#jongup fics
shibuinni3 · 1 year
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Nós merecemos mais
21/08/23; Pedido de capa.
Bang Youngguk, Jung Daehyun, Yoo Youngjae, Moon Jongup e Choi Junhong, B.A.P.
Link; ☁️
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bapdaydreams · 1 year
Hiii!!! Have you seen Jongup’s performances on Peak Time??? He has matured so much 😭😭 Would you be able to write a fanfic about jongup? Thank you so much
Hi!!! Yes, I have been watching Jongup on Peak Time and I am so proud of him and everything he has achieved!! And if you have any ideas or promots I can use for a Jongup fic, please fo share it and I can try and write something for sure!
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jongupfics · 1 year
Jongup fic
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jiminscaramel · 5 years
[4:34am] “Jongup, this is silly,” you huff, frustrated at your own inability to follow the steps correctly, but happy to hold him close.
He shushes you gently, stroking your waist and helping you sway in time to the slow music. “It’s not. If you practice with me now, you’ll ace it on the day. I promise.”
“But I can’t get the steps right,” you mutter a little sadly.
Jongup leans in and kisses the crook of your neck ever so tenderly, lingering a little longer than he’d like to admit. “What if,” – another kiss, this time higher – “I kiss you,” – behind your ear – “to the tempo of the music? Would that help?”
You smile and nod as he nestles into your neck, peppering kisses all over your skin. “It would help a lot.”
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coffee-for-himchan · 7 years
It’s All Lies (Jongup mafia/gang AU pt.1)
Requested by: a cool anon
Word count: 8.1 k+
Genre/warnings: Mafia/gang AU (May contain a swear word or two. Contains violence and death, but nothing too excessive or vivid imo. Contains cuddles as well, so it ain’t that dark, really)
Summary: “I’m Jongup. Your boyfriend of three years,” he told you, sitting on the edge of your hospital bed. As you stared up at his face, you couldn’t help but wonder how you were able to score a guy like him, as he seemed near perfect, on first sight at least. One thing lead to another, and he seemed to be the only hope for you to ever regain your memories of the past, but when it finally happened, you wished you would’ve simply never remembered, or, even better - you wished you would’ve never met him in first place, as he wasn’t exactly a savior. Only a pathological liar and destroyer.
(A/N) This isn’t exactly a follow-up or something among those lines, but it is in some little and almost unnoticeable ways connected to the Himchan mafia/gang AU (1/2/3/4) that I wrote not too long ago. At least the positions and personalities of the guys are shaped the same way, among other little details, and Jongup’s personality should be described just the same way as in chapters three and four of that AU. Just wanted to put this out there.
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The second he closed the apartment door, two arms were tightly wrapped around his built frame. He chuckled to himself a little, locking the door and directing all of his attention towards you. 
He still had to get used to all of this. To coming home at a time of day no one should be awake at, just to be met at the door with a loving embrace. To be shown some affection and love without expecting anything in return. To receive without giving first. It was all new to him, a world he hadn’t been able to experience in his short lifetime yet, but he had to admit that he’d been underestimating it for the longest time. He’d been sure relationships were nothing but trouble, and that he could manage without any of that, but there he was. Feeling his body melt into yours as unknown and unusual, but pleasant emotions shook his heart and soul in pleasure. 
“Missed me much, babygirl?”
You quietly agreed to the statement, shaking your head that was buried in the crook of his neck in approval as he effortlessly threw his own arms around you, making himself comfortable in the embrace. His lips soon found your temple, and he playfully kissed it a few times, whispering sweet nothings as you chuckled into his skin. He knew exactly how to leave all of your senses tingling even with an action as seemingly insignificant and small as this, and it drove you to love him even more than you already did. How he held you tightly and called you all types of sweet names. How he didn’t even have to kiss you on the lips in order for his touch to strike through your whole body and hit every single exposed nerve with a force that felt stronger than electricity.
How he always left you craving his attention and affection. How he always knew how to tie you around his finger, and never misused it.
“Jongup-ah, you come and you go. I never know whether I’ll wake up to your body pressed against mine or to an empty space where you should’ve been instead,” you told him, shifting your head to look up at him. He smiled lightly at you, and you couldn’t help but admire how handsome he was for a little, inside and out. You’ve been feeling so lost in the past time that it hurt you physically, and Jongup was your only lifeline, as well as the only person to keep you above the water level when you felt the space around you filling with water and pulling you down, making you paralyzed and unable to breathe or swim.
“I’ve told you just about a thousand times by now, babygirl. I have a very inconstant working schedule that changes often, and even I sometimes can’t predict when I’ll be leaving the house and when I’ll be coming back. It’s been like this for years already, and you still keep telling me this every time I come back,” he said, slowly feeling you pulling away from his embrace. He had to admit, he only let go of you unwillingly, and when the last bits of skin that were touching finally disconnected, he felt all the warmth and comfort drain from his body and soul for a little at the lack of your touch.
“It may have been like that for a long time, but you have to understand that I’ve forgotten,” you quietly said, looking back at him and smiling a sad smile as you walked forwards all through the hallway and into the direction of the kitchen.
He followed closely, not daring to touch you once again, instead simply trying to keep eye contact whenever you looked back and straight into his eyes. You stopped in the middle of the kitchen, letting him wrap his arms around your waist from behind just to make one hand trail up your whole upper body a second later, putting it under your chin and tilting your head to the right and up, your mouths almost touching.
“I swear, Jongup-ah, I’m trying to remember. I’m doing my best, but it’s still not working out,” you told him, feeling his breath on your face, “And I want you to know I will keep doing my best to recall at least the smallest bits of what used to be-”
“Don’t worry about it,” he interrupted, inching closer, if closer was even possible at this point, “I can wait.”
Sealing the gap in between you two, you couldn’t help but feel your knees slowly getting weak because of his actions. Countless emotions were flowing through your heart, all of them screaming at you and frantically asking how you managed to get into this position. How you managed to score someone like him, and make him stay, even through something as tough for any relationship as the thing you were currently going through had happened. He could be off with someone else, as you didn’t doubt the fact he’d have quite some female attention if he actually desired it. But instead he was here, with a trainwreck like you. Fixing you up and healing your emotional wounds with soft promises and kisses.
What was so special about you that he wanted to keep you, no matter what, and refused to give up on you?
“Jongup-ah, just wait for a bit. I’m seeing doctors, and they’re saying I might progress if I continue on like this-”
“Babygirl, everything’s completely fine the way it is,” he said in between deep, passionate kisses, keeping his hand firmly pressed on your side, “It doesn’t matter. Nothing does, as long as you’re with me. We’ll make anything work, okay?”
To what extents did “anything” really go? You could only guess as you eventually had to untangle from him again, in order to heat up dinner. He must be starving, after all. Working such long hours must've tired out his body completely, although you weren’t sure about it.
You watched silently as he sat down at the table, browsing through his phone and being seemingly invested in whatever he was doing on it. He was silent and focused again, which seemingly was his default mode whenever he wasn’t all over you. His brows furrowed a little from time to time, and he had to brush a strand or two of his hair from his eyes every now and then. You could guess, but you’d never know what exactly was going on in his mind. He was an unsolvable mystery, and for now you couldn’t really do anything besides waiting in order to understand him better, as you wouldn’t be able to find out on your own, with guidelines or without. He’d have to spill it all out himself.
There were still so many questions. You knew a lot about him, but there were aspects he still seemed to be hesitant about. Thinking about it now, you realized you didn’t even really know where he worked. All you knew was that he was “the right hand” of a CEO of a not too small local business, and that his schedule was all over the place because of the many press conferences and meetings he had to attend, among other events, of course. You still found it amusing, as he’d be the last person that you’d think worked in a field like this. He really didn’t seem like this could be his cup of tea, but it somehow was.
You knew less to nothing about his friends, only having seen a few of them once or twice, and you didn’t know anything about his family, as he always avoided that question. You didn’t know where he was originally from. You didn’t know how you two met. You knew less to nothing about his past, or how he got to this point in his life. You didn’t know where he was whenever he left the house. You never knew when he’d leave or when he’d come back, and you never knew how long his periods of absence would last.
To be completely honest, you didn’t know almost anything regarding the past, only being able to judge everything by the present. You didn’t know anything about the Jongup that wandered outside these walls of your shared apartment, as the only time you ever saw him was here, inside. He could be a completely different person out there, and you would never know.
He rolled his sleeves up a bit, exposing his forearms. You were still waiting for dinner to heat up, standing across the room and leaning against the kitchen counters when your eyes fixated on something on his arm that shouldn’t be there.
“Hey, Jongup-ah?” you said hesitantly, waiting for him to raise his head and look at you, “Is that blood on your arm?”
For a second he seemed to freeze, and you were sure no one would’ve noticed unless they’d spent a decent amount of time with him or knew every inch of his body as good as you did at this point. His sudden wary and alarming stare quickly changed into something that resembled confusion as he inspected his arms, looking a little surprised when he noticed the rather large and visible splatter.
“Must’ve accidentally hurt myself somewhere today..” he mumbled as you approached with a wet tissue, ready to wipe the blood away.
“(Y/N), here, let me do it-”
“Give me your arm,” you commanded, and he had nothing left to do other than to obey. Testing your patience was useless, as he wouldn’t win anyways. He’d said already multiple time that you were the only person he wouldn’t possibly win against.
Carefully wiping the stain away, you were surprised to find out there was no bruise underneath. Your puzzled stare wandered from his arm to the reddish tissue you held in your hand as you tried to wrap your head around the situation.
“Jongup-ah, where’s the bruise, in that case?”
Your eyes met with his, and you noticed his gaze was mirroring yours, as he seemed just as confused as you - “seemed” being the keyword in this sentence. He may have originally wanted to display that emotion, but something in your heart told you he knew a thing or two you didn’t. Was it too embarrassing to tell, or.. What could even be the reason? What other possible explanation or reason could there be for a sight such as this?
“Weird, right?” he said, turning his arm around a little, “Maybe that wasn’t blood at all?”
“Well, what else could that be?” you inspected the tissue, being more than sure it was human blood, “Plus, the splatter was quite big. If you would’ve gotten a bruise that size, you for sure would’ve noticed it, as it would’ve hurt tons.”
“If you come up with a possible explanation, let me know,” he told you, smiling a smile that looked just a tad bit smug, “Because I currently can’t wrap my head around a decent, logical explanation in case that really is blood. But don’t worry, I’m fine and I’m certain that was something other than blood. Think about it, babygirl, if it isn’t mine, where and how else could’ve I possible gotten blood on myself?”
You eyed him up and down, meeting his gaze and trying to find something in it. The smallest hint, or a tiny clue to what had happened, because whatever he tried to tell you, you were still certain that was blood. But there was nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing that indicated any type or sort of information, and you were left without any proper guidelines yet again.
“You’re right, I guess,” you admitted after a while, understanding you were probably thinking too much once again, “You’re not a killer or a gang member to come back home with someone else’s blood splattered over you, right?”
Chuckling, you went back to the stove, humming a melody as you flipped the content on the frying pan over with a spatula. Lightly swinging in the rhythm of the melody, you never noticed his sharp stare piercing right through you, and his hands clenching into fists, his knuckles slowly turning white. You never noticed how he got tense, and you never noticed him gripping the side of the table surface, trying to contain his rising emotions.
He watched you, thinking once again. You weren’t stupid, but he might be. Thinking this was a good idea was so, so wrong from the very start already, but he couldn’t quite do anything about it. You were, if you knew it or not, literally a possession of his, and now, since he laid his eyes and hands on you, there was nothing other left than to continue playing this wicked and unfair game, at least if he wanted to keep you alive and safe.
There was nothing left - nothing except always keeping an eye on you and not letting you find out the truth. As well as keeping you away from remembering anything, or, in the best case - everything, because that might just destroy you. If not physically, then emotionally.
This would eventually turn out to be a long and sleepless night for Jongup, as once again he felt his world slowly crumbling at his feet for no reason. He watched you for the whole evening - during dinner and while getting into bed. He listened to your never ending babbling and took in all of your smiles and touches. His nose lightly poked against your hair as you fell asleep, and his hand rested firmly on your hip, stroking your skin up and down a little every now and then.
If only you knew.
It’s been close to a year now, if his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him yet again. Another mission, nothing different from the regular. He was at the very front again, his eyes displaying nothing but a hungry stare as he took down everyone and everything in his way. 
He found it funny, how he’d learned to love the sound of gunfire the most in his life. It scared oh so many people, but to him it was a soothing sound, as this was the only situation he was almost always prepared for in life. He knew exactly what to do, and could act quickly. There was no telling him to get a hold of the gun twice, as he always did it without hesitation, not always being quite able to inspect the situation himself but able to follow strict orders perfectly before even hearing the whole sentence.
The crime scene had become a home to him, and he was someone who liked staying in. Someone completely and utterly obsessed by the comfort only his home could offer.
Himchan was giving out orders again, being the perfectly shaped leader of the gang that he was and Jongup’s closest friend, or rather comrade, in this whole ice cold world. Youngjae and Daehyun were on backup again, as Junhong and Bang were the recently created but quite successful double combo, taking care of the sides and giving Jongup just enough space in the middle to fully put himself out there. He smirked, knowing yet again he was trusted to be the main man of the mission, even behind all of Himchan’s worries and trust issues from the past. He acted sharply and quickly, not caring for anyone or anything.
Until he saw you, being dragged into this whole mess.
It was quite rare to have unwanted guests accidentally wandering into the field of battle, but you’d been quite unfortunate, having stumbled into these exact streets at this late hour of night together with your whole family, going home from a family celebration and occasion, and, of course, being laid hands on by the rival gang immediately just because you were in the way and they were heartless animals, knowing nothing but pain and despair over any other emotion.
“Take them! Himchan won’t shoot at a hostage!” you cried out after hearing those words as someone yanked you away from everyone by your hair, holding a gun to your head.
“What now, commander?” Jongup smirked as he heard Himchan cursing under his breath. If there was one thing he wouldn’t allow himself or his members to do, it would be taking away the life of someone who’d accidentally gotten involved. At least it was like that in the past time, since he got his own personal reasons for that now, but that didn’t matter. His orders had to be followed anyways.
“I know you like blood that isn’t your own splattered all over the ground, but don’t you dare shoot anyone who doesn’t have to be taken care of. We’ll try to prevent any unneeded damage,” he heard Himchan say, and didn’t have to turn around to see his furrowed brows and cold sweat dripping down his forehead. Testing Himchan’s nerves at that point was about the worst he could do, so all he had left was to shake his head in approval and silently obey.
“As you say, commander.”
“Himchan won’t shoot, that’s right. But will I?” Joungup quietly announced, and as he approached quickly, showing less to no remorse or mercy to anyone who got in his way. You weren’t able to do anything other than flinch in fear for what might come.
“Hey, don’t you dare-” a bullet zapped right next to you, hitting the guy who’d been holding a gun to your temple right in between his eyebrows and sending him flying to the ground.
“Babygirl, don’t just stand there, duck,” you heard Jongup say as he quickly shielded your body with his, pulling both of you behind what seemed to be a trash compactor just in time not to get hit by a shower of bullets. Your brain was unable to process anything - all you knew was that you didn’t like this unknown guy who was hovering over you, firing perfect shots as the smug smile never left his lips. The confidence and cocky replicas. The “babygirl”, and the pleasure that was written all over his face upon killing. It all made you want to scream out and made your stomach twist in fear and disgust.
You couldn’t help but hide your face in his chest though, as fear had completely taken over you and you were unable to move or think straight. His arm wrapped around your shivering frame, making you slightly at ease with everything as he shot, and you found him to actually be quite comfortable. A deserted island in the middle of the stormy ocean.
He had to admit, this was a first time of his. Holding a girl he could only classify as eye catching in his arms and defending her, keeping her safe from this regular everyday world of his. He was more than aware he could care less, but he didn’t want to. Something had actually sparked a desire in him to get you to be safe, and it was more powerful than any of Himchan’s orders or any of his own sane thoughts. After all, he was missing a few screws, so why not try to save a complete stranger just because he felt like it?
You shifted in your sleep, causing him to snap back to reality and caress your sensitive skin with the hand that was still placed on your hip. He laid there, trying to recall the events of that night, but not being able to. There was a hole in the timeline, and the only thing he could recall after the scene behind the trash compactors were ambulance and police sirens as he stood in he middle of the crime scene, being desperately pulled away by Youngjae who kept screaming at him for being an “unpredictable idiot”.
Your body was laying right in front of him, and, unlike all of the other bodies that could be seen all around, was the only one with steady breathing and a heartbeat. It took Youngjae a few more mean comments and a slap to get Jongup to move, and eventually he finally obeyed, getting out of sight just in time. Going into hideout, but still observing the situation from afar, he saw you getting taken away to the hospital.
A hit to the head, wasn’t it? But by what? He could’t quite recall anymore.
You’d occupied his mind completely, and for the whole drive back to the base Jongup couldn’t think of anything else. It was a new, weird feeling for him, and he didn’t quite know how to react to it.
Women were nothing but creatures that, if treated right and nicely, could bring extreme pleasure, or so he thought at least. He never needed anything more or less than a one-night stand, and after he’d gotten exactly what he wanted, he’d disappear forever, not leaving a single trace or evidence of his temporary existence in the girl’s life. But this was a new feeling, a feeling that differed from all of the other ones and made him question himself and his nature as a whole.
He remembered your frightened stare, and how your body was shaking at first when he pulled you along with him, slowly calming down a little and warming into his body as you hid your face in his chest, afraid of everything happening all around you. He tried to brush it off at first, and tried to tell himself it was absurd - almost ever girl would act the same way in this situation, and there was nothing special or extraordinary about you and your actions. But the way you held onto him, making him feel like he was in charge of you and your precious life - it made him go through a rollercoaster of many weird, unusual feelings.
