#just got back from doing groceries .. feel like i have my first moment to myself for the first time since last week .. feels good
loverboybitch · 1 year
wow hello everyone .. how are we doing.//.
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peachesofteal · 11 months
Hey just wanted to say I love your writing!!! Somehow it fills me with a sense of contentment I haven't experienced before, maybe it's because I see so much of myself in darling from dead disco and I'm loving all the au drabbles too.
Can we please get a glimpse into what happened when darling saw them at the grocery store. Did she bolt the first chance she got? She's probably still heartbroken and emotionally exhausted but does she miss them? How is she managing motherhood by herself? Does she think Soap and Ghost tracked her down? Sorry for asking so many questions my mind is racing 💗
Hi love! Thank you so much for all your support, you're truly too kind. 🩵🩵 I'm so glad you're enjoying all these crazy little stories, it's definitely a treat to dive into.
Warnings-tags: 18+ Mature themes. Takes place after this.
It doesn't happen, quite like you thought it would.
You had expected to feel fear, when you saw them again. Expected to feel the nerves, the anxiety, the twisting in your gut when you finally laid eyes on them. You imagined those feelings would shift into anger, as they always do, the tidal wave of your rage's strength pulling you under, just as it did the night you left, nearly two years ago.
You're surprised when it's none of those things. You're surprised when it's... sadness instead. A profound sense of loss, the swell of it so strong it nearly knocks you off balance, while it brings tears to your eyes.
Your mouth hangs open in shock for what feels like too long, seconds turning into eons while you cradle the baby's head, brain sputtering while you try to process. They've done it. They've found you.
They're going to take her.
Except... they don't look like they're looking for you. They look they're just out, doing their shopping. They look like they're just... having a normal day.
And they look just as shocked to see you as you are to see them.
Bee gurgles in your arms, a happy song, and you bounce her instinctively, while you break your eyes away to look past them, at the other end of the aisle, and the towards the door. You should leave. The thought primes your muscles, preparing you to flee, when Simon's voice rings out over the dim grocery store music.
"Don't run. Please. Please, darling. Don't run." You hesitate, unwilling to leave the grocery cart, unwilling to try to run through the store, and stand frozen, rooted to the linoleum like you've grown there.
It's like Bee can sense the shift in your mood, can smell your distress, because her happy trill stops, and her face scrunches up like she's confused, before she starts to cry.
"Shhh, baby. It's okay." you hum, trying to rub her back to calm her, while your brain trips over itself trying to go a mile a minute. Run. Don't. Be calm. Panic. Scream. Cry. Run into their arms. Don't be crazy. Don't let them take her.
They're stepping closer now, easing up the aisle towards you, and you shake your head at them as a no. No. Don't come any farther. I don't trust you. Johnny tries to wipe his cheek inconspicuously, while Simon's got his hands out like he thinks he's about to catch a wild animal.
Maybe he is.
"Stop." you half yell it, the word bubbling up your throat and out like a barb, and it halts them in their tracks.
"Darling, please." Johnny croaks, his eyes locked on yours.
"Stop!" you say again, and step backwards once. Bee fusses, and Simon watches her. "I won't let you." you hiss, and Johnny's brow furrows in confusion, while Simon regards you slack jawed.
"Let us what?" He asks and you nearly laugh, except in the moment you realize your breathing is more shallow than normal, lungs tight and fighting your brain for air.
"Take her. I wo-won't." Johnny's face shifts into something crestfallen, something broken, and he makes a strangled sound. Like he wants to speak, but can't. It hurts you, wounds something deep, something you've buried, and for a fleeting moment, you want to comfort him. Want to reach out, and touch him. Only just to feel him again. Simon doesn't anything at all, just stares at you in shocked silence, his hands shaking.
"Darling, we would never-" Would never? Would never?! He seems to realize, what he's saying, and stops himself... before taking a deep breath and continuing. "We know you don't trust us. But-"
"No. That's enough." You take another step backwards. He doesn't stop.
"Please, we can at least try to help with-"
"I don't need your help." You spit, and try not to look at your trolley. It's full of Bee's food, puréed, organic foods and brightly colored snack packs, while your own is a smattering collection of bruised produce and discount rack canned goods. "We're fine." you double down, but your voice cracks with the weight of the emotions that you're staving off, and Johnny looks heartbroken. "I'm fine. I'm doing it on my own. I've been doing it, on my own."
"I know." Simon's voice is soft, gentle, the gravel pitch smoothed into something velvety, just for you. It tugs at you, stabs and twists, nips at your heart, while you try to build your defenses to keep it out.
"I don't need either of you. We don't. I'm taking care of her. And she's great, she's perfect." It's not a lie. She is perfect. An angel. Your inquisitive, sweet, beautiful baby. Your little piece of perfection. You do everything for her, sacrifice everything, for her. She's your world, and your her's.
But being someone's world who needs you to survive is hard. It's really, really fucking hard. And doing it on your own is even harder. No one understands, what it's like, and you feel so weak, so stupid, so beat down every day that sometimes, it's too easy to close your eyes in the bathtub. It's too easy, to feel like you did after she was born, alone in your tiny flat, with a screaming newborn, and no one to help you. No one to call. It's too easy to wish for terrible things, especially when you know she would be taken care of. When you know her dads would keep her safe.
"She's beautiful, love." Johnny says, jolting you from your thoughts, and you can't help but nod in agreement.
"You've done so well." Simon murmurs and you slam your eyes shut. Don't. Don't listen to them.
"T-thank you." It comes out as a cry, tears you can't hold off anymore, and they both step closer, close enough that they're maybe two arms lengths away from where you stand. "No!" you croak, and Johnny covers his face with a palm, while Simon's face twists like he's in pain.
Seconds pass, and Bee still fusses in your arms, her body wriggling in your grasp, while Johnny takes long, deep breaths.
"Are you taking care of yourself?" he asks you softly, after he rubs his eyes. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Li...like I said. We're fine." You choke it out, and Simon shakes his head. Like he knows. Of course he does. They can see right through you. You have to get out of here. "We should go."
"No, wait." Simon tries to step closer, but Johnny grabs his wrist.
"At least, let us buy your groceries." Johnny tries, but you shake your head.
"Darling, please. Please." Simon latches onto your trolley, making it immobile in his grip, and you shake your head back and forth.
"She needs to go down for her nap." You grit out. You can feel your own tears on your cheeks, and you try to ignore it, try to ignore everything except for your mission. Escape.
"Can we... get your phone number, at least?" He tries.
"That's not a good idea." I have you blocked on everything so not sure what purpose it would serve, either.
"You still have ours, right? In case you need anything?" Johnny asks gently, and you nod.
"You can call us, any time. Day or night." Simon rushes out, like he's a bit frantic, stumbling over the words. He releases the trolley finally, and you pull it away immediately. "For anything. We'll be there." Bee cries, screams, lungs screeching and you pat her back.
"Okay, thanks." You don't say anything else before you turn, swinging around and beelining for check out, all while trying to remember to breathe and soothe your crying baby.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck.
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luveline · 1 year
If you’re taking requests, I’d love to see something with domestic!Hotch, pure fluff and love.
hi thank you for your request!! hope this is OK!! fem!reader
"Alright," you say, hands in front of you, poised, "okay, I can do it."
"You can't. You won't be able to, and I'll have to take you to the ER with a broken neck," Aaron says, though he doesn't seem alarmed at all, sitting on the leather armchair of your apartment with a mug of hot chocolate in hand. 
"I can do it! Don't be defeatist. You always tell me that I can do anything." 
"You can do anything," he agrees, "and that includes breaking your neck." 
"It's just a handstand. I know you're jealous because you can't do one, but there's no need to put me down. I expected more from you Hotchner, I really did."
He hums as if to say, Well, what can you do? and takes a sip of his drink. You're thrilled he's home, jubilant that he's relaxed, and yeah, you're so happy you've decided to show off a little. You got to talking about being younger and getting old, how the lost mobility starts and never ends. You're not as old as Aaron is but you're not so young, either. 
"I can't actually remember the last time I did a handstand," you admit. 
"I'm sure it's like riding a bike." 
"Very funny. Okay, I'm really going to do it, handsome." You start to move forward toward the wall, but stop at a sputter, turning your head over your shoulder to ask, "Would you take care of me, if I hurt myself?" 
"I'd be very annoyed." 
"But you'd look after me? Shower me and stuff?" 
Aaron puts down his mug, smiling at you lovingly. "What sort of question is that? Of course I would. Now do your handstand, honey." 
"Are you kidding?" you ask. 
He looks nice in his pyjamas, new and ironed and the best you could find for him at the grocery store, knowing he'd be coming over and knowing he wouldn't bring anything comfortable with him to change into. You couldn't abide by another night of leaning on him in his slacks and button up shirt while you're in an old college t-shirt and sweatpants. It feels so disproportionate. Better now to get to sit with him in vaguely matching pyjamas, his trousers blue with white stripes, yours white with blue flowers. Better still to perform gymnastics in them and discuss how he'd nurse you back to health in the case of a concussion. 
"What's the worst that could happen?" he asks. 
"I break my neck?" you ask, incredulous.
He raises his eyebrows.
You wave your hand at him and he laughs, pleased to have set a successful trap. You're too nervous to run into the handstand, but walking feels like less than ideal momentum. 
"Don't look," you say eventually. 
"I'd like to look." 
"Don't look, Aaron. I can feel you looking." 
"I actually think you might be able to do it," he says. He sounds carefree, for once. He never sounds this relaxed over the phone, and it takes him a few hours to wind down after work every night, but on the weekends when it's you and him alone, Aaron laughs. He makes stupid jokes, he kisses behind your ears, he lets himself indulge in snacks and TV. And he encourages your bad decisions. "Take it slow, you don't have to impress anyone. Besides me." 
"You think you're very funny," you murmur. 
You finally give in. You bend at the waist and shift your weight onto your hands, and you collapse into a sideways ball before you have the chance to impress. "Woah!" you shout, your arm slapping into your face and your knee burning from carpet friction. 
Aaron starts laughing like crazy, like —you've never heard him make that sound before. You're startled enough by his boyish giggling to forget your embarrassing defeat for a moment, until he slides his hands under your arms to pull you into a sitting position, crooning, "Oh, my girl, that was really pathetic. I can't believe you knew how to do a handstand in the first place if that's what you're working with now." 
"Aaron, what the fuck." Your unhappiness wanes as he kisses you, the curve of his smile cutting your frown. "Pathetic was a bit strong," you mumble into his lips, hand in his t-shirt and pulling him down for another kiss. 
"How have you managed to get me on the floor again?" he asks on his knees, hand to your face, thumb glancing off of the highest point of your cheek affectionately. 
"Don't know. Reckon I can do a rolypoly?" 
"Not if it's anything like your handstand." 
Aaron rubs your arms and stands up, tugging at your hands to encourage you to do the same. You do, but as you stand, you notice something. 
"You won't believe this, handsome," you say, bending down. 
He grabs your waist. "You're not trying again." 
"I'm not!" You stand, holding out the palm of your hand. "Look, it's our missing puzzle piece." 
Aaron frowns at your jigsaw piece, a cream colour that blended in with the floor. "That's not good."
"Why not?" you ask. You and Aaron spent hours sitting around the coffee table doing that jigsaw together, and you'd both been genuinely disappointed to find it incomplete. 
He closes his hand over yours and pulls you in for a soft kiss. "I wrote them a very angry email," he confesses. "It was… unlike me." 
"You didn't." 
"I did," he says, nodding into another kiss, your twin laughter smothered by the other's gentle touch, "I really, really did." 
"You'll have to say sorry." 
"Return the new puzzle, too." 
"Or… we could never tell anyone." 
Aaron laughs warmly and wraps his arms around your shoulders, a big hand cradling the back of your head. "Good idea." 
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suuuupernovaaa · 11 months
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Requested by anon. Hobie Brown x f!Reader. 'Open Arms' by SZA, Travis Scott.
I know this is all bad, but please, put a leash on me. Who needs self-esteem anyway?
Rated M. 18+. Mostly fluff.
Samantha's elbow, unbelievably sharp and bony, grinds into my side. I let out a yelp, and yank myself away from my best friend. "What the fuck, Sam?"
She's grinning at me, and then her gaze slips away, following something over my shoulder. I follow her eyeline and see him - Hobie Brown, walking towards us across the grassy lawn of the park. His guitar is strapped over his back and his hands are in the pocket of his studded leather vest. He's walking towards us and as his gaze meets mine, the corners of his mouth turn up just a little bit - which is a beaming smile for Hobie.
We've only just started dating. It's been three... dates, if you can call them that. The second date was helping Hobie and his friends paint a mural. The third was dinner, which I burnt, on the floor of my apartment, because I'm waiting for my new kitchen table to be delivered. The first, Hobie told me on the third date, was the time we ran into each other at the grocery store and he asked me on what I thought was our first date, but then learned was apparently our second.
Though I've dated plenty before, there is something distinct about Hobie. When I first met him, I assumed he was the kind of guy who could not settle down, who could not commit, and who wouldn't be interested in sharing his feelings with anyone.
You could have nearly knocked me over with a feather when, as we sat on the floor eating burnt roast chicken over my coffee table, Hobie looked me right into my eyes and told me he was feeling nervous every time he saw me.
"Dunno," he'd told me, "I just think... that you're special, Y/N. This is somethin' special, and I don't want to mess it up."
I nearly choked on my dry chicken, and the tears that gathered in my eyes as I took a sip of water. The truth was, since the moment I'd been introduced to Hobie Brown, I'd known I was in trouble. Everything about him screamed for me. I was obsessed. I was trying to play it cool, but hearing him call me special, call the budding relationship between us special, nearly sent me into a fit.
"Jesus," Hobie said, hitting my back gently. "You alright?"
I wiped the tears from my eyes and set my water down. "Yes. Sorry. Shit. I really like you, Hobie."
We smiled at each other like two idiots who were bound to fall in love.
As he walks toward me in the park, I'm smiling like that again. I can feel Sam rolling her eyes next to me. "Oh, my god, are you going to fuck him in front of everyone here?"
I shrug, and elbow her back. "If he asks."
She shoves me. "I gotta run. See you tonight?"
"What's tonight?" Hobie asks as he reaches us, and Sam begins her departure.
"See you!" I holler. "Sam is going to help me put together my table and chairs. She's handy."
"I mean this in the most pro-feminist, anti-sexist way possible, but you've got a man now. I can put together your furniture," Hobie says with a teasing grin, and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. "Or, I can bring you a pizza after you work. Christen the new table."
I press a soft kiss to his cheek. "Perfect. Around 8? Shouldn't take us too long."
It's embarrassing, how I melt in this man's arms. When he mentions Christening the kitchen table, I don't think of eating food there. I think of myself, laid back, legs spread, Hobie between them...
But pizza with Hobie and my best friend is good, too. Jesus, I need to pull myself together, hold on to my dignity and self-respect as long as I can.
Hobie dips me backwards a little bit, and presses a firm kiss to my mouth, letting his lips linger on mine for a long time. My head is spinning when he finally sets me upright again. "Maybe once Sam leaves, we can Christen the table another way," he whispers, and a shiver runs up my spine.
I don't really need self-respect, do I?
