#julian masterpost
shion-yu · 2 days
Medwhump May '24 Masterpost
List of prompts by @medwhumpmay. Chose to stick to mostly drabbles/short chapters of around 500 words for this challenge. Ranging from angst to fluff with a few full length stories which I’ve noted with *! My second monthlong writing challenge I have managed to complete :D
Day 1: Under anesthesia (Al/Theo)
Day 2: Running out of time (Al/Theo)
Day 3: "Squeeze my hand" (Shu, Alex)
Day 4: Sedated (Cliff/Elliot)
Day 5: "Stay with me" (Al/Theo)
Day 6: *Doctor turned patient (Ryo/Alex, full length with day 7)
7. Unresponsive (Ryo/Alex)
8. Going into shock (Cliff/Elliot)
9. *Bedside vigils (alt, Rey, Felix, full length with day 13)
10. Emergency surgery (Cliff/Elliot)
11. *Passing out (Shu, Alex, full length)
12. Broken bones (alt, Shu, Alex, Julian)
13. "You've been very sick" (Rey, Felix)
14. Seizures (Cliff/Elliot)
15. *Infection (alt, Cliff/Elliot, full length)
16. *Coma (Cliff/Elliot, full length with several parts from both here and Whumptober 2023)
17. Forced to stay awake (Ryo/Alex)
18. *Appendicitis (Ryo, Alex, Shu, full length)
19. Blood loss (Cliff)
20. Surgery recovery (Cliff, Elliot)
21. Nausea (Ryo, Alex, Shu)
22. Sirens (Ryo, Alex, Shu)
23. Resisting treatment (Ryo, Alex, Shu)
24. Not breathing (Cliff/Elliot)
25. High fever (Ryo/Alex)
26. *Exhaustion (Shu, Alex)
27. Pain meds (Cliff, Elliot)
28. *Head injury (Shu, Alex, Julian, full length and supplemented with days 3 and 12)
29. Extended hospital stay (Cliff/Elliot)
30. From the brink of death (Cliff/Elliot)
31. "I'm so sorry" (Cliff/Elliot)
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taduki · 1 year
Masterpost + Rules
Receiving an ask for the first time in my life made me realize, damn, I did not make it clear my asks are rarely open 💀 So, my submission box status will be displayed in the blog bio. For clarification, it is rarely open and ALL asks take a long time because my chronic pain has recently spread to my fingers, but my love for the Arcana is just THAT crazy.
Don’t spam/over-submit in the ask box, you should know this 🙄
I’m not sure what the blog parental rating is yet. I will update when decided. For now, it’s PG-13.
I will NOT write: abusive dynamics, toxic relations, angst, or stuff like that that’s breakdown inducing for some viewers.
I reserve the power to delete asks/comments that don’t adhere to these rules OR try to break them strategically cuz I see y’all…
Also a note: My headcanons for Julian and Portia are very thin and vague because I haven’t done their routes and I really don’t have to time to recently. 😭
Main Six
M6 w/ an MC who acts like a grandparent
M6 w/ an MC who gives them books to read
M6 w/ a skittish MC
M6 w/ an MC who Can Transform into Animals & Use Their Abilities
M6 on MC’s Birthday !!
M6 w/ an MC who is Scared of Loud Noises
M6 w/ an MC who Babies Their Familiars
Fun-Sized HCs: M6 with a Conspiracy Theorist MC
Lucio with an MC Who’s “Definitely” Not Morga’s Family Favorite…
Lucio and Morga with a Pregnant MC (PT. 2 of Morga’s Family Fav)
Muriel and an MC with Cat-Like Mannerisms
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sebdoeswords · 2 years
Seb's Fic Masterpost (Witcher, Switchcraft, Original)
Pairing: Geralt/Regis
To Pluck Wild Mountain Thyme - Ongoing, Explicit, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Fluff & Smut, 100k+
Regis has left to find and help Dettlaff after the Night of Long Fangs, and Geralt has gone into semi-retirement at Corvo Bianco. But despite the new peace, the Witcher finds something is missing. Only when Regis unexpectedly returns one day does Geralt realise there is much they have yet to discover about each other and what connects them. After all, a love story does not end when those famous three words are said – it only just begins.
Through All My Years With You - General Audiences, Fluff, Ficlet Collection, Completed, 1.2k
Both vampires and witchers - circumstances permitting - live extraordinarily long lives. What good fortune, then, that Geralt and Regis have found each other and decided to spend those lives with each other.
Woe - Mature, Major Character Death, Angst, <1k
Regis knows the Lullaby of Woe by heart, but when Geralt, his lover of over a century, dies during a contract, its words gain a devastating new meaning.
Sharp and Pointy - General Audiences, Domestic Fluff, <1k
Another morning at Corvo Bianco, but today it involves belly skritches and pointy teeth.
Under the Summer Sky - General Audiences, Fluff, <1k
When one is semi-retired at Corvo Bianco, there are many opportunities to carve out a few minutes to spend with a loved one. Just such a moment happens on a sunny summer day, when Regis finds Geralt picking herbs in the garden behind the estate and can't help but join him.
To Put You At Ease - Teen and Up, Fluff, Wound Care, <1k
One benefit of semi-retirement at Corvo Bianco is that Regis is always right there to take care of any injuries Geralt sustains during contracts. His hands are much steadier experienced at mending wounds than Geralt's own, and his treatments are gentle. They always manage to soften whatever trouble Geralt picks up on the Path.
Finally Ever After - General Audiences, Book Fic, 1.7k
With the slaying of the last idr, the season of storms finally comes to an end for the Witcher. The silent listener is glad, hidden in the woods for none to know but his love. Though before a season of peace can begin, there is the girl, a soon-to-be sorceress fascinated by the Witcher's legend, who is convinced she knows him. As Regis listens, he begins to reminisce, and when Geralt returns to him and tells him of her, he smiles.
Five Years of This - General Audiences, Fluff, Based on Fanart, <1k
Sometimes, simply hugging Regis is not enough, and in those cases, Geralt just has to pick him up. Particularly on special occasions.
