#just one hour of sunshine
thedoorsofmyheart · 2 months
“But it’s gonna be alright, I did my time.”
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 1 month
OK but I really love how unhinged Neil comes off in other people's POV cause looking back at the first three novels he was so damn weird
Take what happened in Colombia
Imagine what Andrew was thinking
Holy crap this binder WTF?!?! OK he's sus as hell I've gotta test him, I'm gonna mess with the tags when I refold his clothes but like...I doubt even he's THAT crazy
*Neil barges in and starts shouting in FRENCH*
OK so he IS that crazy (and French?!)
OK I'm gonna spike his drink and get some answers in a minute just gonna leave him with Aaron and Nicky for a sec while I satisfy my Gay panic this runaway has inspired in me with Roland and then I'll just...WTF DID HE JUST PAY A GUY TO KNOCK HIM OUT?!
OK I'm gonna pick up some breakfast and when I get back to the house I can interrogate the....OK ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME THIS DUBIOUS TWINK CRAWLED OUT OF THE BATHROOM WINDOW?!
OK so he's not around let's get back to Palmetto he probably got a ride from one of the upperclassmen
OK he didn't...did he run away? I guess that makes some sens... OK wait he HITCHHIKED?! THE FUCK?!
OK he's on the run from the mob...there are a lot of holes in this story but at this point I'm gonna take his word for it that he's isn't a danger to my people cause I don't have the energy to continue to pursue this anymore. This fucking guy is more unhinged than what I was prepared to deal with this weekend.
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s0fter-sin · 2 months
soap's whole deal being sniper and demolitions gets me going bc on the surface they sound so different but when you get into it, you realise it's bc soap's smart
sniping is all math; calculating distances and wind interference and bullet drop. something i think people overlook is he was listed as a sniper first so it can be implied that he's better at it than demolitions. he does more sniping in both campaigns than demolitions work; in capture or kill, ghost specifically calls on him to take down the aq snipers
and demolitions is math with a hit of chemistry; knowing what mixes with what, knowing how much to use, recognising environmental factors and adjusting accordingly. it's not just about the boom; so much work goes into contained/ planned explosions. especially when having enough power for a breacher charge and not bringing down the whole building is the difference between mission success and failure
the chemical bombs he makes in alone can't just be any old cleaners, they have to have the correct reaction to each other; he just knew off the top of his head what would mix with what to create what reaction. he would also potentially have to recognise them by sight/smell bc they would’ve been written in spanish
soap would also have to know architecture; recognising structural integrity and weak points so he knows exactly where to plant a charge to bring it down and how it'll come down
he has an incredible soldier's mind people just forget that bc he's sociable which itself is a skill
we know he tends to buck against orders he doesn't agree with like when he pushes back against ghost in capture or kill and shepherd when he tells them to release hassan
he gets closer to people and sees if he can trust them and that's when he follows them without question. really think about how he talks to alejandro and rudy; he asks about their home and alejandro's family and rudy's relationship with him. those aren't questions you ask a stranger after a few hours of knowing them. that's not even touching on his relationship with ghost
he also deliberately brings people of higher ranks down to his level; talking informally with ghost and giving him a shoulder punch, addressing alejandro (a colonel!!) by his first name and rudy by his nickname despite literally just meeting them. he personalises all of them and it’s in direct opposition to the reason most characters do that; it’s not due to insubordination or lack of respect, the more he respects and trusts someone, the more casual he is with them
he digs into people; he wants to know what makes them tick and that determines if he can one, trust them and two, follow their orders. once he decides that, he's the ultimate soldier; he bleeds loyalty which makes him vicious when that loyalty is taken for granted
he isn't naive or bubbly or insecure; he's an incredibly smart and aware soldier. he's aggressive and bloodthirsty and loyal and intuitive and i love him so much
#i cant believe i never posted the soap meta that got me twitter famous™️💅#as with damn near every piece of characterisation in this franchise soaps is only apparent in subtext and connecting tiny little dots#it is very easy to just pick up his surface personality and think thats all he is#but soaps not a sunshine character#hes not super friendly or bright#hes just willing to talk to people and hes paired up with ghost who never wants to start a conversation#every time i see soap presented as this bubbly airhead thats super sweet and just blows stuff up i lose a year off my life#and i dont blame people for getting this vibe from him but im begging you to look a lil deeper#this isnt getting into his anger or the fact that he is a soldier which automatically makes him a wee bit fucked up#like he is hyperviolent and takes joy in it#we all know ghosts snuff film joke but soaps the one who responds positively to it#he returns the joke and only calls him out on it when he says he wont watch it more than once and even then its teasing not grossed out#and if we take the ‘he tried to join the military at 16’ factoid from 09 as current canon then he very easily could have a rough home life#no one tries to repeatedly join the military early without having some kind of problems#soap knows his worth and his abilities you dont get to be as good and specialised as he is without being completely sure of yourself#we know ghost has an ego but soap constantly butts up against it with his own affirmations#‘you wanna be better than me johnny’ ‘maybe i already am/i will be’ ‘a little helps not so bad eh lt’#being a sniper makes me hate the ‘cant sit still’ hc hes literally an sas sniper he wouldnt be complaining after a few hours of overwatch#i like the adhd hc and maybe he fidgets in his day to day life but the second hes at work hes At Work#tldr soap could be just as complex a character as ghost if cod would stop treating their campaigns as an afterthought and actually commit#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#we’re a team. ghost team#talk meta to me#john soap mactavish#soap cod#cod mw2#soapghost#save post#call of duty modern warfare#cod meta
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zootopiathingz · 4 months
Some more ya_mari_6363 Mario, as promised!
