#just finished shading the clothed version today
qwib · 1 year
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Teomitl - the hermit Maeghar
The eternal struggle of STing - keeping up with NPC portraits 🥲 Today: bonus of lineart only
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malachiwardyt · 5 months
Today is a very special day, podcast side of Tumblr.
In about half an hour, the Magnus Protocol will be releasing to the public, which is very exciting. To celebrate, I decided to make a video going over my pre-series theories, throwing everything at the wall in hopes of getting a prediction to stick.
Originally, this was meant to be a full breakdown of TMA, but that project wound up being a lot longer than I expected. It doesn't mean it isn't coming, just that I couldn't get it done for today.
The art for this video features everyone's favourite Magnus ARG character, Mr. Bonzo, the jaundiced Mr. Blobby rip off with a slightly menacing aura. I knew I wanted to do something specifically related to Protocol, but I didn't want to do any of the main characters without hearing their voices and getting to know them, so I instead opted for Bonzoland's unsettling mascot, partly because he's a fan favourite and partly because I love doing monster design.
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Bonzo obviously already had a design, which I did my best to stay true to, though I also make some changes. The most notable change is probably the teeth, which are much more broken down than in the original. I figured that a terrible creature like this would probably have teeth made of plate or ceramic, so I chipped away at them in the areas where they would most often be used, being the incisors and molars in a human. Of course, Bonzo has a few extra teeth, but that's alright.
The art did have to be rushed a bit, since I literally finished it around 3:00 this morning, so it's not quite as detailed as I would like, but I think that's alright. When I inevitably do my follow up AFTER listening to the premier, maybe I'll go back and give Bonzo the superior shading he deserves.
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One of my favourite details about Mr. Bonzo is the fact that you can see little red eyes poking out from inside of the suit, with what looks like most of a face inside of the head, so I had to include that in my version. If you look closely, you can spot the eyes hiding in Bonzo. I did try to make my Bonzo a bit bulkier overall, with a smaller head relative to his body and defined neck, which I think moves him away from theme park mascots a bit, but into the realm of bulky animatronics or muscly monsters, which are their own form of uncanny valley.
Also, it's semi-unintentional, but I made his spots glow. Because I can.
This piece is also the first time I've publically shown off my new persona design. I've been holding on to the redesign for a few months now, but I figured this was as good a time as any to shadow drop it. Afton himself looks mostly the same, save for a hair update which makes it longer, but the biggest change is in his clothes, moving from a burgundy coat and green tee to a lavender coat and rust turtleneck. I've also bulked up the glasses a bit and finally found a way to get semi-accurate hair colours. Chestnut hair is hard to draw.
With all of that out of the way, I think that just leaves us to prepare for the release of Protocol. I've been dodging spoilers for months at this point, so I'm glad to finally get a glimpse into this new world. Will my predictions be right? Probably not. I can always hope, though. Regardless, thank you for reading, and good night, Tumblr people!
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chromatophorium · 1 year
Right, the second abandoned soma project i talked about. This one isn’t as abandoned, I worked on it today actually. Got some inspiration yesterday. But yeah. It’s Splatoon au fanart, so, like, if you don’t know splatoon all things might not make sense. And If you find this from knowing splatoon and not soma, things might also not make sense. 
The project is two pieces of fan art for Soma x Splatoon that I haven’t finished. oh yeah. See other soma splatoon stuff I have made here. (there is more unfinished artwork and refrence I made for the boys in more splatoon proportions, ha. I’ll show that off here too, at the end. I like it.)
they’re battle pose things for turf war. The fist one I even colored, and I mingt shade and texture it sometime, Idk. Feels like a lot. I’ve got the brushes for it now though. 
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Agent 8 and agent 4 are there in plain clothes too. making their ink color black since the boys can’t change their ‘ink’ color. Lol. Yeah. this is basically ink=structure gel. they’re both goops. so yea. Also this is from before splatoon 3 was a thing and that’s why the agent’s inktanks are the splatoon 2 version. I copied poses from official artwork, because I could and the poses are awesome. 
Second artwork!
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This is just a sketch, as you can see. (I’m actually working on line art/my cleaner sketch, but idk when that will be done if ever so you get this)  (also stole the poses here too, from more official splatoon artwork.)
they have custom weapons now! Based on cameras, since that is a splatoon-ish thing to base a weapon on that also has a Soma theme. When getting scanned, the first two times at least, they reference cameras, and Simon has a camera and a bit of a photography hobby, as seen by the pictures and camera in his apartment. I made the weapons in blender because I love 3d modeling sometimes and I love getting reference pictures of complicated objects wit hthe right perspective. 
here are the renders that I used as ref
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the polaroid slosher! You can see the inspiration better if you turn it around upside down. Should maybe chanfe that but it works for the pose of the sketch. It also has a inktank that is a previously used diver’s air tank (Simon 2′s in fact the top one of his back pack thing!) because I wanted to get references to diving equipment into the design, since that is also a soma/simon theme.
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The DSLR brella! Based on a dslr camera, zoom lenses for a dslr camera, a camera tripod and the umbrella light things that photo studios have. Sadly no diving equipment in this one, tried to get it in but it just wouldn’t fit with the design. Brellas are pretty sleek, can’t fit that much on them, designwise. 
oh yeah. And the reference for the splatoon-style design of the boys. 
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they can turn into little ink creatures, my god! they have four limbs/tentacles in that form, no more, because that is how many limbs they have in humanoid form. also icons. Because i love the style of the splatoon dialogue box icons. 
(Also you may have noticed the inconsistent prosthetic of Simon 3 in these designs. In the sketch thing, I just forgot about it honestly, only noticed it now. we all make mistages. Like that one. Mistackes. Mistakes. we all make ‘em.)
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yukina-otome · 2 years
The two of us wet in the summer: Chevalier 2.0
This is Chevalier's story from JP app summer collection event rewritten in my own sauce. It has the same base but I changed parts of it, because I felt the original was a bit lacking.
You can read the original here: Two of us wet in the summer Chevalier translation
Pls do tell me what do you think of my version of this event.
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On a hot sweltering summer day, Chevalier and I took a holiday from our official duties and visited a beautiful lake on the outskirts of the city.
MC: Wow! This feels so great!!
Cheva: ……..
Unlike me, who stepped into the lake as soon as we arrived, Chevalier sat under the shade of the tree and started reading silently.
(This is yet another proof of his love. Even though he had no interest in playing in the water he took me here. I’m so happy.)
MC: Thank you for coming with me, Chevalier.
The second I said that, my foot slipped and my body tilted backward.
MC: waaah!
A big splash echoed with my scream as I fell on my back into the water.
(I can’t believe I showed Chevalier such a shameful sight.)
(It didn’t hurt at all but my whole body is wet. He must be exasperated with me.)
Just as I was about to look up toward where he was sitting under the tree, a shadow fell over my head.
I looked up, and saw him standing there.
Chevalier: We're going back to the carriage, you simpleton.
MC: huh?
Chevalier leaned down and tried lifting me in his arms but I had something else in mind.
I quickly put my arms around his neck and pulled him down with all my weight.
Chevalier lost his balance and we tumbled together into the water with a loud splash.
(I can’t believe I did that.)
Chevalier sat in the water, soaked, eyes wide open in bewilderment.
A long silence settled between us. 
Chev: Did you just dare to pull me into the water? Are you not afraid of the wrath of the brutal beast?
MC: You are not the brutal beast, you are my fiancee. And yes, I did pull you into the water.
I stared at him, as if I was daring him to get back at me.
He stood and I couldn’t help but feel disappointed. 
(I had hoped to see him react. I know he is not the type to play in the water but still….)
Suddenly, I felt him lifting me and I thought he was carrying me back to the carriage.
MC: Chevalier, I’m fine. I can stand by-wah!
Before I could finish my sentence, he threw me into deeper water.
My body sank into the cool water before I felt strong arms pulling me into a firm embrace and pulling me out of the water.
It took me a while to come back to my senses.
(Just now…..did he just….)
A rough hand wiped the water from my face.
Chev: That shall teach you not to play games with me.
He looked at me with a mean smirk on his face.
He got out of the water and silently carried me to the carriage.
We were riding back toward the royal palace and I stared at Chevalier who was sitting next to me.
(Because of me, he is dripping wet.)
(I did pull him into the water but now I feel bad.)
I kept staring at him and our eyes met.
Cheva: I don’t mind. It was a novel experience. I had never played like this before.
MC: Really? Not even as a kid.
Chev: What do you think?
MC: Yeah, I really can’t see that happening.
Chev: But you always make me do things I would never have done otherwise.
MC: Then I shall make you experience all kinds of new things in the future!
He looked away and snorted.
MC: But…..Achou!. 
Cheva: ……..
MC: I-I’m sorry.
(Now that the sun has gone down, I feel a bit cold.)
(Is Chevalier okay?)
Suddenly a warm hand landed on my shoulder and hugged me tightly.
MC: Chevalier?
(He is hugging me so that i don’t feel cold.)
I can feel his heat seeping through our wet clothes and my body warmed up.
I wanted to give some heat back to him and I gently rested my head on his shoulder.
Chevalier’s soft platinum hair was dripping wet.
And that only added to his usual effortless sexiness.
The second I thought that, my face instantly became hot.
Chevalier: Your facial expression keeps changing a lot today.
MC: Eh? Mh…
With a merciless smile on his face, Chevalier kissed me like a predator devouring it’s prey.
(Maybe it’s because we're all wet but his kiss feels hotter than usual.)
As if we shared the same thought, we hugged each other tighter and devoured each other’s lips.
As I pulled Chevalier’s body against mine I could feel his hot skin through the cold clothes and my heart started racing.
(What should I do? My heart is pounding even faster than usual.)
MC: Mh…ah!
We parted for less than a second to get some breath, but Chevalier’s hand touched my skin and I could not hold back a moan.
