#lego monkey kid rant
mikerooksi · 4 months
opinions on the new lmk s5 trailer (spoilers.. duh..)
Correct me if I'm wrong on anything btw 😭
Flyingbark studio is no longer doing LMK, which lowkey makes me upset because they already abounded ROTTMNT.. sigh, but now we have Wildbrain. At first I was a little skeptical as Wildbrain mostly does 3D stuff and LMK, well, isnt really 3D that much.. so.. Also there's been a lot of backlash about the animation style change and expression etc with the characters. Which, I can kinda see 😭 In some of the scenes it looks really stiff or the expressions look almost lifeless.. kinda..
in reality, it is just a TV show that I enjoy, it's fine if the animation changes. perhaps it's like how flyingbark progressed their artstyle from s1 to s4. wildbrain will most likely improve, and they have the same writers/story boarders from previous seasons (I think), so I'm assuming the lore will be pleasant. Either way, I will still watch it, multiple fans have expressed their opinions and even said they'd still watch themself even with the change. I won't have high expectations though after seeing the change in animation from the trailer. Sure, change will be hard, but I will adjust, eventually, hopefully.
I am grateful and glad that the new season might be out soon, along with the sets, and that they at least gave the fandom something to work with. It may not be perfect, but I'll take it.
Another thing I've heard is that the trailer could be unfinished or rather just rushed. LMK is a show that is mostly running off of.. well. the lego sets... So, maybe they rushed the trailer because the lego sets aren't gonna wait forever. But, with time Wildbrain will obviously get better too. It'll be different and may not be able to replicate some of the close up, fighting scenes, etc, but I'm sure they'll do good! wildbrain has worked with many other animations, one of my favorites being Sonic Prime. Sooo, yk!! (I believe they worked on Ninjago too??... idk guys..)
Of course, the whole trailer isn't actually trash or anything. there are some cool scenes and animation! I like one of the MK close ups, and the snippet at the end with Red Son and Mei, and another one of Chang'e looking up at the broken world or however it is 😭 But those scenes are pretty and whoever worked on those did the lego style pretty well! Again, I'm also really excited for the story and I'm just glad it didn't get canceled 😭😭
Oh yeah also, who even knows is S5 animation is gonna look like how it was animated in the trailer?? Maybe it'll look different in S5, so, there's always that possibility too. Kinda goes with the trailer being rushed or wtv but 🤷‍♂️
TLDR: it'll take me a bit to adjust to the new animation style but wildbrain also has time to improve their lego style and I'm also just glad it didn't get canceled.
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zerohirrotries · 2 months
LMK s5 spoilers!!
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These are so cute, look at how Wukong tries to comfort Mk even when he is the one in pain here!!
One thing about this scene I love is that it shows Wukong crying in pain and that makes Mk panic. Once he starts to panic, suddenly his body tries to push his monkey form out.
Monkey King even in pain, only cares to make sure Mk is okay. Once his hand grabs onto Mk, the turning to and from his monkey form suddenly ends. The touch of his mentor makes Mk calm down!!
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lmk-aus-galore · 6 months
Needed to make this post because I keep seeing this-
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I keep seeing people mistake this scene where Macaque smiles at Wukong during the Specials as a sign that he forgives him.
No, he does not, he’s still trying to trust Wukong again. You can see it in the beach scene. They still bicker slighty after this scene, and during the beach scene, Macaque looks at Wukong briefly believing his words before doubting him again. Or at least still getting a bad feeling.
Macaque and Wukong are far from forgiving each other, they’re still trying to trust each other again. However Season 4 is pretty much a start.
Even though Wukong seems to like forgive Macaque, I’m pretty sure it’s because he just survived a series of self-loathing and guilt, he’s probably not fully recovered.
That being said again.
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This doesn’t prove Macaque forgave Wukong yet.
People who see this completely forget the conversation MK was having with Wukong.
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Prior to Macaque smiling at him, MK tries to lift Wukong’s spirits up, give him hope like Wukong did for him. Encourage him even. He makes a whole speech about getting Wukong back on his feet and becoming the Monkey King again.
