#just me taking silly little screenshots of my faves :)
thecrimsonmusician · 2 years
Having the time of my life with the new photo mode.
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Bonus shenanigans:
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
You know what time it is.
Lesson 33 spoilers, including the hard lesson, here we go!
I am pleased. And I am not pleased.
I had so many great moments with all my faves. Solomon being there for me, Levi being a lil cutie, THIRTEEN DATE, Barbatos giving me lil Ds. What glorious moments. I shall share some screenshots momentarily.
Belphie. What the fuck.
Technically, this is Mammon’s fault. He was the one who was like it’s not wrong to feel upset about it and like yeah he’s right, but Belphie is clearly taking that statement to an EXTREME.
We are dealing with YANDERE BELPHIE, my friends.
If I remember correctly, he was always supposed to be yandere. So now we’re really leaning into that, huh? Like straight up, I am going to keep you here forever because you’ll be happier with me than if you leave. Our boy’s gone a little off the deep end lol. I kinda love it.
Though I was really surprised by his final line of “I don’t want you to see what’s inside my head.” He seemed really concerned about it. Considering all we’ve seen already, it can’t be that bad, right? Then again, I wouldn’t want anyone I know to get inside my head, either. Please stay out, you don’t need to see the horrors, thanks.
Also, we still haven’t made a pact with Levi. Just like we didn’t actually make a pact with Beel. Is it because now they’re not sure they want to have pacts with us because of the whole needing magic to get back to the human world thing? I swear I have a memory of Solomon telling us that we could make pacts with all of the brothers at the same time. But we already have pacts with three of them? So why would we only make pacts with three or four of them at the same time? I’m so confused. Someone please share your thoughts with me on this because I don’t get it???
I really feel like they directly addressed some of the concerns we’ve all been having in this lesson, too. I mean Solomon straight up talks about wondering what the brothers we left behind are doing. Or if time is still going there or if we’ll end up exactly where we left etc etc. HOWEVER all that soup talk makes me think they are just going to mesh it all together. ‘Cause Solomon also said this:
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What does that mean? How can the future brothers influence what’s happening in the past? Unless their memories are changing in real time… ugh why did they have to go with time travel shenanigans?? Don’t they know this junk hurts my brain??
Anyway, now it’s time for some of my favorite moments, enough about time travel and feelings and pacts!
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Because my favorite sorcerer also said this. And I know there are some questions about his motives and blah blah but I don’t care. I love him. He’ll be all serious, then say something sweet and reassuring, then do something crazy or try to cook again… he’s got so many sides to him lol.
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STOP MAKING ME LIKE YOU MEPHISTOPHELES. (Please you were like the last character I was neutral about I can’t afford to get obsessed with anyone else.)
Honestly, I laughed so hard when he said this. Mammon just called him out directly and he LAUGHED. He laughed and was like yeah duh of course, idiots. And look how pleased he is about it, too.
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May I bring your attention to my baby Levi? Look at this silly guy. I was so happy I got to hug him. And the group hug was adorable, too. Satan protesting the whole time lol. Lucifer coming in and being like… I regret asking.
I swear sometimes I wanna kiss this guy JUST to watch him blush. It’s so freakin’ cute.
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Smitten. I am smitten.
The way she’s like I don’t get why you like these weirdos, but I know they matter to you. Don’t worry, it’s going to work out. How she gets all defensive of MC. Her cute little smile. The way she suggests coming to visit MC in the human world & saying that Solomon can come too?! LIKE. I love her so much.
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Listen I was thrilled about this whole part - Barbatos being mysterious and giving me a weird piece of paper and a Little D? Yes forever. But also I think we’ve all suspected him of knowing the truth and this part right here just solidifies that for me. He definitely knows. He knows everything about what’s going on. I don’t think that means he’s Nightbringer or even that he’s working with Nightbringer. He could just know because he’s got access to all of time and what not. But either way, he knows.
Honestly I love Barbatos so much. Just the small parts we had with him were enough to get me in my feels. I also really enjoyed the hard lesson because even if Luke doesn’t know what’s going on, I think Simeon does. And their discussion was interesting.
So I’m gonna leave you with one last Barb moment.
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I’m so impatient is it the end of the season yet?? I wanna know how it ends right NOW.
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Ask box is: CLOSED!
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Hi all, just a couple FYIs for you!
I will periodically close off the asks to catch up on requests, and will update the status of the inbox above.
It has only happened once but please do not send messages with requests, please send them in an ask form so I can answer it for the post!
If it takes a little while to answer your request, it's most likely because it's already in the queue, I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it, OR I am crafting a new Eddie for your request (like here or here).
Speaking of: not all non-live action requests will be created with a new "created" Eddie. I love doing those, but I'm putting this out there now 😅 (and also sometimes it's funnier if he doesn't match the style like this one!)
If there are multiple requests in the ask box with the same request, I will answer/post with whichever was asked via a blog and not on anon and add the screen grab from the other anon request (like I've done here and here!)
If there are multiple with the requester not on anon I will answer with the older request and screenshot/tag the newer (like on this one)!
If you request something that has been done already, i will either respond with the link to the previous request, or do another of the same thing (depending on how full the inbox is getting)!
!!UPDATE!! other people have started creating/putting their own eddies in places and i'm so flattered!!! please please tag me, i would love to see them and reblog them here! if you want to see them going forward, i'm tagging them as #other peoples' eddies 💖
you can see my personal fave eddies here!
That's it for now, thank you so much for your support on this silly little blog!
-mod noelle
demogorgon divider by @strangergraphics
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vampireistic · 2 months
chapter 44 nb spoilers ♪(´ε` )
i sincerely loved this chapter despite it feeling a little short — it’s always comforting to see the brothers genuinely happy when it comes to being together as a family; no demeaning digs at one another, just pure and unadulterated “bliss” (we’ll ignore the mammon bullying for now…)
here are some of my fave lil moments and my rants about certain aspects of the story because solomon is brainrotting me at the moment with all his mystery.
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leviathan’s bliss is him sharing his interests with his family and then indulging his delulu behaviour feels like solmare is pulling an aristotle and trying to put a mirror up to society; man, i get it, we’re losers. he’s my fave little freak sometimes (also is this one of the longest rambles he’s given in game….)
