#jolly rancher the boat
penname-artist · 2 years
@ask-dusty-boy has given The Flysenhower a new nickname...
"Hey look, it's Jolly Rancher, the Boat"
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Best friend!JJ who is so completely and utterly in love with you. You’re everything to him
Best friend!JJ who shows up late at night when you call him scared, saying there’s a man following you while you walk your dog
Best friend!JJ who has mini packets of sour patch kids and singular jolly ranchers scattered around the chateau and the boat incase your blood sugar drops
Best friend!JJ who helps you wash your hair when you’re at your worst
Best friend!JJ whose heart drops every time you stumble over the first of the chateau’s porch
Best friend!JJ whose camera roll is filled with pictures of you and you only
Best friend!JJ who holds your hand when you get in and off the boat
Best friend!JJ who gets into your bed with grabby hands while saying any and everything in strange voices to cheer you up
Best friend!JJ who you giggle with late at night at absolutely nothing, promising to be quiet and stop laughing (you both know that neither of you will be able to stop laughing until someone falls asleep)
Best friend!JJ who purposely breaths into your ear so you turn around and pout
Best friend!JJ who constantly falls but acts like it didn’t happen because it makes you laugh
Best friend!JJ who does the dishes because you cooked
Best friend!JJ you cleans your glasses with his shirt for you
Best friend!JJ who kisses your forehead goodnight
Best friend!JJ who gives you a knowing smile when you lie about drinking the last soda in the fridge (hiding the can behind your back)
Best friend!JJ who pulls at strands of your hair when he wants your attention
Best friend!JJ who doesn’t think he can survive a day without you. Whose heart only beats for you. Who has only imagined the moment he finally confesses his feeling for you a million times
My Masterlists!!
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Headcanons for Killian Jones falling in love for Mermaid!Reader...
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He's a pirate. He's taught to hate mermaids, to hate sirens. The amount of men they'd killed over the years - good men, good friends of his - that got dragged down to their deaths in the icy waters is like a kick in the guts every time he sees the flash of moonlight on the scales.
When he meets you, he's angry and he wants revenge for all those men and all those friends you and your kind have killed over the years. He tries to capture you, trying to bring you onto the boat to skin you alive and keep your tail as a prize. His plan doesn't go well though, he injures your tail but you manage to escape.
He loses track of you for a few days but he doesn't stop searching. You don't know why he's after you but you try your best to evade you.
He hears something one night, a sad song carried along on the calm waters, he leaves bed to find the source and sees the injured tail sitting upon some rocks with you sitting singing to the moon. He's angry and goes to shout on his men but he realises that you're not enchanting him, he's not being lured to his own death right now and so he stops and just listens.
Your song ends and you notice the Jolly Rancher sitting there, stagnant in the water. You realise Captain Hook is standing there just watching and listening. You don't find yourself scared like you had been whenever you saw that ship, instead you just find yourself watching him back.
For the next few days, he keeps up the guise that he's hunting you but actually he just wants to hear you sing. There's something about you, something he cannot shake and he needs to know more.
He docks the ships at a small island that he's tracked you to and late at night, he ventures out into the woods to go and find you by the coast.
Again, your song is sad and soft and Killian needs to hear it up close and personal. He breaks out from the trees to a clearing where you're sitting upon some rocks. He doesn't speak yet. He looks at the way your tail shimmers in the moonlight, the injury healing nicely. He's never really appreciated what mermaids look like up close and personal.
He steps forwards and breaks a tree branch causing you to freak out thinking that he's sneaking up on you to kill you. You leap it the water but he's shouting out that he doesn't want to hurt you, he just wanted to hear you.
So begins the start of something.
It's slow and uneasy at the beginning, the two of you unsure how to deal with whatever's happening here, as he docks late at night and the two of you share timid conversation.
He doesn't tell anyone. For two reasons. 1 - he's a pirate. He's supposed to hate you, to kill you and if anyone found out then he may have to do that. 2 - he simply doesn't want to. He likes whatever the hell this is. It's exciting.
The first time he leans in to kiss you, you pull away and dive under the water. You know that you have feelings for him but you can't. A mermaid and a pirate? That's just unheard of. It's an oxymoron in itself. Killian sits there, sucking his teeth, for a minute before getting up and going back to the ship.
You don't see him for a couple of nights, the two of you let you get your pride in the way and you're too embarrassed to see the other. The unsaid feelings, the almost kiss lingers in the air like a bad stench.
It's around a week later, he sees the flick of your tail, moonlight bouncing off of it as you lounge by some rocks. He docks the ship and comes to see you.
At first it's awkward but soon, he breaks the ice with a flirty joke.
He doesn't try to kiss you again but as the two of you sit side by side on the rocks, he asks you something much more intimate than a kiss.
"Can I... Would you let me touch your tail? I'll be gentle, love."
No one, no human, has ever touched your tail before and as he does, it makes your cheeks flush. It's entirely too intimate for friends and when he's finished, he looks at you deeply before... the two of you kiss.
Since then, he makes an excuse to dock each night so that he can spend time with you. Whenever he sets sail, he always looks to the West and sees that familiar flash of that tail.
The two of you don't really know what's going to happen or how it's all going to work out but you don't focus too much on that. You just focus on the way he smiles at you before kissing you, the way his hand delicately touches your tail... the way he whispers how much he cares for you under the moonlight.
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clarepreed · 1 year
First Date
Story Content and Summary - 5,563 words. After recovering from the events in Stressed to Death, Ginnie and Holly are on their first official date. Despite their obvious chemistry, a freak accident threatens to tear them apart forever. Commotio cordis, on-site resuscitation.🏳️‍🌈
Ginnie waited on a bench outside the restaurant, repeatedly wiping her damp hands on her sundress. She wasn’t sure she’d worn the right thing; she liked this dress, and she thought she looked pretty in it, but now she was worried she was too dressed up. Or not dressed up enough. Ginnie tapped her fingers on her thighs, rocking slightly on the bench.
I’m too early. I’m just going to sit here and nervously sweat, she thought. Holly will worry if I seem nervous.
Then: When do I NOT seem nervous?! 
Ginnie huffed at herself and stood, automatically smoothing her dress down in the back and patting the skirt to make sure she hadn’t dropped her wallet or her phone.
“Hey, Ginnie! Are you okay? Am I late?” Holly’s husky voice interrupted Ginnie’s spiraling train of thought.
Ginnie whirled around, her face blushing hot. Holly stopped a few steps away on the sidewalk, looking cute in slim fit brown pants and a boat necked shirt. Ginnie squeaked out: “Hi! No, you’re early! Um… I’m just nervous.”
Before Holly could reply, Ginnie blurted: “Just a normal amount of nervous. Not ‘die on the sidewalk’ nervous.”
Ginnie was looking at Holly’s nose, but she still took in the strange expression that passed over the other woman’s face.
I’m making her uncomfortable.
Ginnie opened her mouth to apologize, but Holly interrupted her, her mouth breaking into a wide smile. “I want to laugh, but I don’t know if I should.”
“Oh, please do,” Gennie said, her hands twisting in her skirt. “That’s why I said it. I joke a lot when I’m nervous.”
Holly took a step closer, her hands plunging into her pockets and then pulling them straight back out. Her eyes skimmed over Ginnie, setting off a warm tingly feeling in Ginnie’s belly. “Hey, um, you look really pretty. That’s a nice dress.”
“It has pockets!” Ginnie exclaimed, demonstrating by slipping her hand in one.
“That’s great. Uh… may I give you a hug?”
Instead of responding verbally, Ginnie lurched forward and threaded her arms around Holly’s ribs. She squeezed the taller woman tight.
“Yes,” she murmured, her lips brushing Holly’s collarbone. Holly’s arms folded around her and they stood for several seconds in silence. Finally, Ginnie said: “You smell good. Spicy?”
“You smell sweet. Like candy.”
“That’s because I ate a bunch of Jolly Ranchers on the bus.”
Holly chuckled. They were embracing for much longer than normal, or so Ginnie assumed. Not that she minded. She could hear Holly’s heart beating fast and strong beneath her ear. The other woman’s embrace was warm and firm. Tears suddenly pricked Ginnie’s eyes, and she murmured: “Thank you.”
Holly leaned back, though she didn’t release her grip on Ginnie. “Are you okay? What are you thanking me for?”
“It’s just that we haven’t seen each other since I got out of the hospital. Texting isn’t the same. Thank you for saving my life. I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable.”
“Not at all, Ginnie. I’m really glad you’re back in the city.” Holly laughed. “I was afraid you’d decide to stay with your parents. I mean, if you did, I was going to ask you out anyway. But it’s nice to have you here.”
“I’ve never dated a woman who hasn’t had at least one super long-distance relationship.”
“God, that’s so true.” Holly squeezed her and then released the hug. “Ready to eat?”
“Yes! This is my favorite restaurant!” Ginnie gushed, gesturing for Holly to follow her. “The owners are from Seoul and Atlanta. The menu is small but really varied and even my parents were happy with the food! They have the best starters… The acoustics are good inside, too. It’s never too loud. This place is my comfort restaurant. I hope you like it!”
Holly stepped up to the door and pulled it open. “After you. I looked up the menu when you suggested this place and it sounds great. Of course… I just really like food.”
There was a small line at the host stand, so they joined at the end. Ginnie pointed up at the vaulted ceiling. “They have art up there! Little sculptures of birds.”
Holly stepped close and looked up. Ginnie felt something at her side and glanced down, spotting Holly’s hand held out to her, palm up. She reached down and took it, a blush running up her chest to her face. Holly bumped her arm against Ginnie’s. “Was that smooth?”
Ginnie snorted and clapped her free hand over her mouth. 
“I made you snort,” Holly said, looking over at Ginnie. Holly pulled her pretty lips into yet another big smile. “And blush.”
Dropping her hand down to fidget with her skirt, Ginnie said: “I like you.”
Holly squeezed her hand. “I like you, too.”
“I don’t feel as shy as I thought I would,” Ginnie murmured. They were getting close to the host stand now. 
“Good. Only good vibes tonight.”
“How many?” the host asked. “Two?”
“Yes,” Ginnie and Holly spoke simultaneously.
