#jungkook as massage therapist
boraswan · 10 months
hiiii can you write a jungkook x reader where he introduces you to his friends but u have anxiety so u are worried that u made a bad impression and and he reassures you that they loved you <3 thank you <3
thank you sm for the request. hope you like it.
jungkook x reader
fluff/comfort, reader has anxiety, mention of therapy.
800 words.
You walked up the front door of his friends house, anxiety increasing by the second. But of course, your loving boyfriend has been very patient with you all day. Very sympathetic to your worries about meeting his friends. Not enough, however, to let you stay home.
“Stop dragging your feet, babe.” he said as you sat in his desk chair, hands coming behind you to lazily massage your shoulders. He was right. Yes, you were stalling. But you weren’t about to admit it.
“I’m not, kook. Its just, there’s something wrong with your chair! I have to figure it out before something happens!” you said, feigning innocence.
“Yeah cutie. I totally appreciate you looking out for me. But… it can wait until we get back.” he replied, looking at you knowingly.
“Yeah, I mean technically it could wait but, what if we forget?” you asked, much quieter this time.
“We won’t forget, baby. I’ll put it at the top of the list.” he said, pointing to his head.
“You don’t have to worry about a thing. Everything is gonna be okay. Don’t think about the chair too much, okay?” he said sweetly, rubbing your back up and down. You both knew he wasn’t really talking about the chair.
“Okay, thank you.” you said with a half smile, looking up at him. He knew you were trying. “Gentle encouragement” is what the therapist has called it. Your sweet boyfriend agreed to attend a session with you, listening very intently to everything that was said. You could tell he really cared. But the only downside was now he was too aware. He knew your antics, and wouldn’t let you close in on yourself.
So that led you to where you are right now. Standing outside his friend namjoon’s house. Six random people you had never met before. And your boyfriend talked about them endlessly. They meant so much to him and you were worried that something bad would happen, that they might not like you.
“Your hand is shaking like a leaf babe, relax.” He grabbed your hand into his, sending you a soft smile.
“I’ll be with you the whole time, mkay?” he cocked his head cutely at you, sending a reassuring look your way.
“Mkay.” you said back, mocking his voice.
Jungkook extended his free arm to open the door, and you braced for the worst.
Only a few hours. You can do this.
Your boyfriend led you into the house, slowly making your way through the hall towards the living room, where several voices were heard overlapping each other.
You almost reached the source, when a voice behind you interrupted the tension you felt in your chest.
“Y/N? Jungkook?”
You guys turned around at the call. A tall man was smiling fondly at the two of you.
Jungkook let go of you momentarily to hug the man, who was still smiling at you kindly.
“Did he say y/n?”
“Oh my god I think so.”
Before you knew it, multiple people flooded into the hallway. They all exchanged hugs with your boyfriend. A couple of them even hugged you too. They were all welcoming, but it was so crowded, and the hall was starting to feel smaller, and your shirt was too tight. And-
“Let’s go sit down shall we?” Jungkook smiled at them, hand settling on your lower back. A nice grounding feeling. They all agreed and made their way back to the living room. You guys were the last to walk in, far enough behind for him to discreetly whisper in your ear.
“I’ve got you babe. You’re doing amazing.”
As the night went on, the boys enthusiastically told stories about their youngest member. They didn’t spare him either. It was funny watching him cringe, leaning into you to hide from the embarrassment. This went on for what felt like only few minutes, until jungkook quietly asked if you were ready to go. You confusedly clicked your phone screen on, only to see that 3 hours had passed.
“Oh my god!” you whisper yelled.
“I didn’t realize it had gotten so late, I’m sorry.” You whisper yelled. Not that the boys would have noticed anyways. They were in their own world arguing about the timeline of a story.
“That’s okay baby, I’m glad you’re having a good time, it’s nice to see you all getting along like this.” he said looking at you fondly, before letting out a yawn.
“Tired?” you asked with a smile.
“Yeahh.” he admitted giggling.
“Alright, let’s tell them bye.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to separate you from your new besties.” he joked.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Besides, we can hang out for longer next time. We can meet up earlier in the day.”
“Next time?” He asked teasingly.
“Next time.” you confirmed.
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btsgotjams27 · 1 year
this is us ~ jjk | epilogue
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✨ title: this is us | complete (sequel to all grown up) ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader | ✨ rating: m/18+ | minors dni ✨ genre/au: drama, romance, angst, fluff, smut | est!relationship, age gap, best friend’s brother ✨ playlist | ✨if you haven’t read the prequel to this, please do so here! :) ✨ a/n: hi my TIU darlings. we have finally come to the conclusion of this story. 1.5 years later. it's crazy to think about. anywho, i've done my best to research IVF treatments and outcomes, so don't come for me if something is inaccurate (i tried!!!) ✨ a/n 2: remember we have our little TIU celebration!! which I'll make a post about on Friday, which will include some fun things for you. i hope you'll join in on the fun. lastly, thank you so much to everyone who has followed this little story from the beginning. i owe y'all so much!!
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epilogue ~ us | wc: 5.9k
warnings: minor language, the pacing is fast so bear with me!, mentions of ~ fertility treatments (IVF) + needles + low sp*rm motility, some sad thoughts, a game reference to the tv show (This Is Us--iykyk), note: IVF cycles are typically around 2 months, oc jokes about unaliving jk bc he got her preggo, descriptions of labor (err--if you don't wanna read it, then just skip it??), idk I think that's it in terms of warnings lol--if I miss any, kindly let me know
~ Six Months Later ~
Two percent.
The IVF success rate for women ages 35 to 37, and you were smack dab in the middle. Well, you haven't turned 36 yet.
Your face was buried in your hands as you repeated the number. You sat back, turning to Jungkook. “The success rate is 2%. Two!”
He looked just as disappointed after the two of you spoke to the third fertility specialist within a few months, but Jungkook was always optimistic. “It’s better than zero.”
You groaned, leaning over and burying your face in your hands again. He rubbed in circular motions up and down your back. Your eyes began to well up, tears on the verge of falling.
“I know you’re just trying to make me feel better, but this fucking sucks.” Everywhere you went, the outcome was the same. There was nothing hopeful about the situation.
Jungkook massaged the back of your neck. He muttered softly, ‘Hey.’ He stood, holding your hand, making you stand with him. He pulled you in for a hug. His body warmth radiates as he embraces you. “We’re gonna be part of that 2% success rate.”
You pressed your ear to his chest. His heartbeat is steady. Bum. Bum. It begins to calm your own.
You don’t want to say your thoughts, but your mouth is faster than your brain. “But what if we’re not?” Your heart speeds back up.
Jungkook immediately withdraws from you, grabbing your shoulders and making you square up with him. “Okay—time to play ‘worst case scenario.’ Go.”
The two of you started this little game, taking turns saying all the bad things you’re thinking. With no judgment, no censorship—saying aloud your fears takes away the power they hold, according to your therapist.
“We get pregnant and lose the baby.”
It was a scenario you already had in the past.
“We try all four cycles and don’t get pregnant,” Jungkook says.
“We exhaust every option, spend all our money, go broke, have to move in with Yuna and Namjoon, and still don’t get pregnant.”
Jungkook blinks. There’s no show of emotion on his face. He closes the distance between you, cupping your face. “Or—we keep trying, get pregnant, and have a baby.”
You gaze into those doe eyes you love so much. You couldn’t do this without him and the hope and support he brings. “I’m glad you’re here with me.”
The corners of his mouth curved up, “Sorry baby, you can’t get rid of me so easily.”
“I mean—wifey.”
You chuckled, teasing him at his own game. “Can we go home and veg out?” All you wanted was a bowl of ice cream and your comfort movie.
“You’re not giving up on me, are you?” Jungkook raises his eyebrow.
“Just for tonight, okay?” You give a small smile. “Then tomorrow morning, I’ll put on my brave face.”
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“Hmm, which one do you think Hyunie and Taehyung would like?” You tilted your head, debating between the mylar helium balloons. One said ‘Hello baby’ with zoo animals, and the other said ‘Sweet baby girl.’
Who knew picking out balloons would be so hard?
“I like the ‘Sweet baby girl’ one, and here,” Jungkook points to a cloud-shaped balloon, “Get this one too.”
The two of you walked hand in hand down the hall, ready to greet the happy parents. Hyunie was in early labor for a day and a half before active labor started. She texted, saying it was the longest few days of her life.
“This will be us soon,” Jungkook says before approaching their hospital room.
You flashed a thin smile. “I hope so.”
When you walked in, Hyunie happily ate a jello dessert, and Taehyung was passed out on what looked like an uncomfortable chair. His hand is gripping the bassinet where baby Hani is all bundled up in a swaddle blanket and beanie with a gigantic bow–almost bigger than her.
Hyunie grins when she sees you, and Jungkook brings her index finger to her lips, mouthing ‘shh,’ and points to her sleeping babies.
You walk to Hyunie’s bedside, and Jungkook goes to Taehyung’s.
“Hi, Mama,” you say, leaning to hug her. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m doing much better after this jello–just the energy boost I needed.”
“Aw–good! Now, I will ditch you and steal your baby for a moment.”
Hyunie giggles. “Be my guest!”
You stroll over to Jungkook as he’s standing in front of the bassinet, facing Hani. You wrap your arm around his waist, placing your head against his chest, focusing on his heartbeat.
“She’s so tiny,” he points out.
“Are you going to hold her?”
“What if I break her?”
You pinch his belly. “You’re not going to break her. Just be extra careful and support her neck and body.”
Jungkook didn’t have the luxury of being around when Indie was a baby, but he’ll get some practice in with baby Hani.
He took a deep breath and shook off his nerves. He stepped closer to the bassinet, his left hand cradled underneath Hani’s neck, and then you muttered to take his right hand underneath her bottom. He gently lifts her from the bassinet, trying to shift her head closer into the crook of his arm.
Hani begins to stir and squirm in his arms, but you reassure him that it’ll be okay. “Gently rock her, and she’ll settle.”
“How are you so good at this?” He looks at you before focusing on Hani again.
You giggle. “Well, I have a pretty good record as an Auntie.”
“You’re going to be a great mom,” he says, kissing your cheek. “Me as a dad? That’s a different story.”
“It’ll take practice, Kook. We can’t be so hard on ourselves already.”
“Mm, you’re right.”
Jungkook feels a kick against his leg. It was Taehyung probably having an intense dream.
“I’m up! I didn’t fall asleep!” Taehyung hollers, immediately sitting up.
All of you blink at the newly tired dad and start laughing. This would hopefully be you and Jungkook soon. Tired and delusional with a baby in your arms.
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The white walls and tiled floors were becoming familiar to you and Jungkook. You slowly turned to your husband, who was hunched over, holding the bridge of his nose. It was your turn to comfort him.
You focused on the small spider crawling down the wall, sucking in your lips, trying your best not to laugh.
He turned to you, pouting. “Don’t laugh.”
You raised your eyebrows, lips still sucked in, shaking your head. “Do you see me laughing?”
“You’re laughing on the inside. I know it.”
Your hands rubbed his shoulders, rocking him back and forth. “Kook–it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
He leaned back, head against the wall. “I was,” he paused, “nervous.”
“Mmhm,” you nodded. “I bet that’s the reason.”
Jungkook groaned, stomping his feet, burying his face in his hands.
On the inside, you were chuckling just a bit. You knew how much he prided himself in how much he could come. He’d always point it out, especially after you two started trying for a baby.
Like how he’d always comfort you, you gave him tickle scratches along his spine, letting him know it’d be okay.
“I’m sure you’re not the only man who has a high sperm count but has low motility.”
He pops back up. “I need to see my little men under a microscope. Whoever the lab tech is must be wrong.”
“Kook—” you stressed. “I did a lot of research, and they say men with high sperm count and low motility can still have kids.”
He lets out a deep breath. “I know. I’m just being a big baby.”
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him to you. “See, I don’t need a baby—I have one right here,” you teased, patting his cheek as he pouted again. “I’m kidding. I want a little human with your eyes and cute nose.” You reached to bite his nose gently, and he chuckled, going for a kiss.
“Worst case scenario?” he asks.
You tilted your head, thinking about the infinite possibilities, but the two of you always came up with the same outcomes. “How about the best-case scenario?”
Jungkook hums.
“We get pregnant and have a baby.”
He perks up. “We have two babies.”
You blink at your starry-eyed hubby, holding out your hand in defense. “Okay–let’s just try to have one first.”
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You hissed, closing your eyes when the sharp needle pierced your flesh. Thankfully, it was the last day of injections. Jungkook was always a champ when it came to these shots.
He set the syringe down, grabbing a piece of gauze to apply pressure on the wound. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. This was round two of your IVF cycle. The first cycle was tough–you were mentally, physically, and emotionally drained. Your mood was constantly changing. You were bloated, fatigued—you name it, you had it.
Even Bam could tell something was happening. He was on alert, guarding your every move. He was the spitting personality of Jungkook.
Bam was lying outside the bathroom door, waiting for the two of you to finish. As soon as you walk out, his head perks up, and he stands to his feet, following you to the bed. Jungkook drapes the duvet over you and hands you the TV remote. Bamie looks at you with his doe eyes, practically asking if he could come to snuggle with you.
“Come on,” you say, gesturing for him to get onto the bed, and he does without hesitation. You wouldn’t mind Bamie snuggles today.
Jungkook sits on the bed’s edge. He inches closer, stroking your cheek. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay home today?”
You shake your head no. “I’ll be fine. I have Bamie.”
He gives a small smile. “I’ll only be there a couple of hours, then I’ll be back. Call me if you need anything or want me to pick up dinner, okay?”
You hummed, kissing him before turning on the TV. Bamie looks at the two of you, then turns his attention to the screen.
Jungkook stands by the door, saying goodbye. He closes it, his hand lingering on the knob. He wants to stay and snuggle with you and Bam all day, but he also has to network to be a candidate for this new job.
“Okay, Bam. What should we watch?” You look over, and his eyes are already closed, making you chuckle. “Can’t hang, huh, bud?” You ruffle his floppy ears.
You’re unsure what you’re in the mood for.
Thriller/Suspense. Nope.
Romance. Nope.
Action. Maybe.
The trailer started playing for Bullet Train. You’re not a huge fan of Brad Pitt, but you could digest his acting when you felt like it. Sure, why not? There was nothing else to do.
It was strange how you found yourself in Ladybug, Brad Pitt’s character. It’s not like you’re an assassin, but you were privy to misfortunes.
You stopped yourself and shook the notion off. No. This round of IVF was going to work. The trigger shot, the egg retrieval, and the transfer would be successful. Everything will work out. Your fate was not like Ladybug; instead, you’d be lucky.
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~ Two Weeks Later ~
As you had anticipated, everything went smoothly with the rest of cycle two. And today was the big day: finding out if it worked.
Unfortunately, the only mishap was that Jungkook’s interview was at the same time as your appointment. He was so close to skipping it, but you threatened him with divorce and no sex if he didn’t go.
You had already come in two days earlier to give a blood sample and were confused about why you had to come in again so suddenly.
Maybe you should take it as a good sign, but you didn’t want to get your hopes up for fear that it wouldn’t be a positive outcome—you’d just expect the unexpected. If it happens—great. If it doesn’t, then you’d keep trying.
Two knocks on the door before it became ajar, and your doctor stuck their head in.
“Hello, hello,” they chirped, opening the door wider as they stepped in.
You sat in the chair against the wall, and they rolled out a stool, sitting before you. You’re anxious. You wished they’d spit it out already.
“Let me start with some good news,” they say, and you listen intently. “There is detection of hCG in your body.”
Your eyes scan their face for the bad news.
“And the not-so-bad news is, we’ll need you to come in every day for the next 8-10 days so we can monitor your levels.”
Your mouth is open, but no words or even thoughts are forming. Again, you didn’t want to celebrate too early.
“Does this mean what I think it means?” you ask, twiddling with your thumbs, your heart ready to burst with joy.
The doctor smiles. “It’s a good sign.”
You suck in your lips and suppress a smile. Your skin is warming up, and you only want to call Jungkook and tell him the good news.
But the little voice in your head was like a broken record, ‘Don’t get ahead of yourself.’
“Today, we’ll monitor your levels, and as I said previously, we’d like you to come in every day until we feel like your levels are steady.”
You nodded in agreement.
The real question was, would you tell Jungkook or just wait? He’d want to know, right?
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You had gone in every day to test your levels, and each time they increased, your heart would leap when you were given the results.
Jungkook raised an eyebrow, weary of your frequent daily outings, but you told him you just needed fresh air and time to yourself, and there was nothing he needed to worry about.
You felt guilty for keeping it from him. He’s your husband, after all. In your mind, it would soften the devastation if this embryo transfer didn’t work. At least you would have had time to process it and then help Jungkook, and then the both of you wouldn’t be a mess simultaneously like the first go-around.
You clutched onto the baby photo album against your chest as you turned around to find a sales clerk. “Oh–um, thank you.”
“Is there anything I can help you find?”
You shook your head no. This was so new that you didn’t know where to begin. “I’m just looking, thank you.”
She smiled warmly. “Well, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask,” she said before walking away.
The only thing you could think of was if Jungkook would be upset at you for waiting so long to tell him.
You took a moment to breathe before entering the apartment. Your hand trembled as you reached for the doorknob. As soon as you open the door, you’re greeted by Bam, who sniffs your bag. You kneeled before him, placing a kiss on his face.
“Where’s Jungkookie?” you whispered, ruffling his ears. Bam licks your face before leading you to him.
He’s sitting on the couch, legs crossed on the coffee table as you sit beside him. You reach over to kiss him.
“Did you have a nice little outing?” he asked, setting the remote down. Bam lays down by both your feet.
You hummed. “I got you a little present.”
His lips thinned, and he narrowed his eyes.
“Just–open it.”
Jungkook removes the tissue paper and takes a photo album with a note attached. “Looks like I’ll get to call you a new name…” he reads confusedly.
At the end of the note is an arrow. He flips open the album to see the word ‘daddy’ written at the top of the page and a black and white ultrasound photo.
“Is this–is this what I think it is?” He slowly turned to you, his eyes glistening.
You nod, suppressing your smile, and a tear runs down your cheek. “We’re pregnant.”
Jungkook closes his eyes and breathes out a deep sigh. “Is this why you’ve been going out so much?”
“Please don’t be mad at me. I just–I didn’t want us to be disappointed again. I wanted us to have a win, and last time was devastating cause I feel like it's always hard to come by wins–well, for me, at least. Then your whole low motility thing made you sad. When they called me to come in again, I didn't want to get my hopes up in case we didn't get pregnant, and then they kept calling me. Of course, I became more hopeful and hated that I was more hopeful, and then I felt guilty for keeping this from you, and now we're pregnant and finally have some space to breathe.”
You finished your rambling and were too busy to notice Jungkook grinning from ear to ear. 
“Anything else?”
You shook your head no.
Jungkook holds your hands. "Baby, I'm not mad at you.”
“You’re not?” You thought he’d be furious.
He shook his head, placing his hand on your belly, gently rubbing it. “A little human is growing inside of you.”
You look down, then back up at him. “Wanna see the video?” 
Jungkook flashes a smile and nods. You pull out your phone, scrolling to the ultrasound video you recorded. It plays, then zooms into the monitor. The tech points out the moving blob in the corner, and the sound of whooshing and thumping can be heard.
Just as listening to Jungkook’s heartbeat was always reassuring for you, hearing your baby’s heartbeat became another. It was proof that the baby did exist. It’s real. It’s not a figment of your imagination.
The video was on a loop, and you hadn’t realized you were still smiling at the screen. Jungkook holds your chin with his thumb and index finger, making you turn to him. “We did it.”
You hum. “We did.”
