#jontron is the best
anoddrock · 6 months
Naethan Apollo is like if Jonestote Simple liked pop and adventure instead of folk and horror.
Like you listen to Calizor and it’s fun and all then you’ll get Summer Night In Domita followed by ‘I Hope I Die Alone’ and it’s like. Oh that’s properly tragic but it’s also so lighthearted and satisfying and real. Ok
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
You hiding this in the tags had me like. #because the only other one I know is the history of our clan name ME: Ah yes, makes sense, things relating to something close to us is often more memorable... #and even that I only remember because cannibals are involved... ME: ... What? WHAT??? (insert Jontron "what" meme.)
Anonymous asked: My mother's maiden name means "Hamster" and you're here having cannibalism.
Anonymous asked: Tell the story of the cannibal clan name?
Okay, so -- and, of course, I won't be saying the clan name because it is a surname -- to elaborate:
A long, long, long... let's just put in thirty or so 'longs' time ago back before Nigeria was even called Nigeria (so we're talking way before the British came along and did their haphazard division of West Africa), you had a substantial separation of tribal groups.
And, as with many other cultures and regions around the world, it wasn't uncommon for people from one tribe to go and fight with another tribe for resources, territory, etc. Well, sometimes in the case with his region, does fights also included... catching people to... Y-you know... Eat.
So one day we have one member of the tribe who we'll call 'E' (in reference to our clan name). E was fairly competent in farming, fishing, and making merry, but he wasn't the best when it came to hunting people.
So one day a group of hunters from the tribe came around to say 'Hey E! We're going hunting, grab your shit and let's go!' So E's like 'Aight, bet!' And he grabs his stuff to go along with the others. They travel far and spend a few days on this hunting trip until they find someone from another tribe who's by himself, exhausted, and taking a break by a riverbank.
So the other hunters turn to E and say 'Alright E... This guy is literally by himself, he looks pretty weak, this should be nearly impossible for anyone to mess up. So you're going to go over there and kill him so we can go home, okay?'
So E's like 'Aight, bet!' And while the other hunters are in hiding, E grabs a weapon --
Which was most likely a machete like this
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-- just strolls on over to their target like it's nothing. When E gets to the guy (who still didn't know he had anyone watching him)... He nudges the guy to get his attention and tells him, "Hey! My name's E, just letting you know that I'm going to kill you and take you back to my tribe so we can eat you. Also, a bunch of my friends are over in that bush, so if you wanted to say hi or anything. So... Yeah, just wanted to let you know before I get started!"
And, of course, all the other hunters are just like
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Because of course the guy ends up bolting out of there, making the hunt a complete waste of time.
So, yeah, my family clan name is forever linked to the story of a guy who just could not read the room.
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zanyana626 · 1 year
Sorry, I'm late but here are my thoughts on Watching And Dreaming!
I'm still so shook, like it just hit me that we're never gonna see these magical weirdos again. But no worries, the love for them will still live on here! Again, there's spoilers down here, so beware!
Ofc Belos came up w/the nightmare idea to fuck with Luz, Eda, & King
Glad Luz was able to put two & two together and get the Hexsquad (for the time being), Eda, & King to snap out of it
COLLECTOR YOU SWEET BBY BOI!!! He just wants a friend who gets them; I'm glad that the 3 weirdos got through to them eventually!
Raine being a total badass fighting back Belos with their bard magic! Really wish we got more info on Bard magic, especially since my TOH OC focuses on that brand of magic! 🎻
Also, Collector sweetie, no. Belos doesn't deserve your (or anyone else's) forgiveness!
They're obviously not gonna kill of my girl Luz, I knew that! Feral mode Eda AND King going to avenge her regardless!
The Collector crying and confused over the concept of death, loss & true sadness!!! 😭😭😭
So the Puppet Amity screenshot leak was real!
Luz meeting The Titan in limbo! Love his drip (I want those glyph sweatpants now!)
TITAN!LUZ?!?!?! Well, I know now who I'm gonna be for Halloween this year (or for a future cosplay idea). I wish she got to keep that form; mostly cuz I wanted Amity to react to that form! 😍😍😍
The Collector helping the reawakened Hexsquad & Camila to protect the puppeted citizens in The Archives
"EAT THIS SUCKA!!!" My best Jontron impression: "She's in boys, she did it, she said it! *Cue the airhorns*"
Belos using a lame ass excuse of "being cursed with dark magic like your mentor". Bye Felicia, hope you're melting burning in Hell! 😒🖕🏼
"I loaf you!" bread pun from a parent to their son, MY HEART!!! 🥲
Hexsquad & their families reunion
DADRIUS!!! And Hunter showing off his wolf shirt, my child <3
Hooty's sparkly eyed reawakening (wish we got at least one more witty remark from him)
The Collector should've stayed with the gang, especially after what he said about their past w/the other Collectors! I knew King would give him Francois as a parting gift/symbol of their friendship.
