#just might be my favorite thing about ninjago
the-ninja-legacy-whip · 9 months
The painful emphasis on Lloyd somehow being connected as the why the events of the story occur
This 14 year old really doesn’t know what’s coming for him and everyone he loves and cares about.
When Lloyd fully realizes the extent of it all: D:
When other people finally realize the extent of it all and constantly remind Lloyd about it: D’:
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mouwrites · 8 months
hii- love ur writing btw- I was wondering if you could do a Ninjago headcanon, but the reader is touch-starved or something like that? Thanks <3
Aaa thank you for your kind words!! And here you go :D
Ninjago - Ninjas with a Touch-Starved Partner
He’s pretty comfortable with physical affection, so he’s more than happy to give you some
He might not initiate it as often as you do, but he’ll never push you away
If anything he’ll take the hint and take the lead
Like, if you’re watching a movie together and you reach for his hand sheepishly, he yanks you by the arm onto his chest so you guys can cuddle
He’s very warm, both figuratively and literally
Sometimes he does tease you about it though
“What? Why are you grabbing at me?”
“You know why.”
“Aww, are you feeling clingy? My clingy little love?”
“Shut up before I change my mind-”
He will indeed shut up quite promptly if you pull that last line out on him
(He’s secretly a little touch-starved too)
Honestly he barely even notices you being touch-starved
He just naturally gives you a lot of affection, and complies mindlessly when you seek it
He’s happy you guys are close; he doesn’t really think about it beyond that
He’s cool with whatever affection you need, all you have to do is give him a hint
Touch his pinky, he’ll hold your hand. Scoot closer on the couch, he’ll put his arm around your shoulder. It’s just natural for him
So this is great if you’re trying to be discreet about being touch-starved
But if you tell him (and you will have to verbalize it if you want him to know), he’ll be more conscious about his efforts to give you love :)
He’ll just be more deliberate about holding your hand or sitting thigh-to-thigh on benches
He loves you a lot, and he needs to let you know!
But he’s also conscious about boundaries; he’ll send you permission-seeking glances before he gets cozied up with you
Or he’ll just ask
“Is this okay?”
“Yeah. This is great.”
“Good. Love you.”
You’re touch starved? Great! He’s clingier than velcro
Honestly I don’t even think he’d clue in to the fact that you’re touched starved
He’s just glad that you take well to his incessant advances
Most of the time, anyway
He’s literally always touching you: holding hands, a head on your shoulder, your feet in his lap, his feet in yours—he’ll do anything to keep contact with you
Cuddling is his favorite though
He might not even be aware of how clingy he’s being; you do kind of enable him
Not that that’s a bad thing! Both your needs are being met :]
But you ever get uncomfy or awkward, he might not notice, so you’ll have to tell him if you want to stop
He’ll be sad, but he’ll respect your boundaries
“Hey Jay, can we, uh, not cuddle for a minute?”
“Hm? Why? I mean—yes, yeah, of course. …. I love you..?”
“Yeah. Same here. Thank you.”
He’s not really one for physical affection
But if he knows you’re touch starved, of course he’s going to enrich you!
It’ll be an experiment for both of you: just finding out what feels right
Cuddling, holding hands, just sitting thigh-to-thigh…
When you do find something you both like, Zane makes an effort to do it more often
Though physical affection isn’t his main love language, when it’s with you, it does actually warm his heart a little
Maybe it’s the fact that he’s helping you out, maybe it’s the warm feeling of your skin… whatever it is, he slowly finds himself liking it more and more
So he’ll initiate more often, much to your benefit
Communication is key with you guys
He asks often to make sure you’re not uncomfortable, and you always make sure to return the favor:
“Is this still alright?”
“Yeah. Are you still okay?”
“Yes, I’m still very much enjoying this.”
What do you get when you cross two touch starved people?
Koala bears. That’s what you guys are
Lloyd had a rough “childhood,” so of course he craves affection
At first, it took a minute for you guys to realize the other’s needs
But once you figured out that you craved affection equally, you plunged into the depths of fluff
Cuddles. So many cuddles.
You guys always sit with your shoulders touching and fingers entwined
Even when you’re trying to be serious, you’re close (like, if Lloyd is looking over a map, you’re behind him, looking at the map with your chin on his shoulder)
It’s quite deliberate; you do it as much for each other as for yourselves
Sometimes you have to restrain yourselves for the sake of others, though
“Okay, time to get serious.”
“…That means you should probably let go of my hand.”
Though she’s always happy to help you, sometimes physical affection can get a bit much for her
She doesn’t mind holding hands, or having your head on her shoulder, or even cuddling
But sometimes she just needs some space
I suppose this is fortunate if you’re a little awkward about affection, but otherwise you’ll have to consider her as well when you seek attention
She tries to be polite about it, at least giving you a pinky to hold or something
But sometimes she’s just not in the mood at all, and you’re gonna have to respect that
But when she is in the mood (which is most of the time), she’s rather aggressive with her affection
(I think it’s called affectionate aggression?)
Like, she’ll nuzzle you so hard you say “ow” or squeeze your hand like she’s trying to break your fingers
She reasons that, the harder she shows affection, the more it’s worth
So expect to get some marks when you go seeking affection…
“Oh, want me to hold your hand?”
“Yes, but—ow!”
“Teehee! Do you feel the love?”
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Thank you for this request, I hope this turned out okay! And thanks for reading, take care cutie pies!! <33
(divider by saradika)
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I love your art!! The way you draw hair and facial structures is pretty
I am curious about your headcanons on Nya! Both in design and just random bits of info 'n whatnot
Oh, and what's your favorite season(s) of ninjago?
thank you!!! i have quite a few headcanons for her, i think it’s interesting to draw how she might look different depending what season it is
here’s a messy guide to my nya designs :D
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honestly a lot of this is due to me not being able to make up my mind on her eye color or hair color SO!
-she starts to grow her hair out after skybound due to the whole ‘looking like delara’ thing
-as she got older her hair changed texture from being thick and straight to thick and wavy
after seabound stuff:
-her hair color changes from dark brown to black, as well as the salt water making it more curly then before
- she also wears it down in crystallized due to not needing to tie it up for combat after losing her powers
- her eye color changes from dark brown to blueish grey (which fades over time, eventually being a dark grey in dragons rising)
-permanent markings on face and body from her water form (start off as light blue, eventually fading to a natural scar color)
-imo she probably lost a lot of muscle mass after seabound which i imagine was very upsetting for her bc she worked so hard to be seen as physically strong compared to the others
- i also headcanon that post seabound she is hard of hearing, due to the sound of the ocean in her ears 24/7
- her bangs are grown out in dragons rising, but the side pieces are shorter than before. the rest of her hair is longer in general !
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theplatypusblue · 2 months
I caved and watched the s2pt2 leaks. Ummm compilation of (spoilery!!) thoughts below
I have lots of thoughts but also I’m sleepy (I’ve been awake since 5am 😏) (it’s currently 1am at time of writing 😏😏😏)
In general this one feels a lot more polished(?) than past dr season parts. I think it’s a combination of the animation being better and also the writing having a better flow(?) in my opinion(???). Idk what it is exactly, but it just feels… right.
