Another Year of Us
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Description: Jason surprises you, once again, on New Year's Eve with an idea of how to celebrate.
Warning(s): pregnancy, references to smut, o*ivia, jason is so cute i may stab my eyes out
Pairing: JRU, Jason Sudeikis x reader
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: y'all, it's happening, my favorite dumbasses 🥺
Your eyelids flutter open as sunshine enters the room through the window, the cold air outside no match for your personal heater known as Jason Sudeikis. It wasn’t often that you were able to wake up naturally next to Jason with no blaring alarm or excited child drawing you out of your sleep. While you enjoyed sleeping in, even if it was a struggle for Jason, you were missing the loud whispers and giggles of Daisy and Otis waking you up in the morning. After a week of sleeping with no interruptions, you were ecstatic to pick up the kids after their time with Olivia. Your smile grows as you feel yourself being pulled back against Jason’s chest, the freedom of no kids meaning neither of you redressed after the previous night’s activities. 
Jason places a soft kiss on your bare shoulder, placing kisses in a line from there to just under your ear lobe, “Good morning, beautiful.” Your cheeks warm at his compliment as his arm wraps around you, his large hand resting on the side of your stomach where you feel a small kick against his palm, “Oh yes, I’m so sorry, little one. Good morning to you, too.” You giggle at his greeting to baby Sudeikis, who thankfully wasn’t moving around too much during the night. Turning your head just enough, your eyes soften as your gaze falls on Jason, his stubble grown a little more than the day before and the gray peeking out in the middle of his facial hair, “Hi”. 
Leaning forward, Jason meets you in a kiss, his tongue running over your bottom lip before you grant him entry, his plan soon thwarted when you lightly bite down on the tip of his tongue. With a painful exclamation, Jason pulls back and looks at you with a humorous look of confusion, “What the fuck was that for?” You just laugh and shrug, pulling out of his grasp slightly so that you have enough room to roll and lay on your back, “Dunno, just wanted to see what would happen.” Jason raises his eyebrows in challenge, sitting up and throwing his leg over your thighs, straddling your body just under where your bump lays, “I’ll show you what happens.” 
Jason’s hands slide up from where they rest on your hips, making their way to your breasts, though you stop him before they can reach their destination. With a roll of your eyes, you push Jason off of you, “You horny fucker, stop it. We have kiddos to pick up.” Jason groans, rolling onto his stomach and burying his face into his pillow as you carefully sit up, sliding off the bed, as you hear a quieted muttering, “I wish I was a fucker right now.” A loud laugh echoes throughout the room, “Get a hold of yourself, Jas.” Bringing his face out of the darkness, Jason watched you walk to your bathroom, a small smile on his face at the domesticity of it all.
Leaving the brownstone hand in hand, you and Jason head to the car, careful to not slip on any of the ice on the ground. Opening the door for you, Jason has a firm hand on your lower back as you slide into the car, “Jason, I do know how to get in a car, ya know?” Jason rolls his eyes at you, closing the door once you’re in and rounding to the other side. You put on your seat belt, making sure it's secure around your bump as Jason gets settled, “Yes, I know that you know how to get in a car. But I’ll be damned if you slip and fall while getting in the car. Nothing is happening to you or the princess on my watch.” You smile at Jason’s words, resting a hand on your bump as he began your quick drive to Olivia’s place, “You know, Daisy is going to be really disappointed if her “little princess sister” turns out to be a prince.”
When you watched Frozen for the first time after telling the kids about your pregnancy, Daisy let out a loud gasp about halfway through the movie, “Wait! Does this mean that I’m Elsa and the baby is Anna?!” You tried to explain that the baby could be a boy but your warnings fell on deaf ears, Daisy insisting that your family was Frozen come to life. Otis yelled in offense, though the two quickly decided that he was Kristoff (“without the kissing, that’d be so gross”), also assigning Sven and Olaf to you and Jason, whatever the fuck that meant.
A small smile appeared on Jason’s face as he shook his head, glancing to you before looking back at the road, “Nope, she won’t be disappointed.” You sigh, understanding the unsaid implications of his response, “Bubs, you don’t know that it's going to be a girl.” Jason just shakes his head again, “Yes, I do, Y/N. It’s going to be a girl, I’m telling you.” Yeah, you know he’s telling you, he’s been telling you for the past four months. Of course you’re worried that Daisy will be disappointed, she’s so excited for a little sister, but she’s only eight, and you know she’ll be just as happy with a little brother. But really, you’re worried about Jason being disappointed if it’s a boy. You know he’ll love your child with his whole heart no matter their sex, but he has been so excited for his “second baby girl” ever since he declared you were having a girl two weeks after you told him you were pregnant. You would be heartbroken to see him not get his wish, “Mhm, okay, well we’ll find out in only a few more months, okay?”
You were filled with excitement as Jason turned down Olivia’s street. Sure, she wasn’t your favorite person, and she certainly wasn’t a fan of you either, but she was the kids’ mom, which meant you were forever grateful for her. Your thoughts quickly shifted from her as you saw two of your favorite people standing on the porch of Olivia’s townhouse. She was standing in the doorway, of course, a mug of coffee in her hands as she made sure her kids were safe until you arrived, but her presence was no match to the love that flooded you at seeing the kids, your kids. It took you years to feel comfortable calling the Sudeikis children yours and even now, you don’t often do it besides menial conversation like telling the pharmacy you are picking up a prescription for your child. Jason reaffirmed your role in the lives of his children, reassuring you that you were a parent to them just as much as he and Olivia, but it was still hard sometimes. 
As soon as Jason put the car in park, your door was flung open before you jumped out of the car, well, more like slid out thanks to your bump, “Mama!” The sound was like music to your ears. Two small bodies wrapped their arms around you, Otis diving into a story from the week with his mom while Daisy greeted her little sister with a different story. Coming around to join the three of you, Jason jokingly scoffed, “All right, geez, I get the message. Guess I’ll just head home then.” The kids squealed with laughter as they hugged their dad, Jason greeting them with a large smile before looking up at you with a smug grin, acting as if he won even though they definitely cheered louder for you. 
Jason gave a brief wave to Olivia as you ushered the kids to the car, making sure they got all the way buckled as your fiancé loudly wished a happy new year to his ex. With all of you now situated in the car, Jason begins the drive back home as you partially turn in your seat to see Daisy and Otis, intently listening to their stories filled with sound effects and intense hand gestures. Jason looks in the rearview mirror, smiling brightly at the sight of his kids doubled over in laughter, then glancing to see you wearing a smile similar to his, seemingly on top of the world just from listening to Daisy and Otis’s nonsensical stories. With a backdrop of the winter city passing you all by as tourists make their way to Manhattan and Mumford & Sons quietly playing, Jason’s life of the past three years seems to come full circle. Seeing an open parking lot to his right, Jason quickly pulls in and parks the car, looking to you with a serious expression on his face. You turn to him in confusion, but he speaks before you can ask him what he’s doing, “Marry me.” 