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starry-hughes · 6 months
christmas wrapping (quinn hughes)
day 25 of star’s ficmas
quinn hughes x reader
note: merry christmas! after posting fics for 25 days straight, i’m extremely proud of myself. i had a lot going on during these 25 days and i was convinced that i was going to give up but it made me have a goal for every day.
with that being said, welcome to the final fic. if you don’t understand the title, please refer to my FAVORITE christmas song by the waitresses christmas wrapping, in which this entire fic is based off of. i’ve been working on this for a while.
thank you for sticking around for 25 days!
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It didn’t feel like Christmas. You were in a humbug spirit all month long, despite it being your absolute favorite holiday. Typically, by the month of December, you had presents bought and wrapped before the first week of the month ended.
You didn’t have somewhere to be on the holiday. Last year at Christmas, you were in a ski shop. Your friends had planned a whole ski trip which is where you met Quinn Hughes. Quinn had struck up the conversation and you both discovered you were living in Vancouver. At the end of the conversation, Quinn was giving you his phone number.
You fully intended on calling Quinn. But there was never the time. Between your work and own things, and his busy schedule, it was never lining up. When the season in the spring was picking up for Quinn, it was the time that you just so happened to reach out to him. You asked if lunch was something possible.
Quinn was all for lunch. He wanted to see you. The alluring individual he met in a ski shop when avoiding his brothers’ antics out in the snow. You suggested the first date, he was in Carolina that day. The date he suggested, you were on a work trip in Montreal. After the back and forth and exchange of at least ten different days in the spring, nothing was working out. Both of you laughed it off, promising to keep in touch for when schedules got light and times would match up better.
The next time you would hear from Quinn would be the summertime. You were returning from a weekend trip with some friends to the beach, but on your trip, you had forgotten an important item. Sunscreen. You had horrible sun blisters and it hurt to even lay in bed. Quinn normally didn’t spend the summer in Vancouver but he was there briefly for a little, visiting some friends, when he invited you to a boat day on the lake. You wanted to attend so bad, you were still wanting to meet with Quinn again, see if the spark was still there from December of last year. Sadly, you had to decline, sending him a picture of you with aloe slathered on your face, telling him it was sunburn in the third degree keeping you from joining him.
Quinn understood, no one would ever want to sit under the scorching sun after getting severe sunburn. There were no hard feelings but he was wishing he could see you.
You finally took the time to call all your friends who had invited you over for Christmas. Declining all the invites, making phone calls to all the parties you were asked to RSVP to. It had been a crazy year and you had decided it would be your first Christmas alone. It was a hard decision but it was needed.
You thought back to Halloween. Quinn had invited you to the Canucks Halloween party at Brock Boeser’s house. He was supposed to pick you up. You were sitting in your apartment for a while, costume on, handing out candy to the few kids who knocked on your door. Quinn was exasperated when he called. Of course this would be the night his car battery died. His friends were already all at the party and there was no one to help him. He promised he wasn’t bailing on purpose and you told him it was okay and believed his word. Guess another time would have to do.
You had grocery shopped for your small Christmas dinner days in advance. The moment you decided to eat and celebrate alone, you picked up everything. A small turkey was in the oven, resting, while you put together other items. You cursed to yourself, of course you’d forget cranberry sauce. And it was Christmas Eve, meaning all the last minute shoppers would be at the store. It was windy and rainy in Vancouver, a gloomy Christmas. Slipping on your rain boots and coat, you made it down to the nearest store.
Quinn wasn’t used to spending the holidays alone. But one mistake in his family and their booking of flights and he was alone. Honestly, he preferred it. He needed the time to recharge. After being named captain of his hockey team and his team doing pretty well, he deserved time to himself. He didn’t have a big dinner planned, declining all invites from his teammates.
He had waited until the last minute to buy most things and fought through the last minute crowds to get everything in the morning to make dinner for himself tomorrow on Christmas Day. But while emptying his grocery bags, he realized he forgot cranberry sauce. He trudged through to the store down the street from his apartment.
You couldn’t exactly put your finger on where you knew him from when you first saw him. You were standing in line, cranberry sauce in hand when Quinn joined the line right next to yours. You smiled at him and he immediately knew it was you. He joined in you line.
“Spending this Christmas alone?” you questioned. “Yeah it’s been crazy,” he responded.
“Yeah me too, but why are you at the store..” your voice trailed off, “you forgot cranberry too!”
Quinn and you both laughed and then at the same time, it clicked. Christmas magic from the movies. “My dinner is almost done, if you want to come over,” you suggested. “I’d love that,” he paid for both cans of cranberry sauce. “Tomorrow, you can eat dinner at my place if you want,” he said.
You nodded and the two of you made the way out of the grocery store together and down to your apartment. “I feel bad, we don’t have gifts to unwrap,” you said. “I guess cranberries work. Or maybe a toothbrush depending if I stay the night.”
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milktei · 11 months
Woah I'm new here in Tumblr but I'm glad I came across your blog! Not sure if you're accepting requests but thoughts on Angst/Comfort where trust issues comes after Atsumu (or Kageyama 🙇‍♂️) does something that upsets their s/o??
Man of Many Words
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Miya Atsumu x gn!Reader
Genre: Angst with some fluff at the end
Warnings: none(?)
Requests: Closed for now :|
not edited
a/n: First of all i’m so sorry this took so long anon but I hope that this somewhat fulfills your request ;-;. Writers block is crazy I was pumping out one shots so easily and then bam I hate everything I write. The ending of this one in particular was difficult for me but i hope it suffices :’). anyways requests are still closed for now but i’m hoping to write something that will help the creative juices flow again
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It is well known among Atsumu’s friends and family that he tends to talk. A lot.
It was something you found endearing about him when you first started dating. Whenever you were with Atsumu, awkward silences were few and far between. There was always something he could talk about it.
For the most part you were happy to listen and talk about whatever it was he rambled about that day. His limitless passion was part of why you fell in love with him.
Still, the habit of his had some drawbacks.
“Oh, congratulations by the way!”
You turn your gaze away from the restaurant window and look at your friend in confusion.
“Congratulations on what?”
It was your friend’s turn to look confused, “On the big promotion silly!”
There was a pause as you took in their words. “How do you even know about that?” You spluttered. “I just got the news a couple days ago. I was planning a big announcement and everything.”
“Oh I ran into Atsumu at the grocery store yesterday and he told me!” their gaze softened when they saw the defeated look on your face. “I’m sorry I thought he would’ve told you”
You waved your hands in front of you, “no no it’s not your fault… I’m not very surprised at this point. I was just hoping to wait for all the paperwork to go through before telling anyone.”
“Well if it’s any comfort I’m proud of you y/n.”
The smile you gave them was bittersweet, “thanks.”
Needless to say, you were a bit peeved when you got home that day, though your boyfriend didn’t seem to notice.
“Hi babe! how was lunch?” He called from where he sat on the couch.
You stared blankly at the back at his head for a moment, “fine.”
“That’s great! I was thinkin’ for dinner we could order out ya know? This commercial came on and-“
“Why did you tell f/n about the promotion?”
He paused and finally turned to look at you. Taking in your frustrated state, still, he shrugged, “it seemed like a good time.”
You let your bag fall to the ground before fully stepping into the living room “Atsumu I told you that I wanted to wait, it would have only taken another week.”
Now standing up from the couch, the confusion that was evident on Atsumu’s face only served to fuel your anger.
“But this is such exciting news y/n! There’s no time like the present!”
“Atsumu that’s not for you to decide! That was my news to tell!”
“Like you said, you were gonna tell them eventually!” He raised his hands up in surrender, “I’m sorry but you know that this is just how I am! I was just so excited for you I couldn’t help myself.”
You left that fight defeated that night, unable to think of any comeback, because yes, you did know Atsumu. You knew how your life was never your own being with him. You knew the extent of just how stubborn he was and how ignorant he could be to the world around him. Trying to wrap his mind around something could feel like pulling teeth sometimes.
After managing to get through a tense dinner, life went on. You did end up celebrating with your closest friends and family and soon after you began to take on your new responsibilities.
Unfortunately, Atsumu continued to act as if he hadn’t completely crossed a boundary you had set. He continued to talk about your lives with his friends it seemed that you couldn’t go a full week without somebody asking you about something you never told them about.
The pure helplessness you felt that day remained lingering within you as you carried on with work. You found yourself almost dreading going home, and contemplating not telling him anything.
But how could you when everyday without fail he would grace you with that smile, oozing with love and fondness before sweetly asking you, “So how was your day?”
You were in a bit of a mess with yourself, trying to figure out how to get your concerns through his thick skull. The new role you had taken on further adding to the stress you had been feeling. While you loved your job You were both physically and mentally exhausted.
It was only a matter of time before everything became too much.
To the horror of you colleagues, you had ended up fainting at work. You had finally succumbed to everything in your life that had been piling on top of you.
Luckily, it wasn’t long before you regained consciousness, surrounded by your colleagues you sat up and slowly and rubbed the back of your head sheepishly.
At that moment some paramedics had rounded the corner and while you insisted you were completely fine, you allowed them to check you for injuries and give you some fluids, it wasn’t until they were sure you were stable and didn’t need any further help that they left.
As embarrassing as the entire situation was, you were glad that your boss let you have the rest of the day off, it was near the end of your shift anyways. So you grabbed your bag and left, still mortified at what had just transpired.
As you rode the train home, the events leading up to you losing consciousness replayed in your mind, you thought about everything that had led up to that point. How your coworkers reacted. As you sat in the quiet train, your mind still struggled to process what had happened.
Even with your spiralling mind, everything led to one conclusion.
You couldn’t tell Atsumu about what happened, at least not today.
Because you knew him. You knew exactly what would happen.
It would start with the texts from worried friends, calls from both of your families, and end with people mentioning off handedly, “I heard you fainted the other day. How are you feeling?” and you would be left to do damage control as your boyfriend continued to live his carefree life.
You could tell Atsumu “don’t tell anyone this” but you knew better. You knew better than to trust him and his big mouth. How could you have any other option when he’s never proven that he could listen?
So you would stay quiet. Long enough for you to recover from your lingering headache, long enough for you to process everything that had happened and figure out how to prevent it from happening again.
Long enough to be able to finally relax without worrying who you were going to get a text or call from.
Even with your mind made, the universe seemed to laugh down at you, and make life much more difficult for you than it needed to be.
You nearly cursed out loud when you saw his car in the driveway. He was home early too.
You sighed as you slowly unlocked your front door. The sounds of the TV growing louder as you stepped in.
Atsumu turned back and gave you a look of confusion as you took off your shoes. “Hey babe, wasn’t expecting you ‘til later.”
You smiled at him “I could say the same for you.” you slid your feet into your house slippers “I got a lot of work done today and my boss let me go home early, why are you home?”
Atsumu shrugged “Practically the same as you. Been makin’ a lot of progress at practice lately.”
You walked in front of where he sat and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. even with how your relationship had been going, at least this was something you hadn’t lost.
Atsumu wrapped his arms around your waist and looked up at you, “did you eat yet?”
No. I was so busy at work that I kept postponing my break. You thought to yourself bitterly.
“Not yet, I decided that I might as well eat at home if I was leaving early.”
Atsumu hummed, “I haven’t either. We could order something and then watch some movies? Take advantage of our free time.”
You smiled down at him, a relaxed movie day with him was exactly what you needed. “I would like that a lot ‘Tsumu.”
You pulled slightly away and he whined, causing you to laugh softly.
“I’ll go take a shower and you can order whatever you want, ok?”
His pout grew back into the loving smile of his as he nodded, “Can I use your phone? You always have coupons.”
You nodded and he allowed you to fully pull away. Reaching into your bag you pulled out your phone and handed it to him before making your way to your shared bedroom.
It had been maybe 20 minutes of Atsumu scrolling through the various restaurants (he’s very indecisive when it comes to food) before a text from who he recognized as one of your coworkers popped up.
“Hey! Hope your feeling better. We managed to get everything done so there’s no need to worry for your next shift.
Also remember to seek medical attention if anything feels off. I know you were cleared but you hit your head pretty badly.”
He froze as he read the text over and over. He didn’t even realize how much time had passed until you came walking out of your bedroom with a relaxed smile on your face.
“Soo, you decide on a place yet?”
You were met with an extremely uncharacteristic silence, your brows furrowed as you looked at your boyfriend staring intently at your phone.
The next thing you knew, Atsumu flipped the screen to you.
“y/n what is this? Medical attention? Did something happen?”
Your eyes skimmed the message and you froze.
“…O-oh there was a bit of an incident at work that happened before I left. No need to worry!” you tried to wave his hand away and mustered the calmest smile you could.
He looked unconvinced.
You felt your resolve crumble where you stood. The accusatory look he gave you full of worry, and worse, anger.
You sighed shakily, “ever since the promotion I’ve been finding it hard to find time to really relax so…” you looked away, unable to look him in the eye due to your guilt. “I ended up fainting.”
Atsumu shot up from where he sat, “You passed out?!” his hands frantically grabbed at your shoulders, trying to get you to look at him “You should have told me right away! I could have picked you up! Who knows what would have happened if you fainted again on the subway. I can’t believe you lied, you were just going to keep this from me? Why? Why didn’t you tell me-“
You pushed yourself out of his grip, “Because I didn’t want to!” you huffed, tired of his tirade, “I admit that I was fully content with not telling you.”
His hands dropped from your shoulders and you almost broke at the sight of his crestfallen face “Why?”
You took a deep breath, “I was…scared that you were gonna tell someone.”
There was a moment of tense silence. “You…you could’ve just asked me to not-“
“Could I Atsumu? Could I really? I’m not sure if I believe that, especially after you told me that that’s just who you were and that it was unavoidable.” You paused as you realized you were raising your voice, you looked away in shame. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. It’s just that sometimes I wish that our business could be our own Atsumu, even for a little bit.”
You took his silence as a cue to keep explaining yourself.
“I needed time today to finally relax for once and process everything. I can’t do that if I have someone new calling me every five minutes to make sure that I’m okay. I want to be able to worry about my own wellbeing, without having to manage other people’s. I can’t do that if you tell everyone you know what’s happening in my life.”
Atsumu’s continued silence began to worry you. “Atsumu?”
Without warning you were pulled into the familiar strong arms that could only belong to your boyfriend.
“I’m sorry y/n.” he mumbled into your hair “I thought I was being supportive. I just love bragging about to to everyone and letting people know how we’re doing. I never really thought about how that would affect you. I’m sorry I made you stress out so much.”
You smiled into his chest and hugged him back “I’m happy that you understand ‘Tsumu. There’s nothing wrong with gushing about me, I just need you to understand my boundaries.”
You felt him nod “I’m sorry again I’ll do my best.”
You could already feel yourself relaxing again into his arms “that’s all I’m asking for Atsumu, thank you.”
You let out a sigh of relief as you held each other. It felt as if a massive weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
The tender moment was interrupted by the sound of a stomach growl. There was a stunned silence before the two of you burst into a fit of laughter.
Atsumu looked down at you with a gaze that filled you with an indescribable warmth, laughter still evident in his face. “How ‘bout we order and finally relax for the night? Just the two of us?”
You smiled fondly up at the man and nodded “Just the two of us.”