The glyphs don't work w/Luz anymore??? I know she still has String Bean, but just how else can she do magic? I guess we'll never know!
Cue the timeskip:
Of course, Luz graduated & is going to a magic university
Vee's new look, super cute as always
HARPY LILITH!!! Wish we got more time w/the look, but oh well! 😍
Bump definitely deserves a break after everything that went down. Eda's definitely a worthy successor as headmaster (love her pirate-like drip)!
Palisman carving Hunter! New blue jay pal Waffles; was hoping for a wolf palisman, but of course, too predictable. Besides, I love me some birdies!
Flyer derby champ Willow, slay queen! 🐝
Amity, Gus, & Raine's new looks are also adorable!
Also, did we ever get a confirmation on the name of Raine's palisman??? I feel like they're a Chauncey to me!
Smol Aladarius moment!
RIP Flapjack, you tiny but mighty hero! I also want that birdie tattoo on my wrist (maybe for my birthday, I'll see) 🐦
Luz having a surprise 18th birthday/belated King-Ceañera w/everyone in the Boiling Isles! Just like we wanted!!! 👏🏼
One last "BAIIIII!!!!" from everyone! 👋🏼
And that's the end, it's been real! Thanks again to @danaterrace and to all the cast & crew members behind the show.
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just-kit-ink · 11 months
With all the Jontron videos referencing WFRR characters and Kitty, I have one to offer you XD
*The weasels and Poppy during Christmas*
Psycho: You know what guys? I'm going nuts. Every year I play it safe-
Greasy: YOU play it safe???
Psycho: But this year? I'm going nuts."
Poppy: Oh heck yeah! Let's go nuts!
Toon Patrol: *looking at Poppy in various forms of disbelief- why is Poppy agreeing to this!?*
Psycho: *excited* You feeling me!? You feeling me on this!?
Poppy: *busts out a bag of mixed nuts* We're going nuts! :D
Toon Patrol: ...
Psycho: You know, it never occurred to me before. But I feel like theres a distinct species divide between you and us.
(Poppy went to the corner store with Kitty, saw this big bag of nuts, and was snickering to herself while buying it saying that this was going to be the best joke these guys will hear 😭 (the weasels didn't die laughing, so she's technically right XD))
//Oh wow 😂
Poppy: I am so buying these!
Kitty: Ah, I can't have those, peanut allergy. Apparently it's one of the most common allergies.
Poppy: Oh no! What if one of them were drawn with a- Pity, I so wanted to play this prank.
Kitty: *grabs another bag* I didn't say anything about Hazelnuts!
Poppy: 😃
Meanwhile Smartass is like "...This is my doll's sense'a humour? ...Not bad!"
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societyslostone · 2 years
I am part way through the SDC in book 5 and I was proven right.
Earlier in the chapter I was getting a feeling that Vil's obsession with quality and being the best would be his downfall. And seeing everyone's reaction to Neige and the dwarves rehearsal reminds me of watching Katy Perry's firework compared to YouTuber JonTron's cover of it. Katy Perry had the higher quality but JonTron's felt Soo much better because it had energy and passion behind it. There's even a video of both audios are over laid over each other and Katy Perry sounded like a backup singer in her own song, lol.
Definitely quality versus passion.
If your performance is perfect, that's great! But if you don't have any passion, why should the audience care?
I would love to hear other people's thoughts!
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david-box · 2 months
Man I tried so hard to give Zach Hadel the benefit of the doubt bc there's some shit in Smiling Friends I do not abide with whatsofucking ever (blackface episode having an... Ambiguous moral around cancel culture at best, Christina chan references like that's even on anyone's fucking minds while also misgendering her,, a fandom partially composed of SJWs, weirdly stereotypical Hispanic characters, and no female main characters at all) and I'm fucking struggling here man. Throw me a fucking bone. One bone. Like any single bone. I don't even need an apology just tell me he *currently* disagrees with anything JonTron said and doesn't defend SHADMAN. That's it. I'm not even trying to dig shit up it's just there.
