#johanna x y/n
ilguna · 9 months
Could I get a soulmate AU Johanna mason x victor reader enemies to lovers? like they spend the entire time hating each other just to find out when they’re in district 13 that they’re each other’s soulmates? even after they find out reader is still reluctant with not wanting to talk to Johanna but Johanna kinda trying to make an effort cause she’s seeing her differently now thank u & congratulations on 3k follows
☼ falling leaves (Johanna Mason) ☼
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warnings; swearing, death mention, johanna's mean and self-centered, mild name calling.
wc; 4.7k
notes; enjoy all angst, no happy ending.
When it comes to being delusional, Johanna Mason takes the cake. 
There has not been one conversation you’ve unwillingly had with her where you didn’t think that she’s crazy. The way she holds herself and blatantly disrespects the people around her as if she has some sense of superiority is absolutely mindblowing. It’s like she has yet to realize that all of you are in the same shitty boat, regardless of how you may or may not have won your Games.
If you had to guess, you’d say it has something to do with the popularity and how you handled it. It wasn’t outrageous or anything, at least you don’t think so. It was a normal reaction. You did what any other sane tribute would do in an outlying district that found themselves with every pair of eyes in the Capitol—you wholly and completely embraced the people. 
Every move you made was catered to them, that way if you were in need in the arena, you’d be able to get exactly what you wanted. This would come with consequences later on, but you didn’t know that, and you don’t really care now, either. As long as you got the advantage and a sliver of a chance of making it out alive, you didn’t care.
And with you feeding into the fire with your cooperation, you easily ended up being the most popular tribute, surpassing the Careers. That was far from your goal, you flew a little bit too close to the sun, which got you this massive target on your back. 
Still, you persevered. You let the Careers hate you, minded your own business, gaining sponsors by the minute. When you received a score of seven, they took a step back. In your interview with Caesar, you drew them back in by talking about how glamorous the Capitol is. If there was one thing you learned, it was that they were a sucker for compliments. Whatever made them feel better.
Well, it worked. All of it. You won the Hunger Games two and a half weeks in. The hardest part was shaking the Careers long enough to split them up and frame a betrayal, which never should have worked. They turned on each other, forgetting about your existence, until there was one left. He was too injured to win, anyway. You picked him off, and your announcement came five minutes later.
You continued to sing praises in the Capitol’s direction up until your Victory Tour, where you were finally able to stop when you got home to District Eleven. You were no longer important enough to focus on, allowing you to settle into victor life. And every time someone asked you if you really thought the Capitol was so great, through a bright smile you’d tell them no.
You met Johanna the following year, and from the very second she laid eyes on you, you knew that the two of you were not going to get along. Her face was twisted, eyes narrowed in your direction. She had her arms crossed over her chest, and she was standing with Finnick Odair.
You remember thinking to yourself, this is not victor solidarity. How could they judge you for a strategy that worked? It wasn’t at all what you were expecting from a pair of people that had suffered the way you had. Especially when they were the talk of the Capitol, themselves. 
You came to the realization that you had survived the Hunger Games, but you’d never stop living with the scrutiny of your win for the rest of your life. No matter where you’d go or who you’d talk to, everyone would have an opinion. They’d either think it was smart or a blatant cheap shot.
They would never stop to think that they had come into the Capitol with a different list of things they were willing to do. If they wanted to leave with dignity, if they were fine seeming shallow, if they would settle for nothing less than tough, if they wanted to be a nobody.
For Johanna, you quickly figured out that she wasn’t going to let them help her. She wanted to figure it out on her own, and she did. She downplayed herself to make it seem like she wasn’t a threat. By crying through the reaping and the Tribute Parade, she ensured the idea that she was soft.
When it came to training, she purposely failed at everything she touched to make her seem weak. After scoring a three, all the remaining potential sponsors flew out the window, furthering her agenda. No one would think twice about her, not even the tributes. They wouldn’t have a need to hunt her down in the arena, because she was helpless.
She couldn’t have planned it any better. She hid and waited for a bulk of the tributes to be dead before she decided it was time to show off who she really was. And that was smart and brutal. With there being so little people left, she was able to take out the remaining tributes in less than a week, and was promptly crowned victor.
Her cowardly act was dropped in the interviews that followed. You remember seeing them in passing, noting how she was barely able to hide her distaste for the Capitol. At the time, you thought about how if you were in her shoes, you wouldn’t be as openly hateful.
And as if it were a test, you were reaped the next summer.
It’s just an odd experience to be shunned so heavily by her and Finnick. You expected it more from the Career mentors, but Cashmere, Gloss and Enobaria were so welcoming. They didn’t care where you were from, just the fact that you managed to get their level of popularity coming from nothing.
You suppose that didn’t help your case. Still, that shouldn’t have mattered, anyway. You all won in your own respectable ways. You used the sponsors until they were dry, Johanna pretended to be a damsel, and Finnick won young by trapping tributes in his net and stabbing them with his trident.
She’s been caught on your actions ever since. Despite the fact that you’re merely a year younger than her, or that you’re not the same person you were for the Games, she can’t see past the fact that you threw yourself into the Capitol’s arms. In fact, she called you childish for it.
When you heard that through the grapevine, you knew that any hope of friendship between you two was gone. You wanted to give her time to realize that you’re not a terrible person, but if she was going to start to go down that path, you weren’t going to entertain her. She could be who she wanted to be, you’d just have a pole to keep her at a distance.
It worked for a couple of years, and then it washed down the drain when the Quarter Quell came around. Chaff told you that if you wanted to go back into the arena, you’d have to be willing to help. If not, Seeder would go in instead. As much as you would’ve liked to stay home, you knew that you couldn’t sit back and do nothing. Seeder would be a better leader in District Eleven, and you’d be more helpful in the arena.
When you learned that you’d have to work alongside Johanna and Finnick, you began to regret it. Johanna’s entitled, all she does is run her mouth. She likes to push buttons—yours especially, because she knows that you’re trying to be better than her. It was a tragedy when you accidentally found her in the jungle, because you’d rather deal with Finnick. At least his comments are passive-aggressive.
Besides Johanna’s attempts to piss you off, the arena was surprisingly easy to get through. You ignored her, only speaking to Finnick when it was necessary. You’re sure it was glaringly obvious to Katniss and Peeta that you and Johanna hated each other, but that didn’t get in the way.
And while not everyone made it out of the arena, you did. A nasty period of survivor’s guilt followed, because it wasn’t easy knowing that the ones who got taken by the Capitol were being tortured. It should’ve been you with them, because you’d left Johanna early to make it back to the lightning tree before midnight.
She has not let you live that down. It’s all she talks about—how you abandoned her and Peeta to save your own life. She’s called you every bad name that she can think of to anyone who will listen. Her favorite one being selfish. That one comes out of her mouth so often that it sounds foreign to you now. 
It’s funny, because Finnick nearly did the same thing. He initially left the tree to find you, Katniss and Johanna because the wire snapped. And when he realized he wasn’t going to find any of you in time, he started to go back to the tree after he heard Katniss shouting for Peeta. By the time you got there, Katniss had already shot the arrow at the dome, and they were all paralyzed on the floor.
No matter how many times you bring this up to her, on the occasions you feel like arguing, she tells you that it’s different. Finnick was doing his job by going to save the Mockingjay. And that he was to guard the tree with Beetee, anyway. It made sense for him to go back to it.
You know you dig your grave a little further each time you throw Finnick under the bus, but you refuse to be held to a higher standard. It’s hypocrisy, because he’s her best friend, and she’s wearing rose tinted glasses when it comes to him. Sometimes you contemplate how much trouble you’d get in for wringing her neck, and then you wonder if you’ll earn an ounce of respect from her for doing it.
“I didn’t know you had tattoos.” A voice says.
You jump, pulling the top of the jumpsuit to your chest as you turn to see who it is that’s intruding. It’s Finnick, of course. He’s standing in the doorway of your assigned room, which you occupy alone. They had tried to make him your roommate, because from the surface it looked like you got along. 
It didn’t work out for multiple reasons. The main one being that he had so many breakdowns from his girlfriend being in the Capitol that he repeatedly got sent back to the hospital to be monitored. They kept his name on the plate next to the door with yours for a few weeks, but ultimately took it down when it was apparent that he wasn’t going to be stable enough to be on his own. 
And now that Annie is here in District Thirteen, he lives in a room with her.
“So is knocking not a custom in District Four?” You ask, face twisted. “Or are you a creep?”
Finnick’s eyebrows shoot up, and then he lets out a laugh. “I did knock, I thought you heard me.”
“Clearly not.” You snap, pulling your arms through the top of the jumpsuit. You button the front, looking over him. “And my tattoos are none of your concern.”
He ignores what you’ve said. “Did you get them in the Capitol?”
You press your lips together. “Where else would I have gotten them?”
He makes a face. “I don’t know, District Eleven?”
“We have more Peacekeepers than any of the districts combined, and you think we have tattoo parlors?” You ask. “And one of them is my soulmate mark, so it doesn’t count.” 
“Doesn’t mean you don’t know how to have fun.”
You glare. “What do you want?”
He takes in a breath. “You’re needed in Command.”
You sigh, motioning for Finnick to lead the way. He happily turns around in the doorway, heading out. You shut the door behind you, following him to the elevator. 
“Which tattoo is your soulmate mark?” Finnick asks.
“None of your business.” You tell him, trying to shut him down.
“Mine is this one.” He rolls up the sleeve on his right arm, getting it above his bicep to show you a pair of koi fish. “Annie has the same one.”
“I figured.” You mutter.
“Is it the one on your back left shoulder?” 
It is, he probably got a good view of it while you were trying to get dressed. You’re not sure how he came to the conclusion it’s that one in particular, because you have a group of tattoos on your back. It was advised for you to keep your front half clean for pictures. No one would want a picture of your back.
You went with it, even though you would’ve liked to be able to see them. You convinced yourself to wait a few years before you decide to do what you want. You thought by the time the next generation of victors came out, you’d be out of the spotlight and no one would care then.
“Why does it matter?” You counter.
“I’ve never seen a soulmate tattoo that big before.” Finnick shrugs, “Usually they’re smaller.”
“Yours isn’t that small.”
“I said usually.” Finnick looks at you.
When you make it to Command, you step inside to find it as cold and dark as it normally is. There’s a group of people standing on the far side of the room, the closer you get, the better you’re able to see who it is. The most notable faces are President Coin, Plutarch Heavensbee, and Haymitch Abernathy. 
Plutarch gives you a wide smile when you stop at the table. “Here she is now.”
“There’s no telling how Peeta would react to her.” Haymitch shakes his head. “If you want him to do this, he would have to do it alone.”
“Nonsense.” Plutarch waves him off. “Tell me, (Y/n), you used to bake, right?”
Your face scrunches. “How do you know that?”
“Your Victory Tour.” He says. “You said you made cakes and pies.”
You look from him to the table, because you honestly don’t remember mentioning that during your Victory Tour. “At home, yes.”
“And for weddings and parties.” He insists.
You stare at him in bewilderment. “I guess.”
Plutarch nods, looking at Coin. “I told you that she’d fit the description.”
“What do you need cakes and pies for?” You ask, looking at Haymitch for help.
“Finnick and Annie are getting married.” He tells you. “They would like Peeta to make the cake for the wedding.”
“So why do you need me?” 
“To help.” Plutarch says, as if it’s obvious. “Peeta won’t be able to make a cake that large on his own. And the staff in the kitchen aren’t prepared to tackle this task.”
“And I am?” You raise your eyebrows.
“Peeta will be in charge.” Coin clarifies. “You’ll help.”
You turn to look at Finnick, who’s approached the table, standing between you and Plutarch. You stare at him for a long moment, thinking of all the times he was an ass to you. How you swallowed it because you wanted to be the bigger person. Yet, he’s older than you so he should know better. And he never once stepped in to stop Johanna.
You decide to cash in on your good behavior. “No.”
When you look back at Coin, she’s got a hard expression on her face, encouraging you to challenge her further. Plutarch gawks for a second. “Well, we were hoping—”
“No, I’m not doing this for them.” You shake your head. “I have nothing against Annie, but Finnick is a different story.” You motion in a circle with your hand. “He does not deserve my help.”
Finnick makes a noise of disbelief. “Why?”
“Because we’re not friends.” You deadpan. “You made that explicitly clear during my first year of mentoring—you and Johanna. And while she was smearing my name, you didn’t once think to stop her.”
Haymitch sighs, eyes on Plutarch. “I tried to explain this to you.”
“That’s petty victor drama.” Plutarch tries to brush it off. “This is for a greater purpose, we want to film a propo to show the Capitol that we’re still celebrating.”
This bothers you too, but not nearly as much as making a cake for Finnick. “If Finnick wants me to help, he’ll apologize and ask me, himself.” You look at him, “Otherwise, Peeta can make the cake on his own.”
All eyes shift to Finnick expectantly. You watch as his skin begins to turn a gentle shade of red, embarrassed. “(Y/n), I’m sorry that I didn’t help you. Will you please make a cake for Annie and I?”
A part of you wishes you could make him beg a little bit more, but for now, this is good enough. “Sure, Finnick. It would be my honor.”
“Peeta, I knew you baked, but I didn’t think that you were this good.” You tell him, chewing on a piece of cake that he let you try.
“Thanks.” He lets out a laugh, using the back of his hand to move a stray hair out of his face.
“You said your parents were bakers?” You ask. “How did you manage that?”
“Yes, we all were. My parents ran it, my brothers and I worked. It wasn’t easy. The only reason why people could afford it was because we had to lower our prices.” He reaches for the blue dye at the end of the counter. “It was easier to run after I won.”
“I can imagine.” You nod. “I could finally buy the ingredients I wanted, instead of working with what I had.”
Peeta drops some of the food coloring into the icing. When he decides it’s enough, he stirs the color in, and you watch as it turns from white to a dark blue. Once it’s not getting any more potent, he backs away, reaching for the towel to dust the flour off his hands before reaching to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
“It’s so hot in here.” He shakes his head. “And stuffy. At the bakery, we’d open the windows to keep it from becoming a sauna.”
“There are no windows here.” You laugh. “It’s just a cement box. It’s a good thing I convinced Plutarch to give us tank tops. Could you imagine trying to work in those jumpsuits?”
