#i even tried to stick up for their ex rp partner
milf-propaganda · 2 years
im sorry but saying, “we haven’t had intimate relations” in regards to a roleplay involving a fictional character and making that one of the reasons why you’re upset…like…you are not in a real relationship with MY GIRLFRIEND.
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kaijuconfessions · 2 years
ok so i had a shitty abusive ex when i had just started college. just a shit person all around. she would always try and threaten suicide and self harm bc i did or said something she didn't like, tried to express boundaries, or spoke up for myself. she even faked DID to try and absolve herself of her behavior, AND tried to stop me getting psychiatric care when i had a legit mental breakdown. she was also a little too into BDSM, where i didn't want to be involved. i had run a fun little murder mystery sort of rp group where her and my bff were members, and she would always make things uncomfortably and unwantedly sexual. she put me and my characters in a LOT of noncon situations (which i'd describe as sexual assault at the VERY least), which i would always have to stick through for fear of her hurting herself if i didn't. it always felt like that was a layer of abstraction away as counting as "real" assault, even i knew the intention behind it made the abstraction not count. i always kept this private, but enough of that behavior bled through for my bff to notice something was off, and they stuck up for me, which ofc she didn't like. she wrote an enormous and entirely fake callout post about my bff, back when people believed those without question, which caused them a lot of pain and anguish. i was eventually able to get out of that relationship, and when she threatened to kill herself if i didn't stop talking to them, i told that fucker to get bent.
cut to now, said bff and i have been dating for like five years at this point. when i realized she was trying to groom me into being "Into It", i'd been wildly triggered by BDSM since, panic attacks, the whole nine. to my horror, i eventually realized i was indeed Into It a little more than i wanted to be, and i was pretty disgusted with myself for so much as thinking about it. i eventually ended up talking to my partner about it, even though i was ashamed and embarrassed and feeling like i was somehow letting her win, and they just said. "hey, you know how fucking mad she'd be if she knew you wanted me, of all people, to do this, right? that you wouldn't let her do this, but you'd ask me about it?" and i just. Oh huh. I hadn't thought about that at all.
long story short pure spite and horniness is helping me conquer my PTSD, i have an extremely cute new collar and leash, and yve, if you're reading this perchance, die mad about it <3
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allhandsondeck1 · 1 year
me venting abt my excause idk who to tell all this to TW! mentions of suicide threats and SH, g0re and p0rn, mild SA, mentions of body issues
i should prob stick to my notes but hey, if you have a partner or friend like this, CUT THEM OFF. You don't have to, but it might be the best for you.
i went to go message a rp partner i had on discord and i realized i changed my profile the night before so people knew i was recently online. Cause like, how else are you gon change a profile? anyways i have now woken up to a text from my ex, who i haven't messaged sinceeeeeeee two months ago? like, almost exactly two month atp.
its annoying cause he keeps "accidentally" calling me and at first he was just sending me pictures of his dog or a meme and then he's like "where are you?" and "Text me back" like bruv you LITERALLY have a bf rn go to him not me. i don't have the heart to block him but i might have to. like seriously, i broke up with him because he had threatened me with suicide at random times, he would text me exactly what he was doing when he attempted suicide or sh, he would show off the bandages he had on or scars he had, he downplayed my experience with suicidal thoughts and sh because i "didn't have it like he did". He never listened to my rants or rambles, all we talked about was his interests. we were in a poly relationship with this other guy, and it was clear he liked that guy more than me and showed it to make me jealous. he would show me g0re and p0rn vids at LUNCH in a PUBLIC school, without my permission. he hung out with people i didn't liki, which is fine, as long as i didn't have to hang with them, but then he would purpously send pictures of him with said person even though i told him i wanted nothing to do with them, let alone pics. he downplayed my body issues. i broke up with both of them in that little poly circle thing we were in because both him and our other bf(my other ex) have either tried to force me to do something i didn't want, or tried to touch me in innapropriate ways. i'm glad i was direct or something horrible would have happened that i would not have consented to. my ex has also hurt me in over dramatic ways. we were playing around, and i grabbed his phone, which was TURNED OFF, as a joke, and he would take his nails and dig them into my skin until it broke through a few layers and left a scratch. like, you could have just asked me to give the phone back..
now that i spill all this out onto a post i realize that blocking him is the best idea lmao, sorry for the ramble, just needed to get this out on something
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chiarahq · 4 years
me  being  late  ?  unfortunately  more  likely  than  u  would  think  😔  but  i'm  here  now  &  so  excited  to  be  part  of  a  celeb  rp  again  because  they  are  my  kryptonite  !  i’m  sofi  (21,  gmt,  she/her)  &  this  is  chiara,  &  yes  i  did  carefully  select  this  gif  because  she  looks  hot  asf  &  i  want  to  thirst  trap  u  all  into  plotting  with  me  (ur  welcome)  !
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⋆˙⊹  naressa valdez  ,  cis female  ,  she/her  — ‏‏‎ ‎ don't  look  now  ,  but  chiara  flores  just  walked  by  us  .  the  twenty -  three  year  old  lingerie  model  turned  entrepreneur  has  been  causing  quite  a  stir  lately  .  they're  known  to  be  quite  decorous  &  garrulous  ,  but  also  sybaritic  &  ambivalent  .  it's  no  wonder  they're  hollywoods  resident  bellwether  . rumor  has  it  they're  hiding  redacted ,  but  don't  ask  them  about  it  .  
&.  a  satin  brassiere  peeking  from  beneath  a  velveteen  pantsuit,  dainty  gold  chains,  wine  -  toned  lipgloss  &  smoked  liner,  an  inviting  smile  that  would  make  a  stranger  feel  at  home,  and  the  gentle  graze  of  fingertips  against  the  forearm    .
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞  𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬.
full  name:  chiara  ysabel  flores. nickname/s:  chi,  open  to  pet  names. gender  &  pronouns:  cis  female  &  she/her. birthdate:  sept  25th. zodiac:  libra. orientation:  bisexual  &  biromantic. traits:  your  stereotypical  libra,  aka,  tactful,  gregarious,  &  visionary,  yet  indecisive,  vain,  &  vacillating. career:  lingerie  model  turned  fashion  mogul;  recently  launched  her  own  makeup  and  lingerie  brand  (  claim:  fenty  )
𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭  𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚  𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬.
familial  connections  :  chiara  was  a  long  awaited  addition  to  the  flores  family;  with  maria  flores  thoroughly  convinced  that  she  would  never  experience  the  motherhood  she  had  always  dreamed  of  until  she  was  finally  blessed  with  her  first  &  only  child.  rather  naively,  maria  and  andre  expected  that  the  birth  of  their  daughter  would  be  the  missing  piece  to  restoring  their  already  crumbling  marriage  -  however,  if  anything,  the  added  stress  of  a  baby  was  the  nail  in  the  coffin.  that  said,  it  was  in  their  best  interest  to  stick  it  out  for  the  sake  of  their  public  reputation.  a  tiny  chiara  often  found  herself  caught  in  the  middle  of  an  argument,  and  as  she  grew  older,  found  herself  stepping  up  as  mediator.  her  presence  was  a  constant  reminder  that  although  they  no  longer  loved  each  other  the  way  they  once  had,  they  had  both  contributed  to  create  another  human  being  that  they  equally  adored  with  all  their  hearts  -  and  they  would  continue  to  push  themselves  to  last  another  day.  the  facade  of  their  relationship  finally  came  crashing  down  when  chiara  turned  sixteen,  and  andre  flores  was  caught  having  a  cosy  dinner  with  a  woman  much  too  young  to  be  his  wife.  once  the  public  found  out  there  was  no  longer  any  need  to  keep  up  the  pretences,  and  so  the  flores’  filed  for  divorce.  although  chiara  was  entirely  aware  of  the  state  of  their  marriage,  it  was  still  difficult  to  endure  -  especially  in  such  a  public  sense.  that  said,  everything  worked  out  for  the  best,  and  the  flores’  still  spend  every  holiday  together  as  a  family.
career  ;  from  a  young  age,  chiara  shone.  her  cherubic  features  &  polite  nature  opened  multiple  doors  for  her  from  a  young  age;  from  her  successful  modelling  career  to  her  stint  in  child  acting.  chiara  pursued  a  lot  of  things,  but  she  never  stumbled  upon  anything  that  was  more  than  a  fad.  that's  the  thing  about  chi;  she's  passionate  &  always  on  the  go,  but  often  lost  interest  fast.  she’d  pick  something  up,  just  to  drop  it  the  next  day  or  week  or  month.  it  was  a  running  joke  within  her  family;  her  parents  unable  to  keep  up  with  what  would  capture  chiara’s  attention  next.  something  that  persevered  was  her  relentless  need  to  be  in  control.  some  would  call  it  pernickety,  though  she  would  call  it  having  direction.  whatever  she  decided  to  put  her  mind  to,  for  however  long  she  felt  like  it,  she  would  excel.  with  the  safety  of  her  parents’  wealth  to  fall  back  on,  chiara  tried  her  hand  at  pretty  much  everything  you  could  imagine  -  she  dabbled  in  photography,  took  a  few  singing  classes  before  she  ultimately  decided  she  was  tone-deaf,  rekindled  her  acting  career  for  the  duration  of  a  handful  of  auditions,  and  even  attended  college  for  a  whopping  seven  weeks  before  dropping  out.  her  career  in  modelling  was  the  only  thing  that  was  a  constant,  with  her  signing  with  tbd  lingerie  company  (  bc  we  don’t  stan  vs  in  this  house  ).  chiara  was  happy  enough  during  her  time  there,  but  the  lack  of  diversity  within  the  brand  became  outstandingly  obvious  (  👀  ),  &  eventually  she  decided  to  take  matters  into  her  own  hands  ;  launching  her  own  inclusive  lingerie  brand,  ysabel.  following  the  success  of  ysabel,  she  then  extended  her  brand  to  include  makeup  products. 
personality  ;   
yes  we’re  switching  to  bullet  points  who  needs  consistency
chiara  is  a  bit  of  a  walking  oxymoron.  she’s  an  incredibly  passionate  &  determined  individual,  yet  her  attention  &  interest  are  fleeting.  when  she  cares,  she  cares  with  every  inch  of  her  being  -  but  the  minute  that  drive  is  gone  ?  she’ll  ditch.  
despite  mediating  pretty  much  her  parents’  entire  relationship,  chi  hates  confrontation.  she  radiates  Bad  Bitch  energy,  but  really  is  prone  to  sitting  on  the  fence  &  ducking  out  when  shit  hits  the  fan. 
chi  is  ridiculously  self-indulgent.  she  cannot  say  no  to  herself,  like,  ever.  it’s  a  dangerous  habit  that  extends  beyond  herself  -  if  she  sees  something  she  thinks  a  friend  will  like,  it’s  in  her  basket  without  a  second  thought,  aka  she’s  the  best  present  giver  ever.  as  a  result  of  her  indulgence,  however,  she  can  sometimes  come  across  as  kinda  ignorant  :/  
relationships  are  kind  of  an  iffy  area  for  chi...  she  knows  all  too  well  how  badly  they  can  go  spiralling  down,  so  she  tries  not  to  let  herself  get  too  attached,  but  for  the  most  part  she  fails  &  becomes  kinda  ...  infatuated.  she’s  terrible  with  rejection  due  to  her  obsession  with  how  people  view  her,  &  will  without  a  doubt  take  it  to  heart  -  so  for  the  most  part  sticks  to  flings  &  meaningless  flirtationships
has  a  pet  doberman  that  she  absolutely  adores  &  treats  as  if  its  a  little  baby  handbag  dog  <3 
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝  𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
sibling  like  friendship
ride  or  die 
childhood  friends
family  friends 
platonic  soulmates 
model  friends  /  models  recruited  for  her  brand  
unlikely  friendship
project  partners
familial  connections  ?  maybe  a  cousin  ? 
mutual  friends  
childhood  crush  ?  maybe  a  friend  of  the  family  where  their  parents  always  joked  they’d  get  together  one  day
party  friends
good  /  bad  influence 
opposites  attract
exes  to  friends
pr  stunt 
exes  (  good  terms,  bad  terms,  past  fling,  ghosted  )
fwb  /  ewb
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lunar-rose-academy · 4 years
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How 2 RP - Part 1.5 (A little extra)
Hey everyone! Masao here~ Welcome to part 1.5, a little extra for you all, where i interview a experienced RPer, who shares their story, and give their own tips for RP. I thought it would be nice to hear from someone that has more experience then i do.
Today, we talk with:
​​A very good friend of mine who was actually one of my very first RP friends back in the days of Heavensward. Kuro was one of the first groups i joined, called Goldbrand. A pirate group that mostly focused on hunting Relics and the like. I learned a lot about RP from him, and made me really enjoy writing stories. He is also a very awesome dude and very humble. I hope our little interview helps you get motivated to RP, and to set that first step into the fantastic world of FFXIV!