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However, Wukong doubts it, so he looks to Macaque.
Again some people forget the whole context of this entire scene and just miss out on crucial details BECAUSE WUKONG ISN’T EVEN ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS HERE.
Wukong knows that MK is his biggest fan, that MK looks to him with rose-tinted glasses, that to a fault, the kid sees too much good in Wukong, he WANTS to believe Wukong is good, Wukong knows that’s his one flaw about his view of him.
So he doesn’t take the staff immediately after MK encourages him, instead he looks to Macaque.
Why? Because he’s asking him, Macaque KNOWS Wukong. He knows Wukong far too much than probably Wukong himself. Macaque can see his faults, his mistakes, he knows Macaque HATES him. HATES the Monkey King, he’s honest about his doubts, his views on Wukong. Despite Azure’s praise, Macaque sees him for what he is.
Prior to this scene, Wukong was suffering with the curse of the scroll, reliving his mistakes and we know one of his mistakes that is most definitely going to play in his head is the scene where he broke off with Macaque. The scene where he yells at Macaque and seemingly destroys his friendship with him forever.
‘No that’s you! You’re the one always running off! Looking for more power! More sources of immortality! You’re the one who wouldn’t quit while we were ahead! Not the Great Sage! He’s always trying to drag everyone into his mess!’ Macaque was right. It was him that lost his sights on power, on why he was even gaining power in the first place, it was him who tried bigger and bigger until he couldn’t carry the load anymore. He’s the one who was reckless, not Macaque.
And he was right, he dragged Macaque into this. And only hurt him, the brotherhood and MK by dragging them into the mess he created. By letting MK fight his battles, by letting Macaque get injured over and over again just because he wanted him to help regardless of Macaque’s opinion on the matter. He dragged the Brotherhood into this false sense of justice and power that they ended up getting killed or sealed away.
He hurt them. He hurt them as the Monkey King. All he ever did as the Monkey King was hurt people. That’s why he looks to the one guy that can tell him, tell him honestly.
He asks the one guy that hates his guts, that has every right to hate his guts.
If it was alright for him to BE that guy again.
The reckless, egotistical, self-centered Monkey King again. He asks Macaque, who so negatively views Monkey King’s role as a hero if he should BE that hero again.
He asks Macaque if MK is right. This time, This time he’ll listen. Just tell him if it’s okay for him to BE that guy, if he needs to take a step back, he will no questions asked.
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Macaque smiles at him.
He assures Wukong that he’s okay with it. Yes he can be that guy, flaws and all. He’s willing to give him that chance.
Macaque was giving Wukong not only permission but assurance that Wukong is allowed to be that hero again. The one that everyone adores and loves and the one that people NEED right now.
Only then does Wukong stand and take the staff once more.
Macaque and Wukong still need to trust each other again sure.
But this whole scene is just Wukong at his DEEPEST and LOWEST he’s ever been. The usually loud, cheery and expressive Monkey King was reduced to the unusually quiet, sad and barely even audible Wukong who had been beaten down by his guilt and shame. He can barely look at MK…he can barely raise his voice. And judging by how quiet he was he might’ve been crying until his voice gave out. Paired with Macaque holding grudges yet still reminiscing their good times together. Seeing THAT must’ve been so disturbing for him.
Again, Macaque has this view of Wukong. The same way he notices MK’s despair and loss of light, he notices Wukong’s change in personality. However, unlike MK, there’s a chance Macaque has never SEEN this side of Wukong. He’s always seen Wukong so confident and unbreakable. So much so he doesn’t hold back against him at all. But seeing THIS must’ve done something to him- like scared him, disturbed him.
And now he’s looking at him like that? He’s so low on self-esteem that he looks to the one guy that hates his guts more than anyone else for permission to be that guy again? It probably frightened him more than anyone ever realized.
