#just a thicc body with lanky legs
roylustang · 1 year
It is so sexy of me when I run 40+ miles/week
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floofzang · 6 months
Some dysphoria and envy stuff
I always try to control my envy when it comes to other trans women, but man is it hard sometimes.
"Puffy tgirl nipples" "E gave me such thicc thighs" "omg I love having tits" haha what must that be like. 4 years in and I've still got toothpick legs almost nonexistant tits and the world's smallest nips. I try and keep myself grounded by knowing I have a very similar body type to my Mom - tall, lanky, nearly flat chest - and that she has had similar issues envying other women.
But still, it kinda sucks feeling like I've been medically transitioning for years and gotten very few of the body effects that it feels like everybody is always talking about and feeling euphoric about. Don't get me wrong I'm happy with the changes I've had from hrt, I love what it's done for me. But sometimes it feels like I got the short end of the stick here.
And it sucks knowing that a lot of this is pretty irrational. Like I have definitely had some chest growth, it's not nothing. But, envy is subjective, and dysphoria is not logical. I just gotta try not to give into these sort of unproductive ways of thinking.
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can you write some headcanons on what would they be like as cats? i imagine scotland to be this giant furball who's vigilant, but LOVES lazing around in the sun
UK Brothers as cats II headcannons
Tumblr media
Burmese cat
giant furball yes but it 's not noticeable first
THICC fur but not long
Loves laying in the sun, absolutely
but only if it's in a random hill
sun baths cost a price
lays down for a few seconds, but the slightest bee or butterfly makes him jump or lift his neck to check
unfortunately the weather in scotland CANNOT afford this kind of sun enough
ends up standing right under the oven.
That spot right against the oven, he lays down there.
Give him your hand he'll bite on it
not painfully but he just keeps it there
Lanky as hell
just like the man
you cannot miss him when he is laid down on the floor
but be pls careful about the bed or couch
he is probably there, behind the pillow or under the blanket
has not problem with water overall
not impressed by people in general
wondering how he is still alive after licking so much irn bru off the bottles he finds around the house or the bit that spilled on the table.
hates wales
American bobtail
cute white little tail
that picture of people bowing down, hands in the air in front of someone holding a cat
his moment
triggered easily
cuddle buddy
has an imaginary ladder
if you let him sleep in your bed
have him in your arms during dinner
give him food he shouldn't be eating
you're going straight down low on the ladder
top of the ladder is whoever is the boss
cannot act up against this boss
you never know if he wants to cuddle or not
you be laying on the couch and he comes to your side
squeezing his body in between your legs and the arm rest
even tho there is a whole couch on your other side free
then sometimes
stands as far as he can away from you
try to get his attention he'll just look at you for a second
no more
smug about it
also bad sign
you're low on the « imaginary ladder » if that happens
has his favorite blanket in the house
the way to his heart
picky about his food
he always grabs them in his mouth, drops them on the floor,
picks the ones he wants to eat.
Useless to force him
waits before diving into his kibble bowl
doesn't get along with scotland and wales
that iconic smile of him y'know ?
imaginary ladder user too
wondering how he is alive from licking so much sodas bottles
leaves the house randomly
everyone is panicked
comes back as if nothing happened
likes cold tiles
for instance cold tiles after cleaning day
strecthes himself
but only in the morning
eats a lot
always hungry
on a diet
open bags and boxes
has a specific way to do
he takes whatever he is looking for
food mostly..
and takes it to his little corner mat
then tries to get the most out of it
acts stupid but really intelligent
so if you have no sign from him for more than 10 minutes
get worried darling
he is either taking a stroll or eating the snacks from your bag
'kiss me im irish'
needs kisses all the time
hates england
mysterious old man keeps an eye on him
nice overall but sneaky
britsih shorthair obv
looks mean but actually really nice
Doesn’t eat kibbles 
Eats whole meat he is chic
Voluminous and thick fur
France and Scotland hate him for that
has a cute bow but
only for pics
out of sight out of mind
Will not come to you if you do not look for him
Usually becomes desperate and looks for you
Used to love the outside when he was smaller
Now meh 
Stolen toys from his brothers 
like the monarchy jewelry
do not call me out to Charles or Lizzie about what I just wrote
Look like he doesn’t want hugs 
Actually likes them
Special spot on the bookshelf 
No imaginary ladder
Just sleeps in your bed if comfortable with you enough
Paddington bear is his favorite toy 
Likes standing there, surrounded with people
Just sits down and watches
Take his ears into your hands
He is cute and great personality 
listen up
he is not easy
but if you’re up for a challenge then alright
imaginary ladder but the top of the ladder is him
Eats grass
Goes back to eating grass
If you have a garden or just growing strawberries
I’m sorry gal but they’re his
Gets his way all the time
Has toys but doesn’t use them
Gives them to england
Plays a lot outside
Favorite spot : sheeps back
looks like a cinnamon bun
tastes like it
means not good as it looks
Needs attention but don’t look out for him
Not scared easily
Extremely difficult to take care of his paws
Sits on your legs or in between but don’t get comfortable too fast
As cliche as it sounds, celtic music helps
If you’re his favorite person congrats
Not all hero wears capes
The incident with Scotland and N.Ireland
Manipulated them into going to a farm
Did not end well
for them
Since then scot and north hate him
My sincere apologies if you end up with him
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Bodies, bodies, bodies
I hated my body growing up. I was okay but not until I was 12 that I started bleeding. When I was in Gr4, I was envious of my friends getting their period earlier. When mom and I go shopping, I take pads and pretend I have period even if I don't have. Mommy don't care. I wear them but January 2006, I woke up with blood all over my sheets, and pants. There's some pain in my core. I rushed to my parents' room and mom was nonchalant and told me that I was practicing already so I should be fine.
And everything about my body is changing. I started having breasts around 7. Just small bump so I still had to wear baby bra. I hate it. It's annoying, it's itchy and very uncomfortable. And as a very active kid, if it get hit, it hurts. I never liked it when puberty raged on.
Hair all over that I have to wax, chests growing out that it's noticeable from my uniform. my glutes, waist and hips rounding. What's worst was skinny jeans and tight leggings, body con dresses, baby tees are the trend and elephant pants are out.
I also disliked the attention I was getting most especially from creeps, and weird uncles.
Even from the girls or women, I didn't like it. I wanted to be skinny flat like a boy. Athletic, no fats hanging around.
So there it began my unhealthy relationship wit fitness and food. I kept subscribing to these teen magazines, candy and 17tee. Although they promote healthy habits and talks about eating disorders, I still don't see a model that has the same body type as me. No voluptuous one. Just your usual skinny, and lanky. all of that and the questioning of my sexual and gender identity.
I asked Mrs. Pagaduan when we were on that topic. I said that I wish I ripped off anything that identifies me as feminine. She called it body dysmorphia. You hate the body you are in. She guessed correctly that it might be feeling of transexualism.
Maybe. But I do not exactly want something hanging between my legs. I'm fine with my genitals but I didn't want my framing.
I ate less, worked out more.
Roxy had that skinny body that ive wanted. And just like me, she is developing unhealthy habits.
I've met Hollmae and in which I reflected eventually and it changed my perspective.
Hollmae wanted to be thicc. It's a slang for voluptuous.
We have covered many conversations about it. We can share a lot with our experiences how fucked up society is. Especially towards women and beauty standards. Also, how the Filipino society is shit at that thing.
We can't win. So, I gave up. I continued to living healthy because I don't want to die and I still want to look androgynous. Free of femininity and masculinity.
I've discovered non-binary. I've learned that you don't need to look or dress the part. But you eventually have to because it's a feeling you have to follow. It's an identity.
Today society is progressing where body shaming is a no-no. But it's still difficult to rewire society's standards. Sure, just confidence. But how many people actually, internally believe that.
My mother was among those who is body positive. Easy for her, I think she has a great body. She's quite boxy too. Fairer skin. As a stylist and dressmaker, she does say a lot that the important piece in dressing is believing you are hot.
She says confidence can easily be detected and absorbed. It can easily shut people up. Or stutter them.
I believed her, until you are pitted against other women in terms of male gaze. Which I am a very unwilling participant.
Since I turned 18-20, I felt some changes in my body again. I started to feel old. I started to see myself as old. My aching dysmenorrhea though has lessened. It wasn't like before.
I still work out but I feel like it's not achieving what I have in mind. So I started to starve myself again to lose those muscles then restart.
Comment: There is what we call transgender body dysmorphia. Although you don't desire to be a man, but you also do not desire to be a woman. You are in between.
I think the assault that happened to you when you were 13 might be the perfect explanation for this. You were budding with puberty. The violation of your body in which case the assailant saw you as a woman not a child, would perfectly explains it. As you are very wary and scared of male gazes and even women's for thatatter that you didn't want to be associated with the body that you have. You have complained a lot about that. Of how men started to treat you when you were growing especially from what you call as creepy uncle's who are family members or close to your family. And any men for that matter who is not supposed to see you as an object of desires. Like a teacher. It's your body's response to being protective.
You don't hate your femininity. In fact you embrace it gracefully. It's just not that exact kind. you are protective of your femininity. For you being feminine gives out a signal of vulnerability and you don't want to show it.
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muertawrites · 2 years
Eddie is definitely that lanky boy who’s unexpectedly strong with a third leg 🤷🏽‍♀️
i've mentioned this before but my headcanon height for him is 6'4". i just feel like he'd have a body as big and noodley as his personality.
but yeah he's secretly kinda jacked.
he's not visibly ripped. he's definitely got a layer of baby fat and is plenty squishy. but if you're a thicc bih like me? he can still lift you like you weigh nothing. working as a mechanic has made him obscenely strong.
like pin you against a wall and fuck you easy strong.
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Aight but Shiggy’s new form has hella thicc thighs and he loves it when his girl sits on his lap now because she just looks so small against him and even more so turns him on knowing that his cock would be even too big for you.
Ok i have received a lot of request for more size kink so here it is. I personally think I need improvement on this but I do enjoy it.
Thanks to @krystalwithakay for help with proofreading and editing 😘
TW: Size Kink TW: Belly bulge
Shigaraki sat on the bed you two shared, his eyes scanning your naked petite frame. So small and curvy, he thought. He was always taller than you at 5'9" but after his procedure gained not only muscle but a bit of height as well, now standing at 6' he towered over your short stature of 5'. His lanky body was now filled out with strong muscles in his arms, chest and thighs.
Then there was his cock. While it was always long and thick at 8 inches, now it was practically monstrous. It had increased to nearly 12 inches and was even thicker. You had issues taking him before, he couldn't wait to see you squirm under him now.
This was his first time being alone with you after recovering from the battle, so he was more than ready to show you his improvements. He felt his dick twitch in need at the mere thought of your hot, wet cunt. He wanted you now.
"Y/N come here" he ordered sternly.
You had been fumbling through the closet looking for something to wear, glancing over at your lover as he gazed at you, licking his dry lips. His large hand pumped his quickly growing manhood. You gulped, terrified. You knew what he wanted and honestly didn't think you could handle him. There was no way. You had problems before but now he was absolutely massive.
"Now pet" he hissed in warning and patted his lap. "Come sit on your master's lap like a good girl." He grinned, flashing his teeth as his lips stretched across his face, his vermilion eyes alight with desire. His tone made your whole body shiver. The thought of that huge throbbing cock inside your tiny body terrified you. No way would it fit. It wasn't that you didn't desire him, because you did. It had been so long, and you were very horny, wetness already pooling between your legs.
Shyly making your way over to him you slid onto his lap, straddling his thick thighs. His fully hard member now resting against your stomach, the leaking tip came up almost to your tits. Your eyes widen in fear as your body quivers. Tomura smirked at this, his hands moving to your creamy thighs, kneading them as they moved towards your sex.
"Fuck, look at you, so small and delicate. I could really break you couldn't I," he purred. His chapped lips kissing your neck, "I could destroy this little pussy" his hot breath fans over your ear as his fingers brush against your slick folds. Drawing a moan from you. "Don't think for one second I'm gonna be gentle with you toy" he hums, before his teeth sink into your skin, sucking intently, making sure to leave his marks as he claims you, while his busy fingers penetrate you, probing deep within.
"You're so tight and wet for me. I'm gonna fuck this little hole till your a blubbering mess. When I'm done with you you won't know your own name. His digits were driving into you, curling and twisting as they moved in and out of your slick channel, preparing you for what was to come. His thumb was rubbing small sharp circles over your sensitive clit, causing your legs to shake as you clench around his fingers.
"Thats it kitten, your body wants me." His eyelids heavy as he looked at you. "I'm gonna give it all to you babe, every inch." He growls, one muscular arm wrapping around your waist raising you up, he guides his drooling cock to your slick covered opening. You could feel his hot tip ready to surge upwards any second. A small whimper left you as you tensed up, nervous about taking him in.
