#jordan parish imagine
theewritingroomm · 4 years
A’s Teen Wolf Masterlist
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Series/One Shots
Liam Dunabr
A Winchester (a SPN crossover) - Part One -- Part Two -- Part Three -- Part Four -- Part Five -- Part Six -- Part Seven -- Part Eight -- Part Nine
More to Come
Gif Drabbles (Imagine...)
Stiles Stilinski
Stiles being shocked when he finds out that you’re coach’s daughter
Having a crush on Stiles
More to Come
Main Masterlist
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topazy · 2 years
Paring: Liam Dunbar x reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood and violence
Chapter: S4 final
You allowed yourself to enjoy the rain for a few more moments. What you were about to do would change your life forever. You owe yourself it. Sighing, you step forward. Your gaze lands on the door leading into the animal clinic. You hoped this plan would work. It would. Your plan was down to Allison, so I had to work.
Feeling a wave of grief taking over, you collect yourself before walking towards the building. You were surprised to find the door unlocked despite it being so late at night. You pushed the door open and knocked, “hello?”
A bald man stepped into your view and said, “Sorry, Miss but I’m just closing up for the night.”
You noticed the strange look on its face. It was probably because you’d turned up at his vet without a pet with you. You cleared your throat, “I’m looking for Alan Deaton.”
He eyes you suspiciously, “that would be me.” He motions for you to come in, “as I said, I’m about to close up for the night. Can I schedule you an appointment for your…”
“Scott’s in danger!” You blurt out.
“Scott McCall, he’s been taken and I know where he is.”
Deaton had a serious look on his face, as if he was trying to figure out if you were lying or not. He waves for you to follow him, and you do. You walk into a treatment room and notice a worried-looking redhead.
You knew who she was instantly. You’d always imagined banshees to be ugly creatures, but the redhead was far from it. “You're Lydia, right?”
The redhead shifted her gaze from you to Deaton. “Who’s this?”
“Sorry, I’m just- sorry, I should have introduced myself,” you say awkwardly. “I’m Allison's cousin.”
After not being called your birth name for so many years, you are slightly taken aback. “I prefer Lulana.”
“You said Scott’s been taken and you know where he is?” Deaton asks.
“He’s in Mexico. My uh Kate is working with someone I’m not sure who, but they want him dead.”
“Are you sure about this? Once you go against her… there’s no going back.”
You smile at your uncle, “I’m sure. Allison loved Scott. This is what she would have wanted.”
He let out a hesitant sigh. “This will be dangerous. Are you sure?”
“I can handle myself. Honestly, I was more afraid of meeting her friends. I was worried nobody would believe me and I’d risked everything for nothing.”
You saw the pain in your uncle's eyes as he thought of his daughter. You missed her so much. Her death was one of the main reasons you’d chosen to move to Beacon Hills and reconnect with what little family you had left.
Hearing multiple voices and footsteps approaching, you reached for the handgun that was hidden underneath your uncle's desk. When the handle started to turn, you aimed your gun at the doorway, ready to fire at whoever was breaking into your uncle's office. When a police officer helped your uncle, who was covered in blood, step inside the room, you sat the gun on the table.
“Uncle Chris!” You rushed over to him and wrapped your arms around him.
It took him a moment to process what was happening, but when he realised it was really you, he pulled you in tighter and kissed the crown of your head. “How did you get in here?”
“I broke in.”
He chuckled as he continued holding onto you before reluctantly letting go to introduce you to Jordan Parish.
“The minute things get too violent, I need you to promise me you’ll run. I- I can’t lose you too.”
“I promise,” you smile.
Although you’d promised your uncle you’d run, you knew deep down you wouldn’t. You had betrayed Kate and would need to deal with the consequences of it, whatever that meant.
“Oh my god!”
The sight of blood and the sounds of gunfire didn’t scare you, but the sight of Kate Argent did. She wasn’t human. You knew all about her being bitten and turned into a werejaguar, but you’d never seen her turned before.
When the rover came to a stop, your uncle jumped out and said, “Parish, she’s staying here with you. Stay out of sight for now.”
You watched as a berserker killed multiple people hired by the Calaveras. Screw it. You reached for a rifle sitting on the front passenger seat, much to Parishes' displease, “what are you doing?”
“Going to help.”
“Chris said you were to stay here.”
“You either stay here or help me,” you say before swinging the door open.
He takes one last look at the madness going on around you and says, “Alright, let’s go. But stay behind me.”
You do as you're told and stay behind Parish, that is until you're close enough to hear Kate. “You’re next, Araya. I’m coming to kill you next.”
Araya pulls out her electric baton, “come, La Loba. Let me show you how the Calaveras die.”
Your eyes land on the bodies laying on the ground. You feel sick to your stomach, knowing your family is responsible for this. You step out from behind Parish and take a shot. Kate lets out a hiss as a bullet scuffs the side of her shoe. She extends her hand claws ready to attack and spins round. Her jaguar features soften as she looks almost human again.
“Y/N,” she says with a hurt expression on her face. “My own baby girl, turning on me.”
“I'm not your baby girl,” you say, pointing your gun at her as she slowly approaches you.
“Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for you.”
You shake your head, “That’s not true.”
A large black wolf appears and pins her to the ground, causing her to let out a scream. The wolf bites at her but doesn’t do any real damage. When Kate starts to crawl away, the wolf becomes a man.
Kate looks up at him, stunned. “You were…” she says, “you were dead.”
“No. I was evolving, something you’ll never do.”
You watch as the man kills a berserker by crushing its skull with his bare hands. Unsure of what to do, you remain in the same spot, watching Kate crawl away until your uncle calls out to you, “Lulana get down!”
You duck as he fires a shot that hits Kate directly in the chest. She falls to the ground and lets out a gasp. Her eyes flicker between you and her brother, “Chris? You brought her here?”
All eyes move to you momentarily before they fall back on Kate, who’s gotten to her feet trying to flee.
“Stay here.”
Not listening to your uncle, you follow them into an underground ruin, but you stay far enough behind that you watch them without being seen. “You want to kill me, Chris?”
“No, but I don’t want to save you anymore either.” He lets out a painful groan. “I don’t know that you’re worth saving.”
You try to get closer as Kate raises her voice. “This is just like when we were kids. You were always trying to make me the bad guy. You can’t see them clearly anymore, can you? Scott’s not your little hero, none of them are. Not when they killed Allison.”
You heartbreaks when you see the pained expression on your uncle's face. “Allison died. She died saving her friends, which makes them worth fighting for. I believe that, and so does Lulana.”
“You’re not going to kill me, Chris, and Lulana isn’t your daughter. She’s mine.” Kate gasps before backing away from him. “And you’re not gonna catch me. Not you. Not Peter, and not the Calaveras… but I will come back. I will come back for her.”
When Kate is completely out of sight, you step out of your hiding spot. “How much did you hear?”
“All of it.”
You stand beside Parish awkwardly as you watch your uncle talk to Scott, who is standing with the rest of his pack.
“There’s enough yellow wolfsbane to keep Peter out for the trip back, but be careful.”
“You're really going with them?” The alpha asks.
“I made a deal with the Calaveras weeks ago. They’ll leave you alone. All of you, but only if I help them catch Kate,” he glances at you. “And believe me, I have every intention of finding her before she hurts anyone else.”
“What if you can’t find her?” The girl, called Kira, asks.
“I will. I’m the only one who can.”
Chris walks to you with his arms outstretched, you embrace him in a goodbye hug. “When is your flight back home?”
“I still have a lot I need to tell you, but now is not the time, but about home… I kinda got kicked out of boarding school because my dad stopped paying its fees.”
He pulls back, looking unimpressed. “I’ll figure something out, but for right now and only on a temporary basis until we have something more permanent,” he hands you a set of keys. “You can stay in the apartment until I’m back, but no parties. I will send someone over to check everyday.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, we’re family.”
You watch as he joins the Calaveras. You hope they will find Kate soon so that life can become normal again, or at least better than what it currently is. You avoid making eye contact with the man called Derek Hale. He has been studying you the full time.
“You ready to go?” Parish asks.
“Yeah,”you say, nodding. “Wait, I’ll just be a minute longer.”
You weren’t sure if it was his alpha senses or not, but Scott must have known what you were going to do because when you turned around he was standing behind you, smiling. “Hi, I’m Scott.”
“I’m Lulana…” you smile back at him, “I’m really sorry for what-”
“Don’t apologise, it wasn’t your fault. I came over to thank you. I heard you were the one who told Deaton where I was, so I should be thanking you.”
A brown haired boy stood beside Scott; he looked slightly younger than him. If you had to guess, you’d say he was the same age as you. “Hi, I’m Liam.”
“Lulana,” you say shyly. You look back at Parish, who’s waiting patiently, which makes you feel even more guilty for making him wait. “I really need to go. I just wanted to say sorry.”
You smile at the two boys before joining Parish in his car. “So, are you planning on sticking around in Beacon Hills if Argent comes back?”
“Maybe I’ll just need to wait and see.”
Two weeks had passed since you’d returned from Mexico and nothing major had happened. You’d only leave your uncle's apartment to either go food shopping or exercise. Socialising wasn’t something you were very good at, but most days you spoke to a boy called Mason, who you’d run into most days while out for a jog.
When you placed the bowl of cereal down onto the table, there was a knock at the door. You walk towards the front door, careful not to make any noise. You look through the peephole and are surprised to see Kiera standing on the other side of the door.
You unlock it to let her in, “hi... Is everything okay?”
“I wanted to make sure you were okay,” the brunette says. “I know how lonely it can be being the new girl, so I just wanted to let you know I’m here if you need a friend, or whatever, no pressure.”
“I’m just about to put a film on. You can join me if you want.”
Kira nods and walks into the apartment. You smile. Maybe staying in Beacon Hills wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories - lrh (Chapter Twenty Two)
Memories (also on Wattpad)
Chapter Twenty One ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ Chapter Twenty Three
Marnie pov.
The last thing I remember before waking up in the hospital was Jordan's voice screaming my name. I remember seeing the spotlights turn and everything goes out. Then a very strange and unrelated dream, but without any effort, everything was there again.
Stephen's betrayal. My test for model. The first runaway. The first magazine cover. My parents' divorce. Ashton. Meredith. My siblings. Leah. Noah. Kyleen. Calum. Michael and Luke.
Oh God, Luke.
Ash's party. Our trip. Our kiss. Our night. All fights and reconciliations. Every night and travel. All touches and smiles. Again he was there, more alive than ever in my mind.
I need to see him. I need to talk to him. Tell everything. I need him.
“Calm down, young lady. No sudden movements. You hit your head.” Edward keeps me lying on the bed. For a second I wonder who he was. But the return of my memory doesn't cancel out what I experienced during amnesia.
Oh my God, I fucked up really big. How could I let John into my head like that? How could I let him manipulate me? I never fell for his lies and now I just accepted his terms?
Oh no, Leah, Kiki and Noah. I need to apologize. I need to tell them everything. They have to help me with John. Ash. I have to call Ash.
“I need to warn the guys.” I try to get up again, but Eddie holds me back.
"You won't warn anything. I've already taken care of everything. Stay still. You need rest.”
"I don't need rest. I need to talk to my friends. I need to say that I remember everything.” my voice dies. I remember everything. “I remember everything. I remember everything.” my throat closes up.
I bring my hand to my head, almost causing Eddie to collapse, thinking I was in pain. But I just start to cry. I remember everything. An urge to scream explodes inside me. The feeling of freedom welcomes me, scaring away that current I felt inside me. I was back.
“Miss McGonagall. Doctor James Parish. How are you doing?” I blink a few times, suing the doctor at the leg of my bed.
“Good! With a little pain, but fine. I need to notify my doctor in LA.” I shake Eddie's hand, getting his attention. “He was the one taking care of me. He needs to know I've got my memory back.” I almost run over my words.
