#john deacon x fem!reader
could you please do a BoRhap request? Where she looks after the guys during recording since her family owns Rockfield Farm and they love her cooking? But the guys (minus Fred who has Mary) all fancy her too?
Pairings: John + Roger + Brian x Fem!reader Summary: ^^ Warnings: none, I don't think Note: I did my best guys, I'm sorry
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a knock came to your door as you finished up breakfast
you left the kitchen and went to the front door
you opened the door to see a blonde with long hair with sunglasses on
he was wearing dark, slightly flared jeans, a yellow v neck shirt underneath a greeny grey jacket with fur
behind him was a short haired brunette with a mustache
he pushed the blonde out of the way and held out his hand
"hi, I'm paul, this is Roger, From Queen" he introduced
of course you knew Queen was coming to your family's farm, it wasn't like you didn't know who they were and wouldn't let them in, it's just that you felt Rogers gaze planted on you and it made you feel a little nervous
"you're not" Roger scoffed quietly
"yes, of course, come in, are the rest here too?" you asked, stepping out of the way to let them in
"they're sorting out their luggage" Roger answered, taking off his glasses
"well, I made breakfast..if you're hungry?" you smiled tightly
"depends what you're serving" Roger smirked and looked you up and down
"pancakes" you responded quickly
"yeah, I could eat"
he followed you to the kitchen and he took a seat, shovelling food onto the plate in front of him and started eating
a few minutes later Roger had finished his plate and went back for seconds
"ah there you are Freddie" Paul spoke up, noticing the other three band members by the door
"we're also here mate" the tall, long curly haired brunette said, seeming annoyed by Paul's presence
"should I show you boys to your rooms?" you wondered, breaking the silence that filled the room
The three boys standing at the door all turned to you
"didn't know the farm came with a pretty lady" the curly Brunette smiled
"oh I'm Y/n. this is my Family's Farm. I live in the building beside this one, I'm just here to show you around"
"are those pancakes for us?" the auburn haired one said
"oh, yes! you can have as many as you want" you pointed to the mountain of pancakes you had made on the counter
"they are delicious" Roger said with a mouthful of food
"well I'm Brian, This is Fred and John and I see you've already met Rog"
"it's a pleasure to meet you guys"
"pleasure's all ours darling" Freddie beamed
"well I'll show you your rooms then" you said taking off your apron and leading them upstairs
"it's probably not what you're used to but your manager said it was perfect to get away from distractions so" you shrugged
you turned to face the boys and see Roger first
"you're in here. mister Taylor" you looked to the first door
"right" he grunted, walking into the room with his heavy luggage
"and that's yours, Mister Mercury" you pointed to the room in the corner to the left
"thank you darling"
"Mister May, yours is right here" pointing to the right side next to the bathroom
Brian walked into the room and you noticed John still standing on the top of the stairs
"oh, sorry. mister Deacon, you're downstairs" he walks back down the stairs and you lead him down to the room.
"I know it's small but it doesn't get nearly as cold as the other rooms" you informed him
"okay..." he frowns as he steps down
"well I'll let you get settled then, i'll show you and the band around when you're ready" you smiled, starting to go up the stairs
"are there still pancakes?" he asked, putting his luggage down on the bed
"oh yeah, they'd probably still be warm too" you answered
he soon started following you up the stairs to the kitchen to find all the other members of the band eating the pancakes
"Rog really didn't lie, these pancakes are delicious" Brian hummed
"we need more syrup" Roger lifted up the empty bottle of maple syrup
"oh..ok" you walked over to the fridge as John took a seat and started eating the food
"here you go" you grinned, putting the syrup on the table in front of them
it's been a few days since they've arrived and much to your surprise, you've seen more of them then you expected
you didn't think you would see much of them, you thought thy would be very busy and you didn't have a problem with that
but Roger, Brian and John all seemed to want you around them
Roger would casually flirt with you
Brian would always start up a conversation or make you help with with a lyric
and John would subtly make eye contact and smile before coming up to you to ask for suggestions
and they would all ask if you could cook them up something when they got hungry and said they liked your cooking, so much so that there would be barely any left for Freddie or you.
Roger was currently helping you make breakfast while Brian and John sat and ate while they discussed songs
"i put my heart and soul into this song" Roger spoke up as they talked about his new song he made
"no one is disputing that" John smiled, lifting up his fork
"and you don't like it because you want your songs on the album" Roger fought
"it's not that Roger" John denied
"then what is it?" the blonde raised his eyebrows as he stopped cutting bread
"I'm in love with my car?" Brian spoke up
you fought back a laugh at the thought of the song
Brian and John both made a questionable face as silence filled the air
"maybe it's not strong enough?" Brian suggested
"what does that even mean 'not strong enough'?" Roger frowned
"I know I'm late. What did I miss?" Freddie came in and poured himself some tea
John straightened his back and looked at the singer "discussing Roger's car song"
"is it strong enough, that's all I'm asking. If I'm on my own here, then i apologise" Brian put his hands up defensively
"how does your new song go, then, hm?" Roger walked over and grabbed Brians lyrics
"you call me sweet.. like I'm some kind of cheese" the drummer read out
you stifled a laugh as you cooked bacon
"it's good" Brian defended, looking at the John who was eating a sausage with a smile and Freddie who was stirring his tea
"wow" Roger sighed sarcastically
"is that-, is that you know- when my hand's on your grease gun..That's very subtle isn't it?" Brian read Rogers back
"it's a metaphor, Brian" Roger argued
"it's just a bit weird Roger, what exactly are you doing with that car?" John spoke, waving his fork around
"what do you think, Y/n?" Roger turned to you, looking for backup
you put the now cooked bacon on a plate and turned to the boys
"don't turn to me, I'm not getting involved" you shook your head
"children please, we could all murder each other but then who would be left to record this album?" Freddie butted in
"statistically speaking, most bands don't fail, they break up" John stated mater-of-a-factly
"why the hell would you say something like that?" Freddie frowned
John shrugged and Freddie turned back to the Blonde
"Roger, there's only room in this band for one hysterical queen" Freddie informed the drummer before walking out
"you know why you're angry, Roger?" Brian began again
"...why?" Roger breathed out
"'cause you know you're song isn't strong enough" the curly headed man repeated
"boys I really don't think you should be-" you started to say but cut off by Roger throwing bacon at Brian's face
"is that strong enough?" Roger questioned
"ok" you mumbled, looking at John, who smiled at you amusingly
Roger pushed off plates and glasses off the table angrily
"what about that?!" he asked before going over to find something else
"Hey!" you yelled at Roger, who grabbed a pot of Coffee
he turned and began to swing it at the two boys before he stopped as they put their hands up
"Not the coffee machine!?" they both yelled
Roger put the coffee machine down and you sighed looking at the mess
"I'll clean this up" he sighed after a moment of silence
"you sure are" you nodded sternly
you sat in the recording room on the couch with John and Roger as Brian got ready to record his guitar
Roger slung his arm around your shoulder as Brian got set up
"so..how about we go get dinner later" he suggested
"pardon?" you wondered
"you, me, i'll take you out to dinner" he repeated
"I highly doubt she'll want to go out with you, Roger, she's too good for you" John sighed
"and what? you're better?" the drummer scoffed, looking over you to the auburn headed bassist
John stared at Roger for a moment
"how's katie? last time we saw her was right before we left to come here" the Deacon wondered
"shut it mate" Roger groaned
your thoughts were cut short as Brian started playing
you focused on the music but felt John's gaze on you, you slowly turned your head to see him staring at you, smiling
"so, do you have a boyfriend?" Roger asked
"I don't see how that's any of your business" you crossed your arms, looking back at Brian, who's still playing his solo
"what if I want to ask you out?" he shrugged
"how come you're the one that gets to ask her out?" John leans forward to argue with Roger
"because I can" the Taylor boy smirked
"Roger, do you have to be such a man whore?" John questioned, his accent become more defined and thick
"I think you're just jealous you don't get women chasing after you" Roger huffed, leaning back on the couch, seeming to be not fazed
"ah yes, because all i need is women to make me feel better about myself, all i need and want is women around me to fill a void of unfulfillment" John rolled his eyes
"oh yeah? let's see who she wants more then" Roger raises his eyebrows as he took off his glasses to look at you
John frowned "you can't pressure her into choosing either of us...that's not how relationships work, Roger"
Roger stifled a laugh "who said I wanted a relationship"
"my point exactly"
"all i'm saying" is that she's probably looking for somebody to love and i'm right here" Roger raised his hands in defense
"what makes you think she wants someone?" John glared
"children, children. leave the poor girl alone, she doesn't want either of you" Freddie butted in
you found yourself wondering how it came to this, two members of the band Queen almost practically fighting for your, to be with you
it made sense about Roger, seeing all of those tabloids of him with new girls around his shoulder almost every week
but John? he didn't really seem the type
you tuned out of the argument and soon wondered when Brian came back into the room as you looked up to find him sitting with Freddie
"I think whatever happens, it's up to her, you shouldn't be trying to force something she does not want" John fought
"what are you guys fighting about?"
"who gets to take this beautiful lady out" Roger smirked, nodding towards you
"who says either of you get to?" Brian spoke in a confused manner
"oh don't tell me you want her too?" Roger groaned
"what's so wrong about that?" the guitarist questioned
"I'm gonna go" you sighed, getting up
"are you still going to make us pasta tonight?" John perked up
you chuckled "I think you all need a break from my cooking"
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magickcandie · 7 months
Sneaky Deaky
Joe!John Deacon x Fem!Reader
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(not my gif)
You were a fairly good pianist and was so grateful of the day you became a part of Queen. With that, came meeting John Deacon. He was so sweet and cute, if didn’t take long before you started dating. Paul had mentioned that this time at the farm was so the band — he never looked at you like you were part of the band, but besides the point — needed the time to focus on music. No distractions! You never thought of yourself as a distraction to John. You two knew there was time to work and time you could spend together. At the same time, nobody knew you two were together. You’d find a way to see John. Even if that meant sneaking around.
On a quiet afternoon, you kept busy. You studied your music, tapping your finger to any surface to memorize finger charts. Well really you were waiting. “Oh, hello, darling!” Immediately you froze. “Freddie. I thought you were by the pool with the boys.” “I was, but Roger sent me back to retrieve his glasses.” He waved around the sunglasses. “What about you? Aren’t you going to come?” “Uh, no. I want to stay in.” You said, trying to keep it casual. “Oh.” He walked towards the door. “Well in that case, I’ll tell Deaky to hurry up. Shouldn’t keep you waiting like that.” “What?” Freddie didn’t give you the luxury of answering your question, just ran out the door. You were shocked and speechless .
John stood by the pool as everyone made their way into the water. Although Freddie wasn’t seen, but he didn’t worry. “Come on, John, the water is nice!” Roger called out to him. “It’s not that. Just don’t feel like it, I suppose.” He said back to his blond friend. Now seemed like a good time for John to make his way back to to the barn, makeshift kitchen. That’s when he saw Freddie walking towards him.
“Go on, Deaky. Y/N seems bored waiting around for you.” “What do you mean, Fred?” John asked, almost as if he was legitimately confused.
“I know about you two. It’s really a surprise the other two haven’t caught on.” “Oh.” “Don’t worry! I won’t tell them. I’ll wait until it hits them in the face. Oh well. Don’t be too loud darling!” John’s face went red but he tried not to focus too much on what he said. Besides the fact that he said you were bored.
“Hello, Y/N.” You immediately beamed up at your boyfriend. He leaned over to give you a quick kiss and sit down next to you. “Deaky,” you grinned at the nickname coming out of your own mouth. “How’s everyone?” “They’re fine. Hey, Freddie knows.” “I figured. He spoke to me about it. Did he tell you too?” John nodded then shrugged.
The more you thought about it and talked with him, the more you realized there was no true reason to hide it anymore. Brian and Roger were sure to not care overall about the relationship. Although... maybe you'd wait until after you left Rockfield farm.
Your conversation went on until late afternoon where Freddie tried to get in a few more minutes of practice. After said practice, everyone retreated to their rooms. You walked John to his since you could say you wanted to get water.
What you were unaware was Brian seeing your goodnight kiss and th exchanging of a plan to continue being together late that night. You didn't account that when you went walking with John late that night that Roger decided to have a smoke and could see you two walking hand in hand. All of that came to light that morning.
You and the bows were sitting in the kitchen eating your breakfast and drinking tea. It was silent but you paid no mind to it, nor the looks Brian and Roger were giving you.
"Okay, I have to ask; Y/N do you fancy, John?" Brian asked. "I just, I saw - not that I was evesdropping or watching you two! - I just saw you kiss him."
"Yeah, I saw you walking with Deaks last night too. So... are you guys dating or something?" Roger asked, leaning forward as if this was the most interesting piece of information to have been said.
"Bri, Rog, if you saw that much, do I really have to explain in?"
You laughed at John's sarcasm, feeling free enough to kiss him on the cheek. Freddie clapped his hands.
"Oh, finally! I was wondering how long it'd take you two." He said to Brian and Roger.
An argument bursted out, and John took you by the hand and you went on a walk.
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michelle-is-writing · 2 years
Baby Sister, Joe Mazzello
Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader where reader has given birth to their second daughter and Joe’s mom brings their daughter to the hospital and Joe and reader introduce their daughter to her new baby sister?
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Word Count: 840~
The bright and early sun was what woke me up this morning, my eyes quickly adjusting to the light as it fell over Joe’s sleeping form in the hospital recliner. Soon after I woke up, a nurse entered our room with our newest addition to the family, Amelia, keeping quiet as she tried not to stir the sleeping baby in front of her, plus the grown man asleep in the corner. It was around feeding time, so she was probably hungry. Thankfully, she latched on without any issues, and soon after she began feeding, she fell back asleep once more.
Holding our brand new baby in my arms was exciting for me. It had been a few years since I gave birth to Lillian, so being able to hold someone so little was new to me again. As I held her, watching her little eyes twitch every so often, I found myself reminiscing on all the times Joe and I learned something as brand new parents. All of the moments I found myself surprised as I watched Joe never grow mad or agitated once with me or our baby. I had spent so many years of my childhood with my parents doing exactly that, and I hoped I would never be in a relationship like that. Instead, I met Joe, and instantly I knew he was different from the rest.
