#julian devorak/male apprentice
lordrandreaming · 2 years
BluJul first time
Enjoy this small draft of a big fic im working on~
CW: 🔞NSFW🔞 Minors dni!
Julian's back is against the wall, Blue has him pinned against it, one leg inbetween Julian's.
Julian gazes at Blue, eye half lidded with want, cheeks tinged with a passionate rose red. Blue leans in, eyes closing as he closes the distance between them, his lips on Julian's awaiting, parted ones. A quiver runs through the doctor.
Soft as ever, Blue and Julian's lips meld together in perfect harmony. Julian wraps his arms around Blue's neck, his gloved hands entangling in Blue's hair. Small noises of ecstasy and desperation vibrate from his throat and into his mouth.
Blue's hands are immediately on him, holding his waist, making Julian melt as Blue traces his slender form, stopping at Julian's hips a moment to press his thumbs into him.
Blue rubs Julian's hips, drawing out precious noises from him.
Julian jolts as Blue's hand sneaks into his pants, past the waist of both pants and underwear.. He shudders against Blue as his lover grabs a hold of bare cheek.
Julian loudly moans, breaking their current kiss. Blue pants, going for his neck in place of his mouth. Julian's hands are shaking, trembling more than ever before. His head goes back against the wall, his auburn curls bounce as he starts desperately grinding.
"Hha-.. haHh~!.. B-Blue-.."
"Shh-.. No words, darling.."
Blue kissed up Julian's neck, to bite at his jawline. The hand currently holding his ass pulls at the flesh, exposing what still lay hidden behind the thin layer of Julian's pants.. Julian gasps and instantly bites his lower lip.
'Are we.. Really doing this?... Oh-.. Yes... Yes we are!..'
Julian wants this, no.. He craves this. He's wanted Blue for so much longer than he's known.. It's driven him insane from waiting so damn long..
Blue sucks at the delicate skin of Julian's neck, his other hand slides up the red-head's body, grappling at his side and giving him a squeeze.
An adorable squeak leaves Julian, but he melts against Blue.
Blue says, voice soft and low against Julian's moist skin. Julian's half lidded steel blue eye peeks past the heavy lid, he gets a nice view of the ceiling in their current occupancy.
"Hh-.. Y-yes Blue?.."
Julian bites his lip a little more intensely as Blue nips at his skin.
"You.. Really want this?... Do you really want me?"
Julian's eye flutters closed and his hands begin to rub where they touch, combing through the dark midnight blue hair of Blue, caressing his neck and back.
The warm leather palm of Julian makes Blue groan lowly, his imprisoned cock twitches desperately behind his pants. Blue pulls back to see Julian's adorable face.
Julian makes a desperate expression as he speaks, looking Blue in the eyes with a heavy eyelid, biting his dark and plump lower lip.
"Hh.. Yes-.. I want this... I want you-.."
Julian desperately began wiggling his hips, trying to get some friction inbetween them.
"You want me~?..."
Blue hums, diving into his neck again and sucking at Julian's tender skin, leaving bruises to blossom on the pale canvas.
"Hha-!.. So badly.." 
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thekitchenywitch · 2 months
I'm still not caught up on if it's rude to send the same ask to multiple people so feel free to ignore this since I did send this to someone on the 23rd December.
But, how do you think the arcana M6 would react to an Mc that has a hars time feeling accomplished, and usually just doesn't feel it?
Like Mc could work on becoming better at something or work for hours on a project but will almost never feel accomplished for making something. Instead Mc would just see it as something they made or did. Like even defeating the devil didn't leave them feeling proud of themselves but more glad it's over. No sense of accomplishment just something they had to do and did and now it's over.
Hi! It is certainly not rude, please feel free to ask whatever you wish! Also sorry my HC grouping style is inconsistent I’m still figuring out what helps me write more for you all without getting too overwhelmed. Also apologies for the obvious favoritism 🫣
This are made as separate ships but partnered by shared reactions
Nadia and Asra actually get very concerned when they realize that you genuinely don’t think you done some worth celebrating. They won’t push you into act celebrating your accomplishments. They’d both sit with you and try to work through why you don’t feel accomplished though.