He practically rolls his eyes. “I wouldn’t be.”
“I don’t think you were given much of a choice.” 
“Yeah, and neither were you.” He moves to the sink to wash his hands before returning to icing the cake. 
He’s finally gotten to the final tier. It’s taken him almost two hours to do the top half with how intricate the design is. It’s a good thing that he’s talented in that aspect, all you can do is make the cake base taste good on its own. 
You yawn, chin resting on your palm while you watch him create more waves. Your eyes flicker to the guards standing in the corner, who are here just in case Peeta has another one of his moments. He’s not himself yet, there are still times where he slips and freaks out. You’re sure you had them on the edge of their seat when you mentioned the family’s bakery.
“You can go, (Y/n).” Peeta tells you, backing off to fix the pipe in his hand. “I’m probably going to be here for a while longer to make the finishing touches.”
“Are you sure? I’m fine staying to keep you company.” You offer.
“No, it’s fine. I like the quiet.” He waves you off. “Go ahead.”
“Thank you.” You smile. “Will you be there tomorrow night for the wedding?”
“Most likely not, but feel free to visit me in the cell.”
You hold back your laugh, walking away. “I’ll keep that in mind. Goodnight, Peeta.”
“Goodnight.” He murmurs.
You push the door to leave the kitchen, shutting it gently behind you. A small hallway leads you directly into the dining area, where there’s dozens of picnic tables set up to eat at during the day. At this time of night, they should all be empty, but there’s one person here, sitting at the table closest to the walkway.
You plan to ignore her and head straight for your room a few floors up, when she clears her throat. “We need to talk.”
“I don’t want to talk to you.” You tell her, not bothering to stop. She gets to her feet.
You can hear her shoes against the floor, and then you feel a hard poke into the back of your left shoulder. “This is a problem.”
Your jaw sets as you turn quickly, grabbing her wrist. “Do not touch me.”
“When Finnick told me you had those leaves on the back of your shoulder, I didn’t believe him.” She says, face twisted. “Now that I’ve seen them, it’s different.”
You throw her arm back at her. “It’s none of your business, like I told him.”
“It is my business.” She tells you. “Considering it’s your soulmate mark.”
“Why? So you can spread rumors about that, too?” You shoot back. “I’m bulletproof, Johanna. Your words ricochet. All you’re doing is making an ass of yourself.”
“I have the same mark, idiot.” She snaps.
The insults you have sizzling on your tongue begin to die. “What?”
“The falling leaves? I have the same mark on my ribs.” She unbuttons her jumpsuit, pulling it wide open to show you the pale skin inside. By the dim light provided in the dining room, you’re able to see that she’s telling the truth.
Your face contorts. “You have to be kidding.”
“I’m obviously not.” She fixes the jumpsuit.
“That’s unfortunate.” You spit. You were hoping that you’d have someone that you could stand to be around.
“I don’t mind.” She admits.
“Well, I do.” You tell her, she locks eyes with you. “I wanted someone I actually liked and could get along with, not some egocentric asshole.”
“Egocentric.” She echoes.
“Yes, because you’re apparently better than I am, don’t you remember that? I’m inferior, you said so yourself.” You tilt your head. “I also remember you calling me pompous, and conceited, and hedonistic, and vain. And of course, your personal favorite, selfish. All words that mean the same thing, not that you’d know that.”
You throw your hands out. “Just because I had a different strategy on how to win the Hunger Games. This is actually so fucking ridiculous that it’s not funny anymore.”
Johanna stares at you, not knowing what to say.
“I mind.” You emphasize, “Now leave me alone.”
The next few days are a new level of torture that you’re not quite used to. It seems that word travels fast in this bunker, because you’ve heard everyone’s opinion about the matter on your hands. As if what they think will make a difference or change your mind.
The good thing is that you’re used to this treatment to a certain extent. It’s what happened while you were mentoring. Which would be amusing, if you’re not tired of being treated this way. You’re right back to being scrutinized, this time for a new scenario.
As if it couldn’t get any worse, you were informed earlier this afternoon that you’d have to participate in the wedding ceremony. Plutarch said he wasn’t going to pull you aside for an interview or demand you make a toast. He just wants you to be here, so that when they do catch you on camera, there’s a sense of camaraderie. Even if it’s clear on your face that you’d rather be elsewhere.
After working on that cake with Peeta for several days, you formed a friendship with him. You were hoping that they’d let him out so that you could talk to him throughout the wedding. They can’t risk it, not with Katniss in attendance. One wrong move and it could trigger him into another attack.
You’ve settled for blending in somewhere in the middle of the crowd. You’re keeping close to the front so you seem interested in the traditional dancing, but far away enough to the point you’ll be easily looked over. And you’re keeping your distance from Johanna, who’s still by the chairs on the other side of the room, because she hasn’t let the soulmate thing go. 
She wants to fix what she broke, not caring that you’re uninterested. Maybe if she knew how to treat people with dignity, it wouldn’t have gone this far. Instead, she chose to make assumptions about you and ran with it. While telling the people around her that her beliefs are true.
You can’t stand her.
When the crowd comes to a lull, they decide to bring out the cake, the only thing you were still here for. You wanted to see the reactions of the people around you, that way you’d be able to report it back to Peeta later on. While you might not have done much besides building the foundation, he did a fantastic job of making sure that not a single detail was missed on that cake. He deserves every ounce of praise.
There’s gasps, low murmurs. They don’t announce who made and decorated the cake, only that it had taken the two of you days to complete it on time. Once Finnick and Annie have cut out their slice, you quietly slip out of the room, wanting to go back to your bed, tired after the long day.
You don’t even make it a step before the door is opening behind you. You glance over your shoulder to see who it is, and see that it’s one of the many random people that were selected to participate.
“You’re a loyalist, aren’t you?” He asks, tone threatening.
“Excuse me?” You ask, slowing down.
“That’s why you kiss-ass when it comes to the Capitol.” He’s walking in your direction. “Always defendin’ them.”
District Twelve. The people of Thirteen don’t cut corners with words, a lot of the people of Katniss and Peeta’s district do, whether they realize it or not.
“I don’t defend the Capitol.”
“Your interviews said otherwise.” 
“Those were done years ago.” Your face twists. “I was a teenager when I was being asked those questions.”
“That doesn’t change anythin’. My skin crawls just knowin’ you’re sleepin’ on the same floor as me.”
“Then sleep on a different floor.” You tell him through gritted teeth. “You have a problem with something that isn’t even real. If I was a loyalist, would I have helped the rebels get Katniss out of the arena?”
“You left them behind.”
You roll your eyes, unable to help it. You were hoping you’d be through with this, but it seems as if Johanna’s words will continue to follow you. And now, they’re going to get you into some questionable situations. They aren’t dangerous for you, though. It is for him, coming up to you like this. You’ll flatten him on the concrete.
You take a step toward him, planning to teach him some manners when the door opens behind him, stopping you. Johanna’s face is screwed tight. “Leave her alone.”
The man scoffs. “I’d be doin’ us a favor, gettin’ rid of her.”
“No, you wouldn’t.” She snaps, striding forward to grab him, yanking him back. “If you so much as lay a finger on her, I’ll break every bone in your body.”
The tone of voice keeps him from pressing her further, raising his hands in defeat. He gives you a look before twisting out of her grasp, going back to join the party. 
You eye Johanna for a second, “I don’t need your help.”
“I know.” She heads for the door. “Doesn’t mean I won’t step in.”
You catch the look she sends your way before leaving the hallway. If this is what she plans to do in order to make you forgive her, she’ll be doing it for the rest of her life, because it’s practically meaningless to you.
Still, you suppose that you can give her some credit for trying.
this was part of my 3k celebration!!
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valsverse · 10 months
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ྂ DATING JOHANNA MASON | gender not specified, but fem!aligned.
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johanna mason, whose preferred love language is being an asshole. (affectionately)
johanna mason, whose walls always remain up after her two experiences in the arena, but somehow crumble involuntarily when she's around you.
johanna mason, who lets you touch up the cherry red streaks in her hair, standing between your legs while you sit on the countertop, face cradled in your hands as you coat every strand of hers with the color.
johanna mason, whose eyes flicker from sharp and piercing to ever so soft as her gaze lands on you.
johanna mason, who talks of future plans with you during the games should she not survive the quarter quell, dreaming of the house you would have bought and the life you would have shared if it weren't for the corruption of the capitol.
johanna mason, who teaches you how to wield an axe, her scarred hands cradling yours as she guides you through the motions.
johanna mason, who tends a nasty gash on your arm after your attempt at wielding said axe.
johanna mason, who scolds you for attempting to use her axe and mocks your 'stupidity', as if she hadn't been totally terrified just seconds earlier.
johanna mason, who's the black cat to your golden retriever.
johanna mason, who lets you call her by all the cheesy nicknames you wish—nicknames that she would rather die than hear come from anyone else's mouth. johanna mason, who feigns disapproval of such affectionate names, but you can see the slight upturn of her lips whenever you address her by one.
johanna mason, who is constantly afraid of you leaving her, due to her snappy and impatient personality that she uses as a defense mechanism to cover up the vulnerability and trauma that lies underneath. johanna mason, who has never let you know about her insecurities, but maybe she'll let it slip as the years go by.
johanna mason, who's a total winter bug and immediately clings to you the second the temperature drops. latching onto your leg and gazing up at you with red, puffy eyes and a runny nose as she suffers through the flu, begging for you to stay with her when you try to go brew her some tea.
johanna mason, who smiles a lot more when you're around. and not her usual cynical 'i'm lowkey judging you' smile, but a quirk-lipped smirk that appears every time you enter the room.
johanna mason, who wakes up thrashing and trembling in the middle of the night, as the nightmares of her time in the capitol continue to haunt her even after she escaped. she either clings onto you for dear life, needing to feel your touch, or pushes you away completely, struggling to come to grips with her reality.
johanna mason, who holds you firmly against her when you both go back to sleep, her eyes unblinking for the first few hours because she needs the reassurance that she isn't dreaming and that you won't leave her.
johanna mason, who whispers to you in your sleep, telling you how much you mean to her because there's no way she can be this soft when you're awake.
in conclusion, johanna mason. that's it.
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©heartss4val — do not steal, edit, or repost my works. plagiarism is prohibited.
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avoxrising · 1 year
Miss Nectarine ~ Johanna Mason x Femme Reader
Warnings: Homphobia
This is a hunger games one shot based on the song Miss Nectarine by Ashnikko. Enjoy :)
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It started when we were 14. District 7 was unbearably hot in August so you and your best friend Johanna decided to go down to the lake and swim. The specific lake you went to was small and somewhat out of the way of most people in your district, so you two often opted to swim sans clothing as you couldn’t afford bathing suits and wearing wet jeans sucked.
“Earth to y/n,” Johanna states, snapping you out of your trance. You definitely weren’t staring at her…
“What?” you ask.
“We should get going,” Johanna says as she wades towards shore to put back on her clothes. “The mill will be closing for the day soon and I don’t want the creepy old lumberjack men coming over to our lake to stare at us.”
“Fine,” you relent as you exit the water and put on your clothes as well.
“Tomorrow meet me at the lumber yard by my house at dawn,” you tell her. This was your favorite place to meet up besides the lake. She agrees and you depart for your house.
Your parents were less than enthused about your friendship with Johanna. Many townsfolk had seen you two skinny dipping and no matter how many times both of you had told your parents you were just friends, the neighbors still gossiped.
Being gay in District 7 was seen as a big no no. The people in the district were weirdly spiritual, believing that if you were gay you would go to a bad place in the afterlife. Neither you nor Johanna believed any of it but it was hard to avoid hearing it.
You actually met Johanna at a spiritual service your parents took you to for the autumn festival a few years ago. Johanna was the only other girl your age who didn’t seem to be into the lessons either. And she was undeniably attractive.
“Were you out with Johanna again?” your mother asks as you arrive home, noticing your wet hair.
“Yea uh we just went swimming,” you reply. “It’s hot.”
“Y/n what did I tell you about going swimming with Johanna?” your mother scolds you. “People are going to think you’re a homosexual and burn you at the stake.”
You quickly head to your room, realizing that what your mother said was correct even if it wasn’t fair.
Meeting up with Johanna in the mornings before school was always your favorite time of day. The lumber yard by your house sat on a hill that was perfect for watching the sunrise over the forest. The two of you often used this time to laugh about the people at school or talk about the latest neighborhood gossip.
“Omg y/n I met the cutest guy on my walk home yesterday!” Johanna gushes to you.
“Oh uh what’s his name?” you ask.
“His name is Jack and he’s in the grade above us. The super cute guy with the brown spiked hair,” she replies.
“I think I’ve seen him,” you shrug.
“He wants to hang out after school today and I’m so nervous,” Johanna exclaims. “What if he wants to kiss me?”
“Then you kiss him,” you state.
“But I don’t know how to kiss people,” Johanna sighs, seemingly frustrated with herself.
After a moment of silence, Johanna suddenly blurts out, “Can we practice? Kissing I mean. I want to know what I’m doing when Jack kisses me.”
Stupidly agreeing, you proceed to kiss Johanna, the girl you have had a crush on for 2 years, and a girl who would never love you back. Kissing her was even better than you had pictured it, but she was the most boy crazy person you knew. No matter what there would always be boys that would be her first choice over you.
Your routine of practicing kissing with Johanna continues up until you’re 16. You claim it’s so you can “get really good at it” but really you just want to kiss her. In those moments you can close your eyes and pretend she’s really yours.
Meetups now involve liquor and short shorts as you continue riding the fuzzy line between friends and more than friends. It was never more than kissing, and never more than platonic on her end, but you wish it was something real.
This dream shatters when her mother catches you two kissing at the lumber yard one morning. Johanna had forgotten her lunch at home so her mother had gone to your house in an attempt to find her, and your mother pointed her in the direction of the lumber yard. Her mother flew into a rage, more over the kissing than the alcohol, and dragged Johanna by her hair back to her house, screaming at her the whole way.