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Week 20
(Five Months Pregnant) 
To say you haven’t been worried sick since you found out you were pregnant would be a lie. You even bought a fetal monitor and made Jungkook figure out how to use it. You did everything by the book because you didn’t want anything to go wrong.
And searching the internet for what could be wrong with you didn’t help. It gave you more concern than anything.
Today was a big day.
You didn’t know if the flutters in your belly were the baby or because you were nervous. Maybe both.
Jungkook sat beside you on the bed, holding your hand–gripping actually.
You tapped him, telling him to let go.
“Sorry–I’m just nervous.”
“You’re nervous?” you chuckle. “At least you don’t have a full bladder. I hate this part of pregnancy.” Having a full bladder encourages better sound energy, says your internet search, and having a baby in your belly and a pea-sized bladder was a recipe for disaster.
The sonographer comes in and greets you both. She preps you, squeezing the cold gel onto your belly and moving the small electronic device from side to side.
This is the first time Jungkook has seen an ultrasound live. You hold out your hand, and he squeezes it. Both of you are glued to the screen.
“I’m going to do some measurements of the baby, and would you guys like to know the sex of the baby?”
The two of you look at each other and answer simultaneously, “Yes.”
She chuckles lightly, “Noted.”
She continues clicking her mouse, pointing out the features of your baby. “Here’s the baby’s heart.” She moves the device to a different section of your stomach. “Oh—they’re waving. See their little hand?”
You and Jungkook lean forward, squinting at the screen.
“It’s so tiny,” you pout and look at Jungkook.
“And now she has the hiccups. Can you feel it, mama?”
You both turn to each other. “She?”
“Congratulations, you’re having a little girl.”
Jungkook cups your face and kisses you. He pulls away, smiling and giggling. “Oh man—I’m gonna be outnumbered,” he jokes.
“Good—we’ll put you in your place so you can treat us like queens.”
He grins. “Always.”
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Week 37
(Nine Months Pregnant)
You hear Jungkook yelling, ‘Yeah’ from the other room.
“I can’t reach the remote!” You tried for 5 minutes before calling out to Jungkook. 
“Be right there!”
“And bring me pickles!”
Typically, you didn’t care about pickles, but this baby girl wanted pickles, specifically from the jar, during this pregnancy.
A few moments later, Jungkook shows up with a jar of pickles and sets it on the nightstand. “You know you can download the TV app on your phone, so that way, you don’t need the remote.”
“Yeah, but that would require me to reach for my phone too.” Which was right next to the remote.
Jungkook shook his head and chuckled, handing you the remote. “How are my girls doing, hmm?” He plopped on the bed, gently laying his head on your belly.
“I need this baby to come out. I don’t know how much longer I can handle this.”
Everything hurts—your back, your neck, your legs. And not to mention, your feet would swell if you didn’t take a walk around the block with Bam. You couldn’t even sleep on your back anymore, and if you accidentally woke up lying on your back, this humongous basketball stomach would ache like no tomorrow.
“Just a few more weeks, then she’ll be here.”
“Don’t you dare get me pregnant again!” you joked.
Now you understand what Yuna and Hyunie went through. Were you a one-and-done type of person? It sounded reasonable right now.
Jungkook propped himself on his elbows. “And what if our baby girl gets lonely? She’ll need a sibling.”
You grabbed the jar of pickles, attempted to open it, and then gave it to Jungkook to do the honors. “Nope—that’s why we have Bamie. He’s great entertainment for all the kiddos,” you reasoned.
Bam looks up when he hears his name but goes right back to ignoring the two of you.
He chuckled. “We’ll reevaluate once we get this whole parenting thing under wraps.”
You groaned after biting into the crisp and juicy pickle. “Nuh-uh,” you mumbled, wiping the juice down your chin. “Having your baby has limited my food options for nine months—that’s too long for me to go without sushi and cold-cut sandwiches.”
“You don’t even like cold-cut sandwiches.” Jungkook narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips at your ridiculousness.
“Yeah—but what if I wanted one? Then I don’t have that option, now do I?”
“I love you, you crazy, beautiful woman.”
“I love you too.”
“Tell you what…”
You’re about to grab another pickle from the jar. “Hmm?”
“I’ll sneak in sushi for your first meal after we have the baby.”
Your eyes widened, and you set the jar back down on the nightstand, then turned back to him. “Don’t let your mom find out. She will riot if my first meal isn’t seaweed soup.”
“I’m sure she’ll be distracted by the baby that she won’t even notice.”
“As long as I get sushi, I’ll be happy.”
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“Jeon Jungkook—“ You gripped the sleeve of his shirt. “I’m going to kill you for doing this to me.” You’re delusional, and you’ve been in labor for too long.
Everything happened so quickly that you didn’t even have time to process it. Your water didn’t break like it does in TV shows or films. You woke up in the middle of the night with intense cramps, thinking you pulled a muscle. You hadn’t woken up Jungkook in case it was a false alarm, but after timing your contractions on your app—it was ‘go’ time. When you arrived at the hospital, got checked in, and saw the doctor, you were already 7cm dilated, and there wouldn’t be enough time to get an epidural. So—you were doing this au natural.
He gulps. “You got this—I believe in you.”
You sigh, throwing your head back against the pillow. You’ve been pushing for an hour, and nothing has progressed. Everyone keeps telling you, ‘You’re doing great,’ but you don’t feel like it. Your hair is stuck to your face because you’ve been sweating profusely. All those mom influencers you’ve seen on TikTok and Instagram were all liars. How did they look so cute while giving birth?
“Kook—you have to do this for me. You have to push out this baby. I can’t do it.” You don’t even bother to look at him. Instead, you focus on breathing because you can feel another contraction coming.
Jungkook chuckles lightly and stands, leaning over to kiss your forehead. “You know, if I could do it, I would.”
“I know—I’m—I’m so tired.”
He cups your face. “Just focus on me. On our baby girl, and nothing else. Okay? That’s all that matters right now.”
The doctor looks at the monitor. “Okay, are you ready to push again?”
You’re scared–scared you can’t do this.
And you’ve been through a lot of shit in your life, so you thought you’ve always been tough and could handle anything, and at this point, you were testing your limits.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, mentally telling yourself, ‘You got this.’
“Okay, mama. You have to push as hard as you can.”
You can feel the tension building and know it’s time to do your best. Jungkook is helping you hold your leg back while you hold the other. There’s a burning sensation; everything feels so tight as you push.
“You’re doing great, Mom. I can see the baby’s head.”
Jungkook stops to peer at what the doctor’s seeing. He sucks in his lips. He wants to say something but stops himself.
“Come on–keep going. Keep pushing. Her head is almost out.”
You groan loudly and grip your legs as you push with all your might. And finally, there’s some relief in the tension that was building.
“You did it, mom. The head is out.”
Jungkook looks again. “Oh–this is so weird.” He tilts his head. He’s in awe and bemused by everything pregnancy and labor-related.
“Kook–you’re not helping!”
He clears his throat. “I mean, baby–she’s so beautiful.”
“What does she look like?” you ask, resting quickly against the pillow.
“Really red,” he says, “but she has cute, chubby cheeks.”
“She does?”
He nods and looks back at you.
“Alright, mama. The hardest part is getting the shoulders out, but the rest is a breeze once it's out. You got this.”
You sit up again, holding onto your legs. The doctor rechecks the monitor to assess when the next contraction is coming.
“Let’s have this baby,” she says.
Jungkook lets go of your leg to kiss your cheek and reassure you. “I love you.”
You nod, gripping your legs back further into your chest. And when the doctor says, ‘push,’ you hold back a wail, pushing with everything you have.
The doctor encourages you to keep pushing and says how close she is to almost being out. It seems like the longest few minutes of your life, but when you finally hear the small cry of your baby girl, it’s like you find the missing piece of the puzzle, and it fits perfectly into the big picture.
“Do you want to cut the cord?” The doctor asks Jungkook. He nods in response and takes the scissors, cutting the umbilical cord.
Your baby girl is taken by a few nurses to get cleaned up, and Jungkook turns his attention to you.
“I knew you could do it, baby.” He kisses you before attending to a request of one of the nurses.
Honestly, everything was a blur. From the time you began feeling contractions in the middle of the night until now. It didn’t seem real. It’s almost like a dream. But alas, Jungkook places your baby girl into your arms, and all's right with the world.
Her little hands. Her little nose. Those chubby cheeks. Her pouty little lips. She’s perfect.
Everything you could’ve asked for and more.
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“Meet Jeon Iseul,” Jungkook says to his mom.
His mom coos at her granddaughter. “Oh, my goodness. Look at how precious she is. I must be the luckiest grandma in the world.”
Jungkook passes Iseul to his mom and cradles her as she walks to your bedside. She leans over. “Psst–I brought some sushi for you.” You smile and hold in a giggle. “But first, seaweed soup, then sushi.”
You nod in agreement.
Your mother-in-law sits in a chair nearby, gazing at her granddaughter. Jungkook sits on the bed as you two watch them.
“Pinch me,” Jungkook says.
And you never miss an opportunity to pinch his nipple. He flinches, muttering an ‘ow.’
“You said to pinch you.”
“Yeah, but not there,” he leans closer, “and not in front of my mom.”
You giggle. “Sorry, I can’t help it. You were asking for it.” You scoot closer to Jungkook, wrapping your arm around him, and he reciprocates. “It feels like it took forever to get here, hmm?”
He hums. “Yeah, but it was worth it, right?” He leans in, kissing your forehead. “And goddamn, baby—”
You perk up in confusion.
“I have so much respect for you.”
“What? Why?”
“You pushed out a 7-pound baby and still look so good after it.”
“Shut up. I look and feel gross. I desperately need to shower.”
“No–this is the look of a woman who can do anything. I’d never want to mess with you,” he teases.
“Well, I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“We’re in this together, right?”
“Forever and ever,” you say.
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Throughout the day, you and your little family had visits from friends. Indie and Hani met their newest little best friend and were obsessed with her, wanting to give her hugs and kisses and pretend to play.
After Mama Jeon made sure you drank your seaweed soup, Jungkook said he’d walk her out and made sure she got to her taxi.
There was a moment of stillness. One you didn’t get to have yet with Iseul. You held her in your arms, scanning over her little features again like you had been doing all day. Her little face was crinkling, forming a frown and then a smile. She squirmed as you lightly stroked her cheek.
As you continued to fawn over your little one, you couldn’t help but think about how much you loved her already. You didn’t even know her personality or what kind of person she’d become, but in your heart, you knew that wouldn’t stop you from wanting to give her the world. Give her everything you didn’t have. Protect her at all costs. Shield her as best as possible and give her the resources, love, and advice to grow up to be anything she wants. You’d do anything for her.
A knock on the door breaks you out of your daze. You look up to see the most unexpected person. Someone you hadn’t seen in a few years. Your mother.
She stands at the door, waiting for you to tell her it’s okay to come in, but you don’t say anything. You’re stunned she’s even here. You cradle Iseul closer to you, wanting to protect her with every ounce of your body.
Your mom clears her throat and holds up a bag. “I, um–I brought you some seaweed soup.”
Now, you’re wondering how she even knew. Maybe Jungkook’s mom was still in contact? You know for sure it wasn’t Jungkook.
You’re silent, unable to form any words. What does she even want from you? To be involved with you and your daughter’s life? And now, of all times?
She walks in, setting the bag of food down on a table. She doesn’t come any closer. You can see her eyeing you, then Iseul.
And again, your first instinct is to protect Iseul from any harm.
“I wanted to come here and apologize.” She looks down at her folded hands, then back at you. “I’ll admit that I wasn’t a good mother nor a nice person to you or your father, and I’m not expecting you to let me into your life or your baby’s–”
“That’s not happening–” you stress, cutting her off.
She purses her lips and nods. “Understood.”
“Anything else?”
She shakes her head no. “I wish you, Jungkook, and the baby all the best.”
Your mother leaves quickly without saying anything else. You feel like an absolute ass, but you need to set boundaries for her and yourself. She made her choice not to be in your life. She doesn’t get to choose when she can come and go as she pleases. That’s not how it works.
Iseul begins to stir. You rock and shush her while in your arms. Tears are welling up, threatening to fall.
“Well, you’re not crying alone if your baby is crying too.”
You look up to see Min Yoongi. You wipe away the tears pooling in the corner and sniffle as he approaches you.
Clearing your throat, you ask, “What are you doing here? Aren’t you in the middle of filming?”
He sets a gift bag in an empty chair before returning his attention to you. “I came to visit my girlfriend, then heard from Taehyung and Hyunie that you had your baby.”
You give him a look. “Girlfriend?”
He smiles, scratching his temple. “Yeah–Minji, your friend. We hit it off at your engagement party.”
You suppress your grin. “Well, thank you for stopping by to say hi to us. I’m glad you didn’t forget about me.”
Yoongi laughs and shakes his head. “I don’t think I could forget you.”
You scan him from head to toe. He carries himself differently. It was weird to see him happy, but you were glad he found someone who made him radiate golden rays of sunshine instead of his Grumpy Grandpa persona.
“Hey baby–sorry, I got caught up with my mom,” Jungkook says as he enters the room. “Oh–hey, Yoongi.”
Yoongi flashes a thin smile and a slight nod. “Well, that’s my cue.”
“No, no, stay,” Jungkook argues.
“I would, but I have to head out. Congratulations. She’s beautiful,” Yoongi remarks, patting Jungkook on the back before closing the door behind him.
Jungkook sits beside you and Iseul. “Did I miss a lot? I wasn’t gone for that long.”
You chuckle lightly. “You missed my mom too.”
His eyes widen and his mouth is wide open in astonishment. “I–are you okay?”
You shrug. “Yeah–better now that you’re here.”
“She didn’t say anything, did she?”
“We won’t worry about that right now,” you say.
All you wanted to focus on was you, Jungkook, Iseul, and the new chapter you’d all encounter together. You understood that parenthood and motherhood would bring new challenges and new fears, but as long as you and Jungkook fiercely loved one another and continued to fight for each other and protect Iseul, that was enough for you.
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Your first morning at home as a family. The sun scantily peeking through the curtains, and the light whistling of snores from Jungkook. And, of course, Iseul, the newest addition, sleeping next to you in a bassinet. Bam is always close by, always on guard, ready to protect all of you, especially Iseul.
You were on your side, gazing at the man you loved.
“You’re staring,” he mumbles, his eyes still closed.
“I’m fondly gazing.”
“It’s creepy,” he teases, peeking an eye open.
“I can leave,” you threaten, shifting out from under the covers, but Jungkook pulls you back against his chest.
"Nuh-uh, you're stuck with me, remember?" He kisses your shoulder.
You turn to lie on your back, staring at the ceiling.
"Everything okay?" Jungkook asks, entwining his hand with yours.
You hum, gazing over at him and Iseul, fast asleep. 
It's more than okay.
It's perfect.
You. Him. Iseul. Bam.
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TIU Celebration - podcast episode, character asks, AMA, drabbles
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4joonkookie2 · 2 years
♡ Pillow Princess (ch.1) ♡
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Pairing: Namjoon x Jungkook
Words: 2.8K
Summary: Namkook are in love, but they have no idea (And they were roommates).
Namjoon stares at his computer screen for the umpteenth hour, plagued by writer's block. His deadline quickly approaches, but his progress stands where it did a week ago.
The block first started in his mind, weighing it down with a headache. Now it’s sunken into his body, making his muscles tense and sore.   
The phone rings and he’s grateful to be distracted. 
“Hey, where are you?” Jungkook's voice asks from the receiver. “You said you were gonna workout today.”  
“I planned on it. I still have so much to do, and the deadline is tomorrow.” 
“Still stuck?” Jungkook sympathizes.  
“Very,” Namjoon sighs and runs hands through his hair. 
“Take a break, clear your mind,” Jungkook chirps. 
Namjoon knows he’s right, but has a sneaking suspicion. “How bored are you?” He asks, knowingly, and Jungkook cracks.
“Ugh, so bored,” he whines. “It's so dead and my 5 o'clock canceled.” Namjoon laughs to himself, glad for a brief moment of lightness as Jungkook continues his plea. “Please, come keep me company at least.” He delivers his best pout through the receiver.
And Namjoon can't resist the pout, not even through the phone.
“Give me ten minutes,” he says before hanging up. 
Namjoon joined the gym and started working out seriously at the end of his last relationship when things were looking bad. It was his way of breaking out before he actually could. 
He met Jungkook for a few personal training sessions and they became fast friends. Jungkook was there to lend an ear when Namjoon’s relationship finally ended and helped make sure he kept up his fitness progress. 
When Namjoon’s boyfriend moved out, Jungkook moved in. They agreed to try it for a few months, since he needed a new place and they got along well enough. It’s working well. Jungkook is gone most of the day, working at the gym and usually working out himself after. It allowed plenty of time and space for Namjoon to work from home as a writer.
He enjoys Jungkook’s company at home, too. He wasn’t expecting it, but the friendship is nice and has been helpful to his healing. 
He bikes to the gym and upon entering, makes his way to the punching bags. Propping himself against the wall, he watches Jungkook for a while. 
He has his hands up by his face, releasing little grunts as he switches and hits, the sharp ridges of his body visible under his dark, baggy shirt. Sweaty hair is draped over his forehead, full of sexy energy as he beats the punching bag.
“Hi,” Jungkook notices Namjoon’s presence and approaches him. His smile is a warm comfort, but it quickly evolves to a grimace. “If writer's block had a face...”
“Thanks,” Namjoon says, slumping on a weight bench. 
Jungkook places his hands on Namjoon’s shoulders. “Geez,” he remarks, feeling the tightness. He straddles the bench behind him.
“Yeah, I think I'm turning into stone,” Namjoon frets. 
Namjoon sinks under his grasp as Jungkook squeezes and tugs at the tension in his shoulders. He massages upward and presses his thumbs to the side of Namjoon’s neck and he groans. 
The pressure loosens Namjoon’s muscles and the scent of Jungkook lightens his weight. He sits with his head hung, melting under Jungkook’s touch, almost startled when he speaks again. 
“I could get you an appointment with the massage therapist here, like a professional?” Jungkook sweetly offers. 
“No, thank you,” Namjoon squeezes the hand resting on his shoulder. “Spot me?” He tries to stay focused. Namjoon has seen a lot of developments. Jungkook's help has done wonders for his workout and accountability and he sees no sense in slowing down now. 
He situates himself on the bench and lifts a set. When he sits up, Jungkook makes eye contact with a guy across the gym floor. 
“Isn't that your date from last night?” Namjoon recognizes him from pictures. 
“Yeah,” Jungkook grimaces, avoiding the man’s gaze. 
“Not good, huh?”
“No. Not good.” Jungkook rolls his eyes. 
“What’s wrong with him?” Namjoon asks, observing the man. He’s cute enough, but certainly not good enough for Jungkook. 
“He doesn’t know how to fuck,” Jungkook says.
Namjoon turns and elbows him. “Jungkook, lower your voice.”
 “Look, I don’t mind going on dates just to hook up. It can make things a lot simpler, but it doesn’t work if you don’t know how to fuck. Same as the last 5 matches on this app.”
Deep down, Namjoon is relieved it didn’t work out. He finds himself a little more relieved with each of Jungkook’s failed matches.
“I’m meeting someone new tonight and if it doesn’t work out, I’m quitting all the apps,” Jungkook continues. 
“It’s a slump,” Namjoon offers, though he finds comfort in Jungkook doing just that. “I’m sure the next one will be better.” 
Sex had been the last thing on Namjoon’s mind after the breakup. He focused on moving on, immersing himself in his work, and working out. He’s settled well enough now and his desire is coming back around, but he can’t imagine meeting someone new.
