#just as long as it's not a poly ship lmao.. two crushes makes you NOT uni because. uni. like. u know ur root words right
normystical · 4 months
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
i love your Gemma and Raidou but would you ever ship them together? You ddi the group of them as Shisui pairings so what about other combos or other ships too? Thank you Torship :333
Yo! 👋
I could make most combos fit (in Quick Question, I'm insane enough to go for five-way poly lmao) because I've smooshed their bonds and affection so much as a Squad... so let's have a look at the formulas!
Kakashi ships
Shisui: supportive, understanding, tender, a little tragic and angsty but in the sweet+salty best way, see in link below vv
Tenzo: classic fandom, awkward ride or dies, very very very slow burn
Raidou: click bait article reads "this traumatized mess of a man somehow staggered into a relationship with the kind of well-adjusted sweetheart that mothers across the nation are dreaming of as son-in-laws! Somehow the world has not ended! Secrets exposed inside!" And the secrets exposed are that Raidou shoves his head in his notebooks every time Kakashi pulls out the Icha Icha, Kakashi is a surprisingly good cook, and Raidou's won over all the matrons by saying how hard Kakashi is fighting to defend the village despite his tragic childhood and troubled mind, etc etc. Kakashi makes his own life harder but he's also caring, intelligent, and teasing... Raidou can be that perfect sweet spot between responsible, willfully ignorant, and sardonic. Think, these two reading in the back of the room together, trading commentary on the events around them with just exchanged glances. Kakashi also deffo had a frustration crush on Guard!Raidou when Minato was alive 😏
Genma: the world is imploding. This is a tough one. Genma is a flirt, he's easy going, he's dangerous, but he also allows himself to be louder and incorrigible around the Squad etc (it's too late for them to run). They could be slouching, piss-taking partners in crime on duty and, off duty, absolutely troll everyone who tries to pry into their private life. Genma tells everyone he grew out his hair to make roleplaying Icha Icha more accurate, Kakashi says that Genma's herbal remedies work wonders, you get the picture, it's all very bitchy and, by some miracle, they stagger into the healthiest and longest relationship either have been in
Kakashi: see above^
Shisui: see in link above^
Genma: for the sake of sanity, my own and Tenzo's and Konoha's... Not going there
Raidou: kissu when Raidou swears to do anything to remove Tenzo's ROOT seal, i can't unsee this amazing scene
Kakashi: see above^ TL;DR: trolls stagger into a long term commitment
Shisui: see link above ^
Tenzo: I'm choose world peace today
Raidou: another fandom classic, partners in every sense of the word, Raidou is responsible (r) and Genma is incorrigible and then they get wasted and Genma is losing his shirt only Raidou interrupts because he's so drunk that he NEEDS takeout, it's a mess and actually the least sensible and communicative pairing of the lot, we are talking years of Idiots in Love not realising that they're married
Raidou: see above/in link^^
Dunno if we'll see GenRai in a fic but here's an analysis regardless! Enjoy ☺️✨
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amethystdarkwolf · 3 years
AU: X Ship: Poly of Eijiro Kirishima, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, and Hitoshi Shinso (This was easier than typing out all the pairings) Prompt: X Requested by: X Warnings: Internalized Acephobia, mentions of sex, non con like elements (Nothing happens though it is mentioned), insecurities and fears of breaking up. If I missed any please let me know! Summary: Eijiro loved his partners. He loved them more than life itself. They were more than accepting of any eccentricities of each other, which is to be expected from a poly of seven different personalities. But he didn’t know if they would accept him when they realized he was broken. F/A/H-C: Hurt/Comfort POV: 3rd, following Eijiro. Word Count: 3,735 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Side Note: Hi, I’m finally back to writing fics, even though it’s for a different fandom now, it’s still something lmao. I may come back to writing Sanders Sides eventually but we shall see. Let me know what you think of it! And I hope you enjoy! 
They are all 3rd years and about to graduate UA! I wasn’t sure if that was considered an au or not but they are of legal age! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Eijiro knew there was something about him that was different from his other classmates. Originally he had just blamed all the weirdly delayed interest in any girls, moreso any talk of ‘hooking up’, on him being gay once he finally figured that out. 
But then the thoughts he thought he should have about guys, about doing things with guys never came either. He knew that he found guys attractive, obviously, he developed the biggest crush on two of the most powerful students in his class incredibly quickly after seeing both of their strengths, but whenever he thought about them, about being with them. Nothing sexual came from it. He’s a teenager he should be having these thoughts right? 
He heard Denki talking about some of the guys in the class at one point, saying how hot a few of them were. And, well, Eijiro could agree, however when Denki started going into more detail about what he saw in the locker room, the redhead went silent. He couldn’t see anyone like that, not even two of his most prominent crushes. Was there something wrong? 
He was not able to figure it out until their third year of high school. Now in a relationship that consisted of seven total. Polyamory was a thing introduced to him by Izuku once they had started dating and Eijiro realized he still had feelings for Katsuki after quite some time. He was overjoyed that Izuku had shown him that, moreso that he and Katsuki both agreed to it. 
Not too long later, Izuku realized his feelings for Shoto, and Denki. Eijiro came to these realizations himself later. Denki then had feelings for both Hanta and Hitoshi. After quite a while of this, everyone in the poly was dating everyone. Which made things both a little less complicated and a little more complicated. 
Eijiro loved his partners. He loved them more than life itself. They were more than accepting of any eccentricities of each other, which is to be expected from a poly of seven different personalities. 
But he didn’t know if they would accept him when they realized he was broken. 
He didn’t start off thinking like that. He just thought he was taking longer than everyone else to develop these kinds of feelings towards the others. Denki and Hanta using obviously suggestive flirting with one another while the group was together was to be expected. Then Hitoshi joined in, then Katsuki, Shoto, and eventually Izuku was making remarks that can and were meant to be taken in a not so innocent way. 
Eijiro laughed along with these jokes, he understood them and was fine with them. So he thought there was nothing wrong with him. It wasn’t until the words turned into actions that he came to the realization about himself. 
Katsuki and him were both incredibly physical with their fighting styles. So it’s only natural that every once in a while, their very playful spats would turn into wrestling matches in one of their rooms. 
It was later into the night, a majority of the students were either asleep or down in the common area. Eijiro smirked as he managed to pin Katsuki down onto the floor, his hands grabbed his wrists keeping them pinned beside his head, using his quirk to ensure they stayed there. Both of the boys were a little out of breath panting in eachother's faces. 
Eijiro wasn’t thinking about what position they were in. The fact that he was on top of Katsuki, kneeling on either side of the others lower body was lost on him. Until he realized Katsuki wasn’t continuing to struggle. As the pairs of red eyes met one another, Eijiro noticed the look in his partner’s. They were slightly darkened yet hazy. A look that he recognized instantly. 
The same look he had given Denki before he had pinned him against the wall, marked up his neck so much that the bruises were left for at least two weeks. There was probably more to that story that he hadn’t quite heard, or had subconsciously tuned out due to the nature of it. 
