#jujutsu megum
deedeeznoots · 27 days
We're Not Idols!
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Part of the “We’re Not Heroes!” Collection. 
Characters: Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Aoi Todo, Takada, Gojo Satoru
Word Count: 2.7k
Genre: Fluff! 
Content Warnings: Swearing, Mild violence, Creepy man
Synopsis: The first-years are on a mission! This time, they're in Kyoto! The job? To eradicate low-grade cursed spirits all throughout the Japanese Idol Takada's concert. Unfortunately, things take a turn for the worse when a curse user with an ominous technique comes to disrupt the event.
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“STUDENTS!” Gojo extends out his hands to greet his class of…three. “I have great news for all of you!”. 
“That can’t be good,” Kugisaki sighs in response. “Yeah no offense Gojo-Sensei but the 2nd years told us the last time you told them you had good news you let in a guy who had a curse inside of him…” Itadori mindlessly comments before realizing, “Hey wait a minute, that guy is kind of like me–”.
“Well it’s actually good news this time!” Gojo plays drums on the table before announcing “Students…for your next mission, you are going to KYOTO!”. 
“...Where’s the good news?” Fushiguro gives Gojo a blank stare, causing the special-grade sorcerer to be taken-aback. “Okay, YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO AN IDOL CONCERT!” He waves around his hands to try to get the students more excited, but they just stare at him with blank expressions. Man… what a tough crowd. Though, every crowd was tough when you were Gojo Satoru. 
“...Again, where’s the good news?” Fushiguro looks at him upset. 
“Wha– I tried really hard to get a mission you guys would enjoy” Gojo sulks in a corner. “It’s okay Gojo-Sensei! It’s just… I don’t think any of us are really the concert type haha. Except…maybe Kugisaki?” Itadori looks at his brown haired friend. 
“Nah, too loud for me. I prefer to just listen to music on my phone. Plus, why would we need to go to an idol concert for a mission anyways?”. 
“Oh… right!” Gojo perks up. “Question students! Where do cursed spirits arise the most!” 
“Oh! Oh!” Itadori raises his hand, hoping for Gojo to pick him. “Megumi! You answer!”. “Aw…” Itadori pouts, he wasn’t even raising his hand Itadori thinks to himself. 
“Hm? In places with high population density” Fushiguro answers. “Ding! Ding! Ding!” Gojo responds. “You are correct!” 
“Now, since cursed spirits arise the most in places with high population density, there are certain places where cursed spirits appear most often. One of these places is concerts. If cursed spirits stay in these crowds unchecked, it can lead to an increase of negative energy from the crowd, causing things to escalate further and further”. 
The trio nods, showing their understanding, so Gojo continues. 
“To counter this, Jujutsu Sorcerers are often put out on posts to watch over these concerts. One of these concerts is by the Japanese Idol Takada, who you guys will be seeing in Kyoto!” 
“Oh I see… that makes sense I guess” Itadori adds. “Of course it makes sense, concerts are always sweaty and gross” Kugisaki shivers, causing Itadori to chuckle. 
“Anyways, good luck you guys! Make sure to pack a bag for a few days,” Gojo adds, “Oh, by the way. One of the Kyoto students is going to join you. I didn’t plan it but when I brought it up he insisted”.
“Oh! Who?” Yuji asks. 
“BROTHER!” Todo greets the trio (well…one of the trio) at the train station. “Oh God” Yuji cries out as Todo traps him in a giant hug, an act that is photographed by a laughing Kugisaki. 
“Man… I actually haven’t been to Kyoto before” Kugisaki comments. “Really? Now that you say it, I actually haven’t been here in a while either” Fushiguro responds. The two continue making small talk while their friend continues to struggle in the background “P-p-please…Todo…let…go…or I’ll…die”. 
“I can’t believe it brother, you’ll be able to experience all of the glory of Takada in person with me! It’ll be a beautiful experience!” Todo exclaims. The group made it to the concert area. Though, it was still a few hours before the event, so the concert hall was more or less empty, with only a few people setting up. This was okay though, because it gave them time to plan. 
“Todo will probably want to watch the concert with Itadori, so they should stay toward the front and we can stay at the back of the crowds” Fushiguro tells Kugisaki. “Should we really be encouraging him to do… whatever that is?” Kugisaki responds, looking at Todo as he continues sharing his praises about Takada to Itadori, who was desperately trying to keep up with his words. “If we don’t let him, he’ll do it anyway, so I’d rather control it” Fushiguro sighs, “If it were up to me, he wouldn’t be here at all”. 
“Hey…Fushiguro” Kugisaki taps on her friend’s shoulder. “Look at that guy”. There, they see one lone man attempting to sneak through backstage, definitely looking suspicious. He seems to catch on to their staring, but in response simply gives them a deathly glare. “Rude…” Kugisaki thinks, “Should we stop him just in case?” she asks. “Nah,” Fushiguro adds, “It’s probably nothing, but if we see him at the concert we should keep an extra eye on him”. 
Finally, the concert begins, the loud music is heard seemingly all throughout Kyoto as the crowd sings along to Takada. Many of the curses that spring up appear to be flyheads, so the group has no problems with exorcising them. The biggest problem seems to be the quantity due to the amount of them that constantly spring up. With this, Itadori struggles a bit more at the front as Todo is more interested in the concert compared to doing any sort of exorcising. 
