#jungle reef
songofsaraneth · 5 months
little otter boy was SCREAMING for attention this morning
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Cartoon Romances + Cheek Kiss
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nixieofthenorth · 1 year
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@heronisland by  @theblondenomads
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tr0pi-call · 1 year
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tigirl-and-co · 2 years
Finally saw Blue Catboys 2: Blue Planet!!! I'm so sorry to everybody who's horny for Quaritch, I absolutely forgot the first movie even had a main antagonist besides the military in general.
The movie would have been a lot better if it was just a sci fi nature documentary, which if I recall was my opinion of the first movie also.
Anyway I hope Avatar 3 only has a main villain for the first 10 minutes before he trips and dies and the rest of the movie is spent like. Exploring purple cave cat men and their ecosystem.
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kontently · 5 months
Inventing a literal "jungle gym" for Yemaya Reefs was such a thrill. Allow us to be playful and create wonder for your brand as well.
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konakoro · 7 months
Started a new world in Minecraft for the first time in years just to feel something, and spent most of the session going from a jungle to a plains to crossing the ocean because there was a cool mountain, only to see it was mostly just jungle again, then walked through mangroves for 15 minutes, got stuck in a desert, hunkered down in a temple, and finally found a spot for my base.
Also the first jungle I spawned in I found a parrot and immediately befriended him. His name is Bird Friend and he makes skeleton noises to constantly to put the fear of death in me
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magnettoonstudios · 1 year
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Here are some more acrylic paintings that were recently sold.
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wjbminecraft · 8 months
Things that I think would be cool to add if Minecraft had a fishing update (or maybe in, like, a mod):
More types of fish and other catchable creatures.
Different types of fish that can only be caught at night and/or when it's raining/stormy.
Bait that increases the chance of catching certain fish, and a Salvage Hook that increases the chance of fishing up other items instead.
Biome-restricted fish that can only be caught where their corresponding mob-forms spawn, e.g Catfish that can only be caught in swamps, Frogfish that can only be caught in biomes that have coral reefs, Piranhas that can only be caught in jungles. This also applies to Cod, Salmon and Tropical Fish.
Nether fishing, which adds another way of getting Ancient Debris, alongside several new Lava-dwelling mobs (not all of which are catchable).
More underwater biomes, including "deep-sea" ones (essentially an underwater equivalent of cave biomes, but rather than generating underground, they generate underwater below a certain height).
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songofsaraneth · 4 months
when you’re just a little otter and can’t decide if you want headrubs or want to B I T E
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star-girl69 · 2 years
My Heart Never Knows
Jake Sully x Neytiri x Fem!Reader
a/n: reader is ronal’s younger sister, aunt to tsireya and ao’nung. reader is metkayina, so she of course has all of those features. reader is described as having mid-length hair, though. eye color is not described, and i try my best to make everything as ambiguous as possible. (i apologize in advance if something i write isn’t inclusive. we are all humans and we all make mistakes! please feel free to tell me if you have any suggestions as to how i can cater this fic to the most people possible.)
also available on ao3!
my ao3: star_girl69
In the safety of the Reef, you know no war. You only know your family, the feel of the ocean on your skin, the feel of the wind blowing through your hair. You know only simple things, the barely there shine of the sun, a reprieve from where you are covered by your sister. You are the moon and she is the sun, and you are destined to live like this. You had long since given up any hopes of a mate until the Forest People arrive, on their colorful flying ikrans.
Ronal does not like them. Tonowari respects them. Tsireya is entranced, Ao’nung sees them as new market to tease. With your family divided, you do not know how to feel about them. Until you See them, the parents of this family, Jake Sully and Neytiri, and the sun suddenly feels so much brighter.
But your heart never know the future. It is in the hands of Eywa, but you cannot give your heart to these strangers knowing it could hurt.
But, it seems this strange man and woman have other plans.
My Heart Never Knows
Chapter One - Under My Ribs
Chapter Two - Painted Faces
Chapter Three - I Will Not Fall
Chapter Four - More, More
Chapter Five - Breathe
Chapter Six - Dance Anyways
Chapter Seven - To the Flames
Chapter Eight - Be My Dam
Chapter Nine - Breathing Fire
Chapter Ten - I Know You
Chapter Eleven - Everything
Chapter Twelve - Hear Their Song
Chapter Thirteen - The Web Falls
Chapter Fourteen - We Are Storms
Chapter Fifteen - Songcord
Chapter Sixteen - Stay Soft
Chapter Seventeen - Death Will Come
Chapter Eighteen - Think With Your Heart
Chapter Nineteen - Can’t Carry It With You
Chapter Twenty - To Fly
Chapter Twenty One - For Your Mother
Chapter Twenty Two - From My Ribs
Chapter Twenty Three - Belonging
Chapter Twenty Four - My Heart Never Knows
Chapter Twenty Five - Need
Chapter Twenty Six - My Heart Knows
headcannons for this series:
y/n being lo’ak’s favorite parent
some tuk headcannons
lo’ak (+tuk!) sleeping on y/n
just lo’ak being y/n’s favorite
again, lo’ak and y/n are each other’s favorites
y/n if neteyam had a crush
y/n being tuk’s jungle gym
lo’ak asking y/n to sing to him
y/n being protective over kiri and lo’ak bc of their “demon blood”
tuk getting scared and running behind y/n when someone yells at her
y/n making sure her babies know that they’re her babies
y/n being pregnant
y/n spoiling her babies (+ jake and neytiri’s reaction!)
y/n, jake, and neytiri have date night. chaos ensues
y/n being hogged by her babies
ronal, tonowari, tsireya and ao’nung’s reaction to reader being pregnant (with a little sprinkling of the sully’s)
the kids reacting to their parents kissing
all the children wanting y/n to themselves
y/n making sure neteyam feels special and loved
lo’ak saying y/n is not his real mom
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attn-pls1 · 3 months
𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐃𝐑
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⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 -- Kingdom
Mouteka is an island nation in the middle of the Pacific Ocean consisting of three islands; the main island, Sultagi, and two smaller islands, Kostwa and Hiaksa; and an atoll off the northern coast of Sultagi.