My first question for Kuro was:
When you started RP, how did you start? Did you have a lot of help? Kuro: I started 6 years ago in XIV RP. I've been LARPing, I've built my own scuffed tabletop game with me and a bud, I've done WoW RP (Didn't click with me due to bad introduction to it.) As an only child, I've always had nothing but the highest of imagination's and I've always been tethered to create and build.I had tons of help. I wouldn't be here in the community without one of my ex's who drove me into it. I was a cuck. They shaped me and saw that, I was passionately nerdy about this stuff and always directed me towards this but, I was a shy bean and in a cocoon thought I’d fail or be a burden. After they parted with me for being naive and needing to harden me with heartbreak, I took a gamble for myself. Leaped in after a person named Sei took me in, I created Captain off just his glamour alone and then built off the tiny sketches with what I had in solo and overtime.Started from Gilgamesh, then went to Balmung. This was the era when Quicksands a majority of the time was filled with ERP and anything on the outskirts, were the more serious players and you had to go looking. I made a character fit and based around Quicksands and centered around the atmosphere. It felt fitting. So I went brash from being the most introvert by playing the most opposite to me. To not only challenge myself, but to force me to learn more. This overall was more productive of aiding in my conquest for building my Tabletop game, at first, it was mainly for that...Then eventually as my reputation was mainly ERP but somehow my F-list had some actual character-depth, I expanded and branched off. I was told by my Kahn'a my practical Yoshi P and lore guide. Some helpful hints and after that they practically set me up for transitioning out of just being a smut writer, even though I had a story behind each thing, I wanted to transition out. Then I met Verrine, Mishi, Thorcatte, Sun’ra, These people really put the ground-works into my story alongside Kahn'a, everywhere I turned, every person I met, they were inspirations, they were aiding me in RPing and feeling like this is my home, this is the land of the nerds and I owe them everything for letting me find this haven.Eventually another friend told me basically, why not just DM(Dungeon Master). Since I had contacts, I had the RP and creativity for it. They pointed me in that direction. Wasn't until I met my longest and really huge gratitude of an RPer in Ayla, who eventually inspired and led me into not only you. But bringing in many others who I eventually found as crew.I owe a tremendous amount to Ayla... Without a shadow of a doubt. Kahn'a too, but I could say literally, I owe everyone, four-hundred people in my head right now. From I've ever contacted or came into RP or even plotted none of their experiences have ever gone to waste. They each gave me a presence of passion. I transitioned off; led a huge DM group that was mainly done because you reached back out after I hit a downward spiral. After I left everything behind and ruined nearly all of it and lost my mojo.You rose me back like the phoenix, I eventually created a plot so massive that I could DM for like thirty individual people with the right support and people, did I fail in being a community leader or dealing with drama and involving everyone with my health and limited energy? You're damn straight. -- I failed utterly horrendously!  However -- It wasn't entirety wasn't in vain, people found their little groups and pockets in that, they met their meshes. Which objectively, that's all that matters as someone who organizes those to bring people together and in.After that... I transitioned into Tumblr more after being encouraged by people like Fair-Fae from afar, to Sei. Then worked on drumming to the beats given. To every person, even the ones that are angry emoji in the background-- I love em' their passion rubs into me and it breathes of air, gives me wings better than red-bull advertises! As someone who's dealing with an inoperable and bed-ridden rare disease, I've never been or felt more alive.I owe so much to people, and it's why I've stuck around for six years now and continue to batter up against the foul. This is why, I want to raise, boost, encourage, and rally others to be shared so they find in match-making their RP partners, and despite... I know my writing style hasn't ever been everyone's flavor, I never have ever thought of ever wanting someone not to find happiness. I couldn't give up RP at this stage. My next question would be, If you could give a tip to someone who just wanted to start to get into RP, what would you say to them? Kuro:  Know this. Getting into RP is a joke. It's really easy, you possess already every tool to be a tremendous RPer! Much better than I and I ever will be.
Short version: Just communicate. RP It's merely a Dance that can be positively enchanting, magical! -- I don't care what anyone says. ~ It's a partnership, you've got to find the people who keep up with pace and momentum, or blend with your style. You won't always find that and it's not a bad thing if that can't work. Some characters don't connect, some are opposite but they can still work. That's because it requires, one additional thing that requires: a pillar of effort. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed. Looking from the outside this game I've heard and seen, It's intimidatingly daunting. It's a lot to get into. Though this game? It's unoriginal. There isn't anything you can't create in this game, you have science, you've got alchemy, you've got magic. This game is literally called Fantasy in the title, this game has yanked and pulled off all the foundations of RL concepts, other fantasy tropes, religions, and renamed them and splashes over paint. You can do the same... Anything can be explained, I don't care what it is. People are fundamentally not grown as the exact same, I'm not personally here to be a clone trooper. Now If I want to play that, I can even do that respectively.* Look around the game visually, see if you think it can be done with the setting and place, build yourself something anything, you've got a whole box of legos don’t step on them. It’s proven constantly your creativity can be endless the more you play over time, or invest, put yourself out there. Go look into some guides, pull from a book, or google anything you’re thinking about. Again: People have styles they're different. You may appeal to being an NPC, you may like to be extended into Lore, you may not like all the fantasy, that's more than reasonable, it's all valid... There are people that feel you, they're waiting for YOU. Then you'll find people who are open-minded, you'll find people like me, I was in RP's with aliens, voidsents, normal people, WoL, like I've witnessed a lot. Listen to them, let them explain, and most often they fit. If you're too close-minded to accept then you don't need to worry you’ve already decided they’re not you, or your taste, leave them to their devices let them have their happiness, and go back to the scour. Don’t try harassing or bothering something that’s not there or ever will work. Wastes time and misery and drama isn’t worth unless it’s within stories, trust me. See for me... I’ve seen it all. People saying aetherfeeders and vampires didn't exist they cried on the forums and held a tantrum you had people say for years -- then boom RDM storyline and Stormblood came out debunked. Submarines weren’t things prior to SB despite we’ve got Garlean’s over here casually making Gundam’s. Their careers are over they played themselves -- this game is still continuing and always will if you're waiting for official confirmation from a -book- then you're going to be miserable, you're living off the backbone of a book meant to 'guide' and be resourceful in extension not to weaponize it and be a prick to people who don’t follow strictly the same ethic as you’ve so randomly chosen for yourself in standards, I hate to burst bubbles, but you’re never going to be 100% accurate, never ever. You didn’t create this game -- or it, therefore you can’t be anything but a replicator you’re just stuck either limiting your pieces or taking from an entire tub of building material. You aren't playing the book, you're playing the game. That's the real cannon, you literally visually see everything that's going to happen, you can bend it with predictions and logistical math. See XIV, they bend-over concepts of the real and made them fit or pried. I don't just bend lore… I bend it over. Why would there ever be anything that cannot be created? It's just how you interpret it, there are lazy ways to explain things, then there are thorough and detailed methods to get to the same realization of what you want to create that'll work and fit like puzzles to slots this story could’ve foretold. If done correctly more often then not XIV will follow suit in the same thing an expansion later if you stick to your wings, I’ve done it numerous times it feels like XIV has followed copied my test and then tried not to make it look obvious its because stories we’ve brazenly written together in deep-thinking. When my character is tagged IC that's it. Everything he witnesses or sees, I'm not refuting it. That's my chosen though, I see Quicksands and there's no way that place on my Balmung Shard and experiences is it clean, is it lead properly, or the official’s high representatives who totally are just fine with letting a Voidsent blow up the city-state. My character witnessed that, it’s set in stone. Though that's the option and you should always find what makes you comfortable, who makes you comfortable and consider that above all else. Often or not, everyone uses RP as an escape just as they play games. Don't sacrifice, don't lose yourself or not give self-love for what makes you passionate, don’t neglect yourself in taking control of being empowered and attaining friendships, fun, or treating yourself to something new to possibly take something lovely out of finding RP can be and make it all positive for yourself. Myself? I’m inspired by every person new and old who’s been in this game. I love it, do I bleed for it as my canvas? By the Twelve you know it! I’m only ever going to write stories and continue to build and grow, to learn. To do anything to give back. When a passion gives you life, you show that thankfulness by blazing that flame. My last question would be: Is there anything else you wanted to add or say to people? Kuro:  Nope. Rest boils to the decisions you pave yourself and if you want to take the plunge. Just know you're worthy, valid, and this place isn't and never will be one batch or selective, It’s not too late ever there’s no expiration to get into RP, there’s a reason RP last longer than the lifespan of the game’s even when they’ve hit the lowest of lows in dry content, there’s always been unity. If there's one thing this community does well it’s looking after one another.And If they fail to deliver. I know there are people like me who'd rather raise up then pound down.You got this, champs. And that was my interview with Kuro. Looking at his answers, there is a lot that i can agree with. The community of FFXIV is a very great one. If one person is down or needs help, the FFXIV community is the first one to jump up and help with what they can. Hence, its why i made this! To help you, reading this. Just remember, that there are always people out there that are willing to help you. And a person such as Kuro, and of course, myself, will do whatever we can to help those in need. Thank you all so much for the support, and i hope you all have a good day. Also! If you are a RPer, and you would like to be interviewed too, let me know! Send me a message over here on Tumblr, or add me on discord: Masao#2913. And feel free to ask anything related to RP, or even FFXIV. Hope you all are looking forward to the next one~
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disasterhumans · 5 years
would be very interested in your top 5 keyleth moments
Keyleeeeeth. I love one (1) awkward druid so much. A lot of my favorite Keyleth moments are also my favorite Campaign 1 moments, so I’m gonna try to pick a couple I haven’t already mentioned
5. Her gaining Shapechange. The Kraken fight was a slog, and so much of that leg of her Aramente felt fraught. But at the end of it she gets some sense of completion. The hardest parts are behind her (or so it seems). And in reward, she learns how to change into basically any creature imaginable. Plus almost nothing can match Vax being utterly turned on by his girlfriend turning into a Brass Dragon—Vax has a power kink and is also a monsterfucker, don’t @ me. 
4. An early Keyleth moment that still sticks with me, and which I really loved, is her freezing in the middle of combat and turning to stare at Percy, utterly dumbfounded, when he declared another person’s soul “forfeit.” This also doubles as one of the moments when I realized just how much I love Marisha’s RP style and choices. I love so much that she will do things like sacrifice a round of combat because she knows her character would be Morally Shocked. That’s a brave choice to make, and I loved it. 
3. I mean, how can Keyfish not be one of them? It has everything: Cocky-self assuredness, beautiful cinematic imagery, dark humor, a last minute save of Deus Ex Machina proportions (how lucky was it that Vex was right there and had a Revivify coin?)... But, while it’s a hilarious moment, there’s also an underlying tragedy to that moment that I think goes under-discussed. Most of Vox Machina is, understandably, horrified, but are also faintly amused by the scenario. Vax, on the other hand, is freaked the fuck out. Liam, of course, found the whole thing hilarious. But Vax sees the love of his life walk up to him covered in her own blood, after watching her jump off a cliff, and is nearly unconsolable with worry. Part of it is that Vax loves Keyleth a whole lot, but I think another aspect is that Vax has canonically struggled with suicidal ideation, and even if that’s not explicitly where Keyleth was at (though she does remark on how stressed she’s been), it must have been hard for Vax not to see it in that way. So, yeah, I love Keyfish for the hilarity, but also for the underlying tragedy because tragicomedy is my jam. 
2. Keyleth screaming when she learns Vex and Percy are married. Keyleth in the last arc of the campaign is already going through so much so quickly. There’s maybe a week? Between her watching Vax disintegrate before her eyes (and knowing that he had to watch his own death because of her Foresight spell (and Keyleth has also seen her own death, so she knows exactly how painful it is.)) to being robbed of the opportunity to bring him back for good, to having no time to come to terms with his death because they have to defeat Vecna Right Now. Being left behind by the people she loves is Keyleth’s biggest fear. She has stated that it’s her biggest fear. But she ultimately let’s herself take the risk of loving someone. And she loses him, sooner than even she feared she would lose him. And in the midst of that grieving—of grieving the life they won’t get to have. She learns that her best friend, and her partner’s sister got married in secret. And it’s unfair. She not only doesn’t get a happy ending (at least, not as far as the campaign-end goes), but she has to watch it die, slowly, in front of her, as someone else gets theirs. And of course Keyleth is also happy for Vex and Percy. But the loss of Vax is still fresh and continual. It must be impossible to grieve when the person you are grieving is right in front of you. And impossible more still to have to watch someone get their happy ending on top of it.
1. Look I already said this but literally no moment will ever top “CALL ME CHILD ONE MORE GODDAMN TIME.” I’ve talked a bit about Keyleth’s anger before in reference to this moment, but let me expound upon it some more. Keyleth’s entire arc—her character’s raison d’être—is about her becoming the Voice of the Tempest. Early on in the campaign we get to see her go visit the Fire Ashari, and form bonds (if briefly), and learn, and fight with VM at her side. That’s a big moment for early-Campaign One Keyleth. That is a huge character moment. She may not be close to specific individuals amongst the Fire Ashari, but she takes her responsibility as the Voice-of-the-Tempest-to-be very seriously. She love Vox Machina, but she’s not with them on a lark. She’s with them to learn, and to grow, and to complete her Aramente. So she visits the Fire Ashari; she sees their home, and the community and culture they’ve built. She knows them, not necessarily in a personal sense, but in an intrinsic way. And then Keyleth returns to this place, that was a community’s—a people’s—home, and sees it sundered. Learns that nearly everyone who had been there before is dead, or has lost those near and dear to them. Learns that a young girl came and insinuated herself as a part of Keyleth’s people and took advantage of their hospitality, and then brought about their destruction. And then, after all of that, Vox Machina asks her to cooperate with the entity responsible for the genocide of her people. And not only that, but Raishan then taunts her. She goads, and taunts, and infantilizes Keyleth—calling her “child” over and over as she tries to explain to Keyleth The Way of the World.
And. The thing is. Yes. Keyleth is young. She is a part of a long-lived race, destined (should she complete her path) to live centuries longer than even her friends with the longest lifespan, and she’s in her 20s. She’s young by human standards, let alone elven ones. But Keyleth, at this part of the story, has seen cities decimated. Has participated in rebellions. Has fought tooth and nail to maintain some semblance of morality amongst the group of assholes she calls family. She’s been through so much, and lost so much, and knows that there is so much more to go through, and so much more to lose. Keyleth is still learning about the world, but she is still wise as hell. And then this ancient green dragon—who is responsible for genocide, and specifically the genocide of Keyleth’s people—comes in and deigns to suggest that Keyleth’s anger at her, and the world—that Keyleth’s perspective can be waved away because she’s a child.