Seriously, Itadori thinks to himself. Did he come here just so he could get paid to watch Takada? 
Meanwhile, Kugisaki and Fushiguro remain in a spot near the back and continue exorcising the low-grade spirits. Thanks to Kugisaki’s straw doll technique, exorcising them became even more efficient than it normally would have been.
Thanks to this, the duo was able to catch onto certain things they wouldn’t have otherwise.
“Fushiguro,” Kugisaki calls the dark haired sorcerer. “It’s that guy again,” she points to where backstage is, the man appears to be struggling to open the door, but was eventually able to do it. Fushiguro pauses for a moment, before saying “Things seem alright here, let’s go see what’s up with him”. With that, the two sorcerers follow the man backstage. 
Walking slowly backstage, they don’t seem to see the man. With Kugisaki at the front, hammer in hand, she calls out for him. “Excuse me, sir?��� she questions, when she gets no response, she goes “Look…we work for Takada and we were just wondering what you’re doing backstage”. That apparently earns her a kick from the man who decides to show himself “Kugisaki!” Fushiguro yells out, running towards her. “You– You’re Jujutsu Sorcerers right?” the man asks, holding Kugisaki down.
“How do you–” Kugisaki tries to speak when she seems to knock out, and the man that was once holding her down is now avoiding her. They can deal with that later, “Kugisaki…?” Fushiguro inches closer to her, trying not to get too close. Something is wrong, he thought, very wrong. After a few seconds, Kugisaki seems to stand up, facing Fushiguro. “...Is everything alrig–” 
Within seconds, Kugisaki hits him with her hammer, causing the boy to fall backward. “Kugisaki what’s wro–” he begins to say when he feels a touch behind his back. It’s the man. “Tell me… if you two fought, would it end in five minutes?” 
Outside, the concert resumes, Todo continues enjoying himself at the front, Idatori joins in as well, having eradicated the bulk of the cursed spirits. 
Yet… something felt off. Itadori couldn’t put his finger on it, but he felt the need to check in on Fushiguro and Kugisaki. When texting them yielded no results, he considered trying to meet them in person. 
“Hey Todo” Itadori yells out as loud as he can. When Todo doesn’t register his voice, he yells louder “TODO!”. Finally getting the man to turn around, Itadori tells him about his plan to meet his friends, to which Todo gives him a thumbs up and says “Leave it all to me, brother!”. 
Yeah, right. You did no work on this mission! Itadori thought, hoping things would be okay while he left Todo. 
Going to where their post is, Itadori is met with nothing but what looks like hundreds of cursed spirits. What the heck? he thought. These should have been eradicated by Fushiguro and Kugisaki. The pink-haired boy’s worry grows. What could have happened? 
Turning around, Itadori finds a door to backstage slightly ajar. Aha. If they went somewhere, it was probably there. Walking backstage, Itadori calls out to his friends, where he finds them on the ground, very injured. 
“Fushiguro! Kugisaki!” He runs to them and shakes them awake. In response, he’s met with groans from his friends. “Ugh… what the heck?” Kugisaki rubs her head. “What happened?”. Her vision focuses on Itadori. “Oh…you’re here” she stares at him. Fushiguro rubs a bruise on his cheek “I think that curse user did something to us…but I can’t remember what it was… weird” he comments. “Wait… curse user?” Itadori questions. “Oh… yeah, there’s a curse user here. I’m not sure what he wants, but it doesn’t seem good based on context clues” Kugisaki comments. “I see…” Itadori thinks for a moment before he decides, “I’ll call Todo, we can see what he wants to d–”. 
“Another one, huh?” Itadori hears a man across from him, the curse user? “I see how it is…” the man leaps toward the group, bracing to fight back, Itadori is shocked when the man merely gives a light touch to Kugisaki and Fushiguro before jumping back. He’s fast. “Huh…?” Itadori is confused, but he feels a punch from Kugisaki, then another one from Fushiguro. 
“Guys…what the heck?” He tries to dodge their hits, but with both of them it becomes a struggle. 
“My cursed technique involves the ability to mind control anyone I touch for five minutes”, the man explains to Itadori as he continues to dodge his friends. “Though… now that I’ve revealed it, they’ll likely stay this way for a bit longer” the man adds. 
Itadori isn’t paying much attention though, and simply continues to dodge, trying his best to fight back without actually injuring his friends. “Guys… I need you to snap out of it!” he yells to his friends, to no response. “It’s no use…they won’t stop until the time is up. Hell, I couldn’t even release it if I wanted to” the man tells Itadori. “Dude, shut up!”, Itadori grows frustrated and tries to fight the man, but the mind-controlled Fushiguro pushes him away from the curse user. 
“You see, at first I was annoyed that you Jujutsu Sorcerers got in between me and my Takada but… I can use this…” the man continues to slowly walk toward Itadori as he’s backed into a corner by his friends. “You see… since my power is temporary I can’t make anyone fall in love with me. But…” the man begins to reach his hand out to touch Itadori “If I defeat the evil doers that dare destroy my love’s concert, she’ll have no choice but to fall for me!” the curse user laughs maniacally. 