Cheva: The coachman will hear you.
MC: Well…I….don’t want that.
But Chevalier kept touching all the right spots while giving me a teasing smile.
Then his hand reached under my skirt and he touched my most sensitive spot.
That alone made me feel as if lightning had struck my body.
MC: Ah!
(Oh no! My voice! I can’t hold it back!)
My body started trembling and Chevalier blocked my voice with a brutal kiss.
Tears fell from my eyes, my heartbeats kept speeding up and my breathing became unstable.
Our lips parted and Chevalier clumsily stroked my wet hair.
MC: Chevalier…..
I leaned down on Chevalier’s chest and as I gradually calmed down I realized.
(Before I knew it, my body was warm…)
I looked up toward Chevalier and his Icy eyes stared back at me.
Cheva: We came to the lake to cool down but ended up getting warm and sweaty, so foolish.
(It’s true that I wanted to go to the lake because I wanted to cool off but…)
(Right now, I want to get hotter.)
As if reading my mind, Chevalier put his palm on my cheek.
Cheva: Once we get to the castle, I’ll warm you as much as you want. Until you get a fever.
Cheva: Be prepared.
(The heat I want is Chevalier’s “love”.)
(Chevalier understood that and said “I’ll give it to you.”, right?)
MC: Okay.
My heart fluttered in anticipation of a burning hot summer night.
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Random CC WishList
I was supposed to finish the artwork today but it’s taking too long so here’s a random list of stuff that I wish we had more CC of:
1. Colorful Eyebrows - No more different shades of brown pls, I need eyebrows that could fit my Sorbet Remix, Historian, etc. hairs and it’s kinda hard to make diverse sims when I’m using the same eyebrows over and over
2. Pastel Male Formal Shoes-  Or any rainbow shade tbh, I have enough sneakers upon sneakers of CC but any male formal shoes are always lacking and won’t match any suits that I have that need a more colorful vibe
3. More Pastel/Cute Shirts for Males- Or any clothing honestly, a lot of CC for male that I end up finding is always branded or just plain swatches. There’s a lot of cute male clothing in reality but in Sims, it’s usually the same boring type of style, we really need to expand on the male cc department
4. Fur Coat Accessories- (For both Genders) Don’t even get me started on this. Most of what I find are locked behind exclusive paywalls.
5. Cleancut Hairstyles- I know we all love the messy hairstyles but can someone please make hairs that would fit people who are more idk, elderly?? ( or more professional-looking?? if that makes sense) My Elders’ hairs all look as if they 're all trying to fit in with the younger crowd, not that that’s bad or anything but it’s just super distracting to look at since it contradicts with the rest of his appearance
6. Alpha versions of Sims 4 Base-game Hairs- While I doubt  anyone would do this project since this is extremely difficult, one could still dream.
7.  Capes- Was trying to make my own superhero save file but there’s a severe lack of capes and cloaks for all ages
8.Animal Masks- Completely Random but I really wish we had more full face animal masks since we could make really cool characters with them.
9.More Food Accessories- Do I really need an explanation for this?? lol
10. More Fantasy Themed Clothing- JesterCore clothing, MagicalGirl Clothing, Princecore outfits, etc. I just need more fantasy clothing in game.
Feel free to reblog and add your own wishlist of what you’d like to see more of :D
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poupeesdecirque · 4 months
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Incomings, WiPs & Plans for February
First of all, my big announcement for this month: I bought the doll base for Howard Link <3 he will be a Charmdoll LaiKa! As the boy got released I instantly knew this will be my Link, I waited almost 7 months the last time so .. I don't think I will see him before summer.
My current incomings look like this now:
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No updates on the other bodies or Pallu by now, but that's okay C:
In terms of Work in Progress dolls, those are the dolls that are currently unfinished:
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Yup, you see that right. That pile SHRANK down to basically the ones needing bodies and Darjeeling. And Darjeeling is just waiting for a dress to be finished then.
I *could* start on Adam's clothes as I have the pattern and fabrics here but I think i will do that once his body got shipped. For Kanda and Maple I need the bodies for measurements.
Everyone else is finished. Only small adjustments or upgrades left like swapping eyes or shoes. For bby!Allen I am still working on some little additions, like a plushy
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Not done cutting parts here, I'm considering doing a scaled up version for personal fun reasons, why not having a huge Timcampy?
Other than that I will most likely spend the next day tidying up my sewing mess and organizing fabrics, buttons and materials, I.. went a bit wild the last days.
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Because yeah... you maybe were able to guess it but Lavi is done. Just finished him today, I have yet to put his photos into the queue, I'm trying to sort my mind right now because the last month was a lot. All I can tell right now is that it feels like a huge burden is off my chest, I think the curse is finally broken, he lost his 'tainted' status shortly after I wrote the blog entry about those dolls but now the 'preorders from hell' finally came to an end (I ignore the one going on though I just sit here and wait that's okay) and that's just ... wow. That needs to sink in.
Inbetween I'm working on my assinged page for the redraw project, I want to give it more time than I usually take as this project is special and I draw a lot therefore improve here and there and I don't want to redo the whole thing in like 2 weeks again just because I rushed it x_x'
When Tim is done I will revert to working on Cosplay and will start on my variant of Crown Clown, which is roughly planned for the Dokomi to be finished. I tested some of the materials today and I think this will be a fun project overall as I can be more artistic this time.
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While we are at 'artistic' I have an appointment on the 16th to get my 4th tattoo, this will go onto my left arm to continue my sleeve. It's just my sketch, my artist want to mash up several ideas for the border to match more with the vibe of the Manga & the rest of my shoulder.
He was also amazed how well my shoulder tattoo has healed and how great the shading came out. Dunno if I will be able to do much after getting the tattoo but I'm right handed therefore... maybe a bit less on the strenght training then.
Oh, my juggling has advanced a bit, I am now able to catch 3 balls more than once, I'm still not close to juggle 3 balls but tiny steps here.
Doll Photoshootings is the thing getting time cut though, the weather here is awful anyways :/ hope it will get better soon but the days get longer and then I have more time in the evenings.
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glitch-pep · 10 months
I'm really curious, since you asked me.
Do you have any interesting Stories about how you came up with any or your OCs, or any that like in my case changed in personally/design?
Thank you for the question, I'm more than happy to tell you about them!!! ❤️❤️❤️ :D
They're all under the cut! :>
Mina - Character History
A few months before I even watched Ed Edd n Eddy, which means I only knew some basic stuff about it, I randomly started brainstorming oc ideas for it. The idea I came up with... was bad to say the least. It was some sort of weird fortune teller/witch type of character that basically looked like Marie Kanker but worse and that had some sort of rivarly with Eddy going on. Like... I think it was something about her making money with her fortune telling/witchcraft stuff and Eddy getting mad over it. And that's all I can really remember...
Version 2 was made around the time where I was close to finishing the whole show. The design idea I had for this one really wasn't bad, but it just didn't fit the other designs in the show and also the overall vibe. It was a girl with a similar face and body to Mina's and shoulder lenght ginger hair. She had a pink/red headband with a pointy bow in the middle of it. Her outfit was a black sweater with a pink/red skirt and she had two bangle bracelets on one of her arms, one of them red and the other pink. And I don't know what I had in mind for the shoes or any other design element. I honestly do like this design idea and might reuse it one day! Personality wise, she was literally just like Sarah but even more of a snitch who would tell everything to her mom. The two main things I took from these two versions to incorporate into Mina are the witch thing, the mom thing and some minor design elements from Version 2.
Charlie - Character History
Charlie was supossed to be sort of an opposite to Pump's sister, Susie. Susie is actually canonically a quite talented artist that uses her art for good stuff, so I was like "Let's make the opposite of that." to which I made a spray painter that would get in trouble for vandalizing properties. At that time her name was supposed to be K and she basically looked physically like Charlie but in a different outfit. The outfit consisted of an oversized dark blue hoodie whose hood covered her head, the hoodie had some sorta emo red heart design somewhere on it, and it was covered in spray paint. K and Susie were supposed to have some sorta weird dynamic going on where K would show up at Susie's window to randomly bother her, with Susie of course wanting to get rid of her, but eventually she'd get used to it. There was also supposed to be some sorta "Susie doesn't know that K is a criminal and K tries to hide it from her" type of situation going on.
Eventually I've realized that I'm not really interested in Susie as a character so I scraped that concept and moved on. I think the parts that I kept are basically the physical appearance, some parts of the personality and the criminal thing. I also remember that when I made the Charlie we know today, I was torn between the names K and Charlie but I'm glad I went for Charlie cuz it fits better.
Milo - Character History
Milo was originally supposed to be Maggie's twin brother, so his color was supposed to be Maggie's exact color. I remember that his hair thingy was longer which looked awful, and that he had eyebags. The clothing choises were exactly the same thing he wears now. But when I sketched the idea out I just really didn't like it. Looking back now I think I made his personality and design too... edgy? He was too dark to fit into the universe and it was bugging me so I scraped it. And then, a few months later I gave it another go. I scraped the Maggie's twin brother idea and just made them adoptive siblings, because after I tried to color him with her color it just didn't look right. Then I tried to go for brown, but I couldn't find a good shade, so I went for the original color idea I had in my head that I tried to avoid: green. I tried to avoid it because I felt like there's already a lot of green characters in the cast, but after I realized that Vendettas shade is suprisingly bright and that Marvin's is suprisingly dark I went "Screw it, I'll just go for something in the middle of those two." and Milo's green was born. As for the personality I remember that at some point in my head he was more light hearted and not as tired, but I eventually changed that. I also remember that I was torn between two names for him, Milo and something else but I don't remember what it was.
Molly Moon - Character History
At first, Molly wasn't supposed to be an unused wh character, so trying to design her was incredibly difficult for me. Choosing the colors was a nightmare, I remember that I had pastel pink and purple in mind for her color scheme but that didn't work. The thing was that I didn't wanna lean into the sleeping theme that much but at some point I changed my mind and went all in. Her personality has basically stayed the same the entire time.