“Good morning, beautiful,” I hear a groggy voice beside me say, bringing me out of my thoughts. Turning my head toward Joe, I smile at his tired face just as he gets out of the chair and comes over to me and Amelia. Sitting on the edge of my hospital bed, Joe watches as Amelia sleeps against my chest, wrapped in a pink blanket and her tiny fist resting against my skin. His face only grows with happiness before he leans forward and gives me a gentle kiss. “To have pushed out a little human and still look as great as you, man,” Joe zones off, giving me an almost dopey smile. “I’m so lucky you love me.”
Before our sweet moment can continue, a gentle knock sounds against our hospital door, causing Joe to call out, “Come in.” Once the door opens, our three-year-old comes bounding into the room, face full of smiles and utter excitement. Behind her stands Joe’s mom, an almost tired look taking over her face as she watches her granddaughter run to my bed. However, Joe quickly catches our little girl in his arms before she can reach us, and instead, he carefully leans her down so she can get a better look at her new baby sister.
“Wow,” she draws out, her hazel eyes wide as can be. I thought maybe with Amelia, there would be a chance for one of the girls to have my eyes since Lillian’s were a complete match to Joe’s, but no. As soon as I saw Amelia open her eyes for the first time, I knew they were an exact match to Joe’s once again.
“She’s so pretty, mommy,” Lillian says in complete awe, completely entranced by her little sister. “You did a good job, mommy,” she further tells me, nodding enthusiastically. Her words make me laugh, all while Joe nods his head with her.
“She did, didn’t she?” He agrees with her, gently holding her a bit closer so she can get a better look. “You and your sister get all your looks from mommy, not daddy.”
“Oh hush,” I tell him, flashing him a grin as I shake my head. “Both the girls have your eyes, and there’s no denying that nose,” at my words, Joe looks between the girls as the smile on his face softens, seeing that my words are true. I don’t know how he hasn’t noticed that before.
“They’re simply beautiful,” Joe's mom speaks up, walking closer so she can see her brand new granddaughter. Her eyes glaze over with tears at the sight, looking between me and Joe before placing a hand on his shoulder. “You guys make such perfect babies,” she tells us, making my eyes glaze over with tears as well.
Leaning Lillian down to sit next to me on the hospital bed, Joe reminds her to be gentle, but she doesn’t need to be reminded. She won’t even move as soon her knees hit the mattress, and instead, she settles for gazing at her sister in awe once more. “Remember this moment,” I tell her, leaning down to kiss the wavy hair adorning her head. “Because when you two get older, you might not like each other.”
“I could never, mommy,” she promises, a smile remaining on her face.
“We’ll see when you’re teenagers,” Joe murmurs, giving me a smirk. Looking between him and the two girls, I can’t help but feel so content and happy with my situation. I’m so happy to have the love that I have from my family, and I love that the man I get to call mine loves me deeply too.
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justiceformeplease · 1 year
Hey sooo um yes i know i have not posted for about a few months maybe since last year?? I don't even know how long it has been but i know it's been a while and I'm sorry for not posting but i have lately been kind of stressed with school and life problems and i know that isn't a good enough excuse but i really am trying my best and stuff.
Since I'm finishing exams tommorow people can send requests that i could do over the summer and stuff
People i write for :
Ben hardy
Joe mazzello
John deacon
Roger Taylor
Kirk Hammett
Eddie Munson
Tasm Peter Parker
Warren Worthington
Serj tankian
Daron malakain
Btw i usually write x FEM!readers but i can also do male as well, i will usually do fem if there is no indication that you want male!reader
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babieroachy · 1 year
✩☆requests closed, trying to catch up!☆✩
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hello, i'm jules! i write sfw agere content! send in a request and i shall deliver!
there's a criminally low amount of age regression content for a lot of the media i enjoy, so i'm taking it upon myself to change that by writing content for some obscure characters with little to no demand!
𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐢 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫:
dead by daylight
fallout (4 & 76)
death stranding
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢’𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞:
d.va (ow)
junker queen (ow)
orisa (ow)
ramattra (ow)
reinhardt (ow)
roadhog (ow)
sigma (ow)
cassidy (ow)
echo (ow)
genji (ow)
hanzo (ow)
junkrat (ow)
mei (ow)
reaper (ow)
soldier: 76 (ow)
tracer (ow)
ana (ow)
kiriko (ow)
lifeweaver (ow)
lúcio (ow)
mercy (ow)
moira (ow)
zenyatta (ow)
the wraith (dbd)
the trapper (dbd)
the nurse (dbd)
the shape (dbd)
the huntress (dbd)
the cannibal (dbd)
the ghost face (dbd)
the oni (dbd)
the executioner (dbd)
the blight (dbd)
the twins (dbd)
the nemesis (dbd)
the cenobite (dbd)
the artist (dbd)
the mastermind (dbd)
the deathslinger (dbd)
the spirit (dbd)
the pig (dbd)
the knight (dbd)
dwight fairfield (dbd)
feng min (dbd)
leon scott kennedy (dbd)
haddie kaur (dbd)
vittorio toscano (dbd)
mikaela reid (dbd)
rebecca chambers (dbd)
jill valentine (dbd)
jeff johansen (dbd)
thalita lyra (dbd)
renato lyra (dbd)
sole survivor (fo4)
nick valentine (fo4)
piper (fo4)
maccready (fo4)
john hancock (fo4)
deacon (fo4)
paladin danse (fo4)
cait (fo4)
preston garvey (fo4)
beckett (fo76)
julie (appalachia radio) (fo76)
paladin rahmani (fo76)
duchess (fo76)
purveyor murmrgh (fo76)
aries (fo76)
danilo (fo76: pitt)
daryl dixon (twd)
rick grimes (twd)
carl grimes (twd)
sam porter bridges (ds)
higgs monaghan (ds)
most fortnite characters, just ask ^^
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞:
MILD angst
gender neutral reader
masc reader
sfw agere
sfw petre
ships / non x reader
x reader
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐖𝐎𝐍’𝐓 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞:
excessive angst
fem reader
any request that violates standard dnis
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Request 2
A/N: Hi, everybody! So, I got this request back in July from @theichabbieclub. I’m so so sorry this took so long, but we are FINALLY letting up on the mandatory overtime (and I need some good distraction from the total shitshow that is my country’s politics right now). I changed the request a little bit, but I hope you still enjoy it!
Pairing: John Deacon x fem!Reader Queen x fem!reader (platonic)
Summary: The band is recording at Rockfield. You were invited by the band to come watch them record ‘A Night At The Opera’. However, a farm takes a lot of work.
Warnings: None really
Taglist: @queenlover05 @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhyee @theblossomknows
 `I love my job. I love my job. I love my job,’ you kept chanting that mantra to yourself as you cleaned up the barn.
Working with Queen had been a dream come true for you, and getting to see them record what, according to Freddie, would be their crowning achievement (“Thus far”-again, according to Freddie) was something you couldn’t pass up.
You also thought that maybe you could get John alone at some point. And maybe you would get enough courage to tell him you had feelings for him.
However, you hadn’t been told that it would take place on a farm until you were halfway there. And you weren’t aware of how much work you all would have to put in to keep it going so that the owners would let them record there.
Every single muscle that you knew and some that you didn’t know the names of (you made a mental note to ask Roger) were aching and screaming at you. You’d been awake since before the sun trying to get as many chores done before recording and then you would watch the boys record and then back to chores before dinner. Then everybody would want to stay awake and spend some time together, meaning you usually didn’t get to bed until about midnight. You’d be lucky if you got four hours of sleep before you were awake again. Which would be fine if you could eventually catch up on your sleep, but you weren’t.
You were just about to start rounding up the chickens when you noticed a chill taking over your body. Even your teeth started to chatter. You started to get the chickens where they needed to be, but not quickly enough. It took you far too long because some of the hens thought that you were trying to attack their chicks instead of getting them somewhere safe.
You thought that you heard somebody yell your name, but you couldn’t be sure with the wind in your ears.
After what felt like hours, you finally got them where they needed to be and finished up the last of your chores. You were done. Not just with the chores, but the day. You were going to get something quick to eat and that was it. You were going to bed and God help whoever got in your way.
On your way into the house, you felt a little woozy. The whole ground seemed to be swaying. You blamed it on the wind throwing off your balance, even though you knew it was probably more than that.
Once you got in the door, you could smell somebody had made dinner. Something that made your stomach give a growl. You pulled your boots off and nearly fell over. You tried to stay on your feet as you walked through the house to the kitchen, but even that was proving a challenge. Maybe you should just go up and go to sleep.
You looked towards one of the boys, the one you assumed said your name, but then your vision went black.
“Holy…! Brian!” Freddie barked at him since he was the closest. “Grab her!”
Brian jumped from his seat and caught you before you completely crashed on the floor.
“Good God, what happened?” John stood up to help Brian steady you.
“No idea. Roger, I think you should look her over.”
“How am I going to be any help?” Roger shot back at Freddie, but got up to look you over nonetheless. “She’s out cold.”
“Thank you, Doctor Taylor,” John muttered, readjusting you so that you were in a better position.
“Oi!” Roger started, but Brian snapped at them.
“Can we fight over this later? She’s frozen to the bone.”
“I’ll get her a blanket,” Freddie announced before he dashed out of the kitchen.
“Where are we going to take her? I can’t just hold her all night,” John’s voice had a tinge of panic to it.
“Well, we can take her to your room,” Brian offered, trying to keep a cool head himself. “It’s the closest. And, if I remember right, you’ve got the biggest bed.”
“Fine, fine,” John replied as Freddie came back with the blankets from the den.  
The four of them gently moved you into John’s room, which was just down the hall.
 “We can’t…I mean, we…what are we supposed to do then?” John felt a blush come to his cheeks. Yes, he’d imagined you in his bed, but not like this.
“Y/N?” Freddie whispered, giving your shoulders a slight shake.
“Hm?” You hummed at him, not fully awake.
“We’ve got you in John’s room, love,” Freddie kept his voice low and soft. “Is that okay?”
You nodded, still mostly sleeping, but didn’t make a movement. You heard John’s name and it made you feel relaxed.
The four men looked at each other, none of them sure what to do.
“Are we just going to leave her here for the night?”
“What else do you suggest we do, Deaky?” Freddie lifted an eyebrow at him.
John looked to the other two for some sort of answer, but neither of them could come up with one either. John sighed and went to his dresser and grabbed one of his jumpers.
“Here,” John handed it to Freddie. “She’ll need something warmer.”
“Why don’t you help her with that, dear? We’ll go finish cleaning up in the kitchen,” Freddie began ushering out Brian and Roger, despite their looks of confusion.
John stared at the door that Freddie had just slammed shut. He then looked to you, barely awake.
“Y/N? Could um…could you put this on for me?” John held out the jumper to you.
You slowly opened your eyes, meeting John’s. You felt yourself smile.
“John, what are you doing here?”
John chuckled under his breath. “You’re in my room. I think I should be asking you that question.”
You looked around, confused as to how you got there. Then you looked at the bed. “I’m really tired.”
“Yes, you should get your sleep. I’ll let you have this,” John handed you the sweater. “And then you can get some sleep.”
You just nodded as you pulled the sweater on and fell back into the pillows.
John chuckled and shook his head. “No, come on, love, let’s get you under the blankets.”
You whined, but John continued to get you more comfortable in the bed so that you were wrapped up in the blankets.
“Stay,” you requested, grabbing John by his shirt.
“Y/N,” John began, trying to pull away. He didn’t want to take advantage of you in your state. Not that he would do anything. He just wasn’t sure that if you were fully awake you’d be asking him to stay with you.
“John, please stay.”
John sighed and got into the bed. He got himself comfortable and then froze when you rolled closer to him, practically on top of his arms.  John hesitated, but then wrapped his arms around you.
You burrowed yourself deeper into the warmth, barely hanging onto consciousness. You inhaled deeply and smiled to yourself. The smell made you feel safe.
“John,” you hummed out before finally totally falling into the darkness.
The next morning you woke up, almost sweating. You felt blankets all around you. You could feel the sun hitting your back, which was odd, because you usually were awake before the sun came up.
You finally opened your eyes and tried to figure out where you were. You came face to face with a chest. You looked up and saw a sleeping John Deacon holding you. You felt your heart begin to pound. You didn’t remember much of last night. The last thing you remembered was finally getting the chickens where they needed to be for the night.
When had you ended up in bed with John?
You tried to remember what happened last night, but it felt like you had been blackout drunk.
You started to move to try and get out of the bed without waking John. You were almost out of his arms when you heard a deep inhale. You sheepishly looked up and saw John sluggishly start to blink his green eyes. He finally looked down at you and gave you a sweet smile.
It made your heart melt a bit.
“Good morning, how’d you sleep?”
“A little hot,” you joked.
“Fair enough,” John started to untangle you from the mess of blankets around you.
As he slowly got you unraveled, you realized that you were wearing one of John’s jumpers.
“John? Is this yours?” You looked up at him.
“Oh,” John felt a little embarrassed, even though he wasn’t sure why. “Well, yes, because of what happened last night..”
“What even happened?” You cut John off.
John explained what had happened to you the night before, including the detail about why you had woken up in bed with him.
“...and then I… you…we woke up. I…I hope that’s all okay.”
You were quiet, mostly because you didn’t know what to say. You didn’t know the boys cared for you like that. Sure, they always referred to each other and some of the roadies as family, but you’d never thought of yourself included in that.
“I’m just…well, all of us really, are happy that you’re okay,” John told you, hoping to get some sort of response from you. “Some of us more than others.”
You looked at John with a raised eyebrow. “What do you mean by that?”
John cleared his throat and shifted his glance from you to the blankets. He picked at one of them before he met your eyes again.
“I’ve been thinking, and especially since last night, that maybe once we get back to London, you and I could, perhaps, spend some time together. Alone. Away from the rest of the band. Outside the studio. I mean, only if you actually want to and we could just…you know, get a drink? Go to a pub?” John held his breath.
You bit your bottom lip to keep a large smile on your face. You then leaned over and gave John a kiss on the cheek.
“I’d like that.” 
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madeinheavxn · 4 years
Murphy’s Law (John Deacon x Fem!Reader)
a/n: i honestly was bored and felt the want to write something soft so here we go
warnings:  fluff
summary: you’re in the studio with the boys and you turn john’s heartbeat into a bassline
word count: 1,014
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Murphy’s law, anything that can happen, will happen. Apparently, it’s true. You never thought the day you would be able to call him yours would ever come, but now you’ve been calling him your boyfriend for 2 years now. “John?” You called out from the bathroom.
“Yes, love?” He answered from the kitchen with his strong voice.
“When do we have to go?” You asked, combing the knots out of your wet hair.
“How long do you need?” He chuckled. “You half an hour to finish getting ready.” You could tell he was happy by the tone of his voice, as for it sounded bright.