The largest island, Sultagi, contains a wide variety of environments including beaches, jungles, mountains, and a volcano. Most major cities of Mouteka are located on Sultagi's shores with most inland settlements being smaller towns. The capital of Mouteka is Kubyoult. It is located on Sultagi's southern coast and is extremely culturally significant as it houses the Royal Palace. Kubyoult is a mix of traditional Moutekan architecture and some modern buildings. Sultagi also harbors Mouteka's largest city, Seitoung. Seitoung is essentially the second capital and has been greatly modernized, resembling cities from other countries. Seitoung is located on Sultagi's northern coast.
Although it is the second largest island, Kostwa is significantly smaller than Sultagi, being only a fraction of its size. The environment of Kostwa resembles Sultagi's but on a smaller scale. The jungles are smaller, leaving room for large shorelines, and the mountains are much more flat. Kostwa does have some of its own large cities to varying degrees of modernity, although none are as large as the ones on Sultagi.
Hiaksa is the smallest of the Moutekan islands with a population of about only 100 people. Hiaksa has no cities and consists of traditional Moutekan villages. It has a small jungle and is surrounded by a barrier reef. Mouteka is trying its best to conserve Hiaksa's natural state and has no plans of modernizing it.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 -- Royal Family
The Sela royal family has ruled over Mouteka since the 1500s. When the Pacific first started to be used for transportation and trade, an ancient Sela ancestor rallied up the mermaids of Mouteka to use their abilities to fend off the impending colonization. With their home safely secured, the Selas established a trading post in modern day Kubyoult and were able to control trade across the Pacific Ocean, greatly increasing Mouteka's wealth.
Modern Moutekan government operates on a constitutional monarchy meaning the monarch has limited power and is accompanied by a group of elected officials. Monarch status is granted to the oldest willing child when the current monarch steps down.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 -- Mermaids
Mermaids are an important part of Moutekan culture and are so widespread even the most skeptical of people have encountered one in some way. Mermaids make up a significant portion of Mouteka's beachside population. To tourists and foreigners mermaids are treated like an urban legend to keep them safe from exploitation with the truth about mermaids being a secret known only to Moutekan natives.
While inexperienced mermaids will transform when in contact with large amounts of water, with practice they can learn to transform on command. It is said that there are pools in Hiaksa and the Northern Atoll that are capable of turning humans into mermaids. It is theorized this is how the original mermaids came to be.
Abilities : enhanced athleticism, enhanced senses, water manipulation, weather manipulation, temperature manipulation, telekinesis, hypnosis, enchanted singing, ethereal beauty, aquatic zoolingualism, spellcasting
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 -- Culture
The native religion of Mouteka is Akoism, an animist belief that everything in nature from animals to rocks hosts a deity within it. Akoism comes from the Moutekan word 'ako' meaning soul.
A fundamental belief of Akoism is that the moon is the mother of everything. According to legend, the moon used to be as lively as the earth and as bright as the sun. Every year she would give birth to a new concept such as the ocean, mountains, or sky and as she did this she became dimmer and grey. Due to this she is greatly respected within Akoism.
The moon is also the center point of two Moutekan holidays. The first being a monthly celebration on the first night of the full moon to celebrate her return that is accompanied by loud parties and a day off for the whole country. The second is a yearly week-long festival leading up to Moutekan lunar new year to celebrate the moon giving birth to a new concept. This festival includes parades, concerts, and parties. New year's is a big deal in Mouteka and everyone is expected to participate, especially the royal family.
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I may have gotten too into the worldbuilding 🙃 I couldn't stop myself the ideas just kept coming 😭
Overall I'm pretty happy with it. I hope I did okay on explaining the lore 🤞
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torukmaktoskxawng · 9 months
woo woo! love your writing sm, for the requesting and prompts u just put up, could u do 39, 40, 64, 65, 65 for lo'ak x metkayina!reader !! could u maybe even add some elements of a metkayina reader who indulges so much in omaticayan culture after meeting lo'ak and his family ?
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#39: Doing Crimes Together, #40: Kiss for Luck, #64: Physically Supporting/Helping Someone Up, #65: Promise/Pinky Swear, #66: Whispering in Ear/Quiet Conversation
Pairing: Lo'ak/Metkayina!Gn!Reader
Warnings: short, sweet, fluff, young love, slight making out, Lo'ak positively reacts to praise lol
Taglist: @mooniequeen
A/N: So, nonny, you put in 65 twice and I wasn't sure if you only meant to write it once or if you meant to write 66, so I just assumed and wrote 66 because I personally love that prompt and I am also a Star Wars nerd (if you get the reference, I fucking love you). Enjoy!
From the moment you met Lo'ak, Awa'atlu was doomed.
It wasn't every day two troublemakers found each other, but when you and Lo'ak established your shared love for mischief, it was silently agreed upon that you were going to become partners in crime. 
After realizing he had made a new friend among the Metkayina, Lo'ak initially thought about how he couldn't wait to tell Spider about you with the childlike hope that he would see his human friend again. You were fun and overly curious, wanting to know everything about Omatikaya culture to compare the differences with your own clan's. Lo'ak easily opened up and got more comfortable in his new home because of you, always asking him about the world he came from. He thrived in Metkayina culture, thanks to Tsireya's teachings and your enthusiasm to show him all your favorite places among the reef. Lo'ak had progressed and learned faster than even Neteyam, but not that his father realized this. Instead, Jake worried about the amount of trouble Lo'ak was getting himself into and not his son's progress in becoming Metkayina. 
But you could See Lo'ak, especially after he had bonded with Payakan. You saw how far the forest boy had come living among your people and you felt so proud and honored to be someone he trusted, dare I say someone he loved. Sure, it was a young, innocent love, but love, nevertheless. The two of you knew something was there, underneath the surface, after becoming friends so quickly after the Sully family moved to Awa'atlu. What was first misinterpreted as platonic love was quickly realized to be something more than that.
Spider made sure to tease the Hell outta Lo'ak once he realized this as well. He had joined the Sully family on the reef after being rescued from the Sky People, and after hearing so many stories, you instantly befriended the human teen as well, much to everyone's dismay. They already had to deal with you and Lo'ak as a dynamic duo, they couldn't bear a third. Luckily, you and Lo'ak were so busy showing Spider around the island that you barely had time to cause trouble, though there were nights when the three of you had been gone from home for far too long, and that alone got you in trouble. 
