#just passed the office copy machine and went oh what if i went into printer repair (:
tracfone · 10 months
Born with a sense of wonder for how the world works forced to earn green pieces of paper
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maple-writes · 4 years
Dissidia March 2021: Week One
Big thanks to @onmywaytobe for sharing Leo with me for this! I’m really excited to keep writing these two together :D
and thanks @dissidia-writeblr for hosting again!
the intro got kind of long but I was having a good time so it stays like this lol
Warren hit send on their email and quietly hoped the recipient would actually read everything this time before asking another question they shouldn’t have to answer again. At least that was the last they needed to respond to for now. They double checked though, just in case they missed anything from an order, an information request, requests for meetings, or sometimes the odd message sent to the completely wrong email address.
They reached for their near-empty travel mug and downed the last of the coffee as they crossed off email replies from the to-do list they’d drawn up first thing in the morning. Today it wasn’t as long as it could be, but would still be more than long enough to keep them busy until the end of the workday. After that… They smiled to themself as they turned back to the computer screen. The woman at the store tipped them off the other day that pears would probably be on sale today. Older style pears hadn’t been on sale in a long time especially since newer hybrids started coming out a few years ago. The new ones were sweeter, softer, and lacked that weird texture if picked too late, but there was something about the older pears. The new ones were almost too sweet, too soft. They still had some wine from last night too that might go well with it after dinner.
The click of short heels echoing down the hall brought Warren back from thinking about fruit and wine a moment before Indigo poked her head into their office. Her opalescent white hair pulled back in a low pony-tail suggested she was here to check up on the labs. When the light hit just right, the hollow, prismatic strands refracted subtle orange, blue, and even hints of green. Right, it was Wednesday, she usually came in on Wednesdays.
When she noticed Warren was in, she stepped in with a polite nod. “Any word from the Norris Lab?”
Warren smiled. “Yes, actually.” They leaned forward, pulling up the documents on their computer. “I spoke with one of their reps today, and honestly,” they sighed, one hand up and massaging the side of their head at the memory of that agonizingly long phone call, “it was like pulling teeth but I convinced her to send over their manuscripts. I’ve also set up a meeting with a member of their team for the twenty-seventh.”
“Well done Warren,” Indigo purred. She rested her hand on their desk and leaned forward as Warren turned the screen to show her the documents. The way her eyes flickered over the words and tables she seemed to know better than them whatever it was this research was about on anything more than an abstract level. “Oh that’s perfect.” She glanced down at them. “Could you send those files to me and print off a copy of each when you get the chance?”
She’d probably want an extra copy too, one for them to file away with the other hard-copy records. Warren nodded and jotted down a note for later. “Can do.” Paper records and files hadn’t been mandated for decades now but Indigo usually insisted on physically backing up important files. “Anything else?”
“Not at the moment.” She straightened up with a smile, a genuine one rather than the ones they’d seen her give at events and meetings with people she had to pretend to like. “Thanks Warren.” She started to turn, but seemed to remember something. “Actually, if you could do me a favor, I need something confidential ordered along with this week’s deliveries. I’ll send you the info by the end of the day.”
Warren made another note, nodding down at their paper pad. “I’ll see what I can do.” This wouldn’t be the first time she’d asked something off the record like this, but with her position she was bound to have some projects that weren’t ready for public attention yet.
She thanked them, left, and Warren turned back to their computer to update their to-do list. They were already planning on taking a trip down the hall for the printer for some labels so adding a couple copies of the manuscripts Indigo wanted probably wouldn’t take too much longer. As much as her insistence on physical backup copies filed away just in case was a bit of a pain sometimes, it was nothing compared to what some of their other coworkers wanted them to do. Some of the ‘great ideas’ some of them came up with were nothing more than a logistical nightmare, and some of the clerical work they had at the end of the week was usually tedious at best.
A couple of documents proofread later, Warren sent the files to the print server and got up with a stretch cracking some of the little joints in their shoulders. On the way out of their office, they plucked their lanyard with their ID and key card with an outdated photo and a little sticker label with they/them stuck to the casing, draping it around their neck as they stepped into the hall. The one time they’d decided to just stick it in their pocket it fell out and they hadn’t noticed until they found themself locked out of the building in the middle of winter, banging on the door until someone heard. Not doing that again.
