#just mega unwell
wave-man · 9 months
out of curiosity and bordeom i DID compile every chelsea in dreamwave mega man
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(just enough to be too many to post for real i wouldnt even wanna try organizing these anyways)
appearances in issue 1: 14
appearances in issue 2: NONE!!!!!!!!
appearances in issue 3: 26 (if we include the ones where shes too obscured it comes to 28)
appearances in issue 4: they dumped all the original plot so everyone is completely absent besides game characters and she who must not be named for some reason. technically 1 i said it didnt count but she is right there so...
so in total she is in 41 panels, of course if you count the obscured ones 43
at least she did a lot better than roll 😭 (didnt count those but i Know roll doesnt stand a chance if we compare)
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mlarayoukai · 6 months
"I can't design male ocs because I can't think of anything" yes u can u are just a mega coward and are afraid to give them long hair and skirts. U r unwell. I'm wishing u a speedy recovery ❤️
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
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In the last 20 years, the Left has boasted that it has gained control of most of America institutions of power and influence—the corporate boardroom, media, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the administrative state, academia, foundations, social media, entertainment, professional sports, and Hollywood.
With such support, between 2009-17, Barack Obama was empowered to transform the Democratic Party from its middle-class roots and class concerns into the party of the bicoastal rich and subsidized poor—obsessions with big money, race, a new intolerant green religion, and dividing the country into a binary of oppressors and oppressed.
The Obamas entered the presidency spouting the usual leftwing boilerplate (“spread the wealth,” “just downright mean country,” “get in their face,” “first time I’ve been proud of my country”) as upper-middle-class, former community activists, hurt that their genius and talents had not yet been sufficiently monetized.
After getting elected through temporarily pivoting to racial ecumenicalism and pseudo-calls for unity, they reverted to form and governed by dividing the country. And then the two left the White House as soon-to-be mansion living, mega-rich elites, cashing in on the fears they had inculcated over the prior eight years.
To push through the accompanying unpopular agendas of an open border, mandatory wind and solar energy, racial essentialism, and the weaponization of the state, Obama had begun demonizing his opponents and the country in general: America was an unexceptional place. Cops were racist. “Clingers” of the Midwest were hopelessly ignorant and prejudiced. Only fundamental socialist transformation could salvage a historically oppressive, immoral, and racist nation.
The people finally rebelled at such preposterousness. Obama lost his party some 1,400 local and state offices during his tenure, along with both houses of Congress. His presidency was characterized by his own polarizing mediocrity. His one legacy was Obamacare, the veritable destruction of the entire system of a once workable health insurance, of the hallowed doctor-patient relationship, and of former easy access to competent specialists.
Yet Obama’s unfufilled ambitions set the stage for the Biden administration—staffed heavily with Obama veterans—to complete the revolutionary transformation of the Democratic Party and country.
It was ironic that while Obama was acknowledged as young and charismatic, nonetheless a cognitively challenged, past plagiarist, fabulist, and utterly corrupt Joe Biden was far more effective in ramming through a socialist woke agenda and altering the very way Americans vote and conduct their legal system.
Stranger still, Biden accomplished this subversion of traditional America while debilitated and often mentally inert—along with being mired in a bribery and influence-peddling scandal that may ultimately confirm that he easily was the most corrupt president to hold office in U.S. history.
How was all this possible?
Covid had allowed the unwell Biden to run a surrogate campaign from his basement as he outsourced his politicking to a corrupt media.
Senility proved a godsend for Biden. His cognitive disabilities masked his newfound radicalism and long-accustomed incompetence. Unlike his past failed campaigns, the lockdowns allowed Biden to be rarely seen or heard—and thus as much liked in the abstract as he had previously been disliked in the concrete.
His handlers, the Obamas, and the Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren radical Democrats, saw Biden’s half-century pretense as a gladhander—good ole Joe Biden from Scranton—as the perfect delivery system to funnel their own otherwise-unpopular leftwing agendas. In sum, via the listless Biden, they sought to change the very way America used to work.
And what a revolution Biden’s puppeteers have unleashed in less than three years.
They launched a base attack on the American legal system. Supreme Court judges are libeled, their houses swarmed, and their lives threatened with impunity. The Left promised to pack the court or to ignore any decision it resents. The media runs hit pieces on any conservative justice deemed too influential. The prior Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer whipped up a mob outside the court’s doors, and threatened two justices by name. As Schumer presciently put it, they would soon “reap the whirlwind” of what they supposedly had sowed and thus would have no idea what was about to “hit” them.
Under the pretense of Covid fears, balloting went from 70 percent participation on election day in most states to a mere 30 percent. Yet the rates of properly rejected illegal or improper ballots often dived by a magnitude of ten.
Assaults now followed on hallowed processes, laws, customs, and institutions—the Senate filibuster, the 50-state union, the Electoral College, the nine-justice Supreme Court, Election Day, and voter IDs.
Under Biden, the revolution had institutionalized first-term impeachment, the trial of an ex-president while a private citizen, and the indictment of a chief political rival and ex-president on trumped up charges by local and federal prosecutors—all to destroy a political rival and alter the 2024 election cycle.
Biden destroyed the southern border—literally. Eight million entered illegally—no background checks, no green cards, no proof of vaccinations. America will be dealing with the consequences for decades. Mexico was delighted, receiving some $60 million in annual remittances, while the cartels were empowered to ship enough fentanyl to kill 100,000 Americans a year.
“Modern monetary theory,” the Leftist absurdity that printing money ensures prosperity, followed. It has nearly bankrupted the country, unleashed wild inflation, and resulted in the highest interest rates in a quarter-century. Middle-class wages fell further behind as a doddering Biden praised his disastrous “Bidenomics.”
Biden warred on fossil fuels, cancelling federal leases and pipelines, jawboning lending agencies to defund fracking, demonizing state-of-the-art, clean-burning cars, and putting vast areas of oil- and gas-rich federals lands off-limits to drilling.
When gas prices predictably doubled under Biden and the 2022 midterms approached, he tried temporarily to lease out a few new fields, to drain the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and to beg the Saudis, and our enemies, the Iranians, the Venezuelans, and the Russians, to pump more oil and gas that Biden himself would not. All this was a pathetic ruse to temporarily lower gas prices before the mid-term elections.
Biden abandoned Afghanistan, leaving the largest trove of military equipment behind in U.S. military history, along with thousands of loyal Afghans and pro-American contractors.
Biden insulted the parents of the 13 Marines blown up in this worst U.S. military debacle since Pearl Harbor. He lied to the parents of the dead that he too lost a son in the Iraq war, and when among them later impatiently checked his watch as he seemed bored with the commemoration of the fallen—and made no effort to hide his sense that the ceremony was tedious to him.
Vladimir Putin summed up the Afghan debacle—and Biden’s nonchalant remark that he wouldn’t react strongly to a “minor” invasion of Ukraine if it were minor—as a green light to invade Ukraine.
When Biden did awaken, his first reaction was an offer to fly the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy out of the country as soon as possible. What has followed proved the greatest European killing ground since the 1944-45 Battle of the Bulge, albeit one that has now fossilized into a Verdun-like quagmire that is draining American military supply stocks and killing a half-million Ukrainians and Russians.
Suddenly, there are three genders, not two. Women’s sports have been wrecked by biological men competing as women, destroying a half-century of female athletic achievement. Young girls in locker rooms, co-eds in sororities, and women in prison must dress and shower with biological men transitioning to women by assertion.
