#jumping around to scape dogs do that to you
bnnywngs · 2 years
there's something in wangxian fanfics that i hate and that is when any character tries to "cure" wwx's cynophobia
although i don't have a phobia, i /am/ afraid of dogs, especially the big ones, the lil babies not so much bc they're cute and i can always jump somewhere high enough they won't get me bc they're, you know, tiny
and something that i deeply hate is when someone says "you don't have to be afraid, they don't bite" like it's so simple, because, let me tell ya, IT'S NOT!!! it's not something i can decide on a whim that it's ok to pat a big ass dog's head because it's owner told me they don't bite, because it's not a switch i can turn on or off. YES i know they won't bite because they're basically smiling at me but those huge teeth, the huge mouth, just being beside it my heart beats so hard, so loud, and there's fear running through my whole body and the need to just run away or idk jump to the roof like a cat and be stuck
it's like when you're afraid of heights (I ALSO HAVE THAT BTW) and someone says "just don't look down" and haha fuck you???
anyway, what i hate in fanfics is when wwx is deeply afraid of a dog and the character begins "hey it's ok, they won't bite, look they're sitting still" like he can just stop feeling fear after that, magically, suddenly. and then they make him touch said dog, like peer pressure or something, and oh suddenly from nowhere at all wwx starts liking dogs and i hate that
it makes me fell bad i'm still afraid of dogs?? it's not easy to navigate life with this while almost everyone around you are dog lovers/parents/tutors 🥹 and most strangers can and will make you feel bad about it, like it's just a whine, a passing thing, you're just too picky
"why are you afraid, they're so docile!!" well, i almost lost my lower lip to a dog i hugged when i was 6, and then almost lost my knee to a huge one less then 10yrs later, but i'm sure you think it's nothing
pls do remember wwx almost died because of street dogs and that's the root of his fear, he probably have scars through his body from that time
anyway this is my personal opinion ✌🏽 happy holidays i guess
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silv3rswirls · 11 months
warnings: werewolves, detailed descriptions of skin, braking bones, etc. Blood and gore, kidnapping, yandere, burning skin
note: man i love a good werewolf fic
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The air that night had been bitter and your cheeks were rosy as frost nipped at you. You were trudging through a thick, fresh blanket of snow and ice, the roads were closed off after the storm. You needed to get home though, having taken refuge at the convenience store during the store instead of going home hadn’t been the move in hindsight. “I would’ve made it home” you sulked to yourself, not dressed for the cold and bitter for having to leave your car buried. You look at the dragged animal prints in the snow, frowning and feeling a little bad for the wildlife. How scary is it for them? You wonder, you had been scared while sitting in the convenience store, you would’ve lost it if you had been stuck outside.
Your brows knit together, these prints looked weird. It wasn’t deer and looked too big and long to be the coyotes or wolves that lurked in the forest; it certainly wasn’t dogs. You start to feel a bit uneasy, looking around the bright scape of white snow and sparkling ice under warm streetlights. 
You yelp at the feeling of something hard hitting you from behind, when you manage to get your bearings you realize it is the body of some animal. It's big, bigger than a bear, bigger than any animals you have ever seen around here. It's…disgusting…is it sick? You wonder. Its body is a mix of jagged bone and thick, gray skin and muscle. 
Its lips curl, peeling back to reveal pointed teeth stained with blood and clumps of fur stuck between. It stands up, towering over you, you back away but with just one step it’s nearly on top of you. You stare at it, scared in place and wide-eyed. It looked like what you would imagine a werewolf to, but far worse than the movies and books portrayed them as. You would see every smooth dip and jagged point in its arms, how skin stretched tight over its horrible face, crooked muzzle, and veiny body. Deep set eyes, that glew silver with just the ghost of a pupil behind the silver sheen. Pointed ears, the right one tore- you could only wonder what could’ve been big enough to injure the beast standing before you. 
It gets on its hands and knees, leaning and staring harder at you for a moment. In just a second, a blur to your eyes, you feel its heavy paw slam into your side, throwing you to the side of the road like nothing. You stubbled, gasping for a breath you couldn’t catch and tumbling into the ditch. It lunges after you as you scramble to get up and run, sliding in the snow and nearly throwing yourself toward the tree line. You’re unsure if you’re getting a head on the creature, or if it's giving you a running start. You hope for the first. It felt like every bone in your chest was broken, it hurt to breathe as you let out sporadic gasps trying to keep on running. 
You burst into sobs when it catches up. What had you ever done to deserve this? You were a good person, you helped your elderly neighbors and volunteered in town whenever they asked. You were kind to everyone you came across, you were nice, you were- your thought was cut short at the feeling of the beast jumping and taking you to the ground. If your bones weren’t broken before you were sure they were now. Its nose drug across your skin, and before you could understand what was happening its jagged fangs sunk into your side; painfully slow and burning. You opened your mouth, but couldn’t muster anything to come out. It feels like it’s gnawing at you; crunching your bones between its jaws and peeling the skin away slowly. You do all you can manage, kick at its hard body, and slam your hands into its muzzle, but nothing helps.
You lay there, blood staining the snow around you. You hear the beast run off, snarling and grunting. For a moment you swore it was laughing at you; taunting you.
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“My brother was the same as you.”
That was the first thing he had said to you. You hadn’t known him, but it seemed he knew all too much about you.
“He was bitten, on his side just like you were.”
Whenever he spoke about it, your insides twisted and the mauled flesh on your side hurt. 
“I can help you. If you want help.”
What had brought you to this point? You wondered to yourself, lying on the damp soil of Jungkook's basement. It wasn’t really a basement, and the first time he showed it to you you had gotten freaked out and refused to go down at all. When the…side effects of your condition began to worsen, you sucked up any fear and scurried down there every night like a rat. It was a room he dug himself, tore his floors up, and constructed it from scratch he explained. It didn’t look like much, but it would be a safe, secure place for you to hide. So every night you would come to Jungkook, after a long day of barely holding it together through work and personal life; two things Jungkook warned you would have to discard by the next full moon. 
Your weariness towards Jungkook dwindled the more you realized he knew what he was talking about. It was relieving to have someone who could understand, maybe not the same as another creature like yourself would, but he was the closest thing around.
After being bitten that night, you woke up the next morning in your bed; thinking it all to be a nightmare. But ghost pains of your snapped bones and missing flesh poked at you. And when you finally grew the courage to lift your shirt and look, you could see the faint outline of a bite mark. 
What did this mean? 
You were changing is what it meant. Slowly you began to feel it. Assuming the insane idea that a werewolf had bitten you, you began to feel your bones ache as if they were slowly shifting within. It felt silly looking up the date for the next full moon.
Now it was just hours away, and Jungkook had left you shackled down here for days. Your skin had stopped burning at this point, the silver cuffs around your wrists were surrounded with black, charred flesh. It wasn’t going to regenerate as long as the silver irritated it. Jungkook said it would keep you weak, so you couldn’t escape when you transformed. Maybe it was keeping you too weak because never in your plans had you agreed to be locked away for days on end. This was torture and you prayed Jungkook was doing the right thing.
The hatch above you was heaved open, and the dim light from Jungkook’s house slowly began to seep in, harsh against your eyes. His head poked into view, wearing a friendly smile as he tossed a duffle bag down before descending the ladder. You watch him anxiously, an odd feeling poking your stomach. It must be time to actually start preparing for tonight. “Can you take these off now?” You ask, frowning when he goes to the duffle bag rather than to you first. “Please?”
“Hm?” He hummed. “What was that?”
“Come on, take these off.” You huff, slowly starting to make your way into a sitting position.
“Well…aren’t you going to say please again?”
Your face gets red in annoyance, you’re feeling extremely irritable. “Cut it out.” 
“I just think it’s cute when you say it” he smiles, leaning over to unlock the cuffs. Slowly he peels them away. Your skin clings charred to it, some of it goes with the cuffs and the rest lays limp and scarred on your wrists. You stared at them with a deep frown. You had never seen your body in such poor shape. You had always been lucky to avoid broken bones and serious injuries. Now, ever since the attack, it seemed your body was actively fighting against you. 
“Is it going to leave a scar?”
“Maybe. After your transformation, your injuries should heal though.” You nod, bringing your knees up to your chest and watching Jungkook pour the bag out, only to regret it as raw meat spills out of it. It was wet and bloody, some almost thawed from the grocery store and the rest haphazardly wrapped in brown paper from the butcher downtown. It smelt, you wanted to throw up and devour it all at the same time. “I got a deer out back, I’ll skin it and throw it down here for you.”
“I’m getting nervous,” you mutter, trying to ignore how good the meat looks next to you. “I mean, I’ve always been nervous but now it's getting too real.”
“I won't lie to you, it's going to hurt. You’ll scream and cry, it’ll feel like your whole body is breaking, but when it's over it’s over. It'll just stop and you’ll feel…amazing I guess.”
Jungkook turns around, giving you a smile. Maybe it was supposed to be comforting, but all you could feel was a hole in your stomach. The hair on the back of your neck was standing, every inch of your skin prickling. You were staring at Jungkook, but your vision was changing. It was getting messy, blurry, and harsh. The light above Jungkook was bright, burning your eyes. He was cast part in shadow, his smile was freaking you out. It was too wide, too optimistic. His eyes weren’t the cute little doe eyes you saw when you met it. They were dark, his pupils were bright and red, and he was staring right through you.
Love you, love you, love you
Your head whips around, trying to place the voice you heard. It was low, grumbling in your ear. But no one was there.
“What’s wrong?”
You look back at Jungkook, you were feeling anxious. You hadn’t felt anxious since you were bitten, you hadn’t felt anything since you were bitten. Now it felt like everything was hitting you. You were dizzy, your head hurt, you thought you might throw up what little was in your stomach. 
“Why do you” you cut yourself off and blink a few times.
Saw you love you, want you, love you
You felt Jungkook’s hand on your shoulders, shaking you slightly as he pulled you closer. “What’s wrong?”
“Why are you eyes…” you stare at his eyes, white pools staring back at you. No pupils, just a glittery silver staring back at you. He ignores you, his hand cups your face and his thumb traces your cheek comfortingly. 
“Are you losing yourself now?” He frowns. “You poor thing. There’s nothing you can do anymore.”
You take a quick glance at his ear, covered with dark curls. You’re quick to push it away, the top half of his ear is missing. You stare at it for a long time until you feel him get closer, grabbing you tighter and holding you in place for a kiss. 
“You did this to me” your voice breaks, pushing him away. 
He nods slowly, staring intently at you. “I did,” he admits straightforwardly. “I couldn’t help myself.”
You just sit there, unable to wrap your mind around it. Jungkook, who other than being a little odd, had seemed kind enough. He knew a lot- of course, he knew a lot. Of course, he just happened to find you. “Sweet little lamb.” he smiles, “Just accept it right? Not like you can leave now- not like I’d let you. Not like anyone would want you anymore.”
Jungkook stands up, and when you try to get up he kicks you back down. “When I first saw you, I knew I wanted you to be like me. There aren’t any more of us around here, just me and you now.” He explains, “You had these eyes- well had these eyes- they’re so round and innocent, like a lamb. You were my little lamb, I was going to eat you at first, but…something about you that night, I couldn’t help myself.”
You can’t help but cry, out of anger or fear; you weren’t sure. You couldn’t even bring yourself to stand anymore, your body felt like it was on fire and you could feel your bones slowly snapping and shattering. “Stop” you choke out, “make it stop.” you could feel it now, it felt like your eyes were filling up with syrup, it was silver; all you could see was the moon and hear Jungkook as he spoke in the distance. The creek of the door as it begins to close. 
“This is just the beginning sweet lamb, it’s already been done.”
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“You didn’t use to be this way, but I didn’t either. What you did to me; it’s not fair.”
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taglist: @aft3rhrs
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lovelylemonfluff · 1 year
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°you teach Xiao other ways to use snow
°gender neutral
°warnings none
°the relationship between Xiao and reader can be seen as platonic or romantic witchever you'd like
Also I had so much fun writing this like I'm dying o(〃^▽^〃)o
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .Xiao
↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
You sit happily at a small edge on dragonspine as you watch xiao defeat all the hilly trolls that may bother you When he fineshes he looks back up to you as he vanishes and suddenly hes right behind you picking you up and putting you back down once you get back to the spot
Finnaly you get to take in how beautifu everything is the way the sparkling snow lands on xiaos hair the reflection on the snow on his eyes
The crunchy sound everytime he takes a step and how cute he looks in the puffy jacket you gave him that's slightly to big for him despite him not needing one
Oh and of course the land scape (o///o)
despite how Intimanting dragon spine can be it's oddly beautiful
Although your thoughts and amazement are cut short when xiao bands down in front of you and shoves some snow on your face "Eat" he says, your a bit intimanted he said it more as a command then a suggestion
"Xiao for the last time you don't eat snow" he gives you an annoyed look "mortals could never understand, foolishly messing around in the snow what's even the point" you push his hands down and the snow falls to the ground as you smile "To have fun, silly," you say falling backward and making Xiao jump a little
You start giggling as you start moving your arms and legs
"Is this amusing to you" he's still annoyed but a little curious on what your doing and why your enjoying is
"I'm making a snow angel xiao!, here help me get up" you reach your arms out to him. Xiao picks you up and looks at the spot were you were once laying "looks nothing like an angel"
He doesn't even look at he is truly Astonished at how much of an idoit you are
"Okay okay let's have a snow fight" you jump up and down grabbing xiaos attention as you pick up some snow and from it into a sphere "just eat it" Xiao gives you another one of those looks like
You chuck it at him.