“As soon as Tom gets over… Here he is. Enjoy your meal, ladies.”
They followed the server, walking through the dining room, still holding hands. Ginnie registered small sounds; the clink of silverware on plates, the murmur of voices, soft instrumental music. A snapping sound, followed by a sharp zzzzzzzzzt!
Something small and dark flew at them, too fast to avoid, and she heard a soft thump followed by a short huff of air from Holly. 
Holly dropped like a stone, so suddenly that Ginnie had little time to do more than clench the abruptly limp hand in her own. The weight on her arm jerked her down to one knee. Holly sprawled face down on the floor, making no effort to break her own fall.
“What the fuck was that?” she heard someone say, their voice loud in the quiet room.
“Holly?” Ginnie heard her own voice, high-pitched and wobbling with surprise and worry. She released Holly’s hand and turned to put both of her knees on the floor, her hands resting on Holly’s back. Her date lay still and silent, unresponsive to her touch or her voice. “Holly! What happened?”
Ginnie shook her, then looked up. The room fell silent; a few seconds later she heard someone tentatively call out: “Hey, is she okay?”
Crawling around to Holly’s other side, Ginnie leaned close to her face. To her shock, Holly’s big warm eyes were open, staring, seeming to look through her. Her lips were slack, a glistening line of drool stretching from the corner of her mouth down to the floor. 
“HOLLY! HOLLY!” Shouting in her panic, Ginnie dimly registered that she was kneeling on some kind of cord or rope, and she reached down to touch it. “What…”
“Is she breathing?” Tom the server asked.
Ginnie closed her eyes so she could concentrate and leaned closer, lifting the back of her hand next to Holly’s lips. She waited, her other hand coming up to stop her ear, using the closest one to listen to any sounds that might come from Holly. Eventually, however, she opened her eyes and stared up at the red-faced server. “N-no…”
“I’ll… I’ll get the manager,” Tom said, staring at them for several more seconds before scurrying away.
“Fuck the manager!” someone said. “Call 9-1-1!”
Ginnie rocked back and forth for a few seconds before she shook her head violently and reached for Holly. 
I need to put on her back, right? Ginnie pushed on Holly’s shoulder and hip, rolling her clumsily onto her side and then tipping her onto her back. Holly flopped as though her bones had dissolved. Ginnie gasped, spotting a dark stain soaking into her pants. She peed herself? That can’t be good.
“That!” a woman’s voice. The dining room was growing loud now, as people shouted and pushed back their chairs. “That thing on the floor! That’s what hit her!”
It should be me, Ginnie thought wildly, desperately trying to filter out the sounds in the room. Holly’s the one who knows what to do!
“Someone call 9-1-1, dammit!” a man shouted. A glass smashed to the floor and someone ran by in clicky-clacky high heels.
“I did! I did, I’m on the phone—”
“Miss!” A woman’s voice cut through the din. “I’m Melissa, the manager. What happened?”
Melissa crouched at Holly’s other side, then reached out to tip her head back, opening up the line of her neck. She leaned close, her ear by the unconscious woman’s slack mouth. Holly’s tan skin was growing ashen by the second, and Ginnie realized with a sick feeling that her lips were turning blue. “She’s not breathing!” the manager snapped, and then she leaned over Holly, her fingers moving along the lifeless woman’s ribcage.
Ginnie watched as the manager pressed the heels of her hands between Holly’s breasts and then pushed down hard. Holly let out another huff of air, and Melissa called out: “One!”
Numb with shock, Ginnie stared as the woman’s clasped hands pumped Holly’s chest, making her stomach pop up against the waistband of her pants. She could see the shadow of her ribcage bobbing up and down in time with the shrug of her shoulders. 
“…six, seven, eight, nine, ten—Miss? Are you comfortable giving her breaths?”
A few seconds passed, and Ginnie stammered: “Wh-what? Breaths? Yes, I…”
“Tip her head back to keep her airway open! Twenty-three, twenty-four…”
Ginnie’s hands shook as she rested one hand on Holly’s forehead, then the other on her chin. She vaguely remembered doing this years ago in her college health class. Of course, that had been a mannequin. Not happy, sexy, kind Holly.
Help her, help her, help her…
“…twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty! Pinch her nose, NOW!”
Ginnie pinched Holly’s nose and then bent over her, hesitating only a second before drawing a deep breath and sealing her mouth over Holly’s. She heard a rush of air between them as she exhaled forcefully. 
“Faster!” the manager ordered, and Ginnie gave Holly a second quick breath. Holly’s mouth was soft and damp, her skin still warm with the life that had flowed through her moments before.
Then the manager continued chest compressions. Ginnie remained hunched over Holly, her fingers pinching her nose and her other hand on Holly’s chin. She could feel her head wobbling from side to side as Melissa worked on her. Her gaze fell unbidden on Holly’s dark eyes, staring up at the ceiling. 
“Holly, Holly, Holly, Holly…” she muttered under her breath. Her own heart pounded a panicked rhythm. 
“…ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen…”
“There’s an ambulance on the way,” a man said from somewhere above her. “But my friend went looking across the road for an AED!”
“…twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!”
Ginnie was faster this time, her mouth closing over Holly’s and delivering an efficient breath that made her date’s chest rise before she broke the seal. It rose again quickly with the second breath. Holly’s forced exhale blew into Ginnie’s face as the manager resumed chest compressions.
“One, two, three, four, five, six…”
She felt herself rocking over Holly’s motionless form and made herself stop, swallowing hard. Her eyes burned with unshed tears, though Ginnie couldn’t identify what she was feeling other than panic.
“—flagged one down at the intersection! They’re coming!”
“…eighteen, nineteen, twenty…”
“An ambulance?”
“Are we in danger from the other—”
“—cops coming, too? ‘Cause—”
“Twenty-eight,” Ginnie muttered in time with the manager before dragging in a breath for Holly. She covered her lips, hoping they weren’t cooling off, that she was just imagining things. Two breaths, two lifesaving kisses.
I wanted to kiss her for real, she thought, and then blurted out: “Is she dead?”
No one answered her.
“…nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen…”
Ginnie released Holly’s nose and patted her cheek. Her voice came out quiet and broken. “Holly, Holly, Holly… No…”
“…nineteen, twenty, twenty-one…” Chest compressions looked painful, though Ginnie knew Holly couldn’t feel them now. She thought she could hear the occasional crackle when the manager’s hands forced Holly’s chest down to beat her heart.
They hurt later. They hurt a lot later. They’ll hurt her later if she—
Ginnie pinched Holly’s nose and pushed two breaths into her lungs. A tear rolled down her cheek and dripped onto Holly’s chalky face. Ginnie wiped it off with the back of her hand.
“Everyone out of the way, let the medics in!” boomed the same man looming above her.
Everything seemed to speed up. Two people in dark blue uniforms pushed through the crowd, wheeling a gurney as they hurried across the room. Someone put a hand on her shoulder and said something she didn’t understand, though when they grasped her elbow she got the idea. She found herself sitting in a chair close by as the medics relieved the manager and one of them pressed gloved fingers into Holly’s neck.
“I’m going to close service,” she heard the manager say. “Quickly. No bills, no to-go boxes. Just politely get everyone out of here. I have to call Gray and tell him…”
“What happened?” the other medic asked, though Ginnie wasn’t sure who he was talking to. He’d opened a duffel beside him and was holding a plastic piece next to Holly’s face.
“Something hit her in the chest,” Ginnie said. Her voice came out too quiet, and she cleared her throat as he slipped the plastic piece between Holly’s teeth and turned it. “Something hit her in the chest and she just… fell…”
The first medic had already started chest compressions, and his hands looked huge against Holly’s chest. She could see Holly’s chest sink and her stomach bulge up each time he rolled his shoulders down.
“That’s it!” the man with the loud voice said. A man with a bald head and broad shoulders leaned into Ginnie’s line of sight and pointed at a silver-colored hunk of metal laying on the floor. An eyelet protruded from the top with a piece of frayed rope threaded through it. Several feet away were the scattered remains of a sculpted bird. “Those fucking birds, man…”
“Strike to the chest,” the second paramedic said. He finished assembling some kind of mask with a large bulb on one end and a line of tubing that lead to what Ginnie recognized was an oxygen canister. As the first medic paused compressions, the second pressed the mask to Holly’s face, lapping his fingers over her chin. His other hand squeezed the bulb twice.
“Get her on the monitor,” the first paramedic said. “One, two, three, four, five…”
“Cops are here,” the loud man said. “Uh, wife wants me to get out of your hair; I see her waving from the door.”
“Thank you, sir,” the second medic said. He’d pulled what looked like a duffel with an old school computer monitor in the front close to Holly and then drew a pair of shears out from another bag. He snipped the neckline of Holly’s shirt without preamble, then quickly cut through to the bottom when his colleague lifted his hands. He snipped Holly’s lightweight bra down the middle and across the straps, and then compressions resumed.
Ginnie blushed as Holly’s chest and stomach came into view. The other medic cut off the rest of Holly’s shirt while the first thrust his hands rhythmically into her sternum. Holly had moderately-sized, round breasts with large aureola, which wobbled in time with each chest compression. 
Ginnie blinked and looked away from Holly, toward the source of the voice.
Tom, the server, stood next to her, trying not to look at Holly. His face was pale aside from two ruddy spots on his cheeks. “Um, we are closed. I am sorry, but we need you to leave.”
“I’m not going anywhere!” Ginnie gasped, incredulous. Anger made her face go hot and a few more tears squeeze out of her eyes. “That’s my… that’s my… that’s Holly, and—”
“Not her, Tom! Jesus, go back to the front.” Melissa, the manager, stepped between Tom and Ginnie. “That’s her girlfriend!”
Ginnie looked back at Holly. The man with the mask was giving her breaths, and as soon as he laid the mask down, he reached for a large packet. He cut the top open with the shears and dumped out a set of what Ginnie recognized as defibrillator pads and leads. As the first medic continued rocking his weight into Holly’s sternum, the second tore the backing off the first pad and smoothed it onto the skin above Holly’s right breast.
Holly’s head tipped to the side. Her eyes were still open, wide and startled-looking. Her chin nodded with each compression. 