A sickening feeling of panic bubbled up in his stomach, along with a feeling of near disgust. The second he realized it, he jerked away, scrambling off of his boyfriend with a nervous laugh. “Ha! Gotcha, man!” He prayed Katsuki wouldn’t pick up on the tremble of his voice. Katsuki’s expression immediately changed from the look he had before, to one of confusion. He was silent as he seemed to examine the redhead. 
Eijiro had gotten really good at reading Katsuki’s expressions, but there was one he was never able to quite pinpoint. Katsuki’s blank expression. None of his normal anger that seemed to constantly reside on his face, no annoyance, no smugness, absolutely nothing. That was the expression most of his partners tended to worry about when it showed up, just because it was so unreadable. 
That was the expression Kirishima was met with after the confusion seemed to fade. 
“Right.” Katsuki mumbled. 
Eijiro glanced around the room quickly, looking for anything to change the topic or clear the awkward air around them. His eyes caught his bookbag and he grinned, “Oh hey, would you mind uh, helping me study again? I’m getting a little hung up on how some of the equations work.” Please work, please work, please work. 
It did and it didn’t. 
Katsuki hummed, the annoyance finally reading on his face once again. He knew something was up, but he knew that Eijiro was trying to hide it, he could tell. But despite that, he nodded, “Fine. What is it?” 
There was going to be a talk later. It was going to be asked, Eijiro could tell. But now it wasn’t happening. He could only hope that he would have some explanation once the talk did happen. 
He did come to an explanation. A much worse one than he hoped he would come to and in a much worse way. 
He thought he had it figured out. That he was just awkward about it since he had never tried it, the position he had gotten Katsuki in was weird and that’s all it was. Maybe it would stop being like that once he was prepared to take that step with his partners. They had all waited for one another to be ready before trying anything at all so he figured it would be fine.
That’s all he thought it was. 
Like Katsuki and Eijiro’s playful wrestling matches, Denki and him had something very similar. Only, they were often brought on by Kirishima winning in whatever game they were playing, and Denki tackling him, which led to more of a tickle fight than anything. Both laughing and giggling as they rolled around on the floor. 
Golden eyes met red ones once they calmed down, the electric boy was now above him. Easily Eijiro could push him off, but he was still too giddy from the childlike roll around they had just had to even think about it. Denki leaned down once he caught his breath, placing a small chaste kiss onto Eijiro’s lips. Another small laugh leaving him before he repeated the process. 
Eijiro was fine with this, this was sweet. He returned the kisses gladly, not at all complaining even when it progressed to a full makeout session. This didn’t make him feel uncomfortable. This didn’t make him have that feeling of panic and disgust. Maybe he was better now! Maybe he’s finally over whatever that was! 
He should have known not to be so hopeful. 
He leaned up on his elbows a little, feeling like he couldn’t get enough of his boyfriend’s kiss. He didn’t stop Denki when the other’s hands began to wander down his chest. This felt okay, this felt nice. This was just Denki being touchy. He was used to it. 
Until it wasn’t just that. 
Denki’s hand wandered down, down further past Eijiro’s stomach, as it made its way closer and closer, that feeling came back. Bubbling up much worse than last time, the thought came too quickly, the thought of any of his partners touching him like that, made him immediately tense up. Finally he was getting those thoughts he thought he should have been getting, but now instead of getting aroused by them, all he felt was that gross, uncomfortable and panicky feeling. 
He finally snapped out of his own thoughts when he felt a small shock course through him. He blinked a couple times, feeling hot tears falling down his face. His body was shaking, and in front of him, he saw those golden eyes again. Looking at him with so much worry. 
Eijiro drew his hand away from Denki’s wrist quickly. When had he grabbed him? “Eijiro!” He managed to register that his boyfriend was talking to him. It took him a moment longer to gather his voice enough to respond, “w-wh… what happened?” 
Denki looked even more confused, “You tell me! I-dude I would’ve stopped! You were just suddenly shaking and crying and you jerked my arm away from you! Are you okay?” 
Eijiro nodded after a moment, “Yeah, Yeah sorry, I just kinda freaked out I guess?” That was the only way he could explain it, though it was obvious enough that Denki knew that much. Denki’s expressions were much easier to read than Katsuki. Which only made it that much easier to see the confusion and worry now be joined by hurt. 
“Did… Did you not think I’d stop?” He sounded just as petrified as Eijiro felt currently. Eijiro shook his head immediately, “No! No! I mean-Yes! I knew you would have stopped! I trust you! I just wasn't thinking, I guess…? I don’t really know.” 
Denki nodded, seemingly content with that answer. “Okay, dude. Uh, do you wanna keep playing?” Gesturing over to the forgotten Switch. Eijiro smiled a little and nodded, “Yeah! Can’t wait to kick your ass again!” He said hitting his fists together. 
The blonde grinned, immediately returning back to his normal happy self. “Oh whatever! That last round was a total flub! Doesn’t count!” 
That night, Eijiro rested his head against his pillow, his mind racing through the events of the day. Something that hadn’t quite clicked in his head finally did. “I trust you” was what he had said in reassuring Denki. Which was true, he trusted all of his partners, he couldn’t have a relationship if he didn’t. 
But, if he couldn’t even bear the thought of the people he trusted with his life, he loved with all of his heart, to touch him like that… Then that wasn’t the problem. Being awkward and nervous wasn’t the explanation. Not being ready wasn’t the explanation. 
Finally he accepted it as tears came to his eyes. “I’m never going to be ready for it…” he murmured to himself. “I’m never going to want that.” 
It made sense, he had never liked the idea before, never thought about it before, and now that it was almost thrown in his face (On accident, Denki of course didn’t know he felt like this and Eijiro couldn’t blame him). He panicked. He wasn’t afraid of it. It didn’t make him nervous. It made him uncomfortable. 
He had a sinking feeling in his stomach, as a sob left his mouth. He wasn’t like any of his partners, he wasn’t like anyone in the class, hell he didn’t even know if there was a possibility of anyone like him being at the school. He’s Broken.
 Quickly remembering that Katsuki was right next door, he grabbed a pillow, biting it in order to muffle himself. 
He was broken, he didn’t feel the things he was supposed to. He didn’t want the things his partners wanted. What most people consider a crucial part of a relationship he couldn’t even think about without feeling sick. 
It hurt, it hurt and ached every part of his being. His partners were all accepting, but they’ll want that. He’d be a horrible partner to deny them something that they’d consider important in the relationship. Why would they bother sticking with him if he wasn’t enough? If he couldn’t make them fully happy what was the point? 
How vividly he could imagine their faces made it so much worse. Izuku would smile softly, try to let Eijiro down slowly, probably even apologizing. Katsuki would be annoyed, thinking he wasn’t tough enough to handle it. Denki would think it was funny and ridiculous. Hanta would be confused, who wouldn’t want to have sex with their partners? Shoto wouldn’t really have any glaring expression, just a simple sigh of dissatisfaction, and Hitoshi would just roll his eyes, like Eijiro had been a waste of time. 
