deva-arts · 4 days
I feel like Vincent would wear shirts from the brand "Affliction Clothing". Idk if you've ever heard of them but the name alone kinda fits his vibe.
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Vincent is a simple man. If sees an edgy pattern of a tortured skeleton, he wants to wear it.
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gl4ssfan · 1 year
i think juice would be friends with jack frost
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katbalogger · 4 years
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Super fun and easy Orange Juice Pop Recipe! Delicious healthy snack for your kids as well as being a fun recipe to create together! #juicepop #fruitpop #homemadepopsicles https://www.instagram.com/p/CBpGIiwjOzj/?igshid=1vw9tjhodzg6l
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reikofujishima · 4 years
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ごはんやおやつをお���ち帰りいただけます!#food#coffee#ta#tea#thesaloon#thesaloontokyo #juicepop #takeaway #yoyogiuehara https://www.instagram.com/p/CAHYAfRjo6a/?igshid=s7b2qwtrcufr
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chronicowboy · 5 years
guys, tony stark isn't dead. he's napping because he promised morgan midnight juicepops and he needs his rest after 11 years of carrying the tony stark cinematic universe and inventing time travel. psh, you guys. like he can die.
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"Define lunch or be desintigrated!"
"Was it juicepops?"
"Mommy said to come save you."
Morgan Stark I love you 3000
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fragilefangirl · 5 years
[at an amusement park]
Rhodey and Happy: Oh crap we lost the kids
Pepper: dont worry i got this
Peter coming in with instant killmode, Harley armed with potato gun, Nebula arriving from space, Morgan raising her juicepop stick: WHO SAID THAT
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ironsguilt · 5 years
@iron-heels said  *✧・゚: *✧・゚  :   [ Clean ] reverse from Morgan  *✧・゚: *✧・゚  non-sexual acts of dominance . ||  accepting .
      SEEING MORGAN DIRTY WAS NOT AN UNCOMMON OCCURRENCE .    so ,   naturally ,  seeing morgan eat her juicepop and somehow getting it  ALL OVER HER FACE  wasn’t unusual .     it was pretty endearing actually .
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         ❛       you made a mess ,  mor .     ❜     his grin is nothing but genuine ,  pulling his sleeve over his hand and wiping her mouth .       ❛      there .    ALL CLEAN .      ❜      a kiss to the forehead .
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aspiestvmusings · 5 years
First Thoughts w. Minor Endgame SPOILERS
I am basically done with my spoilery Avengers: Endgame posts, but... I’ve decided to delay posting them, because as hard as I tried...it’s impossible for me to write any reviews or comments or reactions without spoiling...a bit too much. And though I know people have shared much more details than I have...much sooner... I don’t want to. Really. Or I want to... but I can’t...
So, for now, I’ll start small. With very vague spoilery post and commenting only on few things, without context. Despite being as vague as possible, this will have spoilers, so..
First: in all the screenings I've been to the audience has laughed, and gasped, and cried, and applauded. The laughter bursts vary a bit, the level of (loud) crying depends, but one thing is constant. Iron Man’s last scene brings near total silence, because unlike in IM3 everyone knows that this is actually the last film including Iron Man as we know him. And one thing has  been constant - people applaud when during the end credits it’s RDJs name/image on screen. RDJ gets a “standing ovation”.  Amazing acting by so many actors in this film...but for me RDJ’s trumps all. 
Second: As a parallel to the last IM film, the last Avengers (as they were) film ends with a voiceover/narration from Tony. But unlike with the Iron Man films, where even those who were unaware of the end credits scene & Avengers, and that IM will return, this time the audience knows that he won’t return. That voiceover is final goodbye....the wording is so final... so the audience knows there will be no “IM returns”... he is really saying goodbye to the character. And people listen to it...mostly...in silence. Like mourning. A whole minute (or whatever) silence in honour of RDJ as Tony/IM. 
Third: Several characters say the word SHIT in this movie. The word is repeated several time...in different scenes. And yet...no-one says “language!” One scene particular is the sweetest and the funniest. You’ll know when you hear it...repeated. 
Fourth: This is important to know for those, who are in a hurry - there really is NO END CREDITS SCENE. No mid-credit, no end-credit. The voice-over from RDJ/Tony... as a goodbye message to IM and the final character title cards for the original six are it. Then it’s just credits rolling. 
Though there is one thing at the very end. There’s no picture, but there is audio at the very end of the credits. If you listen very carefully you’ll hear some clanging... FIVE TIMES (I counted five, but maybe I missed a few?) Whether that sound is from the past - Tony making the 1st suit in 2008, or present or future (someone making a new hammer/weapon or a new IM/superhero suit)... is yet unknown. But I’d like to think it’s in memory of Tony’s start as IM. 