She has seen too much to be a child. She knows too much, about what is to come, for her to be a child. She has seen her own death. She is not a child. And even if she is, that is not enough to discredit her rage at this entity who after centuries of living, is trying to foist the blame of her own actions onto another creature. Who was immature in that conversation? Because it sure as hell wasn’t Keyleth.
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🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what? 🥔 - What’s the dumbest mistake you’ve made in rp?
1. These two don’t very often. Otogi might pipe up about all the shit I put him through on occasion but Aigami’s very quiet (probably because I haven’t thought of ways to put him through as much shit yet.
2. It took me a while to answer this because I needed to be in the right headspace to type this out. I’m gonna stick it under a readmore because it’s loaded with negativity. 
I feel like this question is actually referring to something silly like “I accidentally wrote the name of my character’s ex-boyfriend when answering an ask from her current boyfriend and made a really cute love declaration make it look like she was really hung up on her ex,” but I’m gonna go a little deeper. (That did happen though. In my defense, both characters’ names started with S. PS, if your rp partner makes a mistake like that and tells you that’s not the way they meant, let them change it, or take it the way it was intended. Don’t make them rp out the scene with the mistake included. That’s just really freaking mean.)
Now for the going deeper: 
My biggest mistake in rp is actually pretty recent, and it’s the reason for my three-ish month hiatus from this blog and Tumblr in general. 
It was getting involved with the Fire Emblem: Three Houses fandom. 
Now, I love Fire Emblem. It’s been my favorite video game series since Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade came out in the US in 2003. This has nothing to do with the game itself. It’s a great game. I wish I could still enjoy it.
But there are members of that fandom who are so incredibly toxic that I can no longer play the game or even discuss the game without feeling physically ill. Sadly, this is pretty common, because a lot of my friends know I’ve been known to breathe Fire Emblem and want to talk about it with me. I don’t feel like I can tell them what happened because it’s a pretty big damn can of worms. 
I feel so stupid that I let the emotional abuse I got from certain people in that fandom go on for as long as I did. I guess I was blind because I love the series so much. Well, that, and, like all good abusers, when I would catch on and ask if they wanted me to leave them alone, they would say that any negative transgressions I was feeling were in my head. No, we don’t dislike you, we want everyone to feel welcomed and have fun.
Well, that gets harder to believe when more and more people start treating you like hot garbage because the people I managed to make enemies out of were very influential. One of their friends started rping a character I played (I’m not going to name names because that might make it easier for people reading this to find out who these people are), and despite my rules saying I don’t rp with dupes because of a bad experience, they continued to interact with me on the dupe blog, saying it was all crack and it’s just for fun.
I got numerous messages from people telling me that (x) character was a copy of my version of that character made to make me feel inferior and make me abandon the character altogether. I don’t know if that was an assumption or something this mun said aloud, though based on the number of people who told me about it, I’m assuming it was the latter. 
When that didn’t make me leave, they got ahold of another friend who I was involved in a ship with. The influential mun’s character and my ship-partner’s character cheated on my character explicitly in our verse. I think I’ve said before on this blog that cheating on a muse without discussing it with the mun first is one of the worst things you can do? Well, everyone probably already knows that, unless you’re trying to make someone feel so bad that they abandon a blog. 
Surprise, surprise, each time I tried to talk to ship-mun about it, they would ignore me. They would talk to me about other things, but any message I sent about wanting to plot out how our characters could either resolve this or if they should break up was missed. Yeah, that’ll be believable maybe two times. After that, it’s blatantly dodging and you’re being a douche. 
During this time, while I was still trying to get some closure for that muse, I was on a different 3 Houses account and sent a message to another one of the influencer’s friends. They started griping about how certain muns use their muses to start shit, like the person who writes (my cheated on muse.) I hope they felt like a real fucking idiot when I sent a message saying “Well, actually, that muse is also run by me, and nothing you’re saying ever happened.”
I realized very quickly after that this particular mun wanted to run me off the site because they wanted to ship with the muse cheated on muse was in a ship with. Because multi-verse isn’t a commonly accepted thing I guess. 
About a week ago, I logged onto that account just to prove to myself that I could without throwing up, and those two are together now. Even though I told ship-mun how horrible they were and how they were spreading false rumors to make me look like a horrid person. 
Congrats, you two deserve each other. 
I know it’s on me for letting it go on as long as it did. I know it’s on me for not realizing what was going on for months. I know it’s on me for making excuses for their behavior and continuing to go on because I wanted to stay in the fandom and have fun, because the world was pretty much shut down and there wasn’t much to do to escape the world ending besides try to lose yourself in the internet, but what they did was absolutely the scummiest stuff I’ve seen in my seventeen years of rping. 
PS, I lost 23 pounds over the last two months of being involved in that fandom because I was constantly making myself sick trying to fix whatever I had done wrong that made them treat me this way. 
When I finally gave up I completely shut down, and that’s why I wasn’t here for a few months. 
I left everything as vague as possible so that no one is called out, but if, by some miracle, the people involved see this and figure out I’m talking about them:
Fuck you. Fuck you for ruining my favorite video game series. Fuck you for hurting so many people. I know two other muns who said they can’t enjoy Fire Emblem anymore either because of the shit you pulled. Fuck you for being so entitled you think you have the right to destroy someone’s reputation and chase them away from something they love because you don’t like something about them. Fuck you for being so manipulative that you can turn friends against one another. Fuck you for manipulating people with Autism (not me, another person they were shit to.) 
Fuck you. Fuck you and the people that enable you. 
Go to hell. 
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ariesfm-blog · 5 years
            hi ! my name is link ! i go by he / they pronouns , am 21+ & live in the cst timezone ! i’m an obnoxious aries & this is my idiot , max , who also happens to be an obnoxious aries because i believe in writing what i know JHGKFDLHLF . i’m really excited to be here , because plotless slice of life rps are my thing & i’m excited to get to know all of you & write with you !!! under the cut you’ll find misc. info & some wanted connections , but here are links to his stats page & his pinterest board , which hopefully will give you some extra insight . feel free to like this if you’d like to plot .but if you wanna plot on d*scord ( which is easier for me ) you can add me @ demogorgon ramsay#0039 !
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( johnny seo, cismale, he/him ) who is that ? oh, it’s just MAXWELL “MAX” BAE the TWENTY-FOUR year old has been in beauhart for HIS WHOLE LIFE and is currently a BARTENDER. i’ve heard they can be CONFIDENT and HONEST, but also IMPATIENT and BRASH. maybe that’s why their anthem is SANCTUARY by JOJI and CAFFEINE JITTERS, DIRTY CONVERSE PAIRED WITH ALIEN SOCKS, PHONE NUMBERS WRITTEN ON NAPKINS makes me think of them.
misc. info : ( cw : mentions of death & drug use )
his mother died giving birth to him. though he doesn’t remember her ( obviously ) he still holds a bit of guilt & think it’s his fault that she died. but his dad is always quick to snuff that line of thought & holds absolutely no ill will towards max about it
all he’s ever heard is good things about her so he loves her or the idea of her really. he likes to imagine himself in the stories people tell him about her & it’s a comfort to him. it makes him feel like he kind of grew up with her even though he never got to meet her
his dad is a sweet person. full of laughs & kindness. also bad jokes ( this is where max gets his own humor from ). he’s the kind of dad that people wish for. he’s always been supportive of max no matter what & he listens to him whenever he needs it
when they were little they played catch & watched yu-gi-oh together. max still has all his yu-gi-oh cards stuffed in his closet somewhere. now they’re more likely to sit on his dad’s front porch & drink together while listening to music
his dad has never dated or remarried after his wife died because that was his soulmate & he doesn’t want to settle for anyone else & his dad has always told max to find that one person for him
max was miserable in school. he wasn’t good at it & none of it made any sense to him. so he struggled in graduating high school. & he tried college but he couldn’t stand it so he dropped out thankfully with no negative feedback from his dad
he’s kind of anxious & fidgety so it’s hard for him to pay attention ( anxiety & adhd nation make some noise !!! ) but if he gets focused on a project he’ll ignore his need to eat or anything else to work on it
he picked up making drinks from his dad at a young age ( imagine a twelve year old making cocktails that’s basically how it was ) & is really good at it so naturally he became a bartender. it’s not his dream job per se but he enjoys it a lot & makes good tips from it so he has no complaints about it
basically he’s pretty happy-go-lucky but he’s also an idiot & annoying about it. he can seem friendly enough at first but once you get close to him he’ll turn up that aries personality & get on your nerves ( but he’s also like a leech & will stick to you )
he’s really into aliens. he even has a ufo tattoo ! he will fight with anyone who doesn’t believe in them ( or cryptids or the supernatural in general ). the x-files is his favorite show & he wishes to be fox mulder every day of his life. he’s also a diehard boogara
he’s a big conspiracy theorist. he believes in lizard people, the illuminati & that queen elizabeth is a cannibal & that’s how she’s stayed alive for so long. he’s very paranoid about stuff. he’s one of those people who read the terms & conditions on everything so that he doesn’t agree to some company stealing his dna & selling it on the dark web. he also refuses to pick up the phone because he thinks the government is listening in on them ( he only makes calls when he’s high & out of it )
& he loves true crime. he’s always listening to true crime podcasts & watching true crime docs
he loves energy drinks & coffee. he drinks them so much that he’s shaking about 75% of the day but he never listens when people tell him he’s gonna get a heart attack
he’s messy. his apartment is messy. his hair is messy. his entire energy is just messy. but he thinks his personality makes up for it
he can kinda cook but honestly he’s lazy & just prefers to order in food 95% of the time. also he has a bad habit of forgetting stuff like he’ll turn the oven on then get distracted then wonder what the weird smell in his place is
for the most part he’s nice but he does participate in “friendly” dragging. if you’re friends he will clown you & sometimes he can hurt someone’s feelings even when he doesn’t mean to ( more than likely he will not apologize for it he’ll just ignore it til the other person gets over it hopefully )
always losing his headphones. he settles for those crappy $5 earbuds that you find at dollar stores so he won’t feel bad for losing them anymore. honestly he loses everything. who knows how many sets of keys he’s gone through
he’s super clumsy. always tripping, always running into stuff. he’s broken a million glasses at the bar
he’s pretty flirty, pretty charming. he uses it to his advantage at the bar, draws in customers in order to get tips & phone numbers
he’s a soft thot. he’s easy to sleep with but he’s kind & caring about all his partners
he’s a really good boyfriend & he falls in love easily,  but he’s forgetful & accidentally negligent sometimes. like he’ll go days without responding to texts or checking up on people. he doesn’t mean to he just does
he loves pins, patches & colorful socks. everything he wears is covered in them. most of the things he wears aren’t even related to his interests because people just give them random things & he wears them anyway
he can never open jars his beefy arms are useless
a fan of punny humor. he’s the king of dad jokes
he’s that person who puts his legs up on the dash of the car or hangs them out the window
wishes he knew how to skateboard but doesn’t even know how to ride a bike
takes in random cats & dogs he finds on the street. sometimes he tries to find their owners & sometimes he doesn’t but it’s fine
he’s addicted to those edited audios that are like “( song ) but you’re listening to it in the bathroom at a party & you’re crying because you’re alone” & he’s obsessed with joji so of course those are his favorite 
he’s one of those pansexuals who call themselves gay constantly 
uses uwu in texts to be ironic & annoying. most of his words have w replacing certain letters to sound like a smol
he gets stoned at like three am & tries to call people & ask them stupid high people questions like “if two vegans fight is it still called beef”
he’s also never left beauheart or gone too far away. just a few cities at most. he has a bit of a stoner paranoia about it. like if he leaves the state something bad will happen to him or his dad or loved ones
he’s terrified of horror movies. especially ones with clowns. he refuses to watch them because he’s convinced that he’ll accidentally summon a demon or a ghost through osmosis or something JHGDLFKGHD
wanted connections :
rooommates ( one or two )
exes ( any gender. it can be messy or friendly. i’m willing to have max be the issue though with him it’ll always be baby issues since he’s nice & a tryhard JGHKFDHFKGFD )
hookups / fwbs ( any gender. singular experiences or regular type things )
childhood plots for those who’ve lived in beauheart ( childhood friends, first kisses / crushes, all that good stuff )
high school sweethearts
flirtationships that don’t go anywhere
one-sided crushes ( don’t mind who has the feelings ! )
mutual pining but they’re both idiots & have no idea
party buddies. conspiracy theory buddies. true crime buddies. any of these can be combined
tinder date ( it can go well or not )
frequent customers ( better yet, frequent customers that he flirts with. give me the cliche phone number on napkins plot)
maybe you don’t tip him for whatever reason & he’s had a bad day & he’s like “bro wtf”
teach him how to ride a bike KJFDHSLGJF
maybe you try to get him to leave beauheart & you have to deal with his crybaby ramblings about how something bad will happen
beef with him over the existence of supernatural things
be the person he calls at three am after eating too many edibles & deal with his stoned questions
try to make him watch a horror movie
for someone newer to town: be that person who makes a “your mom” joke & have to deal with that awkward “my mom’s dead” conversation
maybe he “accidentally” stole your cat or dog & you try to get it back but he doesn’t believe that it’s yours even though you clearly have proof
maybe you’re the person who always ends up finding the stuff he loses & you’re stuck in this constant act of returning & you’re tired of it
literally anything you can think of i’m probably down for it
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Survey #192
“i’d love to give you wings, but babe, you’ve got to grow them.”
