#join my coven join my coven join my coven
rainstormfrost · 1 day
Sometimes I think... What if Willow was not a canon character? What if she appeared only in some fanfic on AO3, how people would feel about her?
I mean, she has pattern of standard Mary Sue from some fan fiction. Lemme explain.
Firstly, she is strong. Even stronger than Emperor's Coven scouts, who've been, I'm reminding, harshly trained for years and have a lot of experience. But Willow just beats them like it's nothing for her.
Meanwhile, there is no clear reason for her to be so strong. All creator says is «she is talented and trains a lot», but... Willow has started training after the Grugby episode from season 1. That means she's been training only for two or one month. I'm not an expert but I think you can't get so much strength by that little time.
Well, okay, we can assume that Willow started doing Flyer Derby specifically after the Grugby episode. Maybe she was training even before that, but... It's still a shitty argument. I have some friends who've been training for many years and I can say they can't defeat a trained soldier. After all, a soldier knows special techniques and special fight skills. Scouts in EC can use any kind of magic, so they MUST learn every of nine tracks magic. So, how do you think, can a schoolgirl-plant-witch defeat a trained soldier with an experience.
Secondly, Hunter's character after meeting Willow. Hunter was positioned (before «Any sports in a storm») as a goofy, strong, confident person, but then we know him as a traumatized, apathetic and lost character who needs someone to help him to get out from toxic influence of his «uncle».
But what he's becomed after meeting Willow? He became a poor little boy who needs hugs and comfort 🥺🥺🥺. After joining the Hexsquad Hunter lost most of his power, he sometimes becomes a damsel in distress so Willow can save her little meow meow.
Please, separate a traumatize character who needs help and spirit mentor from a poor little thing who need comfort. Hunter is not the first thing. He is the second.
I know, this is kinda not Willow's problem as a character, but just imagine if all episodes after ASIAS were just a fanfic. How would you feel if a strong and mean character (Hunter) became a weakling who needs help from his girlboss?
Thirdly, cliche. I don't think Willow's story is bad, but I must admit it's kinda unoriginal. She has a standard Y/N storyline. «Poor girl was bullied, but then she discovered her true power and became stronger than her bullies». Where have we seen that? Well, practically in every fanfic.
What do we have in result?
Willow is somehow stronger that trained soldiers.
A strong and complex character became a total mess and crybaby because of interactions with her.
She has a quiet standard backstory.
I'm pretty sure: if Park was a fan character she would've been hated by everyone. We would've seen a lot of angry posts about little girls spoiling canon character's personality for their own fantasies.
But why the canon character with such traits is considered as something good?
UPD: It gets more sad for me, because I read fanfics and have my own TOH fan characters. I saw a lot of good, fleshed out and deep OC, but they was branded as Mary Sues because they was smart and powerful. Must specify, but all, these powers were explained, so characters wasn't skilled out of nowhere. I'm trying to make my own characters as realistic as I can. I paranoidly make a lot of flaws to my OCs so they can't become Sues. But then I see canon TOH characters and think: does it worth it? Why am I trying if I know that all of the canons are overpowered without any explanation?
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jaegonsmoon · 7 months
Chris HalIiwell was insane bc instead of just kiIling his evil overlord big brother and save the world he decided to travel back in time instead; gaslighted gatekeeped, girlbossed everyone. Caused his parents’ divorce and risked never being born. Killed and hunted every single demon and entity he thought was a threat to his brother. And when his big brother hauled his ass back home he was like “I didn’t go back to betray you, I went back to save you.” And not even his dead fiancée as collateral damage stopped him from trying to save Wyatt. He stopped at NOTHING. He was a man on a mission and the only thought that bounced inside his head was “Wyatt”
and he succeeded.
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sandushengshou · 3 months
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to defeat monsters: become the greater monster | m.a.w
(requested by @highwarlockkareena for my 1 follower celebration)
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galaghiel · 3 months
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more vampire au ft. tubbo
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pumpkindevourer · 8 months
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Oc post RAAAAHHHH + one singular questionable Belos WIP. Put a more option for slightly nudity??? Kind of? No inappropriate anatomy or NSFW just wip I’m working on [blinks]
Apologies for the not posting 😞 exam season is here and I am cramming work and studying all into one.
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winepresswrath · 4 months
i am going to wind up on team #justiceforarmand but it's going to be so situational. justice for armand specifically during the period of time louis is all "oooh who needs labels." a very different kind of justice for armand on matters pertaining to claudia.
