#johnny slaughter drabbles
adaptacy · 10 months
Hi! Love to see someone else who's obsessed with johnny! My request is headcanon/drabble/anything that gets you going about Johnny who happens to get a crush on someone who also is from cannibalistic family from another state/town? I'd like to imagine it's a family of grandpa's old military buddy maybe or something like that? Anyways ily and hope this gives you some inspo! <3
hi anon!! ofc, i already touched on this in my last post but i am more than happy to write a drabble for it!! also the idea of there being like a network of cannibal families that are all lowkey friends is so amusing to me LMAO
this is gonna be from johnny's pov cause his thought process would be fun to write hehe
GN Reader / s/o
"This is so good Mrs. Sawyer! Thank you so much for making this whole meal," they laughed, ripping the meat from the bone as they leaned back in their chair. Mrs. Sawyer chuckled and nodded, taking a bite of her own food.
Johnny narrowed his eyes, trying to get a read on them. Trying to understand something, anything about how the hell someone so gorgeous could be so incredibly fucked up. He knew this way of life was 'bad', he'd heard it from every single one of his victims. Monster this, sick that, fucked up family here, psychopaths there. And yet this stranger, at least to Johnny, sat across from the same dinner table as him, eating the same roasted human meat as him, and was laughing so carelessly about it.
Nancy had explained that they were a grandchild of one of the old man's friends from war, who came from a family not so unlike their own. They'd been flown down here due to some legal trouble, likely concerning the fact that their family were responsible for several murders, in order to hide out. All the way from Colorado.
And they'd complained about the heat. Not the fact that there were, right at this very moment, innocent, live victims tied up in their basement- No, that was hardly a concern. But oh, the Texas heat had them talking.
They were fascinating, really, and Johnny would be more upset that he had to give up his own room for them while they stayed here, but he was far too intrigued by them to care. They swallowed the final bite of their dinner and rose, gathering their plate. Sissy handed hers off as well, and they stopped by Johnny, motioning to his empty plate.
"Want me to take that?" They asked, a grateful smile on their face. Grateful for the dinner. Grateful for this illegal, criminally insane meal. Johnny chuckled.
"That's alright. I's planning on gettin' a glass of water, anyways," he responded, standing up. The rest of the family finished off their meals as Johnny followed them into the kitchen, where they ran the plates under the faucet.
"I don't think I've ever had roasted liver. Feels like a delicacy," they laughed, humming to themselves as they washed the dishes.
"Really? We make it pretty often. It's a hard thing to miss out on," Johnny responded, grabbing a glass and waiting for them to finish.
"Shoot, right," they mumbled, stepped to the side to allow Johnny to fill his glass. He stepped forward, dangerously close to them as he filled up his glass. When he was done, he took a step back and leaned on the counter, watching them as they finished their task.
"Oh, I meant to thank you, by the way. It's really nice of your family to take me in like this. I didn't know Grandpa Wilson was so close to Mr. Sawyer," they said, glancing over at Johnny with a smile.
There was something so innocently cruel about that expression. Like they saw no wrong in what they did. Like they didn't understand the weight of it. But he knew they understood. He knew their experiences were much the same. Johnny showed his experiences in his face, in his eyes, in the way he walked.
But they walked like anyone else. Spoke like anyone else. Smiled like anyone else. They were mesmerizing, and Johnny wished he knew how they did it.
"It's no problem," he replied, sipping his drink. "Sorry if it's messy. Don't often have guests."
"That's alright. I think your knife collection is really cool," they hummed, turning off the sink as they placed the final plate in the dish drainer. "I noticed one was missing, though. Did you lose it?"
"Oh, no," he chuckled, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a curved blade. "Just like to keep it on me."
"Oh, sweet. Is it your favorite?" They asked, their head tilted.
"I 'spose you could say that. Gets the job done."
"Is that your carving knife?"
"Carving knife?" He blinked.
"Y'know, for the livestock. The victims, the food, the prey-- whatever you guys call 'em," they giggled, their tone completely free of the eeriness it should've been tainted with. Johnny had nearly forgotten what they were capable of, but at the reminder, he cracked a smirk. Maybe he could impress them.
"Yeah, you could call it that. Does a whole bunch'a things, really. Carves, slices, stabs... Used it to castrate a guy once." Johnny spun the knife in his hand, and they leaned closer.
"I had a favorite, too. But it got grabbed up by the cops. It was really shiny, nice and sharp. My grandma gave it to me when I was eight. Had it ever since. It was a switchblade, and the handle was white. Always looked especially pretty dripping with blood, but it was super easy to clean," they explained, practically gushing.
"I'm sorry to hear that. How'd you get caught, anyways?" Johnny asked, tucking his knife back into his pocket.
"My daddy used a gun to kill one of our prey, they were trying to get away and we needed something ranged. I guess some drivers heard it when they were passing by, and we weren't ready for the cops. Once they found one body, they found 'em all. Couldn't eat them in time," they explained, fidgeting with their hands as they spoke. "I miss them. I've never gone this long without them. That's why I'm so thankful of your family. They remind me of my own."
Johnny frowned, feeling some long buried ache of sympathy for them, but he wasn't granted a chance to respond before Sissy came into the kitchen, requesting their presence. They dipped their head and left, following the brunette back out of the kitchen.
"What is it?" They asked, looking down at the paper bag that they'd been presented with.
"Open it up," Johnny directed, motioning with his hand towards the bag. They raised an eyebrow, but pulled open the bag anyways, and reached inside. They pulled out a black rectangular box, and their confusion only grew. Johnny found the expression adorable, and he was glad he'd decided to go for two rounds of packaging.
"You really didn't need to get me anything. You're already doing plenty enough," they chuckled awkwardly, and Johnny shrugged, crossing his arms.
"Just open it, will ya?"
"Fine, okay." With a deep breath, they pulled off the lid of the box, and an immediate grin spread over their face. They looked between the gift and Johnny, and suddenly jumped towards him, wrapping their arms around him. Johnny was completely taken aback by the hug, and he awkwardly pat their back, only relaxing his tensed muscles when he got the faintest scent of whatever shampoo they'd used. Their hair smelled like flowers, and it reminded him of the garden. It was almost comforting.
They pulled away, finally removing the white switchblade from the box. "I'll take it that you like it?" Johnny chuckled, and they nodded, even giving a short squeal of excitement.
"Are you kidding me? I love it! It's just like the one I had. You're the best, Johnny," they thanked, setting the knife back into the box and putting the cover on it. Right after, they hugged Johnny again, and he let out a quiet sigh, returning the hug much more comfortably this time.
"Say, you ever watched a Texas sunset?" Johnny asked, looking down at them as they pulled out of the hug.
"I can't say I have."
"Well, in about thirty minutes, give or take, the sun'll be goin' down. I know a real good place to sit 'n watch it. Clear your head, maybe," he spoke softly, rubbing the back of his neck. He wasn't blushing, but he certainly felt like he was.