Clinging onto him as if you were a sinking diver and he was an oxygen tank. You couldn’t manage without him, yet you didn’t beg him for help. Not a single word escaped your lips as you quietly let fate decide for your survival, and considering Jongup could be called a murderous maniac for his unpredictable, sinful behavior at most times didn’t really make your chances stand out that much. Yet you had managed to occupy his mind fully, making him realize how it felt being in charge of someone as helpless, innocent and vulnerable as you were.
And he had to weirdly admit he liked it.
At this point in time he’d already forgotten how he managed to lose track of you for a second, and how you ended up injured on the ground. The only thing he knew was that this was one of the very few things in life he both regretted, and at the same time was more than simply thankful for. Because a hit to your head was all he needed in order to get to this point in his life.
Jongup’s mindset wasn’t really the best, and it was the thing that brought him into trouble most of the times. He was thinking too little, and feeling too much. Acting upon emotion rather than thinking his moves through. So when he walked over to Youngjae the following evening, his request didn’t sound surprising to Youngjae at all.
“I need help,” he casually admitted, sitting down in an nearby armchair while Youngjae was working on sorting some files and information on the computer in his cozy little corner of the base.
“Say that again but let me record it first,” Youngjae chuckled, his eyes widening in amusement and disbelief, “You asking for help. On top of that, someone like me. God, that’s pathetically hilarious.”
“Shut it,” Jongup hissed throwing one leg over another, “It’s not kill-related, and requires actual thinking and the ability to communicate. If you haven’t noticed yet, growing up I learned to shoot instead to hold a conversation, so I’d appreciate if you showed me some respect and mercy, as well as gave me a helping hand.”
“Mastermind Jae at your command,” Youngjae turned around in his chair, eyeing the lad up and down, wondering what was possibly going through his mind and at the same time being aware he’d never know. It wasn’t written all over his face, and wasn’t bloody obvious, so unless he wanted to spill it would never come to light.
“(Y/N),” he paused a little, seeing Youngjae’s puzzled facial expression, “is the name of the girl from yesterday. You remember her?”
“I like where this is heading,” Youngjae smirked, casually leaning on one of the chair’s armrests, “God, I’m curious now. Yeah, she’s hard to forget, isn’t she?”
“She’s currently in hospital, without any signs of waking up anytime soon, but only for now. I need you to sort a few things for me.”
“But why though? Looks like you’d been able to investigate on your own already, and if you know this much already, my help here is clearly unneeded-”
“I need to see her,” Jongup blurted out, looking at his hands as he felt Youngjae’s gaze teasingly piercing through him. He should’ve probably asked literally anyone else, but it would’ve been a hundred times more complicated. Youngjae would just remind him about this conversation up until he was on his deathbed, and if this was the consequence he’d have to live with, Jongup was ready to accept it.
“How do you imagine this? She wakes up to see you - the person she’s only seen brutally murdering at least ten other people while she witnessed - and you really think she’ll jump at you, call you her hero and drown you in kisses and hugs-”
“I don’t know what will happen, honestly,” he said, looking Youngjae right in the eyes, “But in case this will turn out troublesome, I’ve handled worse situations. Just make sure to, like, write me in as a relative or a close friend or something. So that once she waked up I’ll be able to go and visit her without additional question from the doctors and staff or additional people in the room.”
“Okay, this is interesting enough for me to work on it, we don’t have a lot going on here currently anyways, so wish granted,” Youngjae said, turning around in his chair to face the computer again.
“You know she won’t be at your feet the moment she sees you though, right?” Youngjae’s words came out right as Jongup was about to close the door behind him and step out into the hallway.
“Well, I  didn’t expect that anyways-”
“Just know that, whatever intentions you have - and I can’t really imagine you having any sorts of serious feelings towards anyone, and in the least a girl you don’t even know like her - it might turn out ugly once she gets into contact with you. Knowing you, she’ll probably get toyed around with for a while and you will use her till the last bit, just to throw her out of your life afterwards. And that might lead to a bad outcome, because she’d have “I’ve had ties with Moon Jongup” written all over her being, which would be quite life-threatening if the wrong people found out. Do it at your own risk.”
At his own risk. Yes, he was aware, and he was ready to take that risk, because he knows how this could unfold. He didn’t have any sort of strong feelings towards you at that point yet - it was rather plain interest.
Youngjae was a mastermind for a reason, as when you opened your eyes for the first time in days, the first person you you saw besides the doctors and the nurses was him.
Jongup, standing in the doorway and looking all sorts of things, but most of all - awkwardly cute and lost.
You eyed him up and down. Did he seem familiar? The real question was - was he supposed to seem familiar at all, because he didn’t. 
You felt your cheeks slightly turning red as you looked at him. He wasn’t that tall, but he was quite build, and the black t-shirt and casually thrown on unbuttoned plaid shirt looked surprisingly stunning on him. The floor slightly squeaked when he stepped into the room, and the closer he got to you, the further you wanted to scoot away from him to the other side of the bed.
He looked so perfect, you had to admit, and it made you slightly uneasy at heart. Out of all of the things in this world, the first thing you felt after this incident you had just woken up from was pure embarrassment and attraction to a stranger you were sure you saw for the first time today. He quietly sat down on the edge of the bed next to you, and gave you a sympathetic look. His eyes were so crystal clear, and his cheekbones so defined. His face was shaped to be a model’s, if it wasn’t for the birthmark on his nose. But you found it charming to some extent, feeling it only added some originality to his looks and made him a little bit unique.
“Can you recall this young man, (Y/N)?” you heard a voice say, and suddenly felt the whole burdens of the world on your shoulders.
You had to know him, after all, but you simply couldn’t wrap your mind around it. You studied his face, feeling like you were slowly drowning in his stare and unable to swim out of the deep end. Hurt seemed to be displayed in the looks he gave you, and you hated to know you were about to make it worse.
“I’m sorry, I can’t.”
Silence followed for a little moment, and you desperately wanted to look away and to run. But as realization slowly hit you, you couldn’t tear your gaze away from his, as it seemed like the only thing you currently had in this world.
Memories.. They all seemed to be.. gone. You realized you couldn’t recall a single thing about your life, and it scared you to the point of fainting, until you heard the doctor’s voice again.
“And how about anyone else? Is there someone you can remember that you want us to contact so you can see them?”
“No, I don’t remember anyone,” you said after a moment, gulping and finally looking away to the floor, “In fact, I can’t currently remember anything…”
“..I’m Jongup…”
You hesitantly let your eyes meet with his again, and his stare was less hurt and demanding than previously. You swore you saw a spark in his eyes, as well as relief and a newfound desire, but you simply shook it off. What could he be possibly happy about in a situation like this? Your eyes must be playing tricks on you yet again.
There wasn’t much to witness anymore, as everything was more than crystal clear already. The doctors and nurses left you two alone in the room for a bit, just for you two to have what you thought was a reunion.
“..Jongup.. You are.. ”
“Your boyfriend of three years.”
Silence followed as thoughts kept running not only through your mind, but through his as well. The sentence escaped his mouth rather spontaneously, and he was surprised at himself for not quite thinking this out, not even in the least. Looking into your eyes though, he understood you had a complete blackout memory loss, not being able to recall absolutely anything, so he could easily roll with this.
As long as nothing brought your memory back, he could use the situation to make it a thousand times easier for himself, even if it wasn’t a fair game. But nothing’s fair in love and war, or so people keep saying at least, so why should he care?
Since this wasn’t war, could this eventually become love?
You seemed to believe, suddenly getting all shy and non-talkative. He had to try his best to recall how to use a sweet tone, as he’d never done it, and try to remember what was appropriate in communication with pretty girls like you. He suddenly felt so lost, and found it hilarious how he could take down five tuff guys with ease, but found it hard to talk to a girl with memory loss who would believe literally anything he said.
Days kept passing, and he kept visiting, until you were free to go home from the hospital. Not knowing where this home of your was, you were met by Jongup who was waiting for you in the hallway, half-smiling at you and leading you out of the building and to his car. 
Those were some fun days, or so you liked to refer to them at least nowadays that they were gladly over. He’d tried his best to revamp his apartment to look like a female had been present in it this whole time, buying all sorts of things and putting them in places he thought would be appropriate. You stepped into the apartment, not being aware this was in fact the first time you set your foot here, instead being convinced you’d lived here before. Asking where everything was located and questioning him about different things, you made your way around the house, examining it. He watched you, feeling like a monster for taking a hold of you like that and lying to you, since he didn’t even know his intentions at that point yet, but then again - should he care at this point?
You were simply cute, and he’d decided he wanted you. For how long and in what way, he didn’t know. But since he was heartless and such a snake at heart, he figured this was just his regular nature and how he was. He was true to himself through lying to you.
Interacting was hard at first. You found Jongup to be awkwardly sweet, but most of all - patient, even though he had a hard time keeping that attitude up at first. He’d lived alone or with the other members since he could remember, and none of this sweet talk type of thing had ever happened before. He wasn’t used to little conversations in the evening, and he wasn’t used to curious questions, “thank yous” and heartfelt compliments. He wasn’t used to getting greeted in a kind fashion upon arriving home from what was either a boring day with paperwork and making plans or a murder mission, and he wasn’t used to the smell of homemade dinner coming from the kitchen upon arriving.
Slowly but steadily, he found himself enjoying your presence. In between this whole hate and pain that had fueled his life up until this moment in time, it was a nice escape from the ordinary. You went a long way, from the first night when he insisted he’d sleep on the couch since you probably felt uncomfortable sleeping in one bed with him but you insisted it was fine, because you wanted him to get good rest, up until the moment you wrapped your arms around him lovingly for the first time. You were developing your relationship from what you thought was scratch, and it seemed so humble and loving from him to give you your time and be patient, seemingly making sure you fell in love with him all over again before he would act like your lover again. 
Little did you know it all was a lie, and in reality he wasn’t the sweet boyfriend you thought he was. He was a horrible monster who’d taken you into his custody, lying to your face every morning he woke up next to you and called you sweet names.
You chuckled and smiled when he pinned you to the kitchen counter, telling you this was the spot you shared your first kiss at, and you even thought you tasted something familiar when his lips met yours back then. That’s how much he had fucked you up already, to the point your memory played tricks on you and you would start believing that all of these feelings in your gut that you experienced every time you saw him were something you could recall from the past, before everything you had ever known was erased from your mind for seemingly forever. He made everything seem so vivid, and the lies he told you were so perfect and well thought-out they even surprised him. With every passing day, with every little connection, no matter emotional or physical, you felt like you were slowly heading home again, while he felt like the complete opposite - he was caught in feelings and emotions he didn’t know he possessed, and he was simply scared that at some point you’d find out. After all, even the members who at this point knew about his devilish and twisted ways warned him. Youngjae was right when he said that you could remember even though the therapy classes he took you to were nothing but fake and a setup, and Himchan was right when he told him keeping you in the dark and alone, free to go whenever and wherever you wanted was a bad idea and would end in either scandal or death if the wrong people found out about you two.
This couldn’t end well in any possible case, could it? So his first initial idea was to keep you around only for a while, just to see how it felt having a lover instead of a one-night stand. Having support given to him instead of plain pleasure that would vanish soon enough anyways. But with every passing day, he understood more and more that he couldn’t resist anymore. Your stares warmed him, and the way you sat on the bed, your legs crossed as he quietly approached and sat across from you had his heart beating faster. The way your arms wrapped around him and your tongue played with his as you kissed all of his pain away, and the way you quietly chuckled, laying down on your back on the soft blankets and pulling him along, running your hands up and down his back as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, breathing deeply and closing his eyes, wondering why something as insignificant as this felt so good and so wrong at the same time. 
Why he thought it was utter madness to feel addicted to your presence, and why you believed all of his lies about him working as a business man and having an inconstant schedule because of that. Him being a sweetheart in the deepest corners of his soul. Him being a perfect lover and letting you take your time, not forcing himself on you. Him telling you to stay home only because he was certain he could make enough money for both of you to survive and you needed to emotionally get back on your feet after everything you’d been though.
Him being your angel, so pure and innocent. Him being beyond non-see through. Him being your boyfriend of three years, as well as being so peaceful he wasn’t capable of hurting anyone ever. It was all lies.
He’d lost too many screws already. He was not only a mad man and a murder machine, but a liar. A liar in love.
It wasn’t until the next evening when hell broke loose. Quite ironic, as he’d spent the previous night mostly unable to fall asleep as his mind raced of possibilities how to stretch this time he had left with you on for as long as possible, and how to hide the truth in order to keep you here by his side, forever.
“Jongup-ah,” you told him, making him smile as his face hovered only inches above yours, his hands holding you firmly by your hips, “You’re home early today. How was your day?”
“Bearable,” he said, not lying in the least, because this really was the only appropriate term to describe it, “But I feel like it might get a lot better now that I’m home..”
Too bad it didn’t.
“Move!!” it was Youngjae who banged through the apartment door first, closely followed by Daehyun and a few more figures Jongup didn’t recognize. Since you were already wrapped up in his arms at that moment, it wasn’t hard for him to instantly cover your frame with his, pulling you away behind a corner that could at least halfways be considered a safe zone.
“Are you stupid? Why the hell would you lead them here?!” you heard Jongup yell, and as you looked up at him, shock clearly written all over your face, you couldn’t believe what you saw.
You knew this view, you were certain. You didn’t know when or where, but you’d already seen this before.
A devilish smile plastered across his face as he shot. A desire to hit targets perfectly. A face that displayed utter anger at first, but quickly changed into lustful desire when he saw the first body hit the ground with a thud. A fire arising inside of him that quickly made him turn into a murder machine, chuckling maniacally as he shot again and again, recharging in seconds just to shoot some more.
“Jongup-ah.. What’s happening here-”
“Let me take care of this first, babygirl,” he told you, sending shivers down your spine with the sly and disgustingly smug tone he used, “Then we’ll talk.”
Tears strained your vision as you didn’t quite know where to direct your stare. It was a whole gang against these three guys, one of those three being your lovely Jongup. The sweet sunshine you called your boyfriend. The guy who’d been through thick and thin with you before and after your memory loss. The guy who couldn’t sway a fly..
..But could take enemies down with ease, having perfect aim and an unbearably disgusting desire to set destruction into everything he touched.
B.A.P hadn’t lost an argument ever. Even without half the team present, it didn’t take the remaining guys long to deal with the enemy, showcasing their never ending skill yet again and ending everything soon enough with just a few swift moves.
“What were you two thinking?!” Jongup stepped out from behind his hideout, his arm that was previously tightly wrapped around you loosening it’s grip and disconnecting from your frame entirely as he went to give Youngjae and Daehyun a piece of his mind, “Does my apartment look like something you have the right to destroy during a gunfight?!”
“There was no time, and I couldn’t possibly reach you. We wouldn’t have made it on our own,” Youngjae said, panting heavily as he tried to regain his breath from the running around and trying to stay alive. 
You’d been frozen in your tracks from when this whole thing started, and only now you started feeling all of your senses slowly coming back to you. Slowly but steadily, rising up things that seemed like memories to you.
A family gathering. A walk through dimly lit streets and alleyways with your family in order to get home sooner. An unfortunate encounter. Gunshots and screams. Blood straining the pavement. Your cries when you saw you’d made it, but the rest of your family didn’t. And the main reason you made it - him, holing you the same way he did today and calling you the same name. Smiling that same wicked smile and shooting like there was no tomorrow.
And then, out of nowhere, what seemed to be a hit to the head followed.
You flinched at the thought, causing Daehyun to react and point his gun at you in less than a second. His eyes met yours, and he lowered the weapon immediately as he understood who you were.
That’s when Jongup snapped back to reality, seemingly remembering about your presence. Worry and fear crossed his face as he turned around slowly, facing your shivering and crying frame. His gaze met yours, and it was undeniable your world was breaking apart right there and right then. He gulped, trying to think of an excuse. And explanation. Anything, since he could wrap you around his finger and alter your emotions and memories the way he wanted them to be. But his brain refused to cooperate.
“(Y/N).. Listen, I-”
“You lied,” you quietly said, trying to keep your eyes locked with his. Your knees were on the edge of giving out after all of this sudden stress, and your head felt dizzy. He took a few wary steps towards, cautiously stretching his arms out to get a hold of you, but the second he touched you, you flinched, moving away to a distance you thought was a safe one.
“(Y/N), calm down, let me tell you-”
“You’ve told enough, I think. All I want to know is who the hell are you, because you definitely aren’t who you’d been trying to come off as since I first saw you.”
It finally got to him. The scenery you just witnessed was too similar to simply pass without triggering any type of emotions, but more than that - memories. His face displayed nothing but plain horror as he saw you moving further away from him, crying and wanting to get away, although the safest place on planet earth for you to be in were his arms.
“I-I’m Jongup, your boyfriend-”
“Of three years, or is it four at this point already?!” you cried out in frustration, “Don’t try to sell me that information, it won’t work anymore. You’re not my fucking boyfriend, and you’ve apparently never been, as I don’t even properly know you-”
“(Y/N), wait,” he said as he saw you backing off to the door and extending your hand back to try and figure out where the exit was without breaking eye contact with him. Jongup wanted to scream at Youngjae and Daehyun to move, to make you unable to run away and to help him lock you away somewhere, with no chance of escape up until you calmed down enough to talk first. But they stood dead in their tracks, and Jongup feared that if he turned to them or even just called them out, you would make a run for it.
Although, the run was inevitable at this point already, and it took him only a few more seconds to see you backing away enough to sprint out the door and into the staircase.
“(Y/N), wait, goddamn it!” he screamed in arising panic as he followed closely, running as fast as possible and somehow finally bringing Youngjae and Daehyun back to reality, making them follow as well.