Weather the Storm - Explicit, Smut, Established Relationship, 5.2k
When no inn seems to have a vacant room during a thunderstorm, Geralt and Regis seek shelter in a nearby brothel. Though they are reluctantly given a room for the night, sleep slips farther from their minds as more and more noises seep in through the walls, spurring Geralt's imagination.
A Day So Sweet - General Audiences, Fluff, <1k
To Geralt, a day is merely a day, but to everyone around him, this one is quite special. And Regis intends to make it enjoyable.
Not So Silent Graves - Teen and Up, Humour & Satire, 1.9k
Geralt and Regis planned to visit Fen Carn to reminisce, and perhaps indulge in the ancient cemetery's atmosphere. Instead, they come across the curious character who has made Regis' dilapidated cottage their new home - and strange business venture.
Parody chapter 48 of Thyme - General Audiences, Ko-fi Exclusive Parody, tw transphobia, <1k
An out of character interaction between Geralt, Eskel and Regis, filled with memes, wacky dialogue and overall silliness. Written in response to transphobic comments left on chapter 47 of "To Pluck Wild Mountain Thyme" regarding my inclusion of trans Eskel. Non-canon in the Thyme universe and now only available to ko-fi supporters.
Humility and Sacrifice - General Audiences, Book Fic, First Kiss, <1k
Just hours ago, Geralt had realised the absurdity of feeling joy at the sight of a vampire. And now, as Regis walks him to the cave beneath Devil Mountain, Geralt realises another thing - that this vampire is far too fond of talking. Someone ought to shut him up.
Pairing: Geralt/Roche
The Knife in His Coffin - Explicit, Graphic Depictions of Violence, TW2 Spoilers, Completed, 53k
In just a few weeks, Vernon Roche has lost nearly everything that was dear to him. He's lost his king, lost his men, and is about to lose his country, too. The only thing driving him now is a burning desire for revenge, and he will cross mountains to get it. With Ves left behind for safety, there is only Geralt by his side on the arduous journey to Loc Muinne - and they are about to realise that a lot can change in a week when it is filled with nothing but silence and each other's presence.
All of His Colours - Explicit, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Sequel to The Knife in His Coffin
Much has happened since Geralt and Roche parted from one another at an inn outside Loc Muinne. Nilfgaard has invaded the North a third time, and much like the second, Geralt finds himself searching for Ciri once more. While she occupies his thoughts greatly, there is another who haunts his mind – a man he remembers with a sense of longing and uncertainty. As he struggles with his mission, Geralt clings desperately to the hope that one day – be it in a year, five years, even ten – he and Vernon Roche will get the chance to tie up the loose ends surrounding them.
One-Man Force - Mature, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Roche POV, Completed, 7.2k
Vernon Roche is no stranger to abductions. Whether he himself orchestrates them, or ends up as a victim himself, he's experienced his fair share. But that's exactly why this one is so strange. Security seems lacking, and one by one, more oddities pile up. So when it presents itself, Vernon seizes the opportunity to get to the bottom of it all - and finds a letter from Geralt at the core.
To Become A Kingslayer - General Audiences, Missing Scene, TW2 Spoilers, <1k
Geralt came a long way to clear his name of the accusations of being a kingslayer, but what he didn’t know was that the one he undertook the journey with would eventually turn into that exact persona. When Vernon Roche killed King Henselt of Kaedwen, Geralt turned a blind eye. But when Vernon Roche was on the brink of being found out, Geralt made a choice to become the very thing he had gone so far to dispute.
The Mark of A Stripe - General Audiences, <1k
After his own escapade with the Blue Stripes in Flotsam, Geralt begins to wonder about the tattoos the entire unit is alleged to have. He's seen at least one on all of them - all except the commander. And when the opportunity presents itself, Geralt can't help but ask.
Hanged Man's Salvation - Teen and Up, Scene Fix-It, Mild TW2 Spoilers, 1k
Flotsam is cruel not only to its citizens, but also those passing through and visiting its borders. Geralt is quick to jump into a brawl when he sees two of his closest friends with a noose around their necks, but after an unexpected loss, he finds himself in much the same position. Vernon Roche and Triss Merigold are the only ones who can save him now - and the sorceress seems frozen with fear.
Second Time's the Charm - Teen and Up, Witcher 3 Spoilers, <1k
The day of Radovid's assassination has come. The king is easily lured to the bridge that leads to Temple Isle, and everything goes smoothly… until Radovid decides he'd rather dispose of Geralt. Fortunately, as once before, Vernon Roche comes to the Witcher's rescue just in the nick of time.
A Taste of Eternity - General Audiences, Fluff, <1k
To those who have spent their entire lives fighting, waking up in a warm bed with the one they love on a slow morning is a luxury - a luxury Geralt and Roche are granted today.
Life's Indulgence - General Audiences, Fluff, <1k
It's late at night, and while Geralt is soaking in the bath, an (un)expected visitor opens the door. Geralt convinces him to stay, and the two spend some relaxing time together.
Pairing: Ves/Ciri
From the Tree - Teen and Up, <1k
Late at night, after everyone else has either gone out or to sleep, Ves and Ciri sit by the fire, face to face. As they talk about the past and their relationships to the people in their lives, Ciri can't seem to take her eyes off Ves. There's something she's been wondering, and finally, she finds the courage to ask.
Emerald Green and Northern Blue - Teen and Up, based on tumblr posts, 1k
When Roche decided to drop everything to help Geralt in his fight against the Wild Hunt, Ves went with him to Kaer Morhen. After all, she would follow him into the pits of hell. But what she didn't expect was to find the woman they all fought for to be so fascinating.
The Cat in The Bag - General Audiences, Fluff & Humour, <1k
Ves has found a kitten, and Ciri has found her. Together, they need to decide what to do with it.
Starry Night Over Vizima - Mature, Mild Sexual Content, 6.5k
It's New Year's eve, and Ciri and Ves have somewhat unconventional plans. They've disguised themselves and decided to sneak into a masquerade ball in Vizima to spend a fun evening without getting recognised. Alcohol flows aplenty, and the party does not lack activities, so it's only a matter of time until the two of them get up to some mischief.
