#jumper monster six
hemipenal-system · 6 days
i love sexual monster stuff but i also really like it when there's a normal human situation that just inexplicably has a nonhuman creature in it and everyone is really normal about that
like yeah my mechanic has six arms and too many teeth. no i dont judge, i'm not a bigot, he does good work!
oh i'm seeing this new girl, Lu'ran - yeah, she's a lizard! 9 feet tall and- oh yeah the snuggles are fantastic! she makes me bask with her in the morning before breakfast so she can warm up and its one of my favorite things now
oh, fuck, i think the battery is dead. tell you what, daryl, ask the werewolves in the car next to us if they have jumper cables
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we got a continuation of the pet ask for the vanilla bachelors, but may we also get a continuation of the pet ask for the SVE bachelors?
Sure thing! :D Enjoy! 🫰💕
The hands on the clock are about to strike midnight, but Lance seems determined to devote some more time to his report on the monsters in the Highlands. He wants to give all the information to Jolyne as early as tomorrow morning, but his eyes are already starting to droop with fatigue, and the words are already blurring before his eyes. Just when it seemed to the gallant adventurer that he was about to fall asleep right on his desk, he felt something rubbing against his leg, demanding attention. "Ah, Penelope. Thanks for checking up on me." The cat that Lance and Farmer had adopted six months ago, hearing her owner's voice, meowed back. "I think we should finish this report tomorrow." The pink-haired man rose from his chair and walked with the purrin cat towards the bedroom, where Farmer and their other cat were already sleeping.
Dragons have long been considered a symbol of wisdom and strength, wealth and fertility. Mighty, noble creatures that are still honoured and respected, the designs of which can still be seen on the coats of arms of some Guilds and clans. One of those symbols of power, by the way, had just burned Magnus's favorite hat again. Sigh... He and Farmer realised the responsibility of caring for a magical beast, but the nature of this particular dragon was quite grumpy. ("Just like you, Razzy, hehe!" "Hush, love.") But the scaly creature loves and obeys Farmer. They assured their wizard husband that the dragon needs time, and the reptile will love him. Or at least stop spewing fire. Though Magnus grumbles, he loves the new member of their family, and the dragon will soon respond with affection.
Sophia, who had come to visit Victor and Farmer, squealed with joy at the sight of the adorable and affectionate sphinx that had joined Jenkins-Farmer family a couple of weeks ago. The bald cat, dressed in a cute kitty sweater, lay by the fireplace next to two other shorthaired cats, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the fluffy bodies of his cat buddies. Victor proudly showed a whole collection of jumpers, jackets and hats that the Farmer has made for their four-legged friends. Sophia was determined to make more jumpers for her friends' cats, and with Farmer's and Victor's permission she rushed to her home. More cat clothes!
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yourtouchismidas · 2 years
Entire World
A little dad!matty piece. 
Word Count: 1448
CW: none
Matty hasn’t seen his daughter Gigi in thirty one days, six hours and fifteen minutes. He has been on tour on the other side of the world and this time they couldn’t work around school and Gigi’s Mum’s bookshop to get them there for a visit. They have facetimed every morning, when she has been awake brushing her tiny teeth for school and pulling on her little school jumper. She talks to him about nonsense on the phone, stuff he doesn’t quite understand, fairies and monsters and her friends and whose house she has been to play at and customers at the shop he hasn’t met. She holds up pictures of drawings she has done and sometimes, she will read to him from her school book. He doesn’t understand the reading levels, but he knows his kid is smart, and that she is proud of whatever colour level she is on so that’s all that matters. 
He lands on a red eye and immediately gets a car to the shop where Gigi’s mother is. They’ve been fighting. Frustrated. Matty gets annoyed when she rushes Gigi to finish a call with him because they need to get to school, jealous that she gets to spend almost every waking second with her, see her fall asleep, see her the minute she opens her eyes in the morning. She gets annoyed with Matty when he doesn’t understand the pressures of daily life, of what it’s like dealing with tantrums, and breakfast, and washing school uniforms. That he gets to rock up and be the fun Dad whereas she is constantly playing the bad guy, the bedtime enforcer, the one who is always there, always for granted. He gets it. He does. She gets it too. It’s just hard. The lives that have been chosen, have had to happen. 
When he gets to the shop though, instead of bringing it all up, instead of bickering, instead of complaining, he wraps her into a huge hug, smelling the new books and coffee and perfume in her hair and on her apron. He looks at her and she looks at him, but they leave everything behind. 
“Are you okay?” he asks her. And there is weight behind the words. It isn’t casual. It’s everything to him. 
“Yeah,” she says, “Are you? How was your flight?” 
“Shit scary,” he says and this makes her laugh. Then he quietly helps her unpack some books for the shop, and then when the jet lag gets the best of him, he sits in the window seat of the café looking out at the people and cars going by, and she brings him a coffee and puts it on the bench in front of him, and then slides her arms round his waist and sticks her hands in his rumpled shirt to find warmth. He sighs. Leans into her. Closes his eyes. 
“I missed you so much,” he whispers. 
“I missed you too,” she mumbles into his back. 
She has to go back to work and so he drinks his coffee and tries to stay awake, checking the time on his watch over and over as it slowly counts down to three fifteen when his daughter gets out of school. She doesn’t know he is coming. She doesn’t know he is back. Gigi thinks Mum will pick her up as usual. Or maybe Nana. Or Laura, her Mum’s friend. It hasn’t been Dad in a month so she doesn’t expect it. When she asked on facetime this morning where he was, he was in passport control, and he told her he was doing something very important with work. She didn’t question it. She is five years old. And he is always doing something important with work. 
The time finally comes. They walk down to the school together. Mum and Dad. His heart is beating in his chest. He feels dizzy with excitement. His arms feel empty. They need something to hold. They need his little girl, wrapped up in them, his baby. He needs to hear her laugh. He needs to listen to her stories. He needs to watch her skip down the pavement. 
There is a small part of him, that is worried. What if she sees him and her face falls? What if she wanted just Mum? The one who is always there? The one who is there to tuck her in every night? Not him. Not the one who leaves. The one who disappears. What if he is mad at her? Resents her? Like her Mum is? Like her Mum does? He reaches over and grabs her hand, squeezes it. She looks up and smiles at him. Winks. He feels better. 
He arrives at the school gates. They’re cliché, wrought iron, and the school ground is concrete. There are no kids out yet but there is a teacher and the doors are open, ready to greet the children. Other parents mill around. A couple look at him. They are aware of Gigi, apparently, most of them. And her famous father. Someone has even tried to get tickets off her Mum in the playground before. He told them to fuck off next time he saw them.
The teacher side eyes him now. He knows they don’t like him. What they say about him. That Mum is nice enough but Dad, Dad thinks his kid should be top of the class, Dad thinks his kid needs special attention, Dad is a bit over bearing, isn’t he? Dad writes songs that Gigi accidentally sings in school and the other kids giggle. Dad swears in front of her and turns up at parents evening sweating from rehearsals. Dad is late. Dad is trying. Dad is the reason Gigi misses so much school. Is always off somewhere travelling. Dad is the reason her routines are unsettled. Dad being gone is the reason Gigi sometimes comes in crying. 