Muriel and Julian absolutely understand, they do the same thing but for different reasons. Muriel doesn’t feel super accomplished about it because when he does something he just…. Does it. I don’t think he thinks about it a ton, unless of course it’s something that involves using an ax or weapon, ie chopping wood or hunting. (honestly it’s unrelated but I don’t think he hunts unless necessary.) Julian doesn’t feel accomplished because he thinks that whatever good he does only helps to make up for the damage. Yes, he knows you love him, yes he knows you try so hard to get him to see that he’s worth celebrating but he…. Just doesn’t see it. He looks at himself and he’s just there, and he doesn’t think he should be. Not because he doesn’t want to be but this mans survivors guilt is through the goddamn roof.
Portia will celebrate with you either way. Because you know what? You don’t have to be proud of yourself for her to be proud of you. This woman loves you more than you could ever imagine, and I’m not just saying that. She loves you (X) miles, where X is the number of the stars in the universe. She’s so so happy she gets to be with you and even if you don’t see how absolutely amazing you are, she does.
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amethystasra · 1 year
Heya! So, you know that one comic about the apprentice having remnants of the plague you reblogged? My apprentice has something like that, except a little less extreme. Upon revival, she appeared healthy enough. But when Asra started having her do more and more of the same things she would do, she just couldn't. She has a very poor stamina and is unable to walk more than an hour without breaks. She used to love adventures with Asra before the plague, but now she can't do anything like that. She hasn't gained much weight either, no matter how much pumpkin bread Selasi makes for Asra to buy, and falls sick much more often. People don't exactly run away from her, but she does get stares. My question is, what would Yandere Asra do for her, knowing he brought her back only for her to still be so feeble?
I absolutely love this AU/headcanon ! I'm a huge sucker for angst
Asra would be terrified the first time he noticed it, afraid that they were still suffering from the plague and would immediately do everything in his power to try and find a cure.
He would insist on keeping them inside and doing everything for them, making sure they get enough rest.
When he notices that their condition wasn't getting better but also not getting worse, he would let them do more things on their own and take them outside more often, but he'd never let them out of his sight.
He'd make sure to take care of all the people who'd stare at them.
He'd feel intensely guilty and would never stop trying to find a cure, even if that means he'd have to make another deal with the devil. He just wants them to be safe.
Sorry this is a little short but i've been a bit busy lately T_T
Also i hope this is even going to show up cause my recent posts haven't been showing up in any tags i use so i think i might be shadow banned :/
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hito-sh1 · 2 years
dating julian devorak
notes: he's such a wet paper bag man i adore him
tagging: @belsumu @hoshiikos @silkylious
julian absolutely ADORES you, he worships the ground that you walk on (figuratively)
waxes poetry to you very often and becomes increasingly more dramatic with the delivery the more you ignore him, it's partially because you're not paying attention to him but mostly because he loves you and is very grand in the showcasing of it
does still somehow get himself especially at the rowdy raven but it's not his fault, mostly
does somehow get you swept up in little adventures of his, like the time you two somehow managed almost to a completely different country
reminds you that he loves and cares for you almost hourly
he's still afraid of losing you but voices those concerns a lot more openly now
if julian could be attached to you at all times, he would be. always close to you or touching somehow, pressed against your side, kness bumping together, holding your hand. he just needs to close to you always
does try to coax you into teaching him magick with senseless arguments and points, please tell him no everytime he will hurt himself using it
doesn't go into his history with asra, it's too painful for him but he will make some offhand comments about it
will frequently drag you to mazelinka's place to get food and share gossip
frequent visits to portia's cottage is also a must, even if portia immediately puts him to work in the garden
julian stares at you, a lot. if you catch him he'll turn red and look away but he's just admiring you
he's deeply in love with you and somehow can't get it through his thick skull that you love him back which is when the grandiose gestures occur
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arcanarubinaito · 5 months
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Short Story Taglist
I’ve been meaning to compile a list of content tags I will commonly use, and their meanings. This both gives me a handy reference to use when I’m finalizing everything to post—because honestly I blank out on how to tag it once I get to that point, lol—and I figure I’d post it as both a reference for my own readers and a potential resource for other minific authors here on Tumblr.
