#juno-box asks
bourbonificould · 6 months
I got you fam, wrack my brain a lil: 🧠
If Kenny made it thru S3?
If Clementine found Christa in S2/ANF/S4?
If Clementine did come back to Richmond with AJ?
If Kate died instead of Mariana?
If the remaining Cabin group members made it to the end of S2? (some of them had the STUUUPIDEST deaths)
Ben survives Savannah with Clementine (should be fun for you to write >:D)
Instead of being found by Christa and Omid in in S1, Clem is found by... (Tavia for a Clem starting S2 at Howe's. If you wanna get extra creative then Ava for a NF!Clem start to S2)
Marlon lives, self explanatory
Clementine kills Lilly in the 402 raid, instead of 403
Clem brings James to the school after 404 so he can meet the group for real, and play War.
Lee lives to S4 and decides to open a classroom up for the boarding school kids.
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Did I mention this game and it's characters live in my mind rent free?
Alright this is A LOT LMAOOOO😭 but yes I love some of these ideas, will definitely note them down and get to work 🫡 thanks my good friend juno
All ideas are welcome 🗣️
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queenjunothegreat · 20 days
if you want to go 3 for 3 on The Lost Trio's complicated feelings of Percy and Sally Jackson, there's also the fact that she is knowledgeable of demigod stuff. So Percy Jackson doesn't just get a mortal parent who's alive (Leo) and loves him (Jason) but is also fully capable of supporting him with this complicated life (Piper).
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Ooooooohhhhh!!!! All three of them having sour feelings towards Percy because he has the thing they want the most!!!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
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totaleclipse573 · 3 months
Can I make an art request of Juno spraying Doleon with raid bug spray. Get tf out of here, she's got work to do
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Dropped my current wip for a second just to doodle this
Right in the third eye, now he has to wear glasses again
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orangetubor · 1 year
And cause its my brand, Jupeter for the ship bingo <3
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dragon-subway · 2 months
Yelling in your ask box cause 💚💚
If you feel up to it, how do you think Juno and fen would do on a solo mission? Maybe they have gnash and mats with them..
so from what i understand: juno and mars are focused on rescue sorts of missions. when pairing that with fen and gnash's focus on stealth missions i think if theyre on a mission to reescue someone important from a super secure sepratist base without raising alarms (a jedi? a senator??? person of interest with intel that is vital to an upcoming battle who was going to defect but was imprisioned first?? probably that last one now im typing it it).
Initial breifing from the jedi council is pretty straight forward, theres little argument yet not a word from fen and nothing but a "yessir" from gnash. Planning i think would go fairly smoothly if they have a schematic of the building, if not i dont think juno would be too happy with fen's just-go-in-and-do-what-needs-doing-when-it-needs-doing "plan" but he's yours so who am i to say.
the actual mission itself? hmmmm....... fen's getting through those vents, gnash and mars most likely, but juno?? yea theyre going to have to sort another way in. gnash and fen would probably go in ahead together to find door controls and get some intel, meanwhile juno and mars are keeping an eye out for external things and watching which ships are coming in n out, who knows maybe it'll be important later
turns out one of the droids who gnash n fen encountered just narrowly had their vitals damaged beyond functioning so even though they couldn't move they could send an sos to the main control room of the base before they went offline
They get the defector, hes not in great shape and needs to be carried. im presuming juno carries them on his back but.......... oh dear now the security has doubled. the sep in charge let them get far into the base on purpose to make their escape that much harder. chaos ensues and stealth is out the window (for now at least)
theres at least one instance of fen picking up mars and bolting despite his protests and squirming because he was in the line of a the first blasterbolt in a coming barage. he's yours so i'll let you determin what kind of noise he makes if any at all. Another instance where juno picks something up with fen on it, sending both flying into a group of droids - the something (probably a door) first taking out the bulk and fen on the back to tear through whoever's left at the back
eventually they lose the gaurds because they killed all the ones who were following them and use the time to sneak out to the extraction point, changing who's carrying the defector so they can all move at a decent speed to get to the point in time. he's very... jumpy? anxious? and that leads to making it harder to move him. fen's suspicious its on purpose, making sure to keep a close eye on him for other signs of betrayal and gnash is rolling his eye under the helmet.