"Really? Where?"
"We got a couple sunflower patches out back. Makes for a real pretty sight."
"I'd love to watch the sunset with you," they giggled, setting the box back into the bag. "Let me go put this away, I'll be right back."
"Sure thing," he replied, watching as they turned around and headed up the stairs.
Sissy poked her head in from the dining room, looking Johnny up and down. "Can I come?"
"No," he snapped, immediately frowning. Sissy pouted, but returned to whatever she was doing.
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creepling · 8 months
sawyer/slaughter family using captured!reader for sex
tags: dead dove - read at your own risk. smut - MDNI. gn!reader. all family seperate. bondage. rough sex. petplay. underwear sniffing. somnophilia. cannibalism-ment. aftercare (only with bubba).
harddom!johnny being your capturer but liking everyone having his way with you. his possessive attitude dampening over time and your novelty wearing off. leaving you chained in random parts of the house and going on with his day, coming back to see you exhausted, ready to have his turn with you. hanging you in his shack by the wrists, littering your body with bite marks, bonding your limbs with rope, using you like a glorified piece of meat. fucking your holes until their raw, amused by your moans mixed with screams. fucking you dumb until he undoes your restraints, making you crawl on your knees, and face fuck you until he blows his load over your face.
softdom!nubbins playing with your holes while you sleep, holding in his giggles as you squirm in your slumber, awed at your wetness under his touch. dry humping your leg until you wake up, basking in your surprise until you succumb to him. prying your legs open to enter his hard, meek dick. rutting into you like a desperate puppy, his moans sounding like sobs. praising your body, thanking you for letting you fuck him, pleading that he is not worthy of your body. but he never slows his pace, slamming his hips rapidly until he cums, careless on where his load lands; dripping on your leg pathetically.
femdom!sissy treating you like a little pet, playing with your hair and adorning a leash around your neck. using you as a foot stool while she lounges around the house, snapping her fingers when she wants your attention. pinning you to the floor and fucking your tongue, riding your face as you gasp for air. pulling at the lead when you disobey, demanding you to be a good little kitty/doggie and lick her cunt. when you're good for her, she lets you sleep with her and ride her thigh, mewling over your whimpers, pleasuring you when you're too fucked out to think. only letting you cum when you beg for her.
perv!drayton never laying a finger on you, but goes down to clean your cell, cursing at the mess you leave. wishing you were never here and degrading your existence. you're better off being their next meal, but now he don't wanna eat you now you're the family's cum dump. without you looking, he steals your underwear for his own possession. taking it back to his room, inhaling your scent, cursing his old age for not getting it up and letting him have pleasure. his body unresponsive, but his mind wild with thoughts about you.
scene-dom!bubba the one you have to anticipate the most, brace your frail, sore body for his manhandling. he tries to be gentle, bubbling concern noises at your winces of pain. stroking your face, but his heavy hand rough on your skin. wearing his pretty woman mask and wanting you to match, sloppily apply makeup to your face, red lipstick smudged along the corner of your mouth. he cheers at his masterpiece, ready to fuck his pretty little thing, sheepishly revealing his fat dick. the sight of it intimidating, his heavy build engulfing you, his large girth stretching you out. his thrusts slow but heavy, pummelling his whole length inside you, bubbling at the way you tense around him. he gets overstimulated from the pleasure, his moans frantic. he finishes inside you, cockwarming until he goes limb, letting you lay on his lap with his arms around you, not wanting to let you go just yet and milking all the time he has with his little play toy.
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struckd0wn · 6 months
Could you make s'more Johnny Sawyer/Slaughter content pls? There's legit zero to none f'him with m/ftm readers, your kinktober fic of'him is the first i've seen in the time span the game's been out /(;^;)\
a/n: I am so sorry I am just now getting to this, I'm also sorry if this is not exactly what you imagined for a fic, I was just thinking off the top of my head lol
Tw: blood and cannibalism
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Bath time - Johnny Sawyer
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You're covered in deep crimson blood. It drips off of you, seeping into you clothes. It's smeared all over your skin, you face and arms getting the worst of it. You had helped with the weekly dismembering, chopping up bodies the family would eat for dinner. You still refused to eat the flesh of strangers, opting for eggs you'd get from the chickens around the farm.
Johnny comes up from behind you, wrapping his muscular arms around you. "Nice job baby," The taller male whispers into your ear, kissing along the crook of your neck. "Your so hot when you're dripping in blood, you look so badass." Your boyfriend teases, turning you around in his arms so he can meet your eyes. You complain about the mess, annoyed from the strong metallic smell that was starting to give you a headache.
Although Johnny didn't really mind the mess, he didn't know if he wanted to deal with you begin irritated for the rest of the day so he drags you into the house. You're careful to not touch anything once inside, not wanting to dirty anything as you walk up the stairs and to the bathroom.
The bathroom is poorly lit, not extremely clean but it's not to terrible. It's small, Johnny takes up a lot of the space as he undresses, throwing his bloodied clothes all over the floor. You think to scold him, the clothes would surely mess up the floor but you don't say anything, turning your back to the large male as you strip. You hear John shuffle behind you, placing his large hands on the waistband of you jeans, jeans that were actually his. He slides them over you hips, letting them drop the the floor with a soft thud.
His hands roam along you sides and abdomen, fingers further smearing the blood on your soft skin. You want to enjoy his touch but when his bare chest meats you back you can feel the blood on him rub of on you, pushing him of with a gentle jab to his gut with you elbow. You lover laughs playfully, turning the shower on to warm. You cover yourself with the best of your ability, and although you shouldn't be so self-conscious (seeing as Johnny has seen you in such vulnerable states before), you can't help but feel a little insecure in comparison to him.
Johnny has much more muscle mass then you, his chest and back are defined from hard work on the farm. His legs as strong and he shoulders broad. Top surgery had helped your dysphoria a bit but now everytime you look at your boyfriend you felt a bit jealous, or maybe even a yearning. Johnny, of course, was oblivious to this. He was brought up extremely sheltered, only able to get out to hunter for dinner.
Johnny hadn't seen much trans people at all and to be fair he didn't really understand but always respected people regardless. You've tried to explain to him but he just hasn't fully grasped the concept yet, doesn't understand why you'd be jealous of his physique. John thinks you're stunning regardless.
The two of you sit in the tub together, deciding after your shower to just relaxe a bit in the bath. The bathtub is small, Johnny has to bend his legs at the knee to fit, you sit in between his legs, leaning against his strong chest. His hand rake through you wet hair, almost sending you to sleep. "Don't fall asleep on me now." A chuckle rumbles through his chest, making the water ripple around you.