They stopped at the coffee maker along the way, leaning against the counter as the single-serve pod brewed and trickled into their travel mug. It was old, the mug, paint starting to chip off around the top and bottom, but it was a gift from years ago and it still worked well enough so why replace it?
Taking a sip of their fresh coffee, Warren reached the print room. They raised their key-card to the scanner, pausing as it beeped and the light turned green. Years ago when they’d started here someone had explained why the print room was locked like this, something about some very fancy and expensive kinds of machines that they’d never had any use for in their work. They dropped their card to dangle around their neck again and opened the door.
This was not the print room.
Warren froze, wind toying with their ruby hair and tugging at the lanyard around their neck. Grasses brushed against the cuffs of their pants and white clouds drifted across the open, unimpeded sky. The air carried the fresh scent of plants and unfamiliar toiled soil. An unfamiliar city rose in the distance behind fields filled with crops and farmers and uniformed people patrolling the planted plots.
This was not the print room, not even close. Warren broke the ice holding them ridged to glance back over their shoulder, twisting to try and find the door. But there was nothing. It was gone. Nothing but more fields and more farms and more farmers and more uniformed personnel. Soldiers maybe? But what were they doing here? They frowned. Better question: what was here?
Someone standing nearby looking nearly as lost as Warren caught their eye. Dressed different from the other farmers and soldiers he probably wasn’t from around here. Although, Warren really couldn’t tell where he might have been from either. He had a very old-timey look, plain dark skin and darker hair with eyes to match. Maybe he came from some remote town in the middle of nowhere, but even then… Odd that nowhere in his ancestry there’d been anything altered to pass down. Still though, he was far more familiar than the people working around them in the farms.
Warren turned towards the stranger with a deep breath. “Hey,” they paused a heartbeat as he turned towards them, “uh, do you know what’s going on?”
The dark-hard main just shrugged and muttered something about all of this just being a weird dream.
A dream? Warren scrunched their eyebrows and took a sip of their still nearly too-hot coffee. Strange. They didn’t remember going to sleep. They woke up like usual, had breakfast like usual, got dressed like usual and as far as they knew had been at work for a couple hours already. Were their dreams really that boring? They frowned. If this were a dream then how come they could still taste? At the same time though, it wasn’t like this made any sense either.
Dream or not, this was the only vaguely familiar-looking person anywhere in this field and he looked almost as confused as they did. They turned back towards him. “I’m Warren, by the way.” It was probably only polite to tell him their name.
The mysterious stranger nodded once. “Leo.” He paused, stealing a glance, then added, “nice hair.”
Hair? He liked their hair? “Oh, thanks.” Warren flustered. “I just kind of brushed it this morning and I guess it’s working out for me today.” Okay, stop talking. They cut themselves off with a very long sip of coffee. Leo just said he liked their hair no need to ramble on and on even if nerves prickled all the way up and down their body.
The sun shone down warm on their shoulders, the air fresh with plants. If this really was a dream maybe it wouldn’t be so bad as long as they were actually asleep and not collapsed and dying on the copy room floor. They frowned. No one really went that way unless that had to, and most people in the office dealt exclusively with digital files. Hell, Warren might have been only one of a handful of people who even knew how to use some of the older model machines.
Were they… Dead?
No, no way. They’d been fine all day why would they be dead now? Leo’s idea of a dream sounded much nicer. Warren sighed and squinted against the sun, staring over the sunny fields. This time their eyes settled on one figure walking between the plots in their direction.
They glanced at Leo. “Do you think that guy’s coming for us?”
“Looks like it.”
Warren shifted from side to side on the soft grass and tightly gripped their mug as nerves built. No question now, the new stranger was headed straight for the two of them. Warren tried to look away, at anything else. They didn’t want to look like they’d noticed, didn’t want to draw his attention more than they already had.
But the stranger wasn’t swayed, stopping in front of the both of them with a bow and a smile. “You two must be so confused.” He said. “My name is Sichoris, and I work for one of the leaders of Ritania.”
He gestured to the city towering behind the farms. Ritania? Warren’s head spun. Sure it’d been a long time since they’d looked at a map or a chart or anything, but they’d sure as Hell never heard of Ritania.
Sichoris kept talking. “If you would follow me, I can explain everything along the way.”
