#just even a few of these things.......to give me one bit of serotonin in my brain......pls
gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
How about some blue beetle romantic headcanons?
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I might’ve gone on for a bit so I had to stop myself before I go overboard. 🦦
I don’t know much about Jaime but if there’s one thing I do know is that he’s got a big heart, a massive one at that, a heart that withholds a lot of love for the people he’s blessed to have in his life; which so happens to include yourself. ❤️
With you, Jaime is a puppy in love, he’s infatuated and sometimes he doesn’t even realise that he’s doing it unless someone mentions it, it might be because Jamie finds that admiring you comes naturally to him. So much so that it becomes almost second nature for him to just step outside of himself and admire you with a dopey/puppy look in those pretty eyes of his…that is until Khaji-Da’s voice echos within his mind- and interrupting his shameless ogling- to talk about how high his oxytocin and serotonin levels were.
To which he would jump at the sound of before then becoming increasingly warm with embarrassment, which would be something Khaji-Da would also comment on, much to Jaime’s dismay;
‘Jaime, you are flustered, perhaps, embarrassed even?’
‘Oh shut it.’ He would hiss.
‘I’m sorry?’ You’d ask, thinking he was taking to you, which only made Jaime feel even more uncomfortably warm beneath with his skin as he tried to make up for his accidental slip up.
His response would vary based on whether or not he had told you about the whole Blue Beetle thing.
If you didn’t know he was Blue Beetle: ‘Oh no, not you, never you, I was just…talking to myself.’
If you did know he was Blue Beetle; ‘that was towards Kahji-Da. Not you, never at you y/n. Now what we’re you talking about again?’ Jaime would urge you into continuing your conversation, all the while leaning against the wall as the adoring look upon his face reappeared.
Cuddle bug. Look me in the eyes and tell me he’s not because he fucking is!
You’d both be cuddled up on the couch with his head resting on your chest or yours on his chest, just being your lovely selves, when Milagro would often come into the room to tease her brother by dry heaving or telling you both to get a room. She loved her brother and that love often comes with teasing/taunting the fuck out of him like siblings always do.
Allows you to borrow his hoodies because he loves how you look in them, and totally would not try to discreetly snap a few pictures that you will sooner or later find out about after he uses them as his lock/ and or Home Screen. Where again he would trip over himself trying to find an excusable answer before you would have to ultimately stop him before he hurts himself by admitting to how cute and sweet of him that he would make you his home/Lock Screen.
Or even go as far as to dedicate an whole album to you that’s filled with pictures of you both doing mundane stuff but Jaime’s personal favourite pictures would have to be the ones where you’re with his family or stargazing up on the rooftop with him.
‘Of course I would, I mean why wouldn’t I?’ He grabs ahold of your hands in his own. ‘You’re my heart and soul, the light of my life, why wouldn’t I want to dedicate you in one way or another? I withhold no shame in showing you off because at the end of the day I’m remembered that you chose me, and that’s something I would never take for granted for you are my wish upon a star came true.’ He lifts up your hands so that he may presses a kiss to them before squeezing tightly. ‘So let me at the least reciprocate the love you’ve given me.’
Though let’s be honest Khaji-Da would assume that when Jaime lets you wear his clothes, it was under the pretence of a…territorial thing so that others that may pose a threat to your and Jaime’s relationship take note that you weren’t theirs to openly stare at. And to this Khaji-Da would simply say;
‘why don’t we just eliminate all threats, just so that there is no one left alive to challenge us?’
‘First of all, you’ve got it all wrong Khaji-Da, I don’t just give y/n my clothes because I feel territorial over them.’ Jaime would begin to explain. ‘I give them my clothes because I genuinely find them beautiful/handsome/cute/charming/amazing/stunning in them and most of all I want them to feel as though they’ve got a piece of me when I’m away Blue Beetling it up as my scent gives them a sense of peace and comfort. Does that make sense.’ He finishes.
… ‘we could still kill them.’ - Khaji-Da
‘Please stop.’ - Jaime Reyes
Words of affirmation, physical touch and quality time are Jaime’s bread and butter. (though that’s just my personal opinion.)
He’s got a whole book full of affirmations made specifically for you because he becomes like a never ending fountain of sweet, dorky yet beautiful words when it came to you; So much so that there wouldn’t be a day where you went without some affirming and words from your beloved Jaime Reyes. Words that never fail to make your heart melt, your smile grow and overall make you feel like you could move mountains because that’s how being with Jaime made you feel on a daily basis.
So in return, you smother him in kisses, affection and your own words of love because why should you receive all of his love without giving him all of your love back tenfold.
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ihatedtoadmit · 8 months
A biteful memory [1]
pairing: OT8 x fem!reader
genre: werewolf AU, fluff, crack
warnings: next to no self-confidence
word count: ~4.0k
summary: Your usual, boring days filled with learning are broken once a certain someone takes initiative, breaking this hellish cycle of yours.
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All rights reserved. Please do not steal, repost or feed my work into AI. Thank you!
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The lectures were boring, as usual.
Every single day I would wake up, my back cracking as I would get up from the horribly thin and uncomfortable dorm bed that housed countless questionable stains that were long ago crusted in there. Sometimes my roommate would still be there, snoring away, other times it would only be me in the small room, despite waking up extremely early for my biology classes. Blinking at the white, crumbing walls for a few seconds, I would sluggishly get ready and be at least a bit presentable. I didn’t really care about looking good, never did. Probably because I was the quiet loner in the class, and my resting bitch face didn’t exactly help with that whole situation. No matter, at least people didn’t really approach me and drain my already weak social batteries, something I was cursed with as an introvert. After glancing at myself in the mirror that was by the door, I would walk over to our lecture building, headphones tightly secured on my ears, giving me the only serotonin I would get for long hours. I would only take them off once I had been seated, necessary supplies like a notebook and several pens neatly laid out before me. Nobody would really sit near me, as I had usually taken a seat in the front -look, i had bad vision-, so after the teacher arrived and the class started, I would only pay attention and take notes, nobody there to distract me from it.
It was a hellish cycle I’d grown used to scarily fast.
Sometimes I wished it wasn’t like this, but then that anxious, shy voice in my head told me that it was better this way, that these so-called friends would only tire me out endlessly, rendering me worthless and unable to focus on my studies.
So I listened to it, not even trying to look a bit friendlier, not correcting the slight furrow of my brows or the downwards arch of my lips, even though I was thinking about happy things, like eating my favourite chocolate back at the dorms I could finally afford.
It was fine.
Truly, it was, right until he decided to approach me.
It started out subtle, his form settling down at the other side of the same row I sat in. There was no interaction, my mind forgetting about him the moment the class started. I couldn’t even be sure that when I had noticed him was the first moment he had sat in that row, his presence so faint and hidden from my focused mind.
But over the week, he sat closer and closer, shortening the gap between us 1 seat at a time. Whenever our eyes met, he would send me a little smile, somehow even looking sheepish in the process.
It was weird, but it was a free country, he could sit wherever he wanted to. So after a questioning glance thrown at his now closer and closer form, I mentally shrugged and ignored him, just like how I had done ever since he’d shown up.
But then a week later he stood next to me, his shorter stature shadowing my sight.
“Hey, is this seat free?” - his deep voice asked between his pearly whites that were on full display from his bright smile, nearly blinding my poor eyes.
I could only blink up at him as I sat there, confused. My finger raised by itself, pointing at my own body, brows deeply furrowed.
“Of course I’m talkin’ to ya, silly.” - he laughed, as if this whole situation was normal.
It really wasn’t normal at all, no. Never believe that for a single moment.
This man was one of the most popular in the entire university, his heavenly looks and velvety voice accompanied by the kindest, brightest of personalities that attracted everyone to him, like moths to a flame. It shouldn’t really surprise you when I say that his whole friend group was filled with similarly popular and sought-after guys, making me, a voluntary outcast, avoid them like the plague. I didn’t want drama like in one of those stupid, teenage shows made in america. I just wanted a quiet life, to get my stupid degree and leave, preferably quietly and without anyone noticing my presence through this long, hellish procedure.
But no, out of all the people to approach me, despite all my efforts to deter them mind you, it had to be fucking Lee Felix, a ladykiller and popular dude. What was this? Some kind of sick, twisted joke? A, a manga where the loner gets pitied and becomes friends with the most popular student? Was that it? The mere thought of it twisted my insides painfully, wishing it would never become reality.
And yet, after staying quiet for god knows how long, I nodded at him slowly, watching as he gleefully sat down to my left and set up his laptop, as usual, ready to take notes. I naively thought that was the end of our interaction, so I turned back to the front where the board sat, grabbing a pen and lightly playing with it in my hands as I waited for the lecture to start.
“I’m Felix by the way, nice to meet ya.”
Oh god, he was not done talking to me. With dread in my eyes, hidden away, I turned back towards him, pursing my lips and uttering my own name in a quiet whisper.
“You always sit here alone, so I thought this was a horrible seat, maybe cursed or something. But no, this is the perfect distance from the projector and board, AND you get to hear the teacher speak clearly. Why does no one else know this?” - he questioned and I could merely shrug my shoulders.
I really didn’t know the answer, I only sat there for some peace, besides all the reasons he just uttered. Overall, this whole situation was better for me, since I was left alone, so I was completely fine with it.
Then the teacher arrived, and thus, our 2 hour long suffering had begun.
It was weird.
I could clearly hear as his fingers gently glided over each button and the quiet clicking sound it emanated in response. I could feel the warmth seeping from his form, stronger when his arm almost brushed against mine. I could hear the quiet grumbles he made when he was annoyed at either the teacher or his own typos, his rhythmical button pressing turning slightly aggressive in return.
It was really weird.
I tried my best to ignore these and continue to write down my messy notes hastily, this particular teacher not giving us mercy by talking fast and giving out shitty powerpoint presentations for his lessons. Without your own notes, it was near impossible to understand them, let alone learn from them and pass the lesson. So I wrote and wrote, pages being quickly filled with blue ink, my mind consumed by the boring topic of statistics and equations in evolution ‘til the end of the lecture.
A groan took my attention as I let out a silent sigh, gently massaging my writing hand as it had started cramping the moment I’d put down my pen.
“This was more brutal than usual, I swear Mr. Dunkins is a sadist. Halfway in and I lost what he was talking about, because of course he had to talk at the speed of light.” - it was Felix, his voice a bit muffled as he dragged a hand over his pale, freckled face.
I nodded at him, completely agreeing. This teacher's lessons were some of the worst, and that was an accomplishment and a half in itself.
“Hey, would you mind comparing notes? I know I don’t have a lot about the second half of the lesson, but I still have the other half’s notes.” - he asked with a sheepish smile and doe eyes, making my own set of eyes widen and my mind stop.
I still couldn’t believe that he was talking to me, so casually at that. And now he wanted to compare notes? With me?? My mind blanked and before I could process anything, my mouth opened to provide an answer to his question.
“I uh…sure.”
“Yaaaaaaay, thank you so much! Are you free next period? I don’t have another lecture ‘til one, we could grab something to eat too.”
I was even more taken aback, as if that was possible. I couldn’t help but look around, waiting to spot someone hiding somewhere with a camera in their hand, filming the prank.
Because that was all this ever could be, no?