Distracted by a family of snowmen in the parking lot, the kids are sharing laughs as they look out the window, but you just stare at Jason. You’ve never seen him look so serious before, his eyebrows raised in hopefulness and his cheeks pink, though you’re unsure if that’s due to the chilled air or his moment of vulnerability. You raise your left hand, showing your ring to Jason as you slightly tilt your head, “Um, yeah, Jas, you already did this part, remember? Got down on one knee and everything.” At any other moment, Jason would roll his eyes at you and call you a little shit or something similar, but right now, all he can do is look at you, “Today. Marry me, today.” Your breath hitches in your throat, the serious tone of Jason’s words catching the attention of the kids, who now watch the two of you intently, “Jason, what? I-I don’t have a dress, our families aren’t here, we haven’t even set a date.” 
Grabbing your hands, Jason looks at you with eyes filled with love, seemingly pleading that you will see this how he does, “Exactly, sweetheart. We haven’t even set a date, and I can’t wait any longer. We’ll have a reception after the baby comes, we’ll celebrate with everyone, but my family, our family, is all right here.” With tears pooling in your eyes, you turn to Otis and Daisy who are practically jumping in their seats, apparently sensing the seriousness of the situation enough to know to be quiet. You turn back to Jason, who has a small smile on his face, a couple of tears running down his face, “Three years ago today, I picked you up to go to a party as friends and I acted like an idiot, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. We drove through the same city, we listened to the same music, and we passed the same annoying tourists. I meant every single thing that night and I mean every single thing now. I can’t stand the idea of beginning another year where you aren’t my wife. So let’s go to the courthouse, let’s act like annoying lovesick teenagers. Let me marry you while you wear clunky snow boots and leggings and my sweatshirt. Marry me, Y/N.”
By now, tears are rolling down your face as you nod your head, pulling Jason in for a sweet kiss, your tears mixing as the kids cheer before groaning in disgust at your affection. You and Jason pull away, both of you wiping away your tears before you swat at Jason’s arm, “What’re you doing? Come on, let’s get a move on. You can’t say all that and expect me to wait another minute.” Jason chuckles at you, pulling you in for another quick kiss before peeling out of the parking lot, and heading to the closest New York City courthouse.
After waiting in line at the marriage clerk’s office, the kids so excited that they thankfully don’t complain, the four of you wait outside the office of a judge. You sit on a bench, the kids both tucked into your sides as they talk to the baby, Jason watching as he leans against the opposite wall, absolutely obliterated with love. A door opens before a booming voice fills the hall, “Y/N L/N and Daniel Sudeikis?” You and the kids stand up, Jason joining up and intertwining your fingers as the four of you walk to the judge’s chambers. The woman looks up, surprise across her face, “I was wondering from the name but Daniel, really?” Jason chuckles as the kids giggle at a face you make in their direction, “Yes, ma’am, surprising, I know.” The judge smiles, both at Jason’s midwestern manners and your interaction with the children, leading you into her chambers. 
Daisy and Otis sit down in the large chairs facing the desk, yell-whispering to you about their “thrones”. You smile at them, giving them a thumbs-up before bringing your finger to your lips, reminding them to be quiet. They giggle in excitement, watching as Jason brings you closer to him, wrapping an arm around your waist while the other rests on your bump. The judge sits down and motions to your clothes, “Last minute decision?” Jason looks down at you, a bright smile on his face, “This has been three years coming Your Honor, I couldn’t make it another year.” You look up at Jason with a similar sized smile, giving him a small kiss before you’re interrupted, “Okay, lovebirds, I haven’t said that yet. Wait a minute or two.” 
The kids holler with laughter at the teasing words of the judge, though you can’t judge them, you and Jason both laugh as well, though partly from embarrassment. The judge gives the two of you a tight-lipped smile, “All right, you two have filled out all the required documents, so now it’s really just the fun part. Please turn to each other.” You and Jason turn to face each other, standing as close as you can with your bump, “Do you, Y/N M/N L/N, take Daniel Jason Sudeikis to be your lawfully wedded husband?” You look up at Jason, a small smile on your face as tears run down your face, Jason’s expression mirroring yours, “I do.” You hear small giggles from the side, but you don’t look away from Jason, how can you? “And do you, Daniel Jason Sudeikis, take Y/N M/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
Jason squeezes your hands three times as he looks into your eyes, “I sure do.” A breath that you weren’t consciously holding left your lungs. There was no doubt in your mind that Jason would say yes, but you still needed to hear it, and now that you have, you’re pretty sure it’s one of your favorite sounds in the world. With a smile on her face, the judge closes her folder containing your documents, “Then by the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now, you may kiss your spouse.” You don’t miss the teasing tone of how the judge finishes that second sentence but it doesn’t really matter, because all you can focus on is Jason’s lips on yours, your heart beating in your chest, the kicks of the baby in your belly, and the cheers of your kids. 
The two of you pull apart, resting your foreheads together as you feel the kids wrapping their arms around your legs. You’ll look at them in a moment, you’ll all celebrate, but right now, you’re looking at your husband. His eyes sparkle as he looks at you, a smile on his face, “We doing this? Another year of us?” You smile back, nodding your head as you lean in to give him a small kiss, “We’re doing this. You and me, Mr. Sudeikis.” Jason smirks at your response, both your phrase and the name for him, him kissing you once more before the kids can interrupt, “You and me, Mrs. Sudeikis.”
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littleguyzdaily · 8 months
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Little guy number 36: gentleman sharky
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armulyn · 1 year
Wisdom to the Wise
The Wingfeather family’s possession of a collection of First Books is not exactly a secret, though few are the commoners who can claim knowledge of it.
They traditionally belong to the Throne Warden, and are kept in his keeping, and the scholars know that. One of the Throne Warden’s traditional titles after all is Keeper of Wisdom, whatever that means, and while most citizens of Anniera think it more metaphorical than literal, there are others who can correct them.
There are five of them, ranging from as thick and heavy as a small boulder to what is little more than a pamphlet the size of his hand. Very few in Anniera or beyond know that, save perhaps the most dedicated and lucky of scholars. 
Finally, there are a grand total of sixteen pages among the lot that he can read.
Though about seven people alive currently know that, Esben feels he knows it the best, flipping through aged pages with boredom and growing frustration. The strangely shaped, handwritten letters taunt him with their loops and bold strokes, some written hastily, slanted and sloppy, and others firmly, whether in triumph or emphasis no one will ever know. Whoever has put pen to the ancient paper has done so in a language none now speak— or, more’s the pity, read.