Mr. T. Bear - Character History
The one thing I remember is that he was supposed to be way more cute and normal looking and he didn't match with Molly at first.
Karma - Character History
Karma was at first supposed to be mischievous and more of a troublemaker, also her ears were supposed to be longer. Some concepts also included her being fluffier, but I can't find those anywhere.
Concept sketches
I tried my best do dig up any concept stuff I could find, but I must warn you that it's all very messy and ugly-
(I couldn't find much because my past self deleted most of it, which sucks now-)
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starblue2406 · 1 year
A month ago I was surprised that my mug suffered damage, it didn't break but it was obvious that something bad happened to it.It turns out that my mom slipped while washing the dishes, miraculously it survived but was damaged. My mom wants to make it up to me by having a mug made with the image I want or any mug of my choice.
Since then I have carefully thought about how I want a mug, from a Nicola Tesla mug to a huge pushen cat mug I saw in suburbia.I decided on an image of my own, I thought about various themes until I chose one in particular and today I finished with the drawing.
Surely in a year or even less this will make me very embarrassed, but it was either this or instead a drawing of Nicolas x Alejandra or an image I really like of Enstein x Newton (both in their version of the super sciencie Friends).
At least I can disguise this one by saying that my humanization of Arceus is female (since long hair always confuses XD), something I couldn't do with the Enstein x Newton; besides it would be weird if I had the drawing of two royal kings that were sent to kill them for being so bad in their position, at least these two are not real like Nicolás and Alejandra were.
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I tried to move away a little from the intention of shipearloa and do something more artistic, I was motivated to be listening to incredible analysis of series and movies that underneath its history keep great things that leave you in what to think...
In my case I wanted to make a lot of symbolism, references and base on other things to draw this. I'll talk one by one about those things because I feel like it jsjsj
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Obviously I based it on Michelangelo's painting, "the creation of Adam", but in my case it is a different meaning. It can be seen in two ways, the literal and superficial (the boat) or with the context of the characters which is that their union breaks two of the shiny and tight chains to give a nice green color when they unite.
The white of the shiny chains is the color that represents perfection in its pure state, the gold represents beauty and royalty; the shades of gray of the dolls that gradually fade convey that there is no definitive color and finally, the small soft green sparkle is the fusion of yellow, blue and white. Not only are these colors representative of the protagonists, but also for their psychological meaning, they convey harmony, inner calm and emotional balance.
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I will talk more in detail in a specific chapter, but I can say that for Damos' clothing (which was the one with which he was named priest of the Archestian religion) I based myself on the clothes that Nicholas II wore when he was crowned tsar. I will spare the details of the meaning of the colors and those details, but I will say that in general I decided to base myself on that specific moment because of what that moment meant in the life of both characters.
I've realized that they both share a lot; they both live in a fantasy, in a bubble of romanticizing their positions by the stories of their ancestors and both were chosen of god (so to speak) thanks to the lineage that ran through their veins. The only difference is that Nicholas already knew what awaited him and that he was not ready to be a tsar, unlike Damos who believed that being a representative of the gods was just a matter of being a good person and serving his gods with devotion. Poor asshole xD
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Surely you are thinking "Oh no, are you serious? White diamond? The utilitarian dictator who reformed her with a sermon and beautiful words in a minute or less?".
Yes. I was never a fan of Steven Universe and I'm not, but during its finale in the fifth season they began to recommend videos criticizing that series for its finale. I knew more or less what was going on and I decided to investigate his lore and as such his story. I didn't see many chapters, only the ones I considered important... But the concept of perfection and order of the mother planet and which had the great matriarch of the empire obsessed... Oh god.
Surely in my fic the way in which the so-called "perfection" is treated reminded you of the norms of the Christian god, it is a good comparison but it is not the only one. We can also compare it to the ideology of the diamond matriarch, in which everyone had to follow a hierarchical order based on the nature and purpose of each individual to make a system work harmoniously.
In the case of our favorite god, they were chains that he himself imposed and demands that others do so so that his creation is in order and saved from any failure that could harm either his children or the beings that inhabit his creation, himself or all his creation in general. That is why in one of his hands he has those chains between his fingers, because in any case he himself remains comfortable and attached to their use.
I will save myself more details about it because the subject will be deepened later, in fact in chapter 12 I am laying the foundations so that I can talk more about this later; Philosophically it is one of the themes that I like the most in this fic and something that I think I will take full advantage of the potential that I did not know how to take advantage of in the comic.
That is why I wanted to play with the use of gray and white on the wrists of the chains, later I will do something more focused on the perfection and divinity of Arceus, here I did not focus much on that anymore "wey, I just want a cup of one of my favorite ships, nmms" jshsjwjwu.
I'm sure in a year or two I'll be ashamed of this drawing and my future mug, but right now I love this drawing.The present is a gift and I want to enjoy it while it lasts.
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foxachu · 2 years
Was tagged by @wolfjackle! I'm always shy about tagging others though so you can definitely do this (and should!) if we're mutuals? Or regular followers too! I definitely recognize people in my notifications and adore you all :>
Tag 10 people you want to know better:
Relationship: Yeah! I have a long-distance and long-term relationship with one of my favorite people, and I've known them for over 10 years now. Love them to bits and I hope we can cross the distance soon (covid isn't helping, though). Online games and movie nights are a godsend for my little queer self tbh; I've never found anyone to date locally.
Favorite color: Blue, but specifically, a shade of teal. If I see it on clothing I'll gravitate towards it like a moth. It has to be on the bluer (not greener) hues; munsell and cerulean (not RGB version) are close.
Favorite food: I love very many foods but guacamole and katsudon are comfort foods lol. Mexican cuisine (Northern, I guess? the stuff that blends with Tex-Mex) is my fave and I'll always be down for some of that.
Song stuck in my head: Nothing currently, thank god. I'll get songs stuck in a feedback error loop and it's extremely annoying/sometimes near-physically painful. I guess currently I'm hearing the menu music for Tabletop Simulator? But I recently just finished up a Gloomhaven scenario in that. On Friday I was plagued by Electric Avenue for half the day.
Last thing I googled: "xcom build order" because I'm trying to actually finish the base game for once lmao. 20 hours of play across 7 years and I still haven't beaten it because I drop off halfway through. Started a new game today on baby mode just so I can attempt to see the ending and move on to XCOM 2.
Time: 7:59 PM, but due to time zones I'll probably schedule this for later.
Dream Trip: Peru and Chile! I want to see traditional fiber arts and pet alpacas and go to penguin island. Domestic (Japan): probably Tohoku? Like around Aomori. It's less humid up there and it has nice, thick-woods' vibes. Domestic (US): my aunt and her wife live in an incredibly scenic part of New Mexico and I would love to go stargazing (and also visit with the only other queer people I know of in my family).
Again, no tagging because I'll feel like an imposition, but if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged! >:3
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koenigbirch90 · 3 months
Store The Most Recent Balmain Clothes In The Philippines In November, 2023Balmain's irrefutable mastery of leather-based, shape and print makes it one of the most recognisable fashion homes on the planet. Renowned for opulent collections, Balmain produces iconic street-ready pieces, like the cult Balmain Paris t-shirt, that effortlessly seize the enigmatic rockstar spirit and military-influenced modernity that has reintroduced the label to the world stage. We remind you that items must be returned intact, in their authentic situation and with all tags connected inside 14 days from receipt of your order.<br/>We remind you that objects must be returned intact, of their authentic condition and with all tags connected within 20 days from receipt of your order. •  Prepare the bundle, print the DHL label and fasten it to the Balmain.com box (or different sturdy cardboard box) on high of the previous one. • Please complete the Online Return Form to generate your return label. From now on you will be the first to know concerning the latest news on Balmain collections, our special initiatives and exclusive collaborations. Just twenty-five years old when he was named Creative Director in 2011, Olivier Rousteing has efficiently grafted an immediately recognizable style upon Balmain. Season after season, runways spotlight each the exciting, inclusive range of the fashionable Balmain universe and the significance of 21st-Century culture—in explicit, today’s music—in that universe.<br/><br/>Luxus-t-shirts Herren Balmain<br/><br/>For all data on tips on how to make a return, go to the Customer Care area. • Please complete the Online Return Form to generate your return label.<br/>We remind you that items must be returned intact, in their authentic condition and with all tags hooked up within 14 days from receipt of your order. Deliveries are made throughout business hours Monday to Friday, besides on public holidays. The courier will make three supply makes an attempt; after the third attempt, the bundle shall be redirected to our warehouse. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia">wikipedia handbags</a> You can contact our customer care group by email or over the phone.<br/>Pierre Balmain processes the info collected to ship you our publication. To find out more about how we handle your personal information and to train your rights, please discuss with our privateness policy. From now on you may be the first to know about the latest news on Balmain collections, our special initiatives and exclusive collaborations. We remind you that objects have to be returned intact, in their unique condition and with all tags hooked up within 20 days from receipt of your order.<br/><br/>Buy Low Cost Balmain Online,Duplicate Balmain Wholesale<br/><br/>Located adjoining to Little India in George Town, Kawan Shop sells donated objects like books, garments, trinkets, toys, and kitchen utensils. WCC Value Shop also sells books, shoes, accessories, and kitchen items, albeit in a smaller assortment in comparison with clothes. Volunteers run the store and all proceeds go to help WCC’s work. The worth level begins as little as RM1 and may go up to a couple hundred Ringgit for unique pieces like restricted version Levi’s Jeans from the ‘60s. Other brands include Champion, Stussy, Bathing Ape, and Supreme.<br/>The granddaddy of restored heritage resorts in George Town is the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion, named for the wealthy service provider who constructed it at the finish of the 19th century. <a href="https://clothes.nu/shop-clothes-by-brand/replica-balmain-clothings">BALMAIN clothing</a> The constructing, also referred to as the Blue Mansion for the dominant colour scheme, charms guests with its shaded courtyards, gilt-adorned carved wooden doors and cast-iron columns imported from Scotland. It has 18 rooms, but additionally hosts day by day excursions for those staying elsewhere. It is also where the climactic mahjong scene in the film “Crazy Rich Asians” was filmed. This uber snazzy thrift store hawks an astounding array of American-style vintage fits – more particularly, notable denim and way of life brands corresponding to Levi, Dickies, Wrangler, and Converse.<br/>While you’re in Penang, try these 27 best things to do in the state – as quickly as you feel peckish, there are many espresso outlets in Penang for a good cuppa and finest bars in Penang for a nightcap. The message behind their initiative is rooted in the fact that 2,000 tonnes of textile waste is produced daily. By gifting away the clothes we don’t match into anymore, we give them a brand new lease of life. From stylish trousers and quirky vests to chill sun shades and attention-grabbing jewelry, the kitschy assortment of every thing in the store will assure you a hip match. We remind you that items must be returned intact, in their original condition and with all tags attached within 14 days from receipt of your order.
