#just kick me off a cliff
loisroo · 2 years
yoooooooooo shotgun mary just kicked ole girl off a cliff.
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skin-slave · 2 years
Anti-Antis 🤝 Childfree Ppl
"It's not my job to raise your kids."
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runicmagitek · 3 years
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somehow, friend dates are more stressful than partner dates
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sackboys-moved · 3 years
Thinking so hard about the bfb 30 sneak peek screenshots and audio I want to watch bfb 30 so bad so so bad help
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doodlboy · 3 years
#fucking- this might not be a super big deak but like- im still a little pissed abt it#i met the fucking RUDEST person in animal crossing today#here i am selling some extra flowers (for free bc i have too many and i just want them to go away) and i get a few offers#so i scoop them up and start making deliveries. and then someone makes an offer for some black roses i had put up a listing for#it was only 2 not a bunch or anything#but i ask fir their dodo code and say that i have a few deliveries to make first and ill be right over as soon as i can be#the ENTIRE FUCKING TIME im making these deliveries this person is on my ass telling me they've opened the gate and heres the code etc#and i keep telling them. i need to go to other people's islands first and id be right over and theyre like- 'I opened my gate NOW'#like im supposed to drop every other order that came before theirs bc the want the black roses right that instant#so i get done and I go to their Island and- THEY BUILT A FUCKING CAGE AROUND THE AIRPORT-#a tiny 3 x 2 rectangle sealed off by cliffs and fencing so that i couldn't go any further than just that#but they where just so fucking pushy- as soon as i got there i apologized for the wait#they didnt say anything other than 'plant them here.' and once i got both of them planted they physically PUSHED my character to the airport#they just said 'thanks' 'happy holidays' 'bye' and shoved me up the ramp before i could even finish a reply#so i walk into the airport and they dont even let me tell Wilbur i want to leave! as soon as im in the building they fucking kicked me out!#maybe its silly but that just seriously pissed me off#pedigree rambles
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goldkirk · 4 years
@ my brain and body: is this 16% of a not-sheer-calm-rationality emotion???? ARE WE HAVING AN ACTUAL EMOTION AGAIN??????
two seconds later: never mind. but it was nice while it lasted. rad!!!!! I can still feel things like anxiety SOMEWHERE deep down!!!
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foryouthegays · 4 years
i have nothing better to say other than words aren't real and also do you like gravity falls -squanon (
Words arent real u right and ive never seen it
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outlier-roddy · 5 years
megatron being a good fighter/former gladiator in fanon >  megatron being a good fighter/former gladiator in canon
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angeltannis · 4 years
after starting it literally an entire year ago, during my first and last flight to Florida in February of 2019, today I finally finished Season 1 of She-Ra...I liked it a lot (as you can obviously tell by my glacial viewing pace, lmao...I’m just terrible at forcing myself to watch things). It definitely was one of those series akin to MLP where I like pretty much every character and didn’t really have any one standout favorite. if I HAD to pick a favorite so far I think it would shockingly actually be Adora, even though I usually couldn’t care less about main characters I’m required by law to love any tall awkward gay girl
also speaking of MLP, uhhh the season finale where the princesses all join together and then blast C@tra with a giant fucking rainbow beam?? that was ABSOLUTELY an MLP reference/homage, I can’t see it any other way. and it makes me very happy to see the magic of MLP going on to inspire other great girls’ cartoons. hope it does so for many decades to come
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hibiskooks · 5 years
hey jk pls **** my **** thanks a lot
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koivatile · 5 years
hi I’m suffocating
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pragmagician · 6 years
Hot Take
I struggle with a weird combination of Brain Problems, including- but not limited to- Anxiety & Depression. (“Struggle” is an interesting word that is often used to describe this experience, but I find it lacks the OOMPH to properly convey what’s going on. Does anyone have a better word/ phrase?)
Often I find myself dreading a task. “What if I talk to that person & they think I’m stupid/ lazy/ hate me? This is so awful, I wish I could disappear.”
But yknow what??
I’ve jumped off of a rocky ledge into water of an unknown depth before, & I could do it again. Literally & figuratively. This summer, I paid $200 to jump out of a plane with a few other people who also paid to do that, while strapped to people who jumped out of planes for a living! I have also contemplated the end of my existence, & how I might personally achieve that!!
The point I’m shouting about is this:
Anxiety & Depression make it very hard to imagine a successful outcome for literally anything I try to do. Usually I feel that despair & think, Why even try? What if I try & fail? How terrifying it would be, to reach that failure. But if I can perceive my own death as something that I may or may not embrace, which is so much more terrifying to a good portion of the population, what’s stopping me from doing something slightly less terminal?
What if I did one scary thing a month? Biweekly? Once or twice a week? Daily??
What if I could convince myself that making an appointment is just as dangerous/awful as other things that I have already managed to survive, & thus convince myself that I can do that?
Turns out, if I apply the same thought process to talking to people/ making appointments/ applying for school as I did for that time I jumped off a cliff, it’s... I won’t say it’s any less terrifying, or easy, but it is something that I can survive. Which is more than can be said for a lot of the other things I’ve imagined when I purposefully don’t buckle my seatbelt.