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syrupspinner · 2 months
i just defeated Ben and Ed
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dead game, am i right?
ill come out and say that, for better or worse, the most notable thing about this game is how much it shows its age.
so, indie games have always been innately countercultural in my opinion. people make indie games because theyre inspired to do something the AAA industry lacks, and a lot of the indie games that pop off into popularity do so because they offer something that mainstream gaming cant. in the current zeitgeist, we can see that best by comparing the innate simplicity and modest of indie games compared to sony's big 10-years-in-the-oven blockbuster. thats not to say indie games dont have work put into them, id never say that the year after pizza tower and sea of stars game out, but those are video games for gamers, not cinematic experiences for the general public
all this is to paint a picture of the mid-aughts, where gamers were freaking the fuck out about their hobby being made casual. the industry didnt want to cater to the same closed circle of hardcore dedication forever, and wanted to follow the wii's success by making gaming something everyone can enjoy. in other words, less call of duty, more wii sports. also unignorable is super meat boy hitting the shelves in 2010. i bought a copy from walmart as a kid (a physical disc that made me download steam to play it) and was shocked by the difficulty and the humour trying way too hard to be offensive. woah, an aborted fetus is the bad guy, youre just like the kid in my class whos mean to girls for attention. either way, it was a runaway success, and set the standard for indies to be rude & tough even if they werent directly inspired
so, ben and ed happens. an unflinchingly difficult platformer that has a meanspirited and gross edge to it. and yeah, this sure reads like someone wanted to make a difficult game all right. it's not I Am Bread levels of fuck-you-just-because, but it still feels like it cares more about being hard than being fair
like, the penultimate level has buzzsaws swinging back and forth across a pit of acid that the platforms dunk you into sometimes. add some laser sharks and we have an avgn bit. but it doesnt feel like ive been given a fun challenge here, just something hard for the sake of saying "look at me i did a tough thing" to all my friends. it doesnt feel intrinsically rewarding to overcome, because the difficulty is cheap
also, in the very same level, you can press tab and ragdoll under everything for like... two minutes straight. thats not hard, dude.
my final conclusion is that this game feels like its chasing trends from the time and doesnt hold up as a result. maybe itd feel less like that if the game didnt have the same "look at me im so dark and yucky" vibe that every newgrounds game had? like, the premise of kidnapping a zombie and making them play wipeout is already bleak enough, you dont have to make the antagonist jontron with acne and litter the game with ads for meat-flavoured dentists or whatever the fuck.
to close this off, i think this whole thing can be summarized by saying if you know about this game in the current year, at least if youre anything like me, you probably know about markiplier losing his shit
whats at the end? ...a facebook link, to a page trying to kickstart an ARG that fizzled out due to lack of interest and seemed to just be a roundabout reference to a creepypasta from almost 15 years ago.
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ideahat-universe · 6 months
This is very disappointing news. Not only are flufflepuff videos in my personal archives but the brony fangame I've been working on has Flufflepuff type ponies as a playable class. There was even a planned Flufflepuff style NPC and maybe even Flufflepuff herself if the game really took off.
So what do I do? Do I remove this character now that I've been made formally aware of it?
I do actually believe in separating art from the artist. I have archives of Smorky Kay despite knowing exactly what he did.
I watch Rurouni Kenshin and consider it one of my all time favorite anime despite knowing what the creator was doing.
But that's consuming artwork. What about creating it? Well, a ton of artists were directly inspired by Ren and Stimpy creator John Kricfalusi (does anyone notice a pattern emerging?) and aside from hating what he did they all don't resent being inspired by his work, in fact for those who still remember Ren and Stimpy it's still considered one of the best cartoons of its era if not one of the most influential.
Sea of Stars at one point had Jirard the completionist in their game and removed him when he got in hot water, however Hat in game devs didn't remove Jontron from the game despite the hot water he was in at the time.
So what should I do? Well, let me think.
The whole idea behind my game is that you play various Pony archetypes, not just as teammates but at various points you change to different kinds of ponies. Artistic liberty had to be taken as some pony features over lap with each other with small differences through the generations of the franchise's existence as well as stretching
For instance, you can play as a fairy pony which is several different types of fairy like ponies made into a cohesive singular design and class.
A similar thing had to be done when creating Gem Ponies which are just different versions of a glittery, gem themed, or otherwise crystalline pony type.
I recently added Zebra as a class and it oddly enough has overlap with Flufflepuff in terms of theme (Manipulating chaotic power) except unlike the Zebra class which is fairly balanced, Flufflepuff is broken. The most recent direction I was going with the design was that Fluffpuff style ponies could pull things out of hammer-space or different effects would happen based on the use of items and what equipment they have on. You couldn't wear armor but the defense was really high outside of a 200% weakness to fire.
But here's the thing. There is nothing like Flufflepuff in the official Pony Archives. Every other Pony Class has official representation in the show and the game is generally about representing as much of the show's original IP through the 1-4 generations as possible.