Here come the children. Running. Screaming. One crying. Uniforms dishevelled even thought they were neatly packaged up for school this morning. Book bags flying. Hair falling out. 
“There she is,” Gigi’s Mum says to him, nudging. He doesn’t see her for a second, in the sea of children dressed the same, but then, there she is. His sweet girl. A part of him. A part of him missing, here now, shouting distance away. Gigi is holding something, a toy, showing a friend, she is in her own world. She hasn’t seen either of them yet. Her book bag is on her wrist, dangling. Her  black hair has made it’s way out of the neat plaits he saw on facetime this morning and curls around her face. Her friend runs off, towards their parents, and she turns. She sees Mum. Mum waves. And then her eyes land on him. 
It takes her a second. To register. To see that he is really there. She blinks. Then she yells “Daddy!” He’s grinning. There is tears in his eyes. She usually calls him Matty, his real name, surrounded by adults most of the time who call him the same thing. The more it bothers him, the more she is does it, sarcastically, poking him, almost like she is telling him off. “For God’s sake, Matty,” she will say. Just like she has heard her mother say a thousand times. But today it’s Daddy. Today he is Daddy. 
She runs. She drops her book bag and the toy. The whole playground turned at her scream and are now watching her, bolt towards him, where he is ready to catch her with open arms. She wraps her legs around his waist and he stands up holding her. She is sobbing. Her little chest heaving against his. It’s hard not for him to do that same thing. She pulls back and looks at him, wipes the curls away from where they got stuck in her tears. 
“You happy?” he asks. And she nods, sobbing still. He holds her for as long as she needs him to. Stroking her back. Kissing the top of her head. 
The rest of the playground goes back to it’s business. A couple of parents wipe away their own tears. Gigi’s Mum is sniffing to stop crying too.  A teacher retrieves her discarded book bag and toy and hands them to her Mum who says thank you. The teacher smiles at them and walks away. 
Yeah okay, they think all those things about him, but they can’t deny. Gigi loves Matty, adores him. And they can’t deny either. That he loves her too. More than anything in the entire world.  
“Let’s go sweetheart,” he says to her. 
“Where are we going?” she says. 
“Wherever you want.” 
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doomed-era · 6 months
..gaffen and zeldas horses pre and post cal (including hylia brainworms)? names + personalities perhabs
hehe oh this might be long. because I . uh
drew all of them.
gaffen has five horses so. full slots in-game yea. non-"special" horses are sneaky, cheese, and epona! the giant horse is named pumpkin, and the white horse is named cloud, however he does not really consider cloud his horse. he also did the epona thing </3 i am taking a little artistic license with the horses because I want there to be different heights + builds for them uh yea. i used to be really into horses growing up so its my right. horse isle 2 babeeyyyy
sneaky -- mare, skewbald, 14.5 hh. I would say she's probably descended from horses that were already running wild around hyrule from before the calamity. I'd say her build is similar to that of an american mustang for that reason (short, very hardy. tho tbf I really dont think a lot of feral horses WOULDNT be like this. im just. messing around) she's gaffen's first horse, and his favorite one.
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she's about seven years old now? gaffen caught her when she was fairly young and very soon after he left the great plateau so she took to him very well. shes very gentle and intelligent, generally speaking doesn't know what to do around monsters. gaffen had to train her to not shy around them because she is not a fan and is kind of a coward </3 she knows a bunch of tricks like shaking hands and standing up on her hind legs, retrieving objects, and other stuff. she's very treat-oriented and will listen to anyone who gives her food. this actually led to a yiga kidnapping? once? yeah the yiga tried to steal her oops. her name is sneaky bc gaffen had to sneak up on her to catch her. very creative
epona -- mare, flaxen chestnut, 13.9 hh, about six years old. also descended from already-feral horses, though she may have a little farm horse that got free in there. she's the second horse gaffen registered!
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epona started just. following gaffen one day. this is presumably because she was bored and smelled food on him. she's a very bold horse, and not afraid of a fight. she also gets bored really easily, so gaffen has taught her several tricks as well. she really likes people, and is the most vocal of gaffen's horses. gaffen named her after a story he heard about chosen heroes naming their horses epona, as he didn't know the story when he found sneaky.
cheese-- stallion, 15hh blue roan. he's descended from horses used by the hyrulean military. he's got a very long, pretty mane and is very well-built, similar to an andalusian.
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cheese was named after his coat color and markings. he's around seven, and is gaffen's fourth horse. gaffen thought he looked like mold but the stable owner he tried to register him at (it was tasseren) said he wouldnt let gaffen name a horse mold. so he settled on cheese. cheese is generally a very sweet horse who loves attacking monsters. he's kind of annoying around people he doesn't know and will nibble on your clothes. but! he is a great jumper and people have asked gaffen if they could breed cheese with their mares once or twice. his favorite treat is apple horse treats that some stables will sell
pumpkin -- 23 hh mare, technically this coloration I dont THINK exists irl but the closest is probably a liver chestnut. she has the build of a shire more or less, and her bloodline is believed to be the result of an abandoned breeding project in the gerudo highlands.
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pumpkin is AGGRESSIVE. towards horses, people, what have you. the problem is she's very attached to gaffen and gaffen as far as hes concerned thinks pumpkin can do no wrong. she runs over things with no remorse. its not like she wants to she just doesnt care. gaffen thinks she was the matriarch of her old herd. she's a very proud horse and refuses to do tricks but she is very affectionate towards gaffen and generally listens to him. her favorite treat is endura carrots. she is the fourth horse gaffen has registered and is around fourteen years old.
cloud-- 14.2 hh white stallion, around nine years old. my god I did not want to make him white I wanted to make him a grey or ivory or perlino but nooo. canonical pink nose which means he's probably white ew ew ew. anyway he is based on an arabian horse, however I gave him feathering, he's kinda fuzzier than an arabian and he probably has a mane more like an andalusian. i love andalusians. but he descended from a special breed of horses called the hyrulean imperial breed! they're a hotblooded breed known for their intelligence and grace.
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cloud is the last horse gaffen registered, probably because it was so frustrating to catch him. unfortunately toffa was a LITTLE bit more picky in this au lets say. and didnt just look for a white horse but something with the breed characteristics of a a hyrulean imperial. so gaffen ended up catching several horses either sired by cloud or part of his herd that were a similar color. cloud, uh, well he hates everyone. he is wild as they come, very difficult to train, even for someone who likes training horses and had quite a bit of experience like gaffen did at the time. this was only exacerbated by hylia having recently popped into gaffen's head and insisting he give the horse to widget and train him properly, which only made him more angry at the horse. gaffen just. didnt really treat him well. to him, that is not his horse. cloud is a big fan of apples but he also likes sugar cubes-- basically anything sweet.
ok pre-calamity horses now
chestnut-- 15 hh mahogany bay gelding, 15 at the time of the calamity.