Quickly finishing your hair, you looked at yourself in the mirror. Before you could doubt yourself, you ran out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, jumping onto his back, causing him to stumble but keep you up. “Hey,” you smiled and kissed his cheek. You felt soft peach fuzz on his cheek rather than stubble because he had shaved just an hour before. “Do we have time for breakfast?”
He put his arms under your legs so you didn’t fall from the piggyback position you were in. “Not today, love. We can pick up something at the bakery across the street from the studio.” He offered his cigarette to you and you took a long drag. “Hey don’t use up my cig, get your own.”
You jumped off his back and kissed the back of his neck before hugging his waist. “Is Mary going to be there?”
“Not today, she has to go to work.” He put out the cigarette in the makeshift ashtray that sat on the kitchen counter. “Let’s go lovely.”
You let go of him and followed him out the door. He locked it behind him and you two went down the stairs hand in hand.
“Hi Freddie, how are you?” You hugged him as you walked into the studio.
“Well as ever darling. How are you?” He asked, clearly happy that someone that wasn’t Roger, Brian, and John was in the studio today.
“I’m doing well.” You sat down on the couch behind the control panel, said a quick “Hello,” to Roger, and watched as Brian played the guitar solo for this song. “What song are you guys recording?” You asked John.
“Looks like we’re doing Millionaire Waltz right now.” John looked at the panel, and Freddie smiled largely. You could hear the light staccato of the piano as a backing track as Brian made the Red Special sing its magic.
When Brian had finished, he put down the guitar and came out of the recording booth, you stood up to hug him and he hugged you back. “How are you y/n?”
“I’m good Brian, thank you. That sounded amazing by the way. I’ve never heard anything like that before.” You sat back down and laughed.
Brian blushed. “Thank you, that’s sweet.” He sat next to you oh the couch as John went into the recording booth next. He put on the headphones and started plucking a bassline as the song played, keeping in time with the multiple tempo changes.
You watched him mesmerized by the way he could in time with the bpm changing every few measures. Soon after he was done, you clapped and smiled with pride. He walked out of the booth and Brian moved to make room for him. “You sounded great.” You told him, laying your head on his chest
“Thank you, love.” He played with your hair and kissed the top of your head.
“Lovebirds.” Roger scoffed before smiling.
“Fuck off Taylor.” You laughed. You could feel John’s chest moving up and down as he let out a quiet laugh as well. You listened to his heart beating in his chest and tapped out the rhythm on his leg. “You could make something out of that,” you mumbled quietly, hoping no one heard.
“What was that, darling?” Freddie asked.
“Nothing.” You responded quickly, still tapping out the beat. It was slow and soft, reflecting his calm mood as you were with him, but you could tell that the heart rate was much higher when he was in the booth, as for the heartbeat was still slowing down a bit.
Listening to his heart, your eyes drooped. You could feel your head get heavy and your arms were becoming stiff. “Aw, love,” John whispered and you could feel him lay you down onto his lap.
“y/n babe. Get up I want to show you something.” John shook you awake.
“Hm?” You mumbled and sat up. You were laying on the couch with a blanket over your body, which forced the boys to sit on the ground. “Oh sorry, guys.”
“It’s okay, you needed the rest.” Roger replied politely, “John just wanted to show you something he made.
Looking up, you could see John at the controls, making slight adjustments to the new song they had recorded. “I wrote this song but John added the bass line himself,” Brian commented. “It’s called Teo Torriatte, and for some reason, he really wanted this specific bassline and it worked best with this song.”
You walked over the panel and turned up the bass. Hearing it you gasped, “John, is that the beat I was tapping on your leg?”
He nodded. “I liked it so I turned it into that.”
“John that was the beat of your heart I was tapping.”
“I turned my heartbeat into a bassline?”
“Yes.” You turned down the notch again. “When my head was on your chest I could hear your heart so I just tapped out the rhythm.”
“Wow.” John sighed with pride. He stood up to hug you. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Hugging him back, you felt him kiss the top of your head. Smiling, you stayed in his embrace.
Murphy’s law exists, you just don’t know that it does until it happens. You never thought one day that something you did as comfort would end up on a song, it just happened. Whatever can happen will happen, and it did.
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I was reading a Roger Taylor X reader smut story during class and my teacher caught me and he smirked-
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Never Too Far
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David Bowie x Fem! Reader
Category: Fluff, angst
Warnings: Just slight angst
Word Count: 5.9K
A/N: Hope you enjoy this little piece fueled by excitement and love for Bowie, I swear I proof read a couple of times but if anything went over my head, I apologize in advance for it. Enjoy! xox
Originally Posted by @fleeting-queen-of-pepperland
Music blared through the speakers, invading every inch of the house, making Y/n's chest rumble. Her hand tightly gripping her brother's as they made their way across the large living room towards the kitchen. 
"Are you sure they're in there?" Y/n asked, stretching her neck and brushing a couple strands of hair behind her ears to take a better look at the sea of faces surrounding them. John answered with a meek nod followed by an unsure shrug. 
"Roger said he'd be here, Brian already left with someone and god knows where Freddie is," he answered, slightly annoyed at his band mates for ditching him and his sister. They had been the ones to talk him into letting Y/n go with them to the party. 
"But it's at Mick's" John had protested "I don't want my sister on her own at one of his parties."
"Come on, Deacy!" Roger had insisted. "She's what, five minutes younger than you?" 
"Three." Y/n corrected, palms sweating as she tapped her fingers against her knees anxiously. "Please, John. You might've gotten used to being around these people by now, but this would mean so much to me!" 
John pursed his lips thoughtfully and stared at Y/n, who looked at him pleadingly, mouthing another "please", holding her hands together in front of her lips. 
"Alright," he receded, throwing his arms up in defeat "But don't wander off and if you even look at anything other than a joint, we're out. Understood?" 
Y/n nodded and hugged her brother gleefully, planting a kiss on his cheek, thanking him profusely. 
"Oh, don't worry, darling" Freddie said, patting John's shoulder reassuringly. "We'll look out of her from time to time, she'll be fine," 
Of course, they didn't, ergo John's annoyed expression. 
Once they walked into the kitchen, Roger was indeed in there, rummaging one of the cupboards while drunkenly whispering to himself. 
"For fuck's sake Jagger, you have all but the Queen's knickers in here but not some damn licorice?" 
"Rog?" John called from behind the drummer, who tripped on the chair he was standing on and barely managed to hold himself up by gripping the edge of the kitchen counter. He stared at the twins and smiled widely, a half-eaten chocolate bar hanging from his free hand. 
"Deacy! Y/n!" he exclaimed and carefully stepped down, "How's the party? Are you having a good time, love?" 
Roger didn't wait for a reply before taking another bite out of his chocolate bar, shaking his head while looking at Y/n. 
"Of course you aren't, how can you be remotely having fun with your dear chaperone breathing down your neck, you poor, poor thing. " 
Roger threw an arm around Y/n's shoulders and pulled her head down to his chest, running his hand down her hair in a comforting manner. 
Despite wanting to protest, Y/n knew he was right. She loved her brother to pieces, but he did have a hard time assimilating that fact that she was not a little girl anymore, and she wanted to live a lot more than he probably would be comfortable with. 
Unfortunately, she had never been confrontational enough to openly tell John to back off. If anything, she would sneak away or find any other passive way to get rid of her occasionally overbearing twin. 
Mostly, it was a lucky twist of fate that saved her from this kind of situation, and this wasn't the exception. 
That night it came in the shape of Freddie barging in through the kitchen door. 
"Brian just got in a fight!" he announced. 
"What? I thought he was leaving with that brunette!" John exclaimed, looking puzzled. Freddie laughed almost maniacally and nodded. 
"Oh, he tried to leave with her alright. But turns out she came here with Townshend and he's having none of it, and apparently dear Bri isn't either."
"I've got to see that, where are they?" Roger asked, bolting through the door. 
"Upstairs, in the hallway!" the singer replied as he quickly followed, still laughing gleefully. 
"Damn," John muttered, seeing them go before turning to his sister. "Stay here, I'll go and see if I'm sober enough to save their drunk asses" 
Y/n nodded eagerly, obviously not intending to obey his order and already wondering what part of the house she'd venture to first once John was out of the equation. Probably not the hallway upstairs. Just as a precaution, Y/n waited for a couple of minutes after her twin disappeared behind the kitchen door. As she scanned her surroundings, her eyes landed on the fridge before her. 
"Oh, what the hell." she whispered to herself as she swung the door open and grabbed a bottle of beer. Y/n hummed while she carefully pressed the lid against the edge of the counter and, with a sudden upwards movement, opened the bottle. A handy trick she had learned from Roger. 
Since everything seemed clear, she reached her hand out to grab the door knob before it suddenly twisted and someone flung the door open, covertly sliding inside the kitchen and closing the door after him. 
Instinctively thinking it was her brother, Y/n retreated to her original position, as if she never intended to leave the room. 
But the figure before her wasn't John. 
He was barely shorter, and slimmer. His skin was porcelain smooth, strands of his scruffy yellow hair fell over his forehead. With a quick head movement the man flipped them out of his face, uncovering his eyes. 
It wasn't until he turned around that she could see them properly, but he almost jumped backwards, startled by the figure quietly standing on the other side of the room that had gone unnoticed by him. 
"Bloody hell," he blurted out before taking a deep breath and leaning against the wall besides the door. "Sorry, I could've sworn I was alone," 
"No, no, it's okay." Y/n assured him with a soft chuckle. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I shouldn't have just stood here, in a dark corner, looking so creepy," 
"Well," he replied with a smirk "Can't be worse than a pale, scrawny weird-eyed lad, can it?" 
She nodded with an amused smile and shrugged. 
"Touche. I honestly thought for a moment I had too much to drink and was seeing a ghost, but then I realized…" Y/n lifted the untouched bottle of beer she was holding. "... I'm completely sober."
"Love, you don't want that." the man made his way towards her with a couple of strides and snatched the bottle from her hands. 
"I have already been here several times," he whispered, leaning closer to her as if he was revealing a big secret, even if they were alone in the kitchen. "I know where to find something more… suitable for such a pretty lady, follow me."
He took her hand, practically engulfing it in his slender and delicate fingers. He led her out of the kitchen, not letting go as he made his way across the crowd that had gathered in the living room, going as far as the top of the stairs. However, Y/n realized he was being careful as to not drag her too roughly through the innumerable bodies. 
Finally, he turned around a corner and slid through a small door, behind which a small staircase descended into a pitch black corridor. 
"I'm David," he said as he continued to walk down the stairs. Even in the darkness, Y/n could see his wide, mischievous smile when he looked back at her. 
"Y/n," she replied smiling back, although she doubted he had noticed since her eyes were anxiously fixed on the steps. 
"Here," he said gently, almost reading her mind, as he took her hand and placed it on his arm. "This stair is a little bit steep, you might want to hold onto me." 
Y/n nodded with a soft "thank you" before they continued their descent. 
Finally, they reached an underground room. David reached out his hand and began feeling the wall next to the entrance until he found the light switch. 
When he turned on the lights, Y/n could see three rows of large barrels and another of wooden racks, full of wine bottles of different kinds. Finally, a small metallic table stood in the center of the room, a silver tray with four glasses resting atop. 
"See?" David said, rubbing his hands together as he made his way towards the racks. He knelt before one and moved his fingers tentatively around the bottles while he chose one. Finally, he gripped the neck of a bottle with a beautifully painted label depicting an abstract bouquet of posies on a white background. 
"Are you sure Mick will be okay with this?"
Y/n asked, snickering nervously as she approached the table. David nodded without a single trace of worry and carefully pulled the cork off. 
"Come on, he won’t miss one sad little bottle, he’s got plenty,” he assured and carefully poured the two glasses, handing one to Y/n. 
“Well, cheers to that,” Y/n said, lifting her glass with a soft laugh. He reciprocated the toast and took a small sip of his glass, staring at Y/n thoughtfully with pursed lips as she took another sip. 
“You’re not much of a talker, are you?” he said with an amused grin. Y/n felt her face burn as she bit the inside of her cheek, pondering on whether the words in her brain should leave her mouth. However, thanks to that odd instant connection established between the two of them, David seemed to peek into her mind once again. 
“You do know who I am, don’t you?” he asked. 
“I do!” Y/n gave in, clamping her hand over her forehead and shaking her head, “Of course I do, I’ve been actively trying to get a hold of myself for the last ten minutes, I figured it would be awful to come up to someone wanting a normal conversation and instead end up with another starstruck fan babbling about how much they love your music and how you’re amazing, blah, blah, blah.” 
Y/n looked up at David, who was just staring back with a surprised expression and obviously trying to refrain himself from bursting out laughing. However, before she could panic any further, he grabbed the bottle and leaned forward. 
“I believe the most responsible thing to do would be to cut you off,” However, he did exactly the opposite and tilted the bottle to refill Y/n’s glass. “But if this is what it takes to keep you talking, I’d let you wipe out Mick’s entire cellar, dear.” 
Y/n let out a relieved laughter, feeling more tranquil now that she had gotten that off her chest and didn’t scare poor David away. Said calmness increased when he began laughing as well. It was an honest and hearty laugh that made both of them forget the entire party above them, even after the laughter stopped and they sat in a comfortable silence, sipping on their glasses contentedly. 
“Coltrane,” David said after a short while. Y/n hummed questioningly and furrowed her eyebrows. 
“John Coltrane,” the musician repeated, “do you know him?” 
“I absolutely love John Coltrane,” Y/n replied, emphasizing every word, “I have spent years collecting every album of his, and now I’m only missing A Love Supreme,” 
“That I can help with,” David replied with a flirty smile. Y/n now positively blushed, which he noticed despite her attempt to hide it behind the glass as she raised it to her lips. 
“Smooth,” She quipped. “Alright, Chet Baker?” 
“Love him. I’d hate to boast, but I own a gigantic collection of jazz records. Coltrane, Davis, Baker, you name it. Perhaps you’d like to visit me sometime and I could show them to you?” 
Y/n nearly choked on her wine. However, she realized that the longer she kept talking to the world-famous rockstar, the less she perceived him as such, now rather seeing him as a fellow jazz connoisseur who happened to be undeniably charming. 
Suddenly, their pleasant chatter was interrupted by an odd sound. It was so out of place that it took Y/n a couple minutes to put her finger on what it was, until she realized it was a doorbell. More specifically, the one they had at her building. How the hell could the doorbell of her flat be ringing in Mick Jagger’s cellar, and too loudly to be at the main door? 
