#just let them vent and consoled them
milf-propaganda · 2 years
im sorry but saying, “we haven’t had intimate relations” in regards to a roleplay involving a fictional character and making that one of the reasons why you’re upset…like…you are not in a real relationship with MY GIRLFRIEND.
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ok, once more I realize that my own kindness and friendliness has been taken for implied consent, and as always, the troubles that are brewing now are connected to OCs.
So let me be clear and frank one more time, one last time, because I have NO INTENTION of going through what I went through in 2021.
While I am always immensely happy that my Original Characters are enjoyed and that they can serve as source of inspiration, they are NOT however a template for anyone to base their OCs on.
They are not something that you can take in their entirety, change whatever suits you, and then call it your own.
It doesn't work like that, especially because, and allow me to reiterate this once and for all, OCs are *immensely* personal.
They are an extention of the soul of the person that creates them.
So taking whatever suits your fancy and use it for the "aesthetic" or the "vibes" is immensely disrespectful and, dare I say, rather impertinent, especially when both characters happen to belong to the same fandom.
Now, I am not talking about certain tropes and subjects that are typical of certain genre, of course not.
We are all somehow reinveting something that's already there when we work with OCs and stories.
What I am talking about is taking certain specific idiosyncrasies that make a certain character unique, change them to suit your character, and then being SO IMPERTINENT to just call it your own and parading it around without even having the courtesy to quote the person that has inspired you, taking advantage of the fact that I am just a small creator with a small following.
This is a huge No No for me.
I appreciate that other creators might have a different opinion or perspective when it comes to OCs, and while I do not share entirely in that, I sure as hell respect it.
But allow me to be crystal clear: if this happens to me, like it had in 2021, that's the *easiest* way to lose all respect I might harbour for you, and I seldomly get mad or angry.
I am always accomodating, always supportive, and I think I have proven it aplenty in the past few years.
But this is something that I cannot condone nor agree with.
And it's not just a matter of ethic, in this sense: it's a matter of also hurting me, and literally put my whole creative process into shamble.
It's a matter of having respect of others.
Now, you might say: who cares if they hurt you? they are characters that do not exist, just move on and have thicker skin!
Well, as I said above, for when it concerns myself, my OCs are an extention of my own soul, a way for me to formulate and explain feelings that sometimes I have a hard time let out; a way for me to actually face, fragmentize and analyze my own trauma through them;
and most important of all, they are OFTEN a love letter to both the world I am exploring with them AND my own husband and child, such as in the case of Jacob and Dorothea,for whom, as I said often in the past 5 years, I have poured A LOT from myself and my husband's own story.
You could say that it probably my fault for having bared my feelings so much and poured so much of myself into a character;
And you might be correct, because I have learned my lesson, and ever since Dorothea and Jacob, no other character has been infused with as much of my own being as they were.
but that doesn't mean that it stings any less when I see it unravels in front of my eyes.
I am tired.
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hhoneyhams · 3 months
Full Count - Modern Laios/F!Reader
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Word Count: ~2.7k
Features: lots of inappropriate uses of company time (ahem), closet sex, destruction of store property, technical difficulties, and pizza 'n soda for morale! It also gets a little sappy at one point, yippee!
Warnings: SMUT!! 18+ ONLY!! ESRB RATED M FOR MATURE (Technically A/O but who uses that anymore?? )
Content Warning: Unprotected sex, public sex, and cream pies
The reader has female genitalia and is human. I tried to keep all other descriptions/pronouns to a minimum.
Author's Note: Shout out to @toxycodone for making the post that inspired this whole thing! Minimum wage worker Laios is a darling idea, but thinking about him working in a video game and collectible store just stole my HEART! I'd let him tell me all about his D&D campaign and his most recent Skyrim run any day 🖤
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“--have a good night!” you call out to a departing customer. As the door shuts behind them, you turn off the neon ‘open’ sign and begin your closing duties. 
Instead of wiping down the windows and letting the shutters down, you were handed pencils and two printed-off sheets of paper attached to clipboards.
“You and Laios go do the pre-owned and new console count, I’ll see what I can do about the internet before the night is over,” your boss sighs, pulling out their phone to make some calls. Your eyes meet Laios’ as he pauses what he is doing on the sales floor to make his way to the area behind the registers.
“The internet went down?”
“I think that storm knocked it out earlier…” you theorize, handing him the other pencil and clipboard. “We were having trouble over here with the POS and cards.”
“Oh, it's down-down then,” the blond confirms. You grab your second soda can of the night and your keys to the back room. He follows suit after he takes another piece of pizza, cold and tough from airing out on the counter. “That’s lame.” 
Taking care of a count by hand is nothing for you, but using your extra hours to redo a count isn’t your idea of a fun Friday night. The day of full-count inventory for your store was quickly looming, the internet going out another hurdle in the way of your freedom.
The two of you lock yourselves into the back. You open the side closet that holds both sets of consoles to count. The closet wasn’t cramped, but you were a bit cozy in there. Various gaming consoles lined the walls and were stacked along the floors.
You and Laios were rarely scheduled together, but you always enjoyed yourselves when you were. You met him at a staff meeting shortly after he started at the store. The whole night you had ended up talking about everything from dungeon-crawler games to Dungeons and Dragons, to even discussing the potential of getting some friends together to do a joint playthrough of one of his favorite games in the Monster Hunter series.
It isn’t a secret that you find him attractive. Your other co-workers poke fun at how you clam up around him. You’re just content with listening to him ramble, unlike some of the others. 
Usually, people don’t last at this job long enough for you to get attached, but you know you’d be a little sad to see him go. 
Your phone vibrates in your pocket with a text from your manager. Laios’ phone has been forgotten somewhere out front so he glances over your shoulder to read the text:
‘Going home. Finish the count and lock up when you’re done. Someone should be bringing us a router from another store tomorrow.’
Leave it to a manager to have you clean up their mess…
“Shit, why do we still have to do this then? I mean, if we’re just going to be back up and running tomorrow morning, why stay late and see if everything is there?” you vent to Laios, setting the clipboard down on the ground and flopping straight onto your ass. “They can’t even see if we’re actually doing this, so why not fudge these numbers and go home early…”
“Well, think of it this way,” he begins, sitting down beside you and settling his clipboard neatly in his lap. “They can’t see that we’re sitting down and taking care of it!” He begins to scan along the consoles sitting on the floor, marking off each console he finds by the serial number.
He was so content with the mundane that it hurt. He was a real ‘yes, ma’am’ ‘no, sir’ kind of worker, always coming to work with a smile on his face.
You felt like a bad influence every time you worked with him…
Your other coworker, Kabru, always makes it known just how much he wants to choke Laios during their shifts together. Something was very endearing to you about how dedicated he could be to a part-time position like this.
You joined him…and continued your work on the floor.
“--so our DM, right? This guy-”
“Our district manager or your dungeon master?”
“Oh, dungeon master, got mad at me for rolling SUPER high on a perception check and went after my sister’s character for it. So our next session is going to be us trying to get her back from a dragon. We’ve got to take some time off because we lost a couple of people but I’m ready to throw down next time!” he says, determination in his voice. You give him a smile in response, your mind pretty occupied by the task at hand. 
He continues to prattle on excitedly about some of the other escapades his party took place in as you counted the rest of everything that you could whilst sitting on the floor. You were always scared of whatever googly-eyed look you’d give him as you listened intently, so you would usually throw yourself into your work as he talked.
He was kind of like a big, hunky podcast or something…
“Alright, we’ve gotta get up now…” you huff, slowly getting up by grabbing onto one of the wire shelves for support. The hard linoleum floor was not doing you any favors in the comfort department and cut off the circulation to your legs.
You stumble forward and fall on top of Laios, jerking down the shelf you held onto for support, and flinging some of the handhelds onto the floor with you. His strong hands catch you around your middle so you don’t bang your heads against each other. 
A shot of heat rushes through you, embarrassment flushing your face and the telltale signs of butterflies blooming in your belly.
Were you really that touch-starved?
“There goes the Switches, 3 if you need to write it down,” he points out, not making any moves to let go of you as he does so. You settle down in his hands and look over your shoulder to see if he is actually right. 
You’ll have to test those to make sure they still work before you go home…
Laios continued to hold you, almost memorizing the way your body felt under his hands despite the space between the two of you that remained. 
Per your training modules, you knew that physical advances between coworkers were strictly prohibited on the store’s premises. This was clearly an accident, but if the prolonged touching between the two of you said anything, it's that it wasn’t exactly unwanted. 
Laios looks up to the ceiling, the light on the console room’s camera no longer pulsing red like it usually does.
“If the internet is out, the cameras are as well. You can’t get in trouble…”
Your eyes bore into his as you gaped in astonishment.
What is he implying…? 
There are a few beats of silence between the two of you before you close the gap, pressing a heated kiss to his lips and tangling your fingers into his soft shirt. He melted into the kiss, gripping your hips tightly to hold you against him. His lips were slightly chapped and he tasted like the pizza and soda from before.
“I’ve been wanting to shut you up all night,” you mumble, a smile stretching against your lips as you press more kisses against his.
“I thought you liked listening to me!” His tone is genuinely shocked as he says it, taking on a nervous edge like he has done something wrong. You hush him, rolling your eyes.
“I do, but holy shit, you’re so distracting!”
“You’re distracting too!” he fusses, pressing an accusatory finger to your nose playfully. “I’m always trying to get your attention and you never look at me!”
“I’m trying not to give you ‘fuck me’ eyes while you talk about Skyrim!” you confess, swatting his hand away. Telling him causes your cheeks to burn hotter than they have before. 
Suddenly, you feel something (or someone, rather) graze the underside of your rear. Laios’ cock strains against his pants as he looks away from you, his face turning a rather deep red to match the shirt he was wearing. He blushes all the way from the tips of his ears and down his neck.
“You…you want to fuck me?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
It totally wasn’t. Laios didn’t think you liked him that much at all. He would see the way your eyes lit up at certain conversation topics and he did his best to keep your interest, but you always found something to distract yourself with. He’d even resorted to yelling across the store at you as you darted around to straighten up the shelves or stock. You didn’t tell him to shut up like Kabru or Toshiro, but you didn’t engage with him a ton.
He has caught your gaze on a couple of rare occasions, but you would quickly dart your eyes away when you found out that he had noticed. If you were worried about making him uncomfortable, he would have rather known that he wasn’t making you feel that way.
He wanted to make it all up to you. You now know so much about him, but he wanted to take the time to get to know everything about you. He’s heard you talk about your favorite game once or twice, but he wants to know exactly when you played it and why it is your favorite. He wants to know silly stuff, like your favorite Pokémon. He wants to know why you listen to him and why you don’t talk over him or cut him off. He wants to know how long you’ve liked him…
He wants to know why you’re so afraid to look at him…when it's all he ever really wanted. 
His thoughts run wild in his head about everything he wants to know about you, but they go silent the second you go in for another kiss.
Well…He knows you want to fuck him!
Your hands are cold from the store’s A/C, Laios ends up jumping slightly as you drag your hands underneath his shirt and along his back and sides. He lifts his arms up for you to pull the shirt off of him and wraps them back around your body in turn.
It was pretty damn cold in there, though.
In a heat-of-the-moment, split decision, he decides to reposition you so he can pull himself free of his pants. His overactive fingers struggle with the buckle of his belt as he begins to curse. You take over for him as he laughs at himself.
“Sorry, I’m a bit nervous… it's exciting, really! But, holy shit, I’m not used to all of this,” 
You don’t blame him, it's riskier than anything you’ve ever done in your life. You’re working part-time in a game store, your life isn’t remotely exciting enough to have had sex in public, much less at work and ON THE CLOCK.
From his perspective, he just found out that you liked him 5 minutes ago and now you’re pulling his dick out to suck him silly in your store’s console closet. Make it make sense!
Laios lets out a few quiet moans as you run your tongue along his cock, looking him straight in the eye. It’s everything he could have ever asked for, but he’s jumpy and keeping one eye on you and one on the door. You pull away and use the remaining spit to jerk him lazily with one of your hands. His head thrashes to the side and he lets out a low cry. 
“You know we’re still the only ones here…you don’t have to be quiet, Laios,” you simper. He breathes heavily and grabs your shoulder to stop your ministrations.
“We’ve got to be quick, I can’t wait much longer,” he rasps out. His hands begin to pull at your shirt. “I want to see you, please…”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice!
Laios’ eyes and hands are glued to your tits as you ride him, his fingers pinching your nipples as he notes the size and the way they bounce with you. Your body was something else to him, it was so familiar and foreign at the same time. He’d notice your shape, your clothes, and the way they complemented your figure and movement as you worked.