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Until Forever -P.G
The long awaited second part of "SINCE FOREVER" is here now! HOPE YOU LIKE THIS, FEEDBACK IS APPREACIATED!
Read part 3 here!
Songs I listened to: Me, Myself and I - 5SOS, Lie To Me - 5SOS, Forever - Lewis Capaldi, Bruises - Lewis Capaldi, I Love You - Little Mix, Nobody Like You - Little Mix, Only You - Little Mix, What I Put You Through - Conor Maynard, Over Again - One Direction, De Marzo a Junio - Gonza Silva, All In - Here at Last, Airplanes - B.o.B ft. Hayley Williams, Impossible - Shontelle, Diamonds - Rihanna, Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood, Yellow - Coldplay, Too Good At Goodbyes - Sam Smith and Sin Señal - Quevedo.
Warnings: Angst, the long lenght this fic has is killing☠️... Part 3?
Summary: You are moving on from your mistake meanwhile Pablo is realizing his own.
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January, 2023
It has been four months since that day. Four months which you haven’t seen Pablo. Four months of misery for you. And also for him.
When you left his apartment that day, a sickening feeling got into his stomach and it didn’t go away with anything he tried, his hands were shaking and his mind was running wild. He couldn’t concentrate on anything besides you, your confession, your sad expression and your leaving.
He knew that you asked him for time. But he couldn’t give that to you. He wanted you to know he still had you present in his life and hoping that you had him on yours too. And you sadly did.
You were absolutely a wreck for the first month. Not going outside unless it was for grocery shopping and Uni. Until the second month arrived.
Pedri, who had been your personal cheerleader, picked you up one day, got you a nice outfit and made you get in it, for you to go out with him in a friendly date where Ansu and Balde, joined you and ate everything they normally couldn’t or wouldn’t, because of their diet, but they decided than seeing you happy and like your old self was worth some calories more.
He even made you change Gavi’s contact name on your phone, to help your process get quicker and made you forget about his constant texting.
From that moment on, you started going out, you missed having a good time with the people you loved, with your friends and family, and not necessarily accompanied of Pedri, you went out with your girl friends, you Uni group, groups from other degrees at your Uni that you were close with. You were back.
Of course, you missed him. Terribly. Often at nights, you would scroll down on his messages and see what updates he has been giving you
Pablo Páez Ansu fell on his butt today, you would’ve laughed your ass off
Pablo Páez I made a happy salad *Photo* I hope you’re doing good, I’ve been better…
Pablo Páez Xavi keeps asking for you to tie my shoelaces, he keeps saying I don’t know how to do them
Pablo Páez Practice went well
Pablo Páez I just ate a kilo of bananas.  I won’t die, right?
Pablo Páez It’ll sound impressive but I just won Pedri on FIFA. Your gaming lessons paid off Now, I have to try and win you. He told me you were doing fine and I’m glad. I can’t wait for us to reconnect again
Pablo Páez De Jong said he missed having you around on practice I agreeded with him
Pablo Páez Pedri just ate his banana from the bottom to the top, you’re gonna kill him?
And many more of those but still, you choosed not to reply any of them, only really “talking” to him when the World Cup started, when he scored his first goal during it and when they lost against Morocco also you had texted him on Christmas and New Years.
Other times? You were ghosting him.
It was hell for him.
The first month of you doing that, for Pablo it was horrible. He couldn’t concentrate at practices; he messed up great plays, the passes weren’t precise, at games he was angrier and aggressive than usual, he wanted desperately for you to talk to him, Pedri tried to talk him out of it but the youngster snapped at his best male friend.  Only to come back to him a few minutes later apologizing.
Pablo thought that with time he could get over it, but no. Four months after and you were still on his mind and the anxious feeling was bigger and bigger on his chest.
He started to realize something, he felt awful, destroyed, sad and was mad at himself, he cried and cried to sleep that day for being too stupid and idiot to realize it
Yes, during WC, he had mastered a way of concentrating at practices and games but you were still on his mind. Always.
He was extremely angry, disappointed and sad to hear that you wouldn’t be there with him at his first WC, but still understood, already imagining the rest of his performances where you would be there cheering on for him and only him, the loudest as you have always have done.
In your defense, you did try your best but Uni got up to you and you weren’t done by the time it started, you couldn’t leave Spain even if you tried your best.
But, you haven’t properly seen each other since that day. And it was the first time you were going to. In Arabia Saudi for La Supercopa España, the Clásico. Barcelona vs. Madrid.
Pedri had invited you to come and you being a culer and the greatest friend, didn’t waste any time and asked permission from your parents to fly with the González.
“Is Samuel coming too?” Pedri asked with a cheeky smile
“¡Cállate!” He laughed seeing you blush
Samuel, is one of the guys that attends to your Uni but he’s doing a different degree than yours. During the last weeks of November and the first’s ones of December he had been asking you to hang out alone and you accepted. You definitely liked him.
He was cute, really cute and pretty. He had light green eye color, he was one head taller than you, blonde wavy haired and he had the most beautiful dimples at both sides of his smile; he was careful, paid attention to your needs, to whatever you were saying and remembered the smallest things you said randomly, he was funny and he never failed to amaze you.
But still, he wasn’t Pablo.
“Pedri, no lo sé” You had said
“This is your chance. It’s not like you might end up married to him anyway! Or you will… Who knows? Don't take it as a rebound kind-of thing. But maybe you can forget about Pablo, reconnect your friendship and at the same time have a lovely relationship with a guy who’s clearly into you”
And that’s how you started dating Samuel. And that’s also how you got into the present day.
“But you know he will” You spoke
“Gotta start making up the whole ‘Older-brother’ talk thing”
“Please, don’t scare him away. He’s really nice, I like him” You immediately said making Pedri laugh out loud while shaking his head a little. When a message pulled up in your screen.
Pablo Páez Are you coming to the Supercopa España? I know we aren’t in the best terms but I would love to see my favorite girl cheering for me on a live game… It’s been a while since you’ve done that.
“What’s up?”
“Pablo’s asking me if I’m going to the Supercopa” You said showing the message to Pedri who had been playing FIFA with you for about an hour ago
Pedri shrugged his shoulders “You wanna tell him?”
“I wanna surprise him” Silence filled the room
“You know even if he tries to hide it” Pedri started “, he’s not doing fine. He misses you a lot. A whole lot” You sighed
“I miss him too” You nodded sadly “I shouldn’t have said anything”
“No. You should have and you did. Feelings are the best when they’re being let out”
“But at what cost? I ruined my friendship with him and it’s not something you can easily go at it again. It’ll take me so much time to forget about those feelings I have for Pablo, Pedri. Maybe he feels guilty, awkward, I don't know... It’ll take a lot of time of being at that level we were once. You know it. I know it. Hell, even Pablo knows it. But it’s too hard being all in one day and suddenly stop being there”
“But you will do” Pedri said putting a hand on your thigh “I fully believe you will get, both of you, your feelings straight and keep on with that beautiful friendship you both have” Pedri nodded smiling lightly “I still think he’s in love with you but hasn’t realized”
“I still don’t think he is but who cares now?” You shrugged your shoulders  
“I’m just afraid he’ll realize it when it’s too late to try anything” Your eyes moved to Pedri’s as you both stared at each other in silence
“If” You start pausing to take a deep breath “If he does have feelings for me” You said slowly “I hope he realizes them quickly” Your phone dinged once more making you part your eyes from Pedri
A light smile made its way to your face seeing Samuel’s name pop up on your screen
Samu✨💖 Walking down the street, I saw a cute puppy. It reminded me of Aladdin, hope he’s feeling better. PS: I got him some treats for tomorrow when I see him. And don’t worry, I also got you a little present, couldn’t forget about you.
You sighed watching those two names on your home screen “Because I’m really liking Samuel and it’ll be hard for Pablo if I move on”
“Hard as in?”
“As in completely erasing myself from his life for a long and indeterminate amount of time, until I’m entirely happy and healed” Your eyes locked with Pedri’s as both of you sighed
“Do whatever you feel better doing, bonita” Pedri said slowly and in a low tone “Just know I’m gonna be here for you, always”
“Y/N!” Belén, Pablo’s mom said making you turn your head towards her with a smile on your face
“Belén!” You exclaimed happy to see the olderly woman approaching her to hug her tightly
“¡Que te has desaparecido, niña!” (It’s been a while, baby!) You laughed lightly
“I know” You whine “Y lo siento muchísimo. Es que he estado un poco ocupada con mis cosas en la Uni, Pablo ha estado ocupado en los entrenos y no hemos tenido mucho tiempo juntos desde hace un tiempito” (And I’m truly sorry. I’ve been so busy with College, Pablo has been busy with trainings and we haven’t spend time together in a while) You tried to come up with a little lie but you knew better
“I know that. Pablo told me what happened” You sighed a little “It must have been really hard for you, my dear”
“A lot” You whispered sadly “I just thought… For a second, he would feel the same”
“We thought so too. You acted like a couple. Pablo, Aurora and I actually thought you were already together” You smiled sadly at the thought of that “How’d you handled it?”
“Pretty bad in the first month but Pedri dragged me out of my house and I’ve slowly come back into what I was” She smiled grabbing your hand “And Pablito?”
She sighed “I think Pedri must have told you, hadn’t he?” You nodded lightly “He still isn’t taking it too well. Sometimes I catch him looking through your photos together” You sighed feeling bad for your best friend “He was way too moody during the World Cup”
“I can only imagine” You both laughed lightly “I was busy with Uni, it wasn’t a lie” You began “… But I also wasn’t ready to face him; I mean… I’m barely starting to get over him with a very few baby steps. Pedri invited me but I came here to surprise him actually, he doesn’t know I’m here, I told him I would try and do my best to come and I can sense he got angry at me. I have never missed one of his matches and to miss all these…”
“It took a toll on him” She ended as you nod lightly
“I do miss him a lot and besides everything I don’t want him to think we’re done. Because we aren’t. I just need myself time” You explained “And I wanna start making things right, he doesn’t love me” You said laughing without humor “And I’ve got to accept that even if I don’t like to. But that doesn’t mean I won’t stop being there for him. And I’m here to prove that to him. I made the mistake of falling in love with my best friend but I’m not quitting on our friendship”
Belén said nothing but hug you tightly “Pablo does love you, dear”
“Not in the way I would love him to”
“There’s no one better for him than you” You shook your head disagreeing with her
“I’m not his person, Belén” And with that you broke the hug
“He hasn’t realized”
You were tired of hearing that.
“And I don’t think he will because I’m just not it for him. I cannot force him. He may be sad at the fact I was in love with him, that he broke me unconsciously and that he might lose me as his best friend but he doesn’t see me like that”
“Y/N” She began when you felt an arm wrap around your waist, you turn around to face Samuel with two water bottles
“Me he perdido de regreso. Todo se ve azul, rojo y blanco” (I got lost on my way back. Everything is blue, red and white colors) You laugh lightly accepting the water
“Thank you so much, Samu” You kissed his cheek, right on where his dimples show making him, pull you closer to him.
“Disculpa, ¿Interrumpí algo?” (I’m sorry, I interrupted something?) He asked feeling a bit guilty
You turned to Belén who was looking at you with a light smile.
“Not at all, hijo” She said
“Samu, she’s Belén, my best friend’s mom” You introduced her taking a deep breath “Belén, he’s Samuel Carnevale, my boyfriend” You watched at how her face fell a bit but quickly covered it up
“Nice to meet you, miss”
“Igualmente cariño” (Likewise, dear) She said slowly nodding
“Y/I, want me to save you the seat?” You nod eagerly to hear Belén’s thoughts
“He looks like a nice lad” She said when he left you again, you nod
“He is” You mumble
“I’m happy you’re moving on” She said, you felt relieved to hear those words “Still a bit sad I’m not going to be your mom-in-law” She laughed lightly as you smiled without showing your teeth
“She can still marry me” You heard Aurora say from behind her mom’s back
“When’s the wedding?” You replied watching them laugh. Aurora stepped over to hug you as you hugged her back tightly
“My brother is stupid”
“Don’t say that” You defended him “It’s not his fault” You shrugged your shoulders letting go of her
“He seems like a nice guy” She looked over at Samuel who was laughing with Fernando, Pedri’s older brother
“He is” You nodded with a smile
“I hope everything works out for you, Y/I” Aurora said “And hopefully we’ll see you more around in the house. Pablo isn’t the only one who misses you”
“I’ll try, cariño” You said gripping her arm a bit “It was lovely seeing you again, we must hang out later” You say ready to go. Both of them nodded hugging you once more
And with that you walked back towards Sam and Fer, feeling all kind of emotions thanks to their words and making up something in your mind for when you see Pablo.
You couldn’t keep on with your thoughts because the game had started, the tension was feeling in the air, it was the final of La Supercopa, both teams wanted to win it and only one could be the one who raised it and proclaiming the champion title.  And you wanted so badly to be Barcelona that one
Robert had the ball on his feet, he was dribbling among the players and into the penalty section of the Madrid, when he passed the ball to Gavi who hit it and the ball went inside the net. A roar of cheers, applauses and screams were heard across the stadium, the Barcelona fans cheering in happiness as they took the lead on the board.
 Gavi grabbed his shirt and kissed it, his signature celebration, his teammates went over to him and cheered with him, Pedri high fived him and hugged him and he must have told him something because after their hug Gavi’s eyes dance across the stadium until they landed on you.
His smile grew bigger and blew you a kiss while pointing at you, he also went ahead and did your initial. You smiled clapping and cheering louder for him.
At minute 45, Robert scored once more with an assist of Gavi and in the second time at minute 69, Pedri scored with the board on 3 for them and 0 for Madrid. The final result was 1-3, meaning Barcelona had won.
The player’s family went down, you shyly made your way towards the pitch as well but feeling extremely proud for your boys.
The first one you saw was Ansu and you threw yourself at him, laughing and cheering on the win for a few seconds before you saw Balde, Araujo and Lewy, you congratulated them as well.
When you saw Pedri, he opened his arms and you ran towards him
“¡YO SABÍA QUE GANARÍAN!” (I knew you guys would win) You yelled in excitement as Pedri hugged you tightly “You did it and I’m so proud of you” You kissed his sweaty cheek several times as he rocked you both side to side “That goal was amazing, Pepi”
“Gracias, bonita. It felt amazing to score” You smiled widely
You hadn’t seen Pablo and you were having an intern battle of seeing him, congratulating him and at the same time not do it.
“You look really happy” Samuel said grabbing your hand in his as your eyes roamed around for Gavi
“I am happy. Not only my club won but also my best friends did. It feels like a dream come true” You said looking at him with a smile on when you turned your head you saw him, he was hugging his sister
“Go and say hello to him” Samuel said kissing your cheek “I’ll be next to you”
Letting go of Samuel’s hand, you walked until being two meters away from him, Belén saw you and pointed at Gavi to turn around, when he did, he was confused until his eyes were on you.
His expression fell a bit before he let a smile out, he turned around to walk but when you started walking too, he started jogging and soon running until, you doing the same and eventually you crashed into each other.