unless juno or mars are one to talk on the ride back, its pretty much wordless other than some assurances on whats happening next for the defector. maybe he natters nervously the entire way, and if so gnash has his
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teecupangel · 1 year
I've been seeing these grimace shakes videos lately and I just thought what if some assassin gave the templars that? Like it can be some random assassin who was told to give it to the templars and all the templars either dying or going insane makes me so happy
You know what would be fun?
If Abstergo just started getting deliveries of Grimace Shakes, they’d think it would be a joke and some of them would drink it because waste not, want not and it's free food and all that.
There will be one, just one…
That is actually not just a normal shake.
It doesn’t immediately act, no, of course not.
And it is completely tasteless and odorless so all they taste is the actual shake.
Just this… desire to share it.
To tell people to try it out.
“Come on, join the fun.”
“It’s pretty good. Take a sip.”
And those who takes a sip from that one starts to ask for more, grabbing another shake then just tipping a bit of the ‘original’ shake into it.
“Come on… don’t be a spoilsport. Get with the program.”
“Just a little sip.”
“That’s all.”
Then, before those who haven’t drank from any of the ‘contaminated’ shakes realizes it, everybody else was going…
“Drink! Drink! Drink!”
And so they drink.
And they feel the desire to share it once more.
To ensure the entire building had a taste.
To make sure every member of the Abstergo family…
… tastes it and desires it until it consumes them.
And the delivery boy?
Looks a lot like the supposed dead Elijah, illegitimate son of Desmond Miles.
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glittertrail · 29 days
Just dropping in to do this 💜
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Our Guild was having a fun time with my ‘compilation of taunting the Instant Death Cloud’
Lines by Via Color by Juno
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jup1tersparx · 1 year
HELLO COOL BEING! I'm very curious about your juno and eiffel playlists, is there any chance I could get a link? (assuming they are on Spotify?)
second off here are some disclaimers before u look at them:
1) OKAY DONT HAVE TOO HIGH EXPECTATIONS PLEASE ME BEING PASSIONATE ABOUT THEM DOESNT MEAN THEYRE SUPER HIGH QUALITY LOL </3 (<- not passive aggression im just worried i talked them up too much in ur tags)
2) my eiffel one isnt finished enough to show people so im just putting my juno one BUT i made an eiffel one thats just compiling the main. like. standalone. songs i have for him without the fancy stuff
3) idk how much u know about his backstory currently but eiffel one will probably make more sense in about 10-20 episodes time
3) juno playlist is subject to change bc i havent finished the show 👍
ok now that ive got that out the way:
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bourbonificould · 5 months
show us yo toes
Let my size 11s be free my friend, the dawgs are NOT coming out tonight 🙂‍↕️
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queenjunothegreat · 25 days
I have so many MOA scene rewrite suggestions (you obviously do not have to write all of these, but you asked for suggestions so!! also sorry for this being so long)
- (this is a big sad one) Jason reuniting with camp Juptier and realizing he wasn’t very missed and was basically replaced + Leo getting possessed and firing on Camp Jupiter (I can’t remember if this was Leo’s thought process in the books, but Leo would definitely think he was a curse for Jason or something. Like first he ruined things with Thalia and now this)
- I would love to see a one-shot of Leo and Hazel’s relationship being fixed. Cause I hate the fact that Hazel had to deal with two guys crushing on her after being traumatically revived into a new time period. This could also function as a Valgrace/Lost trio fic cause Jason and Piper would definitely get jealous of Leo being constantly stolen away to go on missions without them.