…yeah, you were distracting.
To have that same body held within his hands, wrapping snugly around his cock, crashing onto him and around him…He wonders how he could have gotten so lucky. 
“I’m…I’m standing up, I-I’ve got you,” he grits out, every movement against you bringing him closer and closer to the precipice. You wrap your arms and legs around him tightly, your fingernails digging into the muscles of his back as he hoists you up. You reach between your bodies to help guide him back in. 
He’s hitting at a new angle, pistoning in and out of you without abandon. Your curses and moans are buried into his shoulder as he keens out. His grunts and his sighs go straight into your ear, his encouragement not lost.
“F-fuck, I want you to look at me,” he says breathlessly. You tear your head from his shoulder and do as he requests. His face is red, sweat dripping from his brow, his iris blown black as his eyes dilate, and his jaw is slack as moans tumble from his mouth. His eyes aren’t staying open as he slams into you, his thrusts losing their rhythmic staccato. “Y-you’re amazing, and this is–”
“Laios, I’m s-so close,” you interrupt him, grabbing him and pulling him forward for a kiss. Your moans are rumbling in your throat as he picks up his pace again. You pull away long enough to breathe but find yourself back on his lips once more. 
You grab and hold one of the wire shelves for support, the position being a bit taxing to maintain for the both of you. He goes to warn you not to do it again but your grip and his movement cause the shelf to fall from the wall just like it did last time. You both yell and your body clenches around his, causing him to double over and almost drop you. 
There goes a whole PS4…
“Fuuck, shit, I don’t care, I don’t care, j-just keep going!” you shout, clawing along his back. Everything around you was becoming too much to bear. The sound and feel of your wetness, skin slapping against skin, the sweaty heat cooled by the A/C. You closed your eyes tightly, you focused on the orgasm rising in your belly, you let yourself get closer, and closer, and–
“I’m gonna cum inside you!” Laios announces with a line of drool running from the seam of his lips. He continued splitting you open with his cock, his form was sloppy but he held you so close to him.
Your orgasm ripped through you, causing you to clench against him tightly. Laios fucked you through your release and came shortly after, pressing you down onto himself as he shuddered and groaned. You weren’t sure how the two of you were able to stay upright after that.
Your legs on his back slide down and you hold onto him for support as he slides back out. His pants were still around his ankles, so it was a quick getaway for him to come back with some of the scratchiest brown paper towels your bathroom had to offer.
“T-thanks,” you say, trading his shirt you fished off of the floor for the paper towels. He hums, still pretty dazed. He sits right back in the floor against the wall as you change, watching you almost enraptured as you pull enough clothes on to toddle to the bathroom and finish cleaning up. “That was…something.”
It was something good though.
The rest of the night was spent testing those consoles that fell, just to make sure they weren’t broken. Luckily enough, everything was in working condition, even if the wire shelves remained discarded to the side of the room.
The two of you agreed to just say you clocked out earlier since it was pushing on midnight. You shared the rest of the pizza in the parking lot and drove your separate ways home. After you got inside your apartment, you received a text from Laios:
‘I don’t think we ever finished those counts…’
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End Notes: Some of the work stuff is so specific...Don't ask lol
I'm still working on getting more confident with writing smut and oneshots. I've been writing fanfiction for years but it was all super involved multichapters that never went anywhere! Either way, I really hope you enjoyed reading this because I sure as shit enjoyed writing it!! 😎
Minor edits will be made if I find any mistakes and constructive criticism is always appreciated! (Just don’t be an ass about it 👀)
Credits: Dividers by @/cafekitsune, cover art from 'Daydream Hour' scans
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ddejavvu · 1 year
HI!!! Please can i request an awkward!glasses reid oneshot where he’s like pining over the reader?? maybe with a bit of tension ;))) but he like slips up and says something like ‘god ur beautiful?’ THANK UUUU
The rain pouring down in massive, silvery sheets does nothing to dull your halo, Spencer thinks. Actually, it might make it shine brighter, a haze of mist clouding your form as you traipse through the downpour.
"Seattle sucks!" You gush, raising a hand to smear away the wet strands of your hair that cling to your face, "God, why can't Arizona have another murderer running around?"
"The rain is actually a good forensic countermeasure - it washes the blood away so that he can drag the body wherever he wants and we won't be able to follow his trail." Spencer has to shout to be heard over the splattering of water upon the sidewalk, and he tries not to cry as he feels water seeping into his boots. Rossi had treated the entire team to a pair of galoshes after his precious Italian leather shoes became mottled with mud, and though they're helpful for trekking through the storm, they're also fantastic at catching rainwater.
"I hate it when serial killers are smarter than us!" You plunge your hand into the pocket of your jacket, digging out the key fob for the car. You unlock it with a beep and the taillights shine in the storm. You're more than happy to throw the door open and slip out of your jacket, taking minimal rain damage to your outfit as you slide swiftly onto the driver's seat of the van.
Spencer hears you let out a groan as the car roars to life, and so does the heater. You throw your head back against the seat, hair stringy and soaked, face dripping with rain.
One droplet slides down your nose and dips between the curve of your lips, something you can't bring yourself to care about as the heater blasts the chill from your blood. He watches you melt into the seat, and only one thought comes to mind: "You're beautiful."
His voice is a quiet murmur, and he's also speaking over the torrential downpour outside, so you don't catch what he says, thankfully. He doesn't know why his brain had miscalculated his thought and sent it down through his mouth instead of just his head, but he fumbles to snatch the opportunity you give him to save himself.
"Hm?" You turn to look at him, brows slightly raised in curiosity.
"My boots are full!" He blurts, cheeks red but not from the heat as he reaches for one of his rain-soaked shoes, "I- I- There's rainwater in my- my boots, and I need to-" He tugs the rubber off of his foot and turns it upside-down outside of the car so that it splashes off of the pavement, and he jams it back over his soaked sock while furiously avoiding eye contact.
Your pants were looser than Spencer's own, and you'd been able to tuck them over the mouth of your boots. Yours aren't even remotely soggy inside, so you laugh incredulously as he releases his tsunami before you drive off.
"Spence, that's insane," You watch as he stuffs the second boot back onto his foot, "You poor thing, are your socks all wet?"
"Yeah," He breathes, finally shutting the car door and trying to relax his tensely-held muscles as he comes down from his embarrassment, "Uh- yeah it's fine, though. They'll dry out."
"Use the foot heater," You flick a button on the center console, and hot air seeps from a vent beneath the glove compartment, "That better?"
"Yeah," Spencer toes off his boots, letting the warmth aid his chilled skin and damp attire, "Thanks, Y/N."
"Thank you," You nod and turn your eyes to the road as you pull out of the parking lot.
"For what?" Spencer looks briefly over at you, glasses spattered with raindrops.
"For calling me beautiful," You grin.
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 11 months
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Pairing : Kim Seungmin x F!Reader TW : established relationship ; none ; just fluff ; Word Count : 0.9k Request : nope!
“Minnie-ahhh!!!” You called from the bathroom, your hair dripping droplets of water onto the tile floor, your body wrapped with the shower curtain as you foolishly remembered that you had forgotten to grab a towel before you got in. “Seungmin!!!” You called once more, dropping the cute name now as the vent turned on and blasted cold air against your still wet skin. 
In the living room just a few feet away sat your boyfriend on the couch, unbeknownst to you, his headphones were covering his ears and blasting the ever so calming music of Animal Crossing. He couldn’t hear you at all, it was his day off, and he had decided- with your help -that it would be a day of pure relaxation, and to him, relaxing was being able to keep up on his little village and hopefully invite a couple more residents to his town. 
The air had gotten too cold, and at this point your body had either absorbed all of the little beads of water or they had just trickled down to the floor. The only thing that was still wet was your hair, but you didn’t really mind if it air dried, as long as you’d be able to cuddle up with your boyfriend to keep you warm. 
You padded across the floor to the living room, dropping down onto the couch beside Seungmin, who still hadn’t even looked up from his screen, and then shimmied under his arm to lay your head on his lap. “Aish… your hair is freezing!” He finally pried his eyes away from the console to stare down at you, the most adorable scowl on his face that you knew he didn’t mean. “Why didn’t you wrap it up this time?” 
“Because someone didn’t hear me calling for them.” You sassily retorted, purposely pressing your head further against his lap and stifling a giggle when you heard him sigh. “You’re so warm, Minnie! I need your warmth! Give it to me!” You continued to tease, shoving your hands now into the pockets of his hoodie, and you could feel his body vibrating with the laughter that he was trying so hard to suppress. 
“So annoying… pabo…” He muttered, playfully flicking your nose, but when your face scrunched up he couldn’t help but break character and smile down at you. It was hard for him to not react to how cute you were. “Get up real quick.” He said, and your lips turned down at the corners into a little frown which made him roll his eyes. “Just for a second, jeesh, I’ll be right back, I promise.” 
He didn’t give you much time to move, instead he carefully lifted your head from his lap and got up, chuckling a little too deviously when he watched your head drop back down to the cushion. “Meanie…” You huffed out the word which only made him laugh more. You loved him though, you loved that you could tease each other and bicker because you knew that through it all, he loved you too, the two of you just had a slightly different way of showing it than most couples. 
When he returned to the living room, he was carrying the thick comforter from off the bed, and while he tried to play the annoyed act, you could see right through it. He was softer than butter, and it made your tummy feel fuzzy and your heart race. “Sit up, come on… You wanna be warm, let me keep you warm.” He said, and you quickly obliged, scooting as far against the back cushions as you could to give him room to lay down beside you. 
His arm quickly wrapped around you, trapping you against his chest, not that you minded, as he continued to play his game. Your head laid upon his chest, and you could tell that he was comfortable. Even though he didn’t say it much, he loved moments like this just as much. His heart kept a steady rhythm and his breaths were calm, you’d almost think he was sleeping if he wasn’t still playing the game. “Are you comfy?” You whispered, snuggling closer against him, and he let out a soft hum of agreement, letting go of the console momentarily to run his hand over your hair. 
“Are you warm now?” He asked just as softly, and you nodded quickly, tangling your legs with his and you could feel him smiling, his cheeks rising up just slightly before he turned his head just enough to press a kiss to your forehead. “If you get uncomfortable just let me know, we can go to the bedroom.” He reminded you, and while most people would assume that there was some ulterior motive to the words, you knew better, and you knew your boyfriend better than anyone else. 
“I like it here… I can be closer to you…” You murmured, wrapping your arm around his waist and somehow managing to move ever closer. “You know I love you, right?” You asked, holding tightly onto the loose fabric of his hoodie, your eyes slowly closing as your body threatened to fall asleep against him. 
“I know you do, you tell me every day.” He said, his voice holding a false, teasing coyness that had you scoffing, and inevitably it had him laughing once again. “I love you too, bubs.” He said once his laughter had died down into a small snicker. “I know you’re tired, you can take a nap. I’ll be right here when you wake up.” 
Perm. Taglist : @whatudowhennooneseesyou @duchesskaren @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lovesunshinefelix @moon0fthenight @kurolils @maruskz @hello-2-u-from-me @mrswolfiechan @bunnychangbin @his-angell @if-spearb @yomomma104 @lanatheawesome @facelesswrittes @grannyindehouse @cutie-wooyo @felixmainacc @syuuji @jiisungllvr @yukichan67 @randomwimp @silentreadersthings @cutiespaghetti @furiousheartpoetry @its-hannjisung @lixpixstix
@felixluvr915 @wordsofkpop @kayleigh-28 @szkstay @spnwinchestersd @fleatree @yehsehneeah @vampcharxter @iloveksmohsomuch @lvlnijiro @neteyamsmate4life @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @delululi @insertsomethingaboutanimehere
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bindeds · 7 months
₊˚・୨୧﹕ angel dust comforts sexually abused reader. … now, for anyone who’s a stickler for details, this is actually half a vent post, let’s leave it at that. i might expand on this later on but here’s an imagine for now <3
mlist. requests.
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the pink hues of Angel’s room was all you could see when you curled up in his bed, tears stinging your eyes red after having just woken up from the nightmare.
“Baby i’m headed off to … oh …” Angel said, the shift in his initially cheery tone dissipating in seconds as his warm hands wrapped around your arms and your back. “Oh, no … baby …”
The fact that he didn’t even have to ask was already horrifying in its own right. The way you choked on your own terror had your lungs flooded with tremors as you hid your face, wanting to claw at your own chest for daring to shiver. “Angel … I’m sorry—”
“Baby no, no don’t ever apologize,” Angel cut you off before your voice could crack. He laid back down in bed with you despite being fully dressed and kissed your forehead, cupping your wet cheek in his hand. “Just focus on me, okay?”