You immediately followed and tried to apologize. Saying how it was all your idea and Johanna had nothing to do with it. Tears streamed down your face as you realized what Johanna’s parents would do to her. No matter how much you tried to take the blame for what happened, you both were now painted as “sexual deviants”. Maybe if you attended more spiritual events with your mother this feeling inside of you would go away, and you would be seen as normal. Maybe you could “fix” yourself in the eyes of your community.
You didn’t see Johanna for almost a year after that date. Her parents sent her off to a camp for troubled youth and your parents grounded you and kept you in the house. Every single day you wished you could go back and undo it all; save Johanna from the punishments she’s enduring. It’s not fair. Maybe one day you’ll live in a district where you could love anyone you wanted to, but not now and not here in 7.
The next time you saw Johanna was at the reaping ceremony. Her hair was longer and her body seemed strong. The camp she had attended was known for working the kids in the forests so her muscles had grown. She seemed angry and dejected, as if she was still being punished for what happened. You wanted more than anything to go stand next to her but her mother would have your head if she caught you.
After that day you realized that you could never have Johanna. Your boy crazy best friend was shipped off to the games and came back a victor. She moved to the other side of the district and now had her choice of any boy she wanted. You would always be the second choice.
She was your Miss Nectarine, and you were the girl who ruined her life.
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queuestarter · 9 months
johanna masterlist
* ˚ ✦ oneshots
coming soon
* ˚ ✦ requests
daybreak vivid diluted
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a-aexotic · 2 years
HEYYYY! So like every other mf on the planet right now I am in my hunger games era!!
Please could you write a Finnick x Reader where she is selected for the quarter quell (Maybe in her games she was lethal and killed like 10+ people?)
And when Katniss shoots the arena in catching fire she gets taken by the capitol (Like Peeta) and they torture her and shit? Then Finnick and her get there reunion she’s all like battered and bruided and it’s dead sad? Not sure if this made sense because i’m half asleep and dyselxic but let me know😭🤣
Maybe he says “It’s okay baby i got you” ??? x
hey of course i can! i hope u enjoy it babe <3 its a tiny bit long! my apologizes
cw's: angst, mentions of killing/dying, typical thg stuff, torture, ptsd, lmk if i missed anything
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You were one of the youngest victors alongside Finnick, being only 15 and having won your games. You were also from District 4. You won the 68th Hunger Games, a few years after Finnick.
When you were reaped, Finnick and Mags were your mentors. Finnick came off as self absorbed and arrogant but once you started talking to him, the more you realized that was total bullshit. He wasn't how the Capitol portrayed him, he was much more caring and compassionate. He was very sympathetic to your situation, having gone through the same things.
During your time in the arena, you were one of the most ruthless tributes of all time. In the beginning, you were easily overlooked. The tributes weren't thinking that you were going to be much of a challenge because of your size and the way you carried yourself.
But that was exactly how you wanted to be portrayed. You tricked the Careers into thinking you were some naïve little girl, stabbing them in the back (literally) the first chance you got. The Capitol loved the turn of events, cheering you on.
When you had come back home, you had finally understood the intensity of what you had done. You had killed a whole group of people, ending their lives permanently. Those people had lives and family who loved them, and now they're gone because of you.
You suffered through months and months from never ending nightmares. Even getting consoled by your mother didn't help anymore; she doesn't understand. You didn't even feel worthy of food anymore.
You closed off Mags and Finnick when you had come home, driving yourself into isolation and depression. You rarely went out anymore, eating one meal a day and slept more than 80% of the day. Even sleeping couldn't mend the eternal tiredness you had, the void that filled your body.
Finnick had felt more than responsible for your pain. He gave you time before he realized he was just adding to your pain. Even when you didn't communicate back to him, Finnick visited you every day. He gave you advice and told you what he had went through after the Games as well. Eventually you opened up more to Finnick, and slowly, he had become your best friend.
He had told you that numbing it wasn't going to make it go away. He reminded you that you had him and Mags to help you with this process, and that you weren't alone despite of how you felt.
He helped you regain your sense of purpose again, your self image again. Finnick had singlehandedly helped you rebuilt your sense of self again.
He saw a part of you in him, that scared 14 year old boy who was trying to go back home to his parents. He never wanted anyone to feel that, especially you.
He promised you that he would never let anything bad ever happen to you again.
During your Victor's tour, Snow had suddenly deemed you desirable by the Capitol, wanting to sell you as he did with Finnick. Finnick couldn't risk getting involved, wanting to protect his family.
Every night in the Capitol, you were always consoled by Finnick. Every time you had to do a favor, you remember walking to Finnick's room to sleep, not baring the thought of having to sleep alone in the cold bed. He was always there, holding your hand comfortingly as you both slept.
The Capitol adored you both, nicknaming you the princess and prince of Panem. The more time you spent with Finnick, the more the media had speculated a relationship between the young victors.
You and Finnick had connected in many ways. Both having the same trauma, it was easy to talk to him and for him to understand how hard it was.
You and Finnick eventually got together a few years later, then getting married (in secret, of course) almost right after. You were both deeply in love.
Finnick found solace in the thought of always having you by his side, remembering that no one could tear you apart. That was until the Quarter Quell was announced.
You and Finnick were sitting at the edge of the couch, listening to Caesar's words carefully as he explained that this year's Hunger Games was going to be very different.
When it was announced that there will be only be Victors in this year's games, you heard dropped. You looked over at Finnick and he shared the same terrified look on his face.
When Annie's name had been called, you without any second thought, put up your hand. "I volunteer as tribute."
The crowd gasped and you looked over at Annie and you could tell she was a bit relived but still scared nonetheless. You immediately embraced her tightly, letting her let out a small sob. "It's okay, you're okay."
Mags looked just as terrified and you took her hand. When Finnick's name was called, you felt your stomach drop. Not only were you back in the arena, but you were with Finnick.
You looked over at Finnick and he looked prepared to fight. You both stood up and he grabbed your hand, raising it up in union.
The trainride to the Capitol was pretty uneventful. Finnick had wanted some time to think about the plan and so did you. A part of you knew what he was planning; he kill everyone else in the arena and then eventually himself, all for you.
As you sat on the bed, you felt the sadness and anger turn into numbness. No amount of crying was going to stop the Quater Quell and you had to be smart.
You didn't want to survive without Finnick. You were either winning with him or dying with him. Life would be meaningless without him.
Finnick knocked on your door slightly, before walking in. You looked up at him and he gave you a small smile. He took a seat next to and took your hand.
"I have a plan."
"Finnick, I know what you're thinking, and no. You're not killing yourself for me."
Finnick looked defeated. "One of us has to survive, Y/N. For Annie. For Mags."
You look a deep inhale, looking away from Finnick. "I don't want to life without you, everything would lose all it's meaning without you."
Finnick felt his heart burst into two pieces as he squeezed your hand. You felt your eyes watering again and you couldn't help but let out another quiet cry as Finnick pulled your head in, as he embraced you tightly.
"Shh, it's okay. I promise, I won't... I won't leave you."
It had all happened so fast, you couldn't even comprehend what had just happened. One moment, you were with Finnick trying to find Johanna and Katniss and suddenly there was big loud boom. You were relieved for a moment; Plutarch's plan had worked. Until you realized how far away you were from the others.
You were wandering, trying to find anyone until you heard people behind you. You turned and then you saw some unfamiliar faces; suddenly, your vision went black.
Then, you woke up in a white room. You felt like your stomach had dropped out of your body once the realization hit you; the Capitol captured you.
You were strapped down to a bed and you couldn't move or shake it off. The severity of the situation had hit you; even if by some miracle you did escape, where would you go? How would you find your way to 13 and back to Finnick?
You knew how ruthless the Capitol was to everyone who disobeyed them. Your worst fears had come true and there was no getting out of here.
You heard the door open and you saw some Peacekeepers come in and then you saw the person you dreaded to see most; Snow. You felt like your whole had come crashing down, how could this nightmare become any worse?
"Hello, Y/N."
You didn't respond, resorting to stare at the wall in front of you instead.
He tutted disappointedly. "Out of all the tributes, you were the one I expected least to be involved in this mess. You are the Princess of Panem... What a shame."
You still hadn't replied and you hadn't dared to look at Snow. Months and months you spent trying to heal the trauma he had caused you, you were sure if you had to look at him now, you would break.
"I want to take mercy on you, dear Y/N. If you tell me everything you know about the rebellion, I will make sure the Peacekeepers are gentle with you."
You shook your head. "No."
He let out a small chuckle. "Sorry, I couldn't hear you. What?"
"No." You said again, louder.
He hummed in disapproval. "Okay then, you leave me no choice. You are going to regret this."
He nodded to the Peacekeepers and walked out of the room. You were then met with Peacekeepers, loosening the straps then taking you to another room.
If Snow knew one thing about you, it was that being only physical with you wouldn't hurt you enough. He had to hit you were it hurt most.
They threw you in the seemingly vacant room and immediately locking it. You were confused until you heard it.
"Y/N, help me!" Finnick's voice screamed. "Please, help me! Get up and do something, they're killing me! Please."
You looked everywhere in the dark room, trying to find the source. It kept going.
"Y/N, please! Help! What the hell are you doing, just sitting there? You are such a disappointment!" The voice started shouting. "We should've just left you to died in the arena! You are useless!"
Now this was something new. Your body was filled with panic and fear and even though you knew it was fake, you felt like you were going to throw up from all the noise.
Suddenly, Annie's voice came in as well. Then Johanna's. Then your mother's. There was nonstop noise filled with screams for help, shouting with disapproving messages. Your body couldn't handle it; it was so overwhelmed with fear that you started shaking on the ground, putting your hands on your ears but that did little to nothing.
You wanted it to stop. It was too much, you were trembling. It felt like days, just sitting there in that room listening to all those demeaning voices of your loved ones. You couldn't even think straight anymore.
It was so bad you had started to pound your head on the ground, screaming and crying. You had have enough. And then, it all stopped. Silence was foreign for you; your ears were ringing.
You were sitting on the ground, almost lifeless as the Peacekeepers took you away. Your eyes hurt from the tears, your body sore, your ears ringing and your head was pounding.
But you knew that was just the beginning.
You were asleep in bed and you were awakened by the door opening, you instantly jolted up. You looked over to see a group of masked men in front of you and you had started to tremble again, silent tears rolling down your face, thinking that the Peacekeepers had come again.
"No, no, no." You started to mumble to yourself.
A man came up to your and took your bruised hand slowly, rubbing it gently in silent empathy. That was the first soft touch you'd felt in a few weeks and it almost stung.
"It's okay, you're safe now. You're going to 13 now."
You had to blink a couple times, trying to process what he said. Was this a dream? You went to pinch yourself but it was real life.
He then helped you up but you couldn't help but stumble; your legs were weak, you couldn't remember the last time the Peacekeepers let you walk for this long.
As you got into the hovercraft, you saw Annie. Your eyes widened as you both ran up to each other, embracing each other. She had started to cry a little bit and so did you.
That was when it hit you. You were going to see Finnick. You were going home. You started crying into Annie's shoulder as she held you. "We're safe now, we're safe."
You had seen Johanna as well but she didn't seem too responsive. Neither did Peeta. You fell asleep on Annie's shoulder on the ride back and for the first time, you actually felt yourself drifting off calmly.
There were lots of doctors and nurses looking at you and asking you all sorts of questions and you tried your best to answer them. You were still in shock; you were safe. They couldn't hurt you anymore.
"Y/N?" You turned around to see Finnick. You immediately got up from the examiner's table and ran into his arms, your eyes starting to water up again.
"Finnick," you sighed slowly. You pulled away, putting your hands on his face and touched him as if he wasn't real.
"Are you.. Are you really here?"
"Yes, I'm really here." Finnick looked at you and suddenly his voice transported you back into the dark room. You quickly twisted out of his embrace and his expression changed.
His voice was back and you heard all of the nasty things he had to you. You back away, stumbling into the examiner's table and your breathing became heavy. "No, no, no, please-please go away. No."
You slid down to the floor and you closed your eyes, putting your hands on your ears and rocking back and forth trying to get that voice to stop.
Finnick ran up to you and put his hands on your knees, trying to get you to look at him. His heart broke in half; he didn't know what the Capitol had done to you but now he knows it has something to do with him.
Of course the Capitol would try to ruin him. His eyes started to tear up at the sight of you, in so much pain and panic.
You opened your eyes, Finnick in front of you. You started to cry some more before Finnick slowly went up to you, wrapping his arms around you.
When he had started wrapping your arms around you, your instinct was to push him away but his warmth was welcoming and safe and you started to focus on his touch. The voices slowly drifted away, the sounds of your silent sobs only being heard.
You then gave into Finnick's touch, falling into him and putting your head in his chest as he caressed your back gently, shushing you.
"It's okay baby, I got you. You're safe now, they can't hurt you."
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queen-of-reptiles · 6 months
description: lauren is fine, she is completely fine. she is definitely not dating sam kerr's younger sister. and sam kerr definitely hasn't just walked into y/n's flat with her spare key. lauren is completely fine
lauren james x kerr!reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction remember that and have fun ;)
warnings: idk where to begin, smutttt - cunnilingus, thigh riding, fingering, slight breath play, choking, marking, fluff, swearing, cute sisterly relationships
18+ (At start and at end.)
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y/n's head span as she gasped, hand reaching down to clasp with Lauren's as the woman grunted into her, tongue darting in and out of y/n, nose brushing her clit as she spasmed.
"Ah, Lauren. Close." y/n gasped, hand gripping Lauren's tighter as her breathing sped up, back arching as Lauren's tongue did nothing to slow down.
Lauren moved her head, pushing her nose harsher against y/n's clit which caused a moan to escape her lips as she tensed, her stomach spasming.
"Come on." Lauren said gruffly, her tongue going back to work as y/n finally came, a cry of relief leaving from her lips as she does so.
Lauren's tongue does not completely leave y/n, instead using lazy strokes to calm the girl down from her orgasm, only once Lauren felt as if she had tasted her girlfriend enough did she come up for air.
Lauren pushed upwards, arms flexing as she came to lie next to y/n once again, leaning down to press a long kiss to her lips, her tongue sweeping through y/n's mouth.
"Taste yourself." Lauren all but grunted into her mouth. "Taste what I did to you." She continued, y/n's eyes rolled into the back of her head at the words.