It’s my personal goal to keep reminding myself of that fact.
Of course, not everyone has the same experience of intentionally falling from great heights. But everyone has experienced something personally Bad & lived.
Think about that Bad Thing. It’s pretty BAD, right? You might not like the person that came out the other side of it. But you’re still here, & that is a triumph & testimony to your personal strength- regardless of how strong you currently feel.
Now imagine doing something scary that would probably benefit your continued existence; taking a shower, going outside, sending a text, calling a friend. Is it worse than what you’ve already experienced? Is it about the same? You’re still alive! Go do that scary thing!!
I can say with 99.99% surety that you will still be alive after the scary thing.
(The .01% chance is because of Anxiety & because I don’t personally believe in absolutes, please don’t take my own fear as a reflection on your life expectancy.)
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Summary: Being an Avenger was your life's purpose. When you find yourself kicked off of the team you spiral. When they ask for your help to fight Thanos, you turn them down. Five years later they ask again, and you agree for one reason; Wanda.
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Happier days; you often picture them in your head. Times when you had everything anyone could need. The white picket fence became black in memory, the wood was rotten and rancid, what was once thriving was now fiercely decayed.
As your home crumbled, so did your social life. You were the first Avenger to be officially kicked off the team. They stripped you of your purpose. From something to nothing in a matter of moments. You should've been angry. You had every right to be, but something stopped you.
It was those green eyes on you when you made your exit. They were filled with disappointment, and that feeling had seeped its way into your mind. You and Wanda had something. It was undefined, but it was there nonetheless. Your excommunication from the Avengers made sure you’d never get the chance to explore it.
You lived your life under a different kind of mask; one of a civilian. A life full of pretending you weren’t a hero. Every now and then someone would recognize you, and you had to lie; denying that you were that hero that had seemingly up and vanished from the public eye.
They had asked for your help with Thanos. Fury let himself into your apartment and laid it all out for you. While you weren’t angry, you were bitter. So that day you sat in front of your TV neglecting to even look at the man.
You told him that he should find the others. He said everyone else already agreed to help. With your eyes glued to your TV screen, you said," Then what do you need me for."
He left after that.
They failed, leaving so many people devastated. Nothing changed in your life. You didn't get blipped, so you lived through those 5 years as if nothing were wrong.
Then there was a knock on your door. You weren't going to answer it, but the knock was persistent.
When you opened it, you were met by some of your former teammates. You sighed heavily, but let them into your home.
" Nice place, did you get sponsored by TJ Maxx or something?"
Tony's joke fell flat. You stood on one side of your kitchen table, and they stood on the other. The division was perfectly ironic.
" Let's get this over with. Pitch it to me, so I can decline."
" It doesn't have to be like this," Steve says.
You roll your eyes," You aren't pitching."
Natasha speaks up," Time travel."
" Why do you need me?"
" We need all the help we can get," Hulk admits.
" I haven't done hero work in 9 years. I can't help you."
Steve shakes his head," You can, you're just choosing not too."
You scoff," Kind of like how you chose to kick me out."
A heavy silence fills the room.
Tony claps his hands," Well, we tried the asking way. Now let's get to the core. Wanda was blipped. I know for a fact you can't live with yourself knowing she's gone, especially when you aren't doing anything to get her back."
You clench your fists by your sides. Tony's words had pierced through your hard exterior. Wanda was possibly the only person you cared about in this world. You had let her down before. This time needed to be different.
" Welcome back L/n"
When Fury came to you and told you what happened all those years ago, it turns out that those were the cliff notes. Natasha filled you in on everything he skipped over.
The relationship between Vision and Wanda seemed to slip his mind. As well as the true split behind the team's divide.
" I'm just letting you know that when she comes back, she'll be mourning him," Natasha rests a hand on your shoulder.
" As long as we get her back," your eyes found your hands.
"Y/n, I'm sorry about what happened," when you go to meet her eyes, she's already looking at you.
You sigh," It's not on you, Romanoff."
She shakes her head," Still, I should've fought harder to keep you here. "
Her eyes were now trained on the ground. You rested your hand on hers, giving it a gentle squeeze.
" Natty, it's ok. Let's just put it behind us."
She cleared her throat," Thanks."
" Of course, Natasha. Now, do we have any pictures of the stones?"
You needed to see the stones for your powers to work. With your powers, you could teleport to anything you had ever seen.
If you saw a picture of an apple tree in Washington, you could be there. If you saw a picture of the Hollywood sign in California, you could be there. If you saw a picture of the inside of a bank safe in New York City, you could be there.
When you were at your most powerful, if you had a good enough description of the item, you could get there.
With the stones being the most powerful items in the universe, it was hard to know if you'd be simply able to teleport to them, but trying wouldn't hurt anyone.
When the team split, you ended up with Clint and Natasha.
The cliff was hanging in front of all three of you. With only one way to get the soul stone, it was a race to the edge.
You ran as fast as you could. Clint had a family, this was only possible because of Natasha, and you had nothing. There was no one better to sacrifice.
Clint and Nat double-teamed you, damn near knocking you out. With blurry vision, you struggled to your feet just in time to see Natasha fall.
