#just cause i need advice hahah
snekthedemonnoodle · 9 months
heyyyy everyone i made an anonymous advice blog so if u could rb this that would be nice :)
its @anonadvice!! thanks <3
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mhaynoot · 5 months
you can always employ the tried and true ‘ramble about the story idea without actually writing it down’!
thank you for your encouraging words hehe!! it's been a while since you sent this in (sorry!) but i'm pretty sure I wrote this idolja idea around the same time and took your advice actually HAHAH ramble story idea always coming in clutch
can't find where i posted this so i'll just shove it underneath the page break cause i do really like this idea and might come back to it later
... but imagine idolja did an action drama one day and everyone goes: he doesn't look powerful at all, in fact isn't he just getting beat up by the male lead? but why is he so captivating still? ... maybe cause he looks really good in pai-
he's an unpopular idol and he's only acting a side character in the drama and everyone thinks he's gonna flop but surprisingly... he's pretty good? he can match the seasoned actors around him and ... his mouth has always been very charming 
his singing is okay but his talking skills are wow he's unmatched in variety shows fr, he’s really good at speaking and riling up the audience in a way an idol really really shouldn’t
by extra character I really do mean extra character role, like kdj is not introduced until like the last quarter of episode 1 as a part of the male lead's background entourage and the hijinks with the female lead are already underway or something (don't worry about it, the drama's plot is not important). It’s like he’s there to like make up numbers of pretty faces on a show.
but he does have plot relevance enough to have actual scenes and while they're written like throwaway scenes that wouldn't mean much, when netizens watch them they can't help thinking "oh? these two characters have a surprising lot of chemistry together!" or "wow I can't stop replaying this scene!" and then type away gushing about the cool FL and handsome ML.
But behind the scenes, it's noticed and his energy with the other way more seasoned actors is surprisingly on par. but he doesn't overshine them or anything, in fact he eerily seems to match them exactly where they need him to make sure they grow. unlike with the male lead who's aggressive methods and outstanding capabilities blows others to either match him or get dusted. screenwriter hsy, revises the script a little, some extra scenes until KDJ slowly becomes a side character and then a secondary character.
so yeah in a cast of famous actors, kdj was expected to fade into the background especially as an unpopular idol who had a "controversial" past (canon events) but the scene that made him and the show blow up was the pivotal fight with the ML where hmm
well when his voice goes a little low and he's breathing is strained as he gets beat up by the ml heh well some netizens point out that he sound really really submissive hehehehe
 well like i said his mouth is very charming
(some extra bg i wrote: the show is already predicted to be a hit before it aired because of the star power and production behind it. Yoo Joonghyuk and Lee Seolhwa as the main leads and their guaranteed chemistry from other dramas they've starred in has already racked in the CP fans. Not to mention award winning, most marketable and highest-selling author and screenwriter, Han Sooyoung.)
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storyofnya · 7 months
Hey how are you? I love your style. I was planning on starting commissions some day. So I came here to ask to one of my favourite artists what advice do they have on commissions? Is there actually mistakes that I could commit or is there a certain path to follow? Thank you! Have a great weekend, and keep creating your art is awesome!!! 💗
OMG Hi!! First of all Thank you so so much for your kind words ❤️❤️ Here it goes:
The most important is to always ask for some of the payment upfront (Usually it's 50%), cause you never know who are you dealing with. And even when you finish the job, I usually always send the client low quality files until I get paid the full amount. It sounds awful talking about money first but let's be honest, that the reason we artist open comms in the first place hahah You can trust the people that request you (I myself never had a bad experience with a client and had dealt with truly lovely people) but it's important to alway be a bit careful.
Write yourself a list of conditions you find necessary to send the client when you agree on drawing their request. If it helps, mine is explaining the process to the client, half the payment upfront, my paying methods, how many unpaid changes they can ask for and how much do I charge per change after... These type of things.
Don't rush yourself too much. Unless the client give you a specific deadline, people are usually patient. I understood that after stressing with several comms in my first times hahah Even so, I try to keep in touch and update them from time to time, just to reassure them I didn't forget about it, just busy.
When I'm drawing a com, I usually send the customers every crucial part of the process, I think it's important for them to take part in the decision making of every step. I usually send them the first sketch (With only the idea, to see if we agree), the final sketch (that's usually when they get to do their modifications), the line art, the flat colors (To see if they like the palette) and the final version. That works for my style, but you decide which step seems important enough to update it to them depending on your own working process and technique.
Try not to underestimate your work when pricing. If you're not in a desperate need for money, value your art for what it's worth. It's easier said than done, and I know that most artists don't do it cause they want to, but because they have no choice; but me myself I try not to price too low my work, and even tho I got a lot of rejections because of it, I end up getting enough clients to keep opening comms from time to time and not giving up.
Find which social media is best for you to get attention and find clients. I personally recommend reddit, but every artist has their own experience and preferences.
I know it sounds obvious but always be kind. Not all clients'll respond with the same affections, but in my experience, when they do, it makes the job so much easier and fun. And you might even get yourself a regular customer.
Ok I got so carried away writing this!! I don't get that many questions here on tumblr and I was so excited fr, sorry in advance hahahah
Hope this helps you! Those are all my opinions and experiences, you'll have your own soon enough. I wish you the best of luck with your commissions!!! And have a fantastic weekend too ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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hikaruthewolf · 2 years
Need some good advice, please (c)
It feels so much like total sh*t when someone just told a really awesome person you've been chating with things like 'hey, don't mind me but you follows Hikaru and he's a bad dude, he's doing things, I've seen it here (link), don't mind me, bye, do your choice ' and... there was nothing bad said in that post by me. But now I'm blocked by a really awesome person. 'Cause of dude who understood my post the way it was suitable for him and shown it the way he wanted even there was litarally nothing in my post he was talking about. He just saw a whole branch and found out mine comment where I was protecting one sourse before another and just said you can find really strange and agressive one people anywhere actually. And it's true! Or not? It feels more like sh*t when that random dude gave my art likes at the same time. Like 'I hate you and go to tell everybody you're freak but I like your Solly by the way'.
Well thank you, bruh. And that dude knows nothing about me. Literally he just knows I'm with my hubby on this acc 'cause it was said in our profile info. Still this one dude is somehow a person I was talking about in my post actually (can be offended by anyrthing and pretty agressive with being offended by anything and will be offended and will show you agression with out any reasone just 'cause even if you didn't mean anything). I wasn't writing bad thing about someone, I just wrote my opinion about agressive and pretty absurd cases. That's freaking all. Ironic.