You couldn’t lie. It felt good being back in his arms. His strong arms wrapped tightly around your waist, his face into the crock of your neck, yours around his shoulder and giving light touches in his hair
“I’m sorry” He said whispering in your ear “I’m truly sorry” You shushed him
“It’s okay, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it” You shook your head “I’m here now”
“I missed you so much” He whispered once more pulling you even closer to him, at this point you were a bit arched, with him leaning onto you; with your waist touching his, torso touching his, chest touching his and heads into the others neck.
“Don’t leave me ever again” Pablo said
“I’m not” You said pulling away a little but he didn’t moved an inch “Pabs”
“No” He shook his head “I’m truly sorry, I should-” You cut him off
“Pablo, it’s okay, I’m here now” Your hand went to the sides of his head “Look at me please” You whispered and he after a few seconds obliged, pulling his forehead into yours “I’m not leaving you”
“It felt like hell not seeing you in the stands, it felt horrible not seeing you at our trainings but it felt even worse you not talking to me at all”
“Sorry” That’s all you managed to say, you caressed his dirty stained cheeks leaning up to kiss his cheek and come back pull your forehead into his. You were looking into each other’s eyes, when you felt Pablo slowly lean in
And that’s when you felt a presence and pulled away from him
Pablo looked confused, his arms still around you while yours fell from his body.
“Hey” Samuel said smiling lightly "Tremendo juego hiciste el día de hoy. ¡Felicidades!" (Such a good game you did today. Congratulations!)
“Hola” Pablo said “Amigo, disculpa, en estos momentos estoy con mi familia disfrutando, puedo darte un autógrafo más tarde, y… ¿Podrías traerme una botella de agua?” (Mate, sorry, I’m enjoying with my family right now, I can sign something for you later, also… Would you bring me a bottle of water?)
“Él no trabaja aquí, Gavi” (He doesn’t work here, Pablo) You said untangling yourself from him
“¿Ah no? Disculpa” Pablo said smiling tightly, hand reaching up to grab yours but you crossed your arms in front of your chest “And who are you?” Pablo asked mirroring your actions but giving you a look
“Samuel, this is my best friend, Pablo Páez or better known as Pablo Gavi” You announced unlinking one of your arms to pull Samuel next to you. It was Samuel’s turn “And Pablito… This is Samuel Carnevale… My boyfriend”
At the moment you said that, you could see Pablo’s face scrunching up, he was confused and his jaw clenched, just like how it did when he was angry
“What?” Pablo asked in disbelief after a few seconds
You sighed “This is my boyfriend, Samuel Carnevale” You announced once more
“Boyfriend?” You nod repeated times
Gavi's eyes danced in between Samuel and your face, he looked for any sign of you joking with him. But found none.
This couldn't have happened to him. You had a boyfriend? Why? Why now he realized his feelings for you? Was this a kind of sick prank? If it was he wasn't liking it and wanted it to stop now.
The emotion he felt for winning the Supercopa went away when he saw you holding hands with him.
"Really?" He asked impressed trying to put on a happy face but it looked somehow as if he was in pain
And he was. Sentimentally he was.
He felt like he could cry a river to cover the whole European continent, he felt sick, his stomach felt funny, his head felt spinning and it wasn't definitely for the excitement of winning
He felt lost
"That's-" He cut himself off, he couldn't say it was good because it wasn't good but he also couldn't say it was bad because it would hurt you even more.
You'd think he was selfish. And he truly wanted to be, but not after what happened between the two of you.
Thankfully a voice pulled him out of the situation, the three of you turning your heads to see Pedri coming over
"Buenas noches!" He said grinning from ear to ear "Sorry to interrupt anything"
Please, don't be. Pablo thought
"But we need to go so they can give us the medals and lift the trophy" Gavi nodded relieved
He had never wanted to escape from a moment with you more than he does now
However, he watched you smile and nod at him "Go ahead, Martín" You kick his leg a little "Congratulations on winning, by the way. I'm so proud of you" Pablo smiled nodding at you
You stepped forward and hugged him once more you couldn't help yourself but wanted to embrace him
"I don't plan on ruining tonight for you, but I think you know we need to talk" You whispered against his ear as he nodded tightening his hold on you, now it was his turn, he kissed your cheek repeated times making you giggle
"Stop that" You asked laughing "Go" You untangled yourself from him forcing him to leave his hold on you.
"Meet me in a hour and a half in the tunel, okay?" You nod smiling, one of Pablo's hands went up to the side of your face and pulled a stray of hair away from your face, making you freeze in the beggining but retracted a bit
Pablo's hand fell at his side as he was confused and shocked, he felt a sting hit in his chest and his breathing got a bit uneven, he took deep breaths and let out the air he was holding in. He nodded not knowing what to do, he had never felt this way around you not even when you confessed your feelings for him, so, he just walked side by side with Pedri to grab their medals
"You okay?" Pedri asked next to him as Pablo lightly shook his head
"...No" He looked over to where you were standing, in the middle of the Páez and González family.
He felt the same sting in his chest when you retracted from his touch but the sting made itself pronounced when he saw Samuel pull you into his embrace and you making yourself comfortable in the boys's arms while cheering for them.
Those should've been his arms, not some random man ones, but he had been too stubborn to realize it. And meanwhile you were happy and moving on, it was his time to watch from the sidelines and get hurt
You were waiting for him to come out of the dressing room but it seemed like it wasn't happening any time soon. Everyone had left only the staff being present and a few of the players's family.
So you decided to walk around for a bit, you came up the tunnel finding the place where the players go out to the pitch. You walked it finding the empty stadium, it looked pretty when no one was around and you enjoyed it more this way but it looked even better with people in the stands supporting their clubes and wearing a certain color.
"I remember you being noisy" You turn around at hearing his voice "I just didn't knew how much" You smiled lightly watching Pablo walk a few steps more to join you "This is beautiful" You nod agreeing
"Yes, it is" You smiled lightly "Mostly when it's quiet"
Silence took over the two of you for a while, none of you knowing how to start
"You are looking pretty" He said randomly as you smiled lightly
"Thanks, you looking nice too"
"It felt nice seeing you up there once more" you hum pursing your lips a bit
"It felt nice being back there once more" You smiled taking a deep breath
"So... You have a boyfriend?" He asked the first thing that had came into his mind, you nod once more
"I do" You smile at the though of your blondie, he had gone to the hotel with Pedri's family much to his disagreement, he didn't wanted to leave you alone but he understood you had something serious to talk with Pablo
"Since when?"
"Since December"
Pablo nodded, looking down at his feet
"I missed you" He said
"I missed you too"
"Didn't seem like you did"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You weren't answering my texts, nor my calls and whenever I tried to go into your apartment, the security guards didn't let me in!"
"Well I told you I needed time and you accepted it"
"You ghosted me!"
"And I'm terribly sorry! I was heartbroken and I didn't precisely wanted to the see the guy who provoked it uncounsiously!"
"Were you really? Because all I could see was you from a party to another and to another! It definitely didn't look like you were heartbroken!"
"But I was and still am, Pablo!" When he heard you exclaim his first name once more, he knew he had fucked it up again. You already had called him with a nickname or one of his others names
"What did you want me to do?" You ask in between laughter "Stay at home crying? Feeling miserable because I made the biggest mistake ever? And of all of the persons in Barcelona I went ahead and fell in love with you? But still I went and did nothing to change it? And when I try you absolutely do nothing but say 'you were just from a party to another, you didn't missed me' Of fucking course I missed you!" You were laughing but in reality you were close to the verge of crying
"Hell you've been a constant person in my life for twelve years, Pablo!" You looked at him "No one has ever me stuck with me that much, besides my family of course, but you! To have you next to me 25/8 like we used to be and then out of nowhere not having you at all, also affected me! A lot! I know I provoked that and I'm sorry! I don't control the way I feel it just happened!"
"And I just wanted to let it out! Of course I was secretly hoping you'd say I'm in love with you too, but it wasn't the case and I've been dealing with it and finally made peace with that and I'm here tonight to tell you that I want my best friend back! That I'm moving on from it and that we may not end up together but I don't care about that anymore I just want you to know that I'm not giving up on our friendship, Gavi. Never. I'm back if you want me to be"
Pablo grabbed one of your arms and pulled you into him, you hugged his torso inmediately as he hugged you tighter
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Pablo repeatedly leaving kisses in every place reachable for him, your neck, your cheek, eyelid, eyebrows, your ear, your temple, hairline, forehead, all of that without letting you go "I just missed you so much, I was having it bad and seeing you living your life as if you've never missed me broke me completely" He whispered sniffing "Of course I want you back, I love you so much, mi niña" He kissed you repeatedly as you hide your face in the crock of his neck
You didn't know but he just proclaimed his love for you, more than a friendly way, but decided against saying it out loud.
As much as it hurt him, he was the cause of the pain you've gone through these past months and now you were back into his arms and life, he wasn't going to fuck it up.
Two Weeks Later
"C'mon!" Pablo whined in the couch "I SWEAR TO GOD I WON PEDRI IN FIFA LAST TIME!"
"Maybe I was having compassion with you, Pablito" All of the presents in the room laughed as Pablo threw the control in anger to the couch
He went to the kitchen in hopes of finding a snack that could help his sour mood right now when he heard your laugh.
You were at Pedri's for a get-together. Now that you and Pablo mended things up you were spending more and more time together, the guys loving it since they had no more grumpy Pablo and a heartbroken you. And they were happy since they added one more person to your guys group. Samuel.
The guys loved him, of course the poor lad had to pass a test made by Pedri and the guys that joined him, but once that finished the guys cheered for you both and approved Samuel.
So, that meant he was also there with you in your get-togethers
It wasn't easy for Pablo now that he had discovered his true feelings for you, he always made sure to try and not look at the two of you when you were being affectionate. But it was hard, the damn fucker made you happy, your smile when you were around Samuel was three times bigger than usual and even tho Pablo loved to see that kind of smile on your pretty face, he wanted to be the one and produce it.
He couldn't help but walk over where the two of you were sitting a bit parted from the group since you had a bit of headache but didn't wanted to ruin the guys fun
You were reclined on the couch as Samuel was lying in between your legs with his face pressed into your chest, your hands were around his neck as his were around your torso, he was apparently telling you something funny to make you laugh like that.
The mood Pablo had from his mates teasing got worse when he saw you kissing Samuel. He knew he wasn't in place to reclaim something but he wanted to go there and push the guy out of your body.
Samuel's phone dinged as he sighed, if Pablo listened right he said something among the lines of "I have to go home, my little brother fell and sprained his ankle"
Pablo thanked his little brother but forgot you had to answer
"Oh god is Marcelo okay? Fucking hell, that doesn't look good. Let's go" At hearing that Pablo sighed. You were too caring, too lovely... Too perfect for this world to be true.
"Don't worry, princesa" He saw how Samuel wanted to get up but you tightened your holds on your hands and crossed your legs behind his back "Y/N" Samuel laughed
"What?" You asked smiling innocently
"This is a get-together with your friends, I don't want you to miss the fun to be in an hospital for god-knows-how-long with my screaming and annoying little brother-OW!"
"Marcelo is lovely, too bad he's only seven years old, I would've gone for him"
"You're so on" And then he heard your hysterical laughter once more and pleads for him to stop tickling you.
Pablo turned around and saw his sister standing there with crossed arms "Maldición, joder, Aurora" Pablo cursed out "You almost made me shit my pants"
"What are you doing watching Y/N and her boyfriend?"
"I wasn't watching them"
"I've been standing here like five minutes ago"
Pablo sighed "Okay... Maybe I was watching them"
"Why?" Pablo looked at his sister without saying anything as she soon gasped "No way!" She exclaimed a little too loudly
"Shhhh! Nobody knows it!" Gavi silenced her
"You're in love with Y/N?"
"Shhh!" Gavi shushed her pulling his hand up to his sister's mouth "No one knows it, so could you please be quiet about it?" Aurora nodded
"We neeed to talk" Pablo groaned grabbing his sister hand and bringing her over to Pedri's room "What the fuck is wrong with you?" She said inmediately after Pablo closed the door "She told you her feelings for you and you pushed her away!"
"Back then I didn't realized it! I started knowing right during World Cup, she didn't talked to me back then! It would have been a waste telling her and over text!"
"She called you!"
"I was confused!" Pablo exclaimed "If I had realized even before World Cup I wouldn't even have left Spain, fighting for her, but I realized in the middle of it, then when we were eliminated she sent me three texts and ghosted me once more! I fucked it up not reciprocating her feelings and to try and tell her over text: Hey, I realized I'm in love with you. Sorry for the pain I caused you back then. That would've been the worst thing ever! I've seen enough movies, TV shows and I have been with you and her for so long to know exactly what to do and what not to do!"
"When I saw her at the Supercopa I proposed myself to tell her, I wanted to kiss her when I saw her, when I held her I wanted to tell her everything and let her do whatever she wanted to and with me but then she appeared with that guy and with a light smile on, she told me 'He's my boyfriend' I wanted to die at that moment" Pablo shook his head running his fingers through his hair "I have put her through enough pain to just let that wound come back again! She seems happy with him and meanwhile he makes her happy, make her feel loved then I should be as well"
"You're going to love her from far away?" Pablo nodded with his hands on his face, he wanted to cry
"I think I lost my chance, rora"
"You haven't" Aurora said "She still loves you"
"But she's with him" Gavi looked at his sister, tears scaped from his eyes "I won't ruin that for her, I won't be the reason she's sad again" He shook his head "I will be there for her for everything and anything she needs me for, but I'm not ruining her relationship. I'll just wait for her, I'll wait"
Aurora was surprised by the determination on her younger brother, not suttering at all with his words, still, she felt proud, he knew he fucked up but also, he knew how to mend it and wait.
"Have patience, Pabs" She told him hugging her brother tightly "A lot of patience, you'll need it" Pablo nodded reciprocating the hug
"I will" He laughed
He was known for not having an ounce of patience, but he would gain the world's whole patience only for you. And he will do.
After having a moment, Gavi washed his face with water and headed down, to find no Samuel but you still laid on the sofa, he contemplated the fact of going towards the guys who probably will keep making fun of his bad FIFA skills or be with you.
Guess what he decided?
"Buenas" He said with a light smile catching your attention
"Hey, señorito" You smiled putting down your phone "Everything good?" Gavi nodded "What's up?"
"The guys keep making fun of me for being bad at FIFA" You scrunched your face a little
"I don't buy the 'I beat Pedri' thing either"
"BUT I DID!" He exclaimed making you laugh
"C'mere, Gavs" You fixed your position and patted the space on the couch, he just couldn't resist you so he ended up sitting next to you "The only one who can bully you it's me, so let's just sit here for a while and watch funny Tik Tok videos and cute puppy reels" He smiled sitting next to you
"Only because you said cute puppy reels" You smirked leaning over a bit for the two of you to see properly your phone screen
After an hour and half of watching funny videos on your phone, laughing, making comments and sometimes getting sad when something emotional happened, somehow you guys ended up cuddled up into each other.
You leaned into Gavi's chest, sat in between his legs as his back rested in the arm rest, his legs streched out as yours were pulled up at your chest, his arms wrapped around your frame.
Gavi stopped for a second, hearing you laugh, he smiled looking down at you, he indeed was stupid enough for not realizing his feelings soooner.