With the energy you had left, you shot for Natasha. Now you were both falling. Your arms were around her waist. The only sound around you being air.
You saw the top of the cliff in your mind, and then you were there with Natasha.
Your chest was heaving up and down as you looked to your side to make sure Natasha was still there.
You see her just in time for her to yell," CLINT!"
Without a second thought, you teleported to him. With his arm in your hand, you teleported back to the top of the cliff.
Again, you try to catch your breath. You were in the middle of Clint and Natasha," I'll do this as long as I have to."
" We need that stone Y/n" Natasha spoke, staring up at the sky.
" Not like that," you argued.
Clint sat up first with his elbows resting on his knees," Then how do you suppose we get it."
" It's an orange stone, and it's kept in a shrine on this planet," you try to form a picture of the stone in your mind," small enough to fit the knuckles on a gauntlet."
" You could get cursed like Red Skull," Natasha warns you.
" It's better than dying," with that you try to teleport to the stone.
You find yourself looking at the stone in a case, but Red Skull's shadowy figure floats in front of it.
" You haven't sacrificed anyone."
You stare at him for a moment," You never said I had to sacrifice them here or that sacrifice meant to kill. I have given up so much in my life that I have nothing else to give. I'm taking this stone."
You teleport around Red Skull, inside of the case. Your hand touches the stone and the case around you dissolves.
" I guess your sacrifices are sufficient enough in the eyes of the stone. You are very lucky," He vanished with his words.
You feel the stone in your hand, almost enamored by the warmth of the stone. You teleport back to Clint and Natasha to find them pacing on the cliff.
" Did you get it?"
You open your hand, revealing the stone.
" Let's get home," Clint spoke.
" Wait," you looked at the two in front of you," If you two ever, and I mean ever try to sacrifice yourself like that again, I will personally kill you."
They gave you a salute," Yes mam."
When you regroup with the others, they've all got the stones. From there, Tony takes them to the lab and starts working.
When they have it together, the men have a peacocking competition to see who's going to use the gauntlet. It turns into a heated discussion when they tell Thor he isn't in any shape to use the gauntlet. They ultimately end up deciding on Hulk due to his gamma radiation.
Anticipation builds inside of you as Tony locks down the building. The team forms a circle around Bruce, uncertain of what exactly is going to happen.
He slips the gauntlet on and drops to a knee instantly. The power is visible as it courses up to his neck. His grunts of pain seem to trigger something inside of Natasha.
" Take it off Bruce," she goes to step into the circle, but you hold her by the waist.
Thor agrees with her," Banner, remove it."
Tony and Steve try to de-escalate the situation by calling out to Bruce. He's able to respond, which calms some of the nerves around you.
You loosen your grip on Natasha as Bruce brings his fingers up to snap, when he does, he faints and Tony's gauntlet slips off of his hand.
Clint kicks the gauntlet out of the way and everyone leans in to check on Bruce. Luckily, he was breathing.
" Did it work?" You ask and everyone shares glances.
" We don't know."
Clint's phone begins to ring. You all watch as he stalks towards it. His eyes gloss over as he picks it up.
" Honey."
You close your eyes, taking this as a victory. Finally, you had done something right. The world was back how it was supposed to be.
You didn't get to enjoy it for long. The building began to collapse, you were being attacked. There was nothing you could do.
" Shit," as you crashed down, you tried to keep your eyes on the gauntlet.
You hit the ground hard. You wanted to lie there and wallow in the pain, but before you got the chance you were being yanked to your feet.
" I got you," Natasha and Clint made sure you were sturdy before they let go of you.
You limped behind the pair until they abruptly stopped. Clint shot an arrow right past, and that's when you saw the creatures coming after you.
You see Clint reach down and grab Tony's gauntlet before sprinting. Natasha and you followed in his tracks. Your lungs and legs were both on fire, but you wouldn’t stop running.
Clint shot another arrow, which caught a chunk of the whatever the fuck those things were. More were still coming when Clint signaled up.
With a slight glance upwards, you grabbed Natasha's arm and shot the both of you up to the floor.
" Can you take us outside?" Clint asked, getting to his feet.
You grab both of them and in an instant you're outside. The air outside wasn't much better than the air in the fallen building.
Getting to anyone else was a gambling. If you were to teleport without knowing what was going around in their area, it could be deadly. The only option was for you to look for them on foot.
" We've got to get this to Tony," Clint held the gauntlet close to his chest.
You gave a curt nod before you all took off towards where you thought the fight was taking place.
You arrive just in time to see Thanos's army appear in the distance. Your hand stopped the other two in their tracks.
" That can't get any closer without them reacting," you say, referring to the gauntlet.
You, Clint, and Natasha hung back for a few moments. That's when you saw it in the distance. A golden circle opened up and people began to emerge.
" What's happening?"
" Strange," Natasha watches with a triumphant look on her face.
More of them began to open, heroes that didn't know personally began to appear ready to fight.
Your eyes scanned the crowd, and then they stopped. Everything seemed to stop. It had been 9 years since you had laid your eyes on Wanda.
This almost felt like the first time you'd seen her all over again. She was glowing with power. She was older, her get-up was different, but she still had those same intense green eyes.