“I just want to get fucked properly,” Jungkook asserts, definitely too loud. He looks around, aware. “I’m just saying,” he whispers as Namjoon finishes his set. 
Namjoon's stomach flutters, hearing Jungkook proclaim his need. It ignites a million images and scenarios that have a heat stirring in his cock. He sits up before Jungkook can see how affected he is. 
“What about you?” Jungkook asks. “It’s been 6 months now. Maybe getting out would loosen you up, help you blow off some steam,” he innuendos. “Plus, all this work you’ve been putting into your body? You should show it off.”
Namjoon looks down, gets shy. “I have been thinking about it lately.”
“Do it!” Jungkook encourages. “If you stay backed up, so will your writing.” 
They finish their workout and head to the showers, where Namjoon’s mind continues to wander. 
He thinks of his ex. Sometimes, just plowing into his tight ass would be enough to clear Namjoon’s mind and get words on the paper.
Jungkook's proclamation broke something open in him. There is a sudden call of duty to right the wrong and a pang of contempt at the guys who aren’t cutting it. 
Namjoon knows, knows if he ever got his hands on Jungkook…
He cuts himself off at the thought, willing his erection away. 
When Jungkook moved in, the agreement was to keep it platonic. This was easy enough for Namjoon at first. But now that the fog of heartbreak has cleared, there’s no denying it. Jungkook is sexy. 
Namjoon tries not to think too much about it and considers it a milestone in moving on from the breakup. It’s only natural that it’s his overtly attractive roommate & friend. He just needs to get out there and meet someone. 
He pushes the thoughts from his mind, turning off the shower and toweling himself off. The curtain slides nearby and Namjoon’s eyes follow Jungkook as he exits his shower stall. 
Removing the towel from his waist, Jungkook shakes the fabric through his dark hair, walking freely nude in the locker room.
He approaches the mirror and leans over the sink to inspect his pores, sticking his ass out. He looks back and Namjoon’s eyes bolt. It’s like he’s doing it on purpose.  
Just when Namjoon is sure he’s caught, Jungkook turns his backside to the mirror. He observes his own plump ass, lifting and dropping the thick flesh. He retrieves his phone from his gym bag and poses, snapping a picture.
Namjoon is hard in his fresh clothes. Whoever gets a chance with that ass and messes it up is an idiot, he thinks. He waits until Jungkook is at least half-dressed before opening the curtain. 
“Ready? I'm starving,” Jungkook says, pulling a shirt over his head. 
“Yeah,” Namjoon replies, removing the tags from his shirt. It’s one Jungkook recommended buying after dragging him on a recent shopping trip.  
“I told you that would look good on you! It’s not too small at all,” Jungkook compliments with wide eyes. 
“It’s not too small, it’s too tight,” Namjoon corrects. 
“No, you’re just getting so beefy,” Jungkook says, squeezing at his chest and Namjoon playfully shoves him away. He’s most insecure about his chest, despite obvious gains. 
“Your work is paying off. Your arms too, Hyung,” squeezing his biceps. “You look good,” he says sincerely. 
“Thank you,” is the best Namjoon can muster, and Jungkook rolls his eyes.
Namjoon hides the grin on his face as they walk out of the locker room.
“Did you drive?” Namjoon asks as they exit the gym and he scans the empty lot, unlocking his bike. 
“I jogged here this morning,” Jungkook mutters, looking guilty.
Namjoon raises an eyebrow. “And how are you gonna get home?” he asks, mounting the bike.
Jungkook smiles and mounts his body behind Namjoon, wrapping arms around his waist.  
“Jungkook,” Namjoon hangs his head at the idea of trailing 150 pounds of pure muscle behind him after a tough workout. 
“C’mon, extra cardio,” Jungkook says, offering encouraging pats on his shoulder. “I’ll make you dinner,” he offers in a sing-song-y voice. 
Namjoon pedals the short distance back to the apartment, feeling good with Jungkook’s arms wrapped around him. 
They arrive home and Namjoon gets right back to his work at the dining room table where his deadline mocks him. His body feels better after a workout with Jungkook, but his mind still isn’t right.  
“How much do you have left tonight?” Jungkook asks, holding the coffee pot.
Namjoon smiles. Jungkook asks this question anytime he’s working late like this. 
“Do you have some formula to calculate how much I'll need?” Namjoon chuckles.
“Tell me how long you have first,” Jungkook insists, a sweet sparkle in his eye. 
He looks at his work, contemplating. “An hour,” Namjoon reports. 
Jungkook sets into motion. “No matter how long, at least one cup.” He winks, pouring filtered water into the pot. 
“A ‘half hour’ means 45 minutes and two cups.” The second cup, so you can make the extra 15 minutes.” he continues, filling the machine to the gills with water.
“An ‘hour’ means two hours and a full pot.” He scoops ground coffee.
“And ‘almost done’ means brew two pots, and you’ll be up until dawn. He smiles, starting the coffee and powering on the Bluetooth speaker. He sets the mood with music and Namjoon relishes in being taken care of for a while. 
He continues to watch Jungkook, closing his laptop and placing a paper pad and pen on top instead. 
Namjoon writes freely, musing over Jungkook, who muses over the ingredients in the fridge. Jungkook takes out dishes, eyeballs ingredients. He admires the way Jungkook can whip anything up, barely able to follow a recipe himself if he tried. 
Namjoon is over his ex enough to not think about him in these scenarios anymore, but Jungkook makes a good replacement. 
In a lot of ways, Namjoon and Jungkook are closer than Namjoon and his ex ever were. They never talked over dinner, listened to music together. The kitchen hardly got any use until Jungkook moved in. 
Namjoon writes and writes, letting Jungkook carry the ideas in his mind. He’s pulled out of his reverie when Jungkook shoves a pair of chopsticks to his lips.
“What is it missing?” Jungkook pouts.
Namjoon chews the yummy food, swallows. “Nothing,” he replies, honestly. 
Jungkook huffs, unsatisfied, but places the pot on the table. Namjoon moves his work out of the way so they can settle into their routine. 
They sit and eat, Jungkook noticing the handwritten paper. “What are you writing?”
“Nothing, sometimes free writing clears the block,” Namjoon explains. 
Jungkook leans over and looks. “May I?” Namjoon nods. 
Jungkook reads it over, scanning the lines of the paper. Namjoon watches his dark, saucer eyes take it in. "I like it,'' he says sincerely. "It's like a poem or lyrics to a song or something."
Namjoon laughs at the idea.
“I’m serious,” Jungkook insists. “A writer is a writer, right?”
“Well, you’ll have to be the one to sing it, then.  
“What!?” Jungkook replies in disbelief. 
“I've heard you in the shower,” Namjoon’s voice softens. “You have a beautiful singing voice."
“You can hear me?” Jungkook says, a pretty blush rising to his cheeks.
Namjoon shifts in his seat. “Well, yeah, I can hear everything.”
Jungkook takes a quiet beat, eyes narrowing. "Everything?" 
“Yeah,” Namjoon raises his eyebrows, leaning in closer and giving Jungkook a quick look. “Everything.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook scolds, shoving Namjoon's shoulder and covering his mouth with his napkin. 
“I'm just being honest!” Namjoon laughs. “The walls are thin.”
He leans back, satisfied by the bright pink flush on Jungkook’s cheeks and proud of having him wound up like this. 
And the walls are thin. His voice is just as pretty coming from the bedroom, although Namjoon has heard less of it recently. Hence, the slump. 
“I'm just saying, it's very pretty,” Namjoon finishes. 
Jungkook clears his throat, shifting in his seat. 
Namjoon has a realization halfway through their meal. “Wait, you’re not going to dinner?” 
“No,” Jungkook says. “I’ve decided once someone lays me as I see fit, I’ll grace them with my presence at a dinner.”
They carry on without incident and it’s quiet for a while. Everything in Namjoon's mind is blocked except for this one seed of an idea Jungkook planted. It’s the only idea his mind will follow through on. 
“When was the last time you were… fucked properly?” Namjoon queries, quoting Jungkook and regretting it almost immediately. This is such dangerous territory. 
But Jungkook doesn’t miss a beat. “You first,” he quips.
“Six months,” Namjoon chuckles. "Although I stopped counting at three."
Jungkook laughs. “Well, it’s only been a month and a half for me. Now I feel bad.”
“Don’t,” Namjoon says. 
Jungkook giggles and covers his face with his hands. “I just need it, you know?”
Namjoon’s breath hitches and he swallows. That word. Need. 
Jungkook continues, “I don’t know if it’s the same since…” he trails off. 
“Since?” Namjoon urges him to continue. 
“Well, you’re a top,” he states. 
“Most of the time,” Namjoon retorts. 
Jungkook nods. “You know when someone just… bends you over and plows into you until you can’t think anymore? Filling you up?”
The longingness is evident in his words. Namjoon’s jaw is clamped shut as he pictures being the one behind him. 
“Does that make sense?” Jungkook asks.
“Definitely,” Namjoon replies, clearing his throat. “Having someone eager to take you inside, giving them all of you?” Namjoon runs a hand through his hair. “I get it.”
Jungkook swallows, something dark flashing in his eyes as he leans in. “Anyway,” he breathes, seeming to shake himself of the feeling and standing from the table. “Wish me luck.”
“Be safe, have fun, good luck.” Namjoon watches Jungkook exit the front door. He feels whiplash from how abruptly that ended and hopes he didn’t make Jungkook uncomfortable. 
He glances back at his paper. Usually, when he 'doodle writes' like this, he trashes the paper, making it a proper flush of his brain. This time, he tucks it in a folder and puts it away. 
Namjoon rolls over and mumbles, stirred awake by noises. He glances at the clock: 1:30. 
He shuffles and sits up, stomach dropping when he realizes what the sound is. 
It’s Jungkook. He’s moaning, clearly enjoying himself. His date must’ve been successful. Namjoon rolls his eyes and turns over to get back to sleep, wrapping a pillow around his ears. 
But Jungkook is so loud. After how he played shy today, Namjoon can't believe it. He's always heard Jungkook on his dates, but this was even worse.
Namjoon can’t tell if he’s jealous of Jungkook getting laid at all or that someone else is behind him, giving him everything and making him moan like that. 
But it’s been so long since Namjoon put his cock anywhere warm and wet. It's turning him on more than anything else. Jungkook sounds so hot. 
His cock throbs in his shorts. He ruts himself against the mattress, eventually tucking a pillow between his legs for relief. 
He imagines Jungkook bent over, his thick ass cheeks jiggling with each thrust. He would look back at Namjoon with teary eyes, finally getting what he’s needed for so long. 
Namjoon lies on his back and slips his hand under the waistband of his underwear, rubbing the aching length. He shudders at his own touch, sticky at the tip already. 
He lines up the pump of his fist with Jungkook's moans, thinking of his words, and getting off on what a shameless bottom he is. Big, strong muscle bunny, yet so obvious he loves being stuffed full. 
Jungkook’s moans increase, getting close. Namjoon takes deep breaths, trying to keep his composure, keeping his strokes even and his voice quiet. 
“Ah Hyung! Hyung, Hyung!” Jungkook’s cries in pleasure and Namjoon loses control. He spills over his own palm, stifling his moans with his other hand, envisioning filling Jungkook to the brim with cum. 
He pants for a while and wipes himself off on the sheets, clarity, and guilt kicking in.
Thoroughly ashamed, he goes to sleep, promising he’ll never do it again. 
Chapter 2 on ao3 :)
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raethye · 2 years
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Put Your Hands On Me by raethye
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Hoseok x Namjoon
Length: 9.5K, complete
Tags: Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Namjoon | RM, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Min Yoongi | Suga, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Taehyung | V, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Massage, Physical Therapist Kim Namjoon | RM, Choreographer Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Secret Crush, Forced Proximity, Explicit Sexual Content, Mutual Pining, but it's quickly resolved, and turns into mutual porning, heart boners galore, Fluff and Smut, maybe 42 seconds of angst, Kim Namjoon | RM Has a Big Dick, Foreplay, so much foreplay, Jeon Jungkook is a Good Bro, Kim Namjoon | RM Being an Idiot, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope Is Oblivious, gentle fuck giant Namjoon finds his inner beast mode, but he's still pretty sweet about it, Semi-Public Sex, Light Bondage, Humor, inappropriate use of campus facilities, security cameras don't exist here for obvious reasons, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Ploty, ou might need glasses to see it, Top Kim Namjoon | RM, Bottom Jung Hoseok | J-Hope
“At least we aren’t total strangers.”
“Still, I’m sorry about all of this, Joon-ah. I’m sure you had plans for your night.”
Namjoon couldn’t really think of anywhere else he’d rather be. Maybe he could use this moment to work up his nerve to tell Hoseok about the resurrection of his college crush, because—ha ha—wasn’t that wild? Maybe he would fully commit to his humiliation and ask Hoseok on a date.
Maybe he should start by asking Hoseok if he was even available.
“We could—we could crash backstage? There’s a couch.” Hoseok’s cheeks flushed slightly. “Or there’s the—ah, the bed.”
“The bed. Right.”
“It’s a stage bed. It’s not exactly the height of comfort, but it’s better than the floor.” Hoseok lifted his thumb to his mouth, nibbling nervously at the tip. “The couch… sags. In the middle.”
“Right.” Namjoon kept saying that like he understood anything that was happening. Like there was anything more important than beautiful, half-naked Hoseok holding a bag stocked with condoms and edible lube.
The universe was really going all out with its Death to Namjoon agenda.
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mxmorden-fanfics · 2 years
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the parting of the clouds
Fandom: BTS RPF Pairing: Yoongi x Jungkook Rating: Explicit Words: 14k Notes: Written for sugakookie fest :) Twitter post here! Summary: Yoongi desperately needs to relax. Luckily, Namjoon knows an excellent massage therapist :)  
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He hesitates, looking at the reflection of his naked body. Some of those bruises - the ones on his knees and legs - he got while practicing. Others, already faded yellowish-brown, were caused by his latest session with his physical therapist. But the fresh ones, the purplish marks of fingertips pressed into Yoongi’s sides, into his arms… Jungkook put those there.
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taekookfests · 1 year
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a/b/o fest - fic reveals season 2
For Infinity by KookieAddict [link]  104.9k Words | Completed | Explicit 
Being a broken omega was something Jeon Jungkook thought would follow him throughout his entire life—if being on the run could ever be called a life.
Meeting Taehyung, his fated mate, and finding a new pack—a family—in his friends came like a hurricane, turning his life upside down.
But with his life threatened and his past coming back to haunt him, will Jungkook be able to face his demons, keep the people he loves safe, and finally live the life he never dared to dream of?
Petal Undercover by Mikolaj [link]  84.3k Words | Completed | Explicit
Seven decades have passed since Omegas separated themselves entirely, training their naturally flimsier bodies to be able to fight against Alphas' abuse. They became a force that knew no mercy on a battlefield, killing Alphas who momentarily lost their focus in an instant.
Taehyung runs into a battlefield in hopes for the same fate. Why isn't he killed the moment he closes his eyes, he doesn't know.
Hold You Tight by TaeTaes_Beaches [link] 31.2k Words | Completed | Mature 
“Why don't you get tired of me? Don't you see the baggage I come with? Why can't you just leave me, Tae. This won't ever end. The voices inside my head would never end. Why do you still hold me like I'm the centre of your universe?” Jungkook whispers, his lower lip quivering as a lone tear falls.
“Because…” Taehyung smiles, wiping the tear away, his dainty fingers going to graze the mating mark his Jungkook proudly wears.
The Alpha shudders at the touch leaning into Taehyung’s hold, letting the omega wrap his arms around his shoulders pulling him against his strong chest.
“For an Eternity, I've promised to hold you tight”
Fated To Love You by velaritae [link] 15.7k Words | Completed | Explicit 
Jeon Jeongguk got pregnant after sleeping with the campus heartthrob Kim Taehyung. When Taehyung found out about it, he was more than willing to take responsibility.
I Love You (Romantically AF) by Sugarykv [link]  15.1k Words | Completed | Mature  
From shy little boy to handsome muscular alpha. Jeon Jeongguk had changed a lot.
Maybe Taehyung needs to redraw his bestfriend in his mind..
More like relable themselves? (Only if he wasn’t so obvious )
Sunflower by Yashkook [link] 11.5k Words | Completed | Teen and Up
after being wed-locked through an arrange marriage with a stoic alpha who looks like he would rather eat glass than talk to him, jungkook is determined to bond him with, no matter what.
it does hurt a lot when he snaps at jungkook once rather harshly, resulting in jungkook to put a full stop on his mission get-to-know-your-alpha.
however, taehyung is the one determined this time to earn jungkook's forgiveness and maybe bond with him too...
- just cold awkward introvert alpha taehyung trying to apologize and woo his sunshine omega jungkook.
come and leave your mark by tkvenergy [link] 10.2k Words | Completed | Explicit
An alpha Jungkook is so used to the omega Taehyung always being there, right beside him, complimenting and supporting him to the point that sometimes Jungkook acts annoyed. But he doesn't realize how much he likes it until Taehyung starts paying the same attention to another alpha.
Seven Year Drought by softbangtanboys [link] 8.2k Words | Completed | Explicit
"I swear I'm not hitting on you or something", Taehyung says (although he kinda is), perched atop the massage table, clad in just a flimsy towel, "But I feel like we've met before."
His massage therapist- an incredibly buff looking alpha, well oiled muscles spilling out of his tank top- slowly turns around to give him an incredulous look.
"Hyung, please. We're literally exes."
I see love in your eyes by Yashkook [link] 6.3k Words | Completed | Teen And Up
jungkook's plan to study peacefully on a sunday afternoon in his favorite library is horribly ruined by a creep who won't stop staring at him.
after few fruitless tries to convey his ire through eyes to the stranger, who wouldn't even bat an eye to him. jungkook decides he so done with it.
he marches towards the stranger hitting him with his ―embarrassingly thin― book, purely out of his instincts.
however he's star strucked by a meteor lightning when the said creepy stranger starts profusely apologising, to his utter horror revealing that he's blind.
cue to them falling in love slowly with tooth rotting fluff.
The thrill of the fight (or is it love?) by Blue267 [link] 4.8k Words | Completed | Teen And Up
After years of trying to tempt Jeon Jungkook into a fight, Kim Taehyung starts to realize something.
Is it actually about the thrill of the fight or is it about the alpha himself?
Up My Skirt, Is My Heart by Yashkook [link] 4.6k Words | Completed | Teen And Up 
cheerleader Jungkook had been pathetically pining over the college topper nerd Taehyung, who's oblivious to his turmoil.
Jungkook is surprised, to say the least when he finds Taehyung staring at his ass? thighs? decides to start a mission of seducing the fuck out of Taehyung, with the help of constant encouragement from his friends.
of course by wearing his oh-so-beautiful collection of crop tops, booty shorts, and oh his lovely skirts, in order to grab Taehyung's attention. and boy does he grab the said man's attention along with the man himself.
Irresistible by taeggukis [link] 4.5k Words | Completed | Explicit 
Now, Jeongguk is not stupid. Neither is he naïve or oblivious. It has been eight months since he and Taehyung are dating. The alpha is a kind, caring and giving boyfriend.
He has given him everything, except his cock inside the omega.
So, he teases his alpha until he gets what he wants.
minutiae by celestaealkook [link] 4.5k Words | Completed | Explicit 
They're not mated for too long, around 5 months maybe but they've been dating since the first year of uni.
They decided to complete the bond after Taehyung's unexpected pregnancy got confirmed and Jungkook feels that he's with the gorgeous omega for almost his entire life.
Scarlet Dawn by reikaa [link]
82.5k Words | Ongoing | Explicit 
Born with rare scarlet hair, omega Taehyung lives a peaceful and humble life as the town’s herbalist, until a sudden betrothal order from the Crown Prince forces him to flee the kingdom.