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kaplanflynn9 · 2 years
hermes pochette kelly 22
Hermes Kelly Pochette Hj00344 And despite the very fact that my bag is just an imitation, it has the identical beautiful glow, the imposing form and that firm posture. wikipedia handbags It is a handbag that stands tall and firm on its own. It doesn’t make sloppy creases nor loses its form in undesirable circumstances. This technique is seen in almost all of Hermès’ leather-based goods, and entails the use of two strands of their proprietary beeswaxed cotton thread fed via in a double saddle stitch. To add the finishing touches to the design, a clochette, two keys, and cadena lock are added for additional security. If you’re shopping for a used bag, you can even look for any sort of put on on the fabric. For instance, palladium on Hermès baggage show black when worn, so when you see any other shade such as gold, then it’s probably not the actual deal. One more trick is to maintain it open with the straps hanging; you’ll find it more convenient and stylish this way. Talking about the adorably styled handle on the prime, you can easily stretch it a bit and carry in hand, your hand will merely slide inside and you’ll feel far more comfortable. Once, a single “It” purse ruled every fashion season. Today, purse lovers are savvier and have a wider range of shopping choices. Find quite lots of vintage Hermès handbags, day clothes, sneakers and more on 1stDibs. There are many faux Hermes baggage on the market which are priced at a few thousand dollars and are of a very top quality. We’re no stranger to the splendid confines of Kylie Jenner’s luxurious designer-filled handbag closet containing uncommon items from labels like Chanel, Fendi, and Balenciaga. While there isn’t a premium value for this service, prices vary between bags and are dependent on the supplies chosen as totally different leathers come in numerous costs. First, it matches my giant iPhone 6 Plus with its case comfy (so important!). On top of that, I’m able to add a lipstick, some playing cards and cash, and even sunglasses if I really want, though it gets to be a tighter squeeze at that point. The little strap up prime has some “give” and adaptability to stretch to have the ability to fit your hand beneath to hold by it’s high “handle”. All Handmade Hermès replica baggage' photos at DesignerBound.com are of precise product and you'll obtain what you see. I’m not sure how you bought your great dupe, however my expertise was not good at all- lining incorrect color, logos off, unhealthy quality materials, tags in wrong places, and so forth. They additionally didn’t want to refund my money even once I sent it again and paid $70 shipping back to China. Their customer service tried to get me to maintain the bag and my cash, even after hearing my concerns concerning the quality. phoenet.tw replica kelly pochette You are undoubtedly within the limelight with this little stunning clutch at fantastic events or walking in the streets. Taking some inspiration from the mountainous bear of the same name, the Grizzly Kelly actually projects an untamed look. Mostly accomplished in 2014 via 2015, this line of limited edition kelly bags mix soft Swift and Togo leathers with Hermès’s high-pile Grizzly suede. Hermès took a dark flip of their Fall/Winter 2010 ready-to-wear present, evoking the stark silhouettes and smoky thriller of movie noir. In the faux one, there's a little bit type of slip, it doesn’t have the same smooth high quality and you'll feel the difference if you turn it and the faux Hermes could be very troublesome to close. 1) The deal with of the Hermès Kelly bag has a curved topside and a flat underside, making it well-constructed and rigid. They should get up above the bag in an oval shape. Small versions could also be considered a purse or purse. The reply to this question is extra difficult than it might appear. You see, as a outcome of the value of Hermès purses, it's a matter of realism for some individuals whether or not or not they should make a first-time purchase. Other individuals are able to acquire Hermès luggage and fill their closet shelves. The reality, although, is that irrespective of who you are - a loving housewife or royalty, it should be a fastidiously made choice if you buy Hermès. Hermès bags come in many shapes and sizes, all mentioned to solely enhance in value over time. Charitybuzz reserves the right to exclude any particular person from the public sale. A bid entered by mistake on the part of a bidder is NOT grounds for cancellation of that bid. Each bidder is liable for his or her own account and bids. In addition, allowing entry to a different who enters a bid without your information is NOT grounds for cancellation of a bid. I purchased this bag from Bags Vista throughout Holiday Sales Season. It has that elegant shine, the attractive grainy texture at the outside and the robustness and thickness of top quality leather-based. It is every thing you can potential want in a LV knockoff.
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alvarezmarquez6 · 2 years
Envis Top Style Stories In 2021
I love shorts, and I’m all the time down for a piece of clothing that reveals our confidence whereas sustaining consolation. Since we'll all be rejoining society soon, we're probably a bit apprehensive about our trend and look. Despite what the soft-hearted and emotionally supportive types would possibly counsel, we absolutely should be. christian dior womens belt It's going to be the fashion Hunger Games on the market. All it takes is a single stylistic slip-up and you go from being one of the Katnisses to one of the Rues. The hottest Hermes belt is that this Constance belt buckle & reversible leather-based strap. The 2cm version is extra delicate that are excellent to pair with trousers and attire. It is value mentioning that the leather-based of GUGGI belts is often onerous, so we suggest you choose the length of 75cm to 90cm. A second image noticed the singer carrying another strapless design, this time by Fendi, which featured a colorful, patterned bodice and flowing prepare. The Respect star oozed confidence on the quilt of W journal's latest problem, rocking a white figure-hugging strapless gown by Dior and dripping in Bulgari diamonds. Jennifer highlighted her trim waist with a matching material belt and kept her make-up easy with a glossy lip, highlighted cheeks, and winged eyeliner. Named after Dior’s runway show in 1947, the gathering pays homage to the Houndstooth motif, which dates back to the early days of the House, and was initially inspired by Christian Dior’s love for all things British. This anglophile ardour led the design to progressively seem across Dior’s wardrobe pieces, together with iconic feminine silhouettes. Today, the storied print is beautifully reinterpreted with a classy, modern twist. On the lipstick entrance, collectors are practically swooning over the Rouge Dior line, now available in 6 shades that take you from delicate finishes to fiery reds. You’ve received the iconic purple 999, and the Nude Look Velvet one hundred, and the rosier 720 Icône. We’re significantly taken by the 312 Incandescent, which was especially designed for the gathering by Peter Philips, and comes in a milky shade with just the slightest hint of yellow. True to the theme of the gathering, the lipstick bullets have also been rigorously engraved with the houndstooth pattern, paying homage to the motif. When thinking back over the exciting elements of 2021, one that comes to mind is the scenes born out of the countless exhibits and collections the fashion world handled us to. And, while there were many must-buy items that stuffed out the collection of our favorite designers, none caught our eyes fairly like Dior‘s Vibe bags. In 1994, Paola Fendi handed over the presidency of the company to her youthful sister Carla. Silvia Venturini Fendi, daughter of Anna, additionally joined the fashion house in 1994 and has since been the inventive director for equipment and males's traces. Wide belts like this one from suede and gilt steel are great for cinching the waist dramatically to level out off your curves. The iconic Loewe anagram is prominently featured as a buckle on this smooth calfskin belt. As we mentioned in the earlier post, an excellent belt can work wonders in taking a look from boring to interesting and from uninspired to unforgettable. You can wear a belt to pair with your trousers, attire, fits, coats, etc. We can not add this item to your bag because it’s already at max capability. Every luxury branded product on Luxepolis comes with the reassurance of authenticity and prime quality. Luxepolis also supplies simple financing and EMI options to make the luxury and worldwide manufacturers affordable. On 1stDibs, you'll find the most applicable vintage or modern dior belt buckle in your wants in our diversified stock. Our assortment consists of a selection of colors, spanning Black, Brown, Beige and more. An accessory like this designed by Christian Dior, Dior Homme and Hedi Slimane — every of whom created a wonderful version of this treasured item — is price contemplating. If you’re searching our inventory for these accessories, you’ll find that many are available at present for ladies, however there are nonetheless items to select from for men and unisex. Belts run the gamut in terms of style, so you must determine which outfits want an added belt and why. Corset belts and broad belts are female and figure-shaping, while skinny belts are great for ultimate touches on business attire or more refined cinching. Chain belts, however, are very delicate and have a classic really feel circa the Nineteen Sixties and 70s. It shall be higher should you can try it earlier than you purchase. The good news is that GUCCI offers punch holes in a belt for free, you would fix it if you purchase the incorrect measurement. High quality leather-based with high gloss finising on belt buckle. The Dior Caro belt pouch is a hybrid and chic accent. wikipedia belt Crafted in supple calfskin with Cannage stitching, it has a 'CD' signature flap. The adjustable chain permits the pouch to be worn on the waist or crossbody, while the adjustable leather-based band provides a cushty shoulder or crossbody wear, making it an ideal day or evening accessory.