He has never been as dedicated to reading as Artham, or as relentless in pursuit of knowledge, but Esben has also never liked being told he can’t know something, and so he glares at the pages as if they can be cowed into divulging their secrets.
“Well?” he says aloud, “What am I supposed to learn from a collection of shapes?”
He isn’t talking to anyone in particular, save perhaps his subconscious, but nonetheless a voice answers from behind him. 
“Perhaps I could be of more aid if I knew what you are doing?”
Esben jumps, nearly knocking the ancient tome right off the end of the ancient desk— an impressive feat, as it’s the boulder book— before a hand shoots forward and rescues it.
“Why didn’t you knock?” he demands breathlessly of his brother, brushing himself off and pretending he hadn’t nearly gotten a heart attack. Artham looks at him as if he’s being exceptionally stupid, which is neither fair nor warranted in Esben’s opinion.
“I don’t usually knock when I expect a room to be empty,” he says, then glances around, “...Especially when it’s my room. So! Besides endangering priceless, helpless, and perfectly innocent books, what are you trying to do?”
“This book.” Artham returns the boulder book safely to his desk, but Esben gestures instead to the one beside it. It is of average size and weight for a book, but its ancient leather binding and yellowed pages mark it apart from the many volumes that can be found in Rysen’s library.
“...What about the book?”
“I don’t know! They’re all equally incomprehensible but it’s that one that annoys me the most. I don’t know why, but it won’t leave me alone.”
Artham picks up the book in question, handling the tome with far more care and expertise than Esben had bothered with. He flips idly through the pages, and Esben doesn’t have to crane his neck to know what his brother sees. Unidentifiable letter after unidentifiable letter.
“This is considered to be one of the oldest of them,” Artham says, “If indeed the ages vary. Aunt Illia told me it’s said to give ‘wisdom to the wise.’”
“How can a book be said to give people wisdom when nobody can read it?” 
“No idea, that’s just what Aunt Illia told me. I don’t think she knew what it means either. It’s pretty clear that it only gives people wisdom who already have it, though, so you might be out of luck on that end.”
“You’re hilarious.”
Artham grins at him, but then returns his attention to the infuriating book at hand. He flips to the first page, upon which is a single line of text across the paper. What it says, only the wind and stars know, Esben thinks irritably.
“Well, maybe we’ll never know what’s in it. It’s not like you need to know everything about everything in order to live, Esben.”
Like most things out of Artham’s mouth, it sounds smart and also vaguely profound. Not for the first time in his life, Esben laments his brother’s hobby as a poet.
“Philosophy is all well and good, but a linguist would honestly be more helpful here.”
“I know plenty of languages, I’ll have you know. Hollish, for example, and Shreven, and—”
“I don’t suppose this one happens to be among them?”
Artham squints closer at the text, then shrugs, “I know plenty of languages that people actually speak.”
“Well, that’s no good.”
Artham rolls his eyes at Esben, an extremely undignified action that little enhances his brother’s reputation as a dashing Throne Warden. The vaguely dirt-stained clothing and windblown hair don’t help either— he must have been outside.
“Well, I’m not certain how to help you on this front, little brother,” Artham says, “but you’re doing little good glaring a pile of pages into submission. Nia was looking for you a few minutes ago though, in the front garden.”
Esben rises from the chair eagerly, glad to leave the circling uselessness of staring in incomprehension at dusty pages. All the same, he pauses at the door, a strange feeling of failure sweeping over him. There’s something in that book, he knows it. And he means to find out what.
“...Now that I think about it, isn’t that the book that’s used for the kings’ annals, too?” Artham asks, following him out. Esben nods glumly.
“Aye, and those at least are in Common. I’ve been through those same sixteen pages sixteen times but whatever I’m looking for isn’t there. That book may or may not have wisdom but either way it’s doing a terrible job at imparting it.”
“Maybe if I hit you over the head with it—”
“Please don’t.”
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onejamtart · 4 months
Tatum, Holiday & Brown Make Celtics Playoff HISTORY In Game 1! 🍀 
Peace, JW
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downisupandupisdown · 4 months
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Jrue Holiday’s late heroics steer Celtics to thrilling 114-111 Game 3 triumph over Pacers. Boston takes a commanding 3 games to 0 lead in the best of 7 game series.
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defensefilms · 11 months
The Top Storylines Of The 2023/24 NBA Season
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With the NBA regular season set to begin on October 24th, I thought I'd break down which teams and storylines I will be monitoring most closely this season.
1. Milwaukee Is On Dame Time
Now while, things on the court are looking as good as Bucks fans could possibly ask for, there has already been some scuttlebutt amongst the coaches.
The Bucks gave Adrian Payne the head coaching job mere weeks in to the 2023 offseason but Terry Stotts, who is reportedly very close to Damian Lillard having worked with him in Portland, has since left the Milwaukee coaching staff after a verbal dispute with Adrian Payne.
That change in the coaching department is something that Giannis and Dame's collective talent can overcome, unless holes start to emerge in Adrian Payne's game management, like use of timeouts, adjustments or end of quarter offensive or defensive issues.
Dame looked incredible against my Sixers. 39 points, 4 assists and 8 rebounds, is as good as it get, and when you consider that that was the first time they had all 3 of Giannis, Dame and Khris Middleton, you get the sense they are gonna be a problem in the East.
2. Lakers VS Nuggets
It appears there may be some residual feelings between the Lakers and the Denver Nuggets after the Nuggets swept the LA team in last year's conference finals.
Anthony Davis in particular appears to have taken exception to the Nuggets slick comments during their championship parade.
Look, this is an interesting storyline and one that'll be easier to follow because the teams will play 4 times in the regular season, but more importantly, it'll force the media to talk about the Nuggets more.
All in all, the Western Conference needs this type of rivalry just for the sheer entertainment value of things.
The media are already piling it all on Anthony Davis after a toungh opening night, but the Lakers are very much a team that are still fine tuning line-ups and personnel.
3. Boston Celtics
The Celtcis took what could have been a very complicated off season, and turned into lemonade by making notable additions.
Adding Kristapz Porzingiz was a head scratcher given the presence of Al Horford, but the addition of Jrue Holiday is by far thier biggest and best addition after trading Marcus Smart to the Grizzlies.
There were questions when the Celtics opted to pay Jalyen Brown and give him the richest contract in the NBA today, but the way they've followed it up indicates a change in mindset. Former Cleveland Cavaliers power forward Lamar Stevens.
I am not happy at all that they got Jrue Holiday but The Celtics appear ready, and fears behind paying Jaylen Brown causing the team to have less depth, appear to have been assuaged for now.
They've opened the with wins over the Knicks and the Heat, and you gotta feel they have enough to be in the conversation this year.