That’s the end of Tony’s Iron Man, and though unlike with successors to other characters roles/thrones that were properly introduced, there was no introduction of the next IM/Tonys replacement, there were a few hints where it might go. Pay attention to one of the child characters during the “middle” of the film (plus the newest member or the iron suit wearing team) & then to a young man/teen boy at the back in the "final" scene.
Fifth: it’s been 21...no...22 days since....the events of A3:IW  That is one day for every MCU film so far. That’s just one of the many many callbacks & references to the past MCU films. 
Sixth:  Several next generation superheroes are kinda introduced. Future “replacements” for Captain America & Hawkeye & even Iron Man are kinda shown or hinted at. The new CA is officially introduced. CM as the new leader is kinda introduced. Hawkeyes successor is hinted at. But so is...though much more subtly... Iron Man’s... 
Seventh: There are so so so many callbacks & references to past MCU films. Some lines are quoted exactly. Some things are referenced more subtly. I’ve only seen half of the films, so I only caught half of the references probably. And most likely missed many even tho the films I have seen. 
Eight: The mid/end credits scene from Captain Marvel (”Where’s Fury?”)  is not in the film. But... the film works best if you consider it was cut (not that it was a misleading clip). If you imagine it being between the Hawkeye family scene & the Tony’s helmet message to Pepper recording scene...everything fits better.... cause without that moment between those scenes it seems like something is missing from the timeline.   (I’ll explain in my future spoiler post)
Nine: Natasha & Clint fighting over who gets to be the one to go on the mission - who is more “worthy”...And in general all the talk about who gets to do what mission/work - everyone wanting to volunteer (or..almost...everyone). They really are the Avengers (not the pre-vengers). #everyoneintheteamisallaboutthesuperherolife 
Ten: Every character gets their moments to shine - scenes for their character, and each get closure (kinda... even those who we know will be part of the future MCU films). And every hero/character got their moment to shine also during the big battle. It was a TEAM event. And every one of the main six got their final/goodbye scene. Plus all the Original Six get their own “title card” during the end credits.
Eleven: Lots of SNAPPING in this film. Characters snapping at each other (angry speeches), but also the actual snapping (of the gauntlet...as seen in IW)
Twelve: This movie is a lot about THE SMARTS. This is about the BRAINS more than the BRAWN. Come up with clever plan, outsmart the others. There is a lot of that going on in this film. Though,its also a lot about putting the two together: BRAINS + BRAWN - getting the best of both.... 
Thirteen: a rodent that looks a lot like a rat (or maybe it is a mouse... since Disney is all about Mickey Mouse)...plays a pretty important part in the film.
Fourteen: Stan Lee makes a cameo. IMO this was not as great as many of his others. Also... for whatever reason they decided to use the CM (VFX) strategy for his scene. It’s a little fun moment, but I’d say his cameo in CM works better as his “last cameo ever”
Fifteen: There is a montage in the (early in the film) beginning of the film which is almost exactly like a montage/scene in SHREK. In this film it’s the purple bad guy starring in the scene, in SHREK it was the green good guy. OR...maybe I remember incorrectly, and the scenes aren’t really that similar.... I have to re-watch Shrek films
Sixteen: You’ll hear the best/worst bedtime story ...ever... (???) being told in this film. 
Seventeen: There will be SALAD & DESSERT. And references to both will make you cry. You will probably cry just before/during/after the scenes that mention salad & dessert... #eatasalad #juicepops 
Eighteen: Pay attention to the fancy lady & the man with the flowers. Their scenes are some of the most important. 
Nineteen: The funny & more relaxed scenes & the serious/sad/fight scenes alternate. After a sad moment you get a laugh moment, then sad again, then laughs again. 
Twenty: Food plays an important part in the film. There’s no Shawarma (I guess  the Shawarma place owner/workers got dusted?), but Thor’s bread from the trailers is not the only food we see/hear  mentioned: (peanut butter) sandwich, tacos, cheeseburgers, salad, dessert, juice pops, table full of plates with food, cheese wiz.... and Tony’s snacks all make an appearance in the film. Only question remains: who will do the dishes? You’ll see in the film who. 
Twenty-One: In some ways Tony’s & Nebula’s stories (arcs, endings) in this film are similar. Nebula’s past & Tony’s past are kinda haunting them, and they both are able to conquer it. Both were “bad” (Tony a weapons maker in his father’s footsteps, Nebula a mercenary cyborg under her father's control) and became “good”.  On top of that both have daddy issues (most of the characters have mommy/daddy issues...) They both make choices that complete their respective arcs. In many ways their big final moments are similar... even if you wouldn’t think so right away. 