“He's already aware, Miss McGonagall. We are very happy with your recovery, but you will still need to pass some exams. Just in case. I'll have the nurse come and apply something for your headache.” he gives a gentle smile and leaves the room.
“How are you?” I stare at my friend slightly fearful. “You know who I am?” I suppress the urge to laugh and just nod in confirmation.
“I know, Eddie. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you. I'm fine, just this headache and all this mess. But I'm fine. Happy to be back.” I end up smiling, feeling happiness well up inside me.
The phone ringing interrupts the conversation. Edward gives me a sheepish smile, handing me his phone. My mother's name glowed. I take a deep breath before answering the video call, finding her face in tears and her in despair.
I keep silent for the first few moments as she screeched something about my condition. About the fact that I need to stop working so hard. She also babbled something about going back to New York to take care of me.
“Mom? Mom? Mom?” I call over her crying. “I'm fine. It's OK! In fact, everything's great, because I'm back.”
My mom blinks a few times, visibly confused. Her face lights up and soon the tears return.
“Don't tell me…”
“There is no amnesia.” at that moment, I allow myself to join her, crying too.
“Oh my baby, this is fantastic. Oh Lord, how I wanted to be with you right now. Just let Vincent know that.”
A light goes on in my head.
“Mom, I don't mind you telling Vincent this, but please don't tell anyone else. I want to break the news.” I ask.
I know it would be a matter of seconds until everyone knows and I really want to be the one to tell. I let myself imagine Luke's face when I tell him. On the one hand, the fear that he still doesn't want to know more about me grows. But on the other hand, I'm not going to give up without a fight, I just need to be careful with John.
After the calling with my mother. Calling my dad and ending the conversation with him, reassuring the two of them that they don't have to leave LA to take care of me, I head to the exams. X-ray, MRI, blood test, everything I like.
Doctor James, ask me to spend the afternoon in the hospital for rest and observation so that we don't have any surprises later. I nap a few times, maybe from the medicine or the accumulated sleep of the week, while Eddie reschedules or cancels most of my appointments.
“Remind me to thank your brain for blacking out and finally putting you to rest.” Eddie comments when I wake up. “Ready to go home? he smiled.
“Please.” I sigh in relief.
"Miss McGonagall, how are you?" Doctor James asks again. I watch my exams in his hands, praying everything is okay.
“Fine. What about my exams?” he cracks a smile, noticing my anxiety.
“Everything is alright. Just some of your vitamins that are low, but that gets resolved with healthy eating.”
“Good luck with that.” Eddie grumbles beside me. I kick his shoe, sparring with it, discreetly.
"What about my brain? The amnesia? Is it really over?” I question, anxious.
"Apparently so! With the impact your head had today, the areas that had been affected by the accident changed. This activated the part responsible for the memories, ending the amnesia.” he explains.
"Is that why she passed out?" Eddie questions.
“On the one hand, yes. As has been reported, in the last few days Ms. McGonagall had a lot of headaches and a return of a lot of memories. This could have activated an area of ​​the brain warning that a change was taking place. Adding this to the fact that Ms. not eating properly and not having quality sleep may have caused the fainting.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice my friend's huge smile, as if rubbing my face that he was right about the matter.
"You will still remain at rest and observe your condition. Anything, come back immediately and we'll retake the exams.” he hands over the folder with the results. “You are released, Miss McGonagall.” the man gives a satisfied smile.
“Thank you very much, doctor.”
“Look, you'll eat well and a lot, because I promised your mother that I would take good care of you, so she wouldn't have to come.” Eddie hands me a plate of soup. I make a face but don't argue. “Aidan called.” he warns me.
“For? Does he already know?” I question fearfully.
I haven't had time to sort it all out in my head yet, so I didn't know what to make of Aidan just yet. Now that I was back, I wanted to try Luke, at least one last time.
“Everyone knows about the faint, but not what it meant. Gossip runs.” my friend grumbles, annoyed. “What you gonna do?”
"I think I'll have to tell the truth. I still have hopes about Luke and me. I love that idiot and I won't let John separate us like this.” I notice the smile on his lips. “What?”
“Nothing! It's just very different from the Marnie of days ago, scared, restrained, wary.”
I analyze your sentence, going back to our conversation days ago. Really I was terrified. I didn't have the notion I have now. The first time, Luke warned me about John, so I wasn't afraid to tell him everything, to ask for help, because I knew John would try to make up my mind.
But this time, no one told me anything. John was unfortunate enough to catch me off guard, fragile and scared of everything yet. That's why I fell like a duckling. But now I've woken up and I'm not going to let him take Luke away from me.
“I'm not letting John win this one. As angry and bloody in my eyes as I am, I still need to be careful. John really screwed up the band if it would increase his power over them. It's not the first time he's tried to break up my relationship with Luke and I'm sure most of this news about Luke is his doing.”
"To attack you?"
"To keep me away. A scared, memoryless Marnie wouldn't face that. For me Luke was moving on and I wouldn't get in the way. But Marnie with memory wouldn't let that happen and John knows.”
“And what are you going to do about it?” he questions, curious. I shrug.
“I have no idea yet. My first step would be to talk to my friends and try to arrange a date between Luke and me.
The image of my favorite australian blonde invades my mind. Suddenly, I feel my body tingle, begging for contact, for his touch. How my lips crave a kiss. I close my eyes for a second, remembering that moment in the bedroom with him, during his birthday. I'm going to kill Calum.
The doorbell rings, waking me up from impure thoughts of my boyfriend. Eddie stares at me suspiciously as he walks to the door. Please don't be Aidan. Please don't be Aidan.
I feel my heart stop when Eddie opens the door and I see that dark-haired, curly figure cross the room in a second to me.
"Could you please stop doing this? I can't take it anymore to think I'm going to lose you.” Leah crushes me in her arms.
My heart starts beating desperately again, processing the scare. Oh my God is Leah. My Leah. My best friend. Even though I shivered, I free my arms from her grip, hugging her back. I can't even be aware of holding back my tears, already wetting her shirt.
Still trapped in her arms, I look at the door, seeing Noah and Kiki in emotion. I reach out an arm, calling them to join our embrace, which they come running into. Awkwardly, I squeeze the three of them, feeling my chest burst with joy and peace.
“I can't believe you guys are here with me.” I whisper shakily, still touching them, wanting to make sure I'm not crazy. “What are you doing here?” I take a step back, trying to take it all in.
"Isn't it obvious? You blacked out in the middle of a shoot and hit your head. Do you really think I wouldn't come to see if everything's alright?” Leah looks at me, unhappy.
"I thought you hated me." the word hardly comes out, for fear of reliving that feeling in them and driving them away from me.
“I will never hate you, you are my best friend.” Leah hugs me again. “Of course I wanted to strangle you and you made me very, very, very angry. But above all that, I still love you.” I close my eyes, hugging Leah, afraid she's going to run away.
“Sorry.” I whisper against her ear. “Sorry about that day. Everything I said. Nothing was true. I just wanted you to hate me and go away and make my side easier.” I say to Leah.
“I know! I know you, McGonagall, more than you think. Do you think you can tell us now what's going on?” I just nod. The time had come.
I sit down, feeling a momentary weariness and also to prepare myself for what is to come. I know it's going to be a long afternoon and I have a lot to tell. I notice Eddie approaching and taking his seat beside me. The trio settles down on the rug, sofa and armchair.
"Remember the day of the Friends of Friends event?" they nod." “I went to the studio, to return Luke's coat and also to see him. On the way out, I bumped into John and he asked me to talk. He pretended he was happy about my recovery and then he started. He told me he was worried about the guys' careers, that they were canceling too many important appointments and it was affecting sales.”
"And what does this have to do with you?" Noah questions, confused.
“John said it was my fault. Remember they had to have made this trip a long time ago? Then the accident came and they called it off so Luke could stay with me. John didn't like it at all. He started talking about how the tabloids were killing over the band, when in fact it was my fault. So he asked me to talk to Luke and convince him to take the trip. He also said that this departure would do good for the band's image. That they would not be related to ‘a retarted’, his words.”
At that moment, Leah gets up from the floor and starts walking around the room, visibly irritated. Noah squeezed his fingers, nearly breaking them, and Kiki sighed in shock.
"So, you break up with Luke and move to New York?" Leah questions.
“No! My intention was to convince Luke and that's it, but at the event he dedicated that song to me, remember?”
“Yes! Best Years.” Kiki responds.
“That's when everything changed. The next day John showed up at my house, angry, saying that I wasn't willing to help and that it would be much more difficult than he thought. That I was making it worse and leaving him with no choices.”
"I can't believe he had the guts to say shit like that." Leah's tone starts to change, as does her breathing.
"He said things were going to be different now. That he would dictate the rules or the band would go down the drain.” my stomach lurches remembering his tone of voice. I feel Eddie's hand on my shoulders, supporting me. “So he gave me the ultimatum, or I left or he sabotaged the band and made the record company give them up.”
The three of them stared at me as if I'd said I was eating bananas with pepper. Noah is the first to get up and walk through space, just like his sister before. Kyleen rubbed her face, showing her stress.
“Oh my God! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew there was something there. And I said! I told you at the hotel. I told you I suspected someone had put worms in your head and you denied it. Marnie, I can't believe you accepted this. Why didn't you tell? We could have helped you. I could have figured it out.” Leah's voice is the first to fill the room.
Down my head, embarrassed. It's all I can feel, shame. I stare at my hands in my lap, just silently listening to everything Leah has to say, which doesn't last long as Kyleen scolds her.
“Enough! That won't solve anything now. It's gone, it's already happened. We need to focus on what we can do, how we can reverse this.” Kiki takes a deep breath approaching me. “Why didn't you tell, M&Ms?” she questions in a more serene tone.
"I was scared. With amnesia I didn't know if I should tell. I didn't have any conversations with Luke about keeping everything out in the open like before. If it weren't for this stupid amnesia, of course I wouldn't have agreed. I would have told Luke, or at least for you, Luke was going to screw everything up.”
"He was." Noah comments softly.
“Tabloids and some stories are games for John. Everyone here knows he's capable of breaking up the band if he wants to. Burn the guys all over Los Angeles and I can't risk them like that, even if it's all a bluff. The last thing I want is to harm them.”
Leah's gaze changes. Anger gives way to compassion and so she moves closer, returning to sit in front of me.
"Is there anything we can do?" she asks her brother and Eddie. “I mean, did you think of something?” she comes back to me.
“Not yet.” sigh. “I want to talk with them. I need to see Luke. Even if he doesn't want me back or give me another chance, I need to warn him and try. At least one time.”
I feel my chest tighten just thinking about the possibility that he doesn't even want to look me in the face. I try to hold to the thought that we've had a lot of fights and that in the end, we always ended up in each other's arms.
“We have to act carefully now. We don't know how far John is willing to actually do this and Mars doesn't want to risk it." Eddie starts. "I think the first thing to do is try to find a date between her and the boys.”
“They'll be here next week.” Noah warns, gaining my full attention. "They're going to stay here for three days."
“I can clear your entry to the hotel.” Eddie reveals.
“But John can be there and see her.” Leah counters. "Isn't it better to book elsewhere?"
“No! If we're going to let them know that Marnie wants to talk to them, maybe Luke doesn't want to go and it's going to be even harder to get rid of John. It's New York, he knows Marnie is here. Must be waiting for her to try something.” Noah explains.
"What if we just take John out of the hotel?" Kiki suggests. “We can set up a meeting with him, far away from the hotel, giving Marnie time to go upstairs and try to talk to them. John's time to get out of there and realize that no one is going to show up and come back should be enough, don't you think?” she turns to me.
"Eddie, do you think you can do this?" I ask, almost suffocated by the hope that it will work.
“Sure. Tomorrow morning I already schedule a meeting with him and guarantee your access to their floor. Does Noah know which hotel is?” Noah nodded.
