#jonh watson
olithatwriter · 5 months
Okay, so I needed to make a poem for an English assignment, and I had no ideas.
Naturally I made one based on Sherlock & Co.
TW: Blood, guns
“Catch ‘em!” Sherlock yells running like a mouse.
“I’m trying, mate!” John shrieks, holding his pistol.
“No, you’re not, Watson!” he runs in the house.
John follows. “I am!” the veteran squeaks.
“He’s getting away, Watson!” Sherlock groans.
“Stop acting like I’m the bloody issue!”
“You are!” he remarks, jumping over stones.
“Stop being nutty, Sherlock!” John snaps quickly.
“Just fire your pistol!” Sherlock replied.
“I’m not shooting him!” the veteran screams.
“Just fire it, god dam-” he cried.
“No! God, Sherlock! I-” BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. THUD.
Sherlock Holmes let out a horrified scream.
John Watson lay in a stream of his blood.
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Guys is Sherlock Holmes gay? Because my mom say that in her time Sherlock's sex life wasn't as important as it is nowadays so i need you guys opinion: is he gay or doesn't even care about sex?
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arcana-books · 7 months
“—Watson —dijo—, si alguna vez le parece que confío demasiado en mis habilidades, o si dedico un caso menos esfuerzo del que se merece, hágame el favor de susurrarme al oído «Norbury» y le estaré infinitamente agradecido.”
Libro: Las memorias de Sherlock Holmes
De: Arthur Conan Doyle
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teacup-captor · 6 months
Honestly I might be silly but "Jonk" IS a reasonable error-
I imagine the lady was just a little entheusiastic and started writing Jonh but then on the h she accidentally went up instead of arching and atp she was stuck in the rythm of writing a k, so we got Jonk instead
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lukasadss · 2 months
Love AO3 date filter cuz I wanna read podlock fics but I'm not caught up yet dhdj
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soscomiumremo · 4 months
That's right, a small crossover between The Doctor and Yuumori. As I said, I'm not fluent in English, so I threw everything into the translator. So it must be a mess, or not. I'm going to put it in my native language, usually when I read fanfics I activate the browser translator and it works really well, it probably works with portuguese too, right…enjoy! I accept comments and constructive criticism Words:2251
The gravel crunched under his feet as he walked through the vast cemetery. His fists were clenched as feelings of anger and sadness consumed him, John was tired. Why was Sherlock so difficult? What was his problem? Was it so bad to worry? As these questions ran through his head, memories of the morning came back to him. The fight was heated, similar to the day they traveled on the train, when he was accused of murder. Of course he was still very grateful that Sherlock and Mr. Moriarty had investigated and, thanks to their strangeness, managed to clear him. The argument came back to him clouding those memories. Why was it so bad that he worried about his friend's well-being? He was a damn doctor! His job was to take care of others. The cold words, the indifference, Miss Hudsson threatening to throw them down the stairs and the door slamming, everything came back like a flood causing some tears to well up in his eyes and run down his face.
Looking around, Watson began to pay attention to the place. The cemetery he was in was quite famous in London. The tombstones side by side, the freezing fog and the angelic statues brought a frightening and funereal air to the place. With a start he felt his pockets feeling for the keys. They weren't from the apartment, in fact, they were in the possession of the last client Sherlock served. The man was strange, he looked like he hadn't slept in days, he had a paranoid attitude, he was always looking around and seemed like he wanted to immediately run away from the place, the guy was overcome with fear and his name was Arnold. He looked at that key as if it were a curse, as if all evil was embedded in those keys. He asked Sherlock for help. He accused him of being in danger and that he was being followed, furthermore, Arnold blamed the keys. When Sherlock, finding the conversation completely boring, asked if he had any idea why, or who he was, Arnold simply replied: — I found this key in an abandoned house. I admit I went in to see if there was anything of value. The place was strange and dark. But, worse, those keys were left in the middle of the room, I thought they belonged to a room and I searched the house, however, I didn't find anything. —And what's the problem, Mr.Arnold?-John asked curiously, in fact it seemed like he was the only one interested in the pair. —When I went to leave the house there was an angel, there, standing in the middle of the door. It felt like I had committed the biggest sin in the world, because he hadn't been in that place before. — An angel? Like a statue? Did someone put a statue in the middle of the room?- Sherlock asked. — I don't know. It must have been, - after a pause he continued: - There are angels following me detective, and it's certainly the fault of that key. I've tried to get rid of it, but it always comes back. I can't have this.
Mr. Arnold's despair was so great that it made John anxious, a feeling of unease came over him at that moment. "If that works, you can leave it here." Sherlock declared uninterested. A look of astonishment crossed the man's eyes before he deliberately threw the keys onto the table. After that, an exchange of looks began until Arnold stood up and said goodbye. After a while John tried to look for him, but in vain. He disappeared, nothing at home, work or family.