Where have you lived throughout your life? The same general area in North Carolina. Do you find your job rewarding? N/A What kind of cake did you have for your last birthday? I'm sure it was red velvet. To you, which is better: English muffins or bagels? I enjoy both, but bagels. Do you paint your nails? No. What’s the last website you signed up for? Good question... maybe a feral dog RP forum I was considering making a character on? Do you check your email everyday? I'm getting into the habit. Have you created any pages on Facebook? Yeah. Is there a subject that you absolutely suck at? Social studies/history, math. What’s your favorite song by Dave Matthews Band? I have no idea who that is. Are there people you have absolutely nothing in common with, but still enjoy talking to? Maybe? Have you ever wandered around drunk with your friend? No. Are you good at holding back your laughter if needed? Nooo, not at all. Have you ever been so unfortunate to suffer from a hangover? No. Have you ever had a panic attack? Plenty. Are you deathly allergic to anything? No. Have you ever had a mouse in your house? Yeah. In our old one, anyway. Do you know anyone who DOESN’T have an ex? Not personally, I think. Is anyone you know really religious? Welcome to the South. Yes. Are your eyebrows naturally thick? I'd say they're average. Has speaking in front of people ever made you sick? No. I haven't spoken in front of an actual audience since my senior project, though. It was hard, but I think I did well. What was the last movie that made you teary-eyed? I'm not sure. Moana may have gotten me a bit teary? But if no, Coco absolutely did. Have you had two friends that absolutely hated each other? I think "hate" is a strong word for it. Has a laptop ever burned your legs? Yes. I legitimately had dark spots on my right leg for a long while. Do you know anyone who has a scar through their eyebrow? Juan. Who was the last person to flip you off? Idk, but I'm sure it was playfully. Anyone’s birthday coming up soon? Miiiine! And my friend Alyssa's. Would you ever wear fake eyelashes? Sure, in rare circumstances. Are you good at following directions? No. I have zer-O sense of direction. Do you have someone that you can just act a fool with and not care? Sara. From where you’re sitting, can you touch a wall? Yeah, behind me. When at a restaurant, do you put your napkin on your lap? Not unless I'm with my grandmother. She's extremely "proper" about things. Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners? Electric. Are your biceps at all noticeable? No. Have you ever seen a walrus? Are there any at SeaWorld? Otherwise, no. When it comes to dropping food, do you believe in the 10 second rule? HELL NO. I'm a germaphobe with that stuff. If given the opportunity, would you ride on a camel? Sure? Do you believe that cellphones actually do cause cancer? I don't recall the science behind this theory, so idk. When people you know cry, does it make you feel like crying too? Oh yes, especially if it's someone I'm very close to. Particularly, I can't handle Mom, my sisters, or Sara crying. I've never seen Dad cry, but if he ever did, I know I would bawl. Do you tend to jump to conclusions? Was this written as a direct @me??????? Are you good at remembering your friends’ birthdays? NOPE. I only remember... Sara's, Connie's, Caleb's (just because it's on Halloween), Shaylee's, and that's literally it out of friends/acquaintances. Is there something you need to do, that you’re trying to avoid doing? Actually use WiiFit. I'm doing periodic exercises throughout the day, but I need to dedicate more and be able to see my center of balance. Ever pop someone else’s pimple? NONONONONO IT'S SO GROSS TO ME How long does it take you to fall asleep? No less than 15 minutes, I think usually more. Do you crack your neck often? I can't. Did you have a weird dream last night? OH MY GOD YES. I was awkwardly with one of my acquaintances at his house somehow????? and we both seemed very uncomfortable??????? and I think I was high or some shit???????????????? I don't even know this person well enough to like-like him?????????????? Who do you sometimes compare yourself to? My sisters and successful friends. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? Doing the right things. But I aim for both. In what way are you your own worst enemy? I criticize. The. Hell out of everything I do. What activities make you lose track of time? Video games. When you help someone do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?” Full offense, you're an absolute dick if you do that. Who do you tell your secrets to? Nobody really unless there's reason to, and only ever Sara, Mom, or my therapist. Who do you live with? Mom and the pets. When did/will you graduate? '14 for high school. Idk when I will for college, gotta get there first... When are you moving next? Probably when Sara and I are ready for our own place. When is the last time you took a vitamin? I have to twice a week now, so Thursday, because I have an incredible vitamin D deficiency, and that's probably what's causing my knee problems. Why are you stressed? The everlasting weight loss struggle. Do you need to return anyone’s phone call? No. Where do you keep your birth certificate? It's in a safe. How many books are in your room? Uhhh like three? Then one coloring book. Have you ever been IN a wedding? I was the immensely triggered and ugly bridesmaid at my older sister's. Weddings were a very sensitive thing to me at the time, so while I was so happy for Ashley, I had a very difficult time and cried numerous times. What was the last thing you laughed out loud at? I think during a Mark video? Do you have a nickname? Why? "Britt" for obvious reasons, and Mom's called me "Twinkie" since I was a baby. She gave all her children sweets-based nicknames. Fuck out my face if you think that ain't the cutest damn thing. Have you ever had a bad concert experience? No. When was the last time someone told you that you were beautiful/good-looking? Do people often tell you this? I think the last time was when Sara said I looked really pretty with eyeliner on and I just eeeeeeeeeek. I'm not often told it. Are you missing someone of the opposite sex atm? Not romantically. I'd like to see Girt as a bud; I'm gonna invite him to my birthday dinner to hang out. Hopefully he doesn't have work. Want someone back in your life? Yes. Are you currently sad about anything? Weight. Unbelievable difficulty getting my fucking transcript and inability to find my ACT score so I can go back to school. Are you wearing anything shiny? My lip ring has gems on it, and they shine a bit in the right light. How important is a sense of humor in a significant other? I need it. I don't think I could really enjoy a constantly serious person as a partner. How many followers do you have on Twitter? Idk, don't care to check. I only ever use it to be able to like Mark's shit lmao. Do you sleep with the door open or closed? Open so Roman can go in and out. Have you ever been to the beach? Multiple times. Can you handle blood? Doesn't bother me a bit. Do you pay your bills or do your parents? My parents. I have no source of income to. What’s your best friend’s middle name? Jane. Has any place hired you underage for a job? No. Have you ever barely passed a grade/year in school? In college courses when my mental state was at its worst. Have you ever carried a concealed weapon? No. Have you ever tried to sell something overpriced to someone? No, I don't think so. Do you plan to become very wealthy some day? "Very" is unlikely, but I am dead serious about being at least perfectly financially stable one day. I refuse to live how I have my whole life so far, wondering if rent will be paid each month 'n things like that. Do you remember your first time going to the movies? No. Does eating breakfast make you sick? No. Are you dying to say something to someone right this minute? No. Well, not dying to, but after this whole revelation I had, I really want to apologize to Jason. I wasn't without evil in how I responded to and treated him after the breakup. Book series you enjoyed reading recently? I haven't read a series in years. Do you enjoy lying in the grass during the summer, and just existing? Nooo. Summer sucks and lying in grass is super uncomfortable. Do you have a passport? If so, how many stamps do you have in it? No. Are there any keys on your keyboard that have letters fading away? Not fading, but literally gone from the keyboard because this one is horrible, even after being "fixed" or replaced (idr). No joke, 21 are gone. Sooo I have to smash those buttons for the sensor or whatever to understand I'm pressing them, to the point my fingers, especially right pointer, are mildly callused. Do any of your close friends have children? No close ones, but one I'm hoping to reconnect more with it expecting. What do you plan on having for dinner? Probably a sandwich and nutrition shake to get enough calories to take my medicine and get the intended effect. Do you like Chinese food, or do you find it disgusting? The only things I enjoy now are fried rice and eggrolls, but I used to like sweet and sour chicken and bird on a stick or whatever its proper name is. Have the police ever come knocking on your door looking for someone? Once. Know anybody who works in a tattoo parlor? We're not like, "real" friends, but I know a good number of and get along great with the employees at the parlor I'm a regular customer at. I want to work there so badly. Small, environment I feel at home at, great people. Have you ever played flashlight tag? Don't even know what that is. Could you call yourself a movie buff? Not at all. Have you ever had a piercing get infected? A second hole in one of my earlobes, and the first time I got my tongue done, there was an abscess inside that indicated one was likely to form. Thank God that the rollercoaster of The Tongue Piercing Woes has ended. Do you check your fire alarms when you’re supposed to? Mom does occasionally. Are you a shorts wearing kind of person? NOOOOO MY LEGS ARE NOT OKAY. Plus I chafe. Is your grandparents’ house obsessively tidy? Ohhhh I'm sure. I haven't been to her house since I was a kid, but I remember it being like, pristine. Her rooms at her son's is neat as hell too. About how much can you bench press? I have no clue. Have you ever had your phone die on you in the middle of a conversation? Yeah. Is anybody in your family a carpenter? Not to my knowledge. Are you avoiding someone? No. Do you call your boyfriend “Monkey”? I have a gf, and I have never in the least understood how that's a term of endearment. What’s your favorite primary color? Red. What were you for Halloween? Nothing, ugh. I haaave to dress up this year. Do you have any clothes from Walmart? Yeah. When did you get a Facebook? I have no clue. What color are your eyes? Grayish-greenish blue. What motivates you? How far I've already come, wanting a better future than I have now, encouragement from friends, family, my therapist, and psychiatrist, the drive to thoroughly enjoy my one mortal existence. Can you walk in heels? Not well. When was the last time someone asked you your age? Ummm, last time I got something done at the parlor, I think? Do you keep a journal? No. Have you ever tried a weird flavor of vodka? No. Do you wear a ring on your finger? One, my friendship ring with Sara. What are you doing? This, listening to Asking Alexandria's "Closer" NIN cover (no shame), and waiting for Girt to reply on Facebook. What’s the last kind of soup you ate? A bit of vegetable. Do you currently have a sunburn? No. Who did you last text? Mom. Who’d you last call? About what? My old college to find out why I couldn't get my fucking transcript after weeks upon weeks of being directed to different people about it. I regret going there immensely. Complete waste of time and money. Are you currently frustrated with someone? I'm really frustrated at myself. Do you drink water or soda more often? I'm actually not sure... Do you straighten your hair? No. When did you last talk to your brother or sister? One, not since Christmas, and the younger, a few days ago. All my half-siblings have been forever, and one I've never spoken to. What is your least favorite vegetable? Probably asparagus. Or beans. Outside of family, name 3 people that make you smile/laugh often. Sara, Mark, Shane Dawson. In school, what subjects did you achieve your highest grades in? English or art, idr. Was there a subject that you enjoyed, but weren’t too good at? No. When was the last time something didn’t go to plan? What happened? Being into what's called "vulture culture" now (at least to a certain degree), I searched for quite a while for the bones of the very first opossum I photographed (I have a photography "series" focused on exposing the horror of roadkill to hopefully influence people to be more careful and vigilant), but despite thorough searching, I couldn't find it. Gruesome, but Mom speculated the remains were destroyed by whoever mows the grass there. Do you have any children? If not, at what age do you think you’ll feel ready to be a parent? No, and never. When was the last time you bought a new item of clothing? Describe it. Uhhh. I seriously have no clue. Maybe some underwear months ago. Was your last Facebook friend request from a male or female? Idk who the last person was. Do you have an item of clothing that makes you feel especially beautiful? Describe it. No. Think of the last person that betrayed you. If they said they were sorry, would you forgive them? I can literally almost guarantee Colleen shared our whole goddamn conversation and shit on Facebook after our last talk, as she did the first time too. Too many times our business became everyone's. I'd forgive her, but I refuse to ever be friends again. Nastiest thing you've ever done? I hate talking about this, but okay. When I was deep into my suicidal depression phase, I had a hard time brushing my teeth as needed. Like... I wouldn't for days. I avoided brushing my hair as long as I could too. Anyone who doesn't believe in how deeply depression is capable of chaining you down and making vital things almost impossible, go get fucking educated. Have you ever been in a lighthouse? No. What color is your shower? White. Where do you order your pizza from? Ideally Domino's, but sometimes Little Caesar's. When is the last time you had a serious talk with someone? Yesterday. Do you find that you have a certain meal you eat every time you go to certain restaurants? Oh yes. I rarely try something new. What color is your bike? N/A What word can you not stand to hear people say? The “n” word. What room of your house are you in? My bedroom. What is the temperature in your city right now? Apparently 38 F. When did you last use a post-it-note? No idea. Would you ever want to own your own restaurant? No. Do you have a fan in your bedroom? I have three lmao. My room is unbearable in the summer. Who is the last person that you took a picture with? Sara. When is the last time you were stuck in a fairly long traffic jam? A couple months or so back when there was an accident. Do you have certain friends that you hug every time you see them? All my friends. When was your most recent trip to an aquarium? 2016 visit to the beach. We went to the aquarium there and it absolutely sucked. What do you like in your salads and what dressing do you prefer? Just lettuce (but I can also handle cucumbers) and the Olive Garden dressing. If it has one, do you ever use the notepad function in your phone? Occasionally. Rn I have tattoo ideas written in it. Surprised? How good would you say your memory is? Absolutely horrible, lately worse than ever. I worry about it quite a bit. About how many times during the night do you wake up from your sleep? Once or twice. Are there any air fresheners in your house? What kinds? Not currently on or anything. What’s one thing you’re glad you’ve done recently? Improved on picking up the phone when I don't know the number. Have you ever done something sexual that you regret? Well, I've talked about flirting with my friend's bf as a pre-teen, and it wasn't always innocent, if you count that as "sexual." I regret the hell out of it. Do you like to sit in the sun and tan when it’s hot out? NO. Ever had a person who was obsessed with you so much that it scared you? Yes, Tyler. I wasn't like, terrified, but preeeetty uncomfortable. Can you drive, and if you can, do you like it? I can, but I'm not that great, and I absolutely hate it. Have you ever said anything to the last person you kissed that you regret? Yes. Do you like french fries? Hell yeah. Have you ever eaten so much you puked? No. Do you care about what others think of your physical appearance? People whose opinions I care about. Would you rather go to Greece or France? Probably Greece.