The Men that Wound Us - Mature, Hurt/Comfort, <1k
Both Ciri and Ves have experienced abuse at the hands of men throughout their lives, and they are both haunted by them. What begins as a sexual encounter turns into a violent flashback for Ves, but Ciri is there to comfort her through it.
Snowbound - General Audiences, Ko-fi Exclusive, Somewhat Unfinished, Prompt Fic, <1k
Ves is visiting Kaer Morhen for the winter. On a day out in the valley, the two settle for a while by the river and enjoy some quiet time alone.
Up On Orchard Hill - General Audiences, Fluff, <1k
It's a clear spring day, and Ciri and Ves are cuddled up among blooming plum trees overlooking Lake Vizima.
Grounding Motions - General Audiences, Fluff, Drabble
Sometimes, feeling each other's skin under their fingertips is soothing to Ciri and Ves, and sometimes that extends to all their scars - the things that are uniquely theirs.
The Intimacy of Being Vulnerable - General Audiences, Drabble
Enhancing each other's strengths in battle comes naturally once Ves and Ciri get to know each other, but it takes a special sort of bond to make known their weaknesses.
A Summer Day's Pleasures - Explicit, Smut, Established Relationship, 2.5k
On a hot summer day, Ves and Ciri decide to take a boat out onto Lake Vizima to have a swim and cool down. But secretly, Ciri has much more intimate plans in store for their quiet getaway.
An Oren for Her Thoughts - Teen and Up, &lt;1k
When one spends their whole life on the run or travelling from one war camp to the next, home becomes a complicated, abstract concept, and trying to discern where that home lies becomes increasingly difficult.
Two Kisses for A Ride - General Audiences, <1k
While strolling through the outskirts of Vizima, Ciri gets tired of walking and decides to make that Ves' problem.
Miscellaneous Pairings
The Painted Year - Regis/Dettlaff, General Audiences, One-Shot, Light Romance, 3.6k
After his blood brother's life was spared at Tesham Mutna, Regis sets out to find him. His journey takes him all the way to Etolia, near Nilfgaard. There, the two settle down at an abandoned farm, where Regis hopes Dettlaff may heal. Eventually, he does, and it all begins with paint.
Somewhere in The Boudoirs of Novigrad - Geralt/Regis/Dandelion, Explicit, Smut, Based on Fanart 4.4k
A room is only ever as private as a host makes it - which, in Dandelion's case, means it is not private at all. Thus, Geralt and Regis find their intimate moments disturbed. How fortunate that they are willing to accommodate, and so and after being told to close the door, Dandelion finds himself on the much more pleasurable side of it.
No Pairing/Gen Fic
Everything I Loved... - Explicit, Roche & Ves & The Blue Stripes, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Implied Rape/Non-Con, TW2 Spoilers, Completed, 34k
Vernon Roche had led the Blue Stripes for four years. Four long, all too short years. At the beginning of it all, he had recruited all of them and trained them, pulled them from the worst life had to give, and put a roof over their heads. He'd loved them dearly, and they had respected him in turn, treated him not merely as their commander, but as one of them. As a friend. He'd fought with them, bled with them, laughed with them, and even though only memories remained now, most of them were happy ones.
The Jester's Skull - Teen and Up, Geralt & Dandelion, One-Shot, Case Fic, 9k
Geralt merely intended to spend a few quiet weeks at the Chameleon to catch up with his friends. But when the century old skull of a famous jester is stolen from Dandelion, he and Geralt set out to retrieve it, following a mysterious stranger across the Northern Realms, and even further.
Northern Bones - Explicit, Roche & Ves, Whump, 1.6k
Every man was destined to die. Every man, every women, every person was destined to die. It was only a matter of when and where. Vernon Roche had never had any delusions about the when. He was a soldier, and he knew he would die as one sooner rather than later. But he had always hoped that the where would be kinder to him. Somewhere within the borders of Temeria, on familiar soil. But Vernon Roche was destined to die many miles from home, on the Dol Blathanna - Mount Carbon line. And the when was now.
Pairing: Arash Shirazi/Reader
Emergency Use Only - Teen and Up, Adult Reader Insert, Spoilers up to Book 1 Chapter 14, <1k
Professor Shirazi didn't have the best day after an illegal potion stash was discovered at the Academy and Bailey Ward was attacked by a fellow student, but perhaps a special someone waiting at home can distract him a bit.
No Pairing/Gen Fic
Concern of Not - General Audiences, Bailey & Shirazi, Missing Scene Spoilers up to Book 3 Chapter 12, <1k
In light of the information of her mother's murder, there are many answers Bailey expects from Shirazi. But first, she has some questions surrounding the illusion trap he set for her at the lighthouse.
Death Stalked - Teen and Up, Drug Use Aftermath, Spoilers up to Book 3 Chapter 19, <1k
On her way back from the Death Stalkers' hideout, Bailey struggles with not only the lunar dust in her system, but also the traumatic situations she's gone through over the past few days and weeks. There's been one death, plummeting cold, a second, over in a flash and a spark, and now, perhaps… a third?
Original Work
Title Prompt Challenge Stories - Ongoing, Short Story Collection, currently 1.4k
Collection of all the original works I create for the monthly title prompt challenge I'm doing with my friends. There won't be any consistency between stories, and each story stands on its own unless otherwise specified. Each chapter is a new story.
