#julien rook nizan
rm14hitman · 5 months
*Doc is helping out Rook after he got injured while the others are watching*
Montagne : How does Rook look ?
Twitch : A little better than you, actually
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yeem7809962 · 4 months
Doc wants you to eat a healthy diet 🫵(´꒳`)🥗
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dizzydove · 9 months
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r6 fandom... save me.... r6 fandom... save me r6 fandom
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itsohh · 2 years
What to Do?
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AN: G/N reader, I'm doing good thx! I do write fluff (admittedly not that much with my love of torturing writing angst. Never need to apologise from grammar or what not (english is a horrible language and I break the rules all the time, if people can read Homestuck they can read anything) Julien's a nice lad, here's to his armour self revive buff! (Posted on mobile forgive me)
Word count: 1305
Warnings: None
When Julien had his mind set to something, he would do everything possible to complete it. If it meant prolonging his stamina in a fight, then he would train, if it was a problem he would learn. In the case of his heart though, he would need to do research. Or at least use all available resources. Such resources as his friends, friends who he could count on for in and out of battle. Which is how he found himself outside of the infirmary. Not wanting to waste Gustaves time, especially during working hours, he paused. Perhaps he should come back later… No, he frowned at the thought and followed up on his determination. His fist tapped on the door and he soon heard his comrades voice allowing him entry.
"Ah, Julien, how can I help you today?" Always glad to see his friend, Gustave was quick to put aside any distractions and turn his chair to face the man. "Please sit if something is troubling you…"
"No, nothing like that. I'm not here for professional advice." He did as Gustave instructed and sat in the chair opposite him. Gustave paused momentarily before nodding and giving him a reassuring smile.
"Of course, we are friends, non?"
"I have… strong romantic feelings for Daemon." The nickname rolled off his tongue and Gustave didn't seem surprised by it. "I wish to know your thoughts on the matter."
"What to do about it."
"Well what do you wish to come from this? Do you want to tell them? Do you want to get rid of your feelings or are you happy to stay the way that you are?" Gustave leaned back in his chair and Julien carefully considered the question.
"I want to tell them but I don't know if they feel the same, I don't want to ruin our friendship."
"While I'm not the closest with Daemon perhaps you could talk to Emmanuelle or perhaps Grace on the matter. I know that they are both quite somewhat close. Maybe one of them will have insight into their feelings." Julien stood up abruptly at Gustave's suggestion.
"Thanks Doc, I think I will."
Julien had not exspected to find Emmanuelle with Gillies but he wouldn't refuse Gillies advice if he had anything to say. "Julien! Look a little down today, something wrong?" She noticed his approach while Gillies stayed silent, more or less offering his greeting in the form of a half smile.
"You are friends with Daemon, correct?" Emmanuelle's eyes flashed from Julien to Gillies for a moment before she replied.
"We work well together in the field, their extensive technological knowledge is always rather refreshing to discuss. I'm not sure I would say we are the closest of friends but sure we are friends. Why did something happen?"
"Non, non." Julien couldn't help the blush that formed on his face, it was a little harder to discuss the matter with the pair of them compared to the easy comfort of Gustave alone in the infirmary office. But he wasn't one to beat around the bush. "I have romantic feelings for them and I wanted to know if you knew their mind on the matter or if you have any advice."
"They aren't in a relationship if you were wondering." Gillies spoke up, a surprise to the other two operators.
"How do you know that?" Emmanuelle asked and Julien felt his heart rate increase, he hadn't originally thought of the possibility that other operators felt the same way about you that he did.
"A while back James asked them, I just happened to be near. They told him they were not in a relationship which caused him to ask them out to drinks I believe. They let him down easily." While the answer pleased Julian to know that you weren't in a relationship- especially with James- his heart sunk just a tad. Perhaps you didn't want to be with anyone, perhaps you didn't even date fellow operators.
"Well, I don't know who they like but for some advice Julien? Just be genuine, be yourself. You're quite the likable man besides if you try to be something you're not then what's the point? Despite any efforts so long as your heart is in it, then it can't go wrong right?" Her words were absorbed immediately and he nodded.
"Merci. You have given me a lot to think about." Emmanuelle smiled at Julien as he thanked the pair and went on his way.
Grace. That was the other person that Gustave had recommended he visit. At first he had checked the theatre room, on off hours there had been times were she had taken and made use of the extra large screen. Yet when he found it empty he moved on the the caffiteera, eventually he came to her dorm room.
With a knock on the door he soon heard the muffled response and she cracked the door open. Her face was one of surprise as she stuck her head out it, her body covering the rest of her room. "Uh Julien what's up?" Grace mentally cringed at how off her voice sounded but if Julien picked up on it, he didn't show.