On his way to find a new home, Taehyung stumbles across an injured sentinel and helps him, unknowing that he’s Jeon Jeongguk, the Alpha Prince of the kingdom he’s headed to.
(Loosely based on the anime, Snow White with the Red Hair)
A Little Rain Must Fall to Meet the Moon by AM1119 [link] 29.3k Words | Ongoing | Explicit 
To say that Jeon Jungkook is protective of his mountain and distrustful of outsiders is an understatement. But when the Winter Olympics plan to destroy the mountain and village in order to build a ski slope, he finds his whole world is turned upside down. Especially because he has to place his trust and his hope in Kim Taehyung, an outsider who is just looking for some inspiration.
Unfortunately, the mountain doesn't seem to be big enough for the both of them.
Heart-Shaped Wolf by AlphaGuk [link] 24.6k Words | Ongoing | Teen And Up 
Taehyung is making an effort to get the new alpha to court him while Jungkook is trying to figure out why Taehyung smells like love.
P.s. Jungkook is unaware that he is a werewolf.
It's (not) all about the rumors by SulkingAlien [link] 17.4k Words | Ongoing | Explicit 
"We will just co-exist in the same household. That wouldn't be hard for you, right?"— The exact words Taehyung uttered when he came with the proposal to one of Jungkook's photoshoots.
or a story where CEO alpha Taehyung decides to marry supermodel omega Jeon Jungkook to put an end to the rumors about them hooking up.
Give love a chance (and take all of mine) by goldiminie [link] 19k Words | Ongoing | Mature
After Taehyung’s ex-boyfriend cheats on him and shatters his perception of love, the omega isn’t really looking to find a new relationship now. All he wants is to wallow in his misery.
His world is flipped upside down, though, when a certain Jeon Jeongguk with his tattoos, piercings and leather jackets enters his life.
But Taehyung’s not sure if he’s ready to give his heart away again.
You could be the one by vkishikaisei [link] 17.1k Words | Ongoing | Explicit
Breaking News: Locals have spotted supposed rivals Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook out on a date.
What's the real score between the two idols? Click here to read more.
It’s you, all along by SecretWriterKv [link] 14.2k Words | Ongoing | Explicit 
Jungkook turns in his bed and covers his face until he’s under the blanket. Covering his ears so he doesn’t hear any more—but Taehyung’s laugh rings through his ears and he can hear all his words loud and clear.
“No. There is nothing. He’s just my best friend.” He said almost plainly, “love him as a best friend, nothing more. Plus, he’s an alpha— I could never be with an alpha.” Taehyung laughs.
/I could never be with an alpha/
Jungkook’s heart breaks.
The Placing by Heyyo_Taekook (TrischwitaTK) [link] 12.4k Words | Ongoing | Mature
Times have changed, things are not as they once were in the Omegaverse. While once upon a time rank and mates were revealed by scent and feelings, the only thing to rely on is your Placing; a small tattoo on your inner wrist that alerts you of your sub-gender, the phase of the moon for your mating cycle, and a date of when you will meet your Bonded.
Jungkook has been waiting for this day his whole life, all he's ever wanted is a fairytale ending with the one he is supposed to spend Bonded to.
Taehyung has never thought twice about meeting his Bonded or ending up with them. Life is not a fairytale and he has never treated it as such.
When the two manage to have a chance encounter at the end of the day, triggering their Bonded tattoo, Jungkook wants to do everything he can to find his soulmate again and Taehyung just wants the mark to go away.
恋の予感「koi no yokan」by littlekoophoria [link] 9.1k Words | Ongoing | Explicit
When Hani runs off, she's the reason Jungkook meets the new neighbour.
Taehyung turns his whole world and especially his alpha upside down, something that didn't happen in a long, long while.
Sea Wolf by softbangtanboys [link] 9.1k Words | Ongoing | Explicit
There's a large fish laid out at Taehyung's usual spot at the picnic table. Longer than his forearm, it lies on its side, staring at him with its cold, judgemental eyes.
"Am I being hazed?" Taehyung blinks, bewildered. "Is this a micro-aggression?"
Jungkook flexes his muscles in the most unsubtle manner. "I caught it, hyung. For you."
Metanoia by Taehakoo [link] 8.3k Words | Ongoing | Explicit 
"Kim Taehyung."
"Sub gender?"
Jungkook looks up from his file, arching a brow.
Jungkook hums and closes his file, "You are hired. Your training starts tomorrow."
Taehyung glances at the 'Strictly no omegas' banner on the wall and back at the CEO.
He nods with a bow. Jungkook waves his hand for him to leave.
Taehyung turns away to walk out but stops when Jungkook starts speaking again, "Do you know why we have a no omega policy here?"
Taehyung shakes his head.
"I hate them." Jungkook sharpens his gaze, "And I would want you to not bring any omega scent here in my company. Do whatever outside of this premises, got it?" He states, sternly.
"Yes, sir." Taehyung says and leaves the office room with trembling hands.
Insatiable? Love? Both by dilfykoo [link] 8.2k Words | Ongoing | Explicit
Taehyung thinks he's insatiable.
He's insatiable when it comes to Jeongguk. He just can't get enough of him. Don't blame him, because who wouldn't be? the alpha is just so good at everything.
Although he doesn't understand why.
Maybe because he just hits the spot right everytime? Or maybe the way he would kiss him or maybe when he kisses his forehead and threads his fingers through his locks.
Yup totally it was just sex.
Little did he know that there was way more than that.
Dangerous Design by AzureWrites22 [link] 5.9k Words | Ongoing | Explicit 
Taehyung had never thought he’d find himself in a situation like this. Not in the one thousand years of his existence had he ever thought he’d be confined in the same room as a werewolf, forced to nurture him through his pregnancy.
First Times by mlevy673 [link] 5.3k Words | Ongoing | Teen and Up  
Taehyung unfolds his hand and reveals a single chip. The only chip left from the bag that Jeongguk claimed as his own over a week ago. “I love you.”
Jeongguk snorts, then laughs, happy and loud. “I love you too, idiot.”
Taehyung smiles and feeds it to his mate and turns around to wash his hands, but Jeongguk grabs him and instantly turns him around to kiss him. When they part, Taehyung smiles. Jeongguk raises a hand to his ear and twists.
Or, Taehyung and Jeongguk have a lot of firsts as a couple.
Until The Very Last Leaf Is You by nummel [link] 4.2k Words | Ongoing | General Audiences
Taehyung is a troubled writer who rents a little house by the woods. Jungkook is an alpha who would do anything for his pack.
Seasons change, apple trees grow, and, slowly but surely, Taehyung and Jungkook fall in love.
Your Eyes Tell by Mochialert [link] 3k Words | Ongoing | Mature
Old and new, Jeongguk will always find his way back to his lover.
of soft glances & beating hearts by the_sevensins [link] 2.7k Words | Ongoing | Teen and Up  
Hi, I’m Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you, Jeongguk-ssi.” Kim Taehyung? Even the name is pretty and Jeongguk likes the way it rolls off of his tongue. 
The alpha keeps staring at him, looks at the way he smiles shyly, the way his eyelashes flutter, the way his tongue darts out to wet his lower lip as it glistens with spit, and before Jeongguk could stop himself, the words tumble out of his mouth softly, in a rough voice.
“You’re so fucking pretty.”
Jeon Jeongguk, a cold and brooding Alpha CEO signs up for a cuddle buddy and ends getting much more — everything that he was missing in his life — in the form of a headstrong and very pretty Omega, Kim Taehyung.
(a huge thanks to @/taestyminyoongi for helping me compile these fics!)
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years
Hi, you mentioned Jimin's shoulder and neck pains being the result of dancing trauma in one of your posts. I feel really sad for him, he's so young and he's had those pains for years ((( I thought as a dancer you might know so can you please tell anything about the type of condition he has? Is this trauma typical for dancers? Is he in pain all the time (JK seems to be giving him a lot of massages, so...) or only when he overworks himself? Is it even ok to dance like he does with such trauma, can he hurt himself more? Can it be, I dunno, fixed/cured somehow? Sorry if my questions are stupid, I don't really know much about dancing muscle traumas. I also don't remember other guys getting this kind of professional dancing traumas (or maybe I missed that info?) so even though I looooove Jimin dance, his style looks unique to me, I kinda hate contemporary a little bit coz it's so not fair that Jimin has pains because of it (silly, yeah, but still))).
Hi anon, My experience with dance injuries is that if you dance enough, it doesn't matter what style you dance. You're getting hurt at some point and you are living with chronic pain. I guarantee you that Hobi's knees and ankles give him HELL sometimes. Jimin's upper back and neck issues are a direct result of his technique and training - and you are right. Overwork makes those chronic conditions worse.
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In which Jungkook is doing it right and Jin is... not but he's cute
Jimin's thoracic and neck issues - which is partly where the shoulder pain comes from - may actually have started during his martial arts training. I have another post about his and Jungkook's martial arts backgrounds and how that affects their dancing in my drafts right now and I hope to have that up today. But it could come from repeated front punches or strikes, or from combat or sword training - especially as sword training involves repeated fast, weighted motion.
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Jimin is right handed and most of his shoulder pain seems to be located under the scapula (shoulder blade) on the right side and just to the right side of his upper thoracic vertebrae. It could have started with Kendo and been aggravated by spotting during turns, which snaps the neck, and by the extreme reaching and stretching required by the choreography he does. He could also end up with left shoulder pain as that side tries to compensate.
Jimin's back and neck are quite flexible, especially for a man. He has worked hard to get it that way and keep it that way. When you see him not moving his torso much during rehearsal, he is preserving functionality so he can really let it go for performance.
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Thing is, Jimin gets OUTSTANDING medical care. Much better than most dancers. This dude has physical therapists ON CALL. He is getting massages. He is getting chiropractic adjustments to keep his spine aligned. He is getting the best care possible to keep him dancing for as long as he wants to dance. I mean Jungkook could probably take up massage therapy and pass the board exams by now:
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So while I suspect that Jimin spends more of his time in pain than any of us would like, we have to also realize that this is his choice. He could retire or quit - he could have done that years ago and been fine financially. He dances now because he loves doing it. It is worth it to him. We are worth it to him. Professional level dancers and athletes learn to live with pain early in life and most of the time it's not terrible. It doesn't keep us from doing what we love. It's part of the price of doing business, basically, and you kinda get used to it.
Plus side he gets this on the regular
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So not to worry, anon. Jimin's life isn't soooo miserable. :)
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bts-fic-collection · 5 years
Hi! What is your fav song(s) from Persona? Can i have some massage-turned-smut fics? Fics kinda like Rub Your Feelings Down My Spine. Any ship will do. Thank you!
Hey there! Ooh… okay, if I had to pick a favourite I’d go with mikrokosmos, but I like them all. Which are you guys’ favourites? :) And of course I can ^_^
Put Your Hands On Me by Glissando
Rating: E
Pairings: Jungkook/Jimin
Status: Complete
Word count: 8,875
Summary: Maybe nothing would have happened. Maybe they would indulge in their little massage sessions for a while, and Jimin would try his damnedest not to squirm with the lust boiling in his veins. And maybe he would succeed, and it would be fine. Maybe, eventually, it would pass just like he thought it would.Maybe.If only it weren’t for the lube.
Jungkook keeps giving Jimin massages. Things get out of hand.
slow hands by notyoongs
Rating: E
Pairings: Jungkook/Yoongi
Status: Complete
Word count: 6,970
Summary: yoongi gives jeongguk a massage. and then he gives him a “massage.”
Rest and Relaxation by Noctass
Rating: E
Pairings: Jungkook/Hoseok
Status: Complete
Word count: 4,524
Summary: Jungkook could never relax, he had the hardest time being able to do so, so when Hoseok offered him a massage in attempt to help calm him down, he agreed.
Jungkook sighed as he laid back on the massage table, delicately laying the small white towel over his underwear to hide them as he tried to relax and close his eyes. Even when laying in a room that was changed around to be more relaxing by Hoseok when he offered to give him a massage, he was still unable to allow himself to settle down. His muscles were sore and his bunny ears twitching, despite how they laid back against his head when he laid down.
Loved, Loved, Loved by ggoosu
Rating: E
Pairings: Jungkook/Yoongi
Status: Complete
Word count: 7,751
Summary: Yoongi’s been coiled tight. Jungkook knows what he needs.
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taeyohonic · 2 years
stolen dances | epilogue
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summary: sometimes supporting the person you love is the hardest challenge you’ll ever face.
pairing: jeon jungkook x fem!reader
rating: m
warning (contains spoilers): talk about minor physical violence, alcohol, swearwords, lots of feelings, therapy talk, talk about sex, talk about miscarriage, talk about low self-esteem, angst 
words: 3800
links: prev. | [masterlist]
note: lower case letters intended. 
one year later
“we are done talking about this.”
“no, you are done talking about this.”
“okay, so i’m done talking about this.”
“well, i’m not. so, we’ll continue this fight.”
“i thought we were having a discussion?”
“ha! you pointed fingers only a minute ago.”
“it’s a clear sign of aggression – right hoseok?”
your therapist is watching the both of you like he’s afraid to even blink.
“don’t look at me, honey, i’m not getting in the middle of this.”
“but we pay you to get in the middle of this!” now, even jungkook looks at your therapist with mild anticipation. surely, he’ll take his side.
“don’t look at him like that!” you hiss and poke into jungkook’s unarmed side. your boyfriend flinches and turns his ridiculously wide eyes onto you.
“why am i not allowed to look at hoseok-hyung?” he whines while rubbing his side.
“because you are seducing him!” your accusation is met with a snort form both men.
“okay – let’s take a step back,” jungkook says, “we’ll be out of the country at the time of the wedding anyway. why should we rearrange a whole tour, so we can both attend my ex-fianceé’s wedding?”
jungkook does sound lost. he’s talking to you in his soft voice and there is no trace of the heat from moments before. your boyfriend does really not understand why you are so keen to go to this reception.
“don’t you get the significance of us congratulating her on that day?” you ask just as softly. but jungkook only shakes his head, not ready to budge.
“no, i don’t. this was not her inviting her ex-fiancé but her company inviting a business partner.”
their shared contracts and projects run smoothly, no bad blood between the two companies. it was one thing jungkook never worried about – his former girlfriend has always been able to separate her feelings from work. and it’s a big wedding – of course they’ll have to invite the ceo of the biggest sportwear brand in south korea. it would be a scandal not to.
“even if it’s just a nicety… you not wanting to attend makes me… feel…,” both men lean toward to look at you in anticipation, “weird.”
“that was… really anticlimactic, honey,” hoseok huffs and leans back again. but jungkook’s eyes shine with empathy at your reveal.
“then i’ll get management to shift around some dates.”
the concession comes swift. maybe he does understand your feelings, maybe he doesn’t. but either way, he acts on them.
“so… wait a second,” hoseok has a hard not letting his own personal feelings blending in this session, “does that mean we have to change tour dates?”
you grimace at your therapist while jungkook takes your hand, only to squeeze it tightly.
two dozen movie nights after the airport hug
yoongi has never brought a better whiskey and jimin has never sounded more intelligent. they should get awarded for sure, you think as you rest your flushed cheek against jungkook’s tattoos. his skin is just as warm, but you hum at the contact nonetheless.
“it will be epic! we’ll combine our best of with your remixes and a few new songs! people would eat that shit up!” jimin’s eyes shift around the room, his stare too glazed to hold eye contact for long. still, the room vibrates with his enthusiasm.
“i mean jimin has a point. remember how army reacted after we posted the ‘spring day’ remix?” seokjin says while massaging namjoon’s shoulder. his boyfriend snorts at the memory. “yeah, twitter was down for like… an hour.”
you, too, chuckle at the reminder. it was your call at the end after all the boys ok’ed the release. it had taken a long – and painful – discussion with hoseok and jungkook, but in the end it was a song you recorded with your best friends. and even though the cause was bittersweet, the art itself was not.
“but… do we have new songs?” taehyung asks quietly from the opposite couch. it’s only his seconds movie night after his europe trip and you can feel the hesitation radiating from the singer with every move he makes. still, you are glad he’s back.
“do we- do we have new songs? taehyungie! the audacity! have you not seen me performing with yoongi-hyung on vlive? people loved ‘tony montana’! and don’t think i haven’t noticed you,” now drunk jimin is pointing at jungkook, “writing again in your tiny notebook!”
you feel your boyfriend flinch in surprise and you sooth him with soft circles drawn on his tattoos. his eyes smile in thanks. jungkook has shared a handful songs with you over the last months. they have been self-reflective, hard to swallow, beautifully romantic and way too personal.
“so, what do you guys think? should we retired grandpas tour again? just for old times sake?” the former leader of bangtan looks at his bandmates with care, guarded not to show his own emotions too soon. but when jimin begins to dance some way too outdated fortnight dances – and the maknaes join him – the excitement spills out of seokjin like a flood.
and the army in you can’t contain herself as you join the group drunkenly dancing in jungkook’s room. your boyfriend twirls you around only to press you close to him a second later.
a hungover taehyung cries the next morning – seated between your favorite barista and ex-therapist – when they show him his part in the new cypher.
a day after the tour announcement
“no, it’s yours – it’s… only yours. i won’t share this.” jungkook’s voice is strained while the both of you sit on your bed. it’s a sunday morning and the warm sunlight shines on your breakfast in bed. he was the one who got up first, nearly burning down your kitchen before ordering uber eats ten minutes later. now, two coffees in, the both of you are discussing jungkook’s song picks, again.
“i’m not trying to push you – but i just want you to know that it’s okay with me. totally okay. one hundred percent okay,” you reassure him.
“and i love you for that, i really do,” your heart skips two beats at once, “but ‘still with you’ is ours. and i’ll keep it this way.”
jungkook is at peace with his decision: ‘my time’ will be the new song he’s submitting for the golden tour of bangtan. it’s a raw song where he reflects on his idol days – how all his time kept slipping away or moving too fast, how there are traces of loss he only noticed when his world came crashing down. it is one song he wrote while you were in paris. he’s okay with sharing this on tour; but not ‘still with you’.
thirteen nights before ‘still with you’ is written
“shut up!” you shout. it’s silent in your apartment, but you still hear jungkook’s harsh breathing. the former idol stands tall across the room. the distance does both of you good, judging by your heated faces. the night outside your flat is calm and chilly while the inside is brimming with heat.
“why do i have to shut up every time i’m trying to explain myself?” jungkook asks in a whisper. “why don’t you want to listen to me?” now he sounds hurt. but he hurt you before and a toxic part of you is glad he, too, feels pain now.
“i know i won’t like what i hear,” you answer him harshly. and you mean it. anything jungkook has to say about his former relationship will be hard to swallow.
“how can we possibly do this,” your best friend his wildly gesturing between the two of you, “when we can’t handle the past?”
you hate how grown up jungkook sounds. but then you remember how easy it is for him to say that.
“well, jeon, let’s get this straight – you want to get something off your chest. but that means it’ll rest on mine. and… i’ve been carrying a lot of weight for the last year.”
even yoongi commented – free of charge – that hiding from jungkook’s mistakes isn’t the healthiest option. although it seems to be so much easier. apart from the part where jungkook seems far too eager to explain every single of his actions. it’s frustrating.
“_____,” jungkook moves across the room, only to stop a breath away from you, “it’s not about shifting weight, it’s about losing ballast – for both of us.”
there is a childish part of you who doesn’t want to budge. still, you try to be the bigger person. so, nodding at your best friend, you sit down at the dining table. you push the half-eaten take-out out of the way, while jungkook joins you cautiously.
“so, what do you want to talk about first?” you ask not looking into his eyes. “how about the time you left me on an island to get to her? hm? is that worth discussing?”
you see him flinch before he takes a deep breath. you know you sound mean – even uncooperative. but it’s your right to be.