He was pretty sure he had torn open his pillow at this point, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. He never wanted to see them like that. He never wanted to lose them just because he was broken. He was supposed to be unbreakable after all! He needed to fix it. There had to be some way to keep that from happening. 
A terrifying thought crossed his mind.
‘If I just force myself through it once, with one of them, and then it’ll be fine after that.’ 
It made him feel sick again, thinking about it. He wouldn’t want it, and he knew his partners would stop and question if they noticed how uncomfortable he was. He sniffled as he continued to debate on it, it would make him feel disgusting, gross and uncomfortable, but it would only be for a little while, and then after that, he could keep his partners, and make sure they’re happy. 
That’s what was most important. 
He made out a little plan, to try to get himself to go through with this. In his mind it was like training. Trying to think of what he thought of that day with Denki without tensing up. Or at least learning how to hide it. Trying to convince himself that ‘it’ll feel good. It’ll feel good.’ The shaking he wasn’t able to get under control, he could blame that on nervousness though, right? 
He knew which partner he was going to try to initiate this with. The one he had been with the longest. Izuku. He was so sweet, gentle and kind, but was incredibly strong and determined. It would feel safe, comfortable, right? It had to, it was Izuku. 
If Izuku said no, he would go to Katsuki, who he knew would have no problems taking the lead if he teased a little, he would be a lot more to deal with than Izuku though, but if it’ll work then he had to do it. If that didn’t work he would go to Denki, then Hanta, then Shoto and then Hitoshi. Hopefully, Izuku would say yes. He loved and trusted all of his partners, but it would be easiest to handle with Izuku. 
It started off a lot like the other two mishaps. Just some playful roughhousing ending with Eijiro pinning Izuku. Eijiro tried desperately to hide any hint of feeling off, looking up to Izuku’s eyes quickly before kissing him. 
Izuku returned the kiss, and he was both a little surprised and not surprised at all that Izuku was the one to push it to a makeout session. He was hesitating a little and Izuku seemed to be enjoying this. Good. Good. He was doing good. 
He remembered what Denki did with his hands, how he touched him and tried to mimic that on Izuku as best as he could. The memory however, caused that feeling to bubble up again. As he began tracing Izuku’s thighs through the shorts he was wearing, an arm on his own stopped him. He swallowed and looked up to meet his boyfriend’s eyes. 
“Ei…?” His voice was so soft and gentle. 
Eijiro pulled his hands away immediately, “S-sorry, was I-do you not want-I didn’t mean to-” Everything was crumbling. He could feel the barriers he put up beginning to crack and break. The feeling was only getting worse. He’d have to go to Katsuki. 
Izuku shook his head, “No! I-I do, want that! Just… you’re shaking…?” 
Eijiro gave a little fake laugh, “Ah! I’m just, kinda nervous, don’t wanna mess this up.” He lied through his teeth. Izuku smiled so gently again, “Don’t worry too much, it’s okay, I’m here.” he murmured comfortingly, the hand that had grabbed Eijiro’s forearm moved down to hold his hand. 
The redhead let out a sigh of relief, “Thank you.” The sickening feeling only bubbled up once more once he continued. Now placing kisses down Izuku’s neck, while his hand went back to tracing up and down his boyfriend’s body. 
He could feel the trembling get worse. He tried to swallow down the panic that was trying to force itself through him as he scraped his teeth against Izuku’s neck. He reached a spot right where his neck and shoulder meet that made Izuku breathe heavier, and whine, right next to Eijiro’s ear. He had no chance. 
Hearing the sound was so different than just the touch. With the touch he could try to think of something else to keep from breaking, but with that noise it shot him right back. Making him realize exactly what he was doing. Exactly what he was about to force himself to do. It was too much. It was all too much. 
The barrier broke. 
The tears and sick feeling he had been trying to hold back now came in full force. He withdrew his hands from Izuku but kept his face in his neck for a moment as he let the tears fall. Izuku tensed under him. Strong arms immediately came to wrap around him. “Ei?” he asked again. His voice sounded so much more panicked than before.
Sounded like Denki did, concern, worry and panic.
Eijiro shook his head, “I-I’m… I’m so sorry, Izuku. I tried, I really did. But I can’t.” the words managed to get choked out between sobs. “I can’t do it, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m broken.” 
He couldn’t see Izuku’s face, but with the silence he could only imagine what he had thought of when he first came up with this plan. The soft smile, ready to let him down slow. To end things with him. He deserved it anyways, for not being enough. He shut his eyes tightly, not wanting to see it when he felt Izuku start to pull away.
Suddenly he was being picked up, and placed on the bed. “Ei… Look at me, please.” Izuku’s voice was shaking, that he wouldn’t pick up until later. But he didn’t need to. Once he finally managed to open his eyes and look at Izuku’s face. The thought of Izuku letting him down slow with that smile vanished instantly.  
Izuku had tears in his eyes too. He looked like he wanted nothing more than to hold him more at that moment. “Please, just breathe, okay? Then we can talk, I’m just confused.” He was more than confused. Eijiro could see it. But he accepted that for now. And slowly worked through calming himself down from the panic attack. 
He looked back at Izuku and nodded, “‘m okay to talk now…” 
Izuku smiled at him, genuinely luckily, and nodded back. “Okay, please tell me what you meant by that…?” 
Eijiro looked off to the side, not wanting to meet those sad green eyes again as he gathered his thoughts to explain. 
“I never, ever really, felt anything like that towards anyone. Whenever I’d get a crush, I couldn’t even imagine anything like that with them… This is just how I’ve been. And I just thought that eventually, I’d get those feelings. They didn’t come. And when I fell for all of you, I thought, okay maybe once I’m comfortable with them, maybe it’s just because I’m nervous at the thought of it that it was like that… But I am comfortable with all of you, I trust all of you.” 
He sniffled, rubbing at his eye as he could feel more tears threatening to spill. 
“I realized that I probably won’t ever want to do anything like that. Or be comfortable with it. Even when it came to you guys, any thought of that I felt… Gross and uncomfortable and panicky. But, I know a lot of people, most people say that that is an important part in a relationship. And-And I didn’t… Didn’t want to be a bad boyfriend. I want you guys to be happy and satisfied and content and… all of that… and if you all wanted that to be happy, then… you wouldn’t want me…” 
“Eijiro…” Izuku’s voice was barely above a whisper, in more shock than actually wanting to get his attention or stop his talking. 
“So I thought, maybe. Maybe if I can just bare it once. Then I’d stop feeling that way. But, I-I couldn’t… so…” He finally let the tears fall as he shrugged. That was the end, he was expecting Izuku to agree with him. But when he looked up at Izuku’s face.
There were tears falling at a rapid pace down his pretty freckled cheeks, his mouth was slightly open in shock. “Eijiro… Can-Can I hug you?” Eijiro barely let him finish his sentence before he practically lept at Izuku. Holding him tightly, Izuku held him just as tight. 