"Do you have some time to talk?"
"Um yeah, sure, here's fine right?" Julien would have preferred privacy but she to the lack of operators nearby and respect for her time, he nodded.
"You are friends with Daemon?" Grace practically spluttered at the question but quickly nodded.
"Yeah, the pair of us are pretty close."
"I wanted to know if you knew how they felt about me." Grace's eyes moved to the side for a second and considered the question.
"Yeah, why do you want to know?" He took a deep breath at her question.
"I personally have romantic feelings for them and wish to know if I should act upon them." Grace's brows raised and she let out a cough.
"How exactly do you feel?" Julien paused and a gentle smile curved its way into his face at the thought of you.
"There's a million different songs out in the world but I doubt there is one that perfectly encaptures how I feel about them. At first I thought it was simple admiration of a fellow operator, respect. But this was so much more, the way my heart blooms whenever they're near, just their presence alone brings a smile to my face. I deeply value our friendship and I do not wish to forsake that and take that away from the pair of us if they don't feel the same."
"Well, if I told you they felt the same would you tell them that directly?" Brows furrowed with determination and the hope that Grace's words brought.
"Cool, cause you uh already have." Grace pulled back the door further enough to see you standing almost directly behind her, now peering over her shoulder. Grace ducked down and gave you a small nudge towards the man who was admitted a little stunned. He hadn't expected to tell you like that and now the words were said, there was no unsaying them.
"Do you mean it?" Your big doe eye peered at the man.
"I do." You placed a gentle kiss against his cheek, one that had his eyes flutter close at the feel of it, just a peek but one to test the waters. When you drew back, you looked over your shoulder to glance at Grace who had retreated back into her room.
"Grace do you mind if I take a raincheck for today's game of-"
"Go for it!" At her call you faced the man, your hand finding his and giving it a small squeeze, your other hand closing the door behind you.
"Coffee?" You asked and he nodded.
"I'd like that."
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drasin · 2 years
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Sketch commission for @deadclicker <3
If you'd like your own sketch commission visit me on Ko-fi!
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Rainbow 6 Siege Twitch +Elite Twitch
@cctreasuretrove @sssvitlanz
Emmanuelle Pichon, codenamed Twitch, is an Attacking Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Pichon grew up in a family of academics in the historic city of  Nancy, France, where the children were encouraged to excel in Math,  Science, and Technology. Early participation in sponsored computer  programming competitions led to her joining the army cadets at sixteen.  Almost immediately her talent was recognized, particularly in robotics.  Her superiors quickly encouraged Pichon to study engineering while  continuing her career in the military with the GIGN.  From the start, Pichon's focus has been on adaptable technology that  aids soldiers in the field. While there is much praise for her  technological achievements, Pichon's tactical prowess and ability to  problem solve quickly and efficiently make her a crucial operational  asset.
In 2015, Pichon was led by Olivier "Lion" Flament on a mission to Nigeria to assist medical personnel fighting the Ebola epidemic. Tragedy ensued, and the decisions Flament made for safety reasons put him at odds with Pichon and Gustave "Doc" Kateb,  who blamed him for the death of several medical personnel on-site  including Kateb's colleague. Later that year, Pichon's unique  combination of talents made her well-suited to join Rainbow.
In 2016, Pichon met Taina "Caveira" Pereira and had some kind of relationship with her, but to what extent remains  currently unknown. While not deployed on missions, Pichon proved  invaluable for Rainbow's R&D Department. She assisted in the  improvement of the team's equipment and was noted to have helped Elena "Mira" Álvarez in the development of Morowa "Clash" Evans' CCE Shield in 2017. In early 2018, Pichon assisted Rainbow's new CBRN Threat Unit with a situation concerning a mysterious mist on the shores of Sussex.  During the operation, Pichon provided Olivier Flament with a new aerial  drone that allowed him to determine the source of the mist plume. In  2019, Pereira went AWOL in Bolivia in order to search for her brother. Pichon and Meghan "Valkyrie" Castellano subsequently collaborated with Ghost Recon to conduct Operation Archangel in order to recover Caveira which proved to be a success.
In June 2020, Pichon and Julien "Rook" Nizan were in Paris, France when two large fires emerged downtown. The GIGN  deployed the pair and several other officers to keep order from the  chaos caused by the fire. Having faced a similar situation during  training under The Program,  Pichon and Nizan suspected the fires had been started in order to  distract from a major bank heist across the city. They tracked and  confronted the robbers who started firing at them. Nizan was shot in the  head but was saved by his helmet. Pichon and Nizan then pursued the  robbers across Paris in a high-speed motorcycle chase and eventually  caught them.
