#just figuring out how I want to draw these guys.
meo-eiru · 2 days
What's ur inspo for art? ur art style is so cute... any art advice?? Jajsjdkkaka, I understand if u wanna gatekeep 👁👁
I meant to answer this several days ago but couldn't find it in the sea of asks welp
Anyway as I mentioned before we don't gatekeep art related stuff in this household, artists help other artists.
Honestly it's hard to name an inspo but I do have artists I look up to a lot (this might be a bit long)
Kanisuke, you guys might be familiar with her, she's the artist of the upcoming yandere inside game Yandere Town. I know it's not out yet but I'm actually obsessed with this game and have even translated all the character intros (they are a bit old atp so there might be some mistakes) and actually if you see a Yandere Town related post high chance it's from me. Not only her art but I love her writing style as well.
Hakuri-sensei, their manga Sachi iro no One Room is definitely one of my biggest inspirations. I love the relationship between Sachi and her "captor" and it's the only manga I actually cried my eyes out while reading.
Tayu-sensei, all of their work for Yuugen Romantica (one of my fav drama cd series) are breathtaking and they've also developed even more since then, their current works are just so stunning and I love studying the way they draw hair
Shirahama-sensei, she👏is👏a👏queen👏 honestly I don't have much to say, go read Witch Hat Atelier it's an artistic masterpiece and a giant love letter to art itself
Furumi-sensei, another queen! She's the artist of my favorite Fate Grand Order character Ashiya Douman. I've even bough her art books before, honestly she is just so talented. I don't know what she was drinking when she came up with Douman but I need some of it
Usagi Routo-sense, another fgo artist AND JUST LOOK AT HOW INCREDIBLE THEY ARE AT USING COLORS LIKE??? HOW??? Their art is like cocain for my eyes I could look at them for hours
AU, one more fgo artist and oh my god guys this person right here is one of my biggest inspirations just look at their drawings. I'm not kidding I actually spent hours just inspecting how they shade outfits. I'd sacrifice my soul just to get a chance to watch them draw live
☝︎ FAN, an Ashiya Douman fanartist and god guys the comics they draw!!! They are the cause of some of my current biggest fetishes ngl
Oyo-sensei, an fgo artist and is also the main artist of 18trip. They have such a clean art style that's very pleasing to the eye. I especially love the reference sheets they draw.
Shibatora-sensei, she is the artist of my FAVORITE drama cd series Shinai naru Thanatos and my overall favorite yandere character from any fiction Seo Eito. Honestly if you know me irl probably the first thing you'd mention about me would be my chronic Shinai naru Thanatos addiction because based on what everyone says I start speaking about it within 2 weeks of meeting someone new.
ORKA, the artist of A Stepmother's Marchen. Anyone who knows that manhwa probably knows why she's on this list, her art has so much soul and passion in it, literally every single panel looks like a painting and it makes me want to cry just looking at it
82 Pigeon, an incredible incredible Korean artist, I think they also give art lessons? I really tried to get them but couldn't figure out how. They also have a youtube channel and I learn a lot just by watching their speedpaints
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ckret2 · 1 day
I know that this is probably because you don't render Bill's body hair (you specifically mentioned his unshaved legs in the text!), but for some reason I'm disappointed that we don't see any fuzz poking from the bikini. Not, like, for sexual or scandal reasons, it just... feels like he'd be showing fuzz. It's so hard not to if you don't shave. Possibly intentionally, if it let him put another yellow triangle on his body.
Yeah, that's a detail I specifically thought about. I assume that Gravity Falls is much like the rest of the US, in that the women shave/wax their legs, pits, and bikini lines, and the vast majority of the men don't.
So, since Bill doesn't shave either, I figure that (after excluding beards & chest hair) he looks exactly as hairy as the average man in Gravity Falls. Such as the hair on the pits, groins, and legs of all these men:
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Notice that (minotaur fur aside), all their pits, legs, and happy trails are baby-smooth.
When Gravity Falls wants to indicate EXCESSIVE hairiness, they do it through chest hair and, rarely, arm hair, on occasion making that hair look as thick as fur:
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And that's it. (Notice that in the fire hydrant scene, which was used specifically as a "Dipper Wishes He Was This Grown Up & Masculine" scene: still no pit hair.)