Johnny shuffles underneath you, his fingers hold you tight against him. He kisses the nape of your neck, his callused hands kneed the soft flesh of your thighs from under the water. You turn to your side, looking at your boyfriend as he lazily drags his hands all over you. He watches your flustered expression as he caresses you, smirking down at you wildly. The bigger male grabs hold of your waist, turning you so you face him directly.
You struggle to straddling Johnny in the cramped bathtub, but you manage. He pulls you into him, kissing you roughly as the water around you sloshed around. He palms at the flesh of you ass, squeezing it softly. You moan pathetically into his mouth when you feel his erection throb underneath you. John moves a hand off of you ass, bringing it to your front and inbetween the both of you. He runs his fingers through you folds, the sensation of water adding additional wetness to your already leaking cunt. You moan again, only louder, your lover chuckles deeply, pressing another quick kiss to your swollen lips. "You'll have to keep quiet, we don't know who's all in the house."
You blush brightly at the thought of the others hearing you. You know Drayton is probably in the house, either cooking food or tidying up the kitchen. Bubba would most likely be outside, but you're unsure of where Nubbins and Sissy might be. While you're distracted the man below you slides a finger into you pussy, brushing against the spot that drives you insane. He smiled as you try to keep quiet, shoving your face into the crook of his neck to do so.
Johnny groans lowly after hearing you moan his name, feeling you rub against his erection needely as he fucks you on his long fingers. He hoped to tease you a bit longer but he really can't help himself. The bigger male removes his fingers from your cunt but he's sure to replace it soon after with the tip of his cock. You whine as he pushes into your heat, filling you effortlessly. "Fuck baby, you feel so good." He purrs, holding your ass in both hands and he grinds you against his cock.
The strain of trying to keep quiet almost gives you a headache, biting down on your boyfriends collarbone to hush yourself. Johnny hisses at the pain, laughing at your futile attempts. "You know what, let then hear you. I want them to hear how good I fuck you." He teases, watching you turn bright red at the thought. You shake your head no, biting down on him harder to maybe silence his teasing. He continues regardless, lifting you up and down on his cock, the water around the two of you splashing slightly, some ever spilling out of the tub and onto the bathroom floor.
"You looked so hot earlier, dripping in blood," John reminds you, mouth falling open in a silent groan, composing himself before he continues to talk. "It got me so hard, it was difficult to keep working. I was waiting for this." Your lover continues to ramble on, thrusting up into you harshly. "Next time will you let me fuck you like that, covered in blood." The thought eggs him on, speeding up as he imagines it. You can't even respond, fucked dumb on his shaft as he plows into your wet cunt.
Inevitably it was impossible for you to stay quiet, and to be fair John was being much louder than you anyways. What a hypocrite. Your orgasms coils in the pit of you stomach, you grow louder and louder, ultimately forgetting your embarrassment and need to be quite. His name spills from your lips, whining loudly before you cum, shaking in his strong arms.
Johnny curses profanities, feeling your pussy clench and pulse around him in result of your orgasm. His grip on you is tight, leaving bruises on your soft flesh. "Yeah just like that darling." He mumbles, it doesn't take long for Johnny to cum, filling you full of his warm seed. He uses you to ride out his orgasm, making you cry out in overstimulation.
The water stills and both of your laboured breaths filll the small room. You whince as the bigger man pulls you off of him, soiling the water with a mixture of both of your juices.
After a bit, johnny stands, pulling you up with him. He dries you off gently before wrapping the towel around your naked form, tying his own towel around his waist. He kisses you sweetly on the forehead, draining the tub before leading you twords the bathroom door.
You almost run right into the figure on the other side, Johnny has to stop you with a strong arm. Bubba stands there awkwardly, silent as per usual. You hold the towel against yourself tightly, averting your gaze in embarrassment. "Hey, don't you know it's weird to ease drop!" Johnny exclaims, pushing the masked man to the side.
"There's no need too, we could all hear you anyways." You hear Sissy scoffs as she descends the wooden staircase.
Well, dinner tonight was going to be awkward.
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johnnys-breastmilk · 4 months
Ok wait I low key need to know, do you think Johnny lets his boyfriend play with his ass? In my mind Johnny is a top but that ass! I mean who wouldn’t want to have their face sat on or squish and jiggle it, right?
YES YES YES 1000% yes. anyways I wrote a lil somethin' on it cause it was too too good ~1k words, just shortness because godddd I need that ass
Johnny didn’t like it at first—all the touches that you gave him. He was used to handling his work with care and compassion, and here he was, undone by one squeeze. Your hand just found its way to him when he came in through the planks making up the door hinged on his quiet shack. He had taken his shirt off, and his shoulders were a gruesome sun-smacked red, the black fabric covering one side since he slung it over. It went down to about his shoulder blade but didn’t stay there long. He reeled it forward and balled it up in his hands, patting his damp face. 
There was a swagger to his walk that you couldn’t see before thanks to the loose, but as soon as he came through the door, it was blatantly noticeable. And all of it came from the hips. He must not have known about it though, how it immediately drew your attention to him from across his little shack. You were in the middle of tidying up, trying to compensate for all of his work outside by making everything nice for him to return to. You had yet to get to the dishes, and he was already at the sink by the time you turned to greet him. Without even a hello, you were motioning closer to him. In all your time of dating, you have never seen the way he really filled himself out from the back. 
Maybe it’s because Johnny liked to do things traditionally—fucking you while you were face to face or making sure that your hands never wandered where he didn’t want them to go. He was a by-the-numbers kind of guy, and he didn’t leave room for exploring things. The sex was always on his terms, but this was the one time where you could approach him while his guard was down. He was bent over, hands moving dishes out of the way so that he could cup his hands under the running faucet. He let out a sigh of relief and you could see his back muscles loosen as the cold water hit his hands, and then his face when he lowered himself into his own embrace. That’s when you took your chance to strike, your eyes honed in on ass. It looked so good, and it felt soft and squishy, even through his rough denim jeans.
“The hell d’you think you’re doing?” He asked, reaching for the hand towel draped over the oven door’s handle not far from the sink. Johnny positioned himself upright and turned back, you noticed his arch even more as he did. He tried to look intimidating, but you could only think about that view from behind. You had seen his back a million times, traced over curves of his shoulder blades and his scars and scratches from his the thousand other lives he lived while he sat and told you about them. Now you had a new reason to see it—looking at it and watching it become a roadmap with all signs guiding you to something new about him. 
Turns out, all Johnny needed was a push in the right direction. He found it when he was pushing you onto the floor right in front of his couch, all tidied and ready for someone to sit on thanks to your work. You had done all the convincing one could do, reassuring him that he’d still be in control and that he wasn’t surrendering any power to you in any way whatsoever. He must not have had the energy to fight it, because he walked you over to his couch, removing his jeans in the process without adding another word to what had already left his lips. Then, he spoke up, “Lay your head back.”
You listened to him and leaned back onto the cushion of his couch—matted fabric and the marred shape of the cushion from how old it was made it a little uneven to rest your head on, but Johnny approved. “Yeah, like that.”
