double grumpy. ) 
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Are we going to get more flood my mornings?
FMM: Of Small Kangaroos
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This story takes place in an AU where Jamie travels through the stones two years after Culloden and finds Claire and his child in 1950 Boston.
FMM Master List
Previously: Found
**Backtracking timewise just a bit on this one! The woes of getting acclimated to your own AU timeline again ;)** 
November, 1952
“Can’t you stay home this morning?” she wheedled, wiping maple syrup from Ian’s chin. Christ, how sweet she looked in her Turtle’s-Neck sweater, the cabled one the same color as her skin. Not even six o’clock—bairns make early risers of all, aye?—and still her eyes were bright and sharp. “It’s Sunday and cold as b…all-get-out.”
“I wish I could.” He’d like nothing better than to spend a few stolen hours abed with her while the children napped away the afternoon. “But I canna,” he said,  the last piece of toast in his mouth as he began clearing up the dishes. “Promised Hank I would go in and cover for h—”
“DA, Mummy SAID, it’s—”
“Don’t *interrupt*, Bree,” they chanted with one well-worn voice. 
Brianna sighed with even greater exasperation and piled every remaining piece of bacon onto her plate with a grumble that sounded a great deal like.  “…interruptin’ me….” 
“Brianna Ellen.” Claire’s head tilted, hawk’s eye fixed with deadly precision. “Attitude.” 
“S’too cold out there, Daddy,” the lass piped at once with saccharine primness that dared anyone to question its sincerity.  
“Aye, ‘tis cold,” he agreed, sharing a secret, rueful glance with Claire, “and that means the horses will be, too.” He laid a freshly-scrubbed plate onto the rack and took up the next. “Shall ye come along wi’ me to the barn, then, cub?”  
“ME!” Ian parroted, slithering down from his seat. 
“Aye, you, and yer Mam, and Ian? Make a wee outing of it?”
“No-thanks,” came the verdict of the bacon-cruncher. “Dinna wanna put my coat on.”
“Ye lazy wee baggage!” He cast over his shoulder for her and spied Claire first, hiding behind her mug. “No!…Et tu, mo nighean donn?” 
“It’s awfully warm and cozy indoors….” Her guilty grin gave way to a yawn, then a stretch. “And I really do need to stay,” she said, bringing her stocking-feet up onto the seat and hugging her knees, “got to make a dent in these applications today.” 
This last rose in crescendo, still barely heard over the din of: 
            “CAN I–” 
               “CAN I BE ‘SCUUUSED!?”
“Verra well,” he sighed at Claire with a wink, Bree seizing upon this as permission and tearing out of the kitchen while Jamie dried his hands. “I suppose I’ll don my coat and set off all alone into the frigid—”
At last, he took notice of the smallest Fraser, who had been wrapped around his leg. “Why, hallo, YOU.” 
“Go, too?” he asked excitedly in Gaelic, giving a little bounce for emphasis. “Me, too?”
He took a moment to simply marvel. The boy didn’t always choose to speak, but when he did, it never failed to surprise Jamie how much he truly understood of the action swirling about over his head. And to reply to English with Gaelic, forbye! Perhaps it shouldn’t be shocking, seeing as how Ian had been hearing it spoken since birth, but Lord, his pronunciation was near perfect as he begged, “Go, too, Daddy?” 
“Ye want to come wi’ Da to see the horses, jo?” (in English, for Claire’s sake). 
Ian nodded once and beamed, raising his hands expectantly and switching languages without missing a beat. “Go-’IF!”
Jamie gripped Ian’s wrists and let the lad climb up his front like a mountaineer, grinning as broadly as he. “Go we shall, then!” 
“But, shouldn’t–? Jesus H. Christ, I can’t believe I’m asking this, with the chance at a 50% less chaotic day on offer,” Claire laughed, coming to stand with them and rumple Ian’s hair, “but won’t he be in your way?”
“This wee face?” he said, kissing it. “Nay, never.”
It might well be, in actual fact, Jamie admitted as he set the pair off them off for Fernacre. A child of sixteen months was never a simple matter, even as one as generally agreeable as Ian, but having the lad with him was well worth a bit of disruption here and there.
It wasn’t simply Ian’s acuity that had startled him earlier, but that the lad had asked to go with Da. With him. 
His heart melted afresh as he thought on it, as he felt Ian’s head, warm and heavy against his hip. 
Naturally, the singular bond with Claire had stayed strong, even past the time he was weaned. Many was the occasion that Ian would suddenly turn from Jamie and wail for her, entirely inconsolable until he might cry against her shoulder and be soothed by her hands, her voice. 
There was nothing malicious in the preference, of course. Brianna was a never-ceasing demander of energies and was always happy to fill any vacancy left by her brother. Besides, Jamie could see the wee one’s point, for he likewise had a very strong desire to be held by Claire at all times. 
Even so, being singled out himself by the lad was yet new enough that it sent a warm, silly thrill through his chest each time, almost like being a schoolboy again: happily heartsick over his attentions being returned. 
“And if it’s no’ being in love,” he murmured as he slowed the car, palm atop the boy’s head, “I haven’t the faintest idea.” 
“We-heer?” Ian exclaimed, coming to life and nearly toppling over as he tried to stand on the seat mid-parking. ‘We-heer?”
Scooping him up with one arm, Jamie stepped out into the chill. “Aye, here!” He bent to set Ian down, remembering the great bag of diapering supplies, food, and toys in the back seat.  “Off ye g—”
“Nooooo!” The boy turned violently legless, twisting impressively to avoid touching the ground. 
“Ian, ye–” 
“Do ye no’ want to walk on your own feet like a big boy?” He already kent well the answer.
His brown-haired lad gave an uncanny impression of Claire’s ‘don’t talk nonsense’ face. “HOAM-me.”
A Sucker he was, wi’ no hope for it whatsoever. He chuckled and sighed, hoisting the lad up higher.  “Today you win, joey.” 
Strange, thinking back now, that he’d gone the first quarter-century of life knowing nothing of Kangaroos.
He’d first learnt the odd word in the days when his appetite for knowledge of the centuries missed had made trips to the library a near-daily event. Australia— what a wonder that place seemed to him! All that vast expanse, filled with such uncanny creatures. A nightmarish beast, this one had looked from the illustration: like a man-sized hare with a great, thick tail, tapering like a lizard’s; eerily man-like in the arms and chest, capable of leaping thirty feet in one bound before kicking one’s teeth in.  
Still, a softer recollection had come straightaway to mind later, when Claire began to carry Ian about the house in a sling on her front. Jenny, too, had worn her bairns, wrapped in a shawl on her back, yet there was something all the more intimate in seeing mother and child nestled chest-to-chest amid the mundane tasks of the day; seeing Claire wrap her arms around him with utter tenderness, whispering soft love; the babe dozing as she worked and moved about, warm and safe in the comfort of her heartbeat, just as he had been in the womb.
Both the nickname and the love of being cuddled had stuck, and it was only sight of the horses of Barn A that coaxed Jamie’s little marsupial down. True-to-form, he hit the stable floor with a hop.  
Jamie made quick inspection of his four-footed charges. No need for mucking out, God be praised; just feeding, watering, and a bit of love for each. He began making his way down the first aisle of eight, Ian toddling along to watch, full of quiet wonder. 
It had been some time since he’d gotten to be alone–mostly alone– with the horses. Nearly all his working days were spent in the paddocks, training the young or new ones; coaching the riders on how they might better work in harmony with the being beneath them. He loved it, took such pride and joy in witnessing the excitement of human and beast alike as they improved, as they bonded.
Yet it brought his heart a different sort of joy, the quieter sort, to be in the stables on a still morning such as this, gentle mist seeming to soften the hard edges of world and word.
They soon reached the last stall on the eastern side. “How goes it, a nighean?” he crooned to Cornflower, who knocked her snout into his shoulder in companionable greeting. 
“Pat him?” Ian asked in the same language, honey-eyes glowing. 
“Aye, ye can pat *her.*” 
Lifted high, Ian gingerly reached out to touch the mighty neck. 
“Morning, Jamie!” 
“The same to you!” 
He turned them to face Tom, who was coming through the door with two steaming cups.“HEY! Look who came to help his Papa out! Jeez, Jamie, when did he get so darn tall?” 
“Tis our constant question, as well!” He set Ian atop a stack of hay bales by Corny’s door and gratefully reached to take the mug. 
Tom winked at Ian. “How you doing today, little man?”
“Hiii,” was all Ian said before covering his face so nothing save grinning eyes showed between hat and mittens. 
God bless Tom Harper, Jamie prayed sincerely as they sipped and chatted, discussing business, the children, all the usual things. Of all the people in his new life, it was Tom that minded him most of Murtagh: always near, always willing, always irreverant, yet always looking after ye from afar. It wasn’t often he thought of it: but knowing that Tom was only ever a call away should emergency strike or counsel be needed of one with more years of experience in the world was an immense comfort, more than Jamie could ever truly express to the man. 
A jubilant shriek erupted from behind them. 
Ian had descended the hay bales and was now right underneath Cornflower’s stall, head thrown back, both hands reaching up to touch– 
“IAN, STO–” 
“Mmmm-wah!” Ian kissed the fuzzy snout, right in the spot between the heaving nostrils. He bounced on his heels, chirped ‘Bye!!’ to her in Gaelic, then ran toward the next stall. 
Jamie crossed the space in two leaps to yank him backward….but of all the wonders, Hector was already at the front of the stall in response to Ian’s command.
“What’d he say??” Tom whispered.  
“He said, ‘Come here.’”
The horse had lowered his neck, inspecting Ian judiciously. Jamie kept both hands around the boy’s ribs, half-crouched in readiness to rip him away at the slightest sign of danger….but as though by magic, Hector nudged his snout deliberately into Ian’s outstretched hands with a tiny nicker, getting an enchanting giggle and kiss in return. 
“Christ in Heaven…..” 
Tom hooted. “I. will. be. DAMNED!!” 
Jamie discovered both that his mouth had fallen open and that his son was already in front of the next stall, charming his mark. He and Tom stayed close, heart still thudding in terror of the inevitable crushed finger or nip on the face, but no….  one by one, each horse willingly lowered their nose for a kiss. 