"What's a matter little toy. Scared I won't fit, don't worry, I'll make sure you get every bit of me." He then plunged past your wet folds, his girth stretching you wide open.You gasp at the intrusion. Your hands grabbed onto his shoulders, nails digging into his flesh, trying to find something to keep you grounded. He was so much thicker than before.
"Looks like I have to train this pussy all over again. I'm gonna mold your little cunt to the shape of my thick cock. He groans, inching further into your tight heat, your walls struggling to accommodate his size. His hands held onto your hips, pushing you down on his length. Leaving finger shaped bruises on your perfect skin "Fuck pet, you feel so good, your gripping me....fuck, I need to be fully inside you. Now" his voice rasped out as he thrust deeper, impaling you on his thickness, spreading you painfully wide on his rutting dick.
"Please Shig I can't, it hurts" you stuttered out, pleading with him to stop.
"No I'm gonna play with my precious toy, you need to get use to me. I think you need it harder." His hips jut up as he pulls your withering body down, finally burying himself to the hilt inside your warm sex. Your body spasms on him, and your screams encourage him even more. He pulls nearly all the way out just slam back in. Bouncing you on his lap like a rag doll, filling up your impossibly tight pussy. Your mouth opens in a broken sob as you feel the sting of him stretching you far too much. He's too big, too thick. The burn of him going oh so deep makes your eyes roll back in your head. Your hands clutch his muscular biceps, and your vision blurs while he rams into you. His engorged cock forcing its way completely inside you.
"See, I told you it would fit." he chuckled.  The feeling of your constricting heat clamping down on his long, fat cock as he pounds into your aching core almost made him lose it right then and there. Looking down he could see the outline of his hardness moving within your stomach, "damn pet, look at that" he says as he reaches down, his hand presses on your belly, feeling the bulge of his length pumping into you. "Damn, that's so sexy. take it all, kitten". 
Rolling you over onto the bed he threw your legs over his shoulders, allowing him even deeper access inside your sopping cunt. His shaft stuffed you over and over as he wrecked your weeping hole, his pulsing manhood rubbing against your velvet walls with every jerk of his hips. His speed increased as he felt you clench and flutter around him, sucking him in as your sex desperately tried to milk his hardened flesh. 
You looked so beautiful as you unraveled beneath him, mumbling incoherently while your body shook in pleasure and pain as he repeatedly hit that gummy patch within, sending waves of mind numbing pleasure through every inch of your trembling body. 
“You’re mine, mine mine!” he panted. He could feel his own climax building as his balls began to tingle, heat spreading through his lower abdomen. Your walls clung to him as you reached your own orgasm, gripping down on his cock as you came, soaking his thick member. This was enough to push him over the edge, giving one more deep powerful thrust as he sheathed himself balls deep inside you. His dick twitched as it broke into your womb, spurting wave after wave of hot thick cum, filling you up and seeping out of you. "I knew you could take every inch. But don’t think for a second I’m done with you”
Your eyes widen as you feel him start to get hard again. His hips start pounding into you once more. You should have known better than to think he would be satisfied with one measly orgasm.
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dusksmote · 4 years
Do you know of any other good South Park weight kink stories? I can’t find any besides yours
thanks for asking, this actually brings up something i’ve been wanting to talk about since june of last year. i’ll answer you in a second, but first i wanna talk about weight kink
specifically, the distinction between preference, kink, and fetish (and how it fits into ETL/WTSAU)
when i first wrote ETL my intention was to not fetishize kyle’s weight (though some people have anonymously accused me of doing so) while still making it clear that stan finds him sexually attractive. it’s a hard line to toe, partially because you can’t avoid describing his body when stan’s looking him over. i call this the ‘stan gaze’ and i talk about it more in this post.
so i’m describing kyle and the fact is he’s fat. he’s not chubby or chunky, he’s fat. and i don’t want to be shy about that. i have to show that stan finds these parts of him sexy, maybe not in a conventional way, but i don’t want to skirt around it. his body has rolls and stretch marks and cellulite (which for the record is more common in women but men can get it too) and stan likes all of it. he finds it hot that kyle has to work to get his pants up cuz his ass is amazing. he likes how soft he is because it’s more fun to squeeze and how kyle weighs into him when they cuddle or fuck. that shit butters was on about is for fucking real. 
have you ever hugged a fat person? it’s amazing. there’s a lot of appealing aspects to having a partner who is big.
part of the problem though is there’s a general lack of content involving fat characters depicted as sexually attractive, so it instantly comes off as deviant. stan brings this up a bit in ETL chapter 2. you can talk about how a chick has nice tits and a curvy figure and shapely legs and no one gives a shit. you can describe a man’s muscles or his tall, lanky once-ler body and no one bats an eye. i think a lot of people were initially shocked in ETL cuz the same thing is happening to kyle but it’s not something they’re used to, and that raises eyebrows. culturally we’re conditioned to think being overweight is unattractive, or only attractive in certain ways--but definitely not sexually appealing.
but the truth is--and something i’ve learned first hand since posting this series--there’s a lot of fucking people who aren’t opposed by weight, or have preferences for bigger partners. and i think that’s great!
so what does that make it?
i mentioned before the difference between preference, kink, and fetish. truthfully, when i began writing, i myself wasn’t totally sure on the distinction. i knew i didn’t want to fetishize kyle, so i did some research.
a preference is just that. something that is nice to have and one would prefer, but not a necessity. a kink is something which arouses you but is considered outside of the sexual norm. a fetish is a sexual necessity, without it you are unable to become aroused.
you could argue a lot of the guys in ETL/WTSAU have weight kinks because they think kyle is hot, but that’s only because being attracted to someone overweight is not considered part of our culture’s ‘norm’. i don’t personally see it this way because i don’t think it’s actually that abnormal. cultures shift, and it wasn’t until recently being thicc came into vogue (or rather, people were finally able to admit they like fat asses, come on). a great number of people around the world are overweight and they find love and have sex no problem. it’s not that strange.
the guys DEFINITELY have a preference though. stan and butters are great examples. they’ve both had partners who are thin and fat, without issue (except that one time stan wasn’t interested in wendy, but that’s because he was developing feelings for kyle). butters summed it up in ETL chapter 2, “fit fellas are fine but big boys just fuck harder”. they don’t need their partners to be overweight to love and be attracted to them, stan would still love kyle if he were skinny, but it’s a nice bonus and they enjoy it. 
no one in ETL/WTSAU has a fat fetish however. the best way to explain it would be if stan was only attracted to kyle because he was fat. someone online once described it: imagine you have a thing for shoes. with a shoe preference, the shoe is an accessory to your partner. when they wear it it excites and appeals to you, but you’re still attracted to them without the shoes on. with a shoe fetish, your partner is an accessory to the shoe. you only feel attracted to them when they wear them. feels kind of dehumanizing, eh? 
i hope it’s clear, stan loves kyle for more than just his looks, but he also thinks kyle is hot as fuck 😂 and if stan can enjoy it, the reader can too
it makes me sad that almost half of the bookmarks for ETL/WTSAU are hidden, because i have to assume it’s cuz people feel ashamed for liking that one fanfic where kyle is fat and they shouldn’t be. kyle’s hot, embrace it B^)
so to answer your post, i know a few fanfics that have fat characters who can get it. i haven’t read any that are fetish fics though (i know they exist).
first is Being Thin Is For Conformists by orphan_account. i love this fic! it’s michael x pete and pete is overweight. it has a strangely similar plot to ETL chapter 4, but i promise i didn’t read this fic until like last month XD. for some reason it’s tagged “weight gain” and “feeding kink” but neither happen in the story? idk why it’s not tagged right, the actual story is very sweet
next is Get Off At the Right Stop by YZYdragon2222. it’s not finished yet, but it’s a cartman x butters fic where butters (spoilers) has some opinions about cartman’s rotund figure. imo, every fanfic with a cartman ship should have him be unapologetically fat 😤 he can get it
another fic with fat kyle i’ve read is That Shampoo Bottle Kid by orphan_account. kyle’s pining for stan and masturbates to the thought of him. i found this one maybe a month or two after writing ETL and never bookmarked it so i can’t say it’s a favorite but hey it’s fat kyle B^)
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mikenewtonhateblog · 4 years
My oc’s aka too long of a gd post
The “BL” Crew (does not stand for boys love I’m just a moron who made that abbreviation before knowing what it stands for). My main crew and main series, a lot is a big WIP right now as I’m slowly redoing the first book and all the lore. Why? I love torture. Book is fantasy type but I won’t specify what.
Lacie, the protagonist. God tier idiot, bisexual bipolar depressed MESS, insomniac, former theater kid, doesn’t know what she wants out of life but currently it is not This(plot of book). Hot headed, impulsive, crude, rude, Mommy IssuesTM, would rather be taking a nap right now, rules are made to be broken, absolutely fucking FERAL, more bags under her eyes than the airport lost and found. 5’5, 130lbs, Aries, age 18, white as shit like literally the whitest human you have ever seen, strawberry blonde hair in a 2011 Hayley Willaims haircut with long bangs, the darkest brown eyes you’ve ever seen that stare directly into your soul. Lanky, no curves, body of a 12 year old boy but works out so she can and will kick your ass and thats a threat. Not human?
Josh. Soft boy, smart, Lacie’s cousin and only friend for like the first 18 years of her life, autistic anxious mess who’s special interest is anchient egyptian history, is in honors classes, despises math, passes out when his girlfriend looks too cute, just needs a hug. Can eat a whole carton of easy mac if left alone, whole wardobe is the same outfit just different colors/hoodies, sensory issues, seriously can someone give this guy a hug. 5’9, 150lbs, Pisces, age 18, mixed (half whatever flavor of white Lacie’s family is [they don’t even know its just some scandanavian shit and irish], and half mexican on his mom’s side), medium olive skin with freckles and moles, dark chocolate brown hair that’s a bit of a 2009 Beiber cut, warm brown eyes, not beefy, a lil thicc and self concious about it but squishy boys are GOOD. Gets bit by a werewolf so now he is one his mood on it is “thats a lot to unpack but let’s just throw the whole suitcase away”.
Zander. There is not one braincell in this man, himbo KING, pansexual dumbass with undiagnosed ADHD, no impulse control, head empty and full at the same time, PTSD, his fashion sense should be an actual crime, gets in fights to feel something, basic requirements for him to be attracted to you: kick his ass. Drinks his respect women juice, sees a folding table and must immediately launch himself on it, chaotic, cannot drive a car and will not, food aggression and eats enough for 3 people but never gains weight which is ILLEGAL, him and Lacie may be a couple.....but in this house we stan slow burn, he talks in caps and every sentence either ends with a question mark or exclaimation point, likes romcoms. 6’2, 190lbs, Sagittarius, age 19, austrailian roots and has the accent but is from [REDACTED FOR STORY REASONS], white, dorito shaped with long legs, blueish black hair that’s long and messy, dark navy eyes that match his hair, bigass neck scar from [REDACTED]. Not human
Peter. Gay dad friend who is TIRED of having to be in charge of a bunch of teenagers, only one with full functioning braincells, lowkey a genius who loves engineering, mixes magical technology with human technology because he likes to play god, is he ever sober? No one knows, will kill for a bottle of single malt, his fashion sense? Tastefully expensive suits perfectly tailored. Likes building his own weapons that no one else knows how to even use, generally non-threatening but can get scary if needed. 6’4, 140lbs string bean man, Scorpio, age 179 but looks early 30s, I know I said Lacie is the whitest human but he’s even paler like a literal sheet of paper with scandanavian roots/ancestors were vikings or some shit, blonde hair styled like 2013 Brendon Urie lmfao, light crystal blue eyes. He’s a vampire and was born one.