Crap crap crap. Itadori thinks. He has to think fast, but there’s nothing he can do. He tries to go back to convincing his friends. “Come on guys… you have to snap out of this or else we’re all screwed. Guys… Guys!”. Yet, just when the man finally makes it to Itadori, he hears a soft clap before switching places with the man. 
Itadori exhales a sigh of relief, “Todo!”. He has never in his life been so happy to see that man, but Todo didn’t look happy at all. He looked pissed. His anger directed toward the curse user among them. 
Slowly walking toward the man, Todo states “When my brother told me he had to leave to check on his friends, I told him sure” he adds, “But when I noticed he was gone for a while, I decided to find him to see what happened, which leads me here”. 
“Now tell me…” Todo stops in front of the man. He’s terrified. He doesn’t know why, but he has the slightest feeling that he’s made a big mistake. “What was it you were going to do to Takada?”. 
“I–” The man isn’t able to say much before getting punched into a wall. “Brother…” Todo walks by Itadori. “Take care of your friends, let me deal with this scum,” he explains, “From the looks of it, it seems like he doesn’t actively control them, but instead gives them set commands that they follow until the technique is broken”. The younger sorcerer nods and he goes to fight his friends. “I’m sorry about this you guys…” Itadori says before lunging toward the two mind-controlled sorcerers. 
Turns out, a genuine 2 v. 1 against Kugisaki and Fushiguro is really hard, and Itadori has been punched today a little more than he usually is when he’s hanging out with them. “Come on you guys… I really need you to stop now…” he begs of them. Backing Itadori into a corner once again, both of them are about to punch at the same time. Aw shit. This is gonna hurt. Itadori thinks, bracing for impact. 
Yet… it never comes. 
Slowly opening his eyes, they meet his friends, looking at him with looks of confusion. Yet, his friends have the slightest feeling that it’s somehow their fault. They’re about to apologize when Itadori goes “Oh thank goodness!”. 
“Man, I was really worried there guys,” Itadori laughs. “Hm…you’re not mad?” Fushiguro comments. “Huh? Why would I be mad? It wasn’t your fault…” feeling brave, Itadori decides to add “Plus, your guys’ punches are super weak!” he laughs. 
“Ow! Ow!” 
…That comment earned Itadori two genuine punches from the sorcerers. 
“Good job Tokyo first-years!” Todo walks toward the sorcerers, dragging the now unconscious curse user behind him. As he’s walking towards them, security makes their way backstage toward the commotion. “Ah, hello men!” Todo greets the men in the least intimidating way he could, though, you can’t really look not intimidating when you’re dragging an unconscious bloody man behind you “Please take this… thing out of the concert area, and make sure he doesn’t bother anyone again” Todo smiles. The men comply, they weren’t sure what happened, but it seems like they were in no place to ask.
“Alright first-years!” Todo claps. “There’s still some time left, let’s enjoy the rest of the concert!” Todo hums as he goes to leave backstage back to his spot out at the front. 
“Uh… he does know we still have to work, right?” Kugisaki comments. 
“Of course not,” Itadori adds, “He hasn’t exorcised any cursed spirits since we started”. He sighs, causing his friends to chuckle. 
Turns out, the concert was actually pretty fun. When they weren’t eradicating any cursed spirits, the sorcerers were actually able to enjoy themselves a little bit, even singing along to some of the songs. “You know this song, Fushiguro?” Kugisaki laughs, “Everyone knows this song, idiot!” he retorts, causing her to give out an even bigger laugh. 
When the concert ended, the group followed the head of security backstage where they see Takada. “Great work everyone! This concert was truly unforgettable!” She thanks the entire crew. “Ms. Takada,” the security man clears his throat, catching her attention. “This group before me helped in the apprehension of that man during the concert”. 
She looks confused for a moment, before going “Oh! That guy? Thank God,” she looks at the group “He’s been walking into my wardrobe and leaving me weird letters, something about being cursed? It was so weird, but no one was able to catch him until today”. She bows “Thank you guys”. 
“It was nothing really…” Itadori laughs, scratching the back of his head “Plus… Todo did most of the work, the rest of us were just there”. Todo stands taller as a response, (still nervous, he’s never been so close to Takada before!), “Well I wouldn’t say that hahaha…Nah, I would…” he states smugly, causing Kugisaki and Fushiguro to groan. 
In response, Takada looks at Todo and steps forward, before giving him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you, really…” she smiles, before walking away from the group. “Enjoy the rest of your day everyone! Thank you all again!”. 
“Well I’m glad we helped her out, that guy was creepy. I can’t believe I let that dude in my mind. Eugh” Kugisaki says. “Yeah… I agree” Fushiguro adds. 
“Yeah… it’s great that we were able to help her! Right, Todo?” Itadori looks at his friend. 
“Shit! When did he faint?!” 
