#jonathan van ness packs
Queer Eye episode 1.05 "Camp Rules"
When I first got into TV, I was pretty aggressively against anything considered reality TV. I wanted TV shows to ‘elevate the medium’ and be ‘a different kind of art that people put in their living rooms’. I still want that, as obnoxious as it sounds, but I’ve expanded my horizons and learned that reality TV isn’t necessarily the antithesis to those things. As I rewatch The Newsroom, I’m realizing Aaron Sorkin probably got in my head about that, but I bet he hasn’t seen Queer Eye.
I’m still working my way through this show- the 7 season Netflix series that’s currently available, not the OG Queer Eye for the Straight Guy- but so far, every single episode has gotten me choked up, if not fully crying. There’s no other way to put it, it’s just a really wonderful thing that they’re doing. The genuine love, care, and empathy these five gay guys bring to all these rural southern homes is, as they say, “more than a makeover”.
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Jonathan Van Ness and Bobby Camp in "Camp Rules". Image courtesy of IMDb.
In the kinds of reality TV that made me write off reality TV, the heavy-handed manufacturing by producers and editors is blatant, but the Fab 5 (Antoni, Karamo, Jonathan, Tan, and Bobby) have rang genuine and true in every episode. I really see how what they do for these people can have a huge impact. In other messy-life home makeover shows like Hoarders and Clean House, the frustratingly obvious missing piece is what will keep these people from returning to their old ways the second the camera crew packs up and leaves.
Queer Eye meets people where they’re at, and their mission is to give people the tools to be their best selves for themselves. It’s not about looking hot; it’s about putting effort into yourself. It’s not about having a clean house; it’s about having a functional and peaceful space for yourself and your family. And ultimately, it’s about doing the soul searching into why you haven’t been doing that all along.
As a gay girl from the south, it is really just a warm spoonful of honey to watch these guys strut all around Georgia and Missouri and beyond, leaving people better than they found them, spreading love and being loved back. The show doesn’t water down the undeniable conflicting politics between who they are and where they are; it transcends them. There’s an episode where Bobby initially refuses to step into a church, and throughout the show we learn a lot about the religious trauma he experienced- going to church every day until being kicked out of his adoptive parents’ house as a teen. By the end of that episode, Bobby will have worked his magic and transformed the church community center into a beautiful local hub. Later, the Fab 5 help a young Black lesbian in very similar circumstances learn to trust her found family and thrive as who she is.
Those episodes are so important because this is simply the reality for so many minorities in the south. But just as important as thoroughly acknowledging this is moving forward, learning that what you’ve experienced isn’t all you will experience and the way you’ve been treated isn’t how you will always be treated. If you’re a regular reader, you know I love to talk about religion on TV, and the structure of Queer Eye makes it pretty unavoidable. One of my favorite episodes that I’ve seen so far is one that brings that topic out in the open with nothing but love and acceptance.
In “Camp Rules”, the Fab 5 visit Bobby Camp, a father of six working two jobs with less than two hours unaccounted for in his average 24-hour day. He and his wife are madly in love, but he dropped the ball on their wedding, and their home life hasn’t reached a peaceful place since starting their marriage on the wrong foot. The Fab 5 aren’t afraid to make executive decisions, immediately raiding the closet, bathroom, and kitchen, assessing the situation and throwing things away- but they do it with love, in the best interest of that specific person. When someone needs a kick in the ass, they’ll give them one, but what Camp needs is a break and a fresh start (since we’ve also got Bobby Berk of the Fab 5, I’ll call him Camp).
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Tan France and Bobby Camp in "Camp Rules". Image courtesy of The Hot Corn.
The house is a trainwreck- it’s tiny and 8 people live there- but Bobby quickly recognizes a lack of discipline in the children as the culprit. With this in mind, Bobby designs a top to bottom renovation focused on organization, peacefulness, and functionality. He puts floor-to-ceiling shelves in the living room, with lower shelves dedicated to the kids, and the rest being used as adult space. He creates a chore board, with a section for each kid and magnets with chores that can be assigned and moved around when completed. Jonathan chips into the bathroom transformation, building toiletry kits for all six kids that are meant to live in the kids’ rooms, so Camp and his wife can get the most out of the shared space.
Meanwhile, Tan, Jonathan, and Antoni take Camp and his little girls to Target. This is the only time I’ve seen them go to Target so far on the show, another indicator of the way they tailor their experience to who they’re with. While it’s appropriate in other circumstances, it would have been tone deaf here to suggest that Camp ‘treat himself’ and ‘just spend time on himself’ when he doesn’t have the time or money to do so. They buy clothes, hair products, and groceries all in the same place and the Camps learn how they can maintain this new lifestyle in a way that’s affordable and quick.
Karamo, the culture specialist of the group, sits down with Camp and learns about the missteps at his wedding- among other things, their photographer flaked, and they have no pictures from the day. The episode always ends with some kind of event where people can show off their new selves; in this case, Karamo hears how much Camp wants to do something for his wife and organizes a fresh start wedding reception where Camp can surprise his wife and celebrate their love with everyone that they want to share it with.
All of that is so sweet (his wife loves it), but the thing I love most about this episode is a conversation Camp has with Bobby. Camp mentions that he’s not concerned about losing anything in the house except for his dining room table, which is made from the pews of the church he grew up in. Bobby has already begun respectfully honoring this request before he gets the chance to talk to him about it, but when he has some alone time with Camp, he asks him what his thoughts on homosexuality are.
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Bobby Berk and Bobby Camp in "Camp Rules". Image courtesy of The Hot Corn.
Camp gives a great answer. He says religion is a personal thing because he got to a point with the church where he “only saw the rules, and none of the love”. He tells Bobby that he has nothing but acceptance for the gays and he’s so grateful for what the Fab 5 are doing for him. Before the crew leaves Camp to his wedding reception, he tells the Fab 5 that he wishes they didn’t have to go, that they are absolutely loved and welcome in his home. They all say they love him too and he cries, they cry, I cry, it’s a very nice moment.
I honestly think what this show is doing is huge. Seeing these people shake hands, truly embrace each other, and then go back into their communities talking about the amazing people they just met has so much power. I really believe that accepting people who are different from you, learning from them, teaching them, and becoming a community in the process, is the way we move forward with love in this world.
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lovelyladiesedits · 5 years
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queer eye layouts
ღ just like or reblog if you use/save ღ credits in twitter @zampiniftcyrus ღ credits for headers; @twifandom
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snoopyrps · 6 years
~ jonathan van ness gif icons
click here to find twenty-five 85x85 gif icons of 31y/o jonathan van ness, as requested by anonymous. like or reblog if you plan to use !!
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My brain apparently really likes the idea of wing!whump. How about: After the Nogitsune spits him out, Stiles' wings are wrong. He does his best to hide it, and them, but someone is going to notice sooner or later. Cue Peter being both more intrusive and more empathetic than expected (only one of those is actually a surprise).
Okay. Okay. Fuck, I love this. This is so good.
When the nogitsune split from Stiles, it took the original body and shoved Stiles into the new one. The new one was identical to the old one, down to the last mole, except for one thing: instead of dusty brown feathers, he had black. So black that they seem to suck in light, making it hard to distinguish individual feathers. The flat effect was so uncanny that some of the sillier students at the high school started a rumor that Stiles had his feather wings surgically replaced with bat wings. 
That was ridiculous, of course, and most of the student body and townsfolk just assumed he was using powders or dyes. It’s his teenage right to have a goth phase, so no one looked twice after they’d taken in the new look. The pack looked even less, thinking that they already knew the secret of Stiles’ changed wings. 
But Peter watched Stiles. He’s always watched Stiles, from the beginning, before he could even fully grasp why he was doing it. Because he watched, he’s the only one that noticed how Stiles’ wings do catch the light- but only sometimes. Only in spots, but never the same spot twice. 
It happened at random times as well; after a day long research binge on the town’s latest irritant. During an argumentative pack meeting. Peter even saw it by happenstance at the grocery store. It tugged at Peter’s curiosity. 
It couldn’t be a cosmetic product, or the effect would be more uniform. It might be magical in origin, but Stiles’s magic put off a specific scent since the nogitsune- not an unpleasant one, but consistently noticeable just the same. 
He found the answer thanks to the manticore and his own violent streak. 
Peter had been ready for a tussle- the unsolved mystery of Stiles’ wings left a simmering frustration on the back of his tongue, and he was fully prepared for a cathartic evening with his claws. 
Scott, of course, had wanted to sedate the beast. Peter was even gracious enough to allow him to try all four vials of ketamine before flicking him out of the way and attacking. He deftly dodged the wings, spinning beneath the beasts claws before burying his own in its neck, ripping out its throat and sending arterial spray across the clearing. 
A part of him reveled in the violence of the mess- the evidence of his abilities, the satisfaction of his base instincts. 
The rest of him, however, had an aesthetic to maintain. 
He took his handkerchief out and began to carefully wipe down his wings, ignoring the disgusted complaints of the rest of the pack. Well, the complaints of everyone but Stiles, who was too busy harvesting the spines from the manticore’s tail. Peter looked at him appraisingly, noticing that he hadn’t missed the spray of blood, but was simply more invested in taking advantage of the situation. He’d wiped his face clean, but still had blood spattered across his neck and shoulders, and presumably across his wings, although it was impossible to tell with how dark the feathers were. 
Except, they caught the light. In exactly the way that baffled Peter so, in random spots. Spots briefly reflecting the moon. 
Spots that were covered in blood. 
Stiles finished gathering the spines, and did his part in calling up the earth to bury the animal. Everyone parted ways immediately afterward, eager to find the closest bath. 
Peter, however, followed Stiles home. 
He knew he was being allowed to; there was no way Stiles was unaware that he was being followed, and if he truly didn’t want Peter there then he had enough wards to keep him out. 
Instead, Peter found himself easily allowed into Stiles’ room as he was putting away his new bounty. 
“What do you want, Creeperwolf?” Stiles asked, looking up at Peter curiously. Peter shrugged casually. 
“I made a bit of a mess back there-”
Stiles snorts, repeating “a bit” sarcastically under his breath.
“-so I thought it polite to help you groom your feathers.” 
It was fascinating, to see the slight shifts in Stiles’ expression. The ones that mean nothing on his face was real. The ones that mean everyone else has been shut out. 
“No thanks, Uncle Bad Touch-” Stiles said caustically, but Peter interrupted him. 
“They’re quite a mess,” he said lightly, eyeing the wings critically. It’s not really true, the feathers he can see are mostly straight even after their busy night. But it does get the mask on Stiles’ face to drop slightly. 
“My wings are fine. Did you honestly come here to act like a bitchier, cut-rate version of Jonathan Van Ness?”
“I’m not a bitchier cut-rate version of Jonathan Van Ness, Jonathan Van Ness is a less bitchy cut-rate version of me, and how would you even know if they’re a mess? You can’t see.”
Stiles opened his mouth to argue, but Peter was too fast. Too quick, and too determined. 
He slid behind Stiles, ignoring the immediate buffeting of his wings, and peered closely at the coverts. More blood was obvious now that he was looking closely, but it was buried beneath the thick layers of matte black feathers, close to the skin. He carefully moved the top ones aside, stopping when Stiles let out a pained hiss and froze. 
There was blood everywhere. 
Broken pin feathers scattered his skin, the collection of calami much denser than normal. Bent rachis and torn vanes could be seen all over the place, once again hidden beneath the thick layer of top feathers. 
A memory of burnt wings, and the pain that came from deformed feathers constantly breaking made him shudder.
“Christ,” he breathed out. 
Stiles hunched a little, clearly bracing for more pain, babbling. 
“I can’t- they just grow that way now. They’re so thick, there isn’t enough space for the new feathers to come in. They’re constantly breaking. Even if I had time to groom for hours every day-” 
“This happened after the nogitsune?” Peter interrupted. 
Stiles nodded, and then carefully pulled away, turning to look at Peter, who finally dropped his hands. 
“Something about the- the way the nogitsune made this body… I heal faster now. I don’t need as much sleep.” He scoffed out a tiny laugh and looked away before turning his dry gaze back to Peter. “My hair is thicker too.” He sighed. “It’s not like it’s a real problem-”
“The blood on your feathers is evidence to the contrary,” Peter interrupted again, voice tight.
Stiles went silent.
“Let me help you with your wings,” Peter said. Insisted, really, even if Stiles’ didn’t know that yet. 
“Peter-” Stiles sighed. “It’s not just that I don’t have time. It- it really fucking hurts, okay?” He grit his teeth. “The amount of time it would take to straighten everything out daily… I’d rather just bear the pain of some feathers breaking than spending hours trying not to scream.” He jut out his jaw, as if daring Peter to mock him for wanting to avoid the hurt. 
As if there was anyone who understood the bearing and avoidance of pain more than Peter.
Instead, Peter lightly said, “If only you had someone offering to groom you who is also capable of taking away your pain.” 
Stiles’ mouth fell open. He clearly hadn’t considered that.
“Lay down,” Peter demanded, only a little surprised when Stiles actually did so. He placed one hand on the small of Stiles’ back between his wings, rubbing his thumb back and forth as he began to drain the pain of the broken feathers. 
It was difficult to stay calm in the face of evidence that Stiles had been bearing this much pain since the nogitsune without anyone in the pack noticing. 
With his other hand, he began to clean and straighten feathers. 
Stiles fell asleep almost immediately, as surprising as not beneath Peter’s hands, given the situation and their night. Peter continued to work for hours. He groomed as best he could under the onslaught of sharp quills and thick down, considering the various medical and magical options available that might help the problem. 
By the time he finished, his own hands were beginning to ache. Stiles stirred just as he opened the window to leave. 
“Peter?” he asked, voice rough, not quite fully awake. 
“I’ll be back tomorrow,” Peter assured him. “I’ll groom you again and we can talk about how to fix the problem.” 
Stiles stared at him for a moment, sleep rumpled and more relaxed than Peter had seen in months. Then he collapsed back down to his pillow. 
“You’re weird,” he muttered, and then-
“Thank you, Creeperwolf.” 
Peter smirked, and shut the window behind him. 
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hectordestroy · 4 years
I looked through my google docs and found an... interesting dream
I was at my grandma’s house with my parents, who were making me pack things up in a backpack because we were leaving. There was this magic storm forming in the backyard. I was excited because MAGIC EXISTS but my parents told me to hurry before the storm attacks us. For some reason, my parents knew exactly what was happening because they’d been studying magic and never told me. So we made it out the door and I was immediately sucked into the magic storm. I was transported to a dressing room backstage of a theatre. Apparently I was playing one of the queens from Six The Musical, but I didn’t know who I was supposed to play yet. But it was fine, because I had all the parts memorized. I was sitting in the audience with the rest of my cast mates and crew while another show was put on. Then I realized that exactly three seats to my right was THE Thomas Sanders. This dream was so realistic that I kid you not, dream me started having a panic attack. I finally calmed down and got to watch the show, which was Heathers performed by Lin Manuel Miranda, Jonathan Groff, and Anthony Ramos as the Heathers. Jonathan Van Ness was Veronica and Zac Efron was JD. That show ended and I got to play my part in Six, then I got coffee backstage with my cast mates and the celebrities. It was awesome. But all of a sudden Thomas stood up and stared in the distance. In Janus’s voice he said, “The magic storm isn't back.” I saw it start to form in the corner and everyone freaked out. Zac Efron threw his slushie at the storm, but it just turned blue. Jonathan Groff spit at it. Nothing happened. Thomas turned into Roman and tried to attack the storm with his sword, but the storm TOOK HIM. Everyone was crying and screaming as we tried to leave the theatre. Then FBI agents dropped from the ceiling on aerial silk sheets. One of them grabbed me and everything went black.
The end.
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silverinia · 4 years
I came for Baranski, I stayed for Baranski - a quick Christmas On The Square review someone* actually asked for
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(* thank you, anon)
Disclaimer: I am in no way a professional of any sorts when it comes to film and I'm not a journalist either. The last movie review I've written was probably for a school assignment in eighth grade. I didn't do research for this and I've watched the movie exactly one time, so this is just for fun.
It was a Sunday, Sunday the 22nd of November, nearing the end of the train wreck of a year that is 2020. I woke up on an air mattress around seven am, my head aching, my throat itching with pyrosis and light nausea, it was still dark outside behind the closed blinds in front of the windows, when I slowly realised where I was, one of my best girlfriends sleeping next to me in her bed. I had crashed at her place after a warm, fuzzy evening of mulled wine, tacky Christmas movies I would never watch alone (Christmas Chronicles and Holiday Calendar, which I quite honestly didn't enjoy at all, but the company made it fun anyway), doing our nails, wearing the fun kind of face masks for a change and smoking too many cigarettes, as the soft pain in my head informed me right now. She woke up an hour later and the morning went by with coffee and reheated pizza for breakfast, when we decided to watch another movie and I realised that it was THE Sunday I'd been waiting for through Zoom interviews and Dolly Parton twitter memes and the infamous wig gate that will be briefly discussed in the following, and so we clicked on the small icon in the Netflix menu that said "Christmas On The Square".
And oh boy, was it a ride.
To start off, I should mention that I have a hard time watching most modern day American Christmas movies, as I noticed quite vividly again when I watched the two aforementioned Netflix productions last night. The character development is always foreseeable to say the least, the plot lines are plain clichés hunting each other like they're the kids in The Hunger Games, and the writing is generally so bad that you can join the actors in reciting the entire scripts on your first watch. I watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas once a year while I'm gift wrapping and pause every fifteen minutes to shamelessly stare at forties Christine Baranski (I think we should all turn away from the birth of Jesus and instead count our years based on Christine Baranski's date of birth) in flamboyant nightgowns and short Christmas themed dresses, looking so fabulous that every interpreter of Santa Baby ever could only dream of it, I watch Love Actually at least five times a year to lust over Hugh Grant, cry with Emma Thompson and miss Alan Rickman, I enjoy Bridget Jones, which I would definitely consider a Christmas movie, and that's it. That's my yearly Christmas time entertainment routine and I can barely tolerate anything beyond, because I'm still traumatised from the time when I was around five years old and on a holiday family visit where had to sit through National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, the dumbest movie I have ever seen (my apologies if you like it but also, who hurt you?), with my cousins. I hated it. I hated every minute of it. And it scarred me for life.
But this was a Christine Baranski movie, I knew she was going to play the lead and so I was pretty much as excited about this as I could. And the fact that Dolly Parton wrote the whole thing didn't hurt either. As I said earlier to my friend I was watching it with, I have the pop cultural taste of a fifty year old gay man, a quality I am most proud of, and this simply ticked off all my boxes.