“Miss? Miss?” A hand gripped Ginnie’s shoulder, and she flinched, pulling herself out of the manager’s grip. “I’m sorry, jeez, I… What’s your name?”
The second pad went on Holly’s side, below her left breast. Shortly after, an angry-sounding alarm filled the air 
“What?” Ginnie asked. The compressions looked scarier now that Holly was half-naked. She had an athletic body, but Ginnie thought her collarbones and fingers looked delicate, and the extended line of her neck appeared fragile as the medic turned her face back upright, pressing the mask over her nose and mouth. Ginnie gripped the seat of her chair, swaying side to side.
“Your name, sweetie.”
“Pause for analysis,” one man said.
“There’s our backup,” the second said. Two more paramedics walked quickly through the restaurant, carrying their own set of bags.
“V-fib. Charging to three-sixty.” 
Ginnie’s eyes darted from the newcomers to Holly, sprawled on her back with a medic pushing hard and fast on her chest. The medic suddenly raised his hands, and the other said: “All clear. Administering shock.”
“Ginnie, how—”
Holly’s torso jerked, and her limbs flinched. The second her body stilled, the original pair of medics switched places. Another pair of gloved hands found Holly’s chest and started forcing her sternum down toward the young woman’s heart. Steady beeping sounds emitted from the cardiac monitor.
“What have we got?” one of the new paramedics said. “I’m James, this is Sandra.”
“Chris and Scott. Witnesses say our patient, Holly, was struck in the chest by that counterweight. She was in ventricular fibrillation when we analyzed and I’ve given her one shock. James and Sandra, I need her intubated and her blood pressure.” Chris handed over Holly’s mask. “I’m going to prep a push dose of epi.”
“What?” Ginnie remembered that the manager was trying to talk to her. “What was that? I’m sorry…”
“Don’t apologize, sweetie. Do you have a ride to the hospital when it’s time?”
“A ride?” Ginnie briefly squeezed her eyes closed. “A ride to the hospital?”
“I can take you. If you came here in an Uber or something… let me drive you.”
“I rode the bus…” Ginnie pressed both of her hands to her face. She could hear one of the medics quietly counting out chest compressions.
“Okay,” Melissa said. “Why don’t you let me drive you? I’ll pull my car up behind the ambulance and we can follow them.”
“Okay,” Ginnie said. “That’s fine. That’s fine. That’s… fine.”
“Do you know how to get hold of her family?” Melissa asked. 
Ginnie dropped her hands into her lap and opened her eyes.
The view was even more frightening now. Four paramedics working on Holly. One of them injected something into Holly’s outstretched arm. Another continued to perform deep and rapid chest compressions, making Holly’s body rock and her stomach pop. A third pumped up a blood pressure cuff. The fourth, a woman, had Holly’s mouth open and a metal device wedged between her teeth. The woman held a tube in her other hand.
“Pause compressions,” she said. She was lying on her stomach, her face close to Holly’s.
Her name is Sandra.
The medic pumping Holly’s chest stopped. She saw Chris pluck a stethoscope from around his neck and plug the earpieces into his ears. Sandra quickly but carefully fed the tube down the metal device and into Holly’s throat.
Holly’s family.
“I have her mom’s number,” Ginnie said, her hands slowly reaching for her dress pocket. Chris had the bell of the stethoscope to Holly’s chest. “I… I can text her.”
“You’re in,” Chris said. “Continue chest compressions!”
Sandra unhooked the bag and used white tape to secure the tube in place, taping one end to Holly’s cheek, winding the tape around the tube and then tearing it off and pressing the end on Holly’s other cheek. She did this with a second piece of tape and then reconnected the bag. Ginnie watched her squeeze the bag between every ten or so compressions. 
Ginnie slipped her phone from her pocket, unlocking the screen automatically.
“Will you be taking her to South or Harper?” she heard the manager ask.
“Harper,” Chris said. “Pause to analyze in five, four, three, two, one… Come on, now… Still in v-fib. Charging to three-sixty.”
“While you’re texting her mother, Ginnie…” the manager paused until Ginnie looked over at her. “While you’re texting her mother, I’m going to move my car, okay?”
“Oh… k-kay.” Tears ran down her cheeks again, this time at the thought of telling Holly’s mom what had happened.
“Everyone off? Clear…. Administering shock.”
Holly bowed up and relaxed. James slid in and took over chest compressions. Ginnie noticed he had black gloves instead of blue like everyone else.
Holly’s face was more visible now that she’d been intubated. Staring eyes. Full lips parted around the tube protruding between her teeth. There was a quiet whooshing sound every time Sandra squeezed the bag. Scott leaned in with the shears and cut from the waistband of Holly’s pants down to her knee. Then he pressed his fingers into her thigh crease.
Ginnie cradled her phone in her hands, opening the messaging app. She didn’t want to contact Holly’s mom. Not while they were resuscitating her. Not while a stranger shoved his hands between her breasts. Not while a tube ran down her throat. Not while a man connected her to an IV bag. Not while her pulse points were exposed and pressed.
Not with her ashen skin and bruised chest, her staring eyes.
What the fuck do I say? ‘Hello, Mrs. Diaz Aguilar. It’s Ginnie. We spoke that one time. Um, I have bad news. There was an accident with a bird in the restaurant. I don’t know what happened, but something hit Holly in the chest and now she’s dead.’
Ginnie swayed side to side, trying not to break out into sobs as she typed out: This is Ginnie Courier. Holly had an accident. They are going to take her to Harper General.
“Administering amio,” she heard Chris say.
The paramedic’s hands on Holly’s chest made noises with each chest compression. His gloves squeaked against each other and her soft-looking skin. His weight thumped into her unresponsive body. Ginnie wondered if she would still hear puffs of air escaping her if she were closer.
Her mind trailed back to her own time in the hospital, before her parents had made it up to see her. She’d wake up and Holly was always there, holding her hand. Dozing sometimes, but waking up as soon as she stirred. She was tender, even though they were essentially strangers to each other. Strangers with crushes and a strong, if newly formed, connection. Even in her hospital bed, her chest burning with pain, Ginnie felt her body respond to Holly’s touch. Holly’s smile. Holly’s voice.
I should have tried to kiss her then, she thought. But I was afraid it was too soon.
“Analysis in thirty seconds,” Chris said. He finished cutting off Holly’s pants, leaving her in a simple pair of hip-hugging underwear. Ginnie watched him run his hands and eyes over her legs; she assumed he was looking for injuries. As soon as he released them, Holly’s legs rocked in time with the relentless thrusts to her chest. He hadn’t removed her shoes, and Ginnie realized with a pang that they were both wearing a pair of high top Converse shoes, just in different colors.
“Pause compressions for analysis…” Chris had his fingers to the crease of Holly’s thigh again, and his eyes were on the monitor. “Still in v-fib. Resume compressions while I charge to three-sixty, then I want Sandra to sub in on the next round.”
Ginnie’s thumb hovered indecisively over the “send” symbol, the digital paper airplane that would send Holly’s mother down a spiral of anguish. Her own parents hadn’t learned of what happened to her until she was already stable. It had to hit differently. Even so, her parents had been acting strange ever since. Mom was over-solicitous. Dad kept giving her money.
Holly’s body rocked under another ten chest compressions and then the paramedics all leaned back, raising their hands.
“Everyone clear? Administering shock now.”
Holly flinched, her back coming up slightly off the floor, her breasts shaking, limbs jerking. She’d barely stilled, alarms screaming, before Sandra slid into place, her hands slotting between Holly’s breasts. The cycle of compressions and breaths continued. 
Ginnie sent the text, shaking with sadness and trepidation.
“One, two, three, four…” 
Holly remained limp. Scott squeezed the bag, sending oxygen into the tube running down Holly’s throat. Chris gave her another injection. Sandra rolled her shoulders over her hands, palms pumping Holly’s sternum. Holly’s stomach bulged, and her legs rocked.
Ginnie’s phone vibrated in her hand. She looked down and saw that Holly’s mother was calling her. Instantly, she felt as though her throat had closed up.
I can’t…
“…nine, ten! One, two, three…”
“Hold compressions! Rhythm and pulse check!”
The medics pressed their fingers to Holly’s neck, wrist, and groin. That’s when Ginnie noticed her eyes were closed.
“Holly?” she whispered.
“Sinus rhythm!” Chris said, sounding excited under his professional facade. “Pulse confirmed. We’ve got her!”
What’s wrong?!!!!! Holly’s mother texted. What happened?
Holly is aliv, Ginnie texted back, her fingers clumsy. call n a minute
Then she clutched her phone to her chest, rocking as she broke down into sobs.
Days later
Ginnie paced back and forth across the waiting room, her hands busy with a plastic tangle fidget. She had the vague feeling she was bothering people, but she felt like she had to keep moving or she might explode. She kept her path as far away from other people as she could. She had a single earbud in, her favorite playlist cranked a little too loud for hearing safety. She was trying to drown out her own thoughts, though she didn’t want to put in both earbuds and miss someone calling for her.
Ginnie’s mind kept filling with terrible images: Holly staring up at her with dead eyes, Holly intubated, Holly’s bruised body sprawled out under a paramedic’s thrusting hands.
Holly is okay. Her mom said she’d let me know if anything changes. I’m going to see her in just a bit and she will be okay.
“Okay, okay, okay…” she muttered, her voice muffled underneath her mask.
“Ginnie?” A familiar woman’s voice interrupted her anxious train of thought. Ginnie looked up and spotted Holly’s mother, Gena. The older woman looked tired but happy, her gray-streaked hair pulled into a messy bun on top of her head and her generous lips drawn into a big, encouraging smile. A surgical mask dangled from her left ear. “Hey. Are you ready to come see our Holly?”
“Yes!” Ginnie blurted, quickly putting her earbud back in its case and dropping it into her bag. After a moment’s hesitation, she dropped the tangle inside as well. “Is she okay? Is she awake?”
“Yes, she’s awake. And she is doing much better.” Gena held her arms out to Ginnie. “May I have a hug?”
Ginnie nodded, her voice disappearing somewhere deep inside of her. She let Gena embrace her, her own arms sliding around the other woman’s back. Gena squeezed her tight.