As Y/n turned to face David, she blinked confused when her eyes met nothing but an empty space next to the table. Before she could think or say anything else, the doorbell began ringing once again in an annoyingly persistent fashion.
Y/n opened her eyes and found herself staring at the ceiling of her bedroom. She felt a dull ache in her chest and sighed deeply, hoisting herself up and rubbing her eyes groggily. Y/n swung her legs over the edge of her bed and looked down when her toes collided with something cold and smooth. She picked up a small, square object that laid beside her bed, recognizing it as an object she should’ve never taken out of the box in the attic to which it had been confined for months. 
It was a framed picture of David and her together. He was hugging her by the neck and planting a kiss on her temple. The Y/n of the picture smiled gleefully, her hands placed atop the musician’s. 
Y/n huffed and placed the picture inside a drawer next to her bed as the phone downstairs began ringing. She hurried down the stairs and plucked the annoying artifact from its base. 
“Yes?” she answered. The familiar voice of her brother sounded on the other side, especially cheerful. 
“Happy birthday!” he greeted, “Where are you? Are you at home? I’ve been ringing on your doorbell for ages!”
“Birthday?” she answered, furrowing her eyebrows. “Oh, right. Our birthday. I’m sorry, John. I’ll be downstairs in a minute.”
She rushed to the mirror in her bathroom and stared at her face, didn’t liking at all what she saw. Her eyes and cheeks were noticeably red and puffy, and the last thing she needed was a concerned twin that tended to ask too many questions regarding her well-being. 
Y/n hastily threw some cold water on her face and patted her hair to make it look somewhat neat before hurrying downstairs and opening the door to find John standing before her. By the way the edges of his lips sunk when he laid eyes on her, she knew her efforts to look perfectly fine had been futile. Stupid twin intuition, she thought, stepping aside to let him in. They walked upstairs in silence and, right after she closed the door after him, John spoke. 
“Do you want to t–?” 
“I had a dream about him again,” Y/n snapped, folding her arms and sitting on the sofa. John thought that in that position she accurately resembled a pouting child. 
“Y/n…” John cooed sitting next to her, his arm placed comfortingly over her shoulders “Listen, I came to invite you to the studio. Me and the boys are recording a new song today, and I know how much you love to hear us play, and since it’s our birthday we could get lunch after...but if you don’t feel like going, I could ring them, tell them something came up, then we could go to Brixton and get some of those Cuban sweets you like so much…”
“Jamaican,” Y/n interjected with a soft smile, which her brother returned. 
“Jamaican sweets, then. How does that sound?” 
Y/n looked around the flat. That day it felt particularly small and stuffy, and no matter how much she wanted to stay in and spend the day in bed, she knew there was nothing that could lift her spirits more than sunlight, good music and the three boys she loved most in the whole world. 
Suddenly, the sound of a car honk blared through the window, followed by the unmistakable voice of Roger. 
“Come on, Deacons! Are you coming, or what?” 
Y/n giggled and shook her head before staring up at her twin.
“I thought you said you could ring them to reschedule,” 
“I might have decided to forget they were downstairs waiting in the car in favor of your well-being,”  
“Then I guess it would be extremely rude to keep them waiting, wouldn’t it?” 
Y/n said, keeping an exaggeratedly serious attitude. 
“Oh, absolutely. How shalt thou proceed?”  
He replied, making a funny nasal voice to accompany his parodic posh accent. Y/n laughed and threw her arms in the air as she walked back into her bedroom. 
“Alright, alright, you win. I’ll be ready in a bit.”
Y/n hummed as she wandered around the recording studio, carrying the notebook with the notes of the new song John was writing for the album. She flipped through the pages, admiring her brother’s messy handwriting, so typical of him when he was in a hurry. 
She loved the recording studio, and deeply appreciated the band’s willingness to let her tag along whenever she wanted. If it was up to her, Y/n would spend every single day with them at the studio, but she knew they needed space as a band and a Masters took up much more of her time than she expected. 
Thus, she was more than happy to sporadically join them and perform small tasks such as fetching things they had forgotten in the car, like the notebook she was holding in her hands. 
Reaching the door of the room in which they were recording, she grabbed the handle and walked in, her eyes still fixed on the pages. 
“John, here’s your notebook,” she announced, lifting her glance, “I’m serious, if your head wasn’t attached to your neck…”
Y/n froze in place, a cold shiver slowly sliding down her spine as her eyes fell upon the figure that sat on a chair, staring at the boys who were already inside the booth, discussing something among them. She slowly placed the notebook atop one of the speakers and silently walked backwards to avoid drawing attention to her, but it was too late. 
David’s blue eyes wandered to the side until they collided with Y/n’s, freezing him in place as well. Feeling her throat dry up, she couldn’t think of anything better to do other than making her escape through the doors and going back to the hallway, where she stared blankly at the wall before her as she tried to collect her thoughts. 
What the bloody hell is he doing here? she thought, fighting the urge to peek back inside to make sure he hadn’t followed her. 
It wasn’t necessary. Shortly after, Y/n heard steps headed towards the door. Without making sure it was even David, she quickly began walking down the hallway, trying to remember whether it led to the exit at all.
She felt cornered when she reached a dead end, seeing nothing but doors leading to empty studios around her, and the steps kept getting closer. For a short instant she considered the possibility of hiding inside one of the studios, but they were probably locked and it sounded much too childish anyway. 
She couldn’t keep running anymore. 
“Y/n?” The voice behind her spoke, making her stomach feel as if it was riding a roller coaster. She faked a composed smile and turned to face David as he approached her with slow, hesitant steps. “I didn’t expect to see you here,” 
“Hi,” she coolly greeted, “Yeah, I...I didn’t expect you to be here either. What are you doing here?” 
“I’ve been looking for you for months,” he interjected, ignoring her question with a pang of annoyance in his voice. She lifted her eyebrows with faux surprise. 
“Really? Oh, I’ve been quite busy. That’s just how things are sometimes, right?” 
However, the recognition she expected to find in his eyes wasn’t there, as if the words she had intentionally chosen meant nothing to him. Unbeknownst to her, the same moment she had been replaying in her mind over and over for the past months was exactly what he had in mind right then, trying to make any sense of what she was trying to say. 
It hadn’t been a nice day from the very beginning. Rainy, windy and cold. Both of them actually enjoyed that kind of day, but this one felt different. 
It probably was the fact that David’s reply to Y/n’s “I love you” before she left their shared flat was “See you,” or that the night before he had insisted on her going to bed so he could stay up working on the songs for his album, promising he would join her when he was done only for Y/n to find him sleeping on the couch in the morning. 
When her classes were over for the day, she went straight to the phone booth outside her college and dialed his number cheerfully. When he picked up, he sounded tired and even slightly irritated. 
“Who is it?” he dryly spoke. Y/n frowned, a little confused and decidedly hurt. 
“Hi love, it’s me,” she replied, hoping his tone would change when he realized it was his girlfriend calling. However, that wasn’t the case. 
“Oh, hi. What is it?” David answered. 
“Nothing, it’s just...I wanted to let you know that my last class was canceled, so I’ll be coming home earlier, alright?” 
“Yeah, fine. I’ll see you here,” he replied. However, Y/n didn’t hang up. 
“Wait, I was thinking, maybe we could go out and have dinner together? They opened a new place downtown and it seems lovely.” 
“Sure, if that’s what you want,” 
Y/n blinked, still confused. Had she done or said anything wrong? Why did he sound so bitter? 
“Is it not what you want?” She tentatively asked, still maintaining a happy disposition towards him despite his attitude. 
“No, it's fine. Listen Y/n, I’m a little busy at the moment, we’ll talk about it when you come home, okay? See you later,” 
“Yes, fine. I’ll see you later, I lo–”
But he had already hung up. She sighed and exited the booth, gloomily realizing that had been the second unanswered “I love you,” of the day, something that was becoming more and more frequent. 
When she arrived at their flat, Y/n slid the keys inside the lock and turned them as quietly as she could, slowly swinging the door open.
As she made her way through the flat, Y/n could hear David’s voice in the kitchen, somewhat muffled by the whistle of the kettle. 
“...I know, I know,” he spoke, sounding tired. A pause followed before he spoke again. 
“I just want one hour, Lou,” he snapped, “One bloody hour to work properly with no distractions and not having to worry about being an arse to her,” 
He must be at the phone, Y/n thought as she moved closer. 
Y/n stopped on her tracks and covertly stood next to the kitchen door. When David said “her” was he referring to his girlfriend? Was he considering her a distraction to his work? Of course she had noticed he was feeling a lot of stress from the new album, but didn’t think her efforts to relieve him of some of that pressure were unwanted. Perhaps she had unknowingly crossed some boundary? 
“I know she does, and I didn't mind it at first, but...I just can’t stand her sometimes, and I feel like shit about it. Maybe...I don’t know, lately I’ve been wondering whether it’s time to call things off. She’s doing her best, I know she is, but I refuse to put up with it anymore.” 
By that point, Y/n had to clamp her hand over her mouth to muffle the strangled sob that began to build up down her throat. She wished more than ever that her last class hadn’t been canceled, that she was far away from there, sitting before her desk without even suspecting that the love of her life was planning on getting rid of such a “distraction”. She was completely taken aback. The hurtful way in which he was referring to her, even cold-heartedly, didn’t sound like the David she had met and fallen in love with. She would have bet on her life he would never talk about her like that. 
“Yeah, it’s a pity, I did like her, you know? But now I hear her come in and I honestly want to jump out of the window,” Then David laughed. He dismissively talked about breaking things off with her and laughed about it. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and Y/n’s heart as well. “Anyway, that’s the way things are sometimes. I’ll deal with it tomorrow.”
Y/n didn’t intend to stay and listen for not even one more lousy minute. It took her two seconds to realize she didn’t have the strength to face him. Just standing in the flat, staring at the walls that had witnessed so many hours of their relationship made her sick. 
As silently as she had arrived, but with tears in her eyes and a sharp pain bolting relentlessly through her chest, Y/n slipped out the door and rushed down the street, unsure of where she would go next or what she would do. She only knew that she wanted to be as far away from David as she could.
But apparently, the universe had other plans. The man she had spent months avoiding was now standing before her, looking hurt and confused as he opened his mouth to speak. 
“I need to talk to you,” 
“I think it’s too late for that,” Y/n cut him off, “because I don’t want to talk to you.”
“Exactly,” David replied, “What happened? One day you went to college as always and never came back, you changed your phone number, nobody will tell me where you have been living, where did you go, and most importantly, you didn’t even tell me why you left in the first place.”
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and blinked, feeling extremely confused. 
“Are you serious?” she asked, “I heard your phone call with Lou, David. I heard everything you said about me being a distraction, and how you couldn’t stand me anymore, and how you wanted to jump through the fucking window every time you heard me come home. And I tried to spare us the whole breakup speech by just leaving, but if you want to talk about it fine, let’s talk about it.” 
David just stood and stared at her, not even a trace of guilt dashed over his face, just utter confusion until his eyes went wide and his mouth broke into a relieved grin, his hand pressed against his forehead. 
“Oh my god,” he said and began chuckling nervously, “I can’t...oh god.”
“What’s so funny?” Y/n exclaimed, not deciding on whether she should feel hurt, insulted or just as perplexed as he did seconds before. 
“Y/n...that call was not about you at all.” 
“How could you have even conceived I’d say such things about you? I was talking about Miranda, the assistant I had been working with for two months,” 
Y/n just moved her mouth a couple of times as if she wanted to say something, but her mind was a complete blank, her brain struggling to order her thoughts and give them some logic, replaying the conversation in her mind. Since she did not speak, David took this as a sign to continue his explanation. 
“She was a fan of mine but I didn’t mind it at first, because it did not interfere with her job. But eventually she began flirting with me until it became unbelievably annoying and I decided to fire her, although I did feel pretty bad about it because she was a nice girl, I just couldn’t ignore it anymore.” 
“But…” Y/n murmured, still unsure. “They way you acted towards me before, like...like you didn’t want me around at all.” 
David’s eyes saddened at that statement, and the guilt that had been missing from his face suddenly appeared as he nodded. 
“That I did and it is completely my fault. The deadline for the album was around the corner, I was struggling with my writing, and I made the terrible mistake of taking all that frustration out on you, and you can’t imagine how sorry I am, darling. It didn’t dawn on me how unfair I was and how horrible you must have felt until I found myself alone in that flat and realized you weren’t coming back.”
David pressed his lips together and sighed deeply before slowly making his way towards her, lingeringly wrapping his hands around hers.  
“I guess what I’m trying to say, Y/n, is that I’ve terribly missed you. I was angry at you for leaving without an explanation, and so I didn’t even try to find you. By the time I realized I loved you too much to let my pride get the best of me, you were already gone. And if you let me, I promise I will fix that.” 
“David,” Y/n replied with a sigh, “I don’t know. I would love to believe all of that is true just like that...but somehow…” 
“You find it hard to trust me,” David finished for her. After all, he was still capable of reading her mind so easily. She bit her lip and nodded, tears threatening to fall from her eyes as she blinked. 
“I’ll need some time to think about it, okay?” she said, putting her hand against this cheek with a gentle smile before clearing her throat and making her way around him to head back to the studio. 
However, before she could take two steps, his voice stopped her. 
“A Love Supreme.” he stated, turning to face her, his face full of a new resolution. “The day we met you told me the only Coltrane album you were missing was A Love Supreme, and I didn’t forget, do you want to know why I never mentioned it again?” 
“David,” Y/n began to say, only to be immediately silenced by him.
“No, no, let me finish. I didn’t forget, and the only reason why I never gave it to you was because I didn’t want to give you just another album. I spent months looking for something way better than that, something that lived up to what you deserve. And one month before you left, I found it. It was an unopened record signed by Coltrane himself, and I was saving it for your birthday, for today, as fate would have it. And I never got rid of it, I still have it after all these months just in case…” his voice faltered, and Y/n could see how his eyes, those beautiful blue eyes she was still infatuated with no matter how strongly she tried to deny it, turned glassy, prompting David to clear his throat. “Just in case you ever came back. And I’m still waiting and if I don’t walk out of here with you today, I will keep waiting.”
Y/n stared at him, scanning every inch of his face, until her eyes stopped when they met his. Slowly, she made her way back towards him and, in a contrastingly sudden movement, cupped his cheeks in her hands and pulled his face towards her to press a soft kiss to his lips. Yet, it did not remain that way for long as David slid his arms around her waist and pulled her closer almost desperately, his lips leaving hers to meet her cheeks, forehead, nose and finally her mouth once again. 