I expected something similar to a Mamma Mia experience that wouldn't cause me to crave packing my bags, give Covid the finger and run off to Greece. Light-hearted entertainment, easy to stomach, uplifting music and so little plot that the simplicity feels like a creative choice. That's what my pained, hungover brain knew it could cope with and that's not what I got.
The movie started and I was immediately in the zone. I saw Christine Baranski's name in the front credits (an experience that never fails to make me scream "Yass Queen" at the screen, regardless of where I am and who I'm with, as if I'm the sobering result that pops out of the package when you order Jonathan Van Ness on Wish), the setting was wonderfully corny (I grew up watching Gilmore Girls once a week, so give me warm fairy lights and a gazebo and I'm perfectly happy) and as my friend wondered whether Dolly Parton, in her exaggerated homeless attire that didn't make her look shabby at all, was green-screened into the setting because she stood out so much (which she was because the background dancers were dancing in slow motion, but to be fair, we were probably still a little too drunk to notice that from the start) and I told her I thought that it was just the natural glow someone who's Dolly Parton simply carries with them everywhere they go, I was happy. This was the movie I was prepared for. A movie in which the most problematic thing would be stereotypical characters and the wig they hid Christine's real, flawlessly handmade by God herself hair under.
And then, around five minutes in, Christine Baranski's childhood love interest was revealed as she pressed her perfect pointy nose against the window of his shop and sang about her unrequited love.
And suddenly, things started taking turns at a pace I was still way too sleep-deprived for.
Suddenly, in the middle of my general amazement at seeing Christine Baranski do literally anything and laughing loud at her impeccable comedic delivery, there were unresolved daddy issues, hanging prominently at the wall in her marvellously designed house (she literally says "Daddy" at one point and I couldn't help but think that only someone with her vocal skills could keep from making it sound cringe-worthily kinky). One moment, I was clutching my chest above my heart while she was bonding with little bartender Violet and munching on pretzels while downing some whiskey in that elegant way only Christine Baranski can bond with ten year olds who had it rough, eat pretzels and down whiskey, and the next she felt responsible for said girl's mother's death (which she kinda was too, but I'm not the boss of her). I was still busy making fun of how the very annoyingly, but when you're snacking on pizza with extra cheese at nine in the morning also highly funny, slow talking pastor's name was Christian, and suddenly there was a cancer scare.
It was a lot, a hasty sprint from major issue to major issue with a hint of comedic relief every now and then, and it didn't get any less until the very, rather poorly resolved, end.
The entire, constant up and down was followed by the movie's peak of suspense, the near death of precious Violet, something I couldn't even get too invested in because I was still so busy worrying about Christine's MRT results (I was truly fucking worried), not to mention that I hadn't even started to really process the sudden revelation of the love child and how it had affected her character's actions until this point. Was her constant tendency of pushing people away, as we've seen most clearly with her angel in training assistant who's name I cannot recall right now, the result of her broken trust in her father who practically ripped her son away from her after she had just given birth to him? Was it a result of her never getting the closure she needed with plaid flannel wearing Carl she was clearly still in love with? Maybe both? And what of the many issues was it that made her so incredibly shaken up when Violet blamed herself for her mother's death? Was it 'just' due to the fact that the closed pharmacy was on her, or was there more to it? Was it because she had grown up without a mother herself? Or did I miss a major piece of information because I was momentarily distracted, dumbfoundedly staring at Christine's very blue eyes? No time to ponder on that, little Silverinia, because here comes unconscious Violet in an ambulance, WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO!
I'm not going to go in depth about what plot lines I thought were especially carelessly handled and why, real standouts were the sudden forgiveness towards her father who had still acted like a shitty asshole even though he might have had his reasons, because giving the baby up for adoption just wasn't his choice to make, and the fact that I kind of didn't buy how quickly Regina managed to forgive herself, especially for Violet's mother's passing, considering how deeply her tall, slim, dare I say angelic and entrancing figure was buried beneath the weight of all her issues. It felt rushed and incomplete, but that's as detailed as it gets because my major point is something else.
I think this movie made the great mistake of trying to be more than your average, flat, happy ending Christmas movie. I think no one involved thought it was possible to make it a big hit if the only real plot would've been great Dolly Parton music, fun ensemble dance choreographies, Christine Baranski's outstanding acting skills, fun settings and costumes and a redemption arch with as little plot as it could possibly take to make Christine likable to those who aren't already lost forever in the rabbit hole of being obsessed with her (poor fuckers, can't relate). They didn't notice that with the legends that were involved, they could've easily gone the Mamma Mia way. And I think that's why they tried to include heavier plot lines than most creators would've chosen, experiencing loss at an early age, struggling to find closure, dealing with sickness, teenage pregnancy, parents forcing their choices on their children when they affect their childrens' lives first, adoption, and the fear of losing your kid.
It was a lot and I don't want to say that it didn't work because my friend was crying, like, pretty hard and I questioned my entire existence all through the movie in not the worst way, and I did enjoy it a lot while watching. The "grief is love with nowhere to go" line was a real standout, for example, where the attempt of complexity DID work. It positively gave me fleabag season two, "I don't know what to do with it now, with all the love I have for her." - "I'll take it. It sounds lovely. You have to give it to me." feels, and that's about the biggest praise I can come up with. BUT (and this is written in capital letters because it's the big but) I'm also totally convinced that I wouldn't have enjoyed it if they hadn't cast Christine Baranski for the lead role. In my humble opinion, the hasty, not really at all resolved plot of this movie only worked because Christine Baranski is just a fantastic actress. She quirks a mocking eyebrow and you laugh. She parts her perfectly painted red lips and you immediately hang on them because you don't want to miss a single breath she, a literal goddess, graces us mere peasants of people with. She smiles and you're happy. She laughs and even while she's still laughing, you can't wait to hear her do it again. Her eyes fill with tears and you feel goosebumps on your arms, her voice slightly trembles, a breath hitches in her throat and you feel your heart shattering to pieces. As Chuck Lorre once said, this woman could read you the phone book and you would end up laughing tears because she just gets the job done. She knows what she's doing, she's an absolute pro in her game, and it doesn't matter, not even a little bit, what she's working with, because the work she eventually delivers with it is always at a minimum of 200%. I forced my friend to watch this movie with me because I adore this woman, and I felt for this movie because I felt for her. It wasn't the plot that sadly brutally overestimated itself, it wasn't the songs that I obviously enjoyed, nor the comedic elements that truly made me laugh a lot, it was all her. I came for Baranski, and I stayed for Baranski. This woman can do anything. She can even look graceful in a terrible wig job.
(side note / unpopular opinion: I actually didn't think the wig was all too bad. It wasn't good, actually far from good, but for me, nothing can match the awful wig game of Mamma Mia 2. I loathed that wig, I absolutely cannot stand it. So this didn't feel all that terrible. It definitely wasn't the most problematic part about the movie.)
I enjoyed watching this. It was a nice distraction from all the bullshit in the world. Watching it today was the first thing this year that actually brought me something close to excitement about the holiday season, even though everything will be very different and probably not quite as jolly this year. But it just gave me good vibes and as someone who did not watch this as a film reviewer, that's the biggest part of what leads me to enjoy a movie.
Will I watch this again? For sure. Will I enjoy it when I'm not hungover, having freshly done nails and munching delicious pizza for breakfast? Probably not as much, but it'll still have Christine Baranski in it. Would I recommend watching this? If you share my obsession with Queen B, one hundo. If you don't, probably not.
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spine-buster · 4 years
Alone, Together | My End and My Beginning: Epilogue 2 | Morgan Rielly
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July 2022
“I still can’t believe you’re engaaaaaaaaaaaaaged,” Angie wrapped her arms around Bee for what seemed like the umpteenth time that night as they stood out on the deck.  Rocco and Clarette had thrown Morgan and Bee an engagement party at their house and had somehow invited the whole team and some of Bee’s work colleagues.  Clarette was in heaven hosting for everyone.  The team was in heaven gorging on the Italian food Rocco and Clarette catered in.  Bee was sure Rocco had showed someone his vegetable garden.
“Can you believe?” Bee mimicked Jonathan Van Ness dramatically.  “It’s finally happening.”
“It’s happening when it’s supposed to be happening,” Angie said.  “You lived your life first.  You accomplished your professional goals first.  It was important for you to accomplish those things before marriage.  You’re a fucking CFA, Bee.  Morgan had better wife’d you up.  Not like he can do any better.”
“Hey!  That’s my fiancé you’re talking about!” Bee giggled.  
“I know.  And I love him.  But it’s true.”
Bee rolled her eyes playfully at Angie’s words.  “He bought us a house in Forest Hill, Angie.”
“You’re going to live in Forest Hill, Bee,” Angie gritted her teeth into a facetious smile.  “Mason and I will be there every weekend.”
“Stealing all your food.”
“Of course.”
“Swimming in your pool.  If you guys build a pool.”
“Better start buying more bathing suits.”
“Our kids will be best friends just like we are.”
Bee smiled.  “Naturally.  Like there’s any other option.”
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December 2022
“Is there a way I can keep all these flowers after the wedding?  Fuck,” Angie asked as she flipped through Rachel Clingen’s lookbook and the sketches that had been prepared for Bee.  Bee had gone to see her a few weeks ago with Aryne, who was adamant that Rachel to the floral décor for the wedding.  She didn’t disappoint.  “This is going to look stunning.”
“I know, right?  I can’t believe how good she is.”
“She’s great.  It’s literally everything you said you wanted and she somehow made it come to life.  And in the Grand Banking Hall?  All that beautiful old architecture and then this?  Literally every magazine should be begging you to profile it because it’s gonna look beautiful.”
Bee couldn’t help but chuckle.  She had a much better relationship with the media now than she did when she first started dating Morgan, and she was much more comfortable around photographers or the press – especially in terms of hers or the Lady Leafs charity work – but she was always, always a bit weary.  She wouldn’t want people she didn’t know at her wedding.  A magazine had already approached her asking to profile the interiors of their house once it was completed, but she politely declined.  Maybe she’d change her mind in the future, but she didn’t think so.  “Rachel’s gonna put it up on her website.  So is Mango – the photographers.  I think that’s enough.”
“I think I’m gonna need a giant photo too to hang over my fireplace.”
“I think we should blow up this one instead,” Bee smiled, digging into her purse to retrieve the envelope she was planning to give to Angie this whole time.  
Angie looked at her weirdly.  She took the envelope from her, opening in slowly, only to reveal a photograph – perhaps the most important photograph: the first one they ever took together.  It was in university, during a exam study session at E.J. Pratt Library.  There was a stack of books beside both Bee and Angie.  A girl they were friends with at the time had taken it, though they weren’t in touch now.  “Oh my God,” Angie snorted as she inspected the photograph.  “Look how awful my curls looked.”
“I still fell in love with you,” Bee winked.  
Angie gave her another look.  “So did Mason, surprisingly,” she quipped.  “God, we were so young.  We’re only eighteen here!”
“Remember how we stayed so late they kicked us out because they were closing?” Bee asked.  Angie nodded her head.  “Do you remember what you said to me after we packed up?”
Angie thought back.  Bee watched as the gears in her head began to shift, and as the realization dawned on her, her brows furrowed.  “I said ‘When I’m your maid of honour, I’m going to tell everyone the story of how I helped you pass this exam’,” she said.
Bee smiled.  “So are you ready to do that or what?”
Angie pursed her lips to keep from crying, but when she looked at Bee, Bee could see a tear in her eye.  “Obviously.”
“Hi my beautiful Isabella!  Hi!  Hi!” Bee smiled wide as she saw Isabella chilling in her Bumbo on the counter.  “Are you happy to see Tia Bee?”
“BAH!” Isabella Tavares babbled happily, smiling.  “Bah bah bah!”
“Bah bah bah!” Bee mimicked.  “How’s my darling princess?”
“Darling princess is fine now that she’s burped,” Aryne smiled as she finished folding a dishtowel and lay it back on the counter.  “Jace!  Come say hi to Tia Bee!”
Bee heard the quick flutter of his steps as he ran to her from the family room.  “Hi Tia Bee!” he screamed loudly, crashing into her legs and giving her a hug.  Bee picked him up and held him in her arms as she kissed him dramatically all over his face, causing him to giggle profusely.
“How’s my prince doing?”
“What are you playing?”
“I play with my Lego.”
“What are you building?”
“I build a car.”
“Can you finish building your car and then show me?”
“Okay!” he said, wigging out of her arms and running back to his place on the carpet in the family room.
Bee turned back to Aryne, who was watching the whole encounter unfold.  “What’s that in your hand?” Aryne asked.
“Oh, I got your mail for you,” Bee said absent-mindedly, handing her the envelope.  “Just one thing in there.”
“Oh, thanks,” Aryne said as she began to tear it open.  Bee looked on as she did, a small smile on her face.  Like clockwork, Aryne’s eyes furrowed as she saw what was in the envelope: a card that had the first picture taken of them together, from a game at Scotiabank Arena.  “What’s this?”
“Will you open it?”
Aryne flipped the card open on command, reading the words that Bee wrote.  The more she read, the more her eyes began to well up with tears.  “You want me to be your bridesmaid?”
“Of course I do,” Bee said softly.  “I can’t imagine you not being up there with me, Aryne.”
Aryne began crying.  She outstretched her arms as she walked around the island to hug Bee, squeezing her tightly.  “I love you so much.”
“Oh…oh, Briony,” Shirley gasped as Bee walked out in the last dress.  It was the first one they had chosen, but the last one Bee was trying on.  From beside Shirley, Clarette put her hands over her mouth.  “Briony, I…I’m speechless.”
“It’s looks good?” she asked nervously, patting down the delicate lace.
“It’s stunning,” Shirley nodded.  “It’s perfect, sweetheart.”
“It’s the one,” Clarette said.  “It’s so beautiful, mignonette.  The lace is exquisite.  The…the…everything.”
Bee turned to Angie, only to see her eyes red with tears.  “What do you think?”
Angie shook her head, unable to find the words.  She continued to shake her head until she could.  “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” she said between sniffles.  “Morgan’s gonna absolutely die.”
Bee turned around, looking at herself in the full-length mirror, most of the most important women in her life behind her.  She saw the lace draped over her body and sprawling train behind her, delicate but elegant.  The v-neck framed her chest and shoulders perfectly, the fabric draping over her hips.  As she stared at herself, she pictured herself holding a bouquet.  She pictured herself at the end of an aisle, a crowd of people standing in front of her.  When the sales associate swooped in and placed a veil on her, the vision was complete.  She pictured herself walking down the aisle.  She pictured herself walking, making eye contact with the guests.  She pictured Morgan at the top of the aisle staring back at her, smiling.  She pictured Angie smiling.  Aryne smiling.
“Is this the dress?” the sales associate asked.
Bee smiled.  This is the dress.”
February 2023
“Hey Andy?”
“Yeah Bee?”
“Do you mind if I ask you something?”
“Of course.  What is it?”
“Can…can you sit down?”
Andy stopped moving.  He had been preparing a glass of water for himself, but he stopped as he looked at Bee and recognized how serious her tone was.  “Is everything alright?”
“Everything’s fine, I just…I just want you to sit,” she repeated, going so far as to move the chair so he could follow her command.
He sat down slowly.  “What’s going on?”
“Um.  So listen,” she began nervously.  “I know…you know…you know that I don’t have a dad – well I have a dad, I just don’t know my dad – and, well – I, uh, I – God, this isn’t coming out right at all,” she shook her head, her thoughts getting the best of her.  
“Bee, calm down, it’s alright,” Andy said.  “It’s just me.”
She nodded her head and took a deep breath.  “You know how much I love you, and how much I appreciate you being there for me since the beginning of mine and Morgan’s relationship.  And, well, I’m doing the father-daughter dance with Rocco during the reception, but I wanted you – I would love it if you could walk me down the aisle.”
“Oh, Bee…” Andy cooed, a giant smile overtaking his face.  “Of course I’ll walk you down the aisle.”
“Are you kidding?  Of course,” he repeated, reaching out to hug her.  “I have two sons, Bee.  I never thought I’d be able to get the opportunity.  And now you’re able to give it to me.”
Saturday July 22 2023
“Be careful!”
“How do I get this thing off?”
“It’s delicate!”
“I know!  I can’t get the – do I do the buttons or the zipper first?!”
“There’s only buttons, Morgan!” Bee exclaimed, giggling.
“Then what the hell is this?!  What is – oh,” he stopped dramatically.  “Oh, I gotta – okay – I – here we go,” he muttered as he began to unbutton the dress as quickly as his big thumb and drunken mind would let him.  He knew he shouldn’t have had that last round of shots with Jake.  “Jesus, how many buttons are there on this thing?!”
“It’s gotta stay on, doesn’t it?”
“NO!  It’s gotta COME OFF!” he exclaimed, causing Bee to burst out into laughter.  “It’s my wedding night, damnit!  I WANNA HAVE SEX WITH MY WIFE!  HOT, STEAMY SEX!”
“Is that what we’re gonna do?  I thought we were just gonna put on our pyjamas,” Bee looked behind her, winking.
Morgan gave her a death stare.  “Don’t even joke about that, Bumblebee,” he finished unbuttoning her dress.  “Now get out of this thing so I can fuck you, please.”
“You need to be patient,” she instructed in as stern a voice as she could muster.  “This thing is thousands of dollars.  I can’t just whip it off, step out of it, and leave it on the floor or chair.”
“You can, you just decide not to.”
“I won’t, because it cost almost ten thousand dollars and it’s the most sentimental piece of clothing I will ever have.”
Morgan grumbled as he collapsed on the bed, still in his shirt and pants.  He began unbuttoning his shirt as he watched Bee slip out of the dress slowly, making sure she located its hanger on the curtain rod before she did so.  At the sight of Bee standing with no bra and only white lace panties, Morgan could feel his cheeks flush.  “White, Bumblebee?”
“Was I going to wear any other colour?”
“You’ve got a mouth on you tonight.”
“Guess I should put it to good use, huh?” she arched her brow.  
Morgan’s eyebrows rose.  “Mrs. Rielly…” he began, shaking his head.  The feeling of calling her that would never get old, he thought quickly.  “Now that you’ve pinned me down with marriage you think you can talk to me like that?”
“Oh, I’ll pin you down alright.”
Morgan stuffed his hand down his pants.  To him, there was no point in waiting anymore.  She was standing there looking like that and he was too much of an impatient drunk to care.  “Get over here, baby.  Get over here now.”
“I have no patience.  Get over here!”
