sun-ea-sports · 4 months
Finished finals and my parents got me USA flowers :3
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characternerdocs · 2 years
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FLAWS. (Bold has | Italic improved on)
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky (but like is a lovable way) | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | overthinker | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | perfectionist | pessimistic | naïve
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise |swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing | yoga | gaming | surfing
tagged by: @icybreath
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zelda7999 · 1 year
I just want you to know, I love you
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the excitement and joy I feel through these tags is immaculate, I hope you're having a great day friend <3
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selfdiscoverymedia · 7 months
BB24-08. Jan Hoath, JOY-filled Leadership
Building Your Business with Sara Troy and her guest Jan Hoath, on air from F3ebruary 20th “JOY” – affectionately known as “JOY” due to the energy I embody in my work as a JOY-filled Leadership Mentor. My WHY for my work is a personal mission to fulfill the vision of a JOY Led World staring with women business leaders. As JOY is a level of consciousness almost to enlightenment it opens up…
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247jackie365 · 2 years
The simple things...
The simple things…
Photo by Thought Catalog on Pexels.com Joy. A simple word, yet it carries a whole lot of weight in it for far too many people are constantly in search of joy and many fail to find it as often as they should. I think the fault lies in having great expectations and waiting for things that are exceptionally good before they can have some iota of pleasure. Connecting with my spiritual side and…
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unoriginal-and-dumb · 6 months
I mean this in the best way possible your art and headcanons for Kasper have helped me realized I am indeed on the aromantic spectrum tysm ur art is also scrumptious and yummy makes me get so joyfilled I think it tastes like hard sour raspberry candy 🙏🙏
Including sour hard raspberry flavored candy, my art apparently tasted like chips a ham sandwich a pineapple gummy bear and chocolate cake, im gonna blend all of those together so see the truth
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coolguycore · 5 months
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for @gipgalaron ans @skidcd-megamix !!!!!
LOVED MAKING THESE!!! soooo glad i can make freaky art for my buddies!!!!!!!! im so joyfilled right now you dont even get it!!!!!!
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nightseeye · 4 months
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Rebuilding da savings account can be something that is so nice and joyfilled to the brain
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countrydionysia · 10 months
An Attempt of A Hymn of A Foolish Farmer Scholar
I sing my praise to you, ladies of the earth. Kore! Horaphorus! i Mysterious and Bountiful, with the passing of days and seasons your power is evident.
In pouring out libations at grounds first thaw grant your blessing our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!
You grant the bounty of crops, feeding the hungry, helping provide lively hood. Beauty.
ii Even traveling to Bactria and Gandahara. You heard the prayers of the people.
Homage to you I pray! Kore, traveling you with tyche brought the pomegranate, exchanging friendship with kishimojin, protecting things that grow, be children or crops
Homage to you I pray! Protecting the heart of goodness of the mysteries, at the time of Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni Manifesting Enlightenment as the prince Siddartha Gautama, you both bore witness to him!
With the strength of the earth, you undammed the hadean waters, washing away remnants of Maras army, showing even the Theoi stood against him.
Again, years later, when the Lotus Born, was ordained as Shakya Sengye, you both emerged, blessing him with the three robes and the begging bowl
iii Even in simplicity i cannot sing praises daily, Tender and Firm, Divine Nurse Matron of the Earth, and Joyfilled Princess,
Even in the cold of winter, even a few flowers bloom and even wheat bows humbly Even in the depths of fall your poppies bloom In all seasons, the Hens and Roosters feel your blessings.
Grant your blessings and care
My Dear Strong Loving Goddesses
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vampgf · 9 months
tbh i thought i'd be too tired to make a post since this year has been so exhausting, especially towards the end, but i found the words and i want to send my best wishes to everyone on here. from beloved friends i've known for years to the wonderful mutuals and followers i've only met just recently. y'all are a joyfilled part of my life that i'm forever grateful for. i hope 2024 is kind to all of us. i love you people in my phone <3
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sapphirothcrescent · 4 months
Sephiroth befriends the most unlikely of beasts and find they have some things in common. Part one.
While Sephiroth woke early everyday, he did not enjoy mornings. Waking up was only just one of many routines of his life. Most mornings he did not even speak for an hour. Yet when Sapphire asked him to accompany her this morning, he could not find it in him to refuse her. Instead of his typical breakfast consisting of coffee and occasionally an energy bar, she cooked up a huge spread of eggs, bacon and toast.
He barely finished it before she grabbed her satchel and declared they needed to go. The top of her head did not even reach his shoulders yet she was tenacious and pulled him out of the apartment.
Morning in Midgar meant very little traffic on the top of the plate where the more affluent lived. Sapphire pulled Sephiroth along as if he were a child. When he tried to interrogate her on where they were going, she managed to expertly deflect like a Shinra manager.
She could have been leading him to an ambush and he would have not been any the wiser. Instead, she found one of the many parks of Midgar.
It was luxurious, filled with statues and architectural granduer. Fountains dotted it, sparkling with clear water that dazzled in the early sunlight. As with the rest of Midgar, plant life was not to be found anywhere. Instead, large swathes of artificial turf gave off the illusion of fertility.
Sapphire beamed a delightful smile at Sephiroth and pointed over to a bench.
"That's who we are after. Someone else must feed them," She said excitedly. Sephiroth gave her a skeptical look. There was no one at the bench, just a flock of birds milling around.
She rushed ahead without him and pulled out a bag of seeds. Sephiroth watched quietly as she got a handful and tossed the seed out on the walkway. The pigeons, for that is what they were, swarmed to the food. Sapphire turned as Sephiroth came over and held out her cupped hands filled with food. Birds fluttered all over her, landing on her arms, shoulders, and of course her hands, snatching up beakfuls of seed.