For the first time in 9 years, you felt like a hero. You succeeded in your objective, bringing Wanda back and half the universe with her.
With a new pride in yourself, you stepped up so that you were behind Cap.
" Avengers," the word made you insecure, "Assemble."
The fight was on.
The slow motion was gone, everything was moving fast now.
You end up with Cap, fighting back to back," Avengers huh, am I included."
" You've always been included, Y/Ln. I'm sorry we ever told you anything different."
That's when you saw Thor in distress," Cap!"
He quickly shifts his attention. You handle the aliens who were targeting him. You watch in wonder as he lifts Thor's hammer.
While you want to watch the battle, you recognize that you're still in it. You're alerted of the new objective of getting the stones to the van.
You've seen the van before, you can get there faster than anyone else. All you needed were the stones.
" If someone can get me to the gauntlet, I can teleport to the van."
" Everyone heard that, get it to Y/n," Tony replies.
Though you're in the heat of battle, you try to teleport near the gauntlet. You duck immediately, when you see a blade directly in front of your face.
" Shit," you spot Peter with the gauntlet, but before you get to him, you hear Wanda scream.
You spare a glance to see Thanos on his knees folding under her power, but he's fingertips away from his weapon.
Before you could think about it too much, you're behind Wanda and then the two of you are on a different part of the battlefield. Close enough to see Thanos spear his weapon through the space where Wanda was.
You only get to look into her eyes for a second before you're going back to the gauntlet.
Your heart is thumping as you spot Black Panther with a gauntlet. He was going to pass it to you, but that's when the ship's power began to rain down.
In the chaos and confusion, Thanos had ended up with the gauntlet. Carol was giving him a run for his money.
You saw the gauntlet slipping from his grasp. You were waiting to strike until you were sure it would come off. You could get to the gauntlet, but getting it off was something else entirely. Thanos was wearing it and teleporting with it ran with it ran the risk of bringing him along with it.
You had to focus solely on the gauntlet. Not his hand or his arm, just the gauntlet. Once Tony joined Carol's efforts, it was the perfect moment.
You shot for the gauntlet, you didn't wait once you felt it in your grasp. You just went to the first place your mind could think of.
When you opened your eyes, the gauntlet was in your hand, and you were away from the battle.
The ground was covered in snow and trees. As the white substance fell from the sky, you felt at peace, almost forgetting your purpose.
You slipped the gauntlet on. The intense power made you shake uncontrollably. You used one of your hands to steady the other. It felt as though your body was going to split in half. You let out a violent scream and then snapped your fingers.
You fell to the ground immediately, a burning sensation quickly spread throughout your body. The snow did little to aid the burning.
The gauntlet had flown off of your hand and burst into flames. You watched it burn as your eyes got heavier and heavier. You wanted to laugh, but you couldn't. After all these years, you finally got the redemption you'd been hoping for in your last moments.
Life was cruel like that.
As your vision began to blur, you saw a portal open. It was similar to the one that brought everyone back.
You felt your body being lifted off the ground and carried to somewhere else.
" What happened?" The panic in the woman's voice was evident.
" She used the gauntlet," the man holding you answered.
" We have to get her somewhere where we can stabilize her," you knew that voice.
" Tony, I don't know if she'll make it."
" I'm not accepting that, Stephen," Tony argues with the doctor.
You feel your body being passed on to someone else," You're going to be ok, Y/n. I won't lose you too."
" Get her through the portal and onto the operation table."
You feel yourself fading more and more by the second. A hand squeezes yours," Stay with me, Y/n."
You use what little energy you have left to gently squeeze the hand back. Then you lose consciousness.
" We're losing her."
" Come on, Y/n"
Beep… Beep… Beep
" I won't lose her again"
" Wanda!"
Your body jolted up in an instant. Sweat covered you from head to toe. You ached all over and your heart felt like it would explode.
You looked around to see white walls and tile floors. There was equipment you were unfamiliar with surrounding you. It was obviously medical, you were in a hospital of some sort.
You laid back in the bed, trying to gather your thoughts. That didn't last long, someone was barging through the door before your head even hit the pillow.
" You're awake," Wanda's hands shot up to cover her mouth. You could see the tears start to stream down her face.
You try to get up to comfort her but the wires attached made it more complicated than you attended.
" Stay there," she came to your side and held your hand," I'm so glad you're ok."
" How long have I been here?"
" 4 days, you almost died after using the gauntlet. You actually flat lined, but-"
" You saved me," you interrupted her.
" I used my powers."
You said," I didn't know you could do that."
" Neither did I. All I knew was that I didn't want to lose you again," she looks into your eyes earnestly.
" The first time was my fault," you remember the disappointing look in the woman's eyes.
She squeezes your hand," No it wasn't. Just because you weren't on the team anymore didn't mean we all had to cut contact with you."
You sighed," It's been so long that it doesn't matter anymore because we're back together again."
Wanda gazes at the ground," Y/n, there's a lot you missed."
" Natasha told me about it. All of it," you stop her," I'm so sorry about Vision."