Bee took her time.  She wanted to tease him; make him wait.  She wanted him to groan in frustration and whine in anger.  It was working.  His look of frustration and overall unhappiness with how slow she was going was apparent on his face.  When she finally climbed onto the bed, he picked himself up from his annoyance and practically lunged towards her, wrapping an arm around her body and pulling her down with him, causing her to yelp in laughter.  He began placing light butterfly kisses on her exposed skin, smiling at every giggle that escaped her mouth.
“I’m never gonna get tired of saying that,” Morgan mumbled against her skin.
“What?  Get over here?” she giggled out.
“Noooo,” he chastised.  “Mrs. Rielly.  You’re finally Mrs. Rielly.”
“Finally,” she smiled.  “I can’t believe it either.  This is the best day of my life.”
“This is the best day of my life,” Morgan repeated.  “Can’t believe I landed such a fox.”
“Can’t believe I landed such a hunk.”
Morgan smiled sheepishly as he finally kissed her on the lips, slow and sensual and all encompassing.  “I love you so much, Briony Rielly.”
128 notes · View notes
disneytva · 5 years
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Friday, Nov. 1 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures “Mickey’s Thanksgiving Fun Race!/Happy Thanksgiving Helpers!“ (9:00-9:30 A.M. EDT) “Mickey’s Thanksgiving Fun Race!” – To celebrate Thanksgiving, Mickey and the gang race Thanksgiving-themed racers.
“Happy Thanksgiving Helpers!” – Minnie, Daisy and Cuckoo Loca host Thanksgiving dinner. TV-Y
Friday, Nov. 8 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures “Caution: Kids At Work!/The Snoozy Doozy Pet and Breakfast!“ (9:00-9:30 A.M. EST) “Caution: Kids At Work!” – It’s Mini-Mechanics Day and Mickey’s #1 fan, Buddy, can’t wait to get to work.
“The Snoozy Doozy Pet and Breakfast” – When The Happy Helpers become busy with pet-sitting requests, they turn the Snoozy Doozy into a pet hotel. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel T.O.T.S. “Bringing Baby Back/A Penguin in the Desert“ (9:30-10:00 A.M. EST) “Bringing Baby Back” – Pip and Freddy show Peggy the Polar Bear the benefits of having a baby brother.
“A Penguin in the Desert” – Pip and Freddy brave the desert heat to deliver a camel. TV-Y
Original Series – Series Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior The Rocketeer “First Flight/Pilot Error“ (11:00-11:25 A.M. EST on Disney Channel/5:00-5:30 P.M. EST on Disney Junior) “First Flight” – Kit Secord receives a surprise package on her birthday, revealing she’s next in line to become the Rocketeer.
“Pilot Error” – While Kit learns the ropes of becoming a flying superhero, she must stop the thieving sister team of Laura and Harley from stealing jewels from the town’s jewelry store. *Maria Bamford (“Arrested Development”) and Kari Wahlgren (“DC Superhero Girls”) guest star as Laura and Harley, respectively. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior The Rocketeer “Skyway Robbery/A Doggone Adventure“ (11:25-11:45 A.M. EST on Disney Channel/5:30-6:00 P.M. EST on Disney Junior) “Skyway Robbery” – When Kit stops a thief from robbing the Bulldog Café, he ends up stealing her rocket-pack and helmet.
“A Doggone Adventure” – Butch must rescue his new friend, Honey, the golden doodle. TV-Y
Friday, Nov. 15 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Muppet Babies “Mystery on the Muppet Express/Mister Manny” (8:30-9:00 A.M. EST) “Mystery on the Muppet Express” – When Buddy the Bunny goes missing on the Muppet Babies Express, Summer Penguin sets out to find him.
“Mister Manny” – Mr. Manny steps in for Miss Nanny when she runs an errand. *Dule Hill (“Suits”) guest stars as Mr. Manny.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures “Where’s Mickey?/Cuckoo in Hot Dog Hills!“ (9:30-10:00 A.M. EST) “Where’s Mickey?” – Mickey helps Mayor McBeagle install a Flammer Jammer into his car.
“Cuckoo in Hot Dog Hills!” – Cuckoo Loca’s cousins visit from Paris. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Elena of Avalor “Team Isa“ (12:30-1:00 P.M. EST) When Elena falls under the spell of a magical bandit named Tito, it’s up to Isabel and her friends to save Elena and the kingdom. *Anthony Ramos (Broadway’s “Hamilton”) guest stars as Tito. TV-Y
Saturday, Nov. 16 Original Series – Season 2 Premiere on Disney Channel Big City Greens “Cricket’s Kapowie!/Car Trouble“ (9:30-10:00 A.M. EST) “Cricket’s Kapowie!” – Cricket earns a role in Big Coffee’s new TV commercial but loses his confidence. *Jonathan Van Ness (“Queer Eye”) guest stars as Confident Stylist, Thomas Middleditch (“Silicon Valley”) guest stars as director Donny Tinselton andAnna Akana (“Youth & Consequences”) returns as café barista Gloria.
“Car Trouble” – When Bill trades his pickup truck in for a cutting-edge electric car, he gets more than he bargained for. *Cheri Oteri (“Saturday Night Live”) guest stars as Gwendolyn Zapp. TV-Y7
Friday, Nov. 22 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures “Campy Camper Day!/Founder’s Day Flounder!“ (9:00-9:30 A.M. EST) “Campy Camper Day!” – While on a camping trip, Mickey, Donald and Daisy can’t unplug from their electronic devices.
“Founder’s Day Flounder!” – Mickey and the gang celebrate the 100th birthday of Hot Dog Hills. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel T.O.T.S. “Out Foxed/Elephant in the Room“ (9:30-10:00 A.M. EST) “Out Foxed” – Freddy’s status as the best hide-and-seeker is challenged after he and Pip lose a baby fox.
“Elephant in the Room” – Pip and Freddy help K.C. earn her first Golden Feather on Cleaning Day. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel The Rocketeer. “Carnival Caper/Songbird Soars Again“ (11:00-11:25 A.M. EST) “Carnival Caper” – The Great Orsino and his traveling carnival arrive in Hughesville to steal Kit’s rocket-pack.
“Songbird Soars Again” – Kit befriends a former pilot, May Songbird, and helps her find the courage to fly her plane again. *Phylicia Rashad (“This Is Us”) guest stars as May Songbird. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Elena of Avalor “The Last Laugh“ (12:30-1:00 P.M. EST) Naomi has second thoughts about her role on the Grand Council after her childhood friend, Veronica, visits. *Auli’i Cravalho (“Moana”) and Gina Torres (“Suits”) guest star as Veronica and Chatana, respectively. TV-Y
Saturday, Nov. 23 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Big City Greens “Urban Legend/Wishing Well“ (9:30-10:00 A.M. EST) “Urban Legend” – When Bill learns that Gramma has been purposely creating a frightening reputation around town, he throws a barbeque to befriend the neighbors.  
“Wishing Well” – Cricket makes a wishing well to cash in on people making wishes, but when Tilly dumps all her savings into it, he is faced with a dilemma. *Zeno Robinson (“Young Justice”) and Andy Daly (“Review”) return as Cricket’s best friend Remy and Officer Keys, respectively. TV-Y7
Saturday, Nov. 30 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior Vampirina “A Gargoyle Carol/Deliver-eeek!“ (11:00-11:30 A.M. EST) “A Gargoyle Carol” – When Gregoria is reluctant to embrace the human traditions of Christmas, she receives a visit from the Christmas Ghost who takes her on a journey to the past, present and future to help her get into the holiday spirit.
“Deliver-eeek!” – Vampirina and her family are excited to discover a new service that delivers specialty items from Transylvania. *Nicole Sullivan (“The King of Queens”) guest stars as Cleo, a delivery witch. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Big City Greens “Elevator Action/Bad Influencer“ (9:30-10:00 A.M. EST) “Elevator Action” – Gloria gets stuck on an elevator with the Greens. *Anna Akana (“Youth & Consequences”) returns as café barista Gloria.
“Bad Influencer” – Remy falls under the sway of an internet influencer. *Danny Trejo (“Machete”) and Zeno Robinson (“Young Justice”) return as bodyguard Vasquez and Cricket’s best friend Remy, respectively. TV-Y7
28 notes · View notes
sunnydaleherald · 4 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, August 1
The Sunnydale Herald is currently looking for a few more good editors! Contributing to The Herald is a great way to get your Buffyverse on! For more information, send us an ask (on Tumblr) or send a message (on Livejournal or Dreamwidth) to rahirah (see our profile page for a link to her account).
WILLOW: What are Kyle and his buds doing with Lance? XANDER: Oh, playing with him as a cat plays with a mouse. BUFFY: What is it with those guys? WILLOW: They're obnoxious. Professionally. XANDER: Well, every school has 'em. So, you start a new school, you get your desks, some blackboards, and some mean kids.
~~"The Pack," Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), S1E6~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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"Mask" (Faith/Buffy; NR) by belivaird_st
"Family Matters" (BtVS/AtS; Giles/Adult Cordy, Original Slayer; FRT) by gaiarheahera
"Burnt Out" (Faith/Buffy; NR) by RavenclawSlayer
"Glass" (Buffy/Spike, Spike/Drusilla, Giles; FRT) by MissLuxe
"Independent 34: By the Rose-wreath'd Gate" (Giles/OFC; FRT) by Aadler
"Awake, Dear Heart, Awake" (Slight AU; Spike/Buffy, Willow, William, OC; FRT) by sandy_s
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"Where in the World Was Clint Barton?" (BtVS/AvengersMCU; Clint, Giles; FRT) by beri_fanfic
"Cell Phone? Keys?" (BtVS/H5-0; Buffy, Danny; FRT) by polgara_5
"Early Morning Case" (BtVS/Castle; Beckett, Ryan, Esposito, Castle, Montgomery, Xander, Giles; FRT) by indraleigh
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"Finding Her Father" (BtVS/A-Team; Buffy-centric; FRT) by Wild
"Taking Chances" (BtVS/NCIS; Buffy-centric; FRT) by MirroredIllusions
"Hold On" (BtVS/Tin Man; Rona-centric; FRT) by Vashti
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Here Be Dragons, Chapters 1-10 (Giles/Adult Buffy, Willow, Xander, Dawn, OC; FRMA) by littleotter73 COMPLETE!
The World’s Saddest Sleepover, Chapters 1-2 (Jenny/Giles, Buffy, Willow, Cordelia/Xander; FRT) by catch_yerself_on COMPLETE!
Queer Eye For the Undead Guy, Chapter 1/? (BtVS/QE2; Buffy/Spike, Jonathan Van Ness, Karamo Brown, Tan France, Antoni Porowski, Bobby Berk; FRT) by Ajmilone
Snippets of a Day, Chapter 1/? (BtVS/Multi-fandom; Buffy, Willow, Prof Walsh; FRT) by ScrollPerfecter
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Well, Giles, Buckle Up, Chapter 5/? (Willow-centric; NR) by ILLYRIAN
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Railroad Ghost scene from Yin Iron, Chapter 1/? (BtVS/Untamed; Giles, Buffy, Willow, Xander, Jesse, Wen Ning; FRT) by dragonyphoenix in summer_of_giles
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion, Chapter 170/? (BtVS AU/Jojo's Bizarre Adventure; Jotaro, Buffy, Shizuka, Josie, Giorno, Severin, Willow, Josuke, ; FRT) by madimpossibledreamer
Hers, Preview for "No Angel" (3/?) - (Giles, Buffy; FRT) by Quaggy in summer_of_giles
Sticky Fingers, Chapter 2/2 (Buffy, Giles, Willow, Xander, Principal Flutie; FRT) by il_mio_capitano COMPLETE!
And I Still Do (Love You), Chapter 8/? (Buffy/Spike, Glory, Ben, The First Evil, Joyce, Ensemble; FRM-FRMA) by slaymesoftly
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Do Not Read This Journal: Musings of a Vampire on Life, Love, and (Un)Living on a Hellmouth, "Manners" (102/?) - (Buffy/Spike; FRMA) by IvoryPetals
Do Not Read This Journal: Musings of a Vampire on Life, Love, and (Un)Living on a Hellmouth, "Narcotic" (103/?) - (Buffy/Spike; FRMA) by IvoryPetals
Do Not Read This Journal: Musings of a Vampire on Life, Love, and (Un)Living on a Hellmouth, "Better" (104/?) - (Buffy/Spike; FRMA) by IvoryPetals
Do Not Read This Journal: Musings of a Vampire on Life, Love, and (Un)Living on a Hellmouth, "Used" (105/?) - (Buffy/Spike; FRMA) by IvoryPetals
Do Not Read This Journal: Musings of a Vampire on Life, Love, and (Un)Living on a Hellmouth, "Magic Words" (106/?) - (Buffy/Spike; FRMA) by IvoryPetals
Mosaic Broken Hearts, Chapter 20/? (Buffy/Spike, Anya, Dawn, Giles, Tara, Willow, Xander; FRMA) by kennedynoelle
Justice for Spike, An Unexpected Guest (5/?) (Buffy/Spike, William, Halfrek, Ensemble; FRMA) by Ajmilone
Princess Buffy's Choice, Chapter 14/? (BtVS AU; Buffy/Spike, et al.; FRT) by zarryspolo
Stupid Thing, "I Did A Stupid Thing Last Night" (2/?) - (Buffy/Spike; FRMA) by EmeraldFire
Stupid Thing, "This One Goes Out To the One I Love" - (Buffy/Spike; FRMA) by EmeraldFire
Civilized Monster, "Care to dance?" (37/37) (Buffy/Spike, et al.; FRMA) by Axell COMPLETE!
Safe, Chapter 29/? (Alt. Canon; Buffy/Spike, Angel, Dawn, Giles, Willow, Xander, Ensemble; FRMA) by Dusty
Dances in the Dark, Beneath You, Part 1 (8/?) - (Buffy/Spike; FRMA) by DarkEternity96
May You Ever Return, Chapter 1/? (Drusilla, Spike; FRM) by Cosmic Tuesdays
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Sisters of Midnight, Chapter 1/? (BtVS AU; Angel, Buffy, Faith, Spike; FRT) by Louise24601
A l'épreuve du temps (Standing the Test of Time), Chapters 1-29/? (Buffy/Spike, Dawn, Willow; FRT) by pommedapi (In French; Chrome offers translation)
In a Corner of My Soul, Chapters 1-192/? (BtVS AU; Buffy, Ethan, Giles, Willow; FRT) by DragonyPhoenix
Three Steps at a Time, Chapters 1-12/? (Buffy/Spike; FRT) by Slayerette16
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Lucifer and Dawn, Part 11, "You’re Not Human" (BtVS/Lucifer; Lucifer, Amenadiel, Chloe, Dawn, et al.; FRT) by hermione2be
Lucifer and Dawn, Part 12, "Dorian Gray" (BtVS/Lucifer; Amenadiel, Dawn, Maze, Trixie, Phantom Dennis, Dan, Chloe; FRT) by hermione2be
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The Mirror Never Lies, Chapters 1-6/? (BtVS, AtS; S1 BtVS/S7 BtVS; some AU; FRM) by Greywizard
Transmitting, Chapters 1-6/? (BtVS/LoTR; Dawn-centric; FRM) by curiouslywombat
Seeing Clearly, Chapters 1-135/? (BtVS/Multi-fandom; Dawn-centric; FRT) by JoeB
Welding a Family, Chapters 1-14/? (BtVS/Iron Man; Willow-centric; FRT) by lateVMlover
Time Is Not Linear, Chapter 1/? (BtVS/Who/TW; Joyce-centric; FRM) by acs
Summers on the Hellmouth, "Making the Break" (1/?) - (BtVS/SG-1; Buffy-centered) by mmooch
Summers on the Hellmouth, "Settling into Sunnydale" (2/?) - (BtVS/SG-1; Buffy-centered) by mmooch
Rating Info
Fiction Rating Key Here
"NR" = "Not Rated"
Authors' given ratings usually trusted, but "general audiences" and "K" or "K+" are increased to "FRT" because of original BtVS/AtS series' ratings. Occasional stronger ratings given when chance glances show they're needed. The "F-bomb" requires FRMA, no matter how it's used. Graphic depictions of violence and/or child sexual abuse deferred to next day's editor for private life reasons. Thanks for understanding. :-)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Photo Art: 2 solo Giles arts by emmatheslayer in summer_of_giles
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Captioned Photo: Late 1990s Nostalgic Bliss (Lisa Loeb & James Marsters on rollercoaster) by gimmepizzas in Buffy Rules
Still: Always loved the fondness between Giles and Willow (Tony and Aly between takes) by Clafouti8 in Buffy Rules
Photo: Amused because I found a (kids') book about a dog named Buffy...then realized it's basically the plot of "Checkpoint"! by Garlicknottodaysatan in Buffy Rules
Captioned Still: For my Melbourne, Australia, BtVS fans...S3E9 "The Wish" (Orders for Cordelia) by kwatsford in Buffy Rules
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VIDEO: Buffy - Interview with the Cast (2001-2003) SPOILERS! by SunnydaleArchives
VIDEO: Videos That Don't Suck presented by Buffy Cast (part one) (Just the in-between goofiness) by IMissBuffy
VIDEO: Videos That Don't Suck presented by Buffy Cast (part two) (Just the in-between goofiness) by IMissBuffy
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Rewatch at possibly a bad time MAJOR SPOILERS/NSFW (AL) by Gem_Knight in Buffy Rules
That Buffy/Spike scene in "Dead Things" (S3-4, 6 SPOILERS) by roh_n in Buffy Rules
Stream of conscious watch thoughts, comments, questions by bev9489 in Buffy Rules
S5E9 "Listening to Fear" by diegzs in Buffy Rules
Doing my rewatch. S2 Innocence: I forgot how powerful this (ep) is by Midgetalien in Buffy Rules
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VIDEO: Buffy | Reaction | 5x22 | The Gift | We Watch Whedon by FAN THEORY TV from dark_hijinx in Buffy Rules
VIDEO: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 7x03 "Same Time, Same Place" Reaction (ANGEL SPOILERS) by Liam Duke from dark_hijinx in Buffy Rules
VIDEO: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 13 "Surprise" REACTION! by failwhale34 from dark_hijinx in Buffy Rules
VIDEO: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reactions (Full Series) by After Show Reactions from dark_hijinx in Buffy Rules
VIDEO: Angel Reactions (Full Series) by After Show Reactions from dark_hijinx in Buffy Rules
VIDEO: Family • S05E06 • TPN's Buffy Guide by Passion of the Nerd from dark_hijinx in Buffy Rules
VIDEO: "Say, you all didn't happen to do a bunch o' drugs, didja?" (S3E16 fun) by Red Devil
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PODCAST: Myth Taken Episode 36: "Go Fish" by newworldwitchery (Cory & Laine)
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More Links Than A Bag Of Sausages, Aug 1 recs by petzipellepingo
More Links Than A Bag Of Sausages, Aug 2 recs by petzipellepingo
[Community Announcements]
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Keep watching for more test links to join the BB Kast Test Watch Parties! (This one started at 10:00 p.m. EDT, 1 Aug 2020) OP: Buffy Summers, Spanky
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Summer of Giles 2020 is now closed by il_mio_capitano in summer-of-giles
Round 117 (Flashback): Crossovers/Fusions by runpunkrun in fancake
[Fandom Discussions]
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In "Hero," should Doyle have...(CLICK HERE FOR MAJOR SPOILERS) by Buffy Summers
Was Angel too hard on Lindsey? (AtS S1-5 SPOILERS) by burrunjor
Was Kate too hard on Angel? by Buffy Summers
New Willow series "going great" by Spanky
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(OMWF) Finale Appreciation ( MAJOR SPOILERS) by EvelynPinkman in Buffy Rules
Any of you (have BtVS) tattoos? by Kind-Present1990s in Buffy Rules
Quick Question MAJOR S3 SPOILERS! by BitterGayManatee in Buffy Rules
What's the point of the vamp face? by Waarm in Buffy Rules
The Butterfly Effect (TRIGGER/SPOILER ["Earshot"]) by Buffy__ in Buffy Rules
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Fanfic (FLESHED-OUT FIC PROMPT!) in which Drusilla never exists and Angelus is, in fact, Spike’s sire by throwthewindowwide
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Angel Legacy Editions Volume 3 and Onward by draug
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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P.S., I Love You, co-starring James Marsters, on PopTV (USA), Friday, 7 Aug 2020, 10pm-12am EDT by jamesmarstersnews on Facebook
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verberation · 4 years
In the past four hours i have cried about: 
-not having learned my Grandma’s cookie recipe before now, having bought two bottles of the wrong type of wound gel,
a guardian article on a journo staying sane with Jonathan Van Ness’s workouts which start with a pre-coffee dance, 
the idea of Jonathan van Ness doing free online workouts and calling a hamstring stretch ‘gorgeous’
 how inspirational Jonathan Van Ness is as a queer identity 
my inability to buy a good bra that is tastefully rainbow coloured and also makes me look butch 
the fact I have more factory packing work this week 
the fact i can’t turn down the factory packing shifts because I don’t know when I’ll stop getting shifts
my dog being beautiful
about the fact i don’t have a golden retriever and I miss having one in my life. 