It wasn’t just heedless affection young Ian radiated: it was instinct, too. For, when Bard put back his ears and snorted, the lad took a tidy step backward, not offended in the slightest. He only gave the brute a cheery wave and moved on to find his next sweetheart. 
“Well done, a bhalaich!” he laughed, giving the lad a squeeze.
“Fanks!” Ian wriggled out without a backward glance, intent on his mission. 
Tom groaned as he settled onto a bench, beckoning Jamie to do the same.  “So little Ian takes to horses a bit more naturally than Brianna, huh?”
“Aye…” Jamie exhaled heavily, allowing himself to sit and relax. “He’s got a way about him.” 
Tom resumed sipping his coffee (Jamie’s somewhere on the floor), watching Ian and chuckling. “You do crank out some damned cute kiddos, Jamie.”
“I do have a damned cute wife.”
They laughed and Jamie’s mind wandered, even as they continued to chat, even as he kept Ian in the corner of his vision. 
Strange, no? How bairns can be so similar in some ways and yet so different in others. Bree, with her warrior spirit, indomitable, was nearly as frightened of horses now as the first time he’d brought her here. This morning she had blamed the coat and the cold, but Jamie knew it was more to do with the great stomping hooves and enormous teeth. Never would she admit fear, of course. She would fluster and put on that wee glower he loved so well, but beneath it, the lass was petrified.
Contrast this with Ian, for all he might be the more quiet and cautious in life as a whole, who showed no fear whatsoever here in the stable. True, he had seen horses before, even ridden one on Jamie’s lap, so there was no factor of shock as there had been with Bree. Still… Strength and courage manifests to each of us in our own way. A comforting thought, in this ever-changing world, no? Unlike Jenny and Ian, he had not one clue how his children might spend their lives once grown, so many paths being available to them. It weighed heavily on him some days– but if they each find their strength, wheresoever it might lie, then surely they shall find their own prosperous path, as well….
Sounds of human and equine unease sent his head whipping round. Merlin, one of the younger horses of this bunch, was standing in the window with no apparent intent to lower his head. Ian was grunting, jumping up and down to get the laddie’s attention with a persistent, “Hiii? HIIIII???” on repeat.
“He may no’ wish to talk just now, Ian.”
The boy whirled eagerly and pointed back up over his shoulder. “Up, Da?” Without waiting for an answer, he sprinted over, eyes bright with urgency. “Da, Up! Up, ‘kay?”
“I think you’d better pick him up, Jamie, before he blows a gasket,” groaned Tom as he stood, heading toward to door to continue his day. 
“Take it easy, Tom,” he called. 
“You do the same!” 
“Daaaaa, UPPP???“
He heard Tom’s infectious laugh vanish into the distance. 
“Easy now,” he murmured to the horse in Gaelic as they approached, reaching out his free hand to carefully rub the long, white neck. Merlin blew out through his nostrils. “Aye, I ken, your wizardship, ‘tis a bit unconventional, but the wee thing just wants to say hello, aye? Can ye find it in your heart?” 
“No scary,” Ian promised. 
With sudden inspiration, Jamie rifled in his coat pocket and held out the contents to the wary brute. “And what say ye now, friend?”
Merlin held back a moment for dignity, then descended upon his treat. 
“W’ ‘is ‘it?” demanded Ian, back to English in his curiosity.  
“Give me your hand—“ Jamie pulled the mitten off with his teeth. “Cup your fingers like a wee bowl, aye?”
Ian peered into his palm.“…..’Is ‘at, Daddy?” 
“'Tis a sugar cube. Shall we see if he’d like some more?”
Ian’s eyes lit up and he swiveled around toward the horse so suddenly he dropped the cube. Once resupplied, he held his arm out at full length, bellowing, “Hiiiii!”  
Ian squealed in delight as the huge lips and teeth explored his hand. “Mooorr-Da!”
Many, many sugar cubes later, Jamie crouched to set Ian on his feet, but the lad  flung his arms about Jamie’s neck with an insistent “Nnnhhhh!”
“Christ, you’re truly naught but a barnacle wi’ legs!” Jamie gave up, kissing the boy’s capped head. “If I ever thought your sister was a cuddly sort, there was no fathoming what was to come, wee jo.”
“Moor-coops?” Ian asked, popping up to search Jamie’s face.
Jamie checked his pocket, coming up with one last sugar cube. Ian didn’t miss a beat. He took it between his fingers, said ‘Heer-Da,’ and pressed it firmly against Jamie’s lips. 
“You’re a sweet one, a chuisle,” Jamie said, crunching the sugar and kissing the hand. “And you’re lucky the horses didna chomp all your wee fingers off—!!” 
Ian squealed as Jamie made play of gobbling them up, his little belly shaking with giggles so deep he began turning red. 
“Allllllright, lad,” Jamie soothed after a time, before the lad exploded, “we’d best be going.” 
“Go home?” 
“Nay, no’ until later. We have three more barns to check, yet. Let’s hope ye have enough kisses left in ye.”
He did. 
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letterstolegion · 5 years
What are your hcs for frank and joey??
here are some more of my h/cs for these stinky legion boys!
Got matching piercings with Julie on her 18th birthday
Gets teased for looking like an older brother to Meg Thomas
Would fight a bunch of kindergarteners just for the hell of it
Worries about everyone in his Legion, but will never admit it
Constantly gets into fights with Julie, due to her constant teasing
Has tried to stab another killer at least twice
Is biased towards a few survivors, to which the Legion mocks him for
Will sing obnoxiously in order to amuse his Legion
Wishes he could still have little bonding moments with everyone, like the movie nights they used to have
An asshole, but tries to keep himself contained around those he cares about
Makes sure to leave the survivors as annoyed as possible by his presence when in trials
Enjoys playing his guitar so Susie can sing along to the songs they know
In exchange for using his mixtapes, Frank has Julie make him sandwiches to have before going out into a trial
Drinks his Respect Women Juice on a daily
The definition of a total punk-rock nerd
Likes to take naps with Julie so she actually gets some rest
Once lit off a firework in the lodge, which really startled Susie
Really loves Julie’s home cooked meals, but won’t say anything in fear that she won’t make them anymore
Does his best to make the rest of his Legion proud, thusly needs constant validation
Allows other members of the Legion to rest on his lap after long trials
Misses getting to go to the library, even if he ended up stealing books
Has a running bet with Julie about how many survivors Susie will let free because they “felt bad”
Admires Jake’s confidence in trials, which makes him a target
Has a lip ring and tongue piercing
Loves letting Susie paint his nails, just cause he likes seeing them all smiley
Wonders about home the most out of everyone
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warriorteam1924 · 5 years
Music is my savior (Part 10)
Author note : Hello my beauties !!! Already Thursday and here we are then for Part 10 !! I’m still having so much fun doing this and I hope you guys enjoy it !! Remember I don’t bite and your comments or feedback are always welcome !! As usual a special word for my sis, who I love so much !!
Summary : Reader had been chosen to be bassist on the Bohemian Rhapsody set. Reader’s journey carries on as she get to actually work on the set with everyone, and she gets more responsibilities. After a little trouble with a colleague, some entertainment with friends, the accomplishment of a special project, reader’s journey carries on....
 Word Count: 2,685 words
 Warnings : none.... Oh yes !! Have fun and enjoy !!
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Part 10 :  Fun it
Life on the filming set of Bohemian Rhapsody was full of everything. Full of new faces you got to know everyday. Full of people you now considered your friends. Full of laughter and pleasant moments with them. Full of new discoveries about the process of film making and how fascinating it was. Full of music, especially Queen music, you could appreciate more than ever, particularly thanks to the presence of Brian May and Roger Taylor, both doing their best for everyone on the set to understand and to like the Band and its music better. Full of bass lines, because it was obviously your job as teacher and player on set. Yet, the other thing that was also absolutely full during the filming of the movie was your timetable.
As Jack entirely trusted you for music in general on the set and as, unlike Brian and Roger, you were on the production site daily, everyday was busy. When you woke up in the morning, you always checked your mobile first and it was now customary that someone had send you an email, adding yet other tasks to your daily routine. And when it was time to come back to studio 39 and you were alone, you often headed directly to bed, never needing a lullaby to get to sleep. Yet, even if those days were very stressful because you always wanted to to the best for the movie, and especially the musical parts, and exhausting due to the many things you were in charge of, you never complained. At the end of some days, it was becoming hard for you to focus and sometimes your whole body was screaming in pain due to the long standing up or the long walk between the different sets. But even if you were tired, mentally and physically, you tried not to show it, as you considered being part of this experience as a real blessing and did not want to waste it with any negative thought.
Even if you never said a word about your tiredness, people around you were really getting to know you. Your words could convince them, but not your face. You tried to put make up on every morning, but after a while, the dark rings under your eyes would eventually appear during the day and you would often be asked about your health and about the amount of work you had.
As you particularly worked with Joe, he quite quickly realized you often lied, not to worry anyone. He was even becoming insistent:
“Y/N, take a break....”, he said.
“I’m fine, you need me on the set.”, you replied.
“Yeah, I need you, but it’s okay if you take a break. I mean, take a seat at least.”, he insisted.
“I’m good, really.... We have to carry on.... Jack keeps on telling we are late. As Freddie said the show must go on....”, you told him with a smile.
“Y/N, I’ve been an actor for quite a long time and don’t you dare tell me I’m old”, he added before you could open your mouth. “The filming of a movie always takes longer than expected. Sometimes weeks, sometimes months. It won’t make a huge difference if you take a nap really....”
“Joey, I’m fine, please....”, you said, slightly loosing your temper.
“Joseph”, you replied looking at him deeply in his eyes to make sure you would have the final word of this conversation. Yet, he held your glaze for several seconds, trying not to blink, maybe trying to make you understand he was a little upset. You sighed, but kept staring at his hazel eyes, because you knew Joe now, probably better than he knew you. He frowned and said :
“This conversation is over for now. But I was a soldier once.... I know I have lost a battle, but the war is not over.”
“Joey, you pretended to be a soldier in the Pacific and you were fighting Japanese.... Here and now, you’re facing a woman, your teacher on top of that. You’re never gonna win.... There is no chance you are winning....”
“We’ll see”, he merely replied as he walked on the set to shoot his scene. You looked at him as he was talking with the rest of the cast and for once, you thought he was not joking.
