#just quick and short
onsomenewsht · 26 days
from the vault:
but what can I say? / rules must be obeyed
》 The Winner Takes It All, ABBA
》 Alexia Putellas x Reader
》 winner takes all [idiom]: used to say that the winner of a round will win the whole contest
No one looks puzzled when a seven-year-old boy comes rushing into Barcelona’s training centre, some even high fives him or cheers as he passes them at full speed.
Rafael is well known and loved in the building, even more for his joyful personality than for the last name he wears on the back of his jersey.
The kid turns a sharp line to join the team outside. Despite his short legs and his clumsiness in most situations, he has quite control of his footing.
The perks of being Alexia Putellas’ son.
“Looks like our mascotte is back”
“The best Putellas!”
The girls notice him as soon as he sprints from the doors, dribbling around some coaches without much effort, but trampling over a discharged pair of boots. The boy lands hands first on the grass. He takes his time to get up and clean his now stained jeans, quickly assessing the damage and deciding he doesn’t really care.
Jana catches the kid as he comes running once again, lifting him up with a bit more effort than the last time she saw him.
“Jaja put me down, I wanna hug mama!”
“Ouch, I’m not your favourite tia anymore?”
“No, Mapi is”
The girls close enough to hear the exchange burst out laughing, luckily for Jana’s ego and the team’s well being the said defender is not around to brag about it.
“Ohi, mi vida!”
Hearing Alexia’s voice, Rafael manages to escape the girls’ affection to literally run in her open arms. The hug is emotional even just to watch, his tiny hands holding on the blonde’s neck as she keeps him as close as possible.
“I missed you, monito”
No one wants to interrupt the moment, so your arrival is the perfect distraction.
You excuse yourself and the little troublemaker for crushing the training session to everyone you meet on your path. They assure you it’s fine, you two are always welcome, and today is a special one after all.
A lot of hugs and jokes are exchanged, you take your time to greet all the girls, holding more firmly the honorary daughters Alexia took under her wings ages ago. You missed them.
“My favourite Putellas!”, Claudia shouts as she crushes in your arms.
“You just said that to Rafa”
“He’s the best Putellas, you’re my favourite”
“I’m barely a Putellas anymore”
“I thought you were supposed to arrive tomorrow”, Alexia’s tone is nothing but happy for the change of plan, your boy secured in her arms and quiet for the first time in weeks.
“We were, but it’s your last training session and he wanted to be here”, you move closer, messing your son’s hair as you attempt an awkward half hug.
“Mum said we could surprise you! Are you surprised?”
“I’m surprised, monito”, everyone smiles at Alexia’s open laugh.
Rafael’s arrival completely shifted the atmosphere, somehow making it more emotional but definitely lighter. Jana has been on the verge of tears for days now, hiding behind Patri as the weight of their captain’s retirement comes crushing on them.
It’s the right thing and it’s the right time, but it doesn’t mean it is any easier.
Despite all, despite her family’s fear and her teammates’ concern, Alexia is at peace with the choice. Despite your insecurities, Alexia’s certainty when it comes to important decisions like this one still manages to reassure you.
“Can I go shoot at Cata?”, Rafael asks with his mastered puppy eyes, as you drop your gaze at his stained jeans and the Catalan studies the shoes he’s wearing.
Damn puppy eyes.
“You can go, but make sure an actual adult is there too”
“Is Mapi an actual adult?”
“No, ask Ingrid or Rolfo if they want to join”, you add.
He nods enthusiastically, sprinting away toward the bubble of players who are more than happy to welcome the kid as the training session ends on a high note. You’re sure it will be difficult to interrupt their game later.
It’s easy to notice the two of you are left alone, her teammates giving you space but mostly eager to spend more time with your son.
“He just wants to score”
“We’re working on his selfishness with the ball, I swear”
You smile at the blonde soft defence, still amazed about their bond and how considerate she has been about Rafael’s passion for football. Never pressuring, never patronising, always just as supporting as any other parent could be.
