#josh dun family
add1ictwithapen · 1 month
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basnatural · 3 months
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My own flat…my own decorations….
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warmglowofsurvival · 7 months
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Okay so Tyler changing the lyrics of truce from "I hope" to I KNOW i'm not my only friend today on their live stream made me so emotional, man
On vessel's fucking 10th anniversary, it hit me so hard
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mylols16 · 2 years
you know you’ve succeeded at being someones kid when your mom knows some some of the words to the judge and starts singing it when you play it
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Lane Boy has the lyrics "They say, Stay in your lane boy, lane boy, but we go where we want to". It can be interpreted as being forced to stick with one style or art form of their work, regardless if they want to mix it up and experiment with something else. A different medium, a different sound. Its a good message. Staying in your own lane, repeating something the same way until you lose your joy in it so you don't lose your success. Its a common occurrence with artists.
A controversial take:
A lot of the clique literally proved Tyler's fear of being stuck doing the same shit in order to keep their career and fame a valid fear by releasing SAI and it getting a lot of hate for not sounding like how TOP usually sounds like. They stepped outside the norm for their music, made a more upbeat, colorful album after having two smash hits that were dark and depressing, and even though SAI still continued the dark messages, they chose to add things that went against their own grain. They were immediately called sell outs, that they fell off, that they'll never top Trench, and even some fans straight up wished Tyler and Josh would go back to being miserable because they only made good music when they were depressed.
I don't think disliking SAI is wrong or bad. Everyone has their tastes and its okay to have work from an artist your a fan of not click with you. But some fans took it way to personally at the beginning of the era, bashing the band themselves, and personally attacking Ty n Josh like they committed a war crime.
Thankfully this hate has dissipated a bunch, either a lot of them either grew to love SAI or have since left the fandom, or just learned to stay quiet, but I thought this was an interesting observation.
Lane Boy tells us we need to stay to the path, to the lane. Stay with what you know, what people know you for, and don't you dare step off that path to something else. There will always be someone on the sidelines waiting to push you back in, threatening to take your success away if you so dare do something that doesn't appease them. But Tyler risked it, he learned a new instrument, he explored new sounds, and made something that he liked. And honestly, Id rather have work that my favorite artists enjoyed making than having work that was miserably made just so the artists fans can have what only they want. My happiness shouldn't come at the expense of someone elses.
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sleepi-toasti · 14 days
Meet bailey!
bailey (14) lived in a 2d weirdcore world with color kingdoms. she was the princess of the cyan kingdom. one day, bailey fell into a portal that goes to the real world. since bailey lived in a 2d world, she is 2d also. and the real world is 3d, so she's like a piece of paper the size and shape of a human lol
bailey now lives in Houston, but she tries to get back to her original world. she lives with the Mitchell family: Mr Samuel Mitchell (48), Mrs Lauren Mitchell (47), Amy Rodriguez (26, and she's married), Nathaniel Mitchell (17), Madison Mitchell (14), and Aaron Mitchell (9).
also, bailey originally has solid black hair when she lived in her world, but after being introduced to twenty one pilots music, she dyed the bottom of her hair red (to match josh dun)
(another thing: she genderfluid)
(here's bailey in her princess outfit lol)
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I'll make the Mitchell family soon, but here's info abt them
he works a 7-5 job and doesn't like it bc it doesn't pay as good as it should be (his boss is stealing money out of the worker's paychecks)
he wants to work a higher paying job (specifically the job Lauren works at)
the family actually does good bc her job pays a good amount
she's the real household leader (she's a tough love kind of mom)
great at cooking
works as a school teacher (the school is a good school and pays more)
she lives in San Antonio and works as a pediatrician
when she visits, she helps her mom cook
her husband, will, is actually a really cool dude
goes by "nate"
he's actually a closeted gay person, and despite the fact that he's never told anyone, madison knows
the boy he likes is Matthew Anderson, the captain of the schools basketball team
he's also on the basketball team
she's a twenty one pilots fan
she's the one who got bailey to listen to twenty one pilots music
she actually never has been to a concert, until her mom bought two tickets (one for Madison and one for bailey) to the Clancy world tour show
she knows abt nate's sexuality because she read his journal, which had entires (like diary entries) that talked abt how much nate liked matthew, pictures of nate and matthew hanging out together, and drawings of matthew (it's all about matthew with you HUH NATHANIEL?)