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gamegirlx · 1 year
ah yes✨
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to contribute to this fandom feels absolutel fulfilling
DUDE NGL IM SO PROUD OF THIS PIECE? man, monkie kid has given me undeserved happines, hype, and community like what how do u do that
if u havent watched the show PLS FRIGGIN DO its absolutely amazing (s1 is kinda sludge to go through but man i tell u it pays of tenfold omg)
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chroniccomplainerlol · 9 months
Really unpopular opinion that arose after rewatching season 3 and 4 of LMK, but it annoys me to no end that Macaque barely did anything to improve (hasn't even apologized to MK lol) and basically got no consequences for his actions and yet he still got his redemption served to him on a silver platter.
Not to mention how much the fandom sugarcoats what he did, but I can't really blame them because the show is kinda doing it by itself considering the other characters' reactions. Like, you mean to tell me that Mei, of all people, would gladly fight side by side with Macaque?
Actually, why is the entire group so… casual around him as if they didn't watch the mf beat the shit out of MK right in front of them?
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Highlight to Mei and Pigsy cause they are the first ones to call out Wukong about his mistakes, and them doing that while also giving Macaque a pass after everything he did to them makes no sense.
And it annoys me even more because there were villains/antagonists who could have easily had a redemption arc but got killed off instead.
Also the same thing happened with the Demon Bull Family: They hurt and tried to kill MK and many lives were at risk because of them, but guess what? No consequences lmao they're all besties now.
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yznerpoo · 3 months
Hey Everyone.
I'm gonna talk about something serious and political and I don't want to trigger anyone in this, I just want to speak up about it. this is the only platform that i could use to express it, since TikTok is having a heated fight about this.. for sure I wouldn't be attacked here.. for now
So... Most of y'all don't know, there's been issues going on between China and the Philippines (aka my country), and it's about China trying to take the West Philippines sea (WPS). I have a feeling that China might take some drastic measures on us such as War after finding out that we got a spy in our country (not sure but it said in fb)
As a filipino and an Lmk fan, I am Conflicted and worried. As someone who lives in luzon, we might get dragged into this war.
As for my fellow lmk fans that are Chinese, please don't hate or go against us. We're only trying to protect our sea, it's where we essentially get our natural source. We already have problems with the economy, we don't want to lose our natural supplies. I'm sorry.
I tried to talk to one in tiktok and they called us monkeys. (That's straight up racism if you ask me)
For the others, I need your support to Spread awareness such as Reblog this or make a post about this put tags like "no to war" "West Philippines sea" rather. Whatever you can do.
I'm not ready to witness or face a war. I still have dreams to achieve. I never want this to happen.
So please guys. I need your help.
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(gif for attention)
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Every day. Every damn day I question why THIS is the way they established MK's Monkey Demon Form/Identity. He's flickering, shards are coming off of him (shattered sense of identity), he seems to be in pain, and he radiates so much power. Overall it gives the impression that he's fighting this form off, trying to maintain his humanity/the current status quo.
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And I'm just sitting here waiting for his current negative character arc to go down FURTHER
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artisahobby · 7 days
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I watched a clip of Monkie Kid and was hooked. I binged the whole show.
LMK's animation is amazing and gorgeous! The world and its characters are so lively, even during the slower scenes, someone's usually doing something in the background. LMK definitely shows that a lot of care and effort was put into its creation and its story.
I absolutely adore the main gang, they each got their unique charm with a general wholesomeness to them. The lightheartedness doesn't impede the story from heavier emotional beats and interesting character development.
MK has to be one of my favorite hyperactive, action superhero characters in a while. He's such a silly bean, an absolute ray of sunshine.
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azureandcrimson · 15 days
Crane Wives Lyrics X LMK Angst.