There is no longer a commitment to free speech. The American Civil Liberties Union is a woke, intolerant group trying to ban free expression under the pretense of fighting “hate” speech and “disinformation.”
The Left has revived McCarthyite loyal oaths straight out of the 1950s, forcing professors, job applicants, and students applying for college to pledge their commitment to “diversity” as a requisite for hiring, admittance, or promotion. Diversity is our era’s version of the Jacobins’ “Cult of Reason.”
Race relations hit a 50-year nadir. Joe Biden has a long history of racist insults and putdowns. And now as apparent penance, he has reinvented himself as a reverse racial provocateur, spouting nonsense about white supremacy, exploiting shootings or hyping racial tensions to ensure that an increasingly disgusted black electorate does not leave the new Democratic Party.
The military has adopted wokeism, oblivious that it has eroded meritocracy in the ranks and slashed military recruitment. It is underfunded, wracked by internal suspicion, loss of morale and ginned up racial and gender animosity. Its supply stocks are drained. Arms productions is snail-like, and generalship is seen as a revolving door to corporate defense contractor board riches.
Big-city Democratic district attorneys subverted the criminal justice system, destroyed law enforcement deterrence, and unleashed a record crime wave. Did they wish to create anarchy as protest against the normal, or were they Jokerist nihilists who delighted in sowing ruin for ruin’s sake?
Radical racial activists, with Democrat endorsement, demand polarizing racial reparations. The louder the demands, the quieter they remain about smash-and-grab looting, carjacking, and the swarming of malls by disproportionally black teens—even as black-on-black urban murders reach record proportions.
In response, Biden tried to exploit the growing tensions by spouting lies that “white supremacy” and “white privilege” fuel such racial unrest—even as his ill-gotten gains, past record of racist demagoguery and resulting lucre and mansions appear the epitome of his own so-called white privilege.
This litany of disasters could be vastly expanded, but more interesting is the why of it all?
What we are witnessing seems to be utter nihilism. The border is not porous but nonexistent. Mass looting and carjackings are not poorly punished, but simply exempt from all and any consequences. Our downtowns are reduced to a Hobbesian “war of all against all,” where the strong dictate to the weak and the latter adjust as they must. The streets of our major cities in just a few years have become precivilizational—there are more human feces on the sidewalks of San Francisco than were in the gutters of Medieval London.
The FBI and DOJ are not simply wayward and weaponized, but corrupt and renegade. Apparently the perquisite now for an FBI director is the ability either to lie while under oath or better to mask such lying by claiming amnesia or ignorance.
Immigration is akin to the vast unchecked influxes of the late Roman Empire across the Danube and Rhine that helped to finish off a millennium-old civilization that had lost all confidence in its culture and thus had no need for borders.
In other words, the revolution is not so much political as anarchist. Nothing escapes it—not ceiling fans, not natural gas cooktops, not parents at school board meetings, not Christian bakeries, not champion female swimmers, not dutiful policemen, not hard-working oil drillers, not privates and corporals in the armed forces, not teens applying on their merits to college, not anyone, anywhere, anytime.
The operating principle is either to allow or to engineer things to become so atrocious in everyday American life—the inability to afford food and fuel, the inability to walk safely in daylight in our major cities, the inability to afford to drive as one pleases, the inability to obtain or pay back a high interest loan—that the government can absorb the private sector and begin regimenting the masses along elite dictates. The more the people tire of the leftist agenda, the more its architects furiously seek to implement it, hoping that their institutional and cultural control can do what  ballots cannot.
We could variously characterize their efforts as destroying the nation to save it, or burning it down to start over, or fundamentally transforming America into something never envisioned by the Founders.
Will their upheaval  succeed? All the levers of the power and money are on the side of the revolutionaries. The people are not. And they are starting to wake to the notion if they do not stop the madness in their midst they very soon won’t have a country.
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A perfect metaphor for what the progressives have done to America.
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samseaaa · 6 months
I forgot to mention it here but my lloyd garmadon x reader mega fic (that’s what I’m calling it now) has surpassed 300k words.
It’s the first book in a trilogy that will probably put me in my grave. It’s only just over halfway done (44/80 chapters) (yes, I am mentally unwell, thanks for asking)
Anyway people of tumblr if u like fucking up canon, making the effect of Morro’s possession over Lloyd worse, and Lloyd having no clue that he’s a dragon-oni hybrid but still having to deal with the consequences, this is the right fic for you!
(If you’re a hopeless romantic like I am then this is also the right fic for you)
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herblay · 2 months
Every Track in Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess and which BNHA character it is about.
Yeah that's right I did a bad one about Charli XCX songs and I'm here with ANOTHER atrocity but this time I'm desecrating Chappell Roan our lord and savior I'm sorry. It's out of love. But also a hot mess. And I'm drinking wine alone because I wasted a Sunday night on a first date and I did NOT jive with the gal (she kept talking about her ex help meeeeeeee). Just to #setthescene
Femininomenon: Uraraka Ochako. WHY CAN'T ANY MAN? I love lesbians man. I love lesbians so much. And Ochako you're my favorite as of yet undetermined wuh luh wuh. Love women who like women. And like. Yes. Also again Uraraka is THE Femininomenon. We need her.
Red Wine Supernova: Kirishima Eijirou. I just think he would be on this song. Also his hair! And the vibes! The cool roommates! Didn't quite think it through! I just think he fits! Honorary lesbian! I adopt him into lesbianism!
After Midnight: Shinsou Hitoshi. I also can't explain this one besides "I love a little drama/Let's start a bar fight" being very MonoShin coded and I think Shinsou would be more lighthearted about that. And the spoken part is very command. I like this for him. And it fits the vibes of those two. I love them.
Coffee: Sir Nighteye. He's singing about All Might. I'm crying. Me too bestie! I'm unwell! I love my divorced fathers!
Casual: THEEEE Dabi Hawks anthem and I will not hear otherwise! We kiss I have anger issues! Knee deep in the passenger seat! I love this song it goes so fucking hard and so do they! They are not telling their friends all the details! It's embarrassing and they cannot help themselves!
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl: Asui Tsuyu. WE DON'T DESERVE HER! She is my goat! And everyone was hyper mega bummer and did not treat her as she deserved that one time (I'm still mad about how they hurt my girl's feelings at Kamino Ward). I love her, they should all get on her level! (But also I know) (I KNOW) (Present Mic sings this to Aizawa all the time when he's feeling like messing with him) (I support him)
HOT TO GO!: Jirou. Sung to Momo. And it's adorable. It's wonderful. It's perfect. They are all lesbians because I SAID SO damnit. STAND AND CLAP NOW TOUCH YOUR TOES! (The really sick part of me said hot to go is about Dabi but that's just a mean joke how could I ever make it oh wait I just did)
My Kink Is Karma: Todoroki Shouto. Given how he is about his dad! I support a petty queen and Shouto is nothing but a petty queen and this song is about PETTY QUEEN RIGHTS. No need to be hateful in ur fake Gucci sweater because Shouto is doing all the hating in his REAL one u posers.
Picture You: Bakugou Katsuki late late in the narrative about Midoriya Izuku. Because like come on now. Come on now. "It's ritualistic" "I need you around" "Am I in the frame from your point of view?" like COME ON this is about THEM this is FOR BAKUGOU about his DEKU. I'm still wrecked from them. Horikoshi please.