There were never any frizzy hair pony toys. I'm not even sure if a Chia pet pony happened. That does mean I'm not obligated to keep this class in the game. If I had it in here because I wanted to include a popular non canon race, well, It's not going to be much more popular in the future.
But what if I changed it? If artists inspired by Jon K went on to make their own mark and not be weighed down by the source of inspiration. Maybe I can do the same.
Perhaps it's time for a League of Legends style rework....
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patchy-patchy · 4 years
Mr. Clean! Mr. Clean!
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nicocola · 6 years
Had to block one of my irl friends for now because she and another friend are being bigoted and right now its making me uncomfortable
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When JonTron has invaded your life with inside jokes. @darandomnellz
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deluxewolfx-blog · 7 years
Jontron Zuiikin' English Scene-Weird Workout Videos
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So I just played Picture Perfect Boyfriend (the game by @stacysolddrawings​) and I love it, have fully fallen in love with one character by the name of Ashton... but I gotta admit he reminds me of Jontron (like in the best possible way)
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I’m not entirely sure why but now I like to imagine they have really similar personalities and senses of humour (and also he sounds like Jon in my head)
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bunabi · 2 years
not to be a downer but there has been some stuff coming out abt Dislyte about the game artists tracing other artwork pretty explicitly, and also getting a sponsored message from J*nTron for an advertisement 🥲 the designs are great but it’s probably best to know about that also before going into it
from what I've searched they've quietly backtracked both [and made a vague 'we love diversity and inclusivity actually' apology letter] so I want to give them the benefit of a doubt
marketing teams for mobile gatcha games really dont screen their sponsors deeper than viewership metrics and subscriber count
but on the other hand: Jontron had a pretty prolific descent down the reactionary neo-nazi rabbit hole, so there's no way they didn't know
unrelated but I'm surprised Jontron has a following considering his comedy is perpetually stuck in the early 2010s
that specific era of online comedy where people played caricatures of themselves — irreverence turned up to a hundred & lots of exaggerated anger — only to become that character over time
those 'ironic' jokes became real unironic real quick
basically what I'm saying is mfs want what AVGN had but they will never be James Rolfe
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tobi-smp · 3 years
the point of asking for an apology from a creator is to have tangible proof that they understood what they did wrong and that they won’t continue the behavior. the majority of issues that were dug up about technoblade were either blown out of proportion/taken in bad faith, old behavior that he has Not repeated into adulthood, and off color jokes that ended up making people uncomfortable
(namely things like titling a video “MCC is worse than hitler.” alluding to uncomfortable subject matter in a way that isn’t really overtly bigoted, unnecessary and uncomfortable but not grounds to insist that he’s definitely absolutely antisemitic. note, I’m saying this as someone who was raised by their jewish mother but I don’t intend to speak for every jewish person with an opinion on it. I just mean that it’s clearly and obviously different from someone like jontron.)
it’s not Wrong to call things like that out, in fact it’s very healthy to do so as long as it’s in a clear and respectful way ! but the crime here is not on par with like, Saying A Slur or being openly racist. removing the old content that people found upsetting and quietly changing your behavior actually Is a reasonable response in this situation. he used edgy humor as a teenager and young adult (he’s currently 21) and then went out of his way to remove it when he realized it upset people. yes ideally he would’ve known better in the first place, but as long as his behavior is changed then it literally doesn’t matter whether he puts out an apology or not.
mind you, it’s totally fair to say that you don’t Trust that he’s realized that he’s done something wrong or that his behavior will change unless he apologizes, you don’t owe him anything let alone the benefit of the doubt or “loyalty.” if he makes you uncomfortable now then he made his choice and you’re entitled to make yours by dropping him. but he doesn’t Owe anyone anything either, it’s not actually within people’s right to harass and dogpile creators to get the response from them that they want.
the harassment, crossing of boundaries, calls to have him removed from his friend groups, and Actual suicide baiting are more directly and overtly harmful than anything he’s being asked to apologize for. the sleepytwt falling apart may be for the best if this is how they act the moment they can’t strong arm a creator.
to be frank, as long as technoblade makes an effort to avoid potentially upsetting subject matter in the future his response here would have been Fine if it weren’t being yanked down the twitter controversy mill. it’d be more Comforting to have him address it directly but the way that it was brought up in the first place was already overtly hostile. the thread that started this was explicitly made to start controversy because they didn’t Like the sbi. he does not actually have to subject himself to that if he doesn’t feel comfortable doing so.
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fedfear-blog · 7 years
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here it is folks p: what do u guys think??
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