Danielle. Tiny, sweet, queen of girls supporting girls, comments on all her friends instagram posts with 20 emojis, LOVES fashion and has a wardrobe that would make anyone jealous, oozes feminine energy, only child and parents are in love still, gets exactly 8 hours of sleep each night and wakes up looking like a disney princess. Just because she is small and cute doesn’t mean you should underestimate her she WILL fuck your shit up. Quiet when angey which is terrifying. Josh is her bf and she loves him so much but also loves teashing the shit out of him. Legally cannot cuss, polite, used her high heels as a weapon once, speaks like 5 languages because studying them is her hobby, gardens, hugs everyone. 5’0, 110, Taurus, age 18, mixed (half french-american, half Korean-american), glowy skin always, PETITE frame aka the friend everyone can pick up when they hug, long past her waist curly brown hair, bright green eyes. She’s not fully human as she has fae blood in her and this gives her the ability to talk to and control plants. Flower crowns for everyone
Becca. Theater kid who would die to sing in Wicked and has the vocal range to do so, cannot wait to graduate and go to her dream college which she got into and a scholarship, closeted lesbian bc her whole giant family is extremely catholic and she feels like not dealing with it, “no boys allowed in bedroom” rule is her favorite joke, chill, middle child of 5 siblings and just wants some peace and quiet for ONCE. Her fashion sense is “I’m dropping subtle hints I’m gay but only to other gays”, has a black belt and took self defense classes. 5’6, 145lbs, Virgo, age 18, Latina (cuban and mexican mix), darker brown skin with light freckles over her nose, athletic build, eyebrows on POINT, bright caramel eyes, short light brown hair cut in a bob, has a tiny nose stud, always wears a blue friendship bracelet her gf made her. Human
Anika. Calling her a bitch/slut is a compliment, bisexual, a bit of a mean girl but she grows out of it give her time!!! Is always Too Much, the horny friend, favorite color is red so thats almost all of her outfits, loves to show off her body as much as she can because she’s hot and knows it and thrives in her own confidence. Her mom is literally like Regina George’s mom from Mean Girls but married a rich man 20 years older than her, Anika doesn’t know her bio dad but thats fine neither does her mom and her step dad is nice and does his best to be a dad. Becca’s gf, always hanging out at her home so Becca can get some quiet because Anika’s an only child and has a pool. 5’9, 135lbs, Gemini, age 18, white, long layered dark reddish brown hair, teal-blue eyes, swimmers body type (I normally do not mention bust size but she would want the internet to know she was blessed with big bahoogles so there you go), can sprint in heels. Half mermaid (boy was that a surprise considering her mom doesn’t know who her father is LOL)
Rex. Nb uses they/them he/him pronouns but honestly will respond to any, goth lite, only attracted to men and ace, can read minds so knows all your secrets, mischevious little shit, great friends with Zander and enjoys his dumbass thoughts and that he’s basically a human version of Jackass, wears too many rings, goth boots for kicking and fashion babey, always has the freshest memes and will not hesitate to roast in the group chat, hangs with the girls most of the time. Chaos god who loves making art, be gay do crime, skateboard and spraypaint. 5’8”, 165lbs, Leo, age 18, Native American, masculine frame, dark brown skin, blue eyes, firetruck red shoulder length hair that’s usually in a ponytail, knock-off gucci sunglasses just for judging their friends. Has magic in their blood so not entirely human and can cast spells and shit (don’t roast me its a wip and I’m doing my research)
Sam. Boho goddess, aromantic, makeup and nails are always instagram worthy, quiet and stoic type but losens up around close friends, Rex is her best friend, has some trauma and doesn’t want to talk about it, emotionally numbed out a bit and wants to purely vibe. Has seen some of the worst parts of humanity and wishes she hadn’t, finds no point in being bitter or resentful though because that won’t change anything, loves cats and once she moves out shes adopting one or three. Has wine aunt energy. 5’4, 200lbs PLUS SIZE QUEEN, Scorpio, age 18, Filipino (her parents are immigrants fun fact!), really olive skin sometimes has a grey/green tinge to it, dark brown almost black shoulder length hair, gold-hazel eyes. Sam’s the victim of a family curse that requires her to consume human hearts to survive, she can transform into a pretty scary looking being and uses this curse to hunt down pedoph*les, r*pists, murderers, and abusers. The less often she feeds the less human she looks, hence the constant grey/green tinge to her skin. 
Andy. Baby of the group, must be protected at all costs, 100% didn’t sign up to be in a friendgroup of 90% monsters but highkey loves it, trans, bi, anxiety MAXED, just wants to draw comics and cosplay spiderman, has to babysit his two younger sisters a lot because his parents are....not great, and as a result now knows all the lines to Tangled and The Little Mermaid. Big nerd energy, has to draw on everything including homework, gets inspiration for comics from his friends, awkward and socially anxious, drinks way too much tea and will accidentally steal your pens. Fears include: crowds, thunder, tall angry men, tiny spaces. Just trying his best. 5’2, 100lbs BEANPOLE BOY, Leo, age 16, white (irish and scottish roots), freckles absolutely EVERYWHERE, orangey red hair thats in desperate need of a haircut, chocolate brown eyes, braces, chronic nail biter. Human and kinda wishes he wasn’t.
That’s it for now if you read all this bless u thank u here is my whole heart. Please no discourse, literally these are fictional people I’ll never publish the books they go to.
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stanskzseungmin · 5 years
SCB ~ Words From the Heart Often Cuts Deep
NonIdol! + Soulmate! AU
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 2906
Prompt: Write something on your own skin, appears on the other’s skin as well
A/N: TW! Descriptions of self-harm are depicted in this
A/N 2: I’m not too proud of this... like at all, but screw it lmao. Also not proofread so we dying like MEN x2!
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Everyone at birth is assigned a soulmate. It’s quite a beautiful story. The universe likes to give back to the world in the form of hope: hope that everyone is promised eternal happiness with a singular person that was decided on by fate. Everyone had their own method of contacting their soulmate or a radar or counter of sorts. 
Changbin didn’t know what his was in particular. He didn’t even know whether or not his gift was communication or a radar. His good friend Felix had a wattle counter. His hyung, Chan, had a counter that showed how long he’s been in the immediate vicinity of his soulmate. His dongsaeng, Jisung, also had a counter that will start the countdown once he’s interacted with his soulmate. Unfortunately for the three, all their counters are all stuck at a fat 0.
“Hey, this probably could mean that you’ve probably interacted with them before?” Jisung suggested, bringing his hands up.
Changbin mumbled into his palm, propping up his elbow on the table. Felix was casually rubbing at Changbin’s exposed forearm.
“Maybe it isn’t a counter at all?” Felix wondered out loud rubbing circles on Changbin’s flesh.
“How about you all get to work before I beat all your asses?” Chan grumbled slouched over his laptop.
“He’s just salty because his timer is stuck at zero,” Jisung whispered with his hand held up to his mouth.
“Your counter is also stuck at zero,” Chan groaned out rubbing his temples.
Felix giggled, still trying to examine Changbin’s forearm. His eyes furrowed in confusion as you spotted the word ‘useless’ forming on his flesh. Changbin ripped his arm away from the younger’s grasp.
“Can you stop molesting me now, Lix?”
Like Chan, Changbin didn’t necessarily obsess over his soulmate. If the stars had aligned to assign Changbin a soulmate, then he should allow fate to run its course to allow he and his soulmate to meet one day. Despite this, Changbin has always been a little self conscious about his arms. However, it was certainly not by how lanky it is, his arms could classify as weapons by how thicc they were, but the fact that it’s bare unlike the people around him having some sort of mark intricately tattooed on their skin by fate made him feel like a bit of an outcast. Changbin rolled down his sleeves until it reached past his wrists.
Changbin slumped down in slight defeat letting out a breathy sigh. He shook his head and straightened up, smoothing away the wrinkles on his shirt and readjusting his black snapback on his head. Changbin winced a bit when he felt a fleeting pain his torso.  Changbin tried to straighten up when the passersby eyed him warily. It lingered a bit for a few seconds, but it was almost painful. Changbin let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding as he hurried back to his apartment.
Slamming the door shut behind him, he tossed aside his backpack. The sack slumped down the wall to the floor landing with a light thud. Changbin quickly lifted up his shirt to examine his torso.
“What…?” Changbin whispered, running his finger over the red spot. Changbin winced a bit from the burning on contact, but there on his side just underneath his ribs were two oddly indented crescents that formed on his skin.
“Strange,” Changbin waved it off as he headed straight to the shower. It was a slow day-- one of those where time seemed to crawl at a snail’s pace. Changbin just wanted to have a nice cool shower, curl up under his sheets and sleep to recharge and start anew the next day and feel refreshed.
It was a fairly stuffy day. Sweat covered his body in a light sheen as his clothes seemed to stick to him uncomfortably like an itchy second skin. After shedding his long layers and discarding the fabric on the cool white tile of his bathroom floor, he started the shower, sticking his hand under the cascading drops of water checking the temperature. Satisfied, he went in. Exhaling in bliss as the cool water rolled down his tense muscles, Changbin closed his eyes taking in the refreshing feel. Changbin relished in the cool feeling as suddenly his skin began to crawl. His flesh quickly became red and raw as Changbin suddenly feel...hot. Too hot. Changbin let out pained screams. His excruciating voice echoed throughout the walls of the small room. His body was literally burning up as if boiling water suddenly surrounded him. His hand flew up as his hand flew up desperately grabbing at the nozzle and bumping up the cold water. The freezing cold water had a sharp contrast to his burning skin. It lessened the pain a bit, the cold water help sooth the red flesh. Changbin gasped and panted as light steam came from his body as a result of the cold water hitting his burning skin.
“What the fuck?” Changbin groaned. “Fucking STOP!”
As if on cue, the searing hot skin subsided a bit. The water is doing wonders to his skin. Bracing himself on the tiled wall with both hands, Changbin panted as his skin tingled painfully. Pulling back the curtain, he stumbles out as his leg gives out under him. He made his way towards his phone without bothering for a towel as he left trails of water behind him.
"Hyung? Hyung pick up," Changbin begged while listening to the ringing. After what felt like an eternity, Chan finally answered.
"Changbin? You alright?" Chan asked with worry in his voice. 
"We got a problem," Changbin sighed explaining the pinching pain he experienced earlier as well as his scorching hot shower.
"Are you sure you didn't accidentally bump up the hot water?"
"No," Changbin spat. "I'm not an idiot"
"Alright, alright," Chan surrendered. "It probably has something to do with your soulmate? It obviously isn't a radar or a counter… maybe it's a shared state?
"Who the fuck likes boiling hot showers?"
"I dunno. Some people do. Perhaps your soulmate is having a nice hot shower."
"Nice hot shower, my ass, I'm red all over and my skin feels so raw and sore that the air fucking hurts."
Chan sighs. "Just rub some cream on it and try not to irritate it too much."
Changbin grumbled. "Ok. Thanks, hyung."
Doing as he's told, Changbin eventually goes to bed, only sliding on a pair of boxers. Changbin changed the sheets to a thinner more lightweight one so it feels cool to the touch against his burning skin. Not that long after jumping in bed, he passed out stomach side down relishing on the cool sheets on his sensitive skin. 
It was a peaceful slumber for what it's worth. Eventually he wakes up with a searing pain on his arms. Changbin woke up thrashing and hissing in pain. Changbin shoots up seeing his sheets stained red as several slashes ran across across his wrists. The slashes were irregular: some deep, some light scratches as red oozes out in droplets.
"What the fuck? What the fuck?" Changbin growled out the final word as he rushes to run it under cold water. Changbin gasped in agony as the cool water made it sting profusely. Grabbing a clean rag, he applied pressure to the wound.
Perhaps that was his link to his soulmate, a shared state? A sinking feeling washed over Changbin. Was his soulmate...hurting themselves? The scalding hot showers...the slashes on his wrist.
In curiosity, Changbin scribbles on his arm with a pen. ‘Why would you do this to yourself?’
You sobbed to yourself sitting in your tub still fully clothed. Your clothes were drenched as the water overfilled past the rim.
It hurt. Everything hurt. Life seemed to be so very cruel. Everything seemed to border "not good enough." No matter how hard you tried, you can never crawl out of your hole. Not only that, it seemed likely that the hope of a soulmate that would share an eternity with you for better or for worse never appeared. Chuckling darkly to yourself that even at birth the universe decided you were not good enough for a soulmate. Unlike everyone you're surrounded by, your skin remained naked and bare since the day you were born.
As morbid as it is, you held an exacto knife within your hand and you began carving brilliant strokes watching the red flow out. Despite the stinging and searing pain, it felt blissful. The weights of the world and failure seemed to apply pressure to your wounded heart. Each cut seemed to alleviate the pressure and it was addicting. Dipping your arm back into the water with the intention of adding the pained words that describe your being, you brought the blade to your flesh.
Ugly. Useless. Disappointed.
You paused as your breath hitched. You gasped out seeing intricate black ink started penning onto your arm just above the cut.
‘Why would you do this to yourself?’
You froze. Your eyes widened as you felt your heart sank down to your stomach. You swallowed the lump in your throat.
Did you… did you really have a soulmate? Was this him?
Tears welled up in your eyes upon realization that you indeed had a soulmate and that you were hurting him as well. You quickly scrambled out of the tub, the water sloshing loudly as it splashed onto the tile floor. You reached for your bag that you left on the closed lid of the porcelain toilet, rummaging through its content searching for a pen.
'I-it wasn’t… I didn’t mean to!' you scribbled onto your flesh.
“You didn’t ‘mean to’ but it just happens right?"
You broke into sobs. Not only you burdened everyone surrounding you, but you also burdened the one you were fated to be with. You haven't met the man or know the tone of his voice, but you can practically hear the condescending tone and imagine his annoyed and disappointed look.
Changbin sighed to himself, running his hand through his dark locks. He didn't mean to come off as a douchebag. He was just so overwhelmed with emotion, his fated to be was hurting themselves. A million thoughts was running through his mind. Who were you? What has pushed you to the point of self harm? How could he help? Could he even help? He felt a pang of pain in his heart, but he didn’t even know you so how could he feel so...heartbroken as if he had known you for years.