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favourite screenshot. this man is the definition of burning down the world for one person. also i adore the dynamic between him and the mc where they just prefer to tease him and act dumb/oblivious so he actually has to verbalise how much he loves them LMAO
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satan doesn’t deny being in bliss BOTH because he’s surrounded by his beloved cats and his beloved family. he CAN’T even say anything because he knows the truth will come out anyway so he wants to save himself the embarrassment…despite it being very evident on his face as pointed out by leviathan.
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i think i’m just little too in love with the idea of a heavily morbid MC, because my initial thoughts behind this falling off the railing scene was that mc’s idea of “bliss” is the adrenaline before death — i mean…it’s not really too far fetched, is it? our silly sheep basically knocks on death’s door while holding a freshly baked pie.
it’s been drilled into memory at this point that a writer chooses to add certain seemingly insignificant scenes to a story for a reason. they could’ve easily not had this, could’ve been replaced by something much more lighthearted and dumber, kept the same available brother interactions and moved on — but there’s certainly a reason why MC is being presented as vulnerable and in need of “saving.”
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hey, solomon.
what have you done.
what do you MEEEAANN if you COULD you WOULD have come with us?? just what or WHO are you afraid of — or worse, what being did you offend to get you potentially banned??? this whole thing about solomon and babel has been gnawing at me.
so he’s the only human right now aside from the MC that knows of it’s existence and the general history despite it being only known by the royal family and high ranking angels — yeah okay, a bit weird but this man started a whole war with the devildom by himself and won mind you, so far nothing too bad i suppose. he then takes us to the location, admits he’s actually never even been there himself despite lying to us that he’s a practical expert (another okay…moment, solomon is known for being rather elusive) but then he just disappears soon as we enter babel?
hey buddy, what.
solomon’s entire situation has been so…iffy and weird ever since we “returned” to the “original timeline/present”. i refuse to believe this man upon return to the present day, decided to sneak off into the human world to find “special ingredients for experiments”. SOMETHING is wrong.
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THE TEXT CONVOS !! I hope it looks ok. I left spaces between the texts (ALSO THANK U FOR THE REQUEST 💗 ) 💺 anon
🍊) My little (brat) princess
🍒: Buy pads please!! 🍊: Already did, anything else that may satisfy her majesty? ❤️
🍊: Hi pretty. Can't find my tie, did you took it? It's the navy one 🍒: No, must've been your side chick :( 🍊: Please tell me you're joking 🍒: I'm not 🍊: Woman I practically worship the ground you walk on 🍒: Screenshotting this to Lem. Also your tie is with me :) 🍊: You two got jokes huh
🍒: Pretty women called "sleepless nights worried about my husband" is waiting for me in bed 🍊: Not tonight love. Coming home in 5
🍊: What kind of streets do ghosts hunt? 🍊: Dead ends
🍊: Really want to shoot him in the head 🍒: What are you talking about? 🍊: He's so fucking cocky huh? 🍒: Ladybug? He's not doing anything 🍊: That "we should all order some food" sounded pretty flirty to me 🍒: You deserve the electric chair
🍊: Are you from Mississippi? Cause you're the only miss who's piss I'll sippie [You blocked this contact]
🍊: That nob better stop touching your shoulder before I give him a lobotomy 🍊: Got the "little off the top" looking haircut 🍒: HE ASKED FOR MY NUMBER 🍊: He should see an optometrist since he clearly didn't notice the ring on your finger 🍒: I told him I have a husband 5 times already but he said "it doesn't matter", so I gave him your number 🍊: That's my girl
🍒: [1 image attached] 🍊: Oh my fucking god 🍊: God took his time with you
🍒: Would you be mad at me if I punched you in the face? 🍊: What's the context love? Are we making out and you just started beating me up? 🍒: Why would I EVER do that??? 🍊: You tell me, you were the one who asked. 🍊: Wait you might actually be onto someting here love 🍒: THATS IT, SEX BAN 🍊: WHAT
🍒: What is taking you so long? 🍊: Lady at the cashier won't leave me alone 🍒: Please hurry up I want you to eat me out :( [Tan reacted with ❤️] 🍒: Tell her "husband duties are calling"
🍋) Silly goofy guy
🍋: I'm really over here with Aristotle talking about plumbs and farmers and shit
🍒: Did you actually got into a fight with that Kimura guy just because he said he didn't like my tie? 🍋: Cherry defender first, human second
🍋: Bro is not listening to me 🤼‍♂️ 🍒: I'll hear you out on Henrys 🍋: [voice message: 42:33]
🍋: Got bored so I drew you 🍋: [1 image attached] 🍒: Thanks !! 🍒: Why do I have 3 fingers on each hand though? 🍋: I stole the other four
🍒: Are the cookies you left for me a prank? 🍋: Are they that bad? 🍒: What?? No!! Of course not!! 😊 I loved them!! 🫶 🍋: I got a feeling you're being sarcastic
🍋: Tan said nobody likes lemons 🍒: I'll kill him
🍒: The bartender asked for my phone number 🍋: BOOOOOO 📢📢 every time 🍒: I gave him Tan's number. Wanna catfish him? 🍋: LETS GO I LOVE THE WAY YOU THINK
🍊🍋🍒) The fruit bowl
🍊: The group name is stupid 🍋: IT'S GENIUS 🍒: It's literally what we are 🍊: I think I should've named the group so it wouldn't be something stupid 🍋: "Tangerines are sophisticated" This you❓ 🍒: Point and laugh 🫵🤣 🍊: Piss off
🍋: I burned the pasta 🍊: You can cook? 🍋: I tried 🍊: Never do it again 🍋: Piss off at least I wasn't the one who dropped the pod on the floor 🍒: This is why you two aren't allowed in my kitchen
🍊: I'm just saying, relationships should be 50/50 🍊: She looks pretty, while I growl at anyone who looks at her 🍋: It's getting harder and harder to defend you 🍒: People are gonna think you're insane 🍋: He is
🍋: [1 image attached, it's a selfie of us three] 🍋: BOY WE SEE THEM BABY BLUES 🍒: I swear people don't even say bless you anymore, they just stare at you like that 🍊: Do you two ever stop to think about what you're saying? 🍋: No 😼 🍒: Nope 🍊: It shows
yeah no kidding you aced the shit out of these!!! and they are so fun to read !! I definitely get what you mean now by them being fun😭
LOVE LOVE LOVED them all but these have gotta be my faves
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THIS ONE??? had my cracking up. was still thinking about it and laughing to myself ages after reading 😭😭
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little off the top and the ring comment 😭
and giving the guy tan number and him saying that’s my girl🫠
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god took his time with you??? melting
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WHY IS THAT SO ACCURATE!!! lemon definitely sends really long voice messages and spams with videos. like he’s giving you mini personal vlogs😭😭😭 he just starts talking about the most random shit walking around the house. “… yeah they said his car is fucked— no way. I just found this.” and holds it out to the camera and then he carries on with whatever he was saying before
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I feel like he struggled to draw all 10 fingers and got fed up so gave you simpson hands instead
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crescentpaws · 5 months
the character everyone gets wrong
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
worst discord server and why
which ship fans are the most annoying?