It's funny but not in case I'm loosing my connection with a very great person 'cause of things like that.
Should I not post any comments anywhere rn? I dunno actually. 'Cause any random dude just will come to my followers and tell them I'm a freak. It's kinda really offensive you know. I mean it's really offended me as soon as I said nothing he was blaming me for . And this is a real one harm for me. He was talking I'm doing harmful things still he did this to me and a really great person too.
Dude just blamed me for some bad jokes about things I am living with. He said I was joking about some persones...but I am such person myself. And I wan't even joking. I just replied. And there was nothing bad about people like me. Ironic again.
Just the things I was talking about saying 'I've seen such comrades * there...'
(* comrade - the word can be used talking of Soviet Union citizen but this word is using in russian sometimes to sayabout really strange / agressive or illogical people who is disturbing everyone, can be offended by something noone was talking about, can make some situation out of nowhere, can do / say illogical and dangerous things so it can even harm other people but it's ok for those people, such people don't want to know other opinion, they don't care about your feelings, they can bully everyone 'cause it's ok to bully someone but not being bullied by himself)
I'm not against anything but war right now. I want you to know that. I'm ok with everything else. But may be I'm not ok with agression in any way (bullying, lookism, ageism and so on) and doing things like that one dude.
And it's even more ironic as soon as I can go to jail for my art or my relationships or my opinion about war. It's great to know people somewhere can be really free even to go and write your friend a comment about you're doing wrong thing when you're not but it's kinda painful especially being person you just can't be living here with out basic human rights even . Being me is a crime in my homeland. Hah...hahah..hah...sorry.
You can post any comments, guys. It's ok.
Love you.
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footygirl114 · 7 months
I was just thinking about our fic engagement conversation we had a while ago and then you then you reblog that!!
Great advice though I think. Just need to find a weirdo friend on here ig cause ain’t no way I’m telling any of my real life friends about this 😅
Weirdly I do feel like it’s gotten a little bit better after our conversation so maybe it did help a bit, who knows :)
Hahah funny timing how that works out eh!
And yeah I agree need to find a weirdo friend in here too but still don’t know if it’s better better
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jayflrt · 9 months
Hii alice! First of all FUCK CHRISTMAS! is so funny (like every one of your smaus) I'm really loving it <3
Also...I saw your reply to the anon that asked for advice about their blogs and I kinda need the same thing. So, I started writing here about two years ago on my anime based blog and I got great interactions, many notes, comments, requests and even a couple of mutuals. But then, as I got more and more into kpop, I stopped watching animes (even tho I still like them) and went inactive. However, I made a kpop based blog, which isn't getting many interactions even tho I'm trying to be as active as I can and I post way more than I did on my other blog. The thing is, I wanna make my kpop blog grow and especially make mutuals (I feel so lonely on here ㅠㅠ), but, since it's a side blog, I can only follow with my anime one and I don't wanna mix the two things, 'cause to me they are two different personas.
Since you have a big side blog, I wanted to ask you how do you do it. Like, how do you make friends from a side blog and how do you grow?
Sorry for the length, I needed to let it out since I don't have anyone to talk about this problem
hihi !! thank you so much :')
as for your question, maybe you could join some kpop networks to connect with other writers and meet new people through their discord servers ?? i'm not sure how many networks are big and active right now but i remember there were a few enha networks! i think reaching out to authors via their ask boxes as well is a great way to get to know people and make some friends !! 🥰 for myself personally, when i started this blog i would just post and go so i don't know if i'm necessarily the right person to give advice on this HAHAH but frequently posting is a good way to grow! and utilize the tags to your advantage >:)
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rainandtears · 10 months
Okay time to tell you what happened yesterday! So you know there’s this colleague that i see here and there. She’s very knowledgeable and spiritual the other day she was talking about an experience she had with her shaykh and i asked how i can get one and she told me to read nafl and ask Allah swt to grant me one. The way she talks about Islam is just filled with so much conviction and love. Anyway she’s very helpful, bless her. So on Friday when i was sitting with my work bestie and the woman mentioned the Prophet’s ascent to the heavens I forgot the context cause she talks like 100 miles an hour. I told her I didn’t know much about it. So yesterday in the morning I get a call and I hadn’t saved her number so it was even more of a surprise.
She was like “i got you a book about the prophet saws i thought would be really useful to you, can you come downstairs to get it?” I was like wow. “awww i love book recommendations, you’re amazing!” i went to her office, and before engaging in any conversation🤣 i straight up asked her “are you a salafi”. Probably not the best way to ask but you gotta be careful where you get your guidance from and you made me become very cautious of them haha. She said no and she went into telling me how her daughter married a Salafi, whose dad is a scholar of a Salafi and she said it’s her test from God to her and she’s been trying her hardest to bring her daughter back but she hasn’t been able to and now her daughter tells her that she’s doing everything wrong. she was like to me “i always thought you were a salafi, idk why! The other day when you asked me about a shaykh I didn’t wanna give you mine bc i thought you wouldn’t agree with him.” She seemed way too happy to find out I wasn’t one, she even hugged me haha. the cynical in me was a bit suspicious but i don’t wanna give into my negative thoughts, isn’t it Sunnah or like obligatory to assume the best of people? She told me she was praying fajr today and I kept on coming in her mind and she started going through her books and picked that one for me. 😭 I was amused at the fact that she thought I was a Salafi. Bruh I didn’t even know what they were like a month ago.