4. Toronto Crossroads
The Toronto Raptors had hit a wall since 2019.
They had stockpiled a bunch of good young players, but the pieces had not quite fit together and the 2nd round appeared to be as far as the team could go wit that group.
Course correction has already begun, and once Fred Vanvleet was out the door and on his way to Houston, word started to trickle out as far as how some of the other Raptors felt about his game.
Masai Ujiri addressed this on media week, emphasizing how no egos would be tolerated and many have since connected the dots and realized who he was talking about.
The reality is that, the Raptors have got OG Anunoby, Pascal Siakam and Scottie Barnes as the cornerstones of thier team. Adding veterans like Jakob Poetl last season, and then Dennis Schroder thiss offseason, signals that they are all about the grown of their 3 allstar quality wing players.
5. CP3 And The New Look Warriors
This is not the first time CP3 has been in a situation where he is paired with another elite guard, but this should hopefully be a better fit for his own skill set.
He was an absolute nightmare hunting the mismatch against Jusuf Nurkic in a loss during season opener against the Phoenix Suns, the question is, whther having him and Steph on the court at all times is sustainable given how the Suns and the Nuggets in particular have 1-on-1 players to give him and Steph problems.
Along with the obligatory problems with size on the interrior, that the Warriors just seem to live with at this point, is whether they are still going to get the same Klay Thompson, he did pitch in with 15 points and 3 assists, but time will tell.
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ssuniverse · 1 year
stoping the urge to bring my kanal humor in my writing
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narcobarbies · 6 months
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SAWEETIE photopraphed by jru
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jrueships · 4 months
i wasn't there to see the flu game but i was there to witness the jru game!!!!!!
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kanerallels · 5 months
Today for @monthly-challenge's Spring Fling we have day 13: Earth! I wrote another Wingfeather Saga fan fic-- hope you guys like it! It's kind of a follow up to the one I wrote a couple days back, I'll link that here! (I'd also like to put these up on AO3 but I so do not have the motivation and energy for it right now. Perhaps later!)
(TW for mentions of death)
From the earth we come, and to the earth we are returned…
Esben stared straight forward as the priest continued speaking. He knew Artham was standing at his side, but his brother had his arm around their mother as she wept. And in this moment, Esben felt terribly, terribly alone.
His father, Jru Wingfeather, was dead. And he was High King of the Shining Isle.
It hadn’t been expected. Not really. His father had been older, yes, but healthy and hale. Mere days earlier he’d been joking around with the two of them, eyes sparkling with joy.
And then, two days ago, he passed in his sleep, a smile on his face. The doctor guessed that his heart had given out, which Esben still didn’t fully understand. How could one’s heart give out if it was so full of so many things? And his father had loved his family, and Anniera, with all his heart.
Nevertheless, he was gone now. Which meant Esben was the High King, and that was a little terrifying in a way that Esben preferred not to contemplate more than he had to.
Sure, he’d been training his whole life for this. But he was nineteen years old, and felt horribly unprepared and unready, and his heart still ached whenever he thought about taking up the crown his father had worn not even a full week ago.
They were going to have to have a coronation. Esben almost groaned out loud at the thought. He couldn’t imagine pretending to be kingly and majestic in front of a crowd right now. If he tried, he’d probably start to laugh. Or cry, and neither option was particularly appealing.
Artham’s nudge in the ribs startled him out of his thoughts. For a wild moment, he worried he’d voiced his thoughts out loud and his brother was going to scold him. But there was no reprimand in Artham’s gaze as he tilted his head silently at the priest, who’d finished speaking and was watching him expectantly.
Oh, right. He’d almost forgotten his own part in the ceremony. Stepping forward, Esben forced himself to look at it— the grave, the coffin that held his father. The mound of fresh earth next to it loomed darkly as Esben approached.
Reaching out, he took a handful of the earth and dropped it on top of the coffin. “May the Maker receive you with all joy, even as we mourn you here,” he recited, loud enough that the crowd could hear. Hesitating, he stared down at the coffin and added, only loud enough for him to hear, “I’ll try to make you proud, Papa. I’ll be a good king.” I hope.
He stepped back, and everything was suddenly moving faster than he could process. Before Esben knew it, the gaping hole was filled in, leaving a dark patch to mark the grave. Artham stepped forward with a tiny sapling, the roots encased in a ball of dirt. Together, as was the tradition, the two brothers dug a hole in the mound of dirt covering the grave and planted the sapling. As Artham shored it up with dirt, Esben stared at the small tree. Out of death, new life. Somehow, that thought didn’t bring him much comfort yet.
They got to their feet together, Artham’s hand on his shoulder lending Esben a little comfort. In turn, he put his arm around his mother’s shoulder when they moved to stand next to her. She pressed her hand against his, and Esben could see her blinking back tears.
And then the funeral was over, and they were heading into the main hall of Castle Rysen, where food had been set out and they could visit with the guests who came to express their condolences and support. 
Esben had expected to hate this part. But as guests stopped by, their words lent him strength. They spoke about his father, telling stories— of the king and the man, stories that were funny and stories that made both brothers and their mother cry. It was a bittersweet way to spend the day, mourning the High King, but celebrating him, too.
“It’s how Jru would have wanted it,” their mother said quietly. “He would have loved this, so many friends together here.” She gazed across the room, at the groups of people talking. 
“Sorrow, yet joy,” Artham said. “Loss, yet healing.”
Nala laughed softly. “Exactly.”
It was enough to bring a smile to Esben’s face, but only briefly. As another guest approached his mother, he murmured an excuse and slipped away. He needed a minute to himself, just one.
There was a small door in the right hand wall of the hall that led out to a balcony set in the side of the hill. A set of stairs led down to the green below, but Esben didn’t take them now. He just leaned against the railing and took a long, deep breath. Finally, he had a moment to himself, to think.
The sun was shining, which seemed a little wrong. Most funerals he’d read about had rain. When his aunt died, it was raining. But the sun was shining, the light glimmering on the sea. The breeze streamed through the nearby trees, the hush of leaves reaching his ears even from a distance.
It would have been a nice day for sailing, and Esben almost snorted at the thought. At the fact that he could think about those things when… when he was the High King now.
Every time he thought about it, the idea seemed to weigh a little heavier on his shoulders, and he closed his eyes. Oh, Maker. How am I supposed to do this on my own?
He wasn’t quite sure how long he’d been there when he heard the door behind him open, then close, and soft footsteps sounded. Artham? It didn’t really sound like him, which meant it was probably a guest. Esben straightened up, turning to face— Nia Helmer?
His eyes widened as she said, “I’m sorry to disturb you. I thought you’d probably want some time on your own, but Artham— well, he disagreed. I can leave, if you—”
“No,” Esben said immediately. “Stay. Please?”
