#mindfulness meditation teacher
selfdiscoverymedia · 7 months
BB24-08. Jan Hoath, JOY-filled Leadership
Building Your Business with Sara Troy and her guest Jan Hoath, on air from F3ebruary 20th “JOY” – affectionately known as “JOY” due to the energy I embody in my work as a JOY-filled Leadership Mentor. My WHY for my work is a personal mission to fulfill the vision of a JOY Led World staring with women business leaders. As JOY is a level of consciousness almost to enlightenment it opens up…
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tmarshconnors · 1 year
Lost in Zen: Navigating the Path to Inner Peace
In today's fast-paced world, where chaos and distractions seem to be the norm, finding inner peace has become a coveted goal for many. The journey to inner peace often leads individuals to explore various practices and philosophies. One such path is the practice of Zen Buddhism, which offers a unique and profound way to navigate the complexities of life while seeking tranquility. In this blog, we'll delve into the concept of being "Lost in Zen" and how it can guide us towards a more peaceful existence.
Understanding Zen
Zen is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China and later spread to Japan, where it became most prominent. At its core, Zen is about direct experience and intuitive understanding rather than relying on conventional knowledge or intellectual concepts. It emphasizes the importance of meditation, mindfulness, and living in the present moment to achieve enlightenment or "Satori."
The Paradox of Being Lost in Zen
Being "Lost in Zen" might initially sound counterintuitive. After all, we often associate being lost with confusion and disorientation. However, in the context of Zen, it means letting go of the mental clutter and distractions that keep us disconnected from our true selves and the present moment. Zen encourages us to lose ourselves in the moment, shedding the ego, and experiencing reality as it is, unfiltered.
Key Principles of Zen
Mindfulness: Zen teaches us to cultivate mindfulness, the practice of paying full attention to the present moment without judgment. By doing so, we can break free from the constant mental chatter and worries that often plague our minds.
Meditation: Meditation is a cornerstone of Zen practice. Through meditation, we learn to quiet our minds and observe our thoughts and emotions without attachment. This leads to greater self-awareness and a deeper connection with our inner selves.
Simplicity: Zen advocates for a minimalist and simple lifestyle. By decluttering our physical space and simplifying our lives, we create a conducive environment for inner peace to flourish.
Non-attachment: Zen teaches us to let go of attachments to material possessions, desires, and even our own self-concept. By relinquishing our clinging nature, we free ourselves from suffering and experience greater equanimity.
Practical Steps to Get "Lost in Zen"
Start with meditation: Begin a regular meditation practice to quiet your mind and connect with your inner self. Even a few minutes each day can make a significant difference.
Embrace mindfulness: Practice mindfulness in your daily activities. Pay attention to your breath, the sensations in your body, and the sights and sounds around you as you go about your day.
Simplify your life: Declutter your living space and let go of unnecessary possessions. Simplifying your life can lead to greater mental clarity and a sense of liberation.
Let go of attachments: Reflect on your attachments and desires. Are there things or ideas you're clinging to that cause suffering? Practice letting go and accepting things as they are.
Seek guidance: Consider joining a Zen meditation group or seeking guidance from a Zen teacher. Learning from experienced practitioners can deepen your understanding and practice.
Being "Lost in Zen" isn't about losing your way in life; it's about losing the distractions and attachments that keep you from experiencing true peace and clarity. By embracing the principles of Zen—mindfulness, meditation, simplicity, and non-attachment—you can embark on a transformative journey toward inner peace. Remember, the path to Zen is a lifelong journey, and each step brings you closer to a more meaningful and tranquil existence in our hectic world.
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virtualcoffeemoon · 6 months
Gold Rush By: H.K Danish ( a pseudonym I go by alias, pen name you get the idea & if you know this name there is a chance you know me irl! which is scary please don't unless your Diane then you're fine =)
Are you in a state of panic? Of dread?
I want you to close your eyes, close your eyes and think of an empty, dark room. This room is big but not too big.
Dark but not to the point you can't see. Let a golden light, a warmth fill this room. A feeling of comfort, so serene you want to jump in and just float, drown.
Let yourself decorate this room to your desire, maybe its walls are covered by books by a certain author ? Maybe the wall space is filled to the brim with posters of a fandom you love ? Add the people you love, those you trust whole heartedly here in this cozy room of yours. Maybe there are no such people, only a pet you love dearly.
Add treasured items maybe a set of markers given to you by your grandmother before she passed, maybe a cap signed by your favorite athlete .
Perhaps pictures you and your friends and fond times, coffee shops you like? A recipe you and your best friend made at five. This is your Gold Rush room, a source of comfort, relief, carried in a little piece of your heart. A place where peace prevails. Somewhere you can hide from everything, everyone.