she yaps about her obsessions a lot lol
he's a silly goober
likes playing Minecraft with nate and matthew (yes matthew comes over sometimes, mainly to do school projects with nate)
has a teddy bear with a red bowtie named Fuzzy
he brings Fuzzy everywhere he goes (yes, even school. he keeps Fuzzy in his backpack)
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rogue-ai-cat · 5 months
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Note: Josh Dun and Debby Ryan have a cat called Velma. This is the first reference to Velma in a video, hence the random family photo.
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ap0stleofy0urr4g3 · 3 months
A N A T H E M A (requested translate for @polarizedisguise)
The sky was in stormy tones, the sun had finally disappeared from sight, and into the small room in the attic itself, through the half-open window, the impending riot that rumbled so noisily in the distance was already drawn in.
From somewhere below comes the loud voice of Josh - his best friend, who agreed to stay with him, as soon as Tyler mentioned that he was restless and somehow “incomprehensible”. Dun sent only a short message: “I’ll be right there,” and ten minutes later the doorbell rang, announcing his arrival. Tyler's parents and siblings went somewhere, and he stayed here, alone, for the whole night. Alone with his terrible thoughts.
And now Josh was pottering around in the kitchen, making cocoa for the two of them to warm up on this rainy evening and have a good time, helping his friend take his mind off things.
- Ty! Should you add marshmallows to your cocoa or will you go without it?
- Add a little! Thank you.
"You'll never know what's behind my skull"
Josh was always there when Tyler felt bad, and Tyler, in turn, was there when Josh experienced particularly severe anxiety, which, unfortunately, he could no longer cope with alone.
But no matter how close they were, Tyler sometimes encountered disgusting thoughts that he simply did not seem to have the right to even formulate in his own head. How could he consider Josh... A Liar or... A Traitor? Not to trust him even after so many years of friendship and knowing full well that he really wouldn’t turn his back on him even in the most difficult moments.
"You'll never know what is in my veins"
These thoughts were slippery, as if he had been forced to swallow a spoonful of vegetable oil. Nasty, sickening and tasteless.
What if Josh suddenly gets tired of being around? What if he get tired of shining for him? What to do then? What to do then? What will happen to Tyler if all that sincerity in which he so sacredly believed turns out to be a very skillfully stretched disguise? So what if there really is no Josh? No, he exists, but... HIS Josh never existed?
The clew of his thoughts began to twist more and more, causing the exhalation to get stuck somewhere in his throat like a painful lump. Trembling hands will squeeze the soft blanket, and his eyes will close with such force that he begin to feel sick and dizzy. These thoughts were inspired by anxiety and self-doubt. Tyler knew this very well, but what could he do now? Alas, this is not something tangible, otherwise he would definitely pull himself out of this quagmire. Surely he would have pulled himself out?..
Soon the creaking of the steps that led to the attic will be heard and Tyler will flinch, raising his head, fixing his gaze on the source of the sound.
The source was none other than Josh. He held in his hands a small plastic tray decorated with a variety of colors. On the tray were two mugs, from which steam slowly rose. Next to the mugs were a variety of snacks, in case they suddenly wanted something to snack on. Still, Tyler had a habit of refusing to eat with his family when his mental state left much to be desired. So today he missed the family dinner before the Joseph family left and he was left alone. And Josh knew all this very well.
- Dude, it's so dark in here, can you even see anything in here? Or were you planning to fall asleep before I made us cocoa?