If he had done that, you could probably be like this but with another status, he sighed lightly accepting for now the fact you were with someone else but as you leaned more into him uncounsciously, giving him a smell of the delicious TRESemmé oil elixir you put to protect your hair and that he often found himself stealing a bit from, he realized he would fight for you, always. To have you by his side and make you happy.
Gavi kissed your hair and temple a couple of times before tightening his hold on you
"Something's wrong?" You ask lightly as he shakes his head
"...Don't think so"
One thing people also known Gavi for was that he was determinated, he never stopped until he had what he wanted.
And he wanted you.
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Tag list: @gaviypedrisbride @ariagonzalezsstuff @gaviswh0re
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pepsiboyy · 4 months
starboy part 1
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P1 P2
pairing: y/n x chris sturniolo
summary: y/n, born and raised in los angeles, moves across the country to boston. when she feels like she has nobody, she makes some new friends at her new job. she grows particularly close with the sturniolo triplets, where she finds a lot in common with one of them.
warnings: just cursing
lowercase intentional!!!
author's note: hii! this is my first story on here and i hope it goes okay?? idk i suppose we will see where it goes. thanks a ton for reading!! let me know what you think! sincerely, apollo <3
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my head smacked against the car window, causing me to immediately lift my head and blink a few times.
"morning, y/n. sleep well?" my mom carefully stated while looking at me in the rearview mirror. i shrugged and tried to keep my eyes opened as i watched all of the unfamiliar buildings pass by.
everything was so different here.
a few weeks ago, my mom received a job offer here in boston. our family didn't particularly struggle with money, but if she wanted to keep her job, we had to move.
me, on the other hand? i couldn't believe what i was hearing when she sat me down at the dining room table. "what do you mean we're... leaving?" i felt my hands shake. sadness? anger? i couldn't even tell.
"well, i got a job offer-" she started, but i immediately cut her off with my hands slamming against the table.
"fuck your job offer, what about everything we have here!? my friends, my job... everything?" i shouted, my voice beginning to shake towards the end.
"language," my mom started, but let out a deep sigh, "i understand your frustration. that's why we're waiting until you graduate."
i let out a shaky sigh at the thought. this wasn't fair. my best friend was still in los angeles, harper. she was my best friend since childhood, and leaving her hurt more than anything i could even describe.
"we're here," my mom breathed, looking at me through the rearview mirror. i could tell she was trying to read my emotions, sadness in her eyes. i stared at her for a few moments before opening the car door and stepping out quickly.
"wow, it's gorgeous." i heard my father say, his arm wrapping around my mom's waist as he kissed the top of her head. i felt myself physically cringe as i grabbed my bags and a few pairs of shoes that didn't fit within the bags. i looked at the house in front of me.
it was pretty nice. fairly homey. very different from our house back in california. i took in a deep breath before beginning to walk towards the door.
my room was pretty nice, i had to admit. it was a little bigger than my room back at home- or.. what was home, i guess. i laid against my bed and stared at my ceiling before standing up.
while i was packing, i applied for a few jobs here in boston. a lot of them turned me down as i only have a little bit of work experience, but what can you do? i guess. i got accepted by a grocery store though, one i hadn't seen before. it was called star market? we didn't have those on the west coast, but they're pretty popular here. the pay was minimum wage, but it's a start. it didn't really matter to me. anything to get me out of the house and just do something. get myself out there.
i let out a deep sigh and closed my eyes. with every thought racing through my head, finally i managed to let my mind rest and slowly drift into sleep.
"y/n, are you sure you'll be okay?" my mom mumbled, carefully touching my hair and fixing the loose strands. i chuckled softly and nodded. "i'll be fine, just a bit nervous. new place and new job." i mumbled, playing with my fingers. my mom nodded.
"i understand. you'll do great. just talk to your coworkers, maybe make friends?" she asked, smiling. i sighed.
i know she's simply trying to help, but it's hard. i had a perfectly great life in california and i feel like i'm being forced to restart completely.
"right." i replied, letting out a sigh before stepping towards the door.
my earbuds were playing music as i walked. i didn't have a car yet, so.. i had to walk. it's right down the street, so no biggie. in broad daylight, i didn't see it as a big deal. i hummed as i turned a corner, and sure enough, it really was right there. i crossed the street and approached the doors, blinking a few times.
so this is my new job. it looked a lot nicer in person than in the pictures. that made me feel a little better. i walked in.
"hi, umm... my name is y/n.. it's my first day?" i mumbled shyly to the older lady standing at the front. she looked me up and down. i swallowed and gripped my backpack's straps, looking around. why was she looking at me like that.
"you're y/n y/l/n?" she started to smile, and i felt a wave of relief wash over me.
"yeah," i smiled softly back.
"cool, let me call nick over." she told me before turning away and beginning to say something into her walkie.
after a few minutes of awkwardly standing with my hands in my pockets.
"oh fuck-" i gasped, turning around and grasping my chest. my eyes widened as i shook my head, "oh god i'm sorry- i didn't mean to say that, you just scared me," i breathed, smiling softly.
the boy laughed softly and shook his head. "oh, girl you're completely fine, i'm the same way," he chuckled.
i smiled softly. i then gasped and quickly held out my hand. "my name is y/n, it's my first day." i looked up at the boy with the nose ring and curly hair in front of me. i assumed he was nick.
"hi y/n, i like your name a lot. it's pretty! i'm nick. lose the formalities, let loose, you're good." he smiled and shook my hand softly before pulling away and beginning to walk away. i followed.
"are you from around here, or?" nick asked, turning to me and beginning to walk to the back.
"ah, yeah.. i uhh, moved here from los angeles, actually." i scoffed.
nick seemed to throw his eyebrows up as he turned to me. "los angeles? really? i've always wanted to go, i've been like once but... i still want to go, doesn't change anything." he smiled before he quickly turned to me. "sorry, it's probably like... not that special to you, but," he shrugged, "it's across the country. i mean, culture shock.... is that a real thing?"
i smiled brightly. something about the way nick spoke to me so casually was really comforting. "oh, it's definitely a real thing."
as we walked towards the back, we passed a boy with similar hair and features, and i blinked at him before i shrugged it off and kept following nick. nick seemed to notice this though, and smiled. "that's my brother, matt," he mumbled, and i smiled and nodded. "you two look really similar." i replied, before we came to a stop.
"this is where you'll clock in every day. just type in your employee number and tap clock in," he told me as he demonstrated. i nodded carefully. "it's totally normal if you don't remember your numbers, i wrote them down for you." he handed me a sticky note. i smiled and folded it, putting it into my clear phone case.
"i appreciate it, thanks." i smiled.
"and that's how you do it," nick stated confidently.
to be brutally honest, i was still a little lost. we kept just talking about life, random things. i found out nick and i got along really well, and we were the same age.
"i appreciate you walking me through everything," i breathed, rubbing my arm. as we walked back to customer service, i noticed a boy with longer brown hair kneeled down and putting some things on a shelf. i could hear the music playing from his earbuds from here.
nick looked at me and smiled. "oh, and that's my other brother. chris." he smiled. i blinked at him. "you guys all look the same," i started, and he stopped me. "yeah, we're triplets." he chuckled. my eyes went wide as i smiled softly. "wow, you don't see that every day." i chuckled and walked past chris.
"matt, this is y/n. she's gonna be working up here at customer service with you." nick told him, and matt turned to me with a soft smile. i smiled back at him.
"hi, i'm matt." he mumbled, holding out his hand. we shook hands quickly. this guy was so shy but he seemed cool, too. "hi, matt." i smiled at him.
the day went by surprisingly fast. i talked a lot with matt, and found out that we have a lot of similar tastes in music and style. "you should talk to my brother chris, he likes that a lot too," he would tell me. i felt like he said it every other sentence, actually. "wow, i really gotta meet this chris guy then, don't i?" was how i finally responded.
matt nodded with a warm smile. "yeah, you do." he smiled.
he helped me a lot with customers throughout the day, and learning the system. he was very helpful, and the way he spoke with customers was kind of admirable. i was excited to be as knowledgeable as he was to those who needed it.
"what do you drive?" he asked me after helping someone, and i blinked. "oh, i don't drive- i walked here." i smiled at him, but my smile dropped when i noticed him look at me with shock, and some worry. "you walked here?" he asked, blinking a few times. i shrugged. "yeah, my house is literally right around the corner.
"i can take you home, i wouldn't walk around at night," he stated firmly, looking at me with only seriousness. i smiled softly. these guys were really nice. "i'd umm.. i'd like that, actually." i smiled.
"matty-poo, are you clocked out yet?" a voice rang in the distance, very similar to his.
"i told you to stop calling me that, chris. have you met y/n?" he questioned, smiling at him. i looked over at chris and felt like i might stop breathing in that moment.
he was stunning. and he may have looked nearly identical to the other two, but something about his hair and the way it perfectly fell on his head, the way he was dressed so laid back and clearly himself yet still appropriately for work.
"y/n?" i heard matt say as i turned quickly to him and then back to chris. "oh, right, sorry. hi, name's y/n," i chuckled shyly and held out my hand. chris, instead of shaking my hand, dapped me up and snapped softly afterwards. i chuckled. i didn't know people did that in boston, too.
"hi, i'm chris." he smiled softly.
"i gotta finish cleaning up a few things here, if you and y/n wanna head to the car? we're giving her a ride home." matt mumbled as he was getting the trash together. i offered to help, but this guy insisted on doing closing duties for the night.
"oh okay sick, sure. come on, y/n." chris stated and began walking towards the car, pulling his hoodie over his head. i followed closely behind him. it was sort of awkward at first, but i heard his music again and smiled softly. i tapped his shoulder, indicating i wanted to tell him something.
"poppin by yeat?" i asked, and he blinked a few times, fully putting his earbuds away and into his pocket. "damn, you listen to year?" he smiled and put his hands in his pockets.
i chuckled and shrugged. "i dabble. i listen to whatever sounds cool." chris smiled. "good taste." i nodded as we approached what i assumed was their car. a kia sedona. simple, but perfect for them, i thought.
chris leaned against the side of the car, and after some thought, i leaned against the car beside him. "the stars are really nice here in boston, much easier to see than in los angeles." i chuckled. chris looked at me as he hadn't heard the rundown yet. "you're from los angeles?" he questioned, and i nodded softly. "that's sick." he stated and turned back to the sky. "me and my brothers have always wanted to go." he smiled softly to himself.
i chuckled and nodded, having heard a few times but decided to keep my mouth shut. "it's nice, but i guess because i'm used to it, it really isn't that exciting." i hummed. he seemed to understand what i was saying.
we sat in silence for a few moments before he turned to me. "why'd you move?" he asked, and i scoffed. "i um.. my mom got a new job. just like in the movies." i mumbled with a soft laugh, and chris smiled at me. "you graduate?" he asked, and i nodded. "yeah, left a week and a half afterwards." i mumbled. he frowned. "i'm sorry to hear," he replied, and i smiled at him. "don't be. i appreciate it though." he smiled softly. "yeah, no problem."
we sat in silence before he turned to me and popped open his airpods case, motioning it towards me. "airpod?" he asked, and i smiled and carefully took one, placing it in my ear. i checked them beforehand.
he put on music and we sat in silence and listened to his playlist. without a doubt, we had the same taste in music.
"y/n!!! how was your first day!!" nick shouted from the distance as he ran towards their car, making me smile brightly.
the car ride was peaceful, i sat beside nick in the backseat while matt drove and chris accompanied him in the passenger seat. chris and matt argued for about five minutes before we left about who would have the aux, and i smiled when chris got the aux and put on a song i was fairly familiar with.
"and then a left here," i stated, humming softly to the music. i saw matt shoot chris a glance, resulting in chris smacking matt's arm.
"aaand it's here," i smiled and sat up, waiting for matt to come to a stop before undoing my seatbelt. "i really appreciate you guys for today, thank you for helping me today and making me feel at home." i smiled gently. "i'll see you guys tomorrow?" i mumbled, and matt shook his head. "nick and i are off tomorrow, but chris will be there." he mumbled, and chris gave me a big thumbs up. i smiled softly and nodded, waving and jogging to my door.
considering the store closed at midnight, it was about 12:45 by the time i got in my room and sighed. my parents were asleep. i looked around and hummed to myself.
i'll unpack tomorrow morning, i thought.
i changed and laid in bed in my pajamas, staring at my ceiling. i really did have a great day, but chris and the way he just seemed to understand me really struck me. i looked at my hands and sighed softly.
no way i have lived here for two days and already find a guy cute.
i let out a deep, hefty sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. i'll see where it goes, i thought.
and with that, i slowly fell asleep, looking forward to working with chris tomorrow.
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HELLO PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT U GUYS THING i feel like i rambled so bad in this??? this is my first thing i've written in a long time and it's very much like..... a pilot? it really goes through the reader meeting the triplets and going through the first day - i APROMISEDJGKSAJDFG it gets more interesting UGHHH ok happy 5am goodnight <333 sincerely, apollo <33
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lesbesapphic · 2 years
Illicit Affairs - pt 5
A sorority leader Wanda AU
A Ride To Remember
summary- The sorority group is celebrating the success of their event and have decided for a camping trip as a fun way to keep the team spirit up. Wanda knows another way of keeping your team spirit up especially when you keep messing with her.
Warning - mean Wanda , choking, face slapping once , pussy slapping, a little bit angst at the end, dominating Wanda, bottom reader, Wanda is kind of smitten or whipped for r , Tsundere Wanda honestly, finger fucking etc
Hello Everyone!
It is literally almost Five AM here but I wanted to keep my promise so here it is. This one is really amazing. I enjoyed writing it so much. Hope you all love reading it too.
Feel free to send in your thoughts through anons or whatever about this. A humble request, please reblog since I lost my tag list i want it to reach as many old reader as possible
Also if you wish to support me and my writing in these tough times, you can through the links below. I would really appreciate it. It will help me buy groceries or reinforcement for myself. :)
Buy Me A Coffee | Ko-fi
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"Is Everyone here? We are leaving in ten minutes so settle down, Folks!" The senior made the last announcement and you mentally went over the essentials you needed for the trip.
"This is going to be amazing! Guess what I have packed?" Darcy asked with a huge grin on her face, it made you smile in excitement as well, knowing whatever she'd pack would be fun. "What?" You asked after several moments, realising the doofus wasn't going to tell until you ask her. The habit funny yet annoying Sometimes.
"See my friends have vodka over there so we won't have to wait for the senior to designate a day for party and give us that lousy amount which is 95 percent water only." She started and you followed her gaze to her friends who waved at you two, you waved back and glanced at Darcy, not understanding why she was excited about vodka. "And I have got 'stuff'."
"Damn, really?!" You asked in the same excited tone now. Hushing down quietly, afraid people would know about the marijuana. God, just the thought of getting high gave you excitement. You remembered the first time you got high and couldn't shut up. You talked and talked and every little thing seemed so funny. Now you were actually excited.
"Stop grinning like a fool. Wanda would suspect." Darcy smacked your head and you slapped her back in reflex, but agreed with the woman and neutral your expression focusing on your bag on your lap, the last thing you wanted was to get in trouble with Wanda after that party. "Yeah yeah. So are we doing it tonight?" You asked and couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.