‘Take care of yourself, ok?’ Changbin scribbled before heading back to bed.
“What happened to you?!” Felix’s voice squeaked out examining Changbin’s forearms and prodding at the slashes.
“Ow! Lix!”
“ARE YOU DEPRESSED CHANGBIN?” Jisung boomed. “That is a big no no, come here so I can hug your depression away.”
“Jeez, can you be any louder?” Changbin shushed looking around.  “I’m not depressed, ok!”
“You could’ve at least bandaged it,” Felix grumbled as he began disinfecting the wound.
“So it’s your soulmate?” Chan whispered.
“Jesus, Chan. You look like death!” Changbin exclaimed. Chan’s brown hair was heavily disheveled as his prominent dark bags decorated his pale skin.
“Sorry,” Chan shrugged. “I was trying to figure out your soulmate problem. I think your gift is communication.”
“Yea, I know,” Changbin folded up his sleeves, revealing the text he left.
“You should talk to them,” Jisung looked at Changbin with hopeful eyes. “Maybe they just need someone to talk to.”
“It isn’t my business though,” Changbin mumbled.
“They’re your soulmate, it IS your business,” Felix exclaimed.
“Just start it slow, don’t overwhelm them,” Chan suggested. 
Changbin’s shoulders slumped. “What do I even say?”
“I know!” Jisung beamed, raising a hand up.
“Oh no,” three boys’ voices rang out in unison.
‘Have a good day, ok? :)’ Jisung smiled proudly after scribbling the message.
“That’s...actually pretty tame,” Chan merely stated returning to his seat.
“What do you mean ‘tame’? What were you expecting?!” Jisung stammered at the eldest.
“The worst.”
“Felix!” Jisung whined.
‘Have a good day, ok? :)’
You chuckled softly at the words that appeared on your skin. Your heart completed leaps in your chest as butterflies erupted within you. You wiped away your tears as you saw a sight of that glimmer of hope: the hope of a soulmate.
‘Thank you. I hope you do, too :)’
Changbin and his soulmate has spent day to day leaving small remarks and comments onto their skin. Changbin’s heart swelled with joy knowing that he’s making a difference in his soulmate’s life. There were no more self degrading comments, scorching showers or deep slashes to the skin. There was the occasional deep chill, but you insisted that it was cold where you were. Changbin didn’t want to invade on your personal space so he never asked where you lived. Changbin was soon caught up in midterms as his workload stacked up so he never really had the time to write you small messages. It had been two weeks since Changbin scribbled onto his arm.
But not all good things seemed to last. Changbin was working on some music with his two buddies, Chan and Jisung. The three of them enjoyed writing music as music production majors. Changbin had earbuds in as he’s nodding his head listening to the sample Chan came up with.
“I dunno,” Chan started. “Could use a little more bass, don’t you think?”
Changbin nodded hesitantly. “Yeah, you could try-- Aah!”
“Changbin!” the two boys shot up from their seats to run to Changbin’s side. Changbin doubled over in pain as his thighs began to throb horrible and excruciating pain tore through the flesh. With shaky hands, he pulled back the thin fabric of his shorts revealing rather deep cuts and slashes that ran down his inner thighs.
“Oh my god, Changbin,” Chan gasped out. “Jisung get the first aid kit!”
The youngest jumped and scrambled out of the room, banging his hip ungracefully on the door frame.
“Changbin, are you alright?!” Chan tried to comfort the younger.
”Y-yea, but my soulmate-” Changbin gasped. 
Frantically, Chan reached for a pen that Jisung was previously fiddling with as he scribbled something on Changbin’s thighs. The slashes kept appearing and Changbin choked out a sob with every single one. Soon markings of a word began to form.
‘Please stop, you’re hurting him and yourself!’
The slashes stopped momentarily as Changbin now had a moment to breathe.
‘I’m sorry. I thought it was ok to do it in a less obvious spot...’
‘In what world, did you think it was ok?!’
“Hyung, stop,” Changbin pushed his hyung off.
“Changbin! Every struggle is two ways, you’re hurting, too” Chan lectured.
“I’m here! I’m here!” Jisung barreled in with a red box. Chan immediately went to work disinfecting and bandaging the wounds. 
“Hand me the pen,” Changbin commanded as he winced at the stinging paint of the alcohol.
‘Why are you doing this? Stop.’ Changbin wrote on his forearm. 
‘I deserve this pain.’
‘Why are you saying this?’ Changbin’s heart broke at your last statement.
‘It just hurts so much. Living day by day in failure and never being good enough. No one cares about me. I thought you did. I thought you CARED!’
‘I did, but apparently, it wasn’t enough.’
‘You left me alone for two weeks, when I needed you the most.’
‘Well, I’m sorry. I have a life too.’ Changbin didn’t necessarily meant\ to sound harsh or snappy, but sometimes life gets in the way
‘I’m sorry. I can’t do this anymore. I hope you’re happy.’
Changbin’s heart has dropped to his stomach. Changbin visibly stiffened up as he began to tremble. His breathing accelerated as he heard his heart thumping loudly in his ears as fear wracked his body.
“Changbin? What happened?” Chan asked warily reaching out to his arm.
“Hyung?” Jisung spoke out in a small voice, reading the text in his arm. “What does that mean?”
Confused, Chan stood up to stand by Changbin’s side to read the writing there. Gasping, Chan wrested the writing utensil from Changbin’s stiff grip.
‘Please stop. Don’t do what we’re thinking. Please, where are you?’
The atmosphere was tense and heavy. The only sound that permeated throughout the room was Changbin’s heavy breathing. 
‘Please,’ Chan scribbled once more. With shaky hands, the words came out similar to chicken scratch.
Changbin erupted in a fit of coughs as he stumbled out of his chair.
“Changbin!” “Hyung!” Chan and Jisung called bending down to his level and rubbing his back. 
Changbin fell to his knees as he doubled over gasping and wheezing. His hands flew to his neck as fingers frantically rubbed and scratched at the flesh. Chan and Jisung in a panic grabbed at Changbin’s arms to prevent him from injuring his neck. 
“Oh my god,” Chan gasped out in horror.
On Changbin’s neck were rope burns. The flesh was raw and red and slowly turning purple from the bruising. Changbin kept gasping for air feeling like he couldn’t breathe, but in reality he was breathing just fine. Black spots dotted Changbin’s vision as the world began to spin. Changbin collapsed into Chan’s arms unconscious as his breathing slowly steadies out.
Meanwhile, your world turned to black as you swung softly back and forth as you took your final breath.
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brianharoldmayjune · 5 years
We’ve All Got That One Friend (Joe Mazzello x Reader Smut)
Request: I have a request! The boys, younger (late teens early twenties?) where your boyfriend joe takes you to a party with ben and gwilym? Things get steamy but not necessarily sex?
Pairing: College!Joe Mazzello x Reader
Warning: Brief drug use and whole bunch of thigh riding 
Notes: Bens thicc ass thighs are mentioned and Gwil being drunk Gwil
Word Count: 2091
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You and Joe had been walking around the liquor store for a good twenty minutes trying to decide what drink to bring to the party the two of your were currently headed to.
You wanted to buy something on the more cheaper side knowing strangers will inevitably be drinking whatever beverage you bring to the party. On the other hand, Joe wanted to get a drink that he would enjoy far more than your options, which were all on the more pricier side.
This left you following behind your boyfriend as if you were a lost puppy, arms crossed and hoping he would decide on a drink so you could get the hell out of there.
“Joey common, the employees are giving us dirty looks. We’ve been here too long,” you sigh, watching as he picks a bottle of Ciroc off of one of the shelves to inspect it, “I’m already tired and we aren't even there yet.”
Placing the bottle back down, Joe turns to you with a sigh and a look of defeat covering his face, “alright, alright- what do you want, the Fireball?” You quickly nod as a smug smile tugged across your lips. He always gave into you. Taking your hand in his, you pick up a bottle of Fireball before paying for it at the cash and heading to the car.
Sitting in the passenger seat holding the bottle as if it were your baby, Joe starts to drive towards your party destination, “Do you think a lot of people will be there?” you question, reaching a hand over to hold his free hand in yours.
“Most likely, it’s one of the first parties of spring and I’m sure people will want to leave their house,” Joe chuckled flashing a smile your direction. “You’ll be catching allll the boys’ eyes,” he dragged out the L, earning an eye roll from you.
You weren’t wearing anything special, just some high rise jeans and a cropped t-shirt paired with sneakers. Nothing special with your makeup either, just a tiny bit of winged eyeliner. But I guess any guy drunk of their ass would find anyone more than thrilling to give them a good shag.
“But I don't want allll their attention,” you respond, dragging out the L similar to Joe, “I only want one boys attention.”
“And who would that be?” Joe asks with a slight eyebrow raise, squeezing your hand gently.
“His name starts with a J,” you smile, focusing all you attention towards him, “and he has floofy hair,” you tilt your head to admire his face, “oh, and can’t forget, he’s got a pretty bad sense of humour.”
“Hey!” Joe squeaked, pulling his hand away from yours, “rude- looks like you just lost his attention,” he continued sarcastically, placing both hands on the wheel.
“I wasn’t even talking about you,” you giggle, “I was going to say Johnny Depp but okay call me rude, I have the alcohol,” you shrug, holding the paper bag closer to your chest.
“Yup, sure you were y/n,” Joe reaches over to hold your hand, like previously, but you are quick to pull it away.
“You called me rude, might have to think before you speak next time,” you try to keep a straight face, but Joe simply leans over the armrest to give your cheek a peck which causes a small grin to crack across your lips.
“Fine truce,” you reach out to hold his hand, only this time he pulls it away.
“I’ll think about it... but look, we’re here,” he smirks to you, parking a few houses down from the designated house.
Inside is a typical party. The rooms and hallways are filled with way too many people, the music is obnoxiously loud, the red solo cups decorate the furniture, and the smell of pot laces the muggy air. You hands are bound together as Joe leads the way through the crowd trying to find the remainder of your friends. Luckly, it didn’t take the two of you that long.
“There’s Ben,” you shout over Joes shoulder, pointing to a couch to the far right where Ben was sitting with a phone in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Making your way over to him, you both call his name causing him to look up and grin.
“You both made it,” Ben says standing up from his spot on the couch giving yourself and Joe a tight hug.
“Only for you,” Joe winks, scoping out the rest of the room before Ben and himself sat down on the couch.
“You going to sit?” Ben asks as Joe pats the spot between himself and Ben.
“In a moment,” you say loud enough so they could hear you over the music, “I’m going to go find Gwil and look for a few shot glasses so we can have this,” you gesture to the bottle of Fireball in your arms.
The boys nod in unison, as you turn around to embark on your mini journey.
“Be safe, don’t get lost,” Joe yells to you dramatically as Ben blows you an air kiss.
After a few minutes of poking your head into different rooms and gently shoving people to get out of your way, you found Gwil upstairs with a few of his mates. You knock on the open door hoping to grab his attention.
“Y/n,” Gwil says happily, making his way quickly over to you in order to give you a large hug as he towered over your frame. After small banter and joining him in doing a line of dust with the rest of his mates, the two of you made your way downstairs to find shot glasses. After a few struggling minutes of finding cups that had yet to been used, you and Gwil finally found a few and brought them back to Joe and Ben.
“Look who it is,” Joe got up to give Gwil a hug, pulling you down with him as he went back to sit on the couch. You plop in between Joe and Ben, leaning into Joes side while plopping your feet up on the coffee table.
“What took you guys so long?” Ben asked, shoving his phone into his back pocket to focus on the group.
“You know… just doing party things,” you wink to Ben, wiping your nose in the process. Although Ben didn't catch on right away, Joe did and pulled you closer to him as his arm was around your shoulders.
“Skiing... without me?” Joe states while putting a hand to his chest, acting as if he were hurt.
“Oh, don't get your panties in a twist, we brought back shot glasses,” you lean over to look at Gwil who started to fill them to the rim with your cinnamon whiskey.
After Gwil, Joe, Ben and yourself had a glass in hand, Ben made sure to say a tiny speech, “to the upcoming summer filled with plenty more of these kinda nights!”
The three of you repeated his lines with widened smiles on your faces before clinking shot glasses and downing the contents. After three more rounds of shots, which Joe only took part in one due to him being the designated driver, Gwil had disappeared back into the crowd leaving yourself, Joe and Ben outfront sharing Ben’s last cigarette.
Joe's arms were wrapped around you, with your back to his front, resting his chin on the top of your head. At this point of the night, the buzz you had accumulated made your affection towards Joe even stronger, turning around to give him neck kisses every other second.
“I think it’s time we head out, babes,” he spoke into your hair, giving the top of your head a peck.
You nodded in response, “but Bens gonna be left all alone.”