This list will be updated as needed; and if you have any tag you think should be added, please comment your suggestions!
I will not be adding tags for certain taboo subjects, as that content will never be on my blog and I’m sure those who write it already know how to properly tag it.
I will not be adding ship tags because frankly there are too many to add.
Please note that this list contains Content Warning tags.
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Spoiler Warnings
Asra’s Route
Nadia’s Route
Julian’s Route
Muriel’s Route
Portia’s Route
Lucio’s Route
Tales (Insert Specific Tale Here)
Upright Ending
Neutral Ending
Content Warning Tags
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Suicidal Tendencies
Sexually Explicit Content
Substance Abuse
Depictions of Alcohol
Mild/Mentioned Alcohol Use
Depictions of Drug Use
Mild/Mentioned Drug Use
General Content Tags
Platonic Relationship(s)
Romantic Relationship(s)
Hurt/No Comfort
Major Character Death
Minor Character Death
Slow Burn
Miscellaneous Tags
SFW (<18)
NSFW (18+)
[x] Words
Ask Box
Character Tags
Reader/OC Tags
GN Reader
AFAB Reader
AMAB Reader
Nonbinary Reader
Female Reader
Male Reader
Transfem Reader
Transmasc Reader
Self Insert
Apprentice OC
Original Character(s)
Main Six
Asra Alnazar
Nadia Satrinava
Julian/Ilya Devorak
Muriel of the Kokhuri
Portia/Pasha Devorak
Lucio/Montag Morgasson
Mercedes & Melchior
Chimes & Flamel
Consul Valerius
Praetor Vlastomil
Procurator Volta
Pontifex Vulgora
Quaestor Valdemar
Side Characters
Aisha Alnazar
Salim Alnazar
Tasya/Anastasia Devorak
Lishka Devorak
Halinka (A Warm Welcome)
Khamgalai of the Kokhuri
Morga Eirsdottir
The Satrinavas
Nasrin Satrinava
Namar Satrinava
Nafizah Satrinava
Nazali Satrinava
Navra Satrinava
Nahara Satrinava
Nasmira Satrinava
Natiqa Satrinava
Gavin (The Bazar Job)
Minor Characters
Chamberlain (One of the Palace servants. Unclear if ‘Chamberlain’ is his name or his title.)
Ludovico (Palace Guard)
Bludmila (Palace Guard)
Selasi (The Baker)
Saguaro (An acquaintance of Asra’s, from Nopal)
Tilde the Leech Monger (A leech merchant near Mazelinka’s house.)
Barth/Bartholomew (Bartender of The Rowdy Raven)
Aedile Velos (Once slept in the Palace’s haunted guest room.)
Major Arcana
The Fool (0)
The Magician (I)
The High Priestess (II)
The Empress (III)
The Emperor (IV)
The Hierophant (V)
The Lovers (VI)
The Chariot (VII)
Strength (VIII)
The Hermit (IX)
Wheel of Fortune (X)
Justice (XI)
The Hanged Man (XII)
Death (XIII)
Temperance (XIV)
The Devil (XV)
The Tower (XVI)
The Star (XVII)
The Moon (XVIII)
The Sun (XIX)
Judgment (XX)
The World (XXI)
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lunastarhawk · 2 years
The Memories We Lost (AO3) A pre-Julian's route fanfic series
**18+ Only**
Posting this old one because maybe, just maybe, I'm working on the post-route sequel of sorts.
This is my pre-route 7-part (!) series. Written as reader-insert in the first person POV of the apprentice whose pronouns and gender are never referenced, nor any descriptors. The exception being Part 6, where I've written neutral, female and male NSFW scenes. Pick your preference.