In return for showing him so much from your world, Lo'ak decides one of these late nights to show you a part of his. Asking Spider to cover for him, the Na'vi boy takes you into the jungle, alone, and leads you to his ikran to make introductions. At first, you were hesitant to approach this creature but under Lo'ak's presence, you felt safe, and eventually, you were comfortable enough for Lo'ak to take you flying with him. Without warning, he had his hands planted firmly on your waist and lifted you up onto the banshee's saddle, his strength startling you out of the awestruck expression you bore whilst you were petting the ikran. He smirks knowingly at the sight of your surprised appearance before forming tsaheylu with the ikran and hopping up to sit behind you, silently instructing his steed to take flight. 
You flew for a while, clinging to Lo'ak's arm as a form of security, the wind in your face and hair, making up for your breath being taken away by the view. Eventually, you felt cold and so Lo'ak had his ikran float back down, landing on the very top of a cliff's edge, overlooking a beautiful waterfall, spilling down to a small, bioluminescent lagoon located in the middle of the island. Lo'ak hops off the ikran first before helping you back down, hands back around your waist and this time, finding a more permanent home there. Sitting down on the edge of the cliff, legs dangling over the waterfall, Lo'ak keeps his arms wrapped around your form as the two of you talk about anything and everything, until you pause, tilting your head at him with your eyes observing his face when something had caught your eye.
He huffs a small laugh, likely nervous under such an intense gaze, "What is it?"
"I can't decide if your markings look like a tulkun or an ikran," you admit, one hand lifting up to trace the pattern of darker blue trailing down his forehead. You smile, mainly to yourself, "It is very fitting for you."
The praise definitely affected Lo'ak by the way his ears and tail twitched, a small laugh leaving your lips at the adorable sight. Lo'ak's eyes briefly widen then refocus, a fang slowly glinting in the moonlight as he forms a smirk. He ducks his head to hide away in the crook of your neck and you laugh knowing he was feeling a little flustered and embarrassed. 
His voice drops into a whisper as if there was still someone around who could hear. A quiet conversation that not even Eywa could be a part of, "You'll be facing your tsurak trial tomorrow."
"Mm hm," you hummed, reaching your hand to cup the back of his neck, "You sound worried."
"Of course not, just nervous for you, since you're confident enough on your own."
"Are you gonna be there to watch me?"
"Of course."
"Promise?" You smirk while lifting the smallest finger on your hand, offering it to him. He snorts with amusement and lifts his own hand up to yours, holding out the extra finger on his hand, his pinky finger. What he once thought was an abomination of his form was something that fascinated you, so when he explained what a pinky promise was, you were delighted at the thought or idea of it. You insisted that the pinky promise should be yours and Lo'ak's thing here on Pandora where no one else understands it other than the few Sky People residing with the Omatikaya.
He linked his pinky with your smallest finger, pulling your hand until your knuckles brushed his lips, "Promise."
You positively beam before leaning your face closer to his, smiling mischievously, "Kiss for luck?"
Lo'ak laughs, a slight tease in his voice, "Those are quite the demands."
He doesn't even finish the sentence, however, as he leans down and captures your lips with his before your responding laugh can bubble out. It was a deep kiss-- as if Lo'ak was trying to leave a lasting imprint of himself with you or vice versa. You didn't complain, closing your eyes and softly gliding your lips against his. Being a Metkayina, you were not one to be short of breath, and Lo'ak was a fast learner and was much of the same. 
Eventually, Lo'ak gently pulls away, his hands now resting on either side of your face and when he realizes this, he traces your glowing spots with his thumb as he smiles softly at you through his lashes, "Anything else, sweetheart?"
You made a point to obnoxiously think about it before giving in, shaking your head and snuggling further into the forest boy for warmth, "No. This is enough for me."
He plants another kiss on the top of your head before helping you settle more comfortably. You sit like that for a while, quietly listening to the sounds of nature all around you through one ear and his wild heartbeat with the other. 
Lo'ak tilts his head up at the sky and gently squeezes your body, "When I finish my own trials, I wanna show you my home. You'll love the Omatikaya and you have to meet my grandmother. She would definitely take you under her wing and show you more about our culture."
You smiled while closing your eyes, your mind drifting off to what you imagined was the forest where your young lover grew up in, basing your imagination on all the stories he shared with you, "Is that another promise, Ma Lo'ak?"
"Absolutely. The most important one."
A/N: I saw a picture of Lo'ak and made a little "hm. his forehead stripes look like a tulkun" and when I looked it up, I discovered I wasn't the only one who realized this. Inspo post here!
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starneteyam · 2 years
your writing is so heart fluttering to read !!! can i request an established relationship!neteyam x reader drabble or one shot where the reader moves to awa’atlu with the sullys having been promised as neteyam’s mate and the reader is really struggling to learn the way of water compared to the sully siblings and gets super frustrated/insecure and neteyam is on patient/loving/gentle bf mode 🫶🏼 tyyyyy
🖇️ char. Neteyam x fem! Omaticaya! reader
🖇️ warn. None, fluff
🎥 In which Neteyam comforts you after you started having doubts about yourself
A/N Holy shit I’ve been so busy and I have so many requests 😭 Thank u all for requesting, I’ll try getting on it!! I love this idea sm, headcannon Neteyam is such a patient bf. Hope you like this!! Sorry for taking so long :(
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You groaned to yourself as your head rose above the water, taking deep breaths and panting. You grit your teeth. Nothing had been going the way you wanted it to.
The way of the water—you just couldn’t understand it. You were one of the forest people, you couldn’t possibly learn the way of the water. Being betrothed to Neteyam, for the safety of you and the Sully family, Jake thought it was best to reside in Awa’atlu, with the reef people. At first, you were excited about it. Of course, leaving your home hurt your heart in ways you couldn’t explain, but you were determined to learn quickly and pull your weight.