But I found nothing, the room was essentially empty, besides the few lingering students besides us two. The boy was still looking at me expectantly, his eyes shining as if the stars from his cheeks somehow crawled in there instead.
So I nodded at him mindlessly, because coincidentally, my lesson that would usually take up that time period was cancelled that day.
And that was how we met.
After that day, Felix would sit next to me in the few lessons we shared, him being in a different major than me. But that never deterred him; he always greeted me with a big wave and an even bigger smile from the door of the classroom, gaining not only my attention, but everyone else’s. No, without missing a day, a lecture, he excitedly sat next to me and started rambling about the game he’d played the previous day, about his friends and how one of them -Changbin, i believe- ate his food that he was craving all day.
He was a ball of sunshine, bright and infectious, not caring how I only hummed or nodded at his words usually, my own lips sealed in silence.
That was the exact reason why I’d avoided him before. Because while I could bask in his warmth these last few weeks freely, those who couldn’t set their hateful, jealous gazes on me.
It started with the staring, their eyes following me everywhere, even to my dorms. Then the messages appeared, sticky notes blinking up at me at the seats I always sat at in my lessons. They were childish, empty threats that I never took seriously. Thankfully, I never really left my stuff alone or in an unlocked locker anywhere, so they could never really take it further.
But those soul-piercing stares were starting to get to me after the second week, goosebumps never failing to accompany them. The intense images of those eyes settled into my gut, my marrow, burrowing there and whispering into my ear hurtful things, using my insecurities to their advantage.
I hated having attention on me, making this a living hell personally designed for me.
The only way out of it was clear: become a loner again and return to those bitter days of loneliness.
“You have a lesson after this, right? We can meet up after that, have a late lunch and hang out.” - Felix beamed at me as usual, making this so much harder for me.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I can make it today. I can send you my notes in chat though, so don’t worry.”
His reaction was immediate, the smile on his face slowly melting away, sadness taking over its place. He quickly tried to mask it, plastering on a fake smile, but his pain was obvious to my knowing eyes.
“No, it’s alright, we can meet up another time. Good luck on your remaining classes!” - he told me as I was walking away, wishing him the same in return.
And so, our time together followed this pattern, his smile not radiant anymore. No, there was a permanent sadness to it, to his warmth that turned colder. My heart ached, the guilt of being the reason for it eating away at me slowly, but surely. The worst part? The staring and bullying didn’t even truly stop, it only lightened up a little.
And after a whole week of this utterly useless circus?
I had enough.
“Lixie, do you want to hang out today?” - it was a simple question, barely audible as we were walking out on the hallway, but it created the wanted effect easily.
Felix’s form abruptly stopped, as if not believing what he’d heard. Then, the brightest, widest smile broke out on his face, his eyes lighting up with a myriad of stars. Unable to contain himself, he hugged me, causing me to stiffen up as I was not a fan of body contact -something the poor aussie had a hard time coming to terms with-.
“Yeah, of course! You could meet the others too, we planned to have a movie night since it’s friday anyway. Oh, it’s gonna be so much fun, you’ll see!” - he was rambling as he squeezed me to death, then suddenly holding me at an arm's length to look at my shocked expression. “What, no, Lixie, I don’t want to intrude. We can meet up another time then, really, I promise you.” “Oh come ooon, we’ve known each other for what, two, three months now? It’s damn time I introduce you to the others. They’ll love you!” “Lixie… you know I have social anxiety…”
His expression softened along with his hold on my shoulders, thumbs gently caressing the clothed skin underneath.
“I know, and I won’t force you. Just know that you really wouldn’t intrude on anything. Remember Jisung? He has anxiety too. And yet, in our presence, he turns into one of the loudest, funniest guy in our group. Something he has in common with you, you kno’.” - his smile was gentle, his dark eyes holding a warm shine in them as he looked up at me.
“You can have the scariest expression on your face, dressed in all black, but I know that under all that lies one of the kindest and funniest person I know. Just no one ever put in the effort to dig down deep enough to reveal it. I get to have you all to myself this way, so it’s their loss to be honest.” - I blinked down at him through my rapidly blurring sight, my jaw shut tight in an effort to not let my lips quiver.
But it was all useless, as a single tear cascaded down my face, more following it shortly after.
Felix panicked and started wiping them away, apologising for hurting me. But he didn’t.
“Damn it Lixie, I didn’t want to cry in the hallways, you big sap. If you compliment me one more time, I might even start wailing, so shush. Just shush.” - I murmured out as I suddenly hugged him, my bigger frame easily engulfing his tiny one.
He was stiff, caught off-guard by my sudden hug, which was understandable. I never initiated skin contact before, as touching people made me uncomfortable. But he burrowed himself so deep into my heart, I was fine with it. He was too important to me at this point, so much so that the hug not only failed to make me uncomfortable, no, instead it calmed me down as I just gently burrowed my face into his fluffy hair, inhaling his strawberry shampoo filled scent.
Felix didn’t hesitate much longer to hug me back, his cheeks pressing into my skin, no doubt from the smile he had formed.
“Now, let’s go, before someone decides to use this as blackmail against us.” - I muttered out, releasing him. “It would only take a glare from you and they would delete the evidence instantly, and you know it. But I agree. Let’s go, I’ll walk you to your dorm so you can grab some stuff for your stay at our place.” “Wait what-” “Don’t tell me you thought I would let you come back to your dorm at the dead of night, all alone? Besides, no bus would still drive around by then, and I don’t think you would like walking for hours, because I KNOW you wouldn't let us drive you back.” “...Is it too late to cancel?” “Yep, already messaged them all and they’re excited to meet you. So get your butt in gear, we’re going to get your things.” “I fucking hate you.” “Love you too!”
And he truly didn’t lie. He really escorted me to my room, made fun of me with my own roommate, who was surprised at first about the fact that the Lee Felix was in our room, but then she quickly got over it and even started teasing me. I wanted to dig a hole and hide in it, but alas, under the watchful eyes of Felix, I could only pack some necessary things into my bag, flustered to hell and back. Some clothes, a few notebooks to study from and some toiletries sat in their place firmly, urging me to nod at myself as the imaginary list of necessary items was now done.
Having packed everything, we bid our goodbye and left for the bus stop, chatting about everything and nothing, my mind at a different place. 
He was really excited about this whole thing, but I was just a nervous wreck inside. Judging from how he gently massaged one of my hands and spoke just about every silly topic you could imagine, just to take my attention away, he’d probably noticed the state I was in.
I appreciated it, more than he would ever know.
Sure, the people I was about to meet soon were Felix’s good friends -i mean, come on, they lived in a house together, all 8 of them-, so I really shouldn’t have been so nervous. But in reality, I was nervous exactly because of that. What if they hated me and Felix would start hating me too? What if they made him choose between them and me, essentially leaving me alone once more? What if th–
A gentle squeeze of my hand brought me out of my worsening train of thoughts.
“We need to walk for like 20 minutes from here. I would have normally asked for a ride, but my hyungs were all busy, sorry.” “It’s okay, a little walking never hurt anyone.”
So we walked, side by side, his hand never leaving mine as he gently swung them back and forth at his own pace. I listened to him ramble about an anime he’d started watching recently, reminding me of how I’d ignored him recently and missed out on all of his little stories. It ate me alive, the guilt squeezing my throat shut. Thus, I listened to him in silence, nodding sometimes to show that I was paying attention. And I truly was, carving his happy expression into my mind, the way he scrunched up his nose occasionally in happiness when he remembered something particularly funny.
I missed this.
Eventually, we reached an enormous family house, almost worthy of being called a mansion. Felix stopped in front of it, punching something into the dial on one of the fence columns, causing the gigantic steel gate to slowly swing open. Surely not… Surely, this wasn’t where they lived, right?
Oh my god, it was…
I befriended a rich person, holy fucking shit.
“I think some of them are already home, so you can meet them gradually.” - he said happily, but I was just mindlessly following him as he dragged me along, still not over the fact that I somehow ended up in this hilariously unreal situation.
And indeed, some of them were already there. Half-naked, that is, their shirts for some reason not on their body. I could only blink a few times as I processed this as they were just blinking back at our frozen forms that were just standing at the entrance.
“I better leave.” - I muttered out, my ears and cheeks probably heated as I quickly tore my gaze away, along with my hand from Felix’s hold. “Oh my fucking god, I told you she’s coming over and you couldn’t even put a fucking shirt on?! You better be decent by the time we come back, if she hasn’t run out of the city yet!” - Felix shouted so loudly, I could still hear him crystal clear, even though I was almost at the gates by then.
You see, their property was huge, a small garden dividing the house from the front gate, the greenery leading all the way around to the back, where laid an entire forest -or at least that was what i could say after only a glance-. Still, I ran to the front gate and decided to climb over the small, stone columns, not knowing how to open the steel barricade by myself. I heard Felix shouting my name, pleading with me to stop and go back as he hastily closed in on me, but I was too flustered to do that.
I was way too shy for this shit.
“Please don’t go, I swear they're better than this!” - Felix panted out, his hands latched onto one of my calves, most of my body already up on the top of the column.
I shook my head, causing him to tighten his grip and try to drag me down, my own grip on the stone construction tightening in return. He pleaded with me as we had this silly tug of war, none of us willing to let go.
Just as I was starting to feel sore and think about letting go, I heard a buzz and the quiet creaking of the gates as they opened, footsteps approaching us.
“Do I even want to know what’s happening?” - a male voice asked, gaining Felix’s attention and loosening his hold on me. “Hyune, just please help me get her into the house, she’s gonna injure herself even more at this rate!” - my friend cried out, all the while I shook his grip off of me, ready to finally climb over.
Well… only planned to, really.
Because the next thing I felt were hands gently gripping my sides, prying my weak hands away from the rough stone and slinging me over a shoulder.
“You better explain this to me, Lixie.” - the man, Hyune(?) said. “You know how I said I’ll bring a friend over today for our movie night?” - Felix answered, falling into step next to the taller man who had me in his unbreakable hold. “Yea, of course, you were the most excited I’ve seen you in a long while. Why?” “... that’s her.”
Silence enveloped us as the tall man abruptly stopped in his tracks.
“You mean to tell me that our guest here was trying desperately to escape already?” “It’s because of those idiots, Jisung and Changbin! They decided to flaunt around the house with no shirts on, even though I told them my friend was finally coming over!” “... I guess we should be thankful Chan’s still at work.” “Don’t even tell me, gods. I’m going to fucking choke them to death if they so much as look at her wrong.” - Felix growled out, surprising me as I’d only ever seen his soft, sunshine self. “Oh don’t worry, I don’t think they want to piss you off even more. Besides, we’ve all been curious about this certain friend of yours, who you always speak so highly of.”
Did they…forget I was there? Hello?? I could hear everything??? And what did he mean by that?? I was just an introvert weeb, what the actual fuck!
“Alright, here we are. Do you wanna check in first?” “Yea, hang on for a sec.” - and with that, Lixie opened the door and soon closed it.
“Alright, the coast is clear.”
I was gently let down from the tall man’s shoulder, who I could finally face and see normally.
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imauthicktic · 1 year
How about breaking up with them but then tell them that it was just a prank and that the reader didn’t really wanna break up with them please with fluff ending Deathslinger, Wraith, Doctor, and Pyramid Head
Hi!!! I tweaked it slightly so it wasn't repetitive, but I really hope you like it!!! Sorry, it took so long!