You hadn’t run this fast in your lifetime, as you sprinted four or five steps down the stairs at once, clinging onto the railings in order to not smash against the wall at every turn you took. Even Jongup had a hard time keeping up with you, and when he exited the staircase and got out on the street, you were a little ahead of him, sprinting off to literally anywhere where he wasn’t present.
“(Y/N), I’ll catch up anyways-” his words were cut short as a bullet zapped past his nose, leaving a little scar on it as it barely touched his flesh while passing by. His senses were brought back to reality, as he understood that the guys he, Youngjae and Daehyun had just dealt with were only a part of the whole gang, the other part having just made it to this place.
“(Y/N), watch out!” he screamed out, just to be knocked down to the ground and behind a car by Youngjae.
“Keep it together now, man,” he hissed, throwing him a gun, “And watch them, or rather where they shoot. You won’t catch up with her now, so the best you can do is try to prevent those bastards from having and realizing the brilliant idea of shooting her before you.”
Your eyes were still filled with tears and your vision foggy as you ran, afraid for what might come. Freaked out by how you blindly believed him all this time and by how he toyed around with you, taking control of you while you trusted him with your whole heart. Making you believe. Using you. Making you his puppet and possession. Making you fall in love with him.
What you didn’t realize is his cheeks were about to be tear-strained too. He could count the times he cried on one hand, and this was another rare addition. A new fury and force rose up in him as he screamed out, shooting anywhere and everywhere. Youngjae and Daehyun had to be the ones to hold him back from running out in the street, and had to be the sane ones, as he had lost his mind completely. His eyes never left your frame, and, as he saw you disappearing into the distance, the only thing he was glad about was the fact you were away from this scene. Away from all the danger and the possibilities of getting majorly hurt.
But for how long would that last? How long could you be out there alone, without literally anything? Without a phone, without money and a place to stay. And on top of that, with an invisible stamp on you that marked you as his lover, if you wanted it or not. 
He wasn’t sure if anyone who could misuse that information at all, but there was still a possibility it could be used against him. Against you. Or rather, against both of you, as from the moment he took you in your fates were more or less sealed together.
“(Y/N)!” he screamed and freed himself from Youngjae and Daehyun’s tight grips, running off to where you had gone. They called him back, told him it was useless, but he wouldn’t listen.
He never listened anyways.
“(Y/N!!)” his voice kept ringing through the streets, but you were nowhere to be seen. He seemed to have ran around forever, but you’d left him without a trace. Wiping away desperate tears and hiding away his weapon, he slowed down, stumbling around a little before falling on his knees.
His stare was fixated at the ground as Youngjae and Daehyun finally reached him, cautiously staying behind a little and not saying a word in case his sudden sorrow and devastation turned into an angry tantrum in seconds. After all, his mood swings were no joke, and the guys knew it better than anyone else.
His breathing was heavy and sweat was straining his forehead as he squeezed his eyes shut for a bit and clenched his hands into fists until his knuckles went white. 
You were gone, and he didn’t know where you’d end up now. He didn’t know where to look or how to find you. And it was his fault all along, since the very moment he noticed you and decided he wanted you.
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noonaduck · 5 years
We used to be so in love.
Pairing: B.A.P Yongguk x reader, Daehyun x reader genre: non idol AU, Angst, Smut, oneshot Words: 7212 Summary: When you find your fiancee cheating on you your whole world falls apart. Luckily there is another man to collect the pieces and help you towards healing.
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[gifs belongs to their rightful owners.]
You were shaking when Yongguk pushed deeper into you. His sweet words and gentle hands were always able to make you melt. You searched hiss lips and pulled him closer. His lips answered to yours feverishly and your tongues danced in language that only two of you knew.  Yongguk puts his thump to your clit at rubs it rhythmically. You separate from his lips with gasp.
‘'Come for me baby.'' His lips brush your ear and you feel yourself tightening around him. You feel your core shaking and stars fulls your vision when you hit your climax. ''That's it, you are my good girl.'' Yongguk praises you and with few last thrust he follows your climax and warm seed fills you.
~~ The moon was bright and shined trough the open window's curtains which moved along with the wind. His love was sleeping peacefully, her eyes tightly closed and a blanked tightly in her fist. Sweet smile on her lips told story about happy dreams she was having. Yongguk was sitting next to her and strokes gently her soft hair. His lover sifted on her sleep and the man got scared that he woke her up. Luckily she just rolled over and kicked her blanked into messy pile in the end of bed. The ring on her hand got his attention. It hasn't been long when he had given it for her. When she said yes was happiest day in his life. It was breaking his heart that he needs to take it back so quickly and let her go because of another woman.
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The movie had ended couple of minutes ago and you were following the crowd out from the theater. You were holding Yongguk's hand so you wouldn't lose him in the mass of people. You had went to see a new comedy movie which his friend Junhong had wanted to see for long time along with their other friend Himchan. ''So, did you guys like it?'' Junhong asks excitedly. His deep brown eyes glowed under the dim streetlights and his face was full of excitement.  His messy blonde hair was covered by grey beanie and he was wearing a loose white hoodie alongside some sweatpants. ''It was okay.'' You shrug your shoulder and Junhong's face turns into exaggerated shock. ''Just okay? If i remember correctly, you were laughing as much as I did.'' He argues. ''Hush you little children, It's already late.'' Himchan rolls his eyes. Himchan is wearing a leather jacket with v-collar t-shirt accompanied with white ripped jeans. You fake pout to Yongguk and he takes you into his embrace. Yongguk is wearing a black hoodie and denim jacket over it with black jeans. You lean in his embrace and are able to smell scent of his deodorant mixed his own shooting body odor. Its always able to calm you down. ''Himchan, don't be rude to Y/N.'' Yongguk says whith soft smile. ''Hey, what about me? He called me a child as well.'' Junhong murmurs and Himchan let's small chuckle escape from his lips. ''Don't except that Yongguk defends you, after he started to date Y/N he has been tied around her finger.'' ''Jealous much?'' You peek under Yongguk's arm and poke your tongue out. Yongguk rolls his eyes and smiles widely. ''You are sometimes really childish, but you are my childish Y/N.'' he says and pokes your nose. This time you pout for real, which causes both Junhong and Himchan laugh for your defeat.
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 You are going trough your mail and feel like crying. You had again another demand of payment from loan which you even haven't taken. After your father has passed away last year all his dept had fallen for you, dept that you didn't even known that he had. When you had get first threatening letter you had thought that it was some sort of sick joke. You had ripped the paper in half and thrown it away. When the second one came you were less sure about it. Finally when a scary looking man had came behind your door demanding payment you had to believe it was true. Your dad had taken illegal loan from loan shark to pay his gambling dept. Apparently he was addicted to gambling, but had been extremely good at hiding it. On the outside he had seemed like regular person who worked in office for five days in the week. But the truth had been other as you had found out, when you got to know that he had lost his job over a year before his death. He had faked that he still was working. What it came to your mother she had left you when you were mere two years old. She had found a new man and started a new family with him. You are sitting at the kitchen table with your friend Youngjae and staring at the pile of papers like they could magically disappear. You lived in small apartment with Yongguk which consisted from small kitchen, living room, one bathroom and of course bedroom. The walls of your kitchen were painted in light yellow to bring sun inside the small kitchen. The cabinets were dark wood and table tops were white granite. Yongguk was still at work so you were able to be swallowed in your misery in peace. You still haven't told him about your situation, even though you and him had been together for three years. You look the small diamond ring on your hand and deep quilt is eating your guts. You knew how long he had had save money to buy it for you. ''It's okay we will figure this out.''  Youngjae says and takes your hand into his. He is only one who knows about your dept and he had only found out by mistake when he had found opened threat for payment from your bedroom. ''But how Jae? I can barely keep up with the payments and I'm scared to death that Yongguk finds out and leaves me and...''You sniff and begin to cry in middle of your sentence. ''It's okay Y/N, I'm here.'' Youngjae squeezes your hand tighter and tamp your wet eyes with paper towel with his free hand. You hear your front door open and you look the papers speared on the table in panic. You begin to collect the bills in hurry and Youngjae helps you hide them under the table cloth. ''I'm home.'' You hear Yongguk's tired voice coming from the front door. ''I'm here oppa.'' You call back and try look natural as possible when he steps into kitchen. ''Hi Jae.'' Yongguk greets Youngjae when he notices him and peeks your cheek. ''Hi hyung.'' Youngjae nods when Yongguk pulls a chair next to you. ''How was work?'' You ask and fumble your hands awkwardly on your lap. ''Tiring. What you two had been up to?'' He yawns and hangs his arm lazily over your shoulder. ''We have been just hanging  around.'' Youngjae shrugs naturally, he is better at lying than you are. ''I see.'' Yongguk nods yawning again. ''You should take a nap, you seem really tired.'' You suggest and Yongguk agrees almost instantly. ''Yes, I should. It was nice to see you again Jae.'' Yongguk peeks this time your lips and leaves from the kitchen. ''You too hyung.'' Youngjae yells after him. You pull the papers under the table cloth with shaking hands and turn your eyes to Yongjae. ''It was too close.'' You say scared. ''You can't hide this forever from him.'' Youngjae smiles sadly. ''I can try.'' 
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It was a regular night and you were watching a TV with Yongguk. Some old drama was rerunning on the screen and you weren't really paying your full attention to it. The room was dark except the light coming from the TV. You were sitting on the leather couch next to your fiancee who had seemed rather distant lately. You put blame of it for his work, which has taken his time more and more lately. He had came home late at night or not at all. Still you couldn't blame him, Yongguk had dreamed about career as an artist, and when his chance had finally came he had worked twice as hard than before.  His debut was nearing and it was causing lot of stress on him. You leaned on his shoulder and he changed his position awkwardly. ''Oppa, whats wrong?'' You ask worriedly. ''Nothing, I'm just tired.'' He says without turning his eyes away from the screen. You are quite sure that Yongguk didn't like the drama which was playing, but still decided to pay attention for it instead of you. ''Okay.'' You say weakly and straighten your posture. For a while you just keep staring the screen with nothing seeing eyes. You try to take his hand into yours and Yongguk stands up. ''I'm tired. I will go to sleep.'' He says and storms out of the room leaving you alone into confused and sad state.
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You are at the mall with Himachan and Youngjae. You had asked their help to pick a birthday gift for Yongguk. His birthday was coming in few weeks and you weren't good with presents. So you had turned to Himchan, who was closest to Yongguk, and Youngjae, who was your best friend. ''How about this?'' You ask while pointing at black scarf which was hanging on mannequin's neck. ''Ehh, I'm not so sure that he is going to like that.'' Himchan says and Youngjae shakes his head on agreement. ''I don't know. Every year I'm almost near of full panic attack when I try to think a present for him.'' You are desperate. ''What did you bought him last year?'' Himchan ask when you exit another store empty handed. ''I bought him some expensive high quality paper and pencils and even back then it wasn't my idea.'' ''It was mine.'' Youngjae says proudly. ''And if I remember correctly he liked that gift a lot.'' ''He did.'' You admit. You haven't known Himchan for long because he was still living in different country last year. He and Yongguk had been childhood best friends who had happened to bump up to each other after Himchan had returned. Their friendship had continued like it had never ended at first place. Your stomach growls and you smile awkwardly. ''I think that its time for lunch break.'' ''Fine by me.'' Youngjae agrees. ''Sure.'' Himchan nods and you three head towards the restaurant area. You agree to eat at Subway and enter the place when your eyes land on the table where Yongguk is sitting with a strange woman. That's odd, he said that he is working, you thought confused. The pair seems to be too deep to focused into their conversation so they don't notice your presence. ''Isn't that Yongguk hyung?'' Youngjae asks surprised when he notices them. You are still on the line waiting on your turn to make your order. ''Indeed, It seems it is.'' Himchan confirms what you already know. Before you are able to yell his name or go to him the woman kisses him. Yongguk doesn't stop her and stays still until she pulls away. You must admit that she is pretty, She has long shiny black hair, heart shaped face with small mouth and round brown eyes. She is wearing a tight white shirt with a red mini skirt and the clothes are fitting on her hourglass figure like a glove. her legs seems never ending and are covered with knee length brown boots. Huge sob leaves your lips and then Yongguk notices you. You turn around run away while cries rips your chest. You don't care about the confused and curious looks which are given to you by other mall visitors. ''Y/N wait.'' Youngjae yells after you, but you keep running.
You feel so humiliated and ashamed of yourself. Busy with work, in my ass! Someone grabs your hand and you try to pry away. ''Jae let me go.'' You say and try to rip yourself of. Tears are making your eyes watery and everything is foggy in your eyes. ''I'm not Jae.'' Yongguk's familiar deep voice answers and you feel rage rushing trough your veins. ''Why? Why did you do this to me?'' You yell sobbingly and start hitting him with your free arm. ''Y/N calm down, don't make a scene.'' Yongguk says and grabs also your free hand on his grip. ''Don't make a scene, you say! I make a scene if I want to!'' You try to wiggle away from his arms. Himachan and Youngjae are able to reach you while you were arguing. ''As much as I want to punch Yongguk right now he is right, we don't want to security to come here.'' Yongjae fums with rage and you easily notice the drop of honorifics in his sentence. You take a deep breath and try to calm yourself. When you are still Yongguk lets you go and takes a step backwards. You are getting curious looks and some people even stopped to stare what the commotion was about. Himchan is strangely quiet for his nature and just keeps staring his feet awkwardly. ''There you are Gukkie!'' The woman who kissed Yongguk earlier arrives at the scene and hangs herself on his left side. Yongguk doesn't pry her of and the anger fums again inside of you. ''That's it, we are done!'' You rip your engagement ring from your hand and throw it to Yongguk's face. Yongguk  looks you with face which is hard to read and you storm away sobbing without caring who would see you. Youngjae tries to leave after you, but one glance from you makes him halt his steps. Your face was so broken and full of sorrow that he didn't know what to do.
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It's raining and small raindrops compete who reaches the end of the window at first. You are sitting on your new apartment floor surrounded by unopened boxes on the floor. It was few weeks after the episode on the mall and you were finally able to have place on your own. You had lived with Youngjae for a while, but came fast to conclusion that you needed your place of own.  You were on luck when you had get an apartment this fast. The place was small only with one room combined living space/bedroom and small kitchen. First thing that you had done when you had put final piece of kitchen supplies away was to open big jar of ice cream and started to shovel it into your mouth like a starving man. Youngjae had left you alone a half hour ago after you had convinced him that you were okay. There were still few boxes to empty, but you weren't in the mood to do so.  A loud thud from other side of wall disturbs your pity parade and you look around confused. Its completely quiet until you hear it again. You frown curious and put the ice cream away. The noise must be coming from the apartment next to you. You get up from the floor and walk next to wall where the sound came from. You put your ear on the wall and listen. Thud, the sound comes again. You decide to find out what it is about and leave your apartment to knock your neighbor's door. The door is opened shortly after and a man with sand colored hair on the top and dark from the bottom comes into view. The man looks young with his boyish features. He has short straight nose and brown eyes surrounded by thick eyelashes. His straight brows are thicker closer the nose and  narrows down towards other end. On his lower lip is two silver lip rings which he is chewing when his curious eyes meet yours. He is wearing red lumberjack shirt and washed white jeans. his feet are bare which you think is odd when you think about the cold weather. ''Can I help you?'' The man asks and tilts his head. You sift awkwardly after too long silence. ''Umm, I just moved here and I heard some noise coming from your place and I wanted to come check what it was about.'' You explain. ''Oh, I'm sorry about that. Me and my roommate got carried away while we were playing a video game. It's cool that someone finally moved in. I'm Jung Daehyun.'' The man smiles and offers his hand for you. ''I'm L/N Y/N.'' You shake Daehyun's hand and answer his smile. ''Do you wanna come in? It's always nice to get new company.'' Daehyun offers and opens his door wider. ''I don't want to disturb you.'' You sift awkwardly. ''Trust me, you won't.'' Daehyun's smile get even wider if that is even possible. ''Then okay.'' You finally agree and step in to his luxurious apartment. You are in shock when you look around. The place is huge, but now when you think about it it only makes sense that there is only one neighbor in your floor which is highest of the building. You are in entry hall where huge framed mirror is hanging on the wall and next to it open door which leads in to walk in closet. wide three step stairs leads into huge living are where is two white leather couches in front of huge TV, which is located in front of full wall length windows and balcony. The floors are made of black wood and open kitchen is located on the left side of the living space. the walls are light gray and the walls are full of colorful abstract paintings. another three steps stairs lead into platform where is three black doors with metal handles. On the other couch is sitting man his back towards the front door. You can only see his brown mob of hair and his left ear where is three silver earrings hanging. The man is trying to beat some unfamiliar video game and curses loudly. ''Jongup we have company.'' Daehyun yells happily from the door. You and him walk closer to couches. ''Give me a minute.'' Jongup answers his eyes never leaving the screen. He curses loudly when huge red letters scream GAME OVER. ''Fuck it.'' He yells and tosses controller on the living room table. Finally he spins around and his curious eyes finds you. He has narrow dark eyes, which almost makes him look mean, straight nose with small mole on his bridge. His nose widens slightly from the end and his lips are plumb and wide. He is wearing tight black t-shirt, as far as you can tell because you only see part of him body. ''Oh, who is she?'' Jongup asks curiously and smiles. ''She is Y/N, she just moved next to us.'' Daehyun explains. ''It's nice to meet you, I'm Moon Jongup.'' Jongup tells with grin. he stands up from the couch and circles around it to face you. ''It's nice to meet you as well.'' You smile softly.