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sadbenedict · 6 months
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Itadori is such a sunshine, he deserves the world ( ╥ω╥ )
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megumishousewife · 10 months
idk why im so scared to post after a long time but imma start working on a Twitch streamer/ YouTuber Megumi x Streamer/ Youtuber Chubby Reader (long ass title but imma fix it)
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ange1princess · 2 years
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🗝️ + Angst [a] Fluff [f] Smut [s] Crack [c] Faves [♡]
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╰┈➤ Gojo
🖇️ What's his phone like? [f, c] - HCS
╰┈➤ Geto
🖇️ What's his phone like? [f, c] - HCS
╰┈➤ Nanami
🖇️ What's his phone like? [f, c] - HCS
╰┈➤ Toji
🖇️ What's his phone like? [f, c] - HCS
╰┈➤ Sukuna
🖇️ What's his phone like? [f, c] - HCS
╰┈➤ Mahito
╰┈➤ Choso
╰┈➤ Naoya (derogatory)
╰┈➤ Yuta
╰┈➤ Toge
╰┈➤ Maki
╰┈➤ Megumi
╰┈➤ Yuuji
╰┈➤ Nobara
╰┈➤ Mai
╰┈➤ Noritoshi
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paperstarry · 1 year
Still hoping that Megumi survives at the end of jjk.... he just never gave me the "will die" vibes
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neoameba · 4 months
During the rain.
Toji Fushiguro x GN!reader
N/A: Minors can safely interact with this post. There are only slightly suggestive things, at most +14. In this story, Toji didn't die in the fight against Satoru, and he also didn't sell Megumi to the Zen'in clan.There are mentions of aggressive storms, which can be triggering, be warned.
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Summary: As someone who took care of Toji's son for so long while little Megumi was still a little boy, you've developed the habit of taking care of the boy even when it's no longer necessary. Whether it's because he's home alone late at night, or because he's too exhausted to make his own food, you're always there for him, it was a promise from you to Toji. What you didn't expect is that this time, the man remembered that he has a son, and he remembered that he has you.
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It was raining. This has never been a problem for you when you want to see your adopted child. It's not like he's actually your son, but you consider him after so many years of taking care of Megumi. You walked calmly through the streets of the neighborhood with your umbrella, especially because the night was too pleasant to end so quickly.
Arriving at Megumi's house, you carefully look at everything around you. You don't know what you're looking for, but still, your eyes wander everywhere. Nothing unusual is seen, so you simply enter the house, using the key Megumi gave you to open the door.
As you enter and close the door, you notice the boy lying on the couch. He was exhausted, it was visible. He probably had an exhausting day due to the missions given to him. That's exactly why you're not a jujutsu sorcerer, it's a lot of work. You leave the umbrella closed and supported on the door, and calmly walk towards the boy, sitting on the arm of the sofa to see the younger Fushiguro's face. The two remain silent, because that is enough for them to understand each other. A hand is placed in Megumi's hair, who closes his eyes and just enjoys it, without saying anything. He really missed this affection.
"Have you eaten yet? I can prepare something for you if you want.” You say quietly and in a soft tone.
"it is not necessary." He doesn't want to admit he likes your food, but you know he likes it.
You let out a low laugh as you watch Megumi slowly fall asleep. But something intrigues you. Although there was no presence of curses or anything like that, the feeling of being watched was bothering you, and although you know someone who has these characteristics, you can't imagine why Toji Fushiguro would be there. Of course, it was his house (which, interestingly enough, he doesn't pay rent, it's you and Megumi who pays), but you can't imagine the man coming home, he's only been back twice to date... and he definitely didn't stay that long.
Either way, you decide to see whose tall, sturdy figure in the corner of the wall it is. It doesn't take long to realize that Toji is really there. At first, you don't know what to feel. You don't know whether to be angry that the man abandoned his own son, or whether to be happy to see that at least he remembers you two.
"Hmph, I thought you abandoned him with me. At least you remembered that you have a son." You can't help but scold him, although it's something calmer and softer, because you also understand his side. Losing the love of your life must be horrible, but it doesn't justify abandoning your own son. Because it is past the time when he should have matured and understood that what happened in the past should not interfere with the future.
However, he remains silent, his wet, almost dry hair betrays that he has been here for a long time, perhaps before you even entered the house. Seeing the man's silence, you just sigh and go to Megumi again, you don't want to pressure Toji, but it's complicated. What you would never expect is for Toji to come close, close enough to put his arm around you. You don't say anything, although you smile softly now. He looked at Megumi with a look that was difficult to decipher, he seemed more thoughtful than ever, while Megumi slept peacefully, unaware that his father was there.
"...He has some of his mother's traits." Toji says, in a low voice. The man rarely talked about the woman he married and gave birth to Megumi, so this sentence was somewhat surprising.
"She was a beautiful woman." You give him a tiny smile, just enough for him to see. You stayed like that for long minutes, the raindrops dripped heavily on the window, showing that a storm was happening, but that didn't scare you. Although, of course, the chances of the neighborhood's power going out are high-
The light went out.
Yeah, it looks like tonight is going to be very interesting with an aggressive storm and the entire house without power. You are slightly startled by the light suddenly going out, but there is nothing to worry about. Toji no longer looks thoughtful, although you can't see his face and can only feel his hand on your shoulder. And speaking of that hand... It moves towards your waist, leaving you feeling a little euphoric.
"...I'm going to take Megumi to bed, it's getting cold in here..."
You wanted it to continue, obviously. But with Megumi on your side it would be weird, very weird. And you didn't lie, it was getting cold, and you could never let your adopted son get sick. Toji doesn't say anything, just watches you (even in the dark) take the boy in your arms with ease and take him to his room. It was so easy to pick him up, maybe because he was so light, or maybe because you already had practice.