I've tried to keep in line with canon as much as possible. It came in to being as a one-shot that was meant to explain how Julian and MC fell for each other so quickly in-game. And then it sort of... escalated into this... *gestures vaguely*
An imagination of the back story we never got.
Whispers of a new disease spreading throughout Vesuvia have led Dr Julian Devorak to recruit new apprentices to his increasingly busy clinic. Among them is a magician, who shows themselves to be as competent with medicine as they are with magic. They and Julian work well together, find comfort in each other, and fall into a relationship. But the relentless progression of the Red Plague threatens everything they have.
Plague, romance, a dash of humour, a sprinkling of spice, and a heap of angst, this is my headcanon of Julian and MC's back story.
Keep Reading for individual title summaries and links.
"That's just how he is." - Magic had nothing new for me and my shop was doing well. So when whispers of a deadly disease caused Doctor Julian Devorak, a man I highly admired, to put out a request for an apprentice, I jumped at the chance. I don't know what I expected from the doctor or my apprenticeship, but it certainly wasn't this.
Delightful Distractions - Julian hasn't been taking proper care of himself, and so I insisted on taking him out for dinner and other distractions. The plague may be looming ahead of us, but tonight it's just him and I.
Red Plague Rising - The plague is spreading throughout Vesuvia, and Julian's clinic is filling with desperately ill people. When someone close to him falls ill, and the guilt of not having a cure begins to weigh heavily on his shoulders, it falls to me to take care of him.
Clarity and Sanctuary - The Red Plague is tightening its chokehold on Vesuvia. Julian's clinic is over burdened, he's lost one of his apprentices, and neither his research nor mine has brought us any closer to finding a cure. The only solace we can find is in each other, and no matter what he says, I won't leave him.
Magic and Medicine - The Red Plague is raging throughout Vesuvia, Julian's clinic is overflowing with sick and dying patients, and together he and I try to work on finding treatments. We work well together, find comfort in each other, but the burden of his position is weighing hard on Julian's shoulders, and his desire to protect me begins to overcome reason.
A Bittersweet Heartsong - Julian might have dismissed me as his apprentice in an effort to protect me from the Red Plague, but I refused to leave Vesuvia, secretly helping at the clinic without his knowledge. As the Heartsong Festival approaches, though it won't be celebrated in the normal way, I have to decide whether I should give him the gift I've already bought him, and see where that may lead.
The End of the Beginning - Julian's duties as plague doctor have kept him at the Lazaret for days at a time, but no sooner has he returned than we're both summoned to work in the palace library and dungeon alongside the head physician, Quaestor Valdemar. I do all in my power to help Julian as he confines himself to his macabre tasks in the dungeon, but the Red Plague is relentless and utterly merciless.
Honestly, this series was hard to write. But I'm happy with myself that I finished it, and I think it turned out okay.
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lem0nshark-writes · 3 years
"Leather & Lace"
Julian Devorak x Male Reader
Word count: 1386
Summary: Nadia is holding a masquerade at the palace and on it you run into the rather spicy doctor.
Warnings: smut just pure smut, lingerie, kinky stuff, possibly ooc, reader's a bottom
You felt yourself being slammed against the wall as his lips devoured your neck, his tongue so slick against your skin.
He held you by your sides as his kisses made their way to you jaw and his hands to your clothes, removing them piece by piece.
"Ahh Julian-", you moaned out.
"Yes, my love?" his cheeky smirk spreading across his face, causing your already flushed cheeks to turn darker.
"We- We need to stop, somebody will hear us.." you were blushing like mad, avoiding his gaze at all costs.
"Don't worry darling, they are all too busy partying down there, we're all by ourselves on this floor." he replied reassuringly as his fingers ran through your hair.
"If you say so", you made short eye contact before quickly looking away, blush still vivid on your cheeks.