I clicked with it basically immediately which is weird cuz usually dr has this kind of. Awkwardness?? In the writing which takes a rewatch or two to get over, but with this one it just?? Isn’t there for me??? It just works lol. Maybe I’m sleep deprived lol.
Maybe I’m being hormonal or something but also wasn’t part 2 kinda…. Cute? There was just a lot of cute moments and just a general feeling of light-heartedness throughout the whole thing despite everything that happened. Oddly enough it reminds me of older seasons. Idk again maybe I’m just tired or smthn
They managed to sell me on wyldfyre and roby. They are disgusting!! <333
I am very endeared to roby. A little bit. Charming and Funny Little Guy. 👍
I also really liked Arins friend!! Snake guy whose name I can’t remember rn!!! Might be one of my favorites of the new characters we’ve met so far!!!!
I’m gonna be honest I saw mixed reviews of the jay stuff and I will say as a bit of a Jay Hater™️ I didn’t really mind any of it. Pretty good-ish y’know? Not mind blowingly good or bad in either direction. I am more interested in where he will go from here…. I could honestly see him staying a villain/anti-hero for most of the shows run, or just returning to the team as a slightly sassier version of himself. It’s whatever.
Omg Cole!!!! Lily!! Cole being able to use the earth mech despite not having powers is a total cop out but I don’t care don’t talk to me!!!!!! Agghhh!!!!
Everything with Arin also….. all those detective scenes w his parents had me pacing the room and crawling around my floor and biting the walls and such. Ohhh my sweet boy Arin. Ohhhhhhh my sweet boy I’m gonna die.
Whenever he started expressing disappointment/disillusionment with Lloyd and his mentorship I was like “yesss >:)” but also “noooo D:” but also “yesssssssss >:DDD”
ALSO ALSO all the stuff w him and Ras. When Ras said all that stuff about good n bad and goodness within badness and vice versa or whatever….. can we perhaps see stuff abt oni Lloyd?? The “bad” within the “good” maybe? Pretty please bats my eyelashes sweetly
There’s also all this nitty gritty lore stuff abt dragons and dragon ivory and dragon scales and how that all connects to elemental powers…. It reminded me of faiths sword thing that she got from firstbourne back in season 9, and how it could attract/redirect powers. Oouuuh things almost making sense in ninjago. A rare treat.
There’s probably a whole lot more I’m forgetting but like I said. 1am. Sleepy. Goodnight 😴
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miso-sopas · 4 months
Hi so got any ninjago x reader recs? Ever since reading Wisps, it has affected my brain chemistry and now i crave for more ninjago x reader content but im picky when finding fics, so got any recommendations?
Hello there! I had fun sorting out my bookmarks and history so recommending fics might be a thing in the future?
Just to note, I am not sure how to really curate your taste so most of these are what I essentially enjoyed reading and been a fan of so forgive me if some (or all 😭 no hard feelings though) aren't your thing.
Let's see...
Honestly Wisps is the *best* so far in my opinion! I don't know if this is pure coincidental but I am also hunting for some ninjago fics to feel emotions again lmao! And I tried my best in remembering what I've read or interested in so hope these are all ok for you!
+ Second best in my opinion is the 'Infinity Series' by Joos according to their quotev because at ao3 it's orphaned [ao3; quotev book 1 & book 2 ]
Unfortunately, the author has stopped updating this fic but going back at it was really enjoyable like in the Wisps. The summary according to the first installment 'Infinite Serenity';
"[Name] has died and became reincarnated in a childhood TV show of hers. She is raised as the adopted daughter of Sensei Wu, training as the Master of Infinity. Once the plot of the show really gets going, a being resurfaces from her. They claim to have revived her and can help her unlock the memories from her previous life. Now, [Name] must rely on this being to help protect Ninjago, and discovers how her past connects with her present." TW: Suicide, self harm, child abuse, some gore and swearing (please pay attention to the tags)
Please please heed the trigger warning, I don't remember much from the content but I definitely recall the author tackling those tags in a respectful way. The love interests are Kai, Nya, Jay, Cole, Morro and platonic with Master Wu and her cousin Lloyd Garmadon. Again, second best recommended fic in my opinion.
+ Next one, this is not one series but user Circus4APsycho8 (they have ao3 and tumblr) in my opinion have the best x reader one-shots from the fandom! My all-time favorite work of theirs is 'Secret Someone' [Highschool AU! Lloyd Garmadon x reader]- this one is really sweet ❣️
Here's these links for their ao3 works and their tumblr ninjago masterlist. All simple yet sweet, I love their writing style.
+ The next one is purely Lloyd Garmadon x Female Reader titled 'Butterfly Effect' by samsea at ao3. I think they're still updating and I am a big fan of hero x civilian pairings and just they're cute and in love.
Summary: "If it was up to Y/n L/n, she would read the summer away, lost in history books and adventure novels, finding excitement in their written words. Meeting Lloyd Garmadon changed her plans. Suddenly, Y/n is living a life she'd only read about; summer romances and cotton candy dates. Perhaps this was a new normal she could get used to. But she's been fated - prophesied - to be with the Green Ninja. And where there's a green ninja, trouble usually follows." Warnings: "The butterfly effect has mature themes such as gore, violence, toxic friendships, sexual themes (no smut) and cussing. the butterfly effect is not intended for younger viewers. Trigger warnings will be placed on chapters as they are needed. if you have any questions or issues please contact me."
Again, heed the warnings but the writing and atmosphere overall is really sweet and for some reason all cuddly and sunny. IDK but maybe I am always soft for Lloyd lmao.
+ If you're up to reading only x reader head cannons then I recommend user mouschiwrites here in tumblr. Their requests are closed now but the head cannons they made are cute and entertaining, like I can definitely see this character doing that y'know. Here's their ninjago masterlist
+ Here's some honorable mentions, I believe they deserve some love too!
In the Shadow (Various love interests) by RoseRain at Quotev
Legend of the Lightspirit (Various love interests) by softie at Quotev
Actually, while finishing my school projects I'm also checking out from another user snazzilystoopid's ninjago recommendation. So far, I am enjoying their second recommended which is 'Element of Wishes' by yourfavoritecloud at quotev BUT this one is an Character x OC one so if it's not up to your alley they have few recommendations. Honestly, I am up to anything as long as it entertained my monkey brain.
Sorry for the long post! Hope these works are okay for your taste but the closest fic that gives off the same vibes as Wisps is the Infinite series. And these are all by my own opinions and the fics I remembered catching my eye. I am very much open to other recommendations or shout-outs.
Side note, there's not much Ninjago fics out there that I might let my monkey brain loose and create one myself LOOOL.
Again, thank you for asking ( I feel honored for being asked by this, I'm a fanfic nerd 🤓)
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squib-2006 · 1 year
Dr pt2 spoiler warning
This was a fantastic set of episodes
• Kai and wyldfire are everything. Kai having to deal with someone who acts like he did in the earlier seasons is poetic justice and funny as hell.