A kind laugh can be heard in Josh’s voice and very soon they go up to the room in the attic, noticing with pleasure how soft the floor is because of the mattresses, blankets and pillows laid out everywhere.
- Sorry. I... I was thinking.
The voice trembles treacherously.
“Won't you go to someone else’s head?”
Sometimes uncertainty speaks for him, he really wants all his fears to become real and he was wrong for a reason. For some reason Tyler really want... For this fear to be confirmed at least once. Just once... It turned out to be true what anxiety had so zealously incited to him. That Josh is a traitor. That he really doesn't care. That Tyler has no real friends and Dun has long been tired of this whole farce. Tyler wanted to push Josh away so he would hate him. Sincerely.
But Josh sits closer and places a tray on the flat table, and he looks Tyler straight in the eye and lightly pats him on the shoulder, trying to pull his friend out of the trance into which he fell so quickly as soon as Josh stopped talking to him.
- Dude, you're stuck in your mind again... What happened?
- N-nothing. You know it will pass later...
- But, if anything, I’m still here and you can tell me what’s bothering you. You remember this, right?
- Yes thank you.
Tyler hung his head and rubbed his temples irritably, burying his fingers in his short hair, squeezing it slightly, but Josh covered his friend hands with his in time, saving Tyler's poor hair from the pulled out strands.
- It’s not worth it, it’ll give you a headache. Here, you better take it. As you asked, I put just a little marshmallow.
Tyler takes the mug from his friend's hands and looks down at the hot drink, slowly taking a small, careful sip. There were indeed marshmallows floating there, but there weren’t that many of them. Josh has listened to his wishes, and this really warmed his soul.
The first, almost deafening, clap of thunder will be heard and Josh will quietly click his tongue, flicking the switch on the far wall a couple of times. To no avail.
-Your light is dead. I'll replace it.
- No, wait!.. Here... There was a garland somewhere. Look in the drawers.
- Garland? Wow.
Josh smiles broadly at Tyler and crawls on all fours to the chest of drawers. After a couple of minutes of searching, he will take out a small box with a garland inside.
About half an hour will pass before the guys finish hanging the future lighting throughout the attic, actively discussing how best to hang it with colored tape in one place or another.
Tyler will turn on the garland and the small shelter in the attic will instantly be filled with a soft golden glow. Many small stars twinkled and sparkled, and created a special atmosphere of comfort in such nasty weather.
Soon they would close the window, cover it with a thin curtain and a canopy, which turned the room into an even smaller one - something vaguely similar to the houses that they so liked to build in childhood from pillows, chairs and blankets.
- It’s so cozy and good here now that no nasty thought will creep into this bright head, right, Ty?
Josh softly ruffles his friend’s hair and laughs, taking a long-awaited sip from his mug, already rustling with a candy wrapper from some kind of cereal bar.
And Tyler still sat and looked at him, not understanding how he even managed to meet someone who would... As if reading his thoughts. To know him so well that with a couple of gestures of attention in the moment, all the darkness that was tearing Tyler apart just a couple of minutes ago would be dispelled.
- Yes... Now it definitely won’t sneak in. The cocoa is very tasty, thank you... Did you add something to it? The taste is not the same as usual.
- Well, you had a jar of cinnamon on the shelf there. I sprinkled just a little on both you and me. We usually do this at home. Glad you liked it.
In a moment, Josh will feel his friend’s head rest on his shoulder and a quiet sigh will be heard.
- Thank you. You saved me... Again.
- Come on, dude, I'm always here for you, okay? We will fight back against your evil thoughts together, you remember?
- Yes, yes... I remember, Jishwa.
A small room in the attic will soon be filled with quiet laughter and active chatter, and the bad weather will remain somewhere outside.