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After your first meeting you got pretty close with your neighbors. You also introduced Youngjae to them and he joined your small group. You were having a movie night at Jongup's and Daehyun's place and Youngjae was also joined your company. You had learned that Daehyun's family was loaded and in fact owned the building where you were living at the moment. Youngjae and Jongup were arguing over which movie you should watch, Jongup wanted to watch some new anime movie and  Youngjae wanted to watch Aquaman again. You and Daehyun really didn't care and you were cuddled on one of the couches and eating popcorn. Daehyun tries to throw popcorn into his mouth, but fails miserably and the popcorn fells onto his lap. You laugh for him and he rolls his eyes. ''Noona tell Jongup that you want to watch Aquaman.'' Youngjae pouts. You are one year older than him and older of Daehyun by two months. Jongup was youngest of all even though he didn't look like it. ''To be honest I don't really care what we are watching.'' You mumble and Jongup chuckles. ''I told you so, you should already give up.'' He smirks like he is already won. ''Dae?'' Yongjae pleas. Daehyun isn't one who cares for formalities and after long debate Youngjae had agreed to use his nickname. ''I agree with Y/N, everything is fine.'' He says apologetic. Youngjae and Jongup keeps fighting and Daehyun gets up from the couch. ''Where are you going?'' You ask. ''I'm going to get our drinks from the fridge. i can't stand this sober.'' he grins wickedly and walks to the fridge.     You are getting little bit buzzed while Jongup's movie choice is playing on the back round. After heated match of rock, paper, scissors Jongup had won and Youngjae was watching the movie while sulking. You take another sip from your beer when you feel Daehyun's hand wandering along your leg under the blanket which is pulled top both of the you. You almost choke to your drink, but Daehyun acts like nothing happened. ''Y/N are you okay?'' Jongup asks worriedly and you nod your head. ''I'm fine, I just got drink into my windpipe.'' You assure while Daehyun is showing innocent face. ''Okay.'' Jongup turns his attention back to the movie. Daehyun's hand begins to wander again along your leg and stops on the end of your skirt's hem. ''Tell me to stop if you want me to.'' He whispers and you shiver when his hot breath tickles your ear. Sure you and him had flirted innocently, but it had never lead this far. His hand moves towards your inner thigh and he strokes it gently. He pretends to follow the movie and you have turned your eyes towards the screen as well. His hand begins to wander higher and soon his fingers stops to your panties. Daehyun begins to circle your clit top of your panties and you can feel yourself getting turned on. Your breath hitch and you see Daehyun smirk from corner of your eyes. Luckily neither Jongup or Youngjae seems to notice. Daehyun stops his fingers motions and slips his index and middle finger inside of your panties. He pushes your clit gently and sticks his index finger inside of your wet core. His movements are subtle and you can't see outside of blanket what he is doing. Your hand finds his wrist and you squeeze it with warning. ''Be a good girl for me, You don't want that Jongup and Youngjae knows what we are doing, don't you?'' Daehyun leans closer to your ear and you can feel his lips movement on your earlobe. ''No.'' You gasp quietly and Daehyun turns his eyes again towards the TV. He continues to torture your body and circling your clit with his thump while his index finger pushes and pulls in steady rhythm into your hole. He adds more pressure to your clit and slips his middle finger also so into your wet heat. You moan out loud and both Jongup and Youngjae turns to look at you confused. ''I think that Y/N's stomach is hurting.'' Daehyun hurries to save you. ''Ye-yes, I ate too much popcorn.'' You agree blushing faintly. ''That sucks.'' Youngjae says and smiles with pity. ''Do you want to end the movie?'' he adds and you hurry to shake your head. ''No, I think I will be okay.'' You say Daehyun's halted fingers still inside of you.   ''If you are sure'' Jongup hesitate only for moment and turns his attention back towards the movie. Daehyun pulls his fingers out of you and for the rest of the movie you sit next to him hot at bothered your panties soaking with your juices. You start to imagine your revenge in your mind.
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You keep staring a letter in your hands and reading it over and over again. ' Dear L/N Y/N, Your dept is completely paid. We hope to hear from you again if you ever need another loan' There is only two sentences and the letter is shockingly formal for one that come from loan sharks. You take your phone which is laying next to you on your bed and dial quickly to Yongjae. He answers after few peep. You: ''Did you do it?'' Jae: ''Did I do what? And Hello to you too.'' You: ''Did you pay my dept?'' Jae: ''As much as I would like to say yes, I need to ask with what money?'' You: ''Then who was it? You are only one who knew about it?'' Jae: ''Maybe it was Daehyun?'' You: ''I have never mentioned my dept for him.'' Jae: ''Then I don't know. Y/N don't look gift horse in to the mouth, just be happy.            Look, I really  need to go even if I would want to talk with you longer.           My boss is breathing to my neck.'' You: ''Okay, bye Jae.'' Jae: ''Bye Noona.'' You end your call frustrated and confused. A knock from your door pulls you away from your thoughts and you hurry to open it. Daehyun stands behind it plastic bag in his hand. ''I bough Chinese if you want some.'' He grins an lifts his bag. ''I'm starving.'' You let him in. He walks to your small kitchen table and puts the bag on top of it. ''I bought you a mandarin chicken.'' he says and takes two containers out from the bag. It has been only few days after your movie night and Daehyun hasn't brought up what happened back then. You sit opposite of him and dig into your food. You both sit in silence when Daehyun decides to turn on your small TV by the remote which is also top of your table. You are sitting your back towards the TV, but your whole body freezes in shock when you hear a familiar voice. ''So, Yongguk you deputed recently and you have already gained quite amount of fans. Is there any particular person that gives you inspiration?'' Female interviewer asks. Yongguk chuckles lightly. ''Not really. I try to get inspiration from everywhere I can get.  My surroundings, thoughts and other people around me usually is enough to inspire me.'' His familiar deep voice makes you shiver and you turn your eyes towards the TV. He looks good like always, he is wearing tight white button up shirt and black jeans which are ripped from his knees. His dark hair is pushed backwards from his forehead and the familiar smile that was always able to make your heart flutter is painted on his face. ''So you don't have a girlfriend or anything?'' The interview asks curiously. ''No, not at the moment.'' Yongguk admits. What the fuck? ''There you have it ladies, maybe you are the lucky one who steals Mr Bang's heart.'' ''Turn it of.'' You say furious and Daehyun looks you confused. You have never told him about Youngguk, only that you had recently divorced in bad terms, so he doesn't understand your reaction. ''Why?'' he asks confused. ''Just do it!'' You bark and he shuts the TV quickly. You had lost your appetite.     Later that night you are totally wasted. You had poured drink after drink to end your sorrows and now you were a sobbing mess behind Daehyn's door. ''Daedae open up.'' You yell into his mailbox and you hear quick steps coming towards the door. When Daehyun opens the door he looks you with shock. ''Jesus Y/N, what has happened to you?'' He asks and catch you right on time when you are about to fall. ''noching, Ih'm finhe.'' You slur on his grip. ''Let's get you into bed.'' He says and leads you to his bedroom. His bedroom walls are soft brown and his king sized bed is pushed in the middle of the opposite wall where the door is located. You falls onto his bed and try to pull him with you. ''cobe hjere.'' You ramble, but Daehyun takes your hands away around his neck gently. ''I don't think its good idea.'' He says softly and you pout sadly. He sighs in defeat and sits next to you on his bed. You get comfy and somehow are able to pull yourself laying on top of his chest. ''What's wrong?'' He asks and pet your hair gently. ''Younhgguk.'' You tell and bury your face on his chest. ''Yongguk?'' Daehyun asks visible confusion clear in his voice. ''Yefh, My Younhgguk. Wej ushed to be engagesd.'' You mumble into his shirt. ''Oh, I'm so sorry.'' Daehyun puts small gentle kiss top of your head. '' I'm here now. Cry if you want'' He keeps petting you hair and that is what you do. You cry until you fall sleep on his chest. your head is pounding when you wake up on next morning. You take few second to remember where you are and you look around for Daehyun. he is nowhere to be seen, but instead on his nightstand is glass of water and bottle of painkillers next to it. You gulp the water gratefully and pop few aspirins into your mouth. The bedroom door opens and Daehyun steps in. ''Hi.'' You say shyly, you feel so ashamed. You can remember yesterday's events clearly despite of your hangover. ''Hi, are you feeling any better?'' Daehyun asks smiling softly and sits next to you on his bed. ''A little.'' You admit and pick your nails. You try avoid Daehyun's stare but he pulls your chin up gently with his index finger. ''So you and Yongguk, huh?'' He asks. You sigh in defeat. ''He left me for a another woman and yesterday he said on TV that he doesn't have a girlfriend. It kind of broke me.'' You admit. ''You don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to.'' Daehyun assures you. ''Thanks, I rather want to forget.'' ''I can help you with that.'' Daehyun says and takes your face onto his hands. He puts his lips on yours and without hesitation you answer for the kiss. The kiss begins slow, but heathens when Daehyun bites you lower lip gently. You part your lips and let him explore your depths with his tongue. You separate panting and look into each other's eyes. Daehyun's eyes are hooded with lust and you are sure that your eyes mirror his. This time it is your time take his lower lip between your lips and you suck his lip rings gently. Daehyun pulls you closer and tightens his grip on your sides. Your lips begins to wander along his neck and you bite his collarbone gently. Daehyun moans and pushes your back on the bed gently. With hurried fingers he pulls your tank top's hem higher so your belly button comes into view. He plans small kiss onto it and you blush. He hurries to remove his own shirt and his tanned body comes into your view. His muscles aren't as well formed as Youngguk's, but they are definitely there. You pull yourself into sitting position and with one quick motion pull your tank top over your head. Daehyun gasps when your bare breasts come into view. You didn't have bra underneath your shirt. Daehyun pushes you back down and comes top of you his both legs open on your sides and his hands supporting his weight your head between of them. He kisses your lisp again with fever and his right hand find your nipple which is hardening by the minute. You moan into kiss and pout when he pulls away. ''You are so cute.'' Daehyun grins and soon your pout is replaced with your lips curling into small o when Daehyun's mouth finds your left nipple. He bites your nipple gently and sucks it between his teeth. His right hand begins to wander along your sides and he squeezes your side gently. Daehyun pulls himself up and his hand reaches hem on your sweatpants. You pull your hips up and Daehyun pulls your sweats along with your panties from your legs. His eyes focus to your heat and you try to cover yourself with blush. ''Please, don't.'' He says and pulls your hands away gently. ''There is no reason for you to hide. Let me taste you.'' Daehyun comes between your legs and spears them open. He dives in without a pause and and licks long strip on your heat. You shiver when his plumb lips find your clit and he sucks it gently. You can feel your juices pouring to his lips when he sucks your clit and licks your heat just from the right places on right ways. He plunges his tongue into your hole and you moan loudly. You try to close your legs around his head but he keeps them open when he fucks your heat with his tongue at painfully slow space. ''Daehyun, I need, I need more.'' You whimper and Daehyun blows air gently to your clit. ''You get more soon, I promise.'' He says and plunges his tongue again to your quivering hole. This time his space is fast and shows no mercy. His thump begins to rub your clit and you reach your high faster than in long time. Your legs shake around his head when you come and your heat spams around his tongue when he laps every last drop which you are giving him. You pant loudly when he pulls away. ''Just fuck me already.'' You are getting impatient and Daehyun laughs loudly. ''I will Baby.'' he says and reaches for condom in his nightstand drawer. He pulls his pants of and puts condom on his hard dick. His dick is beautiful and it curves lightly from the tip. With few pumps of his hand Daehyun guides his member to your entrance. He slides his dick between your folds and collects your juices for lube. Finally you feel his tip to slowly push into you. He enters slowly and lets you take your time until he begins to move in slow rhythm. ''Dae, go faster.'' You demand impatiently. Daehyun picks up his pace and pounds into you without mercy. Sound of your skins slapping against each other fulls the room and Daehyn lets groan leave his lips for a first time. ''You look so good like this, completely fucked out and your hair speared around your face.'' Daehyun says and reaches to peek your lips. You are getting close again and Daehyun notices this from how your walls tighten around his dick. ''Coming again already?'' He Grins and blush forms to your face. ''Shu-shut up.'' You pant and Daehyun's hand finds your clit again. When he pinches it you are coming again with loud moan. Daehyun follows you right after and collapses top of you panting. He pulls out of you and rolls next to your side. He lays down for a second before he tosses the used condom into trash can close to his bed. He stood up and you look him curiously. ''Where are you going?'' You ask. ''I'm going to get something to clean us up. I be right back.'' he assures and you are able to admire his naked back and round butt when he disappears from the room. He comes back shortly with wet towel and uses it to clean your thighs and glistering folds. He wipes himself quickly and tosses the towel carelessly on the ground. He climbs back to bed next to you and pull his covers over you. Daehyun spoons you from behind and you both drift into sleep.
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You and Daehyun have been dating for a couple of months now and when Jongup and Youngjae found out they weren't even slightly surprised. ''I knew this would happen.'' Youngjae had said when you had told the news. Jongup has just smiled and said how happy he was for both of you.    Daehyun and You were walking hand in hand heading towards a restaurant where you were planning to go on date. When you arrive to the restaurant last person you would except steps out from the door. ''Y/N?'' Himchan asks surprised but happy when he spots you. He is wearing black polo shirt with straight brown pants and top of his outfit is long brown jacket which hangs open. ''Hi Himchan.'' You smile awkwardly and scratch your neck. You really haven't seen him after you and Youngguk broke up. ''Long time no see.'' He says happily but his smile falters when he sees your and Daehyn's joined hands. Daehyun cough and offers his hand. ''I'm Daehyun, Y/N's boyfriend.'' Himchan takes his offered hand and shakes it firmly. ''I'm Himchan  Y/N's and Yongguk's old friend'' He tells and glares Daehyun with unreadable expression. Soon the restaurant's door opens again and Junhong comes out from the door. ''Y/N.'' Junhong yells with excitement and takes you into tight hug ''I have missed you so much.'' He says happily. Junhong has always been also more Yongguk's friend than yours. Junhong had dyed his hair light pink and there was a new ring on his nose. ''It's nice to see you.'' You pat his back awkwardly. Junhong finally parts from you and then notices Daehyun standing next to you. ''Who is he?'' Junhong asks pointing his words to you. ''He is Daehyun, Y/N's boyfriend.'' Himchan answers before you can and Junhong's face fell. ''But what about Yongguk, he pai-.'' ''Shut up.'' Himchan glares younger man soy angrily that he snaps his mouth closed quickly. ''Yongguk tells for her himself if he wants.'' Himchan keeps glaring Junhong who sifts awkwardly. ''I really don't want hear anything from him.'' You say your happy mood ruined. ''But Y/N!'' Junhong pleas. ''There is no buts. I'm sorry but we are getting late from our reservation.'' You huff and storm inside of restaurant followed by Daehyun leaving Himchan and Junhong on the side way. You can ques that your date was horrible after that encounter.
  Ringing phone wakes you up from your slumber. You are alone in your place after you had ended fighting on dinner with Daehyun. You: ''Hello?'' You ask tiredly without bothering to look callers name. -- : ''Y/N, It's me.'' Familiar voice makes your blood freeze. You: ''What do you want Yongguk?'' Yongguk: ''I don't know honestly. I ques that I just wanted to hear your voice.                         Himchan told me that he met you today'' He chuckles sadly.
You: ''Well he did meet me and ruined mood for my date.'' Yongguk: ''So its true, You are seeing someone.'' You could swear that you hear                   him sniff end of the line.'' You: ''It's none of your business.'' You are getting angry. How dare he sound so              sad. Yongguk: ''I know. Sleep well Y/N.'' Without waiting for an answer he hangs up.
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You are cuddled on Daehyuns side and scrolling trough your phone while he is working on his laptop. You and him made up quickly on the next day and now you were just enjoying each other's company. Youngjae was at Daehyun's and Jongup's place playing video games so you had ended up into your much smaller apartment. Daehyun's fingers slides up and down your side abstracted while his other hand keeps scrolling trough his computer.  A knock from your door comes by surprise and you hurry to open it. Panting Junhong stand by the door and his eyes are full of sadness, you didn't even know that he knew where you live. ''Y/N, we need to talk.'' He says without and explanation and pushes inside of your apartment. ''Umm, okay?'' You ask confused and Daehyun's attention is also captured by Junhong. Junhong glances Daehyun with mix or anger and sadness, but turns his words to you. ''Yongguk knew about your dept.'' He says and you feel color escaping your face.'' He found the demands of payments from your bedroom drawer. He didn't say anything because he wanted that you talk him about it. He kept waiting, but you never said a word. Then one day he decided that he had had enough and searched your dept collector into his hands. He tried to make some sort of deal and help you with your dept, but the loan sharks mind did not shake. He almost lost hope when his daughter happened to arrive on the scene. She got huge crush instantly towards Yongguk so the loan shark agreed to forgive your dept if Youngguk would go out with her instead of you.'' At this point you are crying loudly and holding your chest. Daehyun comes next to you and hug you without a word when Junhong keeps talking. ''There was one condition Yongguk wasn't allowed to tell you why he broke up with you. Of course he wouldn't either way because he knew it would break your heart. Luckily after few weeks the girl got bored of Yongguk and was running after her new crush. Because of the deal you are dept free and Yongguk is left with broken heart. He and Himchan kept telling me that I'm not allowed to say anything to you, but I couldn't take it anymore after He found out that you had already found someone else. I have never seen him cry.'' Tears keep leaking from your eyes and Daehyun is still hugging you. ''Go.'' He says voice full of pain. ''Go?'' You sniff confused. ''Go to Yongguk.'' He repeats and lets go of you. You move like in dream after you hear his words. You barely remember to put your shoes on when you run into cold night.   You keep running until you arrive to your old apartment complex. You care deeply about Daehyun, but Yonggok was love of your life. When you reach the front door of the apartment you keep hitting it loudly while tears are running freely on your face. When the door open you cling yourself into Yongguk's neck and keep bawling your eyes out onto his neck. He pulls you gently inside and shuts the door after him. ''Y/N why you are here, are you okay?'' He asks worriedly, instead of answering your lips finds his and Yongguk tenses at first but then answers your kiss feverishly. You pull away whit loud sniff. You aren't crying prettily like girls in the movies, instead your nose is running and your eyes are red and swollen. ''Why, why did you lie to me?'' You bawl and tighten your grip around him. Yongguk sighs. ''Was it Junhong?'' ''Yes! You should have been honest with me.'' You say and look into his eyes for the first time. His eyes are full of tears which are just waiting to fall. ''I thought that you have good reason to not share your worries with me.'' He smiles sadly and strokes your back gently. ''The reason was that I'm an idiot. I was scared that you would leave me if you found out.'' You admit weakly. ''Y/N I would never leave you because reason like that.'' ''I know it now.'' You feel quilt eating you out. ''You are silly, silly girl.'' Yongguk say and pulls you into another kiss.