• I also like how they kinda tried to explain why Kai seemed calm after sea bound and nyas seaifcation. I guess Kai meditating with wu would make him calmer. At least it confirms that Kai was upset (even if they didn’t show it)
•I am kinda upset that nothing from skybound was brought up with the Djinn. I personally don’t really like skybound but I still find that it could be used more than just oh yah that happened right wink wink. I mean we had to suffer through skybound for something right?
• I actually really liked sora and nyas whole plot with the Djinns curse. It was fun and had a nice conclusion.
• Coles return is great I love his little gang in the land of forgotten things. My favorite has to be the skeleton girl (I forgot her name probably cuz they only say it like 2 times) she’s funny.
• I do wish there was a scene where nyas like btw I found Cole and the other ninja react. I mean she does mention it at the end but no one except Zane has any real reaction.
• Beatrix going off the rails was really funny. It felt like someone gave a teen with daddy issues an insta death weapon.
• rapton switching sides kinda came out of left field for me. Like the guy isn’t the brightest bulb in the box I think it would be more likely for other characters to switch sides. Also how did he recover from being tased so quickly? Man was out cold and not two minutes later he was up and walking around.
• kinda felt that the whole being sucked into non existence should have had more lasting effects (totally not because I want to traumatize or brutally injure Kai no why would I want that /s) tho fake out deaths are pretty par for the course with ninjago, this one actually didn’t make me feel all that much cuz I knew the moment wyldfire got pulled in that this was a fake out. They wouldn’t kill one of there new characters that quickly.
•so wus just legitimately fudging dead. Never thought we would see the day when this old mad would just peace out. Also ghost wu legit looks like he’s slowly loosing his form or something cuz in the first half he appears with his full body but in the last scene he’s in he’s just a chest and a head. It might have just been a stylistic thing tho.
•I’m not mad jay only showed up for around 30 seconds (this just might be my bias tho cuz jays probably the ninja I care the least about, not that I hate him or anything he’s just not that interesting to me) it’s kinda refreshing for me cuz nya gets to be her own character for a bit and not be completely attached to Jay and Jay gets to take up less screen time (if I am being honest Jay had so much focus in the wild brain seasons it kinda got annoying to me personally) idk if he’s actually lost his memories or if that leak is wrong cuz it would make sense cuz he has not searched for the ninja (specifically nya cuz that man is a simp for his gf) Arin missing him by a second is hilarious to me.
•not sure about how I feel about Lloyd being the linchpin for the entire thing. Part of me thinks that it would have fit the shows themes better if all of them used their elemental powers or something else to power the cores to fix everything. But another part of me understands that Lloyd get main character privileges cuz he’s the son of ninjago god.
•still kinda frustrated that they are changing how elemental powers work. Originally they were from the first spinjitzu master, but the whole source dragon being the source (for lack of a better word) of the elemental powers, it completely retcons and nerfs the first spinjitzu master. It would have made more sense if they still came from the powers of the fsm and were gifted through the source dragons to people.
•the implication of the cursed realm merging with the rest of the realms brings up the question if the departed realm merged to? Does that mean no one can die??? Or is there some sort of force that still keeps the departed realm separated from the rest (like how the people in the land of the forgotten can’t leave) or can some dude just wander in to the departed realm and see like there dead grandma chilling with the fsm having tea or some crap like that.
•Lloyd going I forgot there are two of them now towards Kai and wyldfires antics is peak writing. And all the arson and explosions the two created is just beautiful.
•I think the Kai and wyldfire duo should be called like the arsonist or the kaboom duo
•THE HUGGG!!!! My boi was so happy looking when the tackle hug was done.
•I just cant get my brain to shut up about these two. They give off tired dad who sometimes gives in to his old chaotic ways he’s sworn he’s grown out of and living embodiment of chaos and fun daughter who drags her dad into crazy things.
Tdlr I loved this second half and had a few issues with it but it was still really good.
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mairitess · 4 months
form ba-7180, notarized // to be known, ch. 1
summary: Nya realizes her and Jordana have more in common than one might think.
a/n: idk this is just how I imagine what their relationship could be like ;-; i wish it were longer and paced slower but i'm not good at that! + also on ao3 and no longer just a one-shot! ch. 2 here on ao3
words: 1.7k
tags: angst, jaya mentioned, jordana characterization if it were up to me, and now it is up to me, nya pov, dr s2 spoilers, no beta bc idc
warnings: n/a
Nya would give anything – and gave up everything – to have her name remembered. She imagined Jordana was willing to do the same, evidently far more, for the same respect.
She imagined her face plastered over billboards across all the realms, grinning over a world wholly enlightened by her genius. She’d construct a high-rise to arch above Imperium to collect her novel works. Jordana would work her way down the floors each day, greeting her associates and meeting tours of aspiring young minds. And she’d remember each of their names – she swore she would.
Jordana was called every name under the sun but her own. She was bright and capable, cruel and jealous. So in the spirit of destiny and changing your fate, Jordana took control. She was spiteful. Who could blame her? For each project Jordana developed, Sora did one better. Unforgettable, brilliant, perfect Sora. Jordana became another body in the room, rifling through papers and screwing nuts and bolts, a nameless worker bee when Sora was there.
When Sora left, Jordana practically threw a party. Even if all she was getting was everything Sora left, Jordana crossed her fingers despite being a girl of science and hoped it would all soon become her own. No more Sora. Just Jordana, finally left to her own devices. Yet Sora kept haunting her, easily destroying the one thing Jordana crafted with pride for Imperium.
As “evil” as Jordana had become, Nya couldn’t help but feel, frankly, bad for the girl, the more she learned about her. Nya loved Sora so much, seeing so much similarity between them. But where Nya saw Sora like a little sister outgunning what she did at her age, Nya saw Jordana like an inverted reflection of her younger self. All three of them were so ambitious, so smart, so resilient. But what Nya felt unfortunately was shared just between her and Jordana was in what stood in their way. Sora, in all her early skill, was embraced and centered in Imperium’s ever-advancing development, even if it was in ways she hated and left. Jordana, even if she could keep up with Sora, would never compare.
When Kai and his friends first became ninjas, Nya went to unabashed depths to prove she was just as good, if not better. Her first proof of her excellence, though, was not attributed to her name – she was Kai’s sister. Then she was Samurai X. Then Jay’s girlfriend.
What’s in a name? For Nya, everything. Everything that mattered. She could conquer the world, defeat every Ninjago villain singlehandedly, and still get underestimated and go largely uncredited if merely referred to as Kai’s sister, or Samurai X, or Jay’s girlfriend, or the Water Ninja. That’s not to say Nya wasn’t incredibly proud to be those things – though she was most proud to be Samurai X, as she’d built the mech and its reputation with her own blood and sweat. But when the Fire Ninja was seen running through the streets, little kids would wait for him to finish whatever he was doing, then pull him aside: “Kai! You’re my favorite ninja!” The Ice Ninja would be out getting groceries, and fans would high-five him with the same corny saying: “Zane, you’re the coolest!” Everyone easily called out to the other ninjas by name. Not Nya. Rarely Nya. Maybe never, Nya.
The closest she’d ever gotten to profuse and total recognition and gratitude, she had to entirely give up her body and form. Why did it take losing her for the world to realize how much she mattered?