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chestnut is a horse that gaffen got from his parents when he was thirteen. it took him a bit to get used to riding but once he understood it and began to bond with chestnut he fell in love with horses. they're better than dogs, obviously. chestnut was basically the perfect companion-- he was trained very well for his job before gaffen got him and had a gentle disposition. chestnut, unlike gaffen, seemed to enjoy the company of just about everyone, and most stables gaffen went to complimented him on how well-kept and good-natured chestnut was. when the calamity hit gaffen ordered the boy under him who was responsible for the horses to set chestnut and the other horses free. it's unknown if the horse survived.
lily -- 14.2 hh white mare, around 5 years old at the time of the calamity. I DO NOT KNOW WHY WE CAME UP WITH THE SAME NAME </3 she is a hyrulean imperial
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widget did not like lily at first, and lily did not like her. though she was trained to be ridden without complaint by the royal family specifically the horse had a way of being annoying without technically going outside of the rules she was trained to follow. though some stablehands suggested she take some time to learn better riding habits widget didn't really care to do it as she had made up her mind that she didn't like horses and didn't want to put any effort into learning how to bond with hers. eventually, with some help from gaffen the Horse Obsessed Freak, widget does learn to like and work with lily and they get along fairly well.
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carlos-in-glasses · 7 months
A Scarf Askew
Tomorrow, I will have been knitting for exactly one month - and I have an update!
Yesterday, I finished her! A scarf unlike any other (that's for sure!). The colours were dictated by the BEAUTIFUL Bergere yarn I found in a charity shop, which was part of the fun! The plain green and purple were an online purchase to complement. I'd love to do this a couple more times and make scarves of different blues and pinks.
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Without a pattern, I cast on way too many stitches so ended up frogging the first six inches worth of rows - but I'm so glad I did, otherwise it would have been a monster. It looks a lot more sensible this size! The main challenges were working with such frizzy yarn (beautiful halo, though) and actually knitting in straight rectangles rather than whatever freeform, billowing nebula I ended up creating. My tension went wonky with the purple panel, but I simply stitched up the holes and you can't really tell unless you look close. I decided to add tassels into the mix so had to acquire a set of crochet hooks - but again, I'm so glad I bothered! They ended up being pretty fun once I got the hang of it!
Finally! I used a garment steamer for blocking - which made all the difference in the overall 'quality', if I may generously use that word. Crazy how much longer it grew though! Rougly 60 inches has blown to 88 inches! Clearly need to be more careful in the future if I don't want a jumper to look like I knitted it for a giant.
Ooh and - my partner, exited about a new gadget in the flat, broke the steamer after a single use when fiddling around, so I'm already in the market for a new one if anyone has any recs!
Overall, I'd say this was a success. It is definitely a functional scarf. You look at it and you think "that is a scarf!" It is in no way perfect, but I wore it out today and felt a million dollars because it was something I made and put hours into. I have no idea how long projects are meant to take for beginner-knitters with full time jobs and other hobbies, but I feel like this was pretty good going.
Currently, I've cast on practice yarn so I can improve stockinette, 1x1 and 2x2 rib stitch, and I'm itching to learn how to increase and decrease. It's freaking me out so much, and I just want to be able to do it! Not to be dramatic, but it feels like such a mountain to climb! I've bought a pattern for a hat (and a pattern for a jumper!) but I'm not starting either until I'm more confident with ribs and shaping.
So there we have it. First, chaos mitten. Now a scarf askew. I hope to be able to show you a hat that looks like a hat in the not too distant future! It comes with a bobble maker (!) so all being well, it could be pretty cute!
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hezuart · 10 months
Probably a bit of a weird question but how do you rank the different versions of Six on how much you like them and your reasons for their placement (maybe their design or characteristics, etc). The different versions of Six being Raincoat Six, Jumper Six, VLN Six, Monster Six, and Shadow Six (and MAYBE the unused long-haired Six from the LN2 game files so that the amount of Sixes matches her name?) How do you rank the different Sixes?
ooooo hm...
Tumblr hates my post again so here are pics of what i said
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shetheyshenanigans · 4 months
sometimes I think about the fact that obviously demigods are not wearing their Camp Halfblood T-shirts 24/7 365 (well low-key they might be, bc I have six of the same shirt from a charity thing I did and I wear one basically every day) but!! This means sometimes they are fighting monsters in regular clothes, and not like monster fighting clothes
Imagine Percy Jackson in basketball shorts and a crop top, swinging at a chimera
Piper McLean in her leggings and White Fox hoodie, charmspeaking a hellhound
Jason Grace in a fucking polo shirt and chinos (you know I'm right) whacking away at a Lastrygonian
Hazel Levesque in denim shorts and that one cute top every girl has, chopping up a dracaena, pissed off about the blood on her top
Nico DiAngelo in black jeans and some fucking MCR shirt, making hell portals for a myrmeke nest
Annabeth Chase, in her nice jeans and jumper, on her way to a date with Percy and swinging at every single cyclops in her way
Frank Zhang in his hockey jersey and jeans, hoping they don't tear as he shapeshifts into a dragon and breathes fire at a hydra
Leo Valdez, in his shorts and funky Hawaiian shirt, throwing grenades everywhere
Like the comedic potential of demigods being in their own clothes is absolutely WASTED
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devouraes · 5 months
THE CRACK OF THE HUNTER'S GUN still rang in her ears, the echo of it's death knell drowning out the gentle waves of the shore ahead of them, even as its owner's body lay cooling in the underbrush ; a soon - to - be feast for the blackbirds that called the woodland home ── if they hadn't all been frightened away by now. six couldn't be certain what would happen to his remains, and she couldn't care either. all that mattered now was getting as far away as she could . . . as they could, she thinks, a little absent-mindedly as gray eyes shift to fix the boy with a sidelong stare.
the boy had terrified her, even if the memory of wood splintering under an axe's gleaming blade began to drift to the back of her mind, submerged 'neath the now - waning adrenaline of their escape. the boy had helped her too, waited for her as they raced through the tall grass, held her hand as they snuck over and under tree roots, pulled the trigger when that monster had reared his ugly head through the shed door . . . and therein lies something else six couldn't be sure what she thought of. all she knew was that there was only going forwards.
a chill swept through the air, sending a shiver through her small frame as she clutches at her worn old jumper's sleeves, and still she stares. she can't see his eyes from here, beneath the paper bag fixed over his head. she wishes she could. maybe then she'd know what he thinks, what braving the hunter's cabin and the land beyond it meant to him.
finally, she tears her gaze away to glance behind them, at the shed with it's broken door, the only thing that had spared them the sight of dark blood splattered across the grass and dirt. when she speaks her voice is dry and rasping and just as small as she is.
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“ he deserved it. ”
▌ @bravest. * ⚓️.