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Three figures are laying on the bed. Bed sheets are pulled all the way up to your chins and two men are sleeping peacefully you on the middle. You are too happy to sleep. Yongguk is on your left side holding tightly your hand where the ring has returned.  Daehyun is sleeping on your right side hanging on you like a koala. You don't know how you get so lucky with two of men who loved you deeply. You were shocked when Yongguk had wanted to meet Daehyun  and they both had admitted to want to be with you. You three had ended up into poly relationship you on the middle and your both boyfriends on the side. Sometimes they got overly jealous over each other, but mostly your relationship was going smoothly. Your circle of friends were shocked at first, but accepted your relationship quickly after they saw how happy you were with each other. You still felt most grateful towards Junhong because his words of truth had lead to your happiness. ''Aren't you sleepy?'' tired voice asks from your left side. ''I can't sleep. I'm too happy.'' You admit shyly. ''Me too baby, me too.'' Yongguk squeezes your hand gently.
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julietgang · 5 years
B.A.P Mafia Fic.
Skydive: Free fall
Capitulo 1
- Ese vestido te queda precioso - mi padre entra en la habitación, anudando su cara corbata de seda.
Aparto la mirada del espejo, en el que veo a mis falsos progenitores.
- Y/N Maria... - mi madre suspira con lentitud.
- ¿Piensas que por comprarme un vestido caro, dejare de odiarte?
- Niña desagradecida, debimos dejarte en aquel orfanato...
- ¡Rafael! - mi madre sube la voz, mostrando su descontento.
- ¡Quizás allí hubiera estado mejor que a tu cargo! - me giro con brusquedad mientras digo esto.
- Te lo he dado todo, a ti y a tus hermanos...
- Oh, para ya, siempre con la misma mierda - dos de mis hermanas menores, allí presentes, se quedan heladas tras la ordinariez.
- Y/N, controla tu lenguaje - una fría mirada de parte de la mujer que me crió, me silencia. - Dejarnos solas un momento...
Sin hacer ningún ruido ambas chicas salen de la habitación. Mi padre esta a punto de decir algo, pero es interrumpido.
- Rafael, por favor...
- Los invitados esperan - reclama molesto.
No se oye nada más. Segundos después escucho la puerta cerrarse. Los tacones de Valeria hacen eco mientras se acercan a mi.
- Escúchame, Y/N ...
- No me convencerás, me niego ha aceptar esto - me apresuro a decir, sin dejarla terminar la frase. - Es absurdo, ¿acaso estamos en la Edad Media?, no podéis obligarme a casarme con alguien por un negocio fallido...
Mi padre, si se le puede llamar así, había organizado un matrimonio concertado. Uno de sus negocios había fracasado, y esto provoco que el líder de una mafia asiatica perdiera mucho dinero. Y el precio a pagar era yo. La hija adoptada a la que nunca había querido.
- No podéis obligarme - siento las lagrimas quemarme los ojos.
Busco su mirada, realmente estoy confusa. Una sonrisa adornan sus labios pintados de carmín.
- Y/N , cielo, es lo que intento decirte - mi madre acuna mi cara con las manos. - Todo esta preparado para que te marches, hoy mismo...
- ¿Marcharme?
- Iremos a la fiesta, allí te espera un grupo especializado, os llevaran a la tía Gabriella y a ti muy lejos de aquí - su voz sonaba ilusionada, pero se notaba su nerviosismo. - Ella esta de acuerdo, se encargara de cuidar de ti...
- ¿Como has podido organizar todo eso?
- Un viejo amigo me debía un favor...
- No, mamá, no quiero tener nada que ver con esos asuntos
De una forma u otra, nuestra familia siempre se rodeaba de mafiosos y gente peligrosa. Al principio me parecía algo excitante y divertido. Sostener un arma en las manos te hace sentir poderoso, hasta que la realidad te golpea, y ves como disparan a tu hermano mayor.
Trago saliva, borro esa imagen de mi cabeza lo más rápido que puedo.
- Cielo, todo ira bien, te sacaran del país, y después seras libre
Libre. Eso sonaba realmente bien.
- Gracias, mamá, muchas gracias - ato mis brazos a su alrededor, estrechándola con fuerza contra mi.
- Te echaré de menos... - puedo notar una fría lagrima mojar mi hombro.
- Y yo a ti
Y era verdad, ella seria lo único que extrañaría de esta vida burguesa.
* * *
- Recuerda, actúa con naturalidad - susurra Valeria en mi oído.
Asiento con la cabeza. Poco después me reúno con mis hermanos. No estoy enfadada con ellos, simplemente me decepcionó que permanecieran callados mientras Rafael me vendía a esa mafia.
Y hablando del rey de Roma, Rafael se acerca con una sonrisa totalmente repugnante y falsa. Me tiende la mano, la cual acepto de mala gana.
- Más te vale comportarte, nos jugamos la vida con esta gente - dice esto entre dientes, sin cambiar la falsa expresión de su cara.
" Tu padre te presentara a unos hombres. Después tu tía ira a buscarte, síguela hasta la puerta trasera. Yo me reuniré allí con vosotras "
Recuerdo las instrucciones de mi madre.
Mientras nos acercamos a unos hombres elegantes y de rasgos asiáticos, siento como mi hombro colisiona con alguien. Intento girarme, pero solo veo la cabellera castaña de quien parece ser uno de los camareros.
- Sr. Yeom, es un placer volver a verle - escucho hablar a mi padre adoptivo. Es entonces que noto que ya hemos llegado a nuestro destino.
- Lastima, yo no puedo decir lo mismo, Sr. Quintera
Reprimo una sonrisa. Se lo tiene merecido por lameculos.
- Supongo que esta es su hija - me mira sin expresión en el rostro. Apostaría que este hombre tiene un pedazo de hielo dentro del pecho.
- Así es, Y/N Maria, heredera de nuestra familia - dice esto mientras me señala con la mano, como si quisiera exponerme. Repugnante.
- Mejor de lo que esperaba - concluye el canoso coreano que tengo delante. - Viéndole a usted no tenia grandes expectativas...
- Viéndolo a usted tampoco son altas las mías - estas palabras salen disparadas de mi boca. Esta situación me cabrea demasiado, creo que he perdido la capacidad de seleccionar palabras apropiadas.
Los ojos de Rafael se abren, casi saliendose de sus cavidades.
- Una mujer con carácter, eso es lo que mi hijo necesita para encabezar... - se acerca a mi - El negocio familiar...
Su colonia es demasiado fuerte. Casi siento ganas de toser al olerla de cerca.
- Tiene mi aprobación - habla tranquilo, como quien cierra un trato de compra-venta.
Mi mirada recae en la elegante mujer que espera a unos metros. Mi tía Gabriella.
- Discúlpenme, otros invitados reclaman mi presencia
- Por supuesto, Srta. Quintera, espero que más tarde deleite a mi hijo con su presencia
- Por supuesto - no me molesto ni en sonreír. Me abro paso entre los guardaespaldas.
No tardo en llegar junto a Gabriella.
- ¿Como esta mi sobrina favorita? - me recibe con los brazos abiertos.
- Deseando largarse de esta fiesta de repipis
- No se hable más, salgamos de aquí - sonrió como una niña. Casi me duelen las mejillas.
Enlazando nuestros brazos caminamos por la amplia habitación llena de gente. Que no entiendo muy bien porque esta aquí. No me importa, solo quiero irme lo antes posible.
Entramos por una puerta de servicio, atravesamos lo que parece una despensa y allí encontramos a Valeria.
- Los hombres de Bang ya están ahí fuera - nos informa con una sonrisa triste. Más coreanos, genial...
Respira Y/N, solo tendrás que tratar con ellos por un par de días.
Mi madre golpea la puerta tres veces. Recibe dos golpes desde el exterior, como respuesta.
- Es la hora, debéis iros antes de que os echen en falta
- ¿Que dirás cuando nos busquen?
- ¿Como voy a saber yo nada al respecto? - pone una cara muy seria, que rápidamente de paso a una sonrisa cómplice.
- Esto no es un adiós para siempre, lo prometo - digo mientras me abrazo a ella.
- Volveremos a vernos - acaricia mi espalda de arriba a abajo - Algún día...
Me separo de ella, dejando paso a mi tía. Mientras ellas se abrazan efusivamente, me dispongo a abrir la puerta.
- Y/N, ¿que tienes ahí? - la voz de mi tía reclama mi atención.
- ¿Que?
- En el vestido... - estira la mano, agarra algo situado en la parte trasera de mi hombro. Una vez entre sus dedos, lo examino con la mirada. Es un artilugio pequeño, redondo y metálico.
- Dios mio, es un localizador - se alarma Valeria. - Rápido, tenéis que iros cuanto antes...
En un veloz gesto abre la puerta que yo estuve apunto de abrir, segundos atrás. Me dirijo en su misma dirección, algo nerviosa.
Un sonido ensordecedor cruza el aire. Reconocería una explosión de pólvora a metros de distancia. Un disparo.
A partir de eso, todo parece ir a cámara lenta. El cuerpo de Valeria cae hacia delante, tropezando en los escalones y rodando unos metros por el suelo. Una gota de sangre escurre desde el centro de su frente, por su tabique nasal y más allá.
Oigo un grito de terror detrás de mi.
- ¡Valeria!, ¡oh dios mio! - aun sin poder reaccionar siento como Gabriella me empuja. Corriendo hacia el cuerpo de la que había sido mi madre.
Las imágenes de la muerte de Guillermo se reproducen delante de mi. Intente salvarlo, de verdad que si. Lo intente. Conseguí cortar la hemorragia. Solo unos minutos más y podría haberlo salvado.
Mis ojos se cristalizan. Con la vista levemente nublada observo dos grandes furgones negros y probablemente blindados. Situados junto a los vehículos, cuento al menos seis hombres armados.
- ¿Intentabas huir de mi?, las buenas prometidas no hacen eso - un chico joven, que no llega a la treintena se hace escuchar.
- ¿Que..? - apenas tengo voz. Ni si quiera se como esta silaba sale de mi boca.
Un suspiro de frustración y una sencilla orden. - Cogedla...
- ¡Corre, Y/N , corre! - Gabriela grita a todo pulmón. Y estas son sus ultimas palabras. Un segundo disparo colisiona contra su sien.
Doy un bote en el sitio. Mis manos cubren mi boca en acto reflejo. Su cuerpo desfallece sobre el de mi madre. Retrocedo, pero en el primer paso caigo al suelo, perdiendo uno de mis zapatos de tacón.
Dos hombres corpulentos se acercan de forma amenazante hacia mi. Pero lo que más consigue sobresaltarme es un fuerte golpe a mis espaldas. Aun desde el suelo giro el cuello, encontrando un cuerpo atlético, vestido con camisa blanca y pantalón negro. Pistola en mano, y con paso seguro, no tarda en deshacerse de los dos hombres más cercanos.
Acto seguido un todo-terreno plateado se estrella contra uno de los furgones. Del recién llegado medio de transporte se bajan cinco varones armados, que cubren la mitad inferior de sus rostros con mascaras negras.
Me pongo en pie con dificultad, sin perder detalle de la escena que se reproduce frente a mi. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, las balas vuelan de un sitio a otro. Cuando uno de los trajeados apunta con su arma hacia mi posición noto cada centímetro de mi piel erizarse.
Un brazo rodea mi torso, provocando que todo mi peso recaiga en mi brazo izquierdo al colisionar contra el suelo.
- No te muevas de aquí - unos ojos rasgados me observan muy de cerca. Es el camarero, que disparó a los hombres que venían a por mi. Él también cubre su rostro con una mascara. Su pelo castaño acaricia mi cara, por la proximidad. - ¿Me has oído?, no te muevas
Asiento con brevedad. No se si soy capaz de procesar tanta información. Creo que ni siquiera estoy pensando.
Se incorpora con rapidez y se sitúa en el margen de la puerta. Desde esta posición efectúa un par de disparos.
Tras un par de maldiciones en su idioma natal se vuelve hacia mi.
- ¿Estas herida? - la mascara dificulta un poco la comprensión de sus palabras. Pero logro entenderlas.
- N..no...
- ¿Crees que podrás correr? - en acto reflejo miro mis pies. Solo llevo un zapato, así que me deshago de él.
- Si - acompaño mi respuesta con un movimiento de cabeza.
- La policía no tardará en llegar, cuando escuchemos las sirenas saldremos por esa puerta - señala la salida junto a él. - Una vez fuera colócate detrás de mi y no pares hasta llegar al todo-terreno gris, ¿esta claro?
En ese momento caigo en la cuenta. No lo conozco de nada, ¿por que estoy obedeciendo sus ordenes sin rechistar?
Es un hombre armado que ha matado frente a mis ojos sin vacilar un momento.
Nada me asegura que no vaya a matarme también.
- Y/N, necesito que te concentres... - descuelga un lado de la mascara, que cae dejando al descubierto un bello rostro.
- ¿Como sabes mi nombre?, ¿quien eres?, ¿por que me estas ayudando?
- Mi nombre es Youngjae - se apresura a decir mientras mira hacia el exterior. - Te prometo que lo entenderás todo más tarde, pero ahora no...
Una tormenta acústica de sirenas policiales y ambulancias se hace cada vez más intensa.
- ¡Tenemos que irnos, ya!
Empuñando mi antebrazo me levanta del suelo. Me arrastra hasta la calle,donde los disparos casi han cesado. Ya que los agresores huyen del lugar.
- ¡Detrás de mi, vamos! - repite el guapo joven, una y otra vez.
Llegamos al vehículo color plata. Varias manos me agarran y tiran de mi hacia arriba. De pronto me encuentro en el interior del vehículo, rodeada de hombres enmascarados.
Me tambaleo y golpeo mi espalda contra el asiento cuando el conductor pisa afondo el pedal de acelerado. Tras un horrible y chirriante sonido de los neumáticos, veo como nos alejamos del local a gran velocidad.
¿Que demonios esta pasando..?
El todo-terreno continua moviéndose a gran velocidad. Pero ahora nos encontramos en un barrio apartado del centro, sin casi tráfico.
No me atrevo a moverme, y aun que intentara hacerlo, creo que mi cuerpo no reaccionaria.
- ¡Himchan, mantén el maldito coche estable! - grita uno de los enmascarados.
- Hago lo que puedo - grita en respuesta el conductor.
El primero en gritar se encuentra atareado, limpiando una herida superficial de bala, en el brazo del chico que me saco del local.
Un flashback acude a mi memoria.
Cuando ese chico me hizo caer, se escuchó un disparo, que al parecer estuvo a punto de alcanzarnos...
De hecho se ve que a él si le alcanzo, aun que no de lleno.
Le observo bien. Pelo castaño que cae a cada lado de su cabeza a partes iguales,no demasiado largo. Tez pálida, ojos rasgados pero no demasiado pequeños, nariz perfilada y labios redondos y carnosos.
Su cara era tan bonita. Sin duda uno de los hombres más guapos que yo haya visto.
En un rápido vistazo me percato de que es el único que muestra la cara. Los demás aun se esconden tras la tela negra.
La manga de su camisa rota y ensangrentada me obligan a fijarme en mi indumentaria.
Mis medias están rotas casi en su totalidad, el vestido arrugado, rajado y salpicado de sangre. Por no hablar de la gran mancha roja que, la mano de aquel chico herido, había dejado en la manga.
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k-fiction-therapy · 5 years
You have an impressive talent in adding details to your fics and this makes it more realistic. Just read the jongup fic and honestly all the little details and description is what makes is really fucking good. I wish it longer. Good job man 👏👌
Oh, UwU. Wow, you’ve made my night, Anon. This fanfiction series has been one of the most maddening yet rewarding things I have worked on in some time, and I am very pleased that you enjoyed it. Thank you so fucking much~ [[And stay tuned for the other two parts of the series, which are coming very soon~]]
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Also, fun fact–when I was at University working on my BFA, I always got roasted in English class because of my grandiose prose (which describing it that way makes me seem like a pretentious asshole, so I’ll just stop there, but–) and they said I couldn’t write academic essays for shit–and in many ways that’s true. I obsess over minute detail so much that it becomes almost a problem. Heh! That said, though, I am VERY flattered that you appreciate it. I appreciate you~
Admin Death
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bapofficial · 6 years
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31 notes · View notes
cazziamo · 6 years
Heat Resistance (m)
requested: yes
 bap jongup smut? ;)
Group/Member: B.A.P./ Moon Jongup
word count: 3.7k words
summary: The heat was ruthless, both day and night. But your boyfriend, however, was the most ruthless of them all.
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The summers were hot. Hot most likely wasn’t a word descriptive enough to get the full feeling across. Scorching, broiling, searing, blistering, scalding, roasting- the list could go on and on. While the days were absolutely horrible, filled with cold showers and numerous trips to the water fountains and countless dollars spent on batteries for your little hand held fan, the nights offered no relief whatsoever. The nights were spent tossing and turning, sweating enough that the hairs falling out of your haphazard ponytails and buns and braids sticking to your forehead and neck. The nights were filled with irritated kicks at the covers and sheets, sleeping with one leg out or with the covers gone altogether in an attempt to reach a comfortable temperature; sometimes the discomfort was so bad that you disregarded the bed altogether and slept on the cool hardwood floors of your shared apartment, using nothing but a pillow to support your head.