“There you go. Your plan. Think you're ready to get Luke back?” Leah questions curiously.
“You have no idea.” I force my voice out, feeling my chest explode with joy and anxiety.
The rest of the night was filled with loud conversations and memories of incredible moments for us. It was good to feel back in my life. Have my friends here. Seeing Eddie sipping a shot of tequila, turning red for the rest of the night, and most of all knowing that starting next week, everything will be back on track.
The clock was already ticking around 4 am and I still couldn't sleep a bit. My head hasn't stopped working since the hospital, and I also like to remember everything, giving more value to each moment I lived.
In the living room, I flip through the photos and videos on my phone, just gathering more strength to talk to Luke next week. I feel my body succumb to anxiety, just thinking that if everything works out, as I hope, by the end of the week we'll be together again.
Just looking at the photo, seeing his hand on my waist, I feel the region tingle, begging for the touch. Intoxicated by the sensation, I let my mind wander further, remembering his kisses, his touches. My heart starts to beat faster, raising my breath.
"Marnie?" I hear Leah's voice.
“Thank God. Me!” I sigh, coming out of the trance.
"I thought you were sleeping. It's everything ok?” she questions, worried.
“Yes! I'm just not sleepy. A lot on the head.” I comment, turning the screen on my phone, showing a photo I took of Luke shaving. Silence returns to occupy the space. "How is he?" I inquire so low that I almost don't hear myself.
Leah lets out a nasal laugh, massaging her forehead. I stare apprehensively at what could come.
“He asked me that same question after I came to talk to you.” she looks at me thoughtfully. “I'm not going to lie, M&Ms, he looked pretty bad. I've known the guy for seven years or more and I've never seen him get this broken.” my heart breaks. “I don't think I've ever seen him love anyone like he loves you.”
Before I know it, the tears start to fall uncontrollably. Leah pulls me into her lap, stroking my hair, whispering that everything would be fine. It's an overwhelming pain that I've been holding back, just trying to move on, but now with the amnesia gone, it's become unbearable.
"I couldn't say. He asked and I couldn't say. I couldn't lie to him.” I let everything go, remembering the day I broke up. “I love him so much, Leah, so much. I was so happy with him in a way that I didn't think was possible. And I'm so scared, so scared. What if he doesn't love me anymore? What if he hates me? I've only hurt him these past few months.”
“Ok! Stop it.” she holds my face, drying my tears. “Of course Luke will want you, I know that jerk.” the term robs me of a smile. “Even if it is not right now. That he ask, I don't know, for time to think. But he'll come back to you, because there's no point in a world where Luke and Marnie aren't together. I mean, you guys are the only couple who make me believe in love. Before, I used to hear you telling me that he woke up early to make your tea and I thought ‘what idiot loses a few more minutes of sleep to make tea?’, and now I make sure I wake up before Kiki to make her omelet. Because I love seeing that happy face.”
I open a smile, holding back the tears. The images of him always letting my tea ready with a little note warming my heart.
“Marnie, you… I can't explain you guys. I just honestly didn't think it was possible to see love as pure and intense as yours. The way he looks at you all the damned time, you may have gone to the bathroom for two seconds, but when you come back, it feels like he's seeing the Sistine Chapel ceiling for the first time. Remember when we went there? And we kept talking about how it was possible for someone to have created something so beautiful, so spectacular? That's how Luke looks at you, like you're something rare, something that deserves to be appreciated every minute. It's the way you look at him too.”
“It's the way you look at Kiki.” I accuse, smiling. A silly smile appears on her lips.
“Shut up, I'm talking about you.” we laugh. "It's for this and a billion other reasons that I'm sure everything will be all right and you'll end up together. Also cuz Kiki and I are unable to be the exemplary couple in this group. You know it.” we ended up laughing again.
“How about you?” I question, curious.
"I didn't think it was possible to feel all this. Wanting to do all these stupid things couples do.”
“What kind?”
“I bought a mug that says 'you make me smile' for her to take to work and every time she looks, she remembers me.” Leah confesses, softly.
“Oh my God. Leah Margaret Hastings, waking up early to make omelets and buying mugs with generic phrases? Who are you?” I mock her, who hits me with the pillow.
“As a matter of fact, I just came down to see if I had enough eggs for tomorrow.” I widen my eyes, still shocked. “I know. This is your and Luke's fault. I also keep spreading notes on her stuff, and everything I see something, I want to show her, I want to tell her, I want to see her all the time and it's scary.”
“I know. But it feels so good. Knowing that there is a person who feels the same and wants to see you as much as you want to see her.” Leah agrees. I laugh, remembering the beginning, when Luke and I spent the entire day texting. "Does anyone else besides me know?"
“Noah! He caught us kissing in the dressing room. Kyleen even tried to do like Chandler on Friends, but it didn't do much. He was already suspicious.”
"What are you ladies doing up at this time?" we watched Kyleen walk down the stairs, looking sleepy. Instinctively, I look over at Leah, seeing her eyes sparkle and a smile spread across her face. She was looking at her Sistine Chapel.
“I came for a drink and I found Marnie here.” Leah replies, extending her hand to Kiki, who settles into her arms.
“Are you okay, sweetie?” I nod to Kiki, who breathes a sigh of relief.
“We were talking bad about Noah.” I joke.
"I heard my name. Are you already defaming me?” I laugh, watching my friend walking down the stairs and skipping the steps, wearing a tiger slipper and a silver face mask.
"What planet did you come from?" Leah makes fun.
“Not the same as yours, because I'm much prettier.” He sits down behind me, pulling me into his arms.
Finally, we all ended up there, talking once more, laughing about everything and talking badly about everyone. I don't know what my conversation with Luke holds, but regardless, I'm happy to be with my family.
Luke pov.
I close the bedroom door, kicking my shoes off, watching Marnie already taking off her necklace and earrings. I loosen the scarf around my neck, head to the fridge and grab a small bottle of water. I drop onto the couch, closing my eyes, letting my body relax.
Awards are very tiresome. A whole day to get ready to stay there for only three hours.
“Babe? I hear Marnie's voice and just raise my hand, as if that might be able to answer her. “You've been better at awards.” I open my eyes watching her approach, still wearing that black dress. I want so bad to rip this out of her body.
“Holy shit.” I let go, before I even think about holding back.
Marnie stops midway confused. I feel my body freeze seeing her hair now down, all messed up, reminding me of the way I leave it almost every night. From the wavy ends, I move my eyes to her breasts, which had me hypnotized all night, held so perfectly by that kind of corset. I dry your lips painted such a tempting shade of red. I need to smudge this lipstick.
“You are so beautiful.” I sigh. Still standing, waiting for my answer, Marnie smiles sweetly, stepping back closer.
“Thanks! But you've said it like a thousand times.” she stops in front of me.
"I'll say it more often until we fall asleep." I reveal, noticing the blush that her cheeks take on.
"And apparently it will be soon. Are you tired?” I lift an eyebrow at her body posture. Hands back, body swaying slightly, biting lips.
“What are you up to?” I cross my arms.
“Why do you always think I'm up to something?” now she also crosses her arms, sullen.
“Cuz you always are up to something.” I crack a smile, seeing her roll her eyes.
“I'm just asking.” I hold my breath, watching her spread my legs and kneel between them, resting her hands and head on my stomach.
I throw my head back laughing at my disgrace. I try to keep my mind clear, not thinking her breasts are so close to my cock. I need to keep a minimum of respect for my girlfriend, even though I know she's doing it on purpose.
“What?” your innocent feigned tone only makes it worse.
"Do you swear you want to talk in this position?" I rest my arms on the back of the sofa.
“Is there a problem?” she raises an eyebrow. I take a deep breath, already feeling the blood rush to the other side.
“No! Not at all. Feel free. What did you want to know?” play her game.
"If you're tired."
“Why?” I know why, but I give everything to see how far she goes.
"It's just that I didn't want you to go to sleep right now." I watch her hands roam slowly over my stomach to the top button of my shirt, beginning to unbutton.
“No?” she shakes her head. “Why not, my love?” I find it more and more difficult to keep my mind clear and my breath, watching her bring her face closer to mine.
"Cuz I'm wearing a new lingerie and it would be a fucking waste for me to get all dressed up for you and you to go to sleep without even checking it out first." she whispers against my ear, licking my earlobe next and scratching the back of my neck.
I sigh, already understanding that I lost, and deep down, not caring. Right now I just want to throw her on the bed and sink into her until I can't take it anymore. Marnie pulls away, but not before looking deep into my eyes and smiling that mischievous grin, knowing she's fucking my mind.
Marnie gets up quickly, turning onto her back and pulling all her hair forward.
"Help me open the dress? I can't reach it and it's so heavy.” the tone of voice, as if commenting on the weather, makes me crazier. It doesn't even feel like it was teasing me a second ago.
I stand up, bringing my fingers to the zipper. I grip the piece of metal, bringing my lips closer to her neck. I leave a light kiss there, already noticing her skin crawl and her breathing increase.
"It would have been better if you had let me go to sleep." I whisper against her ear, slowly unzipping it. I breathe through my mouth seeing the dress open to reveal a lacy black fabric covering her entire torso.
I run my hands over her shoulders, causing the dress to fall off with incredible ease, revealing the low-cut bodysuit along with a pair of panties and stockings to the middle of her thighs.
“Fuck!” the curse comes out choked. My heart pounds so desperately, I worry if Marnie is being able to hear.
“It's Dolce.” she comments quietly, turning to me. I lift my eyes to hers, which glow with pure lust.
“I'm sure it is.” I sigh, accepting my sentence of being completely crazy about her. I straighten up, pulling her body slowly into mine, feeling the fabric burn in my hands.
“You liked it?” she whispers, running her nails to the back of my neck. I take a deep breath, feeling my pants tighten more and more and the need to feel her soft hands in that region.
"You're still going to be the death of me, You know that, don't you?” I say, holding her head.
“I say the same about you.” she ends, inching toward my lips.
I squeeze Marnie’s body firmly and carefully when her tongue touches mine. I slide my hand down her spine, stopping at the top of her ass. I keep it standing there, just to tease her and increase her anxiety for my touch.
I bring my other hand up to the back of her neck, gripping Marnie’s hair tightly. I move my mouth down to your neck, enjoying her warm skin. With my lips still wet from her kiss, I suck the spot just below her ear, leaving the area reddened. I move my hand lower, filling with her body, squeezing her ass and pulling her closer to me, making her feel how hard I already was.
The sigh that comes out of her mouth sounds like music to my ears. As soon as she leaves, I feel the immediate need to hear another one. I turn my attention to her lips, swollen and parted, for air. I bite her bottom lip, mending it in another kiss. My girlfriend's desperate hands climb up my torso, taking off the blazer I still wore.
Gasping for breath, I pull away for two seconds, throwing the piece as far away as possible, taking advantage of it and getting rid of the shirt, craving madly for the contact of our bodies. I move closer to Marnie, running my hands down the back of her thigh, pulling her easily onto my lap. I smile, hearing the gasp of surprise that she lets out.
I sink my head against Marnie’s chest, enjoying what I have wanted all night. I carefully lay her down on the bed, still keeping your legs wrapped around me. I lick an area of her neck, sucking on it and then biting lightly. I press my hips against hers, sinking my fingers into her thigh. Again I steal a sly sigh, and again I am desperate for more.
I repeat the movement against her hip, not only teasing her, but also relieving myself. I don't know how long I can stand all this foreplay. I move my hand up her thigh, again feeling the fabric across her belly, and stop momentarily at her breast, squeezing it, now letting out a moan. I move up a little further, running my thumb over the two reddish points.
I meet her eyes filled with desire and lust, just like mine. Ever since that night in Hawaii, I knew, Marnie would be my ruin. I couldn't get her out of my mind so soon. She was like a drug, and at first time I was already addicted.