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Caleb happened to have a match with you in the beginning of the day and everything seemed normal to him. You came up to him and gave him a kiss and a small smack to his ass, ya know, the usual. He returned that smack with a good laugh from him and a small giggle from you. While the trial went on, there was only one survivor left and that was you. Caleb walked around the map to find his sweet lil thing. You saw Caleb in the distance and wanted to sneak up on him to give him a little scare. Walking up behind him, your hands going to his sides and giving him a little squeeze making the man jump a little before whipping around to look at his assaulter in the face. “Shit, darlin’ you gave me a lil scare there,” Caleb chuckled out, “So after ya leave here, yer comin’ to my place right?” he asked caressing your cheek bone with the back of his finger. “Hmmm, and why would I do that?” He frowns a little at your teasing because sometimes you do it at inappropriate times and he’s considering it an inappropriate time right now. He hasn’t seen you in a week because of all the trials that kept you both separated. “It’s not like we’re together or anything,” you tease with a small smirk. “Hey, now that ain’t funny and I’m not laughing at it. I’ve made my intentions perfectly clear for ya and if yuh don’t want to be with me, then don’t,” he said as he walked past you hitting your shoulder with his. “W-Wait! Caleb! I-I didn-,” “Don’t. I don’t want to hear yer yap.” 
You would’ve rather him hook you than shut you down like that. You know you need to work on your teasing, sarcasm, and tone with him because he doesn’t understand the more modern flirting that you deal with and you think you’ve pushed him too far this time. You couldn’t help the tears that fell. You let out a sob and covered your face with your hands. You’re afraid that you just ruined your relationship over your stupid mouth. You started heading towards the exit trying to think of how you’re going to fix this relationship or at least apologize to him even if he doesn’t take you back. “God Y/N why do you have to go and screw everything up you fucking idiot,” you said as you walked through the fog of the exit.
Caleb was hiding behind a locker and leaning out to watch you leave and berating yourself. He leaned back against the lockers and breathed out a heavy sigh. Here he thought it was over because he didn’t express his love enough to make you realize how much he cares for you. He ran his hand down his face and tried to think of a solution, ultimately deciding that it was you who needed to apologize to him this time. He didn’t want to seem harsh but it was definitely you who was at fault. He headed towards the fog that took him to the forest and walked to his realm to wait for you.
It took you a good few hours to think through the scenario in your mind, replaying what went wrong. You were trying to tease and jokingly trick him into saying something sweet. You didn’t think what you said would end your relationship, but you definitely knew it hurt his feelings. You knew it would be a tinge hurtful, as it was supposed to lead into your little prank, but you thought he would’ve noticed your tone and facial expressions as a factor to it being a joke. With a heavy sigh you stood up and headed towards the forest, hoping that the walk to Caleb’s realm would calm down your racing heart. 
Taking your first step out of the dark forest and into the hot sun of Caleb’s realm. You looked up at the sun and instantly felt a bit of serotonin considering everywhere else, it’s night time. Walking to the saloon you stopped just outside the door. You carefully swung the door and walked in. Caleb was sitting at a table that was in the far corner with his feet crossed on top of the table and him leaning back with the bottle of whiskey in his hand. His eyes followed you as you walked over to him and stood next to the table he was at. “May I sit?” “You may,” he said, putting his feet on the ground and sitting forward in his seat, leaning over and grabbing the shot glass in front of him and pouring you a shot before sliding it over to you. You grabbed it and started nervously turning the glass in circles. You took a deep breath and looked into his eyes, “I… I want to start off by saying sorry. I was trying to joke and it wasn’t a very funny one now that I thought about it. I definitely should’ve thought that through before I… before I said something so stupid,” you ended with a deep sigh. Caleb cleared his throat before starting, “Yer right that it wasn’t funny,” you look down at the shot in your hands, “and that it was stupid,” your frown deepened, “but, I feel like there was an underlyin’ message with what you said.” You looked up at him with worry in your eyes, “I swear I didn’t mean for it to sound like I was going to break up with you or somethi-,” “That ain’t what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.” “Then what are you talking about?” “I was worried, that I wasn’ clear with my intentions with yuh.” You looked at him a little confused when he grabbed your hand rubbing his thumb across your knuckles. “Darlin’, I know we ain’t got a label or nothin’, but I see you as someone I want to spend the rest of my days with. I thought I was clear ‘bout that, and now… ‘m afraid I haven’ been showin’ ya how much I love ya.” “You… you love me?” you ask with a growing smile. Caleb smiled and looked down at your connected hands before lifting your hand to place a kiss on top of it. “C’mere baby,” he let go of your hand and leaned back in his chair, patting his good leg. You stood up as he scooted his chair back to give more room and you sat on the thigh of his good leg. He tsked as he grabbed your legs to swing over his other leg. His hands held you close, one on your hip and one holding your thigh brushing his thumb comfortingly. You take off his hat and place it on your own head with a sweet smile, one that Caleb returned. You put a hand on his cheek and lean forward to place a sweet kiss against his lips. Pulling back slightly from the kiss, you brush your lips against his lightly and whisper, “I love you more than anything, Caleb.” He smiled as he captured your lips into another kiss. The whole scenario from before is nothing but a mere memory.
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Philip loves seeing you, but he also loves seeing how you interact with the other survivors. You don’t know he watches in on your time at the survivor’s camp, so you didn’t know he is always listening to you as well. Today you were sitting with a small group near where Philip is hiding out.  The topic at the moment was about relationships and considering you two have been in one for about 2-3 months. So the relationship was still relatively new, but he was wondering how you would talk about him. There was a lot of joking around and then everyone was going around the circle talking about their ex’s or significant others from before they got here, the survivors that are attractive, and the killers that are attractive. It was finally your turn to speak and all eyes and ears were focused on you, including the eyes and ears of your dear lover. “Ok Y/N, do you consider yourself single? Like was there someone before you got dragged into this hellscape?” A couple laughs were heard from the others in the group, including yours. “Uh, yeah, I was dating someone before I came to this place, but ya know. They’ll probably never be here and honestly our relationship was rocky anyways. So at least I didn’t have to come up with a break up speech!” you all laughed at that. “So to answer the first question. Uh, I do not consider myself single, and uh, that’s cause I’m currently in a new relationship since coming here���” you trailed off. There were a bunch of ‘ooo’s’ and a couple of whistles. “Who?!? Who is our precious Y/N in a relationship with???” Jill said, throwing her around your waist. “Well, definitely not your brother anymore,” a couple of people laughed with you and Jill laughing the hardest. “C’mon who is it? I thought we shared things with each other?” you look at her face and whisper in her ear, “I’m dating Philip, ya know, the wraith.” “Really? And how is that going?” she genuinely asked. “Honestly, so far everything is going really well. He treats me really well and is honestly my best relationship I’ve ever been in,” Jill smiled at that and before she could say she was happy for you when Mikaela cut in, “so be real, Y/N, is it a survivor or killer?” You give a small awkward laugh, “Uh… killer..” you trail off, “Hey, at this point we don’t judge,” Mikaela said. “Fuck that. I 100% am judging you, you better break up with whoever it is!” Jonah projected. “Yeah, Jonah I’ll go write my break up speech right now,” you said sarcastically, “get the fuck outta here Jonah, no one wants your shitty input.” By the time you finished the second part of the statement Philip had already walked further into the forest so that you wouldn’t hear his bell as he went back to his realm. 
A couple of days have passed since that day. You don’t know what’s wrong but you feel like Philip has been avoiding you. You haven’t had a chance to have alone time with him cause you guys either haven’t had a trial together, or he was having a trial while you waited for him in his realm. However, the reason you think he’s been avoiding you is because when you get out of trials and are back in the survivor’s camp, you hear the familiar bell and when you go to head towards the sound, Philip is gone. You’re worried at this point because you just want to make sure he’s ok and give him some affection, but he just isn’t letting you near him. You were sitting away from everyone at the camp just hoping for the chance to get a trial with him where he’s forced to be around you. 
Suddenly, everything goes black and you’re thrown into another trial. You heave a heavy sigh and go to find a generator to work on. After a minute or so, you hear a scream from somewhere nearby and accidentally lose your concentration, making you mess up and the generator explodes in your face. You sit back on the ground and let out a few tears, you’re just exhausted at this time and haven’t had a chance to be with your significant other for a while and need the chance to feel safe in his arms again. You can feel your heartbeat pick up and don't even care about the fact that the killer was nearby. You stood up to turn around and wiped the tears from your face only to be met with the one and only Philip. Philip almost forgot about the other night at the camp as he stepped forward to reach for your tear stained face, but then that’s when he remembered and stopped when he was just an inch from your face. He looked down at you and was about to step back, “P-Philip, wait, please I just miss you so much. I don’t know what I did wrong.” He looked you in your eyes and saw the sincerity behind them and he gave you a small nod before putting his hand on the side of your face. “Is it ok if we can talk after the trial?” Philip nodded his head again and you smiled for the first time in a couple days. He then rang his bell as he went to continue the rest of the trial.
You were able to escape through the exit and finally made it back to the survivor’s camp. You immediately ran through the forest and to Philip’s realm. You didn’t see him outside at all so you assumed he was in the building and you continued to race there. Philip was sitting on the makeshift bed that you both made a while ago and he looked up to see you slightly out of breath. “Philip, can you please tell me what’s going on? Why have you been avoiding me?” He looked down at the piece of paper in his hand and handed it to you. You look at him and then down at the note. “I’ve been avoiding you because I didn’t want the break up speech.” Break up speech? What? Your eyes keep tracing over the words and when the conversation at the camp came up. “My love, I wasn’t going to break up with you! Were you there the whole time? Did you hear me tell Jonah to kiss my ass? I was being crazy sarcastic when I said I was gonna write a “break up speech”,” you sat down in between his legs, “I am not planning on leaving you anytime soon and I don’t plan on leaving you ever if you’ll have me,” you finished putting your hands on the sides of his face. Philip let out a sigh of relief. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you flush against him and laid down with you facing each other. Philip went to press kisses against your face making you giggle. He then grabbed your hand palm facing you and drew a heart in the middle of your palm. “I love you too, sweetheart.”
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Honestly, Herman was getting on your last damn nerve with all his little zaps here or there. Are you surprised? No, not really, but at this point you wanna get on his nerves for once. You can annoy him sometimes, but nothing too serious. You, however, decided to play a little prank on him. You’re not the best pranker in the world, by any means. Nor have you played pranks on him before. So there’s a first for everything. Plus it’s like you’re having your very own lil experiment on your boyfriend considering the amount of experiments he conducted on you.
Walking to his realm and towards his office, you were planning on just flat out saying “I’m breaking up with you,” and so when you made it to his office and he stood up from his desk to come greet you, he was peeved by you avoiding his kiss making it land on your cheek instead. “Are you ok, my darling?” he asked, confused. “No,” you said with a pout. “What’s wro-,” “I’m breaking up with you,” you cut him off. The atmosphere suddenly went frigid. Herman takes a step back and looks you into your eyes, “Uh huh. So, you don’t want to be my partner anymore. May I ask why?” “I know you’re a killer scientist and all, but you promised to treat me differently than some experiment,” you managed to make up. In reality, he treats you really well and is probably one of the more sane killers here. Herman’s mind went haywire trying to think of how he treated you like his experiments as he changed drastically when you two finally became a couple. He was trying to think of where he went wrong. He turned away from you and leaned forward placing his hands on his desk. You were about to let him know you were joking when he started laughing. The hairs on the back of your neck stood as his laugh started coming out maniacally. He sounded like a villain from a scary movie. You went to put a hand on his back when he abruptly turned back to you and grabbed your hand. Yanking you towards him you look up at him a little scared. “H-Herman, i-it was just a prank! Please!” It was like he couldn’t hear you as he dragged you to one of the hospital rooms.