“You don’t have to do anything that makes you feel like that, it doesn’t matter. None of us will think any less of you for that. We love you. It isn’t about sex or anything! We love you. Please, please don’t force yourself, if one day you do feel okay to try then that’s okay! If not? Then that’s also okay. You aren’t broken, Eijiro. You’re perfect.” 
Eijiro sobbed as Izuku spoke, murmuring ‘Thank you’s and ‘I love you’s between breaths and sobs. They stayed like that until both of them fell into a comfortable silence. Cuddling and holding one another, perfectly content. 
That night Izuku introduced him to a new term. One that meant exactly what Eijiro had thought was him being ‘broken’. The term was ‘Asexual’. He wasn’t broken, he wasn’t wrong, he’s Asexual. 
Now, many years later, as a pro-hero that is married to his partners, Eijiro wears that label with pride.
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vancilocs · 4 years
newest fantasy poly and any space ship you wana write about?
don’t make me pick i can’t do that i have no brain
but you said kenzo and ipes are ok
What was their first impression of each other?
Lita had known Zahli for longest and thought she was very pretty and nice, Zahli thought she was nice and kinda cute under the rougher exterior. Wylie crushed on Zahli almost immediately, she thought they were nice, Wylie and Lita thought the other was attractive but both immediately clocked that the other was into Zahli so there was a bit of tension
Kenjiro thought that this was a powerful and beautiful woman, though a little young to be in her position maybe. Didn’t have any reason to think she’d be interested in him.
What is their ship name?
Idk. Forest trio
Describe their relationship dynamic.
They lean on each other in a lot - one is losing their hearing, one eyesight, one has tremors. Lita and Wylie snark at one another a lot but nobody roasts Zahli, Lita opens up emotionally to Zahli more than she does to Wylie (and the gals talk about period stuff too), otherwise they work together equally and look after the kids and whatnot
Kenjiro is just coaxing Ipes into getting closer by just being an open book and sneaking in a bit of tenderness when he can, not pressuring her or anything, just being himself
What was their relationship like before they got together?
Lita and Zahli were buddies and Lita had a bit of a crush on her, then Wylie showed up and started hitting on Zaza so there were tensions in all sorts of directions
Very business-like despite not really doing business other than Kenjiro agreeing to not hunt her associates/hunting her enemies extra hard
How would they describe each other?
Lita thinks Wylie is way too tall and a big dingus, they call her a nuisance who should grow longer bones. Both Wylie and Lita think Zahli is an angel who can no wrong, she thinks Lita is a sweetheart but also kinda spicy, and Wylie is a dork and definitely not as innocent as they let people think
Kenjiro would just say that she’s danger, not to be trifled with.
What do they love about each other?
Zahli is kind and patient, Wylie helpful and sweet, Lita passionate and driven. Lita and Wylie also like each others’ attitude and Zahli’s relaxing aura, she enjoys how Wylie looks after her without babying her and Lita’s determination to not be pulled down by going blind. Also everyone is great with the kids and that’s always a plus
Kenjiro thinks Ipes is very beautiful, smart and powerful but also a lot softer than she lets anyone think. Big fan of her deciding for herself what she wants to do and being very clear about that
What do they have in common?
All hard workers, crafty and outgoing people, good company, outspoken, good-natured, good with kids
Very grey morals, both kinda ruthless, troubled, kinda hard to get emotions out of (Kenjiro easier)
What are some differences between them?
Lita is a magician only with a knife, she was a warrior and handles most of the hunting and trapping while Wylie is a mage first and foremost and Lita is the farmer of the three, her magic comes through her alchemy. 
Ipes is a bosslady who has her spoon in many soups and lots of strings in her hands, Kenjiro just floats about doing a hunt here and there. He’s older and less stable, has a different past
What made them realize they were in love?
After spending more time together than the initial bang and also seeing how sweet the other two were with each other, wasn’t just yeah I love this person but also I love the way these two love each other
They haven’t yet, if both ever even are
What are their love languages?
Words of affirmation and physical touch for Zahli, acts of service and physical touch for Wylie, quality time and physical touch for Lita
Physical touch and then later that and quality time
Do they get married? Who proposes and how?
Idk they’re considered to be married but there was like no ceremony, if anything having the kids sealed the deal
No marriage, I don’t think Kenjiro would ever want to remarry
What would happen if they never met?
They’d do their thing, find someone else, live their own lives. 
Nothing would change really
Who dies first? How does the other one react?
Kenjiro is like 15 years older and also smokes and has brain damage making him reckless though Ipes does have her health issues. Kenjiro does go against dangerouse criminales often so I dunno if he’ll last long...
Are there any love rivals?
Wylie and Lita were rivals at first lmao
They don’t care if the other dallies with someone else
Describe your favorite moment of that ship!
Having three kids in one day and Wylie having to run between both their partners (though they and Lita agreed that they’d focus on Zahli bc she had a very difficult pregnancy and labor so)
What do other characters think about this relationship?
Wylie’s brother is always sarcastically pleased him almost dying of fucking sepsis enabled them to find their two loves, otherwise everyone’s pleased because the three seem very happy and support each other through their difficulties
Those on Ipes’s side don’t think it’s smart to dally with a bounty hunter, Remy is curious about how this will end up, dunno what Izkiel thinks.
Talk about a headcanon you’ve never talked about before.
Zahli and Lita do speak sign language and their kids do too because even though Wylie does still hear somewhat it’s useful for the future when they can’t anymore (many in their family are deaf too and so they’ve learned it since they were a child)
I dunno if Kenjiro’s compliments about Ipes’s face and hair makes her rely less on very revealing gowns when meeting him
What does a typical date look like for them?
Go to the town, it’s not far. Wylie’s family will watch the kids for the day. Have some drinks, eat really well, socialize.
No dates really, if anything just share a lunch or a bath or something and have Chanel peel grapes for them. It’s great fun
What’s a really significant moment in their relationship?
Lita isn’t dealing so well with losing her eyesight so getting her to admit that weakness and talk about her feelings was a very big thing
Well so far just Ipes agreeing to be the little spoon if just for a little moment or stealing Kenjiro’s jacket
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mariesunflowerchild · 4 years
dating pernico would include: (PERCY JACKSON)
so..i kinda ship pernico now..lmao, it’s really cute but sadly won’t be canon,
so take these headcanons, :D
and yes, this is pernico x reader poly-
don’t @ me, 
also i literally head smashed my keyboard to come up with the name furuhani lmao 
warning, there is homophobia in this, if you can’t deal with a lgbtq+ couple being excluded, i suggest you don’t read this. 
also my next update’s probably gonna be an angst, can’t wait to write that- heheheheheh
requests are open btw, dm me for requests, 
Tumblr media
~so, you’re a year older than nico, and a year younger than percy.
~as an aphrodite kid, you look a bit older than you actually are, 
~most people assume you’re 16, maybe even 17.