Manotaurs aside, I was only able to find two examples of men depicted with leg hair. (And, in Sprott's case, maybe pit hair, though it's ambiguous.)
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In both of these cases, the leg (and pit) hair are drawn on as jokes about how disgusting these men's near-naked bodies are.
I doubt that every male resident & tourist in a rural Oregon town waxes his pits & legs. Stan, the Manotaurs, America guy, the cops, Old Man McGucket who lives in a junkyard?? They are not shaving their pits. All the men pictured above probably have normal quantities of body hair; they just aren't illustrated in the show, because that's a detail the show decided wasn't significant to illustrate—like irises, or fingernails, or half the characters' ear folds.
The only time men's body hair is illustrated is to indicate that it's excessive and the only time it's added to pits or legs is to indicate that it's disgusting.
I did my research before deciding how to draw Bill! Based on the visual language that the show uses, if I had drawn his body hair—pits, legs, bikini line in any combination—I would have indicated that he's hairier than everyone else in town, and that it's disgusting enough to warrant rendering in greater detail than anybody else's body hair.
... is the exact opposite of what I want to do.
And I offer that as free advice to other artists, because this is something I keep seeing artists do: if you're giving a character a detail that isn't usually depicted in your chosen art style—body hair's a really common example—ask yourself if you're adding that detail on to every character that has that detail. If you are, great! But if you aren't, and if it turns out it's only one or two characters whose body hair you've fixated on... maaaybe ask yourself why, and what signal you're sending by highlighting that detail with them and only them.
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therandomfando4 · 2 days
Hey, so I think I might have figured this code out in the newest Smg4 video, maybe?
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Okay, so, this is the original code.
11-12-1-19 2-1-11: 2
First, I changed the numbers into letters by using the alphabet. 1 being A, 2 being B, 3 being C, and so on. Which gave me this:
Which confused me until I changed two letters around. Making this.
Swapped 2 & 1
11-12-2-19 2-1-11: 1
I immediately tied this to Smg3 as he says "Baka," a fair bit in Smg4. But I wasn't convinced it meant anything until I figured out that almost all of the numbers were doubled except for 12 & 19.
I figured 12 out pretty fast. But 19 took me a while to figure out. With 12, I remembered something about the number being in the 3 timetables, and that it was the 4th number.
3 × 4 = 12
When I figured this out, I was still doubtful. Since I knew the creatives on the show sometimes fuel the ship, why is it being hidden like as though it's important? On a classified document, and with Mr. Puzzles?
So I just thought it was some kind of coincidence and that it was something deeper or that the code ultimately meant nothing and that I was just wasting my time on it. Besides, 19 didn't mean anything, right?
Yes and no.
I was right about the number itself, not meaning anything until I used additions.
What two numbers made up 19?
9 + 10..
After seeing those two numbers, I instantly thought of a certain meme.
Now it was 21.. I searched up what time tables could go into 21, the two numbers being 3 and 7.
3 × 7 = 21
I first thought about the number 3, which I realised was kinda stupid of me once I remembered the numbers that made up 7 were 3 and 4.
3 + 4 = 7
Either these somehow are 3 coincidences, or really is about Smg34.
Now, unless there is more that I'm missing in this code. I have a few guesses. (If anyone can think of anything else, I'd love to know.)
The classified document is most likely an image or YouTube thumbnail.
If it's a thumbnail, I believe it could be either:
A. Wotfi 2023
This one is because Mr. Puzzles had a YouTube thumbnail of the Puzzlevision movie, and I was thinking about how wotfi 2023 was the last big event before Puzzlevision. As well as Smg3 and Smg4 being the highlighted characters in it.
B. Snowtrapped..
Okay.. I know it has been milked to death by people submitting it for the Wotfi 2024 challenges. But, I feel like it could explain why it's in the document and considered classified. I'm not a fan of this one.
C. A thumbnail for a future episode.
Idk if it would make sense, but eh.. it could be cool.
Now, just some or one of the images that could be in the document.
A. Smg3's notebook.
An image of it or the physical book itself.
B. The drawing at the end of Smg3's notebook
Because it's still a secret to everyone that Smg3 drew a picture of him and Smg4 hanging out together.