“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” he said, his voice hoarse as a relieved but unsure smile tugged at the edge of his lips. 
Y/n could only nod as she smiled back at him, her thumb softly caressing his cheek. 
“I swear to god Bowie, if you ever treat me that way again, I will shove my foot so far up your–”
“I won’t, I promise,” he quickly assured, pecking her lips hastily, “Do you have any idea of how insufferable it was to live without somebody to bring me coffee while I worked?” 
Y/n punched his arm jokingly, but couldn’t hold back a gleeful snicker as they made their way back to the studio, their fingers almost instinctively intertwined, and the world significantly brighter than it was when they woke up.
“So…” Y/n heard a voice behind her as she helped put the instruments back in their cases. “...is everything sorted out?” 
She turned around to find her twin fondly smiling at her. 
“It is. Isn’t it great that he happened to be around the studio?” she said, noticing a sheet of paper lying on the floor besides one of the speakers. Y/n picked it up and began reading it when she noticed it was a draft of a song. 
“Under Pressure, with…” she lifted her head and stared at her brother, her eyes wide in realization. “You knew he’d be here. John Richard Deacon, did you deliberately ask me to come because you knew he’d be here?” 
John’s face was pale. He obviously didn’t intend Y/n to find out like that. He probably had in mind something more subtle, like casually mentioning it to her at lunch later that day, or back at her flat. 
“Look, I can explain,” he stuttered. “The first time you told me how everything happened, I couldn’t help but wonder why you didn’t even give the lad a chance to explain himself. Because you were right, I had to put up with your babbling about all the wonderful things he said to you for ages, and it did not sound like him. But you’re a very proud and stubborn person, Y/n. I love you, but you know it’s true. And I knew you wouldn’t do it without...well, some help. What can I say? I saw the chance and I took it.”
“Then why didn't you just give him my new address?” she inquired. 
“Because if despite everything you still wanted him to stay away, your address would remain a secret.”
“Johnny, you absolute genius!” Y/n exclaimed, throwing her arms around her twin brother's neck and hugging him tightly, “Thank you. For everything.” 
“Come on, what are twins for? Now, you go and have fun with him. It’s your birthday.” 
“But I don’t want you or the boys to feel as if I ditched you,” Y/n said, a worried look on her face. John chuckled and shook his head with a shrug.
“Don’t be ridiculous, darling,” Freddie’s voice said from behind them as the singer walked by. “you have many, many birthdays left to spend with this bunch of old ladies, we can get lunch tomorrow. Now go.”
Y/n stared at him baffled, but before she could question anything, Brian looked at her, one of his eyebrows lifted. 
“Of course we all knew of Deacy’s plan. Roger just lost money on this.” 
“I didn’t lose shit!” Roger exclaimed, sulking out of the recording booth, “I said she would tell him to give her time to think about it, I never said she would reject him.” 
Y/n looked fondly at the boys and shook her head. They truly were incorrigible. After gifting them with one last excited smile, she ran outside to meet the man she did not wish to be parted from ever again. 
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Can I request a fluffy John Deacon x fem. reader long fic where it’s Christmas Eve and John surprises reader with a present and when reader opens it, it’s a velvet box and when reader looks inside it turns out to be a ring and John takes it from her and gets down on one knee and goes into this speech about how much he loves her and that when he met her it was love at first sight and he asks reader to marry him?
Yess! so cute!
pairings: John Deacon x Fem!reader summary: ^^^^ warnings: too cute
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"hey, I got you something" Your boyfriend of 5 years, John said walking down the stairs with a wrapped box in his hand
"well put it under the tree then" you smiled at him as he sat down next to you on the couch.
it was a cold night and the fireplace was on, warming you up as you drank hot chocolate.
"just open it" he held it out for you to take
"but it's not christmas yet, that's tomorrow, can't it wait only a few more hours?" you leaned into him resting your head on his chest, hearing his heart race, so fast you would've thought he ran a marathon. it made you wonder why
"no it can't" he stated
you put your hot chocolate on the coffee table and leaned back into him, taking the box from him, you looked at him and raised an eyebrow
"what is it?" you asked him
"I'm not gonna tell you, that would ruin the surprise" he rolled his eyes
as you ripped the wrapping paper of the box, John leaned forward and took a sip of your drink, trying to hide his nervous face as you opened his gift.
you opened the box to see another, smaller box inside. You pulled the box out and looked at it. the pretty red velvet box you held in your hand made your smile.
it hadn't been the first time he's given you a box like that, only a few months prior he gave you a similar box with a necklace inside, and a year before was a pair of earrings.
"you give me too much of these, i practically have a whole draw of similar boxes" you joked with a giggle, he didn't look as amused as you though, his face held something different.
your smile faltered as you noticed his uncomfortable state
you looked at the box and became confused, it made you wonder...
you opened the box slowly and looked at it intently, a beautiful ring, decorated with the prettiest of diamonds was staring right backup at you
you looked up at John and a lump formed in your throat, he slowly took the box off you and got off the couch, making his way down on one of his knees.
it's that type of ring.
you body begun to feel hot and your vision went blurry
"John-" you start to say
"can you let me talk sweetheart?" he managed to smile shyly
"sorry" you apologised, sitting up and grabbed onto the blanket covering your legs
"you are- the best the that has ever happened to me, and I love you with all my heart, you make me want to be a better person and I am forever grateful for you. I have never wanted anything more than I want you, and it's been that way since we met- at the bar"
"I'm going to talk to her" roger said to the bored John.
Roger had dragged John to a bar, telling him he needed to put himself out there.
"you go do that" John sighed.
Roger had been staring at a girl sitting at a table on the other side of the room. she sat there talking to her friend who seemed uncomfortable to be there
"but I can't just go and take her away from her friend"
"look Roger, I think I might just leave-"
"you have to come with me" Roger pulled John up from his seat and made his way to their table with John trailing behind
"hey ladies!" Roger greeted joyfully
"hey" the girl said, looking up at the Roger and John hiding behind him
"need a drink?"
after a while, Roger and the girl were practically on top of each other on the other side of the booth, leaving John sitting awkwardly next to a girl he doesn't know the name of.
"what do you say we get out of here?" Roger suggested to crystal.
"yeah sure!"
they leave their seats and begin gathering their things
"wait no- you're my ride" the girl beside John said to crystal
"I'm sure John will give you a ride" Roger replied to her.
the girl next to him sunk in her chair, feeling dumped
"bye" Roger waved, winking to John before leaving with his new one night stand, leaving John with a girl he didn't know. he looked over to her, seeing that she was already looking at him.
"I'm John" he smiled nervously
"I know, your from that band" she said sheepishly, looking down at her lap, fiddling with her fingers
John was caught off guard, he didn't know what to do or say in this situation
"what's your name?" John asked
"thats a pretty name"
John noticed the girls face turn a light shade of pink as he said that and it made him nervous, realising what he said
"thanks" she smiled at him sweetly
the two begun talking for two more hours before realising the time
"I should probably get going, it was nice meeting you John" the girl said, picking up her purse and putting her jacket on.
"we should- uh- do this. we do this" John stuffed up his words
"i'd like that" she giggled before she wrote down her contact on a napkin and gave it to him
"bye John" she smiled, kissing him on the cheek, getting John all flustered at the affection
she walked out of the bar, smiling at him as she looked back at him
John sat there for a minute before he got up and walked out with the napkin in his pocket.
he saw that is was heavily raining and he worried for you, you didn't have an umbrella on you and you didn't even have a ride.
you didn't have a ride
John looked around and noticed you, waiting for a bus while soaking wet
he couldn't leave you out in the rain like that, he wouldn't. especially because you were the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, and one of the sweetest.
"I can give you a ride" he stated as he got closer to you, getting drenched
she turned around and smiled at him
"it makes me wonder what would happen if i left you out there in the rain, but I'm glad i didn't. I love you more than anything in the world and I would appreciate it if you would let me spend the rest of my life with you. so, sweetheart, will you marry me?" John finished his ramble
you couldn't come up with any words to reply with and john was left there for a second of silence.
you decided your throat was failing you and just kissed him. running your hands through his long hair and pulling him closer. he pulled away for a second to look at you
"I need an answer" he said, looking down at the ring
"yes! why would I ever say no?" you told him before placing another kiss on his lips
he placed the ring on your finger and let a deep breath he didn't know he was holding.
okokokok i hope that was alright
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magickcandie · 5 months
John Deacon x Fem!Reader
In the rising fame of Queen, many journalists were often there to talk. More often than naught, the band found themselves repeating things before sending the reporter away. That was until Y/N L/N.
When she was there, she found a way to make herself like able. Speaking about the art of performing with Freddie. Roger’s song writing. Brian’s understanding of writing music. And most of all, she got John to talk and smile and laugh. None of the others could.
She was the one they sent whenever they needed information of Queen. And that became the only time John was excited for an interview.
“You guys have another interview.” Miami said, walking into the studio. “It’s with Y/N.”
“Oh, that’s great!” John said, his tone of voice revealing how he really felt about said reporter.
Roger turned to look at the bassist. “That’s the most excited I’ve ever seen you for an interview.”
“Yeah, John, what is it?” Brian asked, just as curious.
“Nothing, just… interested in the… interview topics?”
“I think our lovely John is definitely interested in something, but not the interview.” Freddie said, coming to sit next to Roger and Brian.
Roger leaned forward to tease. “My my, Deaky, do you fancy Y/N?”
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John raised his brows with a mischievous grin but shook his head anyway.
“You should totally take her out. It could be so romantic,” Brian said.
“No, I could never talk to Y/N.”
“You’re distaste towards human interaction is becoming… well, quite distasteful,” Freddie said with a pout. “What if we were to do something?”
Roger jumped to his feet in excitement. “Yeah, we could talk to Y/N for you!”
“No, we won’t be doing any of that, thank you. I’m willing to let things happen on their own.”
“John, dear, if we let you deal with it like that, nothing will happen.”
Freddie didn’t give John the luxury of arguing back. Said a simple “tut tut” and walked off, taking Brian and Roger with him. Which was fine because that’s when you walked in.
“Hello, John.” You smiled at him. “Where’s the rest of them?”
“Elsewhere. How have you been, Y/N?”
“Fine, fine. And you?”
“Quite alright. So what’s the plan for today?”
“Hm? Oh, I’m to ride with you to the venue while you all do sound checks and the like. In between those is when I’ll start individual interviews.”
In many ways you were found of John as well. You felt his answers were truthful in a way that the others didn’t quite have. But that was on the professional level. He made you happy, and laugh. He was very open, which you found out was actually a rare thing.
On many occasions, you tricked yourself into thinking he was just being courteous.
Much to John’s dismay, you got Freddie first.
“Hello, Fred. You can have a seat, I just need to get a new pen. Seems that I have lost mine.”
“Oh you won’t need that. Come, let’s talk.” He hooked arms with you. “Shall I interview you?”
“Me? Whatever for?”
“What, can’t I speak with my darling friend Y/N?”
You shrugged but went along with it. “What’s bothering you?”
Freddie waved his hands in dismissal. “You shan’t be my therapist either. This is about you, my dear. What do you look for in a lifelong partner?”
“Oh, that’s a bit forward." Freddie shrugged as if it wasn't "Well I don't know. Someone who's honest, I guess."
"John is very honest. Ever think about things short term?"
"No. I see no desire in that."
Freddie crossed his legs, then uncrossed them and stood. "Well that's all I have for you, darling. I'll send Roger in."
You didn't acknowledge him as he left the room, then Roger was walking in. He took Freddie's spot on the couch.
"How have you been, Y/N."
"Fine, fine. Now, I we see that you wrote a song on the album. What influences -"
"Oh, hush up about the album. Let's talk."
"Roger, what are you and Freddie doing?"
"Oh, he got started? Good. Are you doing anything this coming week?"
"No, not that I know of."
"Neither is John." Roger left it at that and leaves the room, leaving you completely shocked.
Brian walked in with a smile. He would be easy to ask. He'd reveal himself if you asked.
"Brian May, what are you guys doing?"
"What do you mean?" He started to play with his hands. He was already nervous.
"You, Roger, and Freddie. What are you doing?" You crossed your arms, hoping that you could weasel the answer out of Brian.
"Y/N, we're not -"
"Were you coming in here to talk about John? Now tell me, what are you doing?"
Brian sighed and deflected in defeat. "John likes you, but he wouldn't do anything. We decided that we would try to push you into it instead." He stood up. "I'll leave now."
It was the greatest news you could've heard! You couldn't wait for him to say something, because you knew John. He wouldn't on any occasion!
John coming into the room took you out of your head. He smiled at you, sitting down at the couch.
"Hello, Y/N. What questions do you have about the album?"
At least he didn't set them up, you reasoned with yourself.
"John, I don't want to talk about the album." Everything was set up, and there was no better time to admit your feelings than here. "I really like you. And unfortunately, Brian did said you did liked me too?"
He went quiet and red in the face. "Y/N, I'm sorry you had to hear it from them."
"It's fine, John, really, but is it true?"
"Yes, Y/N, I really do. You're really beautiful, insanely smart, and just so... perfect. Can I take you out?"
You embraced him. "Of course, John!"
Freddie, Brian, Roger stood standing, peaking through the door. They froze when they saw John glare at them over your shoulder. The boys laughed before shutting the door.
Freddie sighed, dropping his hand to his hip. "Well that didn't take long."
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Which trope irritates you the most or you think is just plain ridiculous?
I’ll start
It’s when rude!guy is getting physically aggresive with female!protagonist at her place of work or somewhere public and male!protagonist gets into fisticuffs with rude!guy (for being rude duh!) yet somehow female!protagonist gets mad at male!protagonist (??????) for making a scene because she apparently had it “under control” even though rude!guy almost practically had her in a chokehold or something
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mercedestaylor · 4 years
Just Let Me Adore You
Roger Taylor x fem! reader AU
You and Queen have known each other for many years. Through the years you and Roger have some intense moments and try to be near each other. On the way to a pub you and Roger have another intense stare. This time in his car.
A/N: So, this was the first ever complete written fic I’ve done. I thought this was the best timing to post this to celebrate the most beautiful person alive.