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eyesoverinfinity · 2 years
L4D mimic infected au fanfic 5
Content warning: violence, gore, small bits of almost cannibalism.
"The monsters are strange creatures." Louis thought to himself.
He was watching some from a distance. The anger was there, demanding blood, but while it still drove them to kill it no longer blinded them to strategy. They had recently found that they could keep their minds despite the anger, so long as they attacked the monster willingly.
Some of the mindless were experiencing similar breakthroughs, although most of them started to look a lot different... and a lot bigger.
They had attempted communication with these new fighters already. But their minds were not as unbroken as his team pack.
The jumpers where flighty unless there was prey, you could never pin them down long enough to talk with one. They'd occasionally try steal from Louis and his pack, but only if they were desperate.
The chokers on the other hand, were easy to find because of the dark clouds and were a lot slower. They seemed to understand that they were being talked to, but never tried to speak back.
The callers usually called them before they found the callers. They produced a liquid that sent them into a rage with seeing a monster. They could speak simple words if they existed long enough, but they were so fragile that rarely happened.
The weeping were stationary, siting and keeping to themselves. The anger didn't seem to affect them, unless a monster got too close. They never did anything but weep. They seemed to weep harder if you tried to talk to them.
Then there was the... big ones... Zoey had called them the angry and while Louis thought that name was a tad redundant, they all had anger after all, Zoey argued that the big ones embodied it.
They were large, overpowering and senseless. They destroyed anything and everything in it's wake, even it's own kind.
"Besides," Zoey had argued "any name is better than 'big one'."
Louis had a feeling that maybe he should cut the monsters some slack, for all of their strangeness at least they're strategies stayed the same:
Scream, run and occasionally set fire to things.
Sure, it destroyed most things around them, but Louis and his kind weren't any better.
There had been an initial scramble in the beginning where everyone killed everyone. But now that the chaos had died down, a little bit at least, most monsters where either dead or gone.
But the monsters that remained where killers right down to their core. They cut though hundreds of mindless just crossing the street! He supposed that's why the more unique fighters had begin to appear.
But the curious thing was that they also ignore their own wounds and hearts. But it was less confusing then what some of the monsters used to do.
He knew that most monsters run and hide from their awesomeness. But other seemed to thrive in this new world. while most of what remain bounded together, many of the monsters killed each other.
None of the ones who betrayed their own where still around of course, those ones betrayed and killed got betrayed and killed back until none of them where left.
Louis shook his head as he repositioned to hide from the approaching monsters. Strength was in numbers. In the pack. If those monsters didn't see that then they got what they deserved.
The monsters that were still around at least understood this. Even if they didn't understand why that was the case.
These monsters, they ran though their wounds, ignoring them entirely, sometimes even refusing to be healed. Why? What was the point? There where plenty of those strange red bags they use to do it.
At least Louis assumed that was the case, on account that he had never seem a group of monsters without them.
He looked to where this group was, hearing the distress of the monsters as they approached. Some had already been lost to the mindless.
He had seen this group before, a group a six. They didn't kill each other for little to no reason, but they still didn't act like a pack. They ignored the sadness each other, nor did they ask for help themselves. They stuck together because that's the only way to survive this world, but there was more to the world then survival.
Though Louis wasn't the one who was being chased around night and day, so maybe he shouldn't be talking.
The monsters got closer, the anger grew impatient. It was time to strike.
"σ𝓋𝐄ⓡ ɘɿɘʜ, ᛠ⧼H⧽ᛨ§ Ꮤልㄚ!" Called out Zoey, in monster speak.
"ᏔⶴꝊ'Ƨ ꓕʜልፕ? ꛅ𖤢𝗹̶ρ μ⧼S⧽!" The monster replied, separating from their group as they drew closer.
"𐌕ⶴꀧꉖ ሠ𐌀ሃ ₱ɆØ𝕡𝓛ɘ!" Bill added.
Despite none of them having any idea as to what they were saying, this new technique worked like a charm.
"𝕡𝓛𝐄ⓐꞩē, ꞡꁄꇞ µ§ ð𐌵𐌕 Ꝋ𐌵ፕ ዐꘘ ꛅ𖤢𝖗ℯ!" Pleaded the monster that left their group.
"wHⓐ† åß⧽ᛜ⧼Uᛠ  𖢧ꛅꁄ ꅂⱦħēɍϛ?" Asked a new monster.
Shit, they hadn't seen that one, It seems they weren't as willing to separated as first thought.
"աɦǟȶ ǟƀꝋᵾ𖢧 ᛠ𝗵⃥𝘦̸𝗺⃥?̸!⃥ ᛠʜEʏ'ᴅ δθ τн𖤢 ꕷꛎ-"
The monster shined a blinding light onto them and froze, it had seen them. it was now or never.
Francis was the first to leap at it, biting into it's throat to keep it quiet. Louis then went with Bill to pull their prey away from any help.
But the other monster saw that the first one got jumped.
It turned the corner with its weapons and aimed at them, Francis and Bill hid behind the pillars next to them, but without one to hid behind himself Louis thought quickly.
He picked up the first monster, still struggling and choking on it's own blood, and used it as a barrier. The monster didn't react to this action in time, and ended up shooting Louis's new barrier in it's back.
As the first monster went limp in Louis's hands, Zoey attacked the offender from behind as it filched at the horror of what it had just done. It's scream unheard or ignored by it's pack, who where moving further away from the building they where in.
Louis and the others joined in on the kill, by the time they were done the body didn't look like a monster anymore. In truth it didn't look like anything. It was a pile of red and pink.
The other monsters where gone. They had done it. Their first (purposeful) kill.
Zoey picked up some of the dead monster and put it in her mouth. but then spat it out with a look of disgust on her face.
"Why do you keep doing that?" Bill asked
"Don't know, I just keep thinking its what's supposed to happen." She repiled
"I've never thought that." Francis said
"I haven't either," Louis added "I think it's just you."
"I got left with weird stuff." Zoey sighed, referring to what was left of her old mind as she wiped her face with the green paper on the ground.
"No arguments." Francis agreed.
"We all did." Louis added, so Zoey didn't feel bad.
"Lets get real food." Zoey suggested.
They all agreed, they left the bodies to rot as they walked to where ever the wind would led them.
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angsty-prompt-hole · 2 years
WIP Introduction: A Hero’s Call
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Blurb: Book one of the Dimension Jumpers saga (actual title TBD). After a chance encounter in the woods, 16 year old Kira Shade finds herself plunged into a fantastical adventure the likes of which she had only read about in books. However, she soon finds that there’s a lot more to being a hero than fighting monsters, and that she may have been forced into a battle far greater and far more dangerous than she could have ever imagined.
Genre(s): Urban fantasy, sci-fi, horror, whump.
Detailed Description/Author’s Commentary: This is my main WIP and the main story that takes place in my multiverse. When I was in school, I always dreamed of being a superhero and eventually I decided to turn that into a story. You may also see me refer to A Hero’s Call as the first season of the Dimension Jumpers saga because originally I structured it like a television show.