Johnny wasted no time moving in front of you, his huge ass that you were just staring at crowding your view of the messes you had yet to get to. He was the biggest mess to your concern, a polished sheen of sweat coating his ass, and full-on dripping when you reached up to part the mounds in front of you. They filled out your hands completely and there was still more to grab at, spilling over the space between your fingers and it felt as soft as you expected it to be. You wished you had more hands, more eyes to stare at him, more tongues because the one you had could only do so much work at once.
He started moving closer, his thighs slipping out of view as his pale moons blocked every direction you looked. It was like a pillow was being brought down to smother you—his weight pressed down on you but his ass softened the blow. Your nose caught a whiff of his ass, and it wasn’t anything you were unfamiliar with. Sweet and sour with hints of his musk penetrating through the inconsistent breaths you took, nothing you hadn’t smelled before when you were in the neighborhood to give him a blowjob or doing his laundry with yours.
This was his way of still being in control—still topping you without making you moan. He still made you squirm under him, made you work your tongue over him in laps. Johnny would occasionally put himself completely down on you, taking away any room you hand to lick him and just rocking himself back and forth over your face. By this point, you could feel him tugging on his dick. The giveaway to it since you couldn’t see was the feeling of his balls bouncing on your chin, going lower and higher and lower and higher. One minute, you felt them, coated in sweat and in need of a good wash, and the next, they were jerked up and away from you when he pulled on his dick. In occasional bursts, you would lay your tongue out flat when he raised himself off your face, and he was enjoying this new type of control. 
Johnny would moan, and he finally spoke after losing all sense of words, “Aw hell, I’d get a beer but you feel too damn good.”
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beezerbuzzin · 9 months
A Little Johnny Slaughter Drabble
When I wrote this it was very heat of the moment, so it's fairly short but I hope you guys enjoy!! MDNI!!(18+) and please remember to read the warnings!
WARNINGS: Blood, Blood drinking, Oral
Johnny comes home after hunting all bloodied and messy, and it drives you fucking insane. Johnny, of course, picks up on your lustful staring each time he returns and feeds into it. His ego adores the gleaming hunger your eyes, fueling his ever-growing erection.
He waltzes over to you, hands falling naturally on the small on your waist as he kisses you, groaning when your lips meet. You bite his bottom lip and tug at his shirt, your need for him growing as the metallic taste of blood floods your senses. Trailing down his jawline, you bite his sweaty skin and breath in his musk while he feels you up, palpating the sensitive skin of your breasts. Johnny smiles and lets out a deep moan, hiding it in a quick laugh.
You continue down, licking the blood from his collarbone, then his shoulder, biting and sucking on the parts of him you know are sensitive. He winces feeling your teeth on the tender bruised flesh of his bicep, and you smile up at him when he pushes your head away from him.
"Tch, if you really want your mouth on me that badly you outta get on your knees, girl."
By now you're trained to do as you're told, knees hitting the rotting wood floors of his tiny shack. Johnny grabs your chin, parting your lips with a scarlet thumb and forcing it inside. The taste of salty iron overwhelms you with desire, lustful eyes flicking up to meet his. A sly grin plants itself on his face, "You want it, darlin'?" You nod slowly, maintaining eye contact with the tall man above you. He removes the digit and unbuckles his belt, unsheathing his throbbing cock. Though it's not bloody, your hand wrapping around the base of it paints his shaft red, perfect for the unsatiable appetite you've developed.
Your hand pumps slowly, rubbing your bottom lip on the glistening tip. Johnny narrows his eyes at you, planting a hand in your hair and using his grip to guide your mouth down his dick. "Mmm, that's it darlin'," tears sting your eyes as you look at him, "Use that pretty little mouth on me."
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johnnyschainsaw · 3 months
If you’re taking requests, can you draw/write Johnny Slaughter adopting a kitten?
Word count: 691
Warnings: none
genre: fluff
I had so much fun writing this one
The small cat looked quite funny, it had short black fur and a long scratch down its cheek and was seemingly missing an eye. Johnny chuckled a bit, noticing the resemblance. Eventually he gave up and walked away. It was after about 3 minutes of walking that he turned around to notice the cat had been following him. Johnny cried out in frustration, picking the cat back up and placing it outside the property fence again before storming off back to his shack. After getting back into bed, ready to sleep again he heard scratching on his door. He swung the door open furiously and a little fuzzy bolt of black shot into his room. Johnny rubbed his eyes in anger and pointed at the feline intruder. “You can stay here just the night until I can put you in my truck and drive you some while away, but if you wake me up I swear I'm gonna gut you like a fish” he muttered before locking his door and getting back in bed.after a little bit he felt his pillow dimple besides him as the cat curled up against his neck. Johnny's cheeks tightened a bit as his mouth curled upwards, y'know he'd always had a soft spot for cats. the next day Johnny chucked the cat into his truck. he grumbled as he attempted to read the map, driving for almost an hour into town. Johnny hopped out of the cabin slamming the door behind him leaving the cat inside. after about 20 minutes Johnny came back with a shiny red collar with a bone shaped tag in his hands. he let out a grunt as hopped back up into the trucks interior and turned to his unlikely roadtrip buddy. Johnny gently snapped the collar around the small cats neck, "I think Shredder suits you" he mumbled under his voice, turning his truck around to head home.
Incessant meowing ripped through Johnny's ears, the high pitched yowling snapping him out of his somewhat peaceful but definitely needed sleep. He threw his pillow over his head in frustration, praying the sound would stop and the damn thing would get eaten by foxes or something. After a little while Johnny eventually fell back asleep, but it felt as if as soon as he drifted away he was snapped out of it almost instantly. He jumped out of bed with a huff, he slid some shoes on, not bothering to put a shirt on or change out of his pyjama pants and walked outside, the brisk night air hit his skin and made him shiver but he had a job to do. he made his way over to the slaughterhouse where he knew the occasional neighbours barn cat would sometimes sneak in at night to steal forgotten offcuts, just one of the downsides with living in a rural farming area. Johnny pulled open the heavy metal door with both hands with a grunt, the tinny clang echoing around the large building. “I'm gonna find you damn thing” he muttered under his breath as he began to search for the source of his insomnia. Johnny peeked under grates, inside boxes, through cracks in the wall but He couldn't find the little bastard. Johnny was about to give up when he felt a hairy thing against his leg, he let out a yell of shock at the unexpected push on his leg jumping back. He shone his flashlight down on the floor and rolled his eyes. The stupid thing was rubbing into him and purring. He bent down and scooped it up under its arms, holding it out like some sort of smelly garbage. “You ain't staying here” he grumbled walking towards the door. Johnny eventually made it to the gate where he placed the cat down outside and slammed the gate behind it. He stood there waiting for it to leave so he could be sure it wouldn't be keeping him awake, but surprisingly the cat just sat there staring at Johnny. “go on git” he waved the cat away hoping to frighten it away. but, the cat just sat there, purring loudly and staring.