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
worst part of canon
worst part of fanon
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
worst blorboficiation
that one thing you see in fics all the time
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
there should be more of this type of fic/art
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
part of canon you found tedious or boring
part of canon you think is overhyped
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ship you've unwillingly come around to
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Answer all of em!!!!
(For KOTLC or any fandom that you really wanna do)
LMAO ok… if you insist ☝️ (dashes are for questions i’ve already answered)
1. -
2. still no comment on this one.
3. idk i can’t rlly remember any awful takes off the top of my head LMAO. haven’t even been here that long so
4. bold of you to assume i remember anyone i block
5. i don’t use rlly discord (wow these answers are so exciting)
6. sokeefe for SURE and i don’t think anyone can disagree with me on this
7. already answered but i need to say it again. KEEFE. maybe i’d like him a bit more if some people didn’t make literally EVERYTHING about him (also if people stopped commenting “this looks like keefe” on my art)
8. once again using this as an opportunity to spread my short haired fintan propaganda. that guy would not be able to maintain long hair. he’d accidentally burn it off or something. also dex is not a cinnamon roll. marella is bisexual, not a lesbian. king dimitar is irrelevant to me and the bit is sometimes annoying. alden is not abusive. fitz is not manipulative. keefe is not mature enough for a relationship with sophie. (+ princess purryfins is the size of a goldfish, not a full-sized cat! vertina is literally only a head, she does not have a body!)
9. -
10. sokeefe vs sophitz. like we’re not getting anywhere by arguing about this why don’t we all just take a deep breath and calm down a bit
actually i guess that’s more the fandom itself ummm idrk i hate how some of y’all demonize characters for the stupidest reasons (just being silly btw don’t take any of this too seriously)
11. -
12. -
13. dex honestly. tam too but personally i’ve seen it happen with dex wayyy more
14. i don’t read fics 😜👍 can’t ever find ones that sound interesting
15. people forgetting to draw the registry pendants 😢 guys give them back their pretty little necklaces
16. -
17. -
18. -
19. honestly no idea… i’ll get back to this one
20. again, the love triangle. also pretty much all of stellarlune LMAO. i swear most of that book was just them talking about stuff they were going to do instead of actually doing it 💀 also shannon was pushing the kenric / oralie agenda way too hard in that book tbh like guys kenric is dead literally nothing can come out of this. it’s irrelevant and i don’t care!!!
21. keefe 😊👍 again. does not deserve all that hype
22. fintan on the other hand….. also the peace summit scene is under appreciated it’s so funny (as well as every other fintan scene tbh)
23. gonna be so real back in 2019/2020 i was a hardcore believer of aroace fintan and i hated pretty much every fintan ship so. old me would be horrified to know what my current favorite ship is. (still basically hate every other fintan ship tho LMAO)
24. once again sokeefe vs sophitz lmao 💀 or honestly just fitz vs keefe. we do not need to be doing this guys.
25. “dex on the cover!” “dex needs more page time!” WRONG! we need more marella page time. we need another marella cover!! we need more fintan page time!!!!!!!!!
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darkmagyk · 1 year
Ask game: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21
choose violence ask game (send me more pls!)
the character everyone gets wrong
Annabeth, Annabeth, Annabeth. In SO MANY ways. Right down to her name, where people decide randomly that Annabeth is a nickname for Anna Elizabeth.
But mostly it's the school thing. Annabeth is always going to be the smartest person in the room, but she would (literally) rather die then demean herself to prove it. She also has ADHD, Dyslexia, and missed grades 2-6. I don't know how you can read about her being unwilling to play the Sphinxes game and then think that she'd be a good sport about school? I don't necessarily think she'd do badly. She is 100% in the "smart enough to coast" category. But she's not going to study, she's not going to apply herself. And I suspect when she finds herself disagreeing, she's not going to be open to listening to most teachers. She'll talk back, she'll argue, she'll get detention. She reads books in greek, she probably doesn't have special affection for her school libraries full of books she can't read. Free yourself from the Hermione Industrial Complex and embrace smart girl characters who's only life goal isn't getting As on tests.
Other things, Annabeth did live in Virginia some as a child. But given that it was in Richmond, her father is from Boston, and they moved at least a little (in TLT her family lives in New York State), the idea that her upbringing would be particularly southern, or that she'd have a southern accent is silly.
Also, she thinks Percy is funny. She enjoys his company. They have a lot of similarities. And she knows he's not as smart at she is (no one is) but she doesn't think he's the dumbest person alive. She doesn't hate him. About 80% of all PJO Incorrect quotes can be summed up as Percy: says something dumb, Annabeth: You're an idiot, and I hate you. And that's just...not what's going on with them.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
It's a sexual position they don't enjoy? Let us not confuse sexual positions with gender or rolls in power dynamics.
Now, if you want to discuss power dynamics, Annabeth is a sub and Percy is a dom. Because Annabeth has a long history of feeling unloved, unwanted, and abandoned and wants to feel desired. And Percy has been dismissed and untrusted and wants to feel competent and trustworthy.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Recently saw a post that said Frederick had fucked Athena. You know, Athena, the famously virgin goddess.