Obviously, you didn’t expect it to be this hard. Taming an Ilu, holding your breath, learning the underwater sign language — you were falling behind on all of these things. Even Tuk was doing better than you — and these facts were chipping at your pride.
You were the best at everything back at the forest. You climbed quickly and ran through trees faster than anybody, and you understood the animals much better. It was almost as if you were Mother Nature itself; and you also knew that this is why Neteyam fell in love with you.
The animals that would usually bare their teeth at other Omaticaya would come closer to you and nuzzle their head against your thigh, and he thought you were beautiful when you were subconsciously smiling while walking through the jungle. You rode your ikran skillfully, and you were great at hunting. Jake and Neytiri were proud to call you their daughter-in-law. But here, you were the opposite.
Hence, you were starting to get scared. You were embarrassed that you had been doing nothing but failing ever since you got here, and you were afraid Neteyam would start being disappointed in you, almost as if he would leave you for someone better, and more… perfect.
That night, with shame crashing down on your pride, you sat on the dock alone, knees against you chest as you rubbed your shoulders, tears running down your cheeks as you sobbed quietly.
“My love?” You heard a voice behind you, and you flinched, immediately recognizing the voice. You quickly wiped your tears, but it didn’t go unnoticed by Neteyam. He sat next to you, hand on your shoulder as he leaned down to look at you.
You avoided eye contact, letting out a shaky sigh. “What is wrong?” He asked, voice quiet and soft. You sniffled, before looking at him. He took time to notice your big glossy eyes, reddened. “I want to go home.” You whispered, a sob breaking through.
His shoulders lowered at your saddened state, immediately embracing you and bringing your head to his chest as he stroked your hair. “This is our home.” You couldn’t say anything back, pulling yourself away and looking up at him. “I don’t belong here. I’ve done nothing but, but be dead weight.” You mumbled, closing your eyes, eyebrows furrowed. He cupped your face, forcing you to look up at him. “It is only normal. Our bodies are not built for water, love. You just need time.” He reassured you, but your frown never left your face.
Seeing that you weren’t very convinced, he said nothing else but leaned down, pushing his lips against yours. You breathed in through your nose, and for a second, all of your worries disappeared. Neteyam had this effect. His kisses, his words, him—He would make everything okay again. He pulled away, his thumb swiping at your tears, placing a light kiss on your other cheek.
“You are perfect, to me and always.” He said sternly, making sure every word was burned and engraved in your head and heart. For the first time in a while, you cracked a small smile, and Neteyam felt relieved.
“And if you want to talk about being dead weight, you should talk about Lo’ak.” He whispered, making you laugh quietly, nuzzling yourself into his hand. “Just- Just make sure you don’t leave me for someone better.” You said, half-jokingly as you laughed awkwardly.
He shook his head, kissing the tip of your nose. “I will never leave you, even if you were to stab me in my heart.” And you knew he meant it.
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puddle-nerd · 1 year
Hì’i Payoang (Little Fish)
Summary: When Tonowari chose you, he chose not only your Avatar, he chose your tawtute body too.
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Prompt 15 (Size Kink) for my submission for LunasKinktober2023
Inspired by makdoodles’ good loving on AO3, this is taken from a WIP I’m haven’t started posting yet for a full-length story where an OFC was sent to study the Metkayina people around the same time that Jake arrived on Pandora and had to go through something similar of earning their trust by learning their ways. I did change the tenses around to 2nd POV from 3rd. Na’vi Translation: Hì’i – little (size) | small Oel ngati kameie – “I see you” (spiritually (joyful feeling) ) Payoang – fish Tawtute – human | Sky Person Tewng – loincloth Yawntu – loved one | lover | beloved person Story Tags: No use of Y/N, Female Reader, Size Kink, Eating out, Interspecies Relationships, Interspecies Sex, Metkayina | Reef People Clan, Na’vi Biology, P in V, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Creampie
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You sat up in your transfer pod and rubbed your face, your eyes burning with emotion as you thought to yourself, ‘What the fuck am I doing?’
You’d come to Pandora on the same ship that had brought one of your older brothers, but instead of staying in the jungles near him and the Omatikaya Clan while Jake took charge of your deceased brother’s Avatar, you’d been shipped off towards the coast where another, smaller tawtute encampment had been built, this one called Hades’ Vault. All because you’d found out that you had a proficiency for marine biology instead of the zoology and botany Tommy had been becoming an expert in. From there, you’d been introduced to one of the villages and had been invited to learn their ways and at some point, you had begun falling for one of the young divers. What had started out with cautious curiosity had developed into a flirtatious friendship until earlier this evening after you’d passed the dream hut ritual where you had been injected with toxins from an arachnid and swallowed a glow worm to induce a prophetic vision. There had been a chance you could have died from the toxins but the vision that you had seen… a tulkun with a missing fin, a young male Forest Na’vi holding hands with a young female Reef Na’vi, a tawtute ship on fire and sinking, and a group of Forest Na’vi circling a body… well, you weren’t sure what to make of it. And you had survived.
Which led you to ‘the incident’ as you decided you were going to dub it.
You had wandered away from the celebration to take a breather, and the diver you were infatuated with had decided to follow you. You had begun to flirt, which had turned into touching which had turned into…
You shuddered as you remembered the pleasure, he had made you feel and pushed yourself to your feet, stumbling slightly. “You good, kiddo? I take it the dream hut went well?” your supervisor asked. You nodded and he grinned, patting you on your shoulder, reminding you, “Take it easy, do your vid-log, go get yourself something to eat, and relax.” You gave him a thumbs up and ate your dinner while you told the video recording about most of your day, holding back the more intimate details. Whoever ended up watching your videos, well, they didn’t need to know how you’d dug your nails into his back and cried out in ecstasy as he had fucked you over and over again until you had passed out.
Fed and showered, you were feeling restless and decided to take a midnight swim. And what better way to swim in the Pandoran ocean than to put on the faux tail you had made for your tawtute body?
Made of neoprene and silicone, the material of your faux tail settled around your hips and stuck to your plush backside, your thighs, you’re your calves in gold and pink and dark purple, molded to look like palm-sized scales, the end fins wide and long with extra tendrils along the sides to assist your movements in the water. It had been a very, very expensive going away present from a group of your friends for your journey since you’d been dreaming for years about swimming in clean ocean water.