“I know you said you didn’t do much, but my understanding is that when EMS arrived, you and the restaurant manager were p-performing…” There was a long pause, and when Gena continued, her voice was husky. “You were helping her. Every second was important. Thank you, Ginnie.”
Ginnie felt her face burn hot as she squeezed the other woman back. After a moment, Gena released her and leaned back to look her in the face.
“I’m not stressing you out too much, am I? Holly, bless her, was worried about stressing you out. I suppose I don’t blame her after what happened to both of you.” Gena pulled her mask back over her nose and mouth and gestured at Ginnie, apparently not noticing that Ginnie was looking everywhere but Gena’s eyes. “Come on, Holly will wonder what I’ve done with you.”
Ginnie followed Holly’s mother down the hall, her fingers worrying the strap of her crossbody bag. Eventually, they arrived at a room with Holly’s name written on the marker board next to her door.
“I’m going to go get some coffee,” Gena said. “Holly doesn’t have a roommate as of this morning, so the two of you will have a little privacy. Can I get you anything from the cafeteria?”
“No, but thank you,” Ginnie said, though her attention was already pulling her into Holly’s room. She didn’t hear Gena’s reply.
When she stepped inside, she spotted Holly instantly. Looking smaller than her true height, leaning back against pillows with her hair tied back. Her eyes were closed, full lips slightly parted. Ginnie hurried to the foot of Holly’s bed and then froze, her fingers tapping against the thumb of each hand. Holly opened her eyes and yawned.
“I’m sorry,” Ginnie blurted.
“What for?” Holly asked, yawning again.
“You’re tired. And they wouldn’t let anyone but your mom come see you in the ICU…” Ginnie felt her throat grow tight and her eyes water. “But I am really happy to see you, Holly.”
“You can take your mask off in here, Ginnie.” Holly rubbed her eyes and pushed herself up higher on the pillows, wincing. “If you want to.”
“Oh! Can I help you with something?” Ginnie asked, hurrying to Holly’s side. Then she snatched the mask off her face and crammed it in her bag. 
“No, I’m okay. But thank you for asking.” Holly reached out for Ginnie’s hand, tugging her closer. “You look pretty. But tired.”
“I’m fine.” Ginnie wrapped both of her hands around Holly’s. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore and tired,” Holly said. “But otherwise I’m really good. I have one more test and then I get out of here. It’s looking like I’m going to be fine. I guess sometimes people have to have an implanted defibrillator after something like this, but my heart is okay.”
She tipped her head at the monitor at her bedside, then gestured at the leads snaking their way out of her hospital gown. “All this stuff tickles.”
“I’m really glad you’re okay,” Ginnie whispered. A tear trailed down her cheek. “I thought you were going to die.”
“Oh, hun, please don’t cry.” Holly squeezed her hand. “I’m okay. Thank you for helping me.”
“I didn’t know what to do! If the manager hadn’t stepped in… Holly?”
“When you feel better, will you teach me what to do? I took CPR in college but I didn’t really remember…”
Holly fell silent and her cheeks flushed pink. She reached up with her free hand and tried to ruffle her hair, only to remember that it was still tied back.
“Oh, I shouldn’t have asked!” Ginnie blurted. “I wasn’t thinking…”
“No!” Holly protested, letting out a nervous laugh. “I want to teach you. When I’m not so sore, and I’m out of here. We can… practice.”
“Thank you.” Ginnie sighed. “I don’t want to feel helpless like that again.”
“Hey,” Holly said. Her face was still pink, and she gave Ginnie a sly look. “I can think of something else we can do while I’m in here.”
“Yeah?” Ginnie asked.
“Kiss me,” Holly said, her voice husky and deep. “Please?”
“Before one of us dies?” Ginnie asked. Her heart hammered in her chest, and she felt the tiniest bit lightheaded.
“Sure,” Holly said, chuckling. “Whatever, I just want to kiss you. Please.”
Ginne released Holly’s hand and stepped closer to the bed. She knew her fingers were cold, but she touched Holly anyway, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, then tracing her jaw with her fingertips. Leaning in, she pressed her lips to Holly’s.
Holly’s lips were soft and warm, and Ginnie felt her hands come up, cupping the back of Ginnie’s neck, threading lightly through her loose hair. 
Instantly, Ginnie wanted nothing more than to climb into Holly’s hospital bed and stretch out alongside her. Their lips parted simultaneously, and the kiss deepened, tongues plunging and hands clutching. Holly took an audible breath through her nose, her chest heaving.
Ginnie broke the kiss, worried by the panting sounds coming from Holly.. She kissed around her soft mouth and murmured: “I’m sorry, I’m smothering you.”
“I’m okay!” Holly protested breathlessly. “I’m not dying, that was just really good! I think we’re on to something!”
“I promise we’ll do that again when you’re out of the hospital!” Ginnie kissed the tip of Holly’s nose.
“Can we do it again now?”
-- Ginnie and Holly return in Practice.
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erenfox · 11 months
I saw the Episode 3 of Loki Season 2!
Well I saw it back on Friday but there was some issue with my Tumblr so.
It has to be the weirdest episode in both S1 and 2. Let me explain why.
spoiler alert 🚨🚨🚨
So. First off we have Victor Timely. Bro is really like most of my 'friends' - acting innocent and sweet and then being this conniving, craven worms who will backstab any second. I must say though, I actually felt bad for him in some parts - when he was being tossed around by Loki and Sylvie, when he begged for mercy to Sylvie, when he was having his heartfelt chat with Ravonna, being terrified of Miss Minutes.
Speaking of Ravonna ans Miss Minutes - OH BOY. To say I was NOT expecting them to crush and fangirl over HWR/Victor would be an understatement. I mean, ok, I must say his and Ravonna's talk on the boat and the shack thingy was really sweet, but his betrayal really made me groan in frustration. Come on, Victor x Ravonna is really wholesome in a twisted way (i read somewhere about their ship name being Timeslayer. honestly, that's just badass).
Miss Minutes. Oh my god, lady is straight up SIMPING for Victor. Her on the mannequin thing and her whole 'confession' terrified me AF. Like imagine having an AI Miss Jolly-Rancher-Bean Minutes simping on you. Terrifying, bro - I can't blame Victor for freaking out.
Let's talk about Loki and Mobius. It was really nice seeing them hangout as homies and for once putting the Multiversal and Loom chaos aside. And their argument about the popcorn-whatever snack was really fun to watch. It was rather sad watching Loki miss Odin and Thor. Also did they just confirm Baldr in the MCU?
And lastly, let's talk about Sylvie. I honestly felt really bad for her. Her pain is still there, and it was really sad seeing her pushing her feelings away for Loki; because that's what she had done all her life. The most heartbreaking parts have to be her asking that if her and Loki arguing over Victor reminded Loki of anything that had happened in the past; and when Sylvie almost broke down on seeing Victor's condition, because she KNEW how he felt - so much so she let the variant of the man she loathed from her core go because she knew at the end it wasn't (entirely) his fault... I really hope she and Loki get a happy ending, both have dealt with enough already.
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spaceless-vacuum · 2 years
☕ [futuristic and medieval characters meeting]
(love your work btw ^°^)
So for these I don't know what they would say to each other, but I do know what ideas and knowledge the modern chain would share with the mediaeval chain.
Modern!Wild introduces Wild to so many new types of recipes. They sit and chat for hours about everything they've seen, what they've been fighting, how the technology of the sheikah slate has been involved, and everything that has to do with the advancement of machines. Wild spent a lot of time with the divine beasts and nothing came close. Until modern Wild went on an airplane and rollercoasters. He is a huge fan of both and is quite the thrill seeker in that regard. I think he’s got quite the kick from finding out how they work and would like to be a mechanical engineer.
Especially Since tears of a kingdom, not 100% the same Wild but I think he would be so interested in robotics and the like. Both as a way to cope with his new arm and because of the new technology. It would scratch an itch in his brain as to how everything works.
Both version of Wind would love talking about marine biology and sea life. We dont sea (get it?) much ocean life in windwaker but I can imagine Modern!Wind finding out about coral reefs and scuba diving and being so excited. You measn theres veen more fish than he origanlly thought? Theres aquariams!!! That's not even talking about all the different types of boats there are, and now theers engines on them.
He drags Warriors off every weekend to go sailing with him. Sky loves to join so he can feel the wind in his hair but there's a lot of difference between this and flying.
One thing I think Modern!Wind would try to explain is how much faster these boats are, and bigger too! He gets stuck on trying to explain a yacht because it seems useless, until he points out how fun it would be to steal from it. The pirating dies hard in this one and I think he would have a case of sticky fingers for chain stores.
Sky would miss his Loftwing but would enjoy travelling the world. He’s almost always on holiday and misses the days of his adventure when it wasnt so serious and he could do almost everything at his own pace. 
Sorry if this isn't a lot. My brain just shut off after I started to write for Sky’s part and I couldn't turn it back on. I think this idea is neat but mostly I think a lot of it would be the modern side of the chain explaining themselves and trying to pass down wisdom to their alternatives.
Yet the alternatives would absolutely be so confusing. It's like that meme where someone gives a Victorian child a jolly rancher except it’s wind giving himself super sour candy and finding out his other side hates it so much.
Modern!Time: “Remember guys we cant give them guns, it’s not fair and it's just not right.”
Modern!Legend: *casually shoves the entirety of a walmart back into his inventory* “That’s right guys, we shouldnt do anything of the sort.”
Modern!Hyrule: “-and there's different blood types so you have to be careful who you give a transfusion to but we know that Twilights blood type is O-negative so that should be good to give to everyone-”
Hyrule: “you lost me when you said germs can mutate.”