(The funniest part was that it was part of a very anti-Frederick post, and yet...by saying Athena, the goddess of wisdom, broke her millennia long, life defining desire to not sleep with men, to sleep with Frederick Chase, they were saying he was a giant Chad and extra extra special. And that Athena saw so much in him, loved him so much, she developed sexual feelings for him and was willing to throw away one of her defining characteristics for him. And that...that was kind of hilarious)
5. worst discord server and why
Um, the Taylor Swift one I joined to trade tips for my show is really pretty bad. Everyone is so mean and bitchy and, I say this as someone who is weird about how much I love Taylor Swift, Swifties are the worst.
Otherwise, I can't keep up with servers, or really any chat with more then like 3 people them. So I can't really tell if they are good or bad.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
See previous comments about Annabeth. But, also, Jesus Christ Frederick Chase. Who is super interesting, and also dealt a bad hand he then played badly. Dude is a Norse Legacy who fell in love with a Hellenic Goddess. He went out of town and his wife ran off his daughter while he was gone. He can see through the mist. He dive bombed a Titan to save said daughter. He's a Red Sox fan and has a daughter who's a Yankees fan. He managed to enchant Athena. Favorite minor character.
Also, everyone is wrong about Poseidon. He's an ass, he's a bad dad (Hades is the best big three dad. And possibly the best godly parents. And that's being graded on the scale that calculates that time he told Nico he wished he'd died and bianca hadn't. That's how bad everyone else is.) And Sally has moved on to bigger and better things.
Combining those two things: Fredthena > PoSally. Fredthena is more interesting, and during the canon of the stories, it's actually still interesting instead of Poseidon just being Sally's loser ex.
Other things: in fic, Luke is Annabeth's looser older brother, not abusive ex. Annabeth is the punk and Percy is the good boy, Jercy wants what Frankercy has.
13. worst blorboficiation
Connor Stoll. He's literally just half a character. And that's fine.
Also Octavian. Who is allowed to just be power mad.
Also...I love Nico a lot, but the way fandom acts about him is...so much.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Nico. I love Nico, I think he's an awesome character and have written multiple fics about him. But people are so weird about him. And there is an extent to which I get it. He's one of the first incidentally queer characters in middle grade literature (as opposed to a character who is gay in a book all about being gay). He's got the emo vibes we love. And he definitely went through it.
But everyone is kind of going through it. And yet, people will unironically make posts about how Percy promised to protect Bianca and then let her die when...When Bianca set off a monster and Percy literally was like "I have a plan to get rid of it" and then Bianca said "I'll do it" and Percy was like "No, I will" and then Bianca just did it anyway. That isn't on Percy. Similarly "Percy choked Nico, its inexcusable." You know, that time that Nico helped his father trap Percy in a room in the underworld with no ways out or windows or anything. Nico didn't know, and he felt bad and tried to make it right, but it wasn't unreasonable for Percy to be pissed and attack the dude who behaved like an enemy.
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nitunio · 5 months
tsukumo ryo for the character ask meme :3
Thanks for the askkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when i thought that i wont see this name in my ask box.....
Ryo Tsukumo (by unpopular but much appreciated demand)
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joking JOKING
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In all honesty. When I first watched Third Beat I was so jawdropped by him and what he's doing and it made me irrationally scared to the point where I forgot about taking screenshots (i usually do so for future reference). and a month after I still caught myself thinking back to i7 because to me it was just another anime but HE was one of the characters that made me stay. He made me want to know what happens next So Much that I spent hours on wikis and websites searching more info on how to access more stories besides the anime. I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT HIM
and when I continued thinking back to him I found myself with the following thoughts: "evil. so hot." and "wow. he's like. proper disgusting. im intrigued!!!!" and by lords. when i first drew him on emotion it felt like an electricity jolt to my brain. I was never the same since. and I went back to rewatch Third Beat. and I read third part and fourth part and.
It's always a stage play and he's performing for everyone. If nobody's paying attention to him, he will point all lights to himself. But not in that way, pay attention in a different way. Love him, like him... If nobody likes him, then everybody shouldn't. If he is bad, then he should be the worst. If he wants something, he will get it. There are so many cracks within his fragile ego facade. And the only ones for him, the only ones he could peel this wrapping for, even if for a bit, are Riku and Momo. (and ZOOL in pt6)
I project onto him and make many headcanons because I can relate to a lot of his characteristics that CAN BE VERY MUCH MISSED BY THE AUDIENCE WITH HOW QUICK AND SUBTLE THEY ARE. or maybe im just catching myself in the "he's just like me fr" and starting to make things up You never really know with this sort of stuff.
There are two Ryous for me -- the bastard evil guy I want to impale and the Canonly Childhood Traumatised and coping with it in the worst ways possible (which is a recurring theme for characters in i7). I do feel like he gets a lot of hate because people (rightfully so) don't wish to delve deeper into his character because he serves as a good plot device even in his "irredeemably evil" state. I think that another layer of "sinister" gets placed on top considering that He Can Get Worse. it's always possible with the kinds of situations that a lack of regulation and help can bring and He Did Get Worse (ex: balcony scene)
The bastard evil guy is a good flavour of Ryou too because of the situations he can put others in. He's silly, unpredictable, evil, remorseless, sadistic, and absolutely unhinged. hes probably good in bed because of that but please disregard this whole sentence right now. everyone else is wrong and right about him because of how little we get of his screentime that is really about himself but THERE IS SOOO MUCH SO MUCH.