In 2022, Pichon was placed on Rainbow's new humanitarian squad, Wolfguard, under the leadership of Gustave "Doc" Kateb. She and Gilles "Montagne" Touré later traveled to Belgium to recruit Ngoma "Sens" Mutombo into Rainbow. weeks later, Pichon and Doc acted as control for Operation Vector Glare. The pair directed Montagne, Sens, and Olivier "Lion" Flament to rescue of an architect who was being held hostage at a refinery by  local militia. It was believed that this architect held schematics that  would detail how Nighthaven was involved in Masayuki Yahata's assassination. Once the architect was secured, the three operatives rendezvoused with Pichon and the rest of Wolfguard. ✟ Mesh Originally From Ubisoft, Converted to XNALARA By My DeviantART Friend,BlinKJisooXPS and Converted to Sims 4 By Me
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r6-unifiedlands · 5 months
A Random Sunshine Encounter
[Remington "Espion" Harmonics & Julien "Rook" Nizan]
Summary: It's finally Espion's first visit to Viperstrike's base to get her gadgets improved! But Mira's not the only one overseeing her.
A/N: I promised myself that I wouldn't write above 1k today
When she entered Rainbow’s Greece Base, Reth noticed that Viperstrike’s base was surprisingly more high-tech than the other groups' tech labs. It’s not really that surprising for her, though. Many of Rainbow’s engineers and technicians came in and out to develop and research more technologies to make future operations easier.
Mira had ordered her to bring in her gadgets—Her motion-detecting knives that had been fucked up by a Certain Japanese Geek during the device evaluation—to look for a solution to the fragile casing.
…she couldn’t help marveling at the inner lab. It felt like she was again back in her old workshop in Nighthaven.
Before the young operator managed to get her grubby hands all over the pieces of machinery, however, she felt a pair of gloved hands grab her shoulder firmly and put enough pressure downwards to stop her from moving around.
“Enchanté, Espion!” The figure looming over her suddenly spoke in a cheery tone. His light French accent reminded him of Gustave’s existence, making her head snap upwards to see who that was.
Messy dark chocolate hair in undercut style, five o’clock shadow on his well-defined jawline, dark blue eyes that sparkled like an excited golden retriever, and a smile that could bring joy and warmth to this cruel and cold world.
Oh, Jesus Christ, that’s a handsome man.
Maybe it was because the room was too cold or she suddenly developed a fever, but one of them was definitely the reason why her face reddened like crazy with nervous soft chitters coming out of her lips. Both palms tried to hide her current state.
The man was absolutely beaming, patting her light blonde hair while pulling her close to his tall body. “Mira told me that you’ll be joining us today, so I asked her to help assist you.” His tone was as bright as his personality. “My name is Julien Nizan, but you can call me Rook. I hope we can be good acquaintances!”
It didn’t help that her brain was short-circuited from the overwhelming amount of affection that he gave her, still struggling to say something.
He finally let her go after a while, finally snapping her from the overloading mind state. She almost immediately took multiple steps away, her face still looking bright red.
The sunshine expression faded slightly, eyes reflecting a sense of worry. “Sorry, did I overwhelm you?”
As much as she wanted to deny it, she did feel overwhelmed by his whole greetings.
And as Harry said during her last therapy session; be honest with people, or they will not know what their mistakes are.
She nodded slowly, avoiding eye contact. “...Sorry…” She muttered softly.
“It’s alright, mon ami.” Julien didn’t move an inch while keeping his warm tone, like a vet talking to a scared animal. “Take your time, okay? I can get Mira or Doc for you if you’d like.”
“It’s.” She paused, taking several deep breaths. Calm down, Reth. “I’m okay. I was just. Surprised. I’m no good to affection.” Her voice softened, now more like a whisper. “Gustave is scary. Don’t want to see him.”
“He’s a doctor. He’d take care of you.”
“Last time I saw him, he scolded me for being too rough in training and kept escaping his clinic while in his care.”
The taller operator grinned. “You’re not the only one.” He gave a wink that made the younger operator’s heart jump to her throat.
What the fuck. Oh my god. She shouldn’t be like this!!!
Reth whined out loud. Her frustration came out. Not because of the kind gent, no.
There’s a first time for everything. And it was the first time she felt like there were butterflies in her stomach, tickling her abdomen and trying to make her smile.
Julien’s happiness was infectious. 
Currently, it’s infecting the young operator.
“Stop making me happy!!” She whined in protest, but her giggling state betrayed her.
“I can’t help it! Ton sourire est contagieux!”
The French accent that she’d once associated with Gustave’s fatherly scolding now made her heart thump like crazy. Julien’s bright and positive attitude cleared out the negative association of what had been imprinted in her mind.