Happy Birthday Roger! Long live the Queen (one of four ;) )
word count: 1987
warnings: swear words, slight nsfw? let’s call it a hot moment
THIS gif inspired me to write this :)
I touched up my last swing of mascara when I looked at the clock. It was already 8:20. Roger and Freddie would be here in 10 minutes. I brushed my hair one last time so it looked fresh and glowy. I wore a red bodysuit with a flowy black skirt that was still over my knees and some baby blue sneakers. My hair was open with little braids in them. We were going to a newly opened pub to check it out. We wanted to get there later but since it was summer it was still bright outside. We were meeting the rest of the boys there. When I checked my makeup and outfit the last time my doorbell rang. I quickly grabbed my purse and ran to the door. I grabbed my keys and went down the stairs only to see that the boys were already back in the car.
I waved at them and got in the back seat.
„Hey girls, are you ready to rock?“ I smiled. I looked at them expectantly and waited for their response.
„Are you ready to roll? I’m really sceptic dear, nothing can be better than The Rabbit Hole. “ Freddie said.
„And what do you think?“ I smiled at Roger. He was looking at me through the rear view mirror and smiled back at me.
„I have no expectations. Let’s just make the best time out of it.“
I looked at him questioningly. „BORING!“ I said and laughed.
They both did too and Roger said „Let’s just go and see.“
So he started the engine. The pub was all across London so we had to drive 20 minutes. I got my seatbelt on and when they heard the clicking sound they softly laughed. I glared at them and told them to shut up because I would be the one that wouldn’t die in a car crash.
I looked out the window to cherish this beautiful city. I’ve lived my whole live in London, but only lived in this area for 3 years. I’ve met the boys on a gig they had and we befriended really quick since Freddie is so open with people.
I was on the bar to get myself a drink when he came to me.
„Oh my god, shut the fuck up! Your outfit is amazing! I love how you combined this super cute dress with those rocking boots and to top it off a beautiful leather jacket. You have an out of this world fashion sense. You should totally go to my friends and I’s shop in Kensington Market.“
When he was finally done with complimenting me I thanked him and told him that I was interested in visiting his shop. He then introduced me to his band mates.
„My darlings, this is a new friend of mine!“ he shouted over the loud music.
„What was your name, dear? “ he asked me.
„I’m Y/N.“
A tall young man with a lot of black hair came to me and gave me his hand.
„Nice to meet you Y/N, I’m Brian.“ he smiled.
I shook his hand and smiled back. Brian got back to his seat. The guy beside him waved at me.
„Hi I’m John Deacon.“
I waved back „Hi“.
Freddie walked to them „We’re just waiting for Roger now. “
And at that second a beautiful blonde boy came up and got next to me. He shortly looked at me then the boys and then looked me up and down.
I looked back at him and coughed to get his attention back to my face
„Can I help you?“
„You could but I’d rather help you.“ He smirked and I heard the boys laugh.
„Take it easy, Rog.“ Freddie said. „This is our new friend, Y/N.“
He still looked at me and gave me his hand .
„What a pleasure to meet you.“ Roger grinned.
The way he looked at me gave me shivers, but in the best way.
„I can only agree. “ I took his hand and we held eye contact what felt like minutes. His eyes really were what you call beautiful. We parted our hands yet kept looking at each other the remaining night.
Since then many years have passed however nothing ever happened seriously between us. In fact, he recently got out of his relationship that lasted 4 years. He still got his „flings“ from time to time, still mostly he would get a girl for one night. Queen had quickly risen to fame and success and just dropped their new album. They would soon be touring again in Europe.
Roger just drove past a yellow traffic light when I looked at him. I looked at the back of his head with his beautiful blonde hair. It’s been always so fluffy and soft. I was sitting in the middle seat so I had a perfect view of his side profile while he was concentrated on driving. I’ve always thought he was too pretty to be human but here he is.
Roger tried to get at me on the first years we’ve known each other. Except I knew what he was about, that’s why I never agreed with it. But I secretly crushed over him. How could you not? I tried to take a glance when he wasn’t looking, I tried to stand close to him, we often hanged out together and he would visit me in my dreams. Even so in the early years there wasn’t any chance of him being in a serious relationship. Now he isn’t as bad as then anymore, though still I’m scared of getting hurt by him.
I look at his eyes through the rear view mirror. His big, deep blue baby eyes with these long lashes. They keep moving to check the street or just staring at the horizon. His eyes are so hypnotizing.
Sometimes I almost couldn’t control myself because we would look at each other while talking and when we were done he would keep staring at me with this soft yet intense look on his face. I had too much pride to look away so I held his gaze and we would just sit there and stare at each other.
And it was at these times where I just wanted to climb over the seat, sit on his lap and kiss him. I would touch his face while his hands grab my waist. My fingers wander through his soft hair, pulling some strands and him moaning into my mouth. His hands go up my body to my arms and chest. He kisses down my jaw to my neck and gently sucks on my pulse. I’d grind my hips on his and he would grab his arms under my legs, pull me up and get us out of the room for privacy.
Well, that was only my imagination. In reality I needed to keep my stand and stay in my seat while breaking the eye contact.
It was an advantage for me that he was distracted because in that case he didn’t notice me staring at him. I just couldn‘t help it. His face was mesmerizing. But just as I fell into another fantasy he looked at me. He noticed me staring at him. In his car. Though in a second he looked back on the street. Or so I thought because after he checked the street he looked back at me. And I didn’t know what to do.
Then I had the idea, when he was driving I couldn’t lose my control of holding back. Because when we would have another staring contest, I couldn’t get on his lap because he was driving. So I kept looking at him. He had his slightly orange tinted sunglasses on. Although I could still see his eyes through them.
I looked at the street to check if something’s in the ways of passing. I looked back at him and I see he also checked the street. He kept giving me this intense stare and I lifted an eyebrow. He started to smirk which I could see on his side profile. I tried to hold my incoming smile back but I couldn’t. I must have looked ridiculous trying to hold back because he chuckled shortly after. Roger looked back on the street to check.
I looked to Fred who didn’t seem interested in our „conversation“ or why Roger had laughed. When I looked at Roger I saw that he was looking up to the mirror. But I didn’t want to look away from his face. I studied his features like his jawline or his hands on the steering wheel. I could look at his hands all day long. My attention got back to his eyes when we needed to stop and he gently coughed. He was still looking at me. I playfully rolled my eyes whereupon he just winked at me.
We soon arrived at the pub and Roger parked on the lot. I unbuckled my seat belt and before I got out of the car I waited until one of them opened their door. I never wanted to be the first one to leave in case we had to stay in the car for some reason. When Freddie opened the door I also got out. I was on the same side like Fred so when I got out I turned around to check on Roger. He was just getting up and taking a first look at the pub.
„Wow, this is huge.“ He turned back to us.
„Oh darling, I can tell you some other things that are huge.“ Freddie commented. I hit Freddie with my arm and laughed.
„We all know, Fred. You don’t have to tell us again.“ I said.
Roger smiled at us and said „Let’s look for the others.“
We went to the entrance and searched Brian, Chrissie, Deaky and Veronica. Jim couldn’t come because he had to work early in the morning. He trusted me with the safety of Fred.
„I see them!“ Freddie shouted and jogged to them leaving me and Rog behind.
He walked right beside me, his arm brushing mine every now and then. We walked to the direction Freddie went off. Normally I was totally relaxed in his presence but now I felt somewhat tense. I felt the warmth his body was radiating.
„You shouldn’t do that again while I’m driving. Especially when you look like that.“ He said to me.
I looked at him questioningly. I knew what he meant but I wanted to hear it from him.
„What do you mean?“ I innocently fluttered my lashes. He laughed lightly.
„Oh I think you know what I mean. Listen, these moments that we have… I can’t ignore them.“ I looked forward because I felt my heartbeat quickening.
„I think we should talk about what has been going on between us for some time.“ He said slowly looking at me expectantly.
I’m trying to think of an answer to give. I feel rushed because it felt like minutes that I was thinking.
„Uhm, you know… uh...“ I’m so confused, this came out of nowhere.
„Maybe we can meet tomorrow? I think you know where I live.“ Roger jokes.
„I could make some dinner for us.“ He continues.
I stop walking and look at him.
„Uhm yeah, sure. Dinner sounds good.“ I said hastily. I play with my fingers.
He wanted to talk about what has been going on between us? Like the staring and standing close? How could I talk with him about that.
„Great.“ He smiled and started to walk again.
I kept looking at him and watched as he made his way to the boys.
„Hey Y/N! Get your pretty ass here, we want to party!“ Freddie shouted.
I smiled and walked to them. I greeted the rest of the group and we all went to the VIP entrance into the pub.
I want to thank @ineloqueent for giving me the motivation to write this, just because they replied my comment! And I also want to thank @perriwiinkle for reading this and giving me the confidence to post it!! You MUST check them out!!! @perriwiinkle wrote my favorite Roger fanfic series, so you also need to read her stories!! Out of time is the best shit ever!!
I hope the few people that read this story like it, too. Please give me some feedback 😊
And who got this far: THANK YOU FOR READING IT!!
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can you do the boys (bo rhap and queen) with a jewish fem reader?
Hi there anon! This is a great ask!
And as a forewarning, I am a Goyim and don’t have a personal knowledge of what it is like to be Jewish. So if I get something wrong, drag me gently. I do my best to be careful when writing about a less privileged person’s POV but I know I will get it wrong. I had been hesitant to write this request a bit for that reason, but I am gonna be brave today and do it!
He would come in with a surprising amount of knowledge. He is a good, Defensive boyfriend. If anybody tries to call you some Shiksa Goddess or say something rude and unwanted, he will wrap an arm around you and flip them off. He isn’t religious but would go with you to services out of respect. Plus, you get him into Hebrew language music which he blasts in his car.
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Once you said you were Jewish, Brian took it like a student with a homework assignment. He Reads up about it. He patiently listens to you as you explain your families Passover traditions. He asks lots of questions but he is never disrespectful. Often, you will react loudly and with emotion to things and so will your family. Brian would jump a bit at first, but get used to it. He may defend or hold you back in a debate, though!
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Gets a little into the Purim plays. “There ya go Esther, get him!” He will mutter under his breath at the kids in costume. He dances with you on holidays and it’s very romantic. He loves Hebrew phrases like “l’chaim!” And “mazel tov!” When you go out for a drink, he will slip a “l’chaim” before downing a shot and it makes you smile when he says it with his sweet voice.
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He understands being the minority, though you both still have different backgrounds. Although your family makes jokes like “I thought Moses freed us from the Egyptians and you’re dating an Egyptian guy?” He will politely laugh and smile. Both of you make some jokes, but it ends in cuddling and kissing every time. A Classy boyfriend who loves their family as much as you do.
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He would be so surprised that you born have mutual friends. Odds are, he went to college or was on a film set with some people you are connected with. “Guess it’s destiny, babe!” He would tease with his typical Joe grin. He would love your dedication to have a good time, be it doing silly dances to Beyoncé music or even making chores fun!
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He would love how super loyal you are to him. Although you were nervous about dating a Goyim guy (I mean, to be fair, it’s Ben we’re talking! Who can blame you for wanting to get him?!?), he would hold your hand and assure you everything would work out. Seeing you be a good person because it fulfills your faith makes his heart warm, too.
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He would love coming over to your house to try the food! Kugels, homemade bagels, latkes, matzo ball soup- he gives you a handsome grin when he bites and sips his way through dinner. When you both go camping together, you get into warm blankets and camping beds and talk about both of your travels, such as your brithright trip, and growing up going to camps during the summer with the other Jewish kids. Plus if you got upset at something traumatic in the news, he would go out of his way to protect you and make sure you were safe and loved.
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thosequeenboys · 4 years
Super Trouper (John Deacon x Reader)
Summary:  You and John Deacon became good friends during college.  When John joins a band, you both thought it was a fun hobby - until it became more. Over the years, you each followed your own career paths and shared your love of music, staying in touch mainly through letters, as friends -- until he invites you to Queen’s show at Madison Square Garden in 1980.
A/N: This piece was written for @imcompletelylost for the Possessed by Love Event.  I was so excited to be your creator, as we have some musical interests in common that I incorporated into the story. I hope you enjoy them. The story is based on my favorite ABBA song. Thank you @yourlocalmusicalprostitute for coordinating this event.  Thank you, @warriorteam1924 for great beta reading, ideas & support.  Also thanks to @mirkwoodshewolf and @iwilltrytobereasonable for brainstorming and your terrific ideas.
Warnings:  2-parts fluff to 1-part angst.  Band and song dates may not perfectly align with the story time frames.  I hope music historians will be forgiving, and any lapses will not detract from the story.
 It’s 1971, and you and your best friend, John Deacon, were in the cafeteria line pushing your trays along the railing.  Each of you grabbed a plate of sodden fish and chips from under the orange warming lights. After four years, you still missed a good old American burger and fries, but aside from the food, attending college in London had been a great experience.
“They asked me to audition. Seem like a good gaggle of guys.” John laughed at his alliteration.
“They call themselves Queen? Like, Your Majesty?” you queried.
“Indeed,” John affirmed. “The lead singer, Freddie, is an art student. He’s drawing a crest. And there’s Brian and Roger.  They’re science students.”
“Lovely!” you enthused.
“A good distraction from studies.” John concurred. “Though they do seem quite ambitious.”
“Can’t hurt to give it a go,” you shrugged. “Though good thing you all will have those polished degrees to fall back on,” you said, only half joking.
“I am pleased to confer your degrees upon you. Congratulations to the class of 1972,”  the Dean asserted with a tight grin.  The audience broke out into polite applause.  You looked around a bit bewildered. You missed the American tradition of giddy graduates tossing their mortarboards in the air with abandon. After a quick embrace, you and John made your way to the local pub to meet up with his band mates, now considered your friends.
“So, Y/N,” Brian said, placing a beer down before you, “You’re heading back to America next year? So willing to leave our lush gardens, cultural sophistication -- and our dear friend, John?
“Not to mention, the next band destined for greatness,” Freddie declared with a broad smile as he tucked his chin slightly, his long hair falling into his face.
“Yes, well,” you took a deep breath feeling four sets of eyes upon you. “The advertising agency I worked for during school offered me a position in their New York office.  Always wanted to live in New York.  I will miss London’s beauty and culture,” your voice lilted with the faint British accent you had picked up.
“And…” Roger prompted you to respond to the end of Brian’s statement.
“And, yes, the people I’ve met,” you spat out. You shot a glance at John, and you melted as you felt his eyes meeting yours. “And the memorable times I’ve had. With them.” you added, trying to sound light, but you felt tears collecting on the rim of your eyes and you blinked to dissipate them. You knew their presence resulted from the thought of leaving the most important person to you-the lithe, long-haired brunette, whose grey eyes you were now lost in-your best friend, John. Only a friend, the last four years had established. You grabbed a napkin and subtly dabbed at your eyes.