re: aesthetic, gender, design. awooga. 2/3 of my fave colours (orangeish yellow and purple), fave hairstyle (middle part), fave eyes (dead inside), fave frame (look at his back!) I WANT TO STEAL HIS GENDER. I LOVE THE murderous aesthetic I love the playhouse wife aesthetic i love the "i want to be the spoiled child" thing hes got going on . i love his outfits i love his expressions i love his moves i love HIS DESIGN. I FUCK WITH IT SO HARD PLATONICALLY WJAT AM I SAYING AT THIS POINT
Anyways. that was like. a fraction of my thoughts i just scrolled back up and realised ive been torturing you with my elder-scroll worth of text wall
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werebutch · 6 months
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@eucyon Oh my god tumblr ate your ask I’m so lucky I screenshotted. So mad I have to type again . Thank you so much for dis question it’s so fun and made me really think to be honest ^__^ ILYSMMMM this is long but it’s too fun
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This is Lynx’s most popular album, Conspiracy Theories. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to have a pic of lynx as the cover even if it’s silly. I really like rabbit imagery in music anyways though so I think it’s nice. I was inspired by Alice In Chains album covers and also fleshwater’s ‘we’re not here to be loved’. I tried to find a way to make it more 'gritty' but I couldn’t unfortunately 😭 I like how the title looks, like they just got a label maker and smacked it on..heheh
I imagine that this album is about relationship anxiety, betrayal, resentment, anti social tendencies, infidelity, and aliens. Probably not little green men, maybe more like the thing kind of fleshy imagery. Definitely appealing to atlas and scotch in different ways. Tool’s Undertow is a good example (off the top of my head..) of the sound I’m thinking of, so… prog? Or at least heavily inspired. I’m bad with genres heheh
im currently trying to either become okay with roadkill's name, or decide on a new one.. so im not making any album covers for them yet lol but i will post when i do..
I think roadkill would take a lot of inspo from their fave band so their style is probably heavily influenced by Lynx. Scotch adds a lot of sampling, distortion, whatever..idk I don’t make music.. and atlas is a big fan of slow tempo and bass. think its important to note that atlas doesnt play bass like a bassist in this album, he plays it more like a guitarist. kind of. hope that makes sense. I’ve always been really torn about roadkill’s genre, it’s been everywhere and tends to change. scotch and atlas’ styles would be vastly different if they were solo, so I think that’s why i am so indecisive . I think I just have to keep reminding myself that they’re in a band together, so styles would be mixed.
A part of me is like.. I think roadkill’s first album would be reminiscent of faith no more’s ‘the real thing’, or even some of Primus' stuff in some sense, plus similarities to Lynx and influences of industrial. i know thats a lot of random descriptions. I kinda think of (here’s a goofy genre for ya) sludge metal bands’ instrumental style, not necessarily vocal style... its hard to describe a band that doesnt exist. LMFAO
right now im thinking about 'the pot' by tool as a close example of roadkill.. im having a hard time finding artists that match scotch's vocal range even remotely. also doesnt help that the bands im basing this off of like tool and FNM dont exactly...fit into genres very neatly. roadkill and lynx wouldnt either. HAH. i just know it wouldnt be that high quality but definitely obvious theres a lot of passion in it. i mean this is just an album made by guys who dontknow what theyre doing. like at all. lol
Roadkill’s sound changes quite a bit their next album when seraph is involved. It becomes a lot more ummmm I guess palatable to more people? I don’t exactly know what I mean by that. Ok. LOL. I’ll think about it.. but this is around when Scotch realizes he wants this to be his job. Having Seraph helps A LOT with building a more dedicated and bigger audience, since they’re the one most willing to make changes. Plus they’re in art school, I feel like they’d have connections. So I guess roadkill would sell out in a way.
if you asked me this question a year ago i would have had a completely different answer. i wouldve probably said roadkill is pop punk or garage rock or something. i have trouble fitting scotch and atlas into a genre together. it fits scotch just fine and i think he would enjoy it, but its not roadkill.. also ive been thinking of stylizing roadkill as rdkill.. lmk wat u think.. im unsure about the name is generalHAHA. i know this is a lot so dont feel pressured to reply to everything LMAO im just thinking out loud. and drawing connections between genres that completely do not make sense. peace and LOVE<3
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borom1r · 5 months
1-25 choose violence ask game ❤️
ALL OF THEM?????? you’re so real for this ty snfnsnbfns. doing LotR bc of course I am
1. the character everyone gets wrong
PIPPIN I HATE TO SAY IT BUT PIPPIN. all those incorrect quote polls that have been posted where pippin keeps fucking winning YALL REALIZE HES AN ACTUAL CHARACTER RIGHT?? with like depth?? and bonds?? and a personality. yall realize that right?????? right??? ik we all love 2 joke but he would not say half of those things
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
ok I personally enjoy both for Boromir BUT if he IS topping. he is a service top. I will die on this hill
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I block ppl for these takes so no screenshots but everyone who thinks Boromir is a villain. if you think Boromir is a villain I will key your car.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
there is one singular straw and it is bad Boromir takes in the Boromir tag
5. worst discord server and why
I don’t join fandom discord servers bc I love myself too much for that 💗
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
ummm idk? most of my lotr mutuals have different ships from me and it’s all chill. but tbf I’m very selective abt who I interact with now lmao.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
no one yet thank fuck.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Aragorn/Arwen isn’t actually romantic sorry I think it’s fucked up actually. the vibes are off there for SURE
9. worst part of canon
FARAMIR’S “yeah I’m gonna take you from your home and tame you. haha wdym. you don’t need a blade during times of peace.” SHTICK WITH ÉOWYN IN THE BOOKS. UNPACK YOUR BIASES YOU LITTLE FREAK!!!!!!!!