Anyway, it gets better. We were talking a lot, she told me a few stories and gave more advice about tests, shaytan and to always read ayatul kursi. Much needed reminders. Her passion gave me the push i needed. (Yours too) And then!! I looked at the book she picked out for me and it was about the Isra Wal Mi’raj, i was so happy cause I remembered you told me to learn about it plusss a fundamental part that is missing from my journey is learning more about the prophet saws and she could sense that bc of what i said the other day. She gave another book she had in her drawer it’s called “Mawlid ad-Dayba’i: celebrating the birth of the prophet Muhammad saws”. It’s a book with Qasidas of the prophet saws. It’s a light read. Then she wanted to give me her copy of “Dala'il Al Khayrat” but I told her that i will print one out so i did. She told me the story behind it. Isn’t this all miraculous??? I gained so much knowledge and it was the timing just when i started to do more dhikr, my adkhars. OH and i asked if she likes imam ghazali hoping to understand her feelings towards him and she was like “Ooomg” and she gently hit my arm out of happiness hahah and i told her im reading his books. She mentioned Rumi, I didn’t know what to say and she was spelling his name out lool as well and told me check him out. And she told me to read another awrad called the naqshbandi awrad and told me more about her shaykh and omg you know what was the most exciting part?? She talked about how it removes the veil between Allah aaaand that’s what im currently reading about in the Ihya Uloom ud-Din. This conversation just felt.. directly God sent. Like it couldn’t have been clearer that it was God-sent.
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1tarot1with1k1o · 1 year
Hello klo! How are u doing?? I wanna participate in your newer k-pop game please! I hope it's still open!
1 I think you are similar to joohoney from MX cause I think you have strength to you but also soft!
2. Get along well with -Johnny idk maybe someone who is very social but doesn't try to take control in social settings would go well with you.
3. Do you like Shinee? I literally channeled them and then their song started to play. is Minho from the group your bias by any chance?
These are all I got for you, I got a lot even though your said to choose one! And I'm asking for Kihyun from MX for me please!
Hii 💕 I’m doing alright, thank you very much! I hope you’re doing well yourself 🫶 of course you can still participate!!
Omg joohoney 🥺 it’s so cute to be associated with him! Fun fact…his aegyo is the only one I actually melt over lol. Usually it’s quite cringe to me, but he’s just so adorable 😭. I’m honored to give you similar vibes to him. He’s really cool!!!
Yes you’re so on point! I either need someone as calm as me, or someone who takes the lead in the conversation but that isn’t overwhelming to be around. Johnny seems really fun to hang out with (plus he’s tall so I could finally wear heels around him and not feel self conscious lol). I’d love to do fun activities and chill with him!
Omg girllll!!! (gender neutral lol) hahahahahahha I swear I used to have the biggest celebrity crush on Minho years ago!!!! Lmaoo. He’s just such an interesting and strong person! How can you not like him…not you exposing me like that 👀. But it’s so funny you channeled that hahha, great job 🤣
Such cute energies from you two 🥹 aww. I got the feeling that he would be very protective towards you (not in an overbearing way. He would simply be extra attentive and worry about your well being). He would definitely look out for you, and make sure that you’re having the best time when you’re around him. I could literally see him looking at you while smiling with an endeared expression on his face. He would be so whipped, and he would find you very cute and lovely. Not even necessarily in a romantic way, but he would really like you! He would find you interesting, and think of you as a very precious person. I feel the energy of a big brother caring for the younger sibling. Not to siblingzone you lol; it’s just the kind of vibe I get hahah. He would really like to cook for you I heard? He would try his best. He would really want to do something for you, so feeding you homemade food is one of the things he would really want to do. He’d always ask you to update him, and he would attentively listen to you, and then give you words of encouragement or advice. Depending on what you would need in that moment. I feel like he would try to help you as much as he can, but when he won’t be able to actually help you, he will do his best to still offer you support. The kind of person that would give you his jacket or sweater if you’re cold, or that would buy you a comfortable pair of shoes if your feet are hurting. He would go to the extra mile in order to be of service to you, and make your day better. You might have an age gap, and that’s why he’d feel extra endeared by you, or he would simply see you as someone very precious because of the way you are/present yourself. He might also be physically affectionate with you! I saw him patting your head, and even holding your hand or waist as to not make you get separated in a crowd. He would do anything to comfort you. He’d definitely drive you wherever you need him to, and he would totally be the type of person to get in the car and go pick you up if you’re out late at night, or if you had something to drink; regardless of the hour. It’s giving kdrama boyfriend. You’d activate his dad friend side. It’s truly such a sweet energy omg I love it so much 😭😭😭
I hope you enjoyed the reading!! I really liked your ask, as you can probably tell hahah. Have an amazing day! 🥰🩷
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I never stop day dreaming, and I fundamentally live in my head, my imagination has never melded into my reality. I know what is real and not.
Are you me? Yes yes yes, yes to every word you said. Yes to day dreaming. One should never blur the reality they are living in, I agree. But I think most of us are just exhausted living beings trying to navigate through shitty lives, and we should allow ourselves to seek comfort in that little safe space in our head to heal after mentally exhausting ourselves during the day.
I think, when you love a fictional character, they are with you. Their life only ever exists through those who know of them. Again, it should never be scary though. ):
This almost made me cry. I love every single one of my fictional characters. Living in this shitty world sucks, I need my fictional character stay by my side. Everyone could use some healthy amount of escapism, and I personally don’t like some else tell me what I should do, they don’t know me, maybe they should restrain themselves from casually giving me advice. However I understand what that anon meant, if they feel like it’s become a serious issue for them, they should seek help and cut back their time spending on the site. Moderation is key.
HI NONNIE. HAHAHAHAH the hive mind is real HAHAHAH. you are me, i am you, we are one.
i was excited to see a response to that post cos i thought you were the anon i replied to. alas it appears you are not. but that's fine. that's great! we're now having a dialogue on the interwebs, just as the greeks intended 😌
Very truly i say we really are just exhausted zombies tryna navigate this unfortunately post-apocalyptic reality. I wanted to quote this Argentine writer that I learned about in high school. I think his name was Jorge Luis Borges, but askfg;aksgf I can't say for sure cause I don't remember him nor the essay. I do remember a striking part of the essay though that uses hemoglobin as an analogy... or was it cancer T_T I EVEN PULLED UP MY OLD LIT BOOK FOR THIS BUT I THINK MY LIT TEACHER DISCUSSED THAT AS ADDITIONAL MATERIAL AND AALSFHASFLAHSF. the point is, that essay talks about how fiction is important because it's like the life behind the eyes of a dead city ya know....
ok tbh i dont remember that shit enough to quote it BUT IN A VIDEO IN ANOTHER LIT CLASS I HAD MORE RECENTLY IN COLLEGE, it was talked about how fiction is important because we can navigate a lot of different and complex things within the safety of the pages it is bound upon. i couldn't find the video T_T and i know this isn't explicitly said or how its explained, but its like we can witness a cold blooded murder and perhaps feel for the perpetrator more than the victim, due to the circumstances presented and the perspective we're shown. it's not to say in any way shape or form that murder is OK, but again, that realm was explored in a way that didn't actually harm anyone.
i hope i'm making sense and this isn't just extremely macabre.