Kaleidoscope: Midoriya Inko. I love her. She deserves better. And the absence of her man, the way she loves Izuku unconditionally no matter what on any terms he wants. Yes Kaleidoscope is a romantic song to an extent but the parental version of it or even just the abstraction of love in general. It's beautiful and unconditional and not always perfect but it's always there and that's what matters. Anyway. I ugly cry to this song. My best friend played it for me on a uke and sang it the other day and I was an ugly wreck. And I am a wreck for Inko because she's such a good and honest person and genuinely does her best for her son. Wow. I'm sniffly.
Pink Pony Club: This is obviously Izuku Midoriya. About quirks ofc, but like the kind of joyous wide eyed earnestness of it all. It's so him. It's so fucking Deku it is perfect. Keep on dancing baby. Have your fun. The joy of it all, the self acceptance, the finding a place of belonging. It's HIM. A year to cause a scene? YES BABY.
Naked In Manhattan: Momo Yaoyorozu. I struggled for this one babes! I did! HOWEVER I do think my sheltered girlie deserves a song about self discovery and fun and GIRLS. I am always on this shit. I will do this for my girlies. They're all lesbians u can't take this from me. The other fun option is David Shield with All Might in their #collegehomosexualrevelries aka when All Might was in the states. I love them. They're a great fling.
California: Shigaraki Tomura. Or Yoichi. Or really any of the OFA holders about their predecessors. Just that hope to get their dreams only to have themselves fail to reach them and it hurts even if it's through no fault of their own. Man. I want them to be happy dawg. But mostly Shigaraki because. Yes. Him and the LOV. Man. "I miss the seasons in Missouri/My dying town/Thought I'd be cool in California/I'd make you proud/To think I almost had it going/I let you down"
Guilty Pleasure: The later, better, more fun DabiHawks song. "I want this like a cigarette" SO TRUE. I love those two lmao they're one of my favorite relationship dynamics. "Some good girls do bad things too" okay girlies you can dream. I love them. They're so fun. Also you can't tell me Hawks wouldn't absolutely go ham on the yodels during karaoke.
ANYWAY TY FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK IT BANGS IT GOES SO HARD I LOVE THIS ALBUM I HOPE ALL OF U ARE YODELING. Please listen to this whole album. Man. I love this album. It goes so fucking hard. It's a pop banger.
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hocuspocusbabyy · 3 months
Learn to speak: Cressida x Eloise. 🦢🕊️
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Description: Eloise and Cressida are revealed before the entire Ton.
Pairing: Eloise Bridgerton x Cressida Cowper
Warning: I just mega bloody sad?
Cressida raced from the Bridgerton ballroom, a familiar brunette not far beyond her trace as they reached the outside. Each stumbling down the stairs one by one till they came to stand still beyond the pond. Eloise’s hand reaching out to harshly grasp and turn the fleeting blonde.
She loved her in the same way, she knows. Unavoidably, inevitably steadfast and utterly annihilating. Neither one of them willing to compromise their own success and needs for an inch for it. They lived as the sun did for the moon, in a tedious notion of inexplicable power and fatuous existence.
Cressida pulled away, her anger vibrant upon her burning flesh. The object of their miss fortune grasped within the fingers.
A book.
‘Anything, Everything, Neither here, nor there.’ By Ms Eloise Bridgerton.
She was to be published. It had been announced at the party, copies were passed around, read aloud and celebrated. The minute the book had been finished; Cressida ran.
“Miss Bridgerton I must implore you to return to the party, I do not trust myself right now.” Cressida begged, her fists balled, her hair slowly falling from its structure with each pass of sodden air. The other woman’s fringe suddenly clumped aside her head.
Eloise watched as the rain displaced around them; every inch of bare skin and drought covered. The amassable green hue of grass and blue eyes she had come to wish she never knew. Dew and tears being one and the same as their bones grew heavy, dampened by more than just the weather. Cressida rooted in the place where she had left her, figure sodden and shivered like that of a disturbed hourglass the sand? her resolution from months before. They hadn’t spoken since her decision, they sort no need to - she had made her choice, a solution for the both of them.
“So this is how we end—-you’re finally going through with it?” She asked, although questioning seemed so tedious now. Hair plastered to her face as the wind around them seemed to whip and tumble in a similar motion to how her stomach felt. Watching the woman she cared for walk away. “You’re leaving?”
The words bitter upon her tongue, as though the sweetest poison. One she could not help but drink from, if words were to hurt let them be spoke to her. Every syllable since they’d met had been for her anyway, each memory plagued with the tall blonde figure before her.
“It was never a matter of if Lou,” The blonde called forward her eyes still transfixed on the increasingly sodden pages of the book within her hand. “Only when.” She mumbled worrying her lip between her teeth.
“Then why now?” The Brunette called back her fists balled in frustration, the other woman still lacking to give her, her full attention. A meter between them, conflicting sources of emotion weaved between them.
They were beginning to attract a crowd. The surrounding guards and servants suddenly facing towards them.
The book heavy and weak within the blondes grasp. The authors title slipped down the page, falling into a pile of mush upon the ground.
“Am I C in your book? I think I must be.” Cressida’s called out, shoulders jutting forward as the rain persisted, hammering down upon her slender frame. Soaked, exhausted by her own mind, her only wish to crawl into the carriage and have no memory of this life.
“Mrs Debling.” Eloise whispered, suddenly unwell in her voice. Her wrists ached to reach ahead hold onto her, to slap her stupid, to kiss her blue.
“Don’t.” Cressida’s whimpered, her lip trapped beneath her tongue as she desperately shook her head in attempt to bush away oncoming tears. “Do not reduce me to that. I take no ownership of his name.”
“Cress, It is fiction. You cannot misjudge this, do not allow my illusions, my—-my. This infatuation is not lost on me, I apologise if my words were misunderstood.”
Cressida cleared her throat, lifting the book between them as she read. “C had an unobtainable attention, every passing hour drew on in her presence. In the most disturbing and literal sense C had entrapped me. You believe I trapped you? That I am merely a hyperactive bore?”
“That is not—- that is not what that means, not in its sense.” Eloise tried to reason, her mouth opening and shutting a few times before finally speaking. The sudden opening of ballroom doors sounding above them. The approaching footing, large and multiple.
“That please explain to me Miss Bridgerton, how else is it to be seen? Explain, as you clearly view me as too dim to understand.”
“Cressida, you are not thinking clearly. My words are of admiration.”
“You admire the—- how did you put it? The Swan with the heart of a duckling?”
“Yes— yes Cress I do, I admire your innocence, your questions. I crave to understand your every thought.”
“Why do you write such things if you do not wish to be rid of me?”
“Rid of you? Cressida, few would be so fortunate. I do not believe I will ever be allowed such an opportunity. I will never, in any of my waking days be rid of you. Every night is dreamless in reserve of you. I am plagued, with the incurable sickness of you. That is my penance, my resolve… I wear this cross gladly.”
“And your impending marriage is that a fiction?”
“No, the marriage is not a fiction”
A faint sound of Anthony and Benedict arriving at the front of the crowd. The other Bridgerton’s not far behind, elbowing and shoving their way through. Coming to stand along with the inevitable swarm of people that had come to gawk could be heard from beyond. The horrified faces of exhaustion clearly painted upon Phillip’s face.
Eloise shied away, she facing turning back towards the blonde. They were causing a spectacle, her mother’s gaze bore into her. As though stripping her down, analysing every moment of her - trying to understand who she is.
“Cressida please.” Eloise begged her guard finally shitting down as the tears spread across her face.