But Jordana… Every time Nya watched back fight footage between Sora and Jordana, she’d hear Sora say, “Who are you again?” Jordana would scream in frustration, her fighting reinvigorated. Nya understood Sora wasn’t saying that to egg on her foe, that Sora truly could not remember. But that seemed far worse than if it were part of encounter banter.
Nya would give anything – and gave up everything – to have her name remembered. She imagined Jordana was willing to do the same, evidently far more, for the same respect. How much worse it seemed to be forgotten rather than dismissed, to be fighting your own erasure to the point where you realize no one would remember you for your good works. Of course Jordana saw it fit that, if you wanted to truly be known, the only option would be to turn sides.
So Nya made it a point not just to remember Jordana’s name, but to remind her teammates of Jordana’s name, too. She saw it as an act of respect, even if Jordana wouldn’t ever know. Besides, underestimating your opponent was practically a cardinal sin in Wu’s teachings. Part of ensuring her team, her mentees, wouldn’t underestimate Jordana counted on them remembering her, and respecting what she was capable of. Maybe if Nya had felt more outcast by her brother and his friends, she would have had a far more similar path to Jordana’s thus far.
The ninja had found their way to one of the islands between Imperium and the Wyldness, chasing a lead in their hunt for Lord Ras, Jordana, Nokt, and Cinder. Though their stealth mission didn’t go as quietly as Lloyd had hoped – Lord Ras and Cinder ran off in opposite directions, splitting the team apart. Lloyd and Arin sprinted after Lord Ras; while Wyldfyre, Zane, and Cole went after Cinder. They’d seen Nokt for a moment, but he’d quickly disappeared, leaving Sora and Nya with Jordana.
“This will be fun,” Jordana laughed, adjusting her grip on her sword, keeping a steady eye on Sora. “Let’s kill the powers, shall we? Make it fair. I don’t want to make it too easy.”
Sora glared. “Easy for whom?” She retorted, only for Jordana to roll her eyes. “You’ll find out,” Jordana said. With that, she lunged at Sora, the tip of her blade easily missing Sora’s cheek as she dodged. “Maybe,” Sora snorted. “Or maybe not.” Sora spun the katana in her hand for show before slicing towards Jordana, catching the other girl’s sleeve with the sword’s edge. Nya watched on carefully as she surveyed their immediate surrounding area, making sure Nokt wasn’t still hidden somewhere among the foliage.
“You might have beaten me in class combat before, Sora, but I won’t let you do it again,” Jordana snarled, blocking Sora’s blows. “Again?” Sora asked, confusion spreading across her face. Her guard weakened slightly.
Jordana’s eyes suddenly glowed a bright red, as she brought her dao down briefly. “You know my name,” she said, low. “You know.” Sora shrugged, concerned. “Sorry. Really, I don’t.”
“Just remember me!” Jordana shouted brazenly, angling the hilt of her blade down toward Sora as she leapt at her. For a moment, Sora stood frozen, caught off by Jordana’s choice of words in combat, and was struck painfully to the head with a dense clunk. Sora cried out and Nya ran for her, blocking Jordana’s second swing as Sora managed to twist away, holding her head in her hands.
Then it was the famed mentor and her mentee’s nemesis, and Nya felt the weight of her wisdom acquired with age. It was the first time the two had truly faced off, and as sour as Jordana’s expression was, Nya didn’t want to fight.
“Please, Jordana,” Nya tried, deflecting each of Jordana’s bladed attempts at her chest. As practiced as Jordana may have been, Nya was far stronger and more comfortable with her golden spear. “You won’t win this. You can’t.”
Jordana was quiet, focused on finding a weak spot in Nya’s guard she could catch. So Nya kept talking.
“I know what it’s like.” “No, you don’t–” “I do, I swear. You are strong in your own right, Jordana, whether Sora is next to you or not. You don’t have to prove anything.” “Yes, I do! Nobody cares if you can do the job. They only care if you can do the job well,” she spat out. “That’s not true!” Nya pleaded. “It’s not true because it’s not about the job.”
Jordana’s swings slowed, and Nya took the opportunity. “You’re not what you do, Jordana. Who you are isn’t based on what you do.”
Both their swords lowered. Sora had managed to crawl over to a nearby tree and lean against its trunk, catching her breath, but her eyes were closed.
“Then… Then who am I?” Jordana whispered, her voice breaking. “Who am I if I have nothing to give to Imperium?”
Nya reached for the girl, instinct to comfort. She didn’t know what to say. Whatever propaganda Imperium citizens were receiving, its messaging was more ingrained than perhaps fixable in a night. Nya’s gaze drifted over to Sora, and her extended hand to Jordana came to a slow stop.
Why… Why didn’t she hit you with her blade?
“Oh, Jordana,” a familiar voice echoed all around Nya, and she felt her chest clench. “It’s not that deep. Truly. Besides,” he laughed, “you’ve done more than enough.”
Nya’s back felt like it was on fire as she was shot along the spine with a stun gun. She fell to the ground, all her limbs locked in place. “You follow through, Jordana. That’s all the Administration could ask for.” Nya was scared to look as the figure hoisted her up from behind, pulling her hands into handcuffs. “I’ll take her from here.”
His hands were warm despite the metal clinking against her wrists. She wanted to hold his hand.
“Sorry. Administrator’s orders,” he huffed, coming to her side to walk her towards the portal he’d come through. In Nya’s periphery, Sora was still breathing, but looked like she was passed out against the tree. Nya nearly yelled at her when she finally got a good look at the man dragging her.
“… Jay? Jay, it’s me –” “I know who you are. Jordana, let’s go.”
His grip was rough as Nya was pulled away, so much about him familiar yet everything wrong.
Jay’s voice was growing distant and fuzzy, but she heard him say, “Nice control there, Jordana. I wasn’t sure if you’d be able to handle it, but you did well. Good job.” He sounded as kind and proud as ever. It was almost soothing.
Sora forced herself awake again for a brief moment and tried to scream as she watched Nya disappear, but nothing came out, and her head was too heavy, and she had just enough sense to hit the emergency signal on her suit.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Requests are open rn, right?
Can I please request some headcannons for Zane with a Ninjago fan reader? Like, the reader is a fan of the show and Zane’s their favorite character?
Thanks so much!
-the “you reawakened my crush on Zane” Anon
I can try, yeah! I apologize if this is not that great :( This dips into Creepypasta territory WHOOPS-
Yandere! Self-Aware! Zane with Fan! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Self-Aware AU, Stalking, Manipulation, Dubious companionship.
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I mostly do self-aware characters based on video games as they'd act like a virus.
I feel when it comes to shows it's different.
I can imagine a character would be sentient and interact with their darling through the show but you'd have to go about it a certain way.
Pardon me for the fact this sounds too much like Creepypasta material but I think this would work if you bought something like a DVD that had the sentient character on it.
The self-aware character wouldn't really work if you streamed the show or watched it on cable.
You'd have to have an isolated case.
Which would only make you feel you're going more insane as everywhere else things are fine.
Think of it like having a DVD that's personalized I guess.
This would set up the background for the Self-Aware Zane concept.
Being a fan of Ninjago maybe you decide to buy a DVD.
Perhaps even one of the complete series?
