#judith weston
thefirsthogokage · 1 year
Since my dream would be to be WGA one day, I am saving this here.
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Edit: John Rogers post actually lead me to that thread:
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Gonna have to look into that book.
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juniperusashei · 2 years
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Directing Actors by Judith Weston - 4/5
In a week, I’m fixing to direct my first film since college, and my first ever to feature professional actors (in my past work I’ve intentionally sought out non-actors for the authenticity they bring, as well as improv comics). So needless to say I’m pretty nervous, but this book did make me feel a little bit more sure of myself. Directing Actors is a very technical book, and the title sums it up: Weston assumes you already know everything else about filmmaking, and instead of contributing to the slew of cursory guides out there, dives deep into just one subject. The main idea she is focused on is authenticity, and how to get it out of your talent; a lot of this involves “tricking” the actor into using their subconscious mind to inhabit a character instead. There’s even a workbook section on script analysis (which I didn’t do!) A lot of the concepts are pretty conceptual but Weston brings them all to light with both her personal experience and examples from Hollywood.
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blogdemocratesjr · 20 days
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Judith Weston, Directing Actors
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There are four actors resources that can be used for inspiration, according to acting teacher Judith Weston
1.) Memory and past experiences; a couple examples is sense memory and substitution, in the first you try to use recall through all your senses what a memory was like including smell, taste and touch. In substitution, you try to relate a situation a character is in with one you've had, or someone close to you had, and react to that situation as if it's your own.
2.) Observation: Observing a person, or a type of person from gestures, to the way they speak, the way they walk, how they were clothes, as much as you can there whole persona. It's called acting outside in, instead inside out like the example they gave of Martin Landau in Ed Wood ( a movie I love) playing Bela Lugosi, he watched 30 of his movies, interviews, and studied Hungarian accents. This is also sometimes referred to as Technical Acting.
3.) Imagination - Using all the resources of your mind from memories to things you picked up from media to things you observed etc., to create associations, back stories, added elements to characters, unwritten motivations . She says working on actors improvisational skills helps actors see how large of a well of associations and imagined realities they have in there head, and they can play at a moments notice
4.) Immediate experience or the here and now, using your environment or imagined environment, playing off your co stars and honestly reacting, building on how you feel in the moment, and adapting that to the character. Improvisation between actors is good practice for this as well
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the-unspeakable-tsar · 8 months
The Holmes Family Tree
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At the top are the parents. Sherlock's father; Sieger, Sherlock's Mother, Violet Rutherford; and Sherlock's Stepmother Eudoria
First lets start with Violet and Sieger's children:
Sherlock, Sherringford, Mycroft, Shirley, and Rutherford
Then there are Eudoria and Sieger's Children:
Enola, Sigrina, and Siegerson.
Let's start with the branch that descends directly from Sherlock.
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I have placed Sherlock's Children as five in Number. Raffles is the son of Majorie Raffles (the sister of A.J Raffles). Henry Holmes and his wife Elizabeth are the creations of the Charlotte Holmes series.
Keep Sherlock Holmes Jr in mind as we'll focus on him later. We'll go down Henry and Elizabeth's line.
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Pascal, Valentina, Agatha, Perpetua and Johnathan Holmes are the children of Elizabeth and Henry
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Crispin and Morland are Pascal and Elizabeth's sons. Crispin marries Celine, and Morland marries May. Keep Morland in mind.
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Crispin and Elizabeth have the following children: Alistair, Agatha, Julian, Leander.
Morland is a complicated old bastard with two sons: Sherlock and Mycroft. Note that i've written Elementary beneath them.
Alistair and Emma have: Milo and Charlotte
Julian and Kim Min-Ji: Margarate Holmes, Carmilla Holmes, and Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock & Co.)
Now let's move to the side along the chart and go back to one of Sherlock's children.