She lets out a shaky breath," I thought I would spend the rest of my life with him. The wounds are all still fresh. It was only days ago to me, but it's been 5 years in actuality."
" Wanda-"
" I loved him so much, and I know he would want to move on and be happy but-"
You wipe her tears away," It's going to take time. No one is rushing you, Wanda. We are all here for you, no matter how long it takes. You'll be happy again, I promise."
She laughs through her tears," You still know just the right thing to say."
" You make me choose my words carefully," you look away from her.
Wanda goes to speak again, but Natasha and Clint come running into the room.
" I swear if you didn't almost die, I'd be punching you right now," the spy glares at you playfully.
" Weren't you the one to tell us you'd kill us if we ever sacrificed ourselves. Sounds pretty hypocritical right about now," Clint added.
" It's good to see you guys too," you smile while you speak to them.
" Just like I prophesied, Banner. She has risen from the ashes," Thor enters the room with Bruce on his coattails.
" Glad you're alright," Bruce ignores Thor.
Tony strides in next with Steve behind him," Great, now that everyone is here and conscious, I can finally say this."
" He's retiring from field work," Steve said, stealing Tony's moment.
Tony glares at his friend," Well, Steve is taking a sabbatical to do some soul-searching and who knows when he'll be back."
You look between the two men," So who's supposed to lead the team, if you guys are out."
" Well, we were thinking-"
" Once you're all healed up, of course-"
" You could be the leader of the Avengers."
Your jaw drops," Me?"
Tony nods," You've proved yourself time and time again. Ending up here, the way you did, just proves that you'll all do what's right no matter what. It's a good skill to have."
Your team all looked at you with shining eyes. Each one of them supported what Tony and Steve were saying.
" Ok, I'll do it."
Healing started right there in that room. Once you were able to be discharged from the hospital, you still weren't a hundred percent. You would need almost around the clock assistance, just to make life a little easier.
Wanda was quick to volunteer her services. She basically moved into your place. To the point where she began redecorating things without your permission. You didn't really mind it.
It was nice having someone around after being alone for so long.
" Y/n, can I ask you something," Wanda turned her attention from the TV to you.
" Go for it."
She cleared her throat," Did you ever move on after you left that day?"
Your eyes locked on to hers," If you're asking if I ever found someone new, the answer is no. I didn't want anyone else"
Wanda bows her head," I'm sorry."
You scoot closer to her, taking her hand in yours," Don't ever say sorry for chasing your happy ending."
" I just- I think about what we could've been if you hadn't left a lot. Sometimes I wonder if it would've been you instead of him," her head falls onto your shoulder.
" Maybe," you took a long pause," but if you loved him like everyone says you did, I don't know if I'd measure up."
Her fingers began to fiddle with yours," I loved you too."
" You did?"
You could feel her nodding against your shoulder," I was heartbroken when you left and that's when Vision came, fixing all of the broken pieces."
" Good thing he was there," you say in a small voice.
All of the 'what ifs' were circling through your mind. You already knew what you had missed out on, but hearing it from Wanda was hard.
" I still love you," she looks up at you to find you already looking down at her.
" But you need time."
Her hand reaches to caress your face," I don't want to wait anymore, but rushing into anything seems wrong."
" We can go slow," your eyes dart to her lips.
She subtly nods her head before closing the gap between the two of you. You let her lead, not wanting to rush the moment.
Her lips moved sensually against yours. Her lips were light, almost if she were afraid of hurting you. Your lips matched her movements.
You hadn’t even noticed the kiss had ended as her forehead rested against yours. The feeling of her breath delicately grazing her lips had you fooled.
" I love you," you say back to her.
She places a kiss on your forehead," I'm going to hold you close for as long as you allow me."
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blythebitez · 2 years
Yandere Genshin Impact; Vision Marks pt.2
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Characters Included: Diluc, Kaeya, Tartaglia, Albedo, Scaramouche
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Tw: fem reader, Yandere behavior, Dark Content, Toxic relationship, physical violence, NSFW, non-con, Abuse, Depictions of spasms, Torture, manipulation, Dumbification, (Scar is really mean-) (just generally bad, toxic behavior)
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Vision marking is a way to get someone to be dependent on another. We talked about mild lovers but now here are the ones who would put their darling through high amounts of mental and physical damage from their marks.
Diluc’s mark is physiologically damaging.
It’s just one small change…. You just can’t go outside the plantation any longer. You must understand! It’s for your own good, there’s dangerous monsters and people out there. In here is safe. He explained to you cupping your small hands with a soft smile. At first Diluc can take a bit of resistance, you yelling at him, disobeying him, escape attempts… he gets you need time to adjust to your new found life but… if it’s prolonged, that’s were he has a problem. Nothing is going to change from yesterday! Just stop trying. You’re starting to piss him off. He won’t tolerate you raising your voice at him anymore, he won’t tolerate you throwing tantrums, he won’t tolerate you disobeying him. You’re acting like a brat, he’s giving you shelter! He’s giving you food! He’s giving you protection! He’s giving you love! How could he make you see that outside is dangerous… how could he make you see how much he loves you enough to keep your from that… “hmm? Vision marks you say…?”