“I’ll be alright, babes,” Ben said in attempts to mock Joe, in which Joe stuck out his tongue in exchange. “I’m gonna wait for Gwil, I said I’d drive him home.”
“See y/n, Bens an adult, he knows what he's doing,” Joe said softly for your drunken state to comprehend. You nod.
“Fine,” you pout, “text me when you get home,” you say to Ben as Joe takes your hand to lead you towards the car.
“Will do ma’ma,” Ben nodded with a smug grin, mouthing to Joe for him to text himself when the two of you got home. Joe planely nodded giving him a wave goodbye, helping you walk to the car. After the two of you got in the car, you were quick to have your hands around Joes neck as you made out with his face.
“Joey, I want you,” you pleaded from the passenger seat as you took in his appearance, daring to break eye contact with him.
“When we get home, I promise,” he said while brushing away your hair from in front of your face, leaning in to give your lips a kiss.
“But I want you now,” you whine, pulling his face back to yours when he broke the kiss.
He sighed gently into your lips, not in frustration, but at how much he adored your wanting for him. “Fine, come ‘ere,” he said lowly into your ear, helping you to pull your body from the passenger seat into his lap.
Nibbling at your ear while rubbing the small of your back that was exposed due to the lack of length your shirt had, you started to rub yourself against his thigh. The tension enough was plenty to get your needy state to your high.
“Think you can cum just by this, baby?” he questions, bringing a hand under your shirt to knead at one of your breasts.
“Mhm,” was all you responded, continuing to rock yourself against his lanky leg. The heat at your core was overwhelming, and by the amount of wetness dripping from your pussy, you were for sure it would leak through your jeans.
“I love when you blush like that,” Joe said inspecting the crimson colour that was coloring your cheeks, bringing a firm kiss to your lips before pulling away, “You look so innocent but you are the complete opposite- so fucking naughty, huh?”
You could tell by the way Joe was speaking that he was trying to turn you on even more, and yeah, it was definitely working. With your forehead resting on his, he brought the hand that was tweeking at your nipples down your front until his index and middle finger started to rub through your jeans above your clit.
That sensation alone drove you right to your high as moans started to flood from your mouth.
“I want you to cum for me,” Joe demanded in a rough tone, his words going straight to your core, “cum for me now.”
And just like how fast his words came, your orgasm was fast to rip through you, your head tilting back as a moan louder than the previous ones erupted from your swollen lips. Your body was soon limp against Joes, your legs continuing to straddle him as one of his hands rested on your hip with the other rubbing your back.
“You’re so beautiful you know that,” Joe hummed, kissing the side of your neck that was exposed as your head rested on his shoulder. All you did was tiredly nod back, sucking at his neck.
Before Joe was able to speak again, a loud whistle came from outside, causing you and Joe to look out the driver side window. To your shock, Ben was trying to pull Gwil away as he was drunkenly making fake moaning noises while asking ben if he could ride his “thick thighs.”
“Sorry,” Ben shouted loud enough for the two of you to hear through the window, as he saw your head embarrassingly go back into Joes shoulder. All Joe did was give him the finger in response.
“You’re fine, I’ll talk to them in the morning,” Joe said reassuringly giving your forehead a kiss.
Your drunk self looked up to Joe, “do you think Ben will let Gwil ride his thick thighs?” you ask with hooded eyes and a smug grin.
“I dunno, guess we’ll find out in the morning,” Joe chuckled, giving your ass a small squeeze before you ventured on your way home for round two.
- Yours Truly, R.
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plague-doctor-87 · 5 years
Pokéspe Character Ideas
Just a head cannon, but I think this is cute. I mention heights, body types, character traits, and their love life:
Green- 6’6”- Toolllll grouchy boi. Has muscle, but is pretty lean. Doesn’t really enjoy talking but prefers battling. The only time he’s soft is when him and Blue are alone...
Red- 6’5”- Another toolllll boi but a friendly giant because of how buff he is. Enjoys people’s differences and personalities. Was very oblivious to Yellow’s crush at first and is pretty apologetic to her about it. He loves picking up his tiny gender fluid lover and hugging them.
Silver- 6’3”- Smoll Green, but still very toll. Doesn’t talk much but enjoys being around people who care about him. He’s asexual and finds people’s presence satisfying enough.
Pearl- 6’1”- Toll lanky boi. Is very slim and energetic. He doesn’t really know what kind of people he likes and doesn’t really mind. He just likes people! He’s possibly pansexual?
Blue- 6’0”- Toll supermodel curvy queen. Loved teasing anyone and everyone. Even though they’re opposites, her and Green fit well together as a toll couple.
Sapphire- 5’10”- Toll Amazonian queen. Another ball of energy like Pearl but is buff. Sometimes enjoys being feminine, but mostly just wants to break gender boundaries with Ruby.
Ruby- 5’9”- A little short, but will wear the tallest stilettos he can find for the heck of it to tick off Sapphire. Who is wearing the tux and who is wearing the dress tonight? Who knows? It’ll be a surprise!
Diamond- 5’8”- Thicc boi. He is a cinnamon roll, and makes the best cinnamon rolls. He is so amazed by Platinum’s beautiful brain and intellect.
Gold- 5’6”- Tiny gremlin. He doesn’t like being short at all and feels inferior to Blue and Sapphire. Everyone else find it funny. He’s a lady’s man, but can’t seem to keep a lady.
Platinum- 5’5”- Such a smart queen. Has money, but prefers to live in a small bakery with Diamond. Pretty petite girl.
Crystal- 5’4”- Has the best legs ever. She’s hoping to find a girl to go on long hikes together and kiss afterwards. Has very strong opinions and stands up for them.
Yellow- 5’0”- Little smoll child. Often changes between male and female and doesn’t mind it. They are the sweetest person you will ever meet. Them and Red are such a cute couple.
Emerald- 4’0”- Is probably 5’4”ish with stilts on. Honestly doesn’t know anything about relationships nor does he even care to know. He just wants to sit and work on his electronics.
Please tell me what you think. Is there something you agree/disagree with? Who is your favorite? Let me know!
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pllandcompany · 5 years
You GUYS. Sanders Sides Ice Skating AU? Sanders Sides Ice Skating AU.
Do I know anything about ice skating? Nope. Am I gonna write about it anyway? Absolutely. Google is a thing, right?
(please don’t ask me what possessed me to come up with this, the answer i don’t know, just let me be great)
Warnings: talk of injuries, performance anxiety, mention of illegal/dangerous performance enhancing practices, disordered eating/body image issues, past minor character death. illness mention, deceit is included in this
Also, just to be clear, the boys all train together on the same team. Under a cut because this 100% ran away from me.
at 24, he’s considered to be what the team lovingly calls a lifer, meaning that skating is all he knows and all he’s ever done since he was born
truth be told, his former NBA cheerleader mother and NFL coach father forced him into several sports when he was small and this was the only one he showed any potential in
spoiler alert: they’re not thrilled that this was the only one he was good at
but they wanted their son to be an athlete so skating it is
fairly well known but doesn’t even acknowledge his own fame
known around the arena for being sort of intense and standoffish leading to him not always being well-liked
also weirdly brilliant? he frequently goes on rants about the physics behind skating that never fail to shock his teammates
despite being a frequent silver/gold medalist, Logan always felt like his parents were constantly disappointed in him so he vowed to train so hard that he would make his first Olympics by age 18
he missed his goal by one tenth of a point and had to wait until 22 to qualify again
also his parents didn’t even attend the competition where he qualified
it doesn’t bother him one bit (just kidding, he is Bothered)
very rigid with his diet and training regimen, sometimes to an unhealthy level depending on how well he believes he’s performing (roman and patton are Very Worried sometimes)
struggles with his height and wingspan, at 6′0 he’s tall for a skater and somewhat lanky which makes certain technical elements difficult for him 
only at first though, when he meets a challenge, it becomes his ultimate goal to master it
ever the perfectionist, he will practice until he nearly collapses and often has to be dragged off the ice and forced to stop obsessing
(the occasional lack of adequate nutrition and/or hydration doesn’t have anything to do with him collapsing. nope. he’s fine.)
his technique is mostly impeccable but he’s a cerebral skater; often criticized for visibly “thinking” while skating and not emoting much
23, total prodigy skater, also a lifer
both parents were Olympic skaters; they were actually part of two separate pairs when they met and quickly became both life and work partners
now Roman’s father coaches their team and his mother acts as his manager
very charismatic and magnetic, quickly became a public figure after his second Olympic gold medal
his mother takes every advantage of her son’s charm, constantly signing him up for guest roles and talk shows and commercials without consulting him first
he loves the attention though
sometimes he just wants to skate
Roman’s father isn’t as impressed with his antics; he’s constantly on him to stay focused 
the other teammates either genuinely love him or they love him in person and gossip about him in secret
he knows some of their adoration is fake but it’s fine, he doesn’t care what they think (he cares a great deal)
5′8 but very muscular, especially in his legs and shoulders 
has been criticized for his broader body type but he doesn’t care; he loves that he’s Thicc
judges still love him though, he’s a very powerful skater, his jumps are explosive and very accurate and he’s always very connected to the music
he’s always looking for the next challenge, the next risky move or flashy element
at times he can be hard on himself to always outdo his last performance which has cost him his physical health at times; he spent the year leading up to his second Olympics battling a knee injury that almost sidelined him
he and Logan have a friendly/unfriendly competition going on as they tend to consistently trade places with each other for 1st and 2nd place on the podium
21, a newer addition to the team
wicked talented, possibly even more so than Roman
ask him though and he’d tell you he’s the worst one in the rink (which infuriates Logan considering Virgil achieved the very goal he couldn’t)
has severe performance anxiety and will often panic so much before competition that he’s physically sick
5′6 with a slight build; can jump wicked high and very clean lines
his teammates call him the Shrimp because of how short he is
(roman used to call him that too until he found out how much Virgil hated the nickname)
raised by a single parent, his mother worked three jobs so she could afford skating lessons and new boots as he grew
qualified for his first Olympics at just 18, won bronze and a sponsorship that finally took the pressure off his mother
now he wants gold but not for himself
his mother was diagnosed with cancer and the treatments are very expensive on top of the financial demands of his career
he knows if he makes more money, he can provide for her the way she provided for him
when he skates, it’s either damn near flawless or a shaky, inconsistent mess, there is no in-between
fortunately there are people around him to help his anxiety and keep him focused
25; came to the arena shortly after Logan but unlike Lo was very quickly accepted
he loves everybody
everybody loves him
the other teammates call him Old Man, Dad, or Papa Patton because he’s always looking out for everyone
whether it’s making sure they stay hydrated or nourished or telling them to rest when they need to, he’s always looking out for his skate family
5′9 and somewhat muscular but still lean
not the most technically consistent skater but always receives high praise for his performance and artistry
one of the few skaters who actually loves the dance classes they attend and really gets into them (this confuses Logan greatly)
came to competitive skating a bit later in life, took more time to train and test than average
despite his age and experience, he actually has the least amount of medals among the four and has yet to win Olympic gold
is seemingly unbothered by that fact (this confuses Roman greatly)
also never appears to be nervous or stressed about competitions (this confuses Virgil greatly)
when asked about his calm and cheerful demeanor even in the face of disappointment (by Roman) 
or his ability to display every emotion in the music so readily on his face (by Logan) 
or how he manages not to puke for hours before a big skate (by Virgil), he answers with this
when he was nine, both of his parents were killed by a drunk driver on their way to see him skate
he almost quit skating after that happened
(if he’s honest, he almost quit everything after that happened)
but after the grief settled slightly, he made a promise to himself that no matter what, every time he stepped on the ice, he would skate for them
every turn, every spin, even every practice session is for them and whatever happens doesn’t matter because he knows that his family is watching over him and they are so proud
having discovered a new level of respect for their teammate, the others find themselves complaining much less around him now
Deceit (known as Dimitri):
22, not a member of Roman’s dad club, of Russian descent but skates for Team Canada 
started showing up in competitions shortly after Virgil joined the team
immediately started crushing everybody, knocking Roman and Logan down to silver or bronze and Virgil and Patton off the podium completely
5′8 and the ideal build for a figure skater, judges go nuts over his lines and speed
deadly accurate jumper
the dude honestly seems almost perfect
Roman is Frustrated. Logan is Jealous. Virgil and Patton are Suspicious.
it’s Patton who finds out the chink in Dimitri’s sequined armor
he’s been blood doping for months in secret
but not for selfish reasons
he too was orphaned at a young age but unlike Patton, he was not the only child left behind
he has a sister and two brothers who he is the primary caretaker of
and almost every penny he earns is spent on their schooling, their healthcare, their overall well-being
he has to be the best in order for their family to survive
which is why Patton is sworn to secrecy
if this got out, he’d be done and so would his three siblings
Patton is Very Worried because doping is hella dangerous
but Dimitri will be fine
I’m sure this has been done before but I don’t care, I’m in love with this concept and I can’t wait to write more.