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morawcrumb · 1 year
Robot!Julian AU PART 2
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(*Ones with and without the oil stain) continuation of the Robot! julian AU We're gonna do Mr. Chourinard! because he is a significant part of this story, Mr.Chourinard tries to be an mechanic and tries to study in the engineering department so he can care for Julian if hes ever broken bc Julian never came with a manual or any structure of how he was made and put together (bc yk..robots come with a manual sometimes?? i think) and so they technically don't have anyone else who knows how to fix rbots or anything like that and so Mr. Chourinard being the best man he can he tries to learn so if there was ever an accident (like the polar bear incident) he would be able to help and fix whatever problem Julian has wether its a loose screw to a circuit problem. In the podcast he tried to learn sign language for Julian bc he thought Julian couldnt speak...but he like struggled and his kids were like steps ahead of him (context to one of my fav scenes in Secondly, the past and he was like "it will be.. a pleasure to meet you") and so thats why i said try but hes trying his best ok!! Julian thinks Mr. Chourinard kinda like a extra parent-ish who's there when he needs him because Mr. Chourinard chooses to be patient with Julian bc he kinda fears that he might turn evil and kill him bc at somepoint he saw some movie ab robots turning evil and killed people but yeah! Julian trusts Mr. Chourinard and always comes to him but he's more comfortable with the Narrator (yes he still has his beloved narrator) Mr. Chourniard would have them oil stains for experimenting on his own little projects so he can understand and get better in the engineering department and robotics and he has like a silly pocket thing always on him incase yk something happens and so he can easily access the materials he needs. Mr. Chourinard is still quite confused on how Julian is still here and works, he was super duper confused when he was introduced to julian from John Cameron. He's like "A robot?? are you insane??" and John Cameron would be like "Just take him, PLEASE. I need him off my hands for all of our sake (talking ab the crew: Laeticia, Jacque, Lily etc etc) especially mine." When Mr.Chourinard took Julian under his wing he had NO idea of how to take care of em bc hes a robot.... so he started the hobby of studying  the robotics field!! just for the sake of his sanity. Mr. Chourinard does get worried ab em though, Julian being some robot who's sentient can produce some sort of robot existent crisis, because he isn't human anymore, he is capable of rusting, and have artifical intelligence. So to kinda solve this problem Mr. Chourinard will tell Julian that "it's okay to be a robot, robot's are more better than your average human, you're capable of doing things we can't. Don't feel bad for being a robot, feel lucky" so Julian is atleast doesn't worry, he sure doesn't have a superior complex don't you worry  !! Mr. Chourinard does question things like, but like the simple average questions like "What does he eat?? does he even eat??? is he chargeable or does he run on batteries"  Mr.Chourinard hasnt been in a situation of fixing Julian (he has but i mean like he hasnt been in sitautions where he had to mess with robot organs, the only times he been in a situation in need of fixing is when he has to put oil on the silly thingys idk what they're  called but yk where you put oil on something so it can stop squeaking yeah thats what i mean and also see if he 's  rusting or anything but thats not everyday though !! more like once a month idk) His boss thinks hes insane bc he talks about this robot he hired which he thinks is preposterous so he frequently asks questions of how this "robot" works or if they gone feral yet (haha funny) Conclusion aka summary Mr. Chourinard is a cautious and compasstionate silly for Julian and is thoughtful, studying in the engineering field and robotics just for him and for safety reasons and is just aware but also confused and has many questions but since Julian (in the podcast) doesn't really answer questions he doesn't get any answer out of him besides stories or just small talk convo type stuff.
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2022 AO3 Fic Masterpost: fortheloveoflatinum
Star Trek Discovery: Ruon Tarka/Oros
My first fic in the Star Trek fandom, "This Winless Race" was for an ultra-rare-pair (that I definitely still think about from time to time).
If you liked that one, also check out "Sweet Serenity," and this one fic where I thought I was doing something deep and literary with the title chapters because they were all named after various names for congregations of different birds.
Don't forget to check out the fix-it fic that I wrote after the Disco Season 4 finale broke my heart:
DS9: Elim Garak/Julian Bashir
This one is still sorta a work in progress, but it's very sweet and Elim is so soft and precious, if I do say so myself. It needs an epilogue (and get one it shall! Sometime early next year, most likely.)
This kinky WIP:
Another kinky fic, except this one's finished:
This total crack:
Another Garashir kink fic but let's give it a super literary title because why not:
And this one, which sort of defies characterization:
And that's all, folx! Please remember that I do take prompts if there's anything in particular you'd like to see written in these two fandoms! 💋
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kirbyluvr69 · 3 months
Some Thoughts™
About art, desire and John Lennon
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If you're active on the Twitter side of The Beatles fandom you'd know that just yesterday a collage John made for Paul titled "I Only Have Eyes For You" made the rounds and scared people whom, I guess, don't think about visual arts very often. Unfortunately I don't use the word "scared" lightly. People really used the words "disturbing" and "concerning" to describe this piece, with a hint of a "What was Lennon thinking about our poor Paul to make this with him in mind" sentiment that I don't think it's quite fair.
I tried to search more about this collage´s context, but all I could find (without having to buy Julian Lennon's book in which the image was featured) was that it was made in the 50s, while John was still at art college, but to be quite frank, I don't think the exact date matters too much.
What I see in this image first and foremost is desire, plain and simple. Red is a sexual colour, we have naked women sprawled, the head with its mouth open in a orgasm-like fashion, the eyes symbolizing voyeurism. If anything, as a friend of mine also pointed out while we discussed it, this collage is proof of the way John and Paul were so close they were even free to be honest about their sexual desires to one another. Even if the collage was made for another purpose and gifted to Paul later, this sentiment still stands, because Paul was the person he thought would receive this part of himself with open arms.
Is the collage "disturbing"? I guess, in a way. The same way I think growing up in the 40s and 50s in a hyper-convervative protestant society like England and discovering yourself would be disturbing. Even more if you're not entirely straight as an arrow. But I don't think John's talking about this here. This is about his feelings for the opposite sex, and they weren't always nice. Red is also the colour of blood and guts, John was also known for having violent outbursts. Would it not disturb you that the object of your desire also brings up in you violence? I don't think we'll ever know why he felt that way, but here we see that he's aware of it. At least I think so.
I saw another analysis of this collage that somewhat agreed with me, but presented this argument as if this was a bad thing? I don't know exactly what made me think this way, maybe the verbiage, but I'll never think a person exploring the nature of their desire, be it disturbing or not, is wrong. Of course domestic violence is bad and I'm in no way excusing it, but if you're willing to engage with The Beatles, you have to bear in mind they were shitty to the women in their lives in varying degrees much like every man ever in general, and specially at that time.