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Sherlock Jr is a problem, I've decided. He is the start of a parallel branch. He had some unknown son. then that son would in time go on to sire the lineage that produced the following
Euris, Mycroft, and Sherlock (BBC's Sherlock). Euris would then later bear a child with a descendent of Moriarty. Resulting in Ron Kamonohashi.
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Mycroft has a smaller branch. Three children:
Andrew Holmes, Violet Holmes, and Isabella Holmes.
Violet Holmes would then have a child later with James Bond, resulting in Clive Reston.
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Shirly Holmes would marry Charles Jones. Resulting in the birth of Fetlock Jones and Laura Jones.
Laura Jones and her husband Lord Hamish Croft establish the lineage that would come to result in Laura Croft.
Fetlock's is Jupiter, and his daughter Charlotte marries Peerless Jones.
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The following children of Peerless and Charlotte are: Barnaby, Darwin, and David.
David Marries Judith Walton and has three children: Fred Jones Sr, Martin "Merlin" Jones, and Ellie. Fred Jones Sr later illegally adopts a son, naming him "Fred Jones Jr".
Barnaby has a son named Harold and a grandson named Jebediah Romano Jones.
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Sherringford Holmes, the older brother of both Mycroft and Sherlock, would have three children. Richard, an unknown country squire, and Sebastian.
Richard would change his surname to Queen in the United States to establish himself as an independent detective. He has two sons, Dan and Ellery Queen.
Ellery has two sons: Ellery Junior and Gullivar.
The Squire has one son: Stuart. Stuart has two kids, Jenny and David.
Sebastian marries a woman named Peg: Through them they have a son named Robert who becomes an ambassador for the United Kingdom.
Robert and his wife Joanna then later have a daughter named Shirley Holmes (many of her name).
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Rutherford is Sherlock's twin brother and a vampire (making him a genetic dead end).
Sigerson Holmes (son of Eudoria) marries Jenny Hill, a descendent of Fanny Hill. Their daughter then marries a Weston and have a son named Geoffrey Weston.
I wasn't sure how to fit Enola Holme because, as far as I know,w she doesn't go on to have anyone I can identify as being a possible descendent. (good for her.)
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Lastly, Charlotte Holmes. I also believe that Charlotte was having an affair with Mary Watson, but that is neither here nor there. She marries some fuck-off prince named Rupert of Kravonia and they have a son: Alexander (i accidentally named him Rupert as well in the image).
Sirgrina and John Vanstattart Smith have three Children:
Dennis Nayland Smith, Violet Smith, and John Smith.
Dennis Nayland fathers: George, Harold, and John "Hannibal" Smith.
Violet marries a man named Sneed and has a son named Lancaster "Shockwave" Sneed. A supervillain from Marvel Comics who used to beat the fuck out of Shang-Chi.
Thus concludes the family tree of The Holmes. Please reblog or message me if you have questions or comments.
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commonguttersnipe · 7 months
Baggy Trousers Down Python Road: Chapter Five- If I Said You Had A Beautiful Body, Would You Hold It Against Me?
Warnings: Swearing, internalised homophobia and things get a bit spicy at the end (ooh!)
Strings of pink and red were scattered over the school hall; the curtains drawn and the lights as bright as they could be without turning on the floods. Valentine’s Day had arrived at MacNaughton’s and much like every other holiday, it would be celebrated as prudishly as possible. The students arrived in their bundles, their voices bouncing off the walls like hoards of bumblebees. The faculty stood ready and waiting to stop any lip-locking or necking that would inevitably occur.
It started with the spiked punch. Once weak and watery, it had been contaminated with the cheapest liquor Bert Nudge could find. It went undetected for around 20 minutes until the year 8s started dropping like flies. Miss Weston was the first on the scene, tending to the bruised head of Reg, who was still drinking the potentially lethal liquid.
Judith sat with Brian outside the hall, raising a half-full bottle of water to his lips, encouraging him to sip. Brian had taken a good swig of the stuff and was now clutching his stomach in very well-hidden agony.