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replica burberry scarf 1
Fashionable And Comfy Burberry Scarf China Read more about studying tips on how to authenticate numerous gadgets. How it works The most trusted service in the trade, explained. Authentication Service Send us pics and info, we'll come again with a verdict. Certificate of Authenticity Got scammed with fakes? Thus, revealing the signature black, purple and camel plaid of the lining! This particular sample is also known as the “house check”! It was obtained by the shoppers fairly properly. Eventually, the shop started making umbrellas that featured the examine pattern. What made me marvel though is each time I visited the site, my Malwarebytes program would warn me I was visiting a bad web site. If you don’t have Malwarebytes in your computer, you might need to add it. They have a free model and a paid version. I used the free model for a quantity of years, then lastly purchased the paid model. What an amazing publish Susan – we’re cloth brokers who sell to designers and producers in North America and one of the mills we deal with is strictly Cashmere so I know all about knock offs. In this photograph you'll be able to compare the fringe of the 2 scarves. That being said, trying back at the actual vs fake Burberry scarf image above, you'll find a way to notice how the fake Burberry scarf has its letters trying very thin in comparison with the ones met on the genuine wash tag. Burberry is a British luxury trend home headquartered in London, England. Apart from its legendary check scarves, the brand is also well-known for producing ready-to-wear gadgets, fragrances, cosmetics and other trend equipment. https://phoenet.tw/replica-scarfs-shawls/replica-burberry-cashmere-scarf.html Our group has researched and reviewed these products to help you give you a better determination. We’ve additionally put up a burberry scarf low-cost shopping guide with the options you can consider when buying the Burberry Scarf Replica. I purchased a Burberry scarf in the pink and cream shade from Neiman Marcus. So I guess some of their patterns are blurrier than others, nevertheless it nonetheless wasn’t as blurry because the one which I obtained from the eBay seller that was fake. I ended up returning that scarf to Neiman Marcus because it simply didn’t look as good and particular person has it had on-line. 1stDibs presents an extraordinary range of genuine Burberry scarves. “We simply offered out of a few of them — a bit of a shock so early in the season,” she says, and points to the brand’s thicker, chunky-gauge types just like the Gianna scarf as prime sellers for the model. Gucci GG Jacquard ScarfThe Gucci GG motif was originally designed in the Thirties, nevertheless it wasn’t until the reimagined model was launched within the Nineteen Seventies that it actually turned a key piece of the Italian model. Clear proof that the motif continues to be a robust image to today, the GG Jacquard scarf is a best-seller around the world—take one have a glance at it and you’ll understand why. I obtained a package right now with a Burberry scarf and an odd bill of 6,180,00 HKD. The scarf is NOT evenly striped on each finish. It would have been easy for them to match the stripes on the end. Burberry fantastic and eccentric "Wind-Blown Doggies & Umbrellas" silk jacquard scarf is accented with hand-rolled edges and measures 18 inches by 18 and a half inches. This Burberry scarf is in good situation no holes no tears, no stains Tassels are full and intact at both ends Light weight scarf made from 100%LAMBSWOOL It has been dry cleaned s... one hundred pc GENUINE BURBERRY VINTAGE SCARF First slightly bit concerning the Burberry Brand we've been requested many occasions why are some of our scarves and coats with Burberrys on the logo and ... First slightly bit in regards to the Burberry Brand we now have been requested many occasions why are some of our scarves and coats with Burberrys on the emblem and never Burberry Burberry and Burberrys ... Those who are interested in this designer might also discover the work of Valentino, Moschino and Missoni interesting. On 1stDibs, discover designer Burberry scarves, classic and high fashion from top boutiques all over the world. On 1stDibs, the price for this stuff begins at $135 and tops out at $985 while the average work can promote for $392.. 100% genuine Burberry verify scarf in sheer brown, black, white and burgundy silk (100% - lacking tag). I cannot persons are hacking into accounts to promote counterfeit goods. Sometimes you can luck out on eBay however I guess there’s no way for eBay to check every itemizing to see if it’s for actual. Fortunately the feedback system helps, until in fact the account will get hacked! wikipedia scarf Best to avoid wasting up and buy the true factor for peace of thoughts. I love this scarf and I’m glad I lastly splurged and purchased one. I wore it a couple of instances in February earlier than our weather turned hotter and it kept my neck toasty warm. Specifically, on all of the Nova Check designs, all black strains run throughout the material in units of three; each equidistant from the next. A skinny red line will minimize through these darkish traces at a crisp, perpendicular angle, creating excellent square blocks. True Burberry R’s may have pointed ridges that resemble a bicycle’s kickstand, and the path will curl slightly outwards, like in the below-left picture. If the letters on the Burberry scarf in query are straight with no ridges or pointed edges, like the best photograph below, there’s an excellent probability it’s fake. The beneath photo is of the packaging of a Burberry product. If you purchase a Burberry scarf from a certified retailer, it's going to doubtless come rolled up in a thick canister with a bow, and this equestrian knight emblem embossed on the entrance in gold.
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sio-writes · 2 years
A Botanist’s Guide - Chapter 2
(Chapter 1 can be found here)
With herculean effort I fully open the blinds and grab the watering can from the windowsill, marching it over to the sink and turning on the tap. NASA has these nifty auto-watering pots for those of us too lazy to water manually, but there’s something about the act of pouring water over a small bit of life that brings me joy. I’m still half-asleep and my head is starting to pound again, but I’m happy to see my plants.
Ned, my diffenbachia maculate that followed me here from Earth, needs to be moved to a bigger pot, but is otherwise doing well. I nudge Carol, a cutlass aglaonema, with my foot over to her secondary spot in the partial shade before dowsing her with water. She’s starting to lose a few leaves, so I’ll need to keep an eye on her. And Nancy, my Red Anthurium, drinks up the water like she's dehydrated, even though I watered her the exact same time yesterday.
The fundamental requirement laid out by NASA mandates at least three large plants per apartment to raise the oxygen levels to a comfortable state. But they had never mentioned a cap so I, both botanist and full-time hot mess, have ten total in my tiny studio apartment, not counting the line of tiny succulents and cacti along my windowsill. I’d love to add some natural flora from Summanus, but another NASA mandate labeled the harvesting and selling of Summanian life an affront to science. It stops any big corporations coming up and mining the shit out of the planet, but I wish I could snag a small plant for myself.
After the watering is done, I set the can back on the windowsill and grab some breakfast. Eating here is a struggle, but I’m not picky. Eggs and milk are far too expensive to import, and any meat is usually flash frozen and tastes pretty bad by the time it reaches us. I'm left with yogurt, frozen bread products, or fruit. I haven’t tried much Summanian food, although I’ve heard from Jillie that their version of blueberry pancakes are just to die for.
I finish breakfast, brush my teeth, and grab a change of clothes before I head to the gym. Today is a mandated Workout Day, designed to keep our oxygen levels from dipping too low in the low-oxygen environment of Summanus. Usually I'd work out on the weekends just to get it out of the way, but I needed the full two days to relax. Binging Within the Hour while sitting on my couch eating potato chips had been the best medicine for my weary soul. 
I walk out of the complex and spot Jillie across the street. She greets me with a perky smile and a wave and we head towards the gym. Our outfits almost match -- simple leggings and athletic shirts-- except she looks much better in hers than I do. 
She gives me a dazzling smile. “Mornin' twinsie!”
I grunt my response and offer a half-hearted grimace that makes her laugh.
“Sleep well?”
I run a hand over my face. “Jillie, it’s too early for conversation.”
She pouts, her cheeks puffed out. “Don’t be a cranky Cassie, it’s exercise day!”
We try to exercise together at least twice a week. It keeps us from getting lazy.
The gym is technically two buildings in one. An "outdoor" area made of a large glass dome simulating Earth's atmosphere, and a standard two-story concrete building for all indoor activities. It used to be sponsored by Gold's Gym, but Planet Fitness and Shalia's Exercise eeked their way in after throwing some money at the project. It makes for a very confusing set up of Olympic-grade equipment and state of the art training facilities mixed with torn up floor mats and showers that are only hot half the time. 
“You hate exercise day,” I say, staring longingly at the coffee bar as we walk inside. Soon my love, soon.
“Duh, so I’m gonna kick it’s ass!” Jillie holds up her arms and puffs out her chest. Her enthusiasm is infectious, I feel the hint of a smile pulling at my lips.
“Yeah,” I concede. “Let’s crush it.” I hold out my hand for a fist-bump, which she happily pounds.
NASA mandates a total of five hours a week of aerobic exercise, but leaves the specific choice up to us. There’s tons of equipment for strength training, but Summanus has a higher gravity constant than Earth, so I don’t see the point. We pick a spot in the building close to the back and set down our things.
"Stretch time," Jillie says as she sets her bag down. Jillie and I always come into the gym as early as possible, it keeps the chances of running into creeps at a minimum. 
She spreads her feet and pikes forward, wrapping her arms around her knees while I stand there and wonder how she's still single. Jillie is gorgeous, smart, flexible; anyone at the compound would be lucky to have her. She has gorgeous blond hair that I've always envied, and a small lithe body that reminds me of a dancer. I used to have a crush on her when we first met, and I can still see why I felt that way. But any romantic feelings I had were gradually replaced by the slow burn of an amazing friendship. She held me as I cried over breakups, and she took me to my first drag show. I've only known her a handful of years now, but I don't know what I'd do without her.
I try to mimic her pose, and nearly fall over from my efforts. I'm not completely hopeless though, and manage to get my hands on the floor. 
"And up," she says, and the blood rushes from my face as I straighten. 
We spend the next ten minutes working through basic stretches and then trot a lap around the gym. Jillie would make a good fitness instructor if she wanted to. She holds her pace well, and always has a smile. Normally I'd find it annoying, but knowing that Jillie hates working out as much as I do softens the sharp edges that would poke in my side. 
Jillie turns to me after our lap and says, "It's your pick today." 