“Angel, you need to go, Val’s going to—”
“Fuck Val. Fuck. him. I can’t leave you like this. I’ll never leave you like this,” he insisted. “I’ll get you water, okay? Just—”
Your hand gripped tightly onto his own on your cheek. Your lip crumpled as more sobs attacked your tongue, but you concealed them for just a bit longer. “Anthony … please don’t leave me.”
“Okay baby, okay, I’m right here,” Angel consoled as he immediately shifted back into bed as his forehead touched yours. “They’re gone. I promise, okay? I won’t let anyone hurt you like that ever again, you hear me?”
“Okay,” you sniffled, eyes finally closing as you soaked in the feeling of Angel’s thumb rubbing gentle circles into your cheek. “Okay.”
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mur4sak1 · 6 months
How would elves behave during an argument?
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A/N: Remember that English is not my first language so I hope I wrote in the best way <3
Characters: Rog, Galdor, Glorfindel, Maedhros, Legolas (bonus)
Rog: guys, this elf would be really scary. Contrary to what you might think, he would lose his temper very easily; he works all day in the darkness of the forges and when he leaves he just wants to have a good rest, so further stress from an argument would drive him out of his mind. He's the typical person who screams without thinking twice and says things he doesn't mean in anger. His way would destroy you every time, making you burst into tears from how bad he made you feel... but as soon as he saw a small tear running down your face he fell silent, forgetting everything that was happening; Was it him who made you like this? He was making the only person who loved him and who had always supported him in his darkest moments cry. He would stay still for some time, with a thousand thoughts in his head when a louder sob from you would bring him back to reality. He would apologize to you but he would do it without meeting your gaze, he is suffering too much for what he did and he wouldn't have the courage to see your destroyed expression. But you knew that he loves you more than anything after all. With difficulty you would get up and hug him as tight as possible, telling him that everything was fine, that you knew he didn't think those things and that you loved him... You couldn't see his face, but a tear fell from his eyes.
Galdor: NOW LET'S ALL GIVE A HUG TO THIS WONDERFUL ELF TOGETHER. He would always try to find a solution peacefully, without discussions and the need to argue, but if this happens you should not fear anything from him. He would NEVER scream, he would NEVER raise his voice, he would NEVER say anything mean to you just to hurt you or win the argument. I mean, it would be fantastic. Maybe due to particular circumstances you would have become so upset that you felt angry against the elf, but in any case he would have spoken to you in a calm and reasonable tone, making you understand that you didn't need to react that way. If the pain brought you to tears, he would hug you and console you like a defenseless child, helping you and trying to get you to vent so that he could fully understand what was troubling you so as to avoid misunderstandings. Galdor would have been able to understand and love you more than anyone else, always.
Glorfindel: It was rare to argue with the blond elf, but sometimes it happened and the situation became quite lively. Glorfindel always tried to keep his problems to himself and not involve others because he was convinced that difficult moments should only be faced with those you love. Furthermore, he certainly wanted to avoid all that useless gossip that many elves had on any topic that might attract their curiosity. Although his character was often extroverted and playful even in the saddest situations for this reason, when he argued with you it wasn't uncommon to hear shouts and snorts coming from your rooms. They would not be screams that expressed malice, but screams that asked to be listened to; it was natural for him to raise his voice when he wasn't listened to and in that way he expressed all his frustration and the pain that the discussion with you was bringing him. He always acted for your good and feeling attacked made him suffer, he wondered what he was doing wrong, what more did you want from him. But the intense mix of emotions inside him prevented him from acting rationally, forgetting how to express them and focusing only on everything you said. After a long time arguing like this you would have reached the point of being exhausted and progressively raising your voice would have left you breathless. You would stop to breathe for a fraction of seconds, with the certainty that everything would soon start again. But after rubbing your eyes, you looked at your elf's face and saw in him all the pain that he was trying to say to you through his tone of voice; his fists were clodes, his head was bowed, his forehead shiny with sweat and a few blond hairs stuck to it. In an instant you understood everything... You breathed a heavy sigh and quickly approached him to hug him, starting to beg him to forgive you and sobbing heavily between one apology and another... Caught off guard, after a few seconds he relaxed his arms and reciprocated the hug. Finally he let himself go to his feelings; he rested his head on your head and the wet of sweat combined with the wetness of a few tears. So he was able to express everything he felt and only at that point would you be able to clarify and return to being happy and in love as always "I just want to always be perfect for you".
Maedhros: I'm sure fights with the red-head would be very peaceful. Having grown up in a large family and in the role of an older brother, he had developed a lot of patience thanks to which he could easily handle any type of conflict with you. Contrary to what many might think, after Angbad Mae would not have vented the pain on you with shouts and insults, but quite the opposite. After the terrible torture he suffered, the only thing he wanted was to feel accepted and in you he found his salvation; in all the darkest moments where his mind couldn't differentiate reality from dreams you were there by his side to help him, without ever making him feel wrong and making him understand how strong he was to have overcome such a trauma. For this reason, he would feel like a terrible elf during arguments. He only wanted to offer you the support that you represented to him every day but instead he felt more like a burden to you. This would make him cry a lot, but in silence and alone, because he feared that with every little clash you would abandon him. He just needed time, time to understand that you would never, ever abandon him; you always told him that you loved him more than anyone else and that he needed your support to be able to return to the sweet, confident elf he once was, and you would do anything to help him. Needless to say, every time the arguments were resolved without even face them... there was too much love that bound your hearts to ruin it for superficial reasons.
BONUS. Legolas: So, I honestly see Legolas as the kind of elf who would be capable of walking away during an argument. Perhaps due to stress, lack of patience or lack of desire for confrontation, he could stop the conversation, pick up and leave the place where you were. But in reality his behavior would be the solution to the problem. In fact, the much anger that you had accumulated would have faded with distance and the passage of time and would have made both of you understand how much you cared for each other. Solitude would have helped Legolas to think clearly about the problem and find a possible solution to make them both happy. When you met again you would have made peace, both apologizing for your abrupt ways and organizing something to spend the evening together.
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wileys-russo · 1 year
Alessia and reader are in a relationship and come into training arguing about something that the team can’t figure out
When asked reader simply replies with “I’m NOT a passenger princess”
(Bc let’s be honest, Less won’t anyone drive her merc)
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this is so funny lmao
passenger princess II a.russo
"you are unbelievable!" you scoffed as alessia pulled into her spot, your seatbelt off before she even put the car in park, opening the door and storming out.
"oh yeah? well you are immature!" alessia countered as she slid out of the drivers seat, the obvious anger in both of your voices catching your team mates attention who'd pulled in just before you, turning around and watching on with a frown.
"don't speak to me today." you warned, snatching your kit bag from the back seat and making a point to slam your girlfriends car door before marching off. "don't slam my fucking doors!" alessia shouted after you, nostrils flaring as she continued to mutter angrily under her breath.
lotte and katie sharing a look they both nodded, lotte falling back to check in with alessia as katie slung an arm over your shoulder halting you in your tracks as you charged past her.
"hey now hothead, whats with all the shouting then?" katie asked with a frown, walking the two of you inside as you glanced over your shoulder, seeing alessia gesture her hands around wildly clearly venting to lotte who nodded on.
"doesn't matter." you grumbled, shrugging her arm off of you and disappearing into the training centre, katie whistling after you and muttering something about trouble in paradise before following you inside.
the obvious tension between you and alessia was anything but subtle as you slammed down the medicine ball time after time, earphones in and blocking out the world. many of your team mates had tried to console you or get to the bottom of it but you'd just shake your head and brush them off, mumbling you were fine and moving onto your next set.
alessia would look over to you with a glare every few minutes, lotte keeping a careful eye on her as the girl continued to add extra weight onto her bench press, having given up warning her against it when she repeatedly refused to listen.
no one had been successful in getting anything out of the blonde gunner either, alessia also only grumbling that she was fine with a cold stare sent your way before commencing a new rep.
"what are we gonna do with them?" beth sighed, crossing her arms over her chest as she stood with katie, leah and viv, watching as the two of you locked gazes and you flipped alessia off, causing the older girl to shake her head with a scoff, eyes only narrowing into a filthy look as she muttered angrily under her breath.
"give em some gloves and put them in the ring?" katie offered with a shrug, viv smacking her over the back of the head at the suggestion. "what! couple of punches, some light wrestling, get the aggression all out of their bodies and they'll be back to themselves in no time." katie stood by it, viv only shaking her head and mumbling this was why katie was single as the woman gasped.
"vivianne!" "what? if this is your idea of a conflict resolution then you will never get another girlfriend." "what you're telling me you don't ever wanna give meado a smack around?" "...I didn't say that." "vivianne!" beth gasped now, the dutch simply smiling in response.
"we move onto the pitch next, maybe that'll help them settle?" beth sighed as the trainer blew his whistle, announcing you'd all have a break for lunch and were expected outside again at 2pm.
"woah now sunshine, not so fast." leah grabbed the back of your top as you tried to jet away to a free table once you had your food, practically dragging you to sit down with her.
"leah!" you whined as the older girl moved away your food, smacking your hand as you tried to snatch it back. "no explanation for the moodiness, no lunch." your captain shrugged, ignoring the daggers you sent her way at her words.
having played alongside leah for years now both for club and country the blonde had become somewhat of an older sister figure to you. "fine! i'm not hungry anyway." you huffed, folding your arms and resting them on the cafeteria table, leaning your chin on top as you felt someone else sit next to you.
"why aren't you eating?" lia asked softly as you glanced toward her, eyes filled with concern. "leah won't let me." you grumbled, the blonde scoffing beside you as lia shot her a glare and grabbed your tray of food back, sliding it toward you and tutting at her work wife who tried to intervene.
sending the defender beside you a smug smile you leant your head on lias shoulder making small talk with her, grateful that someone wasn't trying to push you to talk about whatever had happened with alessia this morning.
"lotte i'm not sitting with-" alessias words fell short as her friend pushed her down into the seat across from you, hands on her shoulders as your girlfriend tried to stand to leave, caitlin quickly sitting down in the seat beside her.
"can the two of you please just settle whatever this is like adults?" lotte sat on her other side, looking between the two of you with a firm look as you swallowed your mouthful of food and pushed your tray away, appetite now gone.
"girls please don't both talk at once." caitlin tried to joke to lighten the mood, but it fell flat as you and alessia engaged in what had to be your tenth silent stand off of the day, glaring one another down wordlessly as alessia picked at her food.
"can one of you at least tell us what this is about?" leah groaned, dragging her hands down her face, frustrated at the stubbornness from the younger girls.
but before anything else could be taken any further the clock struck five to two and lia's phone pinged with an alarm, warning all the girls they needed to finish up and head back to the pitch.
not awaiting an invitation you were up and out of your seat first, grabbing your tray and marching away from the table. "less?" leahs eyes practically begged for an explanation as the blonde huffed and shook her head, shrugging off lottes hand and following after you toward the pitch.
"you know what, i'm slowly beginning to agree with katies idea."
unlike the rest of your friends hoped, things did not settle once you were all back on the pitch, you and alessia only ignoring one another bar from the occasional snappy comment when paired together for drills.
it was nearing the end of the session and you were playing a 5 a side game, switching out which team was playing which, the entire squad split into 5 teams.
normally one of the more focused members of the team, today you were anything but, head too torn between wanting to rip alessias head off and how much you just wanted to settle things and be back in her arms.
and this lack of focus lead to your face being on the receiving end of a particularly fierce strike from caitlin, the ball bouncing off your nose as you fell down to the pitch with a cry of pain, feeling a hot liquid start to drip down your chin.
"holy shit i am so sorry!" the australian was by your side instantly, eyes wide as you quickly assured her it wasn't her fault and you should have seen the ball coming and ducked out of the way.
"is it bad?" you winced as the medic arrived and poked softy at your nose, gently shooing away the other girls and helping you sit up. "we'll have to wait until it stops bleeding to properly assess it.
your girlfriend was of course near by, hovering anxiously around as she crossed her arms over her chest and fought the urge to rush in and comfort you, giving the medic the time and space to asses the injury.
"go on! she's still your missus, don't let a stupid argument stop you looking after her." katie knocked her shoulder into alessia as you were walked off the pitch, leah and steph following after you as you disappeared inside the training centre.
with a nod alessia was off after you, katie rolling her eyes before turning to chat with lotte.