The following filming days were about the song ‘We will rock you’, written by Brian May. You were glad this particular moment was added to the movie, because you personally thought the song was very powerful and as it was indicated in the script, Brian wanted the audience to participate during the concerts and this very song allowed them to.
It was very funny to see the cast in the fake recording studio, clapping their hands and feet in rhythm, but it was even amusing to see the actual crew members clapping theirs as well. But the problem was it created a whole mess, as the sound technicians could not distinguish what sound was coming from where. As a result, everyone but the main cast and the essential crew was asked to leave the set. You were still laughing when you left as well, as the scene did not require you to be present to assist Joe.
As you were waiting, you thought it was a good opportunity for you to seat down a for just a moment. You looked for a chair, but you were in the middle of a corridor. Yet, you know this part of the set very well now and you knew hardly no one would pass by so you sat directly on the floor, cross-legged and leaning your head on the wall. You thought maybe you could close your eyes a little. Even if it was the middle of the day, you fell asleep almost immediately, your head falling on your shoulder.
You heard voices but it seemed they were coming from the other side of a very old landline phone. You felt a slight caress on your cheek and you suddenly opened your eyes, starting. You blinked a little, your eyes trying to adjust to the light. You saw green eyes in front of you and understood Ben was facing you.
“Are you alright, bub?”, he asked you, looking very worried, but still very funny with his wig.
“Yeah, yeah, fine, what happened?”, you replied still unsure of what was going on.
“Well, you tell me what’s happening.... You leave the set and I found you sleeping on the floor...?”, he said, raising his eyebrows.
“I was not sleeping.... My eyes hurt a little so I closed them, that’s all.”, you tried to convince him.
“Wow.... Y/N, you’re such a great bassist, a great musician in fact, and once again, my words won’t be enough to thank you for your help on this set.... But, I have to be honest with you.... You suck so hard at acting.... You can’t lie to me now.... you were slightly snoring, bub....”, he told you.
“Oh my god, was I ?”, you asked him with a grimace of horror on your face.
“You were but only I heard you.... Now go back home and have some rest. Please.”, he said as he helped you getting back on your feet.
“I can’t there are still many things I have to do.”, you replied.
“In fact, Joe talked with Jack and he said you could have the rest of the day off.”, Ben reassured you with a smile.
“All right, then.”, you answered. Ben put his arm around your shoulder and you let your head fall on his. He was walking you back to studio 39 and you were too tired so you offered no resistance.
The next morning you woke up feeling much less tired, but you felt guilty you had to leave the set because of a sudden nap in the corridor. As always, you checked your mobile and you saw a text from Jack saying : ‘Please come to my office asap. Need to talk. Jack’
You deeply sighed. You hope this little incident would have got unnoticed but apparently, Jack already knew what had happened. You felt ashamed and you knew you could blame no one but yourself. You felt sad and angry at the same time. Because of this damn tiredness, you were going to get fired, you were sure of this. You put your face in your hands and made a little grunt. Yet, you stood up, got dressed, took your badge and headed to Jack’s office.
You were looking at your feet, still embarrassed, but as it was still very early in the morning, you met no one on your way. You arrived in front of Jack’s office door and raised your hand to knock but you stopped. You tried to imagine his blaming speech and what kind of answer you could bring. But nothing really came to your mind. So, you took a deep breath and knocked on the door. You heard Jack asking you to come in.
As you entered the office, you saw Jack seating behind his desk, which was full of papers, and you could not help but wonder how he was able to do his job properly with such a mess in front of him.
“Y/N, you got my message, great. Please, seat down.”, he told you as he pointed the seat on the other side of his desk, so you complied.
“Jack, about what happened yesterday, I must say I’m really sorry. I don’t know what happened, but I can tell you one thing, this won’t happen again....”, you started but he raised his hand to make you stop.
“Y/N, I don’t need you to apologize for what happened yesterday. In fact, Joe came to me a few days ago but I could not find time to get to you. He was really worried and now I understand why.... Why didn’t you tell me about all the pressure on your shoulders?”, he asked you.
“What? No everything is fine really. I was just a bit tired....”, you tried to reply.
“Y/N. I’m assistant director. And I myself have assistants. We can’t do all the work alone. We are only human. I know you would not have complained because I’m sure you really like every task you are given, but we have to face it, it’s too much. So....”, he added before you could speak again, “Even if your work on this set is almost perfect, Kevin will now be in charge of some things you had to do. Please, understand me well: if you carry on this way, you’re not going to make it to the end of this shooting, and I don’t want your work to deteriorate. Kevin has agreed already, so what do you say?”
“Well, I guess this is fair.... And I must agree with you, after a while, my work on this set won’t be as good as I want it to be and it will definitely get on my nerves....”, you replied.
“Okay, then. Point number one is checked. Now, you’ve got a little more spare time, don’t you? I need you to do something special for the next scene we are going to shoot.”
“If I remember correctly for the notes I was given, next scene is an actual concert of Queen performing ‘We will rock you’, right?”, you asked him.
“That’s right. Joe told me the two of you had already worked on this scene and he is ready to shoot it. But for once, I don’t want you to be around to guide him. You’re going to be an extra as part of the audience.”, he told you with a wide smile.
“What? No.... I mean, I can’t, I’m not an actress.... and I....”, you started but once again, Jack raised his hand to make you stop.
“Y/N, you’ve been working way too hard on this set lately. After the shooting is complete, I don’t want you to come back home thinking you missed some opportunities to have fun. And in a way, I’m your boss, so you have to do what I say and I say you’re going to have fun doing this”, he jokingly told you.
“All right, then, boss”, you replied, laughing yet a bit nervous.
So for the first time in your life, you went to see a costume designer. As the scene was supposed to take place during the Queen concert in Madison Square Garden in 1980, you obviously could not appear in the audience in jeans and sneakers. Julian gave you a lovely dress, very 80s looking boots and a headband, then he indicated you a place for you to change. Once fully dressed like in 1980, you came back to him and he seemed pleased with the result. He told you could then go with the rest of the fake audience, where the production would give you indications on what to do. In fact, it was really easy : act crazy when the ‘band’ would arrive on stage, just like in an ordinary Queen concert and then clap your hands and feet in rhythm while the song was playing.
As the actors arrived on the fake stage, your thought it was incredible, as always with the four of them. They were portraying the band almost perfectly and it was very easy for the fake audience to believe this was a real Queen concert. The costumes were absolutely stunning and the actors’ presence on the stage, particularly Rami’s, was amazing. As the song ‘We will rock you’, was playing and the focus was on the audience, you eventually soothed and got caught up in the game, clapping your hands and feet as hard as you could and even singing when Rami would ask the audience to. Jack was right after all, add fun in the experience would definitely bring another smile on your lips.
After several takes, the production announced the fake audience could leave for the actors to take pictures on the scene. Yet, as you were usually part of the crew members, you did not leave with the rest of them and approach the fake stage to see the actors in their costumes closer. They were all smiling between the flashes of the cameras and you could not help but appreciate the real complicity they were now sharing.
“Okay, now I want individual shots, please.”, someone said, almost waking you from your dreamy thoughts.
“Hey, Y/N !! Funny to see you dressed like this”. It was Gwilym and he made you realize you had to get back to the costume department to give the clothes back.
“Yeah, you remind me I need to go back to change, see you later guys”, you replied.
But Joe hurriedly jumped down the fake stage, almost falling on the floor in front of you, to everyone’s amusement. He faced you with a wide smile and said:
“I told you I was going to win this war.... I was the one who told Jack everything.”, he grimaced at you and your only answer was rolling your eyes.  “Don’t go to the costume department now, it’s gonna be fun taking pics like this!”, he carried on.
“Well, you guys are taking pics, I’m definitely not....”, you replied.
“Yes you are, Jack allowed us to”, Joe said. “And if you don’t come, I’m gonna tell him....”.
“Is it going to be your new argument now? Snitch on Jack?”, you asked him.
“Yup”, he smiled at you, holding his jacket in his hands.
“Fine, then, but tomorrow, the real work carries on”, you warned him.
He offered his arm and you took it as the five of you headed to the shooting room. And after the whole cast had taken promotional pictures, the rest of the shooting was nothing but fun in those early 80’s costumes. You looked at Joe with a wide smile and hoped he would win other wars in the future.
Part 9 :  I’m in love with my car //  Part 11 : Sweet Lady
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wesknox · 6 years
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FULL NAME: Wesley Ronald Knox
NICKNAMES: Wes, Weslington, Weasel, Wessy
BIRTHPLACE: Brighton and Hove, East Sussex
BIRTH DATE: 28th of December 2001
BODY MODIFICATIONS: Piercing on the left bottom lip
HEIGHT: 6 ft 2 (190 cm)
WEIGHT: 179 pounds (81 kg)
RELIGION: Christian-Catholic
✔ L I K E S
Junk food, rock/indie/alternative music, poems, Charles Dickens’ books, Netflix, getting lost on the wrong side of Youtube, Brandon Urie’s voice, karaoke bars, midnight talks with Kyle, Edgar Allen Poe, going for late walks with Hamlet, gay bars/clubs, Maya Angelou, playing the guitar and chewing gum.
✘ D I S L I K E S
Bad grammar, homophobes, when his mum doesn’t have time for him, ignorance, pineable on pizza, any kind of sport, Mr. Creevey, shopping with Ronnie, maths, people interrupting him and people talking shit about people he cares about.
▲ T R A I T S
☼ GOOD: Reliable, charismatic, loyal, communicative and generous.
☢ BAD: Lazy, forgetful, dreamy, persistent, chaotic, stubborn, unstable and insecure.
☒ B A C K S T O R Y
- Wes’ mother works as a nurse and works basically ALL the time, that’s why she sent Wes to Clifton, she hated leaving him alone for days in a row. His mother is the most loving, generous and kind-hearted person you’ll ever meet. Wes admires her a lot for the things she does on a daily, working her ass off to help others. Although he doesn’t get to see her often, his mother is his rock. He can’t remember the last time he’s seen her without dark bags under her eyes, messy hair and scrub but she seems to be happy, so he is happy for her. His mum got him at a young age, so she’s a young mum and definitely proud of her “sunshine”. Her choice of men hasn’t been so lucky in the past; men coming and going and Wes always there to pick up the pieces. 