I let out a heavy, drawn out sigh, watching Marnie close her eyes as she closes her lips around my fingers. I fantasize the image of them wrapped around my member, eager.
I slip my hand inside her panties, finding her so ready. I sigh watching her eyes roll back at my touch. That relaxed smile. The sighs and moans she can't control.
I slow my movements, watching Marnie take her hands to my belt and zipper. My heart races and my stomach churns as her hand scrapes across my stomach ready to enter my underwear.
The sound of the alarm clock brutally brings me back to reality. Once my mind is working and I understand everything that has happened, I feel upset and frustrated. Since I was dreaming about that day, couldn't I let it end?
I feel the discomfort and realize that I am hard. I rub my tired face. This is the third time I've woken up like this since I heard about her passing out.
“Now do you work?” I complain, remembering the day before yesterday, when he failed at me.
Once again, I try to make it go away without having to appeal to my hands. But again, the technique doesn't work.
“I don't know why I even try.” I get out of bed, heading for a shower, where again I get relief from the images of her stuck in my mind.
I change for training, enjoying the empty room. It has also been three days since I haven't been able to sleep with anyone. On the one hand, it feels good not to have to run away from someone I can't even remember the name of. But I feel angry knowing that she has come back to live in my thoughts.
I walk out into the hallway, finding Ash, Calum, and Ana, one of Cal's affairs, talking. I approach slowly, not paying much attention to the topic, but watch out when I hear her name. I don't identify the conversation, just Ashton saying that Marnie was fine.
Even without wanting to, my body reacts to the information and deep down, I am relieved that she is okay. They realize my presence and cut the conversation off. Without wanting to chat, I walk past them, saying a low good morning, and head to the gym for my workout.
I find Frank in the gym, stretching, and within seconds I can focus my mind on this and the schedule for the next few days.
I follow the commands, but with my mind somewhere else. It is almost automatic to follow the sequence, as it is almost automatic to think about it again.
With each punch, I bring a new memory, a new feeling, and eventually, a stronger punch. I let the anger that has been building inside me spill out of my fists.
She left me. She found someone else. She doesn't need me anymore. She doesn't care about me anymore. She doesn't love me anymore. She doesn't love me anymore. She. Doesn't. love. Me. Anymore.
“Hey! Easy, fighter.” Frank walks away, stopping the boxing. “Do you wanna kill me by any chance?” he jokes, bringing me back to reality.
“Sorry. I got a little distracted.” I move into position, reaching for his hand again.
“Is it that thing with your girlfriend?” I hit him harder, when the word ‘girlfriend’ reaches my ears.
“She's not my girlfriend anymore.” I grumble, the anger in my voice showing. “And no! I'm over it.”
“All right. But nobody gets over two years of a relationship in two weeks.” he lowers his arms, stopping the workout. I leave the pose, panting, staring at him, wondering where he's going with this.
“I do!”
“Going out all night to get drunk and ending up with a different girl in your bed is not getting over. It's cheating yourself.” Frank raises his arms, letting me punch him again.
“Let me guess. Did the guys ask you to do this?” I hit him harder, more annoyed.
“No! I'm telling you this because I'm your friend and I want you to be well. You don't want Marnie anymore? Ok! But you're not going to get over it by living this life, and neither will finding someone who cares about you. And you know that, Luke.”
I decide to not answer any more, tired of this topic. After training, I go back to my room, meeting Sophie in the hallway. I give her a polite smile, but don't bring up any subjects, because I know I am unbearable these days and I understand why everyone has distanced themselves a bit.
“Luke? Can I talk to you?” I stop, staring at the girl. “Mike and I are going to an arcade nearby, don't you want to come with us?” she asks, excited.
I like Sophie, she's fun and even though she knows I'm a pain in the ass, she tries to include me in everything. On top of all this, she makes Michael happy, and I couldn't ask for anything better.
“Thanks, Sophie, but I don't think anyone wants me there.”
“I do! And I'm sure Michael does too. Luke, you need to have fun. In healthy fun.” she adds quickly. I feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment, knowing what she was talking about. “I’m sorry, I didn't mean to…”
“It's all right! Deep down you're right.”
“So you're going?” she smiles excitedly.
“No, Sophie, I'll let it pass this time. But still, thank you for the invitation.”
“Ok. Take care, right?” she extends her hand and we do our secret hand touch.
“I will. Take care of Mike.” I ask, watching her from a distance.
I imagine that if Marnie were here, the four of us would surely go out. We would form teams and compete in all the games. I shake the thought away, remembering that Marnie is not here and I doubt she would ever come back, after all, she has already moved on with that asshole Aidan.
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lwtficrecs · 4 years
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• fic/masterlist | author name | last chapter read | type of au | *** (means smut) If you see *** it means there is 18+ content in that fic. please respect the authors wishes and be over 18 to view it. Also a strikethrough means the story has non or dubious consent and read at your own discretion. lastly if you find any mistakes please put it in the notes or message me or put it in my inbox. i read a lot so there were a bunch of links and things get mixed lol :)
Our Little Secret (1st chapt. the rest are thread linked) | @clnriswood​ | ***
Chaotic | @justauthoring​
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Jordan Parrish
Hellbound | @shadowscrybe​
Sweet Talk | @thedreamsofaunicorn​
Concealed | @hedakylo​ | ***
Deputy | @sheep-and-lykos​
Coffee | @blahblahwritings​
Imagine: Seducing Parish to Take your Virginity in Order not to Fall Victim to the Darach | @joeynihil​ | ***
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Isaac Lahey
Okay | @justauthoring​ | fuckboy au
Headcanon: Dating Isaac Lahey Would Include | @somethingpoetichere​
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alansimpson · 3 years
That red is not from cold.
That red is not from cold. Represending the fallen the fighting and the future of or Armed Forces. Calluses develop on parts of your skin that are exposed to an unusual amount of pressure or friction on a regular basis and therefore need to be tougher than the rest of your skin.. As our earlier report points out, Jasper's proposal calls for removal of some of the more conservative specifics of the platform, such as support nike air max denim for sale for right to work legislation. The students get a great deal of support from the people of the parish and in turn they give much to the community as they put into practice the teaching which they receive. Cockrell. Temperatures should reach the low and middle 40s, which means some of the snow will melt away. I not bottines cloutees femme saying that these ads are flawless, and I certainly not naive enough to expect them to have a drastic impact on the rates of teen pregnancy, STIs and HIV/AIDS. And they murdered him. Why did one expect more than could be given? And such a disappointment is always in store for such people. At work I have a "safe snack drawer" where I keep 100 calorie snacks, including no fat fig bars and fruit cups. And while you can argue that Tryamkin may have passed Pedan on the road to a third pairing roster spot next season after just seven games which has included playing as many as 21 minutes and teasing as a second power play unit net front presence there's also a lot of untapped potential pendientes bulgari precio in Pedan.. Easy hikes are half day trips, following the gentler contours of the canyon and its safest routes. We decided that next day she should speak to him openly, without any hints or beating about the bush. “There are truths only a friend may tell you. That morning, as usual, Decker gave Johnny a call. A second motor drags the paper across this cylinder. And then he seemed sorry, said he was short of money. Forty feet above, catalog cercei aur turcia the stone men moaned and muttered beneath a flickering lamp.. Oh, do not imagine that I have come like an angry father, who has been brought at last to forgive his children and graciously to consent to their happiness. I will tell it you in outline. But there you have it you are a hack, and there is no unbiased or neutral motive on your part to learn the truth. Antwerp, a popular target, was hit by 2,448 between October 1944 and March 1945. She was coming to see me. No one is allowed in the Main Street area, including business owners and residents.. Time is the very best arbiter. Now, straight off, I want to say that climbing ladders and walking on roofs is not for everyone. Amazing. That the lawful 196possessor should retain this right at will, is no more against the laws of society and good morals, than that he should retain the personal endowments with which his Creator has blessed him, or the money and lands inherited from his ancestors, or acquired by his industry. Be sure the cloth is damp, but not wet. She hurried on her papuci de casa din pasla way.. Serve. Jesse Coward. The road was just wide enough for two carts to pass abreast, so whenever a wagon headed west passed one going east, both had to slow to a crawl.. Now on we are going to let it be, she said.. Among the world's top bachelor party and bachelorette party destinations, Melbourne offers a broad range of entertainment choices for both men and women who are about to take their vows or who simply want a night out with the guys or gals. “Spread out and form a crescent. Let me live long enough to see the boy sit the Iron Throne, and Varys will pay for that slight and so much more. Theon broke his own fast with a tankard of dark ale, cloudy with yeast and thick enough to chew on. The rod was brought; one, two, three, and on to twelve, on the bare back, and he cried out; he promised—and, more, he said he would sell and leave.. Should I attempt it, I should feel that the angel of the Lord, with his flaming sword, was pursuing me wherever I went. Spoon claims that action has intentionally interfered with his ability to find work through the office, which posts a monthly sign up sheet of members to show their availability for work.. It blatant hatred. Jon could have reached through the bars and caught it if he had wished.. After the puma red bull racing evo cat ii birth of air visualization, there oakley m frame ice iridium is no a clear boundary between air sole and air max. Despite his bastard birth, or perhaps because of it, Jon Snow had dreamed of leading men to glory just as King Daeron had, of growing up to be a conqueror. "By design, the holding company structure will support our future expansion program and will. The only thing that matters is that you should be on your guard against that man. All overseas teams struggle Down Under and this Indian team is essentialy playing with one bowler Ashwin. The Tattered Prince finished his wine, turned the cup over, and set it down izraeli kézműves ékszerek between them. Don’t listen to him, Ivan Petrovitch, I’ll pour you out a cup directly. These conventional prejudices . Meditation for Beginners: A class in the Buddhist tradition. You know, I am showing myself and the other people that, a home baker has what it takes to hang in with the big dogs. The PSU mounts are topped with four rubber discs, which should help to minimize noisy vibrations.. When Levy suggested again that I muster some order of summary statement, I too went silent. I love her, apart from anything, apart from any obligations. There was no one there. The snow was ankle deep. Later, when Arianne had gone, he put down his longaxe and lifted Prince Doran into his bed. Those odds make it hard to study what drives spacer acquisition, and to learn why a cell succeeded where others failed. Now I tremble when I think of your future with Natalya Nikolaevna. Meanwhile, the boys' role players from a season ago have fit in just fine as front line players. A few of the older men spoke of other snowstorms and insisted this was no more than a light dusting compared to what Mens JORDAN Hoodie they’d seen in the winters of their youth. "He's not oneil mellény going to strike a ton of guys out, but he's going to go after you. To make your own pattern, trace around the foot of the baby (or a baby shoe) on a piece of blankpaper and add a 1/4 inch for a seam. Mann, getting tired of the discipline of whipping, breaks from the overseer, clears the dogs, and gets into the swamp, and there “lies out,” as the act above graphically says. 3 on the country albums chart and No. That evening I had promised to see Natasha. If he can't, he can't. The impact made him grunt. There were pigs as well: the biggest, blackest boars that any of the ironborn had ever seen and plenty of squealing piglets in the brush, bold creatures that had no fear of man. Hugh Vermont missed the subsequent conversion. When homeless people are threatened, harassed, or assaulted the police should take it seriously.3) Control over our homes and lives! We want homes we govern ourselves and we want the government to work with us directly, as full members of the public.4) End police and bylaw harassment! Police and bylaw officers kick us out of parks, slash apart our tents, and seize our belongings.
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theimagineparadise · 8 years
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Imagine being the Sheriff's daughter and Parrish falls for you when he sees you walk into the station.
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cedricssmile · 5 years
Hi, just a note ALL of my imagines, one shots and stories with any fandom are from my Wattpad and are all mine, not to be a priss but5 if you are going to share any of them pretty please just re-blog them and not steal any of my content please.
Here is the link to my page if you would like to read any of my books.