#usually i would be like 70 years???#that's just your husband. sit in your choices as u might say#obsessing over your first love isn't going to change anything about what you decided to do and who you decided to do it with#but in light of claudia i'm forced to be like hm. well if you just wanted to torment him by dangling yourself in front of him for decades#that would be valid. like you should probably do more and worse but the time for that was before he did the atrocities to your child#so. here we are!#press says iwtv#interview with the vampire#the thing is i love claudia in all mediums she's my girl#but this version is so vulnerable and actually desperate for louis to see her and choose her#whereas while that's not absent from book!claudia she is notably higher on both louis and lestat's list of priorities#and i think more of a player. not that show!claudia isn't shooting her shot but u would never catch book claudia joining the bad news cult#because she's that desperate to be loved#book!lestat genuinely wanted her to stop being mad at him for cursing her to exist in the way they do and go back to playing happy families#evil of my evil etc#louis is sick of their mutual misery but armand really had to fuck with his head to bring the madeline situation about#also i am faintly annoyed that we don't see her souring on the possibility of making friends within the coven more directly#like did she conclude they'd turned too inward to be friends the moment she got that dress?#anyway. regardless. does she not deserve love? and mass murder?
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all-agatha-harkness · 1 month
*wanders the woods until I find an cabin and knocks softly before saying* is anyone in there? I seemed to have wandered to far I'm an young witch an in need of an coven....is it fine if I stay here?. My name's Phoenix!.
(hi is this how you do it? I just found this blog and wanted to join your coven but didn't know how to. :3 )
*The door cracks, and I peek out before opening it all the way* Lovely to meet you, Phoenix. I’m Agatha.
So, you wish to join a coven? I’m always happy to have a new member in mine. Come in!
*I step aside and give you space to walk in* As for staying here, I believe I could manage some arrangements. But, before I agree to anything, let’s have a chat about a few things…
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feytouched · 21 days
if nothing else then the fact that one of my dearest friends whom i rarely see and her gf whom i also really like are coming to visit me this weekend and staying for a whole week. that's gotta be something to look forward to
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coulrology · 6 months
Juniper through the years ewww
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yardsards · 2 years
forever rotating the idea of amity and lilith re-forging their apprentice-mentor relationship (but this time healthy and also anti-establishment) around in my head
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obessivedork · 8 months
Fallout 4's biggest crime is that I & 99% of the OCs I'm interested in creating and playing would never in a MILLION years agree to name a kid Shawn. I don't have anything against the name or people with it, but it is very much not one I would ever pick or say yes to when there are other names to pick from unless my partner had a REALLY strong sentimental reason. Even THEN I would negotiate and see if we can't have it as a middle name rather than a first name.
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gomacave · 10 months
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My grown greta btw (she is an oc at this point) <- just wanted to draw armor
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pluresque · 27 days
this brain of mine comes with some of the worst thoughts known to humanity, as a free bonus
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More Shazamily/Marvel Family headcanons
Billy has a deep seated hatred for the Indiana Jones movies, there is no force on earth that can get him to watch any of the movies the whole way through
Normal magic rules don’t really apply to them in practice, they break and bend the rules a lot without realizing it. It’s one of the many perks of being champions and guardians of eternity, magic just goes with them and what they want to do
Have used spells from fantasy media’s to see if they work in real life; They do work but only for them, so each member of the Shazamily has a trump card in the form of random spells from random kids tv shows but they all use wands when they remember to just incase a spell backfires
Darla copied Star vs the forces of evil’s spells, no Fawcett villain likes admitting that they got beat by a Narwal Blast or a Warnicorn Stampede. Uses her wide array of princess and fairy wands she already has
Eugene, as seen in the first Shazam! movie, copy’s mortal combat moves and phrases. Doesn’t use a wand or a stand in for one much but uses a classic magicians wand from a magic kit he got
Billy binge watched every episode of Ben 10 and made a spread sheet of magical attacks shown in the show with Freddy to copy. Both use “Scribo in incendia” to multitask with homework and “Somus” to fall right asleep after patrol. Freddy uses his foam Wonder Woman sword and Billy just has a stick he picked up one day when he was 9 and hasn’t let go of since
Mary has copied some phrases from Sabrina the Teenage witch with varying levels of success, in part due to her not having full confidence in every attempt she makes. Bought one of those fancy wands with a gemstone at the end of them to cast spells
Pedro took a page out of Harry Potter and started using Latin to come up with his own spells. Uses whatever he has on hand as a wand, be it a pencil or the spork he was eating his lunch with
Billy has an older portable movie player he got as a hand me down gift from a foster sibling and a CD booklet with some kids movies in it that he’s held onto, its how he passed his rare instances of downtime when he was still homeless. Liked borrowing movies from local libraries to watch on it, some of the discs he actually owns are Matilda, the Night at the Museum trilogy, the Iron Giant, Tangled, Atlantis: the Lost Empire, and a CD copy of the second season of The Worlds Greatest Animal Detective; Tawky Tawny.