Was that a bad thing? Nope!
“And what are you guys doing?”
Those fluffy feelings sunk back into the depths and managed to snap Reth out of the current state. Her cheeks were still tinted red from the blood rush.
Elena leaned on the doorframe of the lab entrance while crossing her arms, dark eyes glaring at Julien. “What did you do to our new recruit, cabrón? She’s a tomato now!”
Now it’s the French’s turn to be flustered, cheeks dusted in pink. “Non! I was introducing myself and accidentally got her overwhelmed a bit.”
The Spaniard turned her attention to Reth, raising her eyebrows. The American quickly nodded in response.
“Well,” Elena cracked her knuckles, and satisfying pops came out, “introduction’s over. Let’s get back to work, you two.”
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god-complex-12 · 2 years
Master list
- Emoji anons are welcomed
- I only write for male, gn, or ftm trans readers
- I prefer writing for amab readers
- no incest, ya nasty.
- no pedo shit.
- if I write a character who is a minor, it is strictly platonic.
- I write for platonic fics for characters over the age of 18 to.
- no SH, suicide, rape, SA, no shit like that, please.
- No “yandere” stuff.
- if I ignore your request, I either didn’t see it, didn’t know how to write it, or it just went against one of my rules.
- please, put if you want the reader to be male or gn.
NSFW rules
- non of the sub reader stuff, unless they are at the hands of a power bottom (preferably character)
- I prefer the reader to be penetrating, if there is any.
- preferably amab reader. Y’know, with a pee pee. Or a trans (ftm) reader with surgery.
- I will write for a female bodied reader (ftm) without surgery too, just saying I prefer a wee wee.
Fandoms I write for:
Oscar Isaac characters
Steven Grant (Moon Knight). Marc Spector (Moon Knight). Jake Lockley (Moon Knight). William Tell (The Card Counter). Santiago “Pope” Garcia (Triple Frontier). Nathan Bateman (Ex Machina). Jonathan Levy (Scenes Fromba Marriage). Abel Morales (The Most Violent Year). Will Dempsey (Life Itself). Rydal (The Two Faces of January). Nick Masicsko (Show Me a Hero). Jack (Mojave). Shiv (Pu-239). Miguel “Spider-Man 2099” O’Hara (Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse). Duke Leto (Dune). Kane (Annihilation). Palo “Poe” Dameron (Star Wars). Llewyn Davis (Inside Llewyn Davis). Richard (The Letted Room). Paul Gauguin (At Eternity’s Gate). Cecil (Revenge on Jolly!). Lightening Face (Basil Stitt).
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Tasks force 141- Cpt. John Price. John “Soap” MacTavish. Simone “Ghost” Riley. Kyle “Gaz” Garrick.
Las Vaqueros- Colonel Alejandro Vargas. Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra.
Other- Kate Laswell. Commander Phillip Gaves. “König”.
Richard “Rip”. Joseph “Bear” Graves. Alex Claude. Ricky “Buddha”. Robert Chase III. Dominic Adams.
Rainbow Six Siege
Viperstrike- Nayara “Brava” Cardoso. Grace “Dokkaebi” Nam. Ryad “Jackal” Al-Hassar. Yumiko “Hibana” Imagawa. Vicente “Capitão” Souza. Mike “Thatcher” Baker. Elias “Blitz” Kötz. Kana “Alamo” Fujiwara. Adriana “Maestro” Martello. Aria “Alibi” Luca. Masaru “Echo” Enatsu. Mark “Mute” Chandar. Julien “Rook” Nizan. Marius “Jäger” Streicher.
Nighthaven- Charlie Tho “Grim” Keng Boon. Anja “Osa” Janković (platonic). Håvard “Ace” Haugland. Jaimini “Kali” Shah. “Finka”. Monika “IQ” Weiss. Alpha “Aruni” Tawanroong. Ngugi “Wamai” Furaha. Elżbiedts “Ela” Bosak. Elena “Mira” Álvarez. James “Smoke” Porter. Jack “Pulse” Estrada.
Wolfguard- Néon “Sens” Ngoma. Sanaa “Nomad” Maktoub. Olivier “Lion” Flament. Siu “Ying” Lin. Gilles “Montagne” Touré. Emmanuel let “Twitch” Pichon. Mina “Thunderbird” Sky. Thandiwe “Melusi” Ndlovu. Morowa “Clash” Evans. Tina “Frost” Tsang. Miles “Castle” Campbell. Gustave “Doc” Kateb. Dominic “Bandit” Brunsmeier.