As soon as you make Megumi comfortable on the bed and close the door, two strong arms gently slide around you to hug you from behind. Even though you don't see him, you're not even scared of it anymore, to be honest. You just let Toji hug you while smiling softly. The two of you don't have a serious relationship, dating or getting married, but you still have each other. The rain makes the moment even more romantic.
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Even if you two don't have anything serious due to Toji's personal problems, it's still important to mention how much he cares about you. Although it doesn't seem like much since he rarely appears at home, you still know deep in your heart that he loves you and he loves Megumi too, since he placed the boy in the care of someone so special for him.
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animexts · 2 years
"I'm so crazy about you."
Characters: Gojo, Nanami, Megumi and Itadori
A/N: This isn't an obscenity, but it isn't that… innocent either.
Satoru Gojo
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Gojo is so in love it's almost scary, he realizes this as he looks at Y/n with all the love and admiration possible.
"Are you listening to Gojo?" you ask when you realize he stares at you.
"Of course I am my love, your voice is music to my ears."
"Tch" You scoff, pouting, and Gojo feels his heart speed up.
"Cum I'm so crazy about you." He says grabbing her face and kissing her mouth.
He licks your bottom lip as an invitation to enter your mouth with his tongue, and you gladly accept, feeling his tongue explore your mouth.
you and Gojo part for air, and he gives you a few more pecks on your mouth.
"You're driving me crazy too"
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Nanami Kento
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Nanami watched you save Itadori with a twinkle in eyes.
"Fuck how amazing" He thinks watching you now lecturing Itadori, who listens intently.
"These kids are driving me crazy" You say approaching him, while wiping the sweat from your forehead.
"you're driving me crazy" He says softly and you frown.
"What did you say?".
"Nothing, let's go." He says turning around but you grab his wrist and pull him away from the kids.
"You'll have to repeat it to me Kenny." You say giving wet kisses on his neck, making him sigh and close his eyes.
"I'm so crazy about you." He says sighing and you smile.
"I'm crazy about you too love" You say giving him a little kiss on the mouth, and leaving going back to the children, leaving a bewildered Nanami.
Oh yes he would punish you later for teasing him like that
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Fushiguro Megumi
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Megumi didn't want to think of you that way, trust me he tried not to, but now looking at you while you train, he feels so... provoked.
"Stop it, she's your friend you asshole" He says to himself with his eyes closed.
"Do you talk to yourself now handsome?" He froze at the sound of her voice, so sweet and… seductive at the same time.
"No I just-" he's lost for words as you bring your face up to his with a smirk.
"You were watching me, weren't you?" You ask kissing the corner of his mouth.
"I'm sorry Y/n." He speaks in a whisper.
"You don't need to apologize, I enjoy watching you too." You say and give him a quick kiss on the mouth.
You smile innocently at him, and turn your back and walk away.
" I'm so crazy about you." He says softly as he watches you walk away.
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Yuji Itadori
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"Holy shit" That's exactly what Yuji thought as he watched you grinning, he's never been in love before but he has to admit it feels great.
Megumi rolled her eyes when she noticed Itadori practically drooling over Y/n.
"Like she would want you." Megumi says and Yuji looks at him angrily.
"Stop it, I want to at least try!
"Try what?" The two freeze and turn to see Y/n with a smile on his face.
"I think I'm going to faint" Yuji thought.
"I think he's going to pass out…or throw up so I'm going now." Megume says leaving, leaving Itadori alone with the girl of his dreams.
"Are you okay Yuji?"
"I'm so crazy about you." He says looking at you and you frown.
"Which?" You stare at each other for a while.
"What you said before?" You ask him and he smiles scratching the back of his head.
"Nothing just…you look beautiful today."
You smile and lean in to kiss the corner of his mouth, leaving Itadori frozen.
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keikikait · 5 months
i think the gojo you wrote, is your interpretation of Gojo Satoru, and if you decide he doesn’t want kids, then he doesn’t. everyone is entitled to their opinions, and i agree with yours. i think gojo will be a good father if he were to be one, absent at points, but still would try his best, but i’ve my reasons to believe that he wouldn’t want a child or go for one anytime soon, because;
1. the jujutsu world is in shambles, it's not a good environment for a kid, especially till the time higher ups are there, because if the kid inherits a technique, they would be forced to have a childhood similar to gojo. one full of expectations, like gojo and megum (you cannot disagree that megumi does in fact puts a lot of pressure on himself to surpass even gojo’s strength in the future). if the kid doesn't inherit a technique, they would be shamed for being a failure like maki and toji were.
2. i think having megumi, tsumiki, yuuji and the rest are enough for him for now, they’re his kids, people he wants to see grow, and are content with them, he masked his grief over killing his best friend to cheer up his students.
3. commitment of any kind would be too hard for him, for the time being, majorly because he's unable to commit to a woman completely, he will find balancing his emotions much harder with a kid along with their mother, because gojo does have a good reason for his fear or commitment and his failure to commit.
he’s always been alone, he’s always been the strongest and has burdened the expectations and the misery that it came with alone, before suguru came along, and then he lost his one and only in the worst way possible, that sort of event is bound to ingrain a deep trauma.