This story takes place in the fictional town of Dresden, Wyoming and follows Kira Shade, her brother Carter, her best friends Emily and Alexander “Pickle” Ward, and a whole host of other characters as they fight to defend their town from the siege of monsters and strange occurrences that now plagues their town, all while they try and figure out the truth behind Kira’s powers and the person who gave them to her.
This is the first of five (possibly six) parts of a series and primarily focuses on Kira as she learns to use her powers and as she digs into the nature of those powers, the mysterious man who gave her her powers, and her even more mysterious mentor, a humanoid creature from another world who goes by the name of Cairn.
This story is my baby and is heavily inspired by animated cartoons like Danny Phantom, Teen Titans, and The Powerpuff Girls. There are also an insane amount of side characters that I have created for this world over the past six or seven years, as well as a whole host of original worlds and species that I created for this universe.
In addition, the first couple of chapters of this are actually up! You can start reading it here. Enjoy!
Character Introductions The Dresden Crew
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icarusthelunarguard · 11 months
 This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
Somebody made a suggestion for a theme this week! Well, far be it for us to say “No”. So this week you’re ALL getting famous creepy monsters randomly assigned to guide you this week. Let’s see if you can survive the experience.
=Next Week: =
Not gunna lie, Aries - you’re starting us off weak. You get a classic monster that literally everyone knows about and its depiction never makes sense. You get a  “Skeleton”. How many times have you seen them moving around, stalking people, drinking wine, or even whistling? “Too Many Times” by our count. So this week… watch the Schoolhouse Rock song, “Them Not-So-Dry Bones” and learn the difference between a Tibia and a Femur.
Ok, now THIS is how you start off a list like this correctly. Some would say this is the ultimate Modern Halloween monster, but others would say, “Who Hurt You?” This week you get to deal with “Creepy Clowns”, but we can give you a way to help with your Clown-a-phobia. This week… find and watch “Killer Klowns from Outer Space” and we’re sure you’ll get over your fears. Either that or you’ll never eat pink cotton candy again.
We’re going to flip the script just a little bit for you and give you “Dr. Frankenstein”. Not his creation, known as “The Monster” but on the Doctor himself. You know there’s just a little bit of that drive in every medical professional out there. That desire to beat back Death itself. To stave off the reaping of a soul. But it’s too late. Dr. Viktor von Frankenstein is long dead, his secrets, ironically, taken with him to the grave, and there’s nothing you can do to change that. This week… avoid using jumper cables.
Cancer Moon-Child 
The scariest part about your monster is how incredibly inconsistent they are. Maybe they’re smart, maybe dumb, maybe fast, maybe shambling and otherwise unstoppable. In any event you’re getting, “Zombies”. The only way to be sure you’ve killed them… well, they’re already ‘dead’, kinda. Anyway… –to be sure they’re dead is to pop their head like a Gushers Candy. This week… Play “7 Days to Die” on “All Blood Moon” setting. 
You can’t reason with yours. You can’t talk to it. You can’t shoot it or stab it or contain it for long. In your case “Mummies” are the cursed remains of a long-dead person, usually Egyptian. That means they’re like 5,000 years old, can only read hieroglyphics, and can’t talk with a damn anyway. But you have an advantage over them - You can produce enough fire to turn them into ash. This week… invest in a Bic Lighter and hairspray.
We’re gunna do some chemistry here. Take an old dude, say, just about 2 Metres tall. Make him speak six languages, be a world champion fencer, participate in more on-screen sword fights than any actor in history, serve for five years as a British Commando blowing the shit out of Nazi asses in World War II, and have him, at 88 years old, became the oldest person to ever record lead vocals on a progressive symphonic heavy metal track about the life of Charlemagne (because why the fuck not?). You have the best “Vampire” in history: SIR Christopher Frank Carandini Lee. This week… we don’t care that we’re not giving you an actual monster - DUDE! Christopher Lee was the MAN!
“Where… Wolves? …THERE wolves. There… Castle.” And if you don’t get that reference we can’t be friends anymore. This week, watch “An American Werewolf in London” and “Young Frankenstein”... AGAIN. 
The worst part about your monster is how very un-real they are. Because if it was a matter of people having unfinished business with The Living, why the hell aren’t there any Ghost dinosaurs out there? And why are they always shown wearing the same clothes all the time. Like.. My Dude, you can wear anything you want! Imagine what a Borat Ghost would be like. (*PAUSE*) Second thought, never-you-mind!
AH, yes! The women who gave society the proverbial finger and got turned into well-well-well done kabobs. You get “Witches”, and we’re going to put some existential fear into you from them. First… Can we all just agree that Winifred Sanderson’s lipstick and buck-teeth are just The Worst? Now riddle me this, Sagittarius; why were we taught to fear the witches and NOT the people lighting them on fire? This week… No cook-outs. 
We already mentioned your Not-A-Monster monster, and we can make them very humanized. “The Grim Reaper” isn’t a monster per-say, but a person fulfilling a necessary function for Life! Imagine, you accidentally shoot Death in the forehead, killing them, and now YOU have to take on the “Office of Death”, reaping souls, with no training at all. Do you ever wonder how he’s doing in his newly promoted position? Have you pondered what happens if he’s allergic to horses? This week… find a copy of “On a Pale Horse” by Piers Anthony and Read It! (He’s still alive, BTW!)
This is a SUPER speciesist fear-monster for no good reason. You get “Bats”. And really this is silly! They’re GREAT little flying mosquito-devourers and stunt fliers and you know what? YOU KNOW WHAT?! They’re smol! Well.. except for the Flying Fox. Imagine a bat with a CUTE FACE, weighing in at 1Kg with a 1 and-a-half Meter wingspan… and you know what they eat? Flowers and fruit! That’s it! And they’re just the most adorable sky puppies! This week… Re-exam your personal biases.
You are NOT Captain Kirk or Commander Riker. You are NOT going to be flirting with this “monster”, if we can even call it that. You get “Aliens” - and before you say anything, just remember… Humanity’s just as much a threat to other life as they are to us… So this week… learn how to nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord and BLUESKY.
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etho-slabbers · 1 year
what infinte realms focuses I think the lifestealers would take!:
(all terms used will be explained under cut)
also major spoilers, for infinte realms in this post, I make alot of refs to the characters in it!!!
Zam- Class as main, Level 318. With cultivation as secondary, early heavenly. Has 6 tier six skills. Has focus madness, his focuses are all in combat related paths, also has a pilfering class for the first 2 evolutions.
Spoke- Cultivation main, mid acended, has his inspiration for eternal since peak immortal, wants to get the most out of cycling so hasnt advanced. Skills as secondary, 3 tier six skills, 5 tier five skills.
Vitalasy- Only skills, 9 tier eight skills. Grasp of the void, is close to becoming a sage of the void.
Subz- Only skills, 3 tier eight, 5 tier seven. Sage of the void.