C. An image of Smg3 and 4 hanging out or doing something that would be considered gay. Something that would embarrass Smg3 and/ or 4 probably.
Either way, if none of these options are right, I'm hoping we actually get to see what's in the document or that the code is foreshadowing something.
I also used pager codes mixed with the baka I found before. I found these sentences, but I don't know if the creatives behind Smg4 meant for someone to use pager codes.
Swapped 2 & 1
(11)-(12-2)-(21) 2-1-11:1
You. I want you. Home. Baka.
Swapped 2 & 1
(11)-(12-2)-(19) 2-1-11:1
K L B U  B A K A
You. I want you. Yes. Baka.
You. I want you. Hug. Baka.
As I said, I have no idea if the pager codes were planned or coincidental.
Anyway, I'd like to hear what other people think about my findings. And if others have found anything of their own.
This took me a while. If I find out this was a waste of time, I'm going to be so upset. /hj
Have a good one, guys.
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bunnycatalina · 3 days
LaDS head cannon: How the guys react to MC freaking out about a missed period
Content warnings: Fem MC | Pregnancy/Pregnancy scare, breeding kink (mentioned)
With the recent uptick of wanders appearing in Linkon, you honestly hadn’t thought much about how tired you’ve been recently. You’ve been getting nauseous for the past week but figured it was just the flu that has been going around the Hunter’s Association. It wasn’t till a notification from your period tracking app prompted you about logging your period that you realised that it was late. After days of trying to convince yourself you’re just late from the stress at work lately, you finally cave and went to buy some pregnancy tests while freaking out about how to bring it up to your boyfriend.
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- He noticed that you’ve been avoiding him these past two weeks, usually you’d jump at the chance to meet up when you both manage to find free time between both your hectic schedules
- Your text messages has been rather short as well and Zayne was starting to wonder if he had done something wrong but you had assured him that everything was fine.
- Preferring to handle this directly, Zayne turns up at your apartment after work that night to talk to you about it after receiving a text from you that you just got home from another case.
- “Zayne?” You looked rather bewildered and frazzled when you opened the door to find zayne standing outside. You could see his eyes darting about your face, cataloging any signs of you possibly feeling unwell or upset. Seeing that you looked unharmed, albeit exhausted and slightly pale, he draws you into a hug with a sigh.
- Zayne knows you well, too well in fact, and could tell from your expression that something was up. Manoeuvring you both into the living room and onto the sofa, he holds your chin so that you can’t avoid eye contact “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
- The stress of holding back about the situation gets to you and it all comes out in rambles like a flood of information. You tell him about your late period, the nausea and the fatigue. About how you went out to get tests but you couldn’t gather the courage to do it just yet.
- He holds you close and you watch his eyes flash with shock, disbelief, worry, love and happiness. “Darling, take a deep breath. We’re gonna be okay. I love you and I know we haven’t planed for a child so soon but I would love them regardless.”
- You agree to do the tests and zayne holds you tightly while you both wait for it to process. Outwardly he looked calm and it was only the slightest tremble of his eyelids and his rapid blinking that gave away his true emotional state.
- When the timer rings you both jump a little to see the results, [Pregnant] [Pregnant] [Pregnant]. Staring blankly at it you’re startled when zayne pulls you into a tight hug, hand pressing your head into his chest where you could hear his rapid heartbeat.
- “I love you. I love you so much. Thank you darling, I promise I’ll take care of you both.” His voice sounded a little breathless and shaken yet full of conviction.
- He’s gonna shuffle you out that door and into Akso hospital as soon as possible to get an actual scan and all the pre-natal vitamins you could possibly need.
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- You just took the tests and was waiting for them to process when you felt the familiar appearance of a presence you’ve been missing. Sylus had been gone on one of his trips for the past week or so which made it easier for you to hide how tired and worried you’ve been recently.
- Stepping out of the bathroom you see your boyfriend lounging on your sofa, having let himself into your apartment once again as he was so fond of doing. Locking eyes with you he stands up and makes his way over to you. “Something you want to tell me sweetie? Mephisto mentioned you buying something rather interesting today” He smirks
- To be honest it really wouldn’t be that big of a surprise considering how often he has you pressed into the bed…the walls…the table… you both had a pretty sizeable breeding kink and very healthy sex lives. Contraceptives were never 100% effective and all right?