“You silly sod…” Her soft Welsh accent acted as a plaster to Brian’s troubled tummy “What on Earth did you do that for?”
“I didn’t know it was spiked!” Brian whinged, as the punch bowl was hurriedly carried out of the room by a panicked-looking Mr Palin.
“I’d hate it if something horrible happened to you…” She pats his head, becoming increasingly aware of the leaking water seeping into her sparkly dress. That didn’t matter. All that her world currently revolved around was Brian, who was resting against her shoulder. “I love you too much for something horrible to happen to you” The sentence dripped out like drool, prompting a messy reaction.
It didn’t receive one though.
In fact, it was met with no words at all. Just a gentle kiss on the shoulder was all it took to tell her that it was very much appreciated. It was perhaps for the best that she didn’t tongue Brian’s vomit-lined mouth. She mentally snapped her fingers and dug the minty gum deeper into her pocket.
Far across the floor, Miss Weston and Mr Gilliam were whispering about their suspicions. The redhead had her notebook out, evidently overjoyed her Agatha Christie phase when she was fourteen was finally going to pay off, while the long-haired man was intent on condemning the entirety of the Year 7s (no one was going to object, everyone despised the naïve little assholes). After an almost thorough list of attendees had been scrutinized, the pair had their leads… everyone.
What had started as a quiet investigation had become a bloody McCarthy trial, a Watney’s red scare if you will. No one was safe. Fergus McTeagle was intimidated by Byron, Rita Fayworth was frightened with Brigadoon as the school’s end-of-year musical and little Gale A’ Had burst into tears after being threatened with an invitation to the girl’s tennis match (the mere mention of the short skirts gave him a nosebleed).
Despite their drilling, it seemed to be all for nought. No one confessed. They considered recruiting Elliot Ximenez to help with their inquiries but he was on the other end of some rather sinful fellatio from Jean Sydney on the tennis courts. Providing it wasn’t in front of the younger years, Mr Gilliam let it slide.
Halfway through the dance, Miss Weston sat on the foyer stairs, her notebook covered in inexplicable scribbles and conspiracies.
“How difficult can it be? One of those little bastards did it” Mr Gilliam sighed.
Mr Idle came waltzing through, licking off the sugar on his fingers from leftover, stale doughnuts. He looked at the pair in smug amusement.
“What are you two gits looking so miserable about?” He asked with his signature rat-like grin.
“We’ve been looking for the punch culprit. You have been paying attention right? Or have you been ignoring the bunch of sick kiddos to stuff your face?” Mr Gilliam looked down at his investigation partner. She looked rather pretty when she was one step away from strangling the next human being she came into contact with.
Fighting back to ignore his colleague’s atrocious grammar, the long-haired music teacher scoffed.
“It was Nudge”
The couple looked up.
Of course, it was.
“Drank half of the slop, then puked on John” He smirked when mentioning his co-worker’s unfortunate accident.
“Admitted mid-barf”
Miss Weston looked at her list again, finding Bert’s name right at the top.
Hidden in plain fucking sight.
Mr Idle shrugged and left them, probably to see if there were any leftover pastries to gobble.
The duo sat there, the muted screams and surf-rock becoming the backing music for their failure. Brown eyes met green as they took the courage to look at each other.
“So… I have some coffee in my apartment and-”
“Sounds good.” Miss Weston nodded. Dates that came from humiliation would be the cherry on top of a pathetic evening, but honestly, if it meant that something could bloom from a disaster, she’d take that chance. All art started like that, after all.
Halfway to his boarding, it came to Miss Weston’s attention that she’d actually been neglecting the punch’s victims during their disorganized investigation. Miss Gullet had it under control… surely?
She did. Surrounded by paper towels and the vile stench of sandwich spread, she and Mr Palin had become the accidental heroes of the night.
Much like their relationship, she’d taken control, directing the students in her efficient pop-up hospital amongst the skipping ropes and gym mats.