The small smile she gave him sent a flash of warmth through him, and she came to stand next to him, hands resting on the railing as she stared out at the view.
Esben, however, wasn’t watching the view anymore. He was watching her— dressed in dark, somber clothing, her dark hair braided and twisted back, not a strand loose.
Artham had been right to send her. Anyone else, he would have been impatient or short with, but Nia… he didn’t think he could bring himself to snap at her. They’d been writing back and forth for three years now, with the odd meeting in person when he came to the Green Hollows with his family. 
Every time Esben got a letter, he read it again and again, tucking it into his shirt and carrying it close to his heart. He had one with him even now, although he probably shouldn’t admit that. Nor should he admit that just seeing her again seemed to lift some of the weight from his shoulders, to bring him peace he desperately needed.
He looked at her again, at the way she was gazing at the trees and the ocean before them, the sunlight highlighting her skin. Then again, maybe he should tell her. 
But not now. Not when he’d just lost his father. A twinge of guilt went through Esben. He shouldn’t even be thinking about this right now.
“I’d guess you’re tired of being asked how you are,” Nia said, breaking through his thoughts.
Letting out a low chuckle, Esben admitted, “I’ve gotten a lot of it, yes.”
“I thought so. So then… what do you need?”
Esben glanced at her, surprised, as she continued, “I can leave you be, or we can talk, or I can just keep you company, or I can get Artham out here. And if you need a hug, I’m here.”
A laugh slipped out, despite himself. “You are… incredible.”
“I’m just doing what anyone would do,” Nia said, turning slightly pink.
“No. You’re incredible. Trust me.”
She smiled. “Well, then, are you going to help me in my incredibleness and tell me what you need?”
“Yes, ma’am. I…” Esben hesitated, then said, “I’d take a hug.”
Without hesitating, before he could think better of his words, Nia pulled him gently into a hug. She was warm and smelled like something sweet, and Esben could feel the strain of the day melting away.
“How am I supposed to do this?” he whispered into her hair.
“Take it one day at a time,” she said quietly. “And remember you’re not alone, Esben. You have people who love you, who will support you. Artham, and your mother, and—”
“And you?” he asked, pulling back a little, his heart stuttering a little as he looked at her. It was something else he shouldn’t have said, maybe. But with Nia in his arms, it felt a little like he could topple the world if he needed to.
She smiled at him like the sun rising over the Shining Isle. “And me,” she told him. “Though… I cannot stay long. I’m sorry.”
“I know,” Esben said, taking her hands. “Just hearing your voice for now is enough. I’ll be here at home for a while after the funeral, but… could I come see you, sometime soon? And your family?”
“Please do,” Nia said, and he knew that she understood exactly what he was thinking.Sorrow, he thought, and yet joy. Finally, he thought he understood it.
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The Year of Us
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Request: Holiday fic request: new years w/Jason first new years together fluffy or spicy whichever you prefer ♥️
Description: When Jason invites you to a New Year’s Eve party, someone’s jealousy runs wild but honestly? Might be the best for everyone.
Warning(s): angst, jealousy, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, i just forgot to include them talking about contraception lol, reader is on birth control)
Pairing: JRU, Jason Sudeikis x reader
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: and here it is! angst, smut, and fluff to ring in the new year. the origin story of our beloved JRU couple! while these are not published in chronological order, this shows how Jason and Y/N finally made it official! i think the order of reading the JRU and everything may be a little confusing, so maybe i’ll make a little reading guide? if you’ve read all of JRU, i hope you pick up on all the little callbacks, such as finding out where their little phrase comes from! anywho, happy happy new year, friends! 2022 has had some really sucky things for me, but it’s also had some absolutely amazing things like discovering ted lasso and the light it has brought into my world (plus jason, thank you god). ted and jason have then brought me all of you, my beautiful friends! i am so thankful for all of you and can’t wait for us to grow even more together in 2023!
To say Jason’s invitation surprised you would be a massive understatement. Sure, the two of you had hung out multiple times since his appearance on SNL at the end of October. But no one had truly made any moves and it was absolutely infuriating. Maybe you understood his hesitation at the beginning, he was in his late 40s and you were a young PA for SNL, he likely didn’t want to abuse any power someone could perceive him as having over you. However, after his flirting with you during your first real conversation, you didn’t think he would instantly dial back,
But alas, that’s exactly what he did. He spent probably an hour with you at the after-party, apologizing over a drink as promised, and he most certainly let his eyes gloss over your figure more than once, but that was it. You two had hung out almost once a week since then, yet no moves had been made. Could you make a move? Technically, yes. Realistically, hell no. What if you ruin this amazing friendship the two of you had formed just because you had the hots for him? What if he complained to his friends? And by friends, you mean what if he told people like Bill Hader? You’re pretty sure that means your life would be over. So pushed aside feelings and friendly touches on the arm were all there was.
That’s not to say you didn’t do certain things to perhaps prompt Jason to act on his flirty comments. Every weekly hangout, your pants got a little tighter and your neckline a little lower. And not that anyone could prove it, but any onlooker would think you were the most clumsy person ever considering the couple of times you spilled your drink on yourself, specifically spilling on your chest, drawing a certain someone’s attention to the area. Much to your dismay though, it seemed as if your efforts were failing, Jason flirting with you in almost each of your interactions but never following through to show you that he was serious.
So when he texted you to ask if you had any plans for that evening, New Year’s Eve, you were surprised. If he was asking, he must not have the kids, but wouldn’t he want to be spending the holiday with his friends? Ignoring your confusion, you tell him about the wine and leftover pizza awaiting you in your kitchen. After expressing his disgust at the pairing (though you know it's bullshit, the two of you had shared that exact meal at his place before), he tells you to be ready by 9 and then responds to none of your follow-up questions. “Geez, thanks, Jas…” You roll your eyes at the man, how were you supposed to even know what to wear if you didn’t know what you were doing? Surely he wouldn’t want to go out, New York is packed on any given day, nonetheless New Year’s Eve. Plus, you know how anxious he feels about paparazzi seeing you two and reading into things. Not that he had told you such, but it was easy to put two and two together when you only ever hung out at one of your places or a hole-in-the-wall bar with a back entrance.