10. worst part of fanon
HM. I will stick with “people who horrifically misinterpret Boromir’s character”
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
at the moment I only have rings of power blocked but I’ve had that blocked since it came out bc if I look at the armor in that show I will commit crimes.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
MOVIE!FARAMIR MY SPECIALEST LITTLE GUY OOOOOOOOOO MOVIE!FARAMIR I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU he’s so handsome and special and I love him and you WILL all look at him and clap and cheer. it makes me insane that his temptation by the ring mirror’s Boromir’s and he’s actually fucking normal abt the Rohirrim AND I just love him very much :)
13. worst blorboficiation
ummm idk… maybe Frodo
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
HMMM exposing myself but I basically only read Aragorn/Boromir fics lmao + since we’re Choosing Violence the most annoying thing is Boromir just being A Brute. like damn I love the surface level reading of the text maybe try engaging with it above a 1st grade analysis next time 💗
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
hmmmmm idk cuz again I don’t interact w a lot of fanartists so there’s nothing like. annoying. all th ✨motifs✨ I do see r very fun + I like them :)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
ummm for Serious, portraying Pippin as Stupid. for Silly, uhhhh Trans Faramir is so real to me I completely forgot cis people both 1) exist in the real world and 2) probably interpret Fara as cis too. i don’t get it :(
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
trans Faramir 🩵💗🤍
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
HM idk. trans Faramir again. also bc I love it, utilizing Old Norse culture for the Rohirrim teehee
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
OK IM MAD THAT FINNISH BOROMIR IS JUST ME. THATS ME. THATS AN OUTFIT I WEAR REGULARLY MINUS THE LONG HAIR. I DRESS LIKE THAT TO BUY GROCERIES. i love him for that tho. I’m also mad that MtG Boromir’s stupid pointy muttonchops have grown on me. freak behavior, keeping his facial hair trimmed in those stupid little points
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I’m fighting for my life reading the histories rn 😑 I find them very dry for the most part
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
idk? I think there is an appropriate level of hype. but idk if Rings of Power had a lot of hype. if it did, then Rings of Power is my answer
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
idk if it’s IGNORED necessarily but the fact that Boromir carries a Rohirric shield in the films does actually genuinely make me insane 💞 I love that sm
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
UNWILLINGLY?????? idk?? ummmm I think it’s all fine for the most part I’m just A Fag so I don’t write het ships. it’s like a moral thing. Éowyn/Faramir gets a pass conceptually bc they’re T4T to me tho
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
idkkkkkkk I don’t engage w discourse bc I want this fandom to remain pleasanttttt
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
again idk.. I block on sight if I see a Bad Take + then I erase it from my memory so I can continue to live in a beautiful blissful world where I. forgor abt cis people ☺️
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
And ofc when i talk about how it's getting a wee bit uncomfortable with how certain types view miguel in a humorous light I have had:
Someone accuse me of being an sjw
Someone compare me to the doctor from Good Doctor (who mind u is a show supported by pro eugenics group Autism Speaks) because i typed all capital letters in the tag
Had someone try to play "they do it to white ppl too!!"
Never once did i call out a specific user. I was simply making a general observation.
It just shows how even when humoring "Hey maybe we should be a bit more considerate writing MOC" there's always gonna be someone being purposefully obtuse. Never said you can't write smut. No one wants to take away your pen and laptop. Admit it y'all just want to find an excuse to bully someone for daring to challenge you or take it as a personal offense you hurt and belittle them. Well I have moots who got attacked far more viciously, bullied off the internet for liking something or the tiniest mistake or critique. I had had my self inserts called the n word simply for existing, and a racist rambling to me how my fave character Amy Rose - a fictional hedgehog - should die by way of a real life lynching. Yeah somebody actually said that. I have the screenshots to prove it.
And yet I never go out my way the way y'all sad little mayo monkeys have to shit on people. I make silly little posts bemused at the whole damn thing. I'm not a mean person I try to get along with everybody. I like sexy men too, but at some point y'all just have to take a step back and actually freaking LISTEN. Cuz I have every right to vent and wish for my favorites characters of color to be treated with respect, sexy times included. Especially someone I have as an f/o, I don't need to be talked down to like a gosh darn child all because I want my faves (and really any nonwhite character) to be given some freakin decent writing.
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
CIG my emojis are a little cooked because I'm an Android girlie BUT, I screenshot 4 below for you (if that's too many, don't feel as if you have to answer them all):
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also please feel free to interpret the eggplant one as your favourite nsfw fic instead of the most popular if you wish!
Thank you! 🥰
Sometimes I do drink and write, yes. Tbh, I typically have a great time writing while wine-drunk – and end up really liking what I’ve written. In a way, that worries me! I mean, who do I think I am? Bloody Charles Baudelaire? So I’m careful not to do it too often.
Spicy stuffs! Yes I do and I’m all for it. My personal fave is When Soulmates Swim. It’s set around season one so TK and Carlos are just getting to know each other, and I wanted to emphasise that their sexual connection is blowing their minds. While they’re doing it they’re like why is this so good??? What’s happening??? Why am I leaving the planet??? It was really fun to write them having great sex that was also clumsy and silly.
The WIP Flashback Fic started life as something very different. Gabriel being alive after season 4 was vital for the plot to work. I could have kept it going as an AU, but my heart just wasn’t in it. I scrapped about 20k and made lots of changes. I think Flashback Fic is my favourite thing I’ve written (and I can’t wait to share!), and it wouldn’t have been written without Gabriel dying…but I’ll always be sad that the show killed him off like they did anyway. Naughty show! (I love you 911LS come back!!!)
Lots of IRL people know I write fanfic! I’ve told: My mum: Hilariously supportive. I told her the show involves ‘a hot cop’ and she asked, “Do other people think the cop is hot as well?” and I said “Yes we are all in agreement about that.” She was pleased. My brother: A literary snob; a writer too. He was hilariously unsupportive at first, but then came around to the idea. The majority of my friends and my work team: All of them want me to link them to my Ao3 account, but I never ever will. Two lawyers at work who I happened to have a meeting with about half an hour after I found out I’d been plagiarised: I literally ended up taking legal advice. They were also very supportive while simultaneously bewildered. The deputy director of my work department because one of the lawyers got drunk and told her: Dep. Director said “well – your mistake was being so talented.” So, what I’ve learned is that people are actually very cool about it - or have been so far, anyway.
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57sfinest · 1 year
2, 3, 7 and 24 lol
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
mmm i'm gonna go a little sideways from the prompt because harry isn't necessarily my fave but i just do want to say i don't think this man is topping. i think the emotional fallout from martinaise has stripped him of his ability to ever top or dom or be in charge in any sexual capacity like ever again. someone tries to get him to top and he gets the thousand yard stare like oh no... i dont top..... not since The Accident..... like already immediately post-amnesia you've got these comments saying sober sex is scary for him, his blood flow is bad from the alcoholism so his dick is operating at a generous 48% capacity, he's got chronic pain + will probably feel that bullet in his thigh forever and ever and this is a perfect storm that equals to This Man Aint Topping. physical and emotional agony if this man even tries. you put this man in a situation where he's expected to top and he says 'i can't... not after everything women have been through...'