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Thank you for your service my friend, this is very much appreciated😌🙌🏻🩷
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leezuhh · 2 months
sunshine court no context
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ghost-proofbaby · 4 months
thinking very hard about barista eddie today
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attineilde · 17 days
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whocouldstayyy · 2 months
finished the sunshine court and im forever changed. i love jean and want him to be okay and happy more than anything
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treasure-goblin · 4 months
wha-- why are you a goose, love? /pos /affec
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See? Am just a baby 🥺
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baltharino · 1 year
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Guilty Kiss performing Deep Sea Cocoon
~Return To Love ♡ Kiss Kiss Kiss~
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defiledtomb · 4 months
Watching my nightstand like a layout of tarot cards (it's currently all Sylvia Plath): omg I'm not gonna make it
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kaiserkisser · 3 months
Girlie why r u awake at 5:44 in the morning 💔
uhm- were YOU awake at 5:44?
and hddhjshshsfyhr sadly i NEED to wake up at 5:15 am every goddamn schoolday morning or i will miss my bus which comes at 6:30..... and like i use the phone for a teeny tiny bit in between.... and i got tagged and tagged you...
well WERE you awake??????? since you knew the exact time?
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essektheylyss · 1 year
I love observing fandoms from afar exhibiting the same shipping brain rot that pissed me off two years ago. Big "how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?!" energy.
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okay we have officially entered the Winter Break Is Driving Me Mad zone
#djhahdjhkashdash i have sat still as in not moving as in not going anywhere as in Still for too long#but it's too cold and dark to run around or go somewhere#and everyone is conspiring against me (there is someone in every single room so i am effectively cornered)#i was not built for this i feel like i'm going to explode they should release me into the wild so that i can experience freedom before#my untimely death by nature's hand but it will be oh so beautiful it will be yuri too btw#at least during the summer i can go to parks and walk through the forests or go in the caves or something but i can do nothing#during the cold dark winter#i am trapped in this tiny house with these people and i cannot leave i am going stir-crazy and it has been exactly 5 days since#school has officially ended#mayhaps i shall test if the rock climbing gym is open during winter break#we have one at my school and technically i get free access but i never go in bc i know too many gym rats and i hate seeing ppl i know#in different locations#but damn rock climbing sounds good rn#[insert google search] noooo they're closed on the weekends for winter break noooooooo#and their hours suck noooooo#u know what i may just say fuck it and go to a park or smth we have a hilly one that i bet no-one will be at bc it's fucking cold#i am going to go mad staying here i am going to be sick#where are the beautiful trees and fresh air and sunshine where did it all go why am i stuck in this house#i have no room to move all i can do is wait for the main room to be vacated so i can have space to dance but this is not enough#i need to climb something i need to be given more space to do something but noooooo#u know what i will unbecome nocturnal just to go places during the day#i will go to the sad cold riverside park and i will run from whatever geese are still around. maybe i'll bring a dog#if i do not i am going to scratch up these walls and YES they are yellow but they are not wallpaper it is paint. if u even care
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onsunnyside · 2 years
this is now a James Mace blog
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wackachewbacca · 7 months
The audacity that some men have to just insert themselves in the lives of people who are vaguely feminine and just make their days 110% worse because these men have the faintest shred of imaginary entitlement and then made those people uncomfortable I wish you a very die and go to hell
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