"Doing what, Detka?" Wanda asked walkin over from behind to where the two of you were sitting, "Nothing, Wanda. We were thinking of skinny dipping tonight." Darcy replied and your eyes widen while shaking your head 'no', knowing she was purposely getting on Wanda's nerves. Ever since Wanda had picked you from the party, snitching Darcy out in the process, Darcy was finding every opportunity to get on Wanda's nerves. Especially now that she had a little bit of Natasha's protection now, she could get away from her tiny transgressions.
"Darcy!" You spoke before Wanda could and the raven head woman only laughed, "Stop joking around." You exclaimed and shook your head at Wanda who looked at your questioningly over what Darcy had said. "Natasha is calling you. Don't try me, Lewis." Wanda spoke firmly and it even scared Darcy but her being her, she only showed a grin and peace sign before leaving.
"And you wonder, why I dislike her." Wanda stated the obvious and you laughed, sometimes you enjoyed their quarrel as long as it wasn't on your expense. "She is nice, Wanda." You defended your friend half-heartedly knowing whatever you say, they both would never like eachother.
"Of course." Wanda muttered in disdain before flicking the handle between the two seats up making it a one big seat, a mini couch basically, you watched her with curiosity as she held out her hand for you to take and you did, wondering what she was doing. She pulled you up from the seat with one pull and you smiled in amusement, her strength always amazed you.
Wanda put some blanket down on the seats and half laid down, pulling you in her lap, wrapping her arms around you as she settled in, your cheeks immediately reddened at the display of affection, you knew people didn't think much of it since they had assumed Wanda to be overly protective of her first mentee but you knew the truth and it made your heart flutter and your stomach summersaulted at her tiniest of affection.
"You comfortable?" Wanda asked and you nodded against her chest before looking up at her, "I would be more if I had my phone." You added and Wanda rolled her eyes, chuckling sarcastically at your response and you shrugged, it was worth a try. "Nice try. Not until you learn to sort out her priorities." Wanda ended the discussion and you wanted to roll your eyes at her remark but knew doing that in such proximity with her would only result in a smack on your ass and you rather not test her patience when she had already threaten to spank you in front of Carol and Natasha. Apparently, you mouth off to her when you are on your phone. You hardly agreed, you only get distracted and don't reply as politely as Wanda wishes for you to.
"That's why I am here so we can watch a movie. I don't want you to die from boredom." Wanda clarified the reason she was not with the other senior members and you nodded trying to stop yourself from gushing over the fact that she cared so much about you. A part of you still upset about the whole deal with Vision but that part hardly comes forward these days. You had chosen your poison, you could hardly complain now.
"Thank you." You pulled her down from her neck and pecked her cheek, a little closer to her lips, the action had Wanda surprised for a moment, you were too innocent to realise the affect of your actions and Wanda shook her head, pushing the thought of someone taking it in a wrong sense away, she knew that she would have to talk to you about your ways of showing affection in public. Wanda would never jeopardize her reputation or position by getting too carried away but she couldn't say the same for you especially knowing how much you disliked Vision and the whole deal you had with her. She decided to do it later, not wanting to put you in a sore mood now and played the movie.
"Did you bring the mosquito repellent cream?" Wanda asked few minutes into the movie once she noticed the people on the other aisle, putting theirs on and closing the windows as the sun started setting. "Oh Fuck." You muttered from your position on her lap, your head on her chest, cuddled extremely close as the two of you watched the movie. Wanda's hand shot out to your collar instead of hair knowing that people were still around even if not paying attention to you two, she pulled your head up from her chest and before you could apologise her hand came down on your mouth and you let out a whimper of pain, "Stop acting like my mom." You muttered, rubbing the stinging area.
"Then stop behaving like a child." Wanda replied, her eyes narrowing down on you and you knew what she was waiting for, "I am sorry, Mom." You replied in a snarky tone and Wanda rolled her eyes at you, "Careful there, I might just force you to call me mommy, since you love thinking of me as such." Wanda whispered in your ear and you blushed furiously, trying to hide your face in her chest, obviously not enjoying the idea of that very much. She laughed at your reaction and You wanted to come back with an smartass comment but was too afraid that she would fulfil her threat.
"Now go get me my bag. There are mosquitoes here already." Wanda muttered in annoyance as she ushered you up, patting your butt to make you hurry but you only groaned and further buried yourself in her. "I don't want to get up. I got comfortable with such efforts." Wanda sighed and closed her eyes for a moment, you stopped your whining to look at her wondering why she stopped suddenly. "One."
"What? Are you seriously counting?" You asked in disbelief, you knew that she knew how the counting scares you and despite that you always try your best to remain unaffected. Wanda's hand came down on your bare thigh in a smack and you cried out, "Fine fine. But wasn't our last event for nature? Isn't it cruel to deny mosquitoes thier nutritions? We would be basically denying them their right to reproduce?" You started and watched as Wanda rolled her eyes but couldn't successfully hide the smile of amusement playing on her lips.
"And come to think of it, it is the female mosquitoes who need our blood, you can't do that for a fellow sister? Isn't the whole point of sorority groups, sisterhood?" You asked and Wanda shook her head, "This is why I don't like you hanging out with Darcy, you little brat." Wanda pinched your cheek and you laughed, finally deciding to get up. "Only because I don't want you to hate Darcy for one more reason."
"What a good friend you are," Wanda said sarcastically and watched as you left to get her bag. She stretched on the bed, pausing the movie. "Are we stopping on that restaurant?" Wanda asked Jennifer, remembering the place when they outlined their route, when she got an affirmative, she smirked to herself and got up, meeting you halway down the aisle.
"Aren't we gonna finish watching the movie?" You asked slightly confused when Wanda didn't respond and took the bottle of cream from you. "I have a better idea." She replied and urged you to walk all way to the backseats with her hand on your lower back, touching your bare skin causing goosebumps to cover the area. It felt good, her warm hands. Maybe that was the reason you wore crop tops so frequently around her.
"Sit." Wanda pushed some bags from the backseat aside, making some room for you two, still a little crowded but secluded enough. You were piqued with the situation, wondering if you two were going to do something, but all hopes were crushed as you were aware of how Wanda would not jeopardize her reputation. You sat down and Wanda settled down next to you before taking out some of the cream and rubbing it on her arms in slow circles, rubbing up and down and you didn't understand why the simple act was arousing you, especially when she rubbed her hands together to spread the cream evenly.
Wanda smirked to herself, aware of your tranced gaze which was fixated on her like a moth drawn to fire. It continued for awhile, you watching her rub the cream on herself with lust filled stare and clenched thighs, when you couldn't take enough you reached forward for the cream with your hand only for it to get smacked away by her, "Wha-" Before you could finish yourself, Wanda clicked on her phone one last time and threw it down on her seat before getting in your lap. Her finger placed on your lips to quieten you and you tried controlling the urge to lick it, suck it or bite it. So many things you wanted to.
"I will put it on you." Wanda cleared it up with a sweet smile and your eyes flicked from her position on your lap to behind her where almost all the seats were empty and people were already gone, you didn't even hear that, preoccupied by the brunette. You nodded slowly and when her finger brushed your lip, your tongue darted out to lick it, earning you a sharp smack on your thigh. You stopped instantly at the pain but given a chance you would do it again.
"Good girl." Wanda murmured against your ear, licking the earlobe causing you to shudder in pleasure. You could feel the wetness oozing out of you and she had only just began. You watched as she pulled back and took a generous amount of cream in her hand, rubbing them together slowly, the moisturizer sticking to her fingers. She winked at you with a cheeky grin before placing her hand on your bare stomach, her fingers expertise in tracing from front to your back. "No funny business." She said playfully when you let out a sigh of pleasure, her fingers digging into your flesh softly.
"Wanda.." You whispered surprised that your voice came out firm with how dry your throat was. "Hmm, Baby?" Wanda asked and the use of the endearment only seemed to work on you more. You wouldn't deny how much you have started loving her roughness in bed but there were still times when you would find yourself falling for her all over again everytime she would get playful with you, tease you with that adorable glint in her eyes devoid of all the cruelness you were aware she could dish out in any given moment.
"What are you doing?" You were surprised that you were still able to form sentences when she moved to your thighs and legs, rubbing the cream there with a determine look to not miss any spot but you both knew why she spend extra time on your thighs, her fingers almost brushing against your clothed center causing you to buck your hips up. "Quit being so libidinous." Wanda's hand came down on your clothed pussy and you whimpered in pain and as well as pleasure at having her touch.
"Libi-What?" You asked her, genuinely confused at her choice of words when she was the one being whatever 'libi-dibi' she was talking about. "Libidinous." Wanda replied nonchalantly, her eyes focused on your center and you noticed the shift in her eyes as your thigh muscles convulsed under her touch. "Jesus, Your cunt is soaking." Wanda observed and you felt a jolt of arousal hitting your body at her unsolicited wording.
"Fuck me then.." You said and when she made an attempt to pick up the cream again, you decided to beg, "Please..I want you so badly. I am so wet.. only for you, Wanda please..." You didn't know what you were saying, the desperation to feel her hands on you and the constant fear of someone walking in was pushing you to limits. Wanda dropped the cream and picked out a wipe from her bag, cleaning her hands, "Take these off." Wanda almost growled as she got off you and you didn't need to be told twice as you instantly pushed the clothing down your legs before leaning forward to kiss Wanda who smacked your face away, not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to remind you who was in front of you.
"I didn't give you permission to kiss me, Darling." Wanda reminded and you swallowed dryly, nodding and murmuring a soft 'sorry' and gasping when Wanda pushed you back into your seat, again getting in your lap. This time her intent was clear when her mouth attached to your neck, sucking and biting with the intention to leave marks, you moaned loudly, "Pe-People.. notice.." You let out in between your whimpers and moans, yet your hand in Wanda's hair only pushed her closer, simultaneously tilting your neck to give her more access.
"Mosquitoes.." She grumbled as she moved lower to your chest, her answer had you chuckling, remembering how she didn't like it before when you called her a mosquito while on call with Vision, quickly shaking off the thought you focused shifted on Wanda's hands, harshly squeezing your soft mound, "What's so funny, Baby?" She asked while her finger traced your areolas, not touching the hardened nub. You closed your eyes and turned your head to the side when she pinched the nub.
"Hmm?" She questioned again while pinching the other one, getting them harder and you tried jerking away from her but it didn't work as her fingers clamped down harder, "N-Nothing.." You whimpered in pain but wouldn't deny the backhanded pleasure you were recieving from her assault on your soft flesh. "Thought so." She smirked to herself enjoying the flushed state she had put you in, every inch of you was red. She loved how everything she did had a direct result on your body. So responsive.
Wanda pushed your bra up, her hand playing with your bare flesh, softly kissing your breast before sucking on your hardened nipple, slowly nibbling on the sensitive flesh at the same time moving her hand to your bare center, playing with your folds, her fingers brushing past them to collect the wetness in her fingers, "And we have hardly began, I told you, you will become my pain slut." Wanda finished her sentence with a smack to your already swollen pussy and you let out a loud cry mixed with a moan of pleasure.
Wanda pushed her fingers into your mouth to quieten you, "Shh. People are still around." You had tears in your eyes when she pushed her fingers covered in your wetness down your throat, causing you to choke on them. "So beautiful." Wanda whispered, pushing a strand of hair away from your face and you could feel yourself growing redder, "You take them in so well, such a good girl." Wanda praised, cooing at you and you wouldn't deny how your chest swells up everytime she does that to you. Unbeknownst to you Wanda had conditioned you to long for her approval and praises.
"But that's not where you need them, don't you baby?" Wanda asked and you nodded frequently, her fingers still in your mouth, hitting the back of your throat, while her other hand held your face still by the back of your neck. "Fine." Wanda pulled out her fingers from your mouth and before you could resume your proper breathing, she pushed her fingers in you and you were embarassed as well as surprised by how easily they went in. "So needy." Wanda murmured as she watched how her fingers moved in and out of you as she fucked you.
You didn't know but the way Wanda was watching you as she had her way with you was making you feel shyer than your first time with her. You could feel redness seeping in your cheeks and was pretty sure that your chest and neck were a similar shade. You closed your lips and bit your lip to hold your moans but it didn't help when Wanda's other hand rubbed your clit, playing with the nub while inserting another finger in.
"Wa-Wanda." You cried out in broken moans when she picked up her place, three fingers deep in you while her thumb simulated your clit, you couldn't help but scream her name which she stopped halfway by placing her fingers in your mouth, "Shut. Up. Slut. We don't want everyone here." She growled with annoyance and you moaned around her fingers at the look she was giving you that and a curl of her fingers was enough to push you over the edge as you came against her fingers. Your thighs convulsing, your hips bucking up to ride out your orgasm which Wanda let you.
Your saliva dripped down your chin as her fingers were pushing down on your tongue, "So gorgeous." Wanda's hand on your pussy, traced the outer lips and your whimpered at the simple touch. It felt too much in the moment. You watched as she brought the fingers to her lips, tasting you. She winked when she caught your eyes causing you to blush and to look away.
"Let's clean you up, my little slut." Wanda pulled out her fingers from your mouth and wiped them on your hot and red cheeks. You didn't know if you really liked her calling you dirty names since it was always some sort of endearment with her but your body seemed to enjoy them as the heat rushes everywhere at the idea of being her slut.
You closed your eyes and pushed your head back focusing on your breathing, you were pretty sure Wanda had someone gaurding the bus, remembering the use of her phone earlier and how no one had enter or even knock in a while now. It was easier to put the two and two together. You hissed in surprise and from the cold when a wet towel wiped down on your still a little wet pussy. "Sorry, Kitten." Wanda apologised, she obviously didn't mean it but the fact she even said it was nice to hear, you thought while nodding in acknowledgement, letting her take care of you.
She would always clean you after it, at first you found it a little, you don't know the right word for it but you felt more naked than when she would fuck you. But overtime you seemed to grow a liking to the aftercare, loving how affectionate Wanda would get and how she would even listen to whatever you want after a particularly rough play. You didn't know on what level of sweetness Wanda was on after this particular time but when she gently wiped your cheeks and placed a kiss on the one she had slapped earlier, she didn't have to say. You knew she would get you whatever you wanted. Except, another orgasm maybe.
"I love you." You whispered and instantly felt your heart racing in panic. You didn't know why but you couldn't stop yourself in time. You would always say it in your head but this time you went a little too bold. Before you could die in panic or bring yourself to an anxiety attack, Wanda placed a kiss on your lips, soft and short. "I know, Detka. I know." Wanda replied and the soft smile on her lips calmed your nerves, that meant she wasn't going to kick you out or anything. It seemed to reassure you. She didn't reject you. After all she was the one who chose you over-
"Let's not think about it much right now, huh?" Wanda phrased it as a question but you knew she would get irritated the moment you dwell on the thought again and never the one to deny her of anything, You instantly drop the thought and gave her a smile, "I want a chocochip cookie." You announced causing Wanda to laugh, "Of course you do."
"Get dressed. I will see what I can do." She leaned forward and kissed you lips one last time before getting off and picking up her phone. You moved to get dressed with a big smile playing on your lips, the same lips tingling from all of her kisses. The same lips that would be wrapped around a joint later, the thought exciting you in a completely different way. You didn't even know how your subconscious connected Wanda's kisses to Weed but you weren't complaining. The trip was going to be amazing.