As a self proclaimed John Lennon Scholar i.e. I Wanna Crack Open His Skull And Look At His Brain With A Microscope, I'm happy this exists, and I think I need a little more time with it myself.
All of this to say: I like it, I think John Lennon was a good visual artist and stop being weird about art.
To lighten up the mood, look at the gay as hell collage John made for Elton in 1975! This one deserved its own post with a lot of tin hatting on my part, but whatever! I love them so much (and yes, I WILL find a way to mention their friendship in every post I make, shut up. One day the Lennon/John masterpost will come).
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stopthatbluecat · 2 years
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Julian Being Pushed Against Walls Masterpost
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evilwickedme · 1 year
Gail's Blorbo Showdown
On the contenders:
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Jason Todd is Bruce Wayne's second adopted son and second Robin who very famously died via fandom poll, although the weapon of choice was the Joker beating him half to death and leaving him to die in an exploding warehouse in Ethiopia, which he kind of took personally. He does eventually come back to life as a full on villain called Red Hood, reclaiming an old name used the Joker, although he's eventually turned into an anti-hero (the disappointment is real). I have a crush on him. The murder is sexy, actually. I don't know what else to say, all of my thoughts about this man are utterly unhinged.
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Jaskier (also known as Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount of Lettenhove) is a recurring character in the Netflix show The Witcher. He's a bard and a pretty damn good one at that, and basically Geralt's PR team to boot. He's played by Joey Batey who himself is a talented musician (check out The Amazing Devil, for real) and who gives the character that lil fruity vibe we all enjoy. I am talking specifically about the Netflix version, because I only managed to read one book and my computer can't run the games.
Blorbo Showdown masterpost here
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icameheretoreadstuff · 8 months
Kinktober day 17 - Threesome
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Pairing: Archie x Reggie x F!Reader Warnings: 18+ ! MDNI!, NSFW, Smut, Threesome, Spanking ++ Note: This is a request I got on AO3 and I just had to write it! Request: Could you do an Archie Reader friend where they are studying in the music room? She teases him, and he playfully puts her over his knee, pulls down her panties, and spanks her. She gets wet, and he spreads her legs to get a better look and fingers her. If you could add a Reggie or Julian Cameo, that would be great. A/N: Masterpost & Links is pinned on my tumblr.
The hallways were quiet, the only sound you could hear was the pen of Archie's scribbles down in his journal. He was sitting on a chair staring out the window, he sighed loudly as he waited. "Are you soon done?" you asked Archie as he was finishing up. "Yeah, our project's nearly done" He nodded. "We just have to go through each of our own work together" he sighed. "Where is Reggie?" he asked and looked up from his notebook and looked at the door. You stood up from the chair and stretched, You shrugged as you looked at the door yourself, "wait, there he is" you said as you tilted your head to see clearly. You walked over to the door and opened it as Reggie came in with a couch.
He held it from the middle of the two seaters like it was nothing. "There's no way I'm sitting on one of those chairs" He said simple and leaned the couch down with an ease. He walked around and sat down comfertable. "Well, school's empty and I want to get started on this thing" Reggie said as you felt his eyes cheking you out. You smirked at him as you looked over to Archie, he just smiled and shaked his head "I don't mind staying here for a bit" Archie said to Reggie, and then they both looked over to you.
You looked at them both with a smile on your face. "You both look really good today" You teased as you studied them both. Reggie smirked, You looked over at Reggie with a need to taste him. He sat on the couch with his legs spread apart from eachother, it looked like he wanted you to see where his dick was. "Thanks, beautiful" Archie flirted back, he sat closest to you. He moved forward on the chair, he curled the notebook up as he leaned his shoulders on his knees. His head tilted up as he looked at you.
You turned around as your skirt flew almost up reaviled that you weren't wearing any underwear. You turned on some music. "Background music" you said simple as you turned around and took of your jacket. The jacket fell on a chair beside you. Archie and Reggie couldn't stop looking at you, captivated of your every move. You had on a singlet that was hugging your breast, showing cleavage. Reggie moved his hips alittle, You could tell he already had a boner. You looked over to Archie, he was more difficult to read. "Like what you see?" You said and dragged up your skirt so high they could see your left asscheek, the skirt fell back down hugging your hips as you walked over to Archie.
You leaned your finger under his chin and leaned it up twoards you as leaned closer to test him. You could hear his breath deep and barely calm as he stared at your lips. "No panties?" Archie slowly leaned in and grabbed your thigh and his hand moved up twoards your ass. You smirked as you pushed him down on his chair. You straddled him playfully "no panties" You smiled at the victory of knowing he was turned on aswell. "I want you both to touch me" you said as you thrusted on his shaft, He groaned as he grabbed your hips.
You turned your head twoards Reggie, he swallowed as you smirked at him. "What do you think?" you asked Reggie as you unstraddled Archie and walked over to Reggie. You placed your foot between Reggie's thighs.
Your skirt fell backwards so he could see your clit, His left eyebrow flew up as he inhaled and leaned back to the couch, he tilted his head to get a better view. "I think" He smirked, "You're such a tease" He said as he softly grabbed the inside of your leg and his hand moved up twoards your clit. His big finger playfully touched your wet folds, he flicked your folds playfully making you twitch a little.
He smirked "Look at you, Youre already so wet for us" He said as he pushed his finger inside you, His finger curled up inside you, tickling your g-sport. "What are you guys going to do about it" you moaned shamelessly as you could hear his finger squelch in and out. "I think youre gonna have to share" you smirked as you thrusted yourself on Reggie's finger. "Look at you" Reggie began "so needy" he said and thrusted one more finger inside you. "You want us to take care of you?" he smirked. You hummed "mhm." Archie moved his chair over closer to you.