He smirked again and then picked you up, carrying you to the bed and gently placing you onto luxurious sheets that were spread over the bed.
He hovered above you with a mischievous look upon his face, taking in your image, before his eyes caught something under your shirt. You watched him as he lifted your shirt up and his eyes widened.
"Lingerie?" he was having a hard time holding in his smirk.
You blushed, just now remembering that you put that on this morning.
"Wow you prepared for me!" his smirk was now pretty evident on his face, his finger tracing against the lace of the red panties that hugged your hips so elegantly yet sexily.
"S-Shut up!", you slapped his hand off being super embarrassed.
"Hey, don't be like that," he got closer to you, leaving kisses over your cheeks and neck, "I'm honored."
You looked up at him, with an still embarrassed expression and he returned with a warm smile.
He then unbuttoned your shirt and slid it off before stripping himself, his eyes once again trailing off to your underwear.
Blush returned to your cheeks as you watched him spread your legs gently and start to leave kisses across your inner thighs.
He looked up at you, taking in your image once more before speaking, "Damn you look so good Y/N.."
His face then got closer to your clothed bulge before leaving a soft kiss on top of it, sending waves of electricity rushing through your whole body.
He realized it was getting your member really excited so he left a few more before your shaft was standing up completely straight and he smirked down at it with pride.
"S-Stop teasing me-", you moaned out, face as red as a ripe tomato.
He smirked up at you, "And why would I do that when you look so cute while squirming under my touch?"
You pouted and squeezed his head with you thighs, catching him by surprise.
"Okay okay, don't smother me with you thighs!" he chuckled and spread your legs once again, kissing your pouty lips playfully, and he freed your shaft of the panties, though he kept them on, liking the way they look on you.
You felt his lips on the tip of your member before they slid right down, making you moan out in pleasure. He started moving his lips up and down your length, tongue swirling and twisting around it as he slowly got all of you in his mouth.
You felt him suck and lick along your dick and he devoted a lot of time to the rim of it, his tongue finding it's way to the slit as well, driving you to the edge every single time, but just as you were about to release he'd pull away, not granting you that sweet relief.
You groaned out, bucking your hips up slightly, wanting to finally cum and he smirked at you, slapping your hand away when you reached out to jerk yourself off.
"No-no, hands off sweetie." he smirked down at your desperate glare.
His hands traveled to your thighs as he positioned himself at your entrance, rubbing his wet-with-lube tip against your hole and he looked up at your blushing mess of a face.
"Ready my love?" he asked as he rubbed your outer thigh with his hand gently.
You nodded and he slowly started pushing in, biting his lip because of how tight you were.
You whined out, pain washing over you, and you hid your face in your hands.
He reached out and moved them away, placing kisses all over your cheeks as he stopped moving inside of you, "Shhhh sweetie, it'll pass..", he spoke softly, trying to get you to relax and focus on him instead of the pain.
You nodded but kept looking away and he left more kisses across your skin and soon enough the pain was overpowered by pleasure and you moved your hips, testing it out and letting him know he can continue moving.
So he did and when he was all the way inside of you he stopped once again, letting you adjust to him and letting the pain pass.
When you gave him a signal that he can move again, he started off slowly, pushing in and out, but soon enough he started speeding up.
It was little to say you were in heaven. You were a moaning mess underneath him, crying and moaning his name over and over again. It felt so good to you, and so did to him.
His thrusts became stronger and he held you by your hips as his eyes travelled to your face, his hair sticking to his cheeks and forehead from sweat.
He leaned down to you, starting to kiss your neck and chest as his hand crept to your lower back, holding you up in the air as he kept on fucking you.
When he leaned down you wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his hips, bringing him even closer to yourself and you tilted your head to one side, giving him room for more neck kisses which he gladly gave.
"A-Ahhhhh Juliann…mhhhh…" he loved the sounds that were coming out of you without your will and he slapped your ass and gave it a squeeze, making you moan out louder.
"Like that?" he smirked and repeated the action, causing yet another loud moan to escape your lips.