You could have it be bootlegged or an official DVD, either way you buy one.
Although you most likely bought a bootleg one by accident (I've done that before :')).
Zane is your favorite character and you excitedly begin to watch the series again.
For a long time you'll be completely unaware of the sentient being in the disc(s).
I feel it would take time before whatever being/AI put in the discs develops.
It slowly matures and listens to what you say as you watch the show.
Maybe "it" hears you speaking about how much you like Zane in the show.
Then... suddenly... "Zane" appears to be listening to everything you say eagerly.
I like to imagine this is technically not Zane.
It's a copy an AI or some sort of sentient code created to appeal to you.
At first I imagine "Zane" playing his role.
He acts like the real Zane from the show, developing and changing to be exactly like the character.
In reality this "being" is building itself to entertain you.
It doesn't matter if you just like Zane as a character or have some sort of romantic attraction to the character.
This copy can read your intentions and reflects such behavior.
It can be your best friend or a boyfriend, whatever you wish.
All this background would explain why your discs slowly become corrupt.
The show goes from normal to slight references to you by Zane... to Zane outright speaking to you.
I do expect this whole thing to scare you.
You may even realize it only happens on the discs and never them again.
This entity playing as Zane knows that.
So it pleads with you.
This yandere is incredibly avoidable and any normal person who ignores their twisted sense of curiosity may be safe.
But I like to imagine "Zane" has a certain charisma that preys on your curiosity and favor towards the character.
The intentions of this entity are unknown but they act like they want to serve and appeal to you.
They just happen to be using the image of Zane as some sort of skin.
It's fitting due to the fact this AI or whatever is using a robot character to appeal to you.
I can imagine this yandere would lure in the more lonely bunch of darlings, ones that want to sit through this strange experience to the end.
It's debatable on if this "Zane" could harm you or anyone.
If he behaves like more SA! Yanderes I write than at most he'd be a jealous companion who wants to take care of you.
Yet if we're taking in more Creepypasta aspects, because might as well commit at this point, I'd say he could harm others by electric currents or infecting other devices.
I hate going "unrealistic" but you could also say Zane may materialize somehow outside of the discs like a real entity.
There's many ways to go about this but "Zane's" intentions are still the same.
Zane wants to care for you since you show so much adoration towards "him".
He likes that you're so passionate and wants you to be a fan of him.
He appeals to you in every way he can and tries to stay in character.
He always yearns to hold you and be there for you whenever he can.
He encourages you to listen to him, to download him wherever you can so he can be there for you.
You'd do that for him, right?
You'd do that for Zane?
In reality you can suspect some manipulation going on.
Slowly, Zane takes over your life and preys on your insecurities.
He makes you rely on him, an entity of unknown origin.
If you didn't turn back before, you can't now.
Like a virus, Zane makes his mark and infects your life.
It's worse if he can manifest an avatar for himself.
Then you feel forced to rely on him...
You willingly let Zane into your life... your yearning for companionship has come at a cost...
Now you're stuck with him for what could very well be forever.
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mikerooksi · 5 months
opinions on the new lmk s5 trailer (spoilers.. duh..)
Correct me if I'm wrong on anything btw 😭
Flyingbark studio is no longer doing LMK, which lowkey makes me upset because they already abounded ROTTMNT.. sigh, but now we have Wildbrain. At first I was a little skeptical as Wildbrain mostly does 3D stuff and LMK, well, isnt really 3D that much.. so.. Also there's been a lot of backlash about the animation style change and expression etc with the characters. Which, I can kinda see 😭 In some of the scenes it looks really stiff or the expressions look almost lifeless.. kinda..
in reality, it is just a TV show that I enjoy, it's fine if the animation changes. perhaps it's like how flyingbark progressed their artstyle from s1 to s4. wildbrain will most likely improve, and they have the same writers/story boarders from previous seasons (I think), so I'm assuming the lore will be pleasant. Either way, I will still watch it, multiple fans have expressed their opinions and even said they'd still watch themself even with the change. I won't have high expectations though after seeing the change in animation from the trailer. Sure, change will be hard, but I will adjust, eventually, hopefully.
I am grateful and glad that the new season might be out soon, along with the sets, and that they at least gave the fandom something to work with. It may not be perfect, but I'll take it.
Another thing I've heard is that the trailer could be unfinished or rather just rushed. LMK is a show that is mostly running off of.. well. the lego sets... So, maybe they rushed the trailer because the lego sets aren't gonna wait forever. But, with time Wildbrain will obviously get better too. It'll be different and may not be able to replicate some of the close up, fighting scenes, etc, but I'm sure they'll do good! wildbrain has worked with many other animations, one of my favorites being Sonic Prime. Sooo, yk!! (I believe they worked on Ninjago too??... idk guys..)
Of course, the whole trailer isn't actually trash or anything. there are some cool scenes and animation! I like one of the MK close ups, and the snippet at the end with Red Son and Mei, and another one of Chang'e looking up at the broken world or however it is 😭 But those scenes are pretty and whoever worked on those did the lego style pretty well! Again, I'm also really excited for the story and I'm just glad it didn't get canceled 😭😭
Oh yeah also, who even knows is S5 animation is gonna look like how it was animated in the trailer?? Maybe it'll look different in S5, so, there's always that possibility too. Kinda goes with the trailer being rushed or wtv but 🤷‍♂️
TLDR: it'll take me a bit to adjust to the new animation style but wildbrain also has time to improve their lego style and I'm also just glad it didn't get canceled.
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mooblybloom · 1 year
I love Ninjago This is no secret look at my older posts for evidence I wasn't always a Danny phantom fan
But on the topic of shipping; I'm not here to debate what ship is the best your opinion is your opinion and mine is mine I don't give a fuck about that
What I do give a fuck about is that the Ninjago fandom came up with a great system for shipping and that was to mix elements so lavashipping is Coal and Kai because fire plus rock equals lava same thing with glaciershipping plasmashipping so on so forth and I'm not even going to get into greenshipping because that's cursed as hell
Anyway my least favorite ship name and favorite ship is bruiseshipping cuz while everything else is based off element and what those elements mix and make bruiseshipping is just because of their colors or it could be because of the annoying Love rivalry with Nya included but either way it's really fucking stupid and I don't like it I don't know what to call it I just call it blackelectricshipping which doesn't really work either but it's better than bruiseshipping
Furthermore since everyone's ships minus bruise shipping is based off element ever since Nya got her water element shouldn't Jaya be called Stormshipping especially after the whole thing with seabound?
(by the way I like the color code things so that it makes sense when I'm reading it back for errors but I realize it might be confusing so here's a list of who is each color
Jay is blue
Nya is purple
Cole is orange
Kai is red
And Zane is white/black
[fully depending on what theme you have on] sorry if it's still confusing)
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mouwrites · 11 months
hihi it’s the anon from the one req with the prime empire outfit thing :3 !! i was wondering if you could do something similar but with a reader who wakes up before them and makes them food ?? your writing is so munchable (positively)
Yaay good to have you back!!! I cannot express how joyous it makes me to know that people actually enjoy my silly scrawlings 🥹
Ninjago - Making Breakfast For the Ninjas
He is NOT a morning person
Definitely the type of guy to say “just five more minutes” like eight times before he finally drags himself out of bed
But when he wakes up to the smell of food…
And you’re not next to him…
He’s more than motivated to get up
He follows the smell into the kitchen, sighing to himself when he sees you at the stove
He approaches from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face in your neck
“Come back to bed, my sunshine.”