Reggie playfully spun you around, Archie grabbed your hand and moved you closer to him. "I think we are gonna have to punish you a little for being such a tease" Archie said as he orderd your to lie on his lap, You were facing Reggie's crotch perfectly. You held your head up by grabbing both of Reggie's thighs. You felt Archie drag up your skirt as he groaned and spanked you causing you to moan. "I think we are gonna have to put that pretty mouth to work" Archie said as he spanked you once more causing you to moan. "Yes, please" you hummed as you saw Reggie took off his pants and you helped him by dragging it down to his knees.
"Gonna have to shut her up somehow" Reggie agreed as his dick flew out of his underpants. Archie smirked as he began to tease you with his finger. Everytime your ass tilted down to get his finger go deeper, he spanked you. Reggie moved closer his dick to your mouth "I know youre hungry, babe" he cooed as you opened your mouth and began to suck down on his length. "That's it babe" he cooed and lied down as he looked at you sucking his length with moans escaping your lips. "Good girl" Reggie groaned and slightly thrusted his hips into your mouth. Archie spanked you once more "spread your legs for me" Archie said as you spread your legs, his hand slowly followed as you spread them and cupped your clit until his fingers found your wet folds, Archie groaned as he had a good view of your clit.
Reggie grabbed your hair into a ponytail as he moved his hand followed after your head movement. "You look good all soaking wet" Archie spanked you lightly causing you to flinch and slipped your mouth of Reggie's dick. "Did I say you could stop?" Archie said and spanked you, leaving a pinkish handprint on your asscheek. You grabbed Reggie's dick and moaned as you went back to sucking his big hard dick. "You're gonna have to do as youre told" he said and thrusted his fingers deep inside you causing you to moan. "Are you gonna be good from now on?" He asked you as he thrusted one more finger inside you, You moaned "mhm" you hummed as you bobbed your head, Reggie's dick felt so good sucking "So hungry" Reggie groaned, you began to moan shamelessly and Reggie to just melted into the couch.
Archie groaned as you began to thrust down your ass on Archie's fingers. You mouth slipped out of Reggie's dick "Please" you said as precum of Reggies dick dripped down. "Please fuck me Archie" You moaned as you licked up Reggie's precum. "Get up" He said to you, You walked off and stood curious and waited for more orders. Archie took off his pants and moved to the couch with his knees on the couch and ordered you down on all fours between him and Reggie. Archie's dick was thicker than Reggie's, you couldn't wait to feel him inside you.
Your body was trembling as Archie grabbed your hips and slowly thrusted his dick inside you. "Arch your back for me" Archie groaned as he slowly began to thrust inside you in a even pace, while he let out silent "ahh-fuck". You arched your back and went back to Reggie's dick, you looked up at him with a horny look on your face "Open" Reggie grunted as he could see how hungry you were for his dick, He grabbed your hair and held it up as you looked at him while licking his shaft. Your hot breath on his shaft made him crazy.
His head flew back as he hummed "fuck" Having his shaft inside your mouth felt so good while Archie was inside you, teasing your g-spot. You grabbed Reggie's shaft as you pushed yourself down to the end of his shaft. "Breathe through your nose,ah- yes, just like that" he groaned, You held his hips down as you slowly thrusted your mouth on his length to bottom of his shaft and up to the tip. Reggie groaned loudly.
"ahh" Archie's breathy moans were only making you hornier. Archie's hips began to get faster as he grabbed your ass and looked at your arched back. "ahh" He exhaled a breathy moan as he looked at your ass jiggle up and down on on each of his thrust into you. "Slip out" Reggie warned and moved out of the couch and took of his pants.
Archie's hips began thrusted faster as he grabbed your ass and looked at your arched back. "Ahh" He exhaled a breathy moan as he looked at your ass jiggle up and down on on each of his thrust into you. Archie moved you forward and pushed his shaft into you and slid his hands under your shirt up reavealing your breasts. You looked to the side and saw Reggie pumping his shaft looking at your breasts jiggle.
Archie cupped your breasts as he began to thrust fast into you. His hips were fast as you could feel his balls slap your clit. "Fuck" he groaned as his lap felt so good thrusting into your ass. You pushed your ass up twoards Archie ass and arched your back even more causing him to let out his horny breathy moans. "Fuck, wait" he groaned loudly as he could feel he was close to climax inside you.
You looked over at Reggie, "let's switch" Archie slipped out and began to stroke his dick. He walked off the couch and you moved up to the couch again. "Where do you want me?" you panted and looked at Reggie, he let out a groan as he walked over to you. "Face forward" He panted as he pointed to the wall, You turned your body to face the wall as your hips were on the couch facing the wall aswell. "Spread your legs for me" He groaned and you obeyed.
He came behind you and moved you up twoards the couch, Holding you around your waist. He slipped inside you as he held you tight. "So wet" he moaned and began to thrust up into you. Reggie's dick felt longer and bigger inside you as your walls clenched around his dick,
Reggie groaned as his hips thrusted hard into you, making a clap sound with his hips with each of his thrust. "ahh- fuck" He groaned as he thrusted hard into you making a clap sound with each thrust. He gripped your waist tighter as he thrusted so hard up into you it felt like you were about to fly upwards with each thrust. "I'm Close" he groaned as his hips moved slowler, but his dick felt so good inside you, you couldn't stop moaning "I'm" you felt your hips start to shake down hard on him as you climaxed.
Reggie slipped out and pumped his shaft "come here with your pretty mouth." He moved off the couch and stood infront of you. "Let us cum inside your pretty mouth" Archie groaned and you walked out off the couch and you sat down on your knees as They both pumped their dicks infront of your mouth. They placed their dicks as you opened your mouth and their warm cum sprouted down into your mouth "swallow, yeah just like that" Archie cooed "good girl" Reggie cooed.