Xiao just sighs and decides to play along with your little games just to keep you happy
He picks up some snow and throws it at you trying to put as little force as possible as to not hurt you "is that it." Your smile widdens you couldn't he more excited "okay okay!! So you have to try and doge the snow as we throw it at each other"
Xiao gives you a small smile and you both run away from each other and grab some snow of course Xiao dosent try hard with his throwing and dodging he wants you to have fun even if he doesn't fully understand although he can't lie to himself at least tehehe he starts to enjoy it a lot especially since he gets to see you smile and giggle
As you both throw start to throw snowballs at each other you can't help but notice how cute Xiao looks when he's trying not to hit you too hard
Suddenly you feel a snowball hit your shoulder "Hey!" you say pretending to be angry but you can't help but laugh You grab some more snow and quickly make a snowball throwing it at Xiao he ends up dogging it, you take a few steps closer and throw another one at him this time he ends up catching it with rizz and throws it back at you hitting your chest
You stumble backwards laughing as you try and regain your balance
The snow ball fight continues running around as you try and doge each other's throws
After some time you both fall back into the snow laughing and you panting Xiao looks up at you with a soft smile happy he decided to accompany you on your trip to dragonspine
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ ༒༆༆༒ ༒༆༆༒༆ ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
This is a lot shorter then I thought it was I'm so sorry anyway I hope you enjoyed reading it cuz I really enjoyed writing it♡o(〃^▽^〃)o
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thebottomfromhell · 7 months
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Reincarnation after courtship. Demon male reader, part two [here]
Reincarnation after courtship. Demon male reader, part one [here]
Reincarnation after courtship. Human male reader, part one [Original Ask]
Reincarnation after courtship. Human male reader, part two [here]
Warnings: Predatory-animalistic reader, Yandere behavior from reader (not a real Yandere, but still), Cannibalism, canonical demon's inability to grow and move on, Referenced sexual content, Mentioned non-character human death, Friends-with-benefits relationship, Ambiguous endings, and Toxic relationships.
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You didn't manage to do everything he wanted to you to do, one of your biggest failures is finding Tamayo and not being able to kill her. You almost did, managed to rip her apart with your hands and fangs, but with that doggy brat of hers she managed to scape you and almost got you to say his name. You never found her again, you had the flavor of her flesh and blood always in your mouth, you searched for a while, but then gave up. You were not killed for failing, so it's probably not a big deal, still you have her blood on you, so you will know if she is near. You could keep searching, hunting her to death for her betrayal, but you want to spend you time in something else. In someone else.
You like to think of yourself as a good man, or at least a good lover, courting took effort, but having that very special demon, an Uppermoon no less, warming up to you and letting you be in their life is worth it. It was fine, a good life, all because he was alive. And then he wasn't. You were not on their final battle, but you felt the second both him and your beloved were gone.
And it drives you mad, they are all still gone, only Tamayo's puppy left. You spend your days searching for him because how come both you and him get to LIVE when your Upper Moon did NOT? Now is the Twenty-first century, it's been around one hundred years but that dog hides as good as always, it doesn't help that civilizations are everytime more demanding (What do you mean papers? Camara what? How come plastic stamps now have magic money?) and you still must hide from the sun and eat humans. You never found Tamayo's dog....
But you found your lover.
Gyutaro (ft. Daki):
You think it's cute how he still takes care of his sister, Daki is as pretty as ever! You find Gyutaro working in one of his several jobs, skipping education that nowadays seems too important and expensive for it to be fair, trying to pay housing, food and get for the younger one to be able to study, even if she clearly is not the smart one between the two (maybe that's why she needs the money). You follow him to his home, and start leaving there things you steal in those districts where the Yakuza like to think they are the worst there is in the country. There people will notice more the missing wallet than the corpse itself.
Again, Gyutaro is smart, so he becomes paranoid when money in no small amountd start appearing besides him when he wakes up. It was only matter of time he would manage to fool you into showing yourself. He did it one night when Daki was out with some friends and stayed over, you would have followed her to make sure she was alright, but when Gyutaro said he would also invite a friend from work.... he doesn't have friends, so you stayed to see what was going on. "Hey, shitty bank! I know you are there, ne!" You are the friend. At first you tried to stay hidden from over the window, but then he threw too much money over it, money he could not afford to lose. So you got it for him and handed it personally, since he already saw you jump for it. "What are you?"
He is scared when you stand before him, defensive as if he could do anything if you wanted to hurt him "I'm yours, Gyutaro." You answers with honesty but also not wanting to explain anything as he backs off and goes to grab a knife in the kitchen, pointing at you with it. You don't care much for that as you step forward. "You don't have to worry about me. I promise I won't hurt you nor Daki." You say as you get in front of him. Still, he stabs you in the stomach, a blow that would be deadly to a human intruder, but is nothing for you. You only throw the money so it doesn't get stained with blood.
Gyutaro takes some steps back again as you take the knife of, blood on the blade but injury healing with the known sensation, body already used to it. You leave it at the side as your beloved corners himself against the wall, challenging you with his eyes, clearly scared but unwilling to back down. He looks so cute like this, he was always been too cute for his own good, oblivious to his own charming qualities and worried about a younger sister, unwilling to accep anyone might want him. That always had made you want to hold him, cover him from a world that made him feel unwanted, unlovable.
Because he shouldn't belong to that world, he should belong to you, who are willing to give him the treatment he deserves. His heartbeats and breaths become faster as you cup his face and play with his hair. He turns to look away, tensing his shoulders, he never liked too much attention to his face at the same time he would yearn for a gentle touch, to someone to have compassion on him and his little sister. "Let me take care of you." You whisper against his ear, refusing the tentation of tasting the skin exposed. He stops for some seconds, the ear becoming a cute red as he turns to face you, looking down.
"Ume...ne, my little sister's name is Ume." He says softly, almost as if relaxing in your hands, so you hold him, smiling. You keep bringing money, and Gyutaro let's you in only when Daki-Ume-whatever (Daki suits her better, she is such a princess and monster at the same time, it's her. Still, Gyutaro gets upset if you call her anything but "Ume", so you try) is asleep or out, only when she is asleep or out. You don't mind that, that way you don't have to fight her for Gyutaro's attention.
And you love giving him attention too, having him in your arms, hugs, kisses and bites over his skin everytime he cares enough to go around shirtless, whispering all the compliments you know he likes. That he so cute, so sexy, so atrong, so brave, and now he even tastes wonderful, he would be your best meal if you ever ate him. "But don't worry, I said I would take care of you, didn't I?" He always holds back tears, face, shoulders and ears get red as he shys away. You know he need this, for someone to take care of him for the first time, just like he had to step in and take care of his sister. "I know how to be a good husband." You can sense it, you make him feel desirable and loved. He melts against your touch and he is embarrased from it, just like in your last life.
You don't offer him your blood, knowing that he will never ask, because that would mean putting you over his little sister, and you always knew she was first. You are ok with that, it would not be the one you fell for if he disdn't put her first, specially since that also means putting her over himself. Still, you are willing to see him grow old and help him in whatever you need.
"Ne... Ume wants to leave for college... ne, what should I do? I don't want her to go away, but... with the money you got not letting her get in the college she wants... I don't want her to be stuck with me, ne..." he says want night he wanted to go out, so you took him to see the stars a bit far from the city. He sits in your lap, letting you keep him in your arms. "She would be better off without me, ne... wouldn't she? Ne... I'm so ugly and disgusting only a fucking demon can actually like me..." Normaly you would listen, you know better than to not validate his feelings, than to tell him things like "it's not true" or "it's not like that". There is a reason why he is talking like this now, while digging his hands in your shoulder, grinding his teeth.
You kiss him, holding your mouth against his, using your tongue to explore that long missing place. He seems to calm down, to relax against it, and once you drae back you tell him what he needs to hear. "Your sister will always need and love you, and as long as I am here I will be taking care of you both. Trust me on that." He let's you meet her before she parts, while she will be staying on dorms, the place is just a few hours away in train (it would take you minutes to run). "Hey, you freak. You better take care of my onii-chan, you hear me? I am leaving him in your hands so don't fuck up!" Just to have her tone changing when talking to him. "Onii-chan, I promise to write you every morning and night." That is Daki.
She grows up into a lady, they both grow up a lot, every day older. "Unfair! Why does he get to be young and handsome forever! Unfair! Unfair!" But she always behaves like a child when she is around you two. Guess some things won't ever change. You always take care of Gyutaro the best way you can, he looks less tired, more relaxed, he actually started to study himself once Daki hot out of college. Things seems good for them.
So it's good for you, until next life.
The smell of anger lures you in.
He is outside a club, basically ready to throw hands with the mem at the entrance as they don't let him in. "I'm telling you I just need to take one person out! OUT! You can't tell me you can't let more people in due space at this hour and not let me take my brother out of there!" He might convince them, specially with how noisy he is being, people are leaving the line and some passing by just bagin to stare annoyed. You can tell this angers him more, but that doesn't matter to you. What matters is that you found him, he is right there.
You end up sneaking in and forcing Karaku out, averything while not showing your face, but Sekido sees the other clone being thrown on the streets and rushes to see him, still frowning. "Karaku? Karaku! Fuck, he is too drunk! What the fu-" he shuts himself up when he sees you, as you make eye contact, leave into a darker corner. You know your eyes glowing the dark, and you also know Sekido will not follow you, but bring Karaku home, his home. And hopefully, you will be able to follow him up.
The plan was to follow him on the shadows, being slealthy, sneaky, to not let him know he was being followed... but you felt pity when he had to carry a barely concious Karaku. That reminder of their new mortality, of their new lack of power... is odd, you don't know what to think of it. He was once not even a demon, but a Demon Blood Art, the representarion of a piece of the power of a demon, a kizuki no less. You genuinely thought you would never see him again, because as he is not an individual by his own, he shouldn't have a soul to reincarnate. Did Hantengu's soul got fragmented? Is that how he is here? Would that even work?
Still, you saw him having trouble carrying his equal, the lightest one of them no less, so you step forward and speak. "Need any help?" Of course, you already knew Sekido wouldn't be amused by the offer, but instad of leashing out he only frowns at your way, putting his side in front to cover Karaku. "Who are you? Why are you following me?" He grinds his teeth, clearly untrusting of whatever you have to do or say. "I am someone who wants to help you." It's the best to be careful with what you say with him. "Well, I don't want your help. Get lost!" Then he tries to keep moving the other clone.
You see him moving away, slowly, painfully so. So you did the most reasonable thing in your head, help anyway. You took both of them in your arms and started walking. "WHAT THE-" Ok, maybe not walking, sprinting a bit, but definetely not running. "Tell me where to go." Of course, Sekido starts to kick and hit your, but... it barely does anything. Really, part of you feels you should at least pretend it hurts only to placate him, but you are not putting them down, not now you have Sekido in your arms once again. "LET ME DOWN, YOU ASSHOLE! WHAT THE FUCK?!"
In the end you keep going until he gets tired of trashing around, after gaining his breath back he spend some time in silence. "What are you?" You can sense he hoes to grab Karaku, who is also in your hold, you decide to stop since he apparently doesn't want to tell you where you can leave them both. "Yours. Tell me what you want, and I will do anything but leave. I have waited so long to see you again, I am staying near." He seems to get angre again, but interrupts himseld before starting.
"Leave me at the train station, I have my car stationed near the station closer to our home. Just... don't follow me. Not home." He seems a bit scared, smells scared, but he is a human now, you can understand he might be scared of a natural predator. Honestly, turning him should be an option, but it's not, since you have no idea what it could make in his body. "Alright." It really is, because you have him, and you know Sekido is not going to leave and not face you again, that is not how he is. He needs to have the last word.
You go to the train station you left him the next night, and he was waiting for you, now he seems furious. "I HAVE BEEN HERE 5 HOURS, WHAT THE FUCK?!" He looks like he wants to hit you, you would understand, Sekido always hated it when you made him wait. The nostalgia makes you chuckle, then smile, showing your fangs. "Sorry. I would have been here sooner if I could, but I can't stand under the sun." Anger fades into weariness. "What are you and what do you want with me?" He takes a step back before raising his voice. "I swear, if you lay a finger on my brothers I will-" You interrupt him by surprising him with your speed, now you are a breath from each other. "I am not interested in the others. I want you, husband." You say it, taking advantage od his shock to hug him, resting your chin in his shoulder as you whisper everything into his ear.
"... will you actually do whatever I say?" You nod, and you know he can see the intensity in your eyes, that one made of mixed feelings. Love, hunger, lust, nostalgia, melancholy, and many other feelings and sensations now lincked to him. "Then... do as I say when I say it. I don't care what you have to do, but I want the best for me and my brothers. By any means necesary." And you will. You will watch over him, and over Zohakuten. He begins to send you to look after Karaku and Urogi at night, begins to let you steal things for him, let's you take care of him sometimes. He doesn't let you in the house he shares with his family, but having him close is more than enough.
"After I die... would you eat my body? I don't want to be cremated or burried... I would like to stay...." he asks you one night while you where kissing and licking his wrists. "I will." You don't even have to think it. You raise to his level "Anything for you." And kiss him. He is yours, forever yours.
The smell of pleasure lures you in.
The club is full of people, usually you would take the chance to get someone drunk enough to be dinner without realizing it, that is why you came. But you are no longer hungry, you are filled with lust and love when the (at best tipsy, at worst drunk) guy that throws himself over your arms is no other than Karaku. "Hey, hot-stuff~ would you mind spending a while with me? I just sae you checking out some people, and I wanted to try my luck~." He found you, and you took him for the night, not wanting anyone else to lay a finger on him. You manage to smell Sekido in your way out, but you just evaded him and prevented the now human to find out. You sneak into a known place, this house has been abandoned for a while, so you have been using it from time to time during daylight. It's just a bit fixed, mostly because you took that as a hobby, to fix places like Karaku would want them. Also, at times you get a homeless person inside, after they found out the place was fixed and the door open. Nice dinner.
But the important thing is the lovely, young, energetic and horny guy in your arms. You made sure to treat him nice, as you had a nice place for him to lie back and take your gentle bites and licks. You made sure to switch between the softness and the feral need to have him, he always enjoyed both types of attention. Sometimes a bite made him bleed, and the savir of his blood excited several parts of you, but this is yohr lover, your husband, not some cheap meal. You loved him as such that night, no matter how his taste woke up your instincts to feed.
You drank a bit of his blood, but besides that? You kept your teeth out of his skin, licked the wounds clean and made sure he was able to sleep. He got tired quickly, but he probably lasted more than most humans, just less than he would as a demon, with unlimited endourance and stamina. But he sleeps soundly, hugging the pillow, slightly smiling in his dreams as he nuzzles himself against the matress. You just stay awake, watching him as you take some stolen money to get him something to eat... some sweet and a tea of a conventional store... yeah, it should probably do, you are giving it to Karaku. Not exactly a very picky eater, as long as he can gain pleasure for it...