Without waiting for a reply, he turned and started back the way he came. Warren hesitated, but only a moment. Standing around in a field wouldn’t get them anywhere and if Sichoris really did work for some leader maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. As false-faced and draining some of the officials they’d had to interact with every now and then were, it wasn’t like any were usually cruel towards them. At worst a little demanding with no idea how long it actually took them to do the work they wanted but not horrible.
With a deep breath Warren unstuck their legs and followed Sichoris towards the city but paused when Leo didn’t move. He still stood, staring glass-eyed up at the unfamiliar city. Was he just going to stand there? What was he waiting for?
“Hey,” Warren called, catching his attention. “Are you coming?”
Leo glanced between them and Sichoris already paces ahead, then seemed to decide following along would be the best bet. Walking just behind Warren’s shoulder, his eyes wandered, and he reacted strange as if in a dream. Which maybe that made sense, but maybe not. But it wasn’t like they had any kind of better answer up their sleeve.
Some of the farmers looked up as they passed, watching curiously before getting back to their work. Some of the soldiers—they looked like soldiers anyway—did the same. No one looked anything like what they were used to, and they couldn’t help but hunch in on themself just a little. They stood out here, especially the way the sun caught the iridescent structures in their hair, shimmering from red to faint violet and blue where the sun hit just right. As much as they weren’t a farmer either, they couldn’t begin to recognize what exactly grew in the fields, or even why they might have been using so many open air fields like this either.
Warren took another sip of coffee and stole a glance at Leo. So far the only thing they knew were his and Sichoris’ names, and at least Leo seemed to be in the same kind of disbelief as they were. He seemed trustworthy enough. Even if he didn’t seem one for talking, at least they weren’t completely alone.
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promisedangel · 5 years
Fresh Meat: Confinement- Chapter 19
Chapter 19- Investigation
Chara awoke to noises outside their room. Two voices. Chara was too tired to fully comprehend the conversation at first. However, they were able to discern the two voices; they belonged to Alphys and Gaster. Chara’s eyes widened. They stayed still, they listened. They heard Gaster sigh, “I will call more of the Royal Guard to deal with the scene of the crime. I will have to oversee the selection carefully, due to the proximity to the human.” Chara raised a brow before they heard him muse, “I may have to move the human altogether for the investigation.” Chara’s eyes narrowed. Move them? Where? Could it be another chance to get away?! Their heart skipped a beat for a moment. Was the new room ready?! Chara shook that thought aside; no, they’d be moved there immediately if that was the case. Perhaps even sooner. These thoughts were interrupted by Alphys’s voice, “I better get started…”
Chara stood from their bed and spoke cautiously, “Alphys?” Alphys replied back calmly, “Oh, I’m sorry, Chara. Did we wake you?” Chara made a noise of affirmation, “Is he gone?” Alphys returned the noise of affirmation. Chara continued cautiously, “Why was he here?” “He teleported us here to confirm the intruder’s existence. How much did you hear?” Chara paused at the door, “Only that the Royal Guard will come to investigate and the selection will either be curated or I will be moved temporarily.” Alphys sighed, “So you missed about half of the conversation, then.”
Alphys leaned against the wall, “Um… I should… go make your breakfast. We can talk about the conversation then. Is… that okay?” Chara spoke calmly, “Okay.” Chara settled into their bed to wait for Alphys’s return. They yawned, still tired from the night before. They tried to think of the new situation but found their mind drifted too much to hold their thoughts together. Instead, they jumbled. Curiosity. Caution. Affirmation. These all mixed in their mind until they heard a knock on their door. Chara sat up with a start. Alphys sounded surprised on the other side, “Oh! Sorry. Were you trying to go back to sleep? I… I could come back later if you want.” Chara once more stood from their bed, “No. I am fine. I can sleep anytime. It is not as though I have much else to do.”