that being said i think if you can convince him that there is a shortage of tops for the future communist utopia of revachol & you remind him "from each according to his means" etc he might try. like if you tell him mazov topped then it might actually work. but otherwise call this man a cheese pizza cuz there's no topping here
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
there have been many. but i think one that angers me the most is the idea that dora was somehow wrong for leaving harry. i did see once (many months ago) that she should have stayed because of what the breakup did to him and i know for a FACT that person completely missed the point of the last dream on the seafort. that shit was crazy
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
i'm very good at maintaining my own separate opinions so there's no character i HATE but [strapping on my bulletproof vest] kim took a back burner in my brain for a while because the sheer volume of genuine sincere unironic 'kim is a good cop and his purpose in life is to be harry's support system' i saw was like. mind numbing. i'm not talking about lighthearted fun with his character i was seeing people genuinely believing that shit and i got so sick of it that kim became a secondary consideration for a while. i do love him his character is super interesting & i'm currently working on an analysis, but i think it was a case of oversaturation for a few months there
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
i am lucky to have not seen much but i think one of the things i see start some conflict is that there are 2 equally good and valuable types of Disco Enjoyment: 1) silly goofy fun and 2) full 10th-grade-english-teacher-mode analysis. and people can do both but i personally have deleted several anons who i think didn't realize this fact and therefore took my character analysis posts as personal attacks on the Silly Goofy Fun activities rather than the braindumps they were. most of the rancid shit i HAVE seen has mostly come down to: we are looking at the same thing through different levels of detail and canon-compliancy and are forgetting that Ignoring That Shit is an option
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shootyrefutey · 2 years
Ranking Shang Tsung outfits from 1/10:
All images from the mk wiki or my screenshots while playing konquest
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8/10. Captures that sinister decrepit old wizard look. Pretty underrated look considering they never really went back to the blue.
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7/10. Pretty plain but a fun look nonetheless. I love how (according to a Gamepro magazine) After losing the tournament Shao Kahn turned him into 19 year old. I just find that funny.
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9/10. Goth vampire Shang. Marked down bc I’m not a fan of the wig in game (and honestly I the art makes him look better) but this whole outfit fucks.
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9/10. The art director for this game said he gave off an air of ‘sinister regality’ and this outfit really does exemplify that. So many little details (and trust me I would draw this outfit more but reference pics are really hard to come by). I call him Farquaad.
The Alt:
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6/10. I like the long braid. But the 3 arm bracelets feel a little excessive. It’s alright tho.
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5/10. ‘A clown? You were defeated by a clown?’ It’s alright. It just has a lot of pieces with not a lot of detailing on them. He just looks a little too plain. Also loses a point because they covered the side boob.
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2/10. ‘How many snakes do you want on your character design?’ ‘Yes.’
I was gonna give this a 3 but I just noticed the snake skin pattern as well and they’re so fucking silly what were these character designers on.
The Alt:
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8/10. Peepaw in his cool wizard robes. I actually think the random green gem works pretty well. The bottom half looks a bit plain though.
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10/10. Honestly don’t have the time to run through all the variations but in 11 his outfits are so detailed and he just looks so decadent. (I take great time in customising my soul jar and scroll it absolutely must match.) He has painted nails in some skins (automatic W). Special shoutout to my main skin, the red one from his ending in MK11 Aftermath. I can’t be bothered to find it but I trust you to visualise it in your head.
Anyway that’s it. Pls like comment fave and subscribe
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rakumel · 1 year
Raku Plays Her Faves, Ys VIII, Chapter 4: Badly Abridged
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Let’s see if I can squish Chapter 4 into a single post. On one hand, it’s a lot shorter than I remember. On the other hand, I generally can’t shut up when talking about this game.
Also: major end of Chapter 4 spoilers at the end of this post.
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Hummel shows back up and joins the party permanently.
From the summit they can see some ruins and a massive tree, but no clear way to get to said ruins. Still, turning back’s not an option, so down the other side of the mountain they go.
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They camp for the night at the foot of the mountain. Adol fesses up about his highly detailed dreams, where he’s actually experiencing things as Dana, not just seeing her.
The group doesn’t know what to make of that, but they stay supportive. I’m 99 percent sure no one at Falcom meant it this way, but in my dumbass imagination, I can’t help but wonder if at least one person in the party wondered that night if Adol was trying to come out as genderfluid. I don’t know about y’all, but I’d buy every Ys game made until the end of time if they were bold enough to do that.
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He has another very vivid dream that night, where we play as Dana again in the royal capital of Aegias. It’s fuckin’ ornate and gorgeous, and none of the way too many touristy-style screencaps I took can do it justice.
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If you saw the title The Lost World and immediately thought of the Jurassic Park movies, you’re not alone. In the screenshot you can kind of see the ruins in the distance, but to get there, they’ve got to cross these plains full of Primordials, most of which will stomp your party flat if you try to pick a fight with them at this point.
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If you love the found family trope, you’re in for a treat in this camping scene that takes place after they’ve crossed the plains, but just before they get to the ruins. Ricotta’s always wanted a family like the ones she saw in the books she and her dad collected, and with this group, she feels like she’s finally getting her wish. And everyone else is all, “Heck yeah, we’ll be your family.”
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This isn’t a major plot point or anything, but I shared it anyway because it gave me both the warm fuzzies AND the happy sniffles.
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Back in the past, Dana sees - through Adol’s experience - that he and his group have made it to some ruins, but a big chasm’s keeping them from actually entering them. Also, oh shit - she recognizes the ruins as what’s left of Aegias. Apparently something happened between her time and Adol’s that destroyed the capital city.
Remember back in Chapter 3 where Dana planted a sapling in the past that grew into a big-ass tree in the present, allowing Adol’s party to cross a canyon and get to the mountain where they couldn’t before? She basically does the same thing here.
Back to the present day, and....
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After exploring the ruins a bit, they finally find Thanatos Beldine (kind of...more like he finds them) and turns out he’s both older and goofier than they imagined. He’d been captured by a flying Primordial, but managed to barely escape with his life. Unfortunately, it left him stuck on the wrong side of the mountain. But at least now Ricotta’s finally reunited with her adopted dad :)
Speaking of goofy, the story’s been told very well and very sensibly so far. So even though this part’s a stretch, I’d say they earned the right to have a little silliness. As a treat.