What I Write & What I am Working On ATM - 
Fandom’s  ( what I write )
Harry Potter ( male characters only at this point )
Teen Wolf  ( male characters only at this point ) The Maze Runner ( only from the first three books and the three movies ) Marvel ( male characters only at this point ) Hunger Games ( male characters only at this point ) IT ( 2017 & 2019 characters and cast ONLY ) Riverdale That ‘70s Show ( male characters only at this point ) Pretty Little Lairs ( male characters only at this point ) Game Of Thrones ( male characters only at this point )  Stranger Things ) male characters only at this point ) 
Who I write from each Fandom
Harry Potter | Characters
harry potter  ron weasley fred weasley geroge weasley cedric diggory remus lupin ( young and adult ) sirius black ( young and adult ) james potter ( young and adult )  draco malfoy james sirius potter albus severus potter nevil longbottom oliver wood dean thomas seamus finnigan
Teen Wolf | Characters scott mccall stiles stilinski isaac lahey derek hale  liam dunbar theo raeken brett talbot  jackson whittemore jordan parish The Maze Runner | Characters newt thomas minho gally aris frypan ben Janson ( strictly platonic ) chuck ( strictly platonic ) Marvel | Characters steve rogers / captain america ton stark /  iron man thor odinson / thor peter parker /  spiderman bucky barnes / the winter solider peter quill /  starlord peter maximoff / quicksilver ( x - men ) bruce banner /  hulk clint barton / hawkeye t’challa / black panther
Hunger Games | Characters
peter mellark  gale hawthorne  finnick odair haymitch abernathy
IT | Characters 
bill denbrough ( young and adult ) ben hanscom ( young and adult )  eddie kaspbark ( young and adult )  richie tozier ( young and adult )  stanley uris  ( young and adult ) mike hanlon ( young and adult )  henry bowers ( only young )  patrick hocksetter ( only young )  Riverdale | Characters  archie andrews  jughead jones  sweet pea  reggie mantel  That ‘70′s Show | Characters  eric forman  michael kelso  steven hyde Pretty Little Lairs  |  Characters  toby cavanaugh ezra fitz  wesley “wes” fitz  jason dilaurentis mike montgomery wren kingston Game Of Thrones | Characters  robb stark  jon snow  bran stark  jojen reed  gendry  Stranger Things | Characters  steve harrington  billy hargrove  mike wheeler  dustin henderson  lucas sinclair  will byers  jim hoper ( strictly platonic ) 
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pollylynn · 5 years
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“You've been working with Castle for a year and not a damn thing has happened, so...” —Lanie Parish, Den of Thieves (2 x 21)
Title: Atomic Rating: T WC: 500
She’s thinking a lot about sex lately. In the abstract. Definitely in the abstract, although Detective Tom Demming could be a game changer on that front. There’s no doubt that sparring match could be a preview of things to come if she’d like it to be, and why not? It’s been a while—a long while. But Demming isn’t really the answer. He's not the root cause of her recent preoccupation.
She’s not sure there is a root cause, or just one anyway. It’s just . . . in the air, or in the water or something, and everyone is suddenly talking about it. Everyone is suddenly having it, if everyone is the population consisting of Richard Castle. Everyone kind of is.
He is—or was, anyway—having it, and he doesn’t even care that the Ellie Direct-From-Central-Casting Monroe was literally shopping herself around. It’s not that she cares. It’s not that his utterly predictable Page 6 antics really have anything to do with her. It’s just that she’s thinking about it a lot lately. Sex in general, not whether or not he's having it. Mostly not about that. Although . . .
It goes back to Dunn, she decides. It goes back to Jordan Fucking Shaw and her “hardly ever wrong” profiling. It goes back to him, full of surprises, backing her sharp denial when she fully expected suggestive silence and a Cheshire Cat grin.
We’re not sleeping together.
This is the most sexless relationship I've ever been in.
It goes back to the upending truth of that particular turn of phrase, rife with absence and almost. 
It's so easy to imagine any number of moments going another way. Him at her door with a bottle of wine, stubbornly refusing to go. Her in his kitchen in the middle of the night, hunched over the sink, wracked with sobs over every stupid thing she’d lost. It goes back to her lying sleepless on one bed, then another, wondering if the balance was finally about to tip. Wondering how she should, would, did feel about that.
But those are just moments, and it goes back further than that. It goes back to the howling, helpless, black-hole rage that came with washing Dick Coonan’s blood from her hands and the absolute fact that she thought about what it would be like to divert that rage into more dangerous channels. It's about the panic that pinged around her head, her chest, her entire body, head to toe, at seeing the words in literal black and white—romantically linked—and the bookend echoes around that. People he really cares for—He cares about you.
She’s thinking a lot about sex lately. How she is not having it with him and he is not having it with her. Her defenses have held. She hasn’t done something she knew from the beginning would be so obviously stupid, but there’s no blue ribbon for that. Sex is the least of it. And she’s done so many stupid things.
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rexandrew · 3 years
On another day the ball might have plopped into the gloves of Wriddhiman Saha, but here it fell safely.
Even though being an early pioneer in the world of self publishing in Hawaii had ups and downs, McBarnet says it was rewarding to do it herself.never went to art school. In the case of Windows 8.1, web (without flash ads all over the place) is just as efficient if not more efficient than video because any normal program (with than Chrome) will do a "hurry up and wait" method, allowing the CPU to be asleep most of the time. On another day the ball might have plopped into the gloves of Wriddhiman Saha, but here it fell safely.. She returned in the course of two or three hours, and for that offence she was called up for punishment, which Solomon was required to inflict. I told you that the Lord of Light would hear your prayers. Her husband, Eduardo, works construction during most of the year, but the approaching winter weather generally leaves him without work, as it has this Christmas season. She held her chin high, as a queen should, and her escort fanned out ahead of her. Though the Windblown and the Company of the Cat were both under contract to Yunkai, a year ago in the Disputed Lands they had been on opposite sides of the battle lines, and bad blood still lingered. For all his talk of love, she could not imagine Tris rushing off to Torrhen’s Square to die with Dagmer Cleftjaw.. “You will never subdue that woman,” said the ecclesiastic, who was a phrenologist before his age; “she’s got a square head, and I have always noticed that people with square heads never can be turned out of their course.” We think it very probable that Harry, with his “square head,” is just one of this sort. Xiaomi is very clear about the Mi Max, a 6.44 inch phablet that towers over every other phablet in the market right now by its sheer size and ambition. 0 scarpe Completamente gratuito 5. Beechcraft Bonanza: First produced in 1947 by Beech aircraft. 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There are more than 300 aircraft and missiles on display here, plus thousands of artifacts, documents, photos, and mementos of aviation history.. The suspect broke through a glass door to get inside Vine Street Wine biciclete rusesti vechi Spirits on Old Hickory Boulevard overnight.Trial continues for Sumner County man accused dolce gabanna adidași bărbații of killing daughterTrial continues for Sumner County man accused of killing daughterUpdated: Wednesday, July 19 2017 6:13 AM EDT2017 07 19 10:13:04 GMTTimothy Batts is accused of killing his 11 year old daughter. He flexed his wounded hand, grimacing, then pulled his glove on and rose. We talked 10 years ago, I thought I would be retired at 30, he said. Gender neutral bathrooms are nothing new. None was as hideous as the whores he’d seen working the docks, though they fell adidas stan smith j white tactile blue well short of beauty. He remembered the boys as well. The second guard was still gaping in confusion when Frenya grabbed the shaft of his spear. Before retiring, he worked for the Suffield public schools for 13 years. Leagues away, in a one-room hut of mud and straw with a thatched roof and a smoke hole and a floor of hard-packed earth, Varamyr shivered and coughed and licked his lips. She said she decided to come forward after news broke of Hayden's first arrest in August 2014. "You can be (ticked) off and not like it too much or have some fun with it and air jordan aj4 realize it was a nice goal, and it's too bad I was on the other end of it. “Now, what is your opinion of it?” you will ask; and, knowing my preconceived opinions upon the question of slavery, and the embodiment of my principles, which I have so long supported, in regard to that peculiar institution, you may be prepared to meet an indirect answer.. He had tears glistening in his eyes.. My people have lost all hope and turned against the gods themselves, giving over their nights to drunkenness and fornication.”. I totally agree it is old galle road for me any day!!! oh but . They had no one there today, only us two, and you were mistaken, Natasha, in thinking it was a party. 3 will be moving less than a mile to the east, neighboring Ardmore High School's Noble Stadium.Victim of Gunter robbery attempt recounts terrorVictim of Gunter robbery attempt recounts terrorKTEN"He came to the counter and told me to give him all of my money," Amber Rogers recalled, two and a half years since that September night behind the counter at a convenience store."He came to the counter and told me to give him all of my money," Amber Rogers recalled, two and a half years since that September night behind the counter at a convenience store.Denison police: Man takes a bite out of crime fightersDenison police: Man takes a bite out of crime fightersDenison PDAfter declining a police order to leave a backyard, officers said Brent Strawn used his teeth as a weapon.After declining a police order to leave a backyard, officers said Brent Strawn used his teeth as a weapon.. "That's the hardest part," she said, adding. She’s rather depressed . Take your pick of hipster essentials thick rimmed glasses, perfectly coiffed 'stache a la Tom Selleck this dad has rocked his way through it all. Work on the rocket began back in 2012, and the company hopes to make their first launch prior to 2020.. “You seem as though you were angry with him, Vanya. To be sure, dear, simple souls! The prince brought things to this pass on purpose. I said to him straight out — how can we call ourselves princes? It’s simply a matter of birth; for what is there princely about us? We’re not particularly wealthy, and wealth’s the chief point.
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groovyzombiellama · 5 years
Not As Alone 3
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Title: Not As Alone 3 Requested? Yes. Plot: You stay in a relationship with Theo, which keeps angering Scott, and he shows up even to your workplace and embarasses you, and you finally have enough of him and burst at him in class, later moving out to live with Theo, because you feel like he is the only one who cares. Word count: 1160
Part 1, Part 2
As soon as you entered the house, Scott turned to you in his attempt to once again lecture you about your relationship, but he notices that you’re already halfway up the stairs, just pissed the hell off that your brother keeps embarassing you in front of everyone, everywhere. Just two days ago he came to your work and began lecturing you, even though you told him that your boss made it very clear that if he keeps interrupting your work and your coworkers, you were gonna get fired. And as you listened to your brother rant about how Theo is not the right man for you, because he’s an evil piece of shit, as if pulling out excuses out of his back pocket, because he couldn’t exactly tell your whole company that he was an evil chimera who helped the Dread Doctors kidnap werewolves and experiment on them, you could almost hear your coworkers snickering and gossiping in the background. They probably won’t let you forget that. “You might think you’re in love, but you’re still in high school, you don’t know what love is really yet!“ Scott exclaimed, making you let out an airy laugh and narrow your eyes at him. Your voice was a whisper yell, as you stepped closer to your brother.
“Oh, I don’t know what love is because I’m still in high school? And you do? You and Alison get to be happy, but Theo and I can’t? That’s low, even for you.“ You spat out, asking your brother to leave, as you looked at the clock and relized your boss will be there in a few minutes and if Scott doesn’t leave, you’d lose another good thing in life that was keeping you grounded. Of course he informed you that the conversation was not over and that he’ll talk to you again at school. You sit down in your chair, rubbing the back of your neck, and you lift your gaze to scan the room, and each and every one of your coworkers was sure enough staring at you, and only looking away to whisper to each other when you would look in their direction. You loved your brother, with your whole heart, but you weren’t gonna let him control your entire life. After work, you were literally dragging your feet across the pavement on your way to school. Seeing Theo was pretty much the only good thing that you felt was gonna happen to you today.