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moonlit-nightingale · 6 years
.:RP:. Bumbling Budding
Characters: Saranqerel Qalli (male Xaela), Khabataaq Buduga (male Xaela)
Rating: General.
Origin Date: 12 Jan 2019
Khabi arrives at Sari’s home to pick up him for their date at a customer’s Bonding ceremony. But...is something wrong? Khabi to the rescue!
(Sari in plain text, Khabi in italics!)
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A bonding tonight. This would be the first time Sari ever saw an Eorzean one. Even now with the Clan, most things were still in the Eastern sense. Not that there'd been any marriages he could think of lately... Dain and Kotori's was so quiet, he didn't even remember it.  Maybe he and Khabi would be the first.
Instant blush. NO SARI! You're thinking too far ahead! For now, immediate problems.
Like trying to figure out why nice light silvery colored hair /refused/ to dye! This should have been easier than when he'd last dyed his hair, back when it was still black. The color simply wouldn't stick! He'd gone through an entire bottle of the dark black dye already, the poor wash basin looking like someone spilt an inkwell down it. But all it had succeeded in doing was making the silver turn into a darker smoky grey!  Was this part of the curse? The fox wanted him to wear permanent reminders? It's why these red marks about his face still lingered, even after an embarrassing attempt to wear makeup over them once. It was the same thing. His curse would always be visible for others to see.
A sigh as the Qalli opened up another bottle. He wore lounge pants, towel about his shoulders, shirt hung up after his shower, door closed. Consideration for his guests.
It was a waiting that normally wouldn't have bothered Khabataaq, at least not as much as it was today. Sari had left the Carbuncle's Cup to take care of something, he'd said.
Just around the time that Khabataaq had finally begun to muster the courage to talk to the Qalli about Batuqai. Khabataaq hadn't argued then, relieved to have an excuse to stall, to avoid this conversation that was making him feel sick to his stomach just thinking about, even if it was just for an hour or two. But the waiting turned out to be so much worse. And... a much longer wait than he'd been expecting.
He found himself at Sari's door, torn between leaving and stepping inside. Sari had needed to take care of something. Khabataaq should leave him be. He shouldn't be pushy. But if he had to run through this conversation one more time in his head, if he had to play out his words and try to guess what Sari's responses would be, if he had to stand that for one more minute he was worried he might break.
So he opened the door before he could stop himself, stepping lightly into the Qalli's entryway. It was empty and quiet. Maybe Khal and Yesu were gone? Oh... maybe Sari wasn't here after all, but somewhere else? He tapped cautiously down the staircase, knocking on the wall as he neared the bottom floor. "...Sari?"
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Downstairs, the small male raised his head, hair all over his face and in the basin as he was in the middle of attempt two. Now he knew why this wasn't so hard last time. He didn't have this much hair! The wavy mess fell almost to his hips nowadays if left loose and brushed. Had he taken that long that Khabi had come over? Oh what a mess.
"I'm down here!" he called. Oh yeah, Khaljar and Yesui had taken lil Tuya out for a walk. The family wasn't one to stay quiet and boarded up in a room. "Sorry, I'm having some...issues. But I'm alright!" Oh his hands, well, hand was likely to be stained after this as he combed the black dye in again. "Sorry to make you wait!" His dress clothes were still hanging off the back of the door.
...Issues? Scenarios ran through Khabataaq's mind as he tried to comprehend what that could possibly mean, some more terrifying than others. Sari was just getting ready, wasn't he? It hadn't taken Khabataaq long to get ready, dressed in his nice slacks, boots, and jacket. Maybe Sari was having issues with a tie, as well? Admittedly, Khabataaq had asked Michiko to tie it for him the day before, and he'd just slipped it on and tightened it up to fit this afternoon. Cheating, maybe, but Khabataaq needed all the help he could get.
What if the issues were something more severe? Some pain or struggle with his arm? Pain with his burns or eye? He crossed from the staircase to stand a few fulms from the bathroom door, but didn't stray further. "It's no trouble, we still have time." He thought. He was never good at judging time, to be honest. "Is everything alright?"
"Everything is fine! Shoo!"
A black covered hand stuck out from the door which was cracked open.
"Nothing to worry about, promise! Play with Creamsicle for a bit. He's been in a mood today. I think it's because of all the people around!"
The hand retreated as Sari went to turn the water on and leaned over to try and wash the dye out for attempt number two. He wasn't a vain man by any means but he wasn't fond of the idea of going to such an important event with hilarity for hair! Maybe he had a hat somewhere.
The mechanical hand stuck out from the doorway to shoo him away, and Khabataaq relaxed a touch. Well, clearly the gesture was a sign that Sari was fine, right? Maybe Creamsicle would let him play with a toy this time, rather than just jump for his ankles.
...Wait. It was the other hand that was magitek, wasn't it?
"Sari?! Your hand...?!" Memories of waking up to find the other with white hair and marked eyes spurred him forward. More damage from the curse? Khabataaq's hand shot between the door and the frame to keep from being closed out, and before he could consider the consequences he threw the bathroom door open.
The outburst had Sari jumping into the air, water and dye going simply everywhere. Fortunately none on the well-dressed Khabataaq!
Hair was all in the Qalli's face, shoulders, and back as he'd jumped in surprise. That one eye wide. Fortunately the dye that HAD washed out so far was staying...kinda. Sorta. Into a dark blue.
"K-KHABI! What are you doing?!"
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Khabataaq reeled in the doorway, thoughts flying back and forth between the instincts of 'retreat' and 'protect' so feverishly he almost made himself light headed.
"Y-your... hand?! Your skin is... and your... hair...." ...Hair? His hair was dark? An easy conclusion to come to, if the poor Xaela's mind wasn't thoroughly scrambled by this moment of confusion and panic. In fact, he wasn't quite sure what he was supposed to be panicking over anymore.
"Th-that... curse, with the fox, and... white hair, and...." That look of horror in the other's blue eye was undeniable, wasn't it? Khabataaq slapped his free hand across his face to cover his eyes, but he refused to move, not until he knew something bad hadn't happened. "What's happening? Are you okay?!"
"I'm fine!" he repeated loudly again. The mess of hair was swept into one bundle over his shoulder, water and dye still dripping and it was an effort to keep the mess over the basin. "I...was trying to make my hair darker. And it's not going well." A sulk. "It was supposed to be a surprise." The sulking glare to his partner was a mix between puppy eyes and fatherly disappointment. "And you ruined it."
A surprise? That hand covering his eyes strayed down in confusion, but just a glimpse of the damp, shirtless Qalli snaps it back up to cover his vision with embarrassment.
Unfortunately, he didn't hide quick enough to be spared from those puppy dog eyes.
"I'm... I'm sorry, I just saw... the dye, and... suddenly worried it was maybe something to do with...." As the fear for Sari's safety settled the panic shifted into a different sort; horror, mostly, towards the scene he'd just caused, from his misunderstanding, from the embarrassment he'd just caused Sari. "I'm sorry!"
Khabataaq slammed the door shut, hiding his face against the hallway wall, arms wrapped around his head, already well along into a furious blush. But he hesitated for a moment, standing there with his face pressed against the wall, and when he spoke again his voice was small.
"...Do you need help?"
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The sulking shifted more to amusement at the continued overreaction of the other ex-Buduga. He leaned down to continue washing the rest of the excess out since the poor water had been running all this time. A smile pulled at his lips as things calmed and he was able to look back at the very..confusing and quick series of events!
"Thank you for worry, Khabi. Really. But when I say things are alright, they are. I'm almost done anyway. " Most times. Fingers combed through the hair. Silver remained at the tips, stubborn, but the majority had at least accepted some of the darkening. He had a feeling not for long. It would be quite a bit of maintenance. Damn curse, making even simple aesthetic things like this difficult. The mess was washed down the sink and he grabbed an older towel to dry everything out. The door was opened as he ran the towel through his hair, peeking around for the other man.
Oh, what an amusing sight that was. But...that lil cruel streak that was in Sari was squirming. "You do know...that you can be in the washroom with me, aye? We are courting." Though it took effort not to turn red at that.
But Khabataaq was not going to emerge from his hiding place, nope. Not yet. He was far too mortified.
"N-n-not like that, though, not when I burst in without permission." The last few ilms of his tail flicked from side to side with distress. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just... I should have believed you. I shouldn't have panicked."
Always worrying about things not said, lies to keep him in the dark or to hold him at arms length. He needed to stop thinking that way. He knew he did. But it was so difficult.
That long tail flicked. His tease hadn't worked at all, had it? It was the only way he could think to lessen the anxiety and tension in moments like this. The dye-stained towel was rested back around his shoulders and he reached to gently touch Khabi's shoulder. "It's alright for you to worry and...to want to come and make sure I was alright. Thank you for that. And you know..."
Goodness, this could make it worse. "...some couples enjoy being burst in on like that."
Those words put Khabataaq at ease. He hadn't offended Sari, then. He hadn't annoyed him. Hesitantly, knowing full well that flush hadn't fully faded from his features, Khabataaq peeked out from behind his arm with one pale eye, reassured by that hand on his shoulder.
But it was a short lived calm.
"Wh...wuh-wait, is that what you... thought I was...?" Is that why he'd looked so startled?! Khabataaq whirled to face Sari, his voice coming out higher than he probably intended. "I-Is that why you were so surprised?! It was nothing like that, I pr-"
Sari certainly knew him well enough by know to know better, didn't he?
Khabataaq's lips pursed in what he meant to look like a stern expression, but comes across instead as a pout. "You're teasing me."
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A grin was quick to spread across his face at that and Sari laughed, too late to cover his mouth and stifle it. "How could I help it? You looked mortified. I vanquished the evil hair dye on my own but I thank you for you assistance in the matter, Khabi."
Back and forth that serpentine tail went in his ever-amusement!
The blush returned but this time it wasn't crippling, accompanied this time with a reluctant laugh that ruined the illusion of his pout. Oh well. That was always a hard expression to hold, anyways.
Khabataaq's posture straightened a bit as his embarrassment faded, and he looked pointedly down at Sari's dyed hand. "I don't think you made it through the battle unscathed, though," he said, some shy, playful grin playing at his lips. "Or is that part of the look?"
A blink and he looked down. Sari sighed. "It took two bottles...of course there were losses in the battle. It matches my other one though, almost." He held up both hands, the black metal of the magitek and his black smeared flesh one and wiggled his fingers.
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Khabataaq giggled at the gesture, the flustered flicking of his tail finally calming to a contented sway. "That's what I thought, at first! It had me fooled!" Another chuckle, then a bit of shyness leaked back into his smile. "Your hair, it looks... I like it." The tail picked up speed, bashful. "What made you decide to change it?" He remembered Sari considering the idea before, but it hadn't been brought up since.
Finally a deep blush at those words. "It'll look better when it dries...but um, you said you liked it darker so..."
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A blink at that, and his eyebrows arch. "Because of something I said?" That had clearly not been the answer Khabataaq had been expecting, and it visibly caught him off guard. "You... you dyed it because I liked it?"
A shy nod and he looked up, tail curling a bit in anxiety. Not a bad kind, not at all. In fact, it was one he wasn't used to feeling. "L-like I said, it'll look better when it dries. And I couldn't get it black like you said you liked. The curse won't let me. This is as close as I could get it." He was rambling, wasn't he? "Two bottles of the darkest that I could find in the market stalls. And you're only supposed to use half normally so technically I did four treatments and it's still like this."
Another blink. That much thought, that much planning and work, just for something he'd mentioned liking in passing?
He wasn't sure if anyone had ever done anything like that for him before.
Khabataaq's face broke out into a smile, confusion lightening from his features. "That's alright...! I love it!" The smile turns into a beam. "I liked your hair no matter the color, it's just when it's darker... it reminds me of when I met you." A slight blush dusted his cheeks. "I'm sorry it turned out to be so much trouble."
Hearing the praise on something that was so superficial was something he wasn't used to. It was silly. But this was sincere praise on his appearance. Not taunting, not empty flirts to win him over, it felt different and it warmed him. Sari didn't spend a terrible amount of time on appearances and looks. And perhaps some of that was due to his past. He'd wanted not to be noticed, to fade into the masses and not be seen or be targeted.
Now...he kind of wanted to.
The praise made his tail uncurl and swish back and forth a bit. "...no sorry. I'm just happy that you like it." Sari went to his tiptoes and stole a quick smooch on the lips.
Something that was so simple and mundane to most, maybe, but made Khabataaq almost giddy, tail sweeping behind him. "I do, very much." For multiple reasons; he liked the look, he liked what the gesture meant. But there was hesitance to voice them, as if speaking would lessen their importance.
He arched a brow in a  playful, questioning scowl, but the effect was ruined by that permanent smile. "But... if you still need to get dressed, and dry your hair... are you sure you'll be ready in time?"
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A look to the chronometer on the wall. "Oh, I'll have time! Have a snack or drink, I need to finish up!" And skitter Sari did back into the washroom. He had a few tricks to dry his hair quick but he still wanted to pay attention to detail for the respect of the couple being bonded!
Khabataaq copied the glance towards the chronometer, but it was mostly just for show. He still hadn't quite figured out how to read those things, not without a shameful amount of effort. He turned back just in time to see Sari whirl to dart back into the washroom, that now-dark hair sweeping behind him, and an impulse found him. An impulse he decided to let run wild without second guessing, this time.
His hand lurched out again to catch the door. But this time, he would quickly return Sari's earlier kiss should the Qalli turn to look at him, a kiss that came across far bolder than he intended, thanks to his haste. An embarrassed grin then, before stammering through the words, "A snack, and play with Creamsicle, right? I can do that." Then he would sweep the door partially closed again for Sari's privacy before hurrying upstairs.