So turns out the reason Hummel came with the party this time was to deliver a suitcase to Thanatos. And its contents turned out to be...seriously, y’all might want to sit down for this if you’re not already...a jar of pickles and blueprints for a ship. And the reason Thanatos got those things was because, on a whim, he wrote that request down on a note and put it in a bottle, then threw it out to sea. And Hummel found it, and apparently that’s good enough to count as a contract.
(Yes, I have many, MANY questions about all of that.)
But yes, Hummel’s been walking around with blueprints for a ship this entire time. God damn it. (For the record, he also canned the pickles, and according to Thanatos, they were damned good.)
To Mr. Beldine’s credit, he generously gives Adol the ship blueprints to take back to Castaway Village so that everyone, himself included, can get off the island. Once they take care of the giant squid problem, of course.
But first, I’m posting two images of really big fish catches, because a) I want to give you ample time to turn back if you don’t want to see the spoilers and b) damn it I nearly killed my thumb again trying to reel these big stupid scaly bastards in, so I’m showing them off.
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(Wait...464.1 cm? You’re telling me Sahad landed a fish that’s over 15 fuckin’ feet long with only a homemade fishing rod??? God DAMN)
Er...anyway. Once again, major spoilers for the game and the end of Chapter 4 ahead. Everyone still here, you ready?
So Thanatos mentions to Adol that there’s a temple in the ruins, at the foot of that massive tree they saw way back on top of the mountain, that he should check out. But, there’s yet another gap in the ruins they can’t cross. So there’s yet another trip back to Dana in the past, who plants another sapling near the temple. (Dana does a lot more besides that; I’m glossing over so much exposition and shit here, it ain’t funny.)
So once again, plot tree to the rescue. After making their way through the temple and fighting off all the monsters that have taken up residence in it over the years, guess what Adol and company find?
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Another tree! No, wait...something’s in the tree.
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Did I say something? I meant someone.
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Holy balls, IT’S DANA. Like...really, actually, physically there.
She wakes up and recognizes Adol, but can’t remember why she was in the tree, or how she got that red tattoo-like mark on her shoulder. Dana’s still groggy, which is understandable for someone who’s been asleep for god knows how many years, and hasn’t had anything to eat since. The party quickly agrees to take her back to Castaway Village, and that’s where the chapter ends.
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Well...huh. Damn.
I’ll admit that characters having amnesia in games like this isn’t exactly breaking new ground storywise. BUT, I still love the breadcrumb way Ys VIII tells its story. Mysteries arise, then get solved, but the act of solving them opens up more mysteries, advances more of the story, reveals more about its characters. Even sidequests that in other games would be wholly separate and self-contained contribute to the story.
For example, there have been notes left behind on pirate skeletons that we’ve been finding since way the hell back in Chapter 1. We get a full explanation of those in Chapter 5, PLUS a thing at the end of the pirate story that’s necessary to the main story.
And, jar of pickles with ship blueprints aside, none of it feels unnatural. None of it feels too rushed or too slow. None of it feels like filler. Even the optional quests you do for the characters don’t feel pointless or like a waste of time. Since Adol’s the main character we’re meant to project onto, he unfortunately remains mostly a blank slate, but almost everyone else? Feels as multi-layered as actual people. 
Considering we’re now up to over 20 characters, that’s fucking amazing to me. And there’s still a few more of ‘em to come. Aaaaand by the way, we’re not done with past Dana, even though she’s been found in the present. Yep, Dana’s such a badass that she continues to solve mysteries while existing in two different timelines.
This game, y’all.
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
I don't know if you'll even post this, but thanks for letting me vent I guess ?
This isn't directed at you, but to Tomdaya fandom in general today. I'm really disappointed in how many blogs are making fun of Timmy's body/appearance in the B.Vogue pics.
Everyone HATES when people make fun of Tom, and that's always slammed and called out as wrong. So why are the same blogs doing it to other people?
Its OK to not like him or the pics (they aren't my favorite either), but making fun of how his body/face looks is not ok.
Lol, honestly I haven't been seeing what other Tomdaya blogs have been saying about Timmy lol. Maybe I don't follow them? Cuz none of the ones I follow have even mentioned him today from my recollection hahaha. 😅🤣
Again.... I KEEP saying this: When you claim something is going on in blogs/the internet/twitter, etc. I'm more likely to actually believe you if you have REAL RECEIPTS or screenshots with proof backing what you're actually saying. Cuz without it, how am I supposed to know
that what you're saying is even the truth?? 🥴 🤷
With that said, I'll just say right off the bat that I like Timmy! I have nothing against him. I think he's cool. BTW....Have you seen my blog?? I tease everybody just about lol. 😅🤣 Usually it's all just light-hearted fun and not anything serious or malicious or anything against the person at all... I usually don't take things that seriously. Some things just make me chuckle, that's all. I even tease Tom and Zendaya from time to time lol. 😅 I teased them for their silly "shenanigans" during their breakup, I tease Z and sometimes call her "HoboDaya", I teased Tom about his silly rebounding flings lol, and for being a simp for Z, and I consistently tease Tomdaya for being simps for each other lol. Again, nothing harsh or mean....just light-hearted ribbing from time to time. LIGHT teasing is actually usually a form of endearment to me I guess?? 🤷
Believe me, you will know if I really HATE (hate is a strong word) dislike someone I'm talking about lol. It's pretty obvious when I DON'T like someone I think. 😤
With that said, while I don't like when some fandoms are mean and make fun of other actors/actresses just to build up their faves, at the same time, those same blogs/fans are entitled to their own opinions, just like you're entitled to yours! 😊
If you don't like what someone is posting, you can always unfollow them. Like I said, I haven't seen a bunch of Tomdaya fans/blogs making fun of Timmy's body, but I don't think anyone should body shame someone. At the same time, I thought there was that one picture in the shoot that just looked a little strange to me lol, but hey...maybe some people liked it? Everyone has their own personal taste. But bottom line: Idk about other people, but I personally don't have anything against Tee-mo-tay lol... I just lightly tease just about everyone on my blog at times lol.
And I agree w/you... I think that teasing someone JUST because they're not your "fave" is not right. And no, I don't like it when people do that to Tom either.
Now, if people have valid reasons for not liking that particular celebrity/actor (like they're a certified douche for example), then that might be a different story. 🤷
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