“You will not have me, but you will not leave me.” Cressida’s spoke, her gaze harsh and set upon the brunette. “How it will always be.” She snarled, her gazing flicking up to face the Bridgerton’s. “And how it has always been.”
Benedict shook his head sadly, he knew of course as did Fran of their sister’s chosen persuasion. Not that they had ever let on, merely helping from the side lines. Leaving to allow Eloise and Cressida time together, distracting others to protect them, supporting Eloise through many shapeless conversations and questions about relationships.
“If I don’t do this now you’ll—- you’ll just talk me out of it.” Cressida’s stated shaking her head and turning from the brunette.
“Would that be such a bad thing?” Eloise asked.
“Possibly.” The blonde whispered finally pulling her head up to gaze at the other woman, “but i am no longer in business of maybes—“
“Life is an uncertainty, nothing is guaranteed... can’t you see that?” Eloise argued the cotton of her gown gripping uncomfortably at her chest. Unsure now wether the shaking was from her drenched state or nerve of the unknown.
“Everything is certain Lou...” Creased whispered her finger wrapped so tightly that the material of the book warped beneath them. Her eyes glazed with tears - an unnerving peace. “Can’t you just trust me? Trust that I am doing what is best?” She all but begged.
Clawing at the silk of her bodice, pulling it till it sat more comfortably as she stalked ahead. Grasping the blondes face between her hands.
Cressida bit her tongue every cell in her body ached to go to her, screaming at her to step forward, to give in to that look. One she had once retained such comfort in.
Eloise pressed their foreheads together, their noses bumped together. “All I am belongs to, every curve of my pen in ode, each moment of thought, C.” The brunette quoted, her wet fingers latched within the blondes soaked hair, grasping and stroking at the strands desperately.
“It does not matter.” Cressida gritted out, Eloise’s cold lips pressed upon her cheek. Whispering pleas for them to go inside, promises of apologies. “We can never go back now, we’ve said too much. We are aware of one another.”
“I’ll do better.” Eloise whispered, her voice muffled by the blondes cheek. “We can move past this I am certain.”
“Eloise Bridgerton. I love you.” Cressida’s states pulling back her head held high, arms spread wide. As though the swan in the book. Proud for all the ton to see, drenched and exhausted, smiling sadistically, the most beautiful creature Eloise had ever seen. “And there is no coming back from me saying that.”
The blonde turned and stalked towards her carriage, the brunette did not have the energy to follow her. She could hardly breathe, her sickness had weakened her.
“Are you certain?” Eloise shouted casting a glance across her shoulder, rain beating down her face. Watching as Penelope cried for her, Colin’s arm firm in comfort. Kate practically holding Anthony behind her, Benedict turned hastily talking to Francesca.
“What?” Cressida asked her head turned as she stepped up into the carriage.
“Are we certain?” The brunette tried again, taking yet another weak step forward her arms folded in defence rather than threat as she shook. “Are we certain C, you and me?”
The blonde shallowed audibly at the question, the barrier around them flickers as the focus becomes somewhat diluted.
“Yes.” She whispers stepping down from the step, taking in her lovers battered form for the first time in months. She was thinner now, her shoulders lacked the same velocity the blondes fingers has once cut into. Ben idiot had mentioned her health had declined in favour of writing her book. Eloise often grew obsessive of her work.
She walked ahead, back towards her friend. Her hands came up to grasp at Eloise’s harrowing cheeks, the skin there grey and sunken in a tale sign of malnutrition and sleep deprivation.
“Yes.” Cressida repeated her thumbs tracing the warped lines of the brunettes flesh, both ignoring the painful section of their close proximity- not unlike an electric shock as they touched. “Yes dove, we are certain.”
The taller woman sniffed, dragging the brunette’s gaze to hers. “You are the most sure thing about me. You are my unequivocal truth, my inexorable end. I am sorry I ever let you doubt that.” Cressida cried out as Eloise’s hands finally raised to join hers - grasping at her face weakly. Pressing her facing her Cressida’s neck.
“Then stay.”
“I can’t—“ the blonde sobbed, a sticky, sickeningly sweet kiss pressed to the short woman’s forehead head as she pulled away. “Goodbye my love.” Cressida’s whispered as she walked away.
It wasn’t till the sound of her fleeting carriage sounded that Eloise finally broke down. Her knees flat against the ground, dirt seeing into the skirt of her dress. Sinking between her fingers as she clutched the ground, sobs wrecking her body.
It was Daphne who made it to her first, crouched beside her urging her to breathe properly. A hand firmly stroking circles on her back was Penelope.
“Shame on us all for gawking.” Kate called out, urging others to look away. Ordering staff to gather everyone back inside. The crowd still chanting as they walked begrudgingly inside.
“This is a private matter.” Simon bellowed, above the ton, their gossiping soon quietened. “Everyone please return inside, and give Miss Bridgerton the privacy she deserves.” He ordered, his gaze firmly fixed upon Phillip until he too when inside.
“Hey El…” Anthony whispered his body flat against the ground, mud cold and wet beneath his shirt. “Darling we really must move, you’ll freeze out here.” He reasoned, his fingers crossed and prospering up his chin as he tried to coax his sister inside.
“I will entertain our guests.” Francesca stated, as though unsure how else to help in this situation. Her gaze lingering on her sibling’s fallen grace, watching as Benedict guided their mother towards them.
“Oh my Sweet girl.” Violet whispered, bending to touch her daughter’s back comfortingly. That single touch and sound of her welcoming voice, enough to have Eloise moving, turning abruptly to grasp her mother.
The pair hugging tightly as they cried together, “I am so sorry Mama.” Eloise whispered her face pressed into her mother’s waist.
“You have nothing to apologise for Ellie, you are perfect.” Violet promised, pressing kisses to her daughter head. Looking up briefly to see Colin shielding them with his jacket.
Benedict helping lead each of the women back from the boggy grounds. Kate closing the door behind them.
Anthony knelt taller, watching his mother and sister. Swallowing deeply as Benedict reached their side, his shadow casting over them.
“Ben.” Eloise mumbled into her mother’s neck, pulling away to view her brother. Her lip trembled at the sight of his furrowed brow.
“Sister.” Ben greeted, reaching to grasp her and she left her mother’s embrace.
“She—she left me.” Eloise wittered, her hand pressed her her face and the older sibling carried her back towards the house.
Antony and Colin either side of Violet as they all made their way inside.
“I know sister, I know.” Ben whispered, Kate opening the door to them as Ben marched through the crowed and carried Eloise to bed.
The Bridgerton family followed, each choosing to spend the evening in the same room. Violet asleep leaning upon Gregory’s shoulder as he and Hyacinth discussed the crossword with Pen.
Francesca, Colin and Anthony sat with their backs to the sofa as they took turns to read aloud to the room. Daphne and Simon asleep in the armchair.
Eloise slept heavily upon Benedict’s chest, his arm slung across Kate as she began to drift too. His head lulled back as the siblings read…
Cressida would reach wales two weeks later. Eloise would eventually leave her bad.