Freddy spends the first few years of his hero career pretending to be able bodied, constantly using his flight as a mobility aid, but decides later on to utilize a Wizards staff formed in a way to double as a crutch for him.
Followed by pidgins relentlessly. If a pidgin can go there they follow the Marvels everywhere. They’re chill, don’t steal their food or land on them, but they follow them everywhere. They all collectively blame Hermes influence as a patron god of messengers since pidgins are messenger birds (and yes it is the fault of his divine influence on them)
Billy got permission from the Wizard and other greek goddesses to have separate blessings for his sisters (Agility of Selene, Strength of Hippolyta, Stamina of Artemis, Flight of Zephyrus, Invulnerability of Aurora, and the Wisdom of Minerva) for the sole reason of keeping the influence and voices of Billy’s patrons out of their heads and away from them. (Because there’s no way in any form of hell he’s cursing Mary or Darla with Zeus to be in their heads)
They can talk to animals with the omnilinguistics the Wisdom of Solomon gives them, if anyone on the mortal plane can understand the language so can they. This has led to people seeing Captain Marvel coo back and forth with pidgins like they’re having a conversation (they’re talking about favorite snacks) and the one time he interrogated a rat through small squeaks to know which way a group of smugglers went.
Billy is an awesome gift giver, every year when the justice league has their annual white elephant on Dec 20th people pray they get their names drawn by him. He got Wally a bunch of shoes that were enchanted to not wear down from his speeding (dress shoes, running shoes, slippers, flip flops, the works), did some dimension hopping and time traveling to get a box full of Kryptonian books for Clark (including a collection of folklore with English translations so he can read a bedtime story to Jon), and a crud ton of sweets from the Funlands for J’onzz (including a giant Choco’s cookie big enough to sleep on.)
Freddy’s YouTube channel has a lot of videos of the Shazamily testing their powers based on comments, it has 2.3 million followers and the ad revenue they all rake in goes to helping out with the expenses at home and buying a lot of games at a 50/50 split
They are literally the only group of child vigilantes that are home in time for curfew/bed consistently, they’re more daytime heroes. The only exception being Billy when he has to go off world or to another dimension for League/Champion business but he always tells the Vasquez’s about them so they can call him in sick from school
Billy worked out an agreement with Harley Quinn so that him and his siblings could have semi-regular therapy appointments (hero/villain work permitting), she works her degree every other Tuesday and in return she gets Superman style flights whenever she wants and access to magical plant stuff for Ivy. Victor and Rosa worried about their kids mental health with all the responsibility and horrors of hero life but had no idea how to start getting them professional support for it so they’re glad Billy was able to find someone already in that life who could help and isn’t likely to endanger their identities.
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notasapleasure · 11 months
A tale of two Georgias
Note: I wouldn't normally share subscriber-exclusive content from this news site, but I think Shota Kincha's opinions are too important to hide away in an exclusive email this time. If you're so minded, please consider supporting open journalism in the Caucasus anyway and sending some money OCMedia's way.
Highlighting is my own. Of course I support Georgia joining the EU, but absolutely not under conditions that ignore the recent rolling back of democratic freedoms.
By Shota Kincha, for OC Media.
On Wednesday, Georgians celebrated a long-awaited recommendation from the European Commission for their nation’s candidacy for EU membership, leaving the country’s candidacy pending just final approval from the heads of EU member states in mid-December. But the Commission’s assessment of the government’s ‘progress’ seemed to be based on wishful thinking, rather than its actions. 
On denying Georgia the status last year, the European Commission outlined 12 ‘priorities’ Georgia would need to address for the decision to be reconsidered — preconditions that largely reflected the spirit of the April 2021 agreement brokered by European Council President Charles Michel between the government and opposition groups.
When the unforeseen possibility for Georgia to formally apply for membership presented itself in early 2022, Georgia’s leadership had already failed on some of the key components of the previous year’s accord. 
Instead of addressing the ‘perception of politicised justice,’ an apparent euphemism for the imprisonment of opposition leaders, most notably Nika Melia in early 2021, the Georgian court imprisoned another prominent government critic, Nika Gvaramia, only five weeks before the European Commission was due to assess Georgia’s readiness for EU membership candidacy.
Instead of the ambitious judicial reform promised in the 2021 Michel deal and mentioned in the EU’s ‘12 priorities’ last year, the ruling Georgian Dream party has continued to shield corrupt judicial officials with a stranglehold on Georgian courts, resulting in more politicised administrative fines and criminal cases against civil activists, political leaders, media managers, or youth with ‘confused orientation’ who risked their freedom to defend Georgia’s pro-Western choice on the streets.
In the run-up to the European Commission’s latest decision on Georgia, the government and security services run by oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili’s goons artificially created an anti-Western parliamentary group, gifted them private channel PosTV, and made violent extremist pro-Russian Alt Info immune to obstruction or challenge. 
