milf-propaganda · 2 years
im sorry but saying, “we haven’t had intimate relations” in regards to a roleplay involving a fictional character and making that one of the reasons why you’re upset…like…you are not in a real relationship with MY GIRLFRIEND.
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finleycannotdraw · 1 year
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and here’s the full image :)
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tfw your boss is dad shaped, lonely, sweet, and puts in effort to make you feel accepted and understood
alternative caption: YOU’RE MY DAD!! BOOGIE WOOGIE WOOGIE
guys just think about it. has she been hugged even ONCE since gloreth?? I kind of doubt it. ballister had better get on top of that YESTERDAY.
oh yeah!! here’s the playlist :) (subject to change)
why is his prosthetic arm easier to draw than his mustache
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nikonuee · 6 months
Hey DunMeshi gang, have we considered:
Falin has feathers now
Birds floof/puff up
Marcille kissing Falin and all her feathers puffing up
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petewentzisblack1312 · 9 months
i dont think this is relatable to anyone but a lot of people i encounter have never heard of fall out boy but the thing is i dont know if theyve never heard of fall out boy or if they just dont know theyve heard of fall out boy. and youre thinking, well thats easy. list some singles. ok. which singles. because trying to figure out which fall out boy single someone is most likely to have heard is like throwing a dart at a map. do i start with sugar? centuries? light em up? thanks for the memories? if they dont know any of these songs does that tell me theyve never heard a fall out boy song? no. it tells me theyve never heard those ones. dance dance, this aint a scene, the phoenix, uma thurman, i don't care. and still someones gonna come out the gate swinging to pull the rug from under me and tell me a week later they did actually know fall out boy. theyve heard the last of the real ones.
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peanutseagle · 1 year
Hi! I'm new to the fandom and you're the first few artists that made me ship damianya bad 🤭💕 could you draw them visiting stella lake or just them being cute in the summer 👉👈( It could be a date or just them in canon age 😅)
Love your arts too much... 💖
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just fullfilling my duties in the damianya nation <3
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thatneoncrisis · 12 days
Curious about your issues with the show!! I have my own ofc but always interested In more opinions
spoilers for like. all of the show el oh el
its hard for me to like. properly articulate on the fly but i think its primarily 1. a show that is genuinely trying to build a complicated structure out of the rusted metal and twigs that makes up LoL lore that gets overhauled every like, four years, so often times it feels like a character in arcane will get hard shafted out of a natural arc so they end up where they "should be" in accordance to their league counterpart.
strongest example i have off the dome is violet, where i think in act 1 of arcane shes a really intriguing and well crafted character whos sympathetic and has goals and values you can follow. and then they shunt her off to prison during the time skip and when she comes out shes like. everything she does from that point on just feels Tilted it feels like they gutted out all the parts that would have gotten me from A to Z wrt her going from scrappy kid in the lanes whos like. direct causes of terror and unhappiness in life were from enforcer. to a bitch who joins the enforcers. and its not that i dont think that turnaround is possible, i just dont think they articulated it well with such a truncated amount of episodes split between so many subplots
and then my main Thing 2. uuuh. this is more of like my own issues with this kind of story telling in general rather than an arcane specific issue that i will codify as "liberal progressives attempt to Both Sides the issue of apartheid in their magic story." the creators of the show emphasized that they wanted each character to be morally grey, differnt shades to them and the motivations contextualizing their actions. which is like, fair enough thats just good character writing but i dont think theyre particularly. great at that. especially when trying to marry it to my earlier point about how certain characters essentially have to invert to become their league analogs in some sense. also someone like ekko? not grey. hes just right? he doesnt fuck with enforcers and he doesnt fuck with the kingpin flooding the lanes with shimmer, he just wants to help the people suffering the most. stand up dude.
theres a lot of different levels to which this clashing between intent and execution falls flat for me in arcane but the one ill get into now is silco and vander. from an objective view its a classic story of two close brothers in arms driven apart by ideology/circumstance, weve seen it with professor xavier and magneto, it also reminded me of tchalla and killmonger although they dont have the childhood friends aspect going for them. but the point is its not like a unique idea. two people want to change the world for the better, one of them starts killing civilians about it, the first guy is like hey! maybe dont do that! epic fall out ensues.
and the story is cognizant of the fact that silco IS an antagonist: not just in the sense that he is opposing our protagonists goals, he sold out the children to the enforcers in the first act, he released shimmer onto zaun and keeps a stranglehold on the city with his circle of chem barons like he fucking sucks. and the whole time im watching im noting how his methods to "free zaun" are like, THE thing destroying it. the streets are rampant with nameless mutated homeless people hooked on shimmer he is directly responsible for. and i was kind of waiting for like. a shift within his circle. if that makes sense. obviously people like violet and ekko and caitlyn dont like him but they never did they dont have to be convinced, but to have someone who initially put all their trust into him as the guy to bring zaun into glory and then slowly have to reckon with the fact theyve propped up a mad man who has prioritized power in himself over the initial goal of liberating the city would have whipped ass.
and then it just didnt happen. theres this fascinating thing going on with silco where hes talking mad shit about the likes of vander, oh hes too softhearted, he will never do what it takes to truly ensure the safety and freedom of the lanes bc he cares too much about his damn babies. and then silco finds himself as caretaker of one of those babies. the show meticulously shows me how he cares for her, he softens for her, he lets her tinker in her silly cave all day and blow up cops with harley quinn bombs. so we have three main things to keep in mind with silco:
his primary stated goal is to free zaun from piltovers repressive rule.
his shimmer production is one of if not The thing actively destroying the lanes
he now has Baby, whos safety has become a growing priority for him.