4. a kid will get in between his goals, he wouldn't be as dedicated and focused on his achieving his goals, because a kid, and subsequently the kid’s mother will become a priority (have to) and thus also become a weakness of his, i don’t think before everything is settled and he has established peace in the jujutsu world, would he opt to settle down and have kids.
exactly! in the strangers-verse, kids would be too overwhelming for him. too much commitment too quickly.
much love to you 🩷🩷
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hcgsstore · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Funko Pop Animation: JuJuTsu Kaisen -Megumi Fushiguro with Divine Dog (,New.
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nearsvr · 3 years
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don't repost.
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shysheeperz · 2 years
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nishiworld · 4 years
ㅤㅤ ㅤꖛ fushiguro bios !! ✦
•⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀𝗳𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗶.g͟u͟r͟o ⩩ ☕ ぼくの 𝖻𝗈𝗒
• ㅤㅤ ㅤ ❍ fushi.𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗼 ⛩️ あ • 𝙢𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙢𝙚.
•ㅤㅤ ㅤ𝙛.𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳o͟ 𓂃 𝙞𝙡𝙮𝙨𝙢. 🌸 最高の少年
• ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𝚏. 小さい 🏡 ✧ 𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘆 𝗯𝗼𝘆
• ㅤㅤ ㅤmy eternal 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 is for... 𝙛𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞.𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗼 🌈
ㅤㅤ ㅤ› like or reblog if you save
ㅤㅤ ㅤ› request by: @izukulovs
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fairy-writes · 2 years
Hello! May I ask for a tokyo revengers, jjk and demon slayer matchup, please? I'm female (she/her), bisexual (so no preference :)) and 159 cm tall. I’m reserved, introverted, really shy, anxious and have low self-esteem. I don’t like crowds. I can be distant and very quiet. It’s not easy to get close to me. I’m very cautious around others. Once I’m with friends I joke around a lot more. Chaotic neutral.
I’m probably the weird one in my friend group, though I’m rather calm. I daydream a lot. I like to tease my friends and flirt with them playfully. I curse sometimes, but not much. I tend to be sarcastic, ironic, kind of blunt. My sense of humor is slightly dark, dry and often silly or exaggerated.
I like to keep my opinions to myself, but if something important needs to be said, I will say the truth, even if it hurts. I need time for myself to recharge. I like to watch movies (often horror, but I can get a bit spooked), read books, listen to music and gaming. I recently got into interactive fiction and now I'm addicted lol. I also like macrame and I want to learn how to crochet. I like fruits (and eating in general). I love animals, especially cats.
Thank you! Stay healthy, happy and hydrated!❤
Hello lovely! I hope you like your matchups! This is just a reminder that if this is a romantic matchup, it’s in the current Tokyo Revengers timeline!
Jujutsu Kaisen Matchup: I pair you with… Fushiguro Megumi!
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Megumi is a bit taller than you at 5’9” (175 cm), but he doesn’t mind. In fact, he thinks it’s rather cute, actually. You two are two peas in a pod, with you both being reserved, introverted, and not liking crowds. He helps in his own way with your low self-esteem by just sitting with you and hugging you after a long day of being a Jujutsu Sorcerer. You help him with his own issues, and he truly appreciates anything you do!
He understands that it’s hard to get close to you and that you are distant and quiet sometimes. He likes your quiet side, though! It’s such a breath of fresh air from Kugisaki, Itadori, and Gojo’s antics. I also see him as chaotic good!
Megumi doesn’t mind that you are the weird one in the friend group. He deals with Gojo and Itadori, and Kugisaki on a daily basis, so nothing phases him much anymore. He appreciates your bluntness and likes your sense of humor! He also likes that you will tell the truth no matter what. He isn’t phased much by horror movies and offers to hold your hand when you get scared if you decide to have a movie date night!
Tokyo Revengers Matchup: I pair you with… Tachibana Hinata!
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Hina is a whopping 153 cm tall! She likes having someone taller than her, even if it’s only a little bit! She’s the extrovert to your introvert and the outgoing to your shy. She helps you with your self-esteem and tries her best to help you avoid crowds.
She likes your weird side! She also likes your calmness! She likes to ask you about your daydreams and likes to tease you back when you’re in a teasing mood. Hina encourages you to share your opinions and likes that you are so honest when you feel the need to share what you’re thinking.
Hina isn’t a big fan of horror movies but will sit through one if you ask her really nicely. She likes to read and listen to music, though, so if you are dating in the future, those can be some ideas! Interactive fiction isn’t something she (nor I) knows a lot about, so she has a lot of questions! O share all you want about it with her!
Demon Slayer Matchup: I pair you with… Kocho Shinobu!
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Shinobu is shorter than you at 151 cm tall and doesn’t mind either way. She’s too busy dealing with demons to care how tall you are anyway. She’s reserved but not introverted. I’d call her a reserved extrovert. She likes to make friends with those she meets. Her caring side comes out a lot when talking about self-esteem, and she tried her best to uplift you and help you feel better about yourself!
She’s pretty cautious around others who she just barely meets, even though she likes making friends. She also isn’t one for crowds, so the two of you tend to do your own thing together and hang out in places like forests or gardens :)
Shinobu is considered pretty weird in her own friend group, what-with using poisons to kill demons and such. She doesn’t mind that you daydream and teases and flirt with you right back when you’re in one of your moods. She likes your sense of humor and sarcasm! Another thing she likes is your bluntness. She tends to come off as somewhat blunt herself, so the two of you are two peas in a pod in that way!