By the time nine o’clock rolled around, you were anxiously pacing in front of your door, ready for Jason’s text that he was outside. You were dressed up more than normal, in a sparkling outfit that fits you just perfectly and definitely showed skin in all the right places. Were you too dressed up? You put on white Jordans to try and dress the outfit down, knowing heels likely be too much and would leave you regretting it the next day. But what if you still went overboard? Your anxious thoughts were cut off by the buzzing of your phone,
Balls Man: Here :)
If it were any other man or you lived in any other city, it would be a red flag that Jason didn’t come up to your apartment to get you, or at least meet you in the lobby. But with the busy and full streets of the Big Apple, plus the risk of fans, you understood Jason’s hesitation when he explained his texted arrival the first time he picked you up. Rushing out of your apartment and down the stairs, hopefully burning off some of your excited energy, a bright smile crosses your face when you see Jason’s car stalled in front of your building. Opening the passenger, you slide in, not surprised to hear a Mumford & Sons’ song playing, “Hey there, stranger.” You roll your eyes and look at him with a cocked eyebrow, “Really? Could you be anymore midwestern white dad in his 40s?” 
Letting out a hearty laugh, Jason nods as he focuses on the road, pulling into the street when the opportunity presented itself, “Alright, I asked for that one.” You chuckle in response, subtly glancing over to check him out, letting out a small shaky breath at the image of his flexed left arm out with his hand holding to the wheel, his right hand relaxing on the gear shift in between your bodies. You quickly have to ask him something or you may do something drastic and regrettable, “So, what exactly are we doing tonight?” Jason casually shrugs, looking over his shoulder as he merges left, heading in the direction of Manhattan from your Brooklyn apartment, “Thought we’d head to a party my friend’s having at his place. Unless you wanted to do something else, of course.” You hold in a laugh at the second part of Jason’s response, the man seemingly getting nervous over the idea of him just deciding your plans for the night. “That sounds great, Jason. Honestly, I’m fine with whatever, I’m just happy to spend the new year with you.” 
A blush rises to your cheeks as soon as you realize what you say, quickly turning away from Jason to look out the window at the passing buildings, a small smirk appears on Jason’s face, both at your words and your reaction. A silence falls over the car, save for the music playing, though the silence is comfortable, almost as though you and Jason had reached a spot where you don’t need to worry about filling the empty space, you can just sit, together. After about thirty minutes of anecdotes and stories from the week, your’s mostly about the SNL PA group chat and Jason’s mainly about his children, you arrive at a swanky apartment building. Jason pulls into the parking garage, presenting a guest pass to the attendant, hm, okay, this must be a pretty close friend if Jason has a parking pass rather than having to find street parking. 
The two of you get out of the car after he finds a spot and head towards the lobby door, walking close enough that the back of your hands brush against each other, though neither of you attempt to make a move. Clearing your throat, you look around, noticing how nice the cars are in the parking garage, okay, so everyone here is rich, “Um, Jason, how fancy of a party is this? Am I gonna be shunned for how I look?” Jason looks at you like you’re crazy and laughs, stopping when he realizes that you’re seriously asking, “Y/N, what, no, you look…” Jason looks you over, under the guise of examining your outfit though anyone would be able to see that he’s taking in your body, anyone but you apparently, “What? I look what?” Jason clears his throat, looking forward as he holds the lobby door open for you, speaking softly as you pass him through the door, “Perfect, you look perfect.” 
The elevator ride is silent, though it is a different kind of silence than the one in the car, the tension could be cut with a knife. Jason is positive that the tension is one of anger from you, that he crossed the line, meanwhile, your thoughts of mounting him then and there surely mean the tension is sexual. Before either of you can say anything, the doors open to reveal an apartment, your eyes widening slightly when you are reminded that some people have enough money that elevators can just open into their homes. You suddenly realize you have no idea whose house you’re even at, but before you can even ask Jason, a familiar face makes his way through the small circles of people talking, “Sudeikis! You made it!”
Jason Sudeikis was a fucking dumbass. Seth Meyers, that’s who lives here. Sure, working at NBC for a year and a half, you had passed him a couple of times in the hallway, but you had never had a conversation and you sure as hell have never been in his house. Jason and Seth meet for a hug before the two pull away, briefly catching up before Seth not-so-subtly points his eyes in your direction. Jason laughs at himself as he turns to you, putting his hand on your lower back, “Oh, duh, sorry. Seth, this is Y/N, Y/N, Seth. She’s fit so perfectly into my life, I forgot that not everyone knows her.” You’re 99% sure that you got whiplash from turning to look at Jason, but his attention has been caught by someone else and he’s telling Seth they’ll talk later, interlacing your fingers to pull you towards his friends. 
What the actual fuck is happening. Is this what heaven feels like? Or is this hell? Yeah, you’re holding hands with Jason, but it’s surely just so he doesn’t lose you in the crowd. There’s no meaning behind it, there never will be. Jason introduces you to the group, many of whom you recognize as different writers from NBC, including your idol, Amber Ruffin. Not wanting to make a fool of yourself, but also needing some liquid courage if Jason is going to keep touching you and breaking your heart, you slip your hand out of his, turning to head where you see a bar set up. As soon as your touch leaves him, Jason stops talking and turns to you, “Are you okay?” Turning back to him with a tightlipped smile, you give him a nod, “Yeah, just getting a drink. Enjoy your friends.”  Jason nods, though it’s apprehensive, wanting to catch up with his friends, but also not wanting to lose track of you in the crowded living room. 
At the bar, you make yourself a drink before hearing your name called, turning around to see Mark, a fellow intern from when you started at NBC. The two of you greet each other with a hug, “Mark! What are you doing here?” He fills you in on his job as a PA for Seth’s show while you tell him about working at SNL, “Wait, so how do you know Seth?” You shake your head as you take a sip of your drink, setting it down on the bar, “Oh, I don’t, just came with a friend.” Mark nods and you two catch up, laughing about your intern days and sharing stories from your current jobs. 
About twenty minutes pass before you feel a hand wrap around your hip and a chest meet your back, “There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you.” Mark’s eyes widen when he sees who you came with, you didn’t think to mention that it was an NBC legend. “Y/N, you didn’t think to mention that you came with SNL royalty. Or that he’s your boyfr..” Before he can finish, Jason cuts Mark off, “Sorry, where are my manners? I’m Jason, and you are?” Jason lets go of your hip briefly to shake Mark’s, squeezing a bit tighter than necessary, though you are none the wiser, “M-Mark, Y/N and I were interns together when we started at 30 Rock.” Jason nods as he takes his hand back, putting his hand back on your side, a bit lower this time, resting just above your ass. “Oh great, well it was wonderful to meet you, but we really should be going. We were just stopping in.” 
You look to Jason in surprise, what was he talking about? He didn’t mention any other plans, you only got here like half an hour ago, why do you have to leave? Mark nods, the two of you wishing each other a happy new year before Jason’s fingers intertwine with yours, heading towards the door. After thanking Seth for having the two of you, Jason and you take the elevator down to the lobby, which oh my god, you’re just now realizing is the lobby of lobby baby. You cross the parking garage, only letting go of each other when you reach the car. 