Vortex- Class only, level 281. Is considering taking a secondary, is unsure on which one to choose.
4cvit- Cultivation main, peak heavenly. Skills secondary, 3 tier 6 skills, 4 tier 3s.
Mid- Skills only, tier nine skill. Her skills were 92% compatible and her will is by far the strongest on the server. Has formed the way of the wind.
Jumper- Class main, level 239. Skills secondary, 5 tier six skills, 5 tier 5 skills and 2 tier 7 skills.
Minute- Class main, level 360. No secondary.
Mapic- Cultivation main, mid eternal, he is one of the only cultivators who cycle properly. Skills secondary, 3 tier seven skills, 4 tier six skills. Had a pilfering class but had to remove it due to imbalance madness.
Ro- Class main, level 357, took a quest from the dealmaker for his 360 (immortal) evolution. Cultivation secondary, mid Lord, hasn't decided on a second path and so hasn't advanced.
Parrot- Skills main, but like in a Zenker way, hasn't advanced all his tier seven skills to tier eight due to worrying about them not being compatible enough for his tier nine skill. Could do it easily though. No secondary.
Bacon- Class main, level 239, hasn't gotten an evolution he wants for 240 yet, is considering taking a dealmaker quest for one. Secondary skills, 3 tier five skills, 4 tier three.
Planet- Cultivation main, peak immortal, hasn't gained inspiration for evolved realm yet but is very close go a breakthrough. Class secondary, level 89, doesn't want to risk imbalance or push it yet.
Jaron- Class level 540, but like specifically an alchemical class with only one early evolution in combat related stuff. cultivation secondary, peak lord, with a formation based path. He is incredibly proficient in his two crafts (alchemy and formations).
Poafa- Cultivation main, Early evolved, has a sky related path which is similar to Tali's paths. His evolved form is a cloud like being, sort of like that cloud monster from the first book. No secondary yet, is considering skills.
Red- Skills main, 3 tier seven skills, 5 tier six skills. Has a cultivation secondary, peak lord, has a formation based path with many layers of formations on himself. Is learning runes, the ones from Ra' azel, he made the deal.
Woogie- Cultivation main, peak heavenly, is almost immortal realm. Class secondary, level 89, for imbalance reasons.
Mrcube- Cultivation main, early acended, formations master type of path. Skills secondary, 3 tier six skills, 3 tier four skills, most of his skills help with his formation making. (He's like Eratmus level good at formations.)
Ash- Class main, level 540, part of his oath is sorta Awirren-like in that he did not give up all of his sanity but he did give up some of it, along with his awakened weapon, for more power. Ash uses the aspect of change and has the grasp of change title. The dealmaker likes him, cannot show bias though.
Pangi- Class main, level 359. Secondary cultivation, mid lord. Relies heavily on regeneration but is not a true regenerator as he still has endurance.
Branzy- Cultivation main, peak ascended, has a crafter based path and is incredibly strong, doesn't have any combat perks. Has some weak skills which help with his craft, aswell as 1 tier 8 skill.
Clown- Early eternal realm cultivator, necromancer, but in the Eratmus way, branzy helps him with his formations on his vessels. Has some low level skills, just reached eternal realm.
Spep- Level 240 classer, has an adventuring based class. Mid lord secondary focus, for the true body.
Terrain- Peak immortal realm, path is like gemheart's (geomancy) he's like really strong and has incredibly high endurance. Some low level skills aswell as 2 tier six skills.
Explanations plus extras under cut
Cultivation- First stage is early mortal peak of cultivation is peak eternal. Uses essence -> Qi as power.
Class- First is well,, level 1 peak is level 540; you get an oath at this level where you can sacrifice some things and gain more powers in return. Uses stamina as power.
Skills- lowest tier skill is tier 1 peak tier is tier 9. You have to combine 2 skills for a tier 7 and 3 for a tier 8 then all for a tier 9 (I think). Uses willpower as power.
Imbalance/ focus madness- when your focuses are too spread out you lose yourself and become insane. You can fix it by removing a focus, sometimes skills can temporarily help though not always if you don't word it correctly.
Sage of the ____- Having a complete understanding of an aspect.
Way of the _____- Shape an aspect to be only your understanding of it.
Aspect- Basically just the type of Qi/ essence people use to tint their focuses.
Formations- basically things that can imbue power into another item.
Dealmaker- A guy (basically a god just below the three) who you can go to the realm of to make deals for different things.
The three- the gods who created the infinite realm.
Immortality- Cultivation; Immortal realm. Class; between level 300-360 (though I swear zach got his at 240, wiki might be wrong.) Skills; three tier seven skills.
Zenker- A skills user who was known for wandering alone and finding new things, he was incredibly powerful and killed many monsters.
Tali- A ascended realm cultivator, she was a slave for 300 years due to Awirren ambushing her and almost killing her. Her paths are both destruction and sky related, she uses bond and sky Qi.
Awirren- she got focus madness, and was crippled by Tali before they knew not to share inspiration. So she started using a class and leveled to 540, she is insane.
Runes- another form of power, uses peices of the soul to power them. Taught by Ra' azel.
Ra' azel- A yeti who is very insane for power, was locked up until was released. Obsessed with killing souls to give himself more power. Was in an old version of the framework.
Eratmus- a necromancer and formations master. (He's fucking so cool I love him!!!!)
Infinite realms wiki.
Infinite realms on royal road.
hcs will probably be in a separate post cause this one is getting LONGGGG
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mycharacterdump · 1 year
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MICAH KITT + character profile.
FULL NAME: micah gabriel kitt.
NICKNAME(S): meeks. 
DATE OF BIRTH: may 22nd.
ETHNICITY: caucasian + ¼ puerto rican.
GENDER: cis man.
PRONOUNS: he/him.
ORIENTATION: homoromantic, homosexual.
RELIGION: atheist, raised partially catholic.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: bilingual in english and spanish.
FACE CLAIM: louis partridge.
HAIR COLOUR/STYLE: naturally dark brown.
EYE COLOUR: dark brown eyes. 
HEIGHT: six foot zero.
WEIGHT: 155 lbs.
BUILD: lanky.
TATTOOS: 'mad as a hatter' on his inner right wrist + 'thin as a dime' on his inner left wrist // 'unpredictable' on his collarbone // half-sleeve of crows on his left forearm bohemian rhapsody lyrics on his right upper arm // music notes behind one ear // (stick'n'poke) ghost with headphones on his ankle. 
PIERCINGS: small gauges in both lobes and snakebites. 
CLOTHING STYLE: normally seen in white t-shirts and black jeans + doc martens, sometimes throws on a dark wash denim jacket or a jumper; wears multiple rings, hot topic bracelets, and a cross necklace he got from his nana that he feels guilty not wearing.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: scar in his left eyebrow from when he fell out of a tree at age ten.