As a demon slayer, horror movies or books wouldn’t phase her a whole lot. She’d probably make fun of them, as a matter of fact. She urges you to share your opinions and likes to ask for them on a bunch of different subjects! Overall, the two of you make a quiet but really close couple!
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visionsofmagic · 3 years
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✦ jujutsu kaisen matching icons [non-coloring/psd]  ✦
▶ like or reblog if you use any of them! [follow for more!]
▶ icons made by me. do not steal. [my first matching icons, they can be not that good, but I will make them good with time! thank u!
▶ icon requests are open!
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chichilovestodraw · 3 years
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Here's my favorite jjk trio! Itadori, Nobara and Megumi just being dorks together as always.
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mackjlee9 · 3 years
Jealous!Fushiguro Megumi x Wolf!Male!Reader [Smut&Fluff]
Warning; blowjob, rimming, overstimulation, size kink.
Jujutsu Kaisen
Requested by Phantom239 on Wattpad
  An exhausted sigh left their mouths as they finally managed to exorcise the last curse. (M/n) and Megumi dried the sweat off their faces, and fixed their uniforms, looking at each other for a few seconds.
"We should go now, it's getting late." (M/n) said as he stood next to Megumi, seeing him take his phone out, and send a text to Gojo about the curses.
"Yeah, let's go." He muttered walking ahead, both hands inside his pants' pockets. (M/n) was quick to stand by his side, walking in complete silence all the way to the Jujutsu Sorcerer Academy.
Unfortunately for Megumi, on the way there, a lot of people, boys, girls, men and women alike, were shamelessly staring at his boyfriend, who would just smile at them with his bright, friendly smile, making girls squeak and boys blush. What made him mad wasn't exactly the stares, but (M/n)'s reaction.
The male would rarely even smile at him when they were alone, he would just turn red and become a stuttering mess, shying away from him, and of course, Megumi is not a love expert or any of the sorts, so in his mind, all of that meant that (M/n) wasn't interested in him. Which was completely inaccurate.
The taller male was just so insanely in love with Fushiguro Megumi that he had no idea what to do or how to behave. He wanted to be cute and all with him, but his timid persona wouldn't allow him to.
And like that, Megumi had an even more prominent frown on his face until they arrived at the academy.
(M/n) walked towards his room, which was conveniently far away from the rest... what? Even with the lack of students, this was still a pretty big academy. Anyway, he opened the door and walked in, with Megumi following behind him, a few minutes ago he got the 'I'm staying here tonight' silent memo from the black-haired male, so he just let out a silent sigh, trying to calm himself as he started to take off his uniform so he could go and take a shower before bed.
But Megumi had other plans.
He made (M/n) turn around and pushed him onto his bed, his gakuran fully unbuttoned and halfway down his arms, he had a shocked expression, a burning heat covering his face. Megumi stared down at him, pinning his arms above his head.
(M/n) blinked and averted his gaze, trying to laugh the situation off as a prank.
"Wh-what are you d-doing, Me-Megumi-chan...?" He stuttered in a whisper, swallowing his saliva and licking his dry lips nervously. The male just leaned down until their breaths mixed and growled annoyed.
"Your handsome face is really annoying... always getting everyone's attention," he grunted letting go of his arms and reaching down, starting to pull down his pants.
"W-wait, Megumi! Don't d-do that...!" He tried to stop him, but he had already stopped listening, pulling his pants and underwear down, holding his soft cock in his hand. "St-stop... I haven't s-showered yet..."
Megumi glanced up and pushed (M/n) onto the bed, making him hold himself up with his elbows, nearing his lips closer to his tip without breaking eye contact. "I don't care about that, now stay still."
His plump lips parted as he took the tip in his mouth, sucking it and swirling his tongue around it, slowly lowering his head to take more of it inside. He struggled to take barely half of it, tears filling his eyes and soon falling down his face which was turning red, he stroked the rest with his hand, bobbing his head up and down slowly, making (M/n) throw his head back and bite his lip.
He was feeling like he was about to cum, and no wonder why, he was still a virgin and Megumi was teasing him too much with his slippery, warm tongue.
(M/n) let out a shaky sigh and sat up, holding himself up with one hand as the other reached to gently grip Megumi's black locks, slowly pushing him back, making him whine around his cock. The moment he pushed him off completely, Megumi kept jerking him off, at a quicker pace now, opening his mouth as he waited for his cum.
"Meg...gumi, stop pl-please..." he tightly closed his eyes, gripping the bedsheets under his hand as his body twitched, his orgasm hitting him as his cum landed on Megumi's tongue, cheeks, and down his chin. "S-sorry...! I'll get you something to-!"
Before he could finish his sentence, he saw how Megumi used his finger to get the remaining cum off his face, licking his fingers and swallowing his cum.
Seeing his action, something in (M/n) seemed to have... ignited. He growled lowly and held Megumi's wrists, turning them around and pinning him on the bed. His breath was heavy and he felt his wolf traits appear. Fluffy ears and a tail of the same color as his hair came out as his fangs grew slightly longer.