Tagged: @ziallwarrior @apologieslogan @logansmolbean @crofters-jam @asylia5911 @ab-artist @band-be-boss-blog @unbefuckinglieveable @flyingfreeyt @thecatchat @thefallendog @backatthebein
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matt-skc-rp · 5 years
*Makeup* “It’s Too Cold For This”|| Youniversity Advent Day 27
Matt watched Arin walk into the room and then felt a nudge from Ray by his side. “Bet you my term paper that he’s coming from the nurse’s office” he chided, watching the boy with a gross bruise on his neck and a black eye. 
“Mr. Hanson, glad you could join us,” the teacher said, turning around, “Oh my go-”
“I’m coming from the nurse,” Arin quickly blurted, taking his hair out of the ponytail and letting it flop to his face and blush. 
“You could be coming off of the street and I wouldn’t care. You’re late again and you know that means you have detention.”
“Yea...” he said, but heard a giggle coming from the front, her legs swinging freely.
“Something funny about me reprimanding your colleague, Ms. Howson?” the teacher asked.
“Fuck..what grade do you want?” Matt sucked his teeth lightly, sighing.
“Uhh..passing is fine,” Ray said with a chuckle, biting his lip, “Check out your girlfriend.”
“Ray! Shush...she’s not my girlfriend..” Matt jumped up, but trained his eye towards the girl sitting in her uniform skirt and the short sleeve thin collared shirt with a sweater vest and long coloured balayage hair. She was adorable while she read her book, but she looked uncomfortable, restless. He wondered what the problem was.
“Earth to Matt....Helloooo..”
“Matthew,” the teacher barked, which caused him to jump with pure surprise, “It’s impolite to stare. And even more impolite you’re making Ray disrupt my class because you’re gawking at a girl.”
The class erupts into laughter, causing Matt to roll his eyes.
“Sorry,” he spoke less confidently and leaned back slightly.
“Can we all act like adults and show up for class on time and keep our eyes in respectable places during school hours?..Thank you!” he turns around and continues on his lecture. 
“Thanks Ray,” Matt says.
“I was tryna warn you.”
In the boy’s locker room, they changed into their gym uniforms and bantered on. 
“Yo what’s with you staring at the new chick?” Mark asked, spraying on deodorant.
“Her thighs are thicc, I’ve stared at those hams once or twice,” Felix jumped in, closing his locker, “Her and Suzy got some of the thickest thighs in this whole school!”
“Hey man, don’t talk about Suzy like that!” Arin interjected, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears. 
“Did yall see what she was reading?” Matt finally chimed in, “She was reading Hemmingway. Before that she was reading cummings. She reads a different book every day. And she hums songs that I know..”
“Wow..you noticed all of those things?” Ray asked, looking at him, “Hopefully you’re as observant when you write my paper this weekend.”
“Your history paper?” Sean asked, “Why does he have to write it?”
“Well why does Arin have a black eye and a noticeable bruise?” Ray asked.
Jeremy gave Arin a look and nudged him, showing that he was quite curious himself.
“You get into a fight?” Mark asked, closing his locker.
“Your parents gave you a shakedown?” Danny asked, handing Thomas his gym shirt.
“No..” Arin answered more annoyed but still very passive.
“Why did Shawna think your injuries were so funny?” Shane asked, “Was she there?”
“Y-Yeah..Hey Felix, I mean it, don’t talk about Suzy like that,” Arin said and repeated himself since he had the floor.
“Uhm..I’m sorry, didn’t she dump you?..Coulda swore you fucked that up!” Felix responded energetically, “And if you must know I mentioned it as a compliment, I wasn’t disrespecting her or objectifying her body.”
“Oh yeah? What makes you think she wants to hear that?” he bit back, rage growing in his chest, slamming his locker.
“What makes you think you need to know?” Felix asked, walking up to him, looking down at the boy, “I’ll give you another black eye for breaking her fucking heart.”
“Alright, a fight,” Dan beamed quietly straightening his posture.
Phil, Thomas and Charlie all stood up, approaching the two and pulling them apart, letting them know that it wasn’t worth it. Since Arin was done, they walked him out of the locker room.
“What’s going on here?” PJ asked, walking in the opposite direction, looking to Phil and Thomas, “Who did he fight?”
“He almost got into it with Felix,” Phil said quickly, “Now go, you’re late.”
“Nah, nah, hang on a sec...Where did all of that come from then?” he asked, approaching the heated boy and holdng his face up by his chin. Arin was still fuming and barely cared that the boy he had a huge crush on was touching him.
“Shawna... can I go now?” Arin said quickly.
“Yeah, we can talk about this later, we got like 5 minutes to whistle and I don’t feel like running laps..” Thomas said.
“Shawna? As in my Shawna, Shawna? What did you do?” he asked, taken aback, “What happened?”
“She’s not your Shawna. And she’s fine. I asked for this..”
“I’m not sure you get to make that call,” PJ staring Arin in his eyes and pausing to look him up and down, then walking away, wagging a finger at him while walking back toward the locker room. 
“Alright you guys, the gym is getting repainted so we had to open the windows and turn the big fans on. It’s a little chilly, but it’ll be great for the workout today!”
“It’s too cold for this..” Gabbie whined amongst Kristen and Shawna.
“It’s not that cold to me..You should start doing hikes with me on the weekends,” Shawna said, hands on her hips.
“Yeah, sure, Ms. Canada no thanks I hate the cold!” Gabbie said back, “I’ll join you in like late spring or early summer.”
“Arin and I usually join her, but I couldn’t make it yesterday..Did something happen? Why does he look like he got his ass beat?” Kristen asked excitedly.
“Uhh..” Shawna began before hearing the whistle and watching the boys all sprint onto the floor.
“Alright, since everyone needs to get moving and warm a little. How about everyone a nice light 5-minute jog?” he blew the whistle.
Everyone got into the group and started to jog together.
“Hey Shawna!” Tessa exclaimed, catching up to her friend, “Did you see what happened to Arin?”
“Yeah, I did it,” Shawna said quieter, simply looking forward.
“Oh my god! You did that?!” Kristen asked, whipping her head towards her, “What did he do to deserve it?”
“I-I..Can we just jog please?” Shawna said a little exasperated, “He told me I can’t say.”
“We wouldn’t tell anyone! We promise!” Tessa reassured her.
“You’re talking too loud,” Megan jumped in from the back.
“Even if she did, the boys can hear you from here..We can hear from here!” Liz added.
“Shut the fuck up,” Tessa snapped back before a whistle rang out and everybody stopped immediately, the group of girls giving exasperated sighs and a wave of sucking teeth.
“Why are we so chatty today?” the teacher asked, the room fell silent, “I heard someone curse, and you know that means I gotta make yall do health packets.” The class groaned and sucked their teeth, “Ah, Ah! Go change back and get in here while I grab the packets. Get seated on the bleachers and if I catch you doing other work, not only are you gonna sit, you’re getting detention.”
The girls were changing in the locker room and decided to pick up where they left off:
“Why would you-” Tessa began before Shawna cut her off.
“I never said why. He’s a little shit and someone needs to put him in check, so I did,” she replied.
“I say kudos, and I’m sure he deserved it,” Kristen said, watching her classmates redress, “PJ makes Arin out to be such a big softie.”
“He is a softie, for the most part, Matt said that too,” Gabbie chimed in while she pulled her ponytail out.
“I think the rugged hurt puppy look gives him an edge,” Shawna slid into the bustle of the girls talking.
“And you’re like..dating Arin, right?” Megan asked.
“Noo! He’s clearly dating PJ!” Kristen jumped up, yelling over them as they got up to leave.
“Says the girl who wishes she could date PJ,” Gabbie chided to Kristen, who accidentally let red glare at her friend even though blue laughed it off. It wasn’t like she cared what they thought and she wasn’t even mad that they had found out that she liked the lanky Brit, it was the reminder that plagued her that everybody knew she felt like a fool about it. She looked over at Shawna, who had been trying to walk as though she was deaf to the girls. It dawned on her that the girl might feel the same way about Arin, except she just wasn’t sure what transpires when they’re alone; and the girl felt a pang of longing.
The boys’ locker room was heavy. They didn’t think they would get the chance to see what happened.
“Arin,” PJ said, turning around and closing his locker, rolling up his jacket sleeves.
The boy turned around as he fixed his tie to face him, not realising how close he had gotten. He could feel the heat of his torso and his heart began to pound. His body was confused with the stress he felt as his vision blurred a little and mind felt eclipsed in darkness. “What do you want?” he bit at the boy.
“I wanna know why you said that,” he responded brushing off the intensity.
“I didn’t say anything, Peej,” he said, sounding like he was moments away from losing his patience.
“You said that she isn’t mine, and I’m..just curious,” he backed off in tone, “You sounded like it came from somewhere that you’re familiar with. I know you two have been getting close, and from what I’ve heard, you look like that because of her.”
“Did she say anything to you about it?” Arin asked raising an eyebrow.
“Spit it out, you cocky fuck!” Felix spat out.
“No one is talking to you Felix, I got this babe,” PJ tried to soothe the enraged Swede.
“No, we’ve got beef from earlier, and if he’s the guy I think he is, I’d keep Shawna away from him,” Felix interjected, “Suzy told me how he gets a fucking kick outta fucking up girls.”
“That’s a fucking lie,” Arin scoffed, “You’re just mad I’ve got Daddy’s attention right now so stop whining like a selfish slut!”
Arin hadn’t even realised he said that, and there was no way he could have known. It was a bad day for Felix and everything was going wrong so that’s just what he needed to hear to tip him off. He jumped up and slammed Arin into the lockers. Instinctively, Arin’s hands shot up to grab his arms to keep him from choking, resulting in repeated slams. The locks and handles stabbing him in the back and the repeated clang was where Arin had found his mind. The blurs got worse and the sound muffling while PJ, Matt, and Phil get a hold of Felix, which he had stronger hands than he had let on. 
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Kite x Thicc Reader || Desperate Caresses
You had been adventuring with your lover who sat wrapped up nicely by the warm fire. The snow fell lightly as you both sat under a large tree. Kite suddenly chuckled and curiously you lifted a brow looking to him.
He grinned lightly scooting closer to you until you both pressed against each other.
“Even with all those clothes you still seem cold. Do you want to cuddle?”
He asked leaning down into your bubble to give you a soft kiss. It was true, you had on a undershirt along with two jackets and baggy pants and even a warm blanket around you and you still shivered at the wind. It wasn’t too bad but you couldn’t help if your body wanted to do it. You were just glad he finally allowed you to come with him.
After surviving the Chimera ants he was really hesitant. He did almost lost his life after all, but now everything was fine.
You purred lightly at the kiss pressing against him as you went. His lips were cool but smooth as well and fitted perfectly against yours making you smile. You didn’t mean to but you carefully opened your mouth and bite down on his lip tugging it blushing at the surprised groan that left him.
He pulled back opening his eyes not knowing when he had closed them and pulled his hand out his blanket to rub his lip. A dark blush on his pale skin as he stuck his tongue out a little before biting his lip.
Once again you shivered but you were pretty sure it wasn’t the cool air this time. It had been a while since he’s touched you, sure he gave you hugs and kisses but never anything further and you always wondered about it but never pushed him. Kite was a man who didn’t necessarily act out with sex on his mind, he was very passionate and saved it for the sweetest of moments.
“You bit it?” He asked still a little surprised but started to lean in again, you laughed lightly moving your hand out of your blanket scratching the back of your neck shyly.
“Hehe, yeah sorry about that-mmhp!”
Your eyes widened as he kissed you again, deep and loving as he scooted even closer wrapping his free arm around your waist to keep you close as he pulled his second arm out. You moaned lightly when he opened you blankets to get between your thick thighs pressing against you as he kissed you.
You gasped and he slipped his tongue in your mouth licking the underside of yours as your legs wrapped around his lanky but incredibly strong waist.
He pulled back after a while and you panted under him, puffs of cold breath coming out your mouths he pressed his hands to each side of you.
“Touch me more Kite..” You spoke softly leaning up and grabbing his shirt, your hands going up his shirt causing him to shiver. His hands dug under your body and was about to pull you into his lap immediately stopping whined loudly pulling your hand from under his shirt to press against his chest. He gave a frown rubbing your sides as he leaned down kissing and nipping the skin on your shoulder.
“(Y/n), baby please. You’re so beautiful. Just because you have extra meat isn’t a bad thing, it gives me the reason to cuddle you all the time.”
He panted lightly pulling you into his lap loving those wide thighs straddling him so nicely. You body felt warm now and you pulled your hand back to push inside his pants feeling the thick cock inside, he pulled back moaning out before pressing his head to your shoulder as he lightly rolled his hips. His member fucking up into your warm hand, the straight white hairs at the base tickled your flesh and you bit your lip. You’d definitely had to wrap your lips around that later.