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jsabconfessions · 5 months
I eat boat and helicopters for breakfast :)
Are they jolly rancher flavored
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Puppet king: a body for an army is still a body! my OWN use for them is non-existent other then to collect'n use to CRUSH those in my way! *they say to Pralina!* NOW contestants! are we ready to start? dear Chocoglaze! you may go first! select one piece to move! to who they meet up with is your choice! *stars is on the right hand side of the board! in the taffy swamps! where his boat crashed! the person closest to him is Strawberry short cake! who's in the middle right! Witch cookie'n Tiny are closest to Pralina on the left hand side! Witch'n tiny are at the opposite corner in twisting licorice forest! Pralina's in jolly rancher ranches! Esterhazy at the middle top section furthest away! in candy corn valley! *
"I have to move them? They can't move themselves?" Chocoglaze asks
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eternal---light · 2 years
Finally finally home
Vacay was amazing
Not a fan of travel though
My skin is hurting lol fuck
At the airport I bought crackers and literally didn't ask the price and she gave me some jolly ranchers like... randomly
And I couldn't get my pin to work so she just tapped my card and I had no wifi or receipt or anything to check how much it was
And my bf asked me and I said it was the same as what our friend paid for his chips and drinks
And they were like holy shit that's expensive and I was so anxious because she literally could have charged me as much as she wanted
But I checked my bank right now and in Canadian dollars it was 2.77 for two things of crackers and some random candies so I feel so relieved
Hyperfixating on that random thing but literally the cheapest thing I bought
I'm so broke from the rest of the trip though
Really spent way more than I should but! It was worth it
Got our room upgraded, went on fun excursions, got my period and had to spend 44 dollars on 18 tampons like are you kidding me that was the biggest rip off I think
View from our room!!
Tumblr media
It was so great
My first all inclusive vacay too, I'm a fan honestly. It was nice having as many or as few drinks as I wanted haha
I don't think I ever was drunk though, just a nice little buzz. Maybe when we were on the boat. Just the one day I was super tipsy. Everything else was super chill
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Headcanons about panda, moo and ohm? :3
Panda, Moo, Ohm
-Ohm and Brock find it absolutely adorable when Anthony geeks out over Pokemon cards, and even go so far as to write little love notes on the packs, and hide them in his office and around the house
-Anthony can lift them both up, and he has a personal love for swinging Ohm over his shoulder in a fireman's carry and hearing his boyfriend shriek to be put down
-If there is a spider in the house, they're all doomed. No one can kill it. Brock will say there's a "godless killing machine" in the house and that they should just burn the place down and cut their losses
-Brock and Anthony are more likely to cook, and have to actively try to get Ohm to eat more than just rice-a-roni
-Mario kart is no longer allowed in the house. It's a banned game. Ohm spent three nights on the couch, he now knows how serious the ban is.
-They have several stuffed animals of their youtube fursonas that hang out in the bed for cuddles
-Ohm insists on being in the middle of the bed, to, and I quote, "Be the ultimate little spoon"
-They garden! Anthony might have a bit of a black thumb, but he's happy to help Ohm and Brock weed out the garden when it gets too unruly
-Their house is either very organized or a complete disaster, and it really depends on who cleaned that day
-They all dance in the living room late at night to old jazz music, like the hopeless romantics that they all are
-Anthony and Brock need caffeine to be alive in the morning, and both of them envy hoe chipper Ohm is at five o'clock in the goddamn morning
-Anthony trying to do sit ups at home and Tiny keeps climbing on his chest and licking his face? Adorable, iconic. Brock taking pictures of it? Fantastic
-Brock has some broad ass shoulders, so everytime Anthony or Ohm tries to steal a shirt from him it always ends up off of one shoulder
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boredfaneliza · 5 years
Jiggly ohm and moo as an ot3?
Soft and chubby. Big. Cute
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Jolly Rancher - JJ Maybank
Request: Hey! Do you think you could do an imagine where the reader is Sarah’s twin and all the pogues are at a party or on the boat and her blood sugar drops really low (she has type one diabetes) and her pump keeps beeping. She is mid passing out, not feeling good and rafe has her Insulin so little bit of big brother rafe worried about his little sister and JJ and her not being together yet but he was super worried about her (like all of the pogues tbh). Thanks xxxx I really love your writing 🥺 every time you post something it makes my day
A/N: I did moderate research for this because the only person I actually know with diabetes is a cousin I don’t speak to. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
In hindsight, taking the Druthers out in the bay for a party after sunset wasn’t exactly the best idea you and Sarah had ever come up with. And yeah, technically, taking the boat out would have been totally fine and acceptable but none of you had considered bringing anything but alcohol with you. Six pogues (two honorary) on a yacht in the middle of the bay with just alcohol and weed. It was a bad combination in any version of the world but especially in this one, where you’d been pregaming white claw because you were finally, finally, gonna tell JJ how you felt about him.
The crush had been a saga ongoing since you had first discovered JJ Maybank, which coincided with discovering that boys, while terrible, were incredibly attractive. And sometimes...not too terrible. John B had started working for your family the summer before highschool and at the same time JJ started to pop up. Around the Druthers when John B was cleaning the boat, in a neighbor’s yard mowing the grass or cleaning the pool. And then at the Island Club. By then you’d started hanging out with Kiara and her friends and JJ wasn’t just some cute guy who was friends with John B.  
“Honey,” Kiara laughed, reaching for the can of Naturdays in your hand, “I think you need to slow down.”  
“I’m fine.” You promised, knee jerking rapidly as you gulped the rest of the drink down before Kiara could take it from you.  
You weren’t a heavy drinker. The last time you’d gotten drunk was in ninth grade, at a house party on the cut with Kiara. You’d guzzled down one too many Pabst trying to act cool in front of JJ and had ended up in the hospital in diabetic shock. Once everyone was sure you weren’t going to die, your father had laid into you about how irresponsible you were and how you had acted like a child. It was embarrassing, mostly because you were still saddled to a hospital bed and your friends were standing in the hallway, well within ear shot of Ward.  
After that, you stayed away from anything more than two drinks at a party and you always kept your insulin with you. Except, apparently, for tonight. You’d gotten yourself worked up over confessing your feelings to JJ and the possibility of rejection that you were well on the way to drunk. And your insulin was in your backpack, in Rafe’s truck.  
“You’re not fine.” Kiara laughed, “you’re like, buzzing.”
“Buzzing,” you offered her a dopey smile as you leaned forward, whirling your pointer finger around as you made buzzing noises and tried to poke her.  
“What the hell?” She swatted your hand away, “are you sure you’re okay?”
The commotion was enough to get Sarah’s attention and she turned away from John B to look over at the two of you. “You’re like vibrating babe,” Sarah said, “you’re really jittery.”
“Fine, I’m fine...I’m all good.” You promised, bracing your hand on Sarah’s shoulder as you went to stand up. You missed your footing, tripping over the air and hitting the deck before either Kiara or Sarah could catch you.  
“Oh my god!” Kiara got down on her knees next to you and helped you sit up, leaning partially against her. She pushed your shirt up so that she could check your pump and noticed realized it had been going off. “Hey, do you have like...something to boost her blood sugar? I think it’s dropping really low, I can’t really read this?”
“It’s definitely low.” You replied, hands shaking as you checked your pump, “yeah...too much...too much alcohol.”
“Where’s your insulin?” Sarah asked, crouching down so she could try to meet your eyes, “hey, look at me, where’s your insulin?”  
You hummed, a little too long before finally looking at Sarah, “uh, Rafe’s...shit, Rafe’s truck.”
“Are you kidding me? Fuck!” Sarah cursed, getting up to grab her phone so she could call him, “John B, can you take us back?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he nodded, heading for the ladder.  
“Here!” JJ pushed through Pope and Kiara, spilling the contents of his backpack onto the deck beside you. Amongst a change of clothes, some pilfered pens, his wallet, house keys, weed, a stick of deodorant, and a travel toothbrush, was a bag of jolly ranchers. He grabbed a green one out and unwrapped it, holding it out to you, “here, it’ll make you feel better.”
“You have a bag of jolly ranchers in your backpack?” Kiara asked incredulously.
“Of course,” JJ replied, “if her sugar drops she said one jolly rancher usually does the trick.”  
It was a stupid thing to smile about, especially since you were currently using Kiara to hold yourself up and sucking on green apple jolly rancher, but you couldn’t help it. You had mentioned that ages ago, the first time you went out with the pogues after your drunken night turned ER visit, as you sat on the dock next to JJ. You had doubted he’d even cared and been embarrassed afterward for just rambling on about yourself but he remembered.
“You remembered,” you said as JJ sat beside you, letting you lean on his shoulder as the yacht headed back to the dock.  
Sarah had gotten a hold of Rafe quicker than she expected. He was already talking when he answered the phone, telling her that he was on the way back from Topper’s. According to Rafe he turned his truck immediately, that was what he told you later, when you were feeling more like yourself again. That he’d realized your backpack was still sitting on the passenger seat and he did a u-turn right there in the middle of the street. You weren’t sure that was totally true, your older brother’s pension for dramatics and your family’s obsession with treating you like a baby.  
Usually, it felt stifling but right now you were feeling pretty shitty about yourself. The jolly rancher did exactly what it was supposed to, boosting your blood sugar enough that you were beginning to feel better.  
“What were thinking?” Rafe called the minute he boarded the Druthers, “you know alcohol makes your blood sugar drop!”
“I know, I know!” You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. You’d moved from the floor to the couch, JJ leaving your side the minute your brother ran up the jetty. “I’m not a kid Rafe,” you muttered, grabbing your backpack from him.
“Really? Cause you left your bag in my truck and you’re out here drinking your ass off.” He snapped.  
“She’s okay,” Sarah urged.
“What if she wasn’t?”
“I am! And I’m right here!” You huffed, “Rafe, thank you and I know you were worried but I’m okay.”  
Rafe sighed, running a hand through his hair, “I’m not trying to be dad here...but you can’t take risks like that, you know better.”  
“I’m fine!” You slung your backpack over your shoulder and pushed passed Rafe, climbing down the ladder to the jetty. You’d apologize later, for now you were irritable and embarrassed and you just wanted to be back in your room, locked in where no one could see you and remind you how horrible this entire night was. The only decent thing that had happened was JJ but the more you let yourself psychoanalyze everything that happened the more you were positive that the pogues just saw you as a kid too. Like you couldn’t take care of yourself. Like you hadn’t been for the last ten years, since you were diagnosed.  
The Druthers said docked but you couldn’t tell from your bedroom window if everyone had gone home or if they were still hanging out and partying. You thought about texting Sarah but she would just tell you to come back down to the dock and stop pouting in your bedroom. You did your usual checks, to make sure your blood sugar had gone back up, and changed into comfier clothes. Even scrubbing off your makeup...you’d let this shitty feeling die before you saw anyone again.  