~but then- once they get to know you, OHHH BOYY-
~you’re quite childish ngl, you absolutelu love board games and video games, just games in general,
~you came from an extremely wealthy family so, you had basically everything you could ever want.
~an xbox? you had it. tv? you had it, a phone? you had it.
~you didn’t get your father or step mother’s attention though,
~so you did have your issues.
~once you arrived at camp halfblood, you were ecstatic, 
~”i’m finally gonna meet people like me!”
~you became quite close with silena beauregard, she introduced you to annabeth.
~”hi, i’m [y/n]! it’s so nice to meet you!”
~later on annabeth introduced you to percy and grover,
~cue the lightning theif!
~you went on the quest, you were really useless ngl, but you were able to charm people into giving you money, so you guys could buy food.
~”wow [y/n], you’re manipulative.”
~”ehh, not really..i just wanna see us survive this.”
~you and percy became closer, staying up ‘till 12 am, and things of that nature.
~”yo, why is water tasteless?”
~”don’t look at me, i’m the son of the sea god, not the sea god.”
~once nico came along, you were attached to the hip.
~”i’m gonna sit this adventure out, make sure nico doesn’t get into trouble,”
~”oh okay..”
~percy was bummed out but, meh, they were already a large group.
~once he returned and told nico about bianca, you went after nico.
~you two went on adventures together! for like a year or two,
~once you guys were reunited with the squad, you couldn’t stop smiling,
~”oh my god, it’s been so long! god i missed you guys,”
~”we did too, believe it or not, it wasn’t as lively without you,”
~so, some time later, you and nico started going out-
~it was a wholesome relationship right, but..dun..dun..dUn
~nico had a crush on percy too!
~you were shocked, but you did too.
~”uhh..i kinda like him too.”
~”oh my god, we’re the same garbage.”
~ after the epic battle between kronos’ forces and camp halfblood, you and nico confessed to percy.
~”it might be weird, but. we both like you, like, like like, like you.”
~percy was SHOOOK.
~he nearly fainted,
~”i like you guys too, but aren’t you two together?”
~then, dun dunn! nico had the idea of a poly relationship 
~you were 100% onboard,
~all you needed was percy to be okay with it and boom! happily ever after.
~”i’m in,”
~lots of handholding,
~cuddles like, every other day.
~you guys have the messiest of cuddle piles, 
~”who’s arm is that?”
~”that’s mine.”
~”oh okay,”
~random hugs, and kisses-
~”you guys are too nice- oh my god-”
~even aphrodite herself ships you guys.
~”hm! this is the first time i’ve ever seen 3 halfbloods fall inlove! what a phenomenon!”
~some people hate though, smh.
~one time, you guys were at this high end restaurant with some of your mortal friends from primary, and the waitress skipped you guys, just because you were poly!
~”hi uhh, my boyfriends and i have been standing here for 15 minutes, and by the looks of it you’re not doing anything, can you please attend us?”
~you were so polite ngl, but this lady just, looked at you like, ‘bitch are u serious?’
~ “i’m sorry ma’am, but we’re packed,” 
~oh HELL NO, they weren’t packed, like at all. they had a bunch of tables open, this lady was being rude smh.
~”but..why are there tables open? can’t we sit there?” 
~nico was beginning to get impatient, percy took notice of this and put his arm on nico’s shoulder.
~if it wasn’t for you and percy, nico would’ve already bitch slapped the lady, he decided to cut to the chase and tell you why she wasn’t serving you guys.
~”she doesn’t want to let us in, cuz we’re poly.”
~you’re school friends over heard and demanded she let you guys pass, 
~”guys! it’s okay, we can just have takeout and watch a movie, this restaurant’s over-priced anyway.” 
~okay so like, even percy was pissed at this point, being the eldest he was protective over you two, (especially you ngl, you’re an aphrodite kid, your cabin doesn’t really do sports)
~nico whispered something in your ear, you had an evil idea. 
~“listen, ms. do you know who my father is?”
~the woman scoffed, 
“probably some low life drug addict if he raised a whore like you.”
~nico was seething with rage, and so was percy, even your friends were mad, they were quiet though, knowing what you were gonna do.
~”well, ms. my father is the C.E.O of furuhani enterprises, unless you want to be fired, and black listed; i suggest you let us in, and stop treating customers differently for their sexuality,”
~the woman paled, 
~”r..r..ight this way miss! please excuse my actions!” 
~nico, percy, and your friends were so proud of you 
~”that’s my girl!” nico and percy wrapped their arms around you, your friends awwed and smiled, perhaps this evening wasn’t completely bad. 
remember to please follow my tumblr and share! ^^ 
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fandoms4enternity · 4 years
Dipcifica Kids
16 years old
He’s kinda nerdy but likes sports. Very protective of family. He kinda has anger issues. Just don’t mess with his family or anyone he cares about. Very kind but can come off as cold hearted because of how much he cares like Winer from RWBY or Katara from ATLA. He’s popular. He is very much likes and feared by bullies
Faye Pines:
14 years old
Backstory: Mason was super excited to have a little sister. When he was around 4 and went to her crib by himself in his little kid voice he said “I pwomise to always look aftwer you” But then Kate came. Mason started hanging out with Kate and wasn’t there for his sister as much. At least that’s how she felt
Faye is a very energetic girl. She loves make up and shopping. She’s very optimistic and likes to have fun. Loves going to the mall. Boys at school fawn over her. Her best friend is Hazel. She is jealous of her brother and Kate. She hates her brother for “leaving” her. She just wants to hang out with him. And she doesn’t exactly know why she doesn’t like seeing Mason and Kate together but she really admires Kate.
Mabel’s kid (The husband is a made up character I made. Hopefully I talked about him when taking about them as teens)
Hazel ‘Pines’:
14 years old
Pansexual & Poly
Hazel is the sweetest girl. She’s super kind and shows is. She’s very empathetic. She has a lot of hope. She believes in change and redemption. She’s has the perfect mix of prettiness and smarts. She’s also some weird powerful child like the avatar. She was born with blue eyes and has the real power of telepathy.
Wendy’s Kids (She’s a lesbian. Idc what y’all say)
Kate Corduroy:
16 years old
Kate is the cool girl like her mother except she has more of that stereotypical optimistic and chill side. She isn’t secret stressed 24/7. She doesn’t actually like people thinking she’s just like her mother. She is VERY free spirited and yes she also breaks rules like cliche teens. In fact Mason joins in on breaking rules with her. Kate also like skateboarding which she has tried to teach Hazel how to do.
Gabe corduroy:
14 years old
Gabe is the sweetest boy. Very kind. But also easily scared. He loves his friends. KINDA hates his brother. Musical theater nerd 100%. Poor baby gets bullied a bit. Has a crush on Mason.