It was one of your most favorite tawtute things in the world.
Underwater mask fasted onto your face, faux tail secured about your hips with only a sports bra as your other covering, you let yourself out of the encampment through a smaller security door and out into the night. You swam down into the coral reefs, smiling as you took in the beauty of the underwater world so unlike your home world. You were safe, closer to the compound, a lot of the bigger predators keeping away, but that didn’t stop the shadow from passing over you. Fear of being eaten raced through you and you ducked into one of the coral reefs, eyes widening as you saw a huge shadow pass over you again, though you still couldn’t make out what had caused it.
Something grabbed your fin.
Yelping, you tried to grab onto the coral but failed as you were dragged out into the open water oh so easily, a band of steel wrapping around your waist and dragging you to the surface of the ocean. “You shouldn’t be out here, hì’i payoang, you heard rumbling into your ear the moment you both were above the water.
“Tonowari, what…” you gasped in shocked surprise as he hauled your body up with one hand so very easily onto the back of his skimwing, his grip still secure about your waist as he carted you both to a tiny, nearby island, leaving Hades’ Vault as an unnaturally bright blight upon the horizon. “You are the one who shouldn’t be out here. Didn’t your uncle specifically say that he didn’t want any Na’vi coming close to us tawtutes by themselves? He’ll be furious with you if he finds out.” The diver hummed as his scaled mount neared the shore and Tonowari scooped you up, carrying you, faux tail and all up onto the shore towards a small mauri secured above the sand between huge mangrove roots.
“I woke with your body in my arms only to realize you weren’t actually inhabiting it,” the male Na’vi replied. You flinched, ducking your face so he couldn’t see your emotions. “Don’t worry,” he added, stepping into the hut and sitting down with you laying out in his lap, “I moved your other form into my personal mauri pod and came to see you. I didn’t expect you to be swimming around like a hì’i payoang, though. What is this that surrounds your leg?”
He brushed his hand over your faux tail, examining the material in curiosity.
“In my language, we call it a mermaid tail,” you said. “Mermaids are fictious creatures that would look something like this.” You gesture to yourself, adding, “Only, their scales would be real, not made of material called neoprene or silicon. I had a fake tail created for me before I left Earth so I could swim easier in the water here. Plus, it’s really pretty.” You lifted your legs slightly, showing off just a tad and heard him chuckle. You stared up at him for a moment until he met your gaze, his eyes so warm it made your heart hurt in your chest. “Why are you here, Tonowari?”
His ears twitched and he settled back, getting a little more comfortable with you resting your backside upon his tewng. “We chose each other when we became one earlier tonight, hì’i payoang,” he replied softly, rubbing his fingers over your faux tail once more. “You reside in two bodies, though… but how could I choose one and not the other? I told you earlier I choose you in your Na’vi body. So, hear me now as a tawtute. I choose you. Even if you are so very small now.”
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped you at his last comment.
Then you looked up at him, replying, “Oel ngati kameie, Tonowari.”
He smiled and bent himself nearly in half, touching his forehead to the top of your mask, replying, “Oel ngati kameie.” He looked down at your faux tail and asked, running his fingers over the material again, “How does this come off, hì’i payoang?” You giggled and with some struggle, you managed to remove it, freeing your bare lower half to his view. His interest immediately stuck as he saw your biological similarities and touched you experimentally between your thighs. “What is the purpose of the hair here?” Tonowari asked, his brow creased in perplexity as he dragged his fingers through the thatch of your pubic hair.
“Oh, it’s, uh, it grows, um, when you – I mean, when a tawtute – reaches sexual maturity,” you say, embarrassed that, while you did clean yourself up down there recently, you hadn’t shaved yourself completely, “and it’s supposed to prevent dust and dirt and germs from… from getting inside to, uh, to prevent infection as well as, uh, to offer protection from friction.”
You let out a whimper as he commented huskily, “You are so small here. So tight… I may not fit… at first.”
Did he mean to…? But he was so much larger than you.
His finger brushing over the hood of your clit with his thumb and pressing between the lips of your cunt with his index finger was your only warning. “Oh,” you moaned, spreading your legs as he pushed in deep until he couldn’t push in any further. Your pleasured little noises seemed to encourage him because he began to finger fuck you, making a soft grunt of amusement.
“You are even softer down here, hì’i payoang,” he teased, “and so wet. I think you like this.”
“Don’t tease,” you moaned. He raised a brow and slid his fingers from your body, chuckling as you whined in protest. He manhandled you out of his lap and onto a cushion, twisting onto his stomach and bullying his way between your thighs. He leaned in, nose snuffling as he scented your pussy, releasing a low groan.
“It’s not teasing if I intend to follow through, yawntu,” he replied, rubbing his nose between the lips of your cunt. “You smell so sweet.” Before you can react, his hot, eager tongue – rough and sandpapery almost like a feline’s – slid along the seam of your pussy lips. Because it was slick and damp with his saliva, though, it felt so enjoyable against your swollen and over-heated flesh and a wail slid from your throat, your hips arching up into his mouth. He chuckled and pressed your hips back down, keeping you still and lapped at you again. “Relax hì’i payoang… I’ll make sure you feel good.”
You nodded and laid back, whimpering as Tonowari pulled your thighs up and over his shoulders, hooking your heels in such a way to keep you open to him. His one arm over your hips and belly assisted in keeping them pressed down and lessen your ability to squirm as he started to lap his rough tongue in the slick trickling out of your cunt. You whimpered and shivered when his tongue dragged over your clit, your hips jolting out of control at the glorious sensation.
“Oh, oh god, oh fuck,” you whined in English, hips making aborted jerking motions against his mouth. “Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!”
Tonowari hummed against you, and while he commented that he didn’t understand your words, he took it as a sign he was doing something right and doubled down, making your toes curl as he lapped at your pussy and clit like a man starved, your whimpers and whines revealing to him what you liked most. Trying not to grab at his hair – it was a huge display of trust and intimacy for Na’vi and you wouldn’t touch him there unless he allowed it of you – you dug your fingers into the woven fabric of the cushion below you. When your breath hitched, he bore his weight down onto you and then it overwhelmed you, your orgasm rushing through you, pleasure so intense you feel close to blacking out as you scream, writhing in his grip. He held you fast, continuing with kitten licks until your body slumped, your breath coming out in heavy pants, fogging up the inside of your mask.