I used to not understand the fun of reading when i was a kid, i used to think my classmates that liked reading were faking it (cos i was). reading = studying and school SUCKS/IS BORING/ETC but then i discovered ✨fiction✨ and more importantly ✨fan fiction✨ and now i will die on the hill that is: everyone in the whole entire world loves to read it's just a matter of finding content they like.
anyway the part where you said you don't like being told what to do HAHAHAHH you like me FR FR HAHAH. the inner childish gremlin in me reacted first to that message with 'LOL' 'ITS NOT THAT DEEP' 'DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO' 'WATCH ME DO IT ANYWAY' but i thank God everyday that my childish gremlin mind is not the pilot of my brain cos that would be so embarrassing. imagine being an internet troll 💀💀💀. for such a long time, i wanted to be one of those really sharp tongued, quick witted people on the internet that would give dry responses cos it's cool. i cannot for the life of me find it in me to contribute to that though because in my heart of hearts, i don't believe people are mean and i especially dont think anyone will come out of their way to my inbox just to be mean to me. i am glad to say it's not happened, nor will it ever 😌😌. huzzah, cynicism has not made me a stale cinnamon roll yet.
moderation is definitely important, but if you don't know how to gauge yourself and you are in genuine need of help, that won't do much, i think. yes reading is therapeutic but it is not replacement for the guidance of someone who has spent years studying how to help people in that manner. sometimes all it takes is just guidance of someone out there who cares. <3
needless to say i am surprised someone who wasn't that nonnie read my answer, which further just proves my point that someone cares. <3
....omg nonnie i think you love me 😍😍😍😍😍😍
cheers to going against the grain, lovie
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feelingsareinsane · 2 years
Okay. One thing at a time. Since i cant sleep cause i had iced coffee and milktea today. Im FULLY CAFFEINATED.
The following events are just about giani. Hahaha so bare with me.
First event:
I chatted him, asking about how to apply for an australian visa, but turns out his tita was the one who filled out the forms and all so he doesnt really know haha. I really needed some advice on the visa but mostly i just used it as an excuse to talk to him :> anyway, we continued talking, and he told me “sayang wala ka nung halloween, andun din sila rods!” To which i replied i didnt go cause of whole blacklist drama thing so i didnt feel comfortable going. And also, i wasnt invited. At least sila pat were invited talaga. And then he just said “next time ha sama ka na” :>>> idk if that had other meaning to it but hehe kinilg si ate.
Second event:
It’s giani’s bday! Nov5. I greeted him on ig. And then i said “di ko alam bat july iniisip ko bday mo” and he replied with “baka july bday ng crush mo” tapos sabi ni alyssa i shouldve said “apparently nov pala” HAHAH imagine if i did. WAAAH idk how he’d react tbh. Pero di ko kaya my gosh. We ended up talking about harry potter, third eyes, mythical creatures, ghosts, divination. Haha this boi has so much stuff going on, i love it.
Third event:
He 🔥 reacted to one of my ootd stories :>
Fourth event:
This one is kinda sad. So sam, from Klick died on Nov5, so pat and monet were asking if we wanted to go to the wake (Nov7) so i said g. It was just gonna be the three of us. And then on the day, monet said that jaika and dads was gonna join so i said cool. I go about my day and i realized i had so much work to finish, so i was thinking of not going anymore, so i told sila pat. Tapos right after i said that i felt kinda guilty that inuuna ko yung work sa patay. So i was gonna take it back and then biglang nag chat si pat na sasama daw si giani. I thought it was a joke until giani himself chatted me on discord and asked if we’re at digitank na. So i was like WOW LEGIT NGA SASAMA SI KOYA. So i was thinking na 2 cars kami cause knowing dads may car sya tapos may car din si pat. So when pat when to pick me up biglang THEY WERE ALL IN PAT’S CAR EVEN GIANI. Giani went down the car so i can come in a sit (giani, me, jaika, monet nagsiksikan sa likod) wala pala si dads haha. So were at the funeral, me and giani were sitting next to each other and he asked me about my mom, which was nice that he remembered and i was just talking to him lang about that. Tapos na distract ako ni patoo cause she talked about her new gf. Pero i asked giani, like no offense pero bakit sya lang yung sumama, wala yung southville peepz nya. He said that jaika called him if gusto nyang sumama (and he was at home pa ah) and he said okay. Idk lang if he asked kung sinong sasama haha pero he wasnt really that close with sam. But i guess same naman i just wanted to pay respect to her. But anyways, i think he knows na kasama ako cause he did chat me. Well anyways, going back home we sat in the same places so i was beside giani again HIHI :> nagaaya sila na mag inuman but i did hve to do so i said no even though i wanted to go badly. They ended up going to molito for drinks and dinner. I chatted pat to make sure monet doesnt drink alot baka she’ll say something about my crush kay giani like what happened to jul during our post xmas party.
Fifth event:
Video calling with pat and monet (with jaika and dads with her sa bahay nya) we were talking about buying tickets to korea for next year. Idk how it got there pero monet mentioned “behaved” daw sya sa gabi na yung about my crush kay giani. SHE SAID IN FRONT OF JAIKA AND DADS. So syemre nagulat sila haha they were like “may gusto ka kay giani??” Sabi ni jaiks, “alam mo nafeel ko eh nung nasa wake tayo parang may something kayo eh” and in my mind i was like huh. I kept it so cool, well i thought i did. All we did was talk lang naman. Nothing crazy…hhaha i dont think i showed any signs na i liked him. Pero jaika insisted na may naramdam lang syang something kaya piniliy nya na itabi kami ni gi sa car hahaha. WHICH I LOVE THANK YOU JAIKA FOR THAT. But idk if sakin nya lang na feel yung vibes or even pati kay gi may nafeel rin sya. Idk. Pero kilig pa rin me. I dont really mind if jaiks and dads knows. Wala naman na ako sa digitank so if gusto nila mag chismis then go ahead. I dont want giani to feel awkward tho kaya im not really being aggressive with it. If he likes me then he should make a bit more of an effort din so i know haha.