The tray slid was under, this time at an angle. The glass of water barely passed under the panel. Chara raised a brow at this. Usually, the tray was simply slid under on the floor. Chara sat down and saw the pile of dust as the panel closed. They frowned. She was trying to avoid the dust. Chara scooped up the tray and dug into their food. They heard Alphys slump against the wall next to the door. She began to speak, “He was really mad when I told him about the intruder…” Her voice perked up in a panic, “Oh! But not at you or me! A-At the situation, of course!” Chara rolled their eyes, “It sounds as though he is angry I was almost torn from his grasp.” Alphys mulled it over aloud, “Well… I mean… the situation is much more complicated than that. But… I mean…” She sighed, “I guess… when you get down to basics… you’re right.” Chara replied smugly, “Although, I would have been torn apart and by the sister or any other monsters the intruder intended to feed me to.” They mused dryly, “But, it is getting harder to say I would not have preferred that.” Horror dawned on Alphys’s face. She nearly gasped, “You’d rather have been killed?!” “It is either I am devoured all at once, or devoured slowly by monsterkind while I am simultaneously tortured. Be honest. Which would you prefer?” Alphys replied quietly, almost chastised, “Well… I wouldn’t want either to be honest…” Chara set down their tray. Their meal finished. They waited a moment for Alphys to continue. Silence. They gave a resigned sigh, “I know. Neither do I. But… at the very least…” Chara pouted and blushed behind the door. They grabbed hold of their locket and muttered out, “Talking with you eases the anguish… somewhat.” Alphys smiled. Her voice relieved, “That’s good to hear.”
Chara opened the unlocked panel, “I am done, do you need help grabbing the tray from this angle?” Alphys turned to see Chara peek under the door. They lied on their stomach with the tray in one hand, and the dishes and silverware barely contained in the other. She carefully reached down, “Yes. Thank you for the help!” Slowly but surely, Chara aided Alphys in collecting the tray and all that was left on it. Alphys sighed and stood with the tray in hand, “I wish I could stay longer, but I have to start with my part of the investigation.” Chara raised a brow, still visible under the panel, “What is he having you do?” Alphys quickly fished out her keycard, “He’s um… ordered me to recount the keycards. They allow monsters to use the elevator down here to the lower lab. The days after you were um… retrieved we-“ Chara sharply cut in with a frown, “Kidnapped.” Alphys returned the keycard to her pocket with a nervous smile, “R-right. Sorry.” Alphys continued normally, “After you were kidnapped, Dr. Gaster ordered all lab workers, well… anyone that had one for one reason or another, to turn in their keycards. I was the only exception… but I um… basically live down here anyway… but just in case. We had counted all keycards confiscated sometime before Serol began work on the soul scanning machine with his team. They’re the only ones allowed in the lower lab besides myself and Dr. Gaster.” Chara snarked, “So he doesn’t trust anyone within an entire floor of me.” Alphys shrugged, “Well… yeah! Basically!” Chara sighed, “Sounds just like-“ Chara’s voice cut out. A thought sprang in Chara’s mind, “Wait." Alphys’s expression turned curious, “What is it?” The whispers returned to Chara’s mind. They questioned Alphys, “The first time I was kidnapped, Mother, Father, and Asriel seemed to rescue me without much issue until after we left the lab. Was I not taken down here?” Alphys shook her head, “No. You were. I think the Dreemurrs had a keycard of their own, too.” She continued nervously, “That one was confiscated when they were um… captured.”
Chara fell silent. Their expression downcast. They closed the panel. Alphys frowned in response. She sighed, “I’ll… be back later. Hopefully before dinner.” Chara responded neutrally, “If I am not moved before then.” Alphys nodded, “R-right. Um… see you later.” “See you later, Alphys.” Alphys left without another word.
Gaster’s eye sockets locked onto camera screens intensely. He studied the intruder’s journey throughout the lab via playback. His scowl deepened as he watched the intruder easily run deeper into the lower lab towards where Chara was kept. He grumbled. A quick mental note to speed up Chara’s new room as quickly as possible without sacrificing stability and safety. To the side of the room, he had the printer at the ready. He just had to find the perfect angle to get a clear picture. Anything to identify this monster clearly. After nearly ten minutes of playback, as he needed to carefully study multiple screens, he quickly paused the playback. His eyes focused on an image of the intruder, who stood tall and faced the camera with facial features clear. Perfect. Gaster couldn’t help but smirk as his hands furiously typed on the keyboard. Soon, the printer hummed to life. Five pages printed one by one. As the printer ceased its hums, Gaster carefully took the pages in hand. Five perfect copies of the image in question. This would work. Now, all he had to do was wait for Undyne for further questioning and to confiscate the missing keycard, if Alphys was correct.