His pale cool hand slid up the back of your shirt sending searing hot sensations as he touched your flesh. His eyes staring up at you with so much love as groans fell from his lips, his slender hands dipped into your pants and you huffed letting him pull them down revealed the cute pair of underwear underneath. He grunted kissing your collarbone as your thumb rubbed over the wet slit of his cock before you pressed you nail in it a little making his hips snap up making you yelp.
He panted hotly under you, hair sprayed everywhere as you pet it with your free hand instantly hypnotized as you gently ran your hands through it. A cute moan left you as he nipped your skin forming a hickey.
You didn’t want to wait any longer and you wiggled you hips and not a second later he pulled down your underwear. You scooted close and he reached down jerking his cock a couple times before carefully pushing it inside. A cry left your lips as the pink tip slipped passed your ring rubbing against your sensitive folds and you had to rest the urge to bounce. Not like you could anyway with his hands holding your hips tightly keeping you still so you wouldn’t hurt yourself.
His body leaned against the tree behind him before he groaned leaning his head back as he held you. You moaned in his ear wrapping an arm around his back to play with his long platinum blond hair to which a shuddering breath as he carefully rolled him hips.
A short gasp leaving you as you feel his cock, it’s in deep and pressed against the softest parts of you. You’re shaking, slick dripping down your thick thighs, and skin tingling as you lightly tug his hair.
“Ah- K-Kite.. so good~ good boy, s-such a good boy for me..”
You whimper hugging him as his hips suddenly jolt making you moan loudly and yank his hair to which he groaned. The man stared up at you, eyes hazy and a bit teary as he panted slowly but firmly rolling his hips. You were pretty sure you’d have an indent from how it moved in you. A twisting feeling started to form in your gut as you used your free hand and cupped his face kissing him. Your tongue dipping into his breathless mouth rolling against his wet tongue as he hugged your waist.
Everything was slow but firm and he moaned when you suddenly tossed your head back with a shaky cry. Pleasure shocking him when you tightened around him like a vice.
“O-Oh baby yes.. please kite, yes good boy..~”
You babbled and he chuckled lightly moving into the missionary position kissing your sweaty temples as he pressed his hands to each side of you rolling his hips once again the position pressing him even harder against the sweet spot making you yank his hair as you head went back, a loud groan leaving him as he sped up his pace.
Each time your hips met a wet slap followed, one of his hands moving up to cup the back of your thighs pushing them up leaving you arching at the position. He was harassing your g-spot at this point and you arched when he pulled away from the kiss to lather your neck in dark hickies.
You tightened your legs around his waist pulling and yanking his hair making soft groans and growls slip from him. He could peek down and see how his cock was getting swallowed by your needy hole and he had to force him to look away or he’d cum inside for sure.
You started to quiver and he knew you’d be breaking down soon as he pressed deeper making you jump and cry out. It felt so good, him plunging deep into you but bottoming you out as well wanting you to never forget his touch. Wanting you to know that if you both didn’t decide to have children that he’d treat you like the princess you are. That he’d promise to take care of you.
You vision suddenly burst with a variety of colors before settling on a pearly white one. Your hands gripping his long locks as your orgasm came crashing down on you, your milky cream squirted out due to his thrust and dripping down into the snow which hadn’t been covered by that blanket you’d both were in at the moment. His breath caught in his throat just for looking at you, you were a mess.
Dark cheeks, sweaty skin, wet lips and twitching thighs. He grunted closing his eyes chasing his own orgasm now. He thrusted deeply until he had to pull out, cock jumping and twitching until he cummed on your soft stomach panting above you.
“A-Are you ok (y/n)?”
He asked softly smiling when you pulled him down into another kiss. You purred and kissed him before kissing his neck then his earlobe loving the way he shivered.
“Of course, my precious boy..I love you.”
You hummed and he grinned happy that he did good as he hugged you tightly refusing to let go which made you give a happy little squeal.
“I love you too (y/n).”
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hella-slow-writer · 7 years
It’s too gay to be fucked
A fic i made on BBS Shipping Discord because my nasty ass thirsty for some bottom tyler.
PART ONE - PART TWO - PART THREE (coming soon)
Pairing: MiniCat Characters: Mini Ladd, I Am Wildcat Rating: NSFW. It’s (kinda) pwp lol
Also available on AO3.
We all know in MiniCat relationship, Tyler is always the top. But what if one day, Mini decided to ask Tyler to switch for one night?
It happened after they fucked yesterday. While Mini enjoyed being pinned against a wall and being touched by his boyfriend so passionately until he felt a rush of pleasure through his body, he can't help but wanting to turn his 'alpha' boyfriend into a mess too.
So one night, after he finished recording his videos, he walked into the bedroom where his boyfriend’s waiting for him. He asked him those question, which resulted in his boyfriend staring at him, eyebrows furrowed as if he's talking about something really crazy.
Those stares turned into concern, however. He got up, sits on the side of the bed where his boyfriend is. "Is it because i was too hard on you yesterday?"
Mini chuckled, and although he feels his heart flustered hearing a tone of concern in the giant man's voice,  he won't let that prevent him to fucking him tonight. "No, God no. I like it when you were that rough on me."
"Then what's the problem?"
"It's... just, you know. I'm a man too, and i can't help but... wanting to do what you do to me too?"
Tyler's eyebrows furrowed again and he stared at the man in front of him with the looks that’s basically saying what he said was ridiculous. "So, is that mean you want to fuck me?"
Mini slowly nodded, and Tyler's response is shaking his head. "Nope, not happening."
"Why?" the British man asked in annoyance, arms crossing in front of his chest. Tyler looked at him, mouth opening slightly as if he wanted to say something but he only shakes his head in response, eyes not looking at him but a wall that 'suddenly caught his interest'.
"No, what is it? What are you going to say?"
He just kept his mouth shut, before he let out a deep breath sigh seconds later.
"I..." Tyler paused for a moment, but when he feels like his boyfriend in front of him is giving him a glare, he continue his talk. "I mean, i'm bigger than you."
"So?" Mini asked in retaliation, voice a bit higher than usual because Tyler's reason doesn't even make any sense right now. "Evan is shorter than Delirious but we almost caught him fucking him behind the stage."
Tyler cringed at the memory. "It's different, Delirious is a lanky fuckboy and Vanoss is a hunk." he replied, voice also higher to match his boyfriend's tone. Mini raised one of his eyebrow and stare annoyingly at the American.
"That doesn't mean i can't be a top for once. If you think i'm not strong enough to manhandle you then, boi." he leaned forward, hand pushing Tyler to the mattress. Tyler is caught off guard by this, and his whole body shuddered as Mini climbed on top of him and whispered in his ear. "You are very wrong."
Tyler gasped when one of Mini's hand moves sneakily under his shirt, trailing across his skin while the other is holding one of his hand tight. Wet tongue napped on his neck, he give it gentle kisses and bites, which made Tyler let out a small sound that neither of them think is possible from the American's mouth. Surprised, Mini leaned back and Tyler tried to push him even though his body is shaking hard.
"No! I don't want to!" Tyler yelled, moving back until he can feel the headboard against his back.
And he suddenly feels so bad because Mini looked hurt, head down and eyes looks like he just broke his heart. That’s what he hate the most, seeing his beloved one sad because of him. But it's not his fault, he's the one who 'attacked' him so suddenly! He tried to dismiss his guilt with that reason, but the guilt keeps resurfacing in his mind.
Tyler sighed, his hand scratching his head before he leaned in towards his boyfriend and holding his hand tight. "I'm sorry. I'm just... surprised."
Mini looked up, and Tyler's guilt worsened when he saw those eyes he always admire looking at him with dejected look. "...It's fine. It's my fault for going suddenly like that."
They both sit in silence for a seconds, not daring to speak because the situation had become so awkward for them. They are too nervous to do anything, before Mini opens his mouth to speak. "Can i ask you why you’re refusing it so hard like that?"
Tyler shakes his head in response. "It's silly."
Mini asked again, and now his other hand holding Tyler's hand which made Tyler slightly jumped in surprise. "Please?"
The American stares at him for a moment, before he sighed and mumbled a response that made Mini groaned in frustation. "I-It's too gay to be fucked."
"We have been dating for months, Tyler." his boyfriend stated bluntly, one hand reaches to pinch the bridge between his closed eyes in frustation before he laughed because of how stupid his man is.
"Y-Yeah, but it's different if you are the one being fucked!" Tyler yelled, face bright red and giving death glares at Mini. "Don't laugh, you fuck!"
"How is it different?!" Mini asked between his laugh, moving to the side in order to avoid a pillow being thrown by Tyler.
Tyler's ruffling his brown hair in frustration. The thing is, he’s always been 'The Straight Man™' in his whole life.  He’s pretty sure those human he dated before Mini are woman. He’s pretty sure those porn actors getting fucked in a porn he watched don't have a dick. He’s a 100% heterosexual man before he met Mini. The man that made him question his sexuality, and he finally got a courage and asked him to be more than 'best friend' months ago because he loved everything about him.
His laugh, his face, his thiccness, his great ass, he loved him so much. And he always identify himself as 'gay for Mini only'. If he’s getting fucked by him then that makes him 'officially gay'. He's supposed to be the one who do the fucking, not getting fucked! Even if it's by his boyfriend! Sure, he had been curious about how that feel because whenever he fucks Mini, that man always seemed in delight and satisfied but he always refused to think more about that because 'he's not that gay'.
"C'mon, Tyler. That is ridiculous. You are already gay when you ask me to be your boyfriend. There is no such thing as 'too gay' when you're already gay." Mini stated, trying to hold his laugh but Tyler just pouted and refusing to look at him.
"Maybe not for you, but it is for me! Besides, it probably hurt, right? I don't want your dick to enter me."  Tyler replied, but Mini picked up his hand and giving him a sweet and gentle, an action that made Tyler's heart stopped beating for a second.
"I promise I will be gentle."
"Aren't you curious about how it feel?"
"You moaned when i touch you minutes ago, that means it felt good for you, right?"
Tyler picked up another pillow beside him and threw it again to the smirking shorter man, who avoided it and made the pillow hit a wall instead. "Don't you fucking dare talk about that, dumbass!"
Mini rolled his eyes, then leaned forward. Greenish blue stares at pair of blue with determination. "It's just for this time. After we try this, you can do aaaaanything you want with me, okay?"
Tyler's eyebrows furrowed and he glanced down, thinking about it for a moment. The thing is, yes he had been curious and sometimes he caught himself wanting to try it a few times before he slapped himself mentally for being 'gay as fuck' but...
He sighed. He can do anything he want with Mini after this, so he can do some rough 'revenge-sex' on him and make sure he made Mini scream about not wanting to be a top anymore because the sensation of his dick is too good for him. So, while looking back at those eyes he admire, he nodded slowly.
"Fine. Do what you want. BUT!" he yelled right before Mini's hand sneakily moves under his shirt. "If i don't like it, we stop."
"Okay, fine." Mini replied, impatiently. Without waiting for his boyfriend to talk more, he puts his soft lips against Tyler's. Soft moans can be heard from both of them as tongue danced inside their mouth, and the American brought his hands to the silver locks of his boyfriend, deepenintg their kiss.
Their kisses are filled with arousal, moans and groans coming out from them as Mini closed the space between them and Tyler lift his leg to press it against Mini's erection. The British leaned back and then latched his lips on Tyler's neck, nipping on the skin while his hands sneaking under Tyler's shirt to pinch and rubbing his finger against his nipple.
Tyler's body shuddered at the new feeling, breathing soft gasp as he felt the pleasure and lust built up inside him. This new side of his boyfriend made him aroused in no time. It's the first time he doesn't have any control in this... sexual activity. He’s merely letting Mini do whatever he wants to him right now. And while he enjoy this new feelings, he still thinks it's embarrassing for him to feel good about being treated like a 'woman'.
He let out a moan when Mini gently bites on his neck, which made him quickly put his hand to his mouth to prevent another moans slipping out.
Mini leaned back, smirk across his face as he said, "Feels good, huh?"
"Shut up." Tyler scowled, eyes glaring at his boyfriend. Mini just chuckled and proceed to take off their clothes until they are completely nude.
Mini had seen Tyler's body before. It's not their first time having sex after all, but there's a different feeling when you see the man who’s usually on top of you with annoying, smug smirk across his face now becomes the one pinned on a bed underneath you, gasping for breath because of what you did to him and face as red as lobster. Mini hopes he can take his phone from the desk beside their bed and take pictures of Tyler being submissive like this, but the giant definitely won't allow him and fat chance he’s going to be angry and leave him with his neglected arousal, and Mini wouldn't like that at all.
"Why the fuck are you stopping, bitch?" Tyler's annoyed voice brought him back to reality. Eyes peeking from one arm that’s trying to cover his red, flustered face.
"Just trying to remember this moment." Mini replied. "I don't want to forget the sight of you being this weak and submissive just for me."