Honestly, you would put money on the fact that maybe you wouldn’t be so hot at night if you didn’t share a bed with someone who had the body temperature of a space heater, who also preferred to cuddle at night. You loved your boyfriend, and the safety and security you felt being encased in his arms at night- really, you did- but it was just too hot.So no matter how you tried to endure the heat for the sake of comfort and to feed the general craving for late night intimacy, you always wound up pushing him away, or waiting for him to fall asleep so you could slip your way from his arms.
“Jong,” you would whine, pushing slightly against his chest. “Come on, it’s too hot.” Most of the time, Jongup would groan in complain, but he would otherwise comply and let go.
There were also the times where you would finally manage to find peace in your bed, but just as you begin to drift away into the realm of sleep, Jongup would stir. Nine times out of ten, he would roll over with his eyes still closed, throat still rough from sleep, and reach out for you. His arms would pull you to him, pressing his chest heatedly against your back, pulling you in close enough that you could feel every inch of his hard-on that would press into the crease of your bum. As much as you loved him and as much as you loved having sex with him, it was just too fucking hot.
“Jong,” you would whine again, pushing slightly against his chest. “Come on, it’s too hot.” Usually, he would give in and let you go again, willing himself to sleep, although admittedly with a huge pout on his lips.
Jongup was never a pusher to begin with. He was actually rather shy when it came to almost anything, which was one of the things that you loved about him. He never tried to force you to do something you didn’t want to, never tried to convince you of anything after the first refusal. He was always the sweetest and tended to put you before himself for pretty much everything. If he was doing the shopping, he picked mostly things he knew you liked. If he went shopping for more clothes or shoes, he always bought something for you. Even down to the TV shows you both watched, or where you went for dates, it was always whatever you wanted, your pleasure before his own. There weren’t many guys left like that in the world, and you were always astonished by the fact that you had managed to get someone like Moon Jongup. In every way, he was your own little blessing. But sometimes, you wished he would be a bit more selfish. He was shy, you understood, but being in a relationship wasn’t all about one person, no matter how much he enjoyed it that way. You wanted to do all sorts of things for him too- make his favorite meals, buy him gifts, anything to make him happy.
Tonight was like every other night at first. Your shower was cold, you pajamas covering as little skin as you could manage, and bed covers bunched at the foot of the bed, fan spinning at the top speed it could go. The night was spent tossing and turning, sweating enough that the hairs falling out of your haphazard and messy bun were sticking to your forehead and neck. The night was filled with irritated kicks at the covers and sheets, sleeping with the covers gone altogether in an attempt to reach a comfortable temperature. You were drifting in and out of a semi comfortable sleep at around three in the morning, when Jongup rolled over, grabbed you tightly around the waist and yanked you across the bed. He pulled you flush against his body, pressing his chest to your back so tightly that you could feel every dip and curve of his abdomen, as well as his usual ‘problem.’
“Babe,” He would whisper gently, starting by peppering small, opened mouth kisses up and down the sides of your neck. As his lips migrated from your neck down across your shoulders and back up to your jawline, he began to speak again. “I need a little help.”
“Jonguppie, it’s way too hot.” You whined, shoving your face into your pillow in an attempt to ignore the delicious heat licking at your backside. He sucked on the sensitive skin at the juncture of your neck, softly biting before tracing his tongue around it. “Jongup, seriously.”
“Exactly.” He retaliated, which somewhat surprised you. Usually, Jongup would have just rolled back over and gone to sleep, but this time he was pushing a bit. “It’s already hot, so what’s a bit extra gonna do? Besides,” Jongup cut himself off, rolling over so that he was half hovering over you, forearms pressed against the bed to keep him up. “You whine about the heat all the time. We should do some… resistance training. Y’know, build up some endurance.”
You could feel your resolve weakening. It was amazing, t be honest, just how easily Jongup could tur you into putty. His lips and tongue were still keeping themselves busy on your neck, although in the new position, Jongup was ducking down t press kisses along your chest, sucking particularly on your collarbones. He rolled the rest of the way over, so that he was completely on top of you, taking a second to situate himself. He was nestled in between your legs comfortably, which you had spread accommodatingly out of habit for him, one arm holding him up while the other was tracing lines along your hip. Annoyingly enough, you no longer wanted him to get off and stop so you could sleep, but instead you just wanted him to kiss you already.
“Jongup,” you breathed gently, reaching a hand up to tangle in his hair, messy from sleep. You ran your hands through it softly once, twice, then three times- but on the third time you kept your hand still at the back of his head, tugging softly on it as you brought him down into a kiss.
When your lips finally met, the concerns about the heat and your discomfort all but disappeared from your mind. His lips were soft against yours, but the kiss quickly turned into something a bit rougher, something desperate. His teeth nipped at your bottom lip, biting and tugging gently, sucking on it as he went. Groaning loudly, you deepened the kiss. It was a sort of battle, tongues desperately clashing against one another, gums smashing together, noses bumping as you tried to pull each other as close as humanly possible. You pulled away for a split second just to attach you lips to the sensitive spot where his neck met his jawline and suck roughly, sure to leave a bruise. Jongup moaned loudly, long and deep and absolutely guttural, the sound shooting straight between your legs like a wildfire. Bucking your hips up, you brushed you thinly clothed sex across Jongup’s boxers, pressing every inch of your heat against his length. The resounding moan that tore from his lips- holy shit, you had never heard anything sexier.
Jongup broke away from your hold to tug off his top, a simple black sleeveless top, which was already sticking to his body from sweat. The second his skin was exposed you were on him, hands sliding up his stomach  and then past his chest, running your thumbs over is nipples as you passed them. Your hands curled around his shoulder to wind around his neck again as you leaned up, chasing him for another kiss. Jongup leaned back away from you, laughing.
“You’re the one who said it was too hot.” He said, grinning.“And you’re the one who said we needed to chase the heat away.” You shot back. “Besides, what the hell, Jong? Why  are you teasing me when you’re that hard?”
“Because I like you best when you’re whining.” He laughed. You smacked his shoulder, pushing yourself up and on top of Jongup. On your way up, you hastily yanked off your tank top, leaving your upper body bare.
You felt his hands before you even saw them move. They started low at your hips, before sliding up the curve of your back. One hand stayed up to tangle in your hair, winding into the strands underneath the loosened bun, while the other slipped back down and around to grab hold of a breast. Jongup sat up, keeping you straddling his lap, and roughly pulled your hair to crane your neck. As his hand massaged your left breast his mouth descended on your left. He sucked roughly on your nipple, before dragging his teeth against it and tugging. You whined loudly, grinding your hips down on his erection. He released your nipple with a loud pop and pushed you down onto the bed. His fingers dipped into the waistband of your sleep shorts and past the line of your panties,pulling them down before skimming gently along your slit once, twice, three times, before dipping inside. His fingers circled up and over your clit, flicking it gently. Your hands scrambled for purchase along Jongup’s shoulders, gripping them tightly as you moaned, rolling your hips into his hands.
“Jesus,” Jongup groaned, the veins in his neck straining as he visibly swallowed. “Holy hell, you’re wet. C-Can I…?”
You knew exactly what he was asking for. As confident as he seemed most of the time, Jongup really was a shy man. The idea if asking to eat you out itself was mortifying to him, no matter how much he enjoyed doing it, and how much you enjoyed receiving. So, he usually tried to find any way that he could to essentially beat around the bush, to ask without asking. And usually, you accepted. His lips were plump, and his tongue was long. The things he could do with his tongue- just thinking about it was enough to get you off. But this time, you didn’t want things to be about you. Jongup was always doing things for your pleasure alone, so you figured it was time do return the favor.
“No, not this time. You always go down on me, and you always do such a good job, babe.” You murmured, sitting up. You sat on your knees in front of him, pushing him gently so that he was laying flat on his back. “Let me do this for you.” With that, you began to trace your fingers lightly around the waistband of his boxers, dipping your fingers in to gently rub the skin before you began to pull his underwear off entirely. Then you grabbed him, your grip was soft, skimming your thumb up and down the side of his shaft before squeezing tightly at the base.
You felt his whole body shudder, a low groan humming through his body as he dropped his bead back. As you trailed your hand along the underside of his cock, your nails dragged against his skin, thumb circling the head of his dick before your mouth descended. His breathing hitched and the muscles in his legs tightened visibly as took him into your mouth, keeping your tongue pressed against him as you took him farther into your mouth. When you hollowed your cheeks and sucked, his hips bucked up roughly without warning, and he let out a loud moan that sounded closer to a whine.
In the time that you and Jongup had been together, this was the first time you had ever given him head. You supposed that it all boiled down to the fact that Jongup simply preferred giving to receiving, but it was something that you had always wanted to do. The image of him a whining mess beneath you, muscles straining under the effort to keep still, eyes screwed closed, fists curled into the sheets or even better yet, tightened into your hair, was one of the biggest turn ons you could think of. Even now, as you steadily worked your way up and down his cock, licking along the veins on the underside of his dick, bobbing your head up and down in varying rhythms to tease him, you were resisting the urge to rub your thighs together. There was no way that you weren’t dripping, not with the way that Jongup was moaning your name.
"[Y/N],“ He said with visible effort, lifting his head to look down at you. "Holy hell, why haven’t we done this before?” He groaned with a particularly hard suck, the hand that wasn’t holding him up flying down to tangle itself tightly into your hair. Eventually, Jongup decided to give up on being polite and letting you have your way with him. He began to tug on your hair, guiding you into a speed that he wanted. There was one particular pull on your hair that did it for you- he had roughly yanked your hair in a way that pushed you further down onto his cock, and you loved every bit of it. The stinging in your scalp had effectively traveled its way down into your dripping sex in a way you didn’t think possible. You moaned loudly, although slightly muffled by his cock, and that seemed to be the final straw for him.
With another rough tug, Jongup pulled you off of him quickly, leaving you dazed and open mouthed and panting deliciously. He pushed you back onto the bed, saying “Hurry and get on all fours.” His eyes flashed, and you knew you weren’t going to keep him waiting. Hell, you felt as though if you weren’t touched within the next ten seconds, you were going to cry.
You tugged your sleeping shorts and underwear off in one motion, tossing them somewhere randomly before turning over to settle comfortably on your knees, bending forward to settle your weight into your forearms and push your ass out. Your body was hot, unbelievably so; you could feel the flush of your skin without seeing it, and you could already tell that you had a sheen of sweat about you. You were breathing heavily, on the verge of panting, and Jongup hadn’t even touched you yet.
You soon felt his hand brushing themselves over your body; over the swell of your ass, down to your thighs, back up and around to caress your breasts, and then finally to the aching spot between your legs. By this point you knew the both of you were too worked up and impatient for any more foreplay, but Jongup had always been a tease, so he took his time. He dipped a finger in between your lower lips, dragging it down to your opening, before pushing two fingers in. His other hand continued to squeeze your ass, borderline roughly, before swinging down in a loud crack. You breathed in sharply, whining quietly as you pushed back against his hand.
“Jongup, please,” You breathed, bucking your hips against his fingers again. “No more teasing.”
“Then what do you want me to do, babe?” He asked, no doubt smirking. This way another thing you had found that Jongup had a thing for. He like to make you say things straight out, almost to the point of begging. Maybe it was the dirty talking aspect of it, or maybe it really was the begging that got him- you weren’t sure. But what you were sure of was that it got him heated up like almost nothing else. So you swallowed your pride, figuring that at this point, you’d rather be fucked than hold onto the last bit of dignity.
“Please, Jongup,” you began to whine again, rotating your hips. “Please, please, just fuck me already. Please, Jong!”
“Since you asked so nicely.” He said teasingly, leaning down to press kisses along your shoulders and back. You could feel him pressing up against your ass, harder than rock and still wet from your mouth, and you could hear the ripping sound of the condom package opening. Within a few seconds, he was sliding into you smoothly. He bottomed out easily, his thighs pressed against yours, and didn’t waste any time before pulling back to the tip and thrusting. The pace was set quickly, a rough and fast one that sent your body pushing foreward, moving enough that you had to brace your hands against the headboard to keep you from hitting it. Your fingers scrambled for purchase, back arching as you kept trying to return his thrusts.
Jongup’s hips continued to snap forward at a steady pace, and your moans only continued to rise in volume. You were sure that it hadn’t been long since he started, but you were already close. “J-Jong, Jong I’m,” you stuttered helplessly, one of your hands slipping down to grab the sheets. “I can’t!” You cried.
One hand was gripping your waist tightly, tight enough that you were sure there would be bruises tomorrow, but the other one let go and began to move around to your front. It circled around and found its place between your legs, rubbing furiously at your clit. You cried out louder than you had before, ultimately giving up on holding the headboard, instead slumping down. You buried your head into the pillows, gripping them tightly and moaning into them.
Jongup’s hips began to stutter as he groaned louder. “Come on, babe.” He panted, flicking your clit again. “Come on, give it to me. Let go.” The pressure in your stomach built to an almost painful point as Jongup continued to speak to you, voice rough and strained. It snapped suddenly, your orgasm sweeping over you unexpectedly, like being hit by a wave from behind. You were sure that you screamed, body seizing up and shaking as you desperately bucked your hips back into Jongup. You probably sounder hysterical, long streams of ‘oh my god’ and 'fuck, oh shit’ and Jongup’s name most likely almost incoherent in your bliss.
Jongup hadn’t cum yet. His hips kept pushing, snapping forward over and over again, prolonging your orgasm for that much longer. You could hear him cursing behind you, and you instinctively knew he was biting his lips, seeking his own end. His fingers hadn’t moved from you clit yet, and the over sensitivity was beginning to take over your sense. You squirmed in his hold, arms almost folding backwards to grab onto him. The pleasure was beginning to wane and then spike again, rising even quicker the second time. “Jongup, please." You cried desperately. "I- I can’t, not another, I-”
“Yes, you can.” He spoke roughly, grabbing you by the hair and pulling you up. Your back was pressed against his chest, back arched as the both of you were on your knees, him thrusting into you from behind. “One more, baby. C'mon. Give me one more.” His hand trailed from your hair down your neck, eventually stopping over your right breast. His hips were beginning to lose the steady rhythm, and he began to place hot, open mouthed kisses along your neck, you knew he was getting close. One of your hands flew back to grab onto him, using him as an anchor as you began to press down against him. You wanted him to finish, you wanted him to feel as good as he had made you, as he was making you feel. Jongup moaned loudly, breaking off roughly with a hitched breath and slammed his hips into especially hard as you felt him twitch inside of you. He was cumming, and as he slammed another sloppy thrust against you, so were you.
You don’t know how long it took for both of you to come back to reality, but when you began to process your surroundings again, you realized you were laying down, Jongup beside you. He had already taken off the condom, tied it and tossed it into the bin, and he was now staring at you with a goofy grin on his face.
“What the hell are you looking at?” You hated how breathy your voice sounded, like you had just run a marathon. You also hated how that only made his smile grow.He spread his arms wide.
“Come here.” You sighed and pretended to shake your head at him, but you did as he asked. He tucked your head under his chin, with you resting comfortably against him. It took a few tries, but Jongup managed to kick the blanket far enough up his legs that he pulled it over the both of you. “So,” he began slowly, grinning. You scowled at him. “How did you like the resistance training? Helpful right?” You could both hear and feel him chuckling, and despite yourself, you found yourself laughing with him.
“Shut up and go to sleep.” You told him, settling down again.
“Yes, ma'am.”
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bapdirt · 6 years
Could i request jonglo where jongup is oblivious to junhong's feelings? Thanks in advance!
His social skills went to shit after he spent too much time around overbearing hyung’s like Daehyun, Youngjae, and Himchan; never enough time for him to get a word in, space wasn’t made for what he wanted to say. Or watching Yongguk so much he started taking after him, Junhong was able to talk and talk, but most of the time there wasn’t an answer. He learned to enjoy silence that way, though. Really, Junhong used to be more social.
“Weren’t you talking about this game?” Jongup asks, holding the iPad to the mirror so Junhong doesn’t disrupt the noona doing his hair.
He shifts in the seat, surprised that Jongup remembered his babbling from last night, the lights off and Junhong nervous about their next concert.
“Okay,” he says, an intense look coming over his face.
The conversation is over. Junhong wants to ask how—no, why he remembered that. The little things haven’t mattered to a lot of people before. That’s what he really liked about Jongup from the beginning, the nice body and crooked smiles and his laugh came after.
He was listening, even when Junhong thought he wasn’t.
After the hiatus is probably when interviewers stopped asking the really invasive questions about whether they’d kissed anyone yet, the two quiet maknaes who couldn’t say a word to girl groups.
He’d wanted them to, a little, his knee jiggling with anticipation. The question still hasn’t come up. Junhong isn’t good at holding back anyway.
Unfiltered, he’d want to say: His first kiss was in a ratty dorm room on a dusty carpet in front of an even dustier window. They were waiting for him to turn 18 and the days dragged on, Junhong felt those days like a weight. Jongup was sitting across from him, cross-legged, and listening to him with low eyes. Junhong didn’t care about having his first kiss, but he needed to complain and it was a safe topic.
He remembers Jongup crawling up to him, so slow Junhong missed it until their noses were almost brushing.
“Close your eyes.”
Junhong felt clumsy and exhilarated, curling his hands into fists at his side when Jongup’s palm cupped his face, soft, warm, and engulfing, his mouth more so. But he was gone just as quick when the other members came tumbling through the front door, calling for them.
He didn’t feel any different like some people at school said they did after their first kiss. Jongup sure didn’t look any different, leaning back on one hand and picking at the stiff carpet under them with the other, his eyes low and bored, nothing like Junhong: wide-eyed with his heart like thunder.