Mr Palin looked upon his wife with an infatuated gaze. Sure, she saw him as an idiot, but he was her idiot, and no finer title could have been bestowed upon him. Knighthoods paled in comparison.
Taking her maiden name was necessary for work, but the lovers were so obviously married from day one, that she almost got fired on her first day. A Shakespearean ramble from Palin, got her to stay and ever since then, the power couple had become McNaughton’s official moral support.
Pupils had become so used to their Geography teacher writing on the blackboard while also feeding his baby son mashed peas, the infant had become almost a mascot for the department.
Nevertheless, seeing her here, the gentle lighting caressing her face like his fingers made him feel like he was 16 again. The shy church boy meeting the tall, cheeky girl of his dreams on some beach that felt like continents away from Sheffield.
He’d say that it was times like this, but this was every day for him. So inevitably tangled in the roots of devotion, any action she did felt like a kiss after being parted for months.
Intertwined in love’s desperate grasp with her, felt like the Eden he’d been promised as a child.
“Michael?” She swept her fringe from her eyes “Would you be a darling and pass that tissue?”
He complied. After all, he was her darling.
Tommy didn’t like dancing. It was poofy and he was no poof.
Mary always assumed he didn’t like dancing because he was one.
Standing on the rim of the dancefloor, as if he were to be consumed by effeminate waves, the serious boy watched his girlfriend spin with Jocasta, laughing loudly and squealing louder. Mary was a pretty girl, everyone thought so… except for Tommy.
Homosexuality crossed his mind often. Sweaty, half-naked Rock Hudson plagued his consciousness the first time he’d kissed Mary, though that may have been the residue from a late-night watch of Send Me No Flowers. It had to be. He wanted it to be.
“Come on Tommy! Daniel says they’re playing Windy next!”
He shakes his head. A look of disappointment crossed her face before being brushed away with a rogue curl. She appeared purple in the blue lighting. Lavender, even.
Lavender. As in a gay man.
Tommy felt non-existent sweat drip down his forehead as his world became lavender, glowing with anger like an inculpatory finger.
Mary’s world was in shades of neon, everything shining with the veracity that there was always tomorrow. The only grey was Tommy. However, she knew he needed her to feel normal.
If her heart had its way, she’d encourage him to be happy with himself, but her head reasoned that coming to terms with himself would slowly destroy him and what he thought he’d worked for.
Being in Daniel’s arms felt right. Warm with the ease of accepting his masculinity, it was the fire her heart had hoped Tommy would light. By the way, her boyfriend was looking at her, he seemed nonchalant about her dancing with another boy… and that made her feel sick with guilt. Daniel nuzzled his head into her neck, his soft nips earning gentle whines.
Tommy’s world was now turning blue.
Stormy blue.
Ernie couldn’t believe what Jim just said.
“But she’s your girl! I- I-”
“Yeah, and you're one minute away from your cock shrivelling into a raisin” Jim blew out his smoke into the cold air. “You know I’m not a jealous man”
“But coupling with your girlfriend-”
“Fucking. Use fucking, for fuck’s sake” Jim looked over at his friend. Ernie’s face had turned the shade of Aggie’s lipstick, which she was currently reapplying.
“Really, I’m happy to!” She confirmed her consent, smiling sweetly at him.
Jim stamped out his cigarette and groaned.
“Look. You’re my best friend Ernie and I’m not allowing you to be a virgin for the rest of the school year. You’re not saving for marriage and honestly, if Elliot can get pussy, so can you”.
Ernie scrunched his nose at his friend’s crudeness but couldn’t deny his desperation to be taken. One thing his friend didn’t know was that he loved Aggie. Surely he couldn’t be pity-fucked by a girl he loved. Then again…
Aggie had decided the shrubbery near the football pitch was an appropriate location, it not being under the cheery supervision of Mr Jones. Ernie felt his t-shirt stick to his chest as they made their way over to the foliage.
Noticing it had recently rained, she opted for the protection of a tree, pressing her back against the rough bark. Ernie licked his lips awkwardly.