But besides that, you watches sleep, you even got to pet softly his head without waking him up, for a while you did fear the he would. It's so real it almost feels like it isn't, you feared it wouldn't be for a long time due Karaku's nature as a Blood Demon Art. He should not have pwned a soul to begin with, and you have no idea how he managed to reincarnate with the rest of the clones, but he did. And you are glad, so glad part of you considers keeping him there forever. Karaku would not suffer living in bed, in the past he enjoyed the times you took over a house after eating the residents, rolling in bed and messing around between sessions, letting you spoil him rotten. The would be some playful complains of being bored without your company, since he gad nothing to do, but Karaku always adores a lot of attention.
"Good morning." You speak only after he stretched his arms, sitting on the beddings, eyes still tired, even if he has slept a lot. He slowly yawns and stretches, waking up at his own pace as he groans, rubbing his eyes and neck, whining and flinching every time he touches a bitemark. After a few seconds that he also grabs his head, he takes a deep breath before talking. "Sorry, I think I drank too much last night, I don't even remember your name.... mine if we introduce each other again?" You both do, as you hand him his breakfast, he smiles as he grabs the bun and cold tea. "Thanks." Curtains protect you from the sun, so you keep yourself relaxed.
Then he check his mini-picture box, then suddenly stands up alarmed as he looks for his clothes on the floor. "Oh, shit! Sekido's been calling me, he's gonna be so mad! Sorry handsome, I must go home!" You can't follow him as Karaku leaves in a hurry, but thankfuly, he comes back a few weeks later, on a weekend night. He has some bandages on the neck and smells like medical lotions, he looks a bit ashamed. "Hey, sorry I left like that, I didn't even give you my number and couldn't find you in social media, but I really liked that night together, even if you fucked me up." He laughts about it before murmuring "I looked as if you were trying to eat me."
You only look at him while you hide from the sun in a corner, as Karaku gets close. "You were. Weren't you." The tone changes completely as he frowns. "... You know what I am?" You ask after a pause, the expresion in his face softens up, but he is still weary. "I searched for you, but when I did the research based on location, I only found news of missing people. Some memories of that night started clipping together, telling me that it wasn't that I drank too much. You just aren't human." He talks a lot, and you listen, you always enjoyed listening to him.
"Then why come directly to me at night? Aren't you afraid I might do something to you?" You stand up and walk around Karaku, being slow to not stratle him or scare him, but make specific movements that show a bit of your nature. He doesn't relent, even as he finds himself cornered, hands in his pockets. "Would you believe me if I said the sex was good?" As a first motive yes, but with his new information... Karaku is not stupid, no matter what Sekido says, your husband can take care of himself and is aware of his doings. "And the second reason?" You lean into the wall against Karaku's back, using your arm to corner him, showing your eyes and fangs.
"Because I know you like me too. So, I come to you, and you don't get into my life near my family and friends. Deal?" He stretches his hands, and for a second you feel like those tales where spirits make deal with mortals, usually tricking them. But you have no reason to trick or lie to Karaku. "Let me take care of you, come here weekly, you won't regret it." And you close the deal.
That interaction made clear that the other clones would come first, which is something weird but acceptable, specially since Karaku continues to visit. And you continue to treat both your husband and yourself. He might stop coming one day, once he grows to old to keep up with you, but until then, he is all yours. And you will take your husband.
The smell of joy lures you in.
You found him sleeping on a tree beside a bird nest, with a book of birds and a notebook that he was salivating under his face. You can see it clearly from below, and you are well aware... the branch he is on will not tolerate your weight, it's a miracles he has tolerated him. Or so you thought until you jumper and grabbed him. He is so light. He used to weight a lot more in the past, now he feels like a feather of his wings... then again, he doesn't have wings anymore. 2 limbs less... of course he weights less. It's... you don't like it. It feels as if Urogi was mutilated, eternaly so, as if someone cut his wings and the never grew back. You don't like it.
Yo treat him softly as he hugs you in his sleep, getting himself all over you and drooling still. You pet the back of his head, smelling him, inhaling the scent of wildness and several hormones that make joy, that is still in him, thankfully. But you do miss the talons and fands, usually urogi would rip off the skin on your back while sleeping like this, head burried in your thighs, but no. Nothing. You can't imagine an Urogi that doesn't play wild and hurts things on the process, and Urogi that is naturally gentle and soft instead of having to be extra careful to be gentle and soft. Still, you would not trade having him with you for anything.
Once there is only an hour left for the sun to rise, you decide to cup his face and lick his cheeks, he always enjoyed that sort of animalistic care, and the fact that he is giggling let's you know that hasn't changed. He wakes up slowly, and it takes him a few seconds to flinch and draw back, realizing his situation as he blushes. Cute. Back then Urogi knew little about shame, but it seems that now is easier to get him embarrassed. That is new.
"Hey... hey... sorry, what happened?" He is clearly clueless, but it usually never bothered him to be like that. "You fell asleep." You tell him simply, and he looks around not knowing ehat to say or how to say it. This level of awareness in Urogi is weird. "Don't think too much about it, it's alright. I don't mind. You don't have to "behave" around me." Sakido always said Urogi had to behave better, yes, but you genuinely never minded. You were always happy with your husband being himself, and slowly he relax, believing what you are saying. He has always been distracted and you can see he is tired in his eyes, just waking up, so that amd the darkness probably don't let him realize that you are not human. "Let me take you home." Does this count as abusing that?
But he dows let you take him home, and since then you go there every night, evading the rest of the clones only to see him, jumping through the window and talk with him. Urogi is lively, as he talks about his restrictions that are imposed as an individual of a society and damn, it does sounds boring. You can't imagine having to adapt to the like of a crowd, and yet humans willingly subject themselves to that. Until now Sekido and Zohakuten (yes, the boy is also here) have almost discovered you, but... you are enjoying being Urogi's secret, being a part of him that doesn't belong to anyone else.
"What are you exactly? I know you won't hurt me, but you never are around in daylight, you have fangs and claws, and I don't think I ever daw you eat or drink anything." He asks one night. "Aren't you afraid of the answer?" You ask softly, being the first time he confronted you, and the fact that he is doing it so relaxed, it seems weird. This time not in Urogi standards, but in human ones. "Not really. I think you are a nice guy. I mean, you could have hurted anyone here with those traits of yours, and yet, you are always careful and gentle." ... You have no idea if he should know about your diet now. You also have no idea if you should be glad he is as trusting as back then or to worry about it. As a demon, Urogi could afford to be trusting, if anything happened he would heal. Right now? He could get hurt, and badly.
"From now on, I will take care of you and protect you." You don't feel the need to tell anything else to him, Urogi has always been a demon more of actions than words, more as an animal than a person. You always loved him like that. You think he understand what you mean, as you keep nuzzling him, licking him and cuddling with him, and the taste and scent he has is just wonderful. But... with the lack of wings you don't dare to hurt him, because part of you feels something is wrong still. You can't get used to see him like this and probably never will.
Still, you continue to visit and take care of him as you promise. You have no idea what he told the others and honestly, you don't care, he is yours and you are his. And he starts to grow, he buys his own house one day, after some years of work, the others still visit him but besides those days, you stay with him in his new house all the time. Half of the place is nitty and well taken care of, half of it is a mess for you both. Dirt, plants and other onjects making it feel more wild, more Urogi's taste. You really wish you could give him back his demons form, specially his wings everytime he looks at birds. He deserves to fly, to be free, but.... how are you supposed to risk him?
The guilt of his new state doesn't wash out ever, you are always too gentle with him, to the point you doubt he will ever find out about your true nature. The one that wants to bite, to scratch the same way it wants to be bitten snd scratched. But you want him, and you will take him anyway you can.
"I love you." He tells you frequently, and you always answer to that. "I love you too, my Baby Bird." You repreat as you watch him grow old. Maybe one day you might build enough courage to tell him you could turn him... maybe. For now, the constant smell of joy is enough to cheer you up.
The smell of sorrow lures you in.
Aizetsu looks so cute sleeping, you had to use the other clones to find him, since he doesn't go out at night. Not ever, since he usually takes care of Zohakuten (that's weird, Zohakuten of all demons needing a babysitter. Then again, he is not the most powerful clone of Upper Four anymore, but a child.) while Sekido tries to keep Urogi and Karaku out of trouble. It's not that different from back then, Aizetsu hated going outside and separating to fight, you are well aware having you made him more eager to have his own being, only to be with you. He has always been a sweet little thing.
He looks so vulnerable, and now that you watch him sleep, a traitorous part of you whispers temptations of touching and grabbing his skin, just to feel the contact, but beyond that, to sink your teeth on him. You want to put your mouth all over Aizetsu, to lick him, to nibble him, to kiss him and to bite him, everything you always did as you hug him and hold him. He is so beautiful, it almost feel like a sin to not take advantage as your instincts urge you. But you don't you only watch him, wondering if you should wake him up or continue to watch him like this.
Zohakuten has almost catched you a few times, it doesn't really surprise you, you know who he used to be. You still find it weird. How are they all of them alive? They are a Demon Blood Art, they should not have owned a soul to reincarnate with, and yet, here they are. Could it be Hantengu's soul fragmented? Is that even possible? It's not like you could ask, nowadays the world relies less in the spiritualism and more on the technoly and production. Not that it bothers you, it means the slayers are gone for good, as they should be. Still, sometimes you wonder what would happen if you gave Aizetsu a bit of your blood as he sleeps, to make him back as he used to be... but with this new condition, it might not work, but there is no day you don't think about it.
One night, as you get inside Aizetsu's room... you notice he is awake, but pretending to be asleep. His heartbeats and breaths tell you as much. For a time, you wonder if you should leave, but... you don't, you stay and even become more daring, as you pat his head softly. You can feel him tense up, then easing up, still wanting to pretend to be asleep. You don't keep it for too long, you even leave earlier than usual, but... you want to have Aizetsu getting used to you, and the idea you are not going to hurt him, but you are not leaving either.
"Who are you?" He asks one night, almost whispering, as he acts as if he was still pretending to be asleep, covered by the mattress in the beddings. "My name is Y/N." Is all you say, you can tell he is upset, has no idea what to do or what to say. "... What do you want from me?" He says after some seconds of silence in that same tone, and you also wait to answer. You want to say a lot, but also nothing at all. Because most of what happened, the fact that you both lost everything, hurts. You know he will pity you, that is his nature, and you don't want him to. You want him to love you, or at least accept you.
"I am someone who always wants to see you and cherish you." Is all you say, and both of you keep quiet. Pther nights you had to leave for Aizetsu to be able to sleep, not being able to relax enough with your presence. This time? He falls asleep with you there, and you can't fight the temptation of kissing his ear. It might not even be that he trusts you, but him being exhausted. Still, it makes you happy, for him to be able to let his guard down for you. You love this man, your husband, and you will find several ways to tell him that.
You keep it up, he asks questions, still hiding under the bed. Sometimes he answers yours, but he needs to form courage to actually face what you are. That, or he still needed to settle with the idea, since you are sure he doesn't believe in spirits. "What are you? And answer me for real. Don't tell me anything cheesy or creepy. What the hell are you?" He asks, and you don't really know how to say everything you need to explain it. After a few seconds of silence, he gets impatiend and finally sits on the bed, completely showing his face, a sleepy yet upset face no less. You look at him, his eyes don't glow in the dark, and only the pupil is blue...
"I'm a demon." Like he used to be, that only makes him more upset. "That doesn't exist." Is frustrating how he is denying the obvious, you are not human, and he knows that already. You sit in the bed besides him, making sure to show your fangs as you open your mouth to speak. "I am a demon, and your husband." You say everything, and honestly? By the end of it, Aizetsu is crying. You have no idea if it's because of the frustration of the situation, if it is because he pities you or if it's just a reaction because he is tired and always sad, since he was always sad before. You just hug him, and start to kiss his face and lick his tears up.
You end up pinning him into the bed, cuddling with him until Aizetsu falls asleep. You keep doing this, but from now on is Aizetsu who talks, who says what he is feeling before breaking into tears and let you comfort him until he falls asleep. He seems better, less sad each time, and you don't know how to feel about that. And yet, you always take care of him, and you will until he dies. The say he buys his own home, you get in and never get out.
"I am yours and you are mine." You whisper against his sken as he sleeps over you, you will continue to take care of him until he dies. Then... you will go back to the nothing but loss you had of life before meeting him again. Loss in a world that is changing while you are alone. Like Aizetsu always said, it's... so sad, pathetic... it makes you sad. But you will live.
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ep 9 playboyy rewatch
- headlines are a about a copycat killer out for tourists?, scape goat for a drug case (👀👀), and murder of a saleswoman by serial killer, housekeeper found guilty
- promnontnant scene !!! love the way they are watching a blank screen (cause prom knows what will be reported but doesn’t know what it’ll look like yet 👀)
- the part about forgetting nants face……… kinda like how when nont talks to nant he’s talking at his own reflection
- we are now officially in the new house?