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tired-lamb · 1 month
final thoughts on battle for the pridelands
my liveblogging was… chaotic, to say the least, but I wanted to really gather my thoughts on this episode because its a big, big one. figuratively AND literally lol.
first things first the new designs straight up shook me in a /neu way, it’s not that I don’t like them but I just wasn’t ready to let go of the old designs yet, y’know? I kind of dislike how Fuli’s design feels like a completely different character, but otherwise it’s eh. I think seeing the guard grow up just made me emotional, haha. I wish Janja, Cheezi, Chungu and Jasiri got new designs tho, since I hc them to be roughly around the same age as the rest of the guard. I understand that making new designs for a whole bunch of characters (characters that wouldn’t be appearing much later, too) would be a lot of work but it just felt kind of odd to see Jasiri unchanged next to Teen Kion or whatever. Maybe at least change some tiny details, if not the entire design.
I like that they delved more into Kion worrying this time. it really puts into perspective that.. yea, these guys are child soldiers. thats. gonna come with a lot of emotional load. seeing Fuli and the others worry about Kion was a nice touch too, honestly. definitely opens up for thoughts about just HOW much these guys are affected by the whole child soldier thing. hearing all five of them sing again was wonderful <3 especially Ono, since he doesn’t get to sing a lot.
Scar’s betrayal of Janja was expected, lol. I actually REALLY like the way the show carried out Janja’s redemption, and WOW his song slaps. the guard + Janja’s clan getting stuck in the Lair while it was on fire was also really interesting to me, and I wish they hadn’t taken the route of them just.. escaping through Beshte’s pool. it was like.. what was the point of putting them there then? I’ll probably put more stakes in my maybe-going-to-exist rewrite, but lets see how I go with that.
*COUGH* why does Kiara basically look the same *COUGH* Kion looks older than her at this point *COUGH COUGH*
oookay, the stuff that went down at the volcano was WHEW. Scar’s song with this Strange Lion guy was like wow ok so . introducing new lore to explain why you’ll give Kion his scar and then completely forget abt it (or at least I think they do, I still haven’t watched the rest of the season), nice! buuut also creative, dare I say. song’s not bad!
ANGST. Scar singing the song Sisi Ni Sawa, the show’s most popular song, to Kion and LITERALLY MEANING IT. this is one of the few(?) times the show outright parallels Scar and Kion, and god I actually loved it. the fanfic writer side of me is leaning forward in my chair because there is no way Kion’s not going to forget that thought. Scar’s last words to Kion were literally “Sisi Ni Sawa”. Kion is the Direct Successor of Scar in terms of Lion Guard leader. THE POTENTIAL. THE ANGST. (cough) okay, but apart from that yahoo more delving into Kion’s character.
Bunga diving in to save Kion from Ushari and then promptly falling into the lava gave me a fricking heart attack. call me dramatic but started getting emotional on the spot. ONO FLYING INTO THE LAVA TO SAVE HIM did NOT help, and someone save my poor boy I feel so bad for him agh 😭
The outlanders reaction to Scar being gone felt kind of bland, but then again I’m not really sure what else it COULD have been. I’m sure some of you do, though, so feel free to share your thoughts:].
I am Absolutely Unwell over the fact that Ono has technically lost his vision and as a person who ships bunga x ono AND bunga x ono x beshte you better expect me to write something about it. Lion Guard writers I am coming for your kneecaps (or whatever the saying is now, idk).
there’s.. a lot of things I would have changed, but thats because I dislike how childish the show can get sometimes. call me out, I deserve it, the show is meant for kids, but it has potential!!! I’m not outright hating how kiddy it is, heck I’m like. mega fan of kid’s shows, but all I say is that it has the potential to turn into something less for kids, more maybe for pre-teens and above.
again, not sure if I’ll rewrite the episode since I’ll have to do a lot of thinking, but it is definitely something I’ll consider! shoutout to my mutuals for being with me till here, and for supporting me in my very much chaotic liveblogs. love you guys dearly /p /gen
*raises glass of fruit juice dramatically* to season three!!!!
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I saw your tag that out of the 3 monkeys, macaque is the most mentally well, and i had a mini breakdown about the fact youre right. You shouldnt be right, but you are
IT FEELS WRONG RIGHT. Like, Macaque is the red and black edgy monkey with shadow based powers, and yet he's also the only one whose positive character arc has impacted the story in an undeniably constructive way. Who knows what would have happened had he not been there to help MK in both 4x10 and the s4 special.
And like, MK on the other hand has had a negative character arc for the whole show (with "Revenge of the Spider Queen" and "The Emperors Wrath" being small hills in the road, but knowing MK we're going DOWN next season). MK is still going to get worse before he gets better (I'm predicting mega guilt over having a hand in Azure's death, but we'll see—also everything about his monkey form/himself is pretty much unresolved soooo) and don't even get me started on Wukong. He ALSO has had a negative character arc the whole show, with his main improvement being his resolve to be more open with MK. But like, between Mei chewing him out in 3x10, getting possessed by LBD, and now his time spent in the scroll—let's just say I'm worried for the Monkey King.
At the start of the show I'd say MK, SWK, and Macaque are all mentally unwell in their own special and equal ways, but Macaque actually got somewhat better (thank you 3x13). He's the only one. It's ridiculous.
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yakultii · 2 months
who's your human equivalent to frozen cherries, yakult, and aldi cheese
excellent question! you win an award 🏆…. ummm I’ve kinda forgotten how to feel human connection so passionately the way I do my beautiful delicacies, nevertheless …
frozen cherries = my internet bestie @silentquils-blog we randomly met on wattpad late last yr (I since deactivated and moved us here lol) and I think she unknowingly saved my life! we live complete opposite lives but we share the same levels of empathy, humour & open-mindedness? I’ve quite literally never come across anyone so caring and understanding, she’s insanely patient w me while forever hyping me up/reminding me that I’m still of some value and has taught me sm ab the world, not to mention she’s basically the only reason I’ve met the rest of you on here bc her daily og comments on wattpad were the reason I wanted to continue getting back into writing and was able to stick w it and wanted to share it/remembered this app exist - she’s my frozen cherries bc she reminds me life is still sweet 🍒 (& I hope her life gets even sweeter❣️)
yakult = my irl friend Elizabeth (who lives back in Indo now so we are a 9hr flight apart 🥲) she’s the most put together human I know, a mega chiller, always a good time no matter what we’re doin,I could go on and on and on .. she’s a talented painter, poet and has travelled sm of the world already! she’s a few yrs younger than me and I literally flew over to her wedding (which I was supposed to be bridesmaid in but I was too unwell at the time but I still went to her wedding as a guest anyway lol) and now she has a lil baby boy which she sends me photo updates every few weeks when I finally answer my messages lmao.. anyways she is my yakult bc she reminds me of what the life of a healthy person is like and innocently holds hope that one day I’ll feel it :,) ironically on the rare occasion I’m around her it’s the only time I feel half normal, the way I drink yakult and am reminded there is still life to be had, even if that just means to drink another yakult, even if that means the nutritional value is kinda a hoax, it doesn’t mean it cannot be enjoyed!
aldi cheese = my mum <3 I think the complexity of our relationship kinda sums it up… you know there’s a lot of love there and always has been but there is a lack of clarity in its expression. We’re both trying though, always have been. Complexity aside it’s her first time living too and I’ll always find my way to forgiveness without disregarding the hurt and I hope she can too. She is my Aldi cheese because if I consume too much it makes my tummy hurt real bad and sometimes I wish it were different but I can more than appreciate it for what it is because in short stints it is so sweet and interesting and has great intent! in fact I never want it to change because then it won’t be so iconic. Even if I can’t consume it as much as I would have liked, I’ll still appreciate it immensely and think about it for a long long time.
but honestly I could probably assign one of these to all of you I’m sure hehe <33 hmu if u wanna know which one u are lmao
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magpiefngrl · 6 months
Hi! 13 and 15 for Not-From-US asks, please? 🌹
Hello, babe! Thanks for the ask <33
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Oh yes, loads. The main one that comes to mind is the spitting to ward off bad luck.