Yun lang kwento ko so far. HAHA
11.30.2022, 3:05am
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buckybabybaby · 5 years
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moonydustx · 2 years
Lazy Saturday Night
masterlist | requests here
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x f!Reader
Summary: After you've had a stressful day, missed an important event and been a little jealous, Pedro decides he can help you deal with stress.
Warnings: Language, explicit sex content, smut (oral, f! receiving) daddy kink, P in a V with no protection (wrap it before you tap it), a little breeding kink, a little bit fluff. Sorry if i forget some warning.
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: It's the first 18+ thing I've posted here so I'm feeling nervous hahah Thinking of turning this into a series with every day of the week. What do you think?
This is a +18 work. Read for your own risk.
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You couldn't be more frustrated.
The computer screen was already shuffling the words in front of you and with each new line you read, it made you even more stressed. You had plans for that Saturday and they sure as hell didn't include staying at home.
The open tab in your browser didn't help to contain your sadness either. As a huge Star Wars fan, of course you wanted to be there for Star Wars Celebration, as the girlfriend of one of the top stars, you felt guilty for not being there. However, you were being forced to follow along online.
You had the invitation, you even had the dress, but because of the irresponsibility of others, more specifically a colleague in college, you needed to do your part and his part in a project.
You could have left and gone anyway, but you decided to follow Pedro's advice. “You took so long to go after this dream of yours, it won't be an event that will make me love you less”. And of course, any promotional or collectible item he won would be yours.
At least one thing made you happy: Pedro's joy. With every question he was asked during the panel, every time he was cheered, you could feel his happiness through the screen. His eyes getting smaller because of the big smile he had. He was perfect.
A lot of people still wondered how it worked, you were two totally different universes. You met almost by chance. A friend asked for your help in a photo shoot she was going to do with him and from there, you never stopped talking. It started with a few likes on Instagram, then conversations and by the time you realized it, you were already tied to it.
You decided to put work aside for a while, paying attention to one of the interviews that Pedro was giving. The ensemble in a light blue tone seemed to have been molded to his body, while the slightly curled hair and glasses he wore caused a certain heat in your body.
This heat was soon replaced by a not-so-good feeling. The interview that Pedro gave went well, too well, until the interviewer called him daddy. Okay, it was a joke that the two of you had already had a good laugh, but the way she looked at him or maybe all your frustration with not being there made you feel uncomfortable. Maybe it was a passing feeling, so he decided to ignore it for now.
The day went by much slower than you expected. Despite having finished your work, you had to deal with some unfriendly messages from your classmate. God, how tired you were.
Deciding to call it a day, you closed your notebook and took a shower. Warm, relaxing and lingering. When you got out of the shower, you grabbed your first pajama piece and were ready to lie down and hold your attention on some silly video when you heard the door open. Upon arriving in the room, you found him patiently closing the door.
Your peace. Your love. Your Pedro.
"I know we agreed to see each other tomorrow, but I couldn't..." Pedro didn't have time to finish explaining himself before you crossed the room and jumped into his arms.
With the impact, Pedro automatically grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his waist, burying his face in your neck and smelling your woody scent.
“I missed you so much,” he muttered. It's been a little over a week since you've seen each other, for the two of you it felt like decades.
You pulled his face away just enough to kiss him. You even tried to hide it, but when you felt the relief of all the stress of the day, some tears flowed from your eyes, not going unnoticed.
“Hey, what happened?” Pedro quickly stopped kissing you. You just hid again in the crook of his neck, feeling his beard against your neck. “Mi vida, what happened?” he insisted and when he felt denial against his skin, he walked with you on his lap to your room, sitting on the bed.
“I'm sorry” you said as soon as you felt calmer to look him in the eye.
His hands were firmly holding your waist and his brown eyes seemed to capture every detail of you with full attention.
“There's no reason for you to apologize to me,” he said, taking his hand from her waist just to smooth out a few ruffled strands of her hair. “Honey, do you want to talk about it?”
“It was a difficult week, everything went wrong”
“Did you do that pending work?” he asked.
"It did, but I ended up arguing with Tommy" you tried to explain, wiping the few tears that were left from your face. "According to him, I'm a controlling bitch."
“He's a sucker” Pedro limited himself to saying. Tommy was a rather invasive friend and Pedro made a point of making it clear that he didn't like him that much. “I'm sorry you had to have heard that. You know what he said is a lie, right?”
“To be honest, no,” you laughed, almost wistfully. "That job interview I did yesterday didn't work out either."
"I already told you not to worry about it, love."
“I don't want to be a parasite in your life” Pedro immediately denied your statement.
It was a feeling you occasionally had, since you had given up your teaching career and devoted yourself only to studying, Pedro had been helping you more and more, which worried you about how you might be seen.
Before you went on to list all your ruins for the week, you felt your body tingle as one of his hands went down to your bare thigh and his lips went to your neck.
“You're stressed too much, mi diosa” he stole a quick kiss from your lips. “How about we go out to dinner tonight, then have a drink?”
"I don't know. I'm kind of tired and ugly” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady as you felt his beard brush your neck again. "We should enjoy this little Saturday at home, in the biggest laziness."
“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen”
"You're saying that to please me" you replied and soon you felt Pedro take your lips to himself. It was a calm kiss at first.
His hands dug into your waist, while his tongue invaded your mouth and made you lose yourself in him. Your fingers tangled in the brown strands of his hair and as a reflex, his fingers threaded through the back of your neck, holding your hair in a tight grip.
“I know you're stressed” Pedro pulled back just enough to breathe, millimeters from your mouth “Let me help you. I can make you feel good.”
“Please love” you murmured. Pedro kissed you again, this time with more intensity.
One of his hands tightened around your waist, while the other went under your blouse and made his cold fingers contrast with your warm skin.
You could feel the heat building between your legs and need relief. His hand only dropped from your waist so he could impatiently tug at the button-down shirt he was wearing, which he didn't bother to let you unbutton. As soon as he threw the piece to some corner of your room, he went back to stealing your lips for himself. It didn't take long for your shirt to take the same path as his shirt.
Just feeling your breasts against his chest was enough to make you gasp. You could feel him hard against your intimacy, which made you start to slowly roll around in his lap.
Knowing your body as if it were part of it, your boyfriend took his hand to your right breast, trapping the small nipple between his fingers. His wet lips descended towards your bust.