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nilla-bear · 7 months
Currently bookmarking every Johnny fic I can find on AO3 to download onto my kindle once I buy it later this week. <3 Also I found a very Johnny x reader coded song today, so here ya go ig.
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ohbo-ohno · 10 months
im bo (she/her, lesbian)
read all of my writing on ao3!
see me jabber on twitter!
just for fun, you can see me on pinterest!
my fics are almost all nsfw and dark (aka: noncon, please read my tags). i tag my dark stuff with #dark fic if you want to block!
i cannot emphasize enough that almost every post of mine includes either non consensual sex or dubious/coerced consent. if that’s not your cup of tea, block and move on! thanks!
you're always welcome to send me asks, but i don't take requests <3
my general writing tag is #bo writes, you can see my asks under #asks and answers, and what i won’t write is here
taken anon emojis: 🌙, 🌚, 🦢, 🍋, 🪶, 🎃, 💙, 💕, 🔪, 🥍, 🦇, 🪷, 🧸, 💥, 🦷, 🐏, 🪐, 🦋, 🕸, 🎧, 🍭, 🐰, 🐈, 🐈‍⬛, 🤖, 🧬, 🪀, 🦑, 🪴, 🦠, 👑, 🦕, 🍑, 🗑️, 🐚, 🧋, 🦵, 📺, 🐁, 🦌, 🌊. 🎀, 🐊, 🦆, 🐌, 🐴, 🦭, 🐶, 🍶, ❤️‍🩹, 🦦, 🦨, 🦈, 🦂, 🧿, 🍀, 🤟, 🤍, ⚰️
full length fics:
don't leave me locked in your heart (20k, ghost x soap x reader, dark) (#dlmliyh for extra bits)
howling and barking (8.6k, ghost x soap)
run until you feel your lungs bleeding (6.4k, ghost x reader, dark)
i'll eat you whole (10.8k, ghost x soap, dark)
lamb to the slaughter (26.3k, ghost x soap, dark)
won't you stay? (4.3k, ghost x soap, dark)
johnny goes to the groomers (1.4k, ghost x soap, dark)
ghoap x reader primal play (3.5k, companion to dlmliyh, dark)
ghoap x trans male reader (1.8k, puppy play pwp)
johnny "wrong hole" mactavish (1.7k, soap x reader pwp)
angry sex with soap (3.6k, soap x reader ft ghost pwp)
ghoap x reader purge au (5.7k, dark)
ghoap x reader alt purge au (4k, dark)
cbf-turned-bully!soap x reader (3.5k)
perverts!priceghost x reader (3.8k, dark)
au's without full fics:
a/b/o au (mostly alpha ghost/alpha soap/omega reader)
soulmate au
serial killer ghoap x reader (and x blind reader)
conqueror ghost x princess reader x knight johnny
zombie apocalypse ghoap x reader
writing challenges:
kinktober (70k, 31 chapters)
1,000 follower celebration
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villainology · 10 months
i feel like a kid running around with their drawing to show everyone else in the room bc i've already told like 2 other blogs about this scenario i had while i was trying to sleep but can you IMAGINE being a family friend of the sawyers? maybe your grandparents knew theirs before times were tough and cannibalism became their means of survival, and your family's died off and left you the little farmhouse and patch of land a few miles outside of the sawyers' boundaries. drayton's clarified you're off-limits (through some honorary family-friend ideals, or as not to upset grandpa 'cause your folks were always kind to them) and you're none the wiser to their true savagery they get up to (you can hear a scream once or twice, when you drive your dad's old beat up truck near their land sometimes, but you always think they've got really rowdy and funny sounding goats). but you've inherited your family's farmhouse and poor little you just doesn't know anything about farming and fixing up the house! no matter how hard you try, nothing grows, so one uneventful day you drop off some seeds as a gift for drayton since, well, they're not getting any use with you, and you mention a problem that needs fixing. maybe it's a rusty shed door you can't get open, or a busted roof. either way, drayton's always liked to keep up apparances and you haven't had a chance to meet the new additions of the family, so drayton sends johnny back with you (after giving him thorough lecturing about how no, you are NOT a potential victim, you're just a little oblivious, and plus johnny's the most... convincingly normal one out of all of them, arguably) to fix something up for you as thanks for the seeds. so now there's a sweaty, attractive, pretty charming (and maybe a little subtly condescending) guy fixing up something because you hadn't the slightest clue how to fix it, so you might as well make him some lemonade or tea and thank him! and, well, johnny might think you're amusing. pretty sweet, pretty cute, pretty *airheaded*. drayton said you were off-limits for anything violent, of course, but that didn't mean he couldn't test any other limits, right?
aaaah~ no bc wait I think you’re onto something here!! you got me thinking so many filthy thots rn, so I made a lil drabble, hope that’s okay w you? 😭❤️ sjdbdjdndnfnf I hope it’s written okay, I wrote this half asleep in bed but I couldn’t stop thinking abt it!
warnings — slight dub-con, light smut, Johnny being Johnny!
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“Here you go, Mr Johnny,” you smiled up the ladder toward him as you walked out with two glasses of lemonade in hand, “where’d ya want it?”
“Just set it down on the table there.” His voice was stern, a tad hint of annoyance laced into it, not that you noticed.
Johnny stood at the top of the ladder, nail in mouth as he hammered another into roof of your porch, closing off the gap which would hopefully stop the rattling noise anytime there was a gust of wind. He slipped the hammer and last few nails into his work belt before looking down at you stood below him, so innocently sipping through the curly straw in your lemonade glass.
The Texan heat wasn’t good for much, but the way it made a light coat of sweat glisten on your body as the sun began to set was enough to make him appreciate the summer weather. Your denim shorts just a little too high up and your white vest top just a little too low, but from where he was stood he got to have the perfect angle down your shirt, and you were none the wiser.
Johnny carefully came down the ladder before picking his glass up off the table, his eyes never once leaving your body. He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself, you really were oblivious, so innocent and air-headed that he wondered how you survived off by yourself all these years before coming back to the farmlands.
The way Drayton sent him out here with you alone, like sending a lamb off to the slaughter — an adorable, pretty little lamb making lemonade for a starving lion. Johnny wondered to himself what you’d think if you found out what they were really like, just how savage and dangerous they were, would you run scared from him, give him chase to hunt you down on acres of land?
“Sorry about you having to come out here, I’ve clearly got a lot to learn about all this type of stuff, huh?” You laughed as you gestured toward the house and the land surrounding it.
Johnny was snapped from his thoughts, a fake little smile crossing his face as he nodded, “don’t sweat it, darlin’, friends helping out friends, ain’t that right?”