He watched you another night of you refusing to eat and screaming at him like the toddler you were. His blood is boiling, his face calm and his eyelids shut. He soon came up to you towering over you and your voice died out. He just simply…stared. He then gently grasped your palm, his hand glowing a little as he did so“W-what are you doing?!” You said your voice shaking but still trying to sound like you owned the place. “I’ve given it a lot of thought and actually… you’re right… go.” He told you releasing your palm, a pyro mark on it now. He stepped aside and moved out of the way ushering you to the door. You stared in disbelief… after a month in that hell hole he just let you go? You weren’t going to complain! Your hand reached for the door and- in seconds you were on a cliff side. You were already set in motion, you couldn’t save yourself, you fell to your demise. A sharp stalactite impaled you, cutting your stomach in too. It ripped your flesh apart, your blood and organs seeping out onto the rock. You took a sharp breath. Blood began rushing out of your lips due to your lungs being punctured. You were in excruciating pain in your lower half, your body was burning and freezing. You stared at the ground feeling yourself bleed out on these rocks. You were going to die. You blinked being pulled back into your body. Still in the home Diluc had bound you too, breathing heavily a sigh of relief when you felt your body was still together as one. Once you recuperated you stared at the male with red locks a look of fear on your face, you thought you had met your fate.. Diluc stared at you with a straight face. “If you leave this home, you’ll only experience death. That’s the only thing waiting for you on the side of this door…” with his vision mark, he’s forcing you to see what he sees, this way you’ll be protected.
Kaeya’s mark makes your heart stop.
Kaeya isn’t one to lock you up. No he takes you everywhere. But all your kicking and screaming, yelling for help. Catching the attention of knights. Gosh with all of this he can’t help but get rid of a few people. He’ll break you down. “Why are you like this? This is why no one likes you.” “You have no friends, no family, I’m the only thing good in your life and yet you…. Push me away…” “you’re a burden, I can’t go anywhere without you squeaking. You’re akin to a misquote in my ear.” “Do you secretly enjoy when you ask for help and then someone goes missing? You pyschopath.” That should shut you up. Yes your more quiet and more afraid of Kaeya but… you still don’t obey him. You don’t come when he calls, you don’t kiss back, you just don’t love him….. well he can’t bully you into loving him…. But a vision mark can….
Kaeya stares at you. “Really? Do I even need to say anything about this one?” Another failed escape attempt ended up in Kaeya freezing your lower half before you could even sprint a meter away. Your body was shivering from the cold and he came up to you shaking his head as he watched you struggle in amusement. “You don’t find this pathetic? Do you not have a single bone of shame in your body?” He asked tapping on the thigh he had froze. It was bound to catch frostbite if left any longer. The sun going down, it wouldn’t be able to melt naturally. He pondered to leave you here until noon as punishment. “Hmm I’m feeling rather kind today.” He said finding the ice’s weak point and breaking it off causing most of it to shatter. Your right leg was still encased in ice… He did it on purpose. You then felt the warmth of his hand cup your cold shaking thigh. He examined it then his icy hues went up to you. “What the hell are you waiting for?! Unfreeze me!” You cried while the male was silent. Suddenly you felt your body pulse. The ice breaking from the mer shockwave and you fell to the ground below. Your thighs shaking heavily and twitching. Your head shot up and looked down at your thigh he touched. A cyro mark was now your upper thigh. “What- what did you do to m-“ “let me ask you a question.” He cut you off. He strutted over to you, his boots soon came into your vision. He bent down and held your cheeks staring into your eyes. “Do you love me?” “…” “No-“
Your heart stopped.
You couldn’t breath. Your body stopped. You simply stopped being alive. Your body limp but you felt everything. The pain of your body shutting down and giving up on you. The only thing you could move was your eyes. “Tell the truth. Tell the truth. Tell the truth. Tell the truth.” You heard in your mind, the only thing in your brain that was working. The truth? “Yes!” You could finally breath. You heaved out holding onto Kaeya’s arm. Your body starting up it’s functions again, the pain of everything starting up at once, your stomach continuing to digest while your brain was just waking almost sent bile to your throat. Your nerves on fire and heighten like you were a newborn. You stared into Kaeya’s blue hues while he could only smirk. His mark will force you to tell the truth, HIS truth, or else you won’t be able to function.