- Wes grew up without a father. His dad left him and his mother for another family when Wes was only a two years old. He doesn’t have any memories of him other than the birthday and Christmas cards he’s sending every year. Wes hates his father, every mention of him but easily sees a dad figure in every male adult or person of authority like teachers or doctors. A therapist would call it “daddy issues”.
- Wes also does have three paternal half sisters but he’s never seen or talked to any of them; just knows about the mere existence. He’s never been curious to find out more about them and since ignoring his father’s cards worked so far, he wants to keep it that way.
- Wes found his love for poetry and pretty words at a pretty early age. His kindergartener always read poems before afternoon nap and little Wes was so fascinated by the words being used, he begged his mum to get him all kind of kids editions of famous poem collections. She never understood it, she herself never having anything to do with poetry at all, but she accepted it. Not like she had much of choice when your five year old begs you for books. When Wes got older, he started writing some himself, his English teacher encouraging and challenging him. He liked Wes and Wes liked him. He saw only good in Wes, predicting a great future but unfortunately his mum never got to hear any of the good feedback he had on her son.
- He met his best friend, Kyle, in primary school and have been best friends ever since. Kyle is one of the most important people in Wes’ life, if not the most important. He can always count on him, no matter the time, no matter the circumstance. Kyle is Wes’ personal protector and never let anyone being mean to Wes slide. When the both of them started high school at Clifton, Ronnie came to the mix and the three have been inseperable since. Ronnie was exactly what he wished for Kyle; she was absolutely perfect for him.
- When Wes was thirteen he began struggling with his self-esteem. He thought he was too pale, too scrawny, too tall and his forming acne didn’t help the case either. He started showing symptoms of a mild depression, locking himself in his room unless it was Kyle who wanted to see him. His mum blamed herself and her constant absence and immediately sent him off to multiple therapy sessions, all of which didn’t help a whole lot. He hated it. 
- A year later, he realized he was gay. You could say, he always kind of knew that something was different, if his crush on Harry Potter was anything to go by, but at the age fourteen he admitted to himself after pining after Joey Carpenter for the longest time and jerking off to his school picture that he, in fact, liked dick and dick only. Later that summer, him and Joey Carpenter’s best friend started dating. The irony, huh. Although secretly, but Wes did believe he was in love back in the day and he would’ve done anything for Tim, that was his name. It was his first and only boyfriend, his first gay experience so more than handjobs and blowjob was not in it. They dated for three months but sooner or later, Wes found flithy texts to another boy on Tim’s phone. Not long after that, they broke up.
- At 15, Wes had his first time with a guy named Blake. Blake was older, hot and experienced. He met Blake at Why Not?, a gay bar in Bristol. Wes was immediately attracted to him, absolutely drawn to the authority the older radiated. Him and Blake went on a date or two until Wes let Blake fuck him. It hurt, but it was hot and Wes was happy he finally got it over with. How things go, the both of them ended things rather quickly after that and Wes started to get around. Thanks to his fake ID it was possible for him to lie about his age and sleep with guys older than he was at the time.
- Wes wanted a piercing. Not just any piercing but a lip piercing and he wanted it bad. Wes wasn’t old enough to get it done by himself, so when he asked his mother for approval, it was a no brainer. “Are you sure?” is all she asked and when Wes nodded enthusiastically, she signed the papers without second-guessing a thing. The next day, him and Kyle went to get pierced together.
- When it got out at school that Wes Knox was gay, most people took it well and were very accepting of the news while some people gave him disapproving looks. Especially a group of jocks made it their mission to make Wes’ life extraordinarily hard. Steven Dally, the leader of the pack definitely had it out for Wes and always had a stupid, homophobic remark on his tongue when he saw Wes. It was childish, and truly, Wes tried not to take it to heart, not the way Kyle did anyway. It wasn’t until he gave Steven Dally a blowjob in the showers after PE that the bullying got out of hand. Wes figured it was his way of dealing with regret or fear, but he ignored it for as long as he could until one afternoon Steven and his friends beat him up until he was spitting blood and his nose was broken. 
- Wes was seeking revenge. Something in his mind wanted to see Steven hurt in a way humanly unimaginable and it went further than seeing Kyle punch Steven in the face and him being expelled the next day. No, it had to go way deeper than that. On a way more emotional basis. So he set up a profile of a girl named Nicole Jennings. Nicole was pretty, young, independent and absolutely irressistable. Every guy’s wet dream. What started out as a plan to get back at Steven Dally, turned into something way more... fun. 
- It was a good laugh. Kyle and him laughing at the sexual frustrated guys that were more than willing to share all kind of pictures with Nicole, but soon their nightly rituals of laughing at other people’s expense lost its charm to Kyle and he told Wes to delete Nicole’s profile. But Wes didn’t do as told and started to find a liking in being Nicole, in being someone else -- no, he took things even further. He was insecure and as Nicole, he had all the guys wrapped around his little finger. He sexted, broke hearts without even a blink of his eye or showing any kind of remorse. It didn’t matter to him, because he was being someone else. He didn’t have to face any sort of consequences. 
- It wasn’t until he found Jake Seringway on Facebook. Jake being recommended as “people you may also know” and while Wes would’ve definitely remembered a face like Jake’s, he looked at his profile anyway and looked through the things Jake Seringway liked, what kind of photos he posted, what kind of people he hung out with and what schools he went to. Although Jake didn’t seem like the guy to accept  a stranger’s friend request, Wes, disguised as beautiful Nicole Jennings, tried his luck anyway - and a few hours later, Jake accepted it.
- What Wes knows now, Jake was different from the start. He wasn’t needy or frustrated, he was full of life and honest interest. While Wes texted with other guys beside Jake, Jake was his favourite person to talk to, the person he would always drop everything for in order to answer his texts. He stayed up long nights in order to talk to Jake, to hear how his day was and what his dreams and aspirations are. Wes himself revealed so much of himself, something he didn’t do before, but it was so easy with Jake and he wanted him to know. Sooner or later, Jake was all Wes thought about. During class, they would text each other and Wes got in so much trouble for texting (damn Mr. Creevey), but he didn’t care and before he knew it, he was falling. Hard and undeniably. All the other boys were irrelevant and all that mattered was JakeJakeJake. After months of texting they agreed to be a couple, Wes always finding an excuse as to why they can’t meet up. Although there was this big, massive lie in between them, Wes was happy and for the first time in his life, truly in love.
- Jake transfered to Clifton when Wes was in year 9 and to say it was a shock, would be the understatement of the year. Jake was even more beautiful in real life; muscular with long legs, a nice butt and that smile had Wes weak in the knees. Wes would’ve loved to snog him right then and there and just blurt out the whole truth, that hey, it’s me, I’m Nicole. I’m your girlfriend. Wes wanted to end it as soon as he saw Jake for the first time. Suddenly everything got so real, too real and it dawned on Wes what the hell he was actually doing, playing someone so dirty. One time he ran into Jake and talked to him for the first time as Wes and Wes was a stuttering mess but Jake was so kind and so nice and so straight and Wes wanked that night until he started to cry.
- The day he told Jake, was the worst of his life so far. He hated himself -- he was downright disgusted with himself. How could he ever look into Jake’s eyes again or anyone’s for that matter after what he did? He deserved the black eye he was sporting for two weeks and even more than that. He faked being sick for a week until Grimmy found out and forced him back to classes. Wes underwent heartbreak for the first time in his life.
- When Jake and him started to be something like friends, he couldn’t believe his luck. Couldn’t believe this was happening after all he’s done, but he figured it was typical and so Jake because Jake was kind, nice and all the things Wes wasn’t - not after what he did. 
- Wes hasn’t slept with anyone since going out with Jake as Nicole. Even now, while the both of them are still friends, Wes can’t bring himself to go see someone else, even if it’s just sex. Not when everything seems like Jake might give him a chance. Not when Jake kisses him and acts like it didn’t happen the next two weeks. Not when Jake is still the main inspiration in his poetry.
- Wes usually chills in his room, listening You Me At Six or pines over Brendon Urie’s jawline. The latter he would easily deny. He works on his poems and tries not to make any enemies or stand out, which to be fair is going along quite smoothly since him, Kyle and Ronnie do not quite fit the popular type. People would probably refer to the trio as misfits and none of them seem to mind. Kyle with his colourful hair that change every month, Ronnie with her idiotic yet adorable bowties and Wes.. being, well, Wes.
- After Clifton, Wes wants to study Creative Writing at NYU. He’s always had this straight fascination with New York and it’s always been his dream to someday move and live there. While he’s going to miss his mum, he believes she won’t be sad for too long, her first love always being her job. He wants to be a writer and inspire people with his words, just like Edgar Allen Poe, Charles Dickens or Maya Angelou did. 
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rossfckinlynch-blog · 7 years
SOOOOOO i’ve been writing fanfiction for quite some time now, and today i finally decided to post a little something i’ve been working onnnnnn let me know what y’allllll think about it
Warnings: drinking/cursing
Chapter One: Hey Bartender 
       I woke up on August 24, 2017 the way I did any other Friday morning. At 11:30, my alarm went off. I hadn't gotten until 4 am the night before, so a good 7 and a half hours of sleep would be enough for the day. I drug myself from my bed and draped open my bedroom curtains. Although I'd been living at the beach for almost two months, I never grew tired of the ocean view I got everyday.
         I quickly changed into a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt, and ran a brush through the mess on my head. I smacked my thin framed glasses on my face and made my way to the kitchen. In kitchen I found my husky, tattooed roommate sitting at the table, drinking his black coffee and eating his Fruity Pebbles.
         My daily routine was going as it always had, but in a way, it felt off. Something about today felt different, a good different.
         "Morning." I yawned to him, pulling a coffee mug out of the counter for myself.
         "What time did you get in?" I heard him ask before shoving a spoon full of cereal into his mouth.
         "Around 4."
         I poured myself a cup of coffee, grabbed my Salted Caramel creamer, and took a seat across from him.
         "Why so late?" He asked. "I thought you were done at 2."
         I sipped my coffee before answering him.
         "I closed down around 3, but decided to help Joe clean up everything, then he walked me home." I replied, and his eyes narrowed.