You panted as you stood up and began to clean yourself up. Reggie took on his pants as well did Archie. They both collapsed into the couch as they began to pant. "We should do this more" you giggled as you sat between them. They looked at you and just chuckled, "you want more huh?" Reggie said as he exhaled. "How about some food first?" Archie suggested and you looked over to him and nodded. You then turned your head over to Reggie "Can't wait"
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companion-showdown · 1 month
Family Feud Masterpost
Who is the best family in the whoniverse?
this tournament was suggested anonymously
Mott-Noble-Temple vs Smith
Paternoster vs Mott-Noble-Temple
Smith vs Pond-Williams
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Paternoster vs Tyler
Khan vs Mott-Noble-Temple
Jones (Martha) vs Smith (Sarah-Jane)
Lethbridge-Stewart vs Pond-Williams
previous rounds under the cut
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Paternoster vs Leela, Andred, Veega and Rayo
Tyler vs The Adipose
Khan vs Nyssa, Tremas and Kassia
Faction Paradox vs Mott-Noble-Temple
Cooper-Williams vs Jones (Martha)
Summerfield vs Smith (Sarah-Jane)
Lethbridge-Stewart vs Chesterton-Wright
The TARDIS and Lolita vs Pond-Williams
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Paternoster vs O'Brien-Sinclair
Leela, Andred, Veega and Rayo vs Bel, Vinder, and their as yet unborn child
The House of Lungbarrow vs Tyler
Who vs The Adipose
McShane vs Khan
The Wu Diaspora vs Nyssa, Tremas and Kassia
The Family of Blood vs Faction Paradox
Jovanka vs Mott-Noble-Temple
Pollard vs Cooper-Williams
Jones-off (Jo's family vs Martha's)
Summerfield vs Sinclair (Helen)
Proctor vs Smith (Sarah-Jane)
Lethbridge-Stewart vs Owens
Sunday vs Chesterton-Wright
The TARDIS and Lolita vs The Slitheen
Chenka vs Pond-Williams
ROUND 1 (Group Stage)
Group 1
Jones (Jo)
Leela, Andred, Veega, Rayo
Group 2
Adric and Varsh
Nyssa, Tremas, Kassia
Group 3
Little House of Cwej
The House of Lungbarrow
The House of Dvora
The Wu Diaspora
The House of Witforge
Faction Paradox
Group 4
The TARDIS and Lolita
Group 5
Sinclair (Helen)
Munmeth and Muthmunna
Mesh Cose, Lon Shel, and Julian White Mammoth Tusk
Group 6
Smith (Mickey)
Jones (Martha)
Group 7
Group 8
Smith (Sarah-Jane)
Group 9
Family of Blood
Shafe Cane
Group 10
Swarm and Azure
Bel, Vinder, and as yet unborn child
Links to previous tournaments
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
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Okay, I needed to get my whump out before I touched omegaverse Jaskier and Milek with it, soo... back to those two!
Geralt is not having a good time; and it was said before, but seldomly shown, but. Julian is pretty detached and cold at times. Jaskier has a lot of empathy, but at his current state he can be very dismissive, even annoyed at times, when something rattles his defences. (Also, because I know not all if you have seen that comic - the one who gave Jaskier the shiner and the bruises was Geralt. Just for context.)
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t0ast-ghost · 3 days
Deep Space Nine S5 EP6 (Trials And Tribble-Ations) Hiii >:) I’m backkk
Here we go:
- I like the bad cop, also bad cop thing the time guys got going on
- “We took on a passenger.” *switches perspective* “Humans!” Bashir is so not prepared to talk to anyone
- Hi Julian hiii
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- Miles and Julian teasing Worf <3
- Bright energy colour to symbolize the prophets are fucking around
- I started watching this on my phone but decided to switch to my computer but then got distracted by dishes so I went to do dishes with my headphones on and thought ‘I should play some music’ so I pressed the button and all I hear is trumpets and I remembered I was watching deep space nine (I have no attention span apparently)
- I love the silly little exposition. Like “Which enterprise? There have been five.” “Six.” And “His ship. James T. Kirk.”
- “Man was a menace.” Damn right he was
- Bashir’s hair is styled like McCoy’s oh my- oh my heart
- “I’m a doctor not a historian.” I SCREAMED
- we love Jadzia Dax. I said we love JADZIA DAX!
- I like how the shirts hang a bit over Miles and Julian’s hands
- DO NOT fuck someone in the past, goddamnit Doctor
- He’s just sitting there
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- Miles out of his element because this ship is patch-worked together differently than his
- I love Odo getting some peace in his life. GET THIS GOO A PET
- Poor Worf
- Sisko with the flip (edit: assuming it’s a communicator flip)
- I love that all these random Klingon commanders get a backstory via Dax just chilling with them
- I like how Sisko describes Kirk in this episode because in the original Kirk was just pissed off at the station scientist
- “Your flap’s open.” Miles looks down almost immediately
- JULIAN THIS IS NOT A PREDESTINATION PARADOX! DONT! (Sidenote: I’m my own grandpa song mention)
- Miles is so done with Julian’s hyperactive bullshit
- “Fine! But I can’t wait to get back to deep space nine and see your face when you find out that I never existed!” Omg I love this man. He’s such a loser.
- Neat! When beaming in DS9 they continue to move rather than have a frozen image like in TOS
- “Benjamin, look.” Yeah I’d check out Kirk and Spock too, completely fair Jadzia
- I didn���t realize they’re just imposed in the background for a second
- YEAH JADZIA! You know what’s up (Spock does have beautiful eyes)
- Normal behaviour
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- The fact they made Miles mistake someone for Kirk instead of making him recognize Scotty is a damn shame- Never mind it’s funny
- I forgot how protective Chekov is, it’s adorable
- GET HIM SCOTTY (Chekov then jumps over a table to tackle someone)
- Julian punches someone really easily and then remembers ‘oh yeah it’s supposed to hurt’ he’s ridiculous
- OMG WAIT did Julian and Miles meet Kirk?!? OMG THEY DOO IMG OMG. ONG
- Hi Kirk hiii girlypop hiiii
- Autistic man finds stim toy (edit: not sure who this is about)
- Kirk’s ass Kirk sitting on the tribble lol
- “He had the hands of a surgeon.” DAX AND MCCOY CANONICALLY FUCKED?!? I mean.yeah
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- The shot of the tribbles eating the grain
- He’s so babygirl :)
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- Spock repeating the statistics that Jadzia said earlier and so she just gives Sisko this look of, ‘see? Even Spock agrees.’