Tartaglia’s mark is akin to pandora’s box
Tartaglia is quite impulsive Nobody can really tell what he’s thinking or has a reason on why he did certain things. To begin with he loves putting up a facade. He doesn’t really care about looks he’ll just flirt with random girls just wanting to hear their response. If you stand out to him and say something threatening, congratulations! Tartaglia now owns you! Well you did say you were going to break his face, but now you can’t even move from those chains. He loves your helplessness, he’ll laugh in your face while you struggle. All talk no bite, and he loves it. But he gets bored quick… so he pokes and prods, teasing, pinching, insults, spanking,kissing, gifts, cuddles, everything just hurts a smidge more then the last. Your reactions he’ll never get bored of though, he loves it. The sight of fear the second he steps in the room, the slight irritation when he kissed you, the flinch when he goes and raises his arm. But now he’s stumped… what can he do now? He has already tormented you to the best of his abilities… Vision marks! How could he forget…
Tartaglia held you close. His lips brushing up against your neck as he kept your body close to him. His arms wrapped around your waist, you winced his hands going over recent burns he had put on you. He chuckled as somehow you were still tense after being with him so long. He kissed your neck smiling all the way while his hands slowly began to move upwards. “Hey…” he whispered with no purpose, somehow getting closer to you on the bed. He grinned watching the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. “I wanna try something…” and before you know it, you’re being choked. He squeezes your wind passageway, you gasp and your arms shoot up to try to unleash his hands but his grip is tight. He’s grinning while you’re heaving and straining for air. “Come on I ain’t gonna kill ya.. stop struggling.” He says while laughing at you struggling. Suddenly you felt your heart beat through your neck. A pulse rang out through your body, a force of power shooting through it. He releases you with a smile and you can finally breath. You gasp out holding your throat and scooting away from him. “W-what did you do?!” You asked in confusion. He grinned looking at you and your neck. There staring back at him was his hydro mark on your neck and inching down your back. “I wanted to try something fun! So I marked you!” He gleamed not quite knowing what effect it would have on you. The next days of your life were a living hell. If you talked to loudly, if you moved away from him, even at times where you simply stared at him, your body would spasm in pain. The place was random, the heart, your stomach, your shoulder. You never knew why or how he did this but the mark on your neck had to have something to do with this. Tartaglia could only laugh at you when you broke down in pain because of him. Not daring to talk back, in fear it’ll trouble you again. His mark his random, but brutal.
Albedo’s is of similar nature because he simply wants to see what happens.
You’ll become Albedo’s darling out of bad luck. Either you lost your way and knocked on his cabin’s door, your a wandering nomad camping on the mountains or he just sees you one day visiting his brewery in town (A quick strike to the head and he’s good to go.) “you’re for science.” He tells you. He treats you like an experiment mostly because you are. He just found you and got the idea of ‘how would a unnatural being like me deal with a companion?’ And boom you awaken three hours later, dizzy, dazed, tied up and a strange male telling you, you’re his lover now. He documents everything you do and the feeling you give him when you do it, for the first couple of weeks he allows you to do whatever you want. He even lets you escape, tell others and think you can go back to your normal life. Only for the next day you to wake up still in his cabin, those people you told missing and you by his side. Once he looks at a chart of your actions and his feelings he simply tries to ‘remove’ those traits and actions from your being. He’ll do this by restricting you to the point where he takes away all of your senses, blindfolded, nose clogged, untouched and unable to move for 48 hours. If that doesn’t work he moved on to electro shock therapy with slimes if that doesn’t work…. He’s stumped…. Wait! How could he forget?! Vision marks… they can do a lot can’t they?
He sighed wiping sweat from his brow. He never looked angry but you could feel his anger through his stone cold stare. “Weeks of research lost…” he whispered walking over to the desk, holding up soggy papers coated in an unfinished potion, purple goo. The ink getting wet and smudging the words “All because you wanted to act like a child have a hissy fit.” He told you looking at you with a slight glare. You crossed your arms putting your hands on your hip. “You’re the one who kidnapped me! You’re the reason why I have a buzzing in my head! Deal with it!” You yelled. Albedo rolled his eyes. You really were just a stupid little kid weren’t you? It sure seemed that way, blessed with beauty but no brains found anywhere. Why can’t you see?! He’s doing all of this for science. You’re apart of his research! You’re helping society! How could he make you see? How could he make you see?! Howcouldhe-howcouldhe- albedo’s body was shaking, his blood boiling on the inside his eyes spaced out as he was thinking. Staring at you as if he could just snap you in half. And then… it stopped. He stared at you and slowly walked up to you taking off his gloves. Suddenly you were slammed against the wall, his hands around your neck and squeezing you. They began to glow a light gold as he stared into your hues. “This will make you see… your helping my research.” He whispers in your ear as you gasp for air unable to breath. A burning through your neck and shot of power phasing through you like another being had entered your mind. He drops you… your body twitches and moves on its own… gaining oxygen in your lungs you reach up to grasp your neck feeling a Geo mark now on it. Albedo looms over you then looks to the mess you made on his desk. “Clean it up. Now.” He stated. “Yes, of course for science.” It was as if you were watching yourself move through a screen unable to control yourself as you cleaned the desk. Albedo smiled softly watching you. Finally you see now, you’ll stop pushing him away and throwing fits.He’s brushes your hair for science, he experiments on you for science, he’s feeding you for science, he’s fucking you for science. It’s all for science.
Archons bless you if Scaramouche marks you.