- Jason’s birthday picnic with Piper
- this last one isn’t MOA related but I want to include anyways cause it’s a special headcannon to me. I 100% believe that Annabeth pestered the shit out of Leo when he was building the Argo II. Not in a mean way!!! But, she would definitely immediately try to help Leo in making the ship cause she loves designing things and she wants to see her boyfriend. I feel like she horrible at assuming/accepting that people wouldn’t want her help. Therefore, she keeps pestering Leo on ship progress and ideas. And Leo being the solo worker he is, just doesn’t know how to work with someone else. It could function great as a 5+1 fic like - “Five times Annabeth tries to help Leo, + the one time Annabeth succeeds in helping.” Basically, I just need someone to write a fic about their friendship. As well as Leo accepting he doesn’t need to do everything alone and he can ask for help.
Never apologize for longwindedness to me. I am King President of Yappingtonshireville and I ALWAYS encourage everyone to run their mouths. In fact, I am THANKING you for all these wonderful ideas 😌
First and foremost, um???? Butting heads to work besties Annabeth and Leo??? Hello??? Sign me the FUCK up!! There's not NEARLY enough fics featuring these two and that needs to change ASAP! It will also be a really good chance for me to work on my Annabeth voice for the HoH rewrite. Her being so eager and willing to help to the point where it would be off putting to anyone much less someone like Leo while also not even recognizing it is SUCH an Annabeth thing oh my god. My darling girl mwah mwah mwah.
Also! Yes! Hazel! She deserved so much better than being forced into a weird bad love triangle that didn't do literally anything for the story. Leo will have absolutely ZERO romantic feelings for the traumatized 13 year old, bur he will absolutely flirt with her when Frank is around just to mess with him. I am REALLY fond of the odea of them becoming friends (and Hazel being like "Frank, why are you being mean to Leo? 🥺 He's my friend" and Frank folding like a house of cards) and I'm beyond delighted with the idea of Jason and Piper having a mutual pouting session about Leo hanging out with Frank and Hazel more. That in particular could fold really nicely into the Jason’s birthday picnic thing!
Ooooh, I am gnawing on this Jason getting to CJ concept. I was planning on writing it from (SURPRISE!) Reyna’s POV, but I think it would be sososo good to then swap POV halfway through and have them mirror each other's thoughts without even realizing it. I am actually in the middle of writing a fic that is immediately post everyone getting back on the ship after firing on New Rome, so I will for SURE be yoinking those "Leo feels like a curse" thoughts to put in there because it is SO good.
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totaleclipse573 · 3 months
Juno's desk in the her work office has like 5 bottles of Raid Bug Spray. For when Doleon comes back. She probably has some as home too
Its hidden in a little cabinet just dedicated to the bottles. Can never be too safe when it comes to freaky lizard demons yk
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orangetubor · 9 months
what's ur Roman empire?
Juno steel and the promised land
Specifically the end monologue
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louisdeadpoets · 7 months
*hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first ten people on your dash? Make sure someone gets a hug today, and stay safe 💖🦋🌸✨
literally hugs to everyone that sees this. i love you all.
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chiimeramanticore · 9 months
a few days ago i had a dream about you ?? im pretty sure the dream sucked until you showed up and handed me an iced tea and a blunt. im pretty sure we made kandi together in my basement? anyways dream-style-juno is really epic to hang out with. just thought u would find this interesting LOL
dream juno is the juno I wish I could be goddamn
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junoscrybeofshadows · 2 years
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"Oh! Hello agan my friends. It has been some times since I last saw you all. I hope you have been well. My how time flies! If you would like please feel free to stay a while. The others and I would love the company even if it's just for a short question or two." .................................................................................................
I swear one day I'm going to come up with a new image for ask being open. But for now here we go! Ask are open!
As always you can ask questions to the following:
Juno, Scrybe of shadows
The shadows (Bernard, Eira and Alder)
The Scrybes (Leshy, Grimora, Magnificus and P03)
All Minions/ghouls/bots/uberbots/magic students
Freyja (juno and grimora's fan child I made)
And Me: "Misty" Creator of Junoscrybeofshadows blog!
So feel free to ask a question to any of these lovely characters. You cal as send me questions about any head canons I have about any characters, and rp prompts! Can't wait to see what ya'll send!
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