"is it broken?" you asked for the tenth time, the medic sighing and once again repeating she was waiting for the specialist to come and assess you, as his opinion would be far more accurate than her own.
with a loud groan you leant back against the wall, swinging your legs to and fro impatiently. "when will he be here?" you asked again as leah pinched the bridge of her nose to stop from snapping, steph rubbing your shoulder comfortingly and murmuring you'd already been given an answer to that question.
you perked up as the door opened, however your body deflated as alessia stepped inside, luckily followed right afterwards by the specialist as she sat down beside steph who'd moved away from your side so you could be assessed.
"is it broken?" you asked impatiently as you leant your head back at the mans request.
"for the love of god please give her answer before i actually break her nose for asking over and over again." leah grumbled, you shooting her a filthy look as the specialist chuckled, assuring you it wasn't broken and you'd just need a few days off to let the swelling go down without the risk of a knock, which could lead to it being broken.
nodding at his instructions you thanked him and pressed the ice pack back to your face as the medic left to speak with jonas about the outcome. "have you come to apologize then?" you asked your girlfriend with narrowed eyes who scoffed.
"no! because i was right, so i therefore have nothing to be sorry for." alessia shook her head, leah and steph exchanging a look as the door opened and beth, katie and lotte entered, the irishwoman dropping your packed up kit at your feet for you.
"you were not right! god you're so stubborn alessia." you groaned, throwing the ice pack on the seat next to you. "i'm stubborn!?" alessia exclaimed, throwing her hands up as she rolled her eyes.
"okay enough! what on earth are the two of you so wound up about? neither of you are leaving till we get to the bottom of this." leah ordered firmly, katie moving to block the door at her words.
"she said i'm a passenger princess, i am not a passenger princess!" you shouted, eyebrows knitting into a deep frown as you tucked your knees up to your chest, shooting your girlfriend a glare.
"yes you are, i drive you everywhere! but i didn't even say it was a bad thing." alessia argued standing to her feet, your friends looking on in disbelief that this tiny miniscule comment was what caused your ongoing row today.
"are the two of you havin a fucking laugh? that was what you're arguing for?" katie spoke for everyone, looking between the couple with shocked eyes.
"you only drive me everywhere because you won't let me drive the mercedes!" you huffed as alessia threw her head back with a loud groan. "my mercedes, i don't let you drive my mercedes." the blonde corrected as your team mates gave up, grabbing their things and filing out of the room, muttering under their breath to one another how ridiculous the two of you were.
"i am not a passenger princess alessia, take it back." you demanded with a harsh scowl, the blonde taking a few steps toward you. "no. i like that you're a passenger princess because i enjoy driving you around. why does it have to be a bad thing?" alessia stood now right in front of you, raising an eyebrow curiously as you struggled to think of a reason.
"see? now stop being such a baby, i'm driving us home." alessia grabbed your kit bag for you, shutting down your protests you could take it yourself with a single look, extending you her hand.
"can you at least teach me how to drive it? what if you fell down the stairs and broke your leg and i had to drive you to hospital?" you accepted her hand, jumping down from the assessment table as the two of you made your way out of the training centre and toward the parking lot, the rest of your team already gone for the day.
"no need, i'd call an ambulance." alessia chuckled, the two of you now seemingly right back to normal as the taller girl rummaged around in her pockets for the keys. "looking for these?" you asked with a smug smile, holding up the keys which you'd swiped from her pocket as the two of you walked here.
"don't even try it." alessia warned with a shake of her head, pulling your smaller frame into hers as she pressed you against the side of the car when you tried to run off, easily plucking the keys from your hand.
"i'm buying a car then." you stated firmly, alessia shaking her head as she moved in closer, her mouth just ghosting yours. "no you're not."
"you're not the boss of me." you resisted the urge to smile as the striker toyed with the bottom of your training top. "yes i am." the blonde grinned, pressing a few loving kisses to your lips and pushing herself off of you, opening your door for you as you slid into the car with a playful roll of your eyes.
as alessia sat down in her own seat and pulled her door shut her body locked up as she turned and your mouth suddenly pressed to hers, taking her surprise to your advantage and slipping your tongue into her mouth.
but before anything could be taken further your lips were gone and you settled back into your seat, clipping your belt in and plugging your phone in to select some music, alessias head spinning slightly from the dizzying kiss you'd just rewarded her with.
"lets not forget baby, the passenger princess is always the boss."
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
For Kaeya, Childe, Diluc, and any other Genshin man of your choice, may I please have a scenario where their s/o is trying to break up with them either due to outside forces trying to force their hand and/or they are scared of ruining their relationship so they are trying to run away? I’m in the mood for some angst!
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Kaeya doesn't really believe you. It doesn't matter how many times you try to convince him that yes, you want to break up with him, no there's nothing he can do about it.
Being as perceptive as he is, he doesn't easily fall for your tricks. You're beginning to wear him out though, the yelling match that you initiated slowly coming down to just become a light simmer of coals burning out, an uncomfortable warmth burning just under his ribcage as you continue to try.
He can't help but feel like it's deserved, that somewhere you're telling the truth, and the awful things he's been hiding about himself were all found out by you. His eye carefully watches your nervous ticks, the pounding in his ears and faint whispers in the back of his head that taunt him only able to be silenced when he sees a tear slip down your cheek.
He gives you a bitter smile, shaking his head a little before leaning forward, every part of your body trying to tell you to sit back but failing miserably as you can't help but try to soak him in one last time.
"Why are you lying to me?"
The words shake your core and you know he means them, voice painfully honest. He doesn't sugar his words, smirk at you mischievously or try to pull you into his lap to fluster you. Instead, he simply waits, knowing the silence will get at you soon enough.
"I don't love you anymore. I want to leave."
You try to stand up, almost falling when your knees buckle unexpectedly. When you land against his chest, arms pulling you into his hold you can't help but sob, desperately clinging to the fabric of his shirt and telling him everything you could remember. He can barely make out you mentioning the name of some small time criminal organization that had apparently gotten it into your head that you were risking Kaeya's life by staying with him.
It doesn't take him too much time to console you now that he knows the truth, sitting on the floor with you as he reminds you how much he loves you, and that there's no way he'd ever let you go just because some assholes thought it was a good idea to hurt someone he cares about.
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Childe listens to you tell him all these awful things about yourself as though they're fact, not yet wanting to say anything until you're done. For now, he thinks you simply just want to vent and then he can cuddle you up and everything will be right as rain.
"-and because of all that I think the only logical thing for us to do now is break up."
His eyes widen, reaching toward where you sit on the other side of the couch and easily scooping you up to put you in his lap.
"You really think I'd accept that excuse, no questions asked?" he asks, whispering into your ear as you feel his nails dig lightly into your hips to keep you in place.
"You really think that the best thing to do here is to break up?"
You nod again, ignoring the way you immediately curl into his chest and the pounding of your heart that signals his proximity to you.
"I'm just going to hold you down. You deserve so much better than me and I wish you could just see it already."
He can't help but laugh at how cute you look to him, sniffling and leaning into his touch when he gently runs his thumb over your cheek to wipe away your tears. You flinch a little at the soft pressure of his lips pressing on your cheek, looking up at him.
"I'm not going to let you run away that easily," he says with a twinkle in his eye, laughing a little at the surprise on your face.
"You don't get to decide something like that for me. I'll show you that you really have nothing to worry about, okay?"
You try to retaliate, the weight of your insecurities almost making you choke when he kisses your lips, shaking his head.
"I told you already. You have nothing to worry about. I'm not leaving you."
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Diluc has many enemies. This is a fact that he is always aware of thanks to his moonlighting and just being one of the richest people in Mondstat. Because of this, he's always a little wary of you going anywhere unfamiliar without someone with you. Being with him puts a target on your back and every time he takes someone down he's happy to think it's one less person that could hurt you.
When you step into his office and refuse to meet his eyes he immediately assumes the worst, coming over to your side and taking your hands in his. He opens his mouth, about to say something when you ask him to break up with you.
The fact that you refuse to look him in the eyes despite holding onto his hand so tightly rouses his suspicions but he pushes that aside for now, taking his free hand to tilt your face up to his.
"I don't believe you."
It only takes that for your words to begin desperately spilling over themselves as you try to convince him. He catches some random business jargon and slowly pieces together that some heir to another company had their eyes set on him and decided the best way to expand the family business was to marry rich, Diluc being their target.
Somehow, it got into your head after their weasling that you weren't good enough for him and that if you stayed with him you'd put both of your lives in a less-than-optimal situation. You were both terrified and insecure, a combination that had you waking up in bed after falling asleep due to exhaustion with his sweater pulled over your torso.
You vaguely remember the press of his lips against your skin, him holding you tightly as he told you over and over again that none of that matters. At some point, you guess he must have gotten out of bed to do his nightly runs, unaware that he was actually spending this evening doing all he could to ensure some light-hearted misfortune befell an unassuming company.
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smooth-perceval · 1 year
Angsty lando pleaseeeeee
This is my first rq omg, sorry it was rushed I have like 7 drafts and I’m trying to clear them out 🥲🫶🏼❤️
Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader was only trying to console Lando, Lando throws a hissy fit- and some truths are spilled. The ‘argument’ being quickly extinguished.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, very annoyed reader+Lando, fluff ending
Key: Y/N (Your Name) Y/L/N (your last name)
Word count: 1,397
A/N: I cannot see Lando being mean- so it was kinda weird to write 😂 Sarcastic asf? Yes! Mean- it seems so odd but I hope I done okay ❤️
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Wether Lando was annoyed or not- I shouldn’t have recieved the back end of it.
I only asked a simple “you okay?” And I got back. “Just leave me the fuck alone.” Before storming back over to the car hopping back in and out on track.
Debating wether to go back to the drivers room or stay - I finally decided that going back to the drivers room was my best option. I felt embarrassed- after 4 people asked me if I was okay, I felt to upset and awkward to be around them.
My face was Ferrari red- no joke, shuffling my way back to the drivers room, I sat in pure silence. Did I really say anything bad? Did I actually annoy him and it wasn’t the car? Questioning my intentions for the next 10 minutes or so is all I did. Before I came to the perfect idea and decided to just leave in general, go back to the hotel and dwell on it all there.
While I had the chance to run I did. Straight back to our hotel and straight into the shower, a day washed away once again. I made quick effort to change into a simple shorts pyjama set, lounging out on the small sofa they had in the room.
My phone re-woke me. Grabbing ahold and answering, only to realise who it was when the angry voice spoke down the line.
“Where the hell are you?!”
“Back at the hotel?”
“I’ve looked everywhere for you! Nobody knew! You didn’t tell me!!” Rubbing my eyes, a yawn escaping me. I tutted at him climbing off the sofa and into the bed.
“I fell asleep and forgot to message sorry-”
“I’m nearly at the hotel.” And with that he hung up, here I anxiously sat. I get the annoyance but he was the reason I left in the first place.
Sighing I mentally prepared myself for the lecture I was about to withstand. And truthfully I couldn’t be asked for it.
“Y/N.” The door unlocked and he barged in.
“Seriously- what the hell is going on with you? I needed you at the pits today.” Frowning he stormed off into the bathroom.
“Errr- No, you told me to ‘leave you the fuck alone’ so I did.” Leaning over the bed I put my phone on charge.
“Just cause I said it, didn’t mean I meant it.” Tutting I hear him switch on the shower waiting around for it to warm up, he walked back out facing me.
“Wether you meant it or not Lando. I didn’t deserve it.”
“Well who else am I supposed to let my anger out on.” Throwing his hands up in the air like it’s the most problematic thing in his life at the moment.
“You can vent to me any day- you know that. But I won’t take rudeness.”
“I wasn’t fucking rude!” Shaking his head laughing to himself he went back into the bathroom slamming the door.
“There you go again. Just because your cars shit! Don’t take it out on me.” Laying back on the bed with a groan I stared up at the ceiling.
What a dick.
“My car is not shit-” glancing over at him now standing back outside the bathroom door, he looked so pissed off- but why is it okay for him to say stuff and not me.
“Did I touch a nerve?”
“What made you even bring that up? We wasn’t talking about that.”
“The whole reason for your sour mood is that car.”
“Can’t a guy just have a bad day.” Pulling his hoodie off throwing it on the floor.
“There’s a bad day and then a bad weekend. And you’ve been an asshole to me this whole weekend. If it’s not the car then what? Is it me?” Raising my eyebrows at him I sat on the edge of the bed.
“Your talking stupid again.” And once again he stormed into the bathroom, stripping down to his underwear.
“Then what is it?- I’m not a mind-reader Lando! I can’t help unless you tell me what’s pissed you off.”