“Holy fuck,” you breathed, trying to catch your breath. “I think that was more intense than earlier tonight.”
Tonowari was still nuzzling his wide, flat nose into your inner thigh as he scented your arousal. Shifting slightly, he eased a finger inside of you and smirked, purring quietly. “Still so small and tight. I think one more will help stretch you further, hì’i payoang…” he commented, kissing your clit and curling his fingers inside of you.
You let out a sharp squealing wail, arching into his touch as best as you can with the sensation of being stretched out sending pleasure skittering like fire through your veins as he slides a second finger inside of you. He feasted on your clit, thrusting his fingers into you at a rapid place. When he curled them in such a way that he discovered the spongey spot that had you seeing stars, body shuddering as you get closer and closer to your second climax.
And then her purred.
It was like having your vibrator pushed up to its max setting and pressed against you in all the right places. It only took a couple more licks to your clit and finger curls inside of your and you came again, the scream you released making your throat go raw. You could feel Tonowari smirk against you as he held you tightly making sure you couldn’t flee from the onslaught of pleasure, rolling his fingers deeper than any human male ever got inside of you.
This second orgasm crashed through you like a tsunami, overwhelming your senses and causing you to actually black out for a moment, this time.
You came to, to Tonowari pulling at your sports bra. You moaned and swatted at his fingers, pushing yourself up on weak arms to sit up. Carefully pulling off the tight material, you moaned, your skin having gone a little red from the prolonged wear. He frowned, caressing the marks left by your bra. “Your tawtute clothing caused you pain, yawntu,” he grumbled. “I much prefer you in a tewng anyway…” His voice trailed off as his focus remained upon your breasts. He groped them gently, blue eyes darkening as he reveled in the softness of them. “I think I might come to enjoy your little tawtute body.”
You smirked until he leaned back down over you and lapped at your breast with that rough tongue of his, sucking the whole swell of it into his large mouth. “Oh, fuck,” you muttered, grabbing onto his shoulders as he slurped upon your breast like a hungry baby.
And while him nuzzling and suckling upon your breasts felt good, great even… he had whetted your appetite.
And you were ready for more.
You whimpered and reached down his body but your arms were just a touch too short to touch him. “‘Wari,” you moaned, pushing at his chest. He pulled back reluctantly. Meeting his blue gaze, you whispered, “I want you. Will you fuck me, now, please?”
Tonowari smirked and reached for the ties of his tewng, stripping himself of the only covering he had on at the moment. The breath whooshed out of you like a gust. He was comparable to your forearm and while you’d seen him earlier this evening when you had fucked him in your Avatar form, in your smaller body he looks absolutely massive. Of course, being that he was over nine and a half feet tall, it would make sense he would be absolutely stacked. Seeing the darker turquoise veiny, little ridges and nubs along each stripe and bioluminescent freckles that decorated the full length of him to the light pink tip of his cock that matched the pink of his nose made your mouth water. The foreskin, however, was a lighter blue and had started to pull back from the pink tip to reveal a delicate little trickle of pearlescent precum tinged silvery blue.
Tonowari breathed deep and smirked, ears flicking forward, blue eyes darkening. His cock bobbed. “I can smell you, hì’i payoang. Are you ready for me?”
“Oh, yes,” you nodded emphatically. “I am so ready.”
This made him smirk and he reached down between you, guiding his cock to your slicked entrance and nudging the head between your puffy lips. “Breathe, yawntu,” he whispered, taking each of your legs into either hand and spreading you wider as he slowly pushed into you. You whined as he slowly worked his way into you. The previous climaxes had definitely helped relax and loosen you but his size is still alot and the stretch of him pressing deeper and deeper inside of your gummy walls stung. You sucked in a shaky breath as he worked himself further into your channel, the pressure of the almost ridiculous sensation of fullness made your body tighten and loosen to consecutively receive his thickness and seizing up to try to shove him back out of your body. Tonowari went as slow as he could, trying not to overwhelm you.
“Oh, fuck,” you whined, clinging to the cushion beneath you with your hips twitching as he inched his way closer and closer to the end of you.
“Don’t force it, hì’i payoang,” he groaned, stroking his thumb over the side of your calf in an attempt to soothe your while he continued slowly sinking further into you. “I know you can take it. Just relax for me, yawntu.” You whined as he continued forward, finally getting to the end of your channel, leaving a little bit left of his length outside of your pussy but you’re stuffed so full and the pressure left you breathless. “How do you feel, hì’i tawtute?”
You panted shakily, whispering, “Need a moment. Sorry. Just give me a moment.”
Your answer made him smirk, pride radiating from his every pore before you inadvertently clenched down on him and his eyes rolled as you squeezed upon his cock. His collected himself and adjusted himself upon his knees, the slight movements making you whimper and clench down upon him harder. “It’s alright, yawntu. You’re alright. Everything’s going to feel even better in a moment.”
Finally, Tonowari began to move.
His first couple of thrusts were measured, tentative as he examined your features closely to see which angle made you feel the most satisfaction. When he shifted inside you and it had your eyes crossing, he smirked once again and began to set himself at a steadier pace, giving off a rumbling purr as he did so.
The pleasure was building up inside of you again as he moved into your cunt with a relentless rhythm that made you whine as that familiar coil in your stomach began to tighten again, a wail working its way up and out of your throat as you slowly rocketed towards your third orgasm all due to Tonowari’s consistent pace. However, as he felt you squeezing down on him harder, that steady rhythm seemed to be unravelling, sweet, hot pleasure building between your legs and causing you to shake and tremble and whine. Your mind was going blank as he rutted into you harder, his hands clenching down on your calves in a grip so powerful it was near bruising. With his sloppier thrusts and his animalistic grunting, his cock suddenly shifted and shoved against the spongey part his fingers had discovered earlier and you began to sob, reaching down between you to touch your clit as he pounded away deep inside of your cunt. He snarled through gritted teeth as he watched you flick and caress your button in the way you liked best, grinding himself deep inside of you and causing the pressure in your belly to intensify to the point of near pain as your orgasm crept closer and closer.