He knew that Drayton said you weren’t to be a victim, that you weren’t some prey to be chased and hunted down, butchered just for the hell of it, but what about anything else? After all, this was Drayton’s way of saying thanks to you, but what did Johnny get out of this? Where was his thank you for fixing up your roof free of charge? If you weren’t going to be Johnny’s victim then he’d sure as hell find away for you to give him thanks.
“Say,” he placed his half empty glass down on the table beside him, “you moved back up here all alone, not got a boyfriend following you here?”
“Oh, heh, no. Haven’t had one of those in a long while, Mr Johnny.”
“Huh, well that’s just peachy, darlin’.”
He walked from the table and closer to you, his hand stroking up and down your arm as he worked his way behind you, his warm body pressing up against yours as he leaned down to your ear, “how about a thank you for all my hard work, hm?”
His hand snaked its way around your waist and played with the button of your shorts, his lips grazing across the delicate skin of your neck, gently kisses to distract you from what his hands were doing. Truth be told you didn’t want him to stop, and he could tell. The way you let him unbutton your pants without a fight, his fingers working their way between your legs and tracing a line back and forth against your clothed cunt.
“Mr Johnny, I don’t think—”
“That’s alright, baby, you don’t gotta think,” his free hand wrapped around your throat, tilting your head to the side so he could more easily bite and suck at your skin, “just gotta do whatever I tell you to do.”
After all, Drayton said you couldn’t be slaughtered like he did the others, but he didn’t say anything about Johnny not being able to fuck you til’ you couldn’t walk no more.
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kivino · 8 months
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Requests are open!! Make sure to read the rules for requests in my pinned post before requesting!!
Number of requests currently: 1
Message me if you want to be in the taglist!
Everything is (sort of) arranged in chronological order of posting. Once I have more works Character Masterlists will be available.
Personal favorites are in bold!
Created - 26.08.2023
Last updated - 01.12.2023
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Fantasy AU with Valeria! - Fluff, SFW
Platonic!TF141 x Eastern European!Reader - Fluff, SFW
Roommate!John ‘Soap’ Mactavish x Reader - Fluff, SFW
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Night time bonding || Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Gn!Reader - Fluff, SFW
Summary - You have a hard time falling asleep. Ghost has the same problem.
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Reader smut drabble - NSFW
Summary - The title is pretty self-explanatory.
Hush || Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Gn!Reader - Slight angst, fluff, SFW (requested)
Summary - Different situations where reader and Ghost hug because he’s too afraid to say “i love you” at the moment, but both of you know what his hugs mean.
Take us back || Zombie AU || Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick x Gn!Reader - Angst, gore, mcd
Summary – The new world was rotten, and you rotted away with it. 
Every time, I fall for you || Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick x Gn!Reader - Fluff, suggestive
Summary - Kyle fell for you hard, but he doesn’t know if it’s mutual.
Double vision || John ‘Bravo 0-6’ Price x Paramedic!Gn!Reader (requested) - Fluff, SFW
Summary - John gets into a car crash on his leave and meets you - a cute paramedic who instantly attracts his attention.
I don't care what's in your hair || Roommate!John 'Soap' Mactavish x Gn!Reader - SFW, Fluff, Teasing, Friendly banter
Summary – Your roommate Johnny comes back after his deployment and his hair looks like it needs a little trimming.
Big guy || Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Gn!Reader - SFW, fluff
Summary – Ghost takes a liking to the nickname you give him, but struggles to understand just how much he likes it.
Closer || Slasher!Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x M!Reader - Dark themes, kidnapping, dead dove do not eat (requested)
Summary - You hear various dark rumors from your colleagues and you don’t believe them, until there is one particular ghost looking you right in the eye.
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Out of the shadows || Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Shadow!Gn!Reader - Slight angst, action, SFW
Summary – After the betrayal of Task Force 141 and the slaughter of civilians in Las Almas you decide to leave Shadow Company on the spot, which works out sideways, leaving you with simmering hate towards the man whom you used to look up to and new interesting figures in your life. 
First step. - Where you cut ties with Shadows.
Second step. - WIP
Third step. - WIP
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Price, who’s down bad for his spouse
What if there was a cure to the zombie virus? (“Take us back” fic related)
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WIPS (this is getting a little out of control now)
Lost and found || Zombie AU || Platonic!Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Child!Gn!Reader - SFW, Hurt/Comfort, Found family, Parenting
Out of the Shadows || Second step || Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Former Shadow!Gn!Reader - SFW, Slight Angst, Revenge themes, Violence
Out of the Shadows || Third step || Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Former Shadow!Gn!Reader - SFW, Slight Angst, Revenge themes, Violence
Angel of small death || First verse || Priest!Phillip ‘Shadow 0-1’ Graves x Gn!Reader - SFW (for now), religious inaccuracies, idk anything about american catholics i'm eastern european and i will use it as an excuse /j
Whatever it takes || Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Gn!Reader - Angst, SFW
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johnny-slaughter-me · 9 months
— “ 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧'. ” | Johnny Slaughter x Female Reader.
Drabble. Reader is Sissy's friend who joins the family. She and Johnny developed a certain friendship.
Notes. English isn't my native language so typos and grammar issues are likely.
Warnings. This fic is nsfw, minors dni please. Canon gore and cannibalism mention, reader is also a cannibalist.
Enjoy. I hope you enjoy the content. Much love, Cherry. 🍒
She dug her nails in his back. Panting heavily as she felt each inch of him trusting in and out of her. "Mmmm Johnny" she moaned, "yeah baby girl? Like that? Hmmm?" He replied. Her constant moans told him she did and so he kept going in and out of her, trying to catch his breath in the process. He kept on going until he finally released all of his pleasure inside her.
He first met her last year when Sissy returned home. Y/N was a friend of Sissy's whom she met in one of the cultes she'd joined. With nowhere to go Sissy invited her to join the family. It was a surprise to everyone when Y/N and Sissy came home. But she was easily welcomed, helping around and loring victims in only to turn them into lunch. She wasn't that different from them, and Johnny couldn't help but enjoy the new addition. She excited him. Y/N couldn't ignore Johnny either. "Heya sis, you never told me you had such a greek god as a brother." You told Sissy whilst the both of you were preparing some poison to use later. She just looked at you and gave you a friendly eye roll. "He's an asshole but you can have him if you want, just be careful he is a mama's boy, and Nancy doesn't like it when her boy does anything other then murder- I mean hunting." Sissy told you and you both giggled.
Johnny started to surround himself near you and you never declined. As time went by you and him would sneak around, needing each other. He had fucked you in his shed, in his truck, and his bed. Sissy knew and didn't care but you both tried to hide it from the rest of his family. Cook has been the first one (excluding Sissy), to catch on to it. "So funny thing ya, I was listen for some victims when I heard Johnny loving the new girl a lil' too much!" Cook complained during dinner that night. You nearly choked on your food but to your surprise, Johnny simply said: "well damn old man, you heard right! And she loved every second of it."