“Your not listening! Nothing has pissed me off, fucking hell.” I could’ve got whiplash the amount of times he has stormed in and out that bathroom.
The hot and cold was pissing me off- and before I knew it, all the calmness washed away from me- and all the built up annoyance and anger reeled out.
“You are so frustrating- do you understand that.” Furrowing my brows I stood up, gesturing my hands in front of me.
“One minute it’s ‘can’t a guy have a bad day’ then it’s ‘I’m not pissed off’ or it’s ‘I needed you in the garage today’ but your not pissed off right? So why did you need me. Do you understand how fucking childish your being.” Chest rising and falling, we both stared at each other in silence.
“And while I’m getting everything off my chest for once- your car is shit! Man up and tell the team, don’t drive a shit car and then get annoyed at me for asking a simple question. I didn’t build the stupid car, I don’t drive it- I have no involvement!” Turning around grabbing a pillow off the bed I stomped towards the sofa. “Stupid fucking thing it is.” Mumbling to myself while shaking my head.
“Because I have human decency, I’ll sleep on the sofa. But don’t you dare speak to me unless your going to apologise for being a absolute prick.” Throwing the pillow down on the sofa, I went to the wardrobe pulling out the spare duvet, throwing that on the sofa also.
“What- why you sleeping on the sofa…”
“That doesn’t sound like an apology.” With a loud huff he disappeared once again.
When I turned around Lando had retreated back to the bathroom. It’s strange, lecturing someone tires you out, I flopped back onto the sofa, sighing to myself. Was I too harsh…? Yeah- maybe I should apologise…
Before I even thought about what to say I had dozed back off again, not even wanting to face Lando truthfully right now, I’ll only say more things I don’t mean.
“Baby…” rocking me gently, I was woken from my slumber. It was pitch black, I just about made out Lando’s face.
“You awake…?” Even though it was just us two, he still whispered. Humming in response, I rolled over facing the back of the sofa.
“I’m sorry…” pressing a delicate kiss to my shoulder, rubbing it gently, he then leant his head against my back. “I’m sorry for taking my anger out on you… your right about absolutely everything.” Followed by another soft kiss to my shoulder.
“Even about the car being shit??…” smiling to myself, I turned back over slowly, wrapping an arm around his neck, playing with the back of his hair.
“That’s the reason I’m so annoyed-” slowly he squeezed himself on the sofa, pulling me half on-top of him. “Your right- I should man up and tell them, not just keep allowing them to fuck up…” brushing my hand over his cheek, I laid my head on his shoulder listening to him vent.
“I just have had enough… I’ve had enough of feeling like a failure every race- because the cars so terrible…” sighing, he fiddled with my hand. “I love you- and that scares me…” smiling wide, I moved his head turning it towards me.
“You love me?”
“So fucking much.” Pulling him in slowly, I placed a gentle kiss to his lips. “Your not a failure, your absolutely wonderful…” a small smile crept on his face at my compliment.
“Your going to tell them what you really think about that car, your also going to give it your all the rest of this season, because you don’t give up.”
“Your also going to start understanding, I’m on your side always… no matter what, I’m battling from your corner. Because I love you, always have and always will.”
Smiling at me, he pulled me down slowly brushing his lips against mine, “does this mean I get some lovin’?” Laughing, I smacked his chest climbing over him standing up.
“You really are lucky I love you.”
“I know I bless myself everyday.” Standing up he placed his hands on my waist kissing me again.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
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WIBTA if I send in screen shots to someone that made a callout post about a former friend?
Please read this entire thing before your decision. I understand the "blurb" may make me seem like a backstabber and someone you wouldn't trust, but I have my reasons I'll detail why this person is a former friend.
I'm a former friend of someone we'll call Marie. Marie, idk how to explain it, but she kind of didn't care about anyone but herself. Anytime someone would talk about something she'd make it about herself and it was very annoying. Marie also would make a lot of us uncomfortable at times. She said some racial slurs to us various times and claimed it wasn't racist. One was towards me and I asked her not to, basically I told her she can't call me a slur because she's white and made me feel uncomfortable. The other was some Irish thing I had to google because our friend who is Irish was uncomfortable and I'm still horrified with what I saw.
Marie would reblog my vent posts on tumblr a lot. None was ever to console me. One was where she reblogged and said "this would be a good ice breaker for a date." I did go off on her since at the time I had such a nasty break up and my vent had absolutely nothing to do with that. Now here's the issue, besides reblogging my vent posts, someone archived her reblog of my vent posts on the wayback. Multiple ones. I contacted wayback, but they said they only delete archives if the blog owner makes a statement on their blog. For reference, i have had multiple chronic stalkers and Marie was very well aware of it. So I already had wayback not allow archives of my blog because one stalker was using it to archive everything on me online. So a stalker found a loophole in the form of Marie. Now, this was before Tumblr had allowed us to disable reblogs. So no jumping to the comments saying it's my fault when this was years ago before that function was available. So, Marie refused and told me its whatever and if anything they were probably archiving her edits despite all of the archives on her blog had my vents she reblogged, like every single time she reblogged it got archived.
Now lastly, Marie was one of those people who would never celebrate anyone's victories. It was so weird, someone could say "oh, I got a new camera for my photography" and she'd say something like "in 3rd grade someone shat on my camera, so I never got a new camera". It would make stuff so awkward and make us not want to talk in our discord. I got a scholarship one year she decided to go to school (she was 12 years out of highschool) and she lost her financial aid in one semester because she didn't do any of her school work! Yet somehow "the government picks favorites and doesn't want to pay people that deserve it". Her words, I was very offended since she knew I worked full time, was a POC, and was not eligible for financial aid. Let me have the scholarship win without making it about you!
So one day I just blocked her everywhere after I deleted the friend discord we had. It wasn't right after, I waited over a year and became more and more distant. She did contact me again, but surprise surprise, she wanted me to help build her a website for her "oni-sona". I declined and we haven't spoken since.
Now the callout part. She has a callout under her new alias and it has her previous too. In this callout it's talking a lot about how she treats people like shit and uses them for her own gain. It details as well to not support her or any of her projects because she steals (idk about that, I've personally never witnessed it, but I'm believing OP because everything else is true.)
Now, would I be the AH if I submit stuff to add to the callout? I was just going to send in how she reblogged my vents and someone archived them on wayback and she refused to contact way back to delete them despite knowing I had stalkers. Maybe I'll submit more stuff, but not caring I had stalkers is my biggest gripe and something I think should be added since she allowed my stalkers to do that.
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
This chapter has smut in it. Although drones don't have junk, they can "make love." In their own special way.
I don't view this as explicit, since how drones make that connection is much different then how people do. That being said, if you aren't into that. Here's the Tl;DR:
N comes home worried, N and Uzi console each other, before N gets the wise idea that perhaps they won't ever have the chance to do this again with everything going on.
Loving, Passionate Robotic Lovemaking Ensues.
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 47)
N was home in record time, and when he opened the door he was immediately pulled down into a tight embrace, Uzi's tail was free, curling around him as if he was the last bastion of safety on the planet, her fingers gripped the back of his coat.
Nothing was said, not yet. He closed the door behind him with his tail and used the door itself as something to lean against as he lifted her up into his arms, burying his face into the crook of her neck.
“I'm so glad you're okay.” N broke the silence first, mumbling the words into her shoulder, he focused on the sound of her core-beat, it fluttered with anxiety but still thrummed like a war-drum, she was safe…
“I was more worried about you… I thought she was right on top of you or something.” She admitted, pulling back to look at him only to press their visors together with a light clink.
“N-no, I'm okay honey.” He purred back, his eyes still closed. The girl in his arms made a squeak and quickly looked away, the sudden term of endearment catching her off guard, especially since he sounded so genuine.
His brain seemed to catch up a moment later, and he went a shade of gold, clearing his throat.
“I-I… sorry, I was just worried… a-and it sounded right.”
“It's… okay.”
There was a pause, a lull of silence between them as N slowly put her down, before he started speaking again.
“Did you warn V?”
“She immediately went hunting through the vents, she wants payback.” Uzi replied, gesturing up to reference the vents above them.
“She find anything?” He asked again, still feeling jittery from his worry.
“She's been sending updates. It's been all clear so far.” She reassured, holding his arm in an attempt to calm him down as they both continued to stand at the doorway.
His gaze flickered to the couch where Tera was laying on her stomach, asleep, peaceful. A small black blanket loosely over her as she had her thumb in her mouth, drooling on it. He smiled, though it was wrought with worry.
Uzi followed his gaze, only to turn his face towards her with her hand, even if she had to balance on the tips of her feet to do it.
“We’re okay.” She said softly, and his core ached to belive her.
“Uzi… Doll’s been here this whole time… she could have had the jump on us at anytime…” He voiced his worries and his stress, both pouring out of his mouth before he thought much about it.
“But she didn’t. I don’t know why she’s still here… she has my bug already, there’s no reason for her to stay here.”
“Maybe she already found whatever she needed?” He suggested, but that begged the question of what exactly she was looking for.
“I don’t know… maybe we should have followed her… V did suggest-“ N interrupted her, not allowing her to blame herself.
“None of us were in the condition to do anything after you hacked into us. You were asleep for two whole days after that, I wasn’t going to leave you without knowing you were awake.”
“And you wouldn’t let V go alone either?”
“No, I wouldn’t.”
Another pause, this one more urgent, building like a bubble about to pop. Although his worry was slowly being ebbed away just by being beside her, a tension still grew between them.
“She really could’ve snuck up on us at anytime… why didn’t she?” Uzi repeated slowly, seemingly to let N's stress be absorbed into her, he didn't want that, so he immediately went to try and comfort her.
“Maybe there’s… something preventing her? Or she changed her mind about killing us?”
“Maybe…” Uzi’s voice trailed off into nothing, clearly troubled by the situation. Though there was very little they could actually do unless the Russian girl decided to suddenly appear before them. N cupped her cheek, before swooping down and placing a chaste kiss on her lips.
She blushed, and it grew when N took her hand into his and led them further into their apartment, and headed towards the bedroom.
N was scared, nervous and worried. His discovery had upset the air of domesticity they were starting to find. And it had made his thoughts drift to the things he really wanted, and the things he never got to experience. How much time did he truly have? Did Uzi really have? With the eldritch monsters, biological instincts, and now the threat of Doll looming over their heads. He didn’t know how much time they had left, but he did know he wanted to make the most of every second.
“N…?” Her voice was soft and curious, more so when N turned to her and placed his hands on her hips. A blush found it’s way to his face and stayed there, he caressed her hip with his thumb and he found himself unable to look at her.
“Uzi… I uh.” His core was suddenly beating out of his chest, was this a good idea? Yeah it had sounded good about a minute ago in his head, but now acting on it was nerve-wracking, would she even want something like this? His timing wasn’t exactly great…
“I want to… try…” His voice and any remaining confidence faded, self doubt creeping up in the gaps between his thoughts. This was a bad idea. No, the worst idea, they’d only been together for six months, he wasn’t sure if she was ready, if he was ready, what if it hurt? What if J had completely ruined him and he hurt her? Hell, he didn’t know what he was doing! Oh no, he messed up!
“Try…?” Uzi leaned up into him, a small smile on her face. Was he suggesting what she thought he was? She always thought that when the time came it would be her initiating, with his past trauma and need to be polite, always. She figured she’d have to slowly work up to it. But maybe this situation had spooked him, freaked him out enough to where he thought he wouldn’t get another chance.
“I-I Nevermind. It was stupid… we should be on high alert not… uh uhm mmm..”
His words trailed off when Uzi’s hand trailed a path up his side, something so featherlight even through his coat that it sent a shiver up his spine and his processors to short circuit. His tail made wide arches behind him, showing his near instant enjoyment.
“It’s not stupid. And V’s already on a warpath… we can. Only if you’re okay with it.” Uzi reassured, honestly, her mind was somewhere similar, if shit was about to hit the fan, she wanted to be sure she’d have no regrets when it did, and nothing should be left unsaid… or undone.
“I…don't really know what I'm doing… sorry I led you in here all confident and now I-I'm caving.”
“If it makes you feel better, I'm actually impressed you managed to ask me at all, thought I'd have to our first time.”
“O-oh… you've done this before?”
Uzi suddenly blushed, taken over by a similar embarrassment as the one currently staining her boyfriends face.
“I didn’t say that…”
The air was thick with tension, neither really sure where to go from here, N was almost too nervous to even breathe, let alone move. And Uzi was trying to decide if N was ever going to make a move.
After another moment, she realized he wasn't.