Indeed the motion had Sari look back in confusion only to be met with the kiss that nearly bowled the smaller man over! Oh my. Before he could really register what happened, Khabi was gone. ...oh, sneaky man! He'd get him back. Bright red, he went to continue getting ready.
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hereliesbitches--me · 6 years
God, do you know what the best feeling in the world is?
When your rp partners create big worlds and story lines and don't forget you..
When they mention your muse and make an effort to involve you within a thread and you're just..
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Gosh, I'm just experiencing this fluctuation if emotions and I dunno whether it's because I'm sad or happy, but to counteract that, I wanna spread positivity to those people that make this rp place feel okay for me. And I'll tag it by verse with the people involved. Sorry for any of ya’ll who were repeated but yall just so important.
■ Skellig Family ■
•@ex-mercenary @bladeofthehawk @burmecias-protector @fcllenstcr @white-hawk @celestialspitfire
So, Berserk was my very first Fandom when I got here. I was like..16 years old and just discovered Tumblr, and here the little person I was went looking for friends and tried to impress just to belong. And you all let me in. Its been almost 4 years and we’ve stuck it through hell together, even when it had its ups and downs. People like you guys made it feel homely, and we created one hell of a story with all sorts of dynamics, even if Miurah is falling behind.
It feels good belonging somewhere, and I have all you guys to thank for my growth as both a writer and a person. Rosie has come a long way thanks to many of you, and ya’ll saw her in her ugly duckling stage as a character too. Thanks for not throwing me to the wolves <3
■ Modern Verse Family ■
• @draconicmatriarch @earthlyspirxts
April, you were my first friend here on Tumblr. We started in Berserk, but man have we gone a long way. Kia and Rosie have gone a long way.. and you have so much life and potential in Kia, im grateful to even be a part of it and bask in her glory as a character and a world.  And Zed, while we have only just met, you’re a damn cool person. 
This verse has been an emotional roller coaster and fucking murders me but still, even as a new verse, Its coming along so damn well. And I wanna thank you both for letting me join the nightmare story of a ship between Kia and Souther so I can fucking die by the end.
■ Rosieverse ■
▪@faircstcfall @mordorslord
Mits, my boy, the real mvp that always makes the effort to bring me in no matter the muse. You’re the real mvp, and Honestly I appreciate that so much. You put such a bug effort to involve and write with me, even if im slow as fuck, and just..I said it before, but thank you. It means the goddamn world to me and you have no idea. You even coined the name of this verse after Rosie and used concepts of mine to write Sauron, and that felt so damn good.
Ophelia, my angel, we’ve only just met through this verse and its gonna be one hell of a ride, but you’re such a sweet and talented writer. Breathing a breath of life I didn’t give a second glance to up until you came along. This is gonna be so fun, and thank you for taking interest in Rosie.
■ Pokeverse ■
▪@skulldxddy @maxskulline
To Tris and Mary, never in my life did I ever actually think my ass would get into pokemon until you shmucks came along. From Guts and Casca, to Guzma and Max. Im so damn grateful for the two of you willing to take me along for a fresh new adventure in a world I never even knew past Diamond and Pearl gen. You two are two people i’ve always loved and admired, and helped support me in hard times. 
Damn do I look forward to our future endeavors in a new fandom.  Thanks for taking me with you 
■ Original Verse ■
This motherfucker and your bigass cuban nose, what can I even say about you? Been friends for too damn, you steal my fuckin birthday and we share a world and shit.  Biggest pain in the ass in the world, but it don’t change that you’re one of my good friends 
and We’ve created a whole world together that everyone is gonna know one day. Thank you, bitch, for putting up with my ice queen ass and sticking it through to make something iconic. Your royal pains are an extension of the world and this too is gonna be a journey.
Thank you very much, Monkey face.
- @doctor-2-insane-andfriends
Lucas, I could never forget you. Its thanks to you that I could even evolve the Moon concept and put it to use.  You’re a gifted writer with incredible concepts for eldritch horrors that needs to be appreciated more. Those sick fucks called deacons are now Rosie’s monster children and you can’t tell mem otherwise.
You’re incredible, and I hope you never let anyone, or life, let you think otherwise. Keep up all the great work, man, you’ll go far.
  Most importantly of all, in the list of all these people, is
My best of Friends, my ray of sunshine , my other half, just what would I do without you? Avert thine eyes if you’re not prepared for some sappy love shit cuz im about to go to town.
You and I have been friends for almost going on 2 years now.. You were my Guts, my Ruvik, and now you’re my Eddie. You and I have had a real rough patch lately but im glad where we are. Came back stronger, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.  It’s thanks to you that I've really expanded with Rosie and an assortment of verses.. We’ve made a lot of stories no one knows about, and we don’t do much writing here, but I got you on other places and it still means the world to me <3
I hate being without you, man. I can’t do that anymore at this point, so this is my public appreciation of the best boy in the world whom I love so very much.
Thanks for staying with me and not getting bored or thinking im bland. Thanks for giving a shit about Rosie and her world.. It means more than you can imagine. Eddie and all your muses mean so much to Rosie, and I still hope they can be as iconic together as Guts and Rosie were <3
As for everyone else.. 
         Thank you 
Thank you for reading my shit, Thanks for showing any interest in me at all, and I hope to have the chance to write with as many people as possible. Thank you all for making me feel worth while!!
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equikin · 6 years
Talk about your boyfriend! Also: sending much good vibes your way. I hope everything goes well.💕💖💖💕💖
My boyfriend (@gamkin / @mcistwave ) is legitimately the most wonderful person in the world, I love him so so SO much and have done ever since I met him. I met him over five years ago on tumblr when we were both blogging about Flight Rising (I was a fairly popular FR blog back then??) and I was stuck in a really horribly abusive relationship, I kinda had a semi public breakdown, basically a huge anxiety attack because of a big old sense of impending doom (which turned out to be well placed because some really awful stuff happened the next day). We had been mutuals for a while and would talk in reblogs and tag each other in stuff, but he reached out to me while I was having a really, really bad time- sent me an ask with his skype/reblogged my post with his skype on it? I can’t remember, but I added him and ended up staying up all night just talking to him.
He calmed me down a tonne? Idk I think I pretty much developed a crush on him from that first encounter, I mean, I didn’t think much of it then because I had a tendency to develop crushes on anyone who was nice to me, but I knew straight away he was important and would be important to me? I don’t know how I knew he would be but I had this overwhelming feeling of “they’re important, don’t let them go, keep them close” from the very start. I spoke to him for a little after, the next day I got a bunch more bullshit from my then abusive partner and they broke up with me and I somewhat disappeared from stuff for about a month? Ended up evacuating most of my social media accounts and leaving lots of communities I was part of because of it. 
I had got into SNK (Attack on Titan) that year, and he had changed his name to Levi Heichou, and noticed it one day after it popped up as the “_____ is online” message in the corner of my screen. I basically sent him a message along the lines of “I DON’T KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT I LOVE YOUR NAME” (because the end of our last conversation had been a while ago and was fairly vague and normal?) anyway, he responded saying thanks and reminded me who he was and... pretty much since that moment I don’t think we stopped talking at all. 
Actually that’s a lie, there was one more time when we drifted off for about a month because he was having some really bad mental health issues (I think it was right after he broke up with a nasty ex) and he popped back and messaged me and I checked up on him and i told him I had missed him a tonne- after then it’s been constant really.
He helped me through a lot of stuff and I like to think I helped him through stuff as well? He got me back into the RPC (I had previously RP’d on forums mainly, but he got me into tumblr RP) and we started RPing and writing together day in day out, talking together about ships and writing and angst and just *stuff* and it was so nice? I just loved being around him, he made me so happy all the time and I admired him SO MUCH, seriously, he’s such a talented writer and I honestly felt SO HONOURED to be friends with him.
My crush had been consistent and I ended up admitting my affections to him REALLY AWKWARDLY and with a massive like, multi para gay confession and stuff (I still have it kbgfjkebgjkbteg) and he responded positively but ofc I couldn’t date him!! He was older than I was by a few years and he was of legal age and I wasn’t so he was very sensible and was like hey its not weird it’s chill sorta thing but dating isn’t something I can do for various reasons.
So I was like!! Ok i’m glad it’s not made anything weird, I was still SUPER GAY but I knew nothing was likely to happen even though I genuinely daydreamed about the concept ALL THE TIME. It was all I could think about. I mean honestly it’s still all I think about. I’m super gay. I love him.
I tried to date other people but the crush was still there and I ended up in another toxic relationship and then after that one that wasn’t bad?? it was with a nice person who I’m still friends with but I never really had feelings for them the same way I did for JD, I think at that point I kinda realised that this crush wasn’t going away, it was way more than a crush at this point, two and a half-ish years on and it had only grown stronger, I was straight up in love with this guy and there was nothing that was going to make it go away. I tried everything to because I was CERTAIN he wasn’t gonna wanna date me ever but it REALLY DIDN’T WORK, nothing made my affections even lessen a little.
I did nothing to hide them either throughout the duration of all this, I was pretty open about my Gay Feelies:tm: because it KInDa helped me “cope” with them in a way? Him allowing me to be affectionate 2 him even if he didn’t return it in the same way was really nice and helped me 2 not just exPLoDE with these feelings. I guess I was also piNING FOR HIM TO BE LIKE YES LETS DATE BUT THAT WAS JUST IN MY DREAMS TERRITORY.
I knew no matter what we were I wanted to be by his side forever? As a friend or a partner I didn’t care, all I cared about was his happiness and comfort and I wanted to have him in my life for as long as he’d allow me to be?? But I knew I’d never stop loving him and I let him know that, I told him that and I told him how much he felt like a piece of me, like he fills a missing hole in my soul and how it felt like I should be reaching into myself and giving him a piece of me in return for how complete he made me feel, offering him up my existence I guess??? It doesn’t sound the most healthy but I suffer with DPD so my emotions regarding my boyfriend are INCREDIBLY intense, so so intense and they make me feel SO GOOD- HE makes me feel so good and I can’t lie about how I feel yknow? It’s me, it’s how my personality and emotions work and it can be such an amazingly euphoric experience being around him.
He finally admitted he had affections for me as well but his anxieties about relationships due to past abuse were way to high, and he never knew if he’d be in a mental place where he would feel comfortable dating, and I told him that was fine, I didn’t care, as long as I could still stick by his side and he was comfortable and happy, that would make me happy too, yknow?
He said he’d give it a go with me and it’s been so lovely, I adore him so so much, with every tiny little fibre of my being he makes me so happy and I honestly don’t think I could ever for anyone like I feel for him? He’s just so damn perfect.
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Ayeeeeeee. It is I, Celes! And It’s New Years Day. I’m not the best with words or preach, but hi again!!!!! Thank you friends and everybody for sticking with me to the end of 2017! By now I’m assuming a great majority of y’all know how slow I am in the RP world and how distracted I get, but once again thank you all for sticking with me until the end of 2017! You may now leave if you’d like lol jk. Unless you really want to for whatever reason o.o Even if we have yet to interact IC or OOC, I still admire all of you from afar, including the non-mutuals that that I wish to interact with someday, but if never, that’s okay too and I understand.
I will only be tagging mutuals. Also there’s so many of all of you, so I apologize if I don’t tag you. If you do not see yourself here, it does not mean I hate you! So please don’t take it to heart if you don’t see yourself on here.
Revo Sentai Derhorangers (only we will understand) -
@recklessmoon​ - IDK which is your main anymore, but I'm assuming Marz is still your main. But liebeling!!!!! I know we lack IC interactions due to our muses not clicking very well and stuff, but I still love you and I hope we can figure something out for our muses to do together someday lol. You’ll always be my Marz/Marchen to Elisabeth, and no one will ever replace you. To this day you’re always going to be my liebeling too, and no one shall ever take your place XD
@juniperblooded - So many things about you that I admire ;v; Not only your writing, but you’re cool too<3 Tell Trisha I said hi and she’s cool also lol. You’re welcome for your “orange son”! I know our muses lack IC interactions too, but aye. I’ll never forget you and I’ll always admire you from afar too lol. You’re always going to be my Elef to my Orion and we’ll always be bros. I’ll never replace you either and y’all have a special place in my heart.
@risky-boyfriend - Yes, Macha. We all know you love Ryunosuke Tsunashi XD But anyhoo, ayeeeeee. Man, I feel like everyone’s muses in our group don’t click well with my muse, cuz my muse is not that much of a nice person... XD It’s okay though. Maybe we’ll all figure something out, but if not, that’s okay. I’ll follow all of you until Thanatos decides to take my soul away lol. You’re a precious bean and I wish we could all be together IRL ;o; You too have a special place in my heart and I’d never forget you or replace you ;v;
Thank you Revo Sentais for sticking with me<3 ILY all #no homo
People I admire from afar
@piictograph - May Prompto and Stella never smash. You’re a precious bean and I will protect you no matter what owo I really love your writing style, and you’re fun to talk to!!!! I hope we get to talk some more OOC when we’re not feeling shy or anxious or when something in life does not happen lol<3 I really love your drawings too (I even have some of them saved ;D) and I hope I haven’t made you anxious when I reblogged them before ;o; I really love seeing you around and just being yourself. You’re so silly but in a good way<3 Please stay yourself and never become some kind of horrible toxic bean, and whoever tries to  change you, feel free to tell me about it and I will beat them up for you.