As we can see, obviously things are Swell and Good with me right now. 
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the-forest-library · 5 years
October 2019 Reads
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The First Four Years - Laura Ingalls Wilder The Wilder Life - Wendy McClure Don’t Trade the Baby for Horse - Wendy McClure The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis Antoni in the Kitchen - Antoni Porowski Over the Top - Jonathan Van Ness Geekerella - Ashley Poston Well Met - Jen DeLuca Warcross - Marie Lu There Was a Little Girl - Brooke Shields Believe Me - Eddie Izzard The Pretty One - Keah Brown
Bold = Highly Recommend Italics = Worth It (new rating beginning this month to help segment things) Crossed out = Nope
Thoughts: Another productive month with some amazing reads. Standout for the year so far is Over the Top. I love JVN on Queer Eye, and this book did not disappoint at all. Do yourself a favor and listen to the audiobook. There is a hilarious section that recounts a report he wrote about the Bill Clinton scandal when he was around 10 that is the most hilarious thing I’ve heard in my life. Eddie Izzard’s memoir is also very lovely.
This month also saw the completion of the Little House series. It does have its issues (Pa’s blackface minstrel show, in particular, broke my heart), but there is so much heart and warmth to the stories. Immediately after finishing, I read The Wilder Life, which made me want to pack up for a road trip to all of the Ingalls homesteads. I also started a new series with The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, which was much more accessible and charming than I imagined it would be.
2017 Reads | 2018 Reads | 2019 Reads
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winnipegpatty · 5 years
i’ll pretend i’m okay | s.m. story
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a/n: read the prologue in my masterlist! 
disclaimer: i don’t know shit about royal stuff we’re just out here having fun
“What all is on the schedule today?” I asked Charlotte as we walked towards the back gardens.
“Tea with Phillip is in an hour. Lunch with William is at noon. Afternoon tea with Harry is at four.”
“Jesus Christ, she really wasn’t fucking around.” I muttered, as we reached a set of large doors.
Charlotte pushed the door open for me, “Afraid not, Your Highness.”
We stepped onto the cement steps, and I paused, taking a moment to stare at the sky. Perhaps there were a way out of this. I could try to make a scene, embarrass the Crown. That never went particularly well for, but desperate times and all that. I could try to talk to the parents, maybe see if they’d be willing to push it off. Perhaps I could offer to go to university. That’d give me four years at least. It wasn’t an appealing option, but it was at least an option.
Taking a deep breath, I turned towards Charlotte, “I’m going to go for a walk in the garden.” She nodded before I added, “Alone, please.”
Understanding, Charlotte backed through the door, as I stayed on the steps. The same two Queen’s Guards, I’d embarrassed myself in front of,  stood at attention
“Gentlemen,” I nodded at each of them, eyes lingering for a moment on the one with the curls.
“It’s 2019,” I said, to no one in particular, “I really thought the monarchy would be past arranged marriages. Did no one watch the second Princess Diaries?”
Sighing, I stepped towards the garden.
“Phillip was an absolute bore.” I told the two guards as I walked in from the garden after tea.
“William is a fucking wanker.” I told Charlotte after lunch.
She choked on laughter, “So sorry, Your Highness.”
I snuck out of the afternoon tea with Harry, needing a break.
“Don’t tell the Queen,” I told the guard with curly hair, “But Harry is almost certainly a closeted gay man.”
He didn’t respond, obviously, but I liked to pretend I saw a small gleam of laughter in his eyes.
You’d think there would be a small supply of readily available men who met all the criteria of the Queen, but turns out that simply isn’t the truth. For days, it seemed, my schedule was packed full of meeting after meeting with men, just waiting for one that was The One.
But this wasn’t a fairytale.
That was my sister’s story, not mine.
I was convinced that I’d never find The One anyway. No man suitable to the Queen would be suitable to me. And no man like that would desire me either. And while, yes, it was to be arranged, there was still a degree of choice involved, for both parties. I was the princess with a bad reputation. A princess that went out on the weekends and got drunk. The princess that brought nothing but embarrassment to the Crown. I hadn’t attended university, but had instead decided to attend to my own needs. I brought filthy men home, just to annoy my mother.
Men of reputation and standing wanted nothing to do with me. Which is exactly how I’d designed it.
In recent days, filled with men and nothing but men, I’d taken to walks in the garden often. Now, I could lie to you and tell you this was because I liked the gardens. They are beautiful after all. Or I could tell you it’s because I needed to get away from the stuffy men mother wanted me to marry. And this would be true, but not my reasoning for choosing the gardens over, say my own room.
After four days of “appointments” with these suitors, I’d come to rather like the attention of that certain curly haired Queen’s Guard. There was something about his eyes, lingering on me as I walked and as I talked that was exhilarating. As a Queen’s Guard he was directed to not move, unless patrolling his post or encountering a public nuisance. He was not to visibly react to anything around him. And that’s what made him perfect. It was a way to discuss my thoughts and get absolutely no response. Even Charlotte, bless her, did her best to turn even the most horrific circumstances into something you could smile about. It was her worst quality really. Sometimes a person just needs to have a small pity party. And this had become my time and place.
“It’s been four days, and I’ve seen three men every day. That’s twelve men, you see.” I looked at the boy, then turned away. “Twelve guys and every single one of them is a fucking wanker.”
Charlotte would probably kill me if she knew I were out here consistently telling secrets to a random guard. But oh well.
“You know, it’s weird how you guys can really just stand here and not respond to anything. That’s a talent, I think. Really, I mean, props to you guys. I’d be laughing my ass off at the pathetic princess if I were in your shoes.”
I wonder if I could convince Charlotte to bail on one of my appointments to go to the salon. Maybe I could convince her it was to make myself more presentable or something. That might work.
“And you really don’t laugh at people’s jokes or anything?”
Maybe this weekend I could sneak off and do something completely disastrous and stupid. It’d been a while since I’d really pulled anything like that. Honestly, most night I was just tired. I’d curl up in bed and watch something on Netflix. Right now I was binging Queer Eye. I’ve not nothing but respect for My Queen, Jonathan Van Ness.
“Well lads, looks like it’s the same shit but a different day.” I paused. “One direction said that, didn’t they?”
And so it went, my life. Day in and day out. Boys in and boys out. Never once, seeing someone a second time. I really wasn’t sure quite how long this would go on before I would inevitably have to sit down with my mother for tea again. I rarely spoke to my mother, really only in the most formal of matters, but I could imagine she wasn’t happy with me. She was probably high up in a tower somewhere screaming to my father about what an insolent spoiled brat I was.
“What’s your favorite One Direction song, now that we’ve brought it up?” There was no response, as usual. I stared directly into the guard’s stunning eyes, “Well, I for one, love Ready to Run.” I swear to god on my life, he smiled. And I dreamed about it for the next three days.
The first time I made the guard laugh, I thought I was hallucinating. And frankly, I almost hoped I was because he could actually get seriously in trouble for that. Even fired. And I certainly hadn’t wanted that. But god, the sound of his laugh. It was like a fucking angel came down from heaven and just swept me up in it’s heavenly music.
“So a man came to a duel armed with a pencil and paper, and then,” I took a dramatic pause, “He began to draw his weapon.” And he’d laughed. At possibly the stupidest joke to exist, but he left out one quick chuckle before quickly erasing any signs of happiness. It was a drug that I was high off.
“Tea with your mother is in an hour.” Charlotte announced upon entering my room.
I looked at her, “Honestly, I’m shocked it took her an entire month.”
“The Queen requests you come in appropriate attire.”
“Leggings and a crop top it shall be then,” I snickered.
Charlotte sighed, but didn’t respond.
She would almost certainly have to retire early due to the extra stress I put on her with all my defiant behavior.
But, staying true to my word, I pulled on a pair of black leggings and a small black bralette. I wore a sheer crop top with embroidered flowers on it. I looked hot, frankly, and the anticipation of my mother’s reaction was like taking a shot. It was one of the few things bringing me pleasure recently, making her life as absolutely miserable as possible considering it’s what she deserved.
“This is what you consider to be appropriate wear?” My mother growled through her teeth as she was sitting at the table, newspaper in hand.
“Well, you never specified the occasion, mother.”
“For god’s sake Y/N, you can do absolutely nothing right.” Anne folded the newspaper and placed in to the side. “Now Lord Mendes will be here any moment and there frankly isn’t time to have you change out of the hideous costume of yours.” She gestured to my body. “It’s honestly like you were raised on a different planet.”
“Or perhaps like I wasn’t raised at all,” I smiled pleasantly.
“Enough, Y/N. Now take a seat.”
“Why are we even here? If I’m just meeting another person, why are you here?”
“Well, since you’re incapable of keeping a man for more than a minute, your father thinks it best for me to be with you from here on out.”
I leaned back in my chair, groaning. “You’ve got to be fucki--”
“Lord Mendes, Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness,” a man named Jeffery announced to us, opening the door and revealing my next suitor.
Anne stood, and I followed suit, my royal training kicking in.
“Your Majesty,” a young, velvety smooth voice came as the man bowed to her.
“Lord Mendes, please meet my daughter, Her Royal Highness Princess Y/N.”
“Your Highness,” the same bow now directed at me.
Coming up, I offered him my hand, he gently brought it to his lips pressing a chaste kiss to it as I curtsied.
“Lord Mendes, it’s a pleasure.” I said in a sugary sweet tone, looking up from my hand to meet his eyes.
It was only in that moment that I recognized him as the Queen’s Guard I’d been fraternizing with over the past month. It wasn’t common for Queen’s Guard to be anything but people of the commonwealth, but it wasn’t entirely unheard of for members of rank to join the military or guard.
“No, the pleasure, is most certainly mine,” Lord Mendes returned. His cheeks were a rosy red as his tongue flicked out of his mouth to lick at his lips lightly.
The three of us took our seats, The Queen at the head of the table, and myself and Lord Mendes sitting across from each other.
“Please do excuse my daughter’s dress, Lord Mendes,” Anne sniffed at the air. “She finds it a game of sorts to dress in ways I see unfit.”
“Well,” he smiled across the table at me. “What a daughter would she be if she didn’t give her mother a difficult time now and again, but I do think she looks quite lovely.”
She hummed just as servants came to swiftly serve tea and brunch to us.
“Now Lord Mendes, what is it that you do?” I asked as I poured a splash of milk into my cup of tea.
“Please, do call me Shawn, Ma’am.” I nodded at him. “I come for a long line of Generals, but I chose to attend university at Eton. And recently joined the Queen’s Guard so my mother wouldn’t be able to say I was the only family member not serving the Queen.”
“Well it is wonderful to have you as a member of the Guard, Sir,” Anne responded, taking a sip of her tea.
“Yes, it is absolutely wonderful, Shawn.” I smirked across the table.
The Queen was away on a diplomacy trip to France and that meant there was only one Queen’s Guard on the back doors. Which meant time alone with Shawn.
It was nice finally knowing his name.
“You really were going to just let me stand here for an entire month? Talking about all these horrendous guys, when you probably knew you’d eventually be one of them?”
I stared into the hazel eyes, wanting to get a rise out of him.
“You let me think you were just some normal guy, but you’re a fucking noblemen just like the rest of us. Walking into a room and you’re suddenly His Grace, Lord of Hastings. Did you think I would never find out, or were you just hoping I’d find out like that?”
I had half a mind to start poking his chest, but this was the best way to talk to him. When he was completely unable to respond because, let’s face it, I’m a fucking coward. Despite the inkling of a crush that had developed for Shawn over the past month, I was and always had been incapable of having a rational conversation about feelings. It’s part of being a royal. You don’t discuss your emotions because your emotions do not matter. The Crown matters, and nothing else.
“What so I would come out here every day and tell you my frustrations and look at your gorgeous eyes and see those curls and what like I almost started to trust you? And I didn’t even know your name? Is that it?” I huffed, turning away from Shawn, struggling to even understand what was happening.
For all intents and purpose, I was quite happy with Shawn being a Lord. He was the first guy in a string of horrible set ups that wasn’t a fucking prick and I quite liked him. He wasn’t bad on the eyes, his voice had that same velvety sweet taste that his laugh had the first time I’d heard it. He wasn’t completely disagreeable to talk with, even while sitting with The Queen. He had personality, which was rare in my world. He was, really, Prince Charming in every aspect of the concept aside from not being a, well, prince.
In short, he was perfect.
“Your Highness, if I may,” Shawn’s voice came from behind me, almost silent.
I spun around, completely shocked. Shawn could get fired if he were caught talking to me, or anyone for that matter.
“I do believe you’re overthinking this,” His voice was barely above a whisper and his lips hardly parted. From far away, it would most likely not appear as if he were speaking at all, and he certainly wouldn’t be overheard.
“How so?” I questioned.
“I had no plan, Ma’am.” The corner of Shawn’s lips quirked very slightly. “You came out to me every day. You spoke to me. You were always the one approaching me. I just stood here at my post. I never spoke. And I did my very best to never react or respond in any way. I had no idea I’d be meeting you, but I suppose after a month of botched dates, the Queen was quite desperate. I am, afterall, on the absolute lowest rank of nobility. And invite to the Queen’s castle is almost unheard of in my family.”
I scuffed my shoe on the gravel, knowing it would have irked the hell out of my mother. “Well, I suppose I came because, I quite liked you.” Feeling slightly stupid at this confession I rushed to fix it, “I mean, I know I don’t even know you, but I liked something about you. I’m not even sure what. But, if you don’t think I’m completely insane for using you as an outlet of frustration for the last month, then I’d really like to see you again. Preferably without my mother present and when you can talk and not risk being fired.”
“I’d like that, Ma’am.”
“Please, we musn’t be so formal, Shawn. I hate it.”
“Charlotte, will you be coming with Shawn and I on our ride this afternoon?”
Charlotte entered the power room where I was patting down my face, preparing for the afternoon horse ride planned with Shawn.
“I believe not, Ma’am.”
“Well, you will be missed,” I replied as I set the makeup brush down. Turning to Charlotte, “But I’m quite excited to speak with Shawn alone.” There were small butterflies fluttering in my stomach, which was a new sensation.
“I’m sure the Queen will be happy to know you’ve made a step of progress, Ma’am,” Charlotte responded.
I stood, moving into my large closet. “He is very handsome, don’t you think, Charlotte.” Not allowing her time to respond, I asked, “Now the maroon pants with the black top, or the black jacket with white bottoms?”
“Maroon.” Charlotte spoke immediately.
“You’re right, much less stuffy.”
Walking through the castle always felt like a maze, even when you grew up in it. And getting anywhere took at least ten minutes. But that was perfect because by the time I reached the front staircase and had began my descent (as any princess does, you don’t even need a ball for that shit), Shawn was already waiting at the bottom. He was dressed in light blue jeans and a thick sweater. The jeans were something you’d never seen him in, but frankly they were doing a lot of good things for him.
“Your Highness,” Shawn bowed.
Traditionally in a setting such as this, it really wasn’t necessary for Shawn to greet me in just a formal way, but it was kind of sweet the way he insisted on being such a perfect noblemen.
“Your Grace,” I laughed a bit through a curtsy as I joined Shawn on the ground floor. “You ready to show me your riding skills?”
“Oh most certainly,” Shawn said, puffing himself up. “I won first prize at Jeffords Jockey Camp in Year 6.”
“Wow, Year 6. Ten year old Shawn must have been a champion.”
“Oh I was, Year 7 wasn’t quite as stellar for me, however.”
I laughed, hooking my arm through his. “Well the stables are this way.” I led him through the castles towards the West Wing.
Shawn was sweet and adorably clumsy and extremely awkward when it came to trying to flirt, but it was as perfect as it really could have been. His personality rose and challenged my wits. He laughed at my idiocy, and I could tell that despite giving off a cherub like good boy quality, he certainly wasn’t as prim and proper as he appeared. As we rode at a leisurely pace we passed stories back and forth. Shawn sharing his university experience, and me sharing some of my man escapades as princess.