Ghosteyes- Santiago “Flores” Lucero. Samuel “Zero” Fisher. Nienke “Iana” Meijer. “Nøkk”. Erik “Maverick” Thorn. Zofia Bosak. “Glaz”. Ana “Solis” Díaz. Collinn “Warden” McKinley. Max “Mozzie” Goose. Chul “Vigil” Hwa. Liu “Lesion” Long. Taina “Cerveira” Pereira. Meghan “Valkyrie” Castellano.
Redhammer- Azucena “Amaru” Quispe. Tori “Gridlock” Fairous. Craig “Blackbeard” Jenson. Sebastien “Buck” Côté. Seamus “Sledge” Cowden. Eliza “Ash” Cohen. Jordan “Thermite” Trace. “Fuze”. Brianna “Thron” Skehan. Said “Oryx” Hadid. César “Goyo” Herbández. Jalal “Kaid” Fassi. “Tachanka”. “Kapkan”.
Lucifer (Netflix)
Angels- Amenadiel. Lucifer Morningstar.
Demons- Mazikeen.
Detective/or works in that field- Ella Lopez. Dan. Marcus Pierce.
Other- Eve.
Justice League- Clark “Superman” Kent. Bruce “Batman” Wayne. Diana “Wonder Woman” Princess. Barry “The Flash” Allen. Hal “Green Lantern” Jordon. Victor “Cyborg” Stone. Arthur “Aquaman” Curry. Oliver “Green Arrow” Queen.
Bat-fam- Bruce “Batman” Wayne. Dick “Nightwing” Grayson. Jason “Red Hood” Todd. Tim “Red Robin” Drake. Damian “Robin” Wayne. Stephanie “The Spoiler” Brown. Cassandra “Orphan” Cain. Duke “The Signal” Thomas. Kathy “Batwoman” Kane. Barbara “Batgirl” Gordon.
Hero- Kara “Supergirl” Zor-El. Queen “Wonder Woman” Nubia. Donna “Wonder Girl” Troy. Karen “Power Girl” Starr. Raymond “Atom” Palmer. Dinah “Black Carney” Lance. Wally “The Flash” Weat. Jon “Superboy” Kent. Koriand’r “Starfire”. Rachel “Raven” Roth. Garfield “Beast Boy” Logan. Zatanna Zatara. John “Hellblazer” Constantine.
Green lanterns- Hal “Green Lantern” Jordon. John “Green Lantern” Stewart. Kyle “Green Lantern” Rayner.
Villain- Jack “Joker” Naiper. Harlen “Harley Quinn” Quinzel. Edward “The Riddler” Nygma. Selina “Catwoman” Kyle. Pamela “Posion Ivy” Isley. Floyd “Deadshot” Lawton. Jonathan “Scare Crow” Crane. David “Black Manta” Hyde.
Other- Lucifer Morningstar.
Avengers- T’Challa “Black Panther”. Sam “Falcon” Wilson. Steve “Captain America” Rogers. Natalia “Black Widow” Alianovna. Bucky “Winter Soldier” Barnes. Clint “Hawkeye” Barton. Tony “Iron Man” Stark. Thor Odinson.
Hero’s- Roberta “Captain America” Mendez. Matt “Daredevil” Murrdock. Scott “Ant-Man” Lang. Peter “Star Lord” Quill,
Deadpool- Wanda “Lady Deadpool” Wilson. Wade “Deadpool” Wilson.
MoonKnight- Steven “Mr. Knight” Grant. Marc “MoonKnight” Spector. Khonshu. Jake “Mr. Knight” Lockley.
Spider-men- Cooper “Web-Weaver” Coen. May “Spider-Girl” Parker. Hobie “Spider-Punk” Brown. Ben “Scarlet Spider” Reilly. Kaine “Scarlet Spider” Parker. Miguel “Spider-Man 2099” O’rara. Anya “Spider-Girl” Corázon. Gwen “Spider-Gwen” Stacy. Miles “Spider-Man” Morales. Cindy “Silk” Moon. Mary “MJ” Jane. Peter “Spider-Man” Parker.
Other- Tony “Taskmaster” Masters. Brock “Crossbones” Rumblow. Joaquín “Falcon” Torres. Yelena “White Widow” Belova. Gwen “Gwenpool” Poole. Kraven “Kraven the Hunter”. Felicia “Black Cat” Hardy. Soel “Luna Snow” Hee. Elektra Natchios. Albert “Spawn” Simmons. Frank “Punisher” Castle. Loki Odinson. Stephen “Doctor Strange” Strange.
Triple Frontier
Francisco Morales. Santiago “Pope” Garcia. Tom “Redfly” Davis.
The Card Counter
William Tell. La Linda. Clirk Rogers.
A Most Violent Years
Abel Morales. Lawrence. Peter Forente..