“You want me to lead?” She asked gently, cocking her head and leaning up into him to try and move closer to his visor, he gulped, more sweat and a far heavier blush displayed on his visor.
“Mmhm.” He nodded, being the only thing he could force his body to do, she laughed lightly, and even though she had a smirk she still looked incredibly embarrassed.
“Lay down then.”
Given a command, he found it easier to make his body move to obey it, he crawled onto the bed nervously hat and all, before laying face up, looking at the ceiling with the world's most nervous smile.
When Uzi climbed on top of him, shed already stripped, and she straddled his waist, he gulped nervously, memories of J looming over him, a taser, or claws, or both swam in the back of his head, though he tried not to let that show.
“Relax, okay?” Her hand came to brush some hair out of his face before removing his hat, placing it on the nightstand, one of her hands came to grip his collar.
She lent down to kiss him, holding the side of his face as she started chaste, and gently caressed the side of his face until he really began to relax.
His hands found her hips again, pulling her deeper into him, and it was only then that she deepened the kiss, nipping at his lip to ask for access. Which he gave almost immediately, giving her free reign to explore his mouth.
While his hand racked up the smooth silicone of her back, her hand was busy trying to unbutton his coat blind, which seemed to be a little difficult with only one hand, since it was uncharacteristically clumsy, although he figured she was just as nervous.
Still soon enough his coat was completely undone and she was pulling it open, leaving the only thing keeping it on being his arms.
She pulled back, leaving them both panting and breathless, both their visors still stained with blush, Uzi looked him up and down, admiring his figure and causing him to fluster.
“I-I'm not t-that interesting.”
“You're gorgeous, actually.” She replied, sincerity dripping off her lips, he squirmed as those words him, feeling the embarrassment crawl up his spine.
“Shouldn't I be saying that to y-you?” He gave a goofy grin, that made his girlfriend laugh a press another kiss onto his visor screen, a spark of electricity passed between the area of contact.
Then she ducked into the crook of his neck to place more kisses there, and unlike his playful ones that morning, these were playful in a much different way, they were long, trailing kisses that made each contact feel like it burned the metal there, the hand on her her hip gripped a little tighter, making a small, almost inaudible whine escape from the girl on top of him.
That's when his hands started to wander, both running up her back until they began to slip down her front, he still had no idea what he was doing, but instinct seemed to guide his hands to ghost up the rubber residing in her middle, and she shivered in response.
Her kisses turned to nibbles before she was beginning to scrape her fangs lightly across his neck, gasps bubbled out of his throat as the input registered in his systems, he squirmed again, the feeling new to him before he felt one of her hands firmly push him down so that he'd stay still.
“U-uzi…” The word came out in a shudder as her other hand snaked up his front, from his hip all the way up to his chest, right underneath his core, he continued to explore the rest of her body, running over bumps and nicks and committing them to memory until he found himself touching up her back again.
His fingers roamed over the gnarled scars on her back, causing her to suddenly jerk her body forward in surprise as a muffled pleasured groan left her mouth, the reaction seemed to surprise both of them, as she quickly sat up, locking eyes with him with a renewed blush.
“Did- did that hurt?” He asked, even though he knew the answer he wanted to be sure, she shook her head, seemingly rendered speechless by her sudden outburst.
Then he felt his entire chest begin to buzz with energy, he looked down to find Uzi's finger gently rubbing a circle into the glass casing of his core. It was light, almost too light for him to feel anything. But what he did feel was like a low rush of energy, and it was quickly spreading to his head to make it fuzzy too.
“Is this okay?” She asked, her confidence seeming evaporated after having a outburst like that. He nodded, finding it hard to locate a thought that wasn't just praise.
“Y-yeah. It's… Oh-Okay.”
In response, she pressed a little harder, he felt his body seize in response, he bit his lip to stifle the noise that threatened to escape this throat.
Was this… was this what it was supposed to feel like? It wasn't painful, but it was almost overwhelming, he was struggling to breathe correctly and his processors began to misfire.
“Y-you can touch me t-too.” She guided one of his hands, which had fallen off her back to grip the sheets under him, to her chest, right underneath her core, he was trembling at this point, but always eager to please he tentatively pressed a finger into it.
“Ah!~ Aha! Woah- n-ot that hard~” He immediately let up on the pressure, scared he'd hurt her, before looking up at her face and finding she was somewhere between completely blissed out and excited beyond measure.
“S-sorry.” He did his best to rub circles into her core with the same amount of pressure she was doing to him. Until she picked up the pace and caused him to throw his head back into the pillow with a moan.
“Nhg… Uzi…” Electricity felt as if it was sparking around every inch of his body, clogging his mechanics and making him want for more, both his eyes were enlarged golden hearts, his blush encompassing most of his face. Thinking? What was that?
He increased his pressure and pace as well, making the girl above him buckle and bite her lip roughly, only one of her eyes were hearts, but the way she was panting and shuddering left no doubt in his mind that she was feeling much of the same way.
A single long press of her hand on his core, with far more pressure then before made him nearly buck her off, a loud groan being forced out as a small compartment opened up right above his core, spitting out a small cable that Uzi immediately grabbed and pulled on, making him almost choke on how sensitive it was.
“Wh-what?” His voice was glitched from the pleasure, and he didn't even finish his sentence before Uzis mouth crashed upon his, and like a good boy, he shut up and kissed her, adding a second finger to her core as she whimpered and whined into his mouth.
Soon after, Uzi's own compartment opened up, instead of a cable though, it was a simple USB port, N felt her shudder before pulling off his mouth and moaning lightly under her breath, panting as she still had his cord in her hand.
“F-fuck.” She cursed, although it was clearly meant more positively then just cursing at him for doing something wrong, his vents took in as much sir as he could, his temperature being far higher then normal. He'd probably need oil after this…
“Why did-” He was interrupted by a shudder and a pant as some delayed input was processed through. “You s-stop?”
She took a second to respond, still recovering before she looked at him, putting the cord in his hand instead.
“You're…” An aftershock went through her and she closed her eyes, riding it out before she tried speaking again. “You're supposed to plug this into me.”
He looked at the thin cable in his hands, then back up at her, before he immediately started to lean up to insert it into her port, before she hurriedly stopped him.
“We… uh. D-don’t have to go that far. That's how… fuck. Probably how Tera was made.”
He blinked, brain finally catching up to what exactly she was saying. And as much as he consciously knew it was a bad idea, he really didn't want this to end yet.
“My firewalls are up… it's probably safe… but. I don't know how different your code is from mine…” She was slowly winding down, and now she was making shapes on his stomach, nervously.
“Do- Do you want to keep going?” He asked, still feeling fuzzy and jittery, his core felt as if it was throbbing, begging him for this to continue.
She paused, her blush growing quickly.
Well, that sealed the deal for him, he sat up, using the headboard as support as he gingerly plugged himself in.
Instantly he gasped as he felt his very code meld with hers, crashing against each other as both systems had to adjust to an entirely new state of being, he was both looking at her and looking at himself through her, it was both terrifying and exciting in every way possible.
He reached up to touch her face, both the sensation of touching and being touched coursed through their connected systems.
Even their emotions seemed to mix, causing a confusing tornado of fear, excitement, and love to swirl in colors of purple and gold.
Then… with a shift, Uzi began to write in the gaps of his code.
I love you, I love you, I'm yours, you're mine, I love you.
Whatever pleasure he felt before was nothing compared to now, he immediately buckled under their combined weight and collapsed onto the bed, he could barely take in a breath let alone make a sound.
“Breathe baby…” Uzi panted out, making him both smile and blush and try to reach out into her code in return, it was easier then he expected, like swimming through a warm ocean. Though she didn't need to speak, that thought had been shared through their connection already.
He wrote his own sweet nothings into her code. He wasn't as graceful, sometimes he would accidentally overwrite something, which caused Uzi to whimper above him before it quickly fixed itself.
You're perfect, I love you, beautiful, my love, my darling.
Waves of pleasure coursed through them both, resonating with each line of code written, it almost became N's goal to fill up as much of her empty space with his own admiration, he loved her so much, she loved him so much…
Right now, there was very little to differentiate who's thought was who's, they were one being, not two.
At least until Uzi blue screened. A loud, shuddering moan broke through the relative silence and she collapsed on top of him, he was right after, the feeling of her climax having only a fraction of a second delay before it hit his system too.
and it all went black.
Next ->
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14dayswithyou · 9 months
Not sure if this was asked before, but how would everyone (especially Ren/Redacted) react to Angel being yelled at/harrassed by a customer ? And how would they deal with them ??
Ren: Would stutter out a weak response and try to get the customer to leave — all while placing his body in between the two of you and creating distance. Will definitely let you vent your frustrations to him afterwards, and even offer to stick around to watch over you to make sure they don't come back.
[REDACTED]: Depending on the severity, he's either going to immediately bite back and forcefully drag them out of the library, or he's going to give them the "fuck around and find out" treatment right there in front of the reception counter. Either way, he somehow manages to get the entitled customer to apologise to you — alongside promising to never speak to you like that again.
Moth: There isn't much they can do through a screen, but Moth will try their best to console you after the whole ordeal is over. Lots and lots of encouragement and shit talking (about the rude customer) ensues.
Violet: Won't try to interfere in case she'll cause a scene and rouse the other onlookers, but will definitely give the customer a piece of her mind once they stop talking. The moment Agatha gets placed on the counter instead of resting against her hip, you knooow she means business.
Elanor: She'll meekly interject, ask if you want to go take a breather in the staff room, and handle the customer herself. They'll probably cause more damage than good, but at least the ordeal would be settled.
Conan: Full-on Manager Mode. Steps in, handles the situation effortlessly (a.k.a asks the customer to leave and blacklists them), and offers to take over your shift so you can go home early and calm down. He'll then give you tasks that don't require talking to customers for the next few shifts.
Jae: Similar to Elanor, he might add more fuel to the fire by stepping in — but he isn't afraid to speak his mind and call the rude customer out on their behaviour. You'd have to calm him down because his hands would definitely be shaking afterwards.
Leon: Somehow manages to charm the customer into shutting up and seeing reason — before pulling you away and sitting with you on the back entrance steps of the library to help you calm down. He'll reassure you that it wasn't your fault, and that the customer was probably just having a bad day and was taking it out on you.
Teo: Realistically, he'd ignore the entire ordeal since it's not his business (and he wouldn't really care tbh), but blog AU!Teo would step in once things gets heated and casually tell the customer to fuck off. He'd probably lie and say his father owns the library in order to make himself seem like an important person... before leaning in real close and cracking a joint in his neck (as a threat).
Olivia: Probably won't interfere because spineless, entitled customers are the worst kind of people for retail workers like her to deal with; but she'll 100% rub your back and let you vent your frustrations to her afterwards. Might try to cheer you up with some AoG stickers she swiped from her workplace.
Kiara: Has dealt with enough rude customers to know how to defuse the tension with ease. Similar to [REDACTED], Conan, and Leon; she'll make them see reason one way or another — and somehow end up getting the customer to apologise to you as well.
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soolh1k · 1 year
hi, could you write skz accidentally making you cry?
Skz accidentally making you cry
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notes: english is not my first language so apologies for any misspelling or grammar. i hope u like it !! :)))
type: narrated text
genre: angst w fluff
WARNINGS: swearing, a little bit angsty but some fluff at the end, let me know if you'd like to be tagged !! :))
დ Bang Christopher
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You're at home, eagerly waiting for your boyfriend to return from work. It's been an exhausting day for both of you, but you know you need his support and company to alleviate the built-up stress. Finally, you hear the door open, and your boyfriend enters the room, visibly tired and worried.
You approach him with a smile and give him a warm hug. However, as you embrace him, you can sense the tension in his body. You look at him with concern and ask how his day has been. Your boyfriend lets out a heavy sigh and simply glares at you annoyed. With that look, you knew that things hadn't gone well for him at work.
You understand work-related stress perfectly and try to encourage him, telling him that he's doing a great job and that everything will work out. As you try to uplift him, your boyfriend vents his frustrations, and unintentionally, his tone of voice becomes harsher than usual. The words that come out of his mouth are those of someone frustrated and exhausted, catching you off guard.
"I'm so tired, you know? I'd rather you give me some space, please."
"I know, Chris, but you can always talk to me when you feel like this. That's why I'm here."
"I already know that, but I don't want you around. Your presence annoys me. I just want to be alone, okay? Why do you always make things so difficult? It's like you never understand me, woman. Just go away. I don't want to see you."
"Chris, do you hear yourself? You're being very rude. I understand that you're stressed, but that doesn't give you the right to speak to me like that."