This time the silence of the car ride is thick with discomfort. You are not quiet due to imagining sinful acts with Jason and you’re not enjoying peace with your company, you’re practically grinding your teeth out of annoyance. After an hour and a half in the car, your drive time tripled thanks to holiday traffic, Jason pulls into a spot surprisingly open in front of your building. “Y/N, I…” Jason is cut off by you opening the door, “Goodnight, Jas.” You get out of the car and slam the door, so frustrated that you didn’t even notice that you let your nickname for him slip, a nickname you hadn’t used to his face in fear it would cross the line. As you walk up the outside steps of your building, Jason chases after you, “Whoa, Y/N, wait please.” You whip around to look at him, tears of anger and confusion welling in your eyes, “What, Jason? What can you possibly say that will explain how you’re acting?”
Your raised voice catches the attention of those walking past, something you and Jason both notice. Looking at you with desperate eyes, Jason steps closer to you, though you still have the upper ground thanks to the steps, “Can we go inside and talk? Please?” Jason’s plea is dripping with emotion, how can you say no to him? It’s not like he actually did anything wrong, you just need to get over yourself and your feelings for him. Obliging his request, you enter your building, walk up the steps, and enter your apartment, Jason a few steps behind. He walked next to you, always. The only time he wasn’t with you was when he walked a few paces ahead of you to open a door. The man never left your side, and yet here he was, behind you. 
Kicking off your shoes, you walk a few steps out of the entryway so Jason can do the same before turning to him, your arms crossed and an angry expression on your face. Jason looks at you, the guilt in his eyes almost makes you break, but first, you needed to know why he was guilty and what he thinks happened. Jason takes a deep breath, looking down at his socks before looking back to you, “Y/N, I am so sorry. It was not at all okay for me to take you away from your friend. I don’t know what happened, I-I just saw you talking to him and I got so anxious and, and…” Jason cracks his knuckles, obviously regretting what he was about to say, “…and jealous, I was jealous.” 
Your jaw drops slightly as your eyes widen, “What the fuck are you talking about?” Jason runs his hand through his hair, the other on his hip as he starts to pace, “I know, okay, I know I have no right to be jealous. And you have every right to be mad at me for acting like a jealous psychopath. I know, we’re just friends and I’m a fucking grandpa compared to you and you would probably be so happy dating someone your age like Matt…” You hold in your snicker at Jason’s error of your friend’s name, also having to hold back from snorting at his stupidity, “I know, okay, I know that I am the worst and just ruined the entire fucking thing, okay? You just, I swear to god, every fucking time I see you, your shirts are lower and lower and it’s all I fucking see and it’s goddamn torture and now I just admitted to being a fucking pervert, oh god.” Jason sits on your couch, burying his head in his hands, freaking out over everything he just revealed meanwhile, you stand a couple of feet away from him, just watching him before you can no longer hold your laughter in. 
Jason lifts his head, looking like a mix of a sad puppy and a confused toddler, “Wha…” You round the table in front of the couch, sitting on wood furniture in front of him, your knees touching, “I know they say comedians can be dumb, but damn, you’re a fucking idiot.” Jason’s head tilts slightly as his brows furrow, “Okay, not the yelling I thought would happen, obviously you’re going for emotion warfare instead…” You stare at the man with love in your eyes as you chuckle slightly, here he is thinking he ruined everything and yet he’s still cracking jokes, he absolutely amazed you. “Jas, I’m not mad at you for being jealous, if anything, it’s actually really hot.” Jason’s eyes widen, obviously about to ask what you mean by that but you continue before he can say anything, “I’m mad that - well, not even really mad but - that you were fucking doing all these things and, and I knew you didn’t mean them. And holy fuck, I want you to mean them.”
You look down at your legs, anxiously rubbing your hands up and down on your thighs before Jason places his finger under your chin and lifts your head so you’re looking at him, “Y/N, I meant every single one of those things. When I said you looked perfect I meant it, I mean, fuck, you always look perfect. When I grabbed your hand because of the crowds, I wished I was doing that for the rest of my life. Everything I do, every act, every touch, I mean it. I just never thought it meant something to you.” You’re not even sure what to say, for the first time in your life, you’re speechless. To make up for what you can’t put into words, you kiss him. You wrap your hands around the back of Jason’s neck and pull him into you, your lips meeting in a sweet kiss. Jason’s hands grab onto your hips, holding on so tightly that even through your clothes, you wouldn’t be surprised if you have a finger indentation tomorrow.
Running your fingers through the hair at the base of his neck, you pull away just enough to speak softly, “Bedroom.” Jason nods eagerly as he meets you in a kiss again, both of you standing and messily stumbling to your room. Never breaking the kiss, Jason messes with the zipper on the back of your outfit as you stand at the end of your bed, “Fuck, need this off.” You whimper at Jason’s words, the easiest way to agree given your current situation. Finally, Jason pulls the zipper down, groaning when he sees your lacy set as your one piece falls to the floor, “You're telling me I could have seen this two months ago?” You giggle, attaching your mouth to the column of his throat, sucking deeply, as you mess with his belt. As your palm passes over his erection, Jason lets out a groan that you’re pretty sure is the sound angels make when you ascend to heaven. 
You begin to sink to your knees but Jason quickly stops you, grabbing onto your hips, “That sounds like a fucking dream, but right now I need to be inside you, is that okay, sweet girl?” A whine slips past your lips, tugging at his sweater before he pushes you onto your bed. Jason strips off all of his clothes, a moan leaving your mouth when you see his size and the precum leaking from his tip, “Holy fuck, Jas.” Jason practically growls at your comment, crawling onto the bed and laying over you, keeping himself high enough that he isn’t touching any part of you, “I need you to call me that for the rest of my life, honey. I’m all your’s.” A gasp leaves your lips as he slides into you, pausing to allow you to adjust. 
Your core clenches around him as you feel his cock throbbing inside of you, “Fuck Jas, need you to move.” Happy to oblige, Jason begins to rock in and out of you, bringing his thumb down to rub at your swollen clit, “Ya feel so good around me, honey. ‘s like you were made for me.” Jason pulls all the way out before plowing back into you, a cry erupts from your throat, your noises pushing him closer to the edge. “Hm, what’d you say, sweetheart?” As he asks you, Jason increases both the speed of his thrusts and the speed at which he’s rubbing your bundle of nerves. His lips attach to your collarbone, nipping at your skin and leaving marks, to which you bring your hands to the nape of his neck, pulling at his hair, “Y-yes, Jas. All yours.” 