"Fuckk do I love your moans Y/N," he smirked and started thrusting in deeper with more force, hitting your prostate and making your eyes widen and toes curl in immense pleasure he was causing you.
"Ohhh God Julian right t-there!!" you moaned out loudly, gripping onto his back, gently digging your nails into it.
"Hit the sweet spot now didn't I?" he smirked and started pounding that exact spot over and over again.
With so much pleasure coursing through you, you couldn't hold it in any longer, releasing all over both yours and his stomach with a loud moan.
He let out a low moan too on you growing tighter around him and with a few more thrusts he came as well, spilling his warm cum deep inside of you.
Both of you were panting from exhaustion, you more than him, and he pulled out of you, placing a warm and passionate kiss over your lips before collapsing beside you and pulling you into a hug.
"I love you Y/N," he smiled at you and placed another kiss but this time onto your forehead.
"I love you too Julian," you spoke through quick breaths and snuggled in into his embrace, both of you falling asleep shortly after.
The next morning, you two woke up sprawled across the bed realizing you're still in the palace.
You looked at each other with wide eyes and quickly jumped off the bed, putting on your clothes quite sloppily and then sneaking out to the nearest balcony.
Julian started going down and held his hand out to you, waiting for you to join him, and just as you were to cross the fence of the balcony two of the royal guards along with Nadia stepped onto the balcony, catching you two red-handed.
She seized you both up and down, small smirk curling up the corner of her lips, "Seems you two had loads of fun on the masquerade last night huh?"
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tinyproprodigy · 2 years
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"A sober New year" - Julian x Male Reader
||Notes : you will be briefly addressed as "He/Him/sir" || + || hope I got his personality close to his.||
|| Reblogs are welcome! ||
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He. Was. Trying.
All night he had managed to stay away from any type of liquor as weird and strange as it may have been for him to walk sober amongst semi drunk party guests for the first time in forever-
Why was this happening? Did he quit drinking all together? all of a sudden? No, that would be a far fetched lie. This all stemmed from a conversation he had with Asra a few days back at the Rowdy Raven.
Asra listened in amusement as his friend ramble on about how Nadia planned this event for the new year, how she planned that event. But most of all, he was excited about the liquor she had managed to get.
"I'm telling you, this stuff is amazing!" He praised as he sipped his normal rum, asking for another cup already
"Kir Royale. A French cocktail." Another sip as he continued. "Only had it once and it was enough to get me obsessed with it!"
"then why don't you order it often?" Asra asked, gesturing his glass towards the bartender for emphasis.
"Asra, Asra, Asra. If the good stuff were to be found everywhere, it wouldn't be that much of a good stuff now would it?" He asked teasingly, getting a huff of mock exhaustion from Asra as he responded "The pumpkin bread made by the Baker is good stuff AND there's a lot of it so I don't know what you're talking about."
"right you are." Julian laughed, choosing to surrender this time.
"is the drinks all you're excited about?" Asra asked after a light pause in the conversation, calm eyes watching Julian as he waits for an answer.
"But of course not! I'll be able to show y/n the famous Kir Royale drink and have him taste it. I'm pretty sure he'll like it since it has a fruity... I'm feeling like I'm saying something wrong?" He slowly asked, taking note of Asra's unamused look.
"okay, let me help out your pityful soul for a sec."
And just like that, the plan was set. No drinking till midnight. An excruciating trail but one he was willing to put up with. Apparently this was a last time sort of thing, as there would be no traces of the drink the next day.
"hey" you called out, stepping beside him as you both watched the guests enjoy themselves. "Hey y/n! Enjoying the party?" He asked, gesturing to the scenery a bit dramatically. "It's almost midnight, might wanna go back and have fun before it strikes midnight."
"what do I look like? Cinderella?" You asked, laughing a little as a waiter walked past with drinks and snacks.
"would you like a drink, sir?" They asked you in a well mannered tone. Their posture and small smile showed professionalism.
"No thanks, I'm good."