Gaster turned back towards the screens. Another way to aid the investigation dawned on him easily. He could trace this intruder’s steps backward with the cameras. Most of the main paths in the Underground from Snowdin to sections of New Home had cameras set up. At least, until feral monsters or mischievous ones broke them. He smirked, he could easily make such brazen destruction a crime now. He began to type on the keyboard. One by one, the screens began to change from playback of inside the lab to playback of outside the lab and surrounding areas. A few more keystrokes before the screens began to rewind. Slowly but surely, the reversed playback showed the intruder came from one place: New Home. Gaster gave himself a satisfied smirk; that would do for the moment.
Gaster turned the screens back to live feeds in and directly around the lab. His hands finally left the keyboard and collected the pictures of the intruder. After he straightened the pictures, his eyes sharply darted back towards the screens. Something moved on them. Not unusual in of itself, but his gaze was still sharp from his quick research. He fully focused on the screens to see someone approach the lab. He relaxed at the sight of the monster; Undyne. His gaze turned serious. It was finally time for this investigation to truly begin.
He teleported out of the room to the front door. Undyne jumped back and readied a spear of magic. All within seconds. She relaxed at recognizing Gaster. She gasped, “Dr. Gaster!” She dismissed her magic before she stood in attention, “It was instinct! I-“ Gaster raised a hand. Undyne silenced herself. An amused smile dawn on Gaster’s skull, “To see one of my Royal Guard ready for any potential danger, yet able to give a second to examine the situation, is a credit to your training. Undyne relaxed. She gave a proud smile, “Thanks!” Gaster held his hands behind his back, “Alphys reported that you have the intruder’s keycard.” Undyne quickly fished it out of her pocket, “Yeah. Here.” Gaster quickly took the keycard from Undyne and stowed it away in one of his coat pockets. He spoke with a firm tone, “Come with me. We need to discuss last night’s events.”
Undyne nodded. She went to step into the lab before Gaster touched her shoulder. In the instant, the two appeared in Gaster’s office just in front of the door. Undyne blinked in confusion, “Wait- What?! How the hell did we?…” Shock filled her voice and expression as Gaster walked behind his desk, “You can teleport?!” Gaster sat down behind his desk and affirmed, “Yes. I would appreciate that this knowledge does not spread further than needed.” Undyne’s expression deflated to befuddlement for a moment. She gave a resigned sigh as she sat down, “Alright. Sure. I’ll keep quiet.” Gaster gave a half smile, “Good.”
He placed the images of the intruder on the table, “Using the lab’s camera system, I was able to produce a clear picture of the intruder.” Undyne took a copy of the image and examined it calmly, “Yep. That’s him alright.” Gaster readied a paper and pen, “It is unlikely, but did this intruder introduce himself?” Undyne shook her head, “No. Not to me at least. Alphys had some interaction with him before she called… I think.” Gaster scribbled something with a nod, “Yes. I saw it on the cameras. I will ask her about it after she is finished recounting the keycards.” Undyne raised a brow, “Oh, you haven’t talked with her yet? Guess it is kinda early.” “Only a short conversation. Enough to alert me to this incident and for me to give her the order to recount the keycards.” Undyne’s expression normalized, “Oh. Ok.”
Gaster continued, “Unfortunately, the room we keep the human is in a hallway without cameras. What happened at the human’s room?” Undyne recounted, “Well, I showed up and he was ramming the door. I threw a spear past him and yelled at him to get away from the door.” She snickered, “He hissed at me! Like he was feral!” Gaster raised a ‘brow’ with an incredulous gaze. Undyne cleared her throat and gave a half smile, “Ok… maybe not a feral hiss. But he did hiss.” Gaster scribbled another note before Undyne continued calmly, “So, I threw another spear that he ducked under. He growled and tried to chuck insults, but I wasn’t having his bullshit. I readied another spear and told him to step away from the door and go to jail or die. Told him it was ordered to not hold back.” Gaster scribbled more notes as he spoke, “Exactly as I instructed. Go on.” Undyne sighed, “Yeah. He didn’t like that. He started shouting. I’m pretty sure he said ‘fuck your orders’ or something like that at some point. Ranted about the distribution of the substitute, too.”
Undyne’s eyes and fins perked up sharply. She stood from her seat and exclaimed, “Oh, yeah! He mentioned something about his sister not getting any substitute!” Gaster looked up from his notes, “Many monsters believe they deserve the substitute. I ordered the distribution of the substitute carefully based on whether someone was soon to turn feral or about to Fall Down. Extreme cases, to put it simply.” Undyne sat back down in her chair, “Yeah. That sounds about right.”