“Y/N,” Shawn asked during a short lull in conversation. “I’ve got to ask, what has you so hesitant about getting married?” Shawn tugged on the reins of his horse when she’d suddenly begun trotting faster than mine. “I mean, not to me, of course not to me. Just, in general. Why is the idea of being married so terrible that you had to consistently come and rant about it to a measly Queen’s Guard?”
I smiled, looking over at him, “Well, I didn’t have to come outside everyday, I chose to. I liked something about you that I couldn’t even understand myself. But as far as marriage, it’s not marriage that makes me hesitant. It’s marrying someone who I don’t love at all. I’m not expecting just huge fairy tale story for me, Shawn. But I do want to be in love. I think I deserve that. I’ve given my entire life to this country, why do they get that too?”
Shawn nodded, understanding, but not speaking.
“Here,” I guided my horse, Shawn following, to a small patch of trees. I climbed off mine, tying the horse to the tree, and Shawn followed suit.
“Is it really that difficult being a princess?” Shawn questioned as he tied his horse up in a similar fashion to mine.
“Well,” I motioned for him to follow me through the trees, “I guess it depends on the day.”
Shawn hummed, coming to walk alongside of me.
“Shawn, do you like me too?” I asked abruptly, looking at him. “I know that I’m the one that came to you everyday, and you just had to stand there and listen to me whine usually, but...is this, like mutual? Or am I just crazy to hope that it could be?”
Staring into Shawn’s hazel eyes, my heartbeat quickened. Shawn studied me for a moment while I grew more nervous every second he didn’t respond. He chewed on his bottom lip for a moment, debating how to respond before he gently grabbed my fingers, pulling me close to him.
“You’re not crazy,” he whispered.
“No?” I gulped.
“No.” He shook his head. “It’s mutual, Y/N.”
It had been three weeks since the appointments with suitors had stopped, and I’d begun to exclusively see Shawn. We’d grown closer with each encounter, and we still had many moments outside the back garden, him in his Queen’s Guard uniform and me doing whatever I could to make him smile. Some days he’d lightly nudge me, unbeknownst to his counterpart guard, in lue of a response.
The Queen seemed rather pleased, according to Charlotte. It seems Shawn has settled down some of my antics or something of the kind.
“But, she’d like to set up a meeting with you to discuss the forward proceedings with Lord Mendes,” Charlotte had said a couple days again.
“Forward proceedings,” I groaned. “She really has to kill the joy in everything.”
But here I was, today, for once actually having dressed appropriately. Wearing a knee length powder pink skirt, a white blouse, and a matching powder pink suit jacket. Outfits like these made me want to throw up. But considering I actually liked Shawn, and didn’t want to screw this up, I’d decided I would behave appropriately.
A young man introduced me as I stood outside my mother’s office. I quickly wiped my sweaty palms against the skirt, and took a step into the room.
“Your Majesty,” I greeted her formally, entering with a curtsy.
“Ah, Y/N, you look lovely today.” She brightened only slightly as she looked at me. “Please sit down, love.” She gestured to the seat in front of her desk, and I took it silently, placing my hands in my lap. “Now, tell me. It’s been about a month with Lord Mendes, are things proceeding well?”
I nodded lightly, trying not to show true emotions. “I’d say so. We have plenty of common interests and he isn’t completely terrible company.”
It was sad, but I was somewhat afraid that showing my mother any true emotions would deter her approval. Not that I had solid evidence, but my personal happiness wasn’t exactly priority for my mother. I’d make this seem like I’d decided to do my duty as a princess, and nothing more.
Anne nodded sternly, “That’s good to hear. You know, he’s not of high noble rank.” Her voice wasn’t exactly disapproving, which was good, but she certainly wasn’t thrilled.
“No, he isn’t Ma’am.”
Royalty was weird. While I was talking to my mother, in formal matters like this it was still best to see her only as the Queen and me as the Princess. Almost as though she were my boss. We were discussing what’s best for the country, and nothing more.
“And you’re certain none of the higher noblemen would suit you better?” The Queen questioned.
“I don’t believe so, Ma’am. But, if I may,” I looked to her for permission to continue, and she nodded. “Lord Mendes may not be of high rank, but he is pristinely trained, a complete gentlemen, and he knows everything a nobleman should know. He’s never given me reason to believe he wouldn’t conduct himself perfectly at a function. And as I am not heir apparent, it isn’t of as much importance who I marry. He is still noble, and will continue to bring honor to the Crown.”
The Queen’s face softened and her lips lifted ever so slightly. “I see you are passionate about this. Your points are correct, and I believe we will meet with the Baron and Baroness next week to discuss details of an engagement.”
I nodded to my mother, and for only a moment, allowed myself to smile.
An Engagement. To Shawn.
“Thank you, Y/N,” my mother spoke succinctly. “That is all.”
Taking my cue, I rose from my place and curtsied again before leaving.
I was really getting married. And to Shawn Mendes of all people.
tagging: @rosecth @fourtristattoos @peacedolantwins2 @unhealthyobsessionwithmarvel @justanotherfangurl272 @yourwonderbelle
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I Left My Hart in San Francisco
Jennifer hugged her pillow, dozing lightly. Jonathan had left early this morning and promised to have Max bring her breakfast on a tray so she was trying to get back to sleep for a few more minutes. The sun streaming in the big windows was making it difficult. Then the phone rang. She had ended up over on Jonathan's side of the big California king so she grabbed his extension without opening her eyes.
"Yes?" The smile spread across her face at the sound of his voice. "Hello, Darling."
"Have I thanked you for starting my day off in such a lovely way?" He asked her from somewhere on the 405.
"The pleasure was all mine." She assured him. Her voice still held that same sleepy arousal he had heard an hour ago. The voice that caused him to delay his shower for thirty minutes or so and make love to her even though it meant he had to forego his breakfast. Max had smiled knowingly and handed him a foil-wrapped package on his way out the door.
When he had realized Jonathan was running behind he had brought the Bentley around and had it idling by the front door. His regular Tuesday morning omelet had been wrapped in a warm tortilla to become a Tuesday morning burrito instead. Barring any traffic incidents, Jonathan should still make his meeting. Assuming of course, that he could resist the siren song of his sleepy wife.
 The meeting with the Chinese team had gone well, Hart Telecomm would be expanding into the Asian markets in the coming year. Jonathan had just finished dictating some correspondence for Deanne when the intercom buzzed.
"Mr. Hart, I have a Sister Domenica from the Mission Street Orphanage on line two. She says it's an emergency."
"Put her through Deanne." Jonathan hadn't spoken directly to Sister Domenica in several years although they still exchanged Christmas cards every December and Jonathan paid the tax bill on the orphanage he'd grown up in every April.
"Jonathan, I need your help. I don't know who else to turn to. There's a young boy, Charlie, who lives here. He's very bright. Actually, he reminds me a lot of you. He's disappeared. The local police aren't doing anything about it, they think he's just a runaway. But I'm worried.
"His parents have been coming around lately, ever since the judge placed him here permanently. They have substance abuse issues and Charlie was dreadfully neglected when he lived with them. They were using him to panhandle on the streets. Imagine, eight years old and he'd never been to school. I know you have some pull with the police and I was hoping you could make a phone call." The kindly nun sounded frantic.
She had been the one to recognize his talent with electronics and had encouraged him. She had often brought him various gadgets that had been donated or she found at the Salvation Army, helping him take them apart and explore how they worked. She took note of his boundless curiosity and took him to the library every week. She had urged him to read up on all sorts of topics and learn everything he could. By the time he had left the orphanage at seventeen, his education would put a third-year college student to shame.
He owed a large part of his success to Sister Domenica, that was part of the reason he paid the property taxes for the orphanage and the convent it was attached to every year.
"I'll take care of it." He promised the Sister now and hung up the phone. "Deanne, would you get Mrs. Hart on the phone. And ask Stanley to come up as soon as he can, please." He clicked off the intercom and looked at the scant information he had gotten about the missing boy. If San Francisco cops were as overworked and understaffed as Los Angeles police the boy might never be found. Just then his phone buzzed, interrupting his thoughts.
"Darling, do you have anything pressing in the next few days? I need to go up to San Francisco to look into something and I'd like your input as well." He paused a moment then smiled at her response. "Aren't they always? I'll tell Frank to get the jet ready and be home in an hour or so. Yes, I love you too Darling." He clicked the disconnect then asked Deanne to call Frank for him. He was just hanging up again when his office door swung open and Stanley stumbled in breathless.
"Stanley, I need you to do some digging for me. I have a police case number. I need all the files related to this case from San Francisco PD. Make sure you cross-reference any files on the parents as well. And there should be a family court file too. I don't know if it will be linked to this case number or not, you may have to access the court records separately. And I need it as fast as possible."
"Right away Mr. Hart." Stanley tripped on the rug as he turned and hurried out of the room.
 Jennifer hadn't asked any questions, she simply packed a bag for each of them. Whatever was going on, she trusted that he would explain eventually. Once they had made their way to the airport and Frank was winging them up the coast, Jonathan filled her in. He didn't have much to go on yet.
Charlie Grant, eight years old, removed from the custody of his parents, Willie and Crystal Grant (current address unknown) and placed in the temporary care of the Mission Street Orphanage eight months ago. Stanley was trying to get the court files unsealed. He couldn't go through official channels but there was always a backdoor into any computer system, he just had to find it.
By the time they landed at SFO Stanley had emailed the Grant's criminal files to Jonathan. It was mostly small crimes, petty theft and panhandling. Crystal Grant had several arrests for prostitution but the charges had always been reduced to misdemeanor solicitation, probably due to Charlie's existence.
At the orphanage, Sister Domenica was able to fill in a little bit more. The Grants had been arrested panhandling in Russian Hill. Charlie, ill-dressed for the November night, had been standing on the center island at Van Ness and Lombard streets holding a ragged cardboard sign, Willie and Crystal were passed out under some shrubs on the corner. The boy was filthy, malnourished, and very nearly illiterate. He couldn't remember when he had last eaten and he coughed terribly from chronic bronchitis brought on by sleeping outdoors.
The Sisters had fed his body and mind with as much as he could hold. He was still small for his age, and very thin, but he had lost that pinched, skeletal look and he devoured books as fast as he could get his hands on them. Sister Domenica had recognized the boy's potential and had been shepherding him gently, just had she had steered Jonathan all those years ago.
But over the past few weeks, the nuns had seen Willie and Crystal loitering by the gates, watching Charlie play. They had tried to lure him away when the nuns' backs were turned on several occasions and Sister Domenica suspected that was what had happened this time. The police had no time for one missing boy who probably ran away. She gave Jonathan a photograph, one of those stiff posed, plain background school pictures. Of a solemn-looking boy with grey eyes and a shock of dark brown hair sticking up in the back.
"He's a delightful boy, a little withdrawn still, but he always tries hard. Sister Dorcas was teaching him to play her guitar."
"May we keep this?" Jennifer held up the photo.
"We are going to the police station next. Harry Grey has given us the name of a local detective to speak to." Jonathan added.
"Thank you, Jonathan, Jennifer. It means so much to me that you would drop everything to come up here and help." Sister Domenica clasped each of their hands in turn and made a sign of the cross as they turned to leave.
 "I'd like to speak to Detective Montgomery, David Montgomery," Jonathan told the desk sergeant.
"Please let him know that Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hart would like to speak with him." Jennifer knew that Jonathan was reticent to trade on his name but something in the boy's thoughtful grey eyes had gotten a hold of her and she would go to any lengths to find him. On the plane, she had told Jonathan that she didn't want to find the kid's body in a dumpster but now she knew they had to try.
Predictably, the desk sergeant perked up at the mention of Jonathan's name and they were ushered past security to a gritty bullpen crowded with battered desks. Detective Montgomery had a desk under the air register, his craggy face looked tired in the harsh fluorescent lights. But by the time he had crossed the room, with an armload of file folders, to where they stood his smile was right out of a press release.
"Mr. Hart, Mrs. Hart. Why don't we talk in the conference room." He led the way to a small room at the end of the hall and closed the door. "So what can I do for you folks?" Jonathan filled him in on everything they had learned from Sister Domenica and added their own concerns for the boy's safety.
"So you see Detective, my wife and I would consider it a personal favor if you would make every attempt to locate Charlie forthwith."
"Mr. Hart, I can assure you that everything possible is being done to find Charlie Grant. It was, even before I got a phone call from one Lt. Grey. He spoke in glowing terms about your assistance with some of their cases and asked that we extend you every courtesy.
"Now I can't share case files with you because of privacy laws so I'm going to have to ask you not to open these while I am getting a cup of coffee." He patted the stack of files, "the coffee maker on this floor is crap. Philz Coffee Truck is usually down in the courtyard by now. I guess it will take me about fifteen minutes." He glanced pointedly at the thick stack again and walked out of the room.
"There is no way we can read all of this in fifteen minutes." Jonathan worried.
"I know," Jennifer said. "I can take a photo of each page with my phone and we can blow them up and read them later. Here, you turn the pages and I'll take the pictures." She quickly adjusted the settings on her phone and started snapping a photo of each page. They made it through a little more than half of the stack before they heard Detective Montgomery's voice approaching the door.
"I'm sorry about that," He told the Harts. "If there is nothing else I can do for you folks? Thank you for coming by, and we will keep you posted." He escorted them back to the lobby then winked and added: "and I hope you will keep us posted as well."
When they arrived at the Fairmont Hotel Jonathan asked for a printer to be sent up and they spent a couple of hours printing the pages and looking for clues.
"Ah-hah," Jennifer yelled triumphantly. "There's a notation here in the CPS report that the parents are known to sleep in an encampment next to the reservoir a few blocks from where they were arrested." She pulled up a map of the area and printed it while Jonathan called a car service to take them to Russian Hill.
When they pulled up near the encampment Jonathan had to do the old tear-a-hundred-dollar-bill-in-half number to get the driver to wait and Jennifer had to stifle her giggle while he did.
"I thought they only did that in the movies." She spoke quietly, moved by the extreme poverty she saw. Only a few blocks from two and three million-dollar homes were people who were so destitute that they often didn't even have a tent, just a ratty tarp spread over some boxes or stretched between signposts. Even though the Harts had dressed down for this excursion they still stood out simply because their clothes were ironed and in good repair.
They walked up and down the rows asking about the Grants and pressing folded bills into the hands of anyone who had information. Or, at least Jonathan did. Soft-hearted Jennifer was giving money to anyone who had children with them whether they had information or not.
"Darling, come on," he urged. "Mike here says that he saw the Grants panhandling by the cable car turn out a couple of blocks east of here. He said they will sleep here if they don't get enough to rent a motel room for the night." They hurried back to the car but when they arrived at the cable car stop the Grants were already gone. Another panhandler was able to confirm that they did have a young boy with them in exchange for another of Jonathan's folded twenties.
"Come on Darling, there's nothing more we can do tonight. Let's go back to the hotel. We will try again in the morning. Since their driver had actually waited, twice, Jonathan gave him the other half of the c-note and then tipped him a second one when he secured a promise to return in the morning and drive for them again.
"Darling, what would you say to some room service supper and early to bed?" He asked her as they walked through the lobby.
"I would say 'hello lover'." She smiled her saucy smile at him and entered the elevator. They dined on grilled ribeye steaks with potatoes lyonnaise and Caprese salad, with chocolate cake for dessert. Then Jennifer went to run a bubble bath.
"Jonathan, it's deep in here. What if I drown? There's not even a lifeguard." Her laughter floated through the air and he quickly shed his clothing to join her in the big tub. Jennifer looked fantastic in bubbles. She was right, the tub was deep. And plenty large enough for two.
"I'll save you, Darling." He promised as he stepped in opposite her.
"Jonathan, move your foot."
"Sorry." He assumed a look of fake contrition and she leaned forward to kiss him. They soaked until the water began to cool and Jennifer very deliberately stood up. Bubbles and foam slid sensually down her body, drawing his eyes up her legs, her flat stomach and high breasts, the heat in her eyes nearly enough to rewarm the water. He stood and pulled her into his arms.
"You are so lovely." He spoke as if he was seeing her for the first time. She loved that about him. He always made her feel cherished. She put her hands on either side of his face and kissed him very sweetly. The fluffy white bath sheet was big enough to wrap around them both and their drying each other off looked more like dancing in the steamy bathroom.
The big bed felt like an island and there was just the two of them in the whole world. They made love slowly, continuing the dance they had started. Wrapped in their own universe that expanded beyond the joining together of their bodies.
The next morning after breakfast they met their driver again and returned to the homeless encampment. This time they were lucky. Many people remembered their prior generosity and were more willing to talk to them today. The Grant's tent was pointed out in fairly short order. Willie and Crystal Grant were nowhere to be seen but Charlie was sitting just outside the tent flap reading an old paperback.
"Darling, get a little ahead of me and go make conversation with the boy. See if you can move him a little bit away from the tent. I've called Detective Montgomery to meet us here but I would rather Charlie not have to see them arresting his parents. I'll hang back a ways as not to frighten him."
It was a sad commentary on the state of young Charlie's life that he assumed Jennifer was another social worker and expressed no fear, only a tired sort of resignation when she began to steer him away. It broke her heart to watch him not showing any emotion when the police arrived and his parents were arrested. Crystal was as apathetic as her son but Willie Grant broke free and made a run for it. A high school track star before the drugs had taken hold, he was able to pull away from the pursuing uniforms until he broke free of the encampment and straight into oncoming traffic.
Jennifer twisted Charlie against her as the sickening thud echoed back to them. She held him tightly in case he tried to run but the child wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face deeper into her waist. Something shifted in her as she awkwardly patted his head and she decided that she would speak to Jonathan about establishing a trust for the boy, perhaps something Sister Domenica could administer so the mother couldn't touch it.
The look on her face was as clear as neon to Jonathan. There was no mistaking her arms wrapped around the child so he approached Detective Montgomery and secured permission for them to drive Charlie back to the orphanage. The smile on Sister Domenica's face when she saw Charlie was worth everything they went through. He launched himself out of the Towncar and raced across the blacktop to hug her.
"It's a terrible thing when a child is better off in an orphanage than with the people who brought him into the world." Jennifer spoke quietly but her low tone only enhanced the importance of her words. Jonathan made no reply but to reach for her hand. They stood like that, watching the children play, for a long time without speaking.
Detective Montgomery met them in the hotel lobby with bad news.
"Crystal Grant committed suicide in her cell an hour ago. She hung herself with her bedsheet."
"Oh no," Jennifer cried.
"Detective, what will this mean for Charlie?" Jonathan asked.
"He will remain at the orphanage until a suitable home can be found for him. Unfortunately, prospects are not good for a boy his age. There aren't enough foster homes to go around and most adoptive parents want babies, not older kids."