“‘Wari!” you sobbed loudly. “‘Wari!”
It felt like a super nova going off inside your body. Your cunt spasmed around his massive cock, clamping down upon him like a vice so tightly that he only fucked into your pussy with three more pumps before he came with a deep, rumbling snarl. Your cunt grew hotter with your sweet but overwhelming release, pleasure causing your limbs to shake, your eyes to roll back into your head, and your mind to go blank once more, your spine arching as you cum the hardest you have ever cum before in your life, your whole body feeling like it’s breaking apart and being put back together a million times over as your orgasm drowns you in wonderful sensation as his own seed sprayed deep into your womb, so much of it causing your belly to bulge slightly, as if you were pregnant. He moans, glancing down to see you and grinds his cock into that spongey spot once more and you black out.
This time when you came to, sort of because you felt absolutely exhausted and ready to sleep for the rest of the night, Tonowari had settled the both of you into the hammock deeper into the mauri pod. He must have cleaned you up because while you feel only a slight trickle sliding out of your body.
You moaned and snuggled your masked face into his neck.
“Awake at last hì’i payoang,” he asked, kissing your forehead. You hummed again. He chuckled and glanced over at where he had left your faux tail. He smiled, adding, “Perhaps in the morning, we can go for a swim together.” You hummed and settled your much smaller body against his, your fatigue catching up with you. He kissed your forehead again and closed his eyes, snuggling your tiny body upon his chest because he had chosen you to be his, no matter which form you took.
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Originally Posted: 15 October 2023 Word Count: 3,541
@pandoraslxna, @eyweveng @teyamsatan @lovefrommeelise
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aostahni · 2 years
rating: M— Mature
setting: jungle, omatikaya clan— post reef village
love interest/character(s): fem!omatikaya reader, (20) neteyam, & sully family
warnings: post atwow, little bit of angst, blood, violence, knives, guns, bombs, worrying/protective neteyam?, mentions of death, arguing, sadness, crying, & fluff.
synopsis: neteyam and other omaticaya warriors were out scouting the perimeters of the forest, until they were met with dozers and heavily armed machines tearing down lush forest and vegetation to expand their land, neteyam and jakes plan to end their operation and set out an mission to destroy the humans upcoming operation. You neteyam’s lover and a fellow warrior participating in the mission steers away from the plan to finally end the sky people’s plan unveiling a reaction from neteyam you’ve yet to see.
author’s note: ngl this was a little different for me, writing romance and angst has always been slightly difficult for me & i took some research 😭. also, I’m always open to criticism and advice long as it’s respectful. hope you enjoy!
- p.s. i thought about adding smut once the argument was settled, but i may just make into a separate part for the ones who just want a wholesome oneshot. just lmk what you guys prefer! enjoy!
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❝we are warriors neteyam! warriors! ❞
the sky around you had darkened from the smoking machines, and the vibrant forest burned from their torches. There was an ear splitting commotion surrounding you as dozers exploded, guns ringing as they’re bullets ricocheted, and fellow warriors released battle cries throughout the thick suffocating atmosphere.
it was one of the most brutal operations you’ve participated in, but you’d never back down. You scanned your surroundings as you glided through the smokey air on your ikran— mìäylli. you spotted two dozers continuing their destructive path with a couple recoms surrounding them, torching the vegetation alongside them. quickly you called it in, pressing your throat comms.
“ma teyam! there’s two dozers that changed course.”
“copy y/n. what’s their position?”
“about four clicks from you and the other warriors.”
“we’re getting hammered here my yawne.” he hissed, sounds of bullets and screams echoing in the background. “we’ll have to wait.”
“neteyam i can take them mys—.” you retorted but neteyam quickly cut your rebuttal short. “no!”
“you should get out of there, don’t engage without backup!”
only his words went in one ear and out the other, you wouldn’t leave these sky people to cause more damage when you could handle them yourself. You pulled out your bow, readying yourself for landing as neteyam continued to rant in your ear. he voiced worrying concerns as your chest heaved, moving up and down as you took slow deep as your ikran guided you closer toward the dozers.
“do you read me y/n?” neteyam yelled, “do not attack!”
ignoring his order, you and your ikran dove toward the scene, drawing your bow and impaling two soldiers within seconds. your ikran swayed around the other side of the dozers as you picked up the last soldier and slung him off into the distance. Once the surrounding sky people who were protecting the dozers from the ground were no longer a worry, you leap down gracefully from your ikran against the metal surface releasing a quick arrow in the process shooting one of the demons off its side.
You hurriedly ran toward a metal pole for cover, bullets ricocheting off its side as the soldiers sought to kill you. crouching down you took a look at the area around you, noting every soldier and weakening areas of the dozer. The other one beside it has the same exact layout, you took a deep breath nodding to yourself as the three soldiers drew closer. Once they were close enough you swatted your bow, one of the soldiers' bones cracking at the impact while the others were swept off their feet dropping their weapons.
you encased one's head in the bow, snapping their neck as you threw their limp body across the dozer while kicking their guns off its side. the second soldier drew a knife from behind, running towards you. your ear flicked up with alert at the never ending footsteps thumping against the metal surface. you turned swiftly earning a piercing nick across your chest, you hiss wildly before stabbing variously into the soldier's fleshly stomach, their blood squelching as you shoved the knife deeper with a twist. the soldier gasped, gripping fondling with your hands before gripping tightly as you watched life leave their eyes with a sharp gaze as your head tilts.
you released your hold, dropping the recoms limp body with a loud thud. A groan sounded in the distance and you hurriedly crouched into your defensive stance only to realize it was a soldier you immobilized, reaching toward a knife. you walked over kicking away the knife, landing a hard punch knocking him out. You pulled two grenades over his vest, quickly running toward the running jets atop the dozer. you released the pins hauling the grenades in between the vents as you called out for your ikran. A screech in the distance let you know she was close as you sprinted toward the edge of the dozer leaping out onto the back of the ikran.
you ascended to great heights watching as the two dozers went up in flames from the explosion as you whooped pumped your bow in the air with celebration. distant war cries let you know the battle was over, and in the na’vis favors as you made your way to high camp. As you came down from your high and the adrenaline and coursing blood settled you felt a sharp pain in your chest. you winced as you adjusted yourself on your ikran, looking down your chest reveals a gash. long, deep, sensitive, and throbbing around its jagged edges as blood pooled out staining your intricately woven top by neteyam.