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*Jumps down from podium* Hello there! 😀
Yes, I’m aware how cringy that was. Anyways, hi! It’s me. 💛. Your favorite miscolored internal organ emoji. First of, I want to say that I LOOOOVVVEEEEDDDD the blurryface fic. I actually really enjoyed how you wrote blurryface. To me, I feel like it was like Tyler had just enough control over him to keep him from fully coming out, but not enough to stop him completely, so he was rude, but not to the degree of blurryface he could be.
Now, I come to you almighty one shot lord with a new request. I recently saw a video in Twitter of Josh playing with someone’s kid (IDK if it was Tyler’s. It was a video where he jokingly tried to take a bite out of a kid’s piece of bacon before saying he didn’t want it because it was gross. Yes, I know. I’m great at describing things). Anyways, it was adorable. Thus, I was wondering if you could maybe do the fic where the reader sees Josh playing with a young child (could be Tyler’s kid(s), could be a random child. Up to you.) and the reader kinda gets baby fever and decides to talk to Josh about possibly having them in the future.
I understand that this topic may be one you’re not interested in writing and, if that’s the case, no problem. You are the artist and I am but a humble freeloader. 😊
Kids - Josh Dun x reader
Relationship: Josh Dun × Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1273
A/N: I'm glad you liked the Blurryface fic and you saw my vision :) I searched the internet for the bacon video and found it! Definitely helped with writing the fic. Josh is so cute with kids it's adorable. I went through 3 different versions of this before finally landing on this one. I did write a water fight fic for another fandom on this blog but idc bc this one fits well. Hopefully it's not too short.
P.S. 💛 the image of josh will make sense at the end lol. I was looking for one and cackling over this.
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2015 had been both an amazing and stressful year for Josh and I, Blurryface had released and we’d both been on tour together. Mark and I had both been working on vlogs and social media for the album cycle and tour, tiring us out just as much as the boys. Luckily, we had a couple months off to relax before they started working on the next album. My parents had agreed to let us stay in our family vacation home in Florida, meaning I was going to get to see our family friends and their kids–all of whom were half my age. 
The sun was blaring outside and to avoid the heat I was sitting in the living room working some editing. Josh had decided to wander the neighborhood, getting to know the area I’d been telling him about for months. As I saved my project and put my computer away I heard a loud screech. I ran outside, curious as to what was happening. 
“Josh, stop it!” cackled Amelia, my mom’s best friend’s daughter. Josh was chasing after her, a water gun in hand and aimed perfectly at the back of her head. A whole group of kids had come out of their houses to play, some with water balloons, others with pistols, all of them laughing. I remembered when Tyler and I would run around here, our parents close friends. One Christmas he’d been given a skateboard and we spent the winter break trying to learn how to do tricks. Tyler and Jenna had decided to stay back home in Columbus for the holidays, preferring the cooler weather than the Florida heat. I tried desperately to fight off the smile growing on my face while I sat on the porch steps. Josh caught up to Amelia, picking her up and carrying her so the other kids could all soak her. Amelia managed to get away, running in the opposite direction towards her friends. Josh had a grin plastered on his face. 
“I’ve got ammo over here!” A small hand reached up above a bush, waving in the air. Josh ran over to refill his gun before sneaking back into the war zone of kids. 
“Okay, team Josh huddle!” He stretched his arms around the group of kids he’d clearly chosen to be on his team. I could hear the faint whispers of the kids before they split up, creeping towards the other kids on Amelia’s team. “Ready. Aim. Fire!” he yelled, prompting all of the kids to either fire their water guns or throw their water balloons. It looked like a mini tsunami, water flying through the air and soaking everyone in range. I couldn’t help the smile growing on my face, Josh was so good with the kids. We’d been together for 3 years and hadn’t spent that much time with kids. We had the conversation about spending our futures together months ago, but I never found the time to have the really important conversation with him. Kids. Tyler had dreamed of having kids for as long as I could remember and Jenna had been on board since day one. I wanted what they had, it was hard not knowing if Josh wanted what I wanted. “Okay okay! I’m soaked so I’m gonna go get dry.” Josh wrung out his shirt which was sticking against his body. He waved goodbye to all the kids before turning towards the house. As soon as he saw me his eyes lip up, arms open to give me a hug. 