         "I thought I told you I didn't want Joe walking you home, or you being there alone with him." He said, his voice harsh.
         "Calm down, Dad." I laughed. "Joey's harmless."
         "For now." He raised his eyebrow. "At the end of the day Joe's a man, and I know how men think."
         I raised a brow back at him.
         "You know how gay men think." I corrected him, causing a smile to form on his face.
         I had met Chase in March of 2017. I had taken a weekend trip to the beach with my mom, sister, aunt, and a few family friends. Although I wasn't 21 yet, I had a fake ID and got into all of the bars. The bar Chase worked at, which I work now, was attached to our hotel. I quickly befriended Chase and when the weekend was over I revealed my secret, I was only 20 and he had been serving me for the last three days.
         He laughed about it, and felt connected to me enough to fill a secret in about his own self. The handsome, strong, inked up bartender that my sister and aunt's friends had spent the weekend swooning over was into dudes. I'd never had a gay friend before, and I thank God every day for now having one.
         After that March weekend, Chase and I kept in touch. We'd take weekend trips to visit each other, and when I finally turned 21 in June, he was there to help me bring it in. In our months of friendship, we'd talked about things we wanted to do with our lives, and mistakes we'd made in the past.
         Remembering my fantasy of one day living at the beach, spending the summer figuring myself out, Chase got me a job at the bar we met at, and asked me to move in with him a week after my birthday. It was an easy yes for me, being the beach was only an hour away from my friends and family at home. So, mid-June I packed up my things, and drove my red pick-up truck down to the shore.
         Since then, I'd fallen in love with the bartending life. It was summer, in my favorite place on Earth, working (most nights) alongside of one of my best friends. I couldn't have asked for anything better.
         "What do you work tonight?" Chase stood from the counter, dumping his remains in the sink before immediately washing the dishes he'd just used.
         "Supposed to be 5-2." I told him. He told me he'd been scheduled the same shift. When it came to working together, Chase and I had been just as in-sync as we were in real life. Thanks to this trait, we spent a lot of weekend nights on the same schedule.
         "Was thinking maybe I'd gym for a little, then come back, eat and nap before work." He told me.
         "Sounds good to me." I nodded, taking one last swig of my coffee before handing it to him to wash.
         "Great." He smiled, and I made my way back to my bedroom.
         The “off feeling” continued when I got to work. For a Friday night, there was an odd amount of people at the bar. The dancefloor was tight, and most of the seats at the bar were taken. But, when a group of 7 came in and was able to fit, I knew it wasn’t a regular Friday night. They were on Chase’s end, so he served them, but I watched closely because they looked like a familiar bunch.
         “’Scuse me!” A voice chimed, pulling my attention away from Chase.
         I turned to see a girl waving a $5 bill over the bar at me.
         “What can I get for ya?” I asked in my nicest voice, even though the money waving had really pissed me off.
         “A vodka sprite.” She said with her nose in the air.
         I grabbed a glass and made her drink, setting it down on the bar in front of her.
         I took the 5 she had laid and put her $1.25 in front of her. She scooped up her change and walked away. No “thank you”, no tip, not even any eye contact.
         “Bitch.” I whispered under my breath, then turned to help another customer. A few minutes had gone by, and I felt Chase walk up behind me.
         “The blonde over there, black and tan button up.” He said calmly. I looked around the bar, and found the guy he was talking about, sitting among the party who had just walked in.
         “What about him?” I asked.
         “Bought you this.” Chase told me, and I looked down. In his hand he held what looked like Jameson and Ginger Ale.
         “No way.” I shook my head, laughing, then looked back at the blonde.
         He was handsome, very handsome. He sat conservatively at the bar, sipping on what looked like a whisky and coke.
         “What did he say?” I hinted at Chase for details.
         “Asked what the cute bartender in the denim shorts usually drank.” He laughed. “I told him a bottle of Miller Lite would do.”
         I started cracking up, because Chase was also in denim shorts, and Miller Lites were his drink of choice.
         “Then, when I realized he and I weren't on the same team..." He joked. “I told him your drink and he asked if he could buy you one.”
         “Should I go thank him?” I asked, taking the drink from his hands.
         “Um, yeah!” He exclaimed. “I’ll take this side for a little, go.”
         I took a huge swig from my drink, and made my way over to where Blondie was sitting.
         I wondered what I would say to get his attention, but as I made my way over he looked up, and our eyes met.
         "Is it rude if I say I've never met a girl who drinks whiskey like I do?" He smiled, before I had the chance to thank him for the drink.
         "Not rude. Just seems like you haven't been associating yourself with the right kind of girls." I joked.
         I decided to play it cool, and asked the guy next to him if he was ready for a refill.
         "Please." The brunette responded. "My credit card's running a tab back there."
         "What are you drinking?" I asked, continuing to ignore the blonde.
         "Rum and coke." He told me, and I nodded. I turned my back to them and made his drink.
         "I'm Ross, by the way." I heard the blonde's voice shouting over my shoulder.
         "Cassie." I finally looked back at him.
         "Nice to meet you." He replied with a grin on his face.
         "Likewise." I nodded.
         "Thank you for the drink." I smiled, taking a quick sip from the glass.
         "My pleasure."
         He downed the last of his drink, but didn't push his glass towards me. That action all but made me putty in this guy's hands. My biggest pet peeve with being a bartender was when people waved their money at me, or pushed their drinks towards me as if I didn't realize the glass was empty.
         "Another one?" I asked, reaching to grab his glass.
         "Yeah, please." He said. "Jack and coke."
         I filled his cup, putting in a little extra than I normally would before returning it to the coaster in front of him.
         "That one's on me." I winked at him.
         He smiled as he thanked me, then held his glass to mine. We clinked, and drank. We spent a majority of that night, clinking many drinks that were bought between the two of us. We got more acquainted, and I had introduced him and his group to Chase.
         I had discovered that the party he had come in with were his siblings, and his sister's boyfriend. They were in town for a show, and decided to make a small vacation out of it.
         The more we talked, the more attracted I found myself to him. There were times where I would've done anything for just a few seconds alone with him.
         The night came to an end and before any of us knew it, it was 2:00 and it was time to shut down. Chase called "last call" and those left at the bar finished up their drinks. Ross, his sister, and the rest of the boys began getting themselves ready to go.
         I tried to pretend not to pay attention to the fact they were leaving, and that I was concerned if I would see him again.
         "Before I go..." I finally heard Ross speak up. I turned eagerly to face him, and this was the first time I saw him standing up. He had to be at least 6'1, and he was now wearing a leather jacket.
         "Will you be here tomorrow?" He asked.
         "Yeah." I nodded. "I work at 11."
         "Okay. We've got some sibling stuff to do tomorrow, but I'll probably be back in to see you at some point."
         "Okay." I smiled, a poor attempt to hide my excitement.
         "Nice to meet you!" A drunk Rydel called to me as her boyfriend, Ellington, practically carried her out of the bar.
         "Are you guys good to get home?" I worried. They'd been at the bar since 11, and seemed as though they were drinking a lot.
         "Yeah." He laughed. "Riker called us an Uber."
         Riker was Ross's oldest brother.
         "Okay, good." I reached forward to grab their empty glasses.
         "Tomorrow." He put his hand down on the bar.
         "Goodnight, Ross." I winked at him, then said goodbye to his brothers, and they left. I turned around to get rid of their glasses and Chase appeared next to him.
         "You can put your tongue back in your mouth." He nudged me.
         "Fuck off." I laughed, throwing their glasses into the sink to wash.
         "Do you like him?" He poked, cleaning off the bar behind me.
         "No." I shook my head, lying a bit. "I just met him."
         "But you wanna fuck him, right?" His face was now right on my shoulder.
         "You know, not everyone wants to fuck every attractive guy they meet." I joked. "That's just you."
         "Oh, whatever." He groans. "I know you, and in a matter of days he'll be just another notch on your bedpost."
         I turn around and punched Chase's gigantic bicep as hard as I could. Of course, he barely felt it, and continued wiping and cleaning the bar.
         "Get me a shot." He told me, as he began boxing up the empty cases of beer to take out back.
         I pulled down a bottle of Jameson and poured us each a shot. At that point, Chase had returned and stood next to me.
         "Here's to you fucking Blondie." He winked.
         "And to you minding your own business." I spat back, and he laughed. We cheered our shot glasses, and slug them down. We finished cleaning, and taking shots, and stumbled down 3 blocks and into our apartment sometime around 3.
         Chase and I said goodnight to each other, and I headed to my bedroom. I thought fondly of Ross. Although I had just only met him, I started to piece together why the day had felt so out of the ordinary to me. And I hoped that in some way, it had something to do with him.
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dailyaudiobible · 7 years
02/28/2018 DAB Transcript
Leviticus 22:21-23:44, Mark 9:30-10:12, Psalms 44:1-7, Proverbs 10:19
Today is the 28th day of February. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it's great to be here with you today from the holy city of Jerusalem. We arrived in the evening last night and it's an early day and a long one for us today. But we'll talk about all of that in just a little bit. We’ve kind of rounded the corner and have reached our final destination, which will be in and around Jerusalem. At least that's where we’ll be calling home base until the end of our pilgrimage this year. And it's great to be back here. But let me not get ahead of myself and talk about all that. Let’s get into the Scriptures for today. We've been reading from the Modern English Version this week, which is what we will continue to do, even as we continue to move around the land of the Bible here in Israel. Of course, in the Old Testament, in the book of Leviticus, we're reading the statutes, ordinances, laws that are to shape and form this new people who,, of course, have been brought out of slavery in Egypt in epic fashion and now they’re being shaped and formed into a culture and a people, but with one purpose in mind, that they be holy as God is holy. And so, we pick up with that story. Leviticus chapter 22 verse 17 through 23 verse 44 today.