Herman picked you up to put you on the experiment table with the straps on it. In no time he had you strapped down to the table. You struggled against the constraints trying to loosen them, “Herman! Herman! Please, I didn’t mean it!” you try to convince him as he comes around to where your head was at. “I was just getting annoyed with how much you’ve been zapping me lately!” Herman laughed as he brought his hands together in front of your face to make the electricity zap between his hands. He brought his hands down to the sides of your head, “Well, since we’re no longer together, I might as well fry your brain!” he laughed crazily again making you struggle against the straps around your wrists and squeeze your eyes tightly waiting for the pain. About 30 seconds passed before realizing nothing was happening. Your eyes are still screwed shut, but you hesitantly open one eye to see Herman staring back down at you calmly. “I think you learned your lesson when it comes to making a silly prank like that. Don’t you think, darling?” You let out a heavy sigh letting your tears fall freely from your eyes. You choked out a small, “y-yes. I learned.” 
Releasing you from the straps, you sat up and let out a little sob. Herman tsked before grabbing the sides of your face and shushing you. “I didn’t mean to scare you that bad, my love. I’m sure you know now that if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes right?” he asked moving your head so you’d look him in the eyes. You sniffled with a small nod and threw your arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist tightly and breathed in the scent of your hair. “I apologize if my little shocks are bothering you so much. I want you to know that the ones that do get you are unintentional. I can’t control every single shock, baby,” “I guess that makes sense. I’m sorry for taking it personally..” “And?” You let out a small giggle, “and for doing a silly prank. I love you, Herm.” “I adore you, Y/N.”
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Pyramid Head:
Pyramid Head is a hunky creature of a man that you’re just happy to be with. While he doesn’t spare you in trials, he does mercy kill you so that you don’t have to deal with the trials he’s in. He’s too merciless with the rest of the survivors. However, you wanted to test the waters with him when it came to your guys' relationship. You do adore him and he has done a lot so that he can be better in the relationship with you. So, when you say you wanna test the waters, it’s more so going to be some questioning about what your relationship with him is.
Going into the classroom that you and Pyra had altered to be more homey, you laid down on the cushioned area that you both slept on. Or rather, you slept on. He just kind of lays there as a personal heater and someone to cuddle. You grabbed a journal that was nearby and flipped it open. You see very scraggly handwriting and that was very childlike, but extremely heavy handed. You would’ve thought it was some kid’s notebook if it weren’t for the fact that it was the symbols that you had taught Pyra to communicate with you. You smiled at the fact that he’s been practicing them and felt your heart flutter. You could hear and feel the heavy stomps of Pyra and the dragging of his mighty knife behind him. You put down the notebook and got up to go into the hallway to see how close he was only to be greeted by his clothed abdomen. Wrapping your arms around his waist tightly you started placing sweet kisses all over his pecs. “C’mon, baby. Let’s go lay down,” you say, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the bed.
He propped his knife against a wall in the room and ripped off his bloody shirt. You nearly drooled looking at his muscles and couldn’t take your eyes away. His tongue came to poke out the open corner of his helmet and it went to lick your cheek making the heat rush to your face. You smiled at him as it dragged down to your jawline, then down to your neck. “Well well well, someone’s super affectionate today,” you giggle, placing your hands on his abs and dragging them up and down his toned torso. Pyra held you close to him and groaned softly at feeling you against his skin. You kissed his left pec a few times before he lifted his hand to brush the back of his finger against your cheek.
You feel now is as good as any to finally ask him some questions. You tell him to lay down again and he does so with his arms open for you to crawl into. You smile and snuggle into his arms tightly. “Hey bub, can I ask you a couple questions?” He gave a small nod as his hands wandered over your body. “Well, I was wondering if you would be bothered by absence? Like what if I didn’t come over anymore?” He stopped his movements suddenly becoming stiff under you. What do you mean not come over anymore? Did you not like him as much as you used to? He didn’t like the thought of you never coming around anymore. He grabbed your hand and drew a question mark on it with his finger. “It’s just.. I don’t know.. Wondered if maybe I’m too much for you? I guess I wanted to know our label?” you knew it was going to be hard to figure out the terminology he wanted to use. He felt a little more at ease knowing it was just you needing some reassurance. He grabbed your arm once again and tried tracing the word ‘mate’ against your soft skin. “M.. A…T… E?” you asked. He nodded slightly. “Mate like as in the “for reproductive” sense or “life partner” sense?” You waited to see how many fingers he was going to raise, either one for the first option, two for the second option, or three for both. He raised his hand with 3 fingers sticking up. You understand he’s different from humans and so the first option didn’t upset you, but you were ecstatic for him to say the second one was just as important. “So, you see me as your partner for life?” you asked and he nodded again. You let out a pitchy giggle because it made you feel so much better about your relationship. You rest your head against his pec and kiss his skin over and over again. He rubbed his hand up and down your side affectionately with a small squeeze to your waist. 
Requests are open! Lmk what yall think!!
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Homage vs. Copying
So I'm not feeling super great these days, but I still dip into Jikook spaces for a quick hit of lovely serotonin and to check up on my friends. Alas, I see some folks raging in the tags that JK is stealing Jimin's original concepts because he's too stupid or lazy to come up with his own... I'm not having flashbacks to BTS' plagiarism scandal, I'm not. I have thoughts--and lots of photo examples--about this topic, under the cut. Let's get into it--and keep it civil, too.
First off--let's just establish that folks have the right to use the Jikook tag to both celebrate and critique Jikook and the fandom around Jikook. People get to write about what they want on their blogs. They get to rant, so long as no one is using hate speech and slurs. (The minute I see that shit, I quietly report.)
Clearly, folks who are angry at Jungkook (or Jimin) come into the Jikook tag because they want attention from Jikookers, and the best use of my time and energy is to self-police and block them. That way I am not infringing on their right to scream into the wind all they like, but I also don't have to hear the noise.
Second off, unless JK called any of us up and said: "Hey, guess what? After 10 years of evidence to the contrary, suddenly I'm incapable of original thought, so I just take advantage of Jiminie-hyung, whom I keep calling out and hyping up and praising and asking to spend time with and traveling with and whose style I also match in my personal life!" maaaaybe we give the benefit of the doubt, and at least entertain the possibility that Jungkook is expressing visual alignment with Jimin because he can't just openly claim him in other ways?
Like, I'm not saying that IS what's going on, because Jungkook doesn't call me up and tell me his thoughts, either. It's fine; I'm not mad. He doesn't even text Jin back. I am just saying we should maybe sit with the idea for a bit and really marinate on what that might mean for a queer couple.
(Or we could just take in things without pronouncing any opinions yet--ya know, until we get more data around Jungkook's choices and how Jimin feels about it.)
It's fine not to assume the similarities are romantic gestures; but it's also fine not to assume the worst--that JK is siphoning off Jimin like a leech. Jungkook was consulted by the Seven stylist and he got to be creative director for his Vogue shoot; he also had some say in his music videos and performance stages. He is making choices deliberately, and it makes no sense to me that he would choose to openly copy a bandmate out of laziness. He has a professional reputation to consider.
Rather, I think this is one of the few places where he has artistic license to tether a thread between him and Jimin. I think he's paying homage.
(Side note: In film and photography, an homage is an imitation of another work. At first glance, it may seem like an homage is a rip-off or a lesser copy, but it actually pays tribute to and honors the source work. Homage is a great way to use other filmmakers' styles and content to crystallize your unique voice as a filmmaker.)
So that's my currently theory about what's going on.
Yet, honestly? None of us really know WHY there's so much similarity in their looks these days. The similarities are now stacking up so much as to be undeniable, though.
Personally, I'm leaning to this being a celebration of the fact that Jikook have always shared similar tastes; it's one of the many ways they click. Jikook know that. The stylists know that. So yeah, when JK gets a chance to observe and emulate (and expound upon) Jimin's style, he does. Because Jimin is one of the coolest people in the world to him. So he shows this in his own creative work and in his own personal wardrobe.
Here's why I hold that opinion at the moment:
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Could this all be the stylists choosing to recycle looks or throw bread crumbs to Jikookers? I guess.
Could this be Jungkook just borrowing from Jimin as a shortcut? I'm not sharing his brainwaves, so I can't tell you there's zero possibility.
But what seems more likely is that of all the artists in the world, Jimin is the one Jungkook has always kept his eyes on. Out of love and respect, not malice and opportunism.
Like with the 1108 and 13 numbers that THEY keep inserting into their own communications, these similarities in style is also an emerging pattern.
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If you feel protective of Jimin, I understand why you'd be wary of so much similarity. But consider what we know of both Jimin and Jungkook over the past 10 years...
While neither of these human beings are perfect (and they will continue to make mistakes), they clearly love each other. And you don't steal from the people you love. But you do honor how amazing they are whenever you get the chance.
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So maybe let's just hear JK out on this?
Okay, that's all the energy I have for this topic. I got deadlines and health tests to power through over the next few weeks. If you comment with your own ideas, that's cool--but please keep it respectful of Jikook and each other. I don't want to banhammer anyone but I will.
Love, Roo
PS Even if I'm not around much, you can be sure I'll buy and stream 3D, and I encourage you guys to give it a chance too! <3
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starbeltconstellation · 2 months
hiiiii i hope you have been having an amazing summer! i hope this isnt that bothersome to ask since you’re still writing it out but i would like to ask around what month do you think you would be able to get the chapter that you are writing to come out? i also saw that you were saying that you were at around 40k words for this chapter so i don’t want it to seem like i’m trying to rush or anything, just genially curious. also hope that the fix doesnt end up being dropped for what ver reason since i think it might just be the only fic for the SW fandom that actually has me going back and re-reading and still able to enjoy it(which is a bit of a rare thing these days since i’m always surrounded by smut having fics, which is not a bad thing, but it can get old quite quickly).
also i have to say that this is the first time where the slow burn has actually been a slow burn and not just a lazy thing written out and having been given much thought. i really like how you have so far made each encounter between the oc and anakin not a copy and paste of their first encounter (with the oc being afraid of her life and anakin being just confused but both of them trying to figure out and work out their problems as each chapter comes out). this is all i have to say for now ig so again i hope you have an amazing day!!! 💕
Helloooo! 😊💕
Thank you so very much for the lovely ask and well wishes, dear reader duckling! 😁❤️✨ It truly made my day to see a new ask in my inbox . Hehe. ❤️❤️✨
And I’m soooo sorry for the late response! 😭❤️💔 It just takes me a while to get to asks sometimes with my life problems going on, especially because I want to dedicate the right amount of attention to giving my thoughts. But I just wanted you and all my other readers to know that I’m never ignoring you. 💕💕
It’s completely fine for you to check in and ask me about my chapter progress, dear! 💕✨ Makes me at least know someone’s still out there excited to see it. Haha.