“I- I don’t know what to do” He admitted.
Aggie smiled sympathetically.
“You do want this, right?”
“Yes. God please-” He blurted eagerly, making her laugh. Good. He liked it when she laughed.
“Why don’t you unbutton my shirt?”
Guiding his trembling hands to her cold blouse, she helped him with each pesky button, slowly revealing her goose-pimpled skin. Eventually, her plain white cotton bra came into view, her cleavage being teased through the thick fabric. Overwhelmed, Ernie leaned forward, pressing neat kisses against her neck, timidly cupping her chest with one hand.
“You needn’t be so polite” Her voice almost begged, secretly aching for him to make her forget her own name.
“I don’t want to hurt you”
“Don’t worry, I’ll say if you do” They looked into each other’s eyes, the consent and understanding feeling somehow erotic.
He nodded.
She closed her eyes as he unclipped her bra, sucking on the swell of her breast, grunts of pure worship rippling against her skin. Hungrily, he pushed up her skirt, squeezing her plump thighs as she almost feverishly unzipped his trousers.
“Ernie?” She whimpered, gazing up at the cloudless sky above them.
“Yes?” He moaned, his fingers skimming over her soaked panties as he buried his face in her bosom.
“Fuck me like the world is ending tomorrow”
He smirked. In a way it was, but then again, his world was clinging to him, wanting him to love her. The apocalypse could happen tomorrow but it wouldn’t matter.
Tonight happened.
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arwainian · 7 months
Reading This Week 2024 #6-8
sits here. i have been behind on this.... once again... i think i just have to accept that i do these when i do these.
Finished Week 6 (Feb 4-10):
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift (skimmed/read the spark notes for class discussion, won't be reading more)
Undoing Gender by Judith Butler (read Chapter 6 "Longing for Recognition", currently won't be reading more)
The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula K. Le Guin, narrated by Rob Inglis (started the same week, audio book was lots of fun)
i love Tenar...... i think it's really cool that the way the Earthsea books are working is that even tho Ged is a reocurring character, we get a new child perspective for each one
Orange, Vol. 4 by Ichigo Takano, translated by Amber Tamosaitis (started same week)
truly TRULY the love triangle/rivals in this are so primed to be read polyamorously it had driven me crazy. just form a triad, you all like each other
about 10 other smaller things (articles, short stories, excerpts) that i shall not be naming individually bc this post is already too long
Finished Week 7 (Feb 11-17):
Burnt Shadows by Kamila Shamsie (started in Week 6)
this book flips is like reading a multigenerational family drama with each section involving the slowly growing tension of knowing what horrific historical event/conditions they are about to live through
Venus by Susan-Lori Parks (started same week)
The Way of the House Husband by Kousuke Oono, translated by Amanda Haley (started same week)
“Experiential Gender” in Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity by Julia Serano
“Black (W)holes and The Geometry of Black Female Sexuality” by Evelynn Hammonds
"Unsexed: A Zero Concept for Gender Studies" by Kath Weston
"Of Catamites and Kings: Reflections on Butch, Gender, and Boundaries" by Gayle Rubin (these four i read for a class that i lead the discussion four so while they fall under the category of articles i'm not mentioning right now, i felt they should be included for that reason)
a shit ton of student papers
6 smaller things (articles and abandoned books that i'm skipping for same reason as above)
Finished Week 8 (Feb 18-24):
Story of a Brief Marriage by Anuk Arudpragasam (started same week)
very in-depth descriptions of bowel movements in this
Orange, Vol. 5 by Ichigo Takano, translated by Amber Tamosaitis (started same week)
so cute! once again i am advocating for them to just form a poly triad
He Who Drowned the World by Shelley Parker-Chan (started ages and ages ago...)