Jonh walked again and observed the place with the key in his hand. A chilling sensation passed down his spine, he knew that feeling. He spent too long fighting in the war to recognize that feeling….someone was following him. Ignore or face? Could it be that he was another one of Sherlock's enemies? Was Mycroft trying to prank him again? Looking back, just to be sure, he saw no one. But besides being a doctor, John was a soldier, and like a good fighter he kept looking, looking for details… and was it his imagination or had the statue moved? Of course it was impression, that was impossible! Walking again, at a faster speed, the sensation returned. He turned around again and what he saw left him in shock. It wasn't possible, it was unreal. Jonh's blood ran cold, it felt like his entire body was paralyzed…years of combat hadn't prepared him for what was ahead of him. That statue, the damn statue that was at least 20 tombstones away…now it was ten feet away from him…surely it moved. It wasn't his imagination, and Arnold certainly wasn't crazy. What to do? Did she pose a danger? Absolutely, look what happened to that poor man…he even disappeared. What to do? What to do? The army never talked about it. What to do? What to do?
— Don't take your eyes off them, they move when we're not looking. With a start, Jonh turned his head and saw… a man. He wore strange clothes and his hair was a mess, and he wasn't looking at Jonh…he was staring…at that statue. — W-what? — What's your problem? - asked the man - I told you not to look away and the first thing you do is look at me? Look at her….my eyes are already burning. — B-but I…. — Listen, I really want to blink. I can explain to you what is happening, but I need you to look at her….after all, your species only needs their ears to understand what is said — H-How? — Look at her! This angel isn't even that ugly. Jonh quickly moved away from this guy and, consequently, from the angel. He had the opportunity to observe him better, as previously said his clothes were strange, he certainly wasn't from here. Was he a foreigner? He definitely had an accent. — You know, if I didn't have to stare at this damn angel I'd roll my eyes. — I don't understand. What is happening? What does that mean? — You have a key, right? John nodded, but blushed with embarrassment when he remembered that the man couldn't look at him, so he mumbled a somewhat suspicious "yes". — Excellent. See, it belongs to me, this key. And these beings, these statues, know this. They are following you to get it. Being sincere? I'm surprised I arrived on time. —Did you arrive on time? Like this? What would have happened to me if you hadn't "arrived on time"? -he questioned exasperatedly. — Well, counting on the fact that you were alone and are easy prey…they would catch up to you, send you to another time and absorb your energy until you die…and of course, most importantly, they would take my key.- replied the man, with a tranquility that John found frightening
—Are you serious? No of course not. This is crazy! Another time? Statues that move? Absorb energy? This is crazy! You're making this all up- he was losing control…- this is all a trick…a fabrication. — Look, whether you think it's true or not is up to you, but if you're going to run away… can you at least give me my key? - he asked seriously - or better yet… deal with her… her it goes to you first. — What? He didn't even have time to blink, that statue… that thing moved towards him so quickly that he didn't even notice it. But the worst thing was the position, it looked like she was ready to attack… with her angry face, showing her claws and teeth… the opposite of a funereal face previously shown. With fright John stumbled on his feet and almost fell….he was scared. — I'm trying to help. This is a powerful and dangerous being, and she will follow you until she gets this key. I promise to help you. Look at her and give me the key, I promise to solve this.- he declared seriously Tremblingly John handed over the keys, it's not like he had many options. Even if it was a lie, he still didn't know how that man was setting everything up. — Thanks! -he left with a smile. — Hey! Where are you going? Don't leave me here!-He didn't dare look away…but his eyes were already burning.- Please, explain this to me. Sir?
How long had he been looking at that hideous figure? His eyes were burning… his stress was returning, sweat began to pour out and the cold began to penetrate his skin. The adrenaline was in full swing. What if he blinked? Would he really go somewhere else? Or was it just a prank? Before his mind finished confabulating his theories he heard a strange dream behind him. Did it look like a sign? Has he never heard anything like that? Should he see it? A light began to shine…he knew it, something began to illuminate the place…only revealing even more frightening characteristics of that being… — Wow…you really obeyed me.- exclaimed the man behind him.- let's get out of here, take a few steps back. I'm going to get you out of here.
— W-what? Like this? Did you bring a carriage? I didn't hear horses…..just a strange sound…- questioned John, damn…his eyes were watering…he needs to.. — You can blink, I'm keeping an eye on her, don't worry. John wanted to cry with relief. Turning around he found the man and a police box? Was that what made that noise? Like this? How did she get here? —I know what you're thinking…and believe me, it's better than a carriage. Get in there, trust me, I'll be right behind.- he declared calmly John looked and looked, how would they fit in there? But do you want to know? He lived with a drug addict who solved crimes by looking at a strand of hair and a grain of sand. There was a statue behind him and a mysterious man behind a key… what was another oddity for his portfolio? He entered….and left. What was that? Bigger inside? What were all those things? He looked to the side…that man was still staring at the angel, and that statue was ready to grab him, it seemed like he was waiting for the slightest bit of carelessness. —Got scared? It happens, don't worry… cultural differences, that's all. - he stated calmly - come on, you can come in. “How can I trust that?” he asked.