I’ll put the rest of my answer under a read more:
Well, what I do for my Fic chapters is I try to split up the scenes from scenes from the actual EPISODES from The Clone Wars, and then write the other scenes from my own planned storyline in between everything else. What I had ORIGINALLY planned was to have each chapter be one episode of TCW, or another original storyline arc that I had chosen to add (ie; the Kudon III storyline). However, I very quickly realized that writing out a completely original storyline takes a lot fucking longer and more brain power than expected. 😭😖🫠 And not only that—the 🔥sensual Melakin scenes 🔥 take even TWICE as long as that. Lol. 😭 And so—QUITE sadly—I have had to admit to myself that it just isn’t feasible for my chapters to be that long, even though cutting TCW episodes in multiple chapters might break the flow of the story.
And so, after I FINALLY get out this whopper of a chapter (which I HOPE to have completed by the first weeks of August), I am NEVERRRR writing a chapter this long again. Lol. 😭🤦‍♀️
So rest easy with that, in the sense that hopefully a hiatus will never be this long again. I think the problem with writing chapters this long is that—for one—my SW hyperfixation is gone, which makes my writing way slower that it used to be (which I fucking HATE 😭🙃). For another, the problem is my depression steals my energy and motivation, and while the 25% of lovely reader comments I get out of the 70% silent ghost readers that I try to “pspspsps” into my comment feed, give me boosts of that good ol’ serotonin—at the same time: I think the problem is that, with the shorter chapters beforehand, I could write so much in one day, because in doing so, I would already get halfway done in only a few hours. But with such a long chapter, it makes me kind of dread writing for so long, to not even have the satisfaction of pressing “post” at the end of it all in reward. Lol. 😭💔🫠
And so, this chapter has gone at about a snails pace for that very reason. 😭😅
So, what I NOW am planning to do is to split each TCW episode and original storyline I come up with into probably a three arc format (ie; three chapters), which will make it much easier for me to write without getting exhausted. That way, the chapters should only be at the most 10 to 15,000 words (hopefully. Lol). 😅😂❤️
BUT! I will ease your mind by saying that no matter WHAT—I am NEVER abandoning this story. ✊😖❤️ It’s literally going to be my magnum opus. Now—I KNOW authors say that all the time and then become little lying liars who lie—BUT unlike them, I am writing this dream fix it fic specifically for ME. 😂❤️ So the only way I can have the story of my dreams is to FINISH this things someday. So I hope that eases your worries. Lol. 💕
And awwwww! 🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕 Thank you SO, so much for your kind words about my story and writing! It means the world to me that my fic seems to stand out on A03 and Wattpad to a lot of SW fans. Haha.
And thank you SO much for your compliments on how I’m writing Melakin’s developing slow burn/relationship and in their separate character arcs. It was really important to me that Anakin and Melanie weren’t just getting together to get TOGETHER. I like my stories to mean something, and if you’ve read my other meta posts, then you’ll know that Melakin’s romantic relationship has actually been PURPOSEFULLY paralleled with Anidala, to show the difference between how someone you love can actually make you grow to be BETTER, instead of a relationship where they both enable each other’s worst tendencies (even though the love may have been genuine).
But yeah, it was REALLY important to me that their slow burn was actually REALISTIC, because yes, I’ll admit some slow burns keep the two people apart for way longer than necessary just to have drama. But for Melakin, there’s just SO many reasons they can’t get together yet (ie; the Anidala secret marriage, Melanie’s lingering terror of Anakin, Anakin and Melanie still being barely even friends, and also Anakin’s future moral decay that Melanie remains at the same time disgusted by while trying to stop it from happening), so it makes the slow burn more genuine to me. Their relationship develops the more their CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT develops.
But anyway! You’ll be happy to know that I’ve COMPLETELY FINISHED all of my original scenes for my next chapter! 😊💕 So now—I only have to follow the transcript of TCW episode and write out the actual EPISODE STORYLINE—which will be WAY easier and shouldn’t take as long as before.
I’m not making any promises—but I’m AIMING for a new posted chapter in sometime in the next two weeks. So… just a heads up with that. ❤️❤️💕✨
Thanks so very much again for the ask, dear reader! 😊✨💕 It made my week. Haha.
Until next time! ✨❤️
To any new readers that stumble across this and are curious enough to check out my fic:
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Answering the questions!
Thank you Admin! ♪⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠\⁠ ⁠)
I like a heathly combination of fluff and plot though I don't mind either on their own. I prefer cinematic stories with more parts!
Slow burn is definitely a favorite of mine! I like all genres but I do have a preference for fantasy storylines.
I absolutely avoid the fan made y/n-esque audio rp with already existing characters i.e Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugou, no hate to the ones who like or make those, props to the voice impressions. I find it amazing they could imitate the voices but they just aren't for me though. Original characters are much more my thing.
Otherwise I'm fine with regards to everything else!
So far I only like GBA, Redacted and Sundew. I prefer soft, gentle mid-ranged to deeper voices. I like deep voices but I don't think I'd like a voice as deep as the mariana trench lol. Higher pitched voices also aren't my thing and if it's too whispery then it won't do it for me as well.
I'm pretty picky ain't I? Apologies if this is inconvenient, I have no one to ask for recommendations and I'm particularly new to the community (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
Warmest regards, much love, numerous thanks and salutations,
Oh, I have some recommendations for you! My opinions are a bit biased here (I have a very strong preference for plot-heavy audios over fluff) but it looks like a lot of my favorites suit your tastes. I dislike fanfiction stuff too, especially MHA stuff and I also prefer gentle voice ranges that aren't too high or too low.
I'll give you a few recommendations.
#1: Escaped Audios! He's the very best VA at making you feel like you are living in a movie. All of his stories are heartfelt and exciting, most have slow-burn romances. Most of his characters have a gentle, mid-range voice that isn't too high or too deep (though he as a couple deeper voiced characters). I like his style of acting because he sounds very sincere and "real" when he talks. My two favorite playlists from him are Matador Gothic (his dramatic vampire slayer adventure) and The New Jersey Rats (a mafia-themed Romantic comedy).
I've followed him since Matador Gothic came out a little over a year ago but he's only recently started to gain hype after being super under-rated for a long time. If you like GBA's style of story telling you'll probably like him too. The only downside you might experience is that his stories usually don't leave a lot of room for fluff, so there are no cuddle audios or sleep aids etc on his channel. That said he's my current favorite, is incredibly creative and original, and he's amazing at supercharging my brain with serotonin.
#2: Obsidian Lantern. He has some of the most immersive sound production of any VA I've ever seen. Some of his earlier stuff is a little weird and clumsy but once he catches his footing he's great. His voice is very gentle and comforting to me, and he'll even speak a little Spanish sometimes.
His Gator Boys series is great and actually ties in with the lore of a few other VA's universes! I also really like his Merfolk series. He also plays around with common tropes while putting his own unique spin on them and I really like that too. He also makes all of his own art, and he not only draws thumbnails but actually makes illustrations of the scenes in his audios which is super cool. Overall really great, I think you'd like him.
#3. ZSaku VA. His playlists start out a little slow but over time his style evolved to be more cinematic. I really like his Vampire series (the Xanthus playlist) and his two interconnected crime series (The Elias and Issac playlists). They're good from the outset and just get better. Lately he's been making higher-stakes stories with more collabs and I love that. He's also collabed with a bunch of the other people I mentioned, which I love to see.
He has a nice balance between fluff and story-telling, and lots of his plots/characters connect to one another. If you like Redacted Audio you'll probably like ZSaku. The only downside is that he takes a long time in between episodes of each series, and works on multiple series at the same time, so if you really get into one playlist you might end up feeling a bit impatient.
#4: YuuriVoice. He's got a rotating cast of characters and he's one of my long-time comfort channels. He has ongoing plots throughout all of his series, but his stuff is mostly character-based. It's worth listening to everything and getting attached to his characters, as their development gets better and more complex over time.
He can do a pretty broad range of voices too, and they all feel unique and fresh. He has done some MHA/fanfic type audios before in the past but over time he transitioned to focusing on his own original characters and I love all of them.
#5: Shining Armor ASMR. I like him more as a comfort/fun/fluff channel. A great channel for listening to little bite sized audios with fun character concepts and lower stakes. I also like his voice and his accent, and it's fun seeing him do different voices within his accent. Definitely more on the fluff side but I think you'd appreciate him!
That's about it! There are more channels I like but based on your tastes I think you would like those channels. Also, honorable mention to Desmond ASMR. I love him but he's been on hiatus for like a year now!
Feel free to leave your own recommendations/cosigns/etc in the comments and reblogs.
Love, Ringmaster.
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a-writers-blurbs · 4 months
A bit of a disclaimer ig...
Hi guys,
This is going to be a long post that sounds slightly rant-y & I'm going to apologize in advance for that. I am going to make exactly ONE post (this one) about this topic, and I will not be discussing it further or posting about it again. I will also not be responding to any negative comments but deleting them instead.
These are my personal opinions and [...not *trying* to sound rude, but there's no other way to say it...] a bunch of random people online aren't going to change my opinions.
My husband is an artist. He does canvas painting & draws comic books (think anti-hero dark horse). I paint furniture (kinda mini murals) & make chibi drawings. I've also been writing fanfiction since the late 90s.
That being said, this post is about AI art.
I get the controversy, I do. But I've heard this argument before, when fanfiction became more popularized. The whole "You're just stealing someone else's work & changing it up to call it your own" is (at its core) the same argument against AI. The only difference is that instead of you yourself changing it, you're allowing a machine to do it.
But I digress...
Over the last week, I have received several messages about my use of AI art. First & foremost, my stuff is appropriately tagged as AI.
Second, I don't sell or advertise these pictures in any way. In fact, none of them have been posted anywhere but here (as of 6/1/24).
Third, and probably most important, I DONT MAKE THEM FOR YALL. Fanfiction & fanart are a HOBBY. It is something that I do because I enjoy it and it destresses me. I DO NOT do it, hoping I'll get 1000s of followers, views, likes, etc. Every story I write, I print & bind for my library. I will now be doing the same with my AI pictures.
I have a condition that has a symptom called Maladaptive Daydreaming. Because of this, my head is full of an alarming amount of excruciatingly detailed & unrealistic scenarios and images. (To the point that it affects my everyday life).
I can't necessarily recreate the images in my mind without help & the only way to get rid of the random scenarios is to write them out. So I do write them. And now I use AI to help me get a BASE image. I do still go in myself and edit/redraw parts of each generated image to fit them to the characters I want them to represent. I do thus using digital art.
Granted, there's a whole other group of people that think digital art isn't real art... but that's a discussion for another day. Anyway...
I use AI art & will continue to despite some people's dislike. I will continue to delete any and all comments left publicly that are malicious, rude, or condescending. My stories & are are for me. If others enjoy it, great, that's freaking awesome. If not, there are literally thousands of other fanfic authors you can follow instead of me.
Again, I apologize, I know this sounds rude. But I need to be 100% transparent on this one. I am extremely grateful for every folllower & reader I have. I won't lie & say comments/positive interaction isn't a serotonin boost because it is. Yall also give me more motivation to actually complete a story vs. moving on to the next idea. But I'm not going to change the way I do things to appease someone I don't even know.