Tag list - @animesailor8 @ashadash0904 @avengerswriter4eva @animalcrackers009 @lizziecanrailme @generallyconfusedbeing @crappyconfusion-main @desaulniersbriannes @genzwomensimp @squackimabird @crappyconfusion @lezzzbehonestsue @wandanatvoid @pianogirl2121 @fabgronsky @simplysimping999 @afterglow-val @ssweetcreature1 @s1ut4nat @alwaysgoodnight @wandaswigglywoos @animesailor8 @aymmgreen @cmaysf @stufiebunny @androgynouscloudenemy @wandanatlex @importantsludgeoafneck-blog @slave-of-laughter-blog @thatsamericasass04 @ultroncanpegme-reposts @lijo-8 @iamnobodywhataboutu @lezzzbehonestsue @temptationsbrew @didujustcallmedumb @sgthesstuff
If any of you don't want to be tagged in future please comment, I had an issue with my tag list so some of you who didn't ask to be tagged are also tagged.
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brandogenius · 4 months
i love ur boygenius x young!artist fics <3 maybe one where reader has a new gf and the boys are threatening the gf like a dad would 😭
"if u hurt her we will murder u and throw ur dead body in the ocean for the fish to eat" SKHFGSDHF
BLURB - the boys & younger reader - meeting your gf
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- dude they fucking know. you’re smiling more on your phone and they are like 👀 👁️ they know somethings up but wouldn’t wanna pressure you into saying so they all mutually agree like “it can’t be that bad. let them come to us”
- they kinda forget about it until you ask julien to grab your phone and a message pops up from someone under the contact “baby ❤️” and julien’s like :o. she hands you the phone with this grin and you’re like “oh no. don’t you DARE SAY SHIT”
- juliens feeling a little chaotic today so she goes around the house singing “READERS IS IN LOVEEEE” which catches phoebe and lucy’s attention both of them walking in the room like 👀 and you’re like face palming like “THIS IS WHY I CANT TELL YALL SHIT”
- them begging to know the info “what’s their name?? do we know her? is she nice- she needs our approval. she’s having dinner tomorrow bring her over”
- after trying to shove them out the door, you agree to invite your gf for dinner. you’re on the phone and once you hang up you can hear the boys cheering from outside the door.
- preparing way in advance. julien sends phoebe off to go grocery shopping, jb wanting to make a good first impression and cook up a grand fuckinf feast. and by feast i mean probably spaghetti. lucy is going around tidying and you’re just lying in your bed like what did i get myself into??
- however the boys meeting your gf went so much better than you expected. they were polite and got in very well with readers gf. cracking jokes, phoebe in the edge of her seat, waiting to pounce any moment to get the goddamn yearbook that’s lying around somewhere.
- everything’s fine and going good until julien who probably hasent talked much thag night puts down the fork and goes like “it you hurt a single strand on her head i will come after you with my baseball bat” does she own one? nobody knows but the way she said it with so much seriousness has you in shock like HUH. but she stares at your girlfriend for a second before smiling and resuming back to her food like she didn’t just drop a whole ass bomb
- shovel talk starts now and you’re banging your head off the table.
- “i will personally go on stan twitter and find your IP address if you ever think about cheating on her” i’m pretty sure you can guess who said this one already
- your gf is like “i promise i would never ever think about doing any of those stuff to her” can just see lucy squinting across at your gf for a moment, analysing / studying her before nodding. she got the lucy approval she’s all good
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Lemonade — Vada Cavell
When I was seven years old, my friend , Vada and I started a lemonade stand.  Ever since then, she and I have been inseparable.
It was a hot summer week, and quite frankly, we had nothing to do. Her mom had just gotten back from the store and asked us to unpack the groceries. Neither of us wanted to, but like I said earlier, we had nothing else to do.
"Oh my goddd the weather is killing me!" I complained, putting the milk carton in the fridge. She nodded in agreement.
"Look!" she squealed, "lemons!" She takes out a huge bag of lemons.
"That's a lot of lemons, V," I laughed.
"Buy tuh-woo, get three free," she desperately tried to read the label.
"You mean buy two get three free?" I tried to raise an eyebrow.
"Whatever," she rolled her eyes, "we should make lemonade!"
I got out her mom's fancy pitcher and a knife, and miraculously didn't get cut while slicing the lemons. Less miraculously, the juicing of the lemons on multiple occasions stung our eyes.
"Okay, we gotta add lots of sugar," Vada told me, tasting the pure lemon juice. Her face puckered up in a way that even then I knew was not good.
"I love sugar!" I smiled, pouring an unhealthy portion of sugar in.
By the end of the afternoon, we made one dollar an seventeen cents with our one sale to the boy, Nick, down the street. 
"We should go buy candy!" Vada's eyes lit up.
"Ooh! M&M's! And jolly ranchers! And gummies!"
That was also the day we learned that there's not much you can but for $1.17.
It was a devastating day.
Twelve years later...
"Hi Vada," I exclaim, running up to the shorter brunette, giving her an obligatory head pat before enveloping her in a hug.
"Hi!" she smiles widely. I love her smile so much.
"What do you wanna do today?" I ask.
"What's there to do?" she replies. We end up lying down on her trampoline for at least an hour, scrolling through TikTok's together.
"What is it with the Lana Del Rey, will you serve me Lemonade trend?" Vada says, confused.
"No idea," I confess, "but it's fun to see celebrity glow ups showcased by it."
"No, totally," she laughs, "You've totally gotten a glow up."
"No, you're literally hotter than the sun, shut up Vada!" Vada's definitely the prettiest girl I know. Everything about her is so flawlessly beautiful. She could literally wear the silliest most random outfit she found at the bottom of her closet and pull it off perfectly.
"You shut up!" 
We sit in silence for a moment, then an idea pops into my head.
"Let's make lemonade!" I decide. Vada shoots up excitedly, "yes please! Anything other than TikTok's!"
"I agree."
We set off to work, making (much better) lemonade than we made last time.
"Okay, first of all, your mom has a lemon juicing thingy now, which feels over the top fancy, but we should probably use it," I tell her.
"It's literally a thingy you put lemons on and twists them, that's not fancy!"
"Whatever, let's use it!"
We slice up the lemons and begin to juice them.
"Damn, if this is what giving handjobs to guys is like, I do not want to date guys. Honestly, not really into that even before this. Like honestly, they're not doing it for me," she rambles. Her rambles are the cutest thing. If you don't interrupt her, she can go one for hours about conspiracy theories, shows, books, songs. It's one of the many things I love about her.
"Vada, you're literally gay, you don't have to worry about handjobs."
"No you're literally gay!" she points a finger at me. I pretend to take offense, slapping a hand over my heart. Joking around with her is the highlight of any day.
"We're both gay, now work on the water to sugar to lemon ratio," I decide.
"Why are you turning lemonade into mathhhhh," she complains.
"Just work on it!" I exclaim.
"Anything for you, my dear," she winks at me.
We finally finish the lemonade after fifteen minutes of bickering. I'm excited to try it, honestly. I haven't had good lemonade in years.
"Will you give me some?" she asks, noticing I've poured myself a glass.
"Pay Up!" I laugh.
"Is $1.17 enough?" she asks innocently.
"Why, you got that much?"
"The exact same coins," she confesses. I blush at the fact that she's kept coins from twelve years ago that we earned selling lemonade this whole time. I've never seen her as the sentimental type
"Damn, I must have meant a lot to you," I tease her.
"Not as much as you mean to me now," she takes a step closer to me, booping my nose.
"Oh yeah," I say, "and how much is that?"
She smirks, taking the lemonade out of my hand and setting it down on the counter.
"Enough to do this," she cups my cheeks and stands on the tips of her toes to brush her soft lips against mine. I hate to sound like a stereotype, but I swear I can feel fireworks go off in my stomach. My arms wrap themselves around her waist before finding their way to her hips and gently pulling her closer. She tastes like lemons and sugar(unsurprisingly considering we're making lemonade). Such a perfect taste for such a hot day. I could get used to this. It's hard not to crave more and more.
It's funny that just a few nights ago we were making fun of couples on TV who were like this, and yet now we're completely totally a cliche.
"Sorry if I read that wrong," Vada apologizes after pulling away.
"You're not reading it wrong, don't worry," I reassure her, kissing her lips again.
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darth-aces · 1 year
Pining For Pineapple
Bella Ramsey x Reader
This is just a short story I wrote that wasn’t meant to be a fanfic, but I’m bored and I don’t know where else to share this story so I decided to nourish the gay Bella army with a new story. Anyway I hope you enjoy.
“Pineapple again?”
Bella asks as they picks up a silver tin wrapped in a bright yellow strip of paper. Before I could answer, their hand and the can make their way toward the basket swaying from their other hand. “I know you like them. We might as well pick some up while we’re here.”
“I’ve got a can or two in the cupboard already so I think I’ll be all right till next week,” I explain as I try to pick the can back up to return it to its original place on the shelf. Before my fingers could reach it in time, Bella moves the basket farther away from me.
“I think we should just grab one, in case you’re craving pineapple this week. Also, it might save us some time from coming back here next week.” Bella protests.
“Why? Are you so sick of me that you’d rather stock up on canned food to avoid hanging out with me?” I say teasingly, knowing full well that I’m the one who wouldn’t be able to go a day without them.
I watched as a grin emerge from their lips before they speak. “Yeah. You’re suffocating me, so I’ll have to buy as many canned pineapples as I can to feed you and keep you satiated while I’m away.”
To this remark, I scold them with a light smack to their arm and say, “You know you love me too much to stay away.”
“I do know that, but do you love me?” They playfully say.
I taunt back, “Not as much as my pineapple.”
We continue our banter with a side of more shopping. By the time we paid for our things and exit the store-the groceries in my hand-I noticed that night was approaching, and the clouds were grey and ominous looking.
We’re walking back to our apartment when Bella gets a text on their phone. I take a glance and it’s a message from a good friend of ours. “Everyone’s hanging out tonight. Wanna go?”
“Sure, but we gotta be quick. It smells like it’ll rain soon.” As if on cue, raindrops lightly fall onto our face.
“I think if we run, we can make it back to the apartment before the rain gets heavier.” My hand holding the grocery bag tightens as I nod, and we both take off.
I’m only a few steps behind them, giving me a chance to get a good look at them.
Hair, eyes, nose.
Then I see their lips. They grew as uncontrollable giggles slip out of their mouth as we run through the rain, and it convinces me that I now have heightened hearing and limitless capacity in my memory just for them.
Suddenly I feel my heart expand, and I am eager to fill it with the thing I’m craving the most. I’ve felt it before. The way my lips purse as I engulf myself in its sweetness, but I have to brace myself every time for the sourness that comes at the end. Despite this pain, I’m craving it more than ever right now.
When we finally get to the main entrance of our apartment, we slow down before getting closer to the door. The giggling had turned into huffs as we try to catch our breaths.
Before they reach the door handle, I say with the little air in my lungs, “Hold on.” They turn around to face me, and our eyes connect. Before I forget why I stopped them in the first place, I lay the groceries down by the door. Then I walk back into the rain just a few steps away under the warm yellow hue of a street light nearby. The rain had started pouring moments before we got here. Despite this, I still waved them to come over.
“In the rain?” They yell over the sound of the sky continues to pour down on us.
“Just for a bit, please,” I say.
They come over grinning, radiating, and ecstatic about whatever plan I have up my sleeve.
“So much for trying to avoid the rain.” They’re still taunting me.
We’re both drenched now, yet they’re still glowing; brighter and yellow now as they enter the light. I extend my hand as they get closer, and they rest their palm against mine, weaving our fingers together. My eyes are on them this whole time, with a grin I can’t seem to shake. Our eyes are still connected until they get close enough to place their other hand gently on my face. Immediately they use their thumb to caress my cheek, and my eyes fall to their lips like it always does.
I’m feeling it again. I’m craving them, and nothing can stop my concentration, not even the rain.
When I move closer, I ask them, “Is this okay?”
Bella nods, and they let out a slight chuckle. This only amplifies my craving. My smile gets wider and my heart beats at a rhythm I can not recognize.
Then we kiss, and I lose myself in the sweetness.
The hand already tangled in theirs, softly squeezes. I do this because I hope it can make the sweetness linger a little longer. It is also to brace myself for the sourness that will follow when it’s over.
When we do pull away, we laugh to ease the tension in the cliche story we’ve curated. It’s time to walk out of the rain, but my concentration stays on them.
I'm doing my best to savor this moment so I can store this memory away for the next time I'm craving pineapple, and I’ll ensure to ask them if they want to share it with me again.
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notmyprey · 23 days
Tw: A LOT of fatal vore mentions!!!! Injury and some gore. But keep in mind, no one dies, just gets badly hurt.
I've never had many people trust me. It's not that I break promises or that I steal, nothing like that. I just rarely get close to people. But then I met you.
It's been months since I first found out you had been living in the walls of my apartment. Exactly how long have you been there? Neither of us knew, since you dont track time too well, and I hadn't known you were even here till recently. But from what I've gathered from your ramblings, it's been at least a year.
It took a while for you to work up the courage to see me. At first, you wouldn't even come out of the home you had made between my walls. But after about a week of us talking through the wooden panels, I finally convinced you to come out.
The first thing I noticed was that you were small, you were so small, in fact, I could easily compare you to the size of the Barbie dolls I used to play with.
After that, we hit it off. We were best friends, I believe. You loved listening to me talk about the outside world, and I listened to you talk about what new movie you watched. Sometimes, we would talk while cooking together, others we would lie in bed, with you atop my chest listening to my heart while I described what it's like to go to the store.
We were close, very close. That's at least what it looked like. But deep down, something else was stirring, a buzz in my brain that had been there since the day I first heard your voice. I didn't actually care about you. That's what I had to convince myself to think.
All I was doing was waiting for the perfect time to act, that's all. I didn't care about you, I refused to think how lonely I would be without you. I didn't actually like you, never.
I didn't wake up at night and lay my hand across your chest just to know if you were still breathing. I didn't glance over at you when I joked, just to see your smile. I never saw you like that. Because the voices told me you were nothing more than food.
If I thought too much deeper, I knew I would never be able to look at you again for the amount of shame I'd feel would be too great. So I didn't think about it. You were food, and I refused to think any deeper.
Although the voices were hungry, I told myself that I must wait for the perfect conditions. You had to be tired, so you wouldn't squirm too much. I had to have gotten a good nights rest, so I could chase you if needed. No one could be coming to my house that day, nor could I have any meetings. I needed to just have gone grocery shopping so that people wouldn't hear or see you withering in my gut. This list continued, being added almost endlessly any time I thought of something else to make it even just a little bit longer. But most importantly, I needed you to trust me. I needed to wait until you trusted me more than anything.
I didn't think that would happen. I never thought all conditions would ever be met, and I think some small part of me created the conditions to never be met. But today, when I got out of bed and turned to face you, that's when I knew each box had been checked.
I tried to turn back, I really did. But the voices had grown louder than ever before, and before I knew it, I was gripping your tiny form in between both of my hands.
You didn't move. You didn't even struggle, only gazing up at me, confusion and worry spreading across your face.