Gaster spoke as he scribbled, “That narrows down the identity of the intruder and his intentions somewhat. And, what next?” Undyne sputtered, “The guy was dumb. He didn’t seem to realize or care that the kid was the source of the substitute. He then figured out we each got some of the substitute, but I said I gave up my supply.” Gaster blinked in confusion, “Did you?” Undyne hesitated. She sighed, “Yeah. I saw a kid Fall Down and gave them some until they became conscious again. Told them and their friend to do the same to anyone else with the couple that were left.” Gaster smiled, “Skilled and selfless.” He frowned, “Or perhaps foolish.” Undyne crossed her arms, “I’m not gonna attack the kid. Hell, I don’t even know when I’ll be near the kid after all this is over.” Gaster resumed his note taking, “Hopefully, you won’t have to. Continue.”
“He didn’t believe me. He said I was lying. That you were lying and not helping anyone.” Gaster rolled his eye sockets and replied dryly, “Just because one particular monster doesn’t receive substitute doesn’t mean I am not helping.” “He attacked the door again, so I threw a spear at him. It hit. So… I threw some more and killed him.” “As you should have. He continued to attack the human after you said he would die if he did so. You did as you were ordered.” “Yeah. Oh. And I interviewed the kid afterwards.”
Fear and anger appeared on Gaster’s skull for a split second before a serious gaze overtook it, “Through the door?” Undyne answered carefully, “I didn’t touch the kid. Alphys opened the door and hugged them. I found the keycard while I gave her a moment to calm the kid down.” “That doesn’t answer my question.” “I’m getting there, just a sec.” Undyne noticed a glare from Gaster before she continued, “I found the keycard and asked Alphys about it. She showed me hers. She then said something about a glass of water for the kid. I had to interview the kid anyway, so I let her go get it. Y’know, questioning witnesses alone and stuff.” Gaster groaned, “Were it any other monster, I would have to punish Alphys for such flagrant disregard of the human’s safety.” “I think it’s cuz I was here before, she probably figured I wouldn’t lay a finger on the kid. And I didn’t. The kid sat on their bed and told me their side of the story.” She snickered, “The intruder tried to pull the kid under the door, but the kid bit him to escape.” Disbelief scrawled on Gaster’s skull before he gave a resigned, “That… somehow does not surprise me.” Undyne continued with a smile, “After that the intruder pretty much tried to talk the kid back to the door. When that didn’t work, he tried to ram it. That’s pretty much when I got there with Alphys.”
Gaster finished his notes silently. He set down his pen next to the paper now filled with notes. He gave Undyne a neutral glance, “That will do for your side of the story, and you saved me the trouble of getting the human’s side of the story. All I will need is Alphys’s.” Undyne stood from her seat, “So, we’re good?” Gaster motioned to the pictures of the intruder, “Just one last task for you. I want you to locate the family of our intruder and question them. I want to be sure this is one monster working alone, and not a group that needs to be taught a lesson.” Undyne gave a nervous look, “Sooo… just question them, right? Don’t need to detain them or anything?” Gaster shook his head lightly, “Not unless it is clear that any member of the family was working with him to take the human. Take special care with this ‘sister’ of his. She could be a coconspirator, or simply motivation. With what you have displayed so far, I trust you will make the correct action.” Undyne relaxed slightly. She gave a proud nod. She lightly bowed towards Gaster and spoke, “I will, sir.”
Gaster walked around the desk and touched her shoulder once again. In an instant, the two reappeared in front of the entrance to the lab. Undyne sighed, “Thank goodness, that lower lab is a maze…” Gaster ignored the comment and spoke, “I’d suggest starting your search in New Home.” Undyne raised a brow, “Any particular reason why?” Gaster gave a smug smirk, “Because that is where most of the population resides.” Undyne gave a surprised look before it evened, “Right. Sorry. Okay. I’ll report back after I interview them.” “I’d expect nothing less.” Gaster teleported away without another word.