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creepling · 10 months
johnny slaughter drabble. nsfw. stockholm syndrome. fem reader.
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having stockholm syndrome for johnny would be hot crazy as fuck. you’re the only victim that doesn’t get hurt or unalived bc johnny is crazy for you. threatening the other slaughters if they try to lay a finger on you. he never lets you out his sight, he sleeps with you, bathes you, sits next to you at dinner. he binds your wrists not bc he thinks you’ll try and escape but he’s highkey turned on.
he’ll comb your hair or bring you food and constantly needs affirmation. you’ll never try and escape, will you darlin’? good girl. he takes you to the sunflower field because he knows you like it, and when the house is out of sight he grips his hands onto your waist, nuzzling his nose into your neck, breathing in your scent. you’re gorgeous, you know that? he mumbles into your ear, his hand slowly hiking up your summer dress and touching your bare thighs. god, i love you. my little sunflower. his fingers crawl closer in between your legs. he smirks as you moan.
yeah, that’s it. take it, take it.
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struckd0wn · 8 months
𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟒: 𝐎𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐬𝐦 𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐚𝐥- 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫
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Johnny had snook you of of the family house and out to his shed, there the two of you would have full privacy.
He had you laying on the makeshift bed he made, which was just some hay bales pushed together and covered with a thick blanket. Johnny's fingers slowed as you neared you climax, then full stop.
You whined loudly, tugging on the hem of his shirt desperately. It had been the third time he denied your orgasm and you were sick of it. "Johnny,it's not funny." You pout as he laughs at your distressed expression, hips trying to chase the touch of his hand.
"Hell yeah it is!" Johnny would cheer out, feeling you clench around his stilled fingers.
"We barley get alone time and you're using it to torture me." You snap back, turning your head away from him. His fingers begin to move again, starting slowly, watching you get worked up all over again.
Your moans echoed around the small shed as he attacks you sweet spot, his thumb coming up to stroke you hard clit. You hips raise of the hay bail, pushing into his fingers, in need for release. You can feel it build up, stomach twisting in pleasure.
Johnny stops.
You sob out to him, eyes begining to water. Your boyfriend's grin is massive, smiling down at you with an evil expression.
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snail-eggs · 1 month
Fics For Gaza
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In hopes of being able to raise money to aid those in Gaza, I have decided to join @ficsforgaza! They have lots of wonderful information on their blog, as well as vetted fundraisers; proof of donation to these will be necessary for for both sponsoring a WIP and requesting a drabble!
I will be doing this at a rate of $1/100 words, and will be updating my progress on each fic accordingly.
As for requests, I am bending my own no request/OC only rule and allowing them both for this cause. They can be up to 1k words and I am open to both SFW and NSFW.
With proof of donation (sensitive information redacted) you can send me an ask letting me know which WIP you would like to sponsor or what request for a fic you may have!
*updates for every WIP will be posted regularly until they are finished and posted. donors, if not anonymous, will be tagged.
you must be 18+ to send in a request, as per the rules on my blog
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Sponsor a WIP:
Famous Last Words (An Ode To Eaters) | Baldur's Gate 3 | Astarion/OFC | Bones and All AU
est. final wc: 10,500
current wc: 6,619
Ever since she can remember, Nyra has led a lonesome life fueled by her desire for flesh. To sink her teeth into it and rip it from the bone, feeling the pulse of her poor victim beating against her mouth. She lives drifting from place to place, giving in to this ravenous hunger that controls her, leaving nothing but devastation in her wake. But Nyra yearns for something else; a connection that she cannot quite place and it is only when she meets fellow eater Astarion that she finds it. It terrifies her, this intimacy. It is a thing she never thought she would know in her lifetime and yet here it is, in the form of the pale elf. Together, they traverse the country and fall into their gruesome routine, finding themselves becoming closer. Inseparable. A sense of normalcy and comfort washes over them that Nyra can't seem to settle into. Something is out there, watching them, and at every stop, she can feel it getting closer.
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Urn | Cyberpunk 2077 | Johnny Silverhand/OFC
est. final wc: 25,000 (3 chapters)
current wc: 0
She watches from the church parking lot as animals are taken to slaughter. Looks into their sweet, mournful eyes from holes in shit covered trailers. Hers water. A dust storm is blowing through a town in middle-of-nowhere Texas and she’s in the thick of it. Letting the dirt erode her, the wind rock her from side to side. The storm howls. Shouts vile things in her ears that she cannot understand. It is violent — biblical in its anger. She listens.  Jessica Ferreira has lived in the same town her entire life and has, above all, learned to listen. 
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Whistleblower | Resident Evil | Leon Kennedy/OFC
est. final wc: 50,000 (10 Chapters)
current wc: 0
Amateur reporter Lana Laguerre is going against every NDA, every penny and dime of hush money to expose what happened in Raccoon City. All the while, Leon Kennedy is desperately urging her to let it die. Her life hangs in the balance of this earth-shattering expose. Its 1999 and wounds are fresh in a city alive and teeming with endless possibility. Will Lana live long enough to see her story through?
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Thoroughfare | Red Dead Redemption 2 | Arthur Morgan/ OFC
est. final wc: 15,000
current wc: 0
Arthur thought this would be easy. Rob the store and get out. Now with a shotgun at his temple, he can’t help but fear that his life is about to end. Ana’s has only just begun.
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Requestable Fandoms:
Fallout (TV and game), Baldur's Gate 3, Dragon Age, Stardew Valley, Saints Row, Cyberpunk 2077, Red Dead Redemption 2, Watch Dogs/Watch Dogs 2
dividers @/saradika
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spicy-pears · 9 months
I'm not sure if this is how it works. But I have a drabble request? About a girl who's car breaks down a mile or two from the slaughter family gas station. And while she walks along the road listening to music, johnny starts to stalk her. And similar to maria start liking her as he follows.
Please and thank you 🙏🏼😇
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𝑶𝒍𝒅 𝒅𝒐𝒈, 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒔.
𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒙𝒕: 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒂𝒍.
𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝑲𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑴𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒇𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒃𝒚 𝑹𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒂 𝑭𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒚 𝑨𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒓.
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒅𝒐𝒈
𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒇𝒖𝒏 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕. 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚❣️ 𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒓𝒚 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒏𝒙𝒊𝒆𝒕𝒚.
(𝑰𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔, 𝑰’𝒍𝒍 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚.)
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The wind caressed your hand as you let it hang out the car window. Your fingertips would surf the rushing breeze as the music brought your body to a joyful sway. "I'm in love, Sweet love. Don't you ever go away." With a loving smile, you serenaded your passenger. He sat so obediently in his seat, his black fur pushed around with the wind. At the same time, your nails gave him gentle head scratches.