"Just shut up, my god. Your voice is so annoying. If you don't like how I'm acting, why don't you just leave? I told you I want to be alone. Do you not have a brain to comprehend that? Please, go away."
The words deeply impact your sensitivity, and you feel hurt. Sadness clouds your face, and tears start welling up in your eyes. You try to remain calm, but the combination of your boyfriend's stress and the emotional intensity accumulated throughout the day becomes overwhelming.
Realizing that he has hurt your feelings, your boyfriend abruptly stops and looks at you with remorse. His eyes fill with concern and guilt as he sees your tears. Immediately, he sincerely apologizes and embraces you tightly, trying to console you and explaining that he never intended to hurt you in any way.
"Forgive me, my god, I'm an idiot," tears start streaming down his eyes too.
"I didn't mean to talk to you like that. You know stress consumes me, and I know it doesn't give me the freedom to speak to you in that manner. I want you to know that I don't think those things about you. I would never think them, and I don't know why I said them, but please believe me. I love you too much to let my stupid actions ruin us. Please forgive me and try to understand me even though I may seem very selfish. I'm sorry."
As the sincere apologies flow from your boyfriend's lips, you understand that his behavior was unintentional. You know that he's also going through a difficult time, and work stress can sometimes affect his mood beyond his control. You release another sob, but this time, they are tears of relief as you feel his love and genuine remorse.
Your boyfriend continues to hold you in his embrace and assures you that he will always value and care for your feelings. He promises to work on managing his stress better and avoid venting on you in
a way that hurts you. Together, you decide to seek healthier ways to deal with individual and collective stress, such as open communication and mutual support.
This incident strengthens your relationship as you learn to overcome obstacles together and stay connected even in challenging times. Although your tears were a result of momentary pain, both of you understand that it's an opportunity to grow and strengthen your love.
დ Lee Minho
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You're having a fun time with your boyfriend at home. You've been joking and teasing each other for a while, creating an atmosphere of joy and laughter. Both of you enjoy this dynamic and feel comfortable with each other.
In the midst of the fun, your boyfriend decides to play a prank that turns out to be heavier than you expected. He starts making sarcastic comments and teasing about something that you know makes you feel a bit uncomfortable. At first, you think it's just part of the game and try to laugh along with him.
However, as he continues with his jokes, you start feeling more and more vulnerable and emotionally affected. The words he uses no longer seem funny, but hurtful. You can tell that your boyfriend doesn't realize how his words are affecting you and carries on with the prank, thinking everything is fine.
The combination of excessive teasing and your own sensitivity causes tears to well up in your eyes. You try to hold them back, but it's hard to ignore the pain that's building up inside you. Your face reflects a mix of sadness and confusion, as you didn't expect the situation to escalate to this point.
Your boyfriend, noticing your reaction and realizing he has gone too far, immediately stops. His expression changes to one of surprise and remorse as he sees your tears. He realizes that he has unintentionally hurt your feelings and quickly apologizes sincerely.
"Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I was hurting you. I just wanted to play a playful prank, but now I see I crossed the line. Please forgive me," he says with a mix of concern and remorse in his voice. You didn't know what to feel because it's clear that you're not very open about sharing your insecurities with your boyfriend, which caused this unfortunate situation.
It's difficult for you to speak due to the emotions, but you nod your head, letting him know that you understand it was a mistake and that you accept his apology. He quickly comes closer and embraces you tenderly, trying to comfort you.
As he holds you, you allow him to console you and also express how you felt. You explain that although you enjoy having fun together, there are certain topics or boundaries that should not be crossed. Both of you commit to better communication and maintaining a healthy playful environment in the future.
"I'm really sorry, bunny, it wasn't my intention to make you feel this way."
"It wasn't entirely your fault, babe. I don't talk to you much about my insecurities, but from now on, I'll make sure to share my fears and everything that entails."
"We're both going to improve, I promise, bunny."
He promises to be more aware of your boundaries in the future and make sure that the pranks stay at a comfortable level for both of you. He acknowledges that, although the intention was to play, he didn't properly consider your feelings at that moment.
As the emotions calm down, you both use this experience as an opportunity to strengthen your relationship. You learn the importance of respecting each other's emotional boundaries and how to take care of each other.
დ Seo Changbin
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You're at home with your boyfriend, enjoying a relaxed afternoon together. Suddenly, as you pass by the room's doorway, you overhear your boyfriend speaking negatively to someone. Curiosity and concern flood your mind, and you decide to stay silent and listen a little longer.
As you listen, tears well up in your eyes. The words you hear are hurtful and seem to be directed at you. Your heart shatters as you try to process what you've just heard. Without uttering a word, you distance yourself and lock yourself in another room, trying to cope with the overwhelming rush of emotions.
"God, she's so damn annoying. Can't you understand how much her attitude irritates me? Acting all flirtatious, like she's the best person on earth. Someone needs to open her eyes, please. It even embarrasses me to see her," your boyfriend commented over the phone.
"No, of course not. I never want to see her again in my life. Seriously, I hope she realizes the situation and gets that I'm not interested. Well, hopefully things will get better. Talk to you later, Hyun," he ended the call, and you rushed out of the room.
After a while, your boyfriend realizes your reaction and frantically starts searching for an explanation. He looks for you throughout the house and finally finds you sitting in a corner, tears streaming down your cheeks. His face reflects anguish and confusion, not understanding what has happened.
"What happened? Why are you crying?" he asks, his voice trembling, cautiously approaching you.
Looking him directly in the eyes, you share your hurt feelings and tell him what you overheard. You explain how betrayed and hurt you felt, believing he was speaking ill of you. Your voice trembles as you struggle to hold back tears.
Visibly shocked, your boyfriend takes your hands in his and tries to calm you down. He begs you to give him a chance to explain and assures you that he wasn't talking about you. With a sigh, he tells you that he was talking about a girl he recently met, who doesn't seem to understand that he's not interested in her. His words were taken out of context, and he understands how they could have been misunderstood.
"Love, I wasn't talking about you. I'm sorry if you thought that. I would never speak about you like that, and I didn't even want to speak that way about her. But honestly, I've been so bothered by her flirting with me and she had me fed up. I was just telling Hyunjin what was happening because he noticed I started going to the gym earlier than usual. I wanted to avoid her. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to hurt you."
As you listen to his explanation and see the honesty in his eyes, your tears begin to fade away. Slowly, you start to comprehend that it was a misunderstanding, and your boyfriend never intended to hurt you.
"I'm really sorry, sweetheart. I didn't want you to feel this way. I wasn't talking about you, but about that girl. I made a mistake by not clarifying it, and I understand why you felt hurt. I promise I'll be more careful with my words in the future," he says sincerely.
As your boyfriend's words reach your heart, the tears give way to a sense of relief. You know that he cares about you and genuinely regrets the situation. He embraces you gently, seeking to console you and reaffirm his love.
You decide to forgive him, knowing that we all make mistakes, and he has acknowledged his own. Together, you commit to strengthening your communication and promise to openly and honestly discuss any concerns or misunderstandings that may arise in the future.
დ Hwang Hyunjin
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You're having a fun night with your group of friends, laughing and having a great time. Your boyfriend is also there, but as the night progresses, you start noticing a change in his attitude. He becomes distant and increasingly jealous.
At one point, your boyfriend approaches you and starts making baseless accusations. His words are aggressive and filled with unfounded jealousy. You try to calm the situation and explain that there's nothing to worry about, that you're just enjoying the company of your friends.
"What was that?"
"What are you talking about? I don't understand, babe."
"You saw how your little friend was looking at you? It's obvious he likes you, bella."
"What are you talking about? Don't be ridiculous. We're just friends, love."
"I'm not being ridiculous. I'm telling you he likes you. The way he looks at you is the same way I look at you, with love and desire. I won't let this go unnoticed. Let's go, please."
"Are you jealous, love? You know I only like you. I love only you, babe. Please trust that nothing will happen."
"For once, listen to me, bella. Let's go, damn it. I want to go home now. I'm tired of you and them." You were shocked and couldn't respond, so Hyunjin took it as a "I don't want to leave."
However, he persists in his accusations, raising his voice and demanding unnecessary explanations. You feel cornered and attacked, not understanding why he has taken this aggressive stance. You try to stay calm, but his hurtful words start to affect you emotionally.
"I'm tired of it. Do whatever you want, go kiss him if you want. I don't care anymore."
"What are you talking about? Of course not, Hyunjin, please understand."
"Forget it. I'm tired of seeing you not believing me. Come back before it gets darker. I'm going home. Enjoy your night, I guess."
Tears begin to fill your eyes as you try to hold them back. You can't understand how such a fun night took such a drastic and painful turn. Your boyfriend, noticing your reaction and realizing he has gone too far, stops immediately. His expression changes from anger to surprise and remorse as he sees your tears.
"Oh, bella, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry," he says with a trembling voice, approaching you with a gesture of repentance. "I was jealous, and I let my insecurities get the best of me. But understand that I only want to protect you and that you mean so much to me. I didn't want to hurt you. It's just that he's so handsome, and I'm afraid you'll leave me for someone better. You're what I value the most, and you're the only thing that keeps me alive. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you."
Despite the pain you feel, you understand that his jealousy stems from a place of love and concern for you. However, you also let him know that the way he has treated you has been unfair and hurtful. You express your feelings honestly, explaining how his words have deeply hurt you and made you feel misunderstood.
"It's not fair what you did, Hyun."
"I know, I'm sorry."
"Don't worry, I know you love me and want the best for me. It's okay, but next time you feel like this, tell me, and we'll work it out together, cutie." He simply nodded his head.
Your boyfriend, visibly affected by your words, apologizes once again and hugs you tenderly. He assures you that he will work on his
jealousy and communicate in a healthier way. He acknowledges that his actions have been unfair and that he needs to learn to trust you and the strength of your relationship.
Together, you decide to take some time to discuss your concerns and fears, setting boundaries and committing to supporting each other. You learn that open and honest communication is essential to overcome jealousy and build a stronger, healthier relationship.
As emotions calm down, you realize that although this incident made you cry, it has also allowed you both to grow and understand each other better. You feel comforted by the fact that your boyfriend has recognized his mistakes and is willing to work on them.
დ Han Jisung
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You're at home, enjoying a chill moment when you receive a text on your phone. It's your boyfriend, telling you he's written a song for you and wants to share it. You feel excited and eager to listen to it since you know he's really talented in music.
You open the audio file and a beautiful melody starts playing. As you listen to the lyrics, tears fill your eyes. The song's words express all the love and admiration your boyfriend feels for you. It's a touching declaration that hits you right in the heart.
Overwhelming emotion and happiness wash over you. You're so thrilled to have someone who values and loves you like this. Tears of joy start streaming down your cheeks as you keep listening to the song over and over again. Your emotions are so intense that you can't help but cry tears of happiness.
Your boyfriend, eagerly waiting for your reaction, realizes he's made you cry. He quickly approaches you, concerned and confused.
"Doll face, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" he asks softly, wrapping his arms around you.
"Don't you like it? Should I change something? Is the lyrics weird? Give me a few hours and I'll make another song for you, love. Give me another chance."
With a smile through your tears, you try to explain how happy his song makes you and how deeply it touches your heart. You sincerely thank him for his sweet gesture and assure him that these are tears of happiness.
"I'm the luckiest person in the world, Hannie. I don't deserve you, really. You're an amazing guy, and I love you so much. Thank you for always being by my side and making me so happy. If I could give you the world, I would. Please never leave me. I love you."
"Oh, love, I didn't mean to make you cry. I just wanted to express how I feel about you through music," he says tenderly, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. "I'm so glad you liked the song and that it made you happy. You're the most important person to me, and I want you to know how much I love you."
As he comforts you and holds you close, you feel overwhelmed with love for him. You realize how lucky you are to have someone who understands you so well and strives to make you happy. Although his intentions were pure, and the song was beautiful, tears flowed due to the intensity of your emotions.
Together, you celebrate this special moment and promise each other to continue sharing and expressing your love in ways that bring happiness and a sense of being cherished. It serves as a reminder of the depth of your bond and the beauty of your relationship.
This incident teaches you the power of music to convey emotions and the strength of love to touch someone's heart. From now on, that song becomes something very special for both of you, reminding you of the love and happiness you share.
დ Lee Felix
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You're hanging out with your boyfriend at home, laughing and chatting. But suddenly, you notice a change in his behavior. He seems irritated and distant, and his expression shows that something's not right.
You try to figure out what's going on, but he responds curtly and avoids having a conversation. You try to approach him and ask if everything's okay, but he just tells you he has a headache and needs some quiet time.