This is one of the few things I enjoy doing in my free time & have been doing it for 25 years now, and in the last 5 or so years ALL fandoms have gotten so toxic its hard to enjoy anything anymore. Last time it got like this, I simply stopped posting. I'd rather not do that again, but if people (who aren't even following me) don't leave me alone, I'll probably have to do it again, sadly.
But for now, hopefully this post will give people with different opinions to go ahead and block me from their feed. We're not going to agree so instead of wasting energy arguing, let's keep the peace & agree to stay off if each others feeds.
I won't judge you on your idea that you feel it's your duty to harass people over their choices & you won't judge me for enjoying something. 😉
Thank you for listening. Love yall & and I hope your day is blessed!
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look-i-love-u · 1 month
Tag Game Wednesday
Gone full week and arrived at Wednesday again. Oops.
This is totally last week's one.
thank you for tagging me: @vintagelacerosette, @jrooc, @shippergirl121fic, @energievie, @ian-galagher, @blue-disco-lights @michellemisfit
Name and A03 handle: Vey, miss_snowwhitepink
Current Location: on the couch, sipping water, trying to get better hydrated
Favourite picrew:
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What's one thing you want in a picrew? more body types, more fantasy, more pets
Favourite thing you’ve created (or seen created) for the fandom?
Fuck-U-Up Mug
Why is it your favourite?
Painted this mug for the first gallacrafts theme and I still love it and use it almost daily. It's still looking as good as day one. And it made me write a little one-shot to go with
Did it come easily or was it hard to create?
It was the first time I tried to draw a lily. So that was a bit of an adventure. The baking of the mug to fix the colour was a bit nerve-wrecking too as I feared it would break in the oven. But it all worked out just fine :)
Last ao3 fic you commented on? It's been a while since I read ffs. I've been on a "sports guys hooking up and finding love" binge read lately, so I've read about ten books or so in the last few months and not a single ff. O.o
The last comment I wrote that got a reply was Evie's "When you say nothing at all"
Biggest WIP heartache you’ve ever experienced? I don't really read WIPs since my early fandom days and getting burned by them. But that's about half my lifetime ago and I can't remember a specific story.
So I'll say all the WIPs in my doc drafts and especially the three collabs that I was super excited about my writing partner(s) weren't and they never even took off or got abandoned quite early on.
Favourite trope or head cannon you like included in a fanfic?
Oh, so many! Any and all AUs - as I love to see them find each other in every universe.
Soulmate!Aus especially. Hurt/Comfort. Pining! Long burn! Yes! Give me all the delayed gratification and the good stomach tingles from it!
Least favourite? Break-Up/Second chance fics, probably. I'm all about them getting together the first time and then hopefully living their happily ever after.
Also sick!fics and character deaths. Real life got enough of that. I don't want to read it in my escape media as well.
Secret or surprising kink or trope?
From hand holding to monsterfuckery - I'm a pretty open book when it comes to my kinks, I think. No secrets to uncover here.
Describe how you feel after you’ve created something new?
Elated. Happy. Nervously excited. Eager to share it.
Top hype man you have that always helps you get across the finish line:
Time pressure and a sense of responsibility.
Works for my work writing, works for fun writing. It's also probably the only reason I still remember to write a Galladrabble each week. XD
And getting a good response to what I did. Serotonine works wonders for my motivation and creativity.
It's been a bad day, you turn to the fandom and you _____? Scroll through tumblr. Look at amazing pretty art and send my faves to people who I know share my love for it.
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cookieswithay · 1 year
MHA boys: reaction to getting RAMMED in the ankle at the super market
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Thought about this at Costco! Almost got hit like eight times the other day...wasn't my fault, btw
• •°Izuku dearest°•
• Let's out a STRING of curse words. For awhile. But when you apologize for the 18th and awkwardly remind him that you guys were blocking a aisle. He shuts it down and walks off. Once away from away crowd, he's back to normal and says it's okay.
• "You didn't mean to, so it's okay."
• •°Katsuki chin°•
• It's a Kageyama and Hinata situation. He's not yelling and you're too scared to say anything. After a few pained swears and some counting. He simply turned to you and said to be more careful. It felt like the WHOLE store breathed of relief.
• "Just...don't do it again."
• •°Todo ni °•
• In is HORRIBLE shock from the pain. He gives a unintentional "Goddamnit" and (falls into) leans on a freezer. Of course you apologized profusely, but it's taking a bit for his voice to come back. After a few minutes, he stands up and says it alright.
• "Accidents happen...although that one did a number on me."
• •°King Iida°•
• Falls. You miscalculated the speed of the basket and how close he was. It was horrible accident. To you that is, Iida was fine. He simply got up, fixed his glasses and asked you if you got the bananas.
• "Oh, I thought my shoelaces were just untied."
• •°Kiripima°•
• Gives a pained grunt. At first he thought you did it to get attention due to the earphones he had on. But the horrified expression said it all. So, he laughs it off. It was a accident after all, didn't even hurt that bad.
• "How fast were you going? That kinda hurt."
• •°Kaminami°•
• Screams. Then covers his mouth and try's to keep the tears in. You couldn't apologize enough. It sounded terrible. After wiping his eyes, he says it cool. He's fine, just a SUPER painful bash to the ankle. Worst things happened. It's no...biggie.
• "Damn, Y/N, you should bring a basket into battle."
• •°Serotonin°•
• Gives a loud ouch. Then... starts cracking up. Everyone in the aisle goes silent. It's took a bit, but he eventually said that your reaction was priceless. That's when you rolling. And then the two of you were deemed psychos by some old ladies.
• "WOW, that really hurt."
Yeah, guess I lied about the no return my hero stuff. Just got the inspiration outta nowhere. As far as the ice skating one... I dunno yet? Maybe it'll come soon. Anywho, stay cool😎
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solisaureus · 1 year
Solangelo head cannon mini-fic to boost your serotonin (cause it is impossible for me to write these things in a paragraph apparently lol) 💛🖤
After Will “forces” Nico to marathon through the original Star Wars trilogy (Nico would never admit that he would have done it immediately just because Will asked), Will and Nico are cuddled up talking about the films. Will is telling Nico all his favorite parts, which Nico responds by telling him he guessed all of them because Will would look over and watch for his reactions rather than watch the movie. Then Nico shares his favorites and gets very passionate when discussing his thoughts on something. Will just watches his boyfriend with a love drunk smile on his face. When Nico sees this and asks “what?” Will just responds with “I love you” and then with a smirk Nico replies “I know.” Nico is then confused when the atmosphere seems to shift and Will seems to be a bit distant after that, but isn’t sure how to ask about it because Will just continues on with their conversation as if nothing is wrong.
Later that night, Will goes to leave to sleep in his cabin and is definitely weird when giving an awkward peck to Nico’s cheek and tries to scurry off quickly. Nico grabs his arm to stop him and asks what’s wrong. Will tries to dodge the question, but with Nico clearly not backing down he finally admits that he got self-conscious and insecure after telling Nico “I love you” and all Nico said back was “I know”. Even though they had said it a few times before, Will was afraid that Nico was maybe rethinking their relationship or didn’t feel quite the same about him.
Nico just shakes his head laughing then collapses his head into Will’s chest. “I said it cause of the Star Wars thing you big nerdy idiot!” Nico laughs into his chest. Will freezes his brain currently erroring out as he processes what Nico just said. “You love those movies so dam much that I thought it would be cute to do the whole Han and Leia moment for you since we just spent the entire day in Star Wars movie land. I didn’t think you would take it as me not saying ‘I love you’ back!”
Will looks down at his still giggling boyfriend and feels himself start to glow a little with the amount of love and affection burning through his veins. “I can’t believe I didn’t get that! Gods, I really am an idiot.” Will goes to hide his face in his hands now feeling a bit embarrassed over making such a big deal out of nothing, but Nico catches his wrists, pulling his hands away and entangling their fingers.
“Yes, but your my idiot.” Nico smiles fondly and pulls Will into a sweet, gentle kiss. “And I love you more than you know,” he whispers against Will’s lips. He can feel the slight shudder it sends down Will’s spine and he pulls back enough to catch Will’s face as he slowly blinks open his eyes. Nico can’t believe Will ever had a moment where he thought Nico wasn’t completely gone over him. Breaking the moment, Nico gently pushes Will back stating “now get to your cabin and go to sleep. You’re annoying when you’re sleep deprived and I don’t want you blaming me. And turn your glow down before you leave, I’d be mildly annoyed if the harpies decide to attack you.” This gets the fond scoff and eye roll response from Will that Nico was hoping for and he walks Will to the door of Cabin 13. They bid each other goodnight and share one last kiss, then as Will turns to leave Nico adds an “I love you.”
Will smirks and replies “I know.” Then rushes across to cabin 7 before the harpies can notice. Nico watches the golden blur disappear behind the cabin door and then closes his own, happy to have his days filled with moments like these now. That night, Nico falls asleep with a smile on his face, knowing he has a light to chase the shadows away.
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sluttyhollow · 2 years
Ken “Draken” Ryuguji
Can you remind me of my gravity? Ground me when I'm tumbling, spiraling, plummeting down to Earth You keep me down to Earth
Warnings: fluffy smut, feelings, reader has anxiety, talks of toxic relationships, weed smoking, past Draken and Emma, oral sex (f receiving), reader gets pick up, reader has fem anatomy no pronouns, use of honey/love dubcon (?) just in case because they were smoking, consent implied but not explicitly given, let me know if I missed anything
Notes: this is part of @sirenh4ll’s sza collab for Garden! You don’t have to listen to the song while reading but it does set the mood. I had a lot of fun writing this. As always, reader is implied as black! No descriptors used though so feel free to read.
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You were never one for fairy tail romance or relationships. Dealing with other people was never easy for you. Riddled with a brain that didn’t produce enough serotonin and an amygdala that reacted so often your body was always in a constant state of restlessness you usually kept to your self. So when you did find people that you could connect with you attached yourself to them and stayed with them as long as they were supposed to remain in your life. This lead to a series of toxic friendships and partners that sucked every ounce of who you were from you until you were nothing more than a shell of your former self. Which is how you ended up here. After your last relationship ended and you graduated you packed up your things and accepted a job that allowed you to move out of your home country to Japan giving you time and space to start over.
Everything wasn’t perfect, no. You still struggled with things, and had your days where you sat in your bed and cried for hours, but it was better than it was. You were growing, learning how to be yourself without repressing yourself or fear. Plus, Being a foreigner people tended to avoid you anyways making it easy for you to matriculate through the streets, to work, and back home without hassle. Everything was going great until you met him. Not that he made things worse, no he undoubtedly made things better, easier, you felt comfortable and that’s why you were scared.
Ken Ryuguji, or Draken, as he insisted you call him the first time you all met on the stairs of your shared apartment building, he lived a few doors down. You two became quick friends as he insisted on showing you around considering you were all alone. As time progressed you two spent hours hanging around each others houses, spending nights out with each other until the sun started peaking above the horizon. You two shared bits and pieces of your lives before your paths converged, never fully allowing the other in. You weren’t eager to make the same mistakes you’d made again, unwilling to bare yourself to him completely just so he wouldn’t disappear like everyone before. Unbenounst to you draken fely the same.
Currently the two of you sat on the floor of your living room passing a lit joint between the two of you. Draken propped up on the floor against the couch right beside your legs that were dangling over the edge. As usuall, in times like these both of you let your guard down just enough to let your mouths move freely with each other.