Gavin Corduroy:
Tbh he’s kinda an incel. He’s basically sokka. One of those jerky guys but will end up learning to not be an incel. Was kinda homophobic. Him and Gabe were trying to persuade Faye and Hazel before but then Gabe and Hazel of course didn’t work out and Faye is a lesbian... soo... oof.
(Yes the last two are twins)
Tambie kid:
Hunter: typical good kid who likes the bad boy aesthetic. Hazel likes him for who he is and finds his trying to be bad boy quirk extremely adorable. Hunter can be a little emo. Honestly he’s a lot like Varian from the Tangled series.
Laura: (Idk if I talked about her yet. But this is Amada’s child)
Laura was on the evil side for a long time. Like Zuko. She’s very stubborn and arrogant but she’s not that bad if you get to know her. Which Hazel did. Mason hates her tho. Laura has a similar personally to her messed up mother but also similar to Cassandra from The tangled series. She’s honestly a pretty complicated character. It’d be easier to explain her with questions
I have a character I haven’t named yet. She’s just guard girl. Remember this is a future royal au. She’s pretty normal. Very sweet. Chill. Just hangs out. She can be pretty shy tho. She beloved in the “no talking to the royals” rule. Which she didn’t realize wasn’t a rule in this kingdom. She and Mason have talked a little. She had a thing for him but now here are some of the ships based off crushes or what I think people would ship and then I’ll put the ideal ships which I might explain later if I feel like it
Mason x Kate ((was the ideal ship but I love the idea of it being Wendy’s son crushing on Dipcifica’s son even more: BFF Childhood friends to lovers)
Mason x Gabe (IDEAL SHIP: Not bffs but still childhood friend-lovers trope)
Mason x Laura (This would be such a popular ship because of the aesthetic. It’s like Zutara but so much better because they have the Dipcifica chemistry)
Mason x Guard girl (Cute But Nah)
Kate x Faye (Kinda ideal ship. It was and idk if I wanna keep it. Hopeless/hopeful pining shipping)
Kate x Hazel (A really cute ship. Two kind skateboard girls. Cute idea)
Kate x Laura (I only just thought of this. The idea is interesting)
Kate x Hunter (Nah. Wouldn’t it work. I know this is the only guy ship with Kate aside from Mason but it really wouldn’t work. Kate wouldn’t even consider Hunter. They would be good friends tho)
Faye x Gavin: Lmao sike. Faye is a lesbian y’all.
Faye x Laura: (Interesting. But Laura is more likely to pick Mason even over Faye. Sorry Faye 😭 but If my au got popular I wouldn’t be surprised to see fanart of them)
Gabe’s best ship is with Mason
Gabe x Hunter (Two cute dorky boys. Meh. Perhaps)
Gavin x Hazel (She might help him to be less of an incel.. but nah. They both have to give something)
Gavin x Laura (For spoiler reasons this cannot happen)
Hazel x Laura (IDEAL SHIP)
Hazel x Hunter (IDEAL SHIP)
Laura x Hunter: (MAYBE. Cool goth mean “evil” mean girl and a dorky fake “bad boy” as her boyfriend. Certainly interesting)
Gavin x Gaurd Girl (IDEAL SHIP)
I realized I never made a kid for Soos and Melody. I’ll think about it.
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dxmagedrose · 4 years
Tagged by: my lover @hammurabicomplex​ I’m tagging: anyone and everyone who wants to pick this one up! share with the class if you feel like it! tag me in it!!
FIRST NAME Good fucking question… It’s (sort-of) currently Dylann! I was Kieran before that, though; it’s still used as one of my first names and I’m not used to Dylann quite yet bc I’ve just started using it. 
Indigo is one of my middle names though, and I’ve used it as an online handle elsewhere forever so I use it here now!  [ Fun etymology facts: Dylan(n) is a mythology name generally meaning “born of the wave” (aspiring diver & a water witch at heart). Kieran means “little dark one” bc of my love for horror, && I chose Indigo bc as a kid to be it was neither boy (blue) or purple (girl) and was both and neither as well as my absolute favorite color as this vibrant ass mystical color. ]
STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF hmmmmm…. I’m a horror lover at heart, so as a child (I wanna say 12), I was walking through an antique store (I have a few cool finds, I considered putting my other one as the fact tbh) and I turned the corner and I saw these two dolls staring back at me at the foot of the stairs of this antique building. my blood froze, and i felt my stomach drop. i got actual, physical goosebumps stumbling across these two creepy dolls staring back at me in the corner, and i couldn’t leave the store without them. perhaps the little painted porcelain boy would be somewhat spooky by himself if it wasn’t for the terrifying lidded gaze of the porcelain girl with the hairline fractures and slightly open lips. i cant look at her. i dont really find dolls scary, I like to find the spookier ones ones, and she makes me paranoid as hell. i keep her face covered and her up in my closet except for when i bring her out to show her off proudly as the spookiest thing I have but……. i dont really collect dolls anymore.  even thinking about her brings a fearful tear to my eye.  i don’t like to think about her for very long, but that’s why I’m so fucking proud to own her. ( YES — I’m THAT white person in the horror film )
TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON hhhhh a beardy jawline, high cheekbones, crooked canine teeth >:3c
A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF b.l.t.’s with avocado. ahhhh. my mouth is watering just thinking about it, oh my god. just a bit of salt and pepper???
A FOOD YOU HATE barbecue anything, i hate the taste of bbq sauce, you keep your nasty black goo to yourselves at the grill. twice in my life i have presented with barbecue pizza and both times i cried literal tears. why would you do such a horrible thing to a person? what kind of a monster are you? how do you sleep at night?!
GUILTY PLEASURE the sims. constantly. always. i’ve sunk thousands of hours into my households. oh also uhhhhhh i run two 80s horror blogs, one being a shitpost blog with occasional art of mine and one gremlin fanfic ship blog for horrible, terrible self indulgent fanfics i’ll get the courage to finish writing & post so i can be cancelled on tumblr for at some point. NO, i won’t link them. as i pretend they’re even all that hard to find, within a day i was found on both by someone i admire here a lot :’) ilu bby thnk u eternally for supporting ur local horrifying dumbass wtf
WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN the same clothes i’ve been wearing all day usually, my sweats & long sleeve raglans or my hoodies. i like being cozy day & and out. and ugh. efoort. just throw me in a blanket in a cool room and im out.
SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS serious relationships with some openness or poly. i wish i could fling! just not exactly easy for demisexual autistics lmao.
IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE I think I would be adopted by my grandma as a kid. It would save me some trauma but mostly I think it would get my autism diagnosed way earlier and save me angsting all these years of wondering why & thinking it’s my fault I’m struggling so much and so loud and affectionate and different in a world that i didnt fit in the same way. 
ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON when i get drunk i text people how much they mean to me in my life. does that answer your question? ahhh. i’m sometimes a cuddle monster with friends, i message people with long texts about how much they mean to me, but I sometimes really don’t like to be touched at all. 