Like that, we stayed for a moment, my hungry eyes not seeming to be understood by you. You smile at me and ask if I'm alright, I didn't respond. I knew if I took even the slightest effort to talk, every emotion I had held back behind the wall of hunger would spill out. So I didn't talk.
Instead, I focused on the now. This is the moment I have waited months for. This is the moment I've envisioned in ever so much detail. How nice you would feel on my tongue, the small kicks that would start to come from my stomach as you fought against your final resting place. But between the hungry voices, gnawing at my brain, telling me to shove you down my awaiting throat, I found myself thinking of the stuff I've avoided for so long. How I would miss you small weight on my chest, how I would miss you talking durring movies, telling me about how this actor played in another movie, or how the sequel contradicts whats said in the original.
Shaking, I held you up closer, my hands moving without me telling them to. I thought of how much I've grown to like you. Your head touched my tongue, sending chills of flavor unlike any other down my spine. I thought about how much you trusted me. You didn't move, limply letting my tongue move around your face. I thought about how much love you had shown me. I swallowed, sending your head and sholders into my throat. I thought about how much I felt I needed you here with me. Another swallow, this one more powerful, sending your whole torso and upper legs into the confines of my throat. You meant so much to me. One more swallow, and all that was left were your feet in my mouth. But you're only food, right? The rest of you was sent into the ever waiting void of my throat with one more slow, thick gulp.
My head started to feel heavy since you took up quite a bit of the space in my throat, space that was often used to breathe. But soon, I felt you slip into my stomach. I brased myself, waiting for the kicks that were soon to come. But I felt nothing. A small flicker of movement in my abdomen made me flinch, but it quickly stopped again.
I wanted to run my hand across you, but something seemed to be stopping me. Guilt, perhaps? I think whatever it was, it was the same thing stopping me from looking down on myself. I felt gross, somewhat sick, almost like I had just eaten something I wasn't supposed to. Perhaps that was the guilt, too?
"Did I taste good?" Your small voice echoed through my head. I could hardly think it was real, but it would have been hard to have guilt hallucinate a voice from someone now so close to me.
I couldn't bring myself to answer, not because the answer was unclear, but because my voice refused to come out. No matter how I tried, the most I could do was whine a pathetic, "ya," in response.
Tears started to flow down my cheeks. Everything felt overwhelming all of a sudden. I flopped onto the floor, bringing my knees to my chest. As I did so, I could feel you curl up too, your tiny form now compressed more now that I was putting more pressure on my middle.
That's when I started crying. Goodness knows why, but now Im sure the emotion I was feeling was horrible, gut-wrenching guilt. Months of effort, love, and care down the drain because I couldn't contain myself.
Your small hand pressed against me from the inside, I think you started talking, but my head was throbbing, drowning out your words. Without warning, you screamed out in pain. Your speaking became more panicked, like something was stealing your ability to breathe. Soon, you had started crying, too.
I could hardly take it, my heart wrenched ever so painfully. How had I ever thought I should do this? How could I ever do this? The illness in my stomach came to its peak, and my eyes started to blur as I hunched over. You started to get forced back up my throat. Soon, I tasted you once again on my tongue, this time though you didn't taste pleasant.
It was a mixture of your original sweetness, but it was nearly drowned out completely by the bitter acid and sour blood that came with it.
Soon, through the tears still draining from my eyes, I saw your body hit the floor in a mixture of other fluids. While still foggy, my mind seemed to work with me, telling my arms to scoop you up and for my legs to tumble towards the bathroom. I set you down in the sink, not even bothering to wipe my blurry eyes as I turn on the cold water. With a couple of blinks, my vision cleared enough to focus. Your left eye was swollen, closed shut with red and yellow liquid flowing around it. Though comparatively, the rest of you didn't look nearly as bad, I knew it still hurt. Any time I glanced at a new area of exposed skin, I found a new red burn, showing the bloody flesh underneath.
You started to shiver, but I couldn't take you out of the water yet. I needed to make sure all of the acid was off of you. Soon though, after I thought that everything was rinsed off, I sped to the closet to grab a towel, then started gently drying you off. While you continued to dry off and wrap the towel around you, I rummaged through my first aid kit to find something to wrap over your eye.
Dropping to one knee to get a better look, I gently placed some tissue over your eye, then wrapped a cloth bandage over it to keep it in place.
I dropped my hands to my side, unable to take my eyes off you. Not even 20 minutes ago, you had been smiling up at me, happy and healthy. Now, I knew I'd never see that side of you again.
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Hello! I have come asking for you to info-dump about the the modern human au. I full of brain rot of them (especially after the last thing you posted about them, damn) Maybe you can tell us a bit more Sally!!
lucky for you, i've been full of that good ol brainrot As Well! thoughts! feelings! ideas! i got em!
so since we're already on the subject of the Crash Arc, allow me to expand on it for a moment before i get to Sally Thinkings! if you've read the snippet, you may have noticed the extent of Wally's injuries was not listed yet. well! he got messed up with a capital F! since it's fiction and i'm god in this scenario, i'm veering slightly away from realistic damage, immediate & lasting. bc lets be real. if i stuck to "this is as realistic as i can make it", then Wally would be aaaaaabsolutely fucked. it was a bad crash in a very unsafe vehicle at high speeds. like - this is what happened. a drunk driver hit Home going 70 down the freeway. swerve, fishtail, tumble down a (small, shallow, really its more like a glorified ditch) ravine with trees and rocks and shit on it. absolute miracle that Wally didn't die in the crash, let alone during the solid half hour (slightly longer) he was trapped in Home before someone noticed the crash site and called emergency personnel. Wally "hanging up" on Barnaby was actually the impact jarring him so he slipped and hit the end call button. but yeah without going into technicalities and detail, Wally has some lasting damage in his dominant hand. It takes extensive physical therapy for him to be able to paint/draw again at the same level he had been at. the hematoma hadn't done a lot of brain damage that wouldn't resolve itself with time. in my mind, when Wally wakes up in the hospital, for a few days he's very confused and his memory is shot. he'll wake up, interact, then go to sleep, but when he wakes up again its like waking up for the first time again. he just can't retain memories for a bit. he's got some severe brain fog. his mood is also kinda fucked with - he's uncharacteristically irritable with low patience, etc. these are all things that clear up with time, but in my mind Wally has chronic migraines going forward. bad ones! and there are days where it's harder fr him to concentrate. and yk. a teeny bit of chronic pain where his shin bone was pinned back together and where his hand was essentially crushed. but other than that he's fine going forward! good days and bad days!
but enough about that! You Want To Hear About Sally!
i imagine that she becomes quite successful in the theater industry. i'm not too familiar with it myself, so i'm gonna be uh. Vague about it? but she starts her own theater troupe - it's a bit of a commute from home base to the town she works in, where the theater is located in, but she makes it work! of the group, she's probably away more than any of them. working on shows, traveling to work on other ones - i like to think she's been on Broadway! she probably has had opportunities to do tv/movie acting, but idk... i feel like Sally would be like "nah. live shows or nothing". maybe at some point she takes up voice acting gigs, as long as she can do them from home. she probably has her own little room-turned-VA-studio thing. idk how that works either! it seems right! but yes Howdy's store's automated messages and advertisements are in Sally's voice. she's probably picked up a temporarily modeling gig here and there.
so Sally is very very busy. Poppy is supportive. everyone is, and they all love to help out when they can - and reel Sally in when the "stardom" starts to get to her head. they do their best to acclimate to occasionally getting jumpscared by her voice in a grocery store or in. idk. fashion shoots. victoria's secret billboards. that last one was a joke! maybe. i think she would.
i also like to imagine Sally like... getting some sort of award and then spending a solid five minutes naming her friends, thanking them with specificity, and then plugging their own stuff. they probably have a rotation for who accompanies her as her plus one for events and parties she may or may not be invited to. she's not like... a Big celebrity but! she's Known and Liked! she has Connections! i like to imagine her and Wally looking dapper as fuck at a Venue...
so the friend group typically stays together, with Sally going off to do her Things the most. she makes sure to schedule time to be with her friends and girlfriend/wife/Poppy between work and gigs and etc. she somehow finds a balance with Ease. or apparent ease... someone get this girl a vacation...
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They said gingers don’t have souls. Many would claim that it is a stupid stereotype that wasn’t funny the first time it was told. Many say it’s historical, where old Christians used to demonize Pagan Vikings of yore. Whatever it was, it’s the truth. If gingers have souls, why is it so easy to possess them? Black, blonde, or brunette, they fight hard to retain control of their bodies. I can’t say which was the most difficult since they have distinct challenges. However, redheads are a different kind. I don’t even pass out when I possess them! It’s like, fwoop! I slip, and I blink. I’m in their body instantaneously. 
The first time I possessed somebody, it was my neighbor Rowan. I didn’t know I could take over people’s bodies back then. I was only trying to help him carry his groceries up the stairs when a wet step made me slip. The next thing I knew, I crashed into his body and disappeared inside. I panicked, of course, because who wouldn’t? Waking up in a different body for the first time is a different level of fear. Everything is strange and wrong, like wearing the left shoe on the right foot. The cadence of my breathing was different from what I was used to. My heart skipped several beats, and it felt like someone else was touching me whenever I touched my body. It took me hours in his apartment to get used to it. By the time I did, I was naked in front of the mirror while jerking off with my new dick. I didn’t look for it online, but I’m glad to know redheads have ginger pubic hair as well.
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With that easy first time with a redhead, I may have underestimated the bodies I possessed next. I tried to take over my older brother and found difficulty in even phasing inside his body. He thought I was roughhousing like we always do. And like always, I got beaten the shit out of me by his larger body and the techniques he learned from his wrestling club. I tried multiple times, but I was pushed back every single time! I don’t have problems with Rowan, though. I possessed him countless times after the first incident. He even confided about his multiple recent blackouts where he’d wake up naked and covered in cum. He hopes it will not happen on the day his older brother visits. 
In my mind, I was smirking. 
I was inside Rowan the day his older brother visited. And let me tell you, his brother was a fucking hunk. His name is Randy, and I was fucking engorged the moment I saw him enter Rowan’s apartment. I know… I know… Weirdly, I am hard on my supposed brother, but that’s how I feel! He even commented about it when he sensed my tent when we hugged. And at that moment, I jumped from Rowan to Randy. I expected resistance like what I felt from my older brother, but nothing of the sort happened. It’s like jumping on empty air. When I blinked my eyes open, Rowan was unconscious on the floor, and he would not wake up for another hour. I took this time to lock myself in Rowan’s bedroom and enjoy this new beefier skin.
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An idea came to me while I was smirking in the mirror. Maybe… Just maybe… Redheads are that easy to take over. Then my mind dwelled on that old South Park episode where they said gingers don’t have souls. That joke may have some merit to it. I thought of possessing another redhead to see if this theory holds weight. Before that could happen, I better worship this new body first. Good lord! I never thought freckles on the body could be this sexy. My pecs and abs were peppered by them! I was relishing the beauty of my skin while my other hand stroked my meaty cock. As the older brother, it was larger and girthier than Rowan’s. Sorry to say, but it seems I have a new favorite. And sorry again, for I may have soiled Rowan’s sheets with the copious amounts of cum I squirted out of Randy. 
After Randy, I’ve possessed strings of redheads which proved my theory. Although, I managed to take over other non-ginger people after several tries with my brother. It’s still challenging, as I have to have the mental upper hand to smother their psyche into submission. And only then can I take over their mind and body. 
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Nevertheless, gingers still comprise the majority of the bodies I took over. Not Randy, though. After experiencing the same things Rowan experienced, where he woke up thoroughly caked with cum, he never visited again. That left me with Rowan’s body which was surprisingly a hit among the gay men in the area. Men of all ages and sizes fucked me like a sex doll. I was always dominant on the bed, but submissiveness takes over me when I possess Rowan. I hunger for the delicious taste of cock inside his body. There were days when I was frightened that desire would carry over to my original body. So, I possessed him sparingly since then and moved to other bodies. I matched with gay men in the area with Rowan’s account. Instead of having sex with them, I jump into their bodies instead. I mostly choose redheads for easy possession. 
So yeah… It’s a stupid stereotype to say redheads don’t have souls, but I can’t deny how easy it was to possess their bodies. 
Sorry for the long absence. I was kinda busy with studies and life. Read the NSFW-ish version on my Patreon.
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plentyoffandoms · 2 months
If you feel like it i was hoping to request a Eric Draven x fem reader fic inspired by the song Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard?
Falling for You
Eric Draven x f/Reader
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Main Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous Movies Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: stalking behaviour. Mentions of death & murder but nothing graphic, along with a woman being assaulted, but once again, nothing graphic.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @hypnoticvamp
Requested by anonymous. Hope you like it. Sorry it took so long. I am back at work & no longer on vacation.
WC: 758
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I don't know you, but I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me and always fool me
And I can't react
I remember when I first saw her. I was high above the city, like I usually am, but for some reason, she caught my eye.
I saw her struggling with the two bags of groceries in her hands as she tried to unlock what I could assume was her front door. She lived above a pizza place.
I was about to leave when I saw the light turn on in her living room. I watched as she put her groceries away.
I have no idea how long I stayed there, watching as she did this, but the moment she sat down on her couch, I decided to leave and never come back.
And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out
I went back to the same ledge for the third time this week, lying to myself that there was one man here that I still needed to find so that way I can finally be at peace after that happened with Shelly and I.
But there was no other man that I needed to find. I knew I got them all.
As I look at this still nameless woman, I tried to see if she was in any way similar to Shelly, but I could not see any.
But why am I so drawn to her?
Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice
You've made it now
I forced myself to stay away, knowing that she would be better off without me. That anyone one close to me will most likely die a brutal death, and I could not lose someone else.
Not even her, who has no idea that I even exist. I even know her name and have watched her one too many nights, making sure she got home okay from going out with her friends.
I would be near her, with no face paint on, hearing her talking about how she feels like she is always being watched.
Her friends said she should call the cops, which made me almost roll my eyes, as what could those fuckers do?
They are under so many thumbs, even though they have a hard time trying to figure out who they can arrest and who they can not.
"I don't know. I don't feel weirded out or anything. It is probably just my imagination." Was all she said before she took a sip of her drink.
Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
And moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
After staying away from her for a mere two nights, I saw her taking her usual route home from work, but she was not alone.
Two men were following behind her. Much to close for my comfort, but she didn't know that they were there.
She was listening to her cassette tape, most likely Nirvana or Aerosmith, two of her favourite bands.
I watched as they got closer and closer to her, until finally, one of them decided to push her into the wall and grind themselves against her. A scream fell from her mouth.
But the next sounds that could be heard throughout the alley were the sounds of the two men screaming for their own lives, as they begged for me not to take them.
But I did. I knew if I didn't, they would just come back for her or attack another woman.
Well, you have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won
I was about to leave her there, not wanting her to see my face when I felt her hand on my arm. I didn't look at her, keeping my face down, with my hair covering my face.
"Please, let me see your face. I want to see the man who saved my life."
"Any decent person would have come in to help." I told her, still not looking at her.
"Yes, you did. Please let me know your name, see your face,anything."
I fought with myself if I wanted her to know my name, but she placed her hand on my chin as she stood in front of me. I looked into her eyes as she looked into mine.
She told me her name and gave me a soft smile.
"My name is Eric."
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