"Damn it, I have a headache, can you just be quiet? I don't feel good," he snaps. "Do you want me to bring you tea? Or a painkiller? Should I take you to get checked out? You should lie down for a while."
"What don't you understand!? Just shut up, can't you keep that pretty mouth of yours shut for a second, oh my God, are you a parrot? Stop with the nonsense, now leave me alone, go away," Felix seemed to get a bit worked up, even raising his voice at you.
You feel confused and worried because you don't know what caused his irritation. You try to give him space and time to recover, but you can't help but feel hurt by his distant attitude.
In the meantime, you continue doing your own activities, trying to distract yourself and give him the space he needs. But deep down, it hurts that he silenced you and didn't share with you what was bothering him.
After a while, your boyfriend returns to the room where you are. He comes close to you, looking remorseful.
"I'm sorry for being distant and yelling at you like that. I shouldn't have acted that way, I'm sorry," he says softly, with his eyes lowered. "I had a really bad headache, and I was irritated, but that's no excuse to treat you like that. I didn't mean to make you cry, babe, I'm really sorry."
Tears start filling your eyes as you listen to his sincere apologies. Although it hurts that he was irritated and ignored you, you understand that he also has difficult moments that can affect his behavior.
"I don't want you to apologize for feeling bad, but it hurt that you ignored me and silenced me," you respond with a trembling voice. "I understand you had a headache, but I would have liked it if you had told me. I want to be there for you, even in tough times."
Your boyfriend nods, genuinely remorseful for his behavior. He takes your hands and looks into your eyes.
"You're right, I shouldn't have shut you out like that. I appreciate your support and your willingness to stand by me even when I'm going through tough times," he says sincerely. "I promise to work on communicating better with you and not pushing you away when I feel bad. You're important to me, and you should never feel silenced, let alone threatened by me. God, I was such a big idiot, I'm sorry."
Even though tears continue to flow, you feel a sense of relief hearing his commitment to improving communication and valuing you more in difficult situations. Together, you decide to take some time to openly and honestly talk about your emotions and needs, thereby strengthening your relationship.
As the days go by, you see how your boyfriend keeps his promise and makes an effort to be more aware of his actions and words when he's irritated or going through a tough time. Both of you learn to support each other and communicate effectively, overcoming any obstacles that may arise.
დ Kim Seungmin
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You're excited to go out with your boyfriend and decide to wear a special outfit. You make an effort to look good and feel confident in your clothing choice. When you meet up with your boyfriend, he looks you up and down and starts laughing.
"Wow, is that what you're wearing?" he says, laughing. "I think someone went a little overboard with fashion today."
"Damn, I thought I was the one with bad fashion sense, apparently not."
"Stop joking, Seung, you can't handle how cute I look."
"I'm not joking, are you seriously going to wear that today? I don't want anyone to see me with you if you wear that."
At first, you think he's just joking and you join in the laughter. But as seconds pass, you realize that his comments could be hurtful. Tears start welling up in your eyes as you struggle to hide your hurt feelings.
Your boyfriend notices your reaction and realizes that his jokes were inappropriate. He quickly approaches you with an apologetic expression on his face.
"Oh, blossom, I'm so sorry," he says apologetically. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I was just joking. I know you've put effort into looking good and you look beautiful, seriously."
Tears start falling down your cheeks as you try to explain how his comments affected you. You express how important it is for you to feel appreciated and supported by him, even in seemingly insignificant situations.
"I understand it was a joke, but I felt really bad," you say with a trembling voice. "I put effort into choosing my outfit and I wanted to feel good with you. I need you to support me and make me feel valued, even in small things like how I dress."
Your boyfriend sincerely apologizes and embraces you tenderly. He understands how much he has hurt you and is determined to make it right.
"I'm sorry for making you feel this way. I shouldn't have mocked you like that. I just wanted to joke around, you know how silly I can get with my jokes. It wasn't my intention to make you cry, blossom. You're honestly the most beautiful person my eyes have ever seen. Don't let the comments I made affect you. You're even more gorgeous every day," he says softly. "You're beautiful and precious to me, and I never want to make you feel bad. I appreciate your effort, and I promise to be more aware of your feelings in the future."
As he comforts you and apologizes, you feel a sense of relief in your heart. You appreciate his willingness to learn from his mistakes and improve the way he communicates with you.
Both of you take a moment to openly and honestly discuss how you want your relationship to be, based on mutual respect and acceptance. You agree to be more sensitive and considerate with your words and jokes to avoid unnecessary hurt.
Over time, you see your boyfriend keeping his promise and showing greater care and support in all aspects of the relationship. You learn to communicate more effectively, accept differences, and value each other.
დ Yang Jeongin
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You're having a chill night at home with your boyfriend. You both decide to snuggle up on the couch and enjoy a horror movie together. As the movie progresses, your boyfriend starts telling you scary stories to amp up the excitement.
While listening to his chilling tales, you feel the tension creeping over you. You try to keep your composure and not let it affect you, but your imagination starts playing tricks on your mind.
After the movie, you decide to call it a night. You climb into bed next to your boyfriend, trying to leave the scary stories behind and calm yourself down. However, the dark atmosphere and vivid details of the stories he told still linger in your head.
In the middle of the night, you wake up startled by a terrifying nightmare. Your heart is racing, and tears stream down your cheeks. You quickly seek comfort and security in your boyfriend's arms.
Your boyfriend wakes up to your sobbing and embraces you tenderly, sensing your distress.
"What's wrong, babydoll? Did I have something to do with your nightmare?" he asks, concerned, as he holds you close.
"It was my fault, right? I'm sorry. You know my imagination runs wild, and once I start, I can't stop. I'm sorry," his last words make you laugh a little.
Through your sobs, you manage to explain how the combination of the horror stories and your imagination led to a dreadful nightmare.
"You're such a goof, and so am I. How could I have thought that Annabelle would come along with the nun to invite me to dinner at their haunted house?" Both of you burst into laughter, realizing that while your nightmare might have been silly, it was still terrifying.
Your boyfriend gently strokes your hair and offers words of comfort.
"I'm really sorry, I had no idea it would affect you this much. I never intended to scare you like that," he says softly. "I promise I won't tell you any more horror stories before bedtime if they make you feel bad. I'm here to protect and take care of you, not to frighten you."
You cling to him, allowing yourself to feel his warm embrace as tears continue to roll down your cheeks. Gradually, the sense of safety and love begins to alleviate your fear and sadness.
"Thank you for being here and understanding how I feel," you whisper, voice trembling. "Your support means a lot to me. I don't want you to feel guilty, but it comforts me to know that you're willing to avoid things that scare me. I love you."
Your boyfriend hugs you tighter and whispers in your ear, "I love you too, and I'll do everything I can to protect you and make sure you feel safe. Together, we'll overcome your nightmares and anything else that scares you."
You spend the rest of the night in his arms, feeling his love and support helping you calm down and go back to sleep.
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ofprosperity · 2 months
OT8 Stray Kids
Dating reader with family issues
I don’t intend on this to be sad or angsty because I love everything fluffy/lovely and smutty when it comes to headcanons/fanfictions. That being said mild trauma/angst/sad family relationships trigger warnings. Hopefully you can feel the fluff too 💕✨
He’s understanding and supportive. Not from experience but because he’s listened carefully to you and has done independent research about your feelings and the situation. Talks you down from triggered states after calls with your family and gives you space when you need it. He gets a lot of the trauma is not about them being separated but the collateral issues. You’re grateful for him in every way and it makes you want to be get better and be better for you and him. He drives you to your first therapy appointment, waiting outside in case you get overwhelmed or aren’t just ready for this step. He’s glad that you’re still in there after 45mins and is proud that you’re ready for the next steps to ensure your health.
Lee Minho
He supportive of the rage but ensures you’re making way for positive growth. Letting you vent and rage when family occasions pop up is he’s way of support. He’s listening but mainly making sure you can get the pent up feelings out of your body so you can perceive more clearly and make good decisions. If you’re spiralling in anger he’s there to guide your thoughts away but he’s not a therapist. You’re already making the moves towards positive growth with your new therapist and knowing it’s okay to say no to meeting family you don’t want to see. He's love might look odd but you're just as odd.
Seo Changbin
He’s cautious and gives good advice. He’s been aware of the situation since you first got to know each other; seeing you clam up and retreat into yourself at the mention of your family and him meeting them one day. So, he made a point to not bring them up often and if he did, it was with caution. The day you finally opened up to him about what happened and your feelings, you were shocked at the amount to uplifting advice you got. He may not know what you’re feeling personally but he trying to help you navigate through it all and being able to talk about the problems is only just the first step your more than willing to take with his help.
Hwang Hyunjin
He’s cheers you on and is present for you. He doesn’t bring it up if you don’t and gives you space when you ask for it. The idea of forcing you to confront your trauma makes him uncomfortable. The moments you bring it up and are talking about seeking help or making active decisions about how to handle the family issues, he’s pitching in and cheering for you. He knows sometimes you just need to brood and figure it out and people looming over you or trying to force you to do something irks you. You’re thank for his presence, he mentioned once how he feels helpless cause he can’t do much for you regarding it all but you’ve assured him that him being there and cheering you on is more than he’ll ever know because you’ve never had it.
Han Jisung
He flexible and walks with you. He’s knows the importance of being on the same page so results are achieved with you and he’s able to do that by flowing with your emotional state on family topics. Your family seems to destabilise you despite your efforts to remain calm. He naturally has a keen eye for all concerning you so he asks directly about the situation and what you want to do about it. He’s able to help you accomplish your goals on managing them better and maintaining your peace. Appreciation doesn’t even cover half of the feelings you have for him regarding these matters.
Lee Felix
He’s gentleness and strength is all you need. When you both first spoke about your families and he heard about your feelings and hopes to create a gap, he couldn’t help but share a thought or two about reconciliation. Upon hearing the depth and breath of the issues he understood your reasoning. He’s consoled you during the start of distancing yourself and it brought you so much peace and on occasions were distancing wasn’t an option he held your hand firmly. Ultimately ready to speak up for you if you needed him to or walk out if it was called for. You’ve told him time again but he’s your safe place.
Kim Seungmin
He unintentionally became a comfort for a sad past and a ray of the future. The fact that he’s cheeky nature always eased you was a stepping stone to your friends to lovers relationship. You delighted in how you smiled unknowingly as he spoke and interacted with you and others alike. You hesitated a long time talking about your family situation to him and he felt no need to dig deeper because he trusted you’ll open up when it was right for you. You didn’t want a cloud of sadness over the bright skies you both treasure and he didn’t mind a cloudy day once in a while. Upon opening up to him, the warm smile across his face as you tried to hastily cover the issues with your plans to heal and navigate your family problems made you teary. You suddenly had a realisation you’ve always know in the end, that this person would hold my hand through all the suns and clouds the world had to offer.
Yang Jeongin
He loves with a might and wills you to be stronger. He tries to play it cool often but you knew that he sometimes became a physical representation of love when you were faced with negativity. You’ve been holding on with much power to stay positive despite the issues with your family. Staying passive and avoiding direct confrontation kept you from dealing with the mess in your mind. He never hesitates to speak on your behalf when you shutdown due to the stress, making the necessary calls. A particular nasty caller speaking down on him while he tried his best to stand up for you both had you livid. The passiveness and need to run away became non-existent at the face of your love being disrespected. You did the necessary, confronting the speaker and made your stance to live in peace if resolution wasn’t in the horizon. Living with the truth of the love shared making you stronger was needed for the healing to come.
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bubbipond · 7 months
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Don't laugh at me but why am I just now realizing the significance of timing when Alan asks Charlie when is Jeff coming back to work??? Prior to Jeff working at the garage Alan really didn't have anyone to vent to and like we see when Jeff finds him working at one of Jeff's stations, work is his only outlet. Then after Jeff leaves we see he also uses a punching bag to relieve stress as well. But when Jeff was present we got these two instances:
Jeff letting Alan vent about not having enough money for the whole team. Then Jeff consoled him by reminding him if he was a bad boss no one would have stayed that long.
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Then we see it again after a conversation with Dean in which Jeff helps him figure out a solution to the money problem. He even relents to Jeff that he had not, in fact, found a solution even though he was putting on airs for Dean.
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So, after Jeff left he was back on his own with no one to talk to. And what happened right before talking to Charlie you ask? His argument with Dean left him upset and without his secretly caring mechanic.
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Then Jeff comes back and we see yet another Dean fight (my boy was on the slow roll to psychopath early on) and who does he find solace in???
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I am in complete shambles. I love them so much....Give me another drama, darn it!!!!
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