this culminating in the finale where he is presented with the opportunity to hand her over to the authorities in exchange for zauns independence. now THIS could have been a really interesting internal dilemma for him. he is now faced with the exact choice that led vander to becoming "weak" in his eyes. whats one girls life in exchange for his dream finally becoming a reality. but its also an impossible thing to ask because thats his Daughter. so now hes risking scrutiny from his underlings for being wishy washy. ooh intrigue mystery. youd really need some time to steep on his agonies and what hes really willing to prioritizeat this point in his life
and then none of that happens bc hes immediately kidnapped and shot and never has to seriously consider it. he never has to SACRIFICE he always just. has everything he wants. forever. until he dies. powerful chem baron running the show with his army of teen supersoldiers.
another route i considered them being able to do is something more focused on him and sevika. she left vander to join his cause specifically bc she thought vander was weak. as his right hand, she would do anything for silco, including literally giving up her fucking arm when she saved him from the blast in act one. timeskip, now we see she has a fun new mech arm powered by silcos own shimmer, which we are shown the side effects of time and time again. i thought this was leaning into a metaphor about how her emotional dependence on him and his cause was being represented by a chemical dependence on shimmer. like its destroying her physically and mentally but she NEEDS it to work out to know it wasnt all for nothing so shell put up with whatever sketchy bullshit hes got going on, the ends justify the means. and we get like six detailed shots of shimmer being pumped directly into her body i thought for sure they were gonna be like oh this is fucking killing her, like a compound v situation
but shes like. fine. theres no side effects besides a cool scar. shes chilling.
i also thought her antagonistic dynamic with jinx was going somewhere. like if sevika noticed that silco was putting her above what needed to be done for the sake of liberating zaun, and noticing how it mirrored how vander became "weak" and getting that much more pissed about playing second fiddle to a 17 year old. like imagine you get that whole scene where sevika makes it look like shes gonna execute silco, then murders the chem baron who asked her to do it because she trusts him THAT much, then later she hears about jayce's offer to silco and sees him GENUINELY considering leaving the offer on the table JUST for jinx. sorry if i was her id snap. id go crazy id start a coup.
so basically what im saying is. lotta different options to make the characters richer and more grey as they struggle with what they really care about. but the story just kind of shuffles past them and then insists that the bonds were there the whole time you guys jinx and sevika are totally besties now shes a symbol of zaun <3
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andhyssops · 2 months
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ahahaha noooo its fine you don't have to,,,,,,oh ok
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houndfaker · 1 year
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butchdykekondraki · 9 months
people NEED to start headcanoning characters as niche orientations . i need objectum headcanons i need reciproromantic headcanons i need queerplatonic headcanons i need aroallo headcanons I NEED OBJECTUM HEADCANONS
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lttleghost · 2 years
Broke: Jesse is a bad person
Woke: Jesse is a good person
Woker: the labels of "good person" and "bad person" don't exist in any meaningful way. Jesse does bad things but many things in his life are stacked up against him and ultimately he is kind and wants to do good
Bespoke: while the previous point is technically correct, if you are most concerned with the concept of there not being good people or bad people and feel like it is necessary to tell people who say Jesse is a "good person" that they're wrong, then you are more than likely holding some sort of bias or misunderstanding about his struggles and what he has gotten involved with in a way that is incorrect or at least inconsistent with actions that cause equal or more harm but aren't as "taboo" (since even before Walt, Jesse didn't seem to TRY and adulterate his meth with anything but chili powder even if it wasnt high purity, I think it's appropriate to bring up that alcohol has been shown to be the same or often higher than meth on harm ratings, in a few reports it is at the very top, so you should ask yourself; do you judge people who make alcohol the same way as you're proposing we judge Jesse for making meth?) Being "correct" about what type of person Jesse is in this case isn't nearly as important as the message you get across when talking about Jesse's actions in the context of his situation and life experiences. The ammount of people who say Jesse is a good person and try to actually excuse his actions are very few, but the number of people who either say he's a bad person or even people who don't think hes a bad person but insist that it's wrong to call him a good person and reinforce the ideas that tear people like Jesse down are... very many. Sadly the number of people who go as far to blame Jesse for every bad thing that happens to him and even refuses to acknowledge he was neglected growing up are significant as well. Maybe good people don't technically exist, but the vast majority of those who call Jesse one are going to say things that are infinitely more important to say than anything you might use to convince them not to call him a good person, and DEFINITELY more important than anything you might say to explain how "bad person" might be closer to an accurate of way of judging him in any way that matters outside of being fucking pedantic
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skeletood · 2 years
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More of them as girls i drew a while back.
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eggbagelz · 1 year
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They're teachin' me to kill, who's teachin' me to love?
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mxwhore · 7 months
mutuals. i am getting caught in my own bitterness again...
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ozymoron · 5 months
i dont think i actually like shipping for like normal shipping reasons im pretty sure i only like ships cause i like seeing boys kiss and girls kiss especially if what they have going on is fucked up and weird
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Suddenly noticed people have been counting and gif setting the Buddie hugs in canon and immediately jumped to comparing it to Xena and how we have gif sets of their kisses. These women kiss! On the mouth! Xena grabs Gabby's ass during one! Another is her giving Gabby True Love's Kiss to wake her from a sleeping spell!
And Xena/Gabrielle is somehow "not canon"
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royposting · 10 months
i just fucking hate that argument like ”women can be just as violent as men!” okay so why ARENT they. women can easily hurt men if they use a weapon. women can easily rape elderly in their care or children, or hell, each other. why DONT they then?? why is it so sensationalised when women commit heinous crimes? bc it happens so Extremely Rarely. if women are just as capable as men of evil, why dont they commit as many violent crimes?????
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