An expert from the journal of Dr. W.D Gaster
A frustrating event happened last night while I slept; the human was nearly taken. Not an escape attempt, but an attempt to steal. Undyne from the Royal Guard quickly dealt with the intruder as ordered and found a keycard in the intruder’s dust. This is extremely troubling. It could mean that all cards weren’t confiscated, or that there is a traitor in my midst. Alphys is not a suspect; at least not until all keycards are accounted for. She produced hers and Undyne returned the intruder’s. This shouldn’t have happened in the first place. I will have to place a guard either at the elevator to the lower lab or one at each entrance to the lab itself. I will uncover all who are conspirators in this plot by day’s end. If the intruder is not alone in this plot, his coconspirators will be dealt with in the same fashion.
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teamspider-man · 8 years
The Project
Pair: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Reader meets Peter Parker at the library.  (Wow I suck at summaries)
A/N: I was feeling down so I decided to write about this because Peter Parker always cheers me up.  Enjoy! 
You walked into the library praying that there were still laptops available.  You were working on your project at home until your laptop had crashed, eating up two hours of work.  You hastily grabbed the laptop from the librarian before muttering a quick, “thanks” and headed to an empty table.  
You quickly sat down and opened the laptop immediately typing in the needed information to unlock the device.  You scrambled through your book bag trying to find the instructions for the project that you needed to get an A on in order to pass the class.  “Come on,” you muttered as you searched through each notebook trying to find the damn slip of paper.  
“Aha,” you exclaimed once you found the necessary paper.  
You gently placed the paper down next to the laptop and began working.  As you continued to type away on the laptop in front of you, your eyes landed on a boy waltzing into the library with headphones in his ears.  “He’s kind of cute, wait no, you have to finish this project otherwise the teacher is going to kill you,” you thought to yourself trying to snap out of your daze.  
You continued staring at the computer screen, however, you found yourself looking back and forth between the unknown boy and your computer making it difficult for you to complete your project.  You watched as the boy picked up a comic book on the book stand near you before settling down at the table diagonal of yours.  
“Great,” you muttered to yourself, knowing how distracted you were going to be, “Okay, you only have three sections left so just finish it.  You can do this.” 
You took a deep breath before you focused your gaze back onto the task at hand.  After about five minutes of hard work, you found yourself staring at the boy again.  You began to admire his hair and how his hair looked so soft and how cute he looked when he was focusing on his work.  
“Snap out of it,” you muttered to yourself, “you have to finish this.” 
With that, you went back to your work.  Thirty minutes passed and you were finally done with your project.  “Yes,” you exclaimed with excitement before you downloaded everything on to your flash drive before heading to the copy room to print it out.  
You  walked into the copy room that was lined with rows of printers, copy machines, and other office appliances you did not recognize.  You sighed before walking to the nearest available printer.  You quickly plugged in your flash drive and proceeded to print your project.  
You stared at the unrecognizable colored buttons in front of you making you realize that you were absolutely lost.  “Crap,” you whispered to yourself still trying to find the magic button that would spit out your project.  
After several minutes, you were still clueless as to how to print out your much needed project.  You groaned in frustration as you looked around the machine once more.  
“Need a hand?” you heard someone from behind ask you.  
You turned around only to be met face to face with the boy that you had just started developing feelings for.  His hair was sticking up in all sorts of directions making him ten times cuter then he did when you saw him five minutes ago.  
“Uh, yes please.  I have never printed from one of these machines before,” you said nervously before stepping out of his way.  
“No worries, these machines are kind of tricky.  You have to open the paper holder then close it.  That’s the only way the printer will realize it needs to be used,” he said with a slight chuckle.  
“I will make sure to remember that,” you said with a smile.  
The boy did as he instructed you to do and was able to print out your project.  
“Here you go,” he said with a smile, handing you your project.  
“Thank goodness! You are my hero, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t here,” you replied with relief.  
“Oh I am sure someone else would’ve helped you,” he shrugged before handing you back your flash drive as well.  
“Thank you so much, I really mean it,” you said.  
“Don’t worry about it, glad I could help,” he replied with a smile.  
Oh my God he is adorable, you thought to yourself.  You snapped out of your thoughts before saying, “Well, I better get going, thank you so much for your help.” 
“Wait,” he said, making you stop in your tracks, “You want to go get some coffee or something?” he asked sheepishly.  
You smiled before saying, “I don’t even know your name.” 
“I am Peter, Peter Parker,” he said, extending out his hand to you.  
“Well hello Peter, I am Y/N, and yes, coffee sounds amazing,” you said before shaking his hand with a smile. 
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