And as if the universe hated you, your first period of the day was with your brother and you were only gonna see Theo at lunch today, before the period you had with him. And everything that you were keeping inside, and letting build up, was ready to blow when Scott took a seat next to you. You knew exactly what was awaiting, but you didn’t even have time to ask the teacher to go to the bathroom, wash your face and get ready for the lecture, because the teacher had forgotten the excercises he wanted the class to do today and had to go back to his office for a moment to get them. Scott saw this as an opportunity to turn to you and tell you that you’re coming to lunch with him and the pack. But he didn’t count on you having enough of it. “When will you leave me alone?!“ You yelled out, standing up suddenly from your seat, the whole class looking back at you. Now it was Scott’s turn to feel embarassed, because you didn’t really care about all of these people sitting around you, looking at you yelling at your brother to stop messing with your life and put some trust in your for once.
“You see this guy right here, Scott Mccall? We’ll he’s a professional heart breaker, he even broke his own sister’s heart!“ And you turned back to Scott, reminding him how you would always reference the line from Lilo and Stitch about Ohana meaning family, and family meaning nobody gets left behind, but all he’s done these past few months, along with his friends, who you thought were your friends, was leave you behind and lie to you. As Scott was about to speak, the teacher walked back in, passing Theo, who was peaking into the classroom, just like he had watched behind a wall across from your workplace as he saw Scott walking into the building and walking out still furious he didn’t accomplish his goal. Theo hated seeing you like this, feeling like you were losing your mind, and made a plan to come into the classroom, take you out of there, and spend the rest of the day if he had to helping calm you down and be your cheerful self he fell in love with again.
And he did, informing your teacher that he was sent over by the principal to come and get you, because he wanted to talk about your grades. The teacher nodded at you and you picked up your things, not even looking at Scott and followed Theo out of the classroom. As soon as you stepped out, you crashed into his mascular chest and sighed in relief as you felt his strong arms wrap around you. You hugged him back, as he placed a few soft kisses on your head, feeling you relaxing in his arm causing his lips to curve into a smile. “Let’s get out of here. If anyone asks, the principal let you go home after the talk he had with you. You need to relax.“ Theo said and you pulled away slightly to look up at him, mirroring the smile that was still present on his lips, and closing your eyes as he leaned down to press his lips against yours. After parting he grabbed your hand and started running down the hallway, both of you laughing. He made it his mission to make you laugh all day today and so he was cracking jokes the whole car ride to an ice cream shop, or even poorly singing to some of the toones on the radio, occasionally stopping to look at your smiling face, wishing he could stop time and just see you smiling forever. You talked about everything except the supernatural as you sat on the hood of his truck, eating ice cream, and Theo took you to all of your favorite places in Beacon Hills, making you feel thankful to have him in your life. “Theo...“ You trailed off as you sat in his truck again, cuddled up, looking up at the night sky after a long day of having fun together, causing him to turn his attention to you. “I love you.“ Theo let out an airy laugh as his smile was wider than you’ve ever seen it, and he quckly kissed you as passionately as ever, before looking deeply into your eyes. “I love you too, princess. So much.“
Here’s part 3 @cokecola4211 I hope it’s the way you wanted it :) <3
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bomberlandia · 3 years
26 Reasons to love the Bombers right now
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The 11-point loss to the Demons was another gallant performance against a more experienced team. It has sparked discussion around how the Bombers “aren’t quite ready” to mix it with the contenders. And that’s true. Remember: the Bombers were predicted to finish 12th or lower this year. They have surpassed expectations and it looks like their development and connection has been fast-tracked with a collective buy in to the Rutten ethos. 
Even though the Bombers are slightly off competing at the pointy end of the year, there’s been so much to like about their season. Here’s 26 things I love about the Bombers right now.  
1. Cale Hooker: Before this year, Cale Hooker worked his way back from injury and was a permanent defender. At 31, he looked tired toward the end of last season. Fast forward 12 months and he’s kicked 30 goals - the most out of any Bombers player - and sits 8th in the Coleman Medal race. I love his work in the forward ruck contests where he hacks the ball forward at any cost. It’s produced some great results. He’s true fighter. 
2. Consistent Form On The Road: Bombers have gone 2-5 from 7 outings on the road. Apart from the Power loss (54) and Lions (57), the other losses have been tight affairs: Swans by 3, Giants by 2 and Tigers by 39 after the Bombers had led in the early stages of the final quarter. It’s not a perfect record but since round five Essendon have been consistently better. They’ve travelled for half of the season so far with the fifth youngest team and can show they can compete. 
3. Dyson Heppell is Back: After only playing 3 games in 2020, many said the Bombers captain was too slow for the midfield and there were question marks over what his role might look like and if he could ever recover back to full health. Heppell answered those questions by playing some inspired football. If you look at the AFL rankings, he’s 45th for disposals, 10th for marks, 17th for intercepts with 90 in total; Steven May has 85. He’s bringing other players like Hind and Laverede into contests and his calm influence is having a big impact. This is the year Bombers fans hoped would happen for Heppell. He’s back. 
4. Sam Draper’s Aggression: He has only played 12 games and yet plays the game with such an energy and ferociousness it’s hard not to get excited about what he could look like three years from now. I’m enjoying the little things about Draper’s game: the intelligent knock-ons, the scrappy kicks from congestion, the high-flying contested intercept marks on the wing. Once he figures out his true potential and can start hurting teams at both ends his value will go through the roof. 
5. Brownlow Medal Fancies: Darcy Parish and Zach Merrett are having years to remember. The predictor has Parish at 18 votes at 9-1 and Merrett at 13 votes for 26-1. Parish has a real chance of winning Charlie. 
6. Darcy Parish’s Year of Growth: Speaking of Parish, he’s the no.1 player in the AFL for centre clearances with 56. His breakout year has resulted in large improvements across the board but his best work has been generating touches at the bounce which has kept Essendon in games much longer. He’s also the best Bomber in the AFL for: goal assists (2nd), contested ball (9th), score involvements (6th) and metres gained (20th). 
7. Jayden Laverde: He’s played every game this year (14) which is the most he’s played in a single year - his previous best was 10 in 2019. The transition to the backline has made him a vital cog in defence now. He’s ranked 54th in the AFL for marks; the second best Bombers player. And he’s ranked 30th for interceptions (81) behind Heppell, Hind, Ridley.  Since making the shift to defence he’s doubled his production: 114 disposals in 2019 to 201 touches in 2021; his marking numbers have gone from 43 in 2016 to 84 this year; and he’s had 41 rebounds this year ( 7 was his previous best in 2015).  It’s taken the 60-gamer almost seven years to find a perfectly fitting role and now he looks at home. 
8. Great Depth: The injuries haven’t been good but when you think of who has to come back into the team you start to imagine what a full Essendon lineup might look like. Missing: McGrath, Shiel, Caldwell, Snelling, Hurley, Francis. And then think of some of the players that got games last year but are working away in the VFL right now, like Cutler, Gleeson, BZT, Phillips, Cahill, Zaharakis. And then development players are there too: Reid, Bryan, Durham, Hird, Brand, McBride. 
9. Anthony McDonald-Tipungwuti: He’s arguably the safest set shot in the AFL. In the last three years he’s kicked 80.32; this year 29.12. His goal accuracy of 67.8 percent and his 2.1 goal-average puts him in the elite category. 
10. Ranked second in the AFL for goals scored: The Bombers have an average winning margin of 34.5 (5th best in the AFL). They are also ranked third for points scored behind the Bulldogs, Lions and are better than the Demons (4th), Eagles (5th), Power (6th). 
11. Closing the Gap: The Bombers average losing margin is 22.9. That has dropped. In 2019 it was at 35.6 and in 2020 it was 30.7. This means we’re seeing the Bombers be more competitive. This year the Demons have an average losing margin of 9 points. Geelong has been the benchmark in recent years with 18, 15 and 12 point average losing margins since 2018. 
12. Jordan Ridley: The 22-year-old has only played 39 games and already owns a best and fairest award. His play-making, intercepts (ranked 27th in the AFL), and efficiency has made him Essendon’s no.1 defender now. This year he’s ranked 7th in the AFL for rebounds (90), the best of the Bombers. He just does a lot of things right - from body positioning, reading the play, and decision-making - which has been so good to watch. 
13. Nick Hind is Better than Saad:  This has been a talking point all year. It’s time to lay it all out. Out of 11 categories, Hind is more dominant in eight of them. Here they are: 
Tackles +5 
Inside 50s +5
Goal assists +4
Contested Ball +17 
Uncontested +57 
Efficiency +1 %
Score Involvements +6 
Saad is +1 for rebounds, +23 for bounces, and +18 for metres gained (on average). But Hind looks to be a much more complete player with room to grow. Both players are the same age - 26 - but Hind has only played 35 games; Saad has 123 games behind him.  It’s been an impressive year by Hind at his new club and I think what he’s done is even more remarkable considering it’s only his third year in the AFL system. 
14. The Bombers’ Form Looks Real: Watching them play they have more purpose, more system in their game. They’re no longer the indecisive team that gets strangled under pressure. It’s all about executing and when they do it, it works. They still have gaps. They still turn the ball over. But they’re finally playing a brand of football that is more even and fluid than 12 months ago. Had a few more results fallen their way they could have been a top six team this year. 
15. Highest score this year is 143: That score was against St.Kilda in April and is ranked second highest in the AFL behind the more advanced Bulldogs’ 167. It’s better than the Cats’ 136 and Tigers’ 134. They also scored 141 against the rebuilding Roos. 
16. Last Quarters Won: The ability to finish off games has been one of the Bombers’ strengths. They’ve won 9 last quarters out of 14 which is the best in the AFL. They share that with the Bulldogs, Lions, Crows. The Bombers have also won 8-of-14 first quarters (ranked sixth best), but need to improve on second and third quarters: they’ve won 9 out of 28 collectively (five and four respectively). 
17. Ben Rutten: I think the best trait Rutten has is his communication. Whatever is happening behind closed doors is working because the players have responded on the field. They have responded by signing contracts. They have responded by saying the culture is tight. There’s been player improvement from last year’s fringe guys - Redman, Laverde, Stewart, Snelling, Ham. The Hooker move worked. The game plan is something to finally get behind. He’s surprised a lot of people but also confirmed he’s the man for the job: to take Essendon to their next flag. 
18. Rising Stars: Nik Cox and Harrison Jones both got nominations. It was Cox who started the year consistently with great endurance and skills on both sides of the feet. Now we’re seeing Jones’ contested marking come to the surface and his work rate: running 14-15 kilometres per game. Jones has 18 goals and 52 marks. Cox has 8 goals, 59 marks. There’s no ceiling for either player. Their evolution will be exciting to watch.
19. Merrett’s 2021 is the Best Merrett Yet: He’s had a very consistent career but if he keeps going at the pace he’s at now, he’ll return his best year of production. He needs 219 disposals in nine games to eclipse 659 in a year which is his previous best. He’s ranked 4th in the AFL for disposals per game (31.50), 20th for tackles (69), and he’s had 95 score involvements (second behind Parish at Essendon). Six more years of the Merrett way. 
20. Tackle Count: Bombers are ranked 4th for tackles in the AFL with 61.4 per game. To compare: In 2020 the Bombers were ranked 11th averaging 49.5 per game. This has been a big part of the elevation in intensity and pressure. When it’s all humming, man, it looks good. 
21. Jake Stringer’s Trajectory:  Stringer’s range has no ceiling. Whether he’s a midfield bull, clearance king, goal-scorer, game-changer, x-factor, and more recently “Dusty-like”. He’s surging. Forget the fat-shaming of 2020, he’s taking his game to new levels. With a bit of luck he stays healthy and stays consistent. 
22. Debutants: The trio of Reid, Waterman and Perkins have shown flashes of their potential. Reid has only played the one game but his 202-cm frame will make him one of Essendon’s key defenders of the future. Perkins has had 57 score involvements and 110 uncontested touches. His poise with the ball is ahead of his time. And Waterman has kicked nine goals in seven games and looks like a good fit in the forward line. He brings tenacity and a raking, deadly, left-foot. His AFL journey still gives me goosebumps. 