The Two Faces of January
Chester’s McFarland. Rydal.
Ex Machina
Nathan Bateman.
Scenes From a Marriage
Jonathan Levy.
Life Itself
Will Dempsey.
Show Me a Hero
Nick Wasicsko. Micheal Sussman?
John “Jack” Jackson.
Duke Leto.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Miguel “Spider-Man 2099” O’Hara. Peter “Spider-Man” B. Parker. Jessica “Spider-Woman” Drew. Peter “Spider-Man Noir” Parker.
Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Demons- Lucifer. Mammon. Leviathan. Satan. Asmodues. Beelzebub. Belphegor. Diavolo. Barbatos.
Angels- Simeon. Luke (platonically).
Humans- Solomon.
*If the characters are like high schoolers, I will only right with them aged up. However, if the character I’d like 14 and below, I will note write with at all because 15 and above I can get a more accurate less childish personality with them being aged up.
Devil Man Crybaby
Akira Fudo. Ryo Asuka. Miki Makimura. Miki Kurado. Psycho Jenny.
Haikyu!! (Ify about this one)
Kurasuno- Yu Nishinoya. Tobio Kageyama. Kei Tsukishima. Kiyoko Shimizu. Shoto Hinata. Ryūnosuke Tanaka. Koshi Sugawara. Hitoka Yachi. Tadashi Yamaguchi. Keishin Ukai. Daichi Suwamura.
Nekoma- Kenma Kozume. Tetsurō Kuroo. Lev Haiba.
Aoba Johsai- Toru Oikawa. Hajime Iwaizumi.
Fukurōdani- Kōtarō Bokuto. Keiji Akaashi.
Shiratorizawa- Wakatoshi Ushijima. Satori Tendo.
Attack on Titan
Scout Regiment- Armin Arlert. Mikasa Ackerman. Levi Ackerman. Hange Zoë. Sasha Brown. Erwin Smith.
Military Regiment- Hitch Dreyse. Kenny Ackerman.
Warriors- Reiner Braun. Annie Leonhart.
Nobility- Historia Reiss.
Eldia- Ymir Fritz.
Paradise Island- Carla Jeager. Kuchel Ackerman.
Sword Art Online
Kirito. Asuna. Sinon.
Seven Deadly Sins
Meliodas. Escanor. Gowther. Ban. Diane. King.
Hunter x Hunter
Killua Zoldyck (platonic). Gon Freecss (platonic). Kurapika. Chrollo Lucifer. Feitan. Leorio.
Satori Murano. Shinichi Izumi. Kana Kimishima.
Demon Slayer
Ubuyashiki Family- Kagaya Ubuyashiki.
Hashira- Giyu Tomioka. Mitsuri Kanroji. Sanemi Shinazugawa. Gyomei Himejima. Shinobu Kocho.
Former Hashira- Kyojuro Rengoku. Tengen Uzui.
Demon Slayers- Tanjiro Kamado. Zenitsu Agatsuma. Inosuke Hashibira.
Demons- Muzan Kibutsuji. Enmu.
Death Note
Blue Exorcist
Ouran High School Host Club
Soul Eater
Black Butler
Angels of Death
High-rise Invasion
Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun
The Way of the House Husband
Kotoro Lives Alone (platonic w/ Kotoro)
Cowboy Bebop
Jujutsu Kaisen
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chalcanthitedreams · 8 months
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Hellen | he/him | 21 | White
Bisexual trans man
Main f/o currently is Julien "Rook" Nizan
Carrd is here! Strawpage is here!
I follow from @/saturniidaez
More info under the cut!
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copper writing - writing, won't be common?
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Taglist: @humboldtsquidz
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dollarstorejager · 4 years
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randomfandomsbro · 6 years
Save You, Save Me (Doc/Rook)
INSPIRED BY THIS AMAZING ART BY @afrenchdisaster Art piece in question: https://afrenchdisaster.tumblr.com/post/178454880296/hostage-secured-hang-on-just-a-little-longer
This was an inspired piece and I was asked to write a Doc/Rook thing anyways
Contains all of the feels, but mostly hurt and comfort and sadness 
I actually cried once but it’s probably bc I was listening to really depressing music while I wrote it c’:
Doc was methodical in his work, making sure the hostage and his teamates were alive and well. Rook was also methodical, his mind clear on the objective of protecting the hostage and his significant other. Rooks lips curled into a small smile as he set down the bag with armor plates in it, immediately locking eyes with Doc. Doc scowled slightly, but you could tell he wanted to smile. He always looked grumpy though, it kept everyone on their toes.
"Care for some plates?", Rook asked and looked up just as Doc stepped over.