First, let me say that a lot of Greeks believe in the Mati, or evil eye. We often buy jewellery and key rings and little items with this design below for protection, although for many it's just a tradition or a fun design.
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The spitting is to ward off the evil eye and any kind of bad luck when you say something positive. We don't spit for real, we go ftou ftou ftou. So you'll say something like "oh what a cute baby!" and then go ftou ftou ftou so as not to invite the evil eye (which is usually envy).
We also do the xematiasma, which is to get rid of the evil eye. If you feel abruptly ill and unwell, you call a relative that knows how to do this (typically a grandma or auntie) and they perform this ritual and you get well.
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
There are tons obviously, some from mega-popular TV series, others from everyday traditions. The first that came to mind is about the Greek Mother TM, who is over protective and will always cook and offer food and will worry over her children even if they're 50 years old. One of the phrases they say is "take a jacket" (with you so as not to get cold) and this has become like a catchphrase.
i'm not from the US ask
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saingirl101 · 1 year
NeverAfter Ep 20 As Brian David Gilbert Gifs (FINALE SPOILERS!!!!)
i'm not ready for the series to be over Mr. Mulligan. God i cant believe how far i fell into this series so fast. I missed out on the previous D20 adventures because I just got hook only last November or Dec. I truly love every one of the PCs and many of these NPCs and i am terrified for their fates.
Should note physically I am unwell i somehow pinched a nerve so I am in great pain but trying to manage so apologies if I am late to posting this or miss something.
In any case without further ado enjoy my dramatic liveblog and as always:
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Gerard getting Scheherazade up with a good berry:
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Timothy starting concentration and hearing the arthurs in the ink and repelling their intent to turn them into paper:
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Ylfa risking jumping up onto Baba Yaga, making it, and TAKING SHEHERZADE'S BOOK BACK, AND THROWS IT BACK TO SHEHERAZADE:
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Rosamund summoning a bird to be PIBs mount:
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Rosamund criting on the blue fairy and going into a new special form:
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Pinocchio using strands of fate to give all the bookholders total cover:
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PIB using the bird to send a firework at the fairies and pib attacking the green fairy:
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brennan losing his godamn mind with that move by Zac:
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Tom Thumb giving Mira a goodberry:
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Pinocchio managing to convince the fairy with the turquoise hair to join destiny's children and then fucking diving into the ocean of pages:
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Lou and Emily desperately trying to convince the orange top hat fairy and having to cobble together the stupidest pc creep to get her to leave the fight and she moonwalks straight into the sea of pages AND NOW YLFA HAS AN ORANGE HAT:
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GERARD AND MIRA DYING and so many of the characters going down:
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GERARD AND MIRA DYING and so many of the characters going down:
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Everyone getting to write their stories down in the village of happily and find their own peace in their stories:
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Brennan lee Mulligan as he sends us off to the next D20 campaign as the journeys of our cast continues:
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bizlybebo · 7 months
as i intended ghostkicks
also for funzies all 4 pd boys i just dont know their name
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GHOSTKICKSSSS HAS THE MOST SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HEART. i love it so fucking. much akhefpofndsawkefnrejqkgqh especially because of the implications of just. everything. they’d live for each other they’d die for each other aiufejrjw something something undying devotion so strong it literally gets your heart beating again like hello. also dakofa throwing william around like a sack of potatoes in every episode is so funny
POLY PDDDD (i tihnk thats what theyre called) means so much to me. I know that Canon Canonically it probably wouldnt be likely but. I think theyre all poly. To me. are they platonic? romantic? they dont fucking know, theres a giant meatball in the sky and more important matters to get to.
and then the bonus: DEMOCNDSJKGJKGHFSEGJLKDSABGLKJFEAHGHKAFLEHGAPI DEMONKICKS. I KNOW. I KNOW IT DIDNT HAPPEN AND PROBABLY AOULD NEVER HAPPEN CANONICALLY. BUT THERE HAS NEVRR BEEN A JRWI SHIP TO MAKE ME MORE UNWELL THAN DMEONKICKS. DO TOU UNDERSTAND. DO YOU HEAR ME. THEY SHARE THE SAME GRIEF. THE SAME GUILT. wheeres that post thats like “if i had a loser bf id go inside before him and tell everyone you better fucking clap for him or im blowing this place up”. Becauswe like. That is dakota, he makes sure everyone is nice to his loser ass girlfriend who never touches grass.
MEGA PD SPOILERS BELOW CUT. SEASON 1 FINALE AND S2 EP15 ? (ep named trick up my sleeve)
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sugarsnappeases · 2 months
the exes to lovers was gonna be soooo cunty!! pinky promise!! i had the line "you're deeply unpleasant. like, as a person. did you know that?" but then i wrote down the words "old habits die hard" and my hand slipped ://
oh i believe you wholeheartedly mil!!!! that line is so so so cunty . but then i thought the whole ‘what’s your damage’ thing was cunty and that didn’t preclude it from also being one of the most devastating things i’ve ever read….. do you still?? say yes say yes say yes <- i think about that a slightly concerning amount . will never be normal about it . i reread that microfic so often and it makes me DEEPLY UNWELL!!!!!
anyway that line is super mega cunty i agree and ur exes to lovers jeg remains my favourite type of jeg ever and i’m very excited for if you ever share any more….. what you just posted was sick and fucking twisted tho…… loving regulus is muscle memory…. ohhhhhhhh jesus fucking christ
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alodiaz · 6 months
i am a bit unwell rn, so i am going to start working on it slowly but i'd like to thank everyone for their kind words on my 2000s au post! as always mega thanks for the idea @k4thl18n 💚💚💚
here's my rough outline of how it will pan out, time wise! starts in summer break 2005, press release of lawrence buying midland, renaming to racing point, announcement of drivers. livery reveal!! moves onto 2006, pre-season testing at bahrain, lancito and nano meet for the first time but only brief and then they get closer over the season!! i think i'll make this a slowburn, so there might not be any romance until 07, comfort from lance to nano, mclaren era!!
i'm thinking on making this a series that goes up to this year! so part 1 will be 2006 - 2010! then part 2 maybe 2011 - 2015?? and then we'll see from there!
ALSO i will be posting some polls soon just to gauge what you guys might want in terms of either plotlines, characters you want to see, etc.
once again, thank you for the kind words!! if you would like to be on the taglist, feel free to either dm me or just comment on this post <<3 !!
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houseofbrat · 6 months
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They should have never let Catherine take the blame for the photo altering. Even if she did alter it herself, it only adds to everyone’s suspicion. I think she felt the need to put a photo out quickly and it backfired. Why didn’t the RP cover for her photo blunder?
Right. Literally anything would’ve been better than her of all people personally taking the fall for this! William would’ve been better, a random, unnamed intern would’ve been better, one of the kids fucking with the computer lmao idk. Just such a strange strange tweet to send out.
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Someone should call KP and tell them we’re on mega thread #4 over here and we can’t have our mods getting sick from the “stress and fallout”, so just trot her out for a second or an audio message or even just a true statement sans doctored photos. And if she’s too unwell for that well gee maybe a smidge of transparency would gain them public support back . Nobody wants her medical info , just them to stop acting shady and disrespectful.  She can have her privacy and also stop the shiftiness and theatrics.  Unlike Reddit mods, the BRF gets paid. 