@antimundi - NOTICE ME, SENPAI. I’M YOUR BIGGEST FAN!!!!!! XD I’m probably one of the worst RP partners you ever had, but other than that, I think you’re a sweet person, and I love seeing you around as well as your drawings <3 I hope I don’t make you anxious when I reblog them ;o; Have I ever mentioned I’m glad we met cuz... darkness and messed up shit!!!!!! >:))))))) I swear, everytime I look at our thread (that I still need to reply to), I just get feels from our muses and I love them together ;_; I can’t wait to see where our thread goes if we can keep up <3
@musae-ex-fantasy - Thank you lots for keeping me company and whatnot ;w; I’m sorry that I’m so slow, but I swear I’m not ignoring you!!!!! I love when we talk and do silly things to our muses lol. I just love seeing you happy as well as you just being you. I love when we share stuff too. I’m sorry I’m the most horrible person to ask advice for, but I still love you and I’ll try my best to be a good friend ;O; P.S.: STOP MAKING STELLA HORNY WITH NOCTIS OR PROMPTO! XDDDD
@ofstrifes - NOOSHI!!!!! NURSHHHHHHHIIII!!!! NASHI!!!!! NANASHIIII!!!! nurnurshi >:O I have so many silly nicknames for you now... lmao. IDK which blog you tend to be on anymore :| HOW MANY BLOGS DO YOU HAVE? But if you see this, hiiiii!!!!!! XD You’ve been like my BFF for ages as well as husbando that I keep divorcing and then remarrying and then the cycle just repeats lmao. Things are probably not the same as they were back then, but aye, we’re still good. Thank you for staying my BFF<3 I’ll always admire you from afar, and I hope we can VC again sometime, or RP together<3 Nurshi-koon is all grown up~ But he still don’t got the smooth moves~ >:)
@promptisia - I dunno which is your main blog anymore either since I see you flopping back and forth everywhere sometimes lol. But anyhoo... Becca!!!!!!<3 Come RP and talk to me~~~~! XD JK. You don’t have to all the time. I still admire you from afar and you’re very dear to me, and I’ll never forget that you’re the one who got me shipping PromStella, and look what happened now. I’m shipping them like hardcore and coming up with a bajillion headcanons for them lmao. They’re canon in my head. Eff SE for cutting her off and everything in FFXV. I love when we talk, and you’re never a bother to me, so feel free to come drop by anytime<3
@fxtalwinter - Ayeeeeeee you. You’re the one who got me into all of that dark and messed up stuff now! XD ...But they’re awesome OwO And you’re welcome too OwO When can I be as beautiful as you? I’ll never forget how we met, and when I look back I tend to think it’s a funny story now haha. I’m glad we met<3 That was like back in the myspace ages when Tales of Legendia was cool (and still is, I think), and we were both Chloe RPers lol. I’ve always admired you, even when we’ve hardly spoken in ages, but I still love seeing you around and talking about cool things with you<3 If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have discovered these cool things you spoke of before too like all the dark and messed up stuff, Resonance of Fate, Death Bell, etc.<3 We should watch Death Bell again ;D
@tenebrianflower - Moona!!!!!! I can’t wait to see you and Prom at Sacanime!!!!! >.< And let’s hope we can get Gladio’s autograph, cuz why not? I feel like I’m also probably one of the worst RP partners you’ve had, and I’m sorry that  drop a lot of our threads ;o; Maybe I’ll pick them back up again when I’m feeling it or when Stella is feeling it. You’re fun to talk to and you’re so sweet<3 I love looking at all of your artworks and cosplays<3 You have inspired me to try to make some cosplays again. I’d love to, but you know my problem with living so far form everything... :’( I also love talking about our headcanons for our muses and their husbands and kids<3
@lightwithinthenightsky - How KNOTy of you ;) -shot for making bad jokes- Hey you. I admire your work and you’re very creative<3 I love when we talk too, and I’m sorry if I don’t always respond ASAP, but I swear I’m not ignoring you either ;w; You’ve put a lot of work in your muse as well as your artwork and everything, and I love it! 8D You’re a nice and fun person to talk to as well<3 I’m glad we can understand each other<3
More people I admire from afar
@leorugiet @frigustek @perfectknight @deliicatus @somxus @ringburdened @scionoflorelei @fata-et-fatorum @fieryknowledge @rosehairphantom @maledictusrex @stasisheld @trashkingizunia @izuniashield @zelldincht @lordcommanderaymeric @spiritfold @kidsofthekelvinhero @schxbetta @finalfantasymultimuse @nesrecne @infideliis @aetherilily @sukoshishokan @crystallineglacian @reiivusu @chocosnap @croweoftheglaive @luxintima @baewind @triggerxhappy @bespectacled-gentleman @onuscientia @oracleofthegods @faithfulheir @glaciousglaive @firxga @forsakenxprince @commodorexaranea @regisomniscaelum @aetherdconjurer @mutxremundi
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amaradubois-blog · 5 years
⧼    isabel durant, cisfemale, she/her   /   july by noah cyrus   +   the rattle of spray paint cans in the dead of night, early morning yoga classes, & lips that shame the red, red rose.   ⧽   ━━      don’t look now, but that’s AMARA DUBOIS. the TWENTY-NINE year old human has been here in seattle THEIR WHOLE LIFE and is an ARTIST. they’ve always been ADVENTUROUS & PASSIONATE, but i guess this town just brings out the worst in people ; apparently, they’ve been way more SPITEFUL & PUGNACIOUS than usual. it wouldn’t surprise me if they knew what was going on.  
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helloo there! the name is lisa and i’m super excited to be here and rp with everyone. i apologize for how messy this intro is but i rushed through it a bit because i can’t wait to start plotting! i’m down for literally anything and everything, bring all on sort of connections. my bby can be very sweet when she wants to, but more often than not she’s found something to be sour over.
name → amara claudette dubois nicknames → amy, mara, or ams age → twenty-nine date of birth → october 28th, 1990 place of birth → seattle, washington, USA education  → high school diploma zodiac → scorpio gender → female orientation → pansexual, demiromantic religious views → raised catholic, no longer religious
face claim → isabel durant height → 5'4" weight → 114 lbs hair color → blonde eye color → blue body type → thin, athletic
father → william dubois mother → evelyn dubois  older brother  → tbd ( 34-35) older sister → tbd ( 31-32 )
positive traits → honest, adventurous, resourceful, & passionate negative traits → reckless, spiteful, self-indulgent, & pugnacious interests → painting, music, vinyl records, photography, baking, flowers & gardening, rock-climbing, astrology, & yoga dislikes → being rushed to make choices, talking to strangers on the phone, being scolded, people giving back whatever she dishes out, & slow walkers aesthetics → the rattle of spray paint cans in the dead of night, early morning yoga classes, lips that shame the red, red rose, fresh cut flowers, worn out pink pointe shoes, classic rock playing in the other room, large mugs of hot tea, music festivals, & a seemingly endless collection of vinyl records. moral alignment → chaotic neutral 
Amara was born and raised in Seattle and had never left the city for more than a few months at a time. She’s the youngest of three children and has never been able to get her parents to see her as anything except “their little baby”. She always detested it which only made her rebel from whatever they wanted or expected of her that much harder. Her father was a partner in a law firm and her mother was a stay at home mom. 
She began dancing at age five and was without a doubt naturally talented; her instructors all agreed she had a bright future as a dancer if she could only stick to it. For many years various forms of dance held her focus and it was something Amara truly loved though her feelings soured as the blonde became a teenager. The primary cause was her mother's over-bearing self-involvement in her dance career. The more her mother pressured and spurred her onward the less she wore her pointe shoes.
By sixteen, she’d come to terms with the fact ballet was not going to be her future in the way she’d always imagined as a young girl so she began to branch out to try and find new things that might hold her interest. She tried other types of athletics and school clubs hoping to find a new niche, but made some poor choices in friends along the way and found herself in trouble frequently. There were more than a few nights that she was brought home in the back of a police cruiser or had to call her parents from the local station.
Some might say she’s a wild-child, others will say she’s just plain childish, but pretty much everyone will agree that she’s not someone you want to cross. She’s been known to hold grudges for years and her mean streaks sometimes come without warning. That’s not to say she can’t be sweet when she wants to, but normally, she doesn’t want to.
Unlike her older siblings, her parents had never actually had any sort of control over her as a young girl, not in the way they should have and wanted to, and it has remained that way ever since; Amara has always done whatever she pleased when she pleased to do it and the idea of consequences and punishment never cross her mind until it was too late.
It wasn’t until her senior year of high school she discovered her real passion was in painting, the tragedy of it was it was far too late for her to apply to any art school. Amara made the decision to take a gap year, to give herself the chance to find her own style and take a few independent art classes. The following year when it came time to start applying for schools it was no longer something on her radar and the blonde feared how traditional school might hinder her creativity or muse. Her philosophy had become that there was no better art teacher than life itself.
She began to sell her artwork online and to local galleries and it wasn’t long before she’d saved up enough to get her own apartment. It was her first real taste of freedom, of being all on her own, and it went right to her head. She threw wild parties and stayed out all night—sometimes for days even. 
A year after being out on her own, Amara had fallen in with a rough crowd but they’d also introduced her to a new form of art; one that made her feel alive in ways she hadn’t since she stopped dancing. Graffiti and street art became a huge part of her life from that point on. 
Her artwork began popping up in different places throughout the city and while early on before she learned the real tricks of the trade, she got busted a few times. The blonde was a quick learner, however, and knew better than to make the same beginner mistakes. She learned how to meld with the darkness and use its cover to paint the city and occasionally get her point across. 
best friends
exes that ended on bad terms
exes that ended on good terms
older siblings — brother & sister
literally anything, i’m down for it!
0 notes
bxnseki-archive · 7 years
// stole this OC questions sheet from here! super fun ya’ll should do it :’0
if you want to do it pls do i want. to kno abt ur ocs. you dont need to do all 100 bc i sure af didn’t
1. What is your OC’s name? Kimiko Ijichi 2. What is your OC’s gender? DFAB - Cis - she/her 3. What is your OC’s sexual orientation? Demi-asexual! 4. How old are they? I typically rp her as 16, but I like to imagine her in her late teens or early 20s 5. What species are they- human, animal, alien, robot, none of the above? Human 6. What is their family like? Do they have one? Yes!  She’s an only child with a mother and father.  Gengyo is a very loving and passionate father, though tends to be neurotic, paranoid, and spoils his daughter to no end.  Ritsuko is also a loving mother who puts compassion for others as a first priority, but has been struggling with her dysthymia and thus has been a less enthusiastic parent in Kimiko’s life.  More info on Gengyo here, and more info on Ritsuko here! 7. Who is their best friend? Why? Her designated best friend was and forever will be Isaki Matsuna.  Kimiko refuses to refer to anyone else as a best friend.  Isaki had been with Kimiko since early elementary school.  Her typical form of expressing affection was through taunting, and while that did seem odd to Kimiko, Isaki truly did care for and look out for her.  They were complete foils of each other; ultimately, they were perfect contrasts. 8. Do they have a partner/significant other? Why are they together/not together? Zak & I are working on a ship, but we have yet to really rp the start of it -- so no. 9. What is their most prized possession? Why is it so important? A ribbon from a beginner’s level riding competition!  It was the only competition she rode in, and she only got 7th place (they gave ribbons to all the competitors), but Isaki was there to train her, to cheer for her and put it in a really fancy frame.  The framed ribbon is nailed right above her desk at home! 10. Do they prefer to be warm or cold? She prefers to be chilly. 11. If they could only eat one food for the rest of their life, what would it be? No way would she settle for this. 12. Is there anything they’d like to change about themselves physically? She really wishes she had long hair like Isaki’s.  Down to the butt.  But she would never be able to manage it. 13. Who is the most important person in their life? Isaki was and always will be her inspiration; but from someone who is living, her father!  Although he’s eccentric, he’s the light of her life, as is she to him! 14. Are they a cat person? A dog person? An okapi person? Birds!!  She’d love to have an African gray parrot when she retires!  Calm, friendly cats seem like nice companions, too. 15. What sort of books do they like to read (if they like to read)? Mystery, thriller, crime, autobiographies and memoirs, and books on psychology mainly.  She doesn’t strictly stay with these genres, though. 16. What’s their favorite thing to do on a rainy weekend? Turn on the news channel or turn on the radio and listen to the police scanner.  Arrange her blossoms from her flower pressing into little designs to frame.  Study, ofc.  And go shopping. 17. Where were they born? Hiroo, Shibuya 18. Where do they want to live? She wouldn’t mind staying in Japan, but doesn’t need to stick with where she’s living now (Ikebukuro).  She does prefer big cities, though. 19. Do they have a job? As a student, no.  But during college she’d probably get a part time job as a waitress or something before getting her internship.  Then she’d intern at a therapy facility only to start work as a psychologist & therapist.  Slowly but surely, she’d move her way on to more difficult, struggling people involved with touchy cases.  But that wouldn’t be until she’s in her mid-30s. 20. If they could work anywhere, where would it be? Chicago.  A big city full of crime. 21. Do they use any sort of weapon? If not, what would they want if they could have one? When she starts to work as a criminal psychologist with rather dangerous people, authorities would prompt her to keep a taser on her.
22. Do they have any sort of special power/what power would they want? Nope.  Wouldn’t want any.
23. What’s their fashion sense? Form-fitting comfy young hipster librarian with pastels.
24. What do they think of snakes? Interesting, but keep them away from her or so help me God.
25. What is their biggest pet peeve? Regarding someone as a bad person for mistakes they have made in the past.
26. What is their greatest fear? Not being recognized for her work in her department, and that she won’t be able to help any of her clients or the police force.
27. Do they have any sort of disability, disorder, or health issue? I am thinking about her having dysthymia like her mom, or some other form of depression, since trauma can be “passed down” and she’s gone through a lot.  Still trying to figure out where and how that’d fit though.  She’s also lactose intolerant if that qualifies here.
28. Who is the person they hate the most in their life? She tries not to hate, and she doesn’t truly hate anyone, but her ex-boyfriend Hoitsu Mifune is someone she really, truly, strongly dislikes.
29. Is there anyone they want to be more like? Isaki.  She was always super cheerful, fun-loving, spontaneous, and very go with the flow.
31. Their home is on fire- what do they do? Get out of there according to the fire escape plan she and her family have practiced.