- “Sy! You’re back!” Letting him sweep you into a hug you felt yourself melt into his touch, for someone meant to be the biggest bad of the N109 zone Sylus always brought a sense of safety when he was draped over you like this
- Tilting your face up to observe the dark circles under your eyes he frowns a little “Mephisto hasn’t been observant enough it seems. Have you not been able to get much sleep sweetie?”
- Looking away from him you mumbled about how you’ve been feeling rather tired recently and how your period has been late. Shifting your gaze back to him you quietly tell him that you took a few pregnancy tests right before he arrived and its waiting in the bathroom right now.
- You watch as his gaze softens and he looks at you with such love and devotion. Without another word he picks you up and carries you to the bathroom in a few quick steps. You hold your breath as he picks up the test so that you can both check the results.
- [Not Pregnant][Not Pregnant][Not Pregnant] you couldn’t help the pang of disappointment that you felt. While you both weren’t actively trying to have a child right now a small part of you couldn’t help but hope that an accidental oops miracle might have happened.
- “Do you want to have a little one sweetie? Talk to me love.” Spinning you around so that he can look at you, his searching gaze carefully trying to decipher your reaction. While talking about feelings were not his forte, he never lacks in trying to be considerate of you might be feeling after you both had previous fights from misunderstandings.
- Moving into the living room you both have a proper conversation about having kids and how you both felt from this pregnancy scare. Best believe this man will do his best to help you achieve it if you wished to be knocked up soon. You’re not going to be walking straight for a while after that.
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- Your fatigue was slowing you down your reflexes in battles and Xavier has been concerned about you. He’s had to pull you out of the way and block more wanderer attacks for you recently than usual but you told him that you’ve just been tired from work recently.
- When he found you slumped over in a corner after a fight he decided enough was enough and was about to drag you to the hospital for a checkup when you panicked and blurted out “I might be pregnant”
- Xavier.exe has stopped working and you watched him tense up frozen on the spot, a blush spreading across his cheeks and ears, his eyes widening while staring directly at you
- “Are-are you sure? Is the baby okay? My star we should get you to the hospital” he chokes out and sweeps you into his arms princess-carry style. You could feel his body shaking a little and his eyes looked rather frantic.
- It takes you awhile before you manage to convince him that no you don’t need to go to the hospital and that you have pregnancy tests at home that you’ve already bought last night that you’ve yet to try.
- Xavier is going to teleport you both back to your house because let’s be real this man would not be able to wait and take public transport home.
- After you’ve taken the test you’re both anxiously waiting for the results and you can feel Xavier squeezing your hand tightly in his.
- When the time is up you pick up the tests to see [Not Pregnant][Not Pregnant][Not Pregnant]
- You couldn’t help the sigh of relief, honestly you just didn’t feel ready to have a child just yet. Turning to the side you could see your lover’s shaken eyes have calmed down, crawling into his arms xavier instinctively hugs you close and buries his face into the crook of your neck exhaling deeply.
- “You okay xav?” His arms squeezed tighter around you for a minute before he untangles himself to lean his forehead against yours and look at you. “I feel complicated my star. I’m relieved because I don’t think we’re ready to be parents and I know we haven’t had that conversation yet either. While we were waiting for the test to be done I can’t help but to think about how I can’t even cook for a baby and we both work such dangerous jobs who would take care of the child while we’re away on long missions.” He rambled with a nervous chuckle, “but I can’t help but to feel a little disappointed because I would love to have a mini you to love.”
- You both laugh at the thought of Xavier setting possibly setting the kitchen on fire again while trying to make a milk bottle for a baby. “It’s okay xav, someday we can have a child when we’re both more ready to be parents, just not now. Till then we can always practice the making part”
- You watched as xavier’s eyes darken as he pins you down “that I can do starlight” he huffs out in a hoarse whisper. Neither of you leave the house for the rest of the day, your poor neighbours are gonna curse the shitty soundproofing of the apartments.