“shit…” you hissed softly, knowing it’d be a long night.
·˚ ◌༘₊· ͟͞꒰➳
once your wound was treated by mo’at, you quickly made your way to your hut, drowning the dried herbs the tsahìk provided you in some water for a tea to help ease the throbbing pain. soon you heard a screech from your mates ikran and a thud as the blue soles of his feet collided with the ground. erratic breathing and footsteps were heard outside the hut as he searched for you within the crowd of celebrating na’vi.
“where is she?” he question, voice full of irritation with the unknowing responses. “is y/n here? have you seen her?!”
as few whispers floated within the air before he abruptly stood in the entrance of your shared hut, you stood quickly startled as you took in your mates appearance. he was covered in blood and dirt, his hair wild, and fist unclenching as he looked over you the same.
“are you okay?” the worry along his face fizzled away as he approached you quickly scanning over your body. “why didn’t you respond?”
he turned to you around to examine your back before engulfing you into a hug pressing your body against him. “don’t scare me like that.”
“i am fine, neteyam.” you winced as your gash came in contact with the dirt and debris along neteyam’s body, his ears flickered up as he quickly reeled back. he held your tensed shoulders against his palm as he pointed toward your top. “your piece is soaked in blood…”
you said nothing, eyes staring at the crackling fire as the burning wood shifted. you wanted to tell him, explain the events of taking down the dozers on your own, but you knew he’d only grow furious that you didn’t respect his wishes to stay safe. he pulled your top to the side lightly, revealing the gash just above your breast stretching to your collarbone, his pupils blown wide in disbelief as he gazed burned in yours. “y-you..”
“you were inured and didn’t tell me..?”
“neteyam.” you gritted out, irritation boiling to the surface. “i didn’t want to worry you, you’ve been so stresse—”
“So instead you fight skypeope alone?” he scoffed, retreating his grazing hands from your wound, and suddenly the loss of his touch made you feel so cold. “and hide injuries from your mate?”
“neteyam what was i to do?” you hissed, voice growing louder by the second. “leave the dozers to cause more damage?!”
“you were to follow my order!” neteyam growled, jaw clenching as burning irritation scratched at his throat. “not take stupid risks that could’ve gotten you killed!”
“we are warriors neteyam! warriors!” you yelled, grabbing ahold of the bow that lay against the wall of your hut. “the ones who take risks to protect eywa, the people..!”
“ugh, Y/N!” he hissed frustratedly pacing before he slammed a hand against the wall, making you jump from the noise. his face was full of rage and his eyes darkened as he whirled toward you with flared nostrils. “we are na’vi! we move as one and don’t stray!”
“neteyam do not speak to me as if i’m just some member of your squad!”
“i am your mate!”
neteyam back away a few paces, with a deep inhale before exhaling through his nostrils. He slowly approached your unmoving body, sighing deeply as he raised his hands to cup your cheeks, his gaze softening as he watched your blown pupils, the distant fire reflecting in them.
“i could have lost you…” he gently whispers, voice slightly hoarse from the yelling.
“i am here ma yawne..” you cooed, pressing your forehead against his, as you closed yours eyes breathing in each other's air.
his stray hand raised between you, touching the wound that lay between his chest. a constant reminder of where taking a risk led him, what it gave him— a bullet with death's name on it. he fumbled over his words as recalled the events three years ago in awa’atlu, a event that seemed to be a part of another life. “r-risks.. risks are dangero—”
“risk are what you take for the ones you love..” you reassured him, your eyes fluttering open as you watch his face twist with sadness. “ma yawne…”
“i’m sorry..” he sniffled, tears clumping in his lashes as his eyes met yours. the wound was a constant reminder to him that he’d protected his brother’s, a wound he flaunt proudly knowing that he’d been a warrior to cheat death but yet the havoc and grief it caused never left his mind. the pained faces and cries he’d heard late at night from his parents and siblings as they feared he wouldn’t make it. it was too much, but he’d never bring himself to voice it, so he curled his tongue into itself. “t-three, three years ago y/n.”
“i saw all the pain I would've left behind..”
“I-I can’t deal with that, not alone.” a stray tear fell down his cheek, barely cooling his heating cheeks. he exhaled shakily as flashes of oil filled waters, raging fires, and metal on his tongue ran through his senses. “i wouldn’t be able to bear the pain of losing you, y/n..”
your breath hitched, tears burning in your eyes at his confession. you slowly pulled him into a hug, his sniffles growing constantly as his emotions boiled to its highest. you ran your fingers through his wild hair as he cried into the crook of your neck, your heart pained that your mate had not yet healed from the trauma. “i could never imagine how you felt, ma neteyam..”
“the fear that surrounded you in that moment..”
“but i want you to know.” you cupped his jaw, pulling up his soaked face to yours, as you met his tear filled eyes. “our love is eternal, a love that will last many lifetimes through the connection of our great mother.”
“even if my body is gone, i’m always with you.” you gaze over his softening features, your thumbs wiping away the tears stained on his face. “i will live with you in spirit within eywa..”
“you will never be alone.” you nod reassuringly and he soons follows, nodding with you. you take in his features, as he closes and exhales shakily, gathering his composure. “i love you, neteyamur..”
“i love you..” he declares, fluttering his wet, clumped lashes open drinking in every detail of your reassuring eyes. he places a soft kiss against your lips, running his knuckles over your soft skin as you lean into the touch. “so much..”
He continues kissing, moving his mouth from your mouth to your nose, eyes, jaw, and finally your neck. his soft lips running over your skin as carries you into your hammock, snuggling into you before he claims your lips in a deep kiss as you two share soft sensual touches into the late night.
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