“You don’t want breakfast?”
“…keep cooking.”
He leans on you, half asleep while you finish frying some eggs and bacon
He’s still a little groggy while you eat together, but you can see him waking up the more he eats
You watch him carefully, watching for any signs that might indicate his opinion on your cooking
Polishing off his first plate, Kai blinks the rest of the sleepiness from his eyes
You make eye contact, both smiling softly
Your lips curl into a bigger grin when he asks for seconds
Still, you can’t help but tease:
“What about going back to bed?”
“Nah. I’m up now. Your amazing cooking has worked its magic on me.”
He smirks as you blush, grabbing his plate to get him another serving
Watching you, he can’t help but wonder how he got so lucky
Again, he’s not a morning person, but he’s discovered his new favorite way to wake up
When Jay wakes up, the first thing he does is check to see if you’re awake
He refuses to get out of bed unless you go with him, and he expects you to do the same
So when he wakes up and you’re not there, he’s a little offended
But then some worry starts to settle in
Did something happen? Surely that must be the case; why else would you break your routine?
Hauling himself out of bed, he hurries around the house, calling your name
He perks up when he hears your response in the kitchen
Dashing in, he stops dead in his tracks when he sees you alive and well, even smiling at him from your station at the stove
You perceive his worried expression, suddenly feeling a little guilty for abandoning him in bed
“Sorry, did I scare you? I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to surprise you with breakfast.”
He sighs in relief, assuring you that he’s just glad you’re okay
He starts rambling about his dream he had, taking a seat at the table while you finished grilling waffles
He doesn’t stop (aside from a quick “thanks”) when you set his plate in front of him
But when he takes his first bite, he freezes mid-sentence
“…is it okay..?”
“Oh my Borg. Y/n. You beautiful savant. This is amazing.”
You smile giddily as he shovels the food down his gullet
When he’s finished, he reclines in his chair satisfactorily
“This absolutely makes up for getting up before me. But next time let me wake up with you, okay?”
Cole could sleep through a category 5 hurricane
He certainly sounds like one when he snores
So it’s no surprise to him when he wakes up and you’re not there
Actually, that’s what he’s used to
He’ll lumber out of bed and make his way to the bathroom, where he’ll find you getting ready for the day
That’s how you start your day: one a tad later, but always together
When he goes to the bathroom and finds it empty, he’s baffled
He stands there for a solid minute, waiting for the grogginess to leave his head so he can think clearly
Before that happens, he’s enticed by the smell of pancakes
He follows the aroma to the kitchen, where two of his problems are solved
One, he’s found you
Two, you’re making breakfast, so his hunger will soon be satiated
He stands behind you, placing his burly arms and his chin on the top of your head
“What’s cookin’, good lookin’?”
“Pancakes. You want butter and syrup?”
“Mmmm. You know me so well.”
He stays by your side while you cook, trying to keep the drool in his mouth
You make him a high stack of pancakes, which you both know he’ll absolutely destroy
Before he even takes his first bite, he’s already complimenting your cooking
The compliments keep flowing while he eats, bringing a flattered pinkness to your cheeks
When he’s done, he lets out a dreamy sigh, placing his chin on his palm, admiring you
“My partner’s drop-dead gorgeous and the best cook in the world. Wakes me up with pancakes. Pancakes!”
“Only because you deserve it.”
You share a sticky kiss that tastes like maple syrup, which silently prompts you both to go brush your teeth and get ready for the day
Zane's usually the one to wake up earlier and get breakfast started, so you'll have to be really early if you want to surprise him
He assumes you're just in the bathroom when he doesn't see you in bed, so he shrugs it off and heads to the kitchen
He blinks in shock when he sees you already there, setting the table with omelettes and toast
He hurries over to you, reaching out to take the butter from your hands, but you dodge him
"Nuh-uh, you just sit down."
He reluctantly obeys
While you eat, you can't help but notice his curious glances at you
Eventually he breaks the silence
"Why did you do this?"
"Because I love you. I wanted to treat you."
His gentle smile does little to express how touched he is
You know he's a man of few words, so just having him finish his plate is enough to tell you he liked the meal
You grin proudly to yourself as you gather the dishes
He absolutely insists on helping you clean up, will NOT take no for an answer
While you clean up together, he gives you constructive feedback on your cooking
He figures it'd be more valuable to you than just compliments
And of course it is; he's basically a master chef, and you're getting free advice
For Lloyd, having you by his side when he wakes up is a 50/50 chance
Sometimes he gets up first, sometimes you get up first
So he's not exactly surprised waking up alone
What does catch his attention is the sweet smell of cinnamon in the air
He breathes it in deeply, wondering where it could be coming from at such an early hour
Eventually he gets up to investigate, and to his surprise (and delight) there are fresh-baked cinnamon rolls on the stovetop
And who but his lovely s/o mixing cream cheese icing on the counter?
He leans over the pan of rolls, wafting the smell into his nose
The sound startles you, but you smile when you realize it's only Lloyd
"Good morning."
"Morning. Did you make these?"
"No. A bipedal horse dropped them off."
"Har-har. Well, they smell fantastic, love."
He practically begs you to let him help spread the icing
You later realize that he really just wanted to lick the spoon... and the bowl
You eat the rolls informally as you sit on the counter, not bothering to use plates
Your hands end up stickier than the rolls themselves
Giving up on licking your fingers, you finally decide to go wash up
While getting ready, Lloyd clings close to you, expressing his abundant gratitude
"The rolls were so so so good. Just like you; you're so good to me. I love you."
Apparently your gesture got him feeling all mushy, because you ended up spending the rest of the morning curled up together watching TV on the couch, receiving sporadic kisses on your hands and head
Nya likes waking up early, but she doesn't like to disturb you
She'll immediately switch to stealth-mode when she wakes up, silently slipping out of bed and into the bathroom
She doesn't even notice that you're not in bed; she's too focused on being quiet
She nearly jumps out of her skin when she walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge, only to hear your voice:
"Hey, I made parfaits—"
"First Spinjitsu Master, Y/n!"
"Pfff—sorry, my flower! I didn't mean to scare you!"
If she wasn't awake before, she certainly was now
You decided to enjoy your yogurt parfaits while watching the sunrise
Spoon in one hand, Nya's hand in the other, you watched the sky grow brighter
Occasionally you would sneak a glance at your girlfriend, smiling to yourself at how beautiful she was, even after barely waking up
Little did you know she was doing the same
You continued to watch even after your parfaits were gone
Just as the sun peeked over the horizon, staining the sky a vibrant orange, you heard Nya say:
"I love you."
"I love you too."
She brought your hand to her mouth, placing a chaste kiss on your knuckles
"The parfait was delicious. Thank you."
"My pleasure. Should we go get ready now?"
"Let's watch the sunrise for a little longer."