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- Rafayel would be ecstatic to start a family with you. He’s been dreaming of living his life with you for so long it almost doesn’t feel real now.
- You’ve both had this conversation before but it was always spoken as something in the future not right now
- You took the test in one of the bathrooms in mo studios while Rafayel was busy painting in fact. He’s been pouting that you’ve been too “busy” lately to spend more time with him when actually you’ve been avoiding going on his adventures with him as miss bodyguard considering you really haven’t felt very well. Which is why you were now staring at a pregnancy test while standing in his bathroom as you figured he would be too in the zone while painting to come look for you.
- Unfortunately for you, Rafayel was looking to procrastinate again after having lost his fleeting inspiration when you wandered away from him again 10 minutes ago. “Princesssssss, let’s go for a walk along the beach i- princess?”
- He finds you standing in the bathroom staring blankly at something you’re holding in hand. Walking closer he gets a better glance at what has you so absorbed that you were even ignoring him calling you
- “Is that? Are you? OMG We’re gonna have a baby???” He’s grabbing you in a hug and spinning you around excitedly “We’re gonna be great parents, best family, omg what if we have a little princess like you? I’m so gonna teach her to paint and draw and-“
- When he finally calms down you both have a proper talk about it and make plans for you to move in with him so that he can take care of you and the baby. “Thank you for giving me more to love, for giving me a family again. I love you Princess.”
Thank you for reading! Feel free to send me prompts or requests, i’m still new to this but im so deep in LADS hyperfixation that i’ve been churning out content in between actually gaming and reading every fic i can get my hands on ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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kittyandco · 2 hours
something i've been thinking about for the last few... forever.
shout out to the people who identify so strongly with, and/or find the most comfort in, the worst character(s) of any media that you're into. some of us find connection and similarities with the most terrible figures that canon has to offer. often, you're expected to identify most strongly with the good guy, or aspire to be like them (and not to say you don't, because i do sometimes). but that often doesn't happen for me, and i see more of myself in the evil impacting them.
not because i think i'm a bad person, and not because i aspire to be a flamboyant supervillain, but i often understand their feelings, their mindset, i understand how they got there, because i often went through a lot of the same things they did, even if only emotionally. it often goes beyond sheer appreciation for me (though i often find them more interesting from a narrative sense). and if i were in their world, i might become like them if things were even slightly different. if i didn't try to unlearn the fact that destruction is the only way to get what you want. catharsis is a powerful motivator.
i think it's important to embrace the "they're just like me" perspective when it comes to characters who aren't always "morally sound," and i do unequivocally include the "unsympathetic" ones. we're always going to find fictional characters we admire so long as art keeps being made, and sometimes admiration moves into "i identify with this character because of our background/personality/etc.", and sometimes these characters are the ones you're supposed to hate and root against... intentionally or not, many antagonists are very relatable (though often in unspoken ways).
none of this is to say that your taste in favorite characters means anything about you as a person, because it doesn't. how you treat others says all it needs to say about you as a person. i've seen this first-hand: people being surprised that i am friendly and compassionate (i try my best!) simply because i have a deep love for fictional guys who commit atrocities. yes, my worldly experiences, and the way i view them, as well as my fantastic taste draws me to fictional bad guys, but at the end of the day, i strive to be the best i can be every day. i aim to exude the kindness that i didn't always get when i practically begged for it. on the other hand, you could like the most sugary sweet, do-good fictional characters ever created (and good for you! no shame here!) and still be a nightmare to those around you.
i don't like the idea that you CANNOT like these characters, or identify with them, without condoning some sort of evil or being a bad person. they are people (or robots, or monsters, or whatever they are) who did bad things, whatever their reasons -- here's no inherence about it, and i think that belief has helped me in trying to understand them. i try to practice this with everyone i encounter. and along the way, i actually find that we aren't so different
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planetbug · 1 year
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bugs that save tha WORLD!!
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appri-dot · 7 months
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@ballcrusher74 BOO MF!!!!!!😈😈😈😈
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chiropteracupola · 4 months
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"Are you finished with my portrait yet? Show me!" "Cipacton, I can't draw you if you keep moving!"