The two pulled away, a lazy grin on Lauren's face at the red cheeks of y/n as she pecks her lips once more, smirking at how flustered the Australian was.
"Hmm, that's a way to wake up in the morning." y/n smiles, leaning into Lauren's shoulder who smiles and wraps an arm around her girlfriend.
"Wake you up like that anytime." Lauren shrugs and y/n grins liking the sound of it.
Just as Lauren goes to say something there is the sound of the front door opening and the two tense, both knowing that other than Lauren only one other person had a key.
"Squirt?" Sam calls out and the two spring into action.
"One sec Sammy!" y/n calls, Lauren rushing and grabbing her clothes, throwing y/n her own.
"Oh fuck." Lauren whispers.
"Oh fuck." y/n agrees quietly.
Sam Kerr, Australia's sweetheart, best striker in potentially the WSL and a ground-breaking personality in the world of Women's Football and sport as a whole.
Sam Kerr. Also known as Lauren and y/n's team-mate, mentor and y/n's older sister.
Lauren sent y/n a wide eyed look, both of them as worried and panicked at the other as Lauren slid into y/n's ensuite, y/n tugging on her joggers as she darted out of her room and shuts the door.
"Sammy!" y/n grins racing at her sister who hugs her. "What are you doing here?" y/n asks and Sam shrugs.
"Thought we could go get some breakfast." Sam says and y/n nods, knowing they had late training today.
"Of course, let me just shower." y/n smiles and Sam pauses, knowing her sister was a natural early riser.
"You slept in?" Sam asks.
"Yeah, late night, stayed up binging doctor who." y/n lies easily and Sam chuckles, rolling her eyes.
"You and that fucking show." Sam snorts and y/n lets out a small fake laugh as she moves back toward her bedroom.
y/n enters and Lauren is lent against the wall, scrolling through Instagram as y/n grabs her and drags her into the bathroom. Lauren smirks slightly as she quickly strips herself of her joggers.
y/n finally rids herself of her clothes, quickly ridding Lauren of her own as she drags her into the shower and turns it on, looking toward the bathroom door which she quickly makes sure is locked.
With the shower on and making noise y/n finally feels safe enough to let out a relieved breath as she knows Sam will have turned her X-box on to play a few FIFA games knowing her younger sister took ages to shower.
"Careful baby, your sister is in the other room." Lauren smirks teasingly and y/n glares at her.
"You ain't getting shit James." y/n warns as she washes herself clean.
"Are you sure?" Lauren asks lowly, hand squeezing at y/n's waist as she slides it down, her dull nails scraping at her hip. y/n lets out a stuttered gasp, the Australian naturally tipping her head back onto Lauren's broad shoulder.
Lauren can't help but let out a small chuckle at the power she knew she held over y/n, leaning down to press a series of light kisses down y/n's painfully unmarked neck.
Lauren's teeth pull at the skin under y/n's collarbone, both of her hands gripping at y/n's hips now, tilting her pelvis back into her as she grids lightly against her.
"Lauren." y/n warns breathily.
"What baby?" Lauren asks, grateful she had kept her braids in as she was now stood under the stream of water which would have been a pain to dry her hair from.
"Squirt?" Sam asks, the door handle coming down but the lock doing its job and stopping her entering.
"Just coming!" y/n calls quickly as she turns off the shower and steps out.
The girl wraps her hair in a towel, glaring at Lauren who was stood smugly against the shower door, eyes raking down y/n's dripping thighs which were scattered with marks.
"Since when do you lock the bathroom door?" Sam asks from the other side.
"Must have done it on reflex." y/n calls out. Not bothering too look in the mirror as she quickly moisturises her face. "I'll text you when we're gone." y/n whispers to Lauren, before pressing a peck to the woman's lips.
y/n then quickly slides from the bathroom and into her room, turning off the light as she wraps her towel around her. She could hear the FIFA game coming from the living room and rolls her eyes as she changes quickly.
y/n tugs on a top, pulling her jacket over the top of it and then grabs her bag and phone, cursing herself at the text Sam had sent her an hour ago warning her she was going to appear.
y/n then leaves her bedroom, smiling at Sam as she pulls her socks and then trainers on. Sam finishes her game and switches the TV off as y/n snorts.
"You only come here to use my games." y/n teases as Sam grabs her car keys.
"Shut up." Sam snorts as they get to the front door. y/n looks down, eyes widening at Lauren's trainers which were on the rack and she positions herself in front of them, hoping Sam hasn't noticed.
y/n follows her sister out, locking the door knowing full well Lauren would use her key once she left for training. y/n hops into Sam's car and her heart finally slows down as they pull away from her home.
y/n switches on her phone, instantly connecting to Sam's car and blaring some music out which makes Sam groan mockingly, y/n rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out.
"Shut up." y/n snorts.
"No you." Sam counters.
"No you." y/n says back and Sam rolls her eyes.
"Annoying dickhead." Sam says and y/n chuckles as they pull up to their usual breakfast place. y/n sends a quick text to Lauren.
to lauren <3: All clear xx
from lauren: I'll see you at training x
y/n doesn't reply, knowing if she does Sam will get suspicious on who she is talking too, so she shuts her phone and follows Sam out of the car and into the cafe.
"Isn't that LJ's top?" Sam asks as y/n takes her jacket off. If y/n's heart had stopped, she wouldn't have been shocked, because that is what it felt like.
"Oh yeah, I borrowed it a few weeks ago and she said I could keep it." y/n shrugs easily and Sam's eyebrows furrow.
"I could have sworn I saw her in it the other day." She says before shrugging and looking at the menu.
"I don't know why you bother looking. You always get the same thing." y/n teases, trying to get the topic to move on.
"Shut it squirt." Sam snorts before proceeding to order the same thing with their usual waitress.
y/n just posted on her story x2
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y/n turned up at training a lot calmer than she had been that morning. Throughout her breakfast with Sam panic was flooding her and guilt was creeping into her heart.
What she and Lauren had started was good, great even for them both, Lauren was calmer, y/n was happier, and no one knew that it was the other making them so.
But y/n and her sister had always been close, y/n had always wanted to be like Sam and while the midfielder had slightly taken a different football route, she had ended in the same place, repping Chelsea blue.
Lauren and y/n were still relatively new, only 4 almost 5 months in to being official having started seeing each other just before the beginning of the World Cup.
No one on social media suspected anything, none of their teammates seemed to notice, so they had just kept quiet when they returned and continued falling in love.
And y/n was sure that was what was happening. The 21-year-old was sure she was falling in love, if not in love with Lauren. She had never felt so seen, so understood by someone.
With Lauren she wasn't Sam Kerr's sister, she wasn't the future of Australia. She was just y/n, and it made her feel so special being looked at by Lauren.
The woman could tell if she was angry, upset, happy or nervous with a single glance, and she could calm it with nothing but a look, a glancing touch.
y/n had never been powerless, she was filled with attitude and delight, but she had never fell apart for someone as easily as she had for Lauren, she had never let anyone see her or understand her the way Lauren always had.
Training had started well, the sister duo pairing up for the pre-match games and then the group of players sunk into their usual before lunch match.
y/n was running down the wing, looking toward Erin who was trailing with her, Lauren tracked back, following her girlfriend as she tried to tackle, y/n turned, dragging the ball with her.
But Lauren knew her, knew her tricks and instead of sliding past bounced off her toes and followed left which made y/n sigh. She passed out to Erin, Lauren sending her a smirk.
y/n followed Erin down, trying to get past Lauren who manages to intercept Erin's cross out for a corner. The two teams lined up as Emma called out a warning saying this would be the last kick of the game.
y/n stood strong, her sister grinning at her due to the fact her team was currently 1 goal above Erin's and went to mark her sister, however Lauren had already covered her, easily slotting behind her girlfriend.
Sam furrows her brows for a second but then shrugs and goes to mark Johanna instead. Lauren's hand brushes y/n's back and the woman pushes her elbow back, rolling her shoulders as she watches the ball fly in.
y/n races forward, Lauren right behind her as she jumps and her head fires the ball into the corner. y/n slowly comes down, the bodies around her pushing her off balance.
Lauren quickly wraps her arms around her y/n, stabling her as she comes down by pulling y/n tight to her chest as y/n's feet finally settle on the floor.
y/n sighs out in relief, relaxing back into Lauren's chest in relief as she rests her head onto Lauren's shoulder, the two looking so natural that Millie does a double take.
"Nice catch LJ!" Emma calls out as lunch is called.
"She was a fairy." Millie teases, y/n laugh as she grins at Lauren in thanks who squeezes her waist briefly before y/n runs at Millie, jumping onto her back.
"y/n!" Emma calls waving the girl over.
"Oooh someone's in trouble." Millie teases as she drops y/n next to Emma.
"Shove off Bright." y/n laughs pushing her captain away who gasps mockingly.
"I'll have you benched for that!" Millie gasps dramatically.
"No you bloody won't." Emma warns her, before everyone trudges away and y/n follows Emma to her office where the woman sits her down. "I'll let you go to lunch in a second." Emma promises.
"It's okay." y/n promises her manager who sits on the edge of her desk.
"I just wanted to ask." Emma begins, handing y/n a water bottle she had picked up. "Does Sam know?" She asks as y/n takes a sip, instantly choking on the water in shock.
"Holy shit." y/n gasps out, swallowing her mouthful of water. "Know what?" y/n asks as Emma sends her a dry look.
"That there is something clearly going on between you and Lauren." Emma says and y/n sighs.
"Is it that obvious?" y/n asks.
"I'll take that as a no." Emma sighs. "But it isn't obvious, I just know you both too well." Emma explains and y/n sighs.
"I swear boss, I'll tell her, it won't be a big deal." y/n promises Emma who sighs and runs a hand over her face.
"If that was true, you would have done so already." Emma warns her.
y/n shoulders sink. If she was honest, she had no clue how Sam would react, she could be happy, she could be mad, she could be shocked, hurt the list was endless.
"Why haven't you told anyone?" Emma can't help but ask and y/n sighs, knowing full well someone did know.
"Technically, Lucy Bronze knows." y/n says and Emma hums, knowing y/n and Lucy were close as y/n had played at Lyon for a season and a half before making her jump to Chelsea last year.
y/n had stayed with Lucy during that time, having been taken under the defender's wing who really helped her in the time away from her older sister.
"World cup?" Emma guesses and y/n nods.
"We had kind of began just before and continued during the world cup. Lucy walked into Lauren's room one night when we actually near the same place." y/n explains.
"And the reason?" She asks.
"I see how the media just tears everyone apart. Relationships, confidence, I mean I missed that shot a few weeks back and I just got annihilated for it." y/n continues.
"But you cannot let that get to you." Emma tries and y/n sighs.
"I know, but it does Emma." y/n says angrily. "And I just know, the second anything comes out about Lauren and I..." y/n sighs trailing off.
"You have to tell the team." Emma states and y/n throws her arms up in annoyance.
"Why?" She asks.
"Because I will not risk the chemistry I have created. You can't do it, I'll bench you." Emma warns.
"Emma!" y/n calls but the woman folds her arms. "I'm scared." y/n then sighs, folding her head in your hands.
"The girl who played for Australia at 16, scored the winning goal for the champions league at 17, is scared?" Emma asks and y/n nods.
"Terrified. All the time." y/n sighs and Emma's face drops her cold mask.
"Oh kid." Emma sighs and y/n looks up at her, heart in her throat. "Do you need to talk to someone?" She asks and y/n sighs.
"I don't know." y/n admits and Emma then sighs again.
"You've got until Friday to talk to Sam. We'll forget about the rest for now, eh?" She asks y/n who nods, trying to swallow the butterflies climbing her throat.
"Okay." y/n nods. Emma claps her on the shoulder and nods to the door and y/n nods. "Cheers boss." y/n says, and they both know it was meant deeper than just one way.
"Go get some lunch." Emma orders and y/n nods, walking into the lunch room where Sam already had a plate for her, just deepening the bite of guilt.
y/n just posted on her story x3
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y/n sat with Lauren, the two comfortably pressed together on y/n's sofa as they watched Match of the Day, both fed and showered after their day of training before the Brighton game tomorrow.
y/n had been quiet, Lauren had noticed it, her eyes were glazed over, as if she wasn't really in the moment and so Lauren pressed a kiss to her head.
"What's wrong?" Lauren asked softly.
"Emma knows." y/n says simply, her voice void of emotion as she expected Lauren to yell, to freak out.
"Okay." Lauren says calmly and y/n pauses, her stomach knotting in shock.
"What?" She asks.
"Okay." Lauren repeats calmly. "What do you want to do?" She then asks.
"We need to tell Sam." y/n says, again expecting Lauren to end it, but her grip just tightens.
"It is probably about time." Lauren agrees calmly and y/n sits up and turns to look at her.
"You're not mad? You're not going to yell? Leave?" y/n asks, her voice quiet and shocked. Lauren smiles softly, pecking y/n's nose as she sits up also, bringing the girl onto her lap.
"No baby. I'm not going to leave." Lauren promises and y/n moves her legs so she was straddling Lauren's lap.
"Why?" She asks softly and Lauren sighs.
"We've been together since May in my brain, and even if not, we made it official in September. It's now January, I think that's enough time." Lauren states and y/n smiles softly.
"Okay." y/n says with a breath of happiness.
Lauren chuckles and her hands cup y/n's jaw, bringing her in for a deep kiss which makes y/n's head spin as their lips collide, tongues infecting each other's mouths.
"I think you should speak to someone." Lauren says as they pull away. "About your anxiety, your overthinking." Lauren continues and y/n sighs.
"I know." She says softly and Lauren nods before diving back in for another kiss, ever since their first one she had found the little Australian completely addictive.
Lauren's hands chased y/n's body, running down her back, up her thighs, squeezing her waist before eventually stopping at her arse, squeezing at the skin and pushing her closer.
y/n gasped as Lauren's lips traced a pattern down her neck, the woman quickly throwing y/n's top over her heard and somewhere onto the sofa.
Lauren took y/n's nipple into her mouth, sucking harshly as y/n's back arched and Lauren's name fell from her lips in a breathy plead to continue the pleasure.
Lauren continued her actions, switching to the other breast, leaving the first nipple, red hard and painfully sucked as y/n slowly started to grind against Lauren.