“how about something easier… how about why i proposed?” his offer takes you by surprise. it shouldn’t be harder to explain him fleeing from your summer trip. but why does his face tell you otherwise?
“you loved her,” you whisper into the room, not ready to face the truth behind your response. it’s the snort from across the table that makes you stare into jungkook’s brown eyes.
“don’t be ridiculous. i had known her for only two months.”
it’s true. the whole gang had only met her a handful of times before jungkook announced their engagement. but you knew that they had been doing business for longer than half a year.
“our paths didn’t cross until a project in beijing. up to then all the meetings were virtually or delegated.” jungkook’s confession does not add up. what was he trying to say here?
“i… i slept with her in beijing,” he says without any emotions only seconds later. your eyes widen as your heart sinks at his words. a part of you always knew they had been physically intimate. still, it’s crushing to hear the love of your life saying that to your face.
jungkook looks so small while his eyes try to catch yours. he seems desperate when he moves some of the containers out of the way only to place his palms flat on your table. his muscles tense under unknown weight.
“connections… they have always been hard for me, ____. the dating ban during my idol years had been rough. you can’t imagine how… alone i felt some years.” you do know that the industry did a number on them. you saw it in seokjin’s hesitation when namjoon left his toothbrush at his place. all of army witnessed it firsthand when jimin flinched during a recent vlive, only because yoongi squeezed his tight.
the men – old enough to be fathers – are constipated. even hoseok attested that in one of your first shared sessions.
“so, what? you have trouble with feelings so you slept with the woman the first time you met her? how does that make any sense?” you ask, truly lost. the man across from you breathes in deeply.
“it was clumsy, it was… easy… and it felt… good not to be alone,” he confesses. it’s difficult to hear, but you understand him on some level. physical affection without an emotional connection can be easy.
“okay, cool. thanks for the explanation. but… why the marriage?” you question, not sure you want to hear the answer.
jungkook looks at his best friend with tired eyes. he knows the next words, but he won’t utter them. he’ll lose you for sure.  
“please, jungkook?” you beg in a whispered breath. it’s not lost on you how fast this conversation has shifted – from him wanting to share to you begging him to. it’s the description of your relationship: a whirlwind of emotions, chaos without control.
“she got pregnant.” well, damn.
ten nights before ‘still with you’ is written
“so, honey won’t be joining us?” hoseok asks softly, regarding jungkook’s tapping foot with a blank face.
“i don’t think so,” jungkook responds without meeting hoseok’s eyes. the younger male looks as uncomfortable as his therapist has ever seen him.
“so… what do you want to talk about?” it’s silent for a while, but his hyung isn’t ready to intervene. after another deep breath, he answers.
“maybe about why i never thought honey was an option?”
the former idol looks lost in his own world, still, his words have been spoken into reality.
“what do you mean?” hoseok asks, totally knowing what jungkook meant.
the man pulls at his hair while answering.
“i had feelings for honey for a long time… why didn’t i … why did i never consider her as an option? and why now? what changed?”
“maybe you did. maybe your self-esteem needed to catch up with your feelings,” hoseok offers.
“ha! i don’t have self-esteem issues, hyung!” jungkook chuckles at his suggestion.
“out of our friend group, who is best suited for _____?” hoseok asks cautiously.
“min yoongi” jungkook doesn’t even have to think about it. his jealousy meeting your first therapist is still engraved in his memory.
“and after him?”
“kim namjoon” he fires back, still not even contemplating his answer.
“and then?”
“kim seokjin”
“jungkook… where do you stand on that list?” hoseok asks next. it makes jungkook pause, only for a second.
“at the bottom… but in front of kim taehyung.”
the night ‘still with you’ is written
“why didn’t you tell me she was pregnant?” it’s the first time he’s heard your voice after your late night talk. you sound exhausted – but still, listening to your voice makes him giddy. he’s holed up in his office, mrs. yang long gone.
today should be movie night, weren’t it for jungkook canceling it a day prior. right now, he doesn’t need his friends. he just needs you.
“i don’t know,” he answers your abrupt greeting.
“that’s not good enough,” you fire back. the merlot in your blood giving you confidence you do not possess.
“a part of me wants to think i didn’t want to burden you with my problem.”
“a baby isn’t a problem, jungkook.”
“in this situation, it was. for me.”
after a beat of silence you respond.
“and the other part of you?”
“the other part didn’t want the woman i have feelings for knowing about my unborn child with another woman.”
it’s a low blow. and you hang up before he finishes talking. it’s raining that night when jungkook drives to your apartment. he sees the light in your windows, but he doesn’t get out of his car. for a long time, all he wants to do is knock. although his heart knows you won’t answer. for all this time, he as never felt further away from you.
his hands shake while typing words on his screen. when will it be? if i see you again i will look into your eyes and say, "i missed you".
two coffee dates after you took his calls again
“you do know it’s not really a date when park jimin sits next to you, right?” you chuckle while jungkook looks at his hyung with a death stare.
“he wouldn’t believe we are talking again, honey. what was i supposed to do?”
“i don’t know – not care for example?” you answer, still smiling softly at the men across from you.
“excuse me – the both of you were my project from day one. i just wanne see this” the former idol points with his green shake from jungkook to you “as an investor.”
jungkook looks ready to commit murder, but your hand on his arm makes him stop. your eyes are kind as you look at the man you’ve loved for a long time. it’s sickening how easy it is to let him in.
“and i do need your help picking out an engagement ring for yoongi-hyung!” jimin adds, only for you to spit some of your favorite mocha in his handsome face.
the second time jungkook cries in your arms
jungkook has been nervous for hours. his coo actually canceled a presentation this afternoon because his ceo couldn’t stop fidgeting around. even his assistants were too afraid to aid their boss. but now, standing in front of your door, he feels thrice as nervous. jungkook is not sure he’ll survive this.
r u ready? he types, only to receive a thumb up two seconds later. then he hears you running down the steps before rushing out of the front door. and you see only him – wide eyed jeon jungkook, in a suit without tie, messed up hair and some way too expensive flower bouquet under his arm. your smile is radiant when you hug him. and if jungkook squeezes you a bit too tight, you don’t comment on it.
“so, where are you taking me, kookie?” you ask with a finale squeeze. then you take the flowers from a still overwhelmed jungkook, only to move closer to his car. the ride to the gym is silent and seeing how agitated your best friend drives, you are not suicidal enough to string up a conversation.
it’s the gasp you make when he parks that puts the first real smile of the day on his face. you recognize the surrounding.
“it’s… it’s – is it?” you stutter while jungkook guides you to the empty gym hall. it’s where you met – the place where jungkook hosted the kids workshop. you remember how excited your class was that day; meeting a famous idol and the producer of half of their sportswear had been a rush for your little students. it was the first time you saw the sweat on jungkook’s temple from only a few feet away.
“it is,” he answers, only to turn on the light. the practice room smells just the same and your smile widens at the picknick blanket and food you see prepped in the corner. jungkook really went all out.
“isn’t that a bit too sentimental for an evening date?” you tease him which makes your best friend come up behind you, encircling your waist. you can see the both of your from the mirror wall – it’s a pretty picture.
“how about the date i ask you to be my girlfriend?” he whispers into your ear, his hair tickling your skin. you flush instantly as your heartbeat quickens. you’ve waited a long time and judging by jungkook’s hold on you, so did he.
it’s as easy as breathing when you nod at your own reflection. the following kiss is hot and wet. you don’t know who cries first, but at the end, you are both a sobbing mess. it’s the first time you see him cry after he told you about his fianceé’s miscarriage a week prior. and you shine, knowing these are tears of joy today.
356 days till jungkook proposes to you
“why am i this nervous? there is no reason for me to be this nervous. there is no reason to be nervous at all. i’ve done this since child labor was legal,” seokjin’s breakdown is only background music while jungkook sucks a purple spot onto your neck. the both of you are cuddling on one of the massage chairs backstage. all the chatter around you would have made you nervous as well. some make up artists are still drawing on namjoon, while jimin gets his dress shirt steamed. all former – and new – idols are excited for the tour opening. it’s a hot spring day, only the ac is helping jungkook’s foundation not to run down his cheeks.
your boyfriend looks too comfortable against your neck, breathing softly against your blooming skin. jungkook’s obsession with hickeys has been a surprise; not a bad one, but still unexpected. he’s gifted you the most expensive silk scarfs for school to make up for the bruisers on your neck.
“stop sucking on honey, kookie,” seokjin orders, momentary forgetting his own meltdown. jungkook just hums against your skin, not moving an inch.
“ya, maknae! do you want her on the first page again, hm?” seokjin asks while coming closer to you. with trained fingers he pinches jungkook’s ear. the younger one whines in responds but does not move.
the last four months of dating jeon jungkook have been interesting to say the least. you’ve been on more covers than you’d like. not all photos were taking with your permission and the first time you saw your bare face next to jungkook’s at the farmers market printed on some shady magazine, you felt violated. nowadays you just try to ignore it.
“she looked amazing last time,” taehyung adds softly from his makeup chair. you smile at him, grateful for the boost of confidence from the model. last week was jungkook’s ex-fianceé’s wedding and you’ve – predictably – made it onto the front page. both you and your boyfriend were dressed to the nines. it was a lovely day, no hurt lingered as you congratulated the bride.
it seemed like lifetimes ago that the older woman handing you a glass of champagne was the same enraged mother who slapped you only one and a half years ago.
“yeah, but now she looks like rode kill,” yoongi comments drily. but you can see his chewed-on nails – your ex-therapist is nervous and tries to deflect. you smirk at him, only for yoongi to divert his gaze. it will be the first time he’s on this size of stage. and it’ll be the first time he’ll show off his new accessory – the emerald ring on his finger hard to miss with the sun shining brightly today.
“you are beautiful, honey,” jungkook mumbles, not allowing his lips from leaving your neck.
and even though you’re underground you feel cherry blossoms on your skin.
i don’t know. i really don’t. reviews were mixed last chapter and i totally get that. i hope this answers some of your questions and gives you a bit of closure. this fanfiction has given me so many emotions, i could paint with them. it’s been i wild ride – from abandoning the story to picking it up again to changing the plotlines to switching the sml to adding a tone of side ships to finishing this alone on a sunday night.
i’m so grateful for every comment, thought, feedback, praise, critique, question, gif, scream, follow, like, kudo, bookmark. i’m really honored to be a part of your reading nook. don’t be a stranger! my inbox is (almost always) empty. i’ll probably cycle back to stolen dances, so, if i post any more in betweens, i’ll continue to tag you guys!
a lot of love from dana
p.s. as i promised, you’ll find the description of my second installment posted today as well! maybe you’ll be interested 😊
taglist: @livewittykid  @thequeen-kat @kagami-s-void @goldenclosethobi @youwannabelostandnotbefound @jinsalpaca @bishuthot @laabellaavitaa21 @baekstans @jalexad  @jinsearthh @kseokwu  @betysotelo18 @daydreambrliever @untouchabyeol-man @lesyeuxdeyifei @lachimolala-2l @moonchild1 @taejinvol6 @deliciousdetectivestranger @unchoosablename @httpfandxms​ @fangirl125reader @miniiimee @jeonlovescoffee​ @hello-kittyy​ @kokoandkookie​ @mwitsmejk​ @definetlythinkimanalien​
180 notes · View notes
ggukkiereads · 4 years
🌷 some semblance of organization🌷
Ultimate Favorites - #holygrailfics 
Fic Recs / Reactions - #ggukkierecommends
prefer to read drabbles? - #drabbleslikedbyggukkie
Masterpost of Fave Fics per Member - ot7 but only posted two members so far 😥👉👈🌹
Yoongi - series
Jungkook - one shot | series
🌹 sadly not updated because #lazybish me won 😔 sucks I wasn’t able to update my lists when that is the main purpose of this blog. Feel free to send me a message if you want to chat about fics though!
The Type of AUs I enjoy  - I usually get asks on AUs but there are themes/genres I don’t read much on
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🌷 fic recs based on ASKs | #ggukkiereadingcollection
🥕 - personal favorite 
Author Recs
Author Recs | SMAUs 🥕
Author Recs | Fluff/Angst (Non-Smut) content - Taehyung & Jungkook 🥕🥕🥕
Fic Recs | Fic List
Werewolf AUs - Taehyung  🥕
Werewolf AUs - Jungkook  🥕🥕
Mafia AUs, Supernatural/Fantasy, Secret Agents/Spy/Assassin AUs   🥕
Established Relationship - Jungkook  🥕
Recommended Angst, Smut, Fluff, E2L - Jimin  🥕🥕
Witch or Vampire Jungkook (similar to ADOW)
Vampire AUs - Jungkook
College AUs - Yoongi  🥕🥕
Extreme Angst Edition - Jungkook  🥕
Infidelity AUs 🥕 + Part 2  ⭐new*
Enemies to Lovers - Yoongi
Sports, Jock AUs - Jungkook 🥕
Chubby or Curvy Reader
Submissive - Jungkook
Hanahaki AUs 🥕
Coworker AUs - Yoongi 🥕
Angst - Jimin 🥕
Single Dad AUs  🥕🥕
DILF Jungkook dilf!jk
Marriage on the Rocks (Divorce - Almost Breaking Up)  🥕🥕
Teacher/Professor AU - Jungkook  🥕
Member/Reader with Disability  🥕
Hoseok/Hobi Birthday Reads 2021 (Favorites + New Fics) 🥕🥕
Poly OT7 fics + Part 2
Caregiver!Jungkook (ddlg)
Lucid Dreams, Multiverse, Dimensions AU 🥕🥕🥕
Daechwita AU - Yoongi  🥕
Suggested Fics to Read - Yoongi  🥕🥕
TaeKook x Reader  🥕
Themed Series (one universe x each member gets storyline) 🥕
BTS Pegging fics
Threesome M/F/F - Jungkook x Reader x OC
Beach Smut
JinKook x Reader
Fluff & Angst Recs (sfw) - Jungkook 🥕🥕
Fluff & Angst Recs (sfw) - Taehyung 🥕
Age Gap - Jungkook
Idol AUs  
Hybrid AUs  🥕
Fake Dating AUs 🥕🥕
Masseur/Massage Therapist AUs   
Unrequited Love (Member!Piner)  🥕🥕
BTS Heist AUs 
BTS Racer AUs  
Mafia AUs - Jungkook    🥕🥕🥕
“Bunny” as pet name  
Lazy Morning Vibes    🥕
Village Vibes Fics (like Lowlander)  🥕
Pacific Rim AU   🥕
Prank Wars   🥕
Idol AUs - Namjoon   🥕
Arranged Marriage with Single Dad
Jungkook Getting Married to OC x Bestfriend Reader - happy ending
OC jealous of Member’s Bestfriend
Exchange Student!Member Fics
Exchange Student!Reader Fics
Attack on Titan
Enemies to Lovers - Jungkook  🥕🥕🥕
Role Play as a Plot Twist   🥕🥕
Member x Reader and The Bestfriend   🥕
Creepy (and Haunting) Fics 
There’s Only One Bed trope  🥕
Prince AUs - Jimin     🥕🥕
Epistolary (Love Letters, Email, Voicemail, Chat)    🥕🥕🥕
Butler AUs 
Virgin + Corruption Kink  
Mechanic (auto shop) BTS   🥕
BTS Dad AU x Exes AU (hidden pregnancy theme)   🥕
Church Goer x Bad Girl/Boy AU  ⭐new*
Arranged Marriage x Proof of Consummation   ⭐new*
Cruise Ship Scenarios - Jungkook  🥕  ⭐new*
Moving On Fics (deceased Ex) AU  🥕  ⭐new*
Tokyo Ghoul AUs  
Soldier AU - Taehyung  
Soldier AU - Jungkook 🥕🥕 
BTS Kingsman AU  ⭐new
list updated: ⭐ 2022 Jan 22 note: if link doesn't work, click the #ggukkiereadingcollection hashtag at the bottom of this post
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🌷 reading lists that could work as a fic rec too
started a reading list on my main blog just to keep myself organized but I realized others use it to check out fics too. It's not exhaustive - there are actually more fics I haven't included since these lists are more of current reads. I'll try to include some faves in this fic recs blog.
🥕 - personal favorites
BTS Fic Reads - 2020 May pt1 - updated [MYG, KTH, JJK] 🥕🥕
BTS Fic Reads - 2020 May pt2 - updated [per member]
BTS Fic Reads - 2020 May pt3 - updated 🥕
BTS Fic Reads - 2020 June - updated 2021June
to be re-titled - links to be updated - to be categorized per member:
BTS Fic Reads - 2020 Aug 🥕🥕🥕
BTS Fic Reads - 2020 Sep 🥕🥕
BTS Fic Reads - 2020 Oct 🥕
BTS Fic Reads - 2020 Nov 🥕
BTS Christmas Reading List - 2020 Dec 🥕🎄
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 Jan Pt 1 🥕
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 Jan Pt 2
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 Feb Pt 1
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 Feb Pt 2 (Jungkook)
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 Mar Pt 1 🥕
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 Mar Pt 2 (Jungkook)
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 Apr Pt 1 
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 Apr Pt 2 (Jungkook)  🥕🥕
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 May Special Edition (BTS + OT7/multi)
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 May Special Edition (Jungkook)
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 June Pt 1  
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 June Pt 2 (Jungkook)  
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 July  
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 Aug Pt 1 (ongoing reads)  
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 Aug Pt 2 (completed fics) 
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 Sep   
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 Oct  
BTS Fic Reads - 2021 Nov 
BTS Christmas Reading List - 2021 Dec  
BTS Fic Reads - 2022 Jan Pt 1  
BTS Fic Reads - 2022 Jan Pt 2  
BTS Fic Reads - 2022 Feb  ⭐new
BTS Fic Reads - 2022 Mar to May Part 1  ⭐new
BTS Fic Reads - 2022 Mar to May Part 2  ⭐new
BTS Fic Reads - 2022 June  ⭐new 
tagged as #ggukkiereadinglist on my main
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🌷 other fics to check 🌷
ongoing fics I’m reading | teasers to upcoming fics I want to check (under my main blog, tagged as #ongoing)
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🌷  fic hunts - 'do you know this fic?' asks
sometimes I get asks if I know fics and I’d answer if I do. If I don’t, I direct to @/btsficfinds
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🌷 #recsfromthegarden 🌷   
recommended by other readers 
Dark Fantasy AUs + E2L - fics: concentric, moonstruck 🥕
floralseokjin, obiwrites, and xherxx  🥕
CraftRose on AO3 - fics: vibrate, butterfly, skirt
Foxymoxy on AO3 - fics: meadow, lowlander, amended, little bean  🥕🥕
thebiaswrekkers Mafia AU - fic: make it right 
kissmetae - recommended author
Sugaslick [AO3] - fic: rules
Abundance (OT7 Hybrid AU) & Maybe I Do (Taehyung Arranged Marriage AU)  🥕
Historical Yoongi Fics/Daechwita Fics - Silver Dragon & The King Isn’t Dead
Sorted Series by gukyi - to be included in Fic List | BTS Themed Series
Most Beautful Moment in Life by bts-reveries - tb included in BTS Themed Series
Wrienne [AO3] - fics: a hundred percent human, dead leaves, my cheating amnesiac fiance
Multiple Personality AU by jimlingss - fic: his name
Serious Inquiries Only by adventuresinwonderlust
reneejuliet’s dystopian au - fic: ignorance is bliss  
kerikaaria - fics: if I never met you, where you belong 
jeojahari - fic: kiss it better (yoongi soulmate series)  
minyfic - fic: knuckles (jungkook crack)  
persphonesorchid - fic: euphoria (soulmate au)   
thebiasrekkers - fic:dream of red  
sahmfanficbts - fic: promise me 
gilibean - fic: lily of adversity  
sabiekay - fic: microcosmos  
persephonesorchid - fic: rings  ⭐new*
namjooningelsewhere - fic:overdue   ⭐new*
azurefangirl - fic: eclipsed hearts   ⭐new*
you-are-my-joy - fic: my forever  ⭐ new*
hyungieyoongi - masterlist  ⭐ new*
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🌷 anons list 🌷
🌙 anon | 🗯 anon | 🧚🏻‍♀️ anon | 
🐻 anon | 🌻 anon | 💙EJ |
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🌷 Others 🌷
About Me (posts that kind of give a clue to me as a person lol)
Reading Habits (an ask how many fics I could read per day)
AO3 Tutorial (or kinda)
Ask on reblogs/comments (writers share their thoughts)
Writer shared their process of profiling characters
An ASK about how to write reviews
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4K notes · View notes
ravenempress101 · 3 years
Therapy of a desperate child-bearing afterglow M| Kim Seokjin
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Pairing: therapists seokjin x pergnant!y/n x abusive husband jungkook
Warnings: Yandere!therapists seokjin, abusive theme, Dry humping, wishing you were him kink, breeding kink, pregnant, depression, massaging ones body parts, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK THESE ARE MY IDEAS DONT OWN PICTURES OR PEOPLE BUT IDEAS AND DESIGN.