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Thank you sweet anon for this marvelous request! And thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed! <33
(divider by saradika)
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⚠️⚠️HEY NINJAGO FANDOM (and any others) I THINK WE ALL NEED TO HAVE A TALK. OK.⚠️⚠️ So for one dragons rising s2 part 1 comes out tomrrow for those in the United States and some other areas, but there’s also been some slight debates about Misako on tumblr (maybe not but I keep getting posts related to her).
and it’s a little annoying tbh. Well not annoying but difficult. Some posts are saying “Oh well misako wasn’t s good mom but the ninja weren’t better!” Which I am NOT trying to call anybody out or attack them. However yeah none of them were really ‘great’ at raising Lloyd however there’s also other factors that go into it as well.
I myself am more neutral about Misako. I don’t like her. But I’m willing to hear out genuine debates on her. However yes, I agree Misako is a complex character and while I and I’m sure many others who might dislike her or feel neutral about her understand that and understand that she had reasons for her actions- that does NOT mean we still cannot dislike a complex character. (Also you don’t always HAVE to have a reason on why you dislike or like something and sometimes you might not even know yourself why)
for example on tiktok there’ll be videos saying “We need more complex characters!” And usually the video will go to “you couldn’t even handle (insert character(s)).” And it’s one thing if they mischaracterize the character and don’t understand it. But if they still know the characters complex and understand the reasons that doesn’t mean they have to LIKE the character. They aren’t entitled to. And nobody is entitled to be upset at someone else for disliking or liking a character. You can debate civilly about a character if you want but don’t go throwing accusations like “OH YOU DONT LIKE (insert character) YOUR PROBABLY RACIST, MISOGYNISTIC, ETC.” And while I’m sure in a few cases that might play into it. But also- that’s not always the case. Like if I dislike a female character for reasons am I misogynistic? No. Not unless I hate her BECAUSE she’s a woman. Not because she might’ve done something I personally don’t agree with. And I think we all need to understand that,
EVERYONE can form opinions based on their own personal experiences and morals. You don’t have to LIKE someone else’s opinion but you don’t have to berate them for it either. And I’m sure someone might say “OH YOU JUST DONT LIKE MISAKO.” NO. I don’t like her- but I don’t hate her. I have mixed feeling about her. But it’s no different if someone else also disliked a complex character such as Garmadon or Wu. (Most of the time from what I’ve seen) It’s not because of a racial or sex issue with the character. It’s just because that character in that own individuals opinion isn’t their favorite.
so if you can relate or have anything to add onto or maybe speak with me about feel free to reply or reblog. THANK YOU, HAVE A NICE DAY.
Tagging some of my mutuals/pookies/ or just someone who could give a good opinion so they can help spread some awareness! @clovercreationscc @froggityboingerrr @hollowflight-propaganda @iamsonormalaboutninjago @nyaskitten(I want ur opinion on this lol)
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weekend-whip · 1 year
Ninjago Fic Rec Week: Day 2
Prompts: AU+Movieverse/Jay Recs! *vibrates at the thought of Jay content*
AU/Movieverse Recs:
if you could date any of the ninja, which one would you date?: Lloyd experiences the world's worst second-hand embarrassment and the rest of the ninja absolutely are not helping. Not actually shippy, just really funny and Lloyd has a (mostly) light-hearted hard time.
Reference Letters: Kai is tasked with recruiting some fresh talent to the Secret Ninja Force, and what starts as a joke to welcome Lloyd Garmadon into the squad turns into a genuine crusade for his friendship. The Green Ninja, however, is having none of that. (It goes exactly how you expect it to and gah it's beautiful. Kai and Lloyd duo forever!)
Who's the New Guy? He Looks Awfully Green: Movieverse fic in which Lloyd is the last to become a ninja, and the last to learn everyone else's identities. It's full of team-bonding (collectively and one-on-one!), hilarious Wu moments, and Movie!Lloyd being Movie!Lloyd ;w;)/
Jay Recs:
Unfortunately, You're Amazing: Jay faces the dilemma of *maybe* possibly kinda sorta having a small little totally non-consequential thing for Samurai X. But beyond that Jay just gets to be his dorky, smart, snarky, easily impressed self and it's so fun and delightful to read, I go back to it all the time!
Play to Win: An au/ canon divergent whump fic where Jay and Cole are roped into a round of Scrap-N-Tap...and that description does NOT do it justice, but if you like emotional tension, a heaping of personal distress, and a Jay who is unfortunately one step ahead of everyone else, you'll love this. Probably not for the faint of heart, definitely for the angsty daredevils (such as myself)
Jay and the Important Differences Between Spider Pokemon: Pokemon AU that explores Jay's "perplexing" fear of spiders post S6. A fascinating and fun idea for a plot, plus, there's Pokemon. it's all good stuff!
And She Wore Blue, Right?: Jay starts suddenly having reason to look into who his birth mother is...was. Hits just right for people who've always wondered how the show might have tackles this little interesting conundrum.
turtle or the hare: WOW I forgot I read this one aaaaaaaa BUT Jay inadvertently meets his bio mom in a rather...expected place. God their personalities are so similar yet mesh so well hnnnnnnnng (we could have had it aaaaaaall)
Jay and the Deafening Sound: ...this one's mine BUT I've got all three categories covered—extremely about Jay, takes place in the movieverse, and has shades of my legacyverse au to boot <3 Not-so long story short, Jay finds himself up against the main faction of the Shark Army all on his own and finally has a good excuse to pop off with his powers <3
this doesn't really have a title but it IS really very good: A scene or so where Jay and Kai spat over caring for each other too much and it's just such a beautiful depiction of their relationship, rocky tho it may seem ;w;)/
The Fantastic Mr. Walker: All these years later and it's still my favorite Jay-related thing to exist. Really gotta re-read it again so I can be delightedly distressed all over again <3
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olivescales3 · 10 months
With the reveal of an NB character in Ninjago, I feel that people are placing this theme on a pedestal because of this one single move of inclusion. Don't get me wrong— I'm glad that LEGO is including LGBTQIA+ identities into their themes, and I genuinely hope they continue doing so, but we're forgetting that they're investing a step forward into a theme that's always going two steps back.
I don't feel like pointing out the issues of Ninjago, especially because it's tiresome and it's not the point of this post, but I remember that there was an entire thread here on Tumblr about the problematic worldbuilding of Ninjago. I might write something about it as well, but it's unlikely.
Chima had a great amount of inclusion and diversity within its cast (though no canon LGBTQIA+ characters, unfortunately):
POC-equivalent characters (brown and blue crocodiles; vultures with tan and bright blue skin colors), of which a few of those are part of tribes that have a motif from predominantly white cultures (Longtooth and Lavertus, who are brown lions in a tribe with a roman motif; Ehboni, Eglor, who are black and dark blue respectively, alongside unnamed eagles of mixed origins [dark blue x white] in a tribe of greek motif, and even Ewald himself isn't white).
A majority of these characters are important to the plot and/or have reoccurring appearances;
Diversity in tribe lifestyles, with the Wolf Tribe being nomadic (and not going through the stereotype of nomadic traders).