The woman moved y/n to straddle her thigh so the pressure was more pleasing for the Australian and bit at y/n's nipple when she moaned at the move.
"Turn around and take these off." Lauren ordered quickly, snapping the waistband of y/n's joggers.
The woman nodded and jumped up, stripping quickly, leaving her underwear on as she lowers back onto Lauren's thigh backwards.
Lauren's hands landed on her hips, pushing y/n into a grind, at the feel y/n moaned and fell forward, hands landing on Lauren's knee to stabilise herself and she continued to ride Lauren's thigh.
Lauren stretched back, hands coming to rest behind her head as she stared at y/n's ass, thong pulling over her thigh as the wetness of y/n's arousal spilled through it.
"That's it, chase it baby." Lauren ordered lowly, hand coming to squeeze at y/n's cheek as her moans became breathier, desperately trying to push herself over that edge.
"Lauren, please." y/n begged, her whine making Lauren chuckle.
The woman pulled y/n back to her chest, one hand coming to squeeze her throat and keep her against her chest as the other held her waist stopping her grinding.
"Can't even cum without me anymore, huh?" Lauren asks, y/n whining in response. "What do you want baby? Huh?" Lauren asks.
y/n can't answer, too wound up and Lauren's hand slides from her waist and dips underneath the band of her underwear, fingers sliding through her slick folds.
"Need me here?" Lauren asks smugly when y/n jolts.
Suddenly Lauren's fingers rub at y/n's clit quickly, pushing the woman over an unexpected orgasm which Lauren continues rubbing her through it.
Only when y/n is writhing in her hold, begging for a moment does Lauren give y/n a break, her fingers sliding up her toned stomach and pushing her slick past her lips and into y/n's mouth.
Lauren abruptly stands up, y/n letting out a shocked shout as Lauren carried her to the bedroom and throws her against the bed, the girl bouncing.
"Weeee." y/n says and Lauren chuckles as she strips and slides the strap on, making sure it was harnessed properly before kneeling on the bed.
y/n leans up, pressing a kiss to Lauren's cheek before she spins them, pushing Lauren to sit against the headboard.
"Wanna ride you." y/n mutters, Lauren nodding her head dumbly as she watched y/n slowly lower herself onto the cock.
Lauren groaned out in relief, y/n's hands resting against the harness to make the pull on Lauren's clit feel better as she slowly pushed herself up and back down.
Lauren hands grabbed at her waist, pulling her closer and connected their mouths in a heated and deep kiss, moans tangling as y/n continued to push herself up and down on the cock.
As the knot built in y/n's stomach once more, she rocked while feeling full of Lauren's cock, the rocking pushing Lauren to the edge and her hand came to slap at y/n's ass.
The two gasped, cumming together as their mouths continued blending their noises together while they slowly came down, eventually parting as the room filled with slow pants and deep breaths.
y/n slowly sat off the cock, gasping slightly at the feel of her walls clenching around nothing as she laid back next to Lauren who un-clipped the harness from herself.
y/n couldn't help but smile into Lauren's bare shoulder as the two stayed tangled together in a mess of sweaty sheets. Lauren's lips were against her forehead as they caught their breath.
"I think I'm in love with you." y/n says softly and Lauren chuckles.
"I think I'm in love with you too." Lauren promises her and y/n hums.
"Oh." She says, not really expecting to hear it back. "That's good." y/n says softly. "That is really good." y/n repeats and Lauren chuckles.
"Yeah baby. It is." Lauren promises and they both smile into each other's skin.
END of part one
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heaven4lostgirls · 10 months
promises and dreams (part 3)
pairing: finnick odair x reader
warning: angst, canon typical violence and killing, mentions of finnick being trafficked
summary: finnick odair is your best friend, but somehow you cant find it within yourself to be aanything more. Now that the 75th Hunger Games calls for Victors to be reaped you make it your plan to bring Finnick back home to Annie or you will die trying
word count: 1.5k
a/n: part 3! i hope you guys like this, it might be a bit of a filler chapter but next chapter will be finnick and reader in the arena!
part 1, part 2, part 3
tag list: @l3xi3luv @yaesflorist @asapkyndall @midnowsss @fangirling-galore @marimarvelfan @d0p3ys-delusions @sierravogss @littleshadow17 @carolanns-world @pet1t3 @yourdailymemedelivery @merromimo (if your tags didn’t work pls check you can be tagged on your profile!)
Walking back to your room after the interviews, anxiety flooded your system. You knew that each of the tributes were doing their best to try and get the games cancelled and with Peeta’s sudden announcement, you all were waiting with bated breath in hopes that the games were stopped. However, realistically you all knew that you were all inevitably going to be put in the arena whether you liked it or not.
Finnick watches you with furrowed eyebrows as you try and control your breathing, your anxiety after coming out of the arena was horrible, the constant panic attacks and heart clenching fear that passed through you  at any given moment. “You, okay?” he murmurs as he nudges your side and you2 look up to him with tears lining your vision before you sniff, wipe your eyes, and give him a decisive nod. “Don’t worry about me” you tell him.
I’m always worrying about you. He thinks to himself and whilst in his own head, he realises he’s reached the room, as you unlock the door and walk to your own room, Finnick pauses and watches you walk, he sits on the couch in front of the tv and turns on some trashy Tv. As he hears the shower turn off and you make your way to sit on your bed, he gets up himself to walk to your room.
He pauses before he opens the door, he’s met with the sight of your wet hair as you sit in your pyjama’s as on the bed, looking out the window. “Hey” you mutter as you hear him walk closer. He only sits softly before you turn to look at him curiously. Without saying anything, you arch your eyebrow with urges Finnick to speak.
He looks almost embarrassed to speak and your look at his flushed cheeks before he murmurs softly, “Can I stay with you tonight…please?”  he asks and your throat chokes up in pain, the last time Finnick had ever asked to lay in your bed with you was just after you had found out President Snow had been selling his body.
When you wake, you’re alone on the bed and you can hear Finnick’s shower running on the opposite side of the apartment. You get up with ease as you shower and change into the training clothe provided by the Capitol. You stretch your limbs before you walk into the dining area where your stylist, Knox and mentor, Mags are sitting.
“Don’t you look lovely” Knox drawls as she watches you sit and pile your plate with food to prepare for the day, Mags only smiles kindly at you as she gestures to the time, letting you know that you should eat quickly if you want to be at the training grounds on time. “Lovely to see you too Knox” you say with a playful roll of your eyes.
You had spent majority of your time during your own games, hiding and only killing when necessary, however you knew you couldn’t possibly do that during the quarter quell and you needed to use your skills back at district 4 to your advantage.
You were pretty good with a spear, similarly with Finnick however you were exceptionally good knives, smaller ones that you had used back home gutting fish. That, was your primary focus of today, alongside forming allies. . Your train of thought is interrupted by hurried footsteps and a slammed door, you only catch the back of Finnick’s hair before he’s gone.
As you finish your meal you rush to the training grounds where you see Finnick already sparring a hologram with a trident, he looks focused, so you don’t bother to go up to him. Instead, you find yourself watching Johanna, she’s practicing with knives herself on a sparring mat and as you walk up to her, you see her glaring expression turn into a soft, somewhat still insane smile.
She’s about as angry as all the tributes on the grounds combined, you don’t  blame her because you know just how much she didn’t deserve to be dragged back here, just as much as you did. “Y/N Y/L/N” she says with a smile as you both hug one another, “ready to get your ass beat?” he cocks her eyebrow and you only meet her gaze with a smirk before you mutter, “ you’re on mason”.
Johanna’s strong, you’ll give her that, but her form is sloppy. She keeps her weak spots open too many times and you’re able to kill her far too easily for your liking, you spend your time giving her pointers as she helps you move with harsher movements and cleaner intents. She unsurprisingly enough knows the easiest places to cut that lead to the fastest deaths. ‘Crazy bitch’ you can’t help but think amusedly as you shake your head.
The only time you’re interrupted is when Katniss walks into the shooting range with her bow and arrow, slowly  but surely a crowd forms around her as you all watch  her take down all her targets seamlessly. “She’s going to be a problem” you hear Finnick mutter next to you and you still, you hadn’t even heard him walk up to you. Once composed however, you only look at  him slyly, “not if she’s an ally” you say. He looks impressed and nods before turning his gaze back to Katniss’ shooting which has ended.
 You all turn to carry on training before a bunch of peacekeepers walk up to you, Finnick and Johanna. You freeze in your place as you start thinking about the Capitol requesting Finnick’s presence, however the three of you are marched out of the grounds together. You and Finnick share a look of worry before he reaches across to grab your hand in comfort, before thinking better of it and moving his arm back to his side.
You’re all taken into a room where Plutarch Heavensbee sits in front of you all at a brown mahogany desk. “Welcome” he says with a smile on his face before he gestures to the three chairs laid out perfectly in front of his desk, “sit sit” he urges before you all cautiously take a seat.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Johanna says in an outburst of emotion, and you can only share her sentiment as you look at Plutarch with aa suspicious gaze. He only nods his head as the peacekeepers leave the room and then he turns completely serious as the smile drops off his face.
“I need your help” he says gravely, and you all look at each other in confusion, “District 13 is alive and well, there is a rebellion growing and I need your help in stopping the games and getting Katniss Everdeen out of that arena” he says, and your mouth can only drop open in shock.
You knew, just as everyone did about the riots that had taken place in the districts, but you had never had any way of knowing that it had grown to this stage. “A rebellion?” you can only question in astonishment before Plutarch sighs as he quickly mutters into a small mic before Haymitch walks through the doors behind you.
“This is fucking insane” Johanna cries and you look at Finnick who’s been silent the entire time, he looks at you for a brief second before turning his attention to Plutarch and Haymitch who seems to be swaying on his feet.
“Hey sweetheart” Haymitch says with a wink as he catches you looking at him in shock, you can’t help your smile before you hear Finnick scoff as he sarcastically mumbles the nickname under his breath, you look at him in confusion, but he avoids your gaze.
“You’re in on this?” you ask Haymitch as he looks at you with softness in his gaze, “Yeah,  I am. We need your help Y/N, we could take down Snow” he says and knowing Haymitch, everything he says shouldn’t be taken lightly in a time of seriousness.
You nod as you turn back to Plutarch and let him continue to explain the plan surrounding getting Katniss out of the arena safe and sound. He makes sure to mention that none of you are to die, if one of you are dead, the other two must carry your slack. You realise that even now, fighting for the rebellion. Your life is not your own, it belongs to Katniss, Finnick and even to Johanna. They have to make it out.
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3d-wifey · 1 year
And They'd Find Us In A Week Masterlist
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You run cold, you always have, it’s just another thing to love as far as Finnick is concerned. He himself emits heat like a furnace on the best of days. He remembers cold hands touching his heated skin, cold toes shocking the skin of his legs whenever you lay together. But now, now Finnick feels nothing but a hissing heat as your mouths press together. Heat like a hot knife cutting into a block of ice, like a blazing star consuming him in a ball of fire, only to sizzle into a warm embrace. He melts into you, trusting that you’ll sculpt him back together with your glacial grip.
After everything you and Finnick have gone through together, it only makes sense that you’ve grown a little attached.
Pairing: Finnick Odair x Reader
Status: Ongoing
AO3 - Find all content warnings in the Ao3 tags
Playlist - I highly recommend playing it while reading!!!
Fic recommendation and fic collage, both done by @parcetamoldaisy
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Tag List - @melancholicmelanin, @yvy1s, @glomp-me, @honethatty12, @swftlore, @hashcakes, @antoheartit, @finnickodaddy, @lilifl0wer, @antoheartit, @kermitcrimess, @persophonekarter, @aawdrea, @obaewankenobis, @xyxlyn, @meandurdaughtergotaspecialthing, @innercreationflower, @kisskittenn, @xngelsau, @honethatty12 , @drunkfrogg
Visual references for Finnick pre and post-canon for those of you who might need help imagining
A/N: Ao3 will be getting the chapters first, even though a majority of the fic is already done. Come listen to me rant about the story under #and they'd find us in a week.
Memes - 🌕
Fav lines - 1---12 Mine
Join the discord!
Part 1 - Catching Fire
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Part 2 - Mockingjay
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wonderlandwalker · 6 months
Soon and Sooner | Finnick Odair x Reader
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THG Masterlist / Inbox
Summary: Finnick makes his way back to you after the arena separated the two of you last night. He is worried about your safety in a place as cruel as this, but he knows in his heart he'll see you soon again. Turns out it wasn't exactly the reunion he had hoped for.
Content Warnings / Tags: Angst, violence, blood, wounds, mentions of death, hurt with no comfort, no use of y/n
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: I don't know how to write long fics I'm sorry, but enjoy this piece of heartbreak that's been stuck in my head xx
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Whether or not today was a good day depends on at what point of that day you asked. Finnick was alone, as alone as someone can be in the arena. He wonders at which point a greater plan is at work, and at which point it's a coincidence, but the more he thinks about it, the less he wants to. Maybe you had been separated on purpose, singling everyone out for a carefully curated show, maybe this was simply how things were meant to be. It doesn't matter either way, he tells himself, because he'll find his way back to you soon enough
The leaves rustled around him, and if he had been home the melody would have calmed him, but not here. It wasn't relaxing in the same way a breeze is on a summer day by the lakes, not serene any longer. In the arena it only put him on the edge further, dangerously close to the edge. He had last seen you yesterday, having no choice but to go in opposite directions. But that wasn't what worried him, because he knows how to find his way back, recalls the direction of the rendezvous you were probably waiting at already, all he had to do was get there too.
So he went on, only taking small breaks to refill his water, check his surroundings, make sure he would live to be with you once more. As the day passed and he got closer to his destination, he found himself growing negligent, deciding to worry later about the cut on his leg from the thick branches, not bothering to thread carefully over the ground anymore. He was growing restless, desperate.
It didn't take long for Finnick before he could already see the beach coming closer, determination carrying him far. With every step closer he couldn't deny his growing worry, his worry for you. He knew for sure you had survived the attack yesterday, your picture had not been shown in the sky and he had felt relieved, but this morning there was  a cannon, and he had no idea who that belonged to. He thinks he would know, somehow, if it had been you, that his heart was so irrevocably tied to yours he would have felt the string being cut, but that doesn't stop him from wondering, what if it had been you. What if you had been left with a fatal wound that claimed your life after hours of agony, what if there had been another attack, what if-. No, he would know, and he knows he'll see you again soon, so he continues on.