"Ah, yes, I do think I will take a plate!", Doc returned the smile briefly as he bent down to grab a plate, securing it into his vest.
"Good, don't need you getting hurt now do we? We're useless without our medic!", the younger man faked a pout as Doc shook his head.
"I can take care of myself, just worry about yourself..", Doc pursed his lips and turned to place down a deployable shield to keep the hostage safe.
"Will do..I'll be back, though, so look forward to seeing me again!", he laughed out loud and stood, leaving to help reinforce the perimeter with his other teamates.
After a minute or two of reinforcing, the real fight began, wave upon wave of terrorists flocked to them. Rook and the others scrambled to defend while Doc did his best to help those who had been hurt, especially the hostage, who was in tears. The older male may be a medic, but he was also good as soothing a scary situation, he knew the hostage must have been scared beyond anything. Rook bit back a smile and they prepared for the final wave, it was always the hardest. Doc checked in with them one last time, seconds before they knew they would come, and as he passed by Rook he gave his hand a gentle brush.
"Stay on your toes, we have this..", Doc's voice grounded him, he hadn't even noticed he was feeling tense.
"You too...", was all Rook could say before they heard a breaching charge go off.
Shit, it was closer than he expected. Rook charged down the hall while Doc ran to the hostage, staying in a corner to watch the two doors that led to the room the hostage was held in. It was all a blur to Rook as he killed the men coming down the hall, the suicide bomber included. Though the bomber exploded which blew him back and onto the floor, he had effectively cleared his section. He was dizzy, but otherwise okay as the world around him slowed even more when he saw the terrorist charge into the room with Doc and the hostage. He heard shots and he heard Doc yell as well as the terrorsist, but what concerned him is what he couldn't see.
He shook off as much of the dizziness as he could manage and stood, leaning against the wall to move into the room. His heart stopped and the blood drained from his face when he saw Doc. He was just standing there, panting, staring at the dead terrorist before his eyes slowly moved up and met Rook's own. Rook could tell he knew, he had been hit at least twice, one to go through the plate and the second to go through him. Doc coughed and blood splattered onto the floor, down his lips and onto his already reddening uniform.
"Gustave..", Rook spoke his name so slow it felt like an eternity, he stared like a terrified child, quickly moving to him.
"J-Jul... Julien...", he coughed again, before trying to reach out to Rook. His eyes fell closed and he slumped backwards, but Rook caught him.
"Hostage secured! We need evac soon! please!", Rook yelled at anyone and everyone, using his hand to keep pressure on the wound that was slowly draining the life from the man he loved.
"Gus...Please hang on a little longer..Please! Evac is on the way!", Rook begged to deaf ears, Doc lay in his arms unconsious, his breathing slow and at least steady.
Rook was panicking, though he never took his hand and the pressure off the area, he checked and saw that the injury didn't have an exit point. Doc only got stiller and his breathing slightly shallower, at which point Rook was almost ready to cry. Just in time, the evac helicopter had thankfully arrived. They loaded Doc first on a stretcher, then allowed the others to file in, Rook never took his eyes off Doc for a second. The team flying was equipped to stabilize Doc with oxygen and a blood transfusion, but he would need more to be completely okay.
Hours ticked by, literal hours, as Rook sat outside of the med bay. He was exhausted, but he wouldn't budge for one second, he just stared at the heavy doors. Eventually a man stepped out with a weary smile, motioning that Rook could follow him. The distance was thankfully short to the room they kept Doc in, and Rook was surprised to see him sitting up, looking at him. Doc had a soft smile, one that made Rook's heart melt as he stumbled to get to his bedside.
"Y-You're okay..I'm so happy...You're okay..", he stuttered out as he wrapped his arms around the wounded man, only to feel him wince and gently return the embrace.
"I'm alright, Julien..But please be gentle, I am still hurting..", Doc's voice was soft and hoarse, his fingers ran gently through Rook's hair.
"I'm sorry.. I didn't protect you.. I couldn't protect you..", he broke down, beginning to cry as he couldn't find more ways to say he was sorry.
"Hush, hush.. You cannot always be there to protect me.. I am supposed to defend myself too.. I was just helping the hostage and looked up.. I thought it was you, but it wasn't.", he frowned slightly, shifting so that Rook could sit on the side of the bed.
Rook climbed onto the bed and laid down, pulling Doc to lay his head on his chest, holding him protectively. It was his time to be the comfort, he began to run his own finger's through Gustave's hair, careful not to make him uncomfortable. He listened quietly to the heart monitor that gave out a steady rhythm. He would never forgive himself for what had happened, he promised himself he would work twice as hard if it meant Gustave's safety.
"Julien..", Doc mumbled tiredly, lifting head to look up for just a second, but he was to tired to keep his head up.