- scared of water by kikoru is playing over the porsche and captain convo about tutor
- i’m incapable of being normal about this aobpuen scene like you’ll never get it
- i’ve seen this zoueyfirst scene a million times i love it so much they are besties 🥺
- pushing my trauma talk agenda zouey seems like he knows what first is talking about
- first and his fear of being unlovable…
- tutor and his fluttering lashes have entered the chat 🥰
- does tutor even know what porsche is talking about it would be funny if he thought porsche was talking about someone else jwjejdjd
- it’s so wild to me that nont can’t tell the dog mask guy was prom like i knew it several episodes ago and nonts seen him naked in person
- soong telling firsts dad he failed as a a parent get his ass
- here we goooo my fav playboyys scene
- “sex is boring” jump you have lived rent free in my mind for forever
- “he took my cigarette” SAY THE LINE TEENA
- we need 100000 teena being goofy scenes im so serious. my man put in all that work to resolve his arc by ep 6 the least we can do is put him in whimsical situations
- prom loves his series…
- captain is a menace
- what is the bathroom man saying
- first angst enthusiasts here we gooooo
- “why is your first thought always him hating you” changed lives actually
- zouey being all “first you don’t know he broke up with you maybe he just died” will never not make me giggle
- “i won’t let anyone hurt you. especially you hurting yourself” “promise me” im gonna pass out
- jump and his macarons
- everyone in the cafe knowing this journalist and getting notified about his sex tape is wild this is why i’m paranoid
- jump and tutor truly made for each other they’re always taking phone calls while the other is moaning
- noooo jump looks so upset im gonna fix this for you baby don’t worry
- aobpuen enthusiasts ate so well this ep
- pouty captain
- ok not to be that guy but keen is really into impressing the coach right and we never see the coach now im not saying it’s jason cause obviously but also what if there’s the coach and then there’s “the coach”
- “when i like something i try to keep it” ok keen
- captains nosy ass oh wait this is about trust and betrayal
- the way keen always texting puen without response lol
- kings of fuck around and find out
- sulky phop 🥺
- first soong just got back together then they break up then immidiately make up(?) then they have to get divorced sigh
- the sex and secrets balcony
- zouey chiming in with “maybe there’s two masks” cause he say the second one visiting nant at playboyy huh
- firstsoong are so funny like they can never know peace together
- soong saying he has a new sugar daddy…. im starting to buy into firsts dad having a connection to jason and forcing soong to work for him (again)
- “why isn’t love enough” ooooo jason you will crumbleee
- first being like “i’m gonna leave YOU actually”
- some lyrics from the firstsoong breakup song “a certain shade of blue / will always remind me of you / trying to figure out / how im supposed to get through / the dreams are not the same for me / standing by the shore / while you’re out at sea / i can’t take it anymore”
- oh aob 🥺 someone help my man please he don’t deserve to be this sad
- first unleashing the monster era had us so gagged first watch omg it sparked so many theories
- ahhhhh prom and nant reveals
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lucysarah-c · 2 years
Erwin was short, not that muscled, couldn't grow a bear for his life depending on him and was those nerd awkward kids that you think "this kid will never get pussy"
Thank god puberty hit him harder than the colossal titan to wall Maria. But he was a late boomer though, around his 17-18. Therefor, he had stretch marks on the bottom of his back because this kid like grew like crazy when his time finally came around.
Mike? he was the complete opposite, this kid was 12 and looked like 20 lmao. He was already tall like a mountain, thick like the walls, hairy like bear. He was the girlies dream as a cadet, pussy he wanted, pussy he got. He was the Reiner of his promotion, every girl wanted him and every guy wanted to be him.
Mike was what my mother would call "American's boyfriend", all the girls of the continent were his girlfriend at some point. He slowed down later on.
Erwin and Mike shared bunk beds and I think that at the beginning they didn't really get along. You know? Like Mike didn't pay any attention to the strategy/theory classes but was a genius on the 3DMG (Let's not forget that Mike was humanity's strongest soldier before Levi showed up). On the other hand, I feel Erwin as a kid/pre-teen kind of thing was those kinds who want to get along with the professors who do everything legal and correct until they had this magic moment where they realize they can get away with stuff. Plus, Isayama said that Erwin was in the top ten of his promotion but he wasn't that good at 3DMG. So Erwin want classes on 3DMG to get better and Mike needs to write an activity report that doesn't seem like written by a dog. When they began to work together, the friendship started.
Erwin is jealous of Mike, basically any girl he has a crush on only gets close to him to ask if Mike is available. Mike is ALWAYS asking him if he can leave the room and Erwin wants to sleep to be productive.
Let's jump when they stopped the training and carried on to the scouts, they share a bedroom. Erwin isn't a clean freak like Levi but Mike passes the limits, the new black plague grows in his bed. Erwin is always complaining he's the only one doing "all the chores, what will you do the day I decide to leave"
"You sound like my mother, Erwin"
Nile was the third one in the team and their betray to change to the MPs felt personal for the two. The three of them used to share rooms.
Ok, you remember I told you Erwin grew up all the sudden? ok, it took him awhile to get used to the attention before becoming the handsome charming smooth talker he's as a commander.
Mike would hear a girl talking to Erwin, see his clueless friend used to not being the girls attention and having to write him in a tissue from across the bar "she's flirting"
When it was Erwin's time to finally want the room for himself, Mike is a gossip little bitch. He wants to know all in return, how was it? how they did it? what they did it? which positions? This man was shameless, he would ask it in the middle of the corridor making higher-ups turn around with a smirk on their face and Erwin is a dying mess.
Each single bad idea originally was Mike and Nile the, as I told you, Erwin began to realize he could smooth out his way out of everything and oh boy. He planned the biggest scape plans and they never got caught.
It took Mike months to convince Erwin that Marie, the girl that Erwin has had a crush on for years, is finally showing interest and he's not making it up in his mind.
Definitely a toxic roommates relationship, Mike is just too laid back for Erwin in some aspects and Erwin is too obsessive for Mike. They 100% flighted way less once each got their own room lmao.
Once to make up, Mike searched for Erwin and said "It's a shame when we fight but a miracle when we fuck," being all goofy doing the regular "gay jokes between guys". Erwin looked at him completely done and said "Mike, the commander is in the bathroom he probably heard you,". The entire higher-ups of the scouts back the laughed about it from months in the meetings.
Erwin used to do kind of like "internships" to get his hands on legal and court themes more with Zachary. So when Zachary and Mike hangs out they make fun of how "cute and nerdly" Erwin used to be and how he shouldn't get cooky because they can always tell the rest. Erwin just role his eyes but he's secretly ashamed lol his modern au probably erased his teen pictures after his glow up.
Erwin isn't really good at holding alcohol but he's really good at pretending he does. Mike is all the opposite, he's better at holding it but once he's drunk he looks drunk and he acts drunk.
Mike and Nile once dared Erwin to use his "monitor" pass to go to the female barracks of the scouts, joking that he had to stay there for half an hour without getting caught by a girl. ... didn't come back in the entire night, the next morning Mike found him sneakily taking a shower and made fun of the hickey he had for weeks. Saying stuff like "I didn't know there were vampires in the female barracks "
Mike is one year and half older than Erwin, he joined with almost 14 years old the training grounds because his family had a farm and it was a rough year the one of his 12 and his family needed his help around. Good mommy boy.
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Short and Sweet Masterlist
fluff fics under 1k
6:15 AM - yourfriendlyblogstalker
summary: It should be against the law for any human to be awake before 8am, is Dan’s first thought of the day
#3: Safe (ao3) - somanydestiel
Summary: Fluffy drabble where Phil is punishing Dan for something and after a while it gets a bit too rough so Dan yells the safeword or something and Phil comforts him and fluff fluff fluff
A Single Step - manchestereyes
Summary: It's the night after the first Interactive Introverts shows. And Dan is certainly feeling the love.
Afternoon Naps (ao3) - Emejig16
Summary: Life can get pretty busy and sometimes a nap is needed.
All That Glitters - scifiphan
Summary: the taxi ride home after the boncas
Aqua-scaping (ao3) - R3ad3r1
Summary: Dan has a new hobby, Phil tries to be a responsible adult.
Candy Crush (ao3) - AmethystHollis
Summary: Dan wears a candy necklace. Phil has a sweet tooth. You know the rest.
Cute :D - dxnhowell
Summary: The first time Phil comments on one of Dan’s dailybooth photos.
Doing Nothing With You (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: A normal Saturday.
Doing The Dishes - phanisinlove
Summary: Dan hates doing the dishes, but this time might just be an exception.
Fifty Years Ago - insert-sugar-here
Summary: Dan and Phil are on vacation at the beach, when Explorers by Muse plays. This triggers slow dancing and singing. 
Fluff (ao3) - winstonlives
Summary: Dan and Phil adopt a dog.
Freckles And Constellations (ao3) - your_starless_eyes
Summary: Phil loves Dan with all his heart, but what if one day he's not enough for the younger boy.
Giant nerds like to slow dance - beautiphil-flower
Summary: It’s pretty much Dan and Phil slow dancing early in the morning. (based on a prompt by someone on the phanfic tumblr)
Glad to Be Home (ao3) - ticklishraspberries
Summary: Dan and Phil make up for the time they lost for intimacy on the tour.
Grow As We Go (ao3) - lilyxxxooo
Summary: dan and phil welcome 2022 with coziness and closeness. they also discuss the ring that’s resided on dans finger for a few years:) based off “grow as we go” by ben platt, ofc! 10/10 recommend a listen
Home - succubusphan
Summary: Dan comforts Phil.
I can't take my eyes off you (ao3) - R3ad3r1
Summary: Phil loves when Dan blushes.
I Will Keep the Storm Away (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan is scared of storms. Phil helps. That's all.
I’m Proud of Us - glitterrhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil have finished the first show of their tour and Phil can't get over how beautiful and proud of Dan he is
In Colour - chuuseokies-blog
Summary: Dan gasps. Phil’s eyes are blue, and so is the flower he holds in his hand that pokes out of the red button-down and Dan wants to sing and thank the angels in heaven above because Phil Lester is his soulmate. 
Jack and Sally - adorkablephil
Summary: Just a little ficlet about Dan and a sleepy Phil watching "The Nightmare Before Christmas".
Jumping On the Bandwagon Isn’t So Bad (ao3) - ticklishraspberries
Summary: Dan decides to jump on the ‘boys in crop tops’ trend.
Lounging Around (ao3) - your_starless_eyes
Summary: Just your run of the mill kinda domestic fluff with cuddling and kisses.
Midnight Fluff (ao3) - Misha_with_wings
Summary: Phil wants to sleep but Dan wants to cuddle. Therefore he must poke and pester Phil until he wakes up.
my very own constellation (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Five days in Los Angeles.
National Best Friend Day (ao3) - LetterJumble
Summary: Because some holidays are better than others.
Not All the Blood Was Rushing to My Head - danhowellz
summary: dan and phil meeting for the first time in 2009 basically
Obviously In Love - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil have been dating for two years, and they’ve never told a single person about their relationship, but Dan’s mum is about to find out.
One Day (ao3) - TwistedRocketPower
Summary: Dan doesn't need a wedding, but sometimes he wants one.
Pause - scifiphan
Summary: dan and phil pause life for an afternoon nap.
Red Not White - phinalphantasy7
Summary:  Dan's still feeling sick so Phil does something to cheer him up.
repeats and replays (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: phil's had a crush on his coworker dan for way too long. he's never had the nerve to ask him out, as much as he'd like to, but their friendship is good as it is.
one day, though, dan slips up mid conversation, and everything changes
seasick (ao3) - Fictropes
Summary: Because Phil is the only person who could get sick on a non moving boat.
slept, snooze (ao3) - Fictropes
Summary: a vibe in a text that shouldn’t be as comforting as it is.
sometimes quiet is violent (ao3) - nivi_chip
Summary: Sometimes, Dan just needs to see a pair of legs next to him.
Toast (ao3) - awrfdnp
Summary: Dan turns to Phil for adulting advice. Before he knew it, he was sent out to get lettuce from the supermarket. What he comes back with isn’t what Phil was expecting.
Together, or Not at All (ao3) - benotafraidofwriting
Summary: Dan flashes back to the day Phil asked him to co-host the radio show with him.
we never change (ao3) - nivi_chip
Summary: different decade same laundry problems
We’ve come so far Together - cactiphan
Summary: 9 years after PINOF 1, Dan buys Phil a special gift to remember their journey so far.
What Dreams Are Made Of - succubusphan
Summary: A surprise liveshow shows what the phandom always hoped to see but thought impossible.
Whatever You Want (ao3) - Phandiction
Summary: After Dan and Phil's first Day in the Life, Phil asks Dan how he liked it, and Dan tells him he didn't like it because he missed holding hands with Phil
Winding Down - truerequitedlove
Summary: Returning home and winding down.
ft. reassuring cuddles.
You’re My Pooh Bear - manchestereyes
Summary: Dan likes to hold something (or someone) while he sleeps.
you're still the one I run to (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Phil gets some exciting news and there's only one person he wants to share it with.
Yours (ao3) - thatsmistertoyou
Summary: Drabble in which Phil is a gross-in-love cuddle monster.
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Zill x Venganza
Darkness. Cold. Silent. Darkness. It gripped him good, but soon lost the battle when his eyes opened. He was confused though. Everything seemed dark except for the small circle of light he was laying in. Confused, he slowly sat up and looked around. ".....Whoa. Where am I?" His voice echoed though out the seemingly empty space. "Hello? Kayla? Jack?" It echoed and received no answer. "Anybody?" "YYeeeesss?," a sickingly sweet voice rand out. Startled, he jumped to his feet. "Who's there?!" "I'm surprised you forgot me so soon. Perhaps I should show myself." "Who are you?" "That depends on you. I could be a great lover or a deadly enemy." "Just show yourself already!" "Ok. If that's what you want." He flinched as two red eyes shone in the darkness. Slowly, the rest of her body emerged from the darkness as well. "You?!" "Surprised?" "More like horrified!" Standing there was the vampire queen from school. She looked just as terrifying as he remembered. "What the-?! You were tossed out!" "Yes. I was banished from Safe Haven. Not from the dream scape." "Is that where we are now?" "Yes. Quite useful for scaring soon to be victims." "Victims? What? You planning on sucking my blood again?" "Oh, no. I have a far better use for you. Like I said, this is the dream scape. Many can access it, but few can do harm in it. Lucky for you, I'm one of those who can't." "Then...What do you want from me? I don't have any money or magic things." "I have no interest in riches or magical artifacts." "Then what do you want?" She smiled wickedly at him. " I've been looking for a worthy suitor to sire my children for fifty years or so now. And I've found you to be quite worthy of the task." "Wait! WHAT?!.....You're nuts!! First of all, you're WAY older than me. Second, there's NO way I'd cheat on Kayla!" "That's right. The kangaroo girl. You can keep her. And I'm not planning on having children now. You're still too young. I'll wait until you're twenty before I consider doing anything with you." "Why me?! You have that dog servant!" "Simon is a very good servant. But, not powerful enough. The way my kind chooses a sire is to taste their blood for powerful traits for the next generation. I especially like all that hybrid energy you have flowing through your veins." He was about to retort.....when his world was suddenly shifted hard right. He toppled over. "Oh.~ It looks like you're waking up." She walked over and leaned close to his face. "I look forward to our next meeting, Zill.~" He stared at her wide eyed. She made a hissing sound before enlarging her fangs......and taking a bite. "AH!" He shot up and nearly fell off the bed. Panting, he looked around and noticed he was back in his bedroom. "Just a dream. Just a horrible.....horrible dream," he told himself. But deep down.......he knew he would become the groom of the vampress.