But that is the curse of the Gold Rush room, you may get lost not wanting to deal with reality, grief, rage. Think, what does the Gold Rush room represent for you? Reading, thinking about stories of characters or even real people, but the story isn't yours.
This person you read about, fantasize about they aren't you they could be like you but they aren't you. Maybe your gold rush room is writing, maybe the story is yours but it won't continue if you stay in your room all day huddled up under blankets.
Maybe your Gold rush room is music, screaming your throat dry to lyrics you've memorised as a way to soothe the pain on the inside. Whatever your gold rush is it could be healthy or unhealthy, you don't have to stop completely, imagine a life without reading or drawing, thousands of years of Art would be lost.
But don't get lost in Art, it is a place of mystery & discovery, of wonder and triumph. This mess of words itself was inspired by a work of art specifically the line " I don't like that falling feels like flying 'till the bone crush " From the song Gold Rush by Taylor Swift.
This line was a warning against losing yourself to someone or something you love. Again this doesn't mean Art isn't worth making, it means to have a healthy balance, to only carry a small part of your gold rush. Remember to touch grass, make plans with friends, salvage whatever relationship you have left with your parents. Gleaming, Twinkling Eyes like sinking ships, On waters so inviting, I almost jump in
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dvineyogaa · 1 year
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vanash84 · 1 year
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The Role of Shadow Work in Spiritual Growth
In the journey of spiritual growth, one often encounters the need to explore the depths of the self, including the parts that may be hidden or uncomfortable to face. This exploration, known as shadow work, is essential for both psychological healing and spiritual growth. By understanding and integrating these shadow aspects, we move toward a more complete and authentic sense of…
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ekamyogashala · 1 month
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Focus on the flame, find your inner light. 🕯️ . . .
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raffaellopalandri · 3 months
Happy Birthday His Holiness!
As a Buddhist Priest, I send my best wishes to His Holiness the Dalai Lama for His Birthday. May Your teachings of a loving, compassionate, and happy life continue to inspire us and spread. May Your wisdom, Your messages of peace and hope, and Your kindness bring more light into this world to everyone and every living being. A Beacon of Peace and Compassion Today, we celebrate the 89th…
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govie28 · 7 months
Illuminating Minds and Souls: The Path of Christian Teachers Embracing Holistic Education
Education isn’t just about the mind; it’s about the heart and spirit too. Today, we’re exploring the beautiful integration of holistic education within Christian teaching, creating environments where students can grow intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally. So, let’s dive into this heartwarming topic together. Introduction Imagine a classroom where the lessons go beyond textbooks, touching…
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alakhyog · 11 months
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fundacjaakademia23 · 1 year
Cudowna opowieść ciałem mówiona. harmonia i piękno , doskonałość. Czy taka harmonia ciała wydarza się bez harmonii umysłu? nie. To umysł przemawia poprzez ciało. Jesteśmy jednym , mówi .
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embracingspirit · 1 year
Consistency is Key
It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.Anthony Robbins I say all the time in my classes that Yoga is how we show up in life. It’s taking the tools we access in a physical practice—steadiness, concentration, presence, acceptance, surrender, courage—and applying them to life. At the beginning of August I started a program to help me get back on my…
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kajmasterclass · 1 year
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dvineyogaa · 1 year
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Join 200/300 Hours Yoga TTC in Rishikesh. D'vine Yoga School gives you the best knowledge and skills which you need to become a successful Yoga Teacher Our new batch starts on 1 August 2023 Hurry Up! Register Now ------------------------------------------ Accommodation: Private Room / Double-Shared Room Location: D'VINE YOGA SCHOOL, Balyogi Premvarni Ashram, Jonk Road, Swarg Ashram, Rishikesh ( Calm and Spiritual City ) ------------------------------------------ Level: Beginner to Intermediate Duration: 22 Days/29 Days Yoga Style: Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training Language: English Certification: RYT 200 / 300 HOURS from Yoga Alliance ------------------------------------------ Contact Details WhatsApp: +919997224320 Website: www.artdivine.org Email: [email protected]
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nativeyoga · 1 year
Victoria Davis ~ Mental Balance for High Performing Minds
Join my special guest, Victoria Davis, on this week’s episode of Native Yoga Toddcast. Victoria spent twenty years searching for answers, applying remedies & integrating practices, and have taken all she has learned & packaged it in a way that works. How does she know it works? Because it’s worked for her. And here’s why she knows it’ll work for you. Visit Victoria on her websites: Personal…
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