“You know Kenny, I’m glad I met you. I was fucked up when I got here, felt like I just floating along and then boom you’ve been keeping me grounded ever since” the words just sort of slipped out with an airy giggle at the end.
Smoking always made your tongue a little looser. He had been your saving grace, always coming through when you needed him, even if you never said you did. The man had a sixth sense, felt your turbulence and acted as the pilot to guide you through it. He’d been there to give you sound advice, called you on your bullshit, encouraged you when you needed and pushed against you when he knew you needed him to. Made you stand on your own but was always close enough to catch you. Even let you hang out with his friends and make them your own.
“I don’t think you’d say that if you knew everything about me honey”
“I don’t think you’d think that way if you knew everything about me”
“‘s nothing like my pas- ”
“I like you just how you are now Kenny, that stuff doesn’t matter to me”
“And I’ve stuck beside you this long haven’t I”
Those two encrypted confessions leading your next actions, making them feel like they weren’t your own. Your body instinctually moving from the seat of the couch to rest on his, arms wrapping around his neck and pulling your mouth to meet his, which he easily reciprocated.
He was unhurriedly savoring the way his lips fit against yours, the way your tongues were introducing themselves to each other, hands coming to clasp behind your back dragging you just that much closer to him. He’d be lying if he said he hasn’t been thinking about this, not initially but days spent with you had left him in need of making his thoughts tangible. After his messy breakup with Emma, he didn’t think he’d be willing to trust another person to be in his life in that way again. But with you it was easy, you didn’t want anything from him which made it so easy for him to give you everything that he saw you needed and deserved. He wanted to pick up your pieces, see the rest of what you hid within your little garden, and help you make it grow.
Pulling himself away from you just enough to push a few words through the space “ready to be mine ‘s forever or nothing” instead of words you pushed your mouth back against his in response. Bending his legs and pushing himself up to stand still holding you in his arms he walked the path down to your room in the back of the apartment. Lips never leaving yours all the way, before flopping you onto the bed causing you to giggle. Without wasting much time, he looped his fingers into the band of the sweats you had been wearing and pulled them down your legs, grabbing your underwear in the process. Reaching up to remove your shirt and toss it over your head before reaching to take his own off as well.
His hands, rough from years of mechanic work, roamed across your body before spreading your legs apart. He fixed you with a look, giving you another chance to back out which you declined with the slight incline of your head, before dipping his head and attaching himself onto your arousal. A deep moan left your mouth, he was everywhere. Hands still exploring your body, tongue writing love notes across your clit before taking exploratory licks into your hole, his eyes locked on the expressions flittering across your face. It was too much, his ministrations leading you into your first orgasm faster than anyone, yourself included, had ever done before. Ensuring he drank everything you gave him he placed a small kiss on your clit before making his way back up your body to meet your lips again.
“pants off now” a whine of words, more than anything but unwilling to make you wait any longer he quickly disregards his pants and underwear in one motion leaving him exposed to you. He was pretty. Sized perfectly for his tall and lean frame, veins leading their way towards a perfectly pink tip. Grabbing your legs, looping his hands around your knees pushing them up to meet the sides of your chest and lining himself up with your now throughly dripping hole he slides himself in to the hilt not giving you much time to adjust to him as synchronized moans rack through both of your bodies.
“S-so good for me baby, jus fits in you so perfect” his hips start moving, just barely enough to be a noticeable amount of friction but also just enough to have constant stimulation hitting that one little spot inside of you. “Feels soo good hugging my dick so tight love” constant streams of his praises falling into your ears causing your second orgasm to rip it’s way through you without warning. The constrictive pulsing of your walls around him sending him over the edge just after you. Draining every drop of himself into you before pulling out to watch it drip out and down towards the sheets. Using his tongue to capture the fallen droplets and kissing your sensitive clit he finally dropped you legs and laid beside you.
Arms wrapping around your body to pull you into him, eyes meeting yours filled with a deep affection you were sure you missed before “you know I love you right” looking in his eyes you were sure you believed him, how could you not “when you say it like that, I don’t think I could believe anything else” returning his embrace with a small “I love you too” mumbled into the planes of his chest.
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classificationhell · 7 months
First, I hope you are feeling better and I hope your sister is recovering well. Your blog and stories are something I didn’t know I needed in my life, but gives me such a serotonin boost when I see anything posted!
I was wondering how our favorite caregivers would react to a little one with separation anxiety/severe abandonment issues. I can kinda see Mourningstar getting basically a baby sling and being pleased with this development, but the others I’m curious on.
Thank you and I'm glad my blog and stories are helping you feel good ^^ Everything is doing alright ish at least my body decided to stop hating me after shark week was over. My sinuses are my only issue as the weather's changing lol
I dunno what you mean by favorite but I'll assume you mean the ones I'm writing for lol so Alastor, Vox, Mourningstar, Lucifer, and Fizzmodeus.
Alastor is more than happy to take you with him most days, but there are some times when it's best to leave you at home, not that he doubts his capabilities at dispatching anyone before they get too close, more like he doesn't want to taint your innocence by bringing you to a slaughter. He isn't hesitant to kill in front of you should the need arise, but he's covering your eyes and tossing the body away with a tentacle. So you only hear whatever they'd been saying and a squelch before their gone. Papa tells you not to worry about it that he just dealt with the issue before continuing your stroll. Alastor might even take you to an Overlord meeting being one of the few to know Carmine as a Caregiver, not that she told him, he's just the more talented faker. Between her, Rosie, his tentative friend Zestial (who he knows isn't a Caregiver, but doesn't condone harming Littles despite his proclivity for violence he's a classy gemtleman with a set moral code even if that code is very skewed), and of course he, himself, you would be well protected should the need arise and they already are aware of your existence so a formal introduction wouldn't change things.
However, for when he needs to do things, he's going to have to leave you with "Uncle Husker" or Charlie.
Vox doesn't mind it. It's not like he's going out and getting his own hands dirty. Besides, as the new face of a majority of his marketable brand, it's good to be seen together as much as possible. He'll even take you to meetings with new talent, besides if they don't like you or treat you as beneath them because you're a Little well he knows they're absolute trash and will send them Valentino's way of not just kick them out of the V's tower all together. Oh, and I'd anyone dared hurt you. Well, there's worse things than even being a porn star in hell. Ultimately Vox will enable this type of behavior because it increases your reliance on him (which he's always worried about because while he is a Caregiver, Reader is an Omega in these works, and he can't have the kind of bond an Alpha could have with them no matter how hard he tries because he is just a Beta.)
Mourningstar would go for the babysling, but if that still wasn't enough for you, then prepare yourself to be cuddled by an army of the same man.
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He's jealous of himself if you show too much attention to the clones. He has to be the main one you're cuddling when in a cuddle pile. His clones are more or less extensions of himself so they're all obsessed with you too.
Lucifer would be more concerned about the origins of such behavior, buuuuut it is a bit nice in a way. He'd offer to take them to therapy or talk about it but is more than fine if they just need him to such a degree.
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Fizzarolli and Asmodeus don't mind extra cuddles or reassurances, but they want you to be in a good mental space. They're actively looking for help and they'll even go with you to therapy if that helps!
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chalkanthit · 1 year
For the SE HC ask: 4!!!
Going for SE Askboard @h0lly-hued-s0ul has made!
Ik it's a bit late but better late than never dkfbdokf
Also going for most of the youngsters bc they're my little precious weirdos uu
Offer a hobby-related headcannon for any character.
We should all be aware by now that soul is a huge music nerd even if he's pretending to be "just casual" About it but somehow I could even imagine that his guilty pleasure is also baking since... Have you seen the cute little tea and cakes he sometimes brings Maka when she's studying for exams like crazy??? He claims he just buys them from "that one little bakery" That Maka suspiciously never finds but in secret (not really) he really does them by himself and is proud when they're well liked!!
She's deffenly a little sport nerd kinda girl that got to like things like Basketball and soccer/football quite a lot, but she also would still enjoy a good book (or ten) at times as well next to solving crossword puzzles and other Puzzles and riddles!
Basically everything that makes her Brain go brrrr! Also idk how much it's connected to the hobby aspect, but I hat girl would have Duolingo on her phone and use it almost religiously every evening before bed!
Oh but also she would have a big knack for poetry and writing overall even if she's sometimes quite shy about it since Soul and Black star made fun of it a few times-
Everything around gardening and cooking???
She also would simply enjoy long walks and nice quality time with her friends since Tsubaki really is this comfy person that likes a calm life but also the fun and more adventureous aspects of it;;;
A part of me can also imagine that she'd enjoy something like Yoga and Ice skating a lot when she gets the chance to do it in peace-
Black star
Sports nerd! Everything that resolves around movement and putting his brain on serotonin 24/7 with the bees on crack he apparently has in his butt-
But also we already saw that he also enjoys comics a LOT and would totally be into video games as well even if he would loose to patty constantly!
He'd actually like things that put his mind off ease? Like he very much enjoys cleaning much more in a healthy but for many weird manner since who likes cleaning am I right?? But also is very open and keen to things like Chess and plenty of other board games he most likely plays with Liz and Patty almost every Saturday night unless Liz manages to escape :')
Also hey! I can imagine him liking to draw a lot as well together with Patty Duke while listening to murder mystery podcasts-
Shopping and dancing Q U E E N!
Ik it's basic but hear me out! She just loves fashion a lot and can give people a lot of advice for this topic and would occasionally do makeovers if you let her!
She just blooms so much doing that and seeing how much people can show their other sides as a well! Also my bc especially is that it was initially her idea when Crona was kidnapped on a shopping spree and she would even just offer Ox so many hair stuff in hopes he'll finally STOP shaving it all off like bro.. PLEASE!
Other than that she also got those moves and surprisingly knows a lot about music as well so her, soul and Kilik can actually connect and vibe together super easily and well!
Again, patty is a huge art person!
Of course she likes other things like beating people up with a passion, but she just loves to be creative and takes almost every medium bc why not trying everything and see how it goes??? Life is too short to be boring and plain!! Patty would most likely also like to bake as well but her creations are.... Experimental to say the least-
At least Stein and Ragnarok do like her stuff weirdly enough..
Also a little doodle enthusiast but she really would have a knack for Crochet and knitting too since Jackie has taught her the latter! She would rather die than to admit her hobbies and pleasures but she's a big softie when it comes to her interests!
God forbid people would even find out that she likes "girly" Stuff like figure skating and dancing as well.. Oh the horror!
Omg she would also have a secret love for flower arrangements as well but that's just me having more lore and hcs for her past as well that I won't (and likely never will) fully elaborate on :'DD
Similar to Kim she loves knitting but also has a big talent and interest in Tayloring as well?? That girl probably had a bit horse phase as well and would actually love to get back into it at some point but a horse in the middle of Nevada is a little too much to ask for-
A bicycle would do as well I guess???
Idk why but Jackie seems a little bit of a person that enjoys Theatre and Musicals a lot as well so take that for what it-
Also little side note I want to add bc it's sth very dear and personal to me but glass engraving and the like?? It just fits quite a bit to her qvq
Batic and Linol printed shirts!
The shirts he wears? Self made! The necklace?? Probably as well!! Also another music and Sports enthusiast even if he's more into more combat related sports rather than just running around for a good time!