“No! No!” I laughed, holding him back while he tried desperately to kiss me. Finally I gave up, letting him pull me in close. We were definitely going to need to dry off together. 
“Let’s go inside,” Josh ran a hand through his wet hair, slicking it back. I followed him into the house, going into our bedroom and grabbing a new set of clothes before joining him in the bathroom. He was running a comb through his dyed red hair, a towel wrapped around his shirtless body. 
“You know, you’re really good with kids,” I said, sitting on the counter. Josh looked up at me, his eyebrows raised. 
“Ya think? I mean, I’ve got two younger sisters so–” Of course, how could I have forgotten? I handed Josh a clean shirt once I’d gotten dressed in a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt. Looking out the window, I could see the kids still outside throwing water back and forth. I wanted to talk to Josh about the kid thing, but I couldn’t tell if this was the right time. If I did mention it and he didn’t want kids then I was risking him leaving me, risking everything that made me, me. I wanted to be honest with him, we were always honest with each other. Josh continued to talk while my thoughts bounced about in my head. “My mom used to pay me to babysit them which was fun but obviously when I started touring that stopped–”
“Josh,” I interrupted, reaching down and grabbing his hand. He looked up at me, a worried look on his face. 
“What? Are you okay?” I took a deep breath before continuing. 
“Do you–have you ever heard Tyler talk about wanting kids?” I was trying to frame a way to start the conversation whilst having no idea what I was doing. Josh nodded, staying quiet and listening attentively. “I–I know you’re only 27 and I’m 26 but we’ve never talked about kids before and I really–do you?”
Josh laughed, folding the towel he was using and placing it on the rack. “If you’re trying to ask what I think you’re trying to ask then the answer is yeah, I do.” I jumped off the counter and ran into his arms, pressing my lips to his. 
“God I love you,” I smirked into the kiss, cupping his jaw and tangling his wet curls between my fingers. He kissed back, pulling me close so I was straddling his waist. 
“When I say I want kids, I don’t mean right now, you know? Touring and work is putting enough stress on us and we’re not even engaged yet,” he said, breaking the kiss. I nodded, glad he was thinking exactly what I was. 
“Of course. We’ve still got so much going on and the band is getting bigger and bigger. I think we should enjoy the time we have alone before we start worrying about bringing smaller versions of ourselves into the world,” I agreed, pressing my lips to his once more before getting up and grabbing Josh’s wet clothes off the floor. 
“Where are you off to?” he asked, standing up. 
“I’m putting your clothes in the laundry and grabbing us a snack. I’m exhausted from watching you run around and I need a nap.” I threw Josh’s clothes into the laundry basket before going into the pantry and grabbing a bag of honey-roasted nuts, my favorite snack that I’d made Josh add to the band’s rider for the entire tour. 
“Can I join you?” He reached his hand inside the bowl, taking a handful of nuts and pouring them into his mouth. I nodded, walking into our room and getting into bed, Josh sticking close to me. “I’m so tired,” he chuckled, placing his head on the pillow next to mine. 
“You know, kids will do that to you,” I yawned, my eyes feeling heavy. 
“And that is why we’re waiting,” he returned the yawn. 
I scooted closer to him, bending my knees and rolling onto my side, drifting into sleep within his arms. 
“Goodnight love,” Josh whispered.
Can't wait for the next request!
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Finally, I guess.
🦇 Name: Sid
🦇 Location: Rome, Italy
🦇 Age: 18 y/o
🦇 Pronouns: he/him
🦇 Languages: Italian (first language), English (second language)
🦇 Fav colours: green, purple
🐜I play drums and a little bit of bass and guitar
🐜Reading. I love books but I am also a huge fan of fanfictions
🐜I casually write sometimes, either poetry or stories
🐜I love photography and cinema. I'd like to start a career related to this.