Okay, the new Crane Wives Album and the song 'Say It' SCREAMS Past Shadowpeach/Eclipse Duo angst. 'Did the real me corrupt the fantasy?' 'Did I disappoint you?' 'Say it if it's over, Say it, so I can move over' 'Please don't leave me in the dark' 'Haunted by, your tenderness' 'You gave me a soft place to lay' 'Say it! If it's done, say it so I can move on' 'If you could would you erase me?' 'eradicate me from your mind?' 'If we we're to meet as strangers again, would you refuse to meet my eye?' 'Would you let me, pass you by?' 'Say it, if it's done, speak the words so I can move on' 'You know I'm loyal to a fault, I will sit here waiting' (I don't know, I was up listening to their new album in the middle of the night and had this thought so here I am writing about it.) (I LOVE THE CRANE WIVES SM)
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pitofpurple · 9 months
Monkey Cop rant
I find the cannon existence of Monkey Cop in LMK so funny because Sun Wukong was the most anti-establishment, ACAB, F the police, anti-government guy before the police were even a thing in China. He’s literally the opposite of a cop, a well known criminal who’s anti-discrimination.
and yet in a way it fits. Because monkey cop isn’t Sun Wukong it’s what most mortals thought the elusive Monkey King was like. MK thought Monkey King was this cool super hero who beat up bad guys, always saved the day, and did no wrong despite his cheeky rebellious demeanor. And this is partly because he hasn’t read journey to the west but partly because of how people in power will often change a myth to fit their ideals.
The many iterations of Nezha come to mind, mainly the ones that interpret Nezha giving his body to his parents as the ultimate act of filial piety when more likely it was originally a way of cutting ties (think giving back a birthday gift) based on how Nezha later gets in a huge fight with his father and tries to kill him. The story was changed to fit the moral of filial piety and Confucianism. Nezha is willing to give everything to his parents including his own body, so should you. Monkey King is a cop and he’s super cool and respectable, cops are super cool, respect cops.
Or I’m reading to far into this and the LMK crew just wanted a stupid action movie series for Sun Wukong.
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toastingpencils37 · 2 months
Finally got to rewatching Monkie Kid, and I lowkey never realized how hard the Pilot's intro went
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pumpk1nappl3p1 · 1 year
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zerohirrotries · 2 months
LMK s5 Mild Spoilers
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Through the season, Mk has used the word McGuffin a few times. It is just there through few episodes and it seems to be a joke.
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Pigsy then makes a comment about Mk's new word.
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He took Mk to a how to write seminar?! When did this happen and how?! I want to know how this happened and why Pigsy brought Mk to a seminar! Did Mk need help with writing, did he want to learn better writing skills, did Pigsy want him to attend it for some other reason, or was it an online seminar that Mk wanted to be a part of?!
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justaghostysposts · 2 months
OMG I have a LMK OC based on Shaggy Ink Cap too! Your lady give off Lady Dimitrescu vibes, I wonder if she has some lore behind her
oh my gosh I love your oc so much! He has such a great design! :D
weeellll since you brought it up…
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I decided that her name will be Dai Lu (which can be translated to mean “lead the way”) She is a shaggy ink cap inspired demon who finds weary or lost travelers in the woods and offers to “guide” them to the right path. However if you allow yourself to follow for too long you may begin to find yourself getting weaker and weaker because the lamp she holds slowly drains the life force of other living beings, which she then can use to grow her own strength. Dai Lu is blind and relies on her other senses, the vibrations around her and the mushroom hat on her head to “see”. I also updated her dress to resemble more of the cap of the mushroom! Her abilities include teleportation (using the ink), hypnosis, creating mushrooms, and she is pretty skilled in hand to hand combat, but due to her blindness she mostly opts to stay out of potential fights.
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gamegirlx · 1 year
ya'll i did this for my weekly journalling bcus i had to
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bonnisbon · 6 months
Imagine Wukong displacing MK from a fight but it’s that Pearl audio.
This but swk ends up screaming Macaque’s name because he didn’t protect him enough (Macaque) and he feels guilty and now he has the responsibility to take care of MK even if he knows he can take care of himself
He is afraid of losing MK as a friend/son/student, he is afraid of losing him like he lost Macaque, let it be on an accident, emotional reasons (in this case, MK being his adopted son, student, etc) or cause of death
He will not lose another loved one again. He already lost so many
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