A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN FLYPAPER.  F L Y P A P E R.  FLYPAPER.  FLY, and, I can’t stress this enough, fucking PAPER. ( Though also Whole Nine Yards and both Re-Animator & Bride ). I have watched Flypaper already like, 5 times this week and I’m still not done, and the other movies have been on repeat for days in this household within the last year. In the past it has also been Donnie Darko & the new Nightmare on Elm Street.  roast me.
FAVORITE BOOK White Fang by Jack London. Have I actually ever finished it? No. Do I still own a copy I’ve had since childhood thru multiple dogs eating it, taking it to and from school, and highlighting and circling all the best parts of chapter one ever since I was a kid and it was too hard of a book for me to read? You bet your ass. If I ever need inspiration I just reread chapter 1. Although one of my other favorites was Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes. But White Fang is like, a weirdly personal text. We stan London’s writing in this household.
YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE FENNEC FOX!! I used to daydream about having my own named Shiloh when I was a lil kid. they’re adorable little things and i am obsessed. i mean, gimme any fox and im happy, marble foxes, red foxes… but I was obsessed with fennec foxes. Also tbh ferrets. I want a ferret.
TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL] Rosa & @ninetyscnds‘s Luke, Rosa & @iimpulsivity is already screaming my name, Rosa & Constantine, Jesse & Andrea from Breaking Bad, and the joker and harley of 80s sci-fi Dan & Herbert from Re-Ani.  I am but a simple opossum. 
PIE OR CAKE Pie! I’ll take both pumpkin & melty apple over cake. also, cheesecake is more pie than cake soooo, pie wins.
FAVORITE SCENT my dogs / my blanket. :’)  It’s the most grounding smell in the world. 
CELEBRITY CRUSH oliver jackson-cohen, i’m fucking GAY and im angry about it. there i was, minding my own business, and i saw that asshole in a certain SHIRTLESS GIF and it AWOKE SOMETHING IN ME. dont talk to me about it, holy shit im obsessed with beardy men now god fuckkdafjaask i hate him why did he make me this gay i was perfectly fine being into girls but NOOOOOO him and his dumb hairy chest and sweet rugged face and I——  I also am obsessed with the archaeologist & television personality Josh Gates and may or may not be considering making a fan blog for him bc idk if my anthropology docuseries host is Dad or Daddy but i love him lots
IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO I would go on a dive with anthropologists and archaeologists doing fieldwork research in the ancient cenotes of the Yucatán Peninsula. My actual dream job, catch me crying & fantasizing about being underwater documenting Mayan skulls given as offerings. Fuckkkk, I love anthropology so much!!  take me anywhere in the world to immerse myself into culture & archaeology.
INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT Introvert. I have a real life friend I see roughly once a month, and that’s it. Plenty of online relationships, I’m chatty, message me all day every day. but i dont do people well.
DO YOU SCARE EASILY I used to! Really bad. I don’t as much anymore. I do get paranoia a lot still. Having therapists telling you that the FBI could be outside your house watching you through your windows will kind of nervous. ( no google results for: yes hello fbi i am a writer please dont put me on watchlists i just have research i need to do for this idea im working on, would you like to try again? ) I have nightmares nightly but not they never make me afraid, they just make me feel like crap. jumpscares and loud noises and seeing people reaching into their pockets dont set off as many brain alarms anymore tho!! progress haha.
IPHONE OR ANDROID I like my android better bc of capabilities but meh
DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES My mom, her husband & I play COD for family game night, and Silent Hill is my life’s blood. I’ve sunken hours into Sims & Skyrim, and Norman Jayden from Heavy Rain is my #1 fictional character in existence, why do i love the druggie babies
DREAM JOB Oh… You’re asking me to pick? I’d love to be an anthropologist doing work out in the field. Underwater archaeology is peak, but I’m also heavily considering being a body recovery diver or police diver. I’d love to see myself in uniform someday, if possible. Just the thought makes me teary eyed & proud.
WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS fund my person creative & educational endeavors. get myself a spooky ass abandoned house to make my own home to create in, and travel to the world’s best dive sites. just live a mild life of education, creation & exploration. that’s the dream TM.
FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE dr. hill is a gross and whiny lil bitch this post brought to u by the miskatonic crew, how is everyone here an even worse bad guy than herbert west precious dan excluded talk shit get hit tho john winchester from spn and both walter white & todd from breaking bad are all in my crew of hated characters. i jusT…   the reani novel is difficult to read because i have to deal with this old sack of shit.
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grayclouds · 7 years
001: ZoLu and LawLu, for the ship meme if you please
cut because this got unexpectedly long, I Have Feelings™
when I started shipping it if I did: i can’t really pinpoint the exact moment, since back when i first started watching and then reading one piece i was too busy trying to catch up as fast as possible to pay attention to shipping, and then one day i saw a fanart somewhere on tumblr and it just instantly clicked.
my thoughts: YALL. LISTEN. OKAY SO REMEMBER WAY BACK WHEN THEY FIRST MET AND ZORO TOLD LUFFY (paraphrasing here) “if you get in the way of my ambition i’ll cut you down” OR SOMETHING EDGY LIKE THAT, THIS MAN WENT FROM THAT TO “if you get in the way of my ambition that’s totally fine lmao lemme die for you real quick, xoxo” IN A FUCKING DAY AND A HALF. LIKE???? LIKE????? YOU GUYS????????? THIS RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT??????????????and okay so it’s been Established™ that zoro is Very Gay for luffy (i will fite u if you argue this with me) but yall. zoro was literally the actual beginning of luffy’s crew, he was the start of luffy’s journey and if you don’t think that’s beautiful there’s something wrong with you, zoro is the first part of the foundation to luffy being able to achieve his dream, he’s the first pillar, im sobbing yall, im getting so emotional, this ship is so good.
What makes me happy about them: as a wise man named DJ Khaled once said, “u loyal”. no but really what more do you need than two people willing to die and go through hell for each other, for each other’s dreams without hesitation, that understand each other and are perfectly in tune, what the fuck else do you need, what is it, how do i sell this car to you–
What makes me sad about them: nothing. there is nothing. they are perfect.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: if you force your stupid gender roles onto this ship i will personally pay off a ghost to haunt your bathroom mirror for the rest of your mortal life.
things I look for in fanfic: angst with happy endings, lots of relationship development, fucking give me that character study, give me all 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: assuming we’re talking hypothetically if gay ships could ever become canon… luffy obviously with law. zoro also with law. but ideally they’re all very gay and very poly.
My happily ever after for them: luffy becomes the pirate king and doesn’t die, zoro becomes the greatest swordsman and doesn’t die, they keep sailing the seas in search for adventure together with their friends and NO ONE DIES, ODA.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: i figure luffy is so all over the place when he sleeps that it switches around a lot throughout the night, i don’t think either would really have a preference. 