Or at least, that was the plan. As you were sitting in bed though, a knock at your window startled you. Not just a tap but a full-on knock. You climbed out of bed and went to the window, laughing when you saw JJ standing on the small balcony off your room.  
“What are you doing here?” You mouthed, reaching for the lock so you could open the window.
He pointed to his ear and then shrugged his shoulders, “I can’t hear you.”
You rolled your eyes as you pushed the window open and sat on the sill, “What are you doing here JJ?” You were trying your best to calm your racing heart, the last thing you needed was to go into cardiac arrest in front of him too.
“You left the party.”
“Not exactly in a partying mood...I was being stupid tonight.”
He sat down on the windowsill beside you, facing out toward the backyard but turning to look at you, “hey, I’m stupid every night.”
“You know what I mean,” you laughed, “I’m so careful...I haven’t had a night that bad in a long time.”
“Why weren’t you? Careful, tonight, I mean.” He asked.  
“It’s stupid.” You put your hands on your knees and looked away from him. You’d hyped yourself up to crashing lows and now he wanted you to tell him why? “You should go back to the party.”
“Not really in the mood...can you believe it?” He laughed like it was nothing but you could hear the heaviness in his voice.
“It’s not your fault...I just meant. If you’re up here, I don’t really feel like hanging out down there.”
You bit down on your bottom lip and looked over at him, feeling just the slightest catch in your throat. For a second you thought this night was going to get even worse and you’d throw up...but instead you just started talking, words falling out with no control, “I pregamed with Sarah before we even got on the Druthers cause I told her I was gonna tell you tonight that I liked you but I was so nervous that you would tell me you didn’t wanna date me so I just kept drinking...” you said. You realized a moment later what the implication was, “not that its on you that my sugars dropped...or like, not that you have to say you like me just cause I almost passed out.”
“What if I do like you though?”  
“You do?” You asked, shifting more toward him, “seriously?”
“Yeah, seriously...why do you think I came all the way up here? Or carry around jolly ranchers? I like you...I’d do anything for you.” He replied.  
You couldn’t stop the smile on your face as you leaned closer to him, “oh well, now it’s definitely your fault.”  
He laughed, “let me make it up to you.”  
You nodded, standing up and climbing back through the window before holding your hand out for him. JJ was quick to his feet, taking your hand and pushing the window closed as he followed you further into your room.  
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misterfrogg · 2 years
Ok, I finally did it! I wrote down everyone’s last words for each of their deaths. My personal favourite is Bdubs :) Tango 1st: "Ok, over here- get em to the funnel point. NOOOOO-" 2nd: "End the session now.. OH! OH NOOO-! 3rd: "Oh- oh no! No, no no. How? NOO- Eat, eat-!"
Jimmy 1st: "Oh my gosh, who is my soulmate and why are they dying?" 2nd: "Watch your back Joel! OOOOH-! 3rd: "I've got no food so I need to make it home and grab myself some, otherwise I'm a goner."
Etho 1st: "NO! Shield, shield, shield!" 2nd: "Who am I getting? ... OH NO!" 3rd: "Uh oh.. Nononono-!
Joel 1st: "I BROKE THE BOAT! ETHO, NO! SHIELD-" 2nd: "Alright, ready! OH GOSH!" 3rd: "Oh! Etho, they trapped it, get back through! No!"
Ren 1st: "ok Bigb, we're in trouble! We're in trouble! We're in big trouble.. WE'RE IN BIG TROUBLE" 2nd: "Theres lots of other things chasing you too." 3rd: "You ready to go-? Let's get in there man, I'm seeing people all over the place! Look at this, Etho-!
Bigb 1st: "Oh no.. Oh Ren? Ren!!" 2nd: "-is it below me? Oh my goodness" *gasp* 3rd: "Im ready Im ready Im ready!"
Martyn 1st: "Have you ever looked at the shadow of my base? That's almost more poignant than the base itself, look at that! OH-" 2nd: "I need Cleo to eat! I need Cleo to eat! Cleo run- Scar is right behind us! OH THEY GOT RID OF THE WATER! 3rd: "Where is she? Tell me where she is! Oh jeez they are packing a punch, holy! Oh- Oh, I'm gone."
Cleo 1st: "Yeah, that's really cute. That's really cute. Oh sh-" 2nd: "Sorry M- Ok ok ok! 3rd: "Oh- MARTYN!"
Scott 1st: "Pearl, just give them the things! My life isnt worth it! I'm gonna die here, I'm just gonna sit in this corner. Oh- here we go-" 2nd: "OH JESUS! I dont know why I tried t- WHY DID I TRY TO HIT YOU WITH A BUCKET OF WATER??" 3rd: "Pearl, you deserve this more. You do but in the same way Tilly death do us part, Pearl. TILLY DEATH DO US PART"
Pearl 1st: "It is worth it Scott- Ok ok ok ok okokokokokok-" 2nd: "Dodge and weave! Weee- OW! Oh Scott. Don't you- AH! Oh oh- Scott! SCOTT NO SCOTT NO-! 3rd: "Excuse me, what do you mean? Wait, I dont know- Wait Scott, what are you doing? Scott, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
Bdubs 1st: "You're so brave. Nice! Please dont die!!! You're like an artist! 2nd: "THE HORSE! THE HORSE! NO NOT THE HORSE! NO, OH NO! I STAND HERE, THIS IS WHERE I DIE-" 3rd: "THEY'RE COMING, THE DOGS ARE COMING! I NEVER TOUCHED THE DOG, I NEVER TOUCHED IT! NO NOOO!"
Impluse 1st: "Don't blow up- We got this! Lot's of- K here we go! Hop on the- come on- op no- oh geez AAAAHH BDUBS!" 2nd: "Get the horse and get out, Bdubs! NO!" 3rd: "Not for very long you don't! Have dogs- Nope!"
Grian 1st: "SCAAAR!! No Scar! No scar no, do something do something!! SCAR NOOO-" 2nd: "There's nothing I can do right now. Oh no, oh no! No! NO SCAR-!" 3rd: "As long as the wardens in the water. *GASP* Uhohuhohuhohuhohuhoh- Out out out-"
Scar 1st: "Grian! Grian! I dont even know- Its all over for me. NO-" 2nd: "-just here to invite you to a funeral of the great passing of the Jolly Ranchers. Hello Ren, good sir- What's that sound? NO NO NO- PEACE AND LOVE-" 3rd: "WHAT IN THE WORLD GRIAN- You just took a ton of damage! Oh no Grian!!"
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
10,000 Questions - Part 2 created by tater-tots
When's the last time you got your car serviced? What did you have done? Never since I've never owned a car.
How often do you need to charge your phone? I just charge it every night.
Have you ever needed to call a plumber before? No.
Do you or anyone in your family own a boat? No, but I do wish I knew someone who did.
Do you own a desktop computer or a laptop? Laptop.
What day does your garbage have to go out to the curb for collection? It comes on Wednesday's.
Have you ever licked a dog back after it licked you? Uh, no.
What did you last use an envelope for? What color was the envelope? For a birthday card. I think it was blue.
What's your favorite flavor lollipop? I don't have one. I'm not a lollipop kind of person anymore, but when I was a kid I liked those caramel apple ones and the watermelon Jolly Rancher suckers.
Have you ever eaten dairy-free ice cream before? Yeah, many times.
What pictures are on your mailing stamps? I don't have any stamps.
Is there a flavor of popsicle that you do not enjoy? The only popsicle I do ever have are those chocolate banana ones.
Do you prefer fry cake or glazed type doughnuts, or ones with filling inside? I like cake and glazed donuts, no filling.
Have you ever broken a mirror before? Yes.
Do you pop your pimples or leave them alone? I pick them. :/
Did you participate in school spirit dress up days? Yes.
Have you ever danced while using your hairbrush as a microphone? Ha, yeah.
Who is your favorite character from That 70's Show (if you've seen it and enjoyed it) I watched it during its original run and liked Kelso, Fez, and Jackie.
Do you prefer hot tea or iced tea? Hot tea. I've incorporated a nice and hot cup of Sleepytime tea into my nightly routine for the past week now, actually.
What is your opinion about hunting? Not something I have any interest in.
What is something that scares you? Losing my loved ones.
Would you rather play Mario Party or Mario Kart? Mario Kart.
Have you ever played The Sims? Which version do you feel is the best? Yes, numerous times. I've played since the very first one came out. The Sims 4 is my favorite, but I'm really looking forward to the new one.
Do you know anyone who has a hedgehog for a pet? No.
Do you remember the older games like Pong and Pac-Man? Have you ever played them? Yes, I've played Pac-Man many times back in the day.
Have you ever been stoned before? Yes.
Who baked your last birthday cake for you? Someone who worked at the store bakery.
Do you make an effort to recycle whenever possible? We recycle plastic and glass bottles and cans.
How many drinks or shots does it take you to get drunk? It didn't take much, I was a lightweight.
Have you ever been to a Bar Mitzvah? No.
Has anything ever blown away from your yard or backyard during a wind storm? Did you get it back? No.
Is autumn your favorite season? One of them, yes. Love it.
Have you ever climbed a tree? No.
Did you grow up with strict parents, easygoing parents, or overprotective parents? My parents are awesome and easygoing. That doesn't mean they didn't have any rules at all, but they were reasonable, understandable, expected, etc.
How high can you jump? I can't jump at all.
what's the hardest drug you've done? I've only done weed and that's all I ever would do.
Have you ever been in a car accident before? No, fortunately.
How many forms of identification do you have in your wallet? A few.
What's the last thing you were forced (or felt forced) into doing? I've had to make some changes that are beneficial and will do me good in the long-run, but admittedly some of them are things I don't want to do. My doctor also wants me to do something I really don't want to do. It's ultimately up to me, but I know what she wants me to do and I do feel pressured.
When's the last time you mowed your lawn? I don't do the yard work, but my dad did that recently.
Do you have health insurance? Yes.
Do you carry around any photos of others with you? No. Well, I guess I technically do if you count stuff stored on my phone.
How often do you shave? As needed.
How much cash do you have on you right now? Zero.