Jongup was as disinterested as he was with anything else. Junhong wanted him that much more.
They’re both scrolling on their phones with bleary eyes, side by side on their shared bed. Everyone else is up and getting ready to head out on their own adventures for the day, while he and Jongup haven’t decided what to do, and their camera man is waiting for them to get their shit together downstairs.
“Boat ride,” Jongup says suddenly, squinting at his screen.
“An actual boat ride, hyung?” Junhong asks, disbelieving.
“Mh. Says mainly couples do this, but we can do it, too.”
Jongup rolls out of bed with a grunt and tosses his phone behind him, shedding his long-sleeve shirt. Their door is open and someone could come up here and see Jongup stripping down to One Punch Man underwear, but Junhong doesn’t mention that.
“So, we’re going on a date?” Junhong asks with a dry laugh, nervous about how Jongup might receive it.
“Ah,” Jongup sucks his teeth, smiling as he throws one of his shirts at Junhong’s face. “If that’s what you really want.”
He’s got no idea.
Somewhere between helping Jongup get his life jacket on and Junhong taking pictures of his smiling face, the river a glittering backdrop, he realizes this is impossible. Having Jongup know how he feels about him and reciprocating those feelings, there’s not even that tiny twinkling of hope in him left. Jongup won’t notice if he hasn’t already, if he has, he isn’t acknowledging it. It puts a damper on the boat ride. On his whole day, actually.
“You’re quiet,” Jongup says when the filming crew walks away from their little picnic/tent set up.
Their ice cream is melting fast and Junhong wants to melt with it under Jongup’s gaze, no-nonsense and just that side of irritated. He bristles somewhat, too, irrationally and suddenly upset at the fact that Jongup hasn’t noticed how he feels. He could speak up and admit it clearly, but Junhong’s practically got a neon sign on top of his head. He’d never gotten so up in another person’s space before and Jongup was his first kiss and the closest thing to love.
“I’m quiet because you’re quiet, hyung,” he shoots back.
Jongup’s hair whips around gently in the wind, leaves rustling, and the camera crew is packing up to leave. It’s a tense moment. Waiting to see if Jongup might see through his lie.
“Makes sense,” he hums at the same time Youngjae calls out to them from across the park.
Jongup staggers up, waving one arm wildly.  Junhong holds out his hand for his ice cream when he sees him debating on just throwing it away.
“I’ll be back,” Jongup calls softly over his shoulder, a smile that Junhong always yearns to see flashing at him.
“2, 3, 2, 3–“ Youngjae repeats over the trill of cicadas.
Sticky palms and messy hair and the beginnings of heat rash have him annoyed.
“It’s a video,” Youngjae giggles, Jongup following.
But nothing, nothing can compare to a midsummer’s heartbreak.
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I completely forgot that I did these a few months ago for a fic I was writing. The fic got scrapped, sooooo have these moodboards
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jiminscaramel · 5 years
[9:30am] “how’s that?” He asks, a little smirk pulling the corners of his mouth as he watches you sip your strawberry tea.
The early morning sun rises behind you, framing your head like an angel’s halo. Jongup knows you’re not a morning person, but insists on grabbing breakfast at the local cafe every Saturday as part of his weekly ritual.
He knows the frown that has your face all screwed up will ease once your favourite pastries have been devoured.
“It’s fine,” you mutter, rubbing your eyes. “I just wish we were still in bed.”
A waiter steps out of the cafe and places a platter full of breakfast items – your favourite pastries included – on your table.
“Yeah?” Jongup smiles as he watches your face light up in delight. The sight is priceless and gets him every time. “How about now?”
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coffee-for-himchan · 7 years
Hold On, Babygirl (Jongup mafia/gang AU pt.2)
Word count: 6.7 k+ 
Genre/warnings: Mafia/gang AU (Definitely contains swear words this time around. Violence, death - the regular mafia stuff. But nothing too vivid and excessive. Nothing that won’t let you sleep at night, basically)
Summary: You were gone, and it was all his fault - he’d lied, and now he had to face the consequences. But thing was, it wasn’t himself who he was worried about. He could be captured, tortured and killed off in a slow and painful process, and he still wouldn’t care. But it was you who was in danger, and he had a hard time collecting all of his senses back in order to use his mind instead of his heart. To only act after he’d thought everything out, because this was the only way to save you - to save the person he loved the most.
(A/N) Soo, this is going to be a three-part AU, and not a two-part one like I originally intended it to be. Since I had 10.8 k+ words written, I figured I’d split them up into two different parts instead of making it one painfully long one. Once again, this part is especially connected to parts 3 and 4 of the Himchan mafia/gang AU, where the main focus is Himchan and Jongup’s relationship, as well as Jongup’s betrayal that, looking at the timeline of the scenarios, happened before the events of this scenario. Some backstory revolves around the betrayal, but not too much. This can be read as a stand-alone as well, without having to read the Himchan story first, so no worries.
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“Jongup-ah,” he heard his name being called out, and quietly smiled to himself.
There was only one person in this whole world who called him this sweet way, with the little “-ah” attached to his name in order to make it sound so nicely warm and welcoming. The name “Jongup” itself was, at most times, said harshly and unpleasantly, in a mean, demanding or offensive fashion. Often it would be replaced with “idiot” or “dumbass”, and he’d heard an occasional “asshole”, “scumbag” or “murderous maniac” as well. But fact is, he didn’t quite care to respond to any of those names. Except of Jongup-ah.
“Babygirl?” He turned around, seeing you standing a few feet in front of him. You weren’t just a regular girl - you couldn’t possibly be, as this whole scenery, but most of all you in the middle of this gorgeous mess, looked like it was from a movie set. He was the only thing that didn’t belong - an outsider that had broken into this beautiful view to ruin it. The innocence and purity your presence radiated was slightly drowned out by his sinful and recklessly brutal nature, and the fact you had tied your lives together made it seem like quite an ironic incident. The good meeting with the evil. The good being toyed around and lied to by the evil. The evil wanting to drown itself out in the good, because it wanted to free itself from suffering.
“Jongup-ah, what if I won’t remember?” You asked, your eyes displaying genuine worry while his stare stayed calm and focused. The way you toyed around with your fingers gave away how nervous you were about this, and he smiled a faint smile, taking a few steps to the front and slightly extending a hand towards you, offering you his palm.
“Hold my hand, babygirl.”
You did as told, placing your slightly smaller palm into his. Your soft touch made it hard for him to resist yanking you forwards and holding you against himself tightly, making his lips work wonders against your before doing all types of other beautiful things to you and your body. Instead, he resisted. Tonight he was the lovingly caring type who provided emotional support over physical pleasure.
“How does it feel?”
You blushed a little, turning your head to the side and staring at the ground. Were all of those immense feeling you had towards him really appropriate to say out loud to his face, or was it still too early? Did you know enough about him to talk this way?
“It feels.. Pleasant,” you mumbled, feeling his stare digging through you.
“Tell me more about it,” he quietly announced, drawing circles with his thumb on the upper side of your hand.
“It calms me down a little,” you said, feeling like you wanted to spill some of your feelings, but not all at once, “And it’s a nice reminder that I’m not alone. Makes me feel loved.”
“Do you think you felt the same way before losing your memory?” you turned your stare back at him, slowly understanding where he was leading the conversation.
“I mean.. I guess so. How else could’ve I possibly felt?” You questioned, seeing him smile a little.
“Let this be an example. You may have forgotten, but we will simply do it all once again and you will feel the same way as before, doing the same things,” he made you feel a thousand different loving feelings with simple, blunt lies, “Even if you won’t remember, I’ll bring you back to the way you were. I’ll make you feel it all once again.”
“Entrust yourself to me, babygirl,” his tone was near intoxicating, and this was when you swore you would do anything for him. He’d given up so much and had gone to such extents in order to try and bring you back onto your feet, and you simply feared you wouldn’t be able to do that. As days passed but the memories didn’t even intend to return, you thought your time with him was expiring, your numbered days coming to an end.
But there you were, on a rooftop, your bodies closely pinned together as he cooed at you, telling you all was fine, and that he would stick around no matter what. His mouth finding yours soon enough and filling you with the taste of desperation and utterly honest attraction. Taking you on a ride to how it probably used to be, but how you couldn’t recall it being. Showing you it was fine the way it was, because he would love you nonetheless. And you already loved him back to your full capacity.
Now wasn’t the time for remembering, as tears kept running down your cheeks while you stumbled along unknown streets. This was a district and a part of town you knew only vaguely, and now it finally payed off. With no clue of where you were heading, you simply went somewhere. Ran away from this tragically beautiful lie you had been living for almost a year already.
“Jongup-ah.. How could you.. I-I..” you muttered, exhausted from the running and all of the overflowing emotions. Your feet had guided you themselves for all this time, but now even they refused to cooperate. Faint voices could be heard in the distance, and you made sure to walk into a different direction, not wanting to see a single person in your way.
Collapsing against a wall, you took sharp breaths, burying your face in your hands and refusing to let out muffled screams. His face was haunting you, as your mind was unable to forget it for even a second. How sweet he had been at home today, and how brutally reckless he was when shooting later on.
How much of a pathological liar he was.
Desperation hit on levels you didn’t know it could even reach as your mind traveled back through this whole year. How when you saw him for the first time he told you that you were his. How he made it seem as if you both were working on restoring what you had once possessed, although in reality none of that had ever existed. How his hands reached for you every time you were a little too close, but how he always restrained himself, knowing that being patient was the best he could do, and giving you enough time and space, letting you wrap your arms around him first when you finally felt comfortable enough doing so. How he listened to your emotional monologues late at night, at times you felt like completely breaking down, and how he rubbed your back lightly at those moments, letting your frame tangle with his and stay like that until he had to leave home for a while again the next morning. How his hungry stare never left your body, and how when he’d finally gotten what he wanted and you laid there in front of him, fully exposed and even more vulnerable to everything and anything in this world, lightly panting and softly calling his name, he always took care of you the way only good guys did.
How the Jongup-ah you’d known all along was nothing other than a lie.
You tilted your head up, looking to the right and to the left. What could you possibly do now? Going back was out of question, but you were left completely vulnerable and alone. You hadn’t taken absolutely anything along with you, and were freezing because you didn’t even grab a coat. No phone, no wallet. Not a lot of knowledge about this neighborhood. But, most importantly, literally no one to go to and no place to stay at.
You’d asked him about your parents and relatives, and he’d always said you didn’t have a lot of relatives - in fact, most of them you either didn’t communicate with or they were far away. When it came to your parents, he told you he didn’t know them, because even after such a long time spent together you didn’t think it was necessary to introduce him to them, saying you didn’t have a good relationship with them and that you rarely ever communicated. He’d told you that you didn’t even know where they lived at this point, and now, as you were sitting devastated and broken on the cold ground, you wondered if those had been lies all along as well.
They probably were, just like everything else had been. With nowhere to go, you hid your face back in your hands, hoping an idea could strike you like lightning sometime soon. But it didn’t, and you were left waiting, making Jongup lose his mind in another part of the city meanwhile.
“Hey, Himchan hyung,” Junhong threw a wary glance at Jongup who was going insane in the nearby room that was parted with the one where the rest of B.A.P were currently located with nothing more or less than a glass door.
Himchan turned his head to Junhong, and his stare indicated he was listening carefully to what Junhong had to say, even though he already knew what was to come.
“How do we make him stop?”
“You tell me,” Himchan turned away again, reaching for the almost cold coffee that was seated on the nearby table with his right hand, “To be completely honest, I myself wouldn’t really want to go in there right now.”
“Treasuring life much, aren’t ya?” Youngjae threw out confidently, just to understand his mistake seconds later when four other men were glaring at him.
“.. hyung,” he added, knowing this didn’t change his disrespectful remark, but at least made it seem like he had understood his mistake.
“Too bad I treasure your life more than mine,” Himchan sighed, standing up from his comfortable chair and slowly making his way to the door, just to have his movements be stopped by a hand that was rather gently placed on his shoulder.
“I’ll take care of it,” Yongguk quietly said pushing Himchan back a little as he himself moved forward, opening the door and walking in, “You’re getting too soft nowadays anyways, I don’t want this to stretch on for hours.”
“As you wish,” Himchan smirked, knowing this was about to be settled down quickly and without any additional issues. He indeed was leaning more forwards to the “let a person figure their own emotions out before continuing further on or confronting them” method, while Yongguk was sticking to the old ways, using his deep voice and intimidating glare to throw anyone who came his way into fear immediately.
There was a reason for him being the former leader, and as he walked into the room, showing some type of investment into the gang’s issues for the first time in months, Himchan couldn’t help but smile. Yongguk was still the same old Yongguk, if he wanted to show it or not, and nothing could ever change him. Even immense amounts of stress and mental issues such as depression and anxieties.
“Stop screaming,” he quietly said, closing the door behind himself and taking another good look at Jongup who was slightly panting at this point already, leaning on his arms over the table and not being able to collect himself.
“Does it bother you, you hippie!?” Jongup’s eyes darted wide open as he yanked his head to the side, looking straight at Yongguk. His cheeks were tear-strained, and there was a dangerous build up of pain, fear and anger inside of him.
“This is a first time, I have to admit,” Yongguk said as calm and as ever, showing no signs of fear or anger whatsoever, “Over these years you, with your pathetic control of emotions, had called me various names, all when I was trying to fix up your mistakes, but to be called a hippie just because of being peaceful at heart-”
“Oh, shut it!” Jongup’s frame yanked up, and within seconds he was face-to-face with Yongguk.
“Or else..?” Yongguk wasn’t about to let this kid test his patience, as he slowly felt the true mean and bad guy rising from the ashed and taking over his heart and soul for up until he was done with this, “What do you intend to do, other than shut your face and learn who you can scream at and who you have to fucking bow before?”
“Should we go and help..?” Daehyun thought out loud while inspecting the situation through the glass door. Himchan’s little laugh made the heads of the other three turn, and he looked at them with solitude and slight amusement.
“If there’s one person who can handle everything on their own, it is him.”
“You sure, hyung?” Junhong questioned, earning an approving half-smile from Himchan.
“I’m more than certain. He’d saved me so much trouble in the old days, I can’t ever thank him enough for simply being the way he is.”
“Say, what are you flipping out about so much?” Yongguk had meanwhile tilted his head to the side, frustrating Jongup even more, “There wasn’t a single person to tell you this would end well. You knew this from the start, yet here you are now, pitying yourself for doing something so obviously dumb-”
“It’s not about myself..”
His voice was quiet, to the point it sounded almost faded. Yongguk’s stare didn’t display it, but even he had to admit he was surprised, as this happened only very rarely and occasionally.
“She’s out there, somewhere,” he said, letting a shaky breath escape him, “And I have absolutely no clue where she is. She doesn’t properly know anyone but me in this world, and she’s got nothing with her.”
“Jongup, I’m aware, but-”
“Don’t say anything, I got it,” he interrupted, this being the first time he was allowed to do it ever, “I’m a fool and an idiot. I act upon emotion and don’t think of consequences. I’m not even asking for help here. Not yet, at least. I just need t-to… to calm-m down enough to go and..”
“Yongguk hyung, I need to find her,” his eyes were pleading for something among the lines of allowance, and he simply stayed silent and waited.
“How does it feel, being so caught up in emotions?” Yongguk’s hand lightly landed on his shoulder, squeezing it a little, “To be honest, I think it scares you, and makes you only more frustrated, knowing you are this way even though you aren’t supposed to be. Get it together now though. We’ll help, there’s not much to do around here anymore anyways, and with our schedule I’ve kinda forgotten how it is to sleep at night instead of aimlessly running around the streets.. Just calm down and try to rationally think of how to solve this.”
Himchan’s smirk widened even more when he saw the two of them turning around and leaving the room in order to join him and the other three.
“What now?”
The question was left hanging in the air. For a gang that has already faced many seemingly inevitable and quite destructive situations on most days, something as seemingly simple as this was new, and hard to handle.
“It’s been an hour only, maybe a little more, so don’t break your heart over it just yet. Let’s start from the very beginning,” Himchan instructed, making everyone look up at him and what he had to say, “What came first and when exactly?”
Youngjae spoke first.
“Me and Daehyun had gone out a while ago. Remember I told you about the new weapons and how I wanted to get my hands on them as soon as possible? Well, I finally was able to find a dealer, and we went to give those a quick test before buying them, but on out way there we got caught up with those guys.”
“Those guys.. How about a little more specific? Who do you mean by that?”
“You know them, better than me or any of us, really. The leader’s the obnoxiously tall dude with the bad dye job and unforgettable desire to wear shades at any time of day, wherever he goes. God, I don’t remember his name, but he himself is quite unforgettable already, isn’t he?” Youngjae said casually, pausing a little when he saw Himchan’s face.
“Himchan-ah, this is not a time to laugh,” Yongguk quietly remarked, but that only made his laugh slightly increase in volume, making Junhong and Daehyun let out a chuckle as well.
“I’m sorry, everyone,” he raised a hand in apology, collecting himself within seconds, “I’ll just never get used to that fashion.”
“You won’t have to, I’m pretty sure he’s dead,” Daehyun said out of nowhere, making Himchan simply nod.
“Too bad, I had nothing against him. But apparently he’d decided to take it against us. What a shame. Anyways, tell me what happened next. I’m quite curious how you were able to deal with a gang three times bigger than ours with such ease.”
“What do you mean by three times bigger, Himchan hyung?”
Silence hung in the air for a little while, as things started falling into the right places. Finally - a guideline. Himchan wasn’t about to let it slip.
“How many did you put out?”
All stares were directed at Jongup now. He hadn’t spoken yet, simply standing next to Yongguk and observing everything, trying his best to concentrate on the many things said all around him and trying to remember all of them.
“Youngjae and Daehyun crashed my place, because they weren’t sure they could deal with those guys on their own, which is where (Y/N) ran off from as well, after seeing the shooting and seemingly recalling a scene from the past. I counted seven back there.”