you've already seen my frantic reblog spam about this. i'm glad i finally finished reading this. the quarter 3 of it was kind a low point but i think it really captured me again by the end (however, i think the like... FINAL two pages are really scream "remember! that this is technically inspired by some real history!" in a way i found unneccesary and kinda too me out of the satisfaction of the end). i think the ending worked for me because Ma was really underused (i know it would have made the book kinda bloated but i would have loved a chapter or two of her perspective holding down the fort and dealing with internal politics while Zhu was away doing war things....), so her role in the finale was what really solidified it for me. this book drove me crazy in a great way, i think so many people should read She Who Became the Sun and then this sequel
Witch Hat Atelier, Vol. 11 by Kamome Shirahama, translated by Stephen Kohler (started same week)
the panelling in this manga is simply so fucking good. read this. its so cute
Orange, Vol. 6: Future by Ichigo Takano, translated by Amber Tamosaitis (started same week)
i don't think this volume was necessary lol... i did not need to know how Suwa and Naho got together in the future where Kakeru died, it was better as implications
Ongoing Reads:
Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree (read another chapter)
i am so sorry to my girlfriend who has to deal with me complaining about this book i am reading to her after every chapter... i am glad she is enjoying it regardless
The Farther Shore by Ursula K. Le Guin, narrated by Rob Inglis (about halfway through)
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien (basically read the preface material so far)
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ya-world-challenge · 9 months
2023 Wrap-up
I fulfilled 31 countries for the World Challenge this year, bringing my total up to 57 out of 208.
I also read about 14 other books that were repeats of countries, additional books in series, and ones I just randomly picked up, so something like 44 in total.
I also finished up all the backlog of countries I had rolled with the randomizer, so in the new year I will get to roll some new ones - yay, exciting.
So here are my top favorites from the year!
Top 5 reads in 2023
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The Orphan Sky by Ella Leya
A really beautiful novel of a prodigy pianist coming of age in Soviet Azerbaijan. Musical prose and just breathtaking story.
2. The Exiles of Crocodile Island by Henye Meyer
This was an unexpectedly really good book that I was lucky to find for the tiny islands of São Tomé & Príncipe. Following a group of Jewish children forced to a Portuguese settlement. Really insightful characterization and lovely writing.
3. The Man Who Spoke Snakish by Andrus Kivirähk
Such a unique folklore-esque story by an Estonian author. A clash of modernity with ancient ways, and what gets forgotten.
4. The Key by Sara Elfgren & Mats Strandberg
Book 3 and finale of the Engelsfors series set in Sweden really brought the series to an amazing climax and gave us great character development. Also I think, the longest book I read this year.
5. The Wicked Bargain by Gabe Cole Novoa
Super fun queer pirate adventure! This was just so refreshing and comforting at the same time.
Honorable mentions:
All Our Hidden Gifts by Caroline O'Donoghue; Travelers Along the Way by Aminah Mae Safi; I Am Kavi by Thushanthi Ponweera; On the Edge of Gone by Corrine Duyvis; When a Bulbul Sings by Hawaa Ayoub
See my book review tag for all my reviews!
Full list of countries read this year
Here's all the countries I fulfilled this year and the books I read for them.