AESTHETICS: disarming and alarming, dastardly disney prince, fanning the flames of violence, scraped knees and bleeding knuckles, the feeling of rot: slowly destroying you from the inside, the rupture of your heart, loyalty beyond compare, shakespeare’s tragedy opened next to an untouched breakfast, the shift of the temperature as a storm approaches, ashtray with finished cigarettes and empty bottles of alcohol on the windowsill, red LED lights, a collection of vinyl records, piles of books all over the place, printed out posters of horror movies, a laugh in the face of authority, ripped jeans, thrifting for home decor and clothes, the smell of cigarettes stuck to clothes, an old camera slinging around your neck, lies that sound genuine, chipped nail polish, showing up late to everything with a large coffee, worn down hands from drumsticks. 
MENTAL AILMENTS: intermittent explosive disorder + paranoid personality disorder.
DRUG USE: often ( marijuana + psychedelics ). 
ALCOHOL USE: often. 
LABEL: the spitfire.
POSITIVE TRAITS: challenging, forthright, methodical, spontaneous, youthful, competitive, impressionable, experimental, deceptive. 
NEGATIVE TRAITS: paranoid, dogmatic, irreligious, abrasive, demanding, hostile, nihilistic, reactionary, irritable, extreme.
FEARS: everything and nothing, depending on the day. 
HOBBIES: drumming, scaling any height he can, annoying others, listening to music, photography.
QUIRKS: fluent in spanish, coming up on his fourth year of braces, ambidextrous, always looks dissheveled, an adrenaline junkie, takes things too personally, argues for no reason, will do anything for friends and family.
LIKES: the color black, playing with his switchblade, strong energy drinks (200mg+), anything nintendo, enamel pins, gore/shock movies & tv, confrontation, skateboarding, rap, internetcore, all things alien related.
DISLIKES: taking his meds, therapy, being restrained, when people don’t believe him, all his sister’s boyfriends, driving, death metal, ironically enough: coffee, cleaning up after others, being immortal.
WEATHER: stormy nights.
COLOUR: black. 
MUSIC: west coast rap, punk rock, indie rock, alternative.
MOVIES: anything quentin tarantino. 
BOOK: choke by chuck palahniuk.
FLOWER: black dahlia.
SPORT: none. 
BEVERAGE: classic monster. 
FOOD: fish & chips.
FATHER: thomas knitt (alive.)
MOTHER: lucy lahey-kitt (alive.)
SIBLING(S): one older sister, tallulah kitt.
PET(S): never trusted with any.
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werspinna · 1 year
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BOLD WHAT APPLIES TO YOUR MUSE !! Feel free to add on. italicize what’s possible strike-through what’s not possible! REPOST ; DON’T REBLOG. Tagged By: Walter von der Vogelweide Tagging: You!
► Aesthetic
dark colors. bright colors. neon colors. Soft colors. blood. forests. space. mansions. ghosts. asylums. wastelands. fire. injuries. hands. bare feet. dolls. fog. storms. galaxies. snow. dawn. midnight. cold. animals. sharp teeth. neck. shoulders. bruises. freckles. legs. feminine. masculine. burns. colorful hair. witchcraft. lips. webs. fields. corn fields. tears. sweat. glitter. flowers. plants. magic. fear. pain. murder. guns. blood in the snow. scars. missing posters. old paintings. strange eyes. explosions. creatures. weapons. swords. axe. lingerie. kissing. playfulness. metal. diamonds. rust. iron. stealth. running away. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. fur. lace. leather. synthetics. robots. monsters. childhood fears. cigarettes. cameras. video cameras. polaroid cameras. angels. phones. computers. war. peace. decay. sadness. red lipstick. powder puffs. abandoned cars. skeletons. strangling. overcoats. puppets. torture. syringes. old cottages. wild gardens. loyalty. hospitals. teeth. scary basements. butterflies. prosthetic limbs. cats. dogs. dreams.
► Appearance
thick ass. bubble butt. flat ass. toned ass. Thick waist. narrow hips. average hips. wide hips. curvy frame. muscular frame. chubby frame. petite frame. lanky frame. voluptuous frame. lean frame. skinny. long legs. stumpy. average legs. thick thighs. muscular thighs. toned thighs. slender thighs. chubby belly. beer belly. soft stomach. toned stomach. flat stomach. feminine frame. masculine frame. six pack. Big boobs. small boobs. no boobs. harsh facial features. baby face. soft features. freckles. scars. moles. dimples. braces. tattoos. buckteeth. crooked teeth.  piercings. pigtails. messy hair. wolf-cut. pixie-cut. bald. long hair. shaved. ponytail. clipped back fringe. shoulder length. hip lenght. bob cut. old-fashioned hairstyle. dreadlocks. bun. braids. shaved side. undercut. mohawk. buzz cut. afro. asymmetric. crown braid. wavy short. fade. comb over. side part. Other.
► Wardrobe
tight pants. jeans. shorts. short-shorts. jean shorts. pajama pants. dungarees. skirt-dungarees. leggings. tights. Yoga pants. basketball shorts. lingerie. boxers. briefs. thongs. knee-high socks. socks. Pencil skirt. Long skirt. Gambeson. Mini Skirt. Tutu. corset. sports bra. t-shirt. sweater. sweater vest. tight shirts. leather jacket. tank top. tunics. blouse. cardigan. button-up shirt. v neck. crop top. flannels. hoodies. polo shirt. racerback shirts. boob tube. dress. Gugel. sun dress. 1-shoulder Dress. strapless. jumper dress. apron dress. shirt dress. ball gown. chemise.  nightgown. high heels. ballet shoes. jelly shoes. sandals. rain boots. leathershoes. sneakers. stripper heels. flats. knee-high boots. cowboy boots. Timberland boots. Dr.Martens. slip-ons. slippers. motorcycle boots. chukkas. loafers. dress boots. lots of layers. beanies. top hat. sunhat. cap.
►  has your muse ever…
broken something. had a near death experience. killed someone (and succeeded). killed someone (and failed).  had surgery. kissed the same sex. had sex. had sex and regretted it. lost a loved one. had a pet. gotten arrested. gotten married. divorced. cheated. gotten shot (at). been stabbed. witnessed death. taken drugs. gotten drunk. played with an ouija board. been in a car accident. gotten stitches. invented something. had a kid. had something slipped into their food / drink. been kidnapped. been bullied. bullied someone. had a stalker. been betrayed. been a traitor. been abused. gotten away with crime.
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noaheadiegamedev · 2 years
Lots of WIP Art Coming Soon!
tldr: Progress shots of five characters coming soon, descriptions after the fold.
I'm creating a set of tutorial scenarios for Thursday Thrashers to make it easier to learn, and part of that includes making new thrashers that happen to work well within the tutorial context. There are six such thrashers, one of which (Norm L Guy) I already have created art for.
Now, I could just make a tutorial prototype without art for the other five, and just build them up later. However, I'm treating this tutorial as a 'vertical slice' - a proof of concept of what one of these Thursday Thrashers products is actually going to look like. That includes complete art assets for everything involved.