Father, we thank You again for Your word and we thank You again for the reminder that what we say matters, that our realities are being created by our words and that matters. And us paying attention to what's coming out of our mouth matters. And we take that to heart today as we live into this day and invite Your Holy Spirit's to speak to us about that and continually remind us to take a beat, to take a pause before we start just saying words because they matter. Come Holy Spirit. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Okay. So, man, this is the point in the trip where my brain is turning into mush because we…so much…so much to drink and it's a firehose experience, without a doubt. So, yesterday in the morning we packed up all of our stuff put everything back on the buses and left the Sea of Galilee and the Galilee region itself, drove down along the eastern shores of the Sea of Galilee before heading west and leaving it behind. And our first stop was to travel through the Jezreel Valley all the way to Harr Megiddo, also known as Armageddon. And the ancient ruins of the city of Megiddo still exist and we took some time there to look at them. Megiddo was a city right along the ancient trade route between Egypt and all of the lands beyond here to the north and east. So, it was an important city to control because if you control that then you kind of control a lot of the trade route coming through the area. So, it has had a long history of conquest and battle. And, of course, it sits in a valley that's pretty famous, the valley of Armageddon. So, we looked at the ruins of Megiddo and were able to go down into the water cisterns, the water tunnels and cisterns  that were carved out. It's pretty amazing when you can see that and realize, talking 3000 years ago, and we’re not talking about bulldozers and cranes and, you know, backhoes and all kinds of earthmoving equipment and engineering. We’re talking about a long, long time ago. And, so, the ingenuity is pretty remarkable. And, so, around the ruins you see how people lived, look out across the valley, and then down into the tunnels we went. And it’s not that…I mean you have to climb down in there on stairs…but it's not too long of a of a walk, but it's a remarkable one just to understand that the way that this got here was by people and hard work a long, long, long time ago. And then it was kind of…it's been a little bit rainy…off and on. And, so, we get a little tiny bit rained on, not bad at all, but we are thinking about Mt. Carmel and if it's going to be cloudy up there, and if it’s going to rainy up there. And, so, we did a little switcheroo and had an early lunch, allowing the morning showers to kind of blow through before heading up Mt. Carmel. And Mt Carmel is famous for a showdown between the prophet Elijah and the prophets of Baal and Asherah in which fire comes down from heaven. We haven’t gotten to all this. We’ll get to it when we get to the book of Kings, books of Kings. But fire comes down from heaven, people return to God, the prophets of Baal meet an end they weren’t planning on, but idol worship isn’t something…worshiping anything else besides God, turning your heart in worship to any other God is not something that God tolerates well because it pulls us away from our true identity, which is to be in union together with Him. And, so, that’s happened p on Mt Carmel. So, we opened the Scriptures and read that story and then just discussed what happened next, because Elijah got to see the power of God and then he got up, you know, he got a nasty note from the Queen named Jezebel, that she was going to kill him. And he took off and ran. And, you know, just, when you're here you’re beginning to understand the context that he left Mt Carmel up in the in the north and ran all the way to Beersheba in the South where we started and then all the way down into the desert where we were at the at the Red Sea and then off deep into the Sinai Peninsula to the mountain of God. So, a long, long, long way. And God comes to him on the mountain and says, what are you doing here? And that's a poignant question. Because the same kinds of things do happen in our lives. We see God move, we feel him moving in our lives, we see things happening in our lives, and then we that nasty note. Right? Some social media posts on something or another to sideswipe us. And off on the run we go. And then God comes and says, what are you doing here? So, we considered that as we considered, right, you know, that we were right there, where this happened. And then we were able to go up to this little observatory and look out over the vast Valley of Armageddon and take some pictures and just contemplate where we were in Scripture, where we were in the Bible, what was happening before moving on. And next stop was to take us all the way west to the border of the Mediterranean Sea, to the ancient Roman city of Caesarea Mayor Timo, which was kind of a jewel of the Galilee or the jewel of Israel for the Roman culture, the Roman empire period in this land. And the ruins are exquisite. You kind of get a sense of maybe what this would've been like. And it's pretty magnificent to say the least. And it allowed us the opportunity to touch the book of acts. The Caesarea Mayor Timo's is where the apostle Paul was imprisoned for a couple of years after being arrested in Jerusalem and avoiding an assassination attempt. Of course, I’m a little ahead of where we are in the Scriptures right now, because, at least in the New Testament, we’re in the gospel of Mark, but we we’ll eventually get to the book of Acts and begin to understand the apostle Paul's influence in the early church. And it’s from Caesarea Mayor Timo's that the apostle Paul appealed to Caesar and sailed for Rome. So, we were able to touch that piece and that portion of time, a piece of Scripture. And that wasn’t our final stop for the day then, but it's about a two hour drive from there up to Jerusalem. So, we settled in and began the long journey up, up, up, up to Jerusalem, where we ended our day as it was just getting dark. And lots of naps were taken, but coming into Jerusalem always, reinvigorates everything. And, so, some dinner, some fellowship, and then an early early morning this morning because we’ll…it has to be…because we’ll start our day up on the Temple Mount. And, so, we have to get in line and all of that a bit early. But we’ll talk about what we do today, tomorrow, because it's hard to talk about things you're going to do before you've done them, but it's going to be a great day around Jerusalem today, intersecting the Jesus story here, some of the things and places here. And probably it's best that we do this now, while we have the adrenaline rush of just arriving in the holy city. So, looking forward to that. Thank you for your prayers as we continue this journey for the next few days.
And man here we are guys. Last day of February, which means that we are concluding two months together on our journey through the Scriptures this year. So, we’re 1/6 of the way through the Bible. And just want to say, well done on that. The rhythm continues as we continue to press into it and God continues to speak to us through his word. So, well done.
If want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can certainly do that dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link that's on the homepage. And, you know, I run out of words and ways to express gratitude. The reality is the reality. We what we do because we do it together. That had always been the case around here. So, thank you for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996, Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that’s it for today. I’m Brian, a tired Brian, but Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi this is Joey from Missouri it is 4:38 here on a very cold day. I want…here…on February the 23rd, 2018. I just want to sing a little song here before I start. These songs are some of my mom’s songs that she sang on the piano for many years. So, here goes. [singing] Who is likened to the oh Lord among God’s. Who is likened to the glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders, who is likened to the? [singing stops]. Oh…oh…praise the Lord…praise the Lord. Candace from Oregon you are on my mind today. And I just wanted to say I love you. And when your husband passed away almost a year ago today I was in Kuwait. I was in Kuwait at that time and I just remember coming home to my dorm after work that day and was just so, so sad about that. So, Lord God, just be with Candace from Oregon today. And, so, Lord God, we just thank you for Candace and also thank you for Brian. And I love you all. Take care. Okay. Talk to you soon. Bye-bye.
Hi, this is Melody from Canada. It is February 24th and I have so much joy hearing Brian talk about the group and Israel going into the Jordan River and leaving everything behind. And I can almost he feel the cold water myself in my heart, imagination, spirit. Just bless you, all who made that commitment. And may you find strength to continue in that and to stand that and that for the Lord is with you. I have Psalm 35:27 on my heart. It says, let them shout for joy and be glad. His favor my righteous cause. Yes, let them say continually, the Lord be magnified with pleasure and the prosperity of his servant. And thinking of Rachel a first-time caller who struggling with depression and OCD. And Rachel, the Lord has pleasure in your prosperity, His pleasure in your health. And whatever road it takes to get there he is with you always. Bless you. Bye.
Hi friends this is Lisa the encourager and I hope everybody that’s in Israel is having a wonderful blessed time and a safe trip. I’m praying for you. I just wanted to read something I thought was encouraging tonight called A Cut Above. And it says, the word holy means to separate. The ancestry of return can be traced back to the ancient word which means to cut. To be holy then is to be cut above the norm, superior extraordinary. The holy one dwells on a different level than the rest of us. What frightens us does not frighten Him. What troubles us does not trouble Him. When you set your sights on our God you focus on one a cut above. Any storm life may bring, you will find peace in Him. And also Psalm 46:10 says, be still and know that I am God. So, I hope that’s encouraging to you tonight. And with that, I also wanted to pray some prayers for some folks. I wanted to pray for Lydia from Indiana. She had called in about her daughter Suzy E. and she was just wanting her to obey God and not take on the ways of the world. So, I want to pray for Suzy E., Lydia’s daughter. And also just wanted to just say thank you to Michelle…oh…excuse me…I’m sorry…Monica from Kentucky for her prayers. There always so sweet Monica and I just appreciate all of your…the times you call in and the different things that your praying about and just want to let you know it’s very encouraging. And lastly, I just want to pray for Diane in Ohio. She has a son that’s taking drugs and a grandson as well. And they really need help in turning their life around and she feels like they’ve really changed a great...
He Daily Audio Bible this is Paul from Houston. And I’ve called to pray for Curtis from Cali. I think your sons name was Kingston. And you were mentioning that he is dealing with a lot of anxiety depression sort of things, but he’s only eight. And I just want to pray. I struggled with a lot of anxiety growing up and different things. And Lord…let’s go to God right now. Thank you Jesus. I ask that You will be with Kingston Lord I thank You Lord that You protect his mind Lord, that You would guide him around with Your Angels. I thank You Lord that his mind would be centered on You. I thank You Lord that no weapon formed against him can prosper. And I thank You Lord that those thoughts that try to bombard him, those thoughts to try to create anxiety, that those thoughts have to go in the name of Jesus. And I thank You Lord for peace over the house, over Kingston, peace when he sleeps, peace when he rises. Lord I thank You Lord that You would help them to, you know, explore the things that an eight-year-old boy would love to do. Lord I thank You Lord that You would give him the outlets, the hobbies, the things that You want him to work with Lord. And I thank You Lord for developing him. And that You have something special for Kingston Lord, a special future for him Lord, like scouting with different things Lord, that You know, You know Kingston Lord. And I thank You Lord, You know, the way You made him and what purpose You made him for and I thank You Lord that when his family draws closer to You Lord that You would reveal what Your will is and that You would open a door for them, but I thank You Lord for peace in their home and peace in his mind and peace as he sleeps in Jesus name. Daily Audio Bible have a great day. It’s Paul from Houston. Bye.