I guzzle my water as I walk over to the class board. There's a lineup of virtual fitness classes available year round that Jillie and I like to pick from. It keeps us out of a crowded group session and lets us chat as we go. I scroll through the list, looking for something high intensity that'll make me sweat, because I need to let off some steam. 
This past week was hell. It took me running into Kri about eight hundred times for him to get the message to stand back, and from his vantage point in the corner of the room he could apparently still see well enough to criticize my every move. A constant barrage of “This does not follow protocol,” or “Are you certain of this action” so incessant and condescending I started hearing it in my sleep.
By the time Friday rolled around, the headache I’d been nursing turned into a migraine so severe I could barely type my report. A report that couldn't have been worse, according to Kri. I can still hear his voice over my shoulder, "Is that the most scientifically accurate you can be?" 
My jaw still hurts from how often I'd been grinding my teeth together. Kerry, the Outpost dentist, will be absolutely furious with me when he sees all my molars ground down into nubs. Look at these teeth, he’d say, poking around my mouth. They’ve been eradicated by stress!
Bless Jillie for trying to keep the peace, or at least a version of it where Kri and I weren't reaching for each other's throats. Jillie would have to literally step in the middle of our arguments like Chris Pratt in Jurassic World to calm us down. Usually it worked, but it mostly left me feeling gross for falling into another argument when I should be working. 
At this point, I'm not even upset about the audit anymore. Had I been assigned someone else, a quiet observer or something, that would've been fine. I would've gotten over it and maybe even worked with a bit more hustle. Anything would've been better than a helicopter parent judging my every move. I can't catch a break, nothing I do is right, and I'm constantly on edge. 
So I have a lot of extra energy from the past week, it fizzles through my nerves like electricity, making me jumpy and irritable and the binge of trash tv with potato chips only helped so much. 
I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and turn to Jillie. "I wanna box."
The virtual exercise rooms are lined up like offices along a far wall of the gym. At twenty feet long and fifteen wide, they can accommodate a five-person dance class with no issue. They’re lined with soft mat gym floors and the far wall is lined with mirrors. There's somewhere between fifteen to twenty of them, and during the day they're always occupied. Most people have the same idea we do--a personal class is preferable to a packed room. But because we got there early, Jillie and I found a room relatively quickly. The only downside to the rooms is that the air circulation sucks.
And I definitely picked a routine that made me sweat. 
Ten minutes in and I'm already brushing sweat out of my eyes. The virtual instructor is more hyped up than Jillie, and it just keeps moving around. Our instructor is an AI, a tall woman with paper-white skin, no distinguishing facial features, and a generic brown ponytail. The program gives her a high pitched voice so she can yell out encouragements or instructions. It's an intelligent program, all things considered. It reacts to your movements, corrects you on form, and if you program it to, it even knows your name.
"Jillian, great form!" it shouts as we throw another punch. "Player 2, don't forget to rotate your hips!" I don't like the computer knowing my name, I feel like the gym collects our data at the end and runs it through algorithms for ads. But even with a featureless face, Jillie and I have picked the same AI for every class we've done together. We decided to name her Tami. 
For boxing, Tami has on joggers and a sports bra, and has fingerless gloves on. She's set us up with some virtual fighting partners--more faceless AI's-and picked an upbeat song to punch along to. 
Halfway through a round of jabs and dodges, Jillie turns to me over her shoulder. "Ready to see tall, dark, and grouchy today?" 
I answer automatically, "Ready to punch him in the face."
I've been imagining Kri's stupid gray face on my virtual partner for the past ten minutes. I've been punching harder than usual, but I didn't think I was being so obvious.
Jillie snickers. “He’s gonna be waiting for us like: You are late, ten points off.” Jillie tries to scowl but the exertion from moving makes the expression look funny.
"He argues with me on everything," I say as we switch to kicks. "He second guessed me on how much to water the corn. The corn! He made me measure it out three times! Does he want to run the experiment?" I punctuate my sentence with another hard kick, which disintegrates the virtual man into dust. He pops back up again. 
"I dunno. It might just be the way he works," Jillie offers. "We are the aliens here, and technically the less advanced ones." 
I pause, and turn the thought over in my head. She's not wrong. The Summanians have been incredibly accommodating since first contact five years ago. They shared their technology, they invited us to set up shop all over the planet, hell they even adapted one of their pidgin languages to speak around us so we could hear it. They treat us like guests of honor, even when we have relatively little to offer in return.
"He's still a jerk," I huff. I know I'm being immature, but I can't help it. I don't like the guy, I don't want to work with him. "Just because we grew up on different planets doesn't mean he gets to treat me like I don't know anything." 
"Have you talked to him about it?" Jillie throws me a sympathetic look, and I punch the air a little harder. 
I open my mouth to reply that yes, actually, I've told him to back off multiple times, but she cuts me off.
"Talk, not yell. As my therapist would say, you need to use your 'I Feel' statements." Jillie raises her eyebrows knowingly at me. Being a mediator all week, she's seen every argument. "Not to be condescending or anything," she says. "But you're pretty shit at communicating effectively. You gotta go in with something like 'I feel like shit when you correct me because if feels like you think I'm stupid,' or something."
I clench my jaw and turn my head to throw another punch at the Kri stand-in." He's just going to deny it."
"Then what do you have to lose?" 
My pride, for one. My ego. My lab. 
I don't want to second guess my friend. But talking about it won't make things go away--action will. I need to fight, to stand my ground against Kri and his stupid little papers that only write down what I do wrong. I need to make him understand that I'm an accomplished scientist too, damn it. I've been doing things without his help my whole life, and I will do just fine after he goes.
So I don't respond, and keep punching to the beat of the song. 
Despite my disdain for all things exercise, I get lost in the rhythm. Sweat is dripping into my eyes, but the endorphins make me want to do this all the time. My muscles are burning, my heart is pounding, I feel great. I can totally exercise consistently, nearly three decades of doing the exact opposite be damned. 
The class ends with cool down stretches, and I'm definitely more limber than earlier. I can just barely get my arms around my knees this time. 
When we walk out, there's already a line forming for the virtual rooms, and I'm glad we arrived early. Outside, the air feels ten degrees cooler, and I inhale deeply through my nose. That session did help me after all. I feel calmer, less tense. I could even do yoga. Hot yoga.
Jillie sidles up next to me with her bag thrown over one arm. She bats her long eyelashes at me. “Coffee?"
I give her a single nod. “Definitely.” I'll need the caffeine to get through the day. 
We head over to the long line forming at the counter. "Cheer up Cas, at least you'll be out of the lab today." 
I respond noncommittally, a low hum in my throat and roll of my eyes. But I'm tamping down a smile. I’m excited. The greenhouses are all communal, and I don't mind because it means I get to be nosy and see how everyone else's projects are going. Dr. Markesh has a whole line of hybrid flowers about to bloom, Dr. Blaine is working hard on their Summanian veggies, and I know. Dr. Natsuki is getting ready to start her observation on imported non-edibles. It's all just so exciting, and I want to be there to see it. 
Daily watering is one thing, but today is about documenting progress. Mostly it consists of measuring a plant's growth, soil levels, and planting new seeds. I could just have Jillie do it all and stay in my lab, but I love this side of the experiment, getting my hands dirty in the mud. 
But today's greenhouse day will have an extra body in it. At the realization my small smile turns sour. 
The baristas are quick. It's only a few minutes till we reach the counter. "One large iced mocha for Cassie, and whatever the lady wants," I gesture to Jillie with my head, another part of the exercise ritual. Whoever picks the workout pays for coffee.
Jillie orders something ridiculously sweet and I scan my smart watch to pay.
The sun is high in the sky when we walk out of the gym, and I feel refreshed and ready to take on the world. The ground is lush with grass and small flowers, even several trees wind their way up to the sky. In fact, most of the plant life on Summanus twists up to the sky. Everything spirals on the Fibonacci sequence like on Earth, but taken to the extreme. There's herbs that grow like someone stuck a pinecone in the dirt, fruit that spirals up the trunks of trees, and fungi that swirl like a snail shell. The Outpost has a handful of fruit trees growing at the entrance of the greenhouse sector, and it wasn't a half hour walk either way, I'd take my lunch there everyday. 
"Oh it feels so good to be outside!" Jillie stretches her arms to the air as we head uphill.
And because I'm in a good mood, it only makes sense that the universe sees fit to ruin it.
"Hey ladies!" Stephen Byrne waves us down and I groan under my breath.
"Oh lord," Jillie responds just as quietly.
We turn down the path and hurry our steps, but Stephen jogs to catch up.
"You girls just getting out of the gym?" He has on joggers and a light sweatshirt, and his dirty blonde hair is plastered to his head. He's smiling at us with straight, whitened teeth. He looks like a grade-A jackass.
Stephen and I dated for close to four years back in training. For so long, I thought he was The One, until he screwed me over to get a promotion. It set my launch date to Summanus back a whole year, and kept me out of a lab for an extra six Summanian months. He dumped me like I was nothing, but for some reason Stephen insists that we're still friends. I want to push his head into the garbage compactor.
"Yep, and now we're off to work" Jillie says dismissively, picking up her pace.
"Cass I heard you got an audit," Stephen says, keeping pace with us. "That's really bad for your record."
"Uh-huh," I say, keeping my gaze on the ground and hugging my arms around my middle. Even responding to him has my stomach in knots. I hate when he calls me Cass. He used to say it so lovingly, but now it sounds like a hissing snake.
"Your auditor is an ento, right? Those bugs are tough. My buddy Bill got a review from one of them and cost him the lab. I told him, 'Bill you need to be on your best behavior or else,' so, ya know, I'd do that."
I sigh through my nose. His voice grates on my nerves worse than Kri. But what if he's right? Diana told me that if this doesn't go well it's going to cost me my lab. I grip my bag a little tighter. My anxiety from earlier is coming back. It always does when Stephen is around, but his talking isn't helping. Someone else lost their lab too? How many audits do they even do in a year? I knew I wasn't the only underperforming scientist, but surely it can't be that big of a problem?