— I came back to get you, didn't I? - declared the man clearly - You know, they once told me…."what's a fart when you're all shitty?" What do you have to lose? You don't live long even then. — First, what do you mean? How come we don't live long? Our medicine is very advanced. Second, what kind of saying is that?-John could feel a drop forming on his head. "Well, whatever. Either I die here, or I'll die by my side Sherlock, either way…it's not like I expect to live long anyway." He entered. — Did you see? It wasn't that difficult.- the stranger happily declared, while walking backwards, and after his entry the door closed. Finally John felt minimally relaxed, at least that statue wouldn't come in. It's not like he could celebrate much, soon deafening knocks started on the door, it sounded like a hailstorm. — Well, they don't give up… very well, let's get out of here - he argued quickly. — Wait, where are we going? - asked Watson as he ran towards the man, who was in the center of the room, pressing several buttons that he would like to stay away from.
— I'm going to take you home, but first I have to talk to a friend. What do you think Dr. Watson? Would you like a quick adventure? - he declared absently, but there was a touch of nostalgia that John managed to capture. — Where are we going? Is very far? — No, it's not, it's very close. Right here in London- he pulled a lever, and the knocking increased- only 210 years in the future. It's close, what do you think Doctor? Shall we?- did this man always smile like that? In some ways he reminded me of Sherlock, he was eccentric and confident, just like him. Perhaps because he remembered his friend, he made the craziest decision he had ever made, after sharing the apartment with the detective. — Are we going to be late? — Not at all, it won't even look like you left. - He pressed a button and the ship started to shake, were they moving? But wait! He forgot a critical detail. —Wait! What is your name? — My name? Well, I'm The Doctor! - he exclaimed with conviction — Doctor? Is this your name? Doctor?- he asked in shock, was that possible?- What kind of name is that? — Huh, what's the problem? My name is as normal as any other. I am The Doctor and I will always be The Doctor. — Well…- after all that, who was he to question? Angels? Time travel? A guy called The Doctor was the least of his problems-I'm Watson, John Watson. — I know.- and again that man, The Doctor, smiled
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 9 months
Si es rubio es alfa
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/K2GyrC3 by ImberNix 31 one-shots cortos basados en el universo omegaverse, utilizando siete shipps diferentes: [☃️] Ineffable Husbands (de Good Omens). [☃️] Hannigram [de Hannibal] [☃️] Johnlock [de Sherlock de la BBC] [☃️] Lokius [Loki -serie-] [☃️] Merthur [Merlín -serie-] [☃️] BlackBonnet [Our Flag Means Death] [☃️] Destiel [de Supernatural] Cómo se hace mención con el título, los personajes rubios serán alfas. [🌲] Los capítulos se basarán en palabras claves o prompts, que han sido proporcionadas por la página de FB @EsDeFanfics. Words: 1904, Chapters: 2/31, Language: Español Fandoms: Good Omens (TV), Hannibal (TV), Sherlock (TV), Merlin (TV), Loki (TV 2021), Our Flag Means Death (TV), Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Hannibal Lecter (serie Hannibal), Will Graham, John Watson (Sherlock BBC), Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock BBC), Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Mobius M. Mobius, mobius - Character, Loki (Marvel), Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural) Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham, John Watson/Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Pendragon/Merlin, Mobius.M.Mobius/Loki, Stede Bonnet/Edward Teach, Dean Winchester/Castiel Additional Tags: Omegaverse, Es de Fanfic's Omegacember 2023, Omegacember, Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), Hannigram - Freeform, Johnlock - Freeform, Merthur - Freeform, lokius, blackbonnet - Freeform, Destiel - Freeform, Top Aziraphale/Bottom Crowley (Good Omens), Top Hannibal Lecter, Top Hannibal/Bottom Will Graham, Top Jonh Watson/Bottom Sherlock Holmes, Top Arthur Pendragon/Bottom Merlin (Merlin), Top Mobius M. Mobius/Bottom Loki, Top Stede Bonnet/Bottom Blackbeard, Top Dean Winchester/Bottom Castiel, Power Bottom, Soft Top, celo read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/K2GyrC3
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itsmysecretcap · 3 years
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kanon-phantom · 3 years
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Acá cerrarán el arco "El caballero blanco de Londres", quedando solamente 4 episodios para animar todo el dramón (que personalmente creo que NO VA A ALCANZAR).
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deadsoul965 · 4 years
I want season 5 of Sherlock in 2021-22 years, please, please, Santa Claus! 😫 (Mark and Steven, of course)
I want to see the relationship between Sherlock and Rosie and Jonh. And smth cool and smth bad and new stories, investigations and...
Oh God just show me Jonhlock ('s kiss), do I ask too much?
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I want see Martin and Benedict together again, pleeeeeassse. Somewhere. In the other projects maybe? Ohhhh, why I remember about Sherlock now but not in the next pairs of years?
I am obsessed with all that.
Just kill me.
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I miss you Alan Rickman, Jude St Francis, John Watson, 11th doctor and Ianto Jones my heart hurts for all of you
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gh0stly-shu · 3 years
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memesandgaytrash · 5 years
Is this Jonh Watson?
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Martin Freeman reading "Hop on Pop" is probably the most useful 7:35 minutes of my life...
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kmmmo20 · 6 years
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