"Yes, mon amour?", Rook looked down, pausing his movements.
"Thank you for keeping pressure on my wound.. I would have bled out if you didn't.. I wouldn't have gotten to see you smile again and that hurts me..", Doc choked out and shook his head, trying to hold back his own tears.
"Gustave.. Do not cry.. You are alive, you made it.. I'm here and you're here... We're both here... You'll get better and we'll be a team again.", Rook soothed him quietly and kept him close, not wanting to ever leave him again.
"Julien.. I don't care how grumpy or upset I seem... Please... Please always do that stupid smile.. Promise..", he looked up once again, his eyes peircing into Rook's, neither of them looking away.
"I promise, Gustave, you will always have my stupid smile, no matter what.", Rook nodded, putting on the very smile Doc adored, he watched as a small smile graced Doc's own lips.
"Good..", Doc yawned, it was late and the medications were taking over him. He was out within minutes, his face peaceful, a nice thing to see.
"Sleep well, mon amour, I will always be here..", Rook mumbled softly, shifting off the bed so that Doc was laying like he should.
He checked out of the med bay and walked back to his quarters, his steps heavy with exhaustion. He opened and closed the door as quietly as he could so as not to wake the other GIGN operators, then stripped off his uniform and climbed into bed. He gave a loud sigh before settling in, hugging a pillow when he wanted to be hugging Gustave. Tomorrow would be a better day, he promised himself. He settled down and closed his eyes, slowing his breathing until he fell into slumber.
Tomorrow would be a better day.
Special thanks to afrenchdisaster for giving me permission to write a little drabble/story based of of it, but when I saw it I knew I wanted to write about it since I had a request for Doc/Rook anyways
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vampsquerade · 2 years
Tbh i just want a few small hc of GIGN boys(except lion) sharing the same girl
i’ve never done hcs for all the GIGN lads before, especially one like this, so thank you very much for requesting!! i hope you enjoy it :)
GIGN HCs (Excluding Lion): Sharing a Female!Reader
Trigger Warnings: mention of arguments, mostly fluff
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☆ Gilles never really opposed the idea of you opening up your relationship, and he was a bit shocked to see his colleagues would be the ones entering his relationship
☆ You had worried he might have hated the idea, but if anything, he was okay with it
☆ He trusted you through and through, knowing that all 4 of you would communicate everything
☆ One of Gilles’ favorite things when it came to spending time with you, Gustave, and Julien was the cuddling
☆ He was the king of cuddles, and wouldn’t shy away from giving that same love to his colleagues when the time came around
☆ He’d give you a kiss on the forehead before turning and doing the same to one of his colleagues, making sure everyone felt loved and cared for
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♡ Gustave, while in your relationship with Gilles and now Julien, was a bit skeptical as to why you did it in the first place
♡ Not because he didn’t trust you, but because he didn’t know who else you were going to bringing in when you told him
♡ But once you told him it would be just Julien and him, he ended up agreeing
♡ He and Gilles wouldn’t really have problems upon joining your relationship, but he and Julien did from time to time
♡ Gustave would sometimes argue with Julien over who was going to get what position in the cuddles, wanting to be closer to you
♡ It was a bit surprising for you to see him act this way over you, and now Gustave gets embarrassed whenever you point out he and Julien were arguing again
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♪ Julien, when he joined your relationship, was very calm and gentle with everyone at first, and was rather happy he finally found himself dating someone he loved
♪ Sometimes he would cause mischief between him and his colleagues, often teasing and playfully arguing with them
♪ Gilles wouldn’t really react, he’d just laugh nervously before shooing Julien away
♪ Julien would simply continue on before leaving him alone and going to bug Gustave instead
♪ Gustave of course, would know he was playing, and would continue to egg him on
♪ The only time they ever argued was whenever Julien wanted to cuddle you and not Gustave, and he would get a bit defensive over keeping his position
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agasmask · 2 years
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l3r40l · 3 years
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if you don’t want to take plates, we will make you
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ojiisan01 · 4 years
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Selling :DDD
Rainbow Six Siege and Daft Punk Heart-shaped pin Fan Art by OjiiSan (+ Olivar)
Heart-shaped pin | 5.2*5.7 cm. | Matte texture
6 USD / each
Shipping + 10 USD
On Team Rainbow we have
- Ying
- Ela
- Rook
- Iana
- Flores
- Mozzie
- Fuze
- Kapkan
- Ace
And “Daft Punk: Guy & Thomas”.
Will do a little handmade doodle sticker for every order. And yes, you can request!!!
DM to order and more information.
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pridewishes · 2 years
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250x250 || ADHD || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by anon !!
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