Megumi stared at him and squirmed on the bed, feeling how he was getting hard as he saw his boyfriend hovering over him, the dominating aura around him making him tremble. This may be their first time making love, but Megumi is no stranger to anal masturbation, he's done it before on his own just out of curiosity and he found out he really like the stimulation, so he kept doing it everyone once in a while.
Now, he was going to get the real thing.
(M/n) took off Megumi's uniform in a matter of seconds, having him completely naked while he still had his uniform halfway on his body. He leaned down and kissed Megumi, biting his bottom lip and pushing his tongue when he moaned.
His hands touched every inch of Megumi's body, stroking his waist as his kisses trailed down, wrapping his lips on his nipples and playing with them a bit. He kept going further down while Megumi squirmed on the bed, gasping softly and slightly scratching (M/n)'s arms.
The (h/c) haired male held Megumi's thighs and spread his legs apart, gripping his flesh as he pushed them back, holding his cheeks apart as his tongue licked his entrance. Megumi felt a shiver down his spine, his back arching as he pulled (M/n)'s hair, not sure if he wanted to push him away or hold him closer.
His lust-filled (e/c) eyes looked darker than usual, with a glint in them that Megumi had never seen before. (M/n) had the eyes of a beast, ready to pound on his prey, and Megumi liked the feeling of submission it gave him... not like he'll ever admit it to himself.
(M/n) noticed the black-haired male's body trembling as he bit his lips to hold in his moans, and he pulled his tongue out, his tail wrapping around Megumi's leg. He aligned his dick with his wet entrance, and Megumi's pale, slim legs wrapped around his hips, his glossy blue eyes staring at him with impatience.
But he had to do something before he could make Megumi finally his. (M/n) reached a hand out towards his bedside table, and he opened the first drawer. He pulled out a condom and ripped the metallic package open, putting it on.
He leaned down, kissing Megumi softly and gently, slowly pushing his hard cock inside him, staying still when the tip was in. (M/n) distracted him with kisses and gentle touches, holding his face in his hands and caressing his cheeks with his thumbs. Mumbling sweet 'I love you's' against his lips that made Megumi embarrassed, his eyes closing as his hands held (M/n) by the neck, glancing away as the taller male was now with his face on his neck.
Trailing his hand down, (M/n) held Megumi's cock, stroking it up and down, rubbing his thumb on his tip, making him whimper as pre-cum started oozing from his slit. With him distracted, (M/n) began pushing all his length inside him, making him gasp from the pain and dig his nails into his back.
Instead of thrusting right away, he kept kissing Megumi's skin, covering it with purple hickeys and soft nibbles, continuing to jerk him off, stroking every sensitive spot on his cock.
Soon, Megumi started to forget about the pain, focusing more on the dangerously close orgasm he was approaching. His fingers tangled on (M/n)'s (h/c) locks, his body trembling as he came on his abdomen, his walls clenching and relaxing around the hard cock inside him.
(M/n) gritted his teeth and thrusted his hips slowly, holding Megumi's waist and pulling back, staring down at the mess he was making out of the black-haired male. Tears clouded his sight as he panted heavily, his body twitching as he was just recovering from his orgasm.
Moving slowly but with deep thrusts, it didn't take (M/n) long to notice how, with every thrust, his cock would press on Megumi's lower abdomen, showing a small bump that would appear every time he would be fully inside.
That really turned him on.
Without knowing, his hips sped up, his eyes fixated on Megumi's belly, seeing him take his cock so good and so far inside. He was so focused on that, that he almost missed Megumi's loud moans of pleasure, feeling his prostate being stimulated in a way he couldn't do by himself. He was squirming, pulling on the sheets as he arched his back slightly every few seconds as if he was feeling too much and too little stimulation at the same time.
Megumi was about to cum and yet, he wanted more.
"(M/n)... fa-faster..." he managed to mutter, reaching his arms up to the taller male, who growled and wrapped his arms around Megumi's waist, their bodies pressing together as the bed creaked every time he moved. "Aah~ I-I'm c-cu... cumming~"
"M-me too..." (M/n) stared at his teary expression, and pressed their lips together, Megumi's moans and whimpers muffled by his mouth as their bodies tensed, reaching their climax together.
(M/n) stayed like that for a few seconds before slowly pulling out, and taking the condom off. He tied it and threw it in the trash can by his desk, fixing his clothes right after.
He walked into the bathroom and prepared a quick bath for Megumi, just to wash his body and then get in together. So he picked up Megumi in his arms and let him in the warm water, gently washing his body and hair, making him feel relaxed and like he was about to fall asleep.
He smiled at him and kissed his forehead, hugging him closer to his chest not caring if he got his uniform wet, tomorrow was the weekend so it wasn't like he cared. When he was done, he helped Megumi up, letting him sit on his lap as he changed the water, feeling his heart race as the black-haired male snuggled on his chest.
A few moments after, with Megumi already in the bath, he took his uniform and washed his body with the shower head, making sure to get rid of all the sweat on his body and hair, soon joining his boyfriend in the bath, sitting behind him and hugging gently, placing his chin on his shoulder and turning his head to kiss his neck, making him chuckle.
They felt so relaxed and at peace, that they almost fell asleep in the bath, but they got out, dressed in their nightwear, and went to bed, holding each other in their arms.
Oh yeah... why was I jealous earlier...? Must've been something stupid.
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