My plan is to make the five character arts all at once, by tackling each of them one step at a time. That means, first I'll make a playlist for all of them (done), then a vision board, then sketch, then create a 'form pass', then local color, then shading.
Once I get to the sketch phase, I'll post the progress for each step, and maybe go a bit into my creative process for the different characters.
After the fold: Brief descriptions of each of the five characters.
Note: These concepts might shift around over the course of production.
Character One: Harmonie Platine (He/Him)
Concept: Tokusatsu-style hero that excels at teamwork, by powering up everyone close to him, which is stronger the more teammates are within his proximity. Could also be referred to as the 'Platinum Ranger' or the 'Titan Ranger of Harmony'. Lives on a planet where cities are constantly being attacked by giant monsters, which are warded off by specialized teams of 'Titan Rangers'.
Aesthetics: Platinum tokusatsu character with a raygun. Design inspiration drawn from Moebius, Rene Laloux, and other 70's/80's French sci-fi illustrators.
Character Two: Gasket (She/Her)
Concept: Burly cyborg engineer that lives/works in a scrapyard. Really good at making something out of nothing. Cranky and curmudgeonly, but ultimately a good guy at the end of the day.
Aesthetics: Blue-collar grease monkey, cybernetic parts scavenged from scrap. One of her arms is an ion cannon. Might wear a factory jumper and flat-top, or alternatively a Canadian tuxedo and mullet, or something between those two.
Character Three: Ligeia (She/Her)
Concept: Undead ballerina, patched together frankenstein-style by a mad scientist. One of the scientist's earlier creations, she was eventually dubbed obsolete, and was to be 'scrapped' for parts. She managed to escape the lab, and find a rocketship off-planet. She now fights in the arena in hopes that her broadcasts make it to the laboratory and gives the other creations/test subjects/prisoners hopes of escaping.
Aesthetics: Goth ballerina, either with a swan skull for a head, or some other form of swan skull motif. Wields cleavers.
Character Four: Basil (They/Them)
Concept/Aesthetics: This one's a bit up in the air. Narratively, the four things I know about them for sure are that they're nonbinary, they're middle-aged, they're some sort of magician, and they're also a mentor of sorts. They were designed mechanics-first to fill a specific role in the tutorial, so there are a few different directions I can take them. Their capabilities in-game are healing magic, speed buffs, launching orbs of magical energy, and breathing acid. At this point I'm just trusting the process - which has worked for me before.
Character Five: Lady Camellia (She/Her)
Concept: I'm actually torn between two different possible concepts, though the character design will be pretty similar between the two of them. She's either going to be a lady in a big red suit of futuristic armor with thrusters on them, and be a sort of 'turbo-boosted knight', OR be a microscopic lifeform's equivalent of a massive mech suit (which in her scale is the size of a city, but in our scale is the size of a person). In either case, the aesthetics will be largely the same - though the nature of the detail work will be different.
Aesthetics: Big shiny red robot suit with knightly motifs. Sleek design with soft undulations here and there to reference her namesake flower. On her back will be giant thrusters, and she'll be wielding a really long and pointy lance.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
310 of 2022
► Aesthetic Dark colors. Bright colors. Neon colors. soft colors. blood. forests. space. mansions. ghosts. asylums. wastelands. fire. injuries. hands. bare feet. dolls. fog. storms. galaxies. snow. dawn. midnight. cold. animals. sharp teeth. Neck. shoulders. bruises. Freckles. legs. feminine. masculine. burns. weapons. colorful hair. witchcraft. Lips. webs. fields. corn fields. tears. sweat. glitter. flowers. plants. magic. fear. pain. murder. guns. blood in the snow. scars. missing posters. old paintings. strange eyes. explosions. creatures. weapons. Lingerie. kissing. playfulness. metal. diamonds. rust. iron. stealth. running away. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. fur. lace. leather. synthetics. robots. monsters. childhood fears. cigarettes. alcohol. cameras. video cameras. Polaroid cameras. storms. angels. phones. computers. war. peace. decay. sadness. red lipstick. powder puffs. abandoned cars. skeletons. strangling. overcoats. puppets. torture. syringes. old cottages. loyalty. hospitals. teeth. scary basements. butterflies. prosthetic limbs. cats. dogs. dreams.
► Appearance Thick ass. bubble butt. flat ass. toned ass. Thick waist. narrow hips. average hips. wide hips. curvy frame. muscular frame. chubby frame. petite frame. lanky frame. voluptuous frame. lean frame. skinny. long legs. stumpy. average legs. thick thighs. muscular thighs. toned thighs. slender thighs. beer belly. toned stomach. flat stomach. feminine frame. masculine. frame. six pack. Big boobs. small boobs. no boobs. harsh facial features. baby face. soft features. freckles. scars. moles. dimples. braces. tattoos. piercings. pigtails. messy hair. pixie-cut. bald. long hair. shaved. ponytail. clipped back fringe. shoulder length. bob cut. old-fashioned hairstyle. dreadlocks. Bun. braids. shaved side. mohawk.  buzz cut. Afro. Asymmetric. crown braid. wavy short. cotton buns. Fade. Comb over. Side part. Other.
► Wardrobe Tight pants. Jeans. Shorts. Short-Shorts. Jean shorts. Pajama pants. Dungarees. Skirt-Dungarees. Leggings. tights. Yoga pants. Basketball shorts. Lingerie. Boxers. Briefs. thongs. knee-high socks. socks. Pencil skirt. Long skirt. Mini Skirt. Tutu. Corset. sports bra. T-shirt. Sweater. vest Sweater. tight shirts. leather jacket. lace bra.Tanktop. Blouse. Cardigan. Button-up shirt. V Neck. Crop top. Flannels. Hoodies. Polo shirt. RacerBack shirts. Boob tube. Sun dress. 1-shoulder Dress. Strapless. Jumper Dress. Apron Dress. Shirt Dress. Ball gown. Nightgown. Highheels. Ballet shoes. Jelly shoes. Sandals. Rain boots. sneakers. Stripper heels. Flats. Knee-high boots. Cowboy boots. timberland boots. Dr.martens. Slip-ons. Slippers. Motorcycle boots. Chukkas. Loafers. Dress boots. lots of layers. beanies. top hat. sunhat. cap.
►  have you ever… Broken something. Had a Near Death experience. Killed someone (and succeeded). Killed someone (and Failed). self-harmed. attempted suicide. had surgery. kissed the same sex. had sex. had sex and regretted it. lost a loved one. had a pet. Gotten arrested. gotten married. Divorced. cheated. gotten shot. been stabbed. witnessed death. Taken Drugs. gotten Drunk. Played with an ouija board. been in a car accident. Gotten stitches. Invented something. Had a Kid. Had something slipped into their food / drink. Been kidnapped. Been Sexually Assaulted. Been Bullied. Bullied someone. Had a stalker. Been betrayed. Been a Traitor. been abused. Gotten away with crime.
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