- Jadzia throwing tribbles on Kirk. Priceless.
- Bones! I love Bones!
- What’s got Spock looking like that? He’s gonna bite someone get him off the bridge!
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- “Would have done the same thing myself.” YEAH. I’d wanna see those gay men too
- Oh I forgot about Quark with the tribbles :)
I miss TOS now. I miss my bbygirls.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Night Gallery MasterPost
A collection of my Night Gallery fics in which you're a nightguard working at an art gallery full of strange and even living art pieces - who want you to become a permanent member of the crew.
Main tag: #Night gallery tag
Main Plot
Works that are canon to the main plot points of the story.
The Night Gallery
A List of the current crew.
The Angel's backstory [kiss unfortunately noncanon]
Meeting Julian
A bit on The Painter
Finishing a shift with Anri
Julian + Anri description
Meeting Rosebud
The Lady in Red
Helping RoseBud's Roses
The Scavenger's description
Meeting Soleil the Human Clock
Meeting the Scavenger
Works that are noncanon to the main story
Reader owning the gallery. [First mention of The Painter and The Angel]
Reader quitting and their last night on the job
Reader giving the gallery a photo of themselves
Painting Reader [First mention of Julian]
Smooching The Painter
A kiss from Rosebud
Human Rosebud
Cuddling human Rosebud
Reader being a former nude model
Headcannons/Ambiguously Canon works
Shorts and mini fics that could be seen as part of the main storyline
Reader collapses on the job
How the gallery deals with intruders
Reader stays overnight
Reader leaves for a few weeks without telling anyone
Random Hcs
Julian & Readers Dynamic
A bit of Info on the Director X X
A night with the Director
What if someone other than Reader got lost in the gallery?
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alphaalnitak · 9 months
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Garak gets Julian into a Cardassian gown
Men in dresses season masterpost
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istanbulite · 10 months
Masterpost try #368
last updated: 28.5.2024
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Tags :
#sudraws #my writing #xx (and more)
Art Blog @mandoart
A03 (being revised)
Art trade, Requests: Ask ✧*。
Commissions: Not Yet ₍ - ̫-₎.。
Fave LIs in no order bc why not :
Lann (Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous)
Heinrix (Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader)
Casavir (Neverwinter Nights 2)
Alistair, Fenris, Blackwall (Dragon Age)
Garrus, Jaal (Mass Effect Trilogy)
Danse (Fallout 4)
Torian, Aric (Swtor)
Elliott (Stardew Valley)
Astraeus, Alain, Reiner, Nav, Darius (Lovestruck)
Asra, Julian (The Arcana)
Too many lol (Romance Club)
Cole (Blush Blush)
Hanzo (My Ninja Destiny)
Jumin Han, Zen (Mystic Messenger)
Lucifer, Mammon (Obey Me)
Virion (Oathbreaker)
Hanzo (Nightshade)
Raze (Demonheart)
James (Tailor Tales)
Zhu (Relics of the Lost Age)
Preston (Tin Star)
Toshio, Jun (Samurai of Hyuga)
Mason, Adam (The Wayhaven Chronicles)
Lady Argent, Herald (Fallen Hero)
all 3 of them Laurent (Perfumare WIP)
Blade (Shepherds of Haven WIP)
O, G, Sebastian (Infamous WIP)
Rin, Ash (Vendetta WIP)
Playlists :
Astraeus (Astoria Fate's Kiss - Lovestruck)
Astoria MC (aka Eos just below)
Sails in the Fog (Romance Club)
Shepherds of Haven WIP IF
Infamous WIP IF Band
Mason (Wayhaven Chronicles)
Some of my OCs/MCs :
*Vorawin'ther Vandree 'Vora Winter' (Neverwinter/1/2, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous — a drow in one and dhampir in the latter) #oc: vora, #oc: vorawin'ther
Anna Arslanowicz (Fallout 4) #oc: anna
Elnara 'Ellie' Krymsky (Saints Row) #oc: ellie
Balta Granar (Elder Scrolls Online) #oc: balta
'Lia' Shepard (Mass Effect Trilogy) #oc: lia
Valentina 'Tina' Ryder (Mass Effect Andromeda) #oc: valentina
*Ayka Delgerdzaya Aeducan (Dragon Age Origins #oc: ayka
Aisha Adaar (Dragon Age Inquisition) #oc: aisha
Aurora Hawke (Dragon Age 2) #oc: aurora
*Berra H'akan (my first bounty hunter, cathar, Mandalorian by birth, daughter of Clan H'akan's chieftain, Danyal) #oc: berra
Alma Ethelwulf (Star Ward the Old Republic, Zabrak Jedi Knight) #oc: alma
*'Nino Balkish' (Star Wars the Old Republic, Chiss Mando Bounty Hunter) #oc: nino
Kartili (Kelborn) 'Solus' (Swtor, Twi'lek ex-Mandalo Republic Smuggler) #oc: kartili
Cattie Pallas (Swtor, Cathar Jedi Consular) #oc: cattie
*Emija 'Prizrak' (Swtor, Chiss Republic Trooper) #oc: emija
*Eos Ergenekon (MC of Astoria Fate's Kiss / Lost Kisses, various other interactive fiction, Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader & my WIP interpretation of the Titan with the same name) #oc: eos
*Ela Anka (The Arcana, Fictif & Choices stories + the MC of the WIP work Perfumare:Amalgam) #oc: ela
*Eve Mac Diarmada (Obey Me, Nightbringer & my interpretation of Eve herself) #oc: eve
* main or more developed ocs™
Others :
Star Wars Clan H'akan (original Mandalorian clan settled on Werda, led by Danyal H'akan - also the father of Berra) #clan h'akan
Star Wars Clan Strillir (also my Mandalorian clan on Werda, led by Sidar Strillir) #clan strillir
ASOIAF House Dawnbreak (a semi-noble household) here
Cultist Simulator (Follower) OC here
My Writing :
Homecoming, gen but Lucifer being Lucifer (OBEY ME)
My Moodboards, Edits :
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The Murderboy Polls Masterpost
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