"If you ladies aren't busy after work, the guys and I are--"
"No," Jillie interrupts, and I'm grateful she's blunt. She may hate Stephen more than I do.
"You know, it's good to get out once in a while, instead of staying inside all day," Stephen is now jogging ahead of us, going backwards. I hope he trips. "Being cooped up inside all day can't be good for your mental health."
My blood runs cold and I stop dead. I know that's targeted at me, and I want to fight back, I should fight back, but all the fight has been sapped out of me. Somehow he found out about my episode, and hasn't let go of it since. It's like a badge of honor. Hey, I made this girl break down in front of all her academic peers, isn't she stupid and fragile? 
I need to respond, some witty retort, but all I can do is stare at the ground and hug myself.
I feel Jillie's arms go around my shoulders and she pulls me to her side protectively. "Back off Byrne."
I see Stephen's hands go up defensively. "I'm just tryin' to help."
Jillie starts to walk me up the hill again. We're almost there. If we can get to the greenhouse he'll go away. Probably.
"Well go help someone else, we have work to do," Jillie says pushing us past him. My anxiety is so bad my teeth are chattering. I pray to whatever god is listening that he can't hear it. 
His fading voice calls after us, "I'm sure it's very important." Dick. "The invitation is open, ladies."
Jillie mumbles under her breath, "Not in a million years."
We stop in front of the greenhouse, Jillie's arms still around my shoulders.
"Hun, look at me," she says firmly, and I wrench my gaze from the ground to her blue eyes. "Are you okay?"
The truth is, I want to cry. I can feel tears prickling just behind my eyes, and my breathing is shallow. I hate this, I hate feeling like this. One stupid conversation was all it took for Stephen to tie me up in knots, and get me crying all over again.
I sniff, and it's gross. "I'll be okay," I mumble.
Jillie gives me a disbelieving look. "You sure?"
I flex my fingers anxiously, and I can't meet her gaze anymore. I fix my eyes on a freckle on her cheek, dark against all that pale skin, and nod.
It's no use to dwell like this. Crying solves nothing, and I hate the clean up, the puffy eyes, the snotty nose. The looks of pity.
On a deep inhale, I draw my shoulders back, willing the tears back into my body where they need to stay, and nod again. "I'm good. Let's kick some ass."
Another look of disbelief crosses Jillie's face, and I'm silently begging her not to push it. I can't handle any emotions right now. Please, please let it go. 
Thankfully, Jillie sighs and pats my shoulders. "Okay." 
I give her a small smile. "I'm fine, really." 
"Mhm," she hums, lips pursed. 
She opens the door and my mood drops even further. Kri is already here. 
Except he's not frowning at us; he's not even looking at us. He's crouched low to the ground, examining one of Dr. Markesh's plants. One hand is out, gently holding a leaf between his fingers. He's making chirping noises, which I recognize as his native tongue but I don't understand. It flits in and out of my hearing range like a wave, melodic and steady. His head is tilted like he's listening to it talk--can ento do that?-- and his gaze is half-lidded. He's looking at the plant the same way I do, with reverence and affection. 
He didn't acknowledge us at all, so he must not have heard us walk in. After a moment, I clear my throat, and Kri startles. 
It's awkward, looking down at Kri. At a little over seven feet he towers over me while standing, but now his head barely reaches my chest. I can see where his plating connects at the back, forming ridges that protect his spine. The iridescent flecks in his exoskeleton catch the morning light and reflect back to me in gorgeous purple shimmers, and the plates over his arms and chest look like thick muscle. The plates over his face look like they're glowing blue. 
There are some people who are, well, let's say attracted to ento. And if we’re being honest, I see the appeal. They're like nothing I've ever seen before. Ento are gorgeous, in an (excuse the pun) otherworldly way. 
Not that I’m attracted to Kri. Not at all.
Over the past week, when Kri wasn't running his mouth or hovering over my shoulder, he was poised somewhere off to the side. I noticed he holds himself with pride. I can see it in his posture, in the graceful way he walks, how he takes off to fly. It's all done with careful measures of control to be as smooth as possible. And I will admit, despite his propensity to piss me off, he's actually quite pleasant to look at.
Kri stands up and brushes off his knees. "You're late." 
Aaand any good notion I had towards him is now gone. 
"We were at the gym," I hiss, setting down my bag on the table that runs down the middle of the greenhouse.
"I can see that," he says, voice tense. Is he really that mad we were late? I roll my eyes and he folds his arms.
"Sor-ry," I say, opening my bag to get my laptop out. 
"Your tone suggests sarcasm," he says, leaning backwards against the bench. 
"No," I respond, sarcastically. The back and forth almost feels like a game now, seeing how much irony I can inject into my voice to set him off. It's one of the only things that's kept me sane the past week. 
Kri sighs heavily through his flat nose, and starts jotting something down. It's gonna be a long day. 
"That's the improper measurement for--" 
"Yeah, I got it." 
"You do not. Your hand position is--" 
"I said I got it!" 
"I believe your ratio is off." 
"I'm not measuring it again." 
"Are you certain?" 
"If you write down that I didn't measure the soil to fertilizer ratio in your stupid fucking report I'm gonna--" 
"Cass! Come help me with the seedlings!" 
"Are you going to--"
"I already did."
"You don't even know what I was going to say."
"You were going to mention that I overwatered, then ask if I put proper drainage in the pot so it wouldn't drown. So yes, I already did that."
“Refuses to accept corrections,” he mutters, and I snap, whirling on him.
“What is your problem?”
Kri stops writing and looks up from his clipboard at me. “I’m writing my report.”
I lean forward. “All week it’s ‘Doesn’t do this,’ or ‘Doesn’t follow that,’ but not once have you written down the good things I do!”
Slowly, Kri lowers his clipboard, and for a split second I think I’ve got him. With his free hands he starts listing things off. 
“You don’t follow protocol, your organization is nonexistent, you rarely stick to your ‘lists’,” he says “lists” like it’s something he wants to spit out of his mouth, and my anger flares.
Kri narrows his eyes and folds his arms. “And you ignore any form of critique."
I groan, a loud sound that’s ripped from my throat. “You are the most condescending man—alien—thing I have ever had the displeasure of—“
“You are being highly unprofessional.”
“My ass!” I’m shouting now, and I don’t care. “You have been nothing but rude since you walked in! I have plants to take care of, and I can’t afford to be distracted by your stupid, meaningless corrections!”
I want to flip a table. I want to punch something. Instead, I throw my chair to the side. 
It's too much. This is too much too fast. Tears prick at my eyes, betraying my frustrated state. I can't stand the thought of Kri seeing me cry, so I storm out. 
The sun is blinding and I hold a hand up to shield my eyes. I'm storming off towards…I don't know where, I just need to keep walking. I need to get away.
Chapter 3 >>
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glowingbadger · 3 years
The Sylvain and Dimitri arranged marriage stuff made me think of a claude version of it. Maybe an AU where Claude never came to fodlan and reader has to marry the prince/king of Almyra to improve countries relationships. Anyway seriously love your stuff thank you so much for the content!!
Oh hoo Anon, this is a wonderful take on the concept. Let's see what I can whip up for us~
((side note I feel like we never learn whether Almyra speaks a different language from Fodlan?? But being multi-lingual is sexy so idgaf))
((And also I used Bengali for Almyran because I have Bengali family and the language is so beautiful even though the english alphabet phonetic spellings are weird af))
Claude x Reader - Arranged Marriage
NSFW 18+ (like only towards the end tho idk)
Overall, you do what you can to stay out of the way. You'd been sent to Almyra as a symbol- a token, more than anything else. Now that you were in King Khalid's possession, very few throughout the castle paid you any particular mind. You were provided for, of course. Anything you cared to ask for was given. But you didn't speak a word of the Almyran language, and those who bothered to use what they knew of Fodlan's to communicate with you seemed to view you as a pet to be kept safe and healthy, and little else.
By week's end, there was to be a lavish banquet in honor of your union with the King- though of course, your input on the proceedings is entirely unwanted. In some ways, Almyra is quite similar to Fodlan. Court life is much the same. As you wander through the royal gardens, wondering at a range of colorful and exotic flowers you'd never heard of, let alone seen, a voice speaks smoothly behind you.
"Did you know you can actually eat the petals of this particular flower? They're very sweet."
You whirl around and nearly bump into King Khalid. You're about to stammer out an apology, but he reaches out and plucks a single white petal and holds it before your lips.
"Go on, I think you'll like it."
Whatever possesses you to eat a flower petal from this man's hand is something you'd rather leave unexamined for the time being- but he is right about the flavor. It's sweet, but not overly so, and quite pleasant.
"Hm! Yeah, it's nice," you say, then glance up at him as another thought occurs to you that you'd considered once or twice before, "You speak the language of Fodlan very well, my Lord."
"I'm flattered," he says with a disarmingly handsome smile, "and please, just Khalid. I don't think I could bear to have my own wife stand on such formality with me."
He says it so naturally, as if you'd been planning this union for years. Though, once again, he's right. This is only perhaps the dozenth time you've exchanged words, but you are wed, and you ought to get used to addressing him as your husband.
"Khalid..." you say tentatively, "Did- did you need something from me? I hope I wasn't too much trouble to find."
"Not when you find such pleasant places to hide," he replies, still wearing that easy smile, "but to be honest, I was actually hoping you'd accompany me for the day. I can finally afford to take a bit of time away from the castle, and I think you and I both would appreciate some space to breathe. What do you say?"
Correct once again. You nod, and take the arm he offers you. As he leads you out from the gardens, he points out a few more plants native to your new homeland. They're incredibly varied, each more strange and vibrant than the last. All the while, he's somehow made you feel as though you're chatting with an old friend. You leave the gardens and wander towards the area you vaguely recall to be designated for horse stables and wyvern stalls.