Authors note: hey everyone thank you for showing love to my imagines it means a lot and I can’t wait until you read this there will be a part 2 to this and i will do a maknae therapist yandere headcanon to I hope you all love it and thank you again
Rating:M 18+
Happy birthday seokjin!!!!
Requests are open!
Ask me anything come talk to me!
The room is illuminated by a pumpkin spice candle danced on the walls and is filled with autumn brown loveseat and a desktop computer with all your information plastered on the cover. y/n scans at the screen at her birthdate and social security number. She nodded in agreement that everything is correct about the information you gave. A ticket popped out of the machine and y/n fingers captured the piece of paper and clicked her heels in front of the brown couch and sat her body down for relief from her being so heavy. Y/n lips escaped with huff in exhaustion. Her soft hands over her growing stomach soothing the baby for its slumber in her womb. The warm ambience of his office touched your icy skin and the warmth spread all over your flesh. A door opened and tapped his brown loafers to his seat that filled the chair with a brown folder. The black haired man with a board frame clothed in a brown sweater and black pants, his finger on his glasses filled the seat and had the brown folder in his hand. His name tag in big bold black letters mr. seokjin.
“Thank you for seeing me mr. seokjin I just been so stressed lately dealing with this pregnancy”
Y/n claimed to him as his palms found the graphite grey instrument scribbled on the blank sheet of the yellow notepad. He opened a folder that had all your information about your mental state, the medicinaction that you take, the foods you eat, down to the samples of your blood. Mr. Seokjin plastered a heartwarming smile to you.years on end y/n’s been seeing her therapist about everything in her life, down to the anxiety attacks that grade school causes to the forcing yourself to throw up because of your full built body images.
“I know darling your stomach is growing how’s everything going can I feel him kick”
The raven chocolate brown curly haired therapist stretched out his hand to your belly. Y/n nodded her head and her fingers poke around to awaken her little seed that was growing.once y/n eyes trailed to her stomach the movements of her son were like waves crashing on her delicate flesh. she lets out a breath at the feet of her baby kick. Seeing the baby move so sporadically, Seokjin doe orbs furrowed in worry as he thought it could cut y/n open in any minute at the stabs her stomach was facing from her child
“Yes of course, hey little buddy wake up my therapists wants to see you”
A few more punches of the arms indent on her skin, then a few fingers liberating to the surface through her stomach. Seokjin's cold fingers lightly graze her tender fluctuating waistline. His heartbeat rapidly accelerated the warm feeling of love crossed his heart. His youthful smile is like a kid in a candy store at your seed greeting him. y/n smiled with her eyes and erupted in laughs her head nodded of how something inside her was so lively. That's what keeps you up all night was your baby boy playing kickball in your stomach.
“Oh my god hey little buddy your mommy can’t wait until you get here”
Seokjin's featherly words wrapped around your baby’s heartbeat inside you. Y/n orbs went down to her stomach and rubbed her palms over in smooth figure 8’s. A sigh took over her mouth and positioned her body to comfort. She couldn’t believe she was pregnant. Even though it’s at the stage of 4 months y/n grew tired of what was going on. Her once bright orbs filled with a star glow have signs turned into drooped black vision of spots of a demon depression. That's why y/n was here, she has been fighting for her soul with the silent killer and also the man that plunged the knife of depression inside her and twists it to let her feel every once of pain.
“Thank you but yes I don’t even know anymore, im knocked up my hormones are everywhere and I feel like crying every freaking second”
Tears welled in her broken eyelashes, the mahogany theaterapist in front of you grabbed the tissues and he expanded his palm of tissue in front of y/n. She captured the tissue and caught her stray tear from her stained cheeks as more tears rolled down her cheeks. y/n was holding on for so long to help. Feeling low and helpless was part of her now along with the stress that she carried on her shoulders.
“Oh lord I’m sorry y/n definitely take a deep breathe it will be okay”
“I guess mr.seokjin I’m also tired of him my baby daddy jungkook”
Y/n rolled her eyelashes at the name of her disrespectful spouse rolling off her tongue that is there for only her presence, for he is not considerate of her feelings. Why did she have to be pregnant by the devil? He furrowed his orbs in desperation at your distressed figure. Her crooked teeth took a bite of her brittle fingertips, anxiety eating away at her body structure Y/n water works ell upon the tissue as y/n erupted in coughs as her body worked itself up from her broken heart.
“Why are you tired of him y/n I thought he was helping”
“He’s not helping me, I mean he’s there as an extra body but he’s no help I need a break from jungkook
“What do you mean a extra body he’s supposed to be there for the emotional part you face”
“Look He doesn’t have what it takes sometimes I just can’t mr.seokjin”
Mr. Seokjin uncrosses his legs and nods his head at your piercing words. Y/n’s blood boils at the thought of Jungkook just coming home and going to the couch not even acknowledging his baby momma. y/n mental stability has taken a toll on her. Jungkook’s constant breaking her down to a pulp from her heart that breaks for a love that he will never give her when they first started in the marriage.
“Just give him time, y/n, it’s all new to him”
Mr. Seokjin palm to his water pitcher and glass filled with ice cubes. He poured the clear liquid in the glass and captured the glass and to his mouth the cool liquid spilled on his neck and with a ahhh erupted after he hydrated. Lubrication filled his throat.
Y/n’s eye contact wrapped around his neck as the therapists made her core heat up with his dominant anticipation. Why did she want her lips around his neck so bad? Y/n eyes blinked rapidly back out of her trance at him placing the glass down and back to his brown orbs. She exclaimed to him.
“I can’t stand to look at him like I used to, His child inside me is my biggest mistake”
As silent tears ran down her face. Her head low to the floor from her helpless begin. Her soul left her shell from the torture of the seed that the devil himself planted in her. Mr. Seokjin shook his head in disapproval and stood up from his chair. His loafers clicked to the table with cushion he pressed a button and the head of the chair raised up.
His calloused hands on the cushion, smooth circles on the spot, his touch heating up the seat like a fiery bonfire, that was y/n’s cew to stand up from her position and walk to her therapist.
Mr.seokjin extended his palm to you and y/n seized it. He helped her on the chair as her head made its way back to the cushion and her legs closed for the exercise that he wanted to try to calm her nerves with. He knew you were going through a lot so his exercises for you should make you forget everything.
“Okay let’s try an Exercise lay back on your back and deep breathes in and out”
Y/n followed his command and laid back. Nodding her head at him. Her lungs capture the air and release it to the atmosphere. The pumpkin spice snaked in the air and she inhaled into your lungs. A sense of the smell relaxed your body.
“Alright sir”
Seokjin towers over y/n, her legs fall away from each other as his thigh slides in between your legs. Your body weighs on him as he supports yourself and the developing stomach . Y/n’s mouth sighed at the relief that he created for you and the baby boy. Being off your aching feet and the man that Lift weights for a living above you made it feel worth wild.
“Now I’m going to massage you”
His palms to your shoulders, his fingers smooth circles on your inner shoulders. Y/n’s eyelashes closed the tension withering away from her. Y/n’s thick frame stiffen under him his touch brought her every groan from her pain filled figure. His ringed fingers deeper as his weight collided with you. Y/n could feel her therapist's warm body steal the coldness from her flesh.
“Ahhhh fuck Jin that feels so good”
Y/n placed her head to the side and her mouth hung open from the sensitive shoulder he caressed. A strangled moan came from her fragile begin. Seokjin’s doe orbs darkened from her body short circuiting. He had a desire that only him and him alone only knew and that desire was you. He hated that Jeon Jungkook, the baby daddy, had gotten the chance to get you pregnant. He wished he was the father. He would’ve been there for you other than the ones taking you for granted.
She felt his calloused palms dig into her arms releasing the pinched nerve. Mr.Seokjin felt something on his board thigh.His eyelashes grazed down at your frame and it was moving erotically. His Chocolate orbs widened with amazement at the sight before him and cursed under his hot breath at your bottom half rubbing against his thigh. His client was pleasuring herself without her knowing it. I guess being pregnant has your surprise urges. Mr. Seokjin wanted to pinch himself thinking it was a dream, y/n captured his upper arm and dug in him deeper as trembling moans filled his ears.
When mr. Seokjin heard her moans; it sounded like a nectar from the kings and queens of rome. He never heard such airy cupcake filled moans dance on his skin. Goosebumps manifested on his skin by her medley. His possessive state took over his words.
“Look at you my favorite little thing, do you wish he was doing this to you making you feel every inch of him, creating such a doll”
Mr. Seokjin lips planted on your neck and wet kisses erupted on your shaft. Y/n turned her neck to the side as seokjin tongue parted from his mouth, a swipe of saliva over her neck. He loved how small you were under him.His puckered lips intertwined into light kisses down your neck to your sensitive chest.he took his teeth inbetween your breakable skin and bit breaking the skin. A purple mark flaring up from the bruise he ate away at.
“you are perfect I love staring at you from this angle come on noona moan my name”
“Jin ahhh”
Seokjin runs his fingers along your belly and smooth circles calming your sensual state. Y/n frame up and down on his leg at an alarming rate. A few bounces his vibrations over her vulnerable frame.Jin’s ringed fingers on your waist as y/n came down for another bounce he replaced his thigh with his lap. Y/n feeling the growing bulge he carried. Y/n dry humped and accelerated her waist humping him like her pregnancy pillow needing to fulfill her need and Her heartbeat fastened from the hard feeling. Your high was lacing your pregnant body.
“That it babygirl your body is so beautiful being this big and vulnerable under me you wish he was strong enough for you to control your presence ”
“Mhmm yes”
Y/n felt her body,s fluid spray out of her and The robs of her arousal leaked of her sweetness all over on his lap. A wet spot of your oragasm on his brown pants. His mischievous smile erupted on his face.seductively made eye contact with you y/n riding out the last of her orgasm
“Aweee you made such a mess doll it is alright as long as you come back and see me”
Y/n breathe out in relief at her therapists with a moisten broken smile plastered on her face. y/n couldn't help from all the built up tension she had to face at home but mr.seokjin made her feel like an angel on earth that he will never break.
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
What’s your headcanon for what Jikook are like with each other when the other is sick 🥺 Jk feels the type to want to cuddle jimin and jimin being like “don’t you’ll get sick” and Jk is like “I don’t care 🥺”
Oh man... yall are back here trying to get me to write Canon compliant fanfiction again. 😂 didn't we go over this when someone asked me how I thought their first kiss went down? Yall I can guess and I can speculate, I can give my opinions on their dynamics and how I see them engage with each other... I can't give yall specifics like this and it makes me soooo nervous too because I don't want anyone taking these things as like "yes. This is how that went down. That makes sense so that's for sure what happened." 🙈
FINE. Because this is a cutesy innocent one. We can play pretend for a little bit and do a headcanon. I'm not doing this like a short story though. You are getting "I thinks" and "my opinions" and third person like all my other posts through this whole bit. Lol
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I would reverse the roles with your set up. JK thrives off physical touch and affection, especially when he is seeking comfort. Emotional or otherwise. We often see Jimin coming up and just totally enveloping Jungkook in a hug and with physical affection in order to cheer him up and bring him peace. I think the same would happen if JK was sick with like the flu or something. And JK would 100% be worried about Jimins health instead. Jimin would absolutely not give 2 flips about that, wanting instead to make sure that his baby has the support he needs. He would absolutely wrap him up and let JK be the little spoon. He would put water and his meds out on the table next to the bed. He would get all his favorite snacks to be within easy reach from the bedside. He would hold him and sit in bed and watch anime and Marvel with Kookie all day while they cuddled.
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Jimin would be worried, he would be annoying Jungkook honestly constantly checking on him and asking how he is feeling or if he needs anything. That's his baby and it hurts him whenever JK hurts. Jimin even told us how much he hurts for him anytime JK is hurting when Jungkook had a sore throat during rehearsals. He would baby the heck outta that man until he feels better. Kookie would be getting all of the head pats and fingers running through his hair that he can handle.
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Jimin often reminds me of myself when feels off or sick. When Jimin doesn't feel good, he retreats. He doesn't want people all over him, he doesn't want people messing with him. A solid comforting presence is okay, but he tends to often want his space from what little we have seen. We have seen JK comforting Jimin emotionally, but if Jimin was sick, what would that look like? Personally I think JKs acts of service love language here would be kicking into full drive.
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I've said before that I think Jimin's main 2 love languages are words of affirmation and gift giving. I think the acts of service would play into both of those a little bit. If Jimin has the flu or his just having a bad pain day (hello chronic pain), I don't think he would want cuddles. I think he would want to nap in a dark room alone. But I think he would wake up to water and meds and a Home cooked meal. He would wake up with a cool wash cloth on his forehead. An extra blanket tucked around him. His phone plugged in while he slept and the room straightend up. Tissues thrown away for him. Maybe Kookie working quietly with headphones on sitting on the opposite side of the bed, presence there and warm smiles and open arms ready whenever wanted but still giving him his space when he needs it. A new movie to watch or a new book to read would be bought to keep him from going stir crazy. Massages offered to loosen up sore muscles. Massages that Kookie learned specifically how to give from their physical therapists that are done for the specific muscles and/or problems that Jimin has.
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Efforts to make Jimin smile would be a priority as well. Doing something silly, wearing something crazy, cracking puns or making inside jokes. And the compliments would never stop. "You look cute even with a red nose, hyung. How is that possible?" Just in an effort to make him smile and keep his spirits up. JK would hover and make sure he never needs anything or that there is nothing he can do, but would be respectful of the space Jimin sometimes seems to require whenever he isn't feeling good. Quick check ins to make him smile or offer comfort. He wouldn't be able to not check in though. And Jimin would be smothered in cuddles whenever he asked for them or allowed it too. Jungkook is absolutely a steady presence in Jimin's life that he finds safety, peace and comfort in without ever being overbearing.
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Honestly, who knows how they act when they get sick or what they would want or how they would prefer to be taken care of, if at all. We simply do not know. Based off how I see their personality dynamics though, I can see it playing out this way a little bit. Or honestly a million other ways too. In the end, what we do know is that they care for each other so much and the way they comfort each other and are so very aware of each other is so special and sweet. We are lucky to be allowed to witness it even a little bit. And again, none of this is fact. Not even a little bit. It is a head Canon, I made it up. Lol its how I could see them taking care of each other, not how they ACTUALLY take care of each other. We don't know that. The debate I had over if I was going to post this or not. Lol
A few more pictures of them comforting each other with gentle touches 💜
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honeymoonjin · 4 years
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pairing: jimin x yoongi || genre: smut - nsfw 18+ word count: 6.7k warnings: dom!jimin, sub!yoongi, exhibitionism, BDSM, sub!jk feature very briefly, masochism, pain play, impact play, spanking, orgasm control/denial, untouched orgasm, frotting (i hope that’s right, i had to google it), crying during sex but in a fun liberating way u feel me, praise, mean-mugging, pet names
summary: jimin is used to keeping his professional bdsm life and his domestic married life separate, but when his husband yoongi comes in after a hard day at work, he wants to blur those lines. 
A/N: i wrote this for the lovely and talented @joonsbean​ so thank her for inspiring me to actually write something, also this is unedited bc i just sat down for 6 hours to write this and i am not willing to stare at it a moment longer
After a particularly resonant flick of the whip, Jimin eyes the way Jungkook's calves tense, left foot tapping the floor in an uneven stutter. He's starting to really feel it now.
He absentmindedly reaches his hand out to smooth the reddened flesh of Jungkook's ass, gently cooing at him quiet enough that his rapt audience won't hear. While the eager submissive was the biggest masochist of the regulars, and he was likely miles away from safewording, as a friend Jimin knew the long-haired boy had three hours of lectures the next day. He'd probably relish the sore ass and take it like a champ, but Jimin was soft on him, so he knew it was time to wrap it up.
Tilting his chin towards the dark, almost purplish streak just above Jungkook's thigh, he raises his voice to address the onlookers. "As you can see, when there's only one fall, like with a whip or a switch, the impact feels a lot sharper and concentrated. The thinner it is, that effect is only amplified. For that reason, I really recommend against switches and whips as a first-timer or if you're testing it out." Jimin can't help but beam at the way every person in the crowd listens to his spiel with clear enthusiasm. He got off on this kind of spotlight in a different way to the usual exhibitionism. Sharing his passion never failed to cheer him up. "Even though floggers can look more intense, as we saw when we were starting out, the impact is more distributed, more of a thud than a sting. Now," he breaks off, giving Jungkook's tender ass a final playful swat, making the boy jump, knuckles white as they clench the back of the chair he's bent over, "let's give our little prince a big round of applause for being so helpful for us today."
Jungkook positively keens at the cheers and wolf whistles that erupt from the crowd of at least thirty, his back arching and face buried between his meaty upper arms to hide the blush. Jimin gently massages the heated skin one last time, whispering instructions to head off to the side where his usual dom, Namjoon, was no doubt waiting.
The two had been playing for almost a year now, but Namjoon was still hesitant to venture into the heavier sadism that Jungkook sometimes needed, and the three of them had found a happy medium where Jungkook helped Jimin out with demonstrations, and Jimin indulged Jungkook's occasional desire for more intense pain play. As a thank you, Namjoon even helped Jimin out with his taxes just the month before, and Jimin quite often allowed them to reserve their favourite play rooms out of courtesy. A mutually beneficial arrangement, and it certainly came in handy to have Namjoon deal with aftercare while Jimin still had his demonstration to wind up.
Swinging the chair that Jungkook was previously bent over, Jimin takes a seat facing the audience and quirks a brow. "Alrighty, before we wrap up and I set you back into the wild, any questions?"
This line always had very different responses. Once, on a basic self-bondage informational session, there were so many single kinksters interested that there ended up being almost an hour of questioning, followed by an impromptu tutorial of safe handcuff use. More commonly, Jimin fielded a few confirming questions about what he'd shown, or something related but not overly relevant to the main topic at hand. More often than not, though, he'd find a string of people awkwardly hovering around him after the crowd had dissipated, too nervous to ask their question in front of the others.
This time, however, a single hand is thrust into the air, coming from the rough back third of the gathering.
"Yes?" Jimin calls out, squinting past the few stage lights and into the darkened crowd. He can't quite make out the face, but as soon as the rumbly voice begins to speak, he doesn't need the visual to recognise it.
"I was just wondering," his husband calls out, "could I speak to you in private?"