Can you see your bedroom floor if you go in there right now? I'm in my room and yes you can see the floor.
Do you use a credit or debit card? Both.
Are there any keychains on your keys? Ha, more like are there any keys on my keychains. I have a shit ton of keychains and one key.
Does your house have more hanging lights, standing lamps, or tabletop lamps? Ceiling lights and a few standing ones.
Pick a cracker: graham, animal, saltine, or Ritz. Ritz.
Have you ever eaten a cold soup before? Yeah.
When's the last time you fell out of bed? Were you having a dream when it happened? Not since I was a kid.
How quickly do you fall for a love interest/crush? I was the type to fall hard and fast. I don't even remember what it feels like to have feelings for someone like that, though, cause it's been like 5-6 years now. Crazy.
Do you prefer regular swings or tire swings? Regular.
Can you fall asleep sitting up? I do that a lot and wonder why my neck and back hurts...
How hot/spicy do you like your chili? I can't have spicy food anymore, sadly, but when I could I loved spicy everything and had a pretty high tolerance. I miss it so muchhh.
Do you know anyone who is allergic to peanut butter? Not that I'm aware of.
Do you have your driver's license? How old were you when you got it? No.
What toppings would you like on your nachos? Well, I've been obsessed with these chips called, "Andy Capp's Cheddar Fries", and they're these airy, crunchy, corn and potato chips that are just really good to me. Anyway, last week I got a bean burrito supreme with extra cheese and a Doritos taco supreme with beans instead of meat, extra cheese, and extra sides of guac and sour cream from Taco Bell and I piled the insides and the dips on top of those chips and *chef's kiss* it was SO good. I think their nacho fries are overhyped/overrated and my chips are better. OH, and I can actually eat Taco Bell's mild sauce, so I had some of that as well. Back in the day you can bet there would have been jalapeños, but yeah can't do that anymore.
Do you know anyone who is lactose intolerant? Me and my mom.
If you had the opportunity to move anywhere in the world, where would you choose, and why? I'm not sure. That would take some serious thinking and planning. I'd love to move somewhere else than where we live now, though, that's for sure.
Do you know anyone who suffers from seizures? Not that I know of.
What are some of your favorite pizza toppings? I've listed this so many times I don't feel like it right now.
If you were trapped in the wilderness, how long do you think you'd be able to survive? Oh, not long at all.
what color are the scissors in your house? We have a pair of black, rose gold, and red that I know of offhand.
When's the last time you mailed a package, and to where? I don't recall.
Do you know how to make origami? No, they never come out right.
Has anyone ever keyed your car before? I don't have a car.
Do you tend to string people along? No.
How many different types of tape do you have in your home? Uhh a few?
What is something in your "junk drawer" at home? Random office supplies type stuff and other miscellaneous things.
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Yes.
If you have a fireplace where you live, is it fake or real? We have a real one.
Have you ever gotten a flat tire before? --
Is broccoli your favorite green vegetable? If not, what is it? One of 'em.
Has your house ever gotten egged before? No, wow. That would be SO shitty. I've never seen that done in person, only ever in TV shows and movies. Same with TP'ing people's houses.
What is one of your biggest pet peeves? Eating sounds.
Do you buy real or fake Christmas trees? We bought a real one all my life until last year when we bought our first fake tree. I get the convenience and we can put it up sooner and keep it up longer, plus you could change the light settings and colors, which was cool, but I also missed that real Christmas tree smell. Not sure what we'll do this year.
Did you get an allowance, growing up? Yes.
Did you vote in the most recent presidential election? Yes.
Have you ever tried a potato latke before? Was it delicious? I have not.
What type of engagement ring would you like? I don't even plan on getting married, I don't see that happening for me. I can't even imagine a relationship to be honest.
When going to college, would you prefer to commute or to dorm? I lived super close to mine, so I lived at home.
Have you ever had to wear an eye patch before? No.
Do you feel that college is necessary in order to be successful? No, not for everyone.
How many times in your life have you passed out/fainted? Never, actually. There's been times I definitely like I would/could, though.
Does your vehicle have 4-wheel drive? --
Have you ever given yourself a haircut as a child? No. I trimmed my own bangs sometimes in middle and high school, but that's it until last summer when I chopped my hair.
Do you have any plans for this weekend? No.
Have you invested in any sort of stocks? Nope.
Do you build a gingerbread house at Christmastime? , Sometimes. It's been awhile. We bought one last year, but never got around to it.
Are you more likely to save money or spend money? Spend. :X I try to save and cutback, but it's hard. There's always a good sale going on and cute stuff being sold that I want. And then there's damn DoorDash. I do that a lot.
How often do you communicate with your parents? All the time. Especially my mom and I. We all live together and see each other all the time and my mom and I are very close, so.
Who is your oldest living relatiive? My papa, who is almost 90.
Does your job come with a retirement plan? I don't have a job.
What's something you do at night that you don't do during the daytime? Hm. I do much of the same, honestly, including sleeping.
Have you ever gambled before? Yeah.
Have you ever tried a pierogi before? No.
Have you ever blacked out from drinking? No, but there's parts of one night of drinking I had that is spotty. I didn't black out, though.
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pizza-soup · 3 years
I had a really nice time at the bonfires, there was a lot of people! Thankfully everything was outdoors and spread out giving the impression it was much bigger than it was, or maybe it was? I don't know, it certainly felt like there were a lot more booths and people than I remember. A lot more food too. There was the usual stuff but also grilled corn, sloppy joes, mini donuts, and air fryer fries. Sadly no noodles, but that was fine, the hot cider made up for it because it was real cider with a bit of pulp. There was also a variety that had ginger in it, kinda like a ginger bug, didn't get to try it but my mom did. She loved it, it had a spicy kick.
There were also very unique booths that charged money but the prices were modest, for just $2 you could pick out hard candies that you wanted to be turned into spun sugar, I don't know how it worked but it was neat to see my brother chose jolly rancher flavors and create this subtle rainbow. Their best seller was candy cane cotton candy. I made a gummy goldfish for $3, you chose the colors and flavors from these powders, they stick it in a fish mold, stick it boiling water and everything melts into a gummy the size of your palm. I felt it was a bit pricy but it was delicious and the process of seeing it made it fun. There was a kombucha booth too, I got the cranberry flavor, my mom never tried it before and took a sip of mine, she was not a fan. Yeah, it can be an acquired taste, I like the zing of it. I have been looking into buying a kit for it to make my own.
Sadly there was no haunted boat tour, but that didn't stop us from telling scary stories by the shore as the sun set, joking about the lake monsters that the locals swear they see. Eventually it got really cold by the shore so we headed back to the fires and carried on our ghost stories, which caught the attention of some older people who had their own paranormal experiences. This started a domino effect as other people who sat near us started sharing their stories too even after we left to the next fire. I tell you, people in NM love ghost stories during winter or when the weather gets cold during the monsoons. A lot of the stories I've already heard, like living shadows that look like petroglyphs, the river children, the snow deer by Omega Bridge, and the fireballs that follow your car by the pecan orchards in White Rock.
About a half hour in I ran into my cousins on my dad's side, they brought their trucks all the way to the sandy area of the lake and were intending to camp overnight. They already set up their tents and made their own bonfire and we sat there as their mom started reheating the fresh bean soup she made at home, and grilling the fish they caught in the lake. We lit sparklers while listening to the portable radio I brought with me, the full moon lighting up everything as it crested over the mountains signaling the winter solstice is coming.
I'm back home now, having taken a nice hot shower to get the smell of smoke off me, kicking back with hot tea, I'm pretty much ready to go to bed.
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brelione · 4 years
The Surfer And The Siren
Chapter One:The Story,The Legend,The Bullshit.
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@kelsiejayy designed this mood board.Lets just take a moment to appreciate how pretty it is :)
Chapter Two
It was a hot,humid day.The lack of clouds only made it worse and JJ was sure he would end up with a sunburn.Sunscreen had never really been in his top priorities and today he was beginning to regret it.The sun was high in the sky,the water unnaturally calm out in the marsh.As the boat came to a stop Kiara had let her hair out of its messy knot.She knew from experience that if she went swimming with her hair in its bun that it would get all snaggly and gross when she took it out.John B set his cold beer down,throwing his board over the side of the boat before making two awkward finger guns with his hands before jumping off the side.Kiara pulled off her light weight t shirt before jumping in as well,making a large splash in the cool blue water.JJ tossed his board before jumping in as well,coming back up to shake the hair away from his forehead.The heat against his tan skin wasnt as intense anymore and he felt comfortable enough to lay on his stomach on top of his surfboard,head down with cool water splashing onto his face every couple of moments.
Pope had done the same and John.B had decided too as well.Kiara was floating on her back,enjoying the contrast between the cool water against her back and the hot sunlight on her face and chest.It was a relaxing and calm experience until Pope spoke up. “Guys-hey,guys.There’s someone watching us.”He whispered,turning to face them and sounding a bit scared.Kiara rolled her eyes,not bothering to look at him. “Im serious,look,there’s someone right there.”He whispered,turning on his side once again so his back was facing them.John.B sat up on his board,helping Kiara to sit on it and balance out the weight,pretending to conversate so that if someone really was watching they wouldnt be suspicious.They glanced over to where Pope was looking,seeing a head bobbing in the water only fifteen or so feet away. “JJ-look.”Kiara whispered to JJ.He hadnt bothered looking up,figuring Pope was just seeing a rock or perhaps a seal.He groaned quietly,looking up so his chin was on his folded fingers.He squinted,lifting up his hand to block the sun.
 “Hello!”John.B shouted,causing Kiara to look over at him with wide eyes. “Are you fucking kidding me?”She whispered,smacking his arm.A few seconds later the silhouette raised an arm out of the water and sent an awkward wave towards the group.They waved back,confused as to where this person had come from. “Uh-are you alone out here?”John.B shouted,noticing that there were no boats or boards in the distance. “Um...Yeah,yeah,Im just out for a swim!”The figure shouted back.It was feminine and smooth with a strange accent that JJ couldnt quite put his finger on.He bit down hard on his lip,so hard that he thought blood might start to trickle.His eyebrows furrowed,squinting and trying to see her better.Her head disappeared under the water,not showing up anywhere. “What’s wrong with you guys?”Kie asked upon noticing their facial expressions.Pope’s eyes were noticeably wide as he stared down at his board,JJ’s jaw stayed dropped as he stared out to where the girl had previously been,John.B’s face was a light red as he stared down into the blue water. 