He seeks the thrill and the surprising so unless you throw something at him out of the blue, he'd just see it as plain and simple training-
The drums are also his hobby but it's less than a hc than it is actually canon in the manga;;;
Overall he's pretty much an everyman kinda guy that has a good amount of Hobbies and interests that overlap with many others he sees as friends!
Fire & Thunder
They're still young as hell so I can't say AS much about them as I like to but they give a lot of crafty energy and would probably get a collecting hobby phase as well like for crystals and all!
Less for the esoteric aspect but more for the minerals itself!
Again not as much of an HC than it is a fact, but that guy takes a lot or enjoyment into research and other things that make his brain tingle like chess for example! Like he just LOVES burying himself into old history and folklore about plenty of topics and cultures and can easily spend days in it if Harvar wouldn't remind him to eat something in between-
Again I really don't know why, but something in me also knocks at my brain doors and continuesly shoves the HC in my head that Ox actually has a talent to actually draw?? Not like Patty where it's very imaginary and expressive, but more in a sense of scenes and architecture!! Basically pretty black and white and stuff!!
It's super ironic but like Kim he actually has some hobbies he either won't admit to or people simply wouldn't believe it since why would a guy like him he interested in something like THAT???
Like liking to go swimming is one thing people could still get behind bc he hates boredom with a passion so it's good to stay active but him actually being into exact the same comics as black star is just super funny in my and it's very much the absolute opposite of Harvar sooo..
Omg but on top of that just.. Imagine him actually do liking video games but nothing like a souls game, but f*cking animal Crossing-
Of course he also likes research and chess a lot like Ox (even tho he's by far more competitive there) but he screams like Modelling as well! (The crafty stuff like building trains or Lego etc)
He just SUCKS at art tho which actually frustrated him-
Crona most likely would catch some interest for poetry and other writing related things as well since they can actually express themselves much better with it without having to speak about it and they don't even have to show it to others as well.. It actually already helps that it exists in the first place and that they have something they can look at like "I made that!"
Aka bullet journaling sounds like sth tame enough for them but still sth to keep their mind somewhere unrelated to u know.. The whole childhood ordeal-
Basically they would enjoy many things that won't put Crona into the spotlight or that is to be shared forcefully so even if it's just reading something, it's just.. Nice;;
Also please give Crona sth calm like Animal Crossing-
Let them share an island with Harvar or Maka dkxbfodndp
He sees something that peeks his (or Noah's) intetest, he HAS to overanalyze it and write every crucial detail down!
Like we don't just talk about one smarty little journal! I'm talking about whole Bookshelves worth of Infos written by that puppet alone!! Even his calligraphy and poetry/writing skills and hobbies are top notch and would rub it under Makas nose a LOT!
Hell he would do it so much that even Ox would have to remind him that he was meant to be Makas super annoying rival and not him pfffff!
(You could say that annoying Maka is also a passion of Gopher)
He would actually like to just casually fly and travel around a lot as well even if it's something he just does to get a job done.. If he'd focus more on the aspect itself, there would be much more appreciation etc!!
Also God forbid but he'd be into dnd as well-
My brain tells me to so it must be true!/j
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skz317cb97 · 2 years
So, you may have already realized, but I am hardcore biased to Hannie and I had a thought that I thought you would be GREAT at writing 😏😘
Our Quokka gets so crazy excited during their concerts. He may be an introvert, but being in front of Stays and being able to be his weird self just releases so much serotonin and adrenaline for him.
When his unit gets a breather before performing Muddy Water, he finds his girlfriend backstage and gets her help to release a little bit of his energy. 🤤
Maybe in a warmup room with a piano? Maybe in the break room in Talkers? Maybe in a room he doesn’t even know he’s allowed in, like one of the venues stores for their sports team?
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Alright… I’ll escort my thirsty ass self out now.
Jisung x Female reader
Warnings: unprotected piv sex, semi public sex, cream pie
Okay but yes cause like...
Jisung came rushing back to the green room you had been watching the performance in and locked the door behind him.
"Jag-" before the pet name could leave your lips Jisung’s were on yours. His hands groping and exploring, he squeezed your ass and you moaned into his fiery kiss.
"I have to be back on stage in ten minutes gorgeous." With that statement he pushed you up against a wall. Jisung pulled his pants and briefs down just enough to free his already rock hard cock.
"I'm so glad you wore this skirt jagi." He lifted it, gripped one of your thighs, wrapped your leg around his slim waist, then pushed your panties to the side and sank into you, both of you trying and failing to muffle your moans.
"Jagiya fuck you feel good." You let out a small whimper as Jisung started to fuck you faster and deeper.
"God yes! You feel so good inside me Ji please baby, harder." At your request Jisung fucked you harder. You had to brace yourself on his broad shoulders as he fucked you against the wall, hitting that detonate button inside you.
"Fuck Ji I'm gonna cum!" He leaned forward and whispered in your ear, as if anyone had heard you till that point.
"Cum for me beautiful, do it, and I'll fill you up so good baby." A few more hard deep thrusts and you were doing just that. Your body went ridged as you came around Jisung's cock, your back flush against the cool wall behind you.
"That's it, that's my girl, that's my good girl." The sweat beading and rolling down his neck looked delicious. You leaned forward and licked a stripe up his neck before whispering into his ear.
"Cum for me Jisung, fill me up good baby." Jisung moaned and came inside you, shuddering and gasping through his orgasm. As soon as he had his wits again he set you down on the floor and your legs were almost jelly. He helped you fix your skirt and pulled his pants back up before giving you a tender kiss as he cradled your face.
"God you're so sexy it's hard to keep my hands off you." You laughed as you started pushing him towards the door, Jisung still buckling his belt.
"Well you're gonna have to! You gotta get back on stage before they come looking for you" Jisung whined.
"Buuuuttttt....." You tsked him and pressed the front of your body against the back of his as you whispered.
"If you go like you're supposed to I'll let you do that thing to me you like later at home." Jisung’s face lit up.
"Deal!" He kissed you and dashed out the door to meet the guys and get back on stage and you just shook your head and laughed at your ridiculous boyfriend.
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lutiaslayton · 9 months
So uh. Hi, I finally made a decision I probably should have made a long while ago thanks to talking a bit on Discord: for the sake of my sanity I will not be keeping up the weekly schedule after all 😔 Layton's Book Club updates WILL be posted exclusively on Saturdays at the decided time, instead of at any random time in the week, and I will likely make a few heads up when we're on a lucky week during which you'll get an update, but I will not force myself to make it happen every single week. Simply because at least right now, it is physically impossible for me to do so. (Chapter 1 Part 1 of Illusory Forest is going to be the end of me, and not just because I am still questioning if the author was under the influence of some Folsense gas while writing it.)
That being said, I believe this should actually be treated as good news, and not just good news for my personal health. Because, sure, the updates will not come out as often as I had originally planned to. But in the long run, I actually believe that since I no longer plan to force myself to only work on one thing (which has progressively been eating at my sanity on top of that because darn it this chapter is stupid and it just doesn't seem to END, + it'd be nice if I could finally get some content out that is my creation rather than somebody else's), it means that I will actually allow myself to post more diverse Layton stuff in the meantime.
Stuff like the Evan Barde post I made a few days ago, or other helpful-for-the-fandom stuff that isn't translation work, or… even maybe stuff like finally allowing myself to write SLS and draw random stuff again? Or even read other people’s fanfics and comics and AUs and stuff? (ok technically that last one would probably not lead to tumblr content but shush it means I would take time to look at YOUR content for a change)
The list of stuff I'd like to post in the future includes but is not limited to:
A tutorial on how I get my translation stuff done despite the fact that I do not actually speak Japanese. Best case scenario, this might even lead to some brave people among you to start helping me with this monumental task that is translating multiple novels and games from scratch while you're not even fluent in the language you're translating, and this would be a MASSIVE weight off my back. (spoiler alert: while I do use DeepL to check stuff and/or get inspiration, my work is NOT limited to simply copy/pasting sentences into it and then copy/pasting whatever it gives me back)
The Playthrough series! You had all forgotten about it, hadn't you? Yeah, me too.
Lore analysis stuff in general. I have a massive, absolutely insane project ongoing which is basically "Want to find some info about X? Just open that one (1) web page, enter a few tags such as a specific character's name or location, clich the Search button, and get a list of every single known fact which is related to all of your tags which is summarised down to the bare minimum fact, along with the exact source and quote directly taken from the source material."
Puzzle theory stuff. I've talked about it a lot, it'd be cool if I could finally get the stuff sorted and actually provide all the evidence supporting, refining or challenging it in one place. Above-mentioned lore analysis stuff should help with that.
More fancy shitpost such as the ones found in the #lutiasdraws tag. Let me join in on the fun pls it's good for my mental health to get some serotonin out of non-boring stuff. Heck, perhaps I might even do fanart/shitpost about some fanfics/AUs/others I find and enjoy.
That being said, I apologise to everyone who was hyped at the idea of Illusory Forest updating weekly, but I hope you'll still enjoy the stuff I'll be posting here. If not, blacklisting tags is a thing! I tag everything diligently so for example if you're tired of seeing me ramble about stuff (I do that a lot lately, sorry for that 😭), you can just block the #lutiastalks tag. Yes I finally decided to make #lutiasreplies exclusive to actually replying to asks or reblogs, and use #lutiastalks for random news stuff. yay to self-care and cleaning up my house, head, and tumblr blog.
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neptuniadoesstuff · 4 months
Some Goofballs I finished!
(CW/TW: Scars & Smoking. Also GUTS/GØŘƏ!)
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So yeh I finally finished drawing these 2 goobers. Now lemme just uh... introduce them to you..
On the right, we have Takashiba, also known as "The Baked One" or "Phen 420" & yes... These are, in fact, what he is called.. This is not a joke. This is literally what he is... All bcs bro looks like he was in an oven for quite a while. (& he smokes... weed... Don't do that, kids, plz.). He also has a twin brother called "The Burnt One," but man is clearly not wanting to be near any of his family... Especially his twin... Listen, the Phenirells are a strange group of individuals & he's no stranger to that, especially annoying the ever living frik out of his old man of a big brother just because he exists. (Although again, I do not condone smoking or smoking weed... Although Taka doesnt rlly listen bcs idk hes kinda ignorant about that stuff... But what can you say about him? At least he aint weird like one of his cousins.)
On the left, we have our other Phenirell member, the youngest of the siblings... Youko, also known as "Helper", she's not really like any of her siblings but loves all of them the same (Even haku/Phen 228... Even if he wants to be left alone... Haku is just a grumpy old man. Give him some time). She's a complete ball of serotonin & wants cheer everyone up + with the fact she acts as a computer pet/virtual assistant makes her pretty popular with ppl who likes cutesy things... She however... is a bit.. bugged to say.. Primarily due to the fact she has a disheveled form which makes eerily similar to... Follower in a sense.. Horribly disfigured & her horns seem to be longer & her eyes malform into goat eyes.. However this IS just a defense mechanism so you kinda don't have to worry if yur not a threat to her whatsoever.
So, what other Phenirell family members/Phen 228 variants you guys want to see from me? So far I have created the designs of Haku/Phen 228 already & a few of his relatives (But I do need to update their designs a bit so that might take awhile)
Characters belong to me. (& I created their designs)
Art: Iz mine.
Program: IbisPaint x
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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