0 notes
This oneshot has Spoilers from the new Amphibia episodes (The Core & The King)!!
Read at your own risk!! This shit angsty yo!
(now with Ao3 link under the cut)
This came from the panel when Darcy was rebooting that said "memory wipe". So, what if Marcy was still in her dream scape while all the memory ereasing happened :D! Also slightly inspired from this
Anyway, emotional hurt/no comfort✨
"WOOO YOU GO JOE DOG!" The trio cheered as Marcy spun around with a puppy in her hands.
Happy and joyful screams could be heard all the way down through their school hallway as the trio danced and simply enjoyed themselves under the colorful spotlights that Sasha managed to install with Marcy's help in the ceiling. Marcy was surprised that any teacher had caught them yet!
How long has it been since they hang out like this? Since the only thing they could do was laugh next to each other with no worries except for upcoming exams and homework? Marcy would say that it felt like ages ago, but she wasn't going to break the amazing atmosphere of tonight. Not as long as she gets to see her best friends dancing together, their happy faces being enough to lighten up Marcy's whole day in an instant. She knew that having these sorts of feelings towards her friends wasn't normal, but maybe tonight, just maybe, she can get that out of her chest. Or simply was the excitement of the moment that made her lose her self control, but she was right in front of her crushes since kindergarten. No backing down now.
She hugged Joe Dog tightly onto chest, ready to let out all her repressed feelings to the most important people in her young life. But the puppy had other idea in mind as it squirmed and jumped from Marcy's arms to the darkest side of the hallway. "W-wait Joe Dog come back! I need you as moral support please!" And she went to look for the puppy.
The hallway got darker and darker, feeling her head and brain throbbing with each step as she got closer to what seems to be a complete void. The lockers and tile floors were now covered in the blackest surface Marcy's ever seen. But Joe Dog ran through it and she already got attached to him, she couldn't lose him! "Joe? C-come here boy," She tried calling for him.
She hears a laugh, almost too similar to hers echo through the halls.
"Enjoying your false reality, Wit? Don't worry, it'll be over soon."
The headache came back but this time feeling like a migraine, like if a drill was directly piercing through her brain and mind. It was unbearable. It sent her down to her knees and made her cover her ears in a desperate way to make it stop. Just make it stop.
The pain stops, but something still rings in her ears. 
Static. All she could hear was static.
She stands up as fast as possible trying to go back where she and her best friends were having a good time minutes ago. The hallway feels endless and her legs and muscles begin to feel sore and feels her vision blurring out, but she has to get back to them. She needs to, and forces her wobbly legs to work until she spots the familiar colorful lights.
Putting her hands on her knees she tries to catch her breath from all the running, sweat already pouring down her neck and back but not only from exhaustion. "Guys! We have to get out of here! Th-there's something-"
"Woah there, relax Marce! We've got you, remember?"
The static was back, but it didn't come from her ears but from her friends. The noise became stronger while the other two got closer to her. Marcy refused to believe what was in front of her.
Or what wasn't.
Just as the static took over her friends' voices, it also took over their faces. She can no longer see the deep baby blue in the blonde's face, nor the cute and soft brown from the brunette. Each time they talked, trying to talk to her, all what Marcy could hear was static and white noise that came along with the horrible mind splitting headache. She gripped and tugged her hair to ground herself as she felt hot and painful tears run down her cheeks making her enter into a full panic attack by now, her chest quickly going up and down and lungs feeling filled with lava that didn't allow her to breathe enough air to keep her mind active. Everything was too much. The agony of the moment didn't let her see the rest of the hallway glitching and being covered by the void she saw back at the end of the hall.
She needed her real friends. She needed to call for them and come save her from this hell that was her own mind and body.
She opened her mouth ready to scream their names…
But nothing came out.
She didn't remember their names. She couldn't remember her best friends' names, or anything about them. Any memory of them being taken over by loud static and thick endless void. It hurt. Her chest and brain hurt so much, too much. The pain being enough to make her pass out right on the spot and.... And…
There's only white noise and black space in front of her now.
What... What was she doing? What was she trying to do... Who did she try to call for...?
"Ah, finally. Doesn't it feel nice to have more space in that little mind of yours?" The voice called again.
It felt nice.
A mind with no thoughts nor memories. A mind with no worries.
She finally let her body and mind relax and float in the sea of void. There was no need to fight back at all. There was nothing to worry about and lets her eyes close, losing herself in the back of her mind.
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stanning-reyna · 3 years
can you write about Annabeth coming back to see ceberus. it's after tartarus, and she's all nervous to be back in the underworld (to punch luke or smth idk) until she sees cerberus again and he's so happy she came back? 💗 when ever you feel like it I just thought of this promo and ur my fav writer
First off, IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY THAT I'M YOUR FAV WRITER. LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH SEROTONIN THAT GIVES ME. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Second, yes I can write that! While I do love the idea of Annabeth punching Luke, for this fic I decided on her and Percy going to visit Beckendorf and Silena (Also I think Beck and Percy’s friendship is super underrated and I want to give it more love). Here ya go!
Slight tw for the beginning of a flashback to tartarus
. . .
When Annabeth looked up, the sky of the Underworld was nothing but a black ceiling, a haze hanging low over their heads. There was no sun or moon to be seen and it resembled her last trip down-under just a little too much. Her heart in her chest clenched tightly, forcing Annabeth to remind herself that this wasn’t Tartarus.
Just breathe.
Gods, she hadn’t even reached the gates yet and she was already panicking. She knew she should have said no to this trip, but Percy had seemed so excited at the thought of getting to see his friends again. He hadn’t seen Beckendorf and Silena since they died in the Titan War, and those weren’t fond memories. She knew Percy was more than capable of making it in and out of the Underworld safely by himself. Alas, that failed to ease the tightness in her chest whenever they were apart.
A few things had been different since they got back from Tartarus, like the way Annabeth couldn’t feel at ease when Percy wasn’t with her. Or the way she couldn’t look at the scape of the Underworld without thinking back to that pit.
Just breathe.
She still couldn’t settle her nerves. Unfortunately, there was no turning back as they approached the far shore of the river Styx. Charon grunted, and the two demigods stepped off the barge onto the beach. The soft ground gave slightly underneath Annabeth’s sneaker as her weight pressed into it.
Rotten, red, and fleshy earth. That’s all she could picture as the feeling worked its way up her body. She looked up at her surroundings, praying not to see a river of fire. Instead her eyes landed on a mass of black fur, writhing within its constraints.
The bark reached her ears a second later. It was loud and deep, enough to shatter your ear drum if you got too close, although unlike what you would expect, it wasn’t angry or defensive. It was the yip of a puppy, ready to play. It was Cerberus, who seemed to recognize her from their game of fetch all those years ago.
Annabeth took in his full image now. His front legs were jumping up, raising high into the air until his metal chain of a leash pulled him back down. His tongue hung out sloppily against his fuzzy chin as he let out more excited barks.
She let out a laugh, feeling the panic leave her body. How could she be worried when this massive, monstrous dog was wiggling around in a furry frenzy?
Annabeth broke from the flow of people around her and took off towards her friend. The ground still squashed beneath her, but that didn’t seem to matter anymore. Neither did the irritated voices calling out behind her as she ran. When she reached Cerberus, she had to stop short to save herself from a lick that would no doubt leave her soaked to the bone.
“Hey there, big boy, did you miss me?” Annabeth asked in a baby voice, one reserved for her favorite animals, as she reached her hand up to the nearest of his basketball-sized noses.
Leathery coolness rubbed against her palm and her other hand came up to scratch his nearby fur. It was a little matted, but that’s ok.
“I bet no one down here brushes your fur for you, huh? I’m sorry about that, sweetie,” she cooed.
Footsteps arrived next to her and Annabeth knew Percy had caught up. As he reached out to pet Cerberus, the dog twisted his head away, but not before he huffed a warm, stinky breath onto Percy, who recoiled with disgust.
“I guess he likes me better, Seaweed Brain,” Annabeth said, trying to hold back her laughter.
“Ha ha, very funny. You two planned this, didn’t you?” Percy replied, fanning the rancid smell of dog breath away from his nose.
“No,” she spoke, a smile on her lips. “This was just a lovely coincidence, seeing my old friend again. You go ahead and find Beck and Silena, I’ll catch up later. I’ve got a game of fetch to play.”
At the sound of “fetch” Cerberus’ ears picked up, and she knew today’s trip to the Underworld would be worth it.
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pufflocks · 3 years
Summary: Home Scapes EP.1 – Resting after a meet up with old friends. Your boyfriend appreciates how loving you are when you are behind closed doors.
An-☆: Settings to Goth Rave for best experience. :)
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Warnings: Minor NSFW { Pamering Of Bokuto } • proof read
Cast: Dom!M!Reader x Sub!Bokuto
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A nice day to sit around and do nothing. The thought of just simply cleaning while the sun emits sunshine through your Condo windows. With the limited time you had if course. A friend on your boyfriends side agreed that you three would go out. There was nothing particularly to do for literally three grown men on a Saturday. Which was said by Akaashi as he chuckled at his own thought. You attempted to go out and just sit with coffee. It sounded nice enough to be fair to sit at a café and chat idley about anything.
Akaashi had the same idea apparently, but your brat of a boyfriend shut it down with his excessive whining. He said it was "stupid boring" or "he would fall asleep while drinking his tea". You rolled your eyes towards his demise of the idea. Could not believe he was an actual 25 year old man. Classic of him and Akaashi even threatened to ditch if he wouldn't stop crying about the places we chose. Silly Akaashi.
You ended up going to a library after many outdated ideas. Bokuto unironically likes to read books. On one occasion he even asked you to blow him while he read one about some action. His member moving in your mouth at every startle the book gave him with it's alluring characters.
Though in your mind, the library wasn't all enjoyable. It was just as boring since you're just looking at books and walking around. And another reason why your boyfriend entertained the idea so much. When you guys got there, Koutaro was quick to speed walking around like a nerd. Kinda felt like you were watching him at a playground with Akaashi. Who was by the way sitting down comfortably with a novel in his hand about cooking whatever. He wasn't good at it which was kind of interesting to know.
He was also attempting to make sure if Koutaro wasn't fucking anything up with his curious touching in one of the Harry Potter aisles. You chuckled at the side glances he gave him when every once while Koutaro dashed past you guys. It was cute in your eyes to see this ex-volleyball player aweing and running around like a kid though. He was very cute. Akaashi shook his head at the hearts in your eyes looking at your goofball of a boyfriend.
He sneered under his breath. "Shaking my head."
After a while of you reading some chapters of a book called 'Light N' Water', a book about romanticles love of two people, Akaashi stated he needed to go home. He decided to check out the cooking book and you said your goodbyes and headed home by foot since the library wasn't far away from your guys' condo.
When you got home you noticed how quiet Koutaro had gotten. Maybe he was tired from the library or walk home ? When fishing out the keys to your house a bulky arm gripped your own. Tuffs of white and black hair layed on your shoulder is how you knew why your usual loud mouth boyfriend was mute now.
"I know, I know." You start. Opening the door quickly to get both of our bodies through. "You can go sleep when you take a bath. Put on one of my hoodies and lay down on the bed." You said in a low voice near his head. Moving some hair back some more to kiss his forehead. Koutaro sighed half heartedly at the sound of relaxing then getting lazy head afterwards.
You spotted the small smirk on his face as he practically skipped to the showers. You realized after the reading session a while ago, he sleeps best with you near, after sex, lights off and the smell of you intensifying when you get closer in bed. You could not possibly doubt you felt the same vise versa as his natural scent of plain sage was enough to put your mind at sea.
A shower sounded great in the time of things but taking care of your might as well add, spoiled boyfriend was top priority.
"Y/N ! I'm done now, come come !" He shouted. He was back to being loud, but it would soon change and then you can get your well deserved shower aswell.
The smell of body wash filled your nose senses as you began to enter the bedroom. Most likely your body wash since he liked to think he doesn't know it's yours. As you walk further into the room you see he intently has a worn out black school hoodie you owned and some black boxers of his.
He giggled in a boisterous way when you eyed him for pulling the loose string on one of the hoodies sleeves. Hopefully he doesn't giggle in his sleep after this quickie, you thought. It's more terrifying than anyone could actually think to be honest.
You shook your head at the giggling thing you call your lover, as you fall on your stomach on the bed dragging Koutaro's hips closer to you. "Whoah-!" His fit of small giggles died down when you press an experimental hand down on his crotch. He sighs in content while jutting his hips up very cautiously. Not so shyly he covers his sleeve paw hands up to his face. Peeking excitedly for what's to come next.
Look at him being so good. Crazy how just a few hours ago and yesterday he was a happy jumping bean. Well he still was, happy I mean – just now he was more chill and pliant. Dressed up in his boyfriends clothes that smelt of his cologne and body wash like he owned it first. It most likely was at this point but no worries, he looked very beautiful in it and smelt of you.
He thought beforehand if he wanted to hold one of his many stuffed animals. A dalmatian dog named stew being his favorite. Why did he have so many was because he liked to hold them when getting fucked slow. People didn't know him like you did. Some even thought he was as loud as he was in bed, but he was actually very shy the first time.
No pushing was involved since he seemed a bit uncomfortable so the next time you brought up the idea of sex, you bought him a stuffed animal. He held it with care when you began prepping him as he played with the dogs dotted ears. Eventually there was no need for stuffed animals during sex, but every once in a while he buys them in rememberance of the time. You are sure the workers are curious of why he goes there so often — but it's not their business.
Tiny, the dalmatian stuffed dog, was his favorite because it reminds him of his boyfriend being patient with him.
"Kou baby, you sleepy a bit or just horny ?" You asked in a humming manner. Rubbing the butt of your palm on his half hard bulge. He always managed to leak out precum whenever you was the slightest bit of excited with arousal and that never failed to turn you on. Your boyfriend nodded to both of your questions as he unconsciously spread his legs open further for you.
"I wan' to cum because I smell like you today." He said. Eyes straining on the hand moving lovingly on his front. You hummed, nodding at his vibrating voice as you began to kiss his milky muscles thighs.
"Just relax. I'll take care of you, Kou."