To become scaramouche’s darling two criteria have to be met. 1: he’s bored. 2: be innocent. He loves breaking people down, so if he’s bored, your innocent and he catches your eye. Congratulations you’ve won a leash and chain around your neck that says ‘Scaramouche’. On your hands and knees, never stand up around him (Especially if you’re taller then him). He calls, immediately look at him, if not you’ll get shocked. If you look at him you’ll get shocked. If you talk to him you’ll get shocked, beg, cry, even breath the wrong way, you’ll get shocked. On some of your first days you’ll be left paralyzed, foaming at the mouth unable to move and Scaramouche could only laugh at your pathetic stature. Taking his hand and petting up your cheek. If your paralyzed he won’t wait for you to come too, he’ll simply drag you along by your leash letting your body rag doll and get bruised from his dragging. But soon… he’s frustrated. Watching you fumble like a idiot unable to walk due to his electricity or even form words is so fucking hilarious (and sexy). But he’s generally pissed off when you don’t obey him. What the fuck is your problem? Are you stupid? A simple farm animal would get the concept of “listen or get hit” but here you are defying him? He needs to calm himself down before he actually permanently hurts you, but you’re just so stupid and dumb… how could he get you to listen to him. Vision marking… ahh yes. He’ll brand you like a cow.
He growled lowly stepping towards you. You began to shake with fear, that was the look he gave before bad things would happen. with the constant frying of your skin and brain… you began to think they were going to get damaged at some point. He crossed his arms to his chest looking at you up and down, you stood on your knees as straight as possible while he circled you like a shark waiting to pounce on its next meal. “M-master what did I-“. “I don’t remember giving you permission to speak did i?” You stood silent unable to move at his voice. You locked up and slowly shook your head. Scaramouche grinned licking his lips, you were so sweet at times. A red hue came to his cheek staring at you seeing you obey him so easily. He gave you a simple pet of affection, unable to touch anymore of your disgusting body. “I was just staring at you and wondering…” “where to put my mark…” He watched in amusement feeling your head slightly shake. Your soul was itching to leave your body just from that sentence. A mark? A physical mark? What was he going to do? Abuse me so badly it sure to leave a physical mark in my body?! You thought inside unable to speak while his two gentle fingers picked up your cheeks. “Tell me… where would you like to be marked?” He asked. You had no time to think, keeping him waiting would only result in the worse. “My arm!” You squeaked out trying to keep your shaking and stuttering to a minimum. He stared at you taking his hand away from your sweat ridden face and bent down on one knee. “Alright…” he said with almost little interest. He grabbed your arm pulling it out of its socket. You screamed loudly feeling your arm come out of place. “Oops~ pulled too hard~” he muttered before slamming your arm back in place which caused even more pain to you. He licked his fanged teeth seeing your tears threaten to fall, he loved seeing you shrivel and cry. Now his hand still grasping your arm began to glow. And even more pain erupted through your body. Your hand giving a spasm while you couldn’t hold it in anymore, you had to scream. And scream you sure did, it was as if poison was running through your bloodstreams and you could FEEL it all. He watched you wither and cry, the pain bringing him joy and the feeling of love to his heart. The organ beating quickly while staring at you wiggle like a worm and scream out. He watched as a purple electro mark formed on your arm. He hummed walking over your body and putting a hand to his lips. “You’re lucky I let you pick the place to be marked… this will do you good, give you some brain cells in that hollow husk.” He told you. You were still screaming and crying. Okay, you were annoying him now, he loved seeing you hurt and cry but in small doses, the rest of it was annoying. “Stop screaming, it’s over.” He told you and your body immediately closed your lips. But it wasn’t over. You could feel the pain, the poison from the patch he put on you leak into your system. Pumping through your internal organs, feeling dread, misery, and melancholy. He realized you were listening now and grinned wickedly walking over to you, his tongue coming out of his mouth to lick your still flowing tears. “Good girl~”
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bobacupcake · 2 years
ive never played a souls game before heres my elden ring experiene so far
ive been playing alongside a friend and right when we started i ended up heading down to some ruins and opened a chest (that was surrounded by messages that said Trap Ahead but i was like what if theyre lying) and it sent me to a hell mine on the other side of the map filled with shrimp that shoot missiles that kill me in one hit
i got my friend to get trapped too so he could help me escape and then we got out of the cave and it was even worse out there. everything killed us in one hit and the area was filled with awful poison that also killed us and a town full of invisible wizards who also killed us and instead of being like “hey we should go back to the starting area where we were the proper level” we were like “hey lets explore all of nightmare hell caelid” . and so we did
anyawys because of this it took us like 2 weeks to kill margit the first boss of the game. got like the entirety of the first three contintents mapped out before we were like hey we should probably progress the game
finally getting into stormveil we found the mimic veil that let us disguise ourselves as random objects turning the game into prop hunt . so instead of like, progressing the first dungeon my friend used the item that makes you get invaded more often and also makes it so 2 people can invade you at once, and we would just wait for them to show up and then disguise ourselves and see how long it took other people to find us. we kept going to the church and just turning into two statues and hiding on either side of the altar and we would just watch people would just keep running in trying to kill us and running back out .it was so funny .
someone invaded us named Friendly Invader and instead of trying to kill us they just started jumping and emoting with us and showing us around the castle and like secret items and stuff. it was so sweet. we played with them for like half an hour. a second person kept invading named Carl and they would jsut spawn in and then run off a cliff. and then invade us again and then run off a cliff. finally after like 3 times someone else invaded us and killed my friend instantly and i watched the utter range of emotion go through Friendly Invaders eyes as they watched their new friend die in front of them. in my last moments before the game kicked me out i watched Friendly Invader swing their huge sword towards the other invader in an act of revenge
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