Fandom, Bandom and Ships
DISCLAIMER!! Except for fictional characters, the Ships with real people are NOT related to the current version of them. I know that they are married and I totally respect them and their families.
📿 IT, Stephen King - Reddie (Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak)
📿 My Chemical Romance - Frerard (Frank Iero/Gerard Way)
📿 Fall Out Boy - Petekey (Pete Wentz by FOB / Mikey Way by MCR)
📿 Panic! At the Disco (before Ryan Ross left, except for vices and virtues and some other songs released later) - Ryden (Ryan Ross/Brendon Urie)
📿 Twenty One Pilots - Joshler (Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph)
📿 Still not over The Summer Of Like, 2005 (Petekey, Pete Wentz/Mikey Way)
📿 The Umbrella Academy (comic and series)
📿 Fleabag
📿 Stranger Things
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when-worlds-end · 12 days
BUT I AM PETRIFIED Written by Nessrin
Conception ~ August 29th, 2024 10:38AM Published ~ · · · Finished ~ · · ·
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Tyler (Ty) Joseph I care way more than I should about what you think of me.
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Joshua (Josh) Dun Bro, she's tearing you apart... and maybe in a good way.
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Alexis (Alex) Silvera You are that boy's faith, why won't you let yourself see it??
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0:00 Car Radio | Twenty One Pilots | "Sometimes quiet is violence..." 4:50 Stressed Out | Twenty One Pilots | "My name's blurry face and I care what you think..." 8:14 Tear In My Heart | Twenty One Pilots | "She's a tear in my heart, I'm alive..." 11:24 Holding On To You | Twenty One Pilots | "Entertain my faith..." 15:49 Trees | Twenty One Pilots | "I want to know you, I want to see, I want to say... hello..." 20:08 The Judge | Twenty One Pilots | "You're the judge, on no, set me free..." 25:07 Heavydirtysoul | Twenty One Pilots | "Can you save my heavy dirty soul?" 29:03 Doubt | Twenty One Pilots | "I'm no good without you..." 32:16 Vignette | Twenty One Pilots | "Where do I go from here?" 36:00 Fake You Out | Twenty One Pilots | "You say I'm not alone, but I am petrified..."
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AUTHOR'S NOTES Due to me wanting certain things to happen in this story, the TOP timeline has been altered/accelerated as well as moved forwards towards the current day. To clarify, I have shifted around the years so that things will happen a lot earlier than they did in real life (EX : Tyler and Josh will meet in high school rather than meeting when they're in their early 20s).
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DISCLAIMER I do not own any rights to Twenty One Pilots, their lyrics are not mine, their composition is not mine, their timeline is not mine, nor do I know them personally. Everything that happens in this story is a work of pure fiction and written explicitly for entertainment. If the members or their families ever state that they do not want fanfiction written about them/their loved ones, in whatever capacity that may relate to my story, I will take it down and respect all boundaries set.
I only own the storyline and any characters I personally created (EX : Alexis).
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solarsonicsoda · 2 months
Rating 500+ Theme Tunes - #15. Jessie
She's Radio Rebel Jessie! It's our first Disney sitcom! Here, Debby Ryan plays a sheltered small-town woman who finds herself nannying eccentric rich kids in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. It's classic Disney sitcom material, chock full of wacky antics, bad green screen, and sassy laugh-track backed humour. I mean, that's most American sitcoms I find, but especially Disney ones!
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This show is definitely an interesting one in some ways. It's a fairly diverse family with the various adopted children and their cultures, which I would say sets it apart from many other shows of the time. Plus, Ryan going from a side character in one show to the main character of this one, which was much rarer for Disney Channel than say Nickelodeon. However, she was certainly prominent on the channel already, having also led the movie 16 Wishes. I wonder if the character of Jessie likes sushi?