"Has Charlie been told?" Jennifer asked.
"I called the orphanage before I came over. A Sister Dorcas said they would handle it. I came by because I wanted to let you know personally. I'll be going now. Thank you for the assistance finding Charlie." Jonathan signed for the check as soon as the detective left them in the lounge and took Jennifer upstairs.
"Jonathan ...?" He cut her off before she could finish her thought.
"I already spoke to the bank and set it up." He assured her.
"Set what up?"
"A trust for Charlie. I named the orphanage as his trustees. They can always reassign it if he gets adopted. I knew from the look on your face at the reservoir that you were thinking about it."
"That's lovely Darling, but it isn't what I was going to say. I ... I was wondering ..." Jennifer bit her lips. Jonathan couldn't recall ever seeing her look nervous before. " ... Well, I was thinking about what Detective Montgomery said about there not being enough foster homes, and that Charlie would probably have to stay at Mission Street ... couldn't we take him home with us?" She finished in a rush.
"He seems like a fine boy Darling, but we don't actually know anything about him."
"But Sister Domenica does and she thinks he has real potential. You heard her, she thinks he is a lot like you." She argued. When they had decided not to have children it had seemed an easy choice. They didn't live a life that was exactly baby-friendly. But something about Charlie wouldn't let her go. Maybe it was because of what Sister Domenica had said, or maybe just his dark hair and quiet manner, but she fancied she could see the young Jonathan in him.
"It would mean some major changes in our way of life. And we don't know how Max would feel about having a kid in the house." He cautioned.
"Protest a little longer before you agree, Darling." She patted his shoulder and gave him a quick kiss. Jonathan opened his mouth to say something more then shut it abruptly. He knew that the boy needed a family, he just hadn't let himself consider it before now.
The thought of having a child had sort of been in the back of his mind for several years, ever since Jonathan Jr. had stayed with them for a few days. He had known he wasn't that boy's father no matter what the mother had claimed in the beginning. But the way it had felt when Jonathan Jr. kissed him goodnight and called him Dad had made him wish the boy was his.
"How about if we go see him tomorrow, spend a little time actually getting to know him. And if you still think it's a good idea then I'll make some inquiries. Sound good?".
"It sounds wonderful. Thank you, Darling." She hugged him tightly then kissed his lips again and again. The sweetly innocent kisses deepened into something more. There was a need in their caress. Their kisses grew hungrier, their touch more heated. The desire which had brought them together all those years ago had never waned. no matter the years that passed between them, Jonathan had never stopped wanting his hands on her body. Jennifer never stopped needing to feel him moving within her, the heat in his gaze scorching her.
They came together now. Leaving a trail of clothing and mild disaster in their wake as they moved blindly across the suite. They couldn't bear to stop kissing, stop touching each other for even a second. His senses were filled with her, her thoughts overwhelmed with him. Something soft bumped their knees and at first, they didn't know if it was bed or sofa but they tumbled onto it just the same.
Jonathan had the presence of mind to twist their bodies on the way down so that he absorbed the impact and she landed safely on top of him. Protecting her was something he did as automatically as he breathed, it didn't require thought or intent, it simply was. Now as they sank into the bed together he fell even more in love with her again. Every time he thought that he loved her as much as one human being was capable of loving, he found a way to love her more.
Jennifer felt his love, the tenderness in his care, no less than the heat in his kiss. He was her safe place as she was his wild one. This was the true strength of their marriage. His need to protect her made her stronger, not weaker. And now, as he moved over her, and in her, she looked in his eyes and felt the love they were making expand into something so much larger than just the two of them. Their joining made them part of the river of life, rushing, tumbling, ever-flowing to the ocean.
They fell asleep still joined together, only slipping apart after hours of sleep. And in the morning their bodies found their way together again almost before they were fully awake. There was a sweetness in their lovemaking as the sun rose through the window, no less intense than last night, but slower, richer. They dawdled over their waking just in case they were dreaming together.
Breakfast was a hurried affair after their slow waking up. They both knew without speaking that they wanted to spend this day with Charlie, and Jonathan called for the Towncar again as soon as they finished eating. Mid-morning found them sitting in the Mother Superior's office at MIssion Street, inquiring about taking the boy out for the day.
It was Sister Domenica who brought them to the large sunny dayroom where the children passed their non-school hours. Charlie was draped over a squashy chair, the same paperback in his hands and Jennifer marveled that only 24 hours had passed since their first meeting.
"Hello, Charlie," Jennifer spoke with quiet confidence in their decision. There would be paperwork, and interviews, and the inevitable delays of any governmental bureaucracy, but she knew this child would be theirs, that he was meant for them as surely as if he had been born to them. She only hoped that yesterday's trauma hadn't linked them forever with pain in Charlie's mind. "Jonathan and I were wondering if you wanted to come out with us for a while. Maybe see a movie and have some lunch." She deliberately didn't touch the boy, wanting to give him time to process his feelings. But Charlie had no such reservations, he dropped his book and ran into her arms. Unlike her fears, Charlie saw them as his only shelter in a horrific day.
Many foster kids wanted only to return to the family of their birth, preferring the familiarity of chaos and pain over the unknown even when it was pleasant, but Charlie was different. He had harbored no desire to return to his parents. He had only approached them at the gate that day to tell them to leave him alone. But they had grabbed him, covering his mouth so he couldn't cry out and dragging him away before the Sisters noticed what was happening.
Sister Domenica and Sister Dorcas and the others had opened his mind to a world of possibilities and he knew he didn't want to end up like Willie and Crystal. Jennifer and her husband were kind. They obviously didn't have to beg strangers for change or scrounge through dumpsters for food. He hoped they would take him to the library, or maybe the zoo. He had read about all the animals at the zoo when he was first learning to read, Sister Domenica patiently waiting for him to sound out the names under each picture.
"Yes, ma'am." He answered politely the way Sister Rebecca had taught him. He couldn't know how the simple phrase would affect Jennifer, his 'ma'am' sounding so similar to 'mom' but worlds apart. She hugged him close, furiously blinking back a sudden rush of tears before anyone could see. Only Jonathan, who knew her body language better than his own, noticed the sudden tension in her body and laid a steadying hand on her shoulder.
After the zoo, with a lunch of hot dogs and dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets with french fries, they stopped by the Barnes & Noble. Jonathan had decided that Mission Street should have a library of its own so that all of the children could have free access to books. He had spoken to Sister Domenica to confirm how much space they had for such a venture and ordered shelf units, now they faced the pleasant prospect of stocking it.
"Charlie, would you please take Jennifer upstairs to the kid's section and help her start picking out some good books? I'll be up as soon as I speak to the manager." Jennifer loved the easy way he had with Charlie. The way he knelt down to the boy's level, and how he put Charlie in charge to make him feel important. She knew she already loved the child but it would take her some time and practice before she could just reach out and casually tousle his hair the way Jonathan did.
Charlie was having a blast. Jennifer had staked out an unused table in the children's area and started stacking up all of the books he selected. Every time he found a new one he liked he would bring it to her and shyly ask if he could add it to the growing pile. Every choice had a small story of why he chose it and who it was for. She learned a little bit more about him with each small confidence.
For herself, Jennifer made it a priority to seek out the series' and chapter books that she had loved as a child. Anne of Green Gables and Little House on the Prarie. Madeline, and Mark Twain, and Marguerite Henry. By the time Jonathan appeared with a manager pushing a wheeled library cart, the small table was almost visibly groaning under the piles of books.
"It looks like I got here just in time," he exclaimed.
"Is it too much?" Charlie looked suddenly worried.
"No it isn't, we have a lot of shelves to fill. I promised Sister Domenica enough books to fill a library and she assured me that you are the man for the job." The fearful look had melted off of Charlie's face as soon as Jonathan had begun to speak. By the time he finished, the boy was grinning from ear to ear.
"Oh, yes sir. I can do that." He scampered happily back into the stacks.
"You are so good with him." Jennifer marveled.
"He's a great kid. I think your instincts were right on, Darling. He's very easy to love."
"He's so bright too, Jonathan. Sister Domenica said he couldn't read at all nine months ago, now he's reading young adult novels, two or three a week. And he can read music also."
"Speaking of Sister Domenica, I spoke to her about the possibility of adopting Charlie. It turns out that the Mission Street Orphanage is a private agency, not a state institution. That means they have the power to expedite the process somewhat given our history with them. It will take a few months for all of the paperwork, and we still have to do some interviews. But we can take him for a weekend visit if you would like."
"Darling, that would be wonderful. That way he can meet Max and Freeway."
"Tomorrow is Thursday, We can fly out in the morning and bring him back Monday," Jonathan promised.
Charlie had finally succeeded in filling the rolling cart thoroughly. Jonathan handed the boy his credit card prompting another huge grin.
"Why don't you and the manager take these down to the register and get started and we will be along in a minute." Jonathan suggested.
"Your credit card?" Jennifer asked dryly. "Aren't you a little worried he might lose it?"
"I guarantee that card will still be clutched in his fist when we get there. It's going to take at least thirty minutes for them to ring up all those books. I thought we could select a few to keep separate so he will have some at our place. Sister Rebecca says he has only read the first two Harry Potters and none of the Hunger Games yet. Or maybe some Isaac Asimov, apparently he is a big fan of sci-fi." They quickly selected the chosen novels and Jennifer took them to another register while Jonathan went to join Charlie at register one. As predicted, the cashier was only halfway through the great piles of books and Charlie held onto the credit card tightly. He looked so proud of himself that Jonathan gave the clerk a nod when they finally rang up the last of the books.
"Thank you, Sir. May I have your credit card please?" The young man said to the boy. Charlie's grin threatened to split his face in two as he puffed out his chest and looked for Jonathan's approval before he handed the card across the counter. Once the receipt had been signed for and Jennifer had rejoined them with her own bag of goodies, Jonathan confirmed the delivery address. The manager assured them the boxes would be delivered to the orphanage by 6.
Charlie couldn't stop talking about the books he had chosen, who would be most excited about which ones, and how they would arrange them on the shelves. The Harts took him to a restaurant that specialized in build-your-own burgers and super-thick milkshakes for supper. Back at the orphanage, they arrived to happy chaos as children carried boxes and stacks of books from the delivery truck into the new library.
Workmen had spent much of the day turning the former storeroom into a bright, cheerful space, with shelves along the walls and comfortable chairs and beanbags scattered around. While Jennifer had been helping Charlie choose books Jonathan had arranged for several new computers to be delivered with study carrels and an assortment of learning software and games. But for Charlie, the best moment was when Sister Domenica revealed to lettering freshly painted on the door, which read 'The Charlie Grant Library'. Tears filled the boy's eyes and he buried his face in Jennifer's jacket again.
Once things had calmed down as much as possible. The Harts sat down with Sister Domenica and Charlie in the little sitting area of Mother Superior's office.
"Charlie, Jonathan and I were wondering if you would like to come and spend a few days at our house?"
"That would be super! Oh wow! Can I? I mean ... Sister, may I go, please?" The nun kept a tight rein on her smile as she nodded at the boy.
"You may go, but you must pack tonight as the Harts will pick you up quite early in the morning. Say your goodnights and run along now."
"Goodnight Mr. Hart, Goodnight Mrs. Hart, thank you for such a great day." As he addressed each of them he shook Jonathan's hand and gave Jennifer a big hug. "Goodnight Sister, thank you for letting me go."
After he left and closed the door, Sister Domenica opened a file folder and handed over a sheaf of papers for the two of them to sign granting them temporary guardianship of Charlie. Jonathan noticed that she filled today's date in the first space but wrote 'until revoked' in the second space before she passed the stack across to him. Once the papers had been signed, copied, and filed, with a set of copies handed over to the Harts, they said their goodnights and returned to their hotel room.
Jonathan was already in bed when Jennifer emerged from the bathroom in a short robe of dove grey silk. It was one he hadn't seen before. That in itself was a surprisingly rare occurrence, as he bought her so many negligees that she rarely needed to add anything to her lingerie chest. She must have been saving this one for a special occasion and he took the time to admire it thoroughly. The silk was so finely woven as to be nearly sheer with dyed-to-match lace trim on the hem and sleeves.
She paused by his side of the bed for dramatic effect and he saw his opening. Reaching for her waist he untied the sash very slowly, letting the silk ribbons slide through his fingers as the robe fell open. Her hair had gotten long again he noticed, and the thick red curls fell past her shoulders. He loved her hair long like this, it framed her face so softly.
She moved slightly and the robe slid down her arms to land in a puddle on the floor. His heart was racing a mile a minute and his mouth was suddenly dry at the sight of the slip-style gown skimming over her curves. She reached to click off the bedside lamp, leaving only a soft glow spilling from the bathroom, the outline of her legs backlit through the fine silk. She stepped out of her slippers and into the bed and his waiting arms.
The traffic sounds outside the window were soon drowned out
by his breathing. He moved to lie down but she stilled him with a touch, so he was sitting upright, pillows piled behind his back to soften the heavy wooden headboard. She knelt over him, silk sliding beneath his fingers. the scent of her perfume driving him crazy.
Her kisses were sweet on his lips. He couldn't stop running his hands over her body. Going from cool, slippery silk to her warm skin, his fingertips were sending braille messages of pleasure to his brain. And he touched her as a blind man would. Gently. Devouring her with his fingertips as if seeing her anew. She sat quietly, watching him, watching his hands moving on her body.
There was a time not long past when she would not have been comfortable just letting him look at her, or having the lights on when they made love. But since she had hit the backside of her 40's things had changed. She realized that she truly didn't care what other people thought. The only people she had to please were Jonathan and herself. Jonathan already thought she was beautiful so she really only had to accept herself. It hadn't happened overnight, she still tended to see only the flaws when she looked in her mirror. And Jonathan's gaze still made her blush and want to squirm but she took a deep breath and forced herself to remain still.
Jonathan didn't know what had brought about the recent changes in her attitude. He only knew that he liked looking at her. Whether she was puttering in the garden, reading aloud to him, or making love like they were right now, he couldn't help but stare. She was so lovely. Even after eleven years of marriage, he was still floored by her beauty.
It took only a slight shift on her part for him to slip inside her, his hands skimming under her gown, once again letting his fingertips guide him. Inch by inch he stroked her soft skin, watching the way her eyes flared when he touched her like this, how her pulse raced when he kissed her that way. They moved together with the ease of old lovers seeing each other with new eyes. They fell asleep tangled together in the middle of the big bed.
 Jonathan awoke to the sensation being watched. Jennifer, never an early riser at the best of times, was staring at him. A glance out the window showed an indigo sky, barely touched with pink and gold.
"What are you doing awake so early?" He groaned and tried to pull the pillow over his head.
"I can't help it, I'm excited."
"Well go back to sleep. It's too early."
"No, it's not, the sun is coming up. What time is it anyway?"
"It's half past too damn early." But she would not be swayed and eventually, he gave up and got into the shower.
"Darling is the shampoo out there? I can't find it."
"Here you go." Her slender arm thrust the black bottle past the curtain.
"Why don't you come in here and soap my back for me?" He teased, but she moved out of reach.
"I want to get going. I'm going to order room service. What do you want for breakfast?"
"Darling, the kitchen won't even be open for another forty minutes. Besides, I'm sure Charlie is going to be hungry so we will get some breakfast after we pick him up. At worst, we can eat on the plane. I know you are excited, I am too, but we cannot pick the boy up at 5:15. I told Sister Domenica we would be there around seven."
"Seven!" She exploded. "What am I going to do for another hour and a half?"
"See. Back to my original suggestion. I could still use some help washing my back." He pulled the curtain open and dangled the loofah. She sighed theatrically then dropped her robe with a teasing smile.
 "Didn't I promise you we'd be on time?" The Towncar pulled up in front of the orphanage at four minutes to seven.
"Well, we wouldn't have made it if there had been an accident or something."
"But there wasn't."
"But there could have been." She insisted with a teasing smile, unwilling to concede that he had been right.
"Oh, you ..." He playfully reached to throttle her which somehow became a kiss. She jumped out of the car as soon as it came to a stop, even before he could come around and open the door for her. Charlie was waiting just inside the lobby, a suitcase at his feet and the floppy ear of a stuffed toy hanging out of the zipper of his hoodie.
"You came back." He hurried to hug Jennifer and shake Jonathan's hand.
"Were you afraid we wouldn't?" Jennifer asked him now.
"Well, I hoped you would." He was staring at his shoes like he had never seen them before and Jennifer's heart broke all over again for him. She knelt down on the floor heedless of her skirt and gathered the boy into her embrace.
"I will never break a promise to you." She told him solemnly. "Neither will Jonathan. Not ever. Okay?"
"Pinky swear?" Charlie asked just as solemnly, holding out his fist.
"Pinky swear." She hooked her little finger around his and their smiles looked remarkably similar as Jonathan helped her to her feet. They both turned to say good morning to Sister Domenica.
"I won't keep you, I know you have a schedule to keep. Charlie, behave yourself and be helpful. Go with God" She made the sign of the cross as they moved back toward the car.
Suddenly a boisterous crowd of kids spilled through the doors, surrounding Charlie and the car, all of them telling him good-bye and thanking the Harts for their new library. Sister Domenica gave them a chance to say their piece and then blew two short blasts on the whistle hanging around her neck. The kids obediently lined up by the door and waved excitedly as the Towncar pulled away.
Jonathan was correct about Charlie being hungry, the boy had been too nervous to eat much breakfast. Rather than continue to keep their driver tied up, he called ahead to the Amoura Cafe inside the airport terminal and ordered a selection of breakfast sandwiches to go, then called Frank and asked him to pick them up en route to the plane.
Charlie had never flown and he was craning his neck wildly trying to see everything as they approached the airport.
"Hey, look. That plane says Hart Industries on the side. That's like your name."
"That's our jet," Jonathan explained. "Hart Industries is our company and we do business all over the world. The jet lets us get wherever we need to be."
"Cool." The boy sounded awed as they pulled up next to the rolling staircase. The tarmac was already smelling hot and sticky as Frank came down to help with the luggage and Jennifer took Charlie aboard. They were sharing bacon and egg sandwiches and a bowl of grapes when Frank and Jonathan came aboard for takeoff.
After the jet had reached cruising altitude and they were able to move around Jonathan took Charlie on a tour of the plane culminating in the cockpit where Frank let him sit in the co-pilot's seat and 'fly' the plane. Charlie often seemed older than he was but this morning Jennifer glimpsed the little boy who had just embarked on what would become a lifelong love of flying. Jonathan looked almost like a little boy too, introducing the next generation to his favorite hobby.