As he turned through the clearing, he could see you standing there, laughing at some joke Johanna had made. The two of you had always had a soft spot for each other, finding family in even the most dire of circumstances. As he finally saw you, the band around his heart released, no longer being tugged at with every step he took. As he finally got closer to you, he called out for you, knowing you’d reach out for him with the same amount of vigor. As he finally reached out for you, so close to having you in his arms once more, he was lost in the sight of you turning around, beaming at him, only for your expression to drop faster than his heart could. He hadn’t even seen it, hadn’t even thought about it, his sole focus on finding you. If he had paid more attention he might have remembered that he was not alone in this arena, that there were people here hunting you, that he was sharing delicate secrets by shouting them loudly, his mind too clouded by its current storm to even begin predicting the next.
He blinked once, twice, but your eyes were wide, no hesitation as you rushed forward. His mind tricking him with a false narrative of ease in a moment where he should have known better. You rushed for him, and he expected the sweet relief of holding you in his arms, but all you did was reach for his shoulders, spinning him around and out of the path of the tribute he could now see retreating back into the forest. He should have known better than to get lost in the euphoria of your presence, you’d always lecture him for it, ranting about how you’re not worth dying for. As he looked back over to you, expecting you to tell him exactly that and kiss him when he’d promise not to do it again, he wasn't smiling anymore either. His bubble shattered into pieces like the sand he was standing on, joining it in hopes that never came to be.
It was as if you hadn't blocked the hit at all, as if the dagger had found its way into his heart regardless. At first he didn't even see it, too caught up in the look of pain on your face, too determined to fix it for you, but he looked down to see he had assigned himself an impossible task.
He felt like a statue, ever forced to watch the violence of mankind without means of intervering. He wanted to envelop you in his arms and whisper assurances to you, but he was too scared that his white lies would be too crimson from the blood that was dripping down onto the beach. The beach, a place that held so many memories of the both of you, now forever stained by this single day.
Simple seconds ticked by, time he once thanked, betraying him. You dropped to the ground like a wave collapsing in on itself, holding a power too great that must now be returned. And the moment it did, the second your now limp body hit the sand beneath you, finding its final destination, he screamed once more. Maybe it was the shock being forced to wear off too soon, maybe it was the denial he didn't want to leave, but the sight before his own eyes was one he could no longer ignore.
He rushed for you, sliding onto his knees as he reached for you, shouting in agony for you to stand back up, to smile at him and cup his jaw like you always did when he was worried. He yelled at those around him, the people he called his friends, doing nothing to save you. And if he had been paying more attention, he would have heard the cannon just like them, would have heard the sound signaling it no longer mattered, because you were already gone. If he had been level headed he would have known that he was only attracted more attention from the other tributes out there, not that it would have mattered, he would have gladly stayed here for them to kill him, maybe he would have even wished for it, because his world would forever be incomplete without you. He would spend eternity searching for you even if he knew it was fruitless, because to him, you were absolutely worth dying for. Not that you’d let him, you would have never let him, you would lay down your own life before letting him sacrifice his, but he could do without the cruel reminder. 
Yes, he should have realized it was too late, but he couldn't, he couldn't hear anything other than the ringing in his ears from how loud he was screaming for you, desperate for you to comfort him, already longing to feel your fingers sifting through his hair, the one thing that calmed him down when nothing else could. He could feel someone reaching out to him, and he wished they were here to let him join you, wondering if you’d ever forgive him if he indulged the thought. But the touch didn’t bring relief, it was simply another painful truth trying to pull him into a now worthless world. 
He could hear them now, hear them talking about having to move, about getting him to move, it only made him cling to you harder. He could no longer feel your muscles confulsing in slight twitches against his fingers, the stillness was unsettling, but he wouldnt dare let go.
If only he could see the rose flush disappearing from your cheeks, the glimmer in your eyes fading to join the others amongst the stars, here you were, finally in his arms again, but he didn’t enjoy the feeling like he thought he would, here you were, reunited yet never having been able to say hello, never even being able to say goodbye. He wonders if he shouldn't have stopped to drink water from the stream he had passed, thinks about how he could have walked faster, not worried about a time limit he hadn’t even known existed, he ponders the possibilities from each and every second that had separated the two of you, every breath he took without you and every breath he’ll take longing for you now, wishing you’d be there to take it from him. Every step he took and every step he’ll be taking wishing you were at the end of it. 
He had been so sure he would see you soon, that you were still here because he could simply feel it, this time he felt it. He felt the connection being severed, and would spend the rest of his life holding on to his end of it. Would wonder for eternity what would happen if he'd only gotten here sooner.
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writesick-lover · 10 months
Just One Date
Finnick x reader!
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A/N: I honestly REALLY like this prompt and felt like it could work for Finnick! It's a bit too sudden, but I think that's kind of the charm of this whole idea, sudden, unexcpected but exciting ;) I might make a part two cause I think I built too good of a background for reader (at least in my mind) so please let me know how you like it!
Warning: a bit of swearing and mention of killing if you squint
Prompt: “I need just one date.”
“You think you can woo me with just one date?”
➷ ➷ ➷ ➷
It has been years since the perfectly arranged hell for Finnick Odair had started. But who would have thought about it? That the Capitol's sweetheart, the youngest victor who stole thousands of hearts across the whole country, now suffered in the wealthiest part of Panem?  Unimaginable. To be drowned in gold and washed in blessings, to wake up every day and have his plate filled with food and enough water to drink and bathe in, even for the whole day if he wanted but hate every single minute of it.
And though it was hard to grasp, that was Finnick Odair's case. Because Finnick dreaded every upcoming moment of his life since he was brought from his games as the victor, the survivor. The bloodthirsty drive to live, once warming his heart that followed him through each step in the arena, has now subsided, trapped by an iron fist of fear and desperation.
He could vaguely remember the first time those feelings had settled in, spreading through his veins like poison as he left his firts customer's bedroom, making him loathe every breath taken in and out by his body ever since. That's when he knew he would have thrown everything beautiful about his victorious survival just so he could live again. But that just wasn't the case for Finnick Odair, it simply wasn't his fate. And while his life was partially in his hands, he mostly felt like the blood of whatever part of himself he had killed was preventing him from moving on, from fighting. Maybe he grew tired of it. Maybe he thought he had enough of fighting for his whole lifetime.
He watched from afar, how fond the Capitol had become of District 12's star-crossed lovers, Katniss and Peeta. And for the first time ever since he was 16, something had awakened in him, a hope, that maybe this could be the end of his show. That maybe the citizens of Capitol had found someone else to watch and obsess about and he could finally be free. But that thing, that hope, was killed before it could even be aflame.
As he turned around from the glamorous couple, his eyes fell on the darkened blue ones, hidden like snakes in the snow made of white hair. The disgust, the abomination, the darkness screaming nothing but death brought Finnick to the harsh reality, once his gaze was met with Snow's. He was never getting out of this train. Not alive.
Until the spark inside him ignited again.
It was the meeting of the previous victors, one to which the new love-struck victors were not invited, yet they still happened to be the centre of its talks. Thankfully, the space was filled with only the comfort of people Finnick had known for a while and who had known him. There was a certain silent alliance the victors had built over the years. As he passed the familiar faces, sending polite smiles here and there, he caught a face that was very unfamiliar to him. You were new there, you have won only two years prior to Katniss and Peeta, the 72nd hunger games, which happened to be the opposite of the 74th year's sensation.
Finnick could remember meeting you in the Capitol, you're terrified tearfilled eyes meeting his, billions of questions behind them making his stomach turn there and then. But now you seemed just stiff, your guard high up. He would even go to the lenghts of saying you had an intimidating aura around you.
You could feel his stare burning your skin, so you turned around to face him, your mouth shaping into a genuine smile as soon as you saw him, your eyes sparkling in recognition. That's what he was talking about. All that pressuring shell fell right apart when you smiled or opened your mouth, earning you tons of sponsors back in your games. When you sent him your smile through your tears back then, Finnick could feel the butterflies rummaging through his guts. "Who are you staring at, Finnick Odair," Johanna's low voice beisde his ear made Finnick jump. "Johanna," he groaned, rolling his eyes as his right hand fell on his heart.
"The deceitful seemed to have caught you're eye, hm?" That was your nickname. The deceitful victor. Finnick remembered the talks once your games were over. You were called two-faced, a liar, and while some of the Capitol's people found this feature of yours absolutely unacceptable, others found it intruiging. After all it was thanks to your deceit, that you had won.
"They just seem rather... lost," he hummed, shrugging it off and turning to face Johanna fully. "Didn't expect you to come here,"
"Neither did I myself," she snapped back, looking behind her. "Blight dragged me here," Her piercing eyes slowly turned back, burning a hole in Finnick's face, the sole proof of the little affection the woman had towards him. "Charming. Make sure to say hi from me," Finnick grinned as Johanna scoffed, placing her hand on her hip and rolling her eyes dramatically. He could only nod, leaving the victor from the 7th District be as he made his way through the party again.
"They just did it right," one of the men in the group behind Finnick stated loudly, alcohol audible on his tongue by the volume of his voice. "Getting Capitol into their story, creating a perfect ballad except both of them survived to live the happily ever after," Finnick stopped in his tracks, the glass full of liquid spilling a bit on the grass under him, as he halted too quickly, not entirely sober either. He groaned as some of the drink got on his shoes but it didn't stop him from listening closely. "Do you get it? They are not harrassed by Snow or anyone, except the Capitol's undying obssession. They just continued to live in District 12, leaving as if nothing happened, as if they haven't just dismissed the whole history of the hunger games," a woman shrieked. Finnick smirked. Imagine leaving like nothing happened. That would be nice.
"That would be nice," another boy voiced the same thought. "To leave and spend your life with someone like that. They survive the games with you so you have someone to lean on, support, love, Capitol doesn't bother you that much, just to see what you already do naturally, it's-"
Freedom, was the word on Finnick's tongue. He didn't hear the rest of the sentence as it was drowned out by the sound of Finnick's blood flowing, his heart beating out of his chest as his eyes widened. Freedom, support, protection- no more abuse, no more hell, just peace. Finally, a bit of peace for Finnick Odair. His head spinned, his stomach turning from the sudden imagination, a certain heat spreading through his body, coming from his chest. The flame burned, burned in his eyes as he looked around, his eyes falling on you.
You were perfect. Capitol didn't have an exact opinion on you which was hurting your reputation as one of the victors. You could use some of those blessings Finnick was showered with daily. And he could use you. As his freedom.
His fast loud steps made you turn just before he stopped inches away from you, his feet rocking him back and forth for a while until he stabilised himself. You smirked as you thought about whether he was drunk, wanting to talk with you, but you were sure he had to be when his words hit your ears.
"Come on a date with me,"
You couldn't help but let out a loud snort, immediately clasping your hand over your mouth, the noise still audible. "What the fuck," your eyes landed back on his, the dark browns burning like two coals. "You're serious?" you stopped laughing, your eyes widening at him. "Yes," he nodded, falling silent again, waiting for your answer. "Why?" was another question that slipped out of your mind. You seemed to have caught him off guard, his right leg now tapping nervously. It was a good question. He didn't know himself, why, he just knew he was drunk enough to come up with such idea and sober enough to make it work. But he didn't think of you're answer taking so long. And you partially enjoyed it, finally seeing that confident Finnick Odair uneasy, his state suddenly depending on your answer. It made you wonder what was in it for him.
"Why not?" he finally spoke, voice raspy.
"Why yes?" you retorted back, making him roll his eyes. "We barely know each other, and correct me if I'm wrong, but this is actually about fifth time in our lives we even acknowledged each other,"
"So? Please, Y/n. I need just one date," he groaned, taking a step closer, you refusing to back away. It was always games, everywhere you went, the play never stopped.
"You think you can woo me with just one date?" you lifted your eyebrow in disbelief.
➷ ➷ ➷
>>part 2
⤞ My masterlist ⤝
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pixiexdusts-world · 1 year
Incorrect quote
Y/n: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Johanna: Certainly, I’m as sure as I am honest!
Finnick: In that case, we’re definitely lost.
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ilguna · 1 year
☼ drowning in love (Johanna Mason) ☼
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summary; you promised Johanna you'd support her with anything she needed when she came back from the Capitol.
warnings; swearing, they shower together, torture mention.
wc; 1.6k
“I’ve changed my mind.” Johanna says, you tilt your head at her, unamused.
The two of you are currently inside of, what must be, the smallest bathroom you’ve ever seen. You thought that when the medical team of Thirteen said they had a private bathroom, they meant something bigger. You weren’t expecting it to be the same size as the bathrooms in the Capitol, but at least half that. It isn’t, though. Everything in here has been crammed to ensure that every inch of space is used.
Johanna’s sitting on the toilet lid, hunched over in her towel, arms wrapped around her abdomen to make herself smaller. You’re standing directly in front of her, your kneecaps touching hers because there is nowhere else to stand in here. You’re lucky that there’s even enough room for the two of you to shower together in the first place.
“Babe, that’s what you said ten minutes ago, you can’t keep changing your mind.”
She shakes her head, staring at the floor, “I’m not ready.”
“You’re going to have to do it either way.” You tell her, “If you don’t do it with me, then the nurses will do it, and they don’t really care about your feelings.”
She meets your eyes, “They’ll sedate me.”
“And then you miss out on an opportunity to start the process of healing. You can’t keep pushing it back. What will you do when the rebellion’s over and we’re no longer in Thirteen? There won’t be anyone to sedate you.” You raise your eyebrows.
“You will, if I put up a big enough fight.” She says, you think you can see a smile hinting at the corners of her lips. She’s not entirely joking, though. She knows that you don’t like seeing her in pain.
“You’ll be okay, I’ll be right here.”
“Except, I don’t want to go in there alone. What if—what if I have an episode?” She asks, you watch her shudder.
“Do you want me to go in with you?” You ask, “You know I will.”
“What if I attack you? Like Peeta did to Katniss?” 