John blinked, and his lips fell into a grin that made his eyes crinkle. “You can’t be talking about our first day as chemistry lab partners when your signature hand movements to Dancing in the Street knocked the beaker clear off the table, smashing it to a million pieces.” John smirked.
“No,” you laughed, moving past your embarrassment to counter, “I’m actually thinking about the time we stayed up all night to write our English papers and finished each other’s sentences, taking sips of beer after each successful line.”
“Some of the best writing the University has ever seen,” John deadpanned, as he looked up wistfully. “And one of the highest English scores I ever earned, legless or sober.” He added, rubbing his chin.
“There it is then,” Roger interjected.
You both looked at him mystified.
“You’ll stay in touch by writing letters. Though you’ll each have to finish your own sentences, I suppose.” Roger concluded, unleashing his playful smile.
Your tight bell bottoms skimmed the floor and the loose open-neck cotton blouse with colorful embroidery flowed around your curves. You glanced at your bags piled by the door, moving over to check one to distract yourself from the impending onslaught of emotions. A soft knock interrupted your nervous efforts. You rezipped the bag as John entered and halted, taking you in.  His swallowed, and his mind revisited the thoughts he repeated to himself over the last few weeks. If only. If only this conversation could be different. If only I said something sooner. If only we wouldn’t be risking our friendship. If only you wanted this to be more. ‘If I only had the words to tell you, If you only had the time to understand. Though I know it wouldn't change your feelings, And I know you'll carry on the best you can.’ (1) You’d probably go anyway, he had concluded.
“Thanks for seeing me off,” You said, avoiding his gaze.
“I…I brought you something,” John blurted out, as his long fingers dug into the front pocket of his faded bell bottoms. He thrust a rectangular box toward you.
You forced a smile through your tense face and lifted the lid. You pulled out a delicate sterling silver chain that held a mounted luminescent grey oval stone with angular cuts that refracted blue hues.  “John, it’s…beautiful,” you said, as you reached behind your neck to fasten it.
“Here, let me,” he moved behind you, his strong fingers overlaying yours to ease the clasp, as he thought of the day he purchased the gift. Brian had accompanied John to the jewelry shop, and as they peered into the display case, Brian suddenly gasped. “Oh, a moonstone. So beautiful how it catches the light and changes colors.  This is really exquisite, John.  And, it will be a reminder that even apart, you’ll still share the same moon.”
Back to the present, John stepped in front of you and admired the gift resting splendidly between your collarbones, perfectly framed by your open blouse. “I’m not into all that crystal nonsense,” John said, “but it’s said to be a calming gemstone. And a wise man said, it will remind us that though we’re apart, we’ll be sharing the same moon.” John figured Brian wouldn’t mind him lifting his line.
“Oh John, that’s lovely,” you leaned in to hug him, and as he returned the embrace, your denim jeans pressed together and your arms pulled each other close. How could you be leaving this, him? You had to accept that nothing more was meant to be.
“Wait! I have something for you!” You pulled away suddenly, knowing time was of the essence, and reached into your bag, retrieving a long black box.  You held it out to John, who opened it quickly. He held up the beautiful pen engraved with JRD.
“Now that we’ll be writing to each other….” You indicated.
“It’s perfect.” John said his eyes shifting between you and the gift.  Before you could embrace again, a horn blared. “Cab’s here. Let me grab some bags,” John looked down, hefted two bags and headed out the door. You looked around your flat, grabbed your last suitcase and purse.  As you entered the hallway and slowly shut the door, you knew this special chapter in your life had ended.  And you hoped Roger was right: that your friendship with John would continue from afar.
Sirens blared outside as you dragged yourself up the four flights of stairs.  You felt a corner of the record digging into your side through your thin fabric bag. Once inside your apartment, you pulled the record out of the beautiful jacket, and read the song list on the label.  You propped open the heavy lid of your record player and blew on the vinyl disk before placing it gingerly on the turntable.  You flipped the on switch, and the album turned rhythmically.  You carefully lifted the needle, hovering it over the fourth groove as the record turned, waiting to release it at just the right place to start the song, at just the right indentation to avoid a scratch. You steadied your fingers and eased the needle down carefully. After a beat, success! ‘Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?’ (2)  You took a deep breath as the beautiful, familiar melody consumed you, taking you on an emotional journey, flooding your small flat. You kicked off your heels, curled up on the couch and grabbed your writing kit from the side table.
Dear John,
I’m listening to Bohemian Rhapsody-on my own record player! What a work of art!  I loved your last letter describing your creative adventures with the boys at Ridge Farm. The song sums up how I’ve been feeling recently: my fantasy of working at a big ad agency has been replaced by the reality that starting out, it’s more grunt work than glamour.  Accepting that helps me stick with it. And, it calls into question, what really matters in life?  And what is Scaramouche, anyway? Ha-ha. Give the boys my love and let them know I am so proud of them and so pleased you’re all getting deserved recognition.  Too bad those hard-earned degrees are going to waste! Cheers, Y/N
Dearest Y/N,
Yes, the reception for A Night at the Opera has been a whirlwind and exceeded our wildest dreams.  Speaking of which, I had a dream we were back at Uni playing the finishing sentences game in your flat. I handed you my notebook and instead of words, there were musical notes. Probably because I’ve been writing some songs. In fact, I wrote You’re my Best Friend for you.  True story.  Yours, John
Dearest Y/N,
I know we were both disappointed that we missed each other during our recent US tour. I hope your business trip was all it was supposed to be. Well, we’re back in London now, having had to cut the tour short in Boston, as Brian was very ill-and is still recovering from Hepatitis. Suffice it to say, it was very scary. But, you know him, as ill as he was, he was still writing. He was afraid we’d kick him out of the band, which we would never do. We are brothers, family.  I thought the band was just a hobby, and now I can’t imagine my life without being part of Queen.  Love to you always, John
Dear John,
My goodness, I hope Brian has recovered, and you have as well from a stressful trip. Speaking of trips, mine was…very good. I met someone special… Eric. We just clicked-about life. He’s in Boston. And get this! He was supposed to see the show you had to cancel because of Brian’s illness. He was so impressed that I knew you all ‘way back when.’ Can’t wait to see him next weekend. Not picking out the wedding gown yet….But, I did pick up Billy Joel’s early album Street Life Serenade. The Entertainer reminds me of you and the boys: ‘I am the entertainer. And I know just where I stand. Another serenader. And another long-haired band. Today I am your champion. I may have won your hearts. But I know the game, you'll forget my name. And I won't be here in another year, if I don't stay on the charts.’. Well, you don’t have to worry about the last line. You guys will be on the charts for the foreseeable future-and beyond. I also thought it was funny that he wrote, ‘if you’re gonna have a hit, you gotta make it fit, so they cut it down to 3:05.’ (3) Tell Freddie he proved that wrong with Bohemian Rhapsody! Take care and hugs to Brian. Cheers, Y/N
Dearest Y/N:
That’s a great song! Joel’s descriptions are certainly accurate, but they don’t capture everything. It’s been a tough time. Tensions permeate the group, and there are lots of arguments. I do think in a weird way they help to fuel creativity, but it can feel exhausting. Even though you and I are not together, I feel you with me, soothing me, steadying me. Truthfully, that helps calm me-and helps me to soothe the boys and try to keep us all focused. I hope you are happy. You’re my Best Friend. Love, John
Dear John,
I’m sure you are a great calming influence for the band. You are a stalwart trouper during tough times indeed!
Speaking of calming, your beautiful necklace has been soothing me as I try to move on from the failed love affair with my Bostonian. The line from Summer, Highland Falls sums it up: ‘How thoughtlessly we dissipate our energies. Perhaps we don’t fulfill each other’s fantasies. We are always what our situations hand us-it’s either sadness or euphoria.’ (4) It was a roller coaster of grand fun and tense irreconcilable disagreements. He was very inflexible, wanting everything on his terms. I realize everything was easy with you and me; there was a give and take.  Knowing you’re there for me – and that we share the same moon – helps.  Cheers and love, Y/N
The boys were nursing warm drinks in a Munich bar, as John pulled the letter out of his jacket and scanned it again.  The boys eyed him, sensing relief that John found hard to cover.
“It’s OK to gloat, John.  Glad she dumped that selfish bloke,” Roger said. “You’ve been a trouper all these years, being a great friend to Y/N. It must be hard though.  I mean, you’ve always wanted more…”
Freddie put his beer down loudly on the table and took a commanding tone. “Enough with this letter-writing rubbish.  Now is your time, John!  Invite her to our upcoming Madison Square Garden show! YES!!! We’ll have your dressing room decorated with lights and big bouquets of fragrant flowers brought in from the nearby Flower District!  And Moet of course!” Fred’s words spilled out of him, as the images came into focus.
Roger jumped in. “We’ll arrange a limo to bring her to the show. She’ll be escorted to her front row seat-and then backstage after the show to meet you privately. Finally! You’ll tell her how you feel; ask her to move to London and….”
“Guys, wait, wait!” Brian said in a measured tone.  “This is John’s decision.  It’s a big step for him, and he…”
“Really, Dear,” Fred interrupted, trying to hold back an eye roll and a disdainful tone, “Must you be such a Dolly Downer?”  
John looked at his band mates warmly, touched that they clearly wanted what was best for him.  “Well, I do appreciate the premiere matchmaking services of Mercury-Taylor. And May is right, it’s a big step.” John hesitated. He felt he was on a precipice looking out into a sea mixed with excitement and anxiety, like waves gathering, crashing gently toward each other before rushing out at low tide. He added haltingly, “It…it may be too late.”
“Well, you won’t know unless you try.  It would be nice for you to share the same moon on the same continent,” Brian said with a wink to John.
John smiled as a lyric came to his mind, ‘You can't be everything you want to be before your time. Although it's so romantic on the borderline tonight.’ (5)  “Maybe it’s my time. Our time,” he said, casting a smile at his friends.
“Wonderful! I’ll tell Miami the arrangements to be made!” Freddie said decisively.
Your office meeting stretched into the night, not an unusual occurrence, though the head of the firm addressing a small team of top-performing staff was unprecedented. “We have acquired a number of significant clients in London, and we will be expanding our office there.  If any of you are interested in a position, please let me know in the next two weeks.”  As the meeting ended, your colleague turned to you, “How about we let off some steam at the Palladium?” Sounded good to you. After the bouncer removed the velvet rope, you were welcomed to the club by pulsating music and lights thrown off a large disco ball hanging from the ceiling.  You entered the dance floor and started to move to the blaring beat, ‘Gimme gimme, gimme a man after midnight.’ (6) You realized it wasn’t any man you wanted. It was John.  Maybe you should take a position in London.  Maybe you and he….But you were getting ahead of yourself.  Tomorrow you’d have a front row seat at Queen’s Madison Square Garden concert and a private reunion with John afterwards. For now, as usual, you let the music envelop you and move through you, expressing your feelings.
You were ready to go in a black leather miniskirt, white sleeveless tank top and your white go-go boots. Your nerves were making a cameo; as you clasped John’s necklace your fingers shook.  You entered the waiting limousine and stretched out in the back, enjoying the rare city view from a car.  It sure beat riding the subway.  Upon arrival at the VIP entrance, you were escorted to your seat.  Your stomach felt hollow, and you had to consciously remind yourself to breathe.  As you settled in, taking in the huge stage, thoughts coursed through you:  Here you were: sitting front row at Madison Square Garden, seeing Queen-a band you knew and truly admired, reuniting with John -- and hopefully clarifying your future.  You tried to push it all aside as the hot spotlights lit the stage, signaling the start of the show.
In the wing backstage, John shifted from foot to foot as he peered out onto the stage lit only by four glaring spotlights that cascaded over the smoke. He could already feel the heat from those lights, but he knew there was more to the warmth creeping through him: you were out there, and the two of you would be reunited soon. A smile bloomed across his face as he took in the roar of the crowd. ‘Suddenly I feel all right, and it's gonna be so different when I'm on the stage tonight. Tonight, the super trouper lights are gonna find me shining like the sun, smiling, having fun, feeling like a number one, Tonight the super trouper beams are gonna blind me, but I won't feel blue like I always do. 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you.’(7)
Ratty gave the queue, and Freddie led the boys in a bounding stage entrance. John took his place behind Freddie’s piano. The powerful beams prevented him from seeing the fans, but he wasn’t blinded. He saw more clearly now than he ever had.
The show was magnificent, and after the encore, the boys met again in the stage wing, as the roadies handed them towels.  
“Your dressing room is ready!” Freddie reassured. “We snuck in a few candles, though we are violating New York City Fire Code,” he added with a wink, and glance at Roger, who tried unsuccessfully to conceal a laugh.  
Brian rolled his eyes and raised his hands dramatically in front of himself. “News Headline:  Queen burns up Madison Square Garden.  Literally.”
“For a good cause, though!” Roger defended.
“Thanks, Guys,”  John said softly, nodding to his best friends. “Wish me luck.”
John’s heart beat faster with each step down the long corridor.  As he opened the door he spotted you seated on a couch, and he gasped.  You stood, and he reached out his hand, which you took, as you swayed your hips slightly to release some nervous energy.  
“Y/N, I’d hug you but…I’m a sweaty mess,” John said, suddenly self-conscious. “You’re so beautiful.”
“You look gorgeous-you always did,” you said. “The show was fantastic!  And I love what you’ve done to the place,” you said coyly, gesturing around the romantically lit room, dotted with lush bouquets and a champagne bucket. “Who knew The Garden had such impeccable decorating taste?”
“It was Fred and Roger’s doing, actually,” He chuckled.  “Sit, sit.” He bent into the couch and still holding your hand, he eased you down with him.
You both started to speak at the same time:  “Y/N, I wanted to tell you that I….”   “John, my company has positions in the UK and I’m thinking of taking one….”
“Is that what you want? To return to London?” John asked, trying and failing to temper his excitement.
You stared at each other.  “If,” you said, gathering courage and then shaking your head to change the point. “It isn’t just work I want to return for…It’s…well, I know you probably have girls lining up, but I…”
“No.” John cut you off.  There’s never been anyone serious. There couldn’t be.  There’s only been you.  All these years.” He swallowed before continuing. “Tonight…the reason for all this, I was planning to tell you that I love you, always have, always will, and ask if you’d consider coming back to the UK.  Back home, to me….”
“Yes! A definite yes!”  You embraced with some distance between you, and John broke apart sporting a broad grin.  “Oh, Y/N!  I…. I need to shower and then we can continue our plans. I’m so happy!  And I need to tell the boys that their matchmaking efforts worked-and that as Brian said, we’ll be enjoying the moon together-from the same place.”