Twenty-Two: Since his name has been in cast list on IMDB for while, it has been no spoiler that he is this movie, but yes, the (kid) actor who plays Harley Keener in IM3 is also in this film. He is in just one scene. So if you notice an unfimiliarface in a scene (the camera clearly shows him, too, at one point...) & ask yourself “who is that kid”, then THAT’S him. Because they don’t include a flashback from IM3 for him... the actor (and the character) have aged.The kid is now a teen/young adult, so many people don’t recognize him. And apparently many don’t like IM3, or haven’t seen it. 
EXTRA: This film, especially if we look at it as a two-parter (asone part of Infinity Saga: A3 + A4) is ...kinda.... a story about fathers & daughters. In A3 we saw a lot of Thanos/daughters stuff, in A4 we pretty much both open & end the film with father/daughter moments (it may not be the very last frame of the film, but it’s close to end). I can’t spoil those, but you’ve seen one of the films father/daughter moments in the trailers (Hawkeye/daughter - he has sons, too, but the focus is on the daughter). And in general, the film is about family  (the avengers superheroes family)
 And I’ll end this post with a new banner/header I made... in honour of the strongest & most kind-hearted superhero...
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RDJ as Tony Stark as Iron Man, fans love you 3,000!
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msppctts · 5 years
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subject: meme // from: @morqen​ // message: throws my url with all the freakin juicepops 💛 ( revamped from @starhk ehehe)
Do I Follow Them?:    yes Why Did I Follow Them?:    i followed your original blog bc i loved your own version of morgan/lizzie, i stuck with you bc i love you  Do We Role Play?:     we haven’t done that in quite a while now Do I Want To Role Play With Them:    always An AU Idea For Our Muses:    listen, im not god at coming up with these, let’s think about it together A Song For Our Muses:     *sobs* my love my life Do I Ship Our Muses?:    morgan is pepper’s precious girl What I Think About The Mun:    overall, we haven’t talked that much but i know you’re very sweet and creative. plus, i admire your writing and i love to see you on my dash no matter what muse Overall Opinion:    i would always recommend this blog. honestly, a wonderful mun with the purest muse (biased)!! Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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underude · 5 years
post en.dgame ‘piece’ for @rcscue !!!
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          in the handful of nights he was able to babysit, Peter had yet to master one thing. Morgan was just as smooth a talker as her father. it was why she wound up with a juicepop in one hand, and a stained, sticky pillow in the other. she promised she would throw the ‘evidence’ away, and Pete needed the validation.
          ‘ Spider-Uncle ’ sounded a lot nicer in his head. compared to the look on Pepper’s face, and the lecture he was surely on track for, the title seemed superficial. maybe it always would be. his eyes look honest; his voice timid and nervous. “ ... Sorry... ”
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katbalogger · 3 years
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Super fun and easy Orange Juice Pop Recipe! Delicious healthy snack for your kids as well as being a fun recipe to create together! You can find it on my site along with other great recipes! It’s summer! Enjoy yourself! . . . . #juicepop #fruitpopsicle #homemadepopsicles #summerfood https://www.instagram.com/p/CQT5J0mjOwK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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reikofujishima · 4 years
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今日もアイスキャンディ日和!#thesaloon#thesaloontokyo #juicepop #takeaway #yoyogiuehara (THE SALOON) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAHXZyljHz0/?igshid=1mfesmipbzm8v
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when she is just six years old, she loses her father for the first time. he comes back, of course he does, because he's her dad and even with his injuries and exhaustion he is invincible to her.
and then he's not just her dad; he's a superhero.
i am iron man
tony what is wrong with you? you have a kid to look out for and now you're going around telling the world that you're some kind of vigilante hero?
i'm doing this for morgan
things change after that, but he is still her dad and he still lets her bring juicepops down into his lab when she watches him work.
even when people come after them he's still her dad and he's still got her back.
but she gets older and the world changes. heroes and gods and aliens aren't just things out of story books anymore. she's ten and she's not alone in the penthouse anymore.
she loses her dad for the second time. she can't see what's happening on the ground from up there in the sky and even though she knows he's alive the footage on the news makes her cry.
they destroy her home and she thinks she's lost him for good this time but he's okay because he's her dad and he'll always be okay.
years pass and the avengers come together again and break apart.
she's sixteen when the aliens come back and her dad follows them because he's a hero.
morgan stark was sixteen when she lost her dad and this time she wasn't there to welcome him home.
but he gets her back because he's her dad and he has always been there for her. until the compound crumbles and she doesn't seem him again until he's dying dead.
she's still sixteen when she loses him for the fifth time, but her dad isn't coming back.
au where morgan is born c. 2002 and grows up in the mcu timeline
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heartinol · 5 years
you are my daaaaaaad (you're my dad! boogie woogie woogie)
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“    … .  stop trying to distract me from the fact that you ate all the juicepops.       ”    
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electricnik · 5 years
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