Jason moves his head down slightly, bringing his nipple into your mouth right as he hits your g-spot. You cry out his name as you reach your peak, clawing at his back as you do so, your tight core seemingly holding him in a vice. Pulling off of your nipple, Jason watches you, in a trance, as you cum, “Never seen anyone look so pretty.” Jason continues to work you through your climax, his own groans coming out as his brows furrow, concentrating on reaching the finish line, “Come on Jas, need you to finish in me, bubs, wanna feel all of you.” Your words push him over, Jason filling you up as his movements still, his forehead falling to rest in between your breasts, both of your bodies covered in sweat. 
As your worlds seem to still with this change of your relationship, the world outside begins its countdown, the streets filled with cars and drunk New Yorkers yelling out starting at 10. Jason pulls out and lays next to you, the two of you staring into each others’ eyes as he pulls you close, your legs intertwining. As the crowd outside hits five, Jason places his hand on the side of your face, swiping his thumb across your cheek, “We doing this? We starting the year with us?” You smile softly, giving a small nod as your faces grow closer, “I’m in if you are, Jas.” 
Jason returns your smile, “You and me, baby.” Your lips meet just as the fireworks go off outside, your heart feeling similar to the entire east coast right about now. The two of you pull apart, resting your foreheads together as you repeat the phrase back, “You and me, bubs.”
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xuchiya · 3 months
I feel like si Hongjoong yung makakaaway mo sa may bilihan ng mango shake sa dapitan side near ust 😅
I saw your post abt Ateez's filo names and can i say na ang pogi ng Enzo for Yeosang and feel ko si Jongho yung tipong mas gugustuhin na matawag na JC kesa Caloy HAHAH and super bagay ng Santi for San !!
It feels so refreshing to interact with Filo-Atiny here sa Tumblr 😭😭 pero sweets, lemme tell you.
I'M A RIZALIAN, LIKE JRU STUDENT AKO, NOT UST 😭. Its just Hongjoong gives off that energy of being a UST student. Please don't be mad po huhuhu.
Pero yes like Hongjoong being the sassiest member and him being an 'aircon humor' and 'conyo'. That's how I imagine him 😭
PERO HUHUHUHU THANK YOU FOR THE FEEDBACK 🥺💕 I thought through the names for them along with the explanation from Chat GPT yung mga meaning ng names nila (kasi i need help, im not smart 🙃) !! THABK YOUUU!!! YUNG KILIG KO SOBRA KAY SAN JUSQ !!
Soon, I hope you—sweets and sweethearts— are updated for the upcoming mini-series of Filipino Ateez AU !!!
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armulyn · 1 year
Gnag: The reason I have hunted you and your siblings all these years is that I need the Jewels of Anniera to access the Fane of Fire.
Leeli: ...But the Jewels of Anniera are the title for the children of the true king.
Gnag: Yes, what does that have to do with anything?
Leeli: You just finished explaining to me that you're actually the true king of Anniera, and it was never Jru or Papa at all, so how can we possibly be the Jewels of Anniera?
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aestherin · 1 year
user @r_scaramouche
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it wounds me that so many folks have not played aai2 because it is absolutely brilliant in how it deepens edgeworth's character.
Spoilers in ROT13 cipher (decoder here!):
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Time for me to ramble about The Wingfeather Saga to try and distract myself from my depression and the fact that I’m sick and miserable!
~*Spoilers*~ for all the books
Okie so in the 3rd Wingfeather show episode Tink calls Peet old and I just. I just wanna address that for a second because it’s been poking around in my mind ever since. xD
So here’s what I think the ages of the adults in the Wingfeather Saga are as based on the kid’s ages, how long it’s been since Anniera fell and logic:
Let’s start with Esben and Nia. Since their kiddos were very little when Anniera fell (Janner was only three) it follows that they were also quite young, I’m gonna say mid-20′s, around 24-25. Nine years later that’d make them 33-34 years old, which seems logical.
I headcanon that Artham and Esben have the same age gap as Janner and Kal, so assuming Artham is only a year older than his brother that’d put him at about 25-26 (my age ;-;) when Anniera fell and 34-35 during the events of the series. That’s. That’s not old. Even if you headcanon him as several years older than Esben (say 3 or so) he’d still be in his 30′s.
(I’m not knocking Tink btw, he’s 11 and everyone’s old when you’re a little kid, especially weird guys with whitish gray hair that you don’t know are related to you.)
I don’t have any concrete idea of how old Podo is and it bothers me, Leeli in book 4 keeps saying he’s like, really old, but she’s also 9 so that’s probably not reliable. Assuming Nia’s in her 30′s during the books Podo is probably(?) in his mid-late 60′s. (Especially since we know he did a LOT when he was young, he ran with the Stranders, he was a pirate, and when he came to the Hollows he said he never sailed again until he traveled to Anniera for Nia’s wedding). I feel like Wendolyn was younger than him by maybe 5-6 years since she isn’t married when they meet, despite being an attractive and well-to-do young woman.
Mentioning grandparents, has anyone else ever wondered where the HECK Artham and Esben’s parents are? Like, they’re barely even mentioned in the books, I think we actually learn their names from a genealogy Janner gets from Oskar/the Great Library. And this is especially weird when you consider that Podo and Wendolyn are actively helping Nia and the kids escape when Anniera falls. That, and Esben is king already when Anniera falls and unless their parents had kids when they were older (which is possible) they won’t be that old and Idk why his dad wouldn’t still be ruling. Like, why pass the throne off to your 20-something son if you don’t have to? Why not train him more?
So here’s what I think happened to Jru and Nala Wingfeather: I think Bonifer killed them. Not Bonifer himself, of course, but I think he arranged their deaths in some way. It would be pretty easy, tbh, to have an “accident” where they died. All you’d need to do would be hire some pirates to attack a ship they’re sailing on, or sabotage the ship so that it sank once it set sail.
Bonifer would have several good motives for this, I think. First and foremost, it’s going to be much easier for him to trick Esben, a brand-new, very young, king into believing his lies than an older, more experienced, king and queen. Not that I think Esben (or Artham) was an idiot, but Bonifer has had a really long time to learn how to lie and be a terrible person, and the younger you are the more likely you are to fall for stuff like that (generally speaking, there are always exceptions. like, I don’t think Maraly would have been easily tricked by Bonifer’s shenanigans because she grew up with the Stranders who are a bunch of lying tricksters. Meanwhile, Janner was tricked because he grew up among trustworthy and loving adults. Same thing with Esben and Artham).
Second, it’s possible that Jru and/or Nala had learned something that made them suspicious of Bonifer or were close to finding something about Gnag/the Fangs that would have ruined their plans, so Bonifer had them killed. Again, it’s really easy to set up an “accident”, especially when sailing is involved.
And finally, Bonifer just. really hates the Wingfeathers. Because he’s got issues. So of course he’d try to cause them all the suffering he could.
So, yeah, that’s why I think Esben and Artham’s parents aren’t around/aren’t mentioned in the books. Also my headcanons about ages.
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