Now, I certainly watched some Jessie in my time, but I can't say it was by choice. My sister liked this show so it was on with some frequency, but I have never been able to stand it. I was never the biggest Disney sitcom person by both circumstance and taste, but this one was especially not for me. I always liked Debby Ryan in Suite Life on Deck but I think, as a lead, the way she was written and her comedic acting style always got on my nerves. I found the character of Jessie irritating, in a similar to Tori Vega in Victorious, though I definitely watched more of the latter so I can't articulate it as well here. The show's vibe and humour just was never for me. But what about the theme? Was that for me?
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Jessie Theme Song
The answer is no! This theme song is bad! I really do not care for this one at all, and I just find it deeply annoying. The chorus of this song is what bugs me the most, as I cannot stand the whiney tone of the vocals and how the repeated "Hey Jessie" tunes are sang. They are simply trying too hard. It's also just so overly repetitive that this annoying sound is an issue that is perpetuated further. The verse is slightly better, but the autotuning is a bit much, and the end of it falls really flat. It's generally just a quite annoying sounding song.
I'm really sorry to all the Jessie-heads out there, but whilst there is the skeleton of a good song here, I just find it really grating to listen to. I'll stick with Josh Dun as my musical preference between the couple. This one is going comfortably in the D tier.
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Stay tuned for more and be sure to send in any suggestions for other shows you'd like to see done (after the 500 already in the pipeline that is). Check out the intro to this series here, and check out the tier list.
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emo-sonic · 3 months
There’s two sides of sm today:
The ppl celebrating Independence Day like “Ah yes the independence of our beautiful country I’ld like to thank my family, my friends, my dog, Josh Dun, my cat..”
and the brits, screaming “DoWn WiTh ThE tOrIeS!”
(Btw I voted Greenpeace for anyone who gives a shit)
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bookpirate32 · 4 months
So at the risk of being BULLIED I am a twenty one pilots fan. My sister told me I should put this on the internet so here I am. I have been a fan since I was 12 years old. Blurryface had JUST come out and my teacher played Tear In My Heart in my jazz dance class and from there I heard migraine and ode to sleep and I was hooked. I was being over prescribed stimulants, my autism had been long undiagnosed, and my parents were not in tune with my needs. I’d been suicidal for 4 years at this point because I was basically walking through the world completely isolated from everyone else. My dad said it was just regular teenage angst. He knows it wasn’t now, but they had other kids to deal with. I wasn’t even really connected to my siblings. In a lot of ways, this music was my connection to the world for the very first time. My mom fell in love with Vessel and Self Titled, my brother loved Blurryface. Before I knew it my mom was taking us both to our first concert: The Emotional Roadshow. Ever since then, my mom and I have seen every tour together. We connect on a lot more things now, that I have my diagnosis and have moved out and I am getting the help I need. If it hadn’t been for Tyler and Josh and their art, I don’t think I would have a relationship with my mom. I don’t think I would have been able to move past the hurt. I don’t think I would have been able to forgive. We talk all the time now, and I can tell her how I feel without it hurting our relationship. The other day, they dropped their 7th album (Tyler Joseph’s 7th work, Josh Dun’s 6th work with them operating as a duo) Clancy. Since this album was released we have texted or called all day every day. I’ve called and texted my sisters every day about it. Yesterday my mom and I talked for 2 hours about what songs were the best, and why, and what they were about and the lore and the videos. I found myself so excited to talk to her about everything this album had given us. My favorite song on this album is called “Oldies Station”. It’s about surviving suicide and suicidal ideation. It tells of Tyler’s personal struggles with major depressive disorder, and how his mental health has bettered and worsened depending on the seasons of his life. It means so much to be. Twenty one pilots means so much to me. They mean so much to family. So I guess thanks for everything.
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