23. That Eagles 16-point Win: It was dubbed a “coming of age” win for the fact the Bombers beat the Eagles - a finals team - in Perth with a young team. They were down by 29 and kicked 7.8 to 2.5 in the second half. Once they start beating contending teams, they’ll look back at this game and say that’s when it all started to sink in that their best was better than the best. 
24. The Critics Have Turned: Remember this headline? “Essendon star Zach Merrett a casualty of leadership mess”. The Bombers’ 2020 season was called a “death spiral” and “Tipungwuti is a marvellous player in hopeless surrounds”. What about this one:  “Saad decisions spells disaster for Essendon.” Those doomsday headlines have now been replaced with “fiesty” Bombers, “Rising” and “Brave”. 
25. Will Snelling: He’s recovering from a thumb injury but has taken a leap this year with his pressure role. He’s kicked 10 goals, has 18 tackles inside 50 (second best at Essendon), 9 goal assists and 52 tackles. He’s played 33 games since 2016 when his career looked uncertain and now he’s an important cog for Essendon. 
26. Peter Wright: He’s had to pinch-hit in the ruck while Draper was injured and collected 139 hitouts - the most at Essendon. He’s been a solid contested mark option with 18 and has 15 marks inside 50. His 11 goals puts him behind Hooker, Walla, Stringer and Jones and makes him a very versatile tall that will continue to develop. 
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jordanjohnson2009 · 7 years
Best of 2017!
Top Albums
46. Cody Fry - Flying
45. Like Moths to Flames - Dark Divine
44. Rise Against - Wolves
43. Seether - Poison the Parish
42. Majid Jordan - The Space Between
41. Lorde - Melodrama
40. Walk the Moon - What if Nothing
39. Ed Sheeran - Divide
38. NF - Perception
37. In This Moment - Ritual
36. RED - Gone
35. Steve Moakler - Steel Town
34. Lights - Skin and Earth
33. Oh Wonder - Ultralife
32. Ryan Adams - Prisoner
31. Penny and Sparrow - Wendigo
30. Story of the Year - Wolves
29. New Found Glory - Makes Me Sick
28. While She Sleeps - You Are We
27. Taylor Swift - Reputation
26. Curses - Chapter 1: Introspect
25. Imagine Dragons - Evolve
24. Kehlani - sweetsexysavage
23. Seaway - Vacation
22. Foo Fighters - Concrete and Gold
21. We Came as Romans - Cold Like War
20. Halsey - hopeless fountain kingdom
19. Julien Baker - Turn Out The Lights
18. Bleachers - Gone Now
17. David Ramirez - We’re Not Going Anywhere
16. Shania Twain - Now
15. Wage War - Deadweight
14. Paramore - After Laughter
13. Daughter - Music from Before the Storm
12. Betty Who - The Valley
11. Coin - How Will You Know If You Never Try
10. Brand New - Science Fiction*
9. Asking Alexandria - Asking Alexandria
8. Motionless in White - Graveyard Shift
7. Grayscale - Adornment
6. flor - come out. you’re hiding
5. John Mayer - The Search for Everything
4. Lany - Lany
3. Noah Gundersen - White Noise
2. Pvris - All We Know of Heaven, All We Need of Hell
1. The Maine - Lovely Little Lonely
Best Soundtrack Stranger Things 2
Best EP The Band Camino - Heaven
Best Live Album The 1975 - DH00278
Best Discovery
The Plot In You - Happiness in Self Destruction
Biggest Disappointments
The Used - The Canyon
Jason Reeves - Alien Artform
Spoken - IX
All Time Low - Last Young Renegade
K. Michelle - The People I Used to Know
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beckyalbertalli · 8 years
Hitting theaters on March 16, 2018
Meet the Cast:
Nick Robinson as Simon Spier
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“Okay, first of all, Oreos absolutely qualify as a food group.”
How you know him: Olly in Everything, Everything, Ben Parish in The Fifth Wave, Zach in Jurassic World, Joe in The Kings of Summer, and more.
Keiynan Lonsdale as Bram Greenfeld
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“...Awkward Silence Bram.” 
How you know him: he’s Wally West/Kid Flash in The Flash, Uriah in the Divergent movies, Ollie in Dance Academy, and more.
Alexandra Shipp as Abby Suso
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“Abby isn’t wearing a cowboy hat. She’s wearing a full-on stack of cowboy hats.”
How you know her: Storm from X-Men: Apocalypse, Kim from Straight Outta Compton, Aaliyah from Aaliyah: The Princess of R&B, and more.
Jorge Lendeborg Jr. as Nick Eisner
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“Anyway, I have a policy of not falling for Nick.”
How you know him: Spider-Man: Homecoming, Cisco in The Land, and more. 
Katherine Langford as Leah Burke
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“You have to understand that no one has mastered the art of deadpan delivery like Leah.”
How you know her: she’s Hannah in Thirteen Reasons Why!
Logan Miller as Martin Addison
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“I’m definitely putting him in my contacts as ‘Monkey’s Asshole.’”
How you know him: Kent in Before I Fall, Sam Alexander/Nova in Ultimate Spider-man, Carter Grant in Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, and more.
Miles Heizer as Cal Price
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“I have this feeling in my gut that Blue is Cal Price.”
How you know him: Alex in Thirteen Reasons Why, Drew in Parenthood, Tommy in Nerve, and more.
Jennifer Garner as Emily Spier (aka Simon’s mom!)
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“The thing about my mom is she’s a child psychologist. And it shows.”
How you know her: she’s literally Jennifer Garner. 
Josh Duhamel as Jack Spier (aka Simon’s dad)
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“My dad has this hilarious idea that he’s a hipster.”
How you know him: Life as We Know It, Transformers, Win a Date With Tad Hamilton and more!
Talitha Bateman as Nora Spier 
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“Nora, you are no longer my sister.”
How you know her: She played Teacup in The Fifth Wave!
Tony Hale as Mr. Worth (Creekwood High School assistant principal) 
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How you know him: Buster Bluth in Arrested Development, Gary Walsh in Veep, and lots more.
Natasha Rothwell as Ms. Albright
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“Ms. Albright is moderately badass for a teacher.”
How you know her: Kelli from Insecure, writer for Insecure & Saturday Night Live, and lots more. 
Mackenzie Lintz as Taylor Metternich
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“I guess I’m lucky I have a really fast metabolism.”
How you know her: The Hunger Games, Under the Dome, and more. 
Drew Starkey as Garrett Laughlin
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“Semi-douche Garrett”
How you know him.
Clark Moore as Ethan (an openly gay Creekwood student)
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How you know him: The Sing-Off, Glee, and more. 
Colton Haynes as Kevin (cute college boy - in the book, he’s named Peter)
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“He has extremely white teeth.” 
How you know him: Teen Wolf, Arrow, and lots more. 
Cassady McClincy as Jackie (Simon’s ex-girlfriend)
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“And then I never spoke to my girlfriend again.”
How you know her: Good Behavior, Constantine, and more. 
Terayle Hill as Spencer (in-tha-butt bully)
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How you know him: The Quad, Being Mary Jane, and more.
Tyler Chase as Aaron (other in-tha-butt bully)
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How you know him: Ben on The Walking Dead, Sleepy Hollow, Six, and more.
Bryson Pitts as 10-year-old Simon Spier
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How you know him: check out this badass resume! 
Haroon Khan as Suraj (Martin’s best friend)
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How you know him: you might not. But you will. OH, YOU WILL.
Margot Wood, Jordan Doww, Riyadh Khalaf, Doug Armstrong, Monica Church, Meghan Hughes, and Sean O’Donnell as the coolest Creekwood students ever (see if you can spot them in the courtyard and the cafeteria)!
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How you know them: YouTube, Instagram, and more! 
Jordan Doww: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6911355/, https://www.youtube.com/user/JordanDoww
Riyadh Khalaf: https://www.youtube.com/user/CaptRiyadh
Doug Armstrong: https://www.youtube.com/user/Epiphanized
Monica Church: https://www.youtube.com/user/othermonica
Meghan Hughes: https://www.youtube.com/user/MissMeghanMakeup
Sean O’Donnell: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5761975/
and our very own Margot Wood from http://www.epicreads.com! 
Behind the Scenes:
Director: Greg Berlanti
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How you know him: executive producer for ALL THE SHOWS, including Riverdale, Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Everwood, and lots more.
Screenwriters: Isaac Aptaker and Elizabeth Berger 
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How you know them: co-executive producers and writers for This Is Us, supervising producers and writers for Grandfathered, producers and writers for About A Boy (TV Series), and more and more. 
Executive Producer: Timothy Bourne
Producers: Marty Bowen, Wyck Godfrey, Isaac Klausner , Pouya Shahbazian
Associate Producer: Chris McEwen  
Cinematography by: John Guleserian
 For additional info:
SIMON’s official IMDB page!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: When and where will filming take place? 
A: Filming took place in Atlanta - it wrapped on April 22nd! 
Q: Will Nick Robinson be wearing glasses in this movie? 
A: Nick won’t be wearing glasses for most of the film (it would complicate the lighting in some scenes). However, I promise you, he is pure Simon Spier - and he’ll be wearing glasses in all the flashback scenes!
Q: On the IMDB page, I see names I don’t recognize, like Ethan, Spencer, Aaron, and Claire. Are some of the main characters’ names going to be changed?
A: Nope! Ethan is a new character created by my screenwriters and film team. He’s AMAZING, and I can’t wait for you to meet him. Stay tuned for a few other awesome new characters, like Lyle and Mr. Worth. (I can’t imagine the Simon universe without them now!) Spencer, Aaron, and Claire are Creekwood students. 
Q: Is it true that Alice won’t be in the film?
A: I’m afraid Alice doesn’t appear in the film - Nora is pulling double duty! But you’ll see her again in my 2018 Leah POV sequel.
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apostleshop · 7 years
Why does Jesus heal some and not others?
Great News has been shared on https://apostleshop.com/why-does-jesus-heal-some-and-not-others/
Why does Jesus heal some and not others?
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“Elisha sent him the message: “Go and wash seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will heal, and you will be clean.”  But Naaman went away angry.”  (2 Kings 5: 10 – 11).
Then Naaman was persuaded to obey the Prophet Elisha.  “His flesh became again like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.” (2 Kings 5: 14).
What is going on here? The 5-star Syrian General was healed of leprosy by God when many lepers in Israel were not healed.
“Again, there were many lepers in Israel during the time of Elisha the prophet; yet not one of them was cleansed, but only Naaman the Syrian.”  (Luke 4: 26).
How does the Almighty distribute His healing gifts?  I saw after a long time a dear lady in my parish today who by the accounts of many expert doctors should have been dead over a year ago.  Her body is filled with cancer.  I told her that we miss her in our RCIA ministry.  She surprised me by what she said:  “Pray that the Lord heals me and I will come back to the ministry.”  That was a big challenge. I am a beggar who tells another beggar where to find bread.
This afternoon, I wrestled with Jesus over the woman’s request.  “Why Lord don’t You heal many of the sick in our community?These are people who love You and would love to spend their lives serving You.  Imagine the joy, laughter and dancing that will happen every Sunday when we gather for worship.”
Brothers and sisters, please join me in praying for Hope.  I call her Hope because of her spirit of hope.  She is a wonderful and great teacher.
“I hope in the LORD, I trust in his word; with him there is kindness and plenteous redemption.”  (Cf Psalm 130: 5, 7).