“God, Dae, was it six or seven more outside the house later on?”
“Six, I believe. Including the bad-dye-job one,” Daehyun responded, correcting Youngjae’s statement and making him nod in agreement.
All stares were back on Himchan, who looked a little alarmed at this point. Jongup found the silence close to agonizing, and felt his sanity slowly slipping away as his heart was breaking into pieces, knowing nothing good could follow after a silence such as this.
“There should’ve been five more,” Himchan said cautiously, “Do you know what that means?”
Jongup had a mild idea in mind, but it escaped Himchan faster than anyone else, on top of that, being worded in such an overwhelmingly harsh way it seemed three times realer than it should’ve.
“It means we have to move our asses at an alarmingly fast rate. She’s in danger if they know about her, and there’s like a ten percent possibility this could end well.”
Ten percent. That was exactly the same percentage that Himchan had to face not too long ago, after taking two bullets to the chest instead of letting Daehyun on Junhong each take one. A ten percent percentage of survival, but he somehow still managed. So what was it that made Jongup think this wasn’t going to be the same type of happy end, even though that number was quite made up and not an actually proven fact, unlike the chances of survival upon taking a bullet to the chest?
Could there be two happy endings in such a short time span, on top of that, if one of those happy endings involved Jongup and nothing ever went right for him? Could something involving Jongup for once go right? Or was he destened by faith to hurt everyone he came in contact with?
Without a real plan in mind, the guys simply decided to split into teams of two to go around the area. 
“Let the main focus be finding her, for now at least,” Himchan instructed, securing his weapon, “But don’t let your guards down. I literally can’t provide any type of information now, and maybe what we’re about to do is going to eventually turn out to be a fool’s theater, but I think you’d all agree that wary and careful is better than superficial and not thought out at all. So better put in extra efforts and end up getting nothing than let a few things slide and lose everything.”
Yongguk ended up taking Junhong along and going to take a look at the area near Jongup’s apartment complex. There were quite a few police cars and ambulances nearby already, as well as a pretty big crowd of curious people all around the crime scene. Upon seeing the sight, Yongguk sighed a little, knowing there was no way Jongup would be able to return here to live his life the same way he did just yesterday. What a shame, because that apartment was the only place he actually liked to stay at, or so he’d stated a few times, at least.
Daehyun and Youngjae, who, luckily, had been assigned a different nearby area due to the fact they were present at the shooting, and shouldn’t really show up near the crime scene just yet, were walking in silence. The usually loud and energetically bubbly duo had nothing to say to each other for a while, and, as they kicked a few rocks and branches while walking along the pavement, they felt quite guilty for initially kicking off all of this earlier today, even though Jongup seemed not to blame them.
“I mean, she would’ve found out eventually anyways, right?”
“I don’t quite know the details of how a memory loss works, so I can’t really answer that. So maybe. All I know it that there’s no way Jongup will be able to return to that apartment ever again.”
“Reminds me of why we keep all of the important personal belongings like documents and sums of money at the base rather than at home. Hey, will we eventually have to fake his death or something?”
“Ask Himchan, I don’t know. But reminds me of that time I had to play dead in order not to get “Wanted - Yoo Youngjae. 1,000,000 $ reward” plastered all over the city-”
“Aren’t you overpricing yourself a little?”
But the double combo that seemed to be the most invested into the whole situation simply had to be Jongup and Himchan.
“You’re coming with me,” Himchan had said earlier, “And I’ll keep an eye on you so you don’t do stupid stuff.” Jongup sighed, knowing he really needed someone to watch over him now. Nothing was going right, and he felt like he was on the edge of flipping this whole time.
“How are you?” Himchan’s question snapped him out of his trance as they walked around the streets, careful to pay attention to every sound and move around them, as well as wait for mastermind Youngjae to work his magic and search the area for any possible threats. Did he have some type of cameras set up all around? A unit of secret spies? Maybe extrasensory abilities? No one knew, but somehow he always managed to find out all the needed information.
“Are you now a psychiatrist as well or what?” Jongup scoffed a little, but in the depths of his heart appreciated the fact someone worried about him.
“Ah, to be honest I think I should’ve taken you to a psychiatrist back then when I picked you up. Maybe things would’ve gone different. But I was too caught up in making this work for all of us. Yongguk just started showing issues at that point, and Youngjae was still quite new at this whole thing, and had to be taught and guided. And you weren’t all that trustworthy at first, were you?”
“Not at all,” Jongup smirked a little, remembering, “And I wonder how the hell you thought keeping me around was a good idea. After all, I repaid you with nothing more or less than an attempted betrayal after these countless years you’d spent looking out for me.”
Yeah, this is exactly what he meany by the phrase “nothing goes right, at least if it’s Jongup related”. After all, he did get into this business after a gang had forcefully made their way into his home years ago, taking a hold of him and his brother and sparing no one else in his family as they only needed a few new people, and both boys were quite excellent shots, doing it as a hobby. After all, he did go against the people who broke his life to get picked up by Himchan in order to be a part of what later was known to become B.A.P, and he did try to go against them at some point not too long ago as well.
No, he never went against them. That was a whole other story, as he was more than sure he would be able to manage on his own. To save his brother, not letting the closest people in his life get in danger meanwhile. 
He failed at both. And now the last thing he had left had slipped away from him as well. You.
“Say, Himchan. How have you managed to stay sane for this long?” Jongup seemingly carelessly questioned, looking away into the distance, “You’d been at this for much longer than I have, and I’ll be long underground while you’ll still be running around, giving out commands and taking shots for your people. You’ve got more scars than I thought could fit on a human body, and yet you still wake up every morning thinking it was worth getting all of those.”
“I had nothing to lose from the very start,” as Jongup’s stare landed on Himchan, he saw a sad smile on his model-like face, “And now, even though I’ve gained a few things close to my heart, I’ve just learned to cope I guess.”
They wandered in silence for a while, waiting for a sign of the world or for mastermind-Youngjae-yours-truly to hit them up, telling them to hurry in a certain direction and, as always, be there just in time to fix things up. But there was nothing.
“How much do you love her?”
He thought about it. What started off as an experiment - as something temporary that wouldn’t stick around in his life for long - turned out to become the main base and foundation for it. He’d been blindly walking on, waking up every day without a real purpose. The wish to stay alive for himself had died down long ago, and after the death of his brother, you were the only thing left for him in this whole world.
You were more than a girlfriend. More than a simple lover, as he was convinced you treated him like a king instead of simply treating him like your man. He had suddenly possessed the whole world when you kissed him for the first time, and every single moment he spent wrapped up in your arms he recalled what he had woken up for that morning.
He woke up because you were counting on him. Because you loved him the way no one else did, and he cared about you the same way he did about B.A.P, not caring about the rest of the world at all.
“With all of my fucked up heart.”
“At least what we’re doing now is worth it then-”
Himchan got cut off by a phone ringing. Youngjae.
“One’s two blocks away from you, to the left,” he quickly announced, speaking quietly, “I’ve tracked down another two. Me and Dae have taken over following those, and you could catch onto this lad with ease. I’m still trying to find something for Yongguk and Junhong to do, but-”
“Have you forgotten?” Himchan calmly and quietly asked, “We had talked this out. (Y/N) first, then the gang-”
“Nono, wait, it gets better,” he said, creating a dramatic pause. If there was one thing that was horribly off about Youngjae, it was his way of telling information. He often had to be reminded to spare the drama and simply tell everything in three sentences, instead of making it his little performance of what already sounded like a Greek tragedy at that point.
“They all seem to be heading in the same direction. Consider this - this might be (Y/N) related, and, even if it isn’t, we could simply either keep an eye on them from there on, or could make it quick and get rid of them while they’re all together, eliminating the danger and continuing to search for (Y/N) while being calm at heart.”
“Good point,” Himchan considered, agreeing just a second later and promising to stay in reach in case something happened, being already taught by his past experiences that putting his phone on silent before sneaking up to someone was a necessity.
“You know, I like learning new things from time to time, even though I haven’t been that good at anything I’ve picked up recently,” Himchan smirked as they spotted the right guy, staying behind a street corner in order to throw around some last sentences, “So say, would you mind teaching me how to sneak around, since you’re basically able to transform into a shadow when needed?”
“Just do the same as I, it’s easy,” Jongup spared the cockier responses for later, quietly emerging from the corner and making sure to be hidden in the shadows, being closely followed by Himchan.
It took them circa 10 minutes to get to the right location, and, upon seeing you, Jongup had to be held by Himchan in order to not run out in the middle of this gathering and shoot everyone, inevitably getting shot himself and dying on spot.
“Keep it together,” the leader hissed right into his ear, blocking him from punching him right in the gut for doing so, “Mind over emotions.”
Himchan simply didn’t understand, did he?
Your frame looked so broken and lifeless, yanked up to be held in a standing position by a guy who was holding you by your hair. Jongup hissed at the sight, remembering how he always buried half his face in your hair, or stroked it on late nights when you couldn’t fall asleep, holding you close and trying to cope with your intoxicating presence. Seeing it all tangled up and harshly held by that guy’s hand seemed so wrong, and he had a burning desire to shoot him first for doing this to you.
“Do I have permission to cut off his hand while he’s still taking his last breaths?” Jongup hissed through gritted teeth, just to hear “Only if you want to scare (Y/N) off even more by your murderous and monstrous nature, you freak,” in return.
“Okay, maybe not,” he said quietly, narrowing his eyes to make out everything in front of him.
“Is this her?” Himchan recognized the face of the speaker. Not taking down the second in line of command was always a risky thing to do, as the second ones always knew just as good as the real leaders. He himself used to be second too, so he should know best out of everyone.
The guy who got asked stepped up, and Jongup immediately recognized him.
“Who shot at him?” Himchan asked quietly, immediately understanding that this guy had participated in the gunfight earlier today and not taking his eyes off the bandaged bruise on his shoulder and the other one on his leg.
“Daehyun, I think.”
“Remind me to teach him how to aim properly when we’ll come back. Looks like he’s still lacking tons.”
“Yeah, that’s the bitch,” he said carelessly, his voice cracking mid-sentence, “The little dude kept calling her to come back, but she just ran away. I mean, I’d be scared of him as well - looks like he’s got nothing on his mind but murder. But she must be quite important to him in that case, as I don’t think he would just run after anybody, really.”
“Say, sweetheart, what are you exactly to him? Jongup, if I’m not mistaken,” the guy who held you by your hair lifted his hand up a little, making you groan in pain as your feet almost disconnected from the ground.
“Speak, pretty face. If you won’t, we have no reason of keeping you in a breathing state,” he said, making some tears build up in your eyes.
“I-I’m.. No one, really,” you said through tears, “It really doesn’t matter. Whatever I was, I am not anymore.”
Jongup felt his heart breaking into a thousand different pieces after that sentence, but he understood clearly. You had all the right to say that, after all he’d done to you. You had all the rights to hate him.
“Doesn’t look like he thinks this way though,” the guy made you face him, looking straight into you bloodshot, tear-strained eyes as you took a shaky breath, “I know guys like him. He’s far from being the first one, and even further from being the last. They don’t care up until a certain moment, when something catches their attention. And in case you are this “one and only thing” he treasures in this life, you could be of great use. A nice bait.”
“A fucking bait, do you hear,” Jongup’s rising anger would’ve concerned Himchan at any other given situation, but now it seemed to be quite useful, so he didn’t complain, “If she’s a bait, he’s going to be fish food when I’ll be done with him.”
“I’ve seen enough,” Himchan announced, making sure to talk quietly but close to Jongup’s ear, so he’d hear every detail, “Go out and be the knight in shining armor, it’s your time to shine. Just remember that you’re not alone in this. We’re all in position, and can be used to the full extent at any time. Jae and Dae are on the far right, could take care of those two. Bang and Junhong should be on the other side, closer to the three gathered on the left. We’re center. You’re on the front, I’m backup.”
Jongup took a look around, surprised to see his comrades gleaming out of the shadows at the exact spots Himchan said they were at. They were more than simply hard to spot, but when he noticed them and let their current positions sink into his mind, he took a deep breath. They were all in formation, waiting for him and not Himchan or anyone else this time. He had to start.
It’s about to be game over. And not for him.
“Hey, look, the bait’s been successful already,” the wounded guy called out as Jongup stepped into the scene, as quiet as ever. 
Your eyes met, and he saw the rollercoaster of emotions you were going through. Not knowing if you should feel relieved or burdened by his presence. Not knowing if he’d walk out there and lie when he announced he’d save you, or if he’d say the truth.
Not knowing if you wanted to be saved by him, or saved at all, as you were so, so tired of this.
“I wouldn’t call it successful though. Looks like we only caught, like, a pathetic goldfish or something, and nothing more,” the guy who was holding you yanked your hair once again, causing you to silently gasp and almost cry out.
“Come on, sweetheart. Let him hear you. Let him know what he’d caused-”
“Call me a goldfish again and I’ll tear you apart like the fucking great white shark that I am if we’re already acting dumb and comparing ourselves to sea creatures,” his tone scared you, sending chills down your spine. He stopped a few meters in front of them, eyeing his surroundings up and down once more.
“And get your hands off of my girl if you want them to stay attached to your body.”
He indeed knew how to look flawlessly intimidating. Without being the tallest and most tough looking, he still knew how to set unease into everyone who took a look at his slightly curled lips. The way his hips gracefully swung from side to side as he walked slowly and lazily, letting a tattooed hand go through his jet blue locks of hair, making them fall back perfectly in place. The way his bloodlust could be seen from afar, and the way this couldn’t possibly unfold well. Not with him on the scene.
A gun was suddenly pointed at the nearby bushes on the right, and a second passed until Jongup finally heard it, wanting to smash the person causing the sound in the face with a rock or anything else he had by hand, really.
It was Youngjae, laughing hysterically.
“Oh God, a great white,” he basically had tears of joy rolling down his cheeks while all guns were pointed at him, all of the people who were holding them trying to understand if he was in his right mind or not, “A great white. Do you hear yourself!? It sounds so lame, I can’t.”
It took Jongup a moment to process all that was happening around him. Youngjae was nowhere near dumb, and had a good reasoning behind his hysteric laughing. There were few gangs who went straight to the dirty work of trying to get rid of one another. The first bit of the encounter was the most pleasant and satisfying one, as well as the entertaining one - the smart talk and the showing off with words. The bit where you had to irritate each other with harsh, sarcastic sentences so you had an actual reason to shoot. Jongup’s stare hadn’t left yours all this time he was there, and now, when he finally broke eye contact in order to look around a little, he noticed all of the attention being on Youngjae instead of him.
He wasn’t stupid after all. Taking all of the attention to himself in order to give Jongup a free ticket to get a hold of you.
“Hey, y-” 
You’d just seen this a few hours ago, and weren’t prepared to see it again. You remembered this all too well - in fact, the only memories you certainly knew weren’t lies were of Jongup causing mad havoc, killing everyone and everything in his way. The wounded guy fell right on the ground, landing perfectly in front of your feet with a large, visible shot wound that, once again, just like the first time Jongup had saved you from a gang member, went all the way through his head in between his eyebrows.
You felt yourself losing it when the grip of the guy who was previously holding you in place softened, and he, soon enough, fell to the ground as well, holding onto his chest tightly. Your knees gave out the second you were left without any support, and you were ready to crash with the ground. To fall, and hopefully fall unconscious and never wake up again, because you were so, so tired. 
The cold had been eating away at you for this whole time, and you couldn’t quite feel half your body anymore. Plus, all of these emotions you were suddenly going through, and the shock of realizing you’ve been living in lies for this whole time. It all had taken it’s toll on you, and you were left suffering as much as ever, not caring about anything, but most of all - yourself.
“Babygirl, hold on.”
His arms wrapped around you before your frame could hit the ground, and he pinned you tightly to his chest, dragging you off into hideout as fast as he could. In your dazed state, you could only look over his shoulder and try to understand what was happening out there.
You wondered how you’d never noticed before. It wasn’t just him and Youngjae - the whole of B.A.P was here. Al of them fighting so you could come out of this alive.
“Jongup-ah.. I-I’m not you b-babygirl..” you managed to get over your lips as he got you in a safe zone, holding your shivering frame to his surprisingly warm one and being careful to shoot at everything and everyone that came his way. Your words struck through him like lightning, but he understood completely. And the thing he understood even more than this was the fact there was no time now to think about his feeling and how you hurt them. The main focus had to be saving you.
“For me, you will always be.”
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chngminxo · 6 years
Chasing Tails
Title: Chasing Tails
Pairing: Himchan/Jongup, Yongguk/Junhong
Genre: Crime/Murder Mystery AU
Warnings: Violence, Explicit Content, Mature Themes
Summary: Quick in wit and overflowing with talent, Unit 12 is the Korean Federal Police' best kept secret. But when the body of a murdered woman disappears from a crime scene under their watch, Detective Kim Himchan is faced with his hardest case yet. It doesn't really help that there's some new guy getting in his way, either.
Read the prologue on AO3 & AFF
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noonaduck · 5 years
We used to be so in love.teaser
Pairing: B.A.P Yongguk x reader, Daehyun x reader genre: non idol AU, Angst, Smut, oneshot
1st unedited draft.
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[gifs belongs to their rightful owners]
The moon was bright and shined trough the open window curtains which moved in the wind. A woman was sleeping peacefully her eyes tightly closed and a blanked tightly in her fist. Sweet smile on her lips told story about happy dreams she was having. A man was sitting next to her and stroke gently her soft hair. The woman sifted on her sleep and the man got scared that he woke her up. Luckily she just rolled over and kicked her blanked into messy pile in the end of bed. The ring on her right hand got his attention. It hasn't been long when he had given it for her. When she said yes was happiest day in his life. It was breaking his heart that he needs to take it back so quickly and let her go because of another woman.
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