From there, a few things happen in sequence. Khalid asks if you're afraid of flying. He asks if you trust him to hold on to you. He helps you up onto the saddle that seems impossibly high up on its own right, and then, you're propelled into the air with a force your body has never felt before. You tense and shrink back against his chest, clinging to whatever part of the saddle you can find purchase on for dear life. Up here, it's difficult to pick up, but you feel your husband laugh behind you, then his strong arm wrap around your waist.
"Relax, I won't let anything happen to you," he says against your ear, his voice sure and steady, "I've got you."
And it takes a few miles of flying and a lot of Khalid distracting you by pointing out different buildings and shops along the streets below, but eventually, you do manage to relax- at least a little.
The castle town is positively buzzing with activity. Even from your distance in the sky above, you can see clusters of people moving around each other like fish up stream, and even hear the faint echoes of a merchant advertising goods.
"It doesn't seem at all like the Almyra we're taught about in Fodlan."
"Oh, it is," Khalid assures you with a bemused chuckle, "But it's also much more. I imagine it's the same for your people. There's a lot we can learn from one another, I think."
By the time the sun is high in the sky, you've passed the most densely settled part of town and are gliding over farmland and the occasional pocket of forest and rivers that split and cross through the earth like veins. Though, the warmer climate of Almyra will still take some getting used to, and it seems your husband considers this.
"Let's land for a bit and find some shade,"
You nod, and he directs his wyvern to begin a slow descent.
The King had thought of everything for this little day-trip, it seemed. Having evidently packed everything you'd need in the saddlebags on his steed, you now recline beside him on a plush blanket in a clearing amidst the trees. A small brook bubbles down from stone to stone in small waterfalls beside you, and the air feels positively alive with birdsong and rustling leaves, all foreign to you and all part of your new home. And so is he, you think as you glance over at the handsome figure of your husband beside you.
You'd been sitting in a comfortable quiet, munching on a couple of very dense pastries which Khalid had told you incorporated an extract of the flower you'd sampled earlier. He gives a satisfied sigh as he finishes his first and lies back on the blanket, taking in and savoring a deep breath. As you finish the last bites of your own treat, you reflect on the day thus far. You'd learned much about the locals and their daily lives by observation and Khalid's description in such a short time, and he'd even taught you a hand full of basic words and phrases in Almyran.
"Uhm, Khalid?"
He opens one eye and gives you a sideways glance.
"It was... dhonnobad, right? Thank you?"
His smile his open and warm, his eyes practically shimmering in the reflected sunlight from the nearby brook.
"Well, we'll have to work on your pronunciation, but I'm impressed you remembered," he beckons you down onto the blanket beside him, and you follow, lying on your side as he turns towards you. You're closer than you'd anticipated, even given the limited realestate of the blanket, and you internally scold yourself for being shy about something so silly- like some naive adolescent.
"Let's try a couple more words, since you've been such a diligent student."
"Okay," you say with a smile, "try me, I'll do my best."
"Hmm..." he looks around your private clearing, then gestures towards the brook and says, "Jala"
"Jala," you repeat slowly. He nods,
"Right- that's 'water'. And, uhm..." he points toward a patch of wildflowers at the edge of the brook, "Phula. That's 'flower'."
Again, you repeat as best you can, and though you know your pronunciation must be off, he's encouraging nonetheless. Then, he leans in towards you, and brings his free hand to your cheek, his fingertips brushing your skin lightly.
"Now try sundara."
"... Sundara?" you make an attempt, and you're sure you got something about that 's' sound mixed up, but Khalid just gives you a slanted smile. He doesn't clarify at first, so you ask, "What does that one mean?"
His fingers slowly weave back into your hair, and his voice is low and soothing as he replies,
"That means 'beautiful'."
Your face warms immediately, but you hardly have a moment to feel bashful about it before he presses his lips to yours, kissing you slow and deep. His movements are effortlessly sensual, pulling you towards him and sending your pulse pounding through your veins. You part your lips to him almost instinctively, and the way he uses his tongue is sparing, but oh-so effective. When he finally pulls away, your head is spinning and it's all you can do to meet his gaze.
"So... that's how they kiss in Almyra." you say, barely above a whisper. Khalid smirks and turns you onto your back, sliding an arm around your waist.
"Oh, no- there's no tradition in this, only skill."
Goddess- if they'd warned you of the King's supernatural charms, you wouldn't have believed them. But now his lips are on yours once again, and he's holding your body to his, and you can't think of anything else. Your arms drape across his shoulders, and faster than you can track, your bodies have met in a tangled, impassioned embrace. It was hard to imagine that mere kissing could feel so erotic, but something about his pace, about how his lips and hands move in tandem, about how thorough he is in exploring you, makes you feel like it would be only natural to give yourself over to him completely.
His kiss travels along your jawline up to the shell of your ear, where he nips briefly, then murmurs,
"I was hoping to apologize for how little time we've had to get to know each other before today," you bite at your bottom lip as his hand slides down to the curve of your hip, "if that would be pleasing to you, my dearest wife."
"Ye- yes..." you sigh into the open air as his lips reach your neck. The single word is all either of you need. He never stops pressing lavish kisses to your lips and neck as he pulls your clothing out of his way. By the time he's satisfied, your clothes are draped off your arms and pooling around you on the blanket- and he doesn't seem to care to remove them entirely. He has a goal in mind.
Slowly, painstakingly, he makes his way down your body. You feel him everywhere- hands tracing and memorizing your frame, breath hot across your skin as his lips spoil you with adoring kisses. Soon enough, he's kissed his way to your lower stomach, and he urges your thighs apart beneath him. You suppress the instinctive wave of embarrassment at being exposed to him for the first time- he is your husband and your King, afterall- but then, his head dips down towards your plump lower lips, and your mind goes white.
"Khalid-!" you gasp out as his tongue trails coyly up the crease of your folds. He hums contentedly, and places a disarmingly chaste kiss to the soft skin. Then, his thumbs gently spread you open for him, and your entire body burns while he takes a moment to merely admire you- your pretty little hole already wet, your clit already hard and flushed dark. When his head lowers once more, his green eyes meet yours steadily, as though to promise without words to be good to you.
And in a moment, his mouth begins to gently tease your clit, and your head tilts back on the blanket. Your hips jerk just a bit with each pass of his tongue across the sensitive bundle, and occasionally you can't hold in a gasp or whimper of pleasure. This only encourages him, of course. The more you moan and sigh, the more dedicated he becomes to your body. He presses himself more firmly to you, his lips surrounding your clit and the surrounding tender flesh, and he suckles on you, licks you, kisses you. You don't know when it happened, but your hands are at the back of his head, fists tangled in thick brown hair as he diligently works.
The unbearable tension is winding tight and anxious in your lower body- you know he'll drive you to climax before long, and the mere thought feels like falling in love. And then Khalid moves lower, and his tongue dips inside of your entrance. You gasp and unwittingly tug on his hair- but he certainly doesn't seem to mind. With a lustful groan, he presses more firmly to you, truly buried against your body as his dexterous tongue curls upward, stroking the vulnerable spot behind the nerves of your clit.
"Khalid!" this time it's nearly a scream, and you're grateful that your voice is lost in the surrounding foliage. Your thighs begin to shake, and your hands release him to instead clutch the blanket behind you. And at last, with a whimper in a voice you hardly recognize, your lower body floods with soaked warmth as your orgasm sweeps through you. Panting, twitching, you moan out for your husband over and over, until finally, the wave begins to subside, and Khalid pulls away to position himself above you on all fours.
"That's a nice expression..." he says with a grin, directing you to look at him with a hand at your chin, "I hope I'll get to see it often."
When your eyes finally refocus, you look up at him somewhat apologetically,
"I should... attend to you."
He laughs and kisses your forehead,
"There will be time for that tonight, don't you think? Once we're a bit more... put together," he says with a glance at your bare form, "we should head back to our ride. I'll bring you back to the castle, and we'll get the cooks to prepare something very 'Almyran' for you."
You nod- it probably wouldn't do for the first time with your Lord Husband to be mid-day in the woods. Though he'd certainly failed to make it seem unappealing.
"And then," he goes on, bringing a finger to trace the curve of your bottom lip, "Well, maybe we'll excuse ourselves to our bedchamber a bit early this evening, and we can continue this little... cultural exchange."
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thecreatorseye · 3 years
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Yeah, so this happened today XD I have so many rigs projects to do DDDD: Curse of an artist -_-' an easily diverted artist lol.
Sooo just finished playing Psychonauts 2 a few day ago. Played the first game a few weeks ago, (yeah I never played it until now, weird huh? go figure lol.) and I quite enjoyed it.
That said, I didn't initially click with DR Loboto until Rhombas or Ruin - no spoilers here, but I'm a soft touch for the sad sack villain. I'm not a huge fan of his design though. Nothing wrong with it, just doesn't do it for me. *shrugs* I do however enjoy shipping him with Couch Orlander (guilty pleasure, don't judge me) and I got to thinking, what if the two were fellow agents? Hell what if Dr L never ended up with the 'insanity of a Manatee' in the first place? XD
And thus I did what I usually do. Modded some rigs XD
I say heavily modded in this case. This was built entirely from existing rigs in Psychonauts 2 and Psychonauts the Rhombas of Ruins. Helps to keep everything looking canon, and saves me a heck of a lot of time with rigging weights.
So I started off with First Mate Loboto's rig, removed some clothing and replaced it with DR Loboto originals pants. Took and modified his hair from young Loboto's rig. Used Raz's jacket arms and Sasha's coat, all be in heavily modded, and cleaned up the textures to remove his stitches and give his skin a lighter shade closer to his young version.
As with anything, I'm gonna be tweaking stuff because I'm never satisfied with the result.
So yeah, behold Agent Dr Loboto XD
Models used from Psychonauts 2 and Psychonauts Rhombas of ruin. Just for fun X3
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