Hey, I need you guys to pray for me. I’ve been walking with Jesus for a long time now and I was involved in a lot of pornography and masturbation before I knew him and even in the years since. the struggle has been real. It’s not all the time. There is victory sometimes, sometimes for long stretches, but it’s been going into my marriage. My wife new about them. But we have kids now and I’m working harder than ever and she works harder than ever looking after them. And it’s gotten to a point where I don’t want to talk about with her anymore and burden her mostly. And sometimes I feel like I’m screwed up in other ways so much that I can’t even talk to her anymore and it’s probably unfair, but I know I need to confess out to my brothers and sisters. Today’s reading in the Old Testament about skin disease and mildew. I skipped it. I just fast-forwarded. And then Brian talked about how that was sort of the heart of the message and how it has to do with the heart of me. And I can’t let stuff grow in the dark anymore. So, pray for me family. Bring it to the high priest so he can bring into His father. Thanks guys. I love you. Bye.
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gaybaconprincess · 7 years
I found an old Doc with a Marching Band AU so take it
Jericho / Joseph Wilson (Flute)
‘That one gay friend who has a better fashion sense than me’
Don’t pronounce his last name as ‘willis’ like the principal or he will f you up
And by that he means he’ll get his scary brass boyfriend to f you up
Probably the sassiest person in Band
He is an angry human espresso and if you look at Kyd Wykkyd for too long he’ll break your leg
Very protective of his batnerd
Kole is also a flute n they are very good buds
Vows to one day burn the school’s band uniforms so they have to buy new ones
Calls everyone ‘fam’
If it’s possible to be that one controversial archetype he will be it
He is also the school’s biggest male feminist
Bumblebee is the biggest female feminist
Also he likes penciling in weed symbols (despite the fact he has never touched a drug in his life) all over the school campus
Mainly only joined Band because the Wilson bunch were sitting at a family dinner once and somebody (he doesn’t even remember anymore like maybe ROse?? Maybe Father????) said that the only instrument he could play was his twangy guitar and ofc he took that as a cHALLENGE
Raven / Raven Roth (Clarinet)
Very dark humour
Only real friend is Jericho bc they like to complain about Grayson together
Also Jericho is the only person who laughs at her jokes
Has more power over people than she lets on
Dating the head cheerleader helps too (angel)
Pretty chill
Not v good at physical fighting but just her all around dry personality will intimidate you
The woodwind section is filled with very violent human gnomes it seems
she has a tumblr indeed but trust me yOU DONT WANT IT
its filled with actual witch spells and v v gory things 
Joined Band for the extra credit, stayed for the time away from home
Her home consists of her usually absent mother and emotionally abusive father (my way of inserting Trigon in here somewhere) and Joey is really the only person that knows and she can just vent to
They’ve had well over a few crying sessions
 SeeMore / Seymour Johnson (Saxophone)
Joined band bc he’s a broke idiot in need of a scholarship
Joined saxophone because mEMES
Plays ‘we are number one’ every f-ing time Kyd so much as looks at him
bf(f)’s with the Herald
Totally thirsty for some brass trumpet boy but totally not the Herald oh no
(it’s so the Herald)
Has hit himself in the face with his sax thirteen too many times
Wears the nerdiest glasses possible but no one can say shit bc he’s the best marcher they’ve got really
Chillest of the chill you will ever meet
Cries @ disney movies
Probably watches conspiracy theory videos in his free time
Is slowly attempting to bring tumblr humor into the real world
also afraid of chickens. look its a really long story k.
 The Herald / Malcolm Duncan (Trumpet)
Best friends w/ Jericho even tho Jericho regrets it
*Jericho walks into the Band Hall*
‘aND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA’ *trumpet noises*
He and Seymour meme together
Is just obnoxious in general
Pulls candy and other food items out of nowhere at the worst times
Just wants people to hang out with after school. Hot Spot’s no fun and Jericho’s family is insane.
 BumbleBee / Karen Beecher (French Horn)
Is just way too tired for this
Mom friend
Doesn’t have time to deal with everyone’s shit
Joey can relate
‘malcolm duncan i dare you to blow that trumpet in my ear oNE MORE TIME’
Is everyone’s big sister but mainly Mal’s
Makeup game is always on point
Wants to kick Seymour and Mal in the throat everyday bc jUST KISS YOUR SEXUAL TENSION IS RUINING THE REHEARSAL
 Kyd Wykkyd / Elliot Knight (Trombone)
Toll pencil is dating smol espresso
Looks mean and scary but just wants hugs and colored pencils
‘Deal hugs not drugs’
Makes too many puns
Literally every other sentence has some hidden pun in it
Loves picking Joey up and carrying him around
Gives people really terrible nicknames
Biggest weab of them all
‘I sexually identify as Terezi Pyrope’
Don’t even say the word homestuck/undertale around him he’ll either start crying or laughing maniacally
Has memorized all of Light Yagami’s lines on Death Note
Quotes Steven Universe (mainly Pearl) on a daily basis
k like,,,,you think,,,you tHINK he’s the smart friend.
if you’ve ever seen any Roosterteeth video ever
He is Gavin Free.
The embodiment of ‘wot if...our legs...didn’t know they were lEGS???’
Joey just kinda shushes him and pretends to know what he’s talking about
Billy Numerous / William Strayer (Euphonium)
Mammoth’s ultimate wingman
‘God bless murica’
Mispronounces words on purpose to piss off Kyd and Raven
Hates his pointy marching shoes
Hides tennis balls in the saxophones to Seymour’s dismay
Got hit with a trombone once and then had to pay for it to be fixed
Totally not kyd’s
Likes to make fun of Joey’s height which is WHY he got hit with a trombone
Roots for BBQ places every time the Band stops to eat on a trip
‘Aight but...does Wykkyd is gay??’
Mammoth / Baran Flinders (Tuba)
Is the most intimidating person you will ever meet and he kNOWS IT he GLOATS IN THAT FACT
‘We were just asking why she wasn’t at rehearsal today’
Is also a vry broke idiot but somewhat enjoys band
The aMOUNT of times he has been stopped by football coaches and borderline bribed to be on the team
Is the one who shamelessly sprints the whole way to the cafeteria everyday
‘Foods before dudes, sorry’
He and Billy often have eating competitions
Jericho lives in fear every time he’s not tardy for class
Also looks mean but will cRUSH YOu....with a bear hug
When asked what 2 plus 2 was he responded with a very startled and nervous 22
Kid Flash / Wally West (Percussion)
He and Kyd Wykkyd have had a lil rivalry goin on since the fiRST TIME KYD STOLE HIS APPLE JUICE IN PRE-K
Y do you think he joined percussion… (it’s because percussion is usually seated behind trombones and Kyd hates drums and loud noises)
bUT on the plus side his ADHD is now a lot less terrifying
During practice he literally just plays Hall of Fame on repeat
‘No...no no….no no plEASE STOP TOUCHING MY HAIR’
(jokingly) chants the word ‘gay’ and slowly gets louder every time Kyd so much as sPEAKs
He and Kyd have sarcasm competitions
Also memes but less out loud and more…
Jinx / Jaya Salem (Pit)
Just wants a nap
All the time
Someone get her an energy drink
Puts up with Kyd + Mammoth + Billy + See-More’s shit not to mention her little brother most of the time
It’s Gizmo. The little brother is Gizmo.
‘I just...want to just like...can I plug myself into a charger? Can I do that, is that a thing?’
Literally the only person out of her friend circle that passes most of her classes
‘Do you think if I concuss myself I can get out of practice for today?’
all of her jokes are also either self depricating or just insulting to others
Punk Rocket / Thomas Leonard (Drum Major)
‘Well y’know...i’m already in a Band so like...how hard could Drum Major be?’
Very hard. He made a mistake. He regrets everything.
School Principal: ‘are you aware that your hair is white?’
Rocket: ‘are you aware that your a fUCKING SQUARE???’
He got suspended after that
‘Okay look I know it looks really gay that I’m riding on a motorcycle with my really hot buddy but it’s not - fuck that is really gay, maybe I’m really gay.’
One big bundle of ‘oh no’ when you pop the question of ‘what’s your sexuality’
Gets wAY TOO INTO the really big moments when directing on field
Fell of the pedestal his first game
Over time actually starts taking Band very seriously and enjoying it
Slade Wilson
funds the Band’s everything
Addie cooks for the Band and helps with fundraisers
also I just really need an AU where Slade is just,,,,a good dad,,,,Joey deserves a good dad k
he was off in the army for a while so he comes back and apparently Joey is not four anymore?? and he has a boyfriend???? and turned out to somehow be shorter than his own mother?????????
Joey made ‘when will my father return from the war’ jokes the entire time to cope
Slade is still getting used to things and the crowd and screaming of football games makes him v uncomfortable but he goes to support Joey
who is off to the side trying to avoid looking at his father who is now waving his hands frantically
Rose comes too but mainly to make fun of the entire Band
Grant’s already in college so he don’t give a shit
Literally everyone in the Band lOVES Mr. Wilson and Adeline but Joey just wants them to leave him alone
still doesn’t know how he feels about Kyd 
Slade and Joey bond over Slade picking him up after practice and Joey iMMEDIATELY going into rant mode
surprisingly okay with Joey’s sexuality, he’s still getting used to it nonetheless
Mrs. and Mrs. Wykkyd
Kyd Wykkyd has two v lesbian moms and you can’t tell me otherwise like that’s my headcanon for him plus I love supportive gay parents that are better parents than the hets themselves
Kyd was adopted but they love their beautiful son v v much and he loves them
Kyd never really knew his biological parents and everyone acts like it’s a big deal but he he doesn’t?? care???? he knows who his parents are its Aarti Bindiya-Knight and Alison Knight duh
one of his moms is East Indian so he takes part in a lot of her culture just like his other mom does
he also gets vERY OFFENDED and filled with Righteous Anger when anyone discriminates or makes Indian jokes / lesbian jokes in class
Elliot is taller than both of his moms and usually has to bend down so they can hug him
Alison is American and very vERY kind hearted
Aarti has a very muscley stature and it taller than Alison. Her hair is cut short and curly and she looks like the person who will want to fight you and hug you at the same time.
Alison is v v short and has very light blonde hair that just kind wisps everywhere. V pale and really really likes sundresses.
Alison still tries to kiss Elliot on the cheek before he gets on the bus but Aarti holds her back so Elliot can run
she’s the cooking mom. she cooks. all the time. that’s how she shows her emotions.
‘Aar what if he forgot his backpack or his lunch do you think he’s doing okay what if someone is bullying him as we speak-’ ‘Ali. Ellie is fine. He is twice your height either way there is no way he is getting bullied.’