I think Kate is refusing to play ball. It's entirely possible she's had setbacks in her recovery or drew a line in the sand and said "I'm out until x/y/z date, so quit pushing," but this is a woman who's been in the public eye for 20 years. She knows how the media vultures and gossip mill operate. The speculation has now turned dark. We're getting everything from she's passed and they're covering it up, to she was injured in an 'incident.' Papers are running articles on William's rage issues. Kate could easily clear this up but she's choosing not to. It leads me to believe she's pissed at her husband and is enjoying watching him squirm. 
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Just found out my best friend has independently fallen down the rabbit hole—which just illustrates how out of control this has gotten.
we’re both thinking it’s just a series of ‘own goals’ but are seriously hoping Catherine makes an appearance at Easter. If not, I think KP will have to make yet another announcement, and given how inept they’ve been, it’ll probably just make things even worse.
I’m just hoping she’s chilling with her kiddos, and is either not paying attention to the whole debacle or is highly amused by the shenanigans.
I would think that she is making an appearance at Easter but then wonder why KP wanted it to be known that she isn’t confirmed the attend Trooping of the Colour? Which was stupid on their part tbh
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Princess Diana’s former private secretary on the matter from a CNN interview.
He’s kinda repetitious but still clear enough. He comes out critical of William for poor communications. Williams’s office created the vacuum of information which fueled the interest which fueled the out sized interest and the conspiracy theories.)
They definitely mishandled this situation. Supposedly Prince William just got a new private secretary. Hopefully they get a proper PR team again soon. While I’m not on team conspiracy theories and believe what has happened is exactly what we heard (Catherine had major surgery and is now recovering), they were way in over their heads in how they handled this.
Crazily, her secretary, Patrick Jephson, was my neighbor 8 years ago, super nice and very genuine guy. I definitely put stock in his POV.
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This has been extremely poorly managed by KP. They’ve done irreparable harm to their image. The pressure they are now under for the next step/stage/messaging is immense. This is a defining moment for the royal family. Charles is not well, to what extent is not known. Kate is MIA and now three very questionable ‘proof of life’ photos have been released. The state of Will and Kate’s marriage is under a serious spotlight. It’s an information black hole. VERY rocky overall.
Charles and Kate are unwell. That is all. Kate is obsessed with her looks and image and she doesn’t want to be pictured looking anything but perfect that’s all. She will be back once she is looking like her old self. I honestly don’t believe the marriage in trouble stuff. Kate will never leave William that too so close to becoming the Queen? No chance.
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Is it possible, in light of everything that has occurred so far, that Charles is letting Will have enough rope so Charles can use this PR disaster as his excuse to shutdown Kensington Palace office so everyone falls under his office at BP? Get rid of Will's staff and his vanity projects so he has to get on with the everyday drudgery that being a royal entails? It's not just film premieres and photo ops. It's hands on in the community at events with little or no fanfare. Service rather than PR grandstanding.
With no more competing offices, Charles can have his people oversee everything. That at least might get some consistency.
I kind of doubt it. William has the duchy money now. He can spend it however he wants.
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I believe the most significant thing is that - at the very beginning of this whole story- the surgery wasn’t planned at all… she had the agenda full of duties, included a trip to Italy…  The narrative from the Palace was inconsistent from the first day. 
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Reposting, because I think my comment got removed.
My takeaway from all the conspiracy theories floating around out there is that no matter what the truth is, look at what the main themes have become. Essentially, there are several theories about Will's behaviour and being a less than stellar husband. Also, the feeling that KP cannot be trusted. No matter what the truth is, the fact that these are the themes that have emerged is interesting.
William has based his entire reputation on being a nice protective family man. He doesn’t really have any other accomplishments or character traits that the public cares about. He put all his eggs were in the good dad/husband basket. Somehow, the Harry & Meghan crisis only bolstered that image. Now Stephen Colbert is doing bits about his alleged affairs, and all the normies know about his anger issues. Now personally, I’m the kind of person who thinks where there’s smoke, there’s fire. But even if there aren’t any flames here, Kategate has done some massive damage to Will’s reputation.
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KP PR team is giving toxic boymom energy. Anything to protect their precious son.
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Is anybody else getting annoyed at all the normies acting like Rose is William’s Camilla? I mean, maybe she is. Maybe they never even slept together. We don’t really know. But the assumption is getting on my nerves. Not every side chick is a Camilla!!
My mum calls my dads best friend (another straight male) his Camilla.
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I was filling in my husband about this mess, and his comment was that he thinks maybe the PR team WANTS this drama unfolding because it keeps the royals in the news. Like essentially, "all press is good press." What does this community think? I was inclined to think that as the figurehead of a political state and a future king, Charles and William really can't afford this type of bad press, especially about DV. Obviously, the royal family do bring in money and tourism for the country, and part of that has always been an uneasy relationship with paparazzi and gossip rags, but given that QE II is gone and there are a lot of people who find them irrelevant and an unfair state subsidy, I think this would be a terrible PR move. Thoughts? Could their PR team be milking this?
Their PR team are likely pulling their hair out. "All press is good press" applies to celebrities who need to keep their names front and center to remain celebrities. The Palaces never want bad press. I think the issue is that William is incredibly stubborn and won't listen to their advice.
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I've never been the type of girl to need closure when things come to an end, but if the season finale to this saga doesn’t answer every single question and include some bombshells I’d never even consider, I’m going to cry.
“She deserves her privacy, though!” Shut up, we’re all here for the same reason.
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I just find it hilarious that the most interesting thing Kate has ever done in her life is disappear.
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The whole ''she went shopping and we saw it, trust me bro'' thing is bad for them any way you look at it.
Either she wasn't really seen shopping and the story was completely fabricated with colaboration from the media, which would be pretty sinister and in line with everything else we've been getting lately, and at the least it would be a very North Korean-esque way of deceiving the public.
She actually did went shopping, was in ''public'' no matter how limited and controlled the public was, which means that she's physically capable + her face isn't bad or disfigured or whatever, as some people have suggested. Which portrays her as very irresponsible and weirdly uninterested in keeping up her image and popularity. Amidst all those very damaging rumors that could directly influence and traumatize even her children (forget about adults and public), she has time and will for shopping but not for a 10 second video, which is everything needed to dispell all the rumors once and for all?
All in all, terrible PR one way or another. The clusterfuck continues.
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Do they actually think it’s a good look that she went shopping on St Paddy’s Day? She’s involved with the Irish guards and cancelled her appearance at their annual event… so she can’t work but she can pop out to the shops with Willy? Sure, Jan. Just fuck the Irish guards then right?! I mean, not that I remotely believe she went shopping. But another terrible PR bungle. These KP PR people are fucking idiots and I don’t understand why they still have jobs when they’re so clearly incompetent.
Even if she wasn't capable of attending a quick video message expressing her good wishes for the Irish guards etc etc would have worked wonders in terms of restoring good feeling towards them from the public and simultaneously would have quieted the conspiracy theorists. I don't buy she wasn't well enough to do a simple 1 minute video but was perfectly happy with a trip to the shops and watching sports with the kids where she would have been seen and possibly photographed. My personal view is that the trip to the shop didn't happen. There's no way that there's not a SINGLE snap taken on a mobile phone that's made it's way to social media.