“You won’t. They didn’t use tracker jacker venom on you.” You say, “And the doctors would’ve caught it by now.”
Johanna begins to bite on her bottom lip, face contorting while she thinks. She knows you’re right, but she doesn’t want to admit it. She just wants to find a way out to avoid having to face the water. And you understand why, the issue is that you won’t be putting up with sponge baths for the rest of your life. 
Her eyes dart to the door momentarily, possibly planning an escape. She won’t make it far, not with you standing in front of it. She wouldn’t be able to pull it open before you have her on her ass again.
“Johanna, the water can’t hurt you.” You slide down the wall, taking her hands in yours, “You know you’ll have control in there. You’ll be able to move the shower head off to the side if you can’t handle it, and change the temperature if it’s too close to what they used in the Capitol.”
She presses her lips together, “I don’t want to freak out, (Y/n).”
“You won’t. I’ll get in there with you. You’ll be safe with me in there, you know I would never let anything happen to you, not when I’m right there.” You squeeze her hands.
She nods.
“It’s only a few minutes, we’re just getting your body washed. You’ll feel so much better once the grime is gone, and you’re washing away their touch.”
“Okay.” Johanna breathes.
“Okay.” You echo, letting go of her hands as you get back to your feet. 
You slide the glass door open, leaning in to turn the shower on. You can feel her hands grip around your wrist when the water starts. And without you even saying anything, she begins to take deep breaths in through her nose, and exhales through her mouth. A technique she was taught by the head doctor, it looks like she’s paying attention after all.
You guide her hand to the water slowly so she can feel the temperature, adjusting it the way she tells you to. She goes on the hotter side, staying away from the warm to cold range. You’ll have to keep that in mind for the future.
“Alright,” You hold your hand out to her.
“Can you go in first?” She asks.
“Johanna, if you run out of the bathroom, I’m going to be pissed.” You tell her.
“I won’t. You’ll be closer to the water.” She says, “Please?”
You watch her for a couple of seconds, gauging whether or not she’s telling the truth, and find that she is. You pull your hair up, figuring that you’d rather accidentally get the ends wet than your whole head. You then take off District Thirteen’s jumpsuit, and the underwear underneath.
You keep a hand on Johanna when you open the glass door, backing inside a few steps. This forces her to her feet, where she uses a shaky hand to release the towel, letting it fall to the floor.
“It’s only a couple of minutes.” You remind her, “One step at a time.”
“I know.” She breathes, “I don’t think I can get my face wet.” 
“How about we do your collarbones and down?” You ask, “Does that sound okay?”
She hums in agreement, coming into the shower. She slides the door shut behind her, and you watch her begin to take deeper breaths. You reach back to feel how close the water is, and find it only an inch further back.
“How do you want to do this?” You ask her, “You have to face the water.”
“Just my back right now.” She closes her eyes.
You move her around, slowly backing her into the water, watching as her face twists at the anticipation. When it begins to rain down on her back, she jumps slightly, a shudder running through her body. You can see the goosebumps rise on her arms.
You step closer, placing your hands on her hips, watching her face. She’s got her eyes closed, trying to focus on not freaking out. She moves slightly to allow the water on her shoulders and down her sides.
“Do you think I’ll be better by the end of the rebellion?” She asks.
“If we keep working on it, it’ll be a step in the right direction.” You tell her, “It won’t happen overnight Johanna, as much as I know you wish it would.”
“I wish he’d chosen something else.” She mutters, eyebrows drawing in, “The District borders will finally be down and we won’t even be able to see the ocean. Finnick makes me so jealous when he talks about how beautiful the beach is. And all we’ve got are fuckin’ trees.” 
“That’ll be our goal, then.” You say, she opens her eyes, “To go visit Annie and Finnick on the beach.”
“That could take years, (Y/n).” She says.
“Good thing we’re gonna live for a while.” You smile, she lets out a laugh, “Ready to turn around?”
She nods, you let go of her hips, allowing her to turn around to face the water. She lets out a breath, hesitating.
“I didn’t take you as a beach person.” You say, hoping it’ll take her mind off of the shower water, and instead put her somewhere else. She doesn’t move for a second, before stepping forward. You place your hands on her hips again.
“Yeah, well, neither did I. Finnick talks about the summers there, how he and his family would jump off the docks as kids. The water is cold and refreshing. The sand is warm, and sometimes too hot to walk on with bare feet.” She murmurs, reaching over to grab the bar of soap on the shelf, you smile slightly. “They build sandcastles and play games. It’s like a picnic we have at home, but on the beach. And the best part is the sunsets apparently.”
“I think Finnick just wants us to move there.” You laugh.
“Probably.” She agrees, “I wouldn’t mind, Annie and Finnick are our best friends. It’d be nice to be close to torture them often.”
“I’m sure it’s an option.” You say, “Even if you’re not ready to see the water, I’m sure they have houses away from the water.”
She pauses, “You’d move there with me?”
“Where else would I go?” You laugh, “Do you think I’d stay in Seven?”
“Well, no.” She says, carefully rubbing the soap over her skin. It’s still tender from the scabs that have recently fallen off. “I just thought you’d be more against it.”
“We’ve lived in Seven our whole lives, I’m sure it’ll be okay if we move somewhere new for a while.” You tell her.
“That’s true.”
You lather her back in soap, so it’s less effort for her. She rinses the scentless bubbles down the drain, and then steps out to dry herself off. You get rid of the soap that she’d accidentally gotten on you, before shutting the water off.
When you step out, you’re able to see Johanna wiping her eyes, sniffing. She looks at your briefly, eyes already turning red.
“Hey,” You pull the spare towel around your body, before pulling her into a hug. She wraps her arms around you, letting out a sob. “It was so easy, you didn’t even think about it.”
“I know.” She places her forehead on your shoulder, “I know, I’m afraid it won’t be like this every time.”
“It can be, though.” You press a kiss to her cheek, squeezing her tighter, “And I’ll be here with you the entire time, I promise.”
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bumblesimagines · 8 months
You look beautiful in my bed.
Katniss Everdeen
You look beautiful in my bed.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
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The life of a Victor had never been what the Capitol chalked it up to be. The cameras never showed what happened behind the scenes, the nightmares that followed, the traumas that were relived day in and day out. The survival mode that had flickered on inside the arena never turned off. The adrenaline remained, the paranoia and hopelessness of knowing your life and the lives of those around you belonged to President Snow. 
It was why Victors could only truly rely on other Victors. For comfort, for reassurance, for a brief taste of normalcy that could've been theirs if the Hunger Games hadn't existed. Most relationships with other Victors remained platonic and familial, sometimes venturing into sexual territory for an escape from the horrors in the arms of someone who could relate. But it stopped there. Romance had never been an option, not with Snow watching. It'd be too dangerous, too risky. 
Until Plutarch Heavensbee and District 13 swooped in with their plans for the Victors and the Girl on Fire from District 13.
You had first heard and learned of Katniss Everdeen during the 74th Hunger Games. She'd appeared meek and almost nervous during her interview, yet something about her seemed genuine and authentic. Johanna Mason, your fellow Victor and friend, had voiced her distaste in the corny star-crossed lovers plot the District 12 mentor, Haymitch Abernathy, had certainly put them up to but in the end, the sickly sweet strategy had resulted in both tributes returning home. 
Everything that followed after had felt like a blur. The riots, the uprising, the Districts' unrest, the Quarter Quell announcement that had left Johanna screaming in a fit of rage and destroying anything she could get her hands on, the 75th Hunger Games reaping where you had blanky stared at the bowl with only one name because the other two male victors had already passed away from age and an accident, the games themselves... Johanna's imprisonment at the hands of the Capitol. 
You stared at the large window and watched the dim lights from the hallway flicker occasionally, unable to find proper sleep. District 13 had a curfew, and most were expected to remain in their rooms until morning unless they were guards or had a legitimate reason. It was why Katniss often slept in your bedroom and snuck back to hers when the lights flickered back on. Nobody needed to see the symbol of the rebellion doing a walk of shame. 
She shifted slightly, the iron grip she had on your hand loosening slightly as she began to wake. You couldn't exactly remember when your relationship with the Mockingjay had turned from tolerating each other to sleeping together, but with the absence of Peeta Mellark and Johanna, she'd needed the comfort as much as you. You'd lost someone you considered a sister and she'd lost a good friend. 
"It's still early," You murmured when you made out her almost gray eyes peering up at you through the dark. "Go back to sleep." 
"You go back to sleep." She yawned and stretched her hand out to flicker on the light on the nightstand. You flinched at the sudden light and squinted until your eyes adjusted to it before moving to press the button that made the window darken on both sides. President Coin seemed to dislike privacy but you supposed knowing everything about her citizens had allowed her to keep them alive throughout the years. "Nightmare?"
"Just thinkin' about how you look beautiful in my bed." You responded and she rolled her eyes, brushing away strands of raven hair away from her face and sitting up. Despite her reaction, the red on her ears and cheeks was undeniable. She'd been immune to Finnick's charm, but it seemed like a different story when it came to you.
"Are you sure you're not an Odair?" She joked lightly and you snorted, a small grin passing over your lips briefly before you remembered the state Finnick had been left in after learning of Annie Cresta's imprisonment. The man had been inconsolable for days and only caught sleep when he was sedated, and even then you often heard his pleading shouts for Annie when he awoke. Katniss's eyes lowered and she sighed softly, letting her cheek rest against your shoulder. It was unusual for her to be soft around you, to allow herself to be emotional. "We'll get them back. Annie, Peeta, Johanna..."
"I know." You raised a hand to her face and tucked away a lock of hair. Her eyes remained downcast but she pressed her cheek further against your shoulder in response. A small smile tugged at your lips and you leaned down to kiss the top of her head. You tried to keep things as platonic as could be with the arrangement you created with her but the more you got to know her, the more you wanted to be around her. She didn't need the added stress. She already had to balance Gale's and Peeta's feelings for her without hurting them, she didn't need yours added to the list. 
The familiar hum and echoing sound of the lights automatically turning on caught your attention and you leaned away, reaching down to pick up the dark gray jumpsuit from the floor so Katniss could get dressed and head back to her room. She took the jumpsuit in her hands and considered it for a moment, her lips parting to speak before closing again. You sighed. "You've got a long day ahead of you, Mockingjay. Go back before someone sees you."
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Moves & Countermoves (Part 21)
Summary: No one ever wins the games, even fourteen years later, Y/N is still playing.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
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They try something new, in the form of Prim visiting Peeta with Y/N. Katniss and Haymitch watching from the viewing window. Things are going well…until they’re not. The news of Peeta’s family sends him spiraling. Yelling and cursing Katniss, saying it’s her fault that Snow bombed twelve. That she’s a threat. Telling Prim to kill her.
“Peeta, what you’re saying isn’t real.” Prim says, in a whisper. Withdrawing from the edge of his bed.
“She’s a monster, Prim!” Peeta insists, the angry vein pulsing in his neck.
“Peeta,” Y/N calls his attention back to her. “You’re safe. No one is going to hurt you, I’m here.”
“She’ll kill you too. She’ll kill all of us. She’s a mutt, the Capitol created to destroy us!”
Nothing settles him after that. The doctor has to use a tranquilizer for the first time in days.
Y/N excuses herself to the opposite side of the viewing glass. Catching Katniss’ gaze, holding it as she moves closer. “It’s good to see you up and about. How are you feeling?”
Katniss says nothing, catapulting herself into her mentor’s arms.
“I’m here,” Y/N assures her. “I’ll be here.”
Haymitch escorts Katniss’ to the Nut in District Two. Y/N hangs back in Thirteen, with the kids and Peeta. Cashmere is sent to stand in for her best friend, which Katniss seems to appreciate, allowing her to weigh in on dialogue for the propo to sway the loyalists.
“Plutarch wrote a speech for you.” Haymitch tells Katniss, as they get into place near the tunnel left for civilians to escape, after the bombs were launched to bury the Nut and all the weapons inside.
The suggestion was Gale’s.
“Killing isn’t personal, Katniss. I figured you of all people would understand that.”
That’s what he told her the night before. Only she doesn’t agree, “killing is always personal.”
Cashmere takes the paper from his hands, reading it thoroughly. “She’s not saying this, they’ll tear her apart.”
“I never said it was a good speech,” Haymitch fires back. “Look, Katniss, you have to remember that you’re talking to everyone. Not just the people in the districts, but the Capitol, survivors from Two. You want them to lay their weapons down, so you might want to experiment with a little sensitivity.”
Katniss nods, though it isn’t her strong suit. “This is Katniss Everdeen, speaking to all the loyalists, from the heart of District Two-”
She is cut short by the train behind her, screeching to a halt.
Boggs wants to get her back, away from the tracks and the people who will soon emerge. But Katniss will hear none of it, especially after shots are fired. Ending up with a bullet in her own gear and unconscious all the way back to Thirteen.
Y/N finds them upon return. “What happened?” She asks Haymitch.
“Bruised ribs, bruised lung.” Haymitch runs a hand over his face. “It’s my fault. Shouldn’t have let her go.”
“Haymitch, you know there’s no way we could’ve stopped her.” Y/N sighs.
“No, but she’s more likely to listen to you than me.”
“I don’t think that’s true.” Y/N swallows.
“How are things? How are the kids?”
“They’re good, they missed you though.” I missed you.
“And Peeta?”
“They showed him the propo, he has real memories of Katniss.” The one’s the Capitol couldn’t taint because they didn’t own them. “He wants to see her.”
“You think that’s a good idea?” Haymitch wonders, feeling his wife reach for his hand.
“I know he’s in there. We can’t give up, there has to be a way.”
“No one’s giving up,” Haymitch assures her. “When Katniss is cleared to leave medical, we’ll ask her to see him. Tell her that he wants to see her. I think that’s progress in itself.”
“Yeah,” Y/N nods.
“Come ‘ere.” Haymitch pulls her against his chest, pressing his lips to the crown of her head. “We didn’t come this far, just to come this far.”
Again she nods, fisting the fabric of his uniform in her hands. Somehow he makes it hurt less.
No one could carry this burden alone, instead they learned to shoulder it together. To trade off when the other was weak, they learned to be two halves of a whole. Trying to pull away from that now seems impossible; excruciating at the very least.