Jimin is so startled to hear Yoongi that for a moment he freezes on stage, totally silent. Never once had his husband of four years step a single foot into the dungeon Jimin worked at. Not intolerant of the kink world, Yoongi was simply paranoid about being recognised - a renowned human rights lawyer showing up to a BDSM dungeon dressed in leathers was a tabloid field day waiting to happen - and was happy for Jimin to continue working there whenever he wished.
Now, though, that unspoken rule that had kept these two worlds of Jimin's separate had shattered with a single question, and he felt cold shock drip down his spine.
"Uh," he begins eloquently, blinking himself out of it and plastering a collected smile on again, "of course! I'll be right with you once the show ends."
Jimin closes the session in a daze, answering a few questions about physical aftercare and the best materials and brands for impact play equipment on autopilot. It feels like an eternity passing in a single second, and before he's even processed it, the audience have moved on, and his husband is placing a gentle kiss of greeting on his temple, the same way he would when he'd get home from work in the evenings.
Mere minutes after he'd been in his usual dominant persona, Jimin feels himself melting like candy floss in Yoongi's arms, wrapping around him in their usual casual intimacy. "How are you here?" Jimin asks softly, snaking his arms under Yoongi's slate grey suit jacket, feeling the warmth radiate from his body, even through the expensive cotton shirt. "You're still dressed for work, baby."
Yoongi tenses slightly, gazing around the room. A few people are still milling around in small groups, chatting, but this close to the stage, him and Jimin are out of earshot. Still, he speaks lowly, dipping into the Daegu drawl that only makes an appearance when he's too stressed to think clearly. "I took a sick day. Or, I suppose, sick afternoon," he corrects, brows pinched together. "Had to get out. Can we- Is there a place we can have some privacy, please?"
Wide-eyed, Jimin jumps up out of Yoongi's embrace. "Oh, definitely, sorry!" He tamps down his rising concern by hooking his arm around Yoongi's, locking their fingers tightly as he leads his husband out of the auditorium and down a hall.
Being a matinee opening, the dungeon isn't too packed. Jimin prefers working the day shifts, likes that everything feels a little more personal and open. Nights, especially themed ones, get so busy that the gear and rooms have to be booked sometimes weeks in advance. Jimin does his fair share of DMing (they need all the help they can get) but doesn't like to run any scenes himself in the relative chaos.
But at 2pm on a Tuesday, it's easy enough to slip into one of the private rooms, switching the sign to occupied. There's no lock on the door for safety purposes, but nobody will dare enter while it's taken.
Yoongi steps in, eying the room with surprise. It's a relatively open space, with the walls lined with bookcases on one end, and a large wooden desk with some filing cabinets on the other. The desk itself has a comfortable-looking desk chair, and the opposite side has a single leather armchair like something from a therapist's office.
Although there is a wide window, it's covered with blinds, and Jimin knows from experience that it opens directly onto a brick wall for privacy. Instead, the room is lit from above with ceiling lights that are adjustable by a dimmer. Jimin leaves it bright.
Yoongi slowly makes his way to the black leather armchair, sitting down on it and leaning forward to inspect the desk. Absurdly large, it is mostly uncovered except for a diary with some unreadable scrawls on it, an ancient laptop that doesn't turn on, and a ruler. "Is this your office?" Yoongi asks incredulously.
Jimin cackles before he can help himself, moving forward to perch on the edge of the desk in front of Yoongi. "Does it look like I'd get anything done here? It's a play room, baby."
"Play room?" his husband replies dully, but Jimin doesn't miss the way his eyes are zoned in on Jimin's body, the intimidating leather jacket fixed with a tightly buckled belt around his waist, the skintight black jeans that barely contained his thighs, and perfectly glossed black dress shoes, his calling card amongst the typical stomping boots or knife-thin stilettos that most other doms wore. He always got dressed at the dungeon, leaving the house in unassuming sweatpants and a hoodie, so he gets no little satisfaction in relishing his husband's first reaction to the getup.
"That's right," he confirms with a smirk, crossing his legs. "We have five of them at the moment, though the sixth one is almost ready for use. This one is for your typical CEO or professor roleplays, we have a medical one, an interrogation one," Jimin rattles them off on his fingers, watching the way Yoongi's eyes bug out at each addition, "just a basic bedroom one for the vanilla stuff, one that actually looks like a dungeon, and the new one is gonna be an outdoor one."
"Outdoor?" Yoongi asks with a unsteady voice, before shaking his head to clear the thoughts. "Anyway, here is fine, I just- I had to get away from work, Minnie, and I... I was thinking..."
Jimin frowns in sympathy, leaning forward to stroke the back of Yoongi's hand. "I can leave early, I don't have anything else booked today, I was mostly planning on sticking to the social lounge-"
"I don't wanna go home," Yoongi slips in hurriedly, flipping his hand on the arm of the chair to link their fingers together tightly, though his eyes don't leave Jimin's for a second. "I know that you like to keep this job and our own love life separate, and I'm not going to force you, but- I came here because I want to submit to you."
Jimin's eyes widen, his breath catching in his chest. A switch at heart, Jimin had always found it a nice balance to indulge his dominant side here at work, and return home for Yoongi to take care of him, and it had always worked well. Even before they were serious, right in the early days of fucking like rabbits and pretending they weren't entirely smitten, Yoongi had always easily taken that more dominant role, though most of their sex to this day was far less kinky than the kind of demonstrations Jimin ran here. What Yoongi was asking wasn't just to be pampered and taken care of, but to be taken control of. And Jimin couldn't deny the ball of heat that was quickly building inside of him at that thought.
"Baby," he sighs, forcing himself to keep professionalism in mind, "I can't- We can't do anything here without you filling out some paperwork. The list of kinks and limits at the least. Not just as an employee, but as your husband, I gotta keep you safe."
"I know," Yoongi insists, and he frees his hand from Jimin's grip just long enough to plunge a hand into his pants pocket, pulling out a tightly folded piece of paper, handing it to Jimin.
Oddly enough, the folds are worn, not crisp, and as Jimin unfolds it, the text - printed in 12 point Times New Roman, because of course Yoongi would type it up with perfect formatting - has lost the freshly-printed gloss.
"I've been working up the courage to come here for months, Jimin-ah," Yoongi explains in a shy but determined voice. "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to feel pressured at all either way, but please know that this is something that I've researched, and that I'm serious about." His solemn expression turns slightly cheeky, almost impish. "You literally make a living domming people, Minnie. I've been fantasising about it long before I even realised I wanted it."
A thrill of arousal runs through Jimin, straight between his legs, and he tightens his thighs, taking a settling breath. "Oh, baby," he coos, eyes dropping to read Yoongi's well-documented and organised list of kinks and limits, scanning over some surprising - and not-so-surprising - tidbits, "I'm gonna take such good care of you."
The air rushes out of Yoongi's lungs as he unconsciously scoots forward in the chair, leaning in. "Do we- Do we just start now, or do you need to go get some-" he breaks off, blushing violently, "some equipment?"
Jimin breaks into a broad smile, eyes crinkling as he steps forward, steps close, ringed fingers slipping into Yoongi's hair on either side, tipping his husband's face up as his chin rests on Jimin's lower abdomen. "Oh, my big boy wants to play with some toys, huh?" Jimin can feel when Yoongi swallows hard, his eyes not glossy with subspace, instead keen and sharp with pointed desire. "Don't worry, baby, this room isn't as empty as you think."
When he steps away, dropping all contact, Yoongi slumps like a puppet with cut strings, catching himself before he slips off the chair, instead lying back against it, chest heaving beneath the starch white of his dress shirt.
Jimin makes his way first to the bookshelves, looking back over his shoulder to catch Yoongi's reaction as he finds a notch in the framing and pulls, revealing that they aren't real shelves at all, simply disguised cabinets that swing open to reveal the hidden delights inside. The three closest to the desk are filled with clothes of all sizes, office-wear spanning pencil skirts to neckties to blazers, a few frumpy pieces that remind Jimin of dorky professors, even some school uniforms, cut far shorter than regulation.
With a grin, Jimin pulls at a pleated plaid skirt, smirking at Yoongi. "In the mood for dress-up, baby? Show off those pretty legs of yours."
Yoongi, still with some wits about him, narrows his eyes with a mock scowl, his disapproval clear.
Jimin sighs out wistfully, but lets it go. "Another time, maybe." Ignoring Yoongi's light scoff, he nudges the doors shut with his foot one at a time and moves to the last one, where the facade of stacked books hides a series of hooks nailed into the back wall.
Jimin doesn't need to even face Yoongi to know he's squirming in his chair - the squeaking leather gives it away. Strung up are floggers, whips, switches, and neatly coiled bundles of rope, catalogued by length. His husband had expressed interest in both impact play and bondage, several different types of both, and so it's no surprise that the sight of those fantasies had Yoongi breathing heavily. He leaves that cupboard open.
"There are so many things we could play with in here, baby," Jimin assures, patting the folded piece of paper that he'd slipped into his own pocket, "and your list was pretty extensive, so before we get started, any particular preference?"
Yoongi swallows again, hair slightly rucked up from Jimin's hands. Jimin can't wait to see it totally mussed up, see his husband in ruins, see him love it. With wary eyes on Jimin as he moves behind the desk towards the filing cabinets, Yoongi nods. "The- what you were doing with that guy on stage. I- I want that."
Jimin blinks, turning his back to his husband to mask his surprise, fingers hooking the edge of the top drawer of one of the cabinets, each one labelled alphabetically. "Is that so? We did a lot on that stage, baby, I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific."
Yoongi is silent for a moment, his breathing the only sound as Jimin carefully slides the drawer open, revealing neatly sectioned rows of anal plugs. He grins. A for Anal, B for Bondage, C for Chastity. The designers really took their job seriously, and he could appreciate the humour in it.
He lets Yoongi take his time, knowing that saying something is often the hardest part. Instead, he notes the location of the drawer marked P, and turns back to his husband.
Looking incredibly small, tucked up on the intentionally oversized armchair, Yoongi clears his throat, making shy eye contact. "The paddles," he says in a high tone, like he's unsure he's even using the correct word, "I want you to- to hit me with them like you did him."
"You want me to spank that pretty little ass of yours?" Jimin confirms, loving the way his husband goes bright pink.
"Y-yeah," he replies breathily, dropping his gaze. "Will you?"
Despite the raging fire inside him, Jimin's heart leaps fondly, so in love with his husband and all his endearing mannerisms. "Of course, baby. But let's start slow, hm? Gotta make your first time special, don't we?"
Yoongi laughs, then, full of air and barely audible, his lips lilting in a small smile that still shows his teeth.
Jimin tilts his head to the side. "What?"
With a tiny head shake, Yoongi contains his grin. "I just really wanna kiss you right now."
Jimin is moving before he's even finished speaking, his hip barely missing the corner of the desk in his haste to join his husband, knees straddling his lap without hesitation, holding those soft cheeks in both hands as he presses his lips firmly against Yoongi's, eyes fluttering shut.
Their parting kiss before Yoongi left for work this morning feels too long ago, and for a moment their new arrangement is forgotten as they fall into their usual motions, years of marriage making every inch of Yoongi's lips feel familiar, the bump of their noses and brush of eyelashes like home even in such a different environment.
With no rush, Jimin lets himself indulge in it, burying one hand in Yoongi's hair, carding through the choppy black locks that are no longer gelled back. His other hand slides down Yoongi's jaw, neck, and chest, tugging at the knot of his tie to loosen it. He makes no effort to be gentle, and his husband just groans into Jimin's mouth at the rough treatment.
It's all too easy to shift into his dom space, a practiced scale of gradually increasing intensity. It begins with the tie, but soon enough Jimin punctuates their ongoing kiss with hard sucks and quick nips of teeth, Yoongi tipping his chin up to drown in it more. Testing the waters, Jimin rocks his hips once against Yoongi's taut crotch and yanks once on a fistful of hair, baring the pale expanse of Yoongi's neck.
The debauched lawyer bucks beneath him, hands flying to grip tightly at Jimin's waist. His long, beautiful fingers and wide palm have always made Jimin feel weak at the knees, and feeling them grasp at him not in command but in desperation feels addictive.
"You like that?" he breathes, voice low enough to almost growl, and Yoongi shivers as he nods his affirmation. "Good," Jimin praises, and dives down, teeth grazing down the sensitive skin of Yoongi's throat, skimming until he feels the throb of his pulse point. Yoongi can't risk marks at work, certainly not in court, but it's a Friday, and Jimin is feeling more possessive than usual. He nips lightly but laps at the skin thoroughly, knowing the best he can get away with is a reddened bite mark which would fade over the weekend. The hickies were best saved for other areas, he knew.
Yoongi is panting like a horse now, air punched through his nostrils as he bites down hard on his own swollen lip. Jimin knows the effect he has on his subs, and grins against the glistening wet skin of Yoongi's neck at the hardness that has grown between his legs. "Wuh-want more, Minnie," he gasps out, "need more."
Jimin hums, making sure Yoongi can feel the vibrations in the hollow of his throat, sliding up to press kisses to that hyper-sensitive place just behind Yoongi's ear that always made him tremble.
It doesn't disappoint, Yoongi letting out a shaky breath as his arms wrap around Jimin's waist, trying to bring him closer.
Jimin doesn't let him, though, pulling back to sit on his haunches, running a thumb down Yoongi's reddened lower lip to watch the way it springs back into place. Yoongi sits still, eyes cloudy as he lets his dom for the night play with him. The thought pleases Jimin; that Yoongi truly was wanting this, truly was willing to give up control to him.
He spares a glance down between his own thighs, where the cool grey of Yoongi's slacks makes no attempt at hiding his bulging erection. Pouting in sympathy, Jimin reaches out with a single finger to trace the outline, watching the muscles in his husband's thighs tense as he fights to stay still. "So hard already, baby," Jimin drawls, "do you think that pretty little cock of yours can wait its turn while I spank you, hm? Can it be patient for me?"
Yoongi flushes, whining Jimin's name under his breath. "Yes," he admits, huffing out a reluctant sigh.
"Yes what?"
Yoongi grimaces at Jimin, but the dom just raises an expectant brow. "Yes, my- my pretty little cock can be patient for you," Yoongi murmurs in the quietest voice he can manage, cheeks red hot.
"That's my boy," Jimin beams, rewarding his husband by popping the button and pulling down the zip on the fly of Yoongi's slacks, releasing some of the pressure. Yoongi groans, deep in his throat, but his relief is quickly thwarted once Jimin stands up off him.
Making his way back to the filing cabinets, Jimin quickly slides open the one labeled P. Splayed out neatly lie five different paddles. Three are plastic, one a basic rounded shape, another that same shape only with several small holes drilled through for a sharper impact, and a final one a rectangular shape. The next one is hard wood, heavy, Jimin recalls, and the one tucked at the back is a softly upholstered pleather one for beginners. Then there's the ruler, of course, though that's a little cheesy for the current mood.
He assesses the five inside at his leisure, knowing every moment of anticipation will feel like an eternity to his husband, and finally makes a choice. He slides the cabinet drawer closed.
Yoongi makes a wounded, cut-off noise in his throat, but Jimin sends him a firm gaze.
"I'll give you what you want, baby," Jimin assures, wetting his lips, "but first I want to feel you myself. Pants and underwear off, jacket off, I want you bent over my desk."
Yoongi sucks in a sudden breath, but stands up on wobbly legs and slips off his blazer. It's probably too expensive to be dumping it on the chair behind him, but Yoongi clearly isn't worried about that as he kicks off his shoes and pants too, only hesitating once his fingers are hooked on the elastic waistband of his underwear.
"Off," Jimin demands harshly, "I won't ask again."
This time Yoongi obeys without delay, and Jimin takes great pleasure in watching the way his husband's cock leaps up once it's freed, pretty and pink and wetter than he'd ever seen it before. Though Yoongi always tended to top, his cock was smaller - more slender, at least - than Jimin's, but he loved it, loved that a hasty three fingers was enough prep on those times that they just couldn't wait to devour each other.
Now, though, with mussed hair and wrinkled shirt, naked from the waist down bar a pair of black ankle socks, Jimin's husband looked positively adorable in the most erotic way, and Jimin wanted nothing more than to make him wait, make him work to cum.
When Yoongi folds himself over the desk, side-on to Jimin to make use of the length of the surface, his hands awkwardly hover on either side of him, keeping himself slightly upright still. The back of his shirt is just long enough to cover the tops of his cheeks, and the sight of his rounded ass and dripping cock peeking through is enough to make Jimin actively restrain himself, taking a moment to breathe and appreciate this opportunity.
He steps forward, planting a hand between Yoongi's shoulder blades and presses, slow enough that Yoongi has time to move his face to the side to avoid banging his chin, but firm enough that there's no resisting. Yoongi goes willingly, however, his back arching as the table is just lower than his hips. Like this, no fabric obstructs Jimin's view, and he hums, pleased. "Good boy."
Yoongi trembles, his legs tight together and knees shaking just slightly. He's nervous at the vulnerable position, but no less aroused for it.
With the tip of his shoe, Jimin guides Yoongi's legs apart, until his socked feet are wider than his hips, until he needs to lean his weight onto the desktop to keep stable.
"That's it," Jimin praises, "my perfect little slut. So obedient."
Yoongi's right knee buckles at the exact moment that he hears the pet name, and Jimin grins. The piece of paper in his pocket had a long list of suggestions for names he was okay being called, and the dom couldn't resist picking out his favourite. The perfect mix of praise and degradation, it flowed so well on his tongue; the smooth, melodic sounds punctuated by the sharp hit of the t. Slut. Jimin muffles a groan, pressing on his own straining erection.
Unable to help himself, he reaches out, both hands grabbing at the plush ass cheeks in front of him, spreading them to watch the way Yoongi clenches at the sudden exposure. This must be what he looks like when they play together, Jimin thinks. He wonders if Yoongi is enjoying the change in pace just as much as he is.
"I'm going to start you off with just my hands, baby," he introduces, running a palm under the hem of his shirt and up Yoongi's spine to watch the way he shivers. "I'm sure you're well aware of the traffic light system, hm? Tell me what the colours mean."
Yoongi shifts, fingers curling uselessly against the tabletop as his eyes remain squeezed shut. "Red means stop, yellow means slow down, green means go," he recites, the exact phrasing off the dungeon's website, and Jimin bends down to press a single soft kiss on the top of Yoongi's ass as a reward, making him twitch violently. "Fuck, Jimin-ah," he sighs, arching his back even more.
Jimin grins. "Good. I'm adding another colour, just for you," he explains. "Gold. Can you guess what gold means?"
Yoongi swallows, shifts his weight, and shakes his head.
Jimin digs his fingers into the flesh of Yoongi's ass, watching them pillow in roughly. "Gold means more. Gold means harder. Okay?"
Yoongi nods quickly, hair even more tangled with every movement.
"Good boy," Jimin croons, and without further comment his left hand rises and comes down in a single strike.
Yoongi seizes up for a second at the shock of it, but there's no power behind the hit, and his brain realises a moment later that no pain follows the loud noise. He huffs in need and pushes his hips back, silently asking for more. "Gold, g-gold," he mutters offbeat, already panting.
Jimin hums in pleasure, and swats his right cheek this time, feeling a sting bloom across his palm. Still not nearly the hardest he can go, it's clearly not enough for Yoongi, as he remains stoic, waiting for more.
The next time, Jimin lets his hand really catch the air on the way down, but he doesn't stop at one hit, raining down three in quick succession on the same spot. Yoongi breathes through the first impact, freezes in surprise at the second one, and an unbidden moan falls out of his mouth at the third.
"Mm, that's better, isn't it?" Jimin muses rhetorically, soothing the slightly pinked patch of skin with his warmed hand. "Just need a bit more pain to let go."