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Next up -> Long Misfortunes { You've been very unfortunate before your years with your boyfriend. Thankfully he fills the broken holes you encountered through your unfortunate life with baking. -☆ }
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The war is over, we've won. That's what they all say at least
That's what you hear in transmissions from your orbiter radio, what Nora says at nighttime, that everyone is still here and alive.
But you know, you helped Lotus with the count, alongside so many tenno and Suda. Even Simaris joined in every now and then. You heard Cressa's report, how the defectors went up, but it was the kavor. So many Grineer are tired of the fighting after it.
You saw Paladinno being sworn in, you were by Cressa's side, because both wished you to, being a Meridian General, and the tenno hero.
The Arbiters are a bit more empty, seats left unfilled, just like how Suda's data scape is a bit dimmer, how Perrin got less monitors and people, New Loka has more plants for their falllen too. Even Simaris is a bit more respectful to everyone.
And oh, Teshin's room... You were there with Varzia, both of you knowing the rites to be made for a warrior who fell in combat. The Orvius you have was used as a stand in for his, in honor of the one who fought, time and time again, and fell on his feet against an unsurmountable foe. Every Tenno is a bit more quiet around it, and it always has flowers.
Most haven't noticed, but even the tenno are changed. They spent years doing guerrilla fights solo, the ones who brought down empires had no choice but to lay low and pick their fights. They all walk now, no more running much less bullet jumping. Tenno were always silent, but now you can't even hear a Rhino's footstep in a silent relay. each step is weighted and every tenno knows it's to leave as soft of a trail as possible.
Every one now has a kitgun, the pax charger arcane being the default, and although they do not use it in the relays, the tenno always keep at least a kitgun and a dagger with them, their usual weapons during the war, for their reliability, power and stealth. The last time you saw then without weapons was at the post war meeting, when you and Lotus got off from your orbiter at am abandoned dojo you had personally scouted shortly before.
Albeit a Tenno protocol breach, every leader from every allied faction was there, from the ostrons and quills to the entrati and even Loid.
You knew the numbers already, you were the one who went over them with the Lotus, holding each other, a mother and her child comforting each other at the sheer size of the numbers.
Civilian casualties were well over 60% of the last know size of them, not counting the missing. Allied factions were well below 50% of their size, with defectors and deaths. But the worst was the tenno casualties. Every death was always greatly felt since all Tenno were family. But this? Well over a few hundred deaths, to the ones who were only in their thousands since the Zariman. A bloodier battle than the old war, knowing how many were gone, and how many decided to retire. Only you and lotus would and had ever known about the ones who retired for their safety, and even among the death count the retired tenno were.
The ones too bruised and broken from war were almost 40% of the tenno death toll, numbers spread amongst the years, and even more names added to your wall, each just as painful as the first.
Even outcasts were invited, and peace brokered. All well beyond tired from the war, Little Duck and Onkko especially, being the ones responsible after local resistances alongside tenno, fighting Tau with void and fear with hope, but you knew.
From the ashes you'd rise, just as the Lotus was reborn from the heat of the sun, you'd make sure they all were. Your trips were more frequent, bringing materials to all factions, and gathering all dog tags you could find along the way. Being there with Lotus, going over numbers of enemies and through allies meetings, even Konzu's early lunch every now and then.
The work was sure to be long and tiring but you were ready. Years in cryo sleep after the Zariman, then the war, Naga Drums and the second dream. All Tenno were fighters by trade, but they all also we're resilient and patient by trade.
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
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I stood in the kitchen gently humming to myself I heard the toaster pop out the toast so I quickly grabbed it sitting it on the little plate making everything look nice and presentable. Coffee filled to the brim of his extra large death star mug, the toast perfectly toasted how he liked it with one slice having a whole wodge of butter and the other a scape of jam, fresh orange juice that took me longer than the whole rest of the breakfast to squeeze, perfectly cooked bacon just the way he likes it, as well as nice free range eggs scrambled till there almost dry to the touch. I loaded all this up on my white rabbit tray along with the various utensils slowly carrying it out the kitchen down the hall and up the stairs I smiled as I saw little wiennie sat looking sad Because I had shut the bedrooms door on my way down to the kitchen. I pushed opened the door and of course wiennie ran as fast as his little legs could carry him into the bedroom, I set the tray down on the chest of draws as I watched the little dog run up his small ramp onto our bed and began jumping on the thin but we'll stretched out jump under our covers, it was clear in my absence he had completely took over our double bed bundling the covers around him and snuggling his pillow closely he groaned apon feeling the jumps and nuzzles of the little dog trying to get close 
"Ummmm… five more minutes" he whines
"I don't think you get to decide this" I giggled and wiennie began barking and digging the cover trying to arise him 
"Alright, alright" he groans sitting up slightly in bed running a hand through his hair "hello wiennie" he chuckled giving the little dog a cuddle who instantly began licking his face 
"Awww your getting all the kisses this morning" I giggled 
"Yes. Yes. Hello. I'm up. I'm up" he chuckled pushing the little dog away "good morning" he yawns leaning against the headboard
"Good morning" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss "happy birthday my love"
"Thank you sweetheart"
"Your welcome, I made you breakfast to consume in bed" I smiled bringing over the breakfast I made
"Your too good to me, thank you very much"
"Your welcome, come on little sausage let daddy eat his breakfast" I giggled getting wiennie off the bed so Thomas could peaceful eat his breakfast and I perched myself on the bed "Hey Thomas?"
"Yeah?" He asks sipping his coffee
"Your old"
"I know."
"You've aged"
"I have."
"How old are you now?" I giggled
He has to think for a second his smile dropped and his eyes wide "oh God I'm thirty two." 
"Yeah you are" I giggled "old"
"I am. Am I old enough to go through a mid life crisis? Get a fast new car? Buy a new motorbike? Completely change the house?"
"Absolutely not, no mid life crisis. I've told you I will not allow it" I warn 
"Even for my birthday?" He pouts 
"Fine" he sighed "can I buy a new motorbike thought?"
"Maybe I'll think about it" 
"Yes!" He smirked as he finished up "thank you very much sweethyfor a lovely breakfast."
"Your welcome, but i have lots of little treats for you today"
"Do you now?" He smirked trying to tug me closer 
"Yep firstly I shall run you a bubble bath"
"Ohh can I have one of your bath bombs?"
"You may yes"
"Yes! I want intergalactic!"
"I knew it" I giggled getting out of bed to go run his bath "I shall leave you with a hot dog" I smiled putting wiennie back on the bed
"Oh am I going to get another vicious attack?" He laughs giving the little dog a cuddle 
"You get a double attack because it's your birthday" I giggled
I set up the living room with the vast array of bits and bobs dropped off in secret over the last few days as well as things that has arrived in the post from all his work friends and I made sure to refill the coffee mug as well as my own as I heard him coming down the stairs and the little dog feet scurrying along behind him 
"Hello sweetheart"
"Hello Thomas. Coffee" I smiled handing over his mug
"Ummmm you angel," he cooes happily taking the coffee
"You are so damn glittery"
"Twas the bath bomb."
"Did you rinse the tub?"
".... I did not."
"I'll do it next I go up" I sighed "go on get to your present mountin" 
He basically cocooned himself on his favorite little set chair and sat at the table like a kid on Christmas opening all his presents 
"He knows you so well" I chuckled as I had my tea 
"He does. Dylan knows what I like" he smirked "next present! Ohh. From weinnie"
"How. How did you get me a present?" He asks picking up the little dog to sit in his lap "hey? How did you go shopping?"
"He walked all the way there"
"That would have taken weeks. With your tiny little weinner dog legs, how did you pay? You don't have money?"
"He paid with kisses" I giggled
"What's what's commonly known as being a whore. Are you a whore weinnie?"
"Well I mean. He has no balls so. Maybe"
"Yeah that's why he always trying to crush mine"
"I didn't do it to you the vet did. I don't know why your mad at me?"
"Because you got to keep yours. And he uses his more then you use yours"
"Yeah well you got lots of bitches. I only have the one"
"Love you"
"Love you too. As it's your birthday I'm gonna let is slide." 
"Thank you. So what did my little sausage get me for my birthday?" He smirked opening the present or we'll trying to as I had wrapped that one will like four layers of paper and a whole roll of tape "how did you wrap this so well! You have tiny sausage legs"
"He had help"
"Ohh I bet he did, ahh! Ooohh new motorbike gloves, thank you pup" he smiled giving the little dog a hug 
"Last two" I smiled pushing over his last two presents 
"Ohh this is an odd shape. But I'm excited aww both from you thank you sweetheart"
"Your welcome,"
"Yes! You found the star wars candles I wanted!"
"They where hard to find but I got them with there little trays"
"Your too good to me"
"Well I have to be"
"What's in this one then I am baffled by this box shape?"
"You'll find out"
"I'm gonna be so sad for all this hype and it's socks" he sighed "oooooohhh… what's this then? Ahh something for later" he smirked noticing the contents of the box 
"Yeah? Alright" he smirked "no. No wiennie those are not dog toys, those are… mummy and daddy toys for after you go to bed" he chuckled putting him down as he was desperately trying to get at things in the box "ahh fuck!" He complained having done a test slap with a paddle on his own hand "that. That's good be useful" he smirked "thank you for all my presents" he smiled coming to sit on the sofa with me giving me a little kiss
"Your welcome, and here. Regular non birthday related post" I smiled handing his his letters "you got a doctor one in there"
"Ohh no what do they want? Can't they leave me be it's my birthday" he whines 
"Maybe there summoning you for an old man appointment"
"I'm thirty two stop calling me old"
"You are old. Oldest man I've ever had sex with" 
"Haven't I been that… all of the time we've been dating?"
"No. You are now though"
"I…. I have questions I'm not sure I want the answers too. Oh God. Oh no. No. No. No. No." He yelped so I took the letter and read
"Awww yeah you got to go for a physical. Cause your old"
"I hate physicals they just go, you are small. Have you tried gaining weight. Tell me my lungs are weird and then they fondle me. It's like going to a family event with even less privacy" 
"Doctors shouldn't be fondling you thomas"
"They do. Everytime I go in there. I went in for a chest infection last time and he insisted on touching my dick"
"I think you might have a pervy doctor, maybe we should change you to another doctor. Now your old"
"Stop calling me old"
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huearmy · 4 years
The Smell of Truth - I
Summary: After years being forced to fight in clandestine hybrid ring, Jungkook is now living in shelter, but life remains bad, the place is abusive, and nobody seems to want adopt him. Until one night a pro-hybrid activist group invades the shelter, and a woman in black smelling like truth promises that things will get better, and he decides to follow her wherever she goes.
Pairing: pitbull!Jungkook x human!Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, future smut maybe.
Words: 3090
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Light descriptions of violence, nothing much. For now. Jungkook is just a cute pie here ok dont touch me.
 Chapter II  Chapter III  Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII
gif is not mine
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The gray walls of the silent shelter were cold as it were since day one, the bed was small and the blanket could be softer, from the window a yellow light of a light pole bringing the sensation of isolation. Not so different of the last home of Jungkook.
There were two main differences, though. First and more important, now he didn't need to fight to not die in the rings. And - he was thinking if it is good or not - for the first time in so long he could have a prospect of hope, after all, some people seemed interested in adopting him.
But all of them feared him too.
Some days he spend all his time thinking about how to improve his own image so that someone may want to take him home - trying the hardest to look good in his padronized white clothes, fixing is hair, and maintaining a good posture always. Other days he is just a damn pessimist, knowing that anyone will want a pitbull hybrid. But okay, so if they can't acept him with his disturbed past, he won't acept them neither. He want to be loved after all, high standars... Thats what he tells himself often.
Tonight he don't really care.
Like in his previous home he was going to bed feeling like trash, bones hurting like hell and taste of blood in his mouth. In the reflection on the window he could see the cut and swell in his lips and the hematoma below his left eye. Earlier he got beat up by the shelter's guards. They were four against one, and they had batons to hit and electrocute him. All of this just because he wanted to be alone in his corner and growled for another dog who was annoying him by pulling his tail, maybe they thought he was going to do something violent, but he wasn't. Despite his past, Jungkook hate fighting. And then he just tried to defend himself.
Hours passed and he couldn't sleep, something in his gut telling him he should be alert. The night watchman should've passed by his door ten minutes ago. But he heard nothing. He waited to hear the now familiar sound of the watchman's steps... But instead when the sound came it was of a lot more of feet hitting the ground, coming in his direction, and fast.
Suddenly the door of his room opened with a bang, a tall figure in all black and with a gun in it's belt looking at him from the door frame. 
Jungkook hate guns. More than he hate fights. So before he knows it, he is against the wall, protecting himself.
The man said something taking a slow step closer, but Jungkook couldn't hear it clearly - he was too afraid to. Only two types of pople use guns: Cops and the bad guys, sometimes the person is both, like his past owner. He don't like it. Other hybrids were leaving with more people in black in the corridor, and he couldn't understand why. The man reached out for him, and he growled, his ears flat against his head, tail between his legs. So the man steped back, calling for someone.
Poor thing. A million things were crossing Jungkook's mind, all of them horrible... They found me... my old owners found me... They will kill me... They will make me kill... I need to scape...
He was ready to fight his way free, to jump against the tall man and run the faster he could. He was ready to fly through the window even if it was a fall of three floors. Anything but going back to that hell...
His thoughts got cut by a smaller person appering from behind the man. You were all in black too, with tactical boots and all. But no gun. 
"Go help with the others..." Your voice came demanding but soft. When the man disappeared, you tried to approach Jungkook. He growled again. "It's ok..." You said pulling down your mask, revelling your face, and a soft smille. "My name is Y/N. I'mma friend, we are here to help.". You took a step closer, and Jungkook let you. You saw it as a hint to continue, crouching down to stay on the same level as him - he hadn't even realized he was huddled in the corner - and reaching out so he can smell you. "We know this place is no good... So we came to rescue.".
He sniffed you once. In the next second Jungkook was all over you. Practically jumping around you, wagging his tail and smelling you. You smell like truth to him, also something sweet, so he'd follow you anywhere.
"Hey, easy boy." You laugh. Automatically Jungkook got embarrassed for being so excited, a little bit more and he would've crushed you in a hug. "What's your name?"
"Well, Jungkook... Nice to meet ya." You reach out to greet him, and he took your hand in his. But before he could say anything back, the man appeared in the door frame again, now caring a little cat hybrid girl.