The two of them spent most of the flight in the tiny cockpit. Jonathan gallantly folding himself into the tiny jump seat so Charlie could stay in the co-pilot's chair.
"Missus Hart, Missus Hart. Mr. Hart and Captain Frank showed me how the plane works and I got to help FLY!" Charlie's hair was even more disheveled than usual from the headset and he was hopping from one foot to the other in his excitement.
"Mrs. Hart sounds awfully formal. How about if you call us Jennifer and Jonathan." She suggested.
"I don't think Sister Rebecca would like that." He told her seriously. "She says it's disrespectful to call adults by their first name."
"Well then, let's compromise and say Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Jonathan? I'm sure Sister Rebecca would agree with that. And when we land you will get to meet our good friend Uncle Max, he takes care of us. And our dog Freeway will be at the house."
"Oh wow, a dog! You guys sure are lucky."
"I wasn't much older than you when I learned that the harder I worked, the luckier I got," Jonathan said, coming up behind him.
"What's that mean?"
"I'll explain it later. Right now we need to get this luggage unloaded. Do you think you can carry Aunt Jennifer's suitcase if I carry your's?"
"Sure but how come Aunt Jennifer can't carry her own?"
"She could, but we carry it for her because it's polite to always help a lady if you can. We do nice things for people to show them that we care. Just like you did such a good job picking out those books for your friends because you care about them." Jennifer watched him struggle manfully with her heavy bag, but when she would have intervened to help him, Jonathan held up a hand to stop her.
"Let him try." He told her quietly. "He'll ask for help if he needs it."
"But, the stairs, they're so steep. What if he falls?"
"He knows how to be careful, Darling. Besides, Max is there." He kissed her thoroughly then grabbed his own suitcase and Charlie's much smaller one and followed the boy down the stairs.
Her 'menfolk' were already in the Bentley when Jennifer exited the jet. Once again, Charlie was in the front seat and Jonathan in the back. Max let her into the back with Jonathan then sat down behind the wheel. Jennifer leaned forward and tapped Charlie on the shoulder.
"Put your seatbelt on, sweetie."
"Yes, ma'am" Once they made it to the northbound 405 Jennifer quietly asked Jonathan about her suitcase.
"He carried it all the way to the car and even insisted on putting it in the trunk by himself. He may not be very strong yet but he is tough and that's even better. A man can become strong but tough is something you are either born with or you're not."
 Predictably Charlie loved Freeway and Freeway loved Charlie. They had to play fetch and run around for an hour before they were both worn out enough that Jennifer could show Charlie his room and where to put his things. She put the new books they had gotten him on the nightstand and helped him put his clothes in the dresser. He was excited about reading the next Harry Potter book and asked if he could start right away.
"Of course you can. You know, there's a really comfortable reading chair downstairs, next to the fireplace. Why don't you check it out and I'll call you when lunch is ready. And think about what you would like to do tomorrow."
"Do you think we could go fishing? I've seen it on TV and I've always wanted to try it."
"I think that sounds like a great idea." Jennifer left him to explore the magical world of Hogwarts and she went to seek out Jonathan.
"We can go to Calabasas Lake or Echo Park." He suggested.
"Oh Darling, let's go to Calabasas. Echo Park always gets so crowded. After lunch, we can take Charlie to the sporting goods store and pick him up a fishing rod and waders."
"You know what, I have an even better idea. We haven't taken the Romance out in a while. Why don't we make a night of it? We can sail out to Catalina Island tomorrow, do some fishing, and spend the night on the boat. We'll sail back on Sunday. You think Charlie will like boats as much as he likes planes?"
"I think Charlie will like anything you show him. He seems to have taken a real shine to you." Jennifer smiled. She could already picture them out on the Romance, Jonathan patiently teaching Charlie how to sail. "We had better pick up some deck shoes for him too. His sneakers won't do once they get wet. I wouldn't want him to slip."
"You figure out whatever he needs, Darling. I'll fill Max in on our plans and then I'll call Sal at the marina to get the boat ready."
"Oh Jonathan, this is going to be so much fun. What a wonderful idea you had."
"Well, what can I say? When I'm inspired, I'm inspired."
"Don't I know it." Jennifer quipped with a smile.
  The day was perfect, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The sun was blazing hot but there was a fresh breeze blowing over the water that kept the temperature comfortable. Charlie was entranced by everything, and he soaked up Jonathan's instructions like a sponge. In the six hours it took to sail to the island he learned to tie a Bowline and a Sheet Bend almost better than Jennifer. And he didn't mix up his 'ports' and his 'starboards' the way she did either.
Max had packed them a picnic hamper with enough food to last two weeks, not two days. They dropped anchor in Big Fisherman's Cove and Jennifer taught him to fish for yellowfin tuna.
"Yellowfin can grow to be as much as 400 pounds." She explained to Charlie. "But the biggest I ever caught was 86 pounds."
"86 pounds! That's heavier than me!" The boy enthused, looking particularly cute in his bright yellow life jacket.
"The next time you come we will have to go snorkeling," Jennifer told him.
"Really? You'd let me come back again?" The combined look hope and fear on his face broke her heart.
"Of course we would. How else would we be able to go snorkeling?" She tried to keep her tone light even though everything in her wanted to grab him and never let go. It was an odd feeling for Jennifer. She had never expected to want a child. But then Jonathan Jr. had come into their lives for an all too brief period. His mother had claimed he was Jonathan's son and for a few weeks, he had stayed with them even though Jonathan knew the boy wasn't his child.
They had even talked about taking him in permanently, but his mother had admitted the truth and he had gone home with her. But something about the way he had hugged her goodnight. Or thrust his hand into hers before crossing the street, like it was the most natural thing in the world, had set off all these new feelings in her. She thought maybe if she ignored it, it would pass eventually. But now she knew, it hadn't passed at all, only gone dormant for a time.
She suspected it was much the same for Jonathan. She recognized that far-off look in his eyes when they visited with friends who had children. It was probably harder for him, she reasoned. He had known for years that he couldn't have children. At least she got to make the choice. And now she thought, maybe it had worked out for the best. Maybe Jonathan Jr. was never meant to be theirs, only to pave the way for Charlie. After all, Jonathan Jr. had a mother who loved him very much. Charlie had no one.
Suddenly her line twitched and the rod bent sharply.
"Come here," she said to him now. "Help me land this one." He obediently took his place in front of her and she showed him how to let the line play out a ways and then reel it back in until the fish got tired. She kept her hands on the rod to make sure the fish didn't pull him overboard but otherwise let him reel it in to where Jonathan was waiting with the net.
That night they dined on fresh tuna steaks that Jonathan grilled on the little hibachi grill and some fresh zucchini that he and Charlie sliced from Max's picnic hamper. With a little more digging, Jennifer unearthed a bag of marshmallows and chocolate bars. Max's care package was looking more and more like Mary Poppins' magic bag. They sat up on deck making s'mores and looking at the stars until Charlie was falling asleep against the railing.
In the morning they docked in the marina to do a little sightseeing on the island and had lunch at the Harbor Reef restaurant before sailing for home. Charlie was so excited, telling Max all about reeling in the tuna and roasting marshmallows and his first time tasting crab at lunch. He fell asleep soon after a late supper, and Max and the Harts held a quiet meeting in the kitchen after he was put to bed.
"If you're not ready to make a decision that's fine, but I wanted to see where we all stand on the subject. Jennifer?"
"I vote yes, but you knew that already. Max? You are the one who hasn't had a chance to spend much time with him."
"Well it doesn't take much does it? He seems like a great kid. I say yes. Mr. H?"
"I guess that makes three yesses. I'll talk to the Mother Superior when we fly him back tomorrow."
"Oh Jonathan, do we really have to take him back there? He feels like part of the family already. I don't want to give him up." Her eyes were suspiciously bright all of a sudden, he could see how hard she was trying not to cry.
"I'm sorry, Darling. I'll miss him too. But that was the agreement. We have to follow the rules." He came around the table and stooped to wrap his arms around her. "We will talk to the Mother Superior tomorrow and find out what we need to do next. Come to bed, Darling. Everything will happen the way it needs to." Max got up and began closing up the house as Jonathan took her hand and they walked up the stairs together.
Charlie was sound asleep when they looked in on him. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban open on his chest. Jonathan slipped the bookmarker in and laid the book aside on the night table while Jennifer bent down and kissed the boy's sun-browned cheek. She was starting to understand what people meant when they said that a child was a choice to have your heart go walking around outside your body.
It was inconceivable that a boy she hadn't even met a week ago could have become such a huge part of her life. She waited in the doorway as Jonathan bent and kissed the boy's cheek as well and clicked off the bedside lamp, casting the room in shadow. They left the door open a crack so a tiny bit of light from the hall spilled in just in case he woke in the night.
In her dressing room, Jonathan handed her a large, pale pink gift box that she immediately recognized as being from the seamstress who made all of her lingerie.
"I was saving this for our anniversary but I think you need it more tonight." Jonathan always knew how and when to cheer her up. She lifted the lid off the box and folded back the tissue to find a negligee of the sheerest silk she had ever seen, in a delicate rose gold color that shimmered softly as the light played over the fabric.
Bias cut, it draped into a soft vee between her breasts when she dropped it over her head. It was so sheer that he could have counted her freckles through it if it wasn't also backless all the way down to her dimples. It was in the simple column style of a 1930's evening gown with a slit up one thigh. It was at once incredibly elegant and sexy as hell. She spent an extra moment primping in front of her mirror, putting on a fresh swipe of copper lipstick and adding a spritz of Jonathan's favorite perfume in her hair. The extra effort was worth it when she saw the look on his face.
"I knew it would be beautiful on you, but Wow." She performed a small pirouette for him, the back view rendered him incapable of further speech. She somehow looked even more nude than if she had actually been naked.
"Dance with me," He said.
"There's no music." She countered. He held up the little remote control to the stereo and the soft strains of Ed Sheeran's Perfect began. They danced so often that now they looked effortless moving together. But after the first chorus, the song shifted. The new voice was deeper, richer somehow. And singing in Italian.
"Bocelli?" She asked
"Is there any other?"
"Spero che un giorno, l'amore che ci ha accompagnato. Diventi casa la mi famiglia, diventi noi." She sang quietly to him.
"You are so beautiful." This was one of a thousand reasons why she loved him. He told her constantly how beautiful she was, but somehow he always sounded like it was the first time he was seeing her. His heart was pounding when she laid her head on his chest and the scent of her perfume filled his nostrils. He breathed deeply. That sweet, slightly spicy scent never failed to affect him.
To him she was beautiful. Not beautiful like those vapid, empty faces in magazines. She was beautiful for the fire in her eyes and the kindness of her heart. She was beautiful for the way she made people smile, even though no one was allowed to see her cry. She was beautiful beyond the transience of her physical attractiveness. That was what he saw when he looked at her.
"You look so lovely that it's almost a shame not to take you out somewhere, but in this outfit, you would start a riot."
"Just take me to bed, Darling. You are all I ever need," He did as she asked and they made love to the music of Jennifer's favorite Italian tenor.
  The Harts tried to maintain a cheerful atmosphere on the Gulfstream the next morning. They didn't want to distress the rest of his holiday with their dismay at having to give him up. The flight north was made even shorter by a tailwind coming up from Baja, an early precursor to the coming Santa Anas. Fortunately, this time Charlie spent much of the trip with his nose in his book.
"I'm trying to finish before we land." He told Jennifer earnestly. "I've got to see how it ends."
"Charlie, are you under the impression that you have to give your books back?" She asked him. "Those are yours, we got them for you. Plus, there's a complete set in the new library as well."
"Really? I can keep them? That's so neat. Thank you."
"I wish I could satisfy you that cheaply." Jonathan teased her quietly when Charlie had returned to his pages. "That whole stack of books cost less than one of your handbags."
"I don't know, I think you satisfied me pretty well last night. Several times." She whispered back with a smile. Once they were back at Mission Street, Charlie was excitedly telling the other kids about his adventures. When he told them about flying the plane and sailing to Catalina some of them didn't believe him until Jennifer handed him the thick envelope of photos she had taken, thankful she had the foresight to order an extra set.
The shot of him sitting in the co-pilot's seat, wearing the enormous headset and backed by fluffy clouds through the canopy drew envious comments from several children and a very admiring look from one little girl. Jonathan noticed her staring and nudged Jennifer.
"Looks like Charlie has got himself a girlfriend."
"Whether he wants one or not." She responded just as Sister Domenica came in with the Mother Superior.
"Mr. and Mrs. Hart, would you step into the office, please? I don't need to ask if young Mr. Grant had a good time. What about you two? Did you enjoy your visit with him?" The Reverend Mother asked them.
"We hated to see it end. Charlie is a wonderful boy. We have already discussed it and we would like to know what our next steps need to be in order to adopt him permanently." Jonathan took Jennifer's hand as he spoke.
"I know that Sister Domenica told you a little bit about our vetting procedures and policies. This is rather a special case given your history with our agency. That, combined with the lack of any remaining Grant family members does simplify things considerably. So the question I need to ask you now is, How soon would you be looking to take custody of him permanently?"
"Today!" Jennifer interjected quickly. "We would like nothing more than to take him back home with us."
"Is that your feeling as well, Jonathan?"
"It is, Reverend Mother."
"If you both are certain this is how you want to proceed then we can move forward immediately. There will be the necessary follow-ups and interviews before it will be finalized. It takes a minimum of one year because we are required to conduct interviews at six and twelve months before the judge will sign the adoption decree but we can transfer Charlie's custody to you as 'pending' adoption."
"We would appreciate that very much, if Charlie is willing to have us."
"I don't think that will be a problem. Sister Domenica, would you fetch Mr. Grant for us please?"
"Of course Reverend Mother." It only took a few seconds since the kids were all still clustered in the lobby passing around Charlie's photos.
"Mr. Grant, I take it you enjoyed your time with the Harts?"
"Yes, Reverend Mother. It was loads of fun! And they have this dog named Freeway, he knows how to play fetch."
"That sounds lovely. The Harts have expressed an interest in having you visit again, maybe permanently. Do you think you would like that?"
"Oh yes, Reverend Mother. That would be neato. I mean ... I would like that very much, ma'am." Charlie corrected himself. He had moved closer to Jennifer as the conversation progressed and now he was standing right beside her chair.
"Reverend Mother, if I might say something." Jonathan waited for her nod before continuing. "Charlie, I'm sure you would like time to say goodbye to your friends and pack your things. And Jennifer and I have a couple of errands to run. How about if we come back at, let's say four o'clock. We can have supper together here and leave after that. Does that sound good? And would that be all right with you Reverend Mother?" She nodded once more, but Charlie pressed even closer to Jennifer, his eyes glistening. Jennifer took both of his hands in her and looked straight into his eyes.
"Charlie, I promise you we will come back. We are not going to leave you. We will not leave you. You can go get your things packed and we will come back in a few hours and we'll have a little going away party for you and your friends. Okay?" He nodded and hugged her tightly before he turned and left the room.
"Mrs. Hart, that was lovely, you handled him just right. You are an excellent mother." Now it was Jennifer's eyes that watered at the older nun's praise.
"Reverend Mother, we would like to bring some food and treats for all of the children tonight. Would that be all right?" Jonathan spoke for both of them.
"That sounds lovely. I'm sure the children will enjoy it."
They said their goodbyes and left the orphanage. It wasn't until they were pulling out of the driveway that Jennifer turned to him and asked the question that had been on her mind for the last 20 minutes.
"What errands do we need to run? I hated to leave Charlie there."
"Darling, he will be fine. He needs a chance to say goodbye to his friends and that wouldn't happen if we were there hovering over him. Besides, I thought we should do something special to mark the occasion. Charlie isn't a puppy we are picking up from the pound. He deserves a special memory of the day."
"You're right, of course, I hadn't thought about it that way. I am just so happy to be taking him home with us."
 When the Harts returned to Mission Street at four p.m. it was clear that all of the children were excited at the prospect of a party. Hastily colored construction paper signs had been taped up on the cafeteria walls saying 'GOOD LUCK CHARLIE' and 'WE'LL MISS YOU'. Jennifer brought in a cake and Jonathan carried a large stack of pizzas for everyone.
After the leftover pizza had been cleared and the last slice of cake eaten, Jonathan selected several of the oldest kids to help him bring in 'a few more things'.
"Since this is kind of like a birthday but not exactly, we thought there should be birthday presents but not exactly. So today we are giving the presents to you instead of the other way around." Jennifer announced as the first armload of gaily wrapped packages was brought in. Silently she blessed the extremely organized nuns who had provided them with a list of all the children's names and ages along with a brief description of their interests and hobbies.
It had been a hectic few hours at a large warehouse store purchasing everything, and then they still needed to have time for the additional stop Jonathan wanted to make. But they had managed. There was one little high school girl at the warehouse store who heard what they were doing and called her whole squad of cheerleaders to come and gift wrap all of the presents in record time.
Once all of the gifts had been handed out and opened, the Reverend Mother called for silence and asked Charlie and the Harts to come to the front of the room.
"Charlie, when Jennifer and I were married we gave each other rings as a symbol of our commitment to each other. Today we are committing to you. So we want to ask you 'officially' if you would accept us as your parents?" As Jonathan finished speaking Jennifer slipped the little box from her purse and opened it. It was a simple gold band very similar to Jonathan's wedding band, sized down to fit a child's finger. The jeweler had managed to rush the inscription, winding around the outside of the ring because the inside was too small were all three of their initials, as well as their signature double heart symbol. But now that double heart had a plus symbol next to it and a third heart.
Charlie couldn't speak but he nodded his head fiercely as Jennifer slid the small band onto his ring finger. Sister Domenica was especially moved by the little ceremony. She had cared for many children during her years at Mission Street and had been especially attached to a few, but only Jonathan had given her a sort of roller coaster and lightning feeling in her stomach. That was until Charlie Grant had come to the orphanage. She had only hoped to convince Jonathan to mentor the boy, but apparently, God had bigger plans in mind. She had no doubt that Charlie would go on to make as big an impact on the world as his new father had.
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 5 years
Sanders Sides Queer Eye AU
I know, I know, I come up with a lot of fucking AUs and never do anything about them! But listen, I was watching Queer Eye season three and it just kind of hit me like a freight train. Idk if it’s been done before or not but fuck it, here’s my version of it!
Patton (Antoni Porowski – food and wine expert)
I’ve always loved the idea of Patton having a passion for the culinary arts
He mainly enjoys baking and sweets but he knows a full range cuisines
Always promoting healthy food options with the occasional guilty pleasure (mainly cookies)
Just like Antoni whenever they go into a client’s house he goes straight for the kitchen and is always smelling funky things or putting stuff in his mouth.