🇦🇺 Australia - Ghost Bird, Lisa Fuller
🇦🇿 Azerbaijan - The Orphan Sky, Ella Leya
🇨🇺 Cuba - A Tall Dark Trouble - Vanessa Montalban
🇩🇰 Denmark - The Shamer's Daughter, Lene Kaaberbøl
🇪🇪 Estonia - The Man Who Spoke Snakish, Andrus Kivirähk
🇫🇯 Fiji - The Wild Ones, Nafiza Azad
🇮🇷 Iran - Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi
🇮🇶 Iraq - Yazidi!, Aurélien Ducoudray & Mini Ludvin
🇮🇪 Ireland - All Our Hidden Gifts, Caroline O'Donoghue
🇱🇹 Lithuania - Between Shades of Gray, Ruta Sepatys
🇱🇺 Luxembourg - The Elf of Luxembourg, Tom Weston
🇲🇹 Malta - The Maltese Dreamer, Catherine Veritas
🇲🇽 Mexico - Secret of the Moon Conch, David Bowles; Guadalupe García McCall
🇳🇵 Nepal - What Elephants Know - Eric Dinerstein
🇳🇱 Netherlands - On the Edge of Gone, Corrine Duyvis
🇵🇸 Palestine - Travellers Along the Way, Aminah Mae Safi
🇵🇹 Portugal - Mariana, Katherine Vaz
🇵🇷 Puerto Rico - The Wicked Bargain, Gabe Cole Novoa
🇷🇴 Romania - And I Darken, Kiersten White
🇱🇨 St. Lucia - 'Til I Find You Greta Bondieumaitre
🇸🇲 San Marino - The Gladiator, Harry Turtledove
🇸🇹 São Tomé & Príncipe - The Exiles of Crocodile Island, Henye Meyer
🇸🇳 Senegal - No Heaven for Good Boys, Keisha Bush
🇸🇬 Singapore - Sofia and the Utopia Machine, Judith Huang
🇸🇰 Slovakia - Impossible Escape, Steve Sheinkin
🇱🇰 Sri Lanka - I Am Kavi, Thushanthi Ponweera
🇸🇪 Sweden - The Circle, Sara Elfgren & Mats Strandberg
🇹🇹 Trinidad & Tobago - When the Vibe is Right, Sarah Dass
🇹🇳 Tunisia - Other Names, Other Places, Ola Mustapha
🇻🇪 Venezuela - The Sun and the Void, Gabriel Romero Lacruz
🇾🇪 Yemen - When a Bulbul Sings, Hawaa Ayoub
And here's the moods that Storygraph says I read which turned out to be pretty varied.
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Overall not bad progress, and I look forward to continuing to read in 2024!
Have you read any of the books I picked or have them on your TBR? Feel free to comment!
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filmcourage · 2 years
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How Professional Directors And Actors Analyze A Script - Judith Weston via FilmCourage.com.
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rules: tag nine people you want to know better!
tagged by @hauntedbythenarrative ✨
three ships: royai, kanej and starmora
first ever ship: romione i think? since 'harry potter' was my first fandom
last song: in the meantime by spacehog
last movie: il palazzo by federica di giacomo
currently reading: directing actors by judith weston
currently watching: breaking bad and hannibal
currently consuming: shadow and bone s2 and guardians of the galaxy vol 3 content until their releases
currently craving: being proud of me about the project i'm working on
I'm not tagging anyone but if someone want to do it, feel free to join ❤️
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xionisgr · 3 months
ISBN: 978-960-16-2515-7 Συγγραφέας: Judith Weston Εκδότης: Εκδόσεις Πατάκη Σελίδες: 356 Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης: 2007-10-01 Διαστάσεις: 24x17 Εξώφυλλο: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
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manpetasgr · 3 months
ISBN: 978-960-16-2515-7 Συγγραφέας: Judith Weston Εκδότης: Εκδόσεις Πατάκη Σελίδες: 356 Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης: 2007-10-01 Διαστάσεις: 24x17 Εξώφυλλο: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
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kwstasattgr · 3 months
ISBN: 978-960-16-2515-7 Συγγραφέας: Judith Weston Εκδότης: Εκδόσεις Πατάκη Σελίδες: 356 Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης: 2007-10-01 Διαστάσεις: 24x17 Εξώφυλλο: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
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blogdemocratesjr · 2 months
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Judith Weston, Directing Actors
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.
—Virginia Woolf
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a078740849aposts · 3 months
ISBN: 978-960-16-2515-7 Συγγραφέας: Judith Weston Εκδότης: Εκδόσεις Πατάκη Σελίδες: 356 Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης: 2007-10-01 Διαστάσεις: 24x17 Εξώφυλλο: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
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nsfwhiphop · 7 months
Watch & learn - How Directors Confuse Actors - Judith Weston
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