"Y/N, all the bombs are in place. We need to go."
Bombs? Jungkook ears lifted in alert. Like bombs that explode? He looked to you waiting some reaction.
"Oh crap. Is everyone out?" You casually answered.
"We are the last ones I think..." He said as if it was about the weather, carefully accommodating the sleepy girl in his arms.
Maybe bombs are not that big of a deal. Jungkook thought to himself, accepting the odd perspective of both of you.
"Ok, Jungkook, this place is going down. If it there is anything you want to take with you..." 
Before you finish the sentence he was putting a tiny wallet in his pocket, and wearing a old cap from the nightstand.
"Ready." Jungkook said with a nod.
You smiled, pulling your mask back up in place. "Let's go then.". You took his hand and ran through the door, Jungkook close behind.
Out side almost all the other hybrids were already safe in the couple of vans of your group, approximately twenty people in black escorting them. You lead Jungkook to one of them following the orientation of another woman with mask and high ponytail. "You go with Youngjae, Y/N.".
"Ok, thanks."
A lot of the hybrids were totally ok with the action, others, mostly the youngers, were sleeping or half asleep. Despite that, a rabbit girl were crying to not enter the van you were supposed to go in.
"You are not understanding... I was going to be adopted on Monday, I need to be here when they came to get me... " she sobbed.
"We know, it's ok... " Youngjae rubbed her arms to comfort her. "We read your file, and I promise you will be with your new owners soon. Okay?"
The girl entered in the van, still a little reluctant, sitting in the passenger's seat - where you were supposed to sit. You didn't think much about it though. You made Jungkook enter and sit in one of the only two available sits, and even if it were more options for you, he didn't let go of your hand, practically pulling you down. He wouldn't make eye contact with you, preferring to keep his gaze down, and wouldn't initiate a conversation, but he would not let go of you neither...
Actually he was holding your hand for dear life.
This is good. You through to yourself. 
Hybrids need to feel safe, and if he feels this way right now... It's good. You read all the files of all hybrids days before this of invasion, to know how bad the situation was. Not all of the poor creatures had a sad past before the shelter - all of them were suffering abuse in the shelter  - but you remember specifically of Jungkook file, and his violent precedence in rings. When you saw the pictures  of how he arrived at the shelter, bruised and curled up in the corner you felt sick and sad. Employee reports said he didn’t allow proximity and showed passive aggression, save for one of the vets, so you - experienced in hybrid behavior - volunteered to be responsible for him. Definitely you didn't expect him to be so easily trusty of you. And that's really good. 
"You ok?" You murmure to him just in case. He just nodded, still staring his feet.
A whimper caught the attention of both of you. The dog hybrid that was beside Jungkook, that must've be sixteen, was shrinking up against the window and holding a bunch of stuffed animals as a shield, apparently afraid him. Jungkook scoffed it with a low growl, turning his eyes back to his shabby shoes, choosing to ignore the boy. This kid was the one invading his space earlier that morning. You got alert to intervene in case of a fight, tensing up.
But Jungkook hate fights. Even more if it happens in tight places like a van. He wouldn't do anything even if he wanted to, and it wasn't the case. There is no one who can force him to fight again.
"Everyone is here? Ok. LET'S GO!" That other woman closed the van's door that started moving. In the shelter's external wall, Jungkook saw the enormous words 'SET US FREE' written in red. Just after the last van passed through the gate the building they all were just a few meters before exploded.
"Wooow!" You cheered along Youngjae and some hybrids.
Jungkook turned on his sit to see the flames through the back window, flames red and high likng the black sky of the night, illuminating all around. You observed the look of amazement in his eyes, wondering what he was thinking. Well, the shelter is what saved Jungkook from his old life. In the shelter he could eat three full meal a day, have his own things and shower every day - his favorite part. But he was always surrounded by crowds what make him anxious most of time, and always getting scolded by the shelter employees that clearly didn't really cared for him, getting beaten up more than once. So he couldn't name the feeling in his chest. He could be sad... Or it could be satisfaction... A mix of both maybe. He just imagined the face of the guys that beat him up seeing the ruins and that written wall next morning and chuckled.
"Jungkook sit straight and put the seat belt, please." You squished his hand lightly.
Another feeling that he couldn't name... "Oh. Ok."
A silence settled in the vehicle, cutting trough the night city at high speed. Most of the hybrids were falling asleep, feeling the euphoria of getting free of the shelter going away, long night after all - and it didn't even ended yet - you couldn't blame them to be tired. You knew that in the moment the job ended and the adrenaline lowered, you would be dead tired yourself, ready to sleep till next year. Unfortunately you must keep your image intact and free suspicions, what means going to work normally next day. But in the moment you needed to be alert and ready to protect. Or at least awake.
Just like Jungkook. This boy was wide awake, looking through the window, paying attention in how the  Youngjae drives super fast, and gazing you by the corner of his eyes. If he had more space he would be jumping around, his dog excitement exploding out of control. Or he would get shy and only imagine it while looking trough nothing. Something in his mind was, where were you all going? That girl apparently was going to be adopted soon, do that mean he would be adopted too? What kind of owner he would get? But can he trust it would happen? Or trust in these people in black? He didn't know you or your group. What if you were the bad guys, kidnapping hybrids to do bad things...? Jungkook stared suspiciously to you, who was talking quietly with the driver. You didn't seen bad, or mean, or evil. Quite the opposite, you look cute and sweet and beautiful, almost too good to be real. He could say you look totally harmless too if it were not for the shock weapon in your waist and tactical boots ... or the whole situation in general. You're just like every ordinary people that usually look at him fear and mistrust.
"Is everything ok?" You asked again. He just made 'no' with his head. You narrowed your eyes, focusing on Jungkook's face. "This bruises... What happened?"
The poor boy considered what to say, fearing that you would not believe him if he said that he got unjustly beaten, which is true, but obviously you would think he deserved it. Maybe he should stay quiet, so you wouldn't hate him. He should at least look like a good boy to impress. Before Jungkook decided between truth or silence - lying was out of question, he was horrorible in it - a voice besides him awnsered.
"The guards were bored and attacked him for no reason." You both looked to the young boy who had a guilty expression. "I'm sorry, it was my fault, I just wanted to play..."
"Oh". Both you and Jungkook cooed. He didn't expected do recieve a out side help, much less a apologise, the feeling was unprecedented. 
"And well, you were the only one who didn't know about the rescue, I wanted to tell you."  
Jungkook was confused. "Everybody knew?"
"All the hybrids..." The boy said, suddenly super comfortable around Jungkook.
"And some employes who helped us from within." You added, pulling Jungkook's face for you to see again. "Did someone treated this cut?" You questioned. 
Jungkook made 'no' with his head once more and than completed with a low voice. 
"The doctor who likes me wasn't working today.".
You sighed in understanding.
"She was one who helped us, we got her an alibi away from here."  You leaned forward, talking to the driver through the rear view mirror. "Youngjae, do we have a first aid kit?" 
"Under my seat."
The boy stared at the stuffed animals for a good time and then extended one to Jungkook. “Keep him.”
Jungkook looked at the stuffed bunny closely and smiled. “Thank you.”
With the white suitcase open on your lap and letting go of Jungkook's hand - for his dislike - you puted some hydrogen peroxide in a piece of gauze and faced him. "Can I?" You asked permission with a smile. Just like the sweet doctor did when the shelter welcomed him you took care of him - with a little less skill, but lovelly still, making him feel safe. Ok, he absolutelly trust you now.
Durig the next hour you received on the radio  news of the vans that took different paths  arriving at the meeting place, yours being one of the last ones. Gladly no one had any unwanted encounters or problems on the way. The place in question was a freight train station, the secondthe van stoped, Youngjae was out to open the lateral door and you waking the hybrids up. "Lets go my sweet things. You can go back to sleep in a little while." You picked up a sleepy little hybrid, and along Youngjae helped all of them to get aou of the van, to follow the group to two big wagons open for them. Outside, those who saw would see only a common freight train, but inside the cars were adapted to take those hybridos in comfort and safety to a farm, one of the places where your organization guarantees a dignified life for hybrids, especially those who have not had an easy past, whether living there or going to good owners - whatever they choose. Jungkook tried to accompany you in the crowd by holding your hand, but he lost you by a few meter, almost not being able to see you between so many heads and the low light, just following your voice, biting his lip anxiously. For a moment his focus leaved you to the rabbit hybrid girl, she got separated from the group, having time to just quickly  say goodbye to another girl, before she run to a car where a couple was waiting for her, the three of then huged, the man took her bag and putted in the trunk. She was really being adopted. Oh man, Jungkook want this so bad. If he is a good boy will he be adopted soon too? "Please, get in." A man in black putted a hand in Jungkook shouder, making him came back daydream. He got surprised for a momente, this man had dog ears to, the men in black have hybrid in their crew. "Please, get i the train." "Wait. No... Y/N..." Apparently he was the only one disturbing, all the other hybrids obeying quietly or already inside the car, looking at him as if he was a weirdo - at least Jungkook felt this way. "Y/N?" "I'm here." You emerged from the crowd. "It's okay, Jungkook, you can get in." "Ok." He smiled to you taking your hand again. He trust you so... But he stoped midstep when he noticed you didn't move. "Aren't you coming too?" You seemed surpresided when responding. "No." He thought for half a second and decided, setting his feet on the ground. "So I'm not getting in neither." "Jungkook..." you tried to argument but he interrupted you. "I'll go where you go." You both held each other's gaze for a moment. All the hybrids were now accommodated in the train wich was about to leave. That women from before came to hurry you, but you wheren't listenning at all. "Does it mean you want to go home with me?" You firmily asked. Without a second thought he vigorously nodded. "Yes." You released a sigh of relief and smiled.  "They can close the doors. This one I'll take with me." You say to the woman, making Jungkook jump in his spot from excitement.  "Are you sure?" She questioned.  "Yep"  You guided a super happy Jungkook to the oposite direction the train started to move to, the sound of the locomotive and loud honk blinding the little sounds of joy coming out of his mouth as he takes your hand again, swinging it back and forth. Your organization companions looking at you with knowing eyes. Never before you even consider adopting any of the rescued hybrids.
this gonna be a series too. pls give love to it.
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topherfoxtrot · 3 years
Thunderbolts: The hulk's personal protection team
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Hey, here's the second episode of my fanon thunderbolts. Since last episode Emil Blonsky escaped from his imprisonment. He's probably going after the Hulk, right? John, Ava, Yelena, Justin and the mysterious Contessa Valentina attend to a presentation Bruce Banner is giving at MIT to find out. This one is more comedy leaned. It wasn't a conscious choice, it just sort of happened. But I'm glag it did. If you enjoy your read please like, share or comment something :D
Valentina hated those heels but something inside of her made she wear them anyways, even on grass. She was going first and foremost. Justin Hammer was right behind her jumping in excitement and giving a lot of useless yet interesting facts about MIT lore and culture. The rest of the thunderbolts were there too. John was wearing a cap and a 5 o'clock beard. Ava was wearing a huge gray sweater as she usually did. Yelena was rocking a leather jacket. For all purposes they did look like a group of college students.
"This place is huge!" Ava looked around, "I wish I went to college."
"What would you do?" John asked.
"I don't know. Anything except quantum physics I guess!" Ava laughed.
"I knew a quantum physics guy once." Justin thought out loud.
"Yeah you knew everyone." Yelena rolled her eyes, "You told that already. We been knew."
"Hey, no need to be so harsh. Your new equipment is my property and I can reclaim them at any time, remember?"
"Oh yeah I haven't used the tasers yet. Wanna help me out with that?" Yelena smirked.
"Behave, children." Valentina intervened, "We want doctor Banner to have a good first impression about us. Specially after the Blosnky incident." She side eyed Ava.
The campus was packed with people of all ages and all around the country and possibly the whole world too. There have been a lot of workshops and seminars the whole week, but today's main event was special: Bruce Banner was gonna give a presentation on the applications of biochemistry in robotics. Apparently the robot dogs running around campus were testing an engine that doesn't need gasoline or electric energy to work.
"I've seen those dogs before." John was reading an informative folder, "I don't think building them to never sleep is a good idea."
"I have a history of dangerous applications of robotics and I agree." Justin cleaned his glasses. The microfiber cloth had his name on it. "It can get out of hand rather quickly!"
"Now that I think about it Bruce Banner also has a history of dangerous applications of robotics." Yelena pointed out, "Y'all remember Ultron?"
"Mistakes are learning opportunities. I mean, not for them I guess." Valentina sighted, "Trust me those super idiots are always making mistakes and they never learn!" She said that last part in a loud whisper.
The presentation was supposed to happen at 4pm so they got there one hour earlier as the Contessa wanted. Doctor Banner was in the auditorium already. His big hands were setting the projector and his eyes were studying the obnoxiously small papers scattered across the table. As usual, the heels Valentina was wearing announced her presence.
"Doctor Banner." She greeted him formally.
"Hello." He analyzed her quickly, "How can I help you..? And you?" He looked at the thunderbolts arriving with the Contessa.
"Well, you see." Valentina took off her sunglasses, "It might actually be the other way around. We are the ones who are here to help."
"Oh." Bruce changed his posture to pay full attention at the lady.
"We are the thunderbolts and we are here to protect you Doctor Banner."
"Protect... me?" Bruce tried to sound polite.
"We have privileged information that confirms you might be in danger, man!" Justin put himself in front of Valentina, "We don't want to scare you or anything but the Abomination scaped his imprisonment!"
Bruce's eyes opened wide suddenly. It's been fifteen years since he saw Emil Blonsky. And as time passed by he caught himself thinking about the man less and less. Now however this distant memory became an immediate danger.
"Should I cancel the..?"
"No, of course not Doctor Banner!" Valentina waved her hand as if the whole situation was nothing but a little annoyance, "You can carry on with your presentation. The Thunderbolts are here to protect you. Also, my name is Valentina Allegra de La Fontiane, Contessa Valentina de La Fontiane. It's a lot to remember I know but don't worry, I'm hard to forget."
"Okay. The.. hm, thunderbolts." He looked at the weird bunch, "Hey aren't you the new Captain America?" He asked.
John looked down and then looked to the roof real quick, "I'm not Captain America anymore." He said between his teeth.