Maybe it was the stress, maybe your mind was lost among so many thoughts, that you only realized after you moaned "Daddy please"
When you found yourself, you came out of the trance you were in to look Pedro straight in the eye. There you saw something different, a luster-filled glow.
"Wow, I'm sorry love, I just..." you almost choked on your own words when, without any hesitation, he lowered his hand to your intimacy and pressed your clitoris over the thin shorts that he wore "Pedro, please" .
“Not like that love”
With some difficulty, he pulled the fabric of your panty shorts aside, touching right where you needed it. His fingers moved slowly through your intimacy and a mischievous smile appeared on his lips
"I'm going to fuck your stress out of you, I just need one thing"
“Just say so” you said through a moan, rubbing your body against his hand on your sex.
“I just want to hear you ask me to do it, just like you just did. Can you do that for me, my little one?”
You could have misunderstood what he asked, but feeling him slowly thrusting two fingers into you made it much more difficult to conclude any reasoning.
“Fuck me Daddy, please. I miss you in me so much” You just heard a grunt leave Pedro's lips before he could turn you on the bed and come on top of you.
You tried to get some friction against his hips embedded in your body, but it wasn't enough to calm the heat that was building deep inside you.
Pedro parted his lips from yours just to gain some distance and unceremoniously take off your shorts and panties and shoot.
As if he wanted to provoke you, he remained kneeling in front of you, his hands slowly sliding along the inner part of your thigh, always when they approached where you wanted them, the hands did the opposite way.
"Pedro, I need you" you grumbled and soon you felt a hard slap on the side of your thigh, almost at the level of your ass.
“You can't call me that today.” His tone came out huskier than usual, which only served to make you even more aroused.
“Daddy, I need you, you promised to help me relieve my stress” you used your most sly tone and had to hold back a victorious smile as you saw Pedro take one of his hands off you so he could squeeze his dick, as a way of relief.
“I'm going to taste you, my love, and only after I let you come, then I'm going to fuck you,” he muttered, lowering himself to his intimacy.
First he lightly licked the entire length of your pussy, enough for you to squirm on the bed.
“Keep it wide open for me, can you do that for me baby?”
He sank into your pussy, trapping your clit and distributing licks along the entire length. You wish you could think straight, you wanted to form something cohesive in your mind, but feeling him circle your point with his tongue was almost too much for you.
Realizing you were almost there, Pedro stopped licking and went back to kissing your inner thighs.
“Patience, my angel” he asked as he heard you grumble.
It didn't take long for his tongue to be covering your clit again as he slipped a finger inside you, thrusting slowly. The fact that he was moaning against your pussy didn't help in trying to stay sane. It was when he added another digit on you that you felt your body combust.
“Fuck Daddy, don't stop! Please don't stop” you begged, watching his tongue be replaced by his other hand.
“Come for me, my love. Come and I'll give you what you want” he warned and watched his body combust.
Eyes closed, mouth half-open, hands glued to the sheets. That would always be Pedro's favorite view, to see you lost after he uses you.
When you reopened your eyes, you could see him lick the fingers that were inside you and mutter something along the lines of "Fuckin' delicious". That alone could get you there again.
"Papi, come here" you pulled him gently so that he lay under your body. Your hands went down to his cock, sliding slowly.
"With you calling me that, I don't know if I can last long," he grumbled, kissing and biting her lip.
“Enough to make me come again?” you asked. In response, he shoved it all in at once, eliciting a loud groan from both of you.
“Enough to make you come” he thrust hard, barely giving you time to get used to it. “Enough to fill that little pussy with my cum. Fuck, love” He kept the pace strong.
One of his hands wrapped around your neck, while the other he used to lean on the back of your head. The bed slammed against the wall and you'd probably have complaints from neighbors soon. But it didn't matter, as long as Pedro kept doing it, nothing mattered.
You could already feel your eyes burning and your body contracting with the arrival of a new orgasm, just as Pedro's thrusts no longer seemed to have a pattern.
“Do you want to come on me?” you said through a groan "Maybe you'll end up being a real daddy"
“I'll fill you with my cum, come with me love? Please, my princess.” His thumb descended to her clit, rubbing it intensely.
The moans came out almost in unison as you felt his liquid heat you even more inside. Pedro stood there for a few minutes, his head under your breasts, catching his breath. It didn't take long for him to lift his face and kiss your lips, much sweeter than you had.
"I love you so much. You're still going to kill me for being so hot” he whispered, as if that was the most important secret between the two of you. He laughed and wiped a small tear that came out of your eye after all the hard-on. "If you're going to have tears on your face, I'd rather they be like this"
“I love you more, Pedrito” you gave him a quick kiss on the tip of his nose “Can I call you Pedro again?”
"Now you can, although I prefer you to call me love, but..." he came out of you and stood up, heading towards the bathroom. It didn't take long and he came back, picking up the clothes "You're going to put on that dress, we'll go out wherever you want and then when we get back, maybe I'll forbid you to call me Pedro again"
"Or maybe I'll make you call me mommy" you suggested and laughed when you saw him immediately stop what he was doing, with the same look that started it all.
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halfusek · 3 years
Darlin, sweetie, Halfusek dear, how the hell did you find the motivation to make abomination? Cause I cannot my dude, also, did you have a script for it? As in, writing down the lines of dialog and actions for the characters and such? If so, how long did it take to make each page of the comic?
my motivation was creating something out of spite @ life
honestly i cant really give much advice here because abomination was something i was motivated to do above anything else so i just did it
and yeah i had a script! initially i just wrote down the ending and made other parts as i went but then i started scripting every part and that helped me be consistent and organized ^^
also i suppose that could help with staying motivated? because you have a clear goal and can mark some things as done - i personally absolutely love marking things as done on my list lol
i basically wrote mine as schedule on events in numbered list, or if something was more complex such as the ending then i first wrote it sort of like fanfiction and then broke down to a numbered list (each number is one panel)
example from the ending:
more fanfiction looking part
"Joey is in a wheelchair. Bendy starts sliding away. They are on the level with the Ink Machine – Joey put Bendy there and goes down to him from the „most top” level every now and then. They’ve had mutual distrust to each other but Bendy is more or less free, not in a cage, there is none.