32. Do they like children? Yes!!  While rowdy ones tend to annoy her a bit, she still likes them all the same!
33. Would they rather take a short cut or take the scenic route? Depends on where she’s going.  If it’s a lazy day with no plans, scenic route always.
34. What’s their strongest belief? If you don’t care for others, you’re not human; you’re a monster.
35. What’s their opinion on lying? It can come in handy from time to time, so long as it’s not meant to harm anyone.
38. Which family member are they closest to, if any? Her father as of lately.
39. Do they ever want to get married and/or have kids? YES. YES. YES. YES. yes.
40. What was the hardest decision they ever had to make in their life? Going to see Isaki’s father in the hospital while he was on his death bed.
41. What was the happiest day of their life? Not sure.
43. How did they meet their last/current/future significant other? Or their best friend, if non-applicable? She met Isaki in elementary school when they were partnered up together to do a report.  They were inseparable after that.  After Isaki’s death, Kimiko met Hoitsu when she was 15 through a teammate on the tennis team.  They were together for nine months before she ended it.
44. If they were a class in a fantasy RPG, what class would it be? Probably a cleric.
45. Do they have any birthmarks or scars that they’re embarrassed by? She does have some birthmarks running up her legs and some on her chest, but she’s not embarrassed by them.
46. What’s their favorite color? Lavender
47. Do they have any piercings or tattoos? Do they want any/any more? Her ears are pierced, but that’s it.  She’s content with that.
48. Have they ever tried drugs or alcohol? Nope!
49. Are they an idealist or a realist? Idealist
50. Are they more introverted or extroverted? Extroverted!
51. What is their main goal in life? To become a criminal psychologist.
52. What are they willing to sacrifice to accomplish that goal? Her time, her well being, her friends.
53. Would they ever kill somebody (what would they consider a justifiable reason to kill someone?) Nope!  Not at all.
54. Have they ever kissed someone? Do they want to? She kissed Hoitsu a few times, though he was uninterested by it.  She likes romance, so I guess she wants to?
55. Have they always been comfortable with their sexual/gender identity, or is it something they’ve struggled with? No, she doesn’t even know she is demi-asexual.  She just thinks she’s uninterested because she isn’t ready to be sexually intrigued by someone.  Which is technically true.
56. Do they have any special ability or marking that sets them apart from others of their species/race? Why is it so remarkable or strange? Nnno?
58. If they had a Tumblr, what would they blog about? TBFH. she’d probably be either a studyblr or post about psychology and self care.
59. Any kinks or fetishes? Rich-Looking People.
60. If they only had one day left to live, what would they do? Say her goodbyes to her friends and family, then cry.
61. If they found a wallet with the equivalence of 200 dollars in it, what would they do? Find the ID and report it to the police to be given back.
62. If they live in a world without magic/without mainstream magic, do they believe in magic? Excluding Kiyo, no she doesn’t believe in it.
63. If they could have any pet ever, what would it be? AFRICAN GRAY PARROT. PLEASE.
64. Who is the person they admire most? Why? Isaki; go back to #7 and #29
65. Do they think they are attractive? Yes!
66. What is their biggest regret? Not asking for Isaki and her family to stay home the night of the crash.
67. What would they do for a klondike bar? she’d kill a man
68. The most important person in their life has been bitten by a zombie/whatever qualifies as a zombie in their world. Do they put them out of their misery, or try to find an alternative? Find an alternative.  If it resulted in having to kill her father, then she’d kill herself afterwards.
69. Is there anyone in their life they just can’t say no to? Why? Her mother; she knows she’s struggling with a lot of things and can’t seem to balance all she needs to, so she wants to help her in any way possible.
70. Are they more math, science, or art oriented? Science!
71. Is there anything they like that would be considered geeky in their world? Forensics??? Maybe?  Just knowing and spewing weird trivia about it?
72. Did they/would they leap at the call to adventure, or were they/would they have to be dragged along? If asked, she’d happily tag along, so long as safety is guaranteed.
73. Do they think there is more to life than whatever they are doing right now? Oh yeah.
75. What’s their most positive trait? She’s utterly compassionate.
76. What’s their fatal flaw? She’s utterly compassionate -- to the point where she needs to baby those who are struggling, which in turn sacrifices her well being and ultimately doesn’t help those she’s caring for.  Savior complex tbh.
77. What do their friends/family/teammates find most annoying about them? She’s loud, most jokes go over her head, she’s blunt, and she probably is nosy about their lives.  She just has to know if they need her.
78. What are their biggest strengths? She knows how to remain calm and rational during a panicked event; compassionate; ambitious; does her best not to be judgmental.
79. What are their weaknesses? She has a savior complex; very invasive about personal lives; self-sacrificial; depressed; spoiled.  Fun fun.
80. What is most memorable about their appearance? Uhh either her height or her eyebrows?
82. Do they dwell on the past, or live in the moment? OH BOY.  She preaches about living in the moment, and accepting and learning from the past to progress in The Now.  BUT.  She dwells.
83. Why is their main goal so important to them? What set them on that path? Becoming a criminal psychologist interested her at the age of nine; it was said to be an exciting job that paid very well.  But after Isaki’s death and evidence to show that she was involved with drug use/dealing and underage gambling, Kimiko changed her mindset.  She now wants to become one since she knows criminals are still people.  She wants to help them in any way she can, to help them lead healthy lives again.
84. Do they believe that people are inherently good? YES. She’s adamant about it.
87. Is there any other fictional character you would compare them too, personality or appearance-wise? tbh I did start to design her with traits from Ishimaru and Kirigiri.  So I guess them?
89. What sort of music do they/would they like? Pop!  Soft pop about romance is typically what she listens to when she’s doing her work.
90. What do they consider the worst evil in the world? Abuse, cruelty and neglect to children, as that traumatizes them and sets them up for a difficult life, only to repeat the abuse to their children.
91. What’s the closest they’ve been to dying (or, if they’re already dead, how did they die)? She attempted suicide soon after Isaki’s father died in the hospital, as he was the last of her immediate family who was living.  She attempted by hanging, but her knot was lousy and undid itself.
93. Do they like their name? Is there any name they’d rather have? She does!  Ijichi is a name rather well-known since her father’s family has an attorneys practice starting with her great grandfather Ijichi.
94. What is the significance of their name? Kimiko ( 君子 ) means “noble child”; Ijichi ( 伊地知 ) I cannot find the meaning of for the life of me. Italy, earth, knowledge? idk
95. Have they ever been bullied? Have they ever bullied anyone? There’s always bullying in the school yard; she’s never been horribly bullied, nor worried too much about it.  Isaki was the one who would usually torment others, so Kimiko was just her henchman.
96. Are they a light or heavy sleeper? Average?
97. What do they dream about when they sleep? idk, random things. Dreams are weird.
98. Do they prefer an urban or a rural setting, or something else? She does like rural settings to stay at for a while, but ultimately she’s a big fan of urban settings.
99. Is there any moment or event that they feel defines their life and who they are now? Isaki’s death.
100. Why is this character important? To you, and/or to their world? Oh man.  When I get an idea for an OC, it’s always in a short spurt, so pretty much all my OCs are really under-developed.  But for whatever reason, I stuck with developing Kimiko.  RPing her also helped SO MUCH in terms of figuring out why she is the way she is and adding new traits and perspectives to her. idk.  I just love her a lot and I’m glad my pals here like her as much as they do. ;;;
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Matthew Murdock / Daredevil, played by Tyrel
OOC Info
Name: Tyrel (Ty is fine)
Age: 18
Pronouns: he/him
Triggers: [redacted]
Second Choice Character: Robert “Bobby” Drake AKA Iceman
Discord: [redacted]
IC Info
Muse Name and Alias: Matthew Michael Murdock AKA Daredevil
What is your primary canon(s) for this character?
Approximate Age: Mid-Late thirties
OTPs, BroTPs, NoTPs:
OTPs: MattElektra (Yes, please, let me rp this for once, I’m deprived), Mattasha
BroTPs: Daredevil and Spiderman, Daredevil and Iron Fist, Daredevil and Jessica Jones
NoTPs: Daredevil x Punisher, Daredevil x Deadpool
Give us a bulletpoint outline for what your character’s history might look like:
(At least 3-5 bulletpoints, but you may go as long as you want.)
At a young age, Matthew Murdock was a very proud boy, often bragging about the success of his professional boxer of a father. This often led to him getting bullied by other boys around the school.
He grew up in Hell’s Kitchen with a single father who fought for the two of them to eat a good meal everyday, quite literally. He was urged to study everyday, his father hoping he wouldn’t need to become a boxer of a wrestler, preferring his son to grow into a doctor or a lawyer. This also contributed to the bullying, granting Matthew the moniker “Daredevil.” A jab at his less than adventurous lifestyle at such a young age.
One day, Matthew saw an old blind man crossing the road, a truck barreling towards the man. Matt reacted on instinct, pushing the man out of the way before getting hit by the truck itself. Barrels of a radioactive isotope spilled from the truck on towards Matthew’s eyes, ripping one of the boy’s senses away from him while enhancing the others.
After some time in the hospital, Matthew had to get accustomed to his new life without sight and the enhanced senses he had no way of controlling. He lived through it despite struggling, until one day, he discovered his father was involved with a fight promoter within Hell’s Kitchen. After his father had refused to throw a fight one night, he was gunned down in the alley right outside of the arena.
Months later, Matt would receive ninja training from a man only known as Stick and go on to use that training to hunt down his father’s killers. It was something he was more than successful in doing.
It was only then that Matt decided to attend Colombia University where he’d go on to meet his first love, Elektra Natchios, and his best friend, Foggy Nelson, fulfill his father’s wishes in becoming a lawyer, opening a law firm alongside his partner, and continuing to fight crime as a Man Without Fear.
Interview (Must be answered in character, third person, including both narrative and dialogue. Answer these as if you’re responding to a roleplay reply. Feel free to write as much as you like, but make sure there’s at least a good paragraph for each.)
What would it take for you to switch sides? (hero to villain; villain to hero; neutral to either)
“It would take a very long period of stress. Take the time I established Shadowland for example… My identity was outed to the public by a news tabloid, I was sent to jail for my vigilantism, and led myself down a path of self-destruction. During this period I became admittedly more violent under large amounts of stress, beat some criminals senseless, did some things I’m not exactly proud of after becoming leader of The Hand… it also didn’t help that I was possessed by an ancient demon of The Hand at the time.
How would you describe yourself? How would your friends describe you? How would the public describe you?
"Well, I’m not called the Man Without Fear for nothing. I take risks, do things that always makes other doubt whether I’m really blind or if I’m even human under this crimson suit. I’d like to say I’m charismatic at times and.. engaged at others.” With the reputation of the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, of course he had to uphold it. He employed some rather questionable interrogation techniques and could let the stress build until he released it on some poor soul but, after Shadowland, he tried to stay positive. As much as he could at least.
“Personally, others might see me as.. reserved. There are times I’ve been completely told off by my best friend of all people just for the sake of my own stubbornness. At times, it gets to the point of other heroes holding mini-interventions but I digress.” If anyone really knew Matt, they knew he was problematic. Trouble found him and everyone else associated with him; trouble, misery, and death.
“As for the public, when they’re not outing me, they know why I’m here. I protect Hell’s Kitchen. I’ve heard cops stating that I’m the only thing keeping the city from catastrophe, I hear the praise of the citizens even as I take off to the next crime scene. They know who their guardian devil is.”
If you could gain any superpower/swap your superpower for another, what would it be and why?
“I’m not sure I’d want another.. it might be nice to have a healing factor. The suit only protects me from so much without slowing me down.” Of course, Matthew was still human under that suit, and it was nothing like a suit of armor. Getting smacked by Tombstone could have him feeling the pain for weeks, and it simply just piled up with each major encounter he had. Needless to say, he made several visits to the Night Nurse for recovery.
What is a secret you have never told someone?
Matthew cleared his throat for this one. There were quite a few things he didn’t exactly want anyone to know. From the frequent times he’d attempted to reconcile with his ex-ninja girlfriend, to his regretful hand in his ex-wife being sent to a psychiatric ward to his best friend being diagnosed with a life threatening disease, they were all rather personal. He decided to go with one that wouldn’t do much harm. Might even be more laughable than anything else. Gotta stay happy, Matt.
“Squirrel Girl tried to flirt with me once. It was a very uncomfortable encounter.” And he left it at that. Of course, he had no intentions of actually hooking up with the lady.. honestly, at the time he believed she was still a teenager. Daredevil knew better.
If there was one choice in your past you could change, what would it be?
Matthew’s memory immediately split off to one specific point in time: the moment he opened the door to his home and found his first love bleeding out on his doorsteps.
“Letting Elektra die. It started a chain of events led by one man in particular. The one man that just manages to rip everything away from me the moment my life seems like it’s getting good; the moment I can take a break.” This man was Bullseye. The one mutt he could never put down. He’d taken too much from him. Elektra, Karen, he nearly took Milla’s life as well and generally made it his goal to make the Devil’s life a living Hell. Maybe, if got another chance; maybe it he was there to save Elektra, he could’ve taken his life in a different direction with Elektra.
If you had one day where you could do anything you want, free of consequences, what would you do?
“One day where some criminal stops thinking I’m Daredevil? I’d spend a day with my mother. She’s the only family I have left and she’s living as a nun. Of course, I’m not the most.. devout Catholic as of recent years but it wouldn’t keep me from connecting with her. It’s just a matter of tracking her down.”
• Matthew has been diagnosed with clinical depression and describes it as a living, breathing thing that feeds off of you like a parasite. This plays a role in some of his self-destructive behavior.
• Matthew is an amazing Pianist and can generally pick up and play many musical instruments on the fly.
• His body is riddled with scars from past encounters.
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