"Yeah there's a new new Captain America now." Valentina rolled her eyes, "But that's not important now, is it? We'll just sit here and wait for the presentation to be over. How about that?"
Bruce didn't trust the team quite yet, but he trusted himself to be his own protection so it was no big deal. Still, as the thunderbolts took their sits at the end of the room, Bruce grabbed his cellphone to check if Emil was really out. There was nothing on the news or on twitter which meant that either Valentina was lying or the government was hiding this information really well. Both options were equally plausible in Bruce's eyes so he decided to roll with it.
When the presentation started the lights went out. Yelena, Ava, John, Justin and Valentina were sitting on the last set of chairs. At some point Valentina got up to get a phonecall. John whispered to not disturb the presentation:
"So...who is she?"
"What do you mean?" Justin asked, also quietly.
"This... Contessa. I don't know. Her." He pointed at the exit door she just left through.
"Haven't you read the card?" Ava asked.
"What card? You mean the blank card? The one with nothing written on it?"
"It was written with invisible ink." Yelena clarified.
"Invisible ink?" John couldn't believe his own words.
"John that's the oldest trick in the book." Justin seemed interested in the presentation, "Espionage 101."
"I was black ops...!" John sounded offended. Someone shushed them so they stayed in silence for a while. Ava felt bad for John though.
"It doesn't matter if you read it or not." She whispered, "It's not like there was any key information there. It was just her name and this weird lightning symbol."
"The thunderbolts!" Justin whispered back.
"So.. us?" John asked.
"That's what it seems." Yelena looked around with no sign of the Contessa, "But who are we?"
"Didn't she explain anything to you guys?" Justin asked.
"No! Did she explain anything to you?"
"I mean, no."
"What?" Ava asked a little louder than intended.
"She just said she would sponsor my projects so I was immediately on board." Justin justified himself, "I just assumed you were more into her deal than I was."
"I can't believe I fell for another pyramid scheme." Ava sighted
"Another?" John asked.
Someone shushed them again, more aggressively this time.
"Excuse me who do you think you are to shush me??" Justin whispered as loud as he could.
"Hammer, sit down!" Yelena ordered.
"Not, let's see what this fella has to say!" Justin grabbed his cellphone to use as a flashlight, but that was not necessary because the lights turned on out of sudden. The robot dogs entered the room as part of the presentation and everyone clapped and cheered at them. Justin sat down again and straighten his blazer aggressively.
The robot dogs did some flips and silly dances. Their "skin" was transparent so it was possible to see all fluids and engines working inside. Everyone was having a good time except Justin, John and Yelena. Something about the dogs and the claps made John unsettled. Yelena felt the same. They looked at each other looking for some guidance. That's when the shots were fired.
A few people from the crowd got up wearing balaclava masks and wielding machine guns. The robot dogs positioned themselves, one on each side of every seat row. The chemicals inside them started to bubble in a menacing way. A man from the first seat now in balaclava got closer to Hulk with a shotgun aimed at his head.
"Hello everyone!" The man screamed, "We are only here for the money. If everyone cooperates, no one gets hurt."
The criminals started to walk around the room with huge bags stealing rings, watches, wallets and all sorts of jewelry.
"There's twelve of them." Yelena whispered.
"How much you can take?" John analyzed the room with her.
"Without getting shot? A few. But the dogs seem to be time bombs."
"Yeah there's too many people here. We have to think this through!" Ava stated.
"Oh my god is that Ant-Man??" Justin screamed pointing at Ava's feet.
"What? Where?" Ava got up on a jump. The men started shooting at her but she phased around the bullets out of reflex. That was just the distraction Justin needed to run into the exit door Valentina went through minutes ago.
"Fucking Hammer!" Yelena grunted before jumping to the ground. A nearby dog jumped to attack her but she quickly applied a jiujitsu move that made the dog fly above her. The fluids inside the robot started to shine in a weird way. John jumped across the seats and kicked the robot to the roof where it exploded. The roof suffered some damage but no enough to fall. No one got hurt. Except the dog whose metallic remains fell onto the ground.
John landed beside Yelena to check on her. Ava made herself invisible and visible again more times than the nearest criminal could comprehend. When Ava reached him she grabbed him by the back and used him as a human shield. Her hand phased into his neck in a lethal threat.
"Nobody shoots no one and no bloody dog explodes!" She demanded.
Everyone in the auditorium hold their breath together. Bruce seemed to be having fun. Yelena and John remained on the ground watching everything in anticipation. Ava had declared a temporary negotiating time, but for how long?
Suddenly breaking the absolute silence the auditorium was emerged in music started to come out of the speakers on the wall. Even the criminals looked around confused to the sound of "U can't touch this". When MC Hammer sang the iconic 'Hammer time!' the exit door exploded and among the smoke Justin Hammer emerged with a shield, three tasers, a shotgun and bunch of flash grenades. He took his right hand to the sky to show his car keys in triumph.
"He went out to get our stuff from the car trunk." John said in denial.
"Fucking Hammer!" Yelena screamed again (with a smile this time) before running to his direction. John came right after.
The criminals started shooting at Justin, who jumped to the ground scattering everything he brought with him. Ava let go of her human shield and disappeared. Yelena grabbed her tasers and John grabbed his shield. They both got up ready for action. The criminals started shooting and John instinctively projected the shield in front of them while Yelena got closer to him.
"Hey, it even looks like we rehearsed it!" Yelena said, smiling.
John also gave her a smile. Without realizing it he offered his arm for a forearm pump like he used to do with an old friend. Yelena forearm pumped him and jumped back into action. John smiled even brighter.
What happens next is just incredible. John's shield ricochet's throughout the whole auditorium at his will. Ava phases through and disarms everyone fast. Even with no powers Yelena runs around quickly dodging bullets and immobilizing the criminals. Justin cheered for them just alright. But he also turned off the robot dogs and used some of the flash grenades when necessary.
At the end of the showdown all the criminals were gathered at the podium. Bruce scrubbed his hands with a pride smile as if he did something at all. The gesture clarified that the threat was indeed neutralized so all the people in the crowd got up and started clapping at them. Justin waved his hands with a bright smile.
"Come on guys, it's the least we could do."
"What is happening?" Ava grabbed her arms is a slight self hug.
"Don't you see?" Hulk whispered to her, "You're the heroes!"
The sentence made John move his shoulders awkwardly. We are the heroes!, He whispered to himself. Yelena giggled because she totally heard that. She grabbed one of John's hands and one of Ava's hands and curved to the crowd as if they were actors in a play. Ava and John looked at each other and decided to bound as well. The cheers went louder.
The Contessa finally came back. She looked worried.
"What the fuck is going on?"
"We are the heroes, Val!" Justin winked at her before grabbing John's shield and bound as well.
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buckyhad · 4 years
Tangled (Bucky Barnes x Stark!reader)
II. Meeting.
Summary: Since tony met you, he keep you safe in the tower, but Bucky has another idea about that.
A Rapunzel avenger story.
Warnings: minor violence.
Word counting: 1,4k
Note: if you see a mispelling let me know. Also if you want to be added to the masterlist tell me or reblog. Lots of love.
Tangled masterlist
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After hitting the guy with a frying pan, he fell over face first. I analized him for something that can hurt me but didn't find anything.
"Huh?." Bucky started open an eye.
And I hitted him again.
I put him in a chair and used my hair as a rope. Didn't told you how long my hair is now?
"Too weak to handle myself out there, huh Anthony? Well, Tell that to my frying pan!" And I hitted my head. "Fuck, it hurts." I rub my temple.
"That's what you get for hurting me"
"Buck! I'm gonna hit you again if you don't stop interrumpting."
"But I make it funnier! Auch! Fine."
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"AHH!" Bucky was awaked with Pascal's tongue in his ear. "Wha..? Is this...hair?."
"May I've to call F.R.I.D.A.Y?" I asked the intruder.
"What? No."
"Who are you, and how did you find me?."
"Ah. hah?."
"Are you dumb? Who are you, and how did you find me?."
Bucky clears his throat "I know not who you are. Nor how I came to find you. But may I just say. Hi! How you doing? The names Bucky Barnes. How's your day going, huh?."
"Who else knows my location, Bucky Barnes?" I pointed at him with the pan.
"All right, doll,"
"Gesundheit. Here's the thing. I was in a situation, Gallivanting through the forest. I can across your door and...Ho, ho no, where is my satchel?."
"I've hidden it, somewhere you'll never find it." I looked my nails like they were the most interesting thing in the world.
"It's in the pot, isn't it." And I hitted him again, moved the satchel and made a sign to Pascal, so he can wakes the man in the chair "Ugh! would you stop that?!." He said while rubbing his ear in his shoulder to clean Pascal's saliva.
"Now it's hidden where you'll never find it. So, what do you want, with my hair? To cut it? Sell it?"
"No! Listen, the only thing I want to do with your hair, is to get out of it. Literally!" Bucky was annoyed at this point.
"Wait, you don't want my hair? Did my dad send you?."
"Why on earth would I want your hair? And who the hell is your dad?,"
"Tony" I interrumpted.
"Tony has a daughter? Look, I was being chased, I saw a door, I open it, end of story."
I turned around "Hmmm. I know. I need someone to take me. I think he's telling the truth, too. What choice do I have?,"  speaking with Pascal I decided to make a deal with him "Okay Bucky Barnes, I'm prepared to offer you a deal."
"Tomorrow evening they will light the night sky, with lanterns. You will act as my guide, Take me to these lanterns, and return me home safely. Then, and only then, will I return your satchel to you. That is my deal."
"Yeah," he smiled "no can do. Unfortunately, the city and I are not exactly, simpatico, at the moment. So I won't be taking you anywhere."
"Something brought you here, Bucky Barnes. Call it what you will, fate, destiny."
"A horse."
"So I have made the decision to trust you."
"A horrible decision, really."
"But trust me, when I tell you this. You can tear this tower apart, brick by brick. but without my help, you will never find your precious satchel."
"Yeah Tony would kill me if I do that so it's not an option" he clears his throat "Let me just get this straight. I take you to see the lanterns. Bring you back home. and you'll give me back my satchel?"
"All right, listen, I didn't want to have to want to do this, but you leave me no choice. Here comes the 'smolder'." He twisted his face into a weird type of duck face while raising an eyebrow. "This is kind of an off day for me.This doesn't normally happen." I pointed the pan at him again "Fine, I'll take you to see the lanterns."
"Really!" I queaked, releasing the hold on the chair, making he hits his face with the floor "Ooops."
"You broke my 'smolder'."
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"You coming, Doll?" Bucky asks while climbing down the stairs. I jumped helping myself with my hair. He looked at me with his mouth open.
"What? I've to give it some use."
"Look at the world, so close and I'm halfway to it
Look at it all, so big, do I even dare?
Look at me, there at last, I just have to do it
Should I?
Here I go
Just smell the grass, the dirt, just like I dreamed they'd be
Just feel that summer breeze, the way it's calling me."
"Oh god are you going to sing all the way through?."
"Of course, otherwise where is the fun?."
"I'm gonna kill myself."
"For like the first time ever, I'm completely free
I could go running and racing and dancing and chasing
And leaping and bounding, hair flying, heart pounding
And splashing and reeling and finally feeling
That's when my life begins"
"I can't believe I did this." I mumbled
"I can't believe I did this." I exclaim one minute after that .
"I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THIS!" I screamed. "Tony will be so furious. That's okay though, what he doesn't know won't kill him, right?" Trying to convince myself was hard.
"Oh my gosh, this will kill him."
"I am a horrible daughter, I'm going back."
"I am never going back!."
"I am a despicable human being." "WAHHOOOOO! Best day, ever!."
I ended up sobbing sitting in the floor.
Bucky clears his throat "You know, I can't help but notice, you seem a little at war with yourself, here."
I looked his way.
"Now, I'm only picking up bits and pieces. Overprotective father, forbidden road trip. This is serious stuff. But let me ease your conscience. This is part of growing up. A little rebellion, a little adventure.That's good, healthy even."
I laughed "You think?."
"I know. You're way over thinking this, trust me. Does your father deserve it? No. Will this break his heart and crush his soul? Of course. But you just got to do it."
"Break his heart?." I mumbled.
"In half."
"Crush his soul?."
"Like a grape."
"Wait, where did you find those grapes?."
"Oh, you know, just stole them." He said matter of facts.
I gasped and went back to my crisis "he would be heart broken, you're right."
"I am, aren't I? Oh, bother. All right, I can't believe I'm saying this, but...I'm letting you out of the deal."
"What? No you are not."
"Don't thank me. Let's just turn around,and get you home, here's your pan, here's your dog. I get back my satchel. You get back a father daughter relationship based on mutual trust and viola! We part ways as unlikely friends."
"No, I am seeing those lanterns." I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Oh, come on! What is it going to take to get my satchel back?" He kicked the ground like a child.
Showing my pan in his direction, I heard a noice, jumping behind him. "Is it, war criminal, assassin? Have they come for me?!" Having a avenger dad telling you storys doesn't help if you're scaping.
"Stay calm, it can probably smell fear." Bucky smiled while looking at the squirrel in front of us.
"Oh, sorry. Getting just a little bit, jumpy." I eased myself. "Probably be best if we avoid war criminals and assassins, though."
"Yeah, that's probably best." He chuckled. "Are you hungry? I know a great place for lunch."
"Oh, don't you worry. You'll know it when you smell it."
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*at the Stark tower*
Tony entered the building while talking in his phone. "Hey Maximus." He continue walking and abruptly stopped.
Maximus sniffed at him.
"Where's Nat?." Taking the stairs he open the door to your place. "(Y/n)?." After not having a response, he called his A.l "Where's (Y/n)?."
"She went out with Mr.Barnes."
"I'm gonna kill him. Call Steve."
"Calling Steve."
"Hey Tony, what happen?."
"Your ciborg kidnapped my daughter."
"What?. You know where Buck is?."
"No I don't, gonna track him to make sure the two of them are fine." Tony rolled his eyes. He didn't want his child with a retired assassin but who can take better care of her than him?.
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*back at the city*
"I know it's around here, somewhere. Ah, there it is. The Snuggly duckling. Don't worry, very quaint place, perfect for you. Don't want you scaring, and giving up on this endeavor now do we?"
"Well, I do like ducklings."
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Taglist: @gabrielislovegabrielislife
@archive-of-the-fic @tonystankschild
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