Only when she is there, resting safely against his beating heart, Haymitch can breathe again. “I love you, Y/N.” More than you will ever know.
“I love you too.”
Days pass, Finnick and Annie get married. It’s beautiful, everything they deserve. They’re glowing; so in love.
Daisy squeals her distaste during the ceremony, until Y/N manages to quiet her with milk.
“I hear ya, kid.” Johanna adds, under her breath.
At the reception everyone dances. Not Johanna. She doesn’t understand how these people can prance around while the world is going to shit. Brooding until little hands pull her to the dance floor. Everest and Arista Abernathy always do get the best of her. Just like everyone else, she was begrudgingly wrapped around their fingers from the day they met..
“Let me go.” Johanna finally demands, with a smile.
Cashmere is their next victim, any and all bystanders are fair game.
Katniss narrowly escapes; finding Johanna among the crowd.
“You saw Peeta, didn’t you?” The victor of District Seven asks. “Did you tell him hi for me? We’re old friends, you know. We had adjoining cells in the Capitol, we’re very familiar with each other’s screams.”
“I’m going to kill Snow.” Katniss says; her tone is cool, calculated. Watching Prim take Daisy from Y/N, so she too can join the crowd. She knows that if she dies, to end all of this, it will be worth it. Prim will have her mother and her former mentors to get her through. She would be taken care of. “Nothing good is safe while he’s alive, and I can’t make another speech about it. No more cameras, no more propos, no more games. He needs to see my eyes when I kill him.”
Johanna’s scowl tips up into a grin, “now you’re talking.”
“I need to find a way to the Capitol while everyone is looking the other way.”
“I hear the medics talking, they’re shipping supplies to the front lines from hanger two, around midnight tonight. Medicine, painkillers, I was gonna go steal some for myself, but I guess I could just stay here and cover for you.” Johanna turns to looks at her dead in the eyes. “Anyone can kill anyone, Katniss. Even a president. You just have to be willing to sacrifice yourself.”
When Katniss disappears that night and crops up later with troops in the Capitol, Haymitch wishes he could say he’s surprised. But Katniss is who she is and he expects nothing less.
Coin can’t bring her back now. Instead she shoots for plan B, deploying the ‘star squad’ to join her. “It’ll be perfectly safe, you’ll be days behind the main troops. This is just to rally continued support and to document our journey to victory, spearheaded by familiar faces. I’d greatly appreciate if one or both of you could be there. Peeta is being deployed soon as well.”
“Peeta?” Y/N stammers, “Peeta can’t be anywhere near Katniss, let alone a war zone. There are too many triggers.”
“Dr. Aurelius has assured me that you’ve made leaps and bounds together, aiding in Peeta’s recovery. I’m sure that he would benefit from having you there.” President Coin gives Y/N a pointed look.
“I need to discuss this with Haymitch, in private.” Y/N insists, before her husband has a chance to wring the other woman’s necklace.
“Of course.” Alma nods, “I hate to spring this on you, but we are pressed for time. I’ll need your answer by tonight.”
Part 22
Series Taglist: @praline357 @flowercrowns-goodvibes @justheretoparty420 @avocadotoastwithegg @treehouse-mouse @emo-markie @spilled-mi1k @magical-spit @greaser9902 @jessicamellarky @yourebuckingkiddingme @smuha2004 @sendhelplease @ninimackbrews @wittiestrain184 @r1dd1kulus @erenluvr69 @helpimhyperfixating @jackierose902109 @jellybear455 @dreammgc @dadbodfanatic-x @ftdtcmlovr @inky-sun @ms-brek-ker @undercover55655 @mischiefmanaged21 @avoxrising @koiphisch @drwho-ess @daisydaisybilly @misfits1a @nj01 @eruannaaa-blog
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queuestarter · 8 months
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(johanna mason x reader)
cw: panic attacks, crying, mentions of torture
link to the request → reader helping johanna overcome her fear of water
You eye Johanna critically from across the room. It’s been weeks since she’s been rescued from the Capitol and she’s been completely ignoring you since then. Every time you ask her if she’s okay or if you can do anything for her, she brushes you off.
You understand that she’s been through a lot, but as her girlfriend, her indifference upset you. In an effort to keep yourself busy, you spend most of your time with Beetee in the weapons room, helping to design defensive strategies. Ever since you banned Gale from helping, things have been better on that front.
“Stop looking at me like I’m going to collapse at any moment.” Johanna calls out to you. She’s playing with the sheets on her bed, not even looking in your direction.
You sigh. “I just want you to be okay, Jo. I worry about you.”
She sneers down at her sheets. “Worry about me when Snow’s dead.”
So you do. After Katniss kills President Coin, Snow dies, and the underground community of District 13 falls apart, you move to District 7 and begin to worry about Johanna like it’s a full time job.
It starts with weaning her off of her morphling supply. You two live in the middle of the woods, so there’s no easy access to the drug, nor do you want Johanna using it to cope anymore. It takes her weeks to get back to her healthy self, which brings you great relief.
The other issue that you quickly learn about is Johanna’s newfound fear of water. You quickly piece together that when she was held captive by the Capitol, they used water as a form of torture for her. She doesn’t like talking about it, but you can see the truth in the way her face scrunches up in fear whenever she’s confronted with water. 
It breaks your heart.
You decide to take matters into your own hands once again. You helped her with her morphling withdrawals, you think, how much harder can it be to help her overcome her fear of water?
“Come on, Jo,” you plead with her. “I want to go down to the lake.”
You don’t really want to go to the lake- swimming in freshwater scares you a little bit- but you figure this is a good step one.
Johanna eyes you with a look of disdain on her face. “I don’t want to go. I’m sure there’s a hundred other people in District 7 that would love to join you.”
You grab her hand and kiss her palm. “But there’s no one else in this district that I love like I love you.” You know as soon as you say the words that you’ve sufficiently sweet talked her.
Johanna likes to pretend that she’s tough, but she’s really a giant softy.
Once you actually make it down to the lake, three hours later, Johanna grips your hand with all of her strength, it seems. You take it in stride, though, and hold on just as tight.
“It looks beautiful,” you comment, staring at the water. “Reminds me of you.”
It really does. The way the trees cast a shade upon the surface perfectly complements the highlights from the sun. Just like Johanna, there’s darkness and light.
Johanna rolls her eyes and sets your belongings down on the grass. “Go on, have your fun. I’ll be over here.”
You pout. “Oh. I wanted you to join me.”
The pained look that you’re now so familiar with makes its return. “You know that I don’t want to.”
You instantly melt, wrapping your arms around her. She clings back to you just as tight. “You don’t have to, my love. I just want you to be able to let go of what they did to you. I want you to reclaim it.”
Johanna pulls back and looks into your eyes. “Yeah. You’re right.” And with renewed vigor, Johanna grabs your hand and pulls you to the lake, kicking off her shoes along the way. When she gets to the water’s edge, she stops suddenly.
“What’s wrong, baby?” You ask, letting your own toes dip into the water.
“I don’t know if I can do it,” she says in a soft tone. “I don’t think I can reclaim it.”
You frown, standing in front of her. “Jo, if you don’t want to go in you absolutely don’t have to. It was just a stupid idea.”
Now it’s her turn to frown. “It’s not stupid, you were just trying to help me.” With that, she dips her toes in the lake.
Your jaw drops. You were not expecting her to go in the water that easily. “Baby, you did it!” 
Johanna closes her eyes. “Can we eat lunch now?”
You grin. “Of course.”
After that day, you don’t force her to deal with water so boldly for another few weeks. The next time you bring up the exposure therapy is during a rainstorm that has your girlfriend curled up on the couch holding her ears.
“How about,” you say, rubbing her back. “After this has all cleared up, we do something fun.”
“Like what?” Her voice is muffled by a pillow.
“We can jump in the puddles outside.”
Johanna tenses, more than she already was. “And how is that supposed to be fun?”
You lean down and kiss her nose. “I always used to do that when I was a kid. I liked it. And I feel like it’ll help with what we’ve been working on. You’re scared of this rain, but we’ll have fun playing in the puddles it provides afterwards.”
Johanna looks at you, trust in her eyes. “Okay.”
So that’s what you do.
After the rain ends, it barely takes any coaxing to get Johanna out of the house and bounding into puddles. Once she sees you do it, giggles leaving your lips with each jump, she joins in.
“This isn’t so bad,” she admits, wiping some mud that splashed up on her off of her arms. “It’s kind of nice.”
You nod, grabbing both of her hands. “It is what you make it, baby.”
That’s what you repeat to her when it’s time to get in the shower upon your return home. “It is what you make it, baby. You need to clean off.”
Johanna shakes her head. “I can’t. This is too much.” It breaks your heart to see tears flowing freely from her eyes.
“I’ll be there with you the entire time. Holding you, kissing you. This is just going to be another good memory,” you try to convince her.
Without wasting another moment, you strip out of your filthy clothes and throw them in the hamper. You then turn on the shower, heart panging at the sound of another one of Johanna’s sobs.
You turn back to your girlfriend, helping her strip as well. You pepper kisses all over her cheeks and lips, hands running over her back. “Let’s wash off, baby. It’ll be quick.”
You step into the shower, just standing under the stream. You think that maybe if she sees that you’re okay under the flow of water, she will be too.
That hope doesn’t last long- Johanna just stands and watches you with tears in her eyes, hands twisting together.
“Come on,” you plead. “You can’t stay covered in mud forever. And I’m lonely in here. I need you with me, always.”
That seems to do it. Johanna takes a step forward, then another, and then eventually she collapses in your arms, sobs wracking her body.
“That’s my girl,” you say, petting her hair. “I’ve never been so proud of you in my life.” You continue to repeat positive affirmations to her, holding her close to you.
After a few minutes, Johanna is calm enough to agree to you washing her body. You take your time, scrubbing her from top to bottom. She even jokes around with you towards the end while you quickly wash yourself off.
Hours later, wrapped up in your matching robes on your bed, she thanks you. “I never would have done that without you. Thank you, baby.” It’s so uncharacteristic for her to say, even more so when she tucks her head in your neck.
You love that she feels safe enough with you to be soft.
“There’s no need to thank me. I just want you to be the happiest you can be. This is the start of the rest of our life, baby. I don’t want the past to hold us back.”
She nods, kissing your collarbone. A few moments later, she’s asleep. 
You fall asleep shortly after her, a smile on your face.
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msmk11 · 2 months
A Moment For Yourself
Johanna Mason x fem!reader
WC: 830
CW: mention of killing people; fluff
Summary: You, the daughter of the mayor of district two, surprise Johanna
Day 1 of MK's mad dash
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Upon becoming a victor, Johanna quickly realized that even if you won the Hunger Games, you never really left the arena. Instead, you were thrust into another more complicated, confusing one dominated by social etiquette and politics. The worst part about it- you couldn't kill anyone in this new arena. And right about now, Johanna really wanted to kill someone. Preferably her stylist, who'd dressed her in one after another idiotic outfit that was itchy, restricting, and thoroughly unflattering.
If the outfit wasn't enough, today was the day Johanna was most dreading on her victory tour- second only to visiting the Capitol- her visit to District 2. If the tributes from Two during her games were any indication, everyone from the district were smug, cocky pain in the asses with a superiority complex.
She got off the train in Two with a less than warm reception- dim smiles worn on plastic faces, altered by Capitol surgeries. This district visit was no different than the rest- insincere speeches to the neighbors, friends, and families of the fallen, a tour of the district where Johanna could barely hide her disinterest, and a fancy dinner with the mayor, table laden with local favorites. The feast was Johanna's favorite part, always using the excuse of too much food shoved in her mouth to be able to answer questions.
Just as she thought she'd survived the day, a quieter voice said, "we have one more stop here in Two before we send you off to the train."
Johanna looked up from her plate, dread already filling her stomach. It was you. She couldn't remember your name, having zoned out during introductions, but she did know that you were the mayor's daughter. You looked it too- your soft, full features a demonstration of your wealth, the pretty, baby blue dress you wore clearly made from the finest material, and the innocent smile that still graced your lips, free from any real idea of struggle. Had you not been who you were, Johanna would've maybe called you attractive.
The brunette nodded silently and stood, moving towards you. When no one else followed, she looked at you confused.
You smiled shyly at her, "This isn't an official part of your itinerary, I just like to steal the victors away for a minute to show them a secret spot."
Johanna looked at you warily, not really believing your seemingly innocent intentions, but followed anyhow. For someone who was likely trained on hostess etiquette, you were strangely quiet as you led Johanna away from your house. You padded through the lush grass that she assumed was your backyard and motioned for her to follow as you slipped between a small opening in a long wall of bushes. You stood patiently waiting for her on the other side, hands clasped behind your back and a soft look on your face. You walked for what could've only been a few more minutes before stopping in front of a small, peaceful pond. It was wonderfully quiet, the only sounds wildlife and the faint hush of your breathing.
You looked at her expectantly.
"So, what? You here to drown me or something?" She asked, confused.
"No, course not," you answered with a small giggle. A giggle that, though she'd never admit it, made Johanna's heart jump a little.
Johanna tried to think of something to say, so as to not appear rude, but she was at a loss for words. She couldn't understand why you'd brought her here.
It's like you read her mind, "I'm sure you're wondering why I brought you here, to a secluded pond in the middle of the woods."
"You could say that."
"It's probably silly," you say, a faint blush spreading over your cheeks, "But I've always thought about the victors and how, if I were you, I'd be feeling awfully lonely and exhausted right about now, so far away from home traveling with a bunch of strangers. And though it's not much, I thought that you all might just want a moment to yourselves with no prying eyes or incessant questions. I've gone to this place since I was little, whenever I just needed to be for a moment, and I've always hoped it would help the victors the same way it's helped me."
Johanna was silent.
"We can go back if you want. I know it's stupid I-"
Johanna reached out and grabbed your hand gently, "No, it's not stupid. I- thank you, really. This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me in a long time."
You smiled prettily at her and your shoulders visibly relaxed, "well, I'll leave you alone now. I'll just be on the other side of the hedge if you need me."
She gripped your hand tighter, "Wait! You can stay- if you want."
You looked her in the eyes intensely, "do you want me to?"
Even Johanna is a little shocked by what comes out of her mouth next- "yes."
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