The statement make Tyler lightly slap him across his face in annoyance and embarrassment. "You better keep going before I change my mind." The American said before going back to cover his face with his arm.
Mini wastes no time. He crawled on top of his boyfriend and he is back burying his face on Tyler's neck. Nipping at the skin and giving him slow, gentle kisses to mark Tyler as his. Tyler's usually the one doing that and he won't let Mini leave any mark on his skin, especially on his neck. But now, when Tyler's shaking in pleasure and trying so hard not to moan at the action he did, it makes him really aroused and determined to leave a visible red mark on Tyler's neck.
Tyler himself had no power to stop Mini from leaving hickeys on his neck. His body became weak as soon Mini's tongue trailed around his neck. This is the first time he felt something like this, the feeling that he never felt when he's being the one who do what Mini’s doing to him now.
It only took him minutes until visible red marks appeared on his skin, and Mini stopped. He wiped his saliva dribbling down from his mouth as he leaned back and pushed Tyler until his back can feel the headboard. He then moved on his knees until his erection’s right in front of the American's mouth.
"Suck." his voice stern and clear, something that Tyler never heard before when they were having sex (because Craig’s always busy moaning).
Tyler glanced up to met those greenish blue eyes. "I'm not going to suck your dick."
"Tyler." the British said the other's name with deep voice. Eyes giving him a sharp look. "Be a good boy and suck."
For 5 years he had bonded with the British, for months he had relationship with the adorable man, it's the first time Tyler feels... kind of scared looking at him. While also aroused. And that is a kinda confusing feeling. He furrowed his eyebrows and opened his mouth wide before licking the tip of his boyfriend's cock.
He trailed his tongue up from the shaft, sometimes sucking on his balls to add more stimulation for his boyfriend, who moaned and praising him for his job. One hand’s holding the side of his head and tightly grabbing a fist full of his hair as he tried to took all of Mini's length.
"Yeah, good job. Suck it out of me, Ty." Mini moaned in ecstasy. Wet, tight cavern surrounding his dick feels so good. Light gagging sound can be heard as Tyler tried to move his head up and down his length. He wonders when did Tyler can be this good at blowjob considering it's his first time sucking dick.
Tyler himself only had a little problem on this. He learned the technique from how his boyfriend usually serviced him and watching some porn. And while he found it hard to control his breathing as Mini slowly moved his hips forward, causing him to gag a few times when his dick (which is not as big as his, but it's pretty big) hitting the back of his throat, he can feel some sense of pride coming from him because he can make Mini feel good from his first time giving head.
It took a few thrusts before Mini decided to stop and pulled out his length from those deliciously tight cavern, because while he wanted to keep going until he reach his peak and forcing Tyler to swallow all his hot seed (which the American made him did a few times before), he also wanted to keep going until Tyler’s screaming his name. Line of saliva connected Tyler's lip to the head of his dick. Tyler coughed a few times, eyes watery and saliva dribbling from his mouth.
Mini reached for the lube on the desk beside the bed and started pouring a generous amount of the cold liquid to his hand before slicking his fingers with it. He then stares at Tyler, who is now laying down on his arm, red-faced and shaking, with legs wide open and cock throbbing for attention. The sight that makes his arousal heightened inside him.
Tyler's heart’s pounding hard in his chest as Mini set himself between his trembling thighs. The British lightly squeezed one thigh before giving soft kisses and few nips of teeth every now and then.
"S-Stop teasing me, you dumb fuck." he said breathlessly, moaning and cursing at the gentle touch his boyfriend do to him. Mini chuckled, he leaned forward and give his giant boyfriend a quick peck on the lips.
"I need you to relax for a bit now." Mini informed, and Tyler nodded slowly. He closed his eyes, bracing himself for what the British is going to do to him.
The American took a deep breath, his body tensed as the British slowly pushed one finger in. But he quickly relaxed when Mini kissed his shoulder while the other hand gently rubbing his thigh in a comforting manner as his finger slowly move in and out of his puckered hole.
"How does it feel?"
"W-Weird." Tyler replied. He shivered at the new, odd feeling of the heat coiling in his stomach. More pleasure started building up when Mini add another finger in. Two fingers now doing a scissoring motion, making Tyler threw his head back, moans slipped out from his lips. The pain of being penetrated was overwhelmed by pleasure building up inside of his body.
"F-Fffffuck, Craig..." The American groaned when Mini's other hand started stroking his throbbing cock. The slow, circular motion the British use at the tip of his cock nearly drives him mad. Mini smirked, he moved both of his hand faster and soon enough Tyler’s already moaning in pleasure at the zaps of pleasure running through his body. Tyler's hand gripped the white sheets underneath him tight, back arching into the air as the feeling makes his head dizzy.
Mini swallowed, the sight of his boyfriend writhing underneath because of him make him unable to control his lust anymore. He pull out his fingers, right before Tyler decided to move in rhythm, trying to fucking himself on Mini's fingers. Tyler whined at the loss, glaring at his partner who just took the pleasure away from him.
"Don't look at me like that. You will have more of that feeling soon, big boy." Mini said as he slicked his erection with lube. Eyes staring at Tyler's like a predator on it's prey.
Tyler snorted. "I doubt that."
"Well, you basically trying to fuck yourself with my fingers before." the reply made Tyler sent the British another death glare. Mini rolled his eyes and positioned himself with Tyler's twitching hole.
"I'm going in." was all the British said before he pushed himself inside Tyler. He whined at the feeling. It's painfully spreading his virgin hole and it's weird. His 'anal virginity' is gone now, and he's turning 100% gay because he's the one being fucked by his shorter, thick boyfriend. The American groaned at the pain, hands wrapping around the shorter man's back and scratching him, which made Mini winced at the pain.
"I-It's hurt... shit... fuck..." Tyler whined. Mini's hands hold into Tyler's hip to stop his boyfriend as the giant move further from his cock. He make sure he move slowly, so his boyfriend won't be in pain anymore and ask him to stop what he’s doing. They had gotten so far, and if Tyler decided to stop he would be very disappointed!
"I know, bear with me for a little bit." Mini tried to comfort his boyfriend between his heavy breath.
Tyler took another deep breath and bit his lower lip as all of Mini's length finally got in. Sweat glistening on his skin as he moaned in pain. Mini bent down, giving a small kiss on Tyler's forehead as an apology.
"Sorry, Ty. But you need to relax, okay?" his boyfriend asked as he wrapped his hands around Tyler's body. He winced at the feeling of Tyler's insides clenching so tightly around his length, so he gave his boyfriend another passionate kiss to help him relax. Lips met and tongue danced, chills and pleasure running down their spine.
It took him a minute until he was fully seated. Mini leaned back and both man panted, the British is waiting patiently for the American to adjust to his size. Another minutes of silence happened before Tyler's hands reached up his neck and brought his face closer to him.
"Y-You can move now." he whispered, and the shorter man moved slowly after his boyfriend gave him permission. He kept the slow pace before he moved faster, moan escaping from the giant man's mouth.
Pain turned into pleasure as his boyfriend moved in and out his hole, hitting his bundle of nerves. His mind is filled with how good the feeling is, but that is not enough. Not for Tyler at least.
Tyler leaned forward, kissing Mini's neck before he whispered something that made a snap happening inside of the other's mind. "F-Faster, C-Craig. Move faster. Pound into me harder."
Mini smirked. "As you wish."
Now without hesitation, Mini dives forward. Thrusting deeper into the American, causing him to moan and arching his back. Mini moves faster without stopping, his dick get sucked eagerly by Tyler's twitching hole. His insides clenching and unclenching around his length feels so good, Mini feels like in bliss.
The loud sound of skin slapping against skin makes Tyler shudder. He's squirming and writhing underneath Mini, yelling curses between moans and heavy breathing. He moved his hips against Mini's thrust in time and Tyler sees stars in his vision. It feels so good, pleasure running through his body.
"God, Tyler. You are so good. You have talent as a bottom, god." Mini said between his breath, placing kisses on Tyler's neck. This feels waaay better than the feeling of him being fucked. Tyler's squeezing his dick and becoming a panting mess under him made another desire to have this moment again.
One of Tyler's hand reached down to his crotch, but Mini grabbed his wrist right before Tyler can touch his throbbing cock, making the giant man stared at him, eyebrows furrowed in surprise. "W-Whaat... the fuck...?!"
Mini gripped harder at his wrist as he pounded even harder and deeper into Tyler, the giant man threw his head back, his mouth opening silent scream. His eyes rolling into the back of his head as the shorter constantly hitting his pleasure spot hard.
"No, you can only come from my dick." the British said huskily on his ear, before he let go of his wrist and hold Tyler's hips tight. Tyler himself just went weak at the feeling, hands grabbing sheets and saliva dribbling out from his mouth. He looks so thoroughly fucked, and he didn't care if this make him fucking gay or such. All he care about now is how good Mini's dick is and he regret only to feel this feeling  now. If he knew the sensation would be this pleasurable he would ask Mini to fuck him since long ago.
Tyler pulls Mini close in a tight embrace as he feel his climax getting closer. Mini replied by giving him another bite at the skin of the other side of his neck. Tyler is completely lost from the stimulation, and he yelled Mini's name as he reaches his peak. His cock spurting jets of sperm between their sweaty bodies.
Mini himself didn't last long afterwards. The clenching of Tyler's insides and hearing his name being yelled like that brought him to his orgasm as his dick pulsed and throbbed, thick ropes of semen filling his boyfriend's hole to the brim. Tyler's let out another loud moan at the feeling.
Both man stayed still for a moment, resting from their intense orgasm. Mini gave Tyler another kiss, slowly and gently this time as he wants to enjoy every moment of it while Tyler’s kissing him back without waiting.
Need for breath make them parted away. "So... how is it?" Mini asked while slowly pulling out from Tyler's hole. The American winced at the feeling before he glanced up to meet that beautiful pair of greenish blue.
"It was okay." he replied, head lolling to the side and blush appearing across his face. Mini chuckled and gives him another gentle kiss on the cheek.
"So does that mean I can do it again someday?"
Tyler gives the shorter man a kiss on the cheek back, pulling him into tight embrace. "We'll see about that, fuckboy."
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mycandyhusbands · 7 years
anyways, here’s how i tend to write the boys lmao
cause i can, mostly, though i usually don’t like to stray far from the source material. so not headcanon, just some... preferences in my writing.
you can definetely see from them that my preferences regarding guys are either A, small and soft or B, giant buff dudes lmao
-5′5″/165cm tall, slim but bottom heavy. small waist but wide hips, somewhat chubby thighs, kinda large butt,  small hands and feet. he canonically has girly measurements according to rosalya, but i like to emphasize that a bit more and make him THICC lmao. probably next to no body hair and soft skin.
-6′/183cm, buff but with a kind of high percentage of body fat. well defined pecs, biceps and legs, not quite a six-pack but working on it. kinda large hands and feet. callous hands. probably shaves his body hair because it’d look weird with his dyed hair.
-5′6″/167cm tall, slim but muscular, more defined muscles than castiel, but overall looking smaller. small hands and feet. gets freckles during summer.
-6′2″/187cm, lanky and slim, with slight muscle definition but mostly just because he’s so slim with not that much body fat. very graceful looking, long limbs, and kinda large, but delicate hands and feet. bony wrists and ankles probably looks like he’s got no body hair cause it’s white and he’s very pale
-5′8″/173cm, slim with not that much visible muscle. still has some baby fat on his thighs and midsection, but it’s not that visible when he’s standing , only when he’s sitting down. average sized hands and feet, and probably doesn’t bother with shaving, but isn’t overly hairy
-5′8″/173cm, a bit slighter built that armin, but with more visible muscle. also still has some baby fat on him, and shares his average hands and feet with armin. not that hairy, but shaves usually
-6′3″/190cm, muscular but kind of lanky, almost elegant looking but still quite well defined muscle. long arms and legs and large hands and feet, bony wrists, but less so than lysander. moderately hairy, probably, but shaves during summer
-6′3″/161cm, bottom heavy and a little bit chubby with soft thighs, a kinda large butt and a bit of belly chub. his arms are more defined because of all the gardening. small hands and feet. tans easily and gets freckles during summer. not much body hair.
-6′4″/193cm, muscular and fit, but less “soft” looking than castiel. never skips legs day, so well muscled legs to match his arms. very well defined pecs and abs, and nice back muscles. large hands and feet, but also kind of bony wrists. tans easily. probably kind of hairy, but shaves most of the time.
-6′6″/198cm, 100% beef. has a stronger built than cas, but with about the same amount of body fat. still kind of sinewy on his arms. very well defined pecs and thighs, strong forearms. big hands and feet, sorta callous hands. pretty hairy, and doesn’t usually bother with shaving.
-6′3″/190cm, slender but a bit more muscular than lysander, albeit not by much. long arms and legs, like him, and shares the bony wrists and ankles. less delicate looking hands, but they’re still kinda large. moderately hairy, but shaves.
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