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umbrvx · 1 year
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orv doodles because i finally finished it recently
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sqwdkllr · 7 months
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Loved the cake so much they ate it in a single bite ❤️ a bit of self indulgent art catered to me and the 2 other fans
I think this is the first time I have ever drawn the brothers all in ONE drawing, I mean Baribal is there too technically,,, even if just arms,,, also happy birthday to me !! I’m so happy to have gotten this old goddamn
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au where this was how ik and diavolo met for the first time when she was like seven
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 3 months
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Gman doodle sketch thing
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flowerakatsuka · 1 month
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kuroba isn't the only person on staff at yotsubana florals, say hello to the other employees of the store!
[ txt transcription + more info under the cut! ]
NANA MIDORIYO ( meant to sound similar to " nanmo da yo, " a phrase meaning " don't worry about it " in the Hokkaido dialect )
~ 26 years old • she / her • 5'1" ( 154.9 cm )
One of the employees at Yotsubana Florals and a college friend of Kuroba's. Originally from Furano, Hokkaido. Dreams of starting a flower farm, works at Kuroba's shop to save towards that goal. Has a fiance back in her hometown named Azuma Shiraki, ( meant to sound similar to " azumashi, " an adjective from the Hokkaido dialect that describes something as comfortable or calming. ) Very sweet and care-free, a bit air-headed at times. Was one of Kuroba's fans back in college, but after a certain " karaoke incident, " she befriended them once she realized they were pretty down-to-earth and easy to talk to. A bit of a busybody when it comes to others' romantic lives, especially Kuroba's
Comes from a big family that runs an osen in Furano, youngest of 5 kids and grew up around a lot of her extended family.
Azuma was a friend of hers since middle school, but didn't confess his feelings to her until she came back from college. They've been engaged for a little over a year, he plans to move to Tokyo once they're officially married and go to school for agricultural economics, ( he wants to be helpful with Nana's dream. )
Kuroba calls her " Nanamo. "
HISOKA KIBATSU ( meaning " secret " & " unusual " respectively )
~ 17 years old • he / him • 5'8" ( 172.7 cm )
Another employee of Yotsubana Florals, a 2nd year student at Akatsuka Highschool and a friend of Kuroba's younger brother, Keshiki. He's a member of the school's Beautification Committee and idolizes Kuroba after finding a hydrangea care guide they wrote up for the incoming underclassmen years ago. Hopes to study botany in college. Comes across as a reserved and serious kid, ( if not a bit of a hardass, ) but is actually on the strange side and only really cares about plants. This extends to his grades, with Science being the only subject he does well in. Collects floral-themed socks and wears them according to the flower's blooming period.
Only child, raised by a single working mother. Grew up in Tokyo, but lives outside of Akatsuka so he commutes to school by train, ( usually with Keshiki. )
He met Keshiki in their first year of highschool, when the latter stopped by the Beautification Committee to check it out despite not wanting to join. Hisoka told him to get lost since he was wasting their time, but switched up real quick once he heard someone call him " Yotsubana. " Despite that rough first meeting, they actually ended up getting along pretty well and became close since then.
Popular with girls, but is extremely indifferent about it and shrugs them off. This kinda pisses Keshiki off, ( like be grateful, damn it, ) but he usually shuts up once Hisoka tells him he'd rather hang out with him.
Kuroba usually calls him " Hisoka-kun " or " Hiso-kun. " Hisoka is very keen on calling them " Sensei " in return, even though they'd prefer he'd not. Also, has called them dad at least once and is forever embarrassed about it.
AAAAND, for a little bonus : here's what they think of the shop's most loyal loiter and temp employee.
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kingpains · 1 year
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got to see the @narcissistcookbook in dallas, thoroughly enjoyed it
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yumedoca · 8 months
Hi, I've seen your colour palette post and I just wanted to say that Accismus and Dearest instantly reminded me of Edogawa Conan. All of those palettes are so nice to look at, I love them! (For some reason I fell in love with Prep, it's so soothing and whimsy and joyful!)
Hai there, hope you're doing great!!
Aww, thanks Anna!! That's so sweet of you! It makes me very happy to hear that you liked my palette collection!! ♥
And in return, have Conan in 'Dearest'!!
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(Color palettes here! - Requests closed!!)
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vseahn · 2 months
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