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LeBron James Created the First Super Team in NBA History
I know many would disagree with the title, but after reading this you will change your mind. The biggest thing in this argument is dependent on what you define a super team as. What I define a super team as is a team that many believe is a forgone conclusion that they will be in the NBA finals, or win the championship. I also believe that a real super team is created by a trade nor by drafting a good team. The reasoning behind this is if you make a good trade that reflects on a good front office. Teams would be very reluctant to form a super team by trade, it’s almost like creating your own downfall. No one wants to create a team that they can’t beat for the foreseeable future. Teams may have made trades to create a really good team, but not a super team. Many people were against the trade that would send Chris Paul to the Lakers, which would team him up with Kobe Bryant. The NBA actually vetoed this trade. This shows how reluctant some front offices would be to even send one more all star to an already good team. When you send a player to a team, most general managers are not expecting that team to dominate the conference, or league for the next four to six years. Which is exactly what a super team does. When you do your research and draft accordingly to your team needs, and the talent available in the draft, it does not make a super team. When you draft a player one may have the assumption that that player will turn out good, but yet it still isn’t a guarantee. So if an organization were to draft 3 players that they THINK will turn out good, and they do turn out good is more so a coincidence. When super teams are created the vast majority of people have the strong inclination that the team will be in the NBA finals, or win the NBA finals. By the definition provided the Miami Heat when LeBron arrived, the Golden State Warriors when Durant arrived, and the Cleveland Cavilers when LeBron came back are the only super teams in NBA history.
Some of what has been said so far cannot even be fathomed by some of you, but bare with me. The biggest rebuttal to the LeBron starting super teams argument is that there were several super teams before he went to the Miami Heat. The teams that often come up in this argument are the Celtics in the 80s, Jordan’s Bulls, the Celtics when they traded for Kevin Garnett, Magic’s Lakers, the Lakers when Payton and Malone joined, and some people even have the audacity to mention Tim Duncan’s Spurs. The reason some people think that these are super teams is because they all stand true to the format that LeBron chose for his super team. That format being that all the teams mentioned “had three all stars playing on the same team at the same time.” Which is far from the truth, and doesn’t match the definition provided. Your definition may be different but this is the one that we are going to use. Since James had the format of three all stars on one team, everybody just went with the idea that if a team has three all stars then they are a super team. Which ironically when those teams were at their peak no one referred to them as super teams. The term super team came into existence when James joined the Heat, yet no one mentions that. If that’s the case were the 2015 Hawks a super team, a team that had four all stars. Many wouldn’t think so, many people did not believe in that team, or believed that they would end up in the finals because they knew once playoff time rolls around that they would end up facing a real super team in the Miami Heat.
I don’t think any of the teams fit the definition. The Celtics in the 80s were a good team, but I don’t consider them a super team because their three best players were Larry Bird, Robert Parish, and Kevin McHale. They were all all stars in their own right, but Bird was drafted, so was McHale, and Parish was acquired via trade. When a player is traded or drafted by a team he has no choice but to play for that organization. A super team is created based on the level of competition at that time, not just on the talent on one team. The competition in the Eastern Conference was a lot tougher during the 1980s in comparison to when LeBron was on the Heat, and the game was a lot more physical.
The fact that Micheal Jordan’s Bulls are brought up in the super team debate is laughable. People forget to mention that two out of six championships that Jordan won only had one all star on the team... which was him. People again always come back to the big three rebuttal, that he had Dennis Rodman and Scottie Pippen beside him. When bring this up people forget to mention that Rodman was only there for the second three-peat run, and that Rodman was never an all star on the Bulls. Rodman was an integral part of the team, and those titles, but they certainly don’t qualify for a super team. The level of competition back then was also tougher, more physical, and Jordan had to go up against some pretty competitive teams within his conference. This might be the clearest of the examples that is not a super team.
I’ve heard plenty people say that the ‘08 Celtics was the first team to start the big three super team format. They may have been the first to start the big 3 format, but certainly not the first to start the super team trend. For one Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett were acquired by trade, just a good move by the Celtics front office. The level of competition was also pretty decent at this time. Dwight Howard’s Magic, Chauncey Billups’ Pistons, and LeBron’s Cavs were all respectable teams at this point. It wasn’t a foregone conclusion that once the Celtics acquired Garnett that they were going to the finals. When LeBron chose during his free agency to go to the Miami Heat we knew that for the next four years who would be representing the Eastern Conference in the finals.
The next team that some people classify as a super team is the showtime Lakers in the 80s. The same age old argument that since this team had a big three that it must have been a super team. Once again Magic Johnson was drafted, James Worthy was drafted, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was acquired by trade. If a team drafts their way to a be a really good team all that shows is the players worked hard and stayed on the same team.
The next team that some people claim was a super team was the 2004 Lakers that added Gary Payton and Karl Malone to go along side Shaq and Kobe. In this particular case people get caught up on the names. When you hear the names Payton, Bryant, O’Neal, and Malone you automatically think super team. On this team though Payton was 35 and Malone was 40. Two all stars well past their primes. That season had six 50 win teams, so clearly there was at least a decent level of competition. Which adds to the reasoning for them not being a super team.
Yet another classic example of 3 all stars equals a super team in San Antonio. The Spurs success is due more so to their coach’s coaching style. Popovich’s style incorporates everyone with ball movement. Duncan, Parker, and Ginobili were all drafted by the Spurs. The three were never all stars during the same year. You shouldnt ridicule nor complain about a franchise drafting and developing 3 really good players, but you should be able to complain about a star player going to a team that make the odds overwhelmingly in their favor.
Super teams are straight up bad for the NBA. Teams dominating conferences is boring. Nobody wants to watch something knowing the outcome. Imagine watching a movie knowing exactly how it’s going to end, you probably wouldn’t enjoy it the same way. With this current day Warriors team barring any unforeseen circumstances they will win yet another championship. This championship will be their 3rd straight, their 4th in five years, and their 5th straight finals appearance. Ever since Durant showed up, the Warriors immediately became the overwhelming favorite to win the championship. If you’re LeBron and you make a move to tip the odds dramatically in your favor, then you can’t be upset when someone does the same thing. If you created the trend, don’t be upset when somebody one up’s you.
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boombergnews · 6 years
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ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. –  Of all of the horrific particulars contained within the Pennsylvania grand jury report on youngster sexual abuse within the Catholic Church, one sentence stands out: “The principle factor was to not assist youngsters, however to keep away from ‘scandal.'”
When sex-abuse circumstances dominate headlines, a well-recognized sample usually emerges. If it came about at a big group — be it a church, a big state college or a gaggle similar to USA Gymnastics — misconduct is commonly lined up in hopes of saving the establishment’s status, and the cash that accompanies it.
Why is the position of establishments so highly effective? As a result of they command emotion. They encourage loyalty. They usually have established methods of doing issues that rev up when issues floor.
Maybe most relevantly, they usually have a group constructed round them, geographically or in any other case. And preserving that group can change into a precedence — even over one thing as seemingly basic as defending the youngest amongst us.
In brief, when unhealthy issues occur inside establishments, the elements are already there to make issues even worse.
“We’ve to cease defending our rainmakers and we have now to carry them to the values we espouse, not simply transfer them round,” mentioned Kim Church buildings, CEO of the American Affiliation of College Ladies.
Take into account the case of USA Gymnastics and physician Larry Nassar, who abused a whole lot of women and girls below the guise of medical remedy whereas employed at Michigan State College.
Nassar is now serving a decades-long jail sentence for molesting sufferers and possessing youngster pornography. Victims had reported Nassar’s conduct to school staff for years, and mentioned they had been ignored.
“They weren’t believed, and weren’t protected in the way in which they wanted to be,” says Natalie Rogers, an organizer with Reclaim MSU, an alliance of scholars, employees, school and alumni advocating for elevated accountability and transparency.
“Institutional tradition right here was what silenced them,” Rogers says.
And bear in mind the 2011 intercourse scandal that gripped Penn State, when it got here to mild that assistant soccer coach Jerry Sandusky molested dozens of boys? A report asserted that famed head coach Joe Paterno and different college leaders had been made conscious of suspicions about Sandusky’s actions however did not take motion to cease it.
The much-debated report unpacking the college’s position, written by FBI Director Louis Freeh, mentioned motion wasn’t taken and information had been hidden at Penn State “with a purpose to keep away from the implications of unhealthy publicity.”
At Ohio State, there is a rising record of greater than 100 former college students and athletes who say they had been groped and in any other case mistreated by Dr. Richard Strauss, a deceased athletic division physician who labored on the college for practically 20 years. There are questions on whether or not Republican U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan knew concerning the abuse when he was an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State throughout the identical time.
“Sadly, all too usually, we nonetheless see organizations desirous to protect the model and protect the cash, both by transferring alleged perpetrators out of the group to a different space, slightly than eliminating them, or not appearing in a means that is defending the victims,” says Church buildings.
“Victims and survivors then really feel ashamed,” she says. “They do not imagine the establishments they trusted are caring for them.”
Why would that be, although? Why would not an establishment reflexively prioritize the safety of the very folks more than likely to assist chart its future? Alan Salpeter, an lawyer at Arnold & Porter in Chicago, says there’s normally one key purpose why abuse is roofed up.
“It occurs due to weaknesses within the tradition of the establishment,” says Salpeter, a crisis-management skilled who has written concerning the Penn State state of affairs.
These weaknesses may be to guard revenue or energy. The Penn State case, he says, is an instance of a power-based weak point that devolved right into a cone of silence and safety (although it additionally concerned cash, within the type of alumni assist of the soccer program and the college total).
“At Penn State, soccer was king. It was the place all the cash got here in. When there was a scandal, nobody wished to blow the whistle. Nobody wished to problem Joe Paterno,” Salpeter says. “The tradition was tolerant of that and folks seemed the opposite means.”
And the Pennsylvania Catholic circumstances that had been revealed this previous week? There, he asserts, “the motivation was that they wished folks to remain dedicated. As a substitute of getting cash or having energy, (they) wished to maintain their folks dedicated to the church.”
The Pennsylvania grand jury report laid out the methods by which the church tried to hide victims’ tales and prices. “The phrase ‘secret’ “seems again and again within the paperwork we recovered,” the report mentioned.
“Abuse complaints had been saved locked up in a ‘secret archive,'” it says. “That isn’t our phrase, however theirs; the church’s Code of Canon Legislation particularly requires the diocese to take care of such an archive. Solely the bishop can have the important thing. . It is like a playbook for concealing the reality.”
The grand jury discovered that greater than 1,000 youngsters had been molested or raped by over 300 “predator clergymen” in six Pennsylvania dioceses for the reason that 1940s. It mentioned a succession of bishops and different diocesan leaders labored to defend the church from unhealthy publicity and monetary legal responsibility by shuffling abusive clergymen round parishes slightly than reporting complaints to police, allowing a whole lot of identified offenders to return to ministry.
Dioceses throughout the nation have paid greater than $three billion in settlements with victims since 1950, in line with the bishops’ personal research and information experiences. Legal responsibility insurance coverage lined a number of the payouts, however many dioceses have needed to unload main properties to assist cowl prices. A few dozen of the USA’ 197 dioceses have sought chapter safety within the face of abuse claims.
James Campbell Fast, a College of Texas professor who has studied sexual harassment within the office, says massive establishments generally encounter such issues. What issues, he says, is how they’re tackled by the management.
“Sexual deviance is a part of the human situation,” he says. “The questions change into, I feel, ones of how a lot of an issue does it change into in a selected establishment, and the way do you establish and tackle the issue, or handle it.”
Fast and different specialists which have studied such scandals say the tone wants to come back from one place: the highest.
“If that tone is about properly and is wholesome, then the system will likely be wholesome. You need to have methods in place to establish when one thing mistaken, unhealthy or inappropriate happens,” Fast says. “It is actually setting an institutional set of insurance policies that say, ‘sexual assault is unacceptable. Sexual harassment is unacceptable.'”
Provides the AAUW’s Kim Church buildings: “We’ve to take motion as a result of we have now to verify we’re creating the cultures we would like in our society.”
Observe Tamara Lush on Twitter at http://twitter.com/tamaralush
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