“Huh?”John.B asked,looking up at her.Kiara glazed at the two boys who had luckily snapped out of their strange trance. “That was weird,dude.”JJ laughed off his nervousness.He brought himself back to the boat,lifting himself up the ladder and pulling his board up. “Shouldnt we go and check if shes okay?”Pope asked.Kiara nodded in agreement.The three of them got onto the HMS Pogue quickly before moving slowly through the water and keeping an eye out for the girl.No floating bodies,luckily.But no sign of her at all either.When they got back to the Chateau the sun was setting and the air was becoming cooler than it was that afternoon.Pope and JJ had decided to change into normal clothes,hanging up their wet bathing suits and changing into whatever was dry and would fit properly. “We’re gonna head up to the corner store,you guys want anything?”JJ asked them. “Get some chips.”John.B told them,not looking up from his rubix cube.Pope sighed. “What kind of chips?Doritos?Lays?”He asked.John.B shrugged. 
“Ooh get skinny pop.”He requested.The two boys began their walk up the cracked cement street.The corner store had been there for so long.It was old and worn down with cracked paint but had pretty much every snack and drink that someone could want.A nice old man owned the store,he wasnt the grumpy kind of old man though.He was friendly and appeared younger than he was.The bell jingled as JJ swung open the door.Old Richard seemed on edge,staring at the door like he was waiting for Obama to walk through.The boys went straight to the chip isle as they hunted for Skinny Pop.JJ had picked out a bag of cool ranch doritos when the bell chimed. “Hi,Rich!”You spoke excitedly almost like a nine year old about to go to Disney World.JJ’s jaw clenched,fingers clenching the doritos bag while his heart beated loudly in his chest.
The voice had the same effect on Pope,eyebrows furrowed while his mind emptied of everything besides your voice.You didnt know that,though.You hadnt seen Richard since last week when he had come to visit you at your cave.He was your oldest friend.Literally.The man was almost eighty and you had been friends with him since...well pretty much forever. “Hello,Darling!Ive got two last customers for the night and then we can get going.”He informed you,a smile coming across his dark face.The sound of the mature and croaky voice broke the boys from their trance,JJ’s head immediately whopping towards the door.His knees went weak as his eyes fell on you.He had never seen someone who looked quite like you.Your hair was long,curly and blue.You were around 15 or 16,a charming grin plastered on your face.You wore tight white ripped jeans and a large balck band t shirt that was clinging to your body due to the material being wet.JJ felt nervous as he and Pope walked up to the counter.
Girls didnt usually make him feel this way.He knew pretty much every single teenage girl on the island and he knew that they all had a thing for him.He was incredibly handsome and talented and funny so he could understand. “That all for today,boys?”Richard asked as he scanned the barcodes on the items.Pope and Richard made small talk but JJ couldnt be bothered to pay attention.His eyes were darting between you and the floor boards.The parts of your eyes that shouldve been white were tinted green or perhaps it was the lighting.You werent wearing makeup or any fancy jewlery yet your blue hair was well kept almost as if you got it professionally washed,dyed and cut every week.He cleared his throat,grinning a bit. “Um...is this your granddaughter?”He asked Richard.The old man chuckled,his face wrinkling as he smiled. “Something like that.”He answered,putting the chips and candy bars into a paper bag.
A small smirk came across your face as it clicked in your mind that these had been the same boys you had seen while you were swimming in the marsh. “Uh...Are you-are you from figure eight?”He asked.You shook your head,twisting the small copper ring on your pinkie finger.Pope looked over to you,blushing and looking away.You were slightly nervous too.It had been a while since you had been around human men that werent Richard.You tried not to giggle at how easily effected they were. “So youre visiting from the main land or some place?”The blonde boy asked as he played with his bracelets. “No,no,im from around here.”You laughed quietly although the sound still bounced off the walls.He gulped,the breath catching in his throat as he heard the whimsical giggle before nodding. “Um,well,im JJ and this is Pope.”He blushed a bright red.He was nearly the same shade of red as his hat. “Cool,im (Y/N).”You introduced yourself.Your voice echoed through his ears,his pupils dilating as he looked down at you.
Pope took the bag and nudged JJ’s shoulder.They both waved to you as they walked out.Once the door was closed behind them Pope let out a loud laugh. “What was that about?”He asked his friend.JJ shrugged,flustered by the encounter.The sky was a dark blue now,sprinkled with stars.The moon was full and a cream yellow color. “Did you get a weird feeling?When you heard her voice,I mean.Like a weird stomach ache or something?”JJ asked.Pope bit the inside of his cheek,the paper bag swaying at his side. “I mean,yeah,but maybe you’re just really high or something.”He tried to make it make sense.JJ shook his head. “Im gonna go back in there.”He turned around. “You can do that but im not waiting for you!”Pope shouted to him.JJ rolled his eyes,standing right outside the door and taking in a large and nervous breath.He opened the door,the familiar jingle of the bells filling his ears.
You looked up at him from the other side of the store after hearing the sound.You were filling a paper bag with pop tarts,jolly ranchers and swedish fish.Pretty much anything that tasted good and gave you small bursts of energy.Richard was behind the counter,a variety of folded shirts and shorts being stuffed into a drawstring bag.He glanced over at you before looking back at JJ. “We’re closed for the night,JJ.”He reminded the blonde.JJ nodded. “Yeah,I know,sorry.I think i dropped my lighter here so im just gonna look for it.”He lied. “Be quick.”Richard told the young boy.JJ went to the chip isle,pretending to look. “Do you need help finding it?’You asked,now standing at the end of the isle.His breaths went shallow,ears ringing as he looked into your eyes. “Why dont you just come back and look for it tomorrow?”Richard suggested.JJ bit his lip,the ringing stopping. “Um...Oka.Ill just come back tomorrow.”He turned to leave the isle but was stopped by the sound of your voice. “Is this it?”You asked,the silver zippo lighter in your palm.
He nodded,fingers brughsing against yours as he took it from your hand.A shiver ran down his spine,a loud sound between a scream and a laugh filled his ears and mind while his vision became nothing but bright white.He couldnt feel anything around him or even his feet on the floor.It was like the feeling of jumping into water on a really hot day with music blasting from a shitty five dollar speaker.It was pleasant but also scary.When your hand fell away the feeling left with it,leaving him to just stare down at you with shock.You just grinned,knowing exactly what had happened before making your way to the back of the store to grab an energy drink.His fingers tightened around the lighter.He walked out of the store again,feeling a mix of surprise and relief when he saw Pope leaning against a tree and eating pringles.
He jogged over to the tree. “So how’d it go?”Pope wiggled his eyebrows.JJ grinned. “Uh,well...I definitely saw her.”He rubbed the back of his neck.Pope laughed in his face before they began their walk back to John.B’s. “so you have a crush on a girl you just met,that you know nothing about and that youve barely spoken to?”Pope asked as he crunched another chip between his teeth. “Well,when you put it like that it sounds stupid.”He frowned,taking the tube of chips away.Pope chuckled. “If you still remember her name next week you should ask her to hang out with us.”He suggested.JJ nodded.When they got back to the house JJ laid down in the hammock,staring up at the sky like an idiot. “So JJ met a girl today.”Pope told the group as he took a sip of pepsi.Kiara rolled her eyes. “Please do not tell me that you hooked up with a girl behind the store.”She groaned.JJ shook his head. “No,I didnt.This was different.”He rolled onto his side so he was facing the others.John.B laughed,taking a swig of gas station beer. “So whats this girls name?”He asked.JJ let out a long,breathy sigh. 
“(Y/N)...god,she is so pretty.”He whispered,almost dreamily.Kiara rolled her eyes,eating a piece of popcorn. “Theres more to girls than that,JJ.”She reminded him.He nodded. “I know,I know.She has such a nice voice and she had blue hair and she just seems so...I dont even know.”He thought out loud.Kiara snorted. “Youve got a crush.”She teased.John.Bs eyebrows furrowed,his smile turning into a confused frown. “Blue hair?Like that old legend?”He asked.Kiara grumbled something under her breath. “Please do not tell me that you still believe in that bull shit.”She tossed a sour patch kid into her mouth. “Wait,what?”JJ asked.John.B sat up straight. “You cannot be serious.”His voice went flat.JJ shrugged,lighting a blunt.Kiara threw a sour patch at Pope before eating one. “Rafe Cameron will not shut up about it.”She huffed. “What are you guys talking about?”JJ asked,becoming annoyed. “Its all bull.”Pope shook his head.
 “No,no im telling you she had to be the one that saved me when I wiped out!And that time we were on the boat and a whole ass bag of swedish fish went missing off the boat!Or today when that random girl was in the marsh?Think about it!It had to have been her!”John.B exclaimed.JJ blew out a stream of white smoke. “I still dont know what youre talking about.”He released more smoke from his lungs and out his nostrils. “Okay-so for the last hundred years a girl with blue hair has rescued like a shit ton of people and saved a ton of beached dolphins and went to the Stone Wall riots and obviously no one around here has blue hair so whenever someone with blue hair shows up its like ‘wow its her’ but like,what if its actually her?”He finished his rant. “Alright,but like,this might be a bit dramatic….but maybe she just dyed her hair.”Pope tied a gummy worm into a know. “Hair dye is fucking expensive,no pogue could afford it.What kind of fancy kook would have blue hair?”John.B defended his argument.Kiara frowned. “Youre serious right now?”She asked.He nodded.
 “And what did Rafe Cameron say?”He asked.Kiara sighed,leaning back in her chair. “He was saying how he saw her and Sarah fighting seagulls and they went away by her singing to them and then he blacked out or something dumb like that.Now he set up a camera by the beach because he’s convinced she’ll show up again.”Kiara explained,closing her eyes as she spoke.JJ smirked. “So lets steal the camera and find out.”He suggested.Kiara shook her head. “Thats a terrible plan.He probably has the live video going to his phone anyways.”She yawned.
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