Joey takes an axe and goes after Bendy with a wheelchair until he has to get off it. He tries going with axe using it as a cane but collapses. Bendy turns around but then Joey starts crawling so he contrinues escaping. Joey’s legs literally stop working after a bit and he struggles a lot, swears and shouts at Bendy to obey him. They’re both fucking slugs now."
do take note that i don't care about grammar or spelling mistakes here and i just kinda write whatever (yes the slugs part has always been there) because this is only for me to see (and i guess yall are seeing it now but xD its not part of the work itself hahah)
scheduled list of events
Part 68
(dramatic lightning so it all just looks better)
1. Title card, maybe something with the end reel and all the characters being somehow fit into it.
2. Warning card. Will type the message of it after I’m done drawing.
3. Long panel with Bendy sliding away and Joey watching from the wheelchair, it’s just their dark shilouettes.
4. Bendy makes a turn near the output schedule.
5. Bendy gets over the pipe with Joey almost catching up behind him.
6. Joey gets down on his knees before the pipe, holding onto his axe like a cane.
7. He’s getting over it, while Bendy keeps escaping.
8. Bendy freezes, facing the camera, a bit of a close up.
9. Zoom out, he’s on a balcony.
10. He looks a bit behind/to the side where we see Joey who got over the pipe and is more or less laying on the floor, he’s very weak, maybe his head is dropped down.
11. Joey looks up, smiling horribly and Bendy panics and slides fast forward.
12. Bendy gets over/through the balcony’s fence.
13. Joey gets in the doorway, kind of confused to see Bendy fall.
14. He gets to the fence with a panicked expression and looks at the puddle down below.
15. He gives a sign of relief when Bendy picks himself back up and looks up at him.
16. Joey makes an unamused face.
17. Bendy is looking up.
18. Bendy backs away.
19. Bendy runs away while Joey SLAMS onto the ground.
20. Joey struggles to get up with Bendy being a bit away.
21. Joey gets up and supports himself with the cane and goes towards Bendy.
22. Bendy is sliding.
23. Bendy hears another “thud” and stops
24. Bendy turns around.
25. Joey fell down again, he is holding onto the axe still but breathing heavily.
26. Close up on Joey, “Stop…”
27. Close up on Bendy, “Stop running away…”
28. Joey crawling towards Bendy, angry “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO OBEY ME”
i just wrote down enough for me after imagining each panel in my head to remember what needs to be done here
of course sometimes it turns out differently than from what i've imagined but it really helps to stay on track!
and ofc you may find a different method better, that's just what i do :)
as for how much time each page took, it depends really
the simplest panels with one character can take no longer than 5-10 minutes, but the more complex ones with multiple characters / a background / shading, can take even 1-2 hours
of course it's all in a very sketchy grayscale style, so it took the shortest amount of time that it could xD coloring and lining would make it take much, much longer
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hobisexually · 2 years
Hey Amber, I wanted to ask you about Seasonal Affective Disorder. I remember you talked about it some time ago, and I wanted to ask if you have any advice on how to deal with it. I'm trying to figure out where I want to live, and as someone from the south of Europe with mild depression it makes me wary of moving up north, cause everytime it gets rainy/grey for like a week I feel the difference in my mental health. Do you have any advice/thoughts? Thank you, I hope you have a warm day!
Hiya babes!
Um, yeah, so. This is the whole reason Scandinavia isn’t on the list for me, hahah, I would Not be able to handle such few hours of daylight for such long periods of time. And I do have to admit that it gets hard here (or in the UK) sometimes as well, but it’s worth it for me because I do genuinely love where I live. It’s difficult, but you learn to deal with it.
So first I’d check with yourself where you see yourself living, and why, and then start thinking about what you can do regarding your seasonal affective disorder.
Then, first disclaimer: I didn’t get diagnosed, I didn’t see a doctor about this, I figured it out on my own. I cannot stress this enough: THAT IS A BAD IDEA. Go see a doctor, if you think you have it, and get your blood checked as well to see if you have a vitamin D deficiency, for example. Your doctor can help think of ways to make it easier to bear so you don’t have to figure it out all on your own or accidentally fuck up your rhythm.
That being said, there’s been a few game changers for me, once I admitted this was something I deal with:
What I found helps is to invest in a daylight lamp. An actual therapy lamp, not the sunset ones. Although if you can spare the money, get one of those as well: my alarm clock is a sunset lamp and it does make getting out of bed in winter slightly easier, because it gets progressively brighter the closer it gets to your alarm. I have one from Philips, it does do its job nicely, I am less groggy in the morning when I use it and wake up more gradually, so you feel slightly more refreshed when you get out of bed. I say slightly because I still am anything but a morning person and I do notice the difference vs: summer months, but it’s not as big a nightmare as it usually is in winter and every step is a win tbh.
As for the actual therapy lamp, it’s been a life saver for me. Check with a doctor or therapist how long you need to sit in front of it, but it’s best to start at the end of September and sit in front of it in the morning while you have breakfast or do your makeup or something. It is vital that you start in time — I often forget until November and by then I am already miserable and wondering what the fuck is up with me and why I feel so out of sorts. It takes two weeks to take effect, so if you start by the end of September then by the time it’s mid October and the days are getting shorter, you’ll already be stocked up on your vitamin levels! I tended to dissociate a lot when SAD had arrived (which, the abbreviation for that is very fitting, no? yikes) but when I use my therapy lamp, the dissociating spells are almost entirely gone. am I still sadder and more tired than usual? sure, but not NEARLY as bad as it used to be, it makes a world of difference for me.
Also, I take magnesium and vitamin D supplements especially in the winter months. If you’re from the south of Europe I’m assuming you also have darker skin than Northern Europeans and when you’re, well, not white, you get a vitamin D deficiency much quicker than the locals do. I take my vitamin D supplements year round because I’m apparently permanently suffering from a deficiency, and it does really help to keep me sane and a bit more energised. In the summer I slack a bit but I do immediately notice a difference!
This sounds dumb, maybe, but music. Songs that either lift my spirits and serotonin levels, OR let me wallow in my moodiness: they just make it all a bit easier to bear.
And if you need to sleep more during those days, that’s okay! That’s your body telling you what it needs, and apparently it needs more time to recharge.
Also: remember it’s not you. That monster in your head, that deep dark pit, or that grey cloud over your thoughts — it’s not you, and it also doesn’t last forever. The second the sun is out you’ll feel better, and the sun always, always returns in the end. That’s what I hold onto when I am in the thick of it.