"And you sir?" They turned to Julian, who was desperately trying to avoid any interaction between him and the waiter. "Me? Nah heh..I'm great!"
Watching him with squinted eyes, something clicked in your brain. A small devilish smirk crossed your lips as you turned to the waiter once more. "Actually, I think I'd like one."
That itself caused Julian's gaze to snap back to you, which you did not miss from the corner of your vision. "Right sir." The waiter smiled as he handed you the glass with a skilled hand and walked away to cater to the other guests.
Taking a whiff of the glass was amazing on its own. The fruity-sweet scent was relaxing and refreshing. "Wow, this actually smells delicious." You commented, glancing up at Julian.
"That should be expected! My reviews are nothing but accurate." He nervously chuckled, inching away from you as you kept on insisting he sniffed the drink too.
Listening you commenting on everything about the drink was slightly excruciating for him. The smell, the taste- even the drinks look.
What he didn't know was how you had barely drank much from the flute glass. Your intention was never to accept the drink for yourself to begin with- even though it tasted like heaven from the small sip you took.
"huh?" He asked in confusion as he watched you nudge the drink at him. "Oh, I don't really"- "I don't mean sniff it." You chuckled as you stood up straight. "I got it for you. I don't wanna drink it."
"I don't- you drink it." He nudged the drink back at you, forcing a smile. "No, you drink it." You nudged it back, forcing a smile of your own.
After a bit of bickering, you two sat in silence as the glass sat on the table Infront of you, untouched.
"why aren't you drinking?" You asked, huffing in exhaustion. "Are you sick?"
With a laugh, he shook his head as he explained what had lead to the no drinking rule. "Pftt"- you held in a laugh as he watched you in mock sadness as he wiped fake tears away with the table cloth "What's so funny? You're laughing at my struggles!?"
"No, no. Sorry." You laughed, shaking your head. "That was actually pretty sweet of you to do."
"then, there is no issue, yes?"
"no, there still is." You sighed, clasping your hands over his soft yet scared ones. "That doesn't bother me. As long as you're enjoying yourself too, i don't mind. What's important is that you and I are both having fun."
"Right..." He smiled, feeling slightly embarrassed. "How foolish of me- then let us have fun together before it's midnight, what do ya say?"
Just as he had said that, the count down began.
"Have fun within ten seconds, that's new." You teased, as Julian rolled his eyes and extended a hand for you with a soft smile. Placing yours in, you shifted closer, closing your eyes with a soft smile of your own as he placed a palm on your cheek, then resting his forehead on yours.
His thumb brushed your cheek
Your face tilted a bit
Soft lips met yours as the count down ended, a ruckus erupting around you bit the sounds distant. Like going underwater. His focus on you and you only.
"happy new year!!"
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white-poppie · 3 years
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Naïve little magician, do you really think you can love the one who desires death, yet is desperate to live?
Muriel Version: Pitiful Apprentice Muriel x MC angst mood board (Devil’s POV)
Inspiration by: @etherealasra 
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lordrandreaming · 10 months
I posted a BluJul rp me and a friend did, it's not completed.. But it has ALOT to offer :D
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koteosa · 3 years
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summertime :) hate this season but drawing beach stuff is fun
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lesbiankiliel · 3 years
portia's overall upright route was so good and so full of interesting lore, and the ending was the cutest thing EVER (pepi oh my god ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️)
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elfagguette · 3 years
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IGNORE THE BACKGROUND ITS TERRIBLE I KNOW today i give you my apprentice and julian (again) cuz i just love doing these mostly because my apprentice looks A LOT like me but anygays, i really liked it and you can tell by now that i hate doing julian's complete face
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amethystasra · 2 years
Okay hear me out, Yandere Asra or Nadia (whoever you vibe with best) with someone who's kind of like a stray cat when it comes to cuddles? It takes a while for them to warm up (even longer considering the- erm, circumstances) but once they do your lap is theirs. No more lap privileges for you.
time for more yandere Asra :)
Coming back from the dead isn’t easy, having to relearn everything is scary, especially when it comes to touch
Asra loves physical touch so he would be a bit sad, but he knows you just need time to get used to it again
He doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable, so he will cuddle you when you’re asleep, he’s still incredibly in love with you after all, how could he resist?