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: partying together with friends!!!! drinking and eating!! being competitive for fun (why hasn’t there been a sports AU yet i’m so disappointed)
when I started shipping it if I did: it was definitely punk hazard. like with ZoLu it wasn’t until i was fully caught up that i started paying attention to ships, and by that time we just about hit punk hazard in manga and i couldn’t resist.
my thoughts: as i mentioned in an earlier post, the way law’s impressions in regards to luffy develop from the first time they meet all the way to dressrosa is just so good, like law fought it every step of the goddamn way but luffy was like “nah we’re married now” and that’s fucking that, they’re stuck with each other forever. it’s so weird because when i started this series i was so convinced i would never ship luffy with anyone but he just has to go and attract all these edgy softies with his absurd willingness to LITERALLY DIE FOR THEM, you tell this kid you want an alliance and if he likes you enough he will fight the whole world for you, i’m so. ugh.
What makes me happy about them: grumpy tol and sunny smol. law being dragged kicking and screaming into falling in love. luffy giving exactly 0 shits for his inhibitions and shattering his Edgelord image with brutal honesty. i can already see them 10 years later, you know that meme of a married couple that goes “aww you had a crush on me? that’s so embarrassing”, except the LawLu version would be:“tell me again how you had a crush on me when we were younger” “I HAD NO SUCH THING” “law, we’ve been married for ten years” “IT’S A PIRATE ALLIANCE–” “WE HAD A FUCKING WEDDING”
What makes me sad about them: THEY ARE PERFECT.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: g e n d e r   r o l e s. making law some sort of sadistic sociopath. making luffy as dumb as a bag of hammers without it being played for laughs or as a gag like in canon. i get he isn’t the brightest but come on yall, tone it down. 
things I look for in fanfic: same as with ZoLu.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: as you can probably guess, both of them with zoro. there’s literally no one else, yall can go home, it’s been decided.
My happily ever after for them: luffy becomes the pirate king and doesn’t die, LAW DOES NOT DIE AT ANY POINT, and while i can’t really see law sailing with luffy i can see him settling down somewhere later on and opening a clinic or a hospital. luffy would visit him lots
who is the big spoon/little spoon: law doesn’t strike me as the cuddling type so i feel like he’d be the grudging little spoon who secretly loves the cuddles but he has too much Edge to admit it. luffy does not care. will cuddle whenever wherever. 
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: canonverse wise, i’d say dragging law into adventures and making him have fun. that’s like, a huge part of their relationship. otherwise cuddling also seems like a big contender, god knows law needs affection.
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vodka-aunt-coran · 8 years
When did allure,shiro and matt all start dating? How did they figure it out? Was poly a thing on Altea?
hmmm i’m going to answer this backwards sorry lol
(holy shit this got long ok i’m adding a readmore. thank you for this anon!!)
on altea, i don’t think there were many rules surrounding romance?? like my hc is that they’re so advanced that nobody really gives a heck who you’re dating so long as you aren’t hurting anyone ahaha.
it starts with shiro, who had a crush on matt for a while. and then, after a few months on the ship he realizes…he also has a huge crush on allura?? but he still really deeply cares about matt??
so after they retrieve matt, he doesn’t act on ANY impulse bc he might regret it and his life is so full of stress already that he can just leave this on the back burner for now
matt also has had a crush on shiro for ages, but also never acted on it bc he didn’t know if shiro liked him back?? and he still doesn’t?? and, again, there’s so much going on that this is Unnecessary Drama.
allura is also slowly realizing she likes shiro but again: stress and drama.
so how do they work around this stress and drama? without shiro ahaha oops
the paladins spend a lot of time off doing Paladin Things, and while allura and matt are still busy running things/fixing things/studying things, they still have more free time
so instead of poring over a cultural guide to their next planet for the 50 billionth time like she had planned to, allura is convinced by matt to just. chill. hang out.
so they start doing that regularly. sometimes with coran, sometimes with whoever else is free, but also sometimes just the two of them
they start developing a bunch of inside jokes and share a bunch of stories about their home planets and what the past year has been like and get really close
and since there is like 0 stress and/or drama involved here, allura feels safe enough to – plot twist! – tell matt that she has feelings for him
matt is kinda floored and also he definitely has feelings for her too but?? shiro??
as far as allura’s concerned, she could still date shiro as well if that ended up working out, but matt has a different cultural mindset lol
but still, this is such a nice and easy relationship that he tells her the same and they start…not really dating but kind of?
they’re in a war still, in space, so they can’t really go on dates, but they become visibly more comfortable around each other and show affection sometimes
coran is rly happy for allura and, if he hadn’t adopted matt before, he fully adopts him now. lance is mock-outraged. hunk is gushing about it constantly. pidge is surprised, but happy for her bro. keith avoids talking abt it bc he knows shiro.
shiro is just like. wow. of course this would happen to me of all people. what kind of cosmic irony is this.
still he acts really happy for them and teases matt about it and explains human dating rules to allura
even the way they act towards each other doesn’t change, like he still has an overly-affectionate friendship with matt (they cuddle lbr) and spends a lot of time with allura
keith: dude why are you doing this to yourselfshiro: let’s be honest, keith, i love to suffer
however!! at some point there’s a High Stress Situation and allura and shiro are stuck together. and he just. busts out a confession without thinking.
shiro: allura, i love you–allura: [starry eyes, light blush] wh…i love you too, shiro!shiro: –and i know tha– wait, what??
they don’t have time to talk about it then but later shiro is like?? do we?? have the same definition of “i love you”??
allura: you meant that you have romantic feelings towards me, right? i…have romantic feelings towards you too.shiro: ok please tell me this is an alien thing, otherwise i might have to yell at you for playing with matt’s feelings.allura: do humans…not love more than one person?
they have a long talk wherein allura 1) helps shiro realize that it’s possible to love multiple people at once 2) gets him to confess he’s kinda in love with matt too 3) pesters him to tell him
shiro is still not 100% confident in how it’ll play out, so allura takes matters (lmao) into her own hands
she starts by talking about polyamory to matt and, since he’s a culture nerd (in my mind), he’s way more open to it than shiro was. then she asks him how he feels about shiro and, connecting the dots, matt doesn’t really try to deny it.
allura: so, we both like each other, and we both like shiro–matt: yoU LIKE HIM TOO??allura: yes, and shiro likes both of us, so–matt: SHIRO LIKES ME????allura: matt, i love you, but please keep up
so with this conclusion, they confront shiro and like. allura was going to try to be cool about it. but matt pretty much latches onto him talking about how great this is and allura can’t help but grin and join in.
shiro isn’t entirely sure that he isn’t dead and this is the afterlife
like, they didn’t inform him this was a thing now, they just suddenly started acting like it was. he’s not mad. just. shocked.
while matt and allura still have a lot of time together, they spend every possible moment with shiro too, and start making a point of having ‘dates’ every so often
it takes the paladins a while to figure out what exactly is going on, but until then, coran is exuberant enough for all of them
again, lance is mock-outraged (i have both klunk and klance alternate endings for this but i can’t decide and this is a shalluratt post anyway)
they all live happily ever after and the galra empire is defeated and they become galactic royalty with a small house on earth :’)
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