Lastly, I hate to say it, but excercise and journaling are beneficial to stay in touch with what you really feel. Do I exercise? No msmsms but the short amount of time I did yoga after work in the winter months I did notice a difference, I instantly felt more clarity, especially because yoga forces you to tune in with your body. And writing out what you feel is good to get a grip on what it is exactly that’s going on in your brain, and also to differentiate between /you/ and the SAD. sometimes you have no idea why you’re feeling as low as you do, until you write it down and you’re like “oh, HANG ON, it’s winter! here SAD went again! shit!” rather than blaming yourself for feeling so low.
I hope some of that helped, though I know it’s expensive things to invest in or they’re a hassle to do, but they did really help for me. And I feel for you, it really is the worst, I always forget what it feels like during the summer because you can barely imagine, and then suddenly it hits you like a truck again.
I’m always here if you ever wanna talk about it some more!
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eirasummersart · 2 years
Then let me see who else I can suggest... Dalia and Kome maybe?
Rubina and Domas could bond over sweets.xD
Carol and Szilard could be interesting cause her Diasomnia Transfer
And last Dillon and Peko , wonder what you think
Thanks for asking again! I ended up writing quite a lot, so I'll add a read more after this! Sorry again if the formating is a bit wonky, I'm doing it from my phone. Let's go then~
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Dalia and Kome:
I think they could get along great. Dalia likes strategy board games, chess in particular is one of her faves. Also, I feel like she'd want to play a board game that is half luck half strategy and try to use her wits to win against Kome's luck hahah
She would probably see through her mask as well, Dalia is really perceptive, but as long as she doesn't sense malice, she won't mind. Everyone has things they want to keep from others~
All in all, I think they'd get along as game buddies, at least!
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Domas and Rubina:
Well, I have to start this saying that Domas likes pretty much everyone and is always friendly, it's not common that he dislikes someone from the get go hahah
He would definitely make some sweets for her if he thought she wanted some~ (he's better at cooking, but his baking skill is good too!). And they could chat while enjoying them~
And, if she talks about any of her investigations or cases, he'd gladly offer his help!! It's a really important thing she's doing!! But... Rubina might not want his help, because he gives the worst advice all the time (unintentionally lol). He would most likely point her in the completely wrong direction if she lets him help lmao
But yea, if she can ignore his nonsense, I think they could get along~
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Szilárd and Carol:
Well, completely contrary to Domas, Szi doesn't like anyone at first lmao. And Carol is a human and, from what I got from reading her info, really talented and helpful with people. So, I have to say that Szi would not like her at all. He isn't fond of humans and, particularly, he's really bad with "talented people". He'd be quite mean with her for sure, always judging her and acting as if he were superior. He'd also think Carol is unworthy of Diasomnia at first and will openly say so.
But well, that's the Szi at the start of the plot. He does get a wake up call later and tries to mend his ways, be a bit nicer and social.
I did see Carol likes to read a lot, so that probably would be what would make them get along, if it were to happen. Szi reads everything as long as is good, so he'd always have recommendations and would welcome some from others too~
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Dillon and Peko:
This boy is quite simple and doesn't think too much about anything akdndifn But I can say that if he sees Peko singing, he'd most likely try and join her hahah Even if he doesn't know the song, he'd just freestyle some chorus or he'd say "me next!" When she's done with one song and sing himself xD If Peko does play along and sing with him, he'd eventually learn her songs too and start singing those as well~
And, if to that you add Peko being nice to him, then he'd like her for sure. He's easily bribed with food too so, if she needed him to so something for her, that is the way lmao
So yea, they'll probably get along. At least from Dillon's perspective xD
That's all! I hope it all makes sense, I was answering between waits and all (that's why it took a bit to answer too!)
This was fun and really helped me take my mind out of some stuff, so thanks again for the two asks ♡
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1111jenx · 3 years
Hey bestie honestly i had this urge to buy a moldavite+ labradorite necklace …so i did it 🧍🏼‍♀️ BUTTTT was it a good idea ? may your intuition n guides provide me some advice please ❤️ tyyy
Hi baby<33
No problem! I'm always @ your service hehe🥰 First of all, if you feel called to it, I suggest you do it:) Moldavite can be somewhat expensive and pretty rare so make sure to ask for a certificate if you can baby!!
I got myself a moldavite ring a couple months back actually and I had only recently lost it (thank god) and I'll tell you my experience haha. Honestly? At first I HATED it omg my bigass ego was like hahah I'm so skilled whats the worst can happen? Bruh, like my entire friendgroup got caught in a Corona Outbreak due to A STRANGER somehow got into their building skkss its a long story but I'm like the only one that didn't catch it😀 I'm telling you this not because I wanna scare you baby, I think its just bad timing also but they were screaming at me so💀💀💀 HAHAH however.
The other worst part is that I realized so many things due to it. I recognized relationships that weren't the healthiest for me, I recognize what my truest passion is and I was PUSHED towards what was good to me. I can go on and on about how horrible I felt during the time I had the ring. I felt alone, but I grew and became more independent. The ring pushed me outside my comfort zone and helped clear up a lot of things in my life. Material things but also intangible things and actual people too. It was painful but fulfilling. After a month of living life on speed mode I wanted to get it over with already and thats when my ring went missing😁 gurl when I tell you I was EXCITED. like YES ITS FINALLY DONE WITH ME. because the stones came to me when I needed it, and it will leave only when its done. And that was a peaceful 3 days💀 I found it afterwards cause my bestie was cleaning dishes and she saw it on the sink or something and HANDED IT to me like ma'am 😀😀 And that was another month of intense realization and detox. But at the end it was all worth it. I would b lying to you if I told you that stone is not powerful. It IS. But its rewarding also. The people I lost, I do not regret. The things that are now gone, I don't miss. Every lesson the moldavite taught me was meant to happen. And now I think I'm at my best state of self ever since I lost it again couples weeks back haha. But I know it will show up again anytime I need it the most. Its like a calling so to speak?
As for you. I just want you to make sure you understand its a very powerful lil stone. VERY. However, it is also very rewarding. I can comfortably tell you I have no regrets buying it:) I think no one knows what works best for you than yourself baby. I'm sending you so much love and light🤎 I'm more than happy to talk about this if you want to bby, leave me a question or anything!! @jenniferlopezeli <3
saint jenx🪐
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