"Please," Yoongi breathes, "jus' keep going."
"Bossy," Jimin teases, "I'm meant to be giving you orders, baby. If you don't quit it, I might not give you what you want at all."
"Sorry, I'm sorry, ple-please hit me again," Yoongi begs mindlessly, and Jimin can't help but indulge him, his husband sounding so pretty when he whines.
When he returns to spanking again, it's in earnest. Instead of pausing to check in each time, he relies on his husband's telling cues to moderate it, as well as the sweet pleas of gold, gold every time Jimin spent too long between swats.
Much like the rest of him, Yoongi's ass blooms candied pink, and with every strike, Jimin can't help but venture further, wanting to colour him in all over. The spanks that fall on Yoongi's upper thighs make him restless, squirming and moaning wordlessly. The ones that land on the fatty portion of his ass have him sighing happily, crooked smile slicked in drool against the wood of the desk.
The two of them slip into an unspoken rhythm for a while, alternating these hits on either side, of varying number and intensity, until Yoongi has almost fallen into a trance of sorts, mouth hanging open slackly as a whine or moan or whimper is falling out of his mouth with every single thwack.
Jimin's arm begins to tire, and just as he pauses to shake out the joints, Yoongi pants a, "wait, wait," making him pause.
It takes a moment for Yoongi to catch his breath, but Jimin waits patiently, scanning his ass and thighs for any sign of something that could be causing undue comfort, but he comes up short. With a weak, slurred voice, Yoongi lets out a sob. "I wanna use the paddle, Minnie, I wanna feel it," he pleads, "I've h-had enough of the spanking."
Jimin furrows his brows in concern, massaging out the sore tissue as Yoongi goes lax beneath him. "If you've had enough, baby, we should stop. I don't wanna push you."
Yoongi actually tears up, biting hard on his lip as he shakes his head. "Please, Minnie, just a few times, I just need it to be- to be heavy. I don't know, but I need it. Gold, please gold."
"Okay," Jimin is agreeing softly, squatting down to press reassuring kisses against the hot flesh, feeling his own palm stinging. He leaves only to slide open the drawer of paddles, selecting the wooden one. He knew from subspace himself that sometimes those base, thoughtless needs stemmed from something deeper, from an emotional need tangled up daily life. Once, in the early days of doing demonstrations at the dungeon, Jimin had gotten stage fright and done such a poor job of a fingering tutorial that the sweet sub he was working on didn't even cum. He'd come home to Yoongi bawling in humiliation, and his husband had lain him down on their bed and made him cum so many times that he couldn't even think, couldn't move a single limb. Now, Jimin had no doubt that the need to feel a heavy impact had something to do with the reason Yoongi had taken an uncharacteristic sick day.
Talking about it wouldn't help, would only break the escapism of the scene, so Jimin just runs the face of the wooden paddle over Yoongi's sore ass, letting him grow accustomed to the feel and texture. "Just two hits," Jimin declares, "one on each cheek. No more. Focus on them, baby. Eyes closed, just feel them."
He waits until Yoongi settles, spreading his legs wider with wiggling toes, and catching his breath, one hand pressed over his teary eyes.
Jimin swings the paddle backwards, not up, and lets it impact on Yoongi's left cheek first, a wet, strangled moan leaving his husband's mouth at the thuddy feel. The wooden paddle didn't hurt like spanking or a lighter paddle. It was about the weighty feel of it hitting your skin, a light hit so as not to cause bruising.
A line of tension disappears between Yoongi's clothed shoulders, the sweaty fabric clinging to his back. He's calmed down, fully, waiting patiently for the second strike. The second Jimin rains that final hit, he drops the paddle onto the carpeted floor, exhausted himself, and moves around to the side of the desk, bending awkwardly over it to press his mouth to Yoongi's, who makes a muffled sound of surprise before responding in turn.
Jimin's hand is curled around the nape of his husband's neck, keeping him close as tears mingle with spit, their kiss salty and desperate.
He feels a vibration between them before he hears anything, has to focus hard to hear Yoongi as he chants over and over like a prayer, thanking Jimin.
He slows the kiss after a sweet eternity, letting their heartbeats return to normal. Jimin's own eyes sting, love and concern a potent combination, but as the adrenaline settles back to normal, Yoongi calms down too, and seems to come back to himself.
He pulls away to let out a tired breath, laughing voicelessly. "Fuck," Yoongi curses with eyes still closed in bliss. "I get it now."
Jimin beams, a chuckle leaving his own lips as he sees the peace on his husband's face. After a moment, though, a frown appears as Yoongi furrows his brows. "What is it?"
"My dick hurts," Yoongi whines, managing to get his elbows under him to lift his chest from the table, head in his hands.
Jimin startles, standing bolt upright as he rushes down to look for any injury. "Oh shit, did I hit it?"
The laugh returns, bubbling out of Yoongi as he turns himself with great effort onto his back, chest still rising and falling dramatically. "No, Jimin-ah, don't worry," he assures, wincing when his ass-cheeks meet the unforgiving surface of the desk. "But if I don't cum soon, I think it's gonna explode."
Jimin's mouth falls open, relief and disbelief flooding his veins equally as he's faced with Yoongi's cock, so flushed with blood it's almost purple in places. "I- Okay, do you- do you want me to get you off, or do you want to keep playing?"
Yoongi looks at him like he's insane. "I mean... Preferably both, Minnie."
After the moment of scare, it takes surprisingly little time before that thrum of arousal is dialed up again, and Jimin smirks, running his hands up and down Yoongi's inner thighs to watch the way he naturally and obediently parts them for him.
"Do you know what I realised, baby?" Jimin coos, stubbornly avoiding the weeping cock in front of him. Yoongi mutters a weak response. "I realised that so far I've been doing all the work so far, haven't I? That isn't really fair, wouldn't you agree?"
Wary, Yoongi pauses and nods, the blur of tears long since replaced by the haze of arousal, of subspace beginning to creep in once more.
"I'm glad we're on the same page," Jimin drawls, flattening a hand heavy on the soft flesh just above Yoongi's cock, making the man moan and wriggle to escape the pressure. "So I think, if you want to get off, you should put a little work in yourself. Make some effort, baby."
Yoongi takes a few heaving breaths, before slowly, so carefully, lowering his hand down to wrap around the base of his cock, immediately groaning at the touch. He's leaked so much precum that it takes a single shaky stroke to coat the sensitive skin, and a relieved smile spreads over his face at the thought that he's finally going to get off.
But where's the fun in that?
"Don't you think you're being a little selfish?" Jimin spits stiffly, and flicks once at the very tip of Yoongi's dick.
His husband practically howls, curling up with a depraved cry. "Wha-at?" he sobs, hand trembling as it hovers on his thigh, fighting his desire. "What do you want, Minnie?"
"How sweet of you to ask," Jimin praises in a sugar-sweet voice, reaching down to unzip his own jeans. "Those hands are big enough to fit the both of us, aren't they?"
Blearily, Yoongi looks down as Jimin slips his aching cock out from his pants, fitting himself between Yoongi's spread legs so that their bobbing lengths bump together.
Even that contact is enough to make Yoongi hiss, but he's desperate and so he nods quickly, fingers trembling as they grab Jimin's cock, pinning them together in his grip. He pauses, panting as he stares up at Jimin for permission.
Jimin smiles placidly, bending forward to press a single chaste kiss to his husband's lips. "I don't want you cumming before I do, okay?" he asks sweetly, though the threat is thinly veiled.
Using the strength of his abdomen to lift his upper half off the desk, Yoongi stabilises himself with an elbow while his other hand jerks the two of them off together, thumb running over the sensitive heads, paying extra attention to Jimin's.
"That's it," Jimin groans, biting hard on his tongue. Truth be told, it was hard enough for him to hold back, feeling threads of an orgasm already knitting together in his stomach. But he's not willing to let go of the pretty sight of Yoongi just yet, so debauched and far gone as he shivers with every stroke, torn between making Jimin cum and preventing his own climax.
After mere minutes, Yoongi has collapsed back onto the desk, ankles curled around Jimin's back to hold him close, hand shaking violently.
"Please," he begs occasionally, but the moment his hand slows down to give himself a break, Jimin pinches his inner thigh in warning. They both knew marks there were allowed.
It's not until Yoongi is quite literally biting down on his own knuckles to hold back an orgasm that Jimin can't keep himself from cumming anymore.
Greedily, he runs his hands over Yoongi's sides, skimming the shirt up to put his chest on display, flicking at the delicate pink nipples. Jimin cums so hard he almost buckles forward onto Yoongi, spurting white all over Yoongi's hand and cock.
He holds himself up shakily, spouting praises to Yoongi as the wave of pleasure rushes through him, making his toes tingle and his fingers curl, scratches down Yoongi's chest and stomach.
"Oh, god, I'm gonna- Mi-Minnie, can I cum, oh fuh-fuck, no!"
One last liberty taken in his time as Yoongi's dom, Jimin pulls himself away, pinning Yoongi's wrists to the table and watching as his cock, dripping white, bobs desperately in the air, seeking friction.
Yoongi babbles pleas and curses, hips jerking, but it only takes Jimin leaning down, blowing a single thin stream of cool air over Yoongi's cock for Yoongi's thighs to tense. He cums, untouched, shuddering and seizing on the table as Jimin takes mercy and wraps his hand around him to stroke him through it.
"Look at you," Jimin croons in wonder, watching cum spill between his fingers, the two of them mixed together indistinguishably. "Baby, you look perfect like this. Please tell me you want to do that again."
Yoongi makes a strangled, guttural noise as he goes limp on the table, legs dangling off the edge. "Fuck, not right away, you demon," he protests grumpily, "now come kiss me again."
With a fond beam, heart so full with love and post-orgasm endorphins that he can barely handle it, Jimin tugs him up by his forearms and joins their mouths together, Yoongi's one dry hand tangling in his hair as he smiles into the kiss.
It takes only a few moments, however, for the sticky reality to sink in, and soon enough Yoongi is parting, letting his forehead rest against Jimin's. "I don't suppose there are any wet wipes in here?" he ventures.
Jimin chuckles, leaning back. "Cleaning materials in the desk drawers," he divulges.
With crazy sex hair and wide eyes, Yoongi makes quite the picture. "Fuck, I love this place. Let's try the interrogation one next time, yeah?"
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getitinbusan · 4 years
I've Got A Coupon (18+)
Part 7
Jungkook: Erotic Movie
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Warnings: 18+ consensual sexual poly relationships. Always swearing, Safe sex is implied. Don't read smut if you can't handle the 🍆💦
Words: 1700
Valentine's Day, what do you give 7 men who already have everything?
Sitting down, you create a series of Love Coupons and place them in a bowl...
Erotic movie night
Massage with a happy ending
Lap dance
Voyeur, look but don't touch!
Naked Chef, dining al fresco
Trip to the sex shop
Location of your choice!
Calling them to the kitchen they each take a turn picking their present.
Series Masterlist
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7:30 pm
Freshly showered you made your way to the Golden Closet.
Usually you let yourself in but for some reason today the door was locked.
"Jungkook, let me in."
You heard him running to the door and the handle turning. Instead of letting you in he came out and stood in the hallway.
"What's going on?" Passing him a bag you tried to push past him.
"What's this?"
"Valentine's candy for you," you kissed his cheek." I bought it for you on my date with Tae.  
Wrapping both arms around you he lifted you off the ground in a bear hug. "So you were thinking of me while you were with Tae?"
You had to smile at his competitiveness. "I'm always thinking about you Guk."
He hummed happily giving you a kiss before setting you down.
"Wait, wasn't your date at the Sex Shop? You can get food there?"
"It's the everything Jungkook thinks about store."  
He smiled knowing it was the truth. "I made you a surprise!"
He opened the door slowly and gestured for you to go ahead.
Inside, wall to wall, floor to ceiling he'd constructed an elaborate blanket fort. "What is this baby? It's so pretty!"
His arms wrapped around you from behind and his chin rested on your shoulder. "Do you like it? I wanted to do something special for you."
"I love it, so much," tears welled in your eyes.
"Hey, no crying. Are you tired? You must be exhausted." He pulled you towards the tent.
"I got you some drinks and snacks. I figured you probably haven't taken very good care of yourself today."
"This is kind of romantic for a porn date Guk."
"Well, I've got a coupon." He kissed your hand. "It says errotic movie but you said the rest was up to me. I just want to spend my time with you cuddling."
"You're cheating my system."
"But I'm not! There's a movie playing in there." He turned pouty, a skill you were sure he picked up from Jimin. "Do you want to fight about it or come inside?"
"I don't want to fight with you, I've missed you too much to waste time."
"Here," he handed you one of his oversized shirts. "You look really sexy but we're going for comfort."
Slipping out of your dress and into his favorite Carhartt you crawled into the fort.
He tapped the pillow beside him and extended his arm in invitation.  "Where did you get all these?"
"I may have stolen them so if anyone asks you know nothing."
You laughed and curled into his side. "You really don't want to have sex?"
"Nope, no ulterior motives, I just want to lay here and spend Valentine's day with my girl."  
The moaning sounds coming from the TV seemed out of place in the pretty fairy lit fort.
"So, what's going on here? Is there a plot to this one?" Shoving another pillow under your head you watched the screen. "What kind of porn even turns you on?"
"I think the blonde is supposed to be his therapist." You could feel the heat of his embarrassed cheek against your head. "I kind of like watching threesomes but I didn't think you'd appreciate that."
Sitting up to face him you confessed. "You know those really silly ones that are set up like game shows?"
He started laughing, "Really?"  Fumbling for the remote he quickly went back to the screens menu and loaded in a new search. "What do you think about this one?"
"Umm, maybe smaller boobs? I don't like the huge fake ones."
He raised his eyebrows, "Noona! I'm shocked."
"You're not the only one who watches porn Jungkook."
He propped himself up on his elbow, eyes moving back and forth trying not to get caught while watching.
"So how's that plan to only cuddle working for you?"
He groaned and pressed his dick  into your thigh.
"It was a noble effort Guk. And it still counts for bonus points."
You steam rolled over top of him and grabbed the bag from the sex shop. "I have an idea!"
"I'm thinking about sex and you're thinking about candy?"
He broke out in a fit of giggles, "What are you, five?"
"Okay blanket fort, I hardly think you have the right to call anyone 5."
Pulling out the box of candy you shook it in front of his face. "Want some?"
He tried to grab it but you were too quick. "There's a catch if you do!" You tucked it under yourself so he couldn't take it.  
He sat on you, "what's the catch, tell me before I tickle it out of you."
You couldn't stop laughing, "They're sexy conversation hearts."
"So I have to read my candy?"
"umm, kind of? It's more like you have to do what's on the candy before you earn the right to eat it."
"Well what are you waiting for don't you know I've got a stupid time limit."
"You can literally make me cum in minutes, I don't think you need to worry about that."
He held out his hand, "hit me!"
You tore the box open and tipped a candy into his waiting hand.
"Foot massage?" He threw it across the room, "That's bullshit, give me the box."
He dumped a few into his hand and went through them carefully. "Here's one, It says oral!" He pushed it between your smiling lips.
"Hold that for me till I get back."
Sliding down between your legs he dragged this finger through your wetness. "Do you want me to lick you like he's doing in the movie?"
"Do you think you'd be better than him at picking me out of a line up just by how I taste?"
His mouth was close enough that you could feel his warm breath. "Nothing tastes as good as you do Noona."
His finger gently rubbed over your clit and his tongue flicked into your hole. "You're so soft and pink and pretty," he suckled your button.
"What do I taste like Guk?"
"mmm," he hummed enjoying your line of questioning. He stuck his tongue deep inside you, curling it and collecting your juices.
Coming back up he held it out for you. You could see the cream gathered on the end. He raised his eyebrows as if he was daring you. So you accepted, sucking his tongue till it was clean.
"Fuck you're sexy."
Pushing his lips back down on yours you slid the candy heart from its hiding spot in your cheek into his mouth.
Sitting up he shook the box again and picked through them in his hand. Turning when he was satisfied he held out two fists, "Choose one!"
You tapped the left and he unfurled his fingers so you could read it out loud.
"Declare your love."
Without a word he shook his other fist in front of you.
Your heart was racing as you  stared at the beautiful man sitting before you with such a hopeful look on his face.
You tapped the right and he opened it slowly.
"I couldn't not get you a present for Valentine's day." He picked up the delicate black ring with his large fingers and held it up to you.
"I know it's not my place, "he stammered, "but I really am so in..."
Before he could finish you rolled on top of him kissing him like your life depended on it. Your hands were tangled in his hair while he worked to get his pants down.
"Take this off," he tugged at your shirt."
Pulling it over your head he sat up pressing himself against you. You were skin on skin, soft breasts against firm pecs. Moving slightly in his lap you sank down onto him until he filled you to the hilt.
Your mouths met in urgency, his hands guiding your hips as you rode him.
He suddenly paused his motions, the realization of your distraction tactics sinking in.
"Why are you stopping baby?"
His fingers pushed the sweaty hair out of your face. "I love you, stop holding back."
"I can't fuck you any harder Guk."
He grabbed your waist and rolled you underneath him.
Buried deep inside you he rendered you imobile with his body weight and he stared in your eyes.
"Your not gonna be able to fuck your way out of this one."
You turned your head so he couldn't see the tears.
"If you can't say it, if you don't feel the same way, I can't do this anymore."
"I'm scared Guk."
He relaxed his stronghold, his head relaxing into your neck. "I'm scared too Noona but even if I didn't tell you it doesn't mean it's not how I feel."
He held your face, forcing you to look him in the eye. "Do you love me?"
His brimming eyes spilled over and warm tears fell on your chest.
"Of course I do Guk, I fucking love you so much it hurts me…"
He put his finger over your lips, "That's all I need, it's enough."
He began to move again, his hips meeting yours slowly. Relishing the moment he wanted to make the most of his time.
Emotions were raw, you just wanted to be close in every possible way. You clung to him tightly, your legs wrapped around his waist as you kissed his neck.
"I love you." You kept whispering the words until he unraveled inside you.
He rolled to your side and grabbed your hand. Sliding the ring on, he smiled at the pretty little onyx stones that now graced your finger.
"Do you like it?"
You nodded, completely content in your declaration. "I love it
Part 8: Yoongi - anywhere you like
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btsqualityy · 2 years
Tessa’s doctor orders her to go on bed rest when she goes on leave but she never stops being a therapist. Everyone keeps her company and they all vent to her. Isla had a fight with Junghyun she goes to her unnie. Jungkook pissed mama Jeon off she vents to Tessa. Ava talks to her about how her and Kade will help with the twins. Chanyeol gives her foot and shoulder massages while talking about his day. Imagine Tessa falling asleep while Isla vents about her bf and she lightly pats her unnie’s shoulder “unnie! You were supposed to be listening!” “Sorry I fell asleep but you should say sorry to Junghyun” “why? he forgot date night not me” “I just want you stop talking. I’m tired”
Lol everyone would go to keep Tessa company 😭
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hermioneromanoff1 · 2 years
sorry if its a bit empty . i just started . The rest on my tumblr is photos and rants. Also feel free to request anything .
keys : Smut:  ꧞ Fluff:  ♥︎  Crack: ☻ Angst: .•°
Kim Namjoon / Rm :
Pov: You’re Namjoon’s massage therapist ♥︎☻
Random talks with namjoon ♥︎☻
You deserve it ♥︎
Kim Taehyung / V :
I respect your opinion , except i dont . ♥︎☻
Jikook ( Jimin+ Jungkook ship) :
Sweet Punishment ꧞
James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes :
Bucky Barnes Headcanon ♥︎꧞
Pick up lines w/ buck ☻
Harry Potter :
Mattheo riddle :
This isn’t Romeo and Juliet .•°
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