She giggled and looked back at him. "You want some seeds? They're so cute."
He studied her, perplexed and let out a dismissive laugh. "You woke up before me and made all this fuss over...pigeons. You know they are disease riddled pests right?"
Sapphire's joyfilled eyes darkened instantly. "They are not pests!"
The venom in her tone startled him. He'd never heard her voice sound like that.
"Did you know that humans abandoned these pigeons? If they are 'pests' its only because humanity decided they were no longer useful. They were domesticated once, as loved as much as dogs or cats! As for diseases, you're more likely to get sick from a child than all of these birds," She vented bitterly.
Less than a minute ago, Sephiroth had just dismissed the small prey animals. Now, he took a second look at them. They pecked at the seeds on the ground, letting out soft cooing noises. The ones covering Sapphire were all gentle and calm.
He reached out one of the pigeons on Sapphire's arm. It looked at him with small innocent eyes. It leaned forward, looking for food in his hand and obliviously turned its back to him and went to Sapphire's hands for the food it wanted.
Sephiroth's turned apologetic. "I am sorry. That is not a perspective I was aware of. Why did we just abandon them?"
Now she looked guilty for snapping at him. Her passion was one of the most admirable qualities about her. He constantly underestimated how she cared for the smallest things. For example, these literally small birds.
"Dogs and cats are cuter. People ate pigeons and other animals are just easier to raise for meat. Their usefulness in communication became obsolete. Would you rather use a pigeon to send a letter, or just call someone with your PHS?" Sapphire asked.
He did not answer her hypothetical question, just allowing himself to absorb all this new information. Pigeons were one of the few non human creatures in Midgar. It made sense that they were once closely connected to people and then discarded once deemedno longer of use.
Sapphire let out a small hesitant smile. Her hands were now empty so she held up the bag. Sephiroth cupped his hands like she had, letting her give him a huge helping of the mixed feed.
The pigeons were quick to catch up and loudly fluttered around him, finding spots on him to land. He forced himself to stay perfectly still. They devoured the seeds. Some of them had brilliant green feathers on their chests. He had never noticed.
Sapphire tossed more seeds to the rest of the flock. She was bursting with delight.
"They're so smart, and sweet. Trainable like any other domesticated animal. Very fast. Quite social and actually very affectionate. They mate for life and are very good parents."
Sephiroth smiled at one curious pigeon that pecked at his hair. "Good parents...I see. So better than most people."
She laughed. "They'll even fight off falcons if their mate or babies are threatened."
With such dull talons and small beaks, pigeons had no real defensive capabilities. Fighting a predator with such disadvantages was a sign of great bravery.
The seeds were nearly gone now, and one of the pigeons decided to settle into Sephiroth's hands as if it were a nest. Sapphire leaned in close to Sephiroth.
"Oh you love them now don't you?" She teased.
"I have more...respect for them now," Sephiroth admitted softly.
He had vastly underestimated the fragile creatures. They were...sympathetic.
Misunderstood and mistreated by humanity.
He and Sapphire emptied the bag of feed by tossing it into the artificial turf and watched the birds eat to their hearts content.
On the walk back, Sephiroth cleared his throat.
"Do you think we could do this again?" He asked.
Sapphire gently took his hand. "Of course. We can do it any time you want."
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lilyoffandoms · 7 months
Lily!!!!!!!!!! Long time not talked 🥺 Everything okay?
Everything is okay. I’ve been busy. Returned to work and just lots of life happening so that I’m being pulled in 100 directions but all is good and life is joyfilled!
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lunar-wandering · 1 year
Think ive said. A few too many negative things recently methinks
Im very not mentally well rn (EXTREMELY stressed + having major rejection sensitive and anxiety flare ups) but i dont wanna be like that
Someone once left me an anon message saying that i was so excited and happy aboyt everything and that it was refreshing and hopeful to see and u know what??? Out of spite towards how shitty my mind + the world has been being to me im gonna do that again. Im gonna be happy and joyfilled again. Istg. I need to do some overly self indulgent/comedic shit RIGHT NOW.
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dayfalwastaken · 1 year
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..here’s a preview or well a example.
XD i thought these roles would fit them..also why I didn’t draw helpy’s and dsaf Matt’s face? Well for Matt he is a pgn..he STAYS a pgn.
Also helpy’s kind of blank yet joyfilled expression is for me meme worthy…so yeah! ICE AGE
Honestly for Henry being manny…well manny has lost a kid in his past and is kinda a good dad sooo!~
Diego well.because he wanted to kill the baby at first ((who would be played by baby Micheal- ..because I couldn’t resist-) soo..William-
matt doesn’t need much of a explanation as sid.
And helpy as scrat..well because neck go S N A P P
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theemporium · 9 months
merry christmas cece <3 not to be sappy but thank you for sharing your writing with us, i know that it makes my life just the more joyfilled and i'm sure others can say the same
stop that🥹thank you, honey! merry christmas to you too!!🫶🏽
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chdarling · 2 years
I am trying to brace myself for the long break you're taking after the next chapter. You just gave us the most joyfilled *squeeeee* chapters of this book and I feel selfish asking for the next one... But estimated timeline?? I kind of want to reread the whole TLE slowly and hope that it gets me through the break. Seriously. So much love to you. This has become one of my favorite "books" not just fanfics.
Thank you so much!!
I don’t have an exact timeline but I’m trying to get the chapter out in the next few days. 💖
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