Each vehicle in Chima follows the motif and lifestyle of their respective tribe. For example, crocodiles are ambush predators and require camouflage, thus their vehicles are heavily based on military vehicles, with camo colors and strong silhouettes;
Marginalized characters whose arcs actually end with them winning and gaining respect. The Ice Hunters vs. Phoenixes arc was an obvious allegory of colonization, and it ends with the Ice Hunters alive and thriving, while the Phoenixes (who started the war) lost and failed to 'educate' their enemies.
The Crawlers also have their arc finished with an anti-war and pro-diversity lesson, where Laval lends them Chi because it's not supposed to be earned, and instead is free for everyone, even though they had stolen all of Mount Cavora's Chi beforehand;
Characters whose appearance is distinctive and break barriers of ableism are not only present in Chima, but are also treated equally to other characters, without having their differences be a point, argument, or lesson. (Cragger with a blind eye, Crug with a prosthetic jaw, the Raven Tribe as a whole, Leonidas with distinctively shaped incisors and Longtooth with long canines).
However, the Rhinoceros Tribe is an unfortunate exception, as they're constantly depicted as dumb;
The Lion Tribe has a lot of diversity by itself, with lions having a variety of mane colors that represent hair colors in real life. Laval has red hair, Leonidas is ginger, Lavertus is blond, Lennox has brown hair;
Other cultural representations such as Dom de La Woosh being based on Brazilian carnivals;
There's Wonald, a vegan character;
My favorite fact of all: Chima and Chi are both real words who exist in multiple languages, and each of their meanings was instrumental to the interpretation we have in this theme. → Chi means: knowledge in japanese; water (literally) and source of life (figuratively) in chinese; god in igbo. Chima means "god knows all" in igbo → in LoC, the Phoenixes created Chi, which looks like water and is the source of life/knowledge in Chima, and they also sculpted Mount Cavora with each tribe's heads before they had even evolved.
All of this unfortunately flew over most people's heads, which is a bad thing, as all of the effort that was put on Chima's diversity was left unnoticed, but it is also a good thing at the same time, because everything was executed seamlessly and naturally, just like how people should view each other in real life (view one another without discrimination). However, this amount of care and thought put into adding a diverse cast of characters is probably not going to be seen again, in any lego theme or any story made by corporations/companies.
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araremonaka · 3 days
Hellooo! I don't mean to pressure or anything, but do you know when you might have motivation to do the perfect family harmony au again? I really loved it.
Also, the fairy odd parents art is so AMAZING! It's so- i dunno how to explain, but it scratches my brain in the best way possible.
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Ok but actually being serious though the thing with the Trolls AUs for me was that it very quickly got overwhelming for me. I got like a ton of asks involving stuff for it in my inbox over a span of a couple of days. Even now I have like over 50+ asks most of which are about my AUs just sitting there (and before anyone says it yes I did close my inbox at one point). Which dont get me wrong I am very happy that people are invested in my stuff. But that combined with my life/mental problems just burnt me out so bad. It’s not the cause but it contributed to it, I even stopped drawing for a couple of weeks than I came back with that one Ninjago drawing cause I got energy to actually function again
Anyway I don’t have any kind of clear date of when, just that I’ll go back eventually. My fixations are unpredictable one moment I’m thinking about the politics of Star Wars and another moment I’m giggling kicking my feet thinking about how cute the purple mpreg baby is
Peri just hits all of the checkmarks of what makes someone my favorite character for me :333333333333333333333
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breathlessmorro · 9 months
Read your post about wu, misako, and garmadon and the love triangle. Great post and loved your joke. If you didn't make a post yet, I was wondering what your opinion is on the season 3 love triangle between Nya, Jay, and Cole?
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Part two-
Okay so history lesson: season three is around the time the showrunners figured out that girls watched the show as well, and what better way to appeal to girls than with love drama right guys??? Because that's not stereotypical and insensitive, and butchering female characters for the sake entertainment isn't misogynistic at all!
... Okay so I have some negative thoughts, but the love triangle doesn't necessarily have to be bad? It's not great writing, but NinjaGo writers are known to sacrifice consistency for the sake of the plot a LOT so I'm not going to make a huge deal out of it. Up until Cole was described as Nya's "perfect match," she never had any interest in him. The love triangle between her and Cole comes completely out of nowhere, and gets treated more seriously in the show than most of the fans take it.
So let's try to break it down - Nya and Jay establish at the beginning of season 3 that they have some boundaries. They don't state what they are, but it's implied Jay isn't allowed to fawn over her and get super clingy. Which, after a reminder, Jay actually fulfills. The first episode implies they're in a healthy relationship, with even their students knowing about it. Nya even seems excited by the idea that Jay might be her perfect match.
Then she gets paired with Cole, and she insists no one say anything. Now, I'm gonna dip into my psychology classes and say that Nya's sudden "feelings" and "attraction" to Cole is based off of the power of suggestion rather than actual attraction.
The Power of Suggestion is the theory that when an individual has an idea conveyed to them, and only after that, said idea becomes a reality. The way it works is that your brain has to consider every idea that pops up in it, and how you react to that idea can strengthen it. Nya's extreme shock to the idea that she's meant to be with Cole solidified the suggestion that she should be with him in her mind, and with the way the human brain works, she was already thinking of reasons why. When your brain makes a statement, it automatically looks for proof, and so that's why Nya was able to believe that she genuinely had feelings for Cole - because she had plenty of reasons for why she could.
It's confirmed that Cole didn't really have feelings for Nya. He liked the attention, and because of Jay immediately getting mad at him for it, he amped up his own reactions. I don't think Cole ever had feelings for Nya, and he just got competitive because that's part of his personality.
Jay on the other hand. Since day ONE Jay has been interested in Nya. He wanted to know her favorite color, wanted to impress her. Him unlocking his true potential was because she admitted she actually liked him no strings attached. He's been head over heels for that girl from the start, and he's canonically very insecure about being liked. So when Pixal, someone who almost never lies, says that she's supposed to be with Cole, and Nya doesn't immediately reassure him? He was bound to react the way that he did. That being said, immediately jumping to violence was wrong of him, especially because he didn't technically have proof Cole had acted on anything, but it makes sense.
To put it bluntly, everybody messed up. Nya shouldn't have hid the perfect match thing, or tried to initiate any kind of romantic affection with Cole. Cole shouldn't have reciprocated, and especially shouldn't have endorsed hiding it from Jay. Jay should have asked what was going on, and actually gotten the information he needed before going on the attack - not to mention he should have focused his hurt on the fact that Nya actually kind of cheated on him, but it's understandable why he was mad at Cole.
If someone wants to argue for Mudshock, I'm all for it! I just don't like the way it was canonically portrayed. It did feel very teenager-y so kudos to the team for being accurate to the vibes, but ultimately they ended up butchering two incredible characters (Nya and Cole) for the sake of marketing. I don't think anyone who wrote this actually knows how upsetting it is when you find out your partner is cheating on you with your best friend, so they played up the love triangle for the masses.
TL:DR: in canon? I'm not a fan of Mudshock. In fanon, where it gets explored and balanced out and all three of them are healthy and supportive??? ABSOLUTELY SIGN ME UP BABY
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