Alison got Elliot into drawing which he does a lot now
they are v v supportive of literally anything he does and most kids are actually kinda jealous. 
they still keep home videos from when Elliot was a baby despite his birthday wish being for them to burn all of the videos last year
Barry Allen
he’s the track coach at their school and everybody was ASTONISHED when he showed up to a football game
‘okay yeah I know where the track field is - can you all maybe chill I just wanna see my nephew hit his drums.’
He and Wally are the ‘Red headed Heathens’ of the school
a term coined by the principal himself
Barry is still trying to get Wally to join track (he is also still failing)
Blows his whistle like a fricking AIRHORN at games
Very big despite only working on his legs ever and also very affectionate so I hope you have a strong spine because he shows his appreciation via hugs
the only teacher with actual freckles
‘I would give you some cool pep talk Wally but to be honest I have no idea what’s going on just go out and have fun.’
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bossagirl · 7 years
Finally, Singapore! // Why I Don’t Handle My Own Bookings
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Finally, Singapore! At long last, a negotiation between producer and this talent’s management has been secured that would result in my voice and songs finally getting the chance to be heard in this foreign shore. I thought it would never happen.
Singapore and I have quite a delicate history. I was supposed to sing here year 2008 and when that didn't materialize, and with each passing year resulting in inquiries that never got settled, I was getting convinced that I’ll never be given the chance to sing here.
Until now. Finally, our stars have aligned. And with much ease, mind you.
Let me take you back to third quarter of 2008, a time of much personal turmoil for my mom and me. You see, my former manager and I had a falling out - and it was ugly, heart-breaking, and in hindsight, given how my career started, quite a sad ending.. I really wish we had separated in better terms. Manager-less, my Ninong and I took on all bookings and inquiries. My Ninong did well, I must say, while I did poorly.
So poorly, in fact, that in that window in my career when I was arranging everything myself, an inquiry from a prestigious PR firm in SG came in: they wanted to launch and represent me in SG along with another Asian artist, and to start off they wanted me to open for Diana Krall!
I was beyond excited! They even flew me and my mom to SG for one day just to meet and discuss plans. Everything was set. This was my opportunity to be introduced to the discerning SG market, and subsequently, hopefully, the rest of Asia. And of course, the chance to open for Diana Krall!! Diana freaking Krall!!
Mama and I flew home to Manila, returned to our daily routine. At around this time too, there was to be a show in the US, and I went to the embassy for visa application on the scheduled day.
SG people and I were in constant touch, exchanging emails, going over everything. I think I was generally numb around that time, reeling from doing all the bookings myself, wrapping my mind around the fact that I was going to open for Diana Krall, and sad and hurt with how I left former management. Finally, the day arrived when I was to fly to Singapore. Mama and I packed our things, went over everything -
And that was when I realized I had no passport, that it was still at the US embassy.
GOODBYE, OPENING ACT FOR DIANA KRALL, and God only knows what else..
Crying, I wrote an email to my contact and tearfully explained the situation. They never replied, and I totally understand. I was such an idiot, such a stupid, stupid idiot who blew this really big, once in a lifetime opportunity.
It is one of my biggest regrets..
I’ve come to acceptance, of course. But that was also when I realized that I could not be trusted upon to handle my own affairs career-wise, that it isn’t my strength, that someone else has to do it for me.
This, plus the fact that I hate talking about my talent fee with other people, especially with close family and friends, acquaintances. I never really know how much to price myself - that this is best left to professional handlers and to the naturally-occurring law of supply and demand. And in our close-knit society of gossipmongers, word travels lightning-fast - a single conversation can be twisted, a price given can be interpreted as “ang mahal naman ng tingin niya sa sarili niya e ganito lang naman siya”, etc etc. How do we, artists, protect ourselves and the talent we earn and make a living from?
There are others who excel at it, who sing and handle their own bookings, but not me.
Thankfully, in November of 2008, I was given the chance to meet with renowned talk show host and talent manager, Tito Boy Abunda of Backroom, Inc (now Asian Artists Agency, Inc). He was responsible for the careers of Ariel Rivera, Dessa, and Martin Nievera, to name a few, and continues to be one of the very few people in show business who have maintained their dignity and credibility. But beyond his genius (I swear, this person knows so much about everything!) his most shining characteristics are his kindness and generosity. Joey and I are very blessed to have him in our lives, as our Ninong, mentor, and friend.
I will never forget our first meeting. He talked a lot about maintaining my “core”, how I was “queen” already, and as such, career-wise, there is nothing much to change, only a few embellishments here and there, strengthening and support in PR, etc. When we reached that awkward yet essential part in the conversation, that of commission, I was very surprised when he said that his management agency charges a minimal fee, because in his very own words, “wala nang kikitain ang artista, kawawa naman" (kung lakihan pa).
Ang bait niya, noh?
That was also the very first time I met Jonathan Valdez, the handler who was assigned to me who, until now, manages my bookings, and very efficiently, and seamlessly, handles all pertinent details. All I really have to do is to show up, sing, and do the best that I can at every show. He makes my singing life so easy, and I will always be grateful to and for him.
There was another instance in which a close family friend asked me to sing in a fundraising show for their church. They didn’t want to talk to my handler because he might charge highly (which is a very false misconception - because all handlers charge current market value fees, a range that they arrive at through their experience at negotiations). But because we were really close, I said yes, marked the date -
Then forgot about it. #facepalm
Jonathan was working on another booking on the same day, not knowing that I said yes to another one. Of course, since my arrangement was verbal while Jonathan’s has a written contract and all, guess who I had to cancel and apologize to?
Again, ladies and gentlemen, dearest friends, these are the reasons why I don’t handle my own bookings, why I pass every single inquiry on to my management.
Still, there are others who insist that we go “under the table”, who tempt and wheedle their way in, who ask that I give a “friendly rate”, para lahat daw nung pera mapunta sa akin, para hindi na ako makomisyonan. Of course, I say no. In Matthew 22:21, when Jesus was asked if it is right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar, Jesus replied, “give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s”. The command is crystal clear.
My management and I have an agreement based on good faith. Why would I endanger that relationship with deceit and mistrust? Why would I go behind their backs to gain some money when it is ill-gotten? How different would doing that be from the actions of a common thief?
All provisions and all booking inquiries come from God. He sees everything.. He knows everything, even our very intentions. Why would I cheat on His goodness? If I fail and sin repeatedly in other aspects in my life, at the very least in this area, I can meet Him and proudly proclaim that I am clean.
Forgive me for sounding so serious. These sentiments have been with me for years and this is the only time I got to write about it.
We are at the hotel now, will be napping in a bit because our flight was very early. We’ll be playing two sets tonight at the Blowfish Bar with my super galing guitarist, Erskine Basilio. I’m very much looking forward to finally sharing our music with our kababayans here in Singapore. :) 
Thank You, Father, for finally bringing me here.
See you all later!!
Bossa Love,
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Tickets to tonight’s show at anightwithsitti.peatix.com :)
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remember--this-name · 8 years
To the girl that loves you now, As soon as her eyes open in the morning, she needs her shot of espresso. If you forget, and you will. You'll hear it for the rest of the day. With that shot of espresso, she needs her daily medication. Again, if you forget, you'll hear it. She'll swear that you keep shrinking her t-shirts in the dyer because she doesn't think any of them look good on her. But she's wrong, remind her of that as you wrap your arms around her waste and tell her to hurry up. She has to have control of the music in the car, and she likes it very loud. If you sing with her, it'll put the biggest smile on her face. She won't run over pot holes or debris in the middle of the road, that goes back to her military days. So when she swerves out of the way of a plastic mc Donald's cup, say nothing. She NEVER knows where she wants to eat, you'll through out ideas and she'll turn all of them down, when all else fails, try Joeys or dominos. She'll swear she isn't going to take a nap, but she will. And she'll tell you to wake her up in thirty minutes, and when you do she'll tell you to go away. Hours later you'll hear "babe" coming from the next room and she'll smile at you with that "I'm sorry" smile and ask you what you're making for dinner. Her favorite is buffalo chicken mac and cheese. But if it's too spicy, or the chicken pieces are too big she won't eat it. She'll kiss you on the forehead and say it was delicious and that she loves you. She always forgets to her Towel when she goes to get in the shower, she always forgets to brush her teeth before bed and she always forgets to iron her clothes for work the next day. Remind her. Lastly, she can't fall asleep without her back being rubbed. So no matter how tired you are, or how angry you may be at her, or whatever the case. Run her back and tell her you love her. I promise, after you turn over to fall asleep you'll feel her gravitate towards you, and wrap her arms around your waist and it'll all be worth it.
If you love her half as much as I did, you're lucky.
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tyrande-wd · 4 years
Pokémon Classic Crystal Playthrough
Part 2
Badges - 0
Pokédex - 7
- Grinding
- Bubbles hates Spinaraks, she's the only one who's been poisoned by them
- Bubbles learned water gun ewe
- Toto learned water gun, he is now a raging garden hose
- Angry crocogator ran outta rage. He also got to level 15, so he's off to take a nap
- Everyone is 15 now, recharging at the 'Mon Center ((OTL))
- W-wait! Toto is a water....Bubbles is a water......I don't need two waters ;A;
- Sorry Bubbles 😭 #StarterLoyal
- dun forget the berries
- GlaDos just plows through everything now
- Off on adventure!!
- Lil emotional pokemon hoarder wanna be just called me weak. ROFL
- Screw you Joey and your lv 4 rattata
- and you know where you can shove that phone number e3e
- Being a pokemon trainer doesn't mean I HAVE to battle, ya bully
- But I will, because no isn't an option
- Kicked your butt, too
- He looked disappointed that I wasn't a bug
- If you get yourself some more pokeballs, you'll really be able to swarm people one day, kid
- Jest gonna battle my way to the next town, could use the cash
- Violet City
- Time to shake up the Sprout Tower
- Gio was at the top spouting his emo agenda
- The old guy was pretty cool
- Lol, got Flash infront of a butt hole
- Off to destroy the Gym!
- Toto raged his way up, and GlaDos took the Fal(l)kner!
- back to the daily gr- aaaand, were on egg sitting duty. Then we grind
- traded spare bellsprout for onyx, then back to grinding
- Toto is now a crocanaw
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