He’d occasionally put a spell on your tea to make you sleepy and to make sure he wouldn’t wake you up with his cuddles while you slept
Overtime you’d slowly start to seek out his touch in small ways, sitting close to him so your legs would touch, holding his hand because you don’t want to get lost in the crowd
Asra couldn’t be happier
One night you were sitting on the couch next to him, reading a book and you fell asleep on his shoulder.
He pretty much had to keep himself from squealing out of joy.
He stroked your hair and kissed your forehead until he could barely keep his eyes open himself, after that he carried you to bed where he held you all night.
You woke up in his arms, feeling a bit scared at first when you noticed him holding you, but you’d relax into his touch after a while
After that Asra would pretty much always be touching you in some way
He loves to take naps with his head in your lap
He will come up to you without saying a word, and just hold you for a while.
Hug attacks? Hug attacks.
Say bye bye to your personal space, it now belongs to Asra
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abbacchiosbelt · 4 years
lucio and julian with a trans male apprentice hcs? 🥺
Lucio & Julian with a Trans Male Apprentice Headcanons ☁️💖
Lucio has no qualms about it - he never has, and never will. He loves you for you and that includes your identity! He’s been all over the world and met all sorts of people, so it’s not a new concept to him. He may, however, have some questions if you’re okay answering them! He isn’t the most knowledgable about the subject, so he’ll listen eagerly to anything you can educate him on — Lucio is a great learner when the lecturer happens to be his partner. 
He adores pet names and will lavish you with as many as you’re comfortable with - even cheesy ones like ‘pumpkin’ and ‘sugar.’ The cheesy ones come out when Lucio wants more attention from you, though he’s willing to hold back on them in public so he doesn’t embarrass you too much!
Lucio will fit you with an expensive and immaculately tailored wardrobe. Want some shirts that make your shoulders look broader? It’s done within the day. Any style of fashion you’re into is in reach, and Lucio will make sure it’s made to fit you in the way you like. If you need a binder, Lucio will provide that with no issue and he’ll even brush up on his knowledge so he can scold you if you wear it for too long. 
Overall, Lucio treats you just as he would any other partner - with lots of love and affection, coupled with the urge to shower you in gifts and to make sure everyone knows that the two of you are together. Whatever he can do to make you more comfortable, he’ll do without hesitation. 
Julian is much like Lucio in that he has (and has never had) any reservations about the identity of his partners. Julian has been around the world and has met all sorts of different people, so it’s nothing new to him. He’s more knowledgable than Lucio on the subject, but he may still ask you questions from time to time as he’s interested in advancing the medicine available for trans and non-binary folks in Vesuvia. 
More on the medical interest: If you choose to take the Vesuvian-equivalent of HRT, Julian will make sure you’re all safe and dandy. He and Dr. Nazali have been working together to safely distribute hormones to folks who need them. Since Julian is a cis man, he wants to seek out more non-cis doctors to join their team. Even though you’re not a traditional doctor, the help of his magician partner is always welcome!
Allll about the PDA - if you’re okay with it, Julian loves to show you off on his arm in public. Wanna wear matching, unbuttoned shirts together?? Julian won’t be able to keep his hands off of you. Speaking of shirts, Julian loves lending his clothing to you. No matter what size or shape you may be, seeing you all snuggled up in his clothing makes him blush. If it helps make you more comfortable, too, it’s a definite plus to Julian.
 He’s more than excited to travel the world with you on Mazelinka’s ship - there’s nothing Julian wants more than to introduce you to the wonders of the world. 
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wistreeria · 4 years
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birthday gift for the handsomest love of my life, @boyslushie and @julian-devoraks-husband! congratulations on being old now!!!
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