Always makes sure to teach each client simple and healthy recipes that they can continue using in their everyday lives as well as a few fancier ones for special occasions. 
Rocks the fanny pack look like nobodies business!
Logan (Bobby Berk – design expert)
I was actually going to make him Tan but I really couldn’t picture Logan as a “fashion expert”
Our boy is smart and has a good eye for design and is not afraid to roll up his sleeves and get down and dirty on the job.
Also really likes plants so in almost every redesign he does there’s always got to be at least one plant somewhere.
Our boy is still a HUGE nerd whole loves space!
Came off as really serious and cold at first but as time went on he warmed up a bit
Usually the one that ends up driving the Fab 5 car around because he’s the best driver and honestly the other’s are not the best multitaskers
Roman (Jonathan Van Ness – grooming expert)
Do I honestly have to explain WHY I chose Roman as Jonathan?
Most fabulous! Most extra! The biggest Queen ever to slay!
Plus Roman being able to rock heels and skirts is always amazing! Toxic masculinity where? Gender norms who? I don’t know her!
Likes to incorporate a lot of home remedy self care stuff: home made facial masks, exfoliant, hand scrubs, etc.
Has had some funky hair styles throughout the season, from long hair to multi colored hair of every shade.
Just like Jonathan he is the WORST driver!
Virgil (Karamo Brown – culture and lifestyle expert)
Virgil has had the most growth and personal development throughout the Sander Side series so who better to help other people grow in their own self fulfillment
Obviously he’s not as chipper as Karamo but he’s still very kind and warm
Likes to keep things real, he knows when to call people out on their bullshit and how they should use this as a motivator to better themselves
Has a weird form of positive nihilism: “Life is meaningless anyway, so might as well do the thing you want to do. It’s not like you have anything to lose?”
Despite his dreary exterior people still very easily open up to him and because Virgil is a soft boi he’s always ready with tissues and hugs.
Still an introvert to the fullest, so after they finish with each client he just crashes on the couch back at home base and naps for the entire day.
Deceit (Tan France – fashion expert)
I find this ironic because his outfit in the Sanders Side series is very cheesy and cartoon villain-ish. But for some reason in real life I always thought that Deceit would be very fashionable.
Still has that yellow and black color scheme and makes it work! Roman is forever envious!
Still promoting the French Tuck to every client just like Tan (shut up!)
Crocs are an atrocious invention of man and it is his life goal to burn every single one of them!
Can be very cut throat and critical but also very sweet and gentle. People should always feel beautiful and amazing in the clothes they wear.
Has vitiligo on one half of his face as well as being blind from one eye and still looks amazing!
More headcannons!
Okay, so the whole “To Gay Or Not To Gay” episode was just a sobbing emotional mess and the Fab 5 all fucking sobbed for hours after watching the epilogue clip
Same thing with the “God Bless The Gays” episode!
The “Sky’s The Limit” episode where Tan and Skyler have that moment when getting fitted for a proper suite and Tan has a breakdown because he had no idea how difficult it was for trans people to find clothes they feel comfortable in while other people could just grab and go so easily. That’s like a whole Deceit mood and afterwards he makes it his goal to learn more about transgender folk and their different body types so he’ll be more knowledgeable next time.
Yes, they were in Lip Sync Battle and yes they were absolutely fabulous!
They’re all married with loving husbands and all either have kids or at least two pets.
(*gasp* Whaaat, Bunny not projecting their default ships into their own AU??? Bitch yes! Platonic DLAMP is a beautiful thing and there should be more of it in the world!)
So many platonic hugging, hand holding, and cheek kisses! They’re best friends damn it and they love each other!
Just like the og Fab 5 they support each other and send complements through social media and it’s super cute!
Do they vacation together? Of course they do!
Roman and Virgil always go out together for spa days and to get their nails done.
Patton likes to have family potlucks whenever they all get together
Logan actually has a doctorates degree in astronomy and physics but fell in love with design so much he decided to changer career paths
Deceit likes to run a lot of charity events and fashion shows which helps provide clothing for children and families in need.
They all actually have their own charity organizations that they manage and are always willing to help each other with planing.
They call and facetime each other a lot when they have to separate and head back home after each season.
Patton is still the “dad” friend and Logan is still the “mom” friend and their fan base always makes fun of them for that!
There has literally been a moment when both of them have been sitting in the driver and passenger seat while the other three bicker in the back and Patton is trying to be the mediator but Logan turns around and is like “If you guys don’t settle down I am turning this car around, right now!”
On long car rides they like to do karaoke and sing all the classic 80s and 90s bops! Plus a bunch of musicals, of course.
Like, it’s all so gay and beautiful aND I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! 😭❤😭❤
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tippitv · 6 years
Supernatural Recap: 14:01 “Stranger in a Strange Land”
The road so far... is thirteen years long. Thirteen years. If this show were a person, they would be dealing with acne and/or getting their period. We're on the fourth American presidential term since this show started. My dog Henry looked like this
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And now he looks like this:
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But back to the show's rock-n-roll montage to catch us up for this season. 
There was a nephilim boy named Jack, an alternate dimension accessible by an episiotomy in spacetime where bad angels ruled and dead characters were still alive, and a weird fight between Dean Winchester (with archangel Michael stuffed up in him like a heavenly turducken) and Lucifer that ended up looking like the video for Total Eclipse of the Heart.
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At the end of it, Michael absconded with Dean's hot bod and made him wear a silly cap and break the fourth wall.
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As the episode starts, Sam's full beard lets us know that some time has passed since the finale. He's driving through slick streets because it's always raining in the lush coastal rain forest of Kansas. .
But then we cut to some other bearded guy, asleep in a room somewhere that looks like a room they've used on this show a lot, but this time with a weirdly loud background soundtrack of ocean waves and seagulls. The guy gets up, puts his prayer mat down on the floor, and begins praying in what the CC tells me is Arabic.
He looks up to see Michael (in Dean) sitting there in his little cap. "Hello, Jamil," Michael says. Jamil looks surprised, as one should.
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Michael quotes from what Google tells me is verse 2:98 of the Holy Quran in order to introduce himself: "Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and His messengers Gabriel and Michael..." He still makes Jamil go through a guessing game. God? No. Gabriel? No. One of these guys in Newsies?
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Also no. He says he's there to ask Jamil the same question he's spent weeks asking people all over the world. "Do you want your newspaper on your porch or in your mailbox?"
"What do you want exactly?" Michael asks him. Jamil says he wants peace and love. Michael says "you never would have ran" from Syria if that were true. Okay first of all, that's "would have run," Mister Archangel. Second of all... wait, where did the seagulls go? It's quiet now. As if they left to bother someone else.
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Michael flings him around a bit with his angel powers. Like is that even fun? Super powerful beings always act like it is but it's just a normal part of his abilities like my being able to scratch my elbow or blow my nose is normal for me. Anyway, Michael says he wants a better world. Cut to the season's new title card!
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Meanwhile, the bunker has been embraced by the resistance fighters from the alternate dimension. Is anybody feeling guilty about the fight they left behind? Are they assuming the fight over there is done because Michael is here now? Mary checks the aim of a new gun by pointing it at or very near these people's danged heads.
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The girl already died once so maybe she's unflappable and the guy's too busy getting a monster tooth removed from a wound to notice. He says it happened in Phoenix... which Google tells me is at least a 16-hour drive away if you have a normal car.
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Sam joins the bunker, letting us know that he's been in Atlanta checking up on a possible Michael-Dean sighting that turned out to be someone's drug-induced hallucination. It's the good thing the Impala travels a thousand mph or that would've been a lot of wasted time. He and Mary exposit about how it's been three weeks since the end of last season. That's only three weeks of beard growth? Does that seem like a lot just because I don't grow beards?
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Sam has just enough time to yawn and be sad before some guy who looks like if maybe Jonathan Van Ness got halfway through getting ready to go chop fire wood tells him there are some "gypsy type" vampires heading east. Boo, Fake Jonathan. Even though he's exhausted, Sam starts delegating teams to go take care of the problem and sits down to hack into a traffic cam.
Then he remembers a cliffhanger from last season. "Hey how's Jack?"
Cut to Jack getting his ass handed to him by Bobby in a fight training session. Aw look at his cute lil sweats. Wait... what are those windows in the gym? They look look like they're streaked with rain. Isn't the whole bunker underground?
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Also omg someone give that boy a face guard while he's sparring! He can't heal his cute little mug anymore!
Meanwhile in Detroit, Castiel is following up a lead at a BBQ joint called Motown Meats. And like I know "Motown" is also a nickname for the city and not just the name of a record label, but the country music playing in this joint is still annoying to me. Anyway some pink-cheeked fella who thinks burgundy brown shoes go with cornflower blue suits strides into the place all, "Castiel! Darling!" 
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This fella, with his imperious little strut and vaguely Southern demeanor, simply demands I refer to him as Young Lindsey Graham. He orders sausage, brisket and "pork ribs, well done." What the fuck, Linds? All pork ribs are well done! If someone gives you underdone pork anything, you get right off your ass and call the health department!
"I didn't think you consorted with my kind," Linds says, revealing himself to be a demon and also someone who doesn't know his basic show history.
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Castiel is loath to admit that he needs information. "Does any demon know where Dean Winchester is?" Young Lindsey is delighted and scandalized at the thought of Cas losing any Winchester, much less Dean. "I thought you two were joined at the... everything." He gets about as close to pointing/looking at Cas's dick as Mary got to pointing that gun at those people's heads.
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Yes, I'm terrible at making gifs. Anyway, Linds goes, "What's in it for moi?" And Cas tells him, "Your life." So Linds is like, "Come again?" Honey, he ain't even come the first time yet, don't get ahead of yourself.
Castiel uses his graveliest voice on Young Lindsey, but to no avail. It turns out the whole place is full of demons. Wouldn't Cas have picked up on that? Is he that powerless? They all crowd around him and knock him to the floor.
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A sign outside a church in Duluth welcomes "Sister Jo" and advertises its morning prayers at 8 in the morning. Does that seem ridiculously early to me just because I'm a heathen? Also it's clearly nighttime in this scene. Some parishioners thank Jo for saving their lives. It seems like she should be trying to fly under the radar, so to speak.
Oh now she's walking through a dark alley, counting her money. I'll give her a pass because she has angel powers, but people on this show are always being unwise in alleys. Michael approaches her. "You don't recognize me with this pretty face?" he asks. It's the hat! It! Is! The! Hat! He reveals his big seagull-lookin' wings.
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Jo is naturally suspicious of Michael. "Why would Dean say yes to you when he turned you down like seven seasons ago?" she asks. "We needed a cliffhanger for the finale and he'd already been a demon," he says. I mean, that's not what they say but I'm sure they were thinking it.
He asks her what she wants, and she tries to be glib about it but he's not buying it. He says she wants love and a family and barfy stuff like that. He keeps asking people what they want and then just ends up telling them.
Back at the bunker, Sam has a chat with Jack.
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"I know this must be so hard," Sam says, "without your grace, without your powers...It's a lot, I'm sure." I mean, Sam wasn't a nephilim but he used to be super juiced up on demon blood with telekinetic powers. If there were ever a time for Sam to bust out with "hey I went through a sort of similar thing," it'd be now. Mary interrupts this tender moment to say someone's awake. Way to talk-block, Mary.
Sam reluctantly leaves Jack to go see whoever this other person is. He opens the door as the soundtrack builds up tension. The camera finally swoops in and reveals...
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You know what this means, right? Either that whiny little baby Lucifer will come back somehow and need to possess him again, or when they inevitably get Dean back, Michael will use this empty toothpaste tube of a human as his vessel. OH FUCK HE'S TAKING HIS SHIRT OFF
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Okay why does Sam need to be the one to clean his mostly healed wound? It's not like Nick's hands are broken. Nick has a big dramatic reaction. Calm the hell down, it's peroxide not alcohol. Then he just puts the same dirty old bandage back on. What. The. Fuck.
Sam is being very sympathetic, if rattled because this guy's got the same face as the fucker that tortured him for a hundred years. Nick doesn't remember much about what happened, but says Michael told Lucifer "he wanted to do things right this time." Sam goes outside to collect himself when his phone buzzes.
"Oh, hey, Cas," he answers. Young Lindsey Graham corrects him: "I'm the boy who's got your angel." Okay, when I said he was young, I meant compared to current day Lindsey Graham. He's clearly not a boy. He's also clearly not a very worthy foe.
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The music goes "eeeeeEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" to build up tension, but fourth-tier demons are like basically gnats compared to the other baddies the Bunker Bunch have fought. It's kinda silly that Cas even got captured by these twerps.
But everyone is taking it very seriously and packing up their weapons to head to Detroit. Maybe the Other Dimension people haven't fought demons before? I can't remember. Sam assigns teams. "Maggie, you're with Bobby. Mom, you're with me." 
Jack wants to come, too, but Bobby protests that he's not ready for a demon fight. And Maggie is? That poor child seems perpetually on the verge of jumping out of her own skin. But Sam's like, "He needs this, Bobby." 
Back in Detroit, a bloodied Cas sits magically cuffed to a chair. "You sure I can't get you anything hot... and black?" Young Lindsey asks him in a needlessly suggestive manner. I mean, he's talking about coffee, not Grindr. Wtf, my dude? Castiel's face right now is so relatable.
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We launch into a good old-fashioned Sit-n-Chat! Linds blah blahs about coffee and using Cas as bait, then reveals, without naming names, that Michael recently approached him like he did the other guest characters in this episode. He was asked what he wanted. "I realized after 600 years as a demon walking the planet...I didn't know." But now he's realized he wants everything. Start with some shoes that look better with your suit.
Meanwhile, Sam and Mary are driving through the perpetual rain. Seriously, how do y'all in Kansacouver deal with this much rain?? I live in Houston and we get a lot of rain, but in like... big groupings and not just constantly. Anyway, seeing that Sam is fretting, Mary says, "It's gonna be fine." Sam isn't convinced. "You don't know that!"
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Now, normally this 900-mile trip would take about an hour, but Sam and Bobby didn't carpool so the Impala had to slow way down. Lol when Sam walks through the door at the barbecue place it looks like he's wearing the doorbell as a tiny hat.
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Sam gets frisked to make sure he's not packing heat, then Young Lindsey waxes impressed about his shoulders and hair. He makes a "mm MM!" sound like he's just been presented a bowl of delicious bread puddin' and hot caramel sauce.
Here we are nearly at the end of the episode and we finally find out Young Lindsey Graham's name is actually Kipling. "Kip, for short," he says, offering his hand for a shake. Sam leaves him hanging. Also: lol "Kip." Kip's goons drag Jack and Maggie inside. Sam's nostrils flare in consternation as one of the demons punches Jack.
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God this guy talks a lot. To sum up: Kip wants to be king of Hell and he wants the Winchesters to treat him like they did Crowley. You know, keep him around past his expiry date and then still somehow manage to make his death too abrupt.
When Sam turns him down, Kip has a bit of a tantrum. "In life, I rode with Genghis Khan!" he rails, mispronouncing it. He pouts and stomps some more, but Sam stays chill because he knows Mary and Bobby are about to bust in with guns blazing.
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Slo-mo fisticuffs ensue! Kip throws Sam across the room with his powers. He's a higher level demon who could kill every human with a swoosh of his hand, but then the show would be over. Also, didn't the Bunker Bunch all have devil's trap bullets and stuff? These demons are taking a long time to die.
Kip somehow gets hold of the demon knife during the melee and takes one second long to admire how cool it is. This gives Sam enough time to switch things around and stab him with it. Kip dies as he lived: admiring Sam's shoulders.
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Sam calls an end to the fight. "There will be no new King of Hell!" All the remaining demons vacate their meat suits. Who's going to run the barbecue restaurant now? Also, Castiel has been sitting, still cuffed, to that chair this whole time.
Back at the bunker, everyone is beat to hell. Cas and Sam have a rueful talk about what they just went through. Cas is embarrassed he went to the demons, but Sam says he'd work with anyone if it meant finding Dean.
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In the kitchen, Mary and Bobby do a little Chekhov's flirting.
Cas goes to find Jack and try to cheer him up. "You did well," he says. "All I did was get punched in the face," Jack says. Don't sell yourself short, kid. You also got punched in the stomach.
Jack feels frustrated and useless without his powers. Cas tells him they have each other and they're family. Aww. I feel like Cas could also say he relates here. "I used to burn the eyes out of demons and destroy buildings with my voice!"
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Sam gets a call from Jo. "We have a problem," she says. Is she working for Michael? Maybe!
Cut to a grungy abandoned warehouse, where Michael is currently having a chat with a monster of some kind. Maybe it's one of the vampires mentioned earlier in the episode. "Your want is pure," Michael says. Monsters are soooo much easier to deal with than people or angels! "You just wanna eat," Michael says as the monster shows off some fangs.
Incidentally, "You just wanna eat" also describes me at a brunch buffet.
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So that's the end of the season premier! The FOURTEENTH season premier. Holy hell right?
If you'd like me to recap the next episodes, let me know. Thanks for reading!
And now’s the self-promo time when I add my Ko-Fi link! (ko-fi.com/A4017DA)
These are some very desperate times for me, so if you have a few bucks to spare and you enjoyed this fic, I would very much appreciate any donation. I know it looks like I’ve received quite a few donations recently but those larger ones were me “donating” to myself with credit cards to pay bills that had to be paid from my bank.
I'm afraid of not making rent this month, thanks to several clients just refusing to pay me for my work.
Or my Paypal address is [email protected] and if you send it as a gift I think no fees are deducted from my end.
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ao3feed-jonsa · 5 years
The Lone Wolf's (fabulous) Pack
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HJhDS2
by WinterRose527
This is the Queer Eye/Game of Thrones cross-over that nobody asked for.
Jon Snow is a handsome bachelor who is a bit too broody and doesn't do things for himself. Enter some meddlesome best friends, a group of five fabulous men, and we might just be able to find our Lone Wolf a mate...
Words: 353, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Myrcella Baratheon, Arya Stark, Original House Stark Character(s), Karamo Brown, Tan France, Antoni Porowski, Bobby Berk, Jonathan Van Ness
Relationships: Jon Snow/Sansa Stark, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Myrcella Baratheon/Robb Stark, Jon Snow & Robb Stark, Myrcella Baratheon & Jon Snow, Jon Snow & Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: queer eye AU, The new season is out, So sue me, if you even come here and ridicule me for fluff, what are you doing, Look at the title, Look at these tags, if you're not here to have fun then leave, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HJhDS2
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