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I'm continually amazed at how badly the Waleses are botching all of this.
To be clear, I've been a royal watcher since they got engaged in 2010, and I'd definitely fall into more into the "fan" camp than not.
I've thought the conspiracy theories about all of this are nonsense. And even now after "Photogate", I STILL think they're nonsense and that what is happening is what they said - Catherine had serious surgery and needs time to recover.
But the artificially constructed Mother's Day photo is such a huge unforced error, made worse by Catherine then taking the fall for it.
Catherine's clearly not ready to show her actual face as it looks right now, and that's fine.
But then don't fake a picture! Post a quick video of William and the kids making breakfast in bed for Catherine for Mother's Day, or making cards or something. It'd still have the conspiracy theorists buzzing about why we're not seeing her, but it'd have been SO much better received by the general public than what they did.
She's absolutely entitled to her privacy, especially while she recovers. But the deal that the Royal Family has had with the press for decades now is that they get privacy most of the time in exchange for occasional, official, REAL pictures. It's clueless at best - and outright deceptive at worst - to do something like this and think no one will notice or care.
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With the farmer’s market story, I’m even more convinced that Kate’s story is a red herring and there is something else happening they don’t want people to notice or know about.
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This is still so odd. Either something is up (and I have no knowledge and make no inferences as to what or why) or a lot of people are profoundly bad at their jobs. Ok, the photoshop happens. Then they lie about it, even when they are trying to apologize for it. Why not put out a quick official and genuine photo of just her. If she isn't ready for camera's yet, put out a voice recorded statement saying, "I appreciate everyone's interest in my well being. Rest assured I am recovering well and I look forward to returning to my royal duties as soon as I am able". They could so easily kill all of this speculation and non-sense if things are as they say they are (she is taking car rides and shopping and up out and about). It would literally take 1 hour of her time at most, and instead KP's continued silence invites more speculation. You know what happens in physics why you make a vacuum? It gets filled. The same happens in the media/press. So again I say, either something is up (and I have no grounds with which to speculate what it might be) or this is the absolute worst PR advice and self-made crisis in recent memory.
Edit: Grammar
I joked about this in one of the earlier megathreads, but what if the *plot twist* in all of this is that Kate handles her own PR. I just remember when they got married how one of the little factoids that came out was that Kate did her own makeup for the wedding day. Like, royals! They're just like us!
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Can someone answer why Royal Rota media are publishing these pics if there is a deal that they don't publish unauthorized photographs or was this a planned pap walk LOL? Is there a thread somewhere talking about this. I was listening to the Times (UK) Radio on YouTube today and the Assistant Editor for the paper (Kate Mansey) was unfairly criticizing listeners as strange people who are conspiracy theorists and says there isn't a pact or agreement that the family has with the media...yeah right LOL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIKUvQB2Z_M). Have these people read about the Royal Rota and the unprecedented-in-the-modern-era pacts the royal family has made with the British media.
If the British media are posting it its because they got the ok to do so.
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Their PR team needs to pick a lane. On one hand they're selling that Kate is healthy enough to be out and about twice in one weekend, walking around a farmer's market, watching her kids play sports, but on the other she's unwell to the point she had to fake a Mother's Day pic and pull out of an event in June? Which is it? Their messaging is all over the place. 
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I hope that if we all take away one thing from this whole ordeal its that no matter how bad at your job you might think you are, you're still probably doing better than the KP PR team over the last couple of weeks so give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done and don't be so harsh on yourself.
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what gets me and i know royal fans will call me a conspiracy theorist is that it's kinda obvious there's a story here. the impact or actual matter of it isn't what i'm questioning, but the motivation behind so many blunders. i am a writer/journalist and this entire story feels weirdly on edge of being something, anything.
like yes, let's presume kp was truthful from the beginning and she had abdominal surgery that took too long to recover from. great, but why throw her under the bus? or if all of this is a distraction, overplayed to the nines, what for? 
i am sure any tea is probably regular people tea to the max, like relationship dynamics, family stuff and whatnot. it's not like i believed she was killed and it was hidden, but usually when there's smoke there's fire and i'm curious about what fire, you know? 
i would love to be a fly on the wall and know what they disagree about, their relationship with staff and other royals. 
i find kate stylish and their wedding hype was charming, if a little gauche. i am against royals in general, not specifically them, but they could be great philanthropists if they wanted. 
the thing with Kate's personality (in public) is that it's nonexistent? i suppose that's the ideal, princess-like behavior that's expected from her. but i do wonder what happens behind the scenes with that. how curated it is x how many other blunders happened before.
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The story seems to be that Will and Kate are going to find it much, much harder to be the center of the slimmed down monarchy than they realized.  Though if it turned out that they’d never really thought about how that was going to work on practice, I would believe you.  There aren’t as many working royals so the attention is on them, whether they want it to be or not.  The disappearing and the stonewalling isn’t super unusual for Will and Kate, though not previously to this extent, but we’ll see if they make any changes moving forward.  Judging from how this debacle has dragged on, I am guessing they won’t.
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Well, I for one am very impressed by Kate's ability to emerge from her grueling 3 month surgical recovery looking like a radiant, bouncy 25 year old yoga instructor who doesn't have a care in the world.
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swagglessmoth · 1 month
“Shadows, Blinding” rant
(🚨Mega spoilers🚨)
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This fic really fucked me up bro.
The fucked up family dynamic. Kakashi not being able to ever come back to his timeline, never being able to go back to how everything was. Unintentionally abandoning his students and friends and indirectly causing their death.
All the things he’s learned about his family. All the scars he’s gained in The Village (physical and psychological), the whole village fucking despising him in the end despite it all.
Whatever the fuck the spirit mother was on. The irreparable nerve damage she caused too, a constant reminder of what happened. Him not even having the opportunity to be back in team Minato (judging by the epilogue, Obito and Rin would be around 14-17, Kakashi would be older than Minato at 30). Kakashi having to move on from everything he’s ever known, all he has, AGAIN. 💔💔
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Oughhhh I’m unwell man, the ending was just so bittersweet, and with the sequel coming things are probably gonna get much worse before they get better. 1000000/10 we need more angst like this.
I do wonder one thing though: did the seal really erase people’s memories of you? Or did it really just transport you to another timeline in which you don’t exist, and bc the Hatake dgaf about the Outside they didn’t really notice? I’m just saying 🖐️😬🖐️ bc it seems Kakashi’s not returning to HIS Konoha. Never mind the time displacement, which was kind of a given, he straight up died at birth. It’s not that he’s been forgotten or erased completely, he existed and people remember his birth, he just didn’t survive. And him not being there changes A LOT for many characters (mainly team Minato). This is a completely different timeline, who knows what else changed with Sakumo there, what about Kannabi Bridge (which would have already happened)? does team Minato even exist, or were they put in different teams? Who would even be able to fill the spot where Kakashi once was, how will Kakashi react to being replaced?
Also, talking about the sequel: it’s gonna be interesting to see how Konoha reacts to Kakashi. A guy (probably kage level, it’s the least he deserves after all this) that appeared out of nowhere, has a sharingan, and is apparently related to one of the best shinobi of the village. Interesting mix. Oh and don’t even get me started on how Kakashi himself will react to being in (supposedly) another timeline, all he really wanted was to be reunited with his kids 😭 now he won’t even get that bc while they may be the same person, they’re really not, and they never will be the same kids he knew (bc those died in the war, and he wasn’t there for them). WHAT THE FUCKK AAAAAAA
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