You decided to take the solo drive back to Georgia. Preferring the peace of being alone with your calm pooch. Rather than being in a cramped car with bickering family members. Maybe you should have stuck with your family. You began to admit this mistake of yours. One wrong turn sent you cruising down the vast and long road through the countryside of Texas. This small town was so insignificant its name had the smallest text on the map. “The town of Newt” the fields of corn, sunflowers, and wheat was a sanguine sight. It filled you with the unrivaled serenity that bustling city life couldn’t provide.
Although the free vast countryside brought a timeless opportunity to enjoy nature. The small town seemed to be paused in time, the sparse buildings along the road. All seemed to be built back in the ’50s and ’60s. And hasn’t received any care or renovation since. Wood on barns began to run ragged with make-shift patch-up jobs with metal sheets. The singular diner in the area weathered through pouring rain, showing it through the copper rust stains that ran along its sign and roof.
Oddly enough, the only pit stop around kept updated gas pumps. You were almost tempted to stop and look inside the antique 60s-styled gas station. But a man working there peered into your eyes as you slowly drove by. A look you confused as unfriendliness towards tourists, a look you only needed to see once. Promptly, you turned away from the scar-covered, dark-haired man and continued on your way.
You didn’t fret much about the detour; you’ve been in similar situations. And each one proved to be a nostalgic time that fueled your fire for adventure. “You having fun, boy?” Your glance turned to your perfect passenger. His body curled into a bored ball of fluff, the sorry state making your lips twist into a concerned smirk. “Alright, we’ll be out of this town soon. Ten more miles, and we’ll be in Austin and back on track.” You began petting his coat in an attempt to comfort him.
 Another mile deep into Newt, the local radio tower would interfere with your radio. Cutting off your soothing music, and began broadcasting an eerie news story, "The search continues for a missing San Antonio native. A female college student, who was reported to be taking a trip to Corpus Christi, Texas. She's described as-". Suddenly, the radio began to conflict again, bellowing a loud blaring static. The interference would cause your car to stall, leaving your car at a sudden halt.
"Okay...time to get out of the countryside." The frightening experience made your heart beat fast. Leaving a throbbing feeling running down your veins. With your eyes shut tight, you calmed your nerves and kept your composure. Armed with the knowledge of how to fix your car easily, as this wasn't the first time. With a gentle sigh, you turned to your beloved dog, "Should I walk you first?". Excitement overtook the large pooch as his wagging tail gave the car a light shake.
You’d open his door with a loving laugh, setting him free. While you grabbed your headphones and cassette player. The cassette your mother gave you caught your eye as she painted little white daisies and wrote “y/n playlist.” You would pop the loving gift into your cassette player and began walking, treasuring the one-of-a-kind tranquility. While you dove deep into your own little world, you felt an unwanted tap on your shoulder. Forcing you to whip around, your expression confused and defensive.
“Excuse me, miss. I saw your car broke down back there. And I wouldn’t feel right leaving a pretty thing like you out here on your lonesome. Would you like to hitch a ride?” You instantly became suspicious of his niceties.
But politely, you smiled and shook your head to reaffirm your words: “No, I'm fine. I'm just walking my dog. Thank you though.”. You watched his face skew with confusion and scorn. The latter left you feeling awkward, as your words shouldn’t have caused such strong emotions. Regardless, you would awkwardly wave the strange man goodbye and went about your stroll.
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𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽
Johnny was forced to stay in Newt. After his recent failure, a failure that gained the public a vivid description of his appearance. He preferred leaving home, as it left him a wider range of prey. But the report about him proved damaging to his hunting style, as any woman would now be privy to his nature. Unfortunately for him, being stuck in newt meant one kill every other month.
To not attract more attention to himself and keep trouble off the family's doorstep. Johnny resented the tight leash he was on; the restrictions felt like an insult. He carries his weight and more for the family, bringing home clueless girls and keeping the cold room well stocked. One minor failure with a few college girls shouldn’t gain such strict conditions.
Nonetheless, he was sometimes blessed with a rare treat. Women who couldn’t bother to learn how to change a tire taking long cross-country trips. And most of the time, they run out of gas or break down near one of the properties. Giving him the thrill he thirsted for. Sometimes, he would play nice, posing as a helpful hand that would repair their car. Only to offer them shade from the heat inside the gas station, like lambs to slaughter. This time, he would stubbornly and selfishly try something new. His failures gave him a new trick that sissy patiently crafted for him.
He saw you pass by the pitstop and instantly homed in on you. He found himself becoming "fond" of you. Instead of quickly subduing you, he followed you through the field. Until he realized he wasn’t the only hunter out today, the strange man you blew off would go back into the field. With similar intentions as Johnny, he wanted to catch you. What he wanted to do with you was unknown.
Johnny was no gentleman. He only cared for things that benefited him. And being the only hunter would benefit him greatly. He wanted to be the one to have you as he pulled out his harvesting blade; he committed to that conviction. He supposed he’d “save” you in the process.
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The precious Texas oak trees swayed with the wind, almost on beat with the song playing. Your eyes closed, taking in the warm sunlight against your eyelids, singing with the serene feeling coursing through your body. “Strumming my pain with his fingers-“You came to a halt as you heard a burst of sinister laughter drowning out your music.
Your dog stood still, growling at the field of sunflowers, as you cautiously took off your headset. Your little world crumbled against the hauntingly quiet reality. No other sounds of life existed for a moment, not even the wind. Only the long, low chirp from the Texan cicadas which brought you unease.
"Careless city girl, I had to kill that man to save your hide!" Suddenly, you felt a strong arm wrap around your tiny waist from behind. While his free hand firmly pressed a chemical-soaked cloth against your mouth and nose. The potent vapor reminded you of cleaning products, how it made your eyes burn and water desperately.
Through your burning tears, you looked up at the now bloodied man you previously saw at the pit stop. Viciously, you would reach for the man's wicked face, digging your nails into the sensitive tissue of his ears. His pained wince eased into a demonic hiss. Your hopeless clawing proved fruitless, as the acidic smell made you grow weak. The hold on your face grew rougher, "Now quit your fightin'!".  
Your gaze was laced with exhaustion as your chest heaved lightly through the snug tank top that hugged the plushness of your chest. A final plea for release, you drifted your hand down his face. Only for him to keep smirking at you with an impatient glare. Latter of which made you feel like a tiny toddler fighting sleep. Ultimately, your body grew limp as you finally fell unconscious. "Good girl, pretty as a peach even.” Johnny would throw you over his shoulder, carrying his catch home. He would turn to your dog, patting his thigh, a subtle command for the dog to follow.
“Come on, big boy. Let's take ya’ll home."
"Killing me softly with his song"
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hauntedjohnny · 4 months
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johnny slaughter fics .𖥔 ݁ ˖ piece of meat (smut)
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sonny williams & danny gaines .𖥔 ݁ ˖ love and care (fluff) .𖥔 ݁ ˖ home for the holidays (drabble)
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