If the last five years under Georgian Dream rule had been a steady decline in democratic freedoms, the government’s actions in the months since it applied to join the European Union — including their recent initiatives to clamp down on Georgia’s civil society and constrain protest — far surpassed any and all negative predictions.
But listening to President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, one could have assumed she was discussing an entirely different country. 
Despite Georgia’s government persecuting free media, parroting Russian propaganda against the West, refusing to undertake institutional reforms in a way that included other groups and stakeholders, and satisfying only three of the twelve conditions set last year, the European Commission complimented them with no substantial criticism.
I do not believe the EU should approve Georgian membership candidacy later this year, as the move looks set to validate and entrench the government’s precipitous lurch towards authoritarianism. 
The European Commission’s approach may be based on the belief that denying Georgia candidate status could lead to Georgians becoming disillusioned with the EU and the West. But Georgians have been staunchly pro-Western for decades, perhaps even centuries. 
The real danger to Georgians’ trust in the West comes from the West’s indifference to anti-democratic moves by Georgia’s government, which, if left unchecked, will continue to use state institutions to slowly but steadily shift popular mood and policies towards Russia. 
Even were we to allow that recommending EU candidacy status was a justified decision in Georgia’s best interests, doing so did not obligate the institution’s leaders to legitimise the country’s government in the way they did.
Listening to the widely televised announcement by the European Commission on Wednesday, Georgians could reasonably have concluded that democratic backsliding, state capture by big capital, and a politicised judiciary are consistent with Georgia’s pro-Western aspirations, or that related warnings from local activists and media have been baseless or overblown. 
The announcement could also have created the impression that the ruling party has been delivering on reforms demanded by the EU, a powerful notion less than a year before the country’s next general elections. 
The truth is, however, that in inviting Georgia to join the club while neglecting to call out the government’s shortcomings, the EU is playing a dangerous game, and one it has played before. The EU does not want another Orban, and the South Caucasus definitely does not need another Aliyev.
I may be wrong: perhaps granting Georgia candidate status will still be a wise choice on the EU’s part. But even in its recommendation, the European Commission could have sent a clear message that business as usual would no longer be tolerated. 
What Georgia’s leadership heard instead will become abundantly clear in the coming months. 
#ქართველები მიყვარხართ - ძალიან ძალიან მიყვარხართ. მაგრამ ეს არ არის დრო.#ამ მეთოდში ევროპული კავშირი ვერ გეხმარება ქართულ ოცნებსთან.#ეს იქნებოდეს ჯილდო უსამართლობისთვის#i'm seeing so many celebrations and it fucking breaks my heart#membership. will. not. fix. you.#you have to start that yourselves!#and the eu isn't perfect it needs to take a stricter line with hungary and orban.#they got lucky with poland voting their way out of a hole but that won't happen in hungary so easily -#and if they act like georgian dream have done enough when they have done worse than nothing they will be in a very good position next ge#and don't @ me for saying you need to start the work yourselves.#i have a friend who used to work in politics there and tried to change the election culture#he couldn't even get people to agree to a covenant saying they would refrain from using misgynistic language in campaign season#because people thought it was meaningless and unimportant#well sometimes you have to fucking start somewhere or you get scenes like the misogynistic language used in georgian parliament recently#i know i'm just ranting from very far away and can't possibly understand it all#i'd hoped to visit for the first time last month. but the university called off the planned research trip#because of concerns about the government's repressive legislation and actions#and if the eu grants candidate status for you without demanding actual concrete change then that's just going to carry on worse than ever.#i'm sorry i want to see you join. i believe the eu needs change from the inside too.#but they aren't your saviours riding in to fix things if they don't hold GD accountable#georgia#it's been a depressing few years to be a student of georgian i can't fucking imagine how much more depressing it's been to be there#but you have campaigners who give me hope still.#it's just that this decision by the eu would not give me hope for your future sorry#საქართველო#caucasus#oc media#shota kincha#eu politics
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astriiformes · 2 years
Chelle and I joke somewhat frequently about the fact that sometimes I'll be like "[Insert long heartfelt statement about how I have all these feelings about older brotherhood that I have constructed my many Caleb Wittebane feelings around as a result of being an older brother myself]" [beat] "You're probably not going to murder me though. Probably."
But tonight after we had laughed about that I added "You know, we're patting ourselves on the back here, but as far as dysfunctional Owl House sibling relationships go, if you had told 16/17 year-old me that my only shot at getting into one of the really prestigious universities I was set on attending was to screw you over for like a day. I would, unfortunately, have done it in a heartbeat" and she was like "No that's true, you absolutely would have" which I can't even deny because I'm the one who pointed it out.
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