‘Whenever we’re together, that’s my home,’ (8) you said, letting your happy tears flow.
Song Notes
1.    If I Only Had the Words, Billy Joel
2.    Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen
3.    The Entertainer, Billy Joel
4.    Summer, Highland Falls, Billy Joel
5.    Vienna, Billy Joel
6.    Gimme, Gimme, Gimme (A Man after Midnight), ABBA
7.    Super Trouper, ABBA
8.    You’re My Home, Billy Joel
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80s-roger · 4 years
Not On My Watch (pt 6)
Pairing: Dad!Roger x Mum!Reader (mid 80s)
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summary: you’re divorced with queen’s roger taylor due to constant cheating and irrational behaviour towards you. but u have one person in common: your daughter, Laura aka your favourite human on earth. Your marriage with roger had its ups and downs but laura was the happiness in it. Now that she’s 8 and starts to realise how your terms with roger are, you finally tell her that you’re seeing another man except her father and she took it really warmly. She seemed excited to meet the new man unlikely your ex husband who accidentally learns about it by Laura, the weekend you would leave her at his place: on weekends you had some cute getaways with R/N because the court decided that Laura could stay or visit her dad on weekends and stay with him for five days each Christmas and easter vacations. On summers he has the right to be with her for two weeks.
taglist: @madeinheavxn @namelesslosers @stacymaytaylor @adqreu @cherries-n-rocknroll
catch up: part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
masterlist // dialogue prompts
note: this is the filthiest part of the entire series. also, sorry for waiting so long: I tried to think of a good smut scene, i feel like i ran out of ideas but thank you for your feedback!
words: 2,835
warnings: (18+!!!) surface smut, hardcore, penetrating, protected sex, oral, doggy (not anal), squirting, dom!rog - sub!reader, fluff
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"Cheers to that." he laughed and took a sip of his red wine.
"Roger, we drank an entire bottle." You laughed back and placed your glass at the coffee table.
"We used to drink more. This is nothing compared to the old times." You were living the seventies the last past hour while being accompanied by a French red rose he recently bought during his most recent tour. You can tell you were both drunk. The dialogue was getting more and more personal.
"Yes, I remember that." You giggled, trying to recall all these times you couldn't stand up due to too much alcohol. "Most of these occurred at Freddie's parties."
"Remember when we went upstairs for a quick shag and we got caught by Freddie?" He hooted and blushed thinking of it but you gotta admit it was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you both.
"Ah don't remind me!" You laughed. "He was like mind joining you? " you mimicked Freddie's voice and Roger extolled at your impression.
"Ah, I have to admit that shit got me jealous, I wouldn't share you with nobody." He admitted, setting free his dominant character. His glass was now placed at the table and his body placed closer to yours. "Neither at the same time nor when we are apart." His hand was placed at your knee, gently rubbing it and slightly going a little closer to your core. "By the way," he started. You were taken aback at the moment, feeling him take control was all you wanted by him. You liked feeling horny in front of him. He didn't have to try hard. "How was sex without me?" He whispered seductively at your ear.
At his words, you bit your lip. Butterflies were flying like crazy in your stomach. You wanted to be so honest at the moment. You turned your gaze at his baby blues, while his hands softly rubbed your thong trying to reach your area, "Boring." You sighed. You had to admit, Roger was indeed a good lay, there wouldn't be a time where you wouldn't come before him or generally come.
"Boring?" He asked amused and you nodded. "Well, you have to remember some things." He winked. "Follow me." He stood up, took your hand and lead you upstairs.
"Um, Rog-" you kinda stopped walking the stairs.
"Yeah?" He asked confused.
"I know we're shitfaced but don't forget precautions." You reminded him because most of the times, he would find excuses to avoid using condoms, which you never agreed with. That's why you always carried them when you were together.
"Oh- sure." He seemed kinda defeated. Maybe he tried to not use again.
You walked to the bedroom, there was barely any lighting to the room, but the slightly opened curtains let the moon, shine your faces.
"Did I have to be this drunk to tell you that I want to fuck you like a sex-deprived man right now?" He rhetorically asked and you couldn't admit the fact you felt the same way.
"Fuck me then." You admitted and bit your lip, driving him crazy.
"Oh no, you didn't have to do that, did you?" He provoked you to wrap your legs around his waist when he pressed you against his cabinet which was right in front of his window. This night was promising. "You missed me being dominant? Hm?" He asked again and pressed his lips on yours with no warning. He was so passionate and thirsty about it. You let out a moan, trying to push him away to breath.
"Oh dear God." You exhaled.
"That's it, my love, he's going to hear you calling him many times tonight." He aggressively turned you around, to face the window while your body was standing at the cabinet. Your butt wouldn't stop pressing against his bulge. Roger felt the tension in that area and grabbed your jaw with his palm to bring his mouth closer to your ear. "I wanna fuck you right against the glass so anyone can see how good you take it." He stated.
"Yeah, I better give them some taste of how good I take your cock." You fought back, provoking him for more intensity.
"I'm gonna take this shirt off you, I want to see your tits bouncing, I don't fucking care." He turned you around and ripped that shirt off you. He made you sit at the cabinet, with your naked back against the window. Alcohol was acting way upon your sober selves. Sex was about to be passionate and intimidating.
Meanwhile, you took off his shirt and unzipped his jeans, leaving him to do the rest. He took off his underwear, revealing his hard cock, ready to fill you up entirely. You tried to take your thong off, but he stopped you, "No, on this round, I want to fuck you while wearing that." His hands placed your thighs and his face came closer to your wet area, giving it a fast lick. "Fuck, you're soaking wet." He looked at you surprised.
"Do what you have to do Roger, please stop playing around." You begged. You needed his cock.
"So needy for me? I like it." He smirked and came to your face for a kiss.
His face returned to your pussy, licking it and fucking it with two of his fingers. Your backside was already getting the freeze from outside but Roger tried to warm you up entirely. "God-" you moaned.
"That's it baby, you taste so nice." He moaned between his actions.
"Roger, I don't want to cum yet!" You closed your eyes and twirled your toes, denying your climax.
"You can have another orgasm again, I know you can do it." His mouth was sucking your area like he was starving, he wouldn't leave that area unbothered, that's for sure. Your hand was pressing his head closer to your clit, practically begging for more sucking. "That's enough for now." he came at your face again, kissing you passionately and then, his tongue entered your mouth giving you a taste of what was like down there. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard you forget that guy's name." he obviously mentioned the guy you were seeing and at the end didn't act like a man.
"Don't be gentle." You vouched between your heavy breathings and Roger helped you spread your one leg a little wider. His hand grabbed the thong's string and pulled it at your inner thigh to get inside you. And now his hard cock was in you, feeling you up entirely. "Ah- God!" You loudly moaned at his fast and hard thrusts that made you lose balance.
"I'd hold onto something, If I were you." He stated with a crooked smile on his face and his one hand grabbed your thigh, squeezing it while the other held your thong. At his statement, you hold the cabinet's edges and it seemed helpful. You were intensely looking whether his cock thrusting inside you or his eyes which looked at the same directions as you. "Fucking hell, you're so hot." He moaned behind his teeth. "So tight for me." he closed his eyes and his head tilted back. "You like being fucked against the window, don't you?" He asked and kissed you.
"Yeah-" you shouted because of his thrusts and the cold you felt at your back. You weren't thinking about the neighbours' seeing you getting fucked; instead, you were focused on Roger's dick. You enjoyed every second of it.
"But you won't cum yet, right?" He wasn't inside you anymore and that void between your thighs now made you whimper. "What? I'll fuck you on the bed too, what did you think?" He playfully asked and pulled you up in his lap, trying to lay you on bed.
"Oh God, Roger, you're gonna do what you had said earlier?" You rolled your eyes because you remember him saying that he owes you an orgasm delay, a wall fucking- which took place at his cabinet, against the window and a good fuck; on four.
"Of course love, I keep my words." He bit his lip and grabbed a condom from his nightstand, preparing himself for the second round. He was standing next to the bed and his hard cock was coming closer to you. "Help me put on the condom. I want to feel your hands over me." He seductively whispered and helped him do what he said. Touching his dick was something he loved about you. You were teasing him and did so many things with it.
"Now what?" You bit your lip and smiled at him.
"This cock isn't gonna suck itself so you better start." He demanded and let you do what it pleases him the most. You laid on his bed, with your head at the place he was standing.
Your hand grabbed his dick, jerking him off, up and down until your tongue sucked his balls, "Christ, fuck!" He moaned at your move and kept doing it until you wanted to actually suck his penis. Your mouth could take him all and you couldn't get enough of it. His hands pressed your face against his cock, at the terms of choking you. You gagged at the lack of oxygen and stopped for a second to smile at him. "You take it so well baby." He encouraged you to keep doing it, with fast moves, until you could feed his thighs trembling. "Yeah, that's enough... I don't wanna cum yet. Not until you're on four." He placed his knees on bed and leaned down to kiss you deeply.
"You're so impatient for it, your mistresses never satisfied you on that?" You laughed and took off your thong staying finally naked.
"They're not you. Now turn over and get on all fours." He started. "Remember, be loud. Give me those moanings I love to hear." He kissed your back before assuming his position.
You stabilized yourself at bed's top, where he used to tie you from time to time. His dick was slowly getting inside your vagina again, trying to make it less painful because that position was always hard for you. You had to take his entire size inside you so you need more time to settle. "Ah, fuck, Roger!" You shouted over the pillows after feeling his dick moving in and out you.
"You're taking it so good babe..." he moaned as his hands grabbed your thighs and pulled them closer to him, trying to lock any distance between your bodies.
Roger having the entire control behind you, made you feel protected; he liked being dominant in bed, liked being the one in control but that never meant he wouldn't listen to your needs or take care of you after sex. You trusted him on that and you definitely liked being sub.
"Moan my name loudly, I want the neighbours to know it was me." He moaned within his thrusts that wouldn't let you breathe normally.
"Fuck, Roger!" You shouted at the slap he gave you combined with your hand that travelled down there to rub your clit.
"You like getting spanked, hm?" He nervously asked, waiting for your loud answer. He knew it was one of your kinks, he would definitely get advantage of that.
"Christ, Roger, yes I do!" You chanted, with your voice cracking in the middle of the sentence.
His hand took yours off your clit, doing the work for you. He wouldn't stop thrusting inside you until he came. He wanted it to be intense and sweaty and he succeeded, for both of you.
"My name sounds so good when you moan it." He said between his heavy breathes and laid on top of you with his dick still inside you. "But I can't see that pretty mouth of yours doing it, so I'll stick with your ass. I like the view." He implied.
"You have to go a little harder if you want your neighbours to hear me." You provoked him to go faster than earlier. You wanted to feel your walls tighten. You didn't have to lie about him but giving you enough pleasure. It was part of the game.
"Oh, you shouldn't have said that." His dick was taken out of you and aggressively turned you around. Now your front side was his view and he looked excited about it.
"Haven't cummed yet right?" He asked and placed his lips on yours. You nodded when his hand grabbed yours on top of bed. "Well, as good as it feels, you will have to try to keep yourself together for my final thrusts. Deal?" He asked and wanked his dick for a few seconds before thrusting inside you again.
"Deal." You answered and prepared yourself for the hard part. Have his entire length inside you. It was a hard task for you, uneasy to hold yourself together.
"Oh, and say the safe word if it gets too far." He added, reminding both of you that you have limits. "Red, isn't it?" He asked.
"Yes." You smiled and arched your back to kiss him.
His pelvis was moving like it had no bones, his thrusts would end you soon enough and you didn't want that. You didn't want any leg paralysis or Roger wouldn't give you his aftercare nor his own climax.
"Remember to be loud." He reminded but how could you forget? You weren't loud at your sober moments. But when you were drunk, it was out of control.
"Rog- Oh God!" Your moan was loud this time, at his attempt to thrust his entire size inside you. That was definitely easy-to-hear.
"That's my girl, you take my cock so nice." He encouraged you and couldn't stop staring at your tits, bouncing up and down. "Who's in charge?" He asked trying to feel assured that he is dominant.
"You are." You said and his hands, led you behind his back, setting you free from his restriction of not letting you touch your clit.
"And who's in charge?" he asked again with his legs almost trembling, making it visible now that he's almost ready to come.
"You are- fuck!" You, being so loud gave him pure satisfaction. He liked feeling dominant, being your orgasm provider. "God, Roger, I'm coming."
"That's it baby, cum for me, moan my name as you tighten around me." He moaned back and locked your legs around his waist, with no void between you. You felt your legs shaking when your climax approached and that energy passed through Roger's body. He was too close on coming with you.
"Ah fuck Roger!" you arched your back while Roger was rubbing your clit, to let you cum. He was so focused on that, his eyes wouldn't stop looking at you becoming a mess beneath him.
"Come on, love, do it. For me." He teased your pussy to finally let you squirt. At that second he took his dick out of your area until you squirted, with the liquids landing at the sheets, on his lower stomach and his penis. "That's my girl." He rewarded you with a kiss and let your hands give him a handjob.
"Roger, that was amazing." You said between your breaths and he finally laid next to you.
"God, agree... It's been ages since I felt so ecstatic." he looked at you and there was silence. You waited for each other to gain some stamina. It was only ten minutes after that and he went to the bathroom to clean himself. "How are you feeling?" He asked when he entered the bedroom again.
"Maybe tired... I don't know how productive will I be at work tomorrow." You laughed.
"At least you're gonna be hella hot, have you seen yourself on sex?" He boosted your confidence.
"Ah stop it." You joked. "I'll go clean myself." You stood up from his bed and walked past him. You gained a gentle slap on your butt and...
"I prepared you a babble bath, I think you need it. I'll change the sheets as long as you're bathing," he told and you nodded fully excited about your after-care routine. He always liked to be the guy who's in charge when it comes to after-care. He liked making you feel you're under his wing.
At your bath time, it was all so calm and satisfying. Nothing could ruin your moment. You were at Roger's home, at his bath. He had probably laid on the bed waiting for you, so you didn't lose any more time. You just grabbed the towel he left for you and walked through his bedroom.
"Rog have you seen the-" You stopped after seeing him snoring at his bedside. "Ah.." you awed.
You got dressed again, wearing his shirt and clean underwear and finally laying for a nice and comfy sleep. You heard exhaling when you found your comfortable side and by then, his hands wrapped your waist, not letting you go.
The next day would be hard for both of you. You didn't know what was coming.
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