“Thank you for bringing him here, I know you’re supposed to be in London for the week and I really appreciate your support”
“Don’t even mention it, Alexia”, you reassure her, “It’s important for you and It’s important for him, I’m more than happy to support it all”
“How long are you staying?”
“Just a couple of days, but we’ll be at any ceremony, don’t worry”
Alexia mumbles unamused, pretending the presence of her family alone is not enough to make her comfortable and confident to face all the events she’s supposed to attend as a celebration of her career.
“He can stay longer, I’ll be back when it’s my turn again”
“Are you sure?”, she is not really able to hide her excitement.
The new and strange routine is just starting to feel like it’s working in the first place, even if dividing a kid between two countries and two parents who didn’t manage to save their marriage is the most painful thing you both ever experienced.
Neither of you wants to upset Rafael and destabilise him even more, or worse, make him feel unloved.
“I’m sure, he’s the winner”
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bixels · 1 month
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fuck it. hits you with the upa ray gun.
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months
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Thinking about how Nightmare has 4 mortals and 3 of them are so so bad at taking care of themselves
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kate-bot · 2 months
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a few more little pizza animations!!! they're a little rough around the edges but they were a lot of fun to make!!
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kwillow · 5 months
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As an eligible young noble of no small fame, Ambroys had a number of arranged courtships and suitresses in his youth, but any nascent marriages always fell through.
It's not that he didn't try; he certainly knew how to court a lady (perhaps too well, according to many fathers and husbands), and when he lacked knowledge on the affairs of womens' hearts, he sought counsel from a young woman who was a dear friend of his (perhaps too much counsel, according to his own father). Nonetheless, all he garnered for his efforts was separation after separation.
Ah, well. Maybe it was for the best.
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sefusneezed · 2 months
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Old Man Archmagos Reminisces, Local Tech Priest Remembers It Completely Different
Bonus: Reminiscended event in question (weird guy scares child by being WAY too into proper machine maintenance ⚙️😇🙏🙏)
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Average tuesday for von kuronar, life altering event for kat 😪
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tapakah0 · 15 days
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yayakoishii · 9 months
sanji with a very flirtatious and physically affectionate reader 🤩
Flirt | Sanji x Reader
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader
Word Count: 800+ words
Genre: Fluffy drabble~! A little bit silly!
A/n: I originally wasn't sure if I could write this because I don't know how to flirt. So I wasn't sure how to write a flirty reader but this one came out by itself when I started writing. It's a silly little thing to be honest >///<. Thank you for the ask anon, I hope you enjoy this! <3
also available on ao3!
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Familiar hands wrapped around Sanji's midriff, catching him off guard. It wasn't enough to upset the pan he was cooking on, but the momentary fear of spilling the hot food on you by mistake made his heart jump.
"Saaanjiii," you mumbled into his back, and the chef had to stop himself from fainting at the way he could feel your chest touching his back, along with your lips mouthing words that were tickling him. "I'm hungryyy~!"
"R- Right away, (y/n)-chan!" Sanji stammered, dying internally from the adorable lisp in your voice from having just woken up. You did this every morning, waking up before the rest of the crew. You would slip into the kitchen unnoticed and hug him from behind. The first time it happened, he had nearly upended the egg mixture. Even though he wasn't as surprised anymore, it still drove him insane when your tiny, soft fingers would hold him gently, like he was fragile, but also firmly, like if given the choice, you would never let go.
"The smell of your food always wakes me up," you mumbled, rubbing your face into his back. The chef flushed at the action, beating down the urge to wrap you up in his arms. You were too adorable, and he wasn't sure if you knew how your actions affected him. "I'll freshen up, keep my plate ready?"
"Of course, my sweet," he managed out, telling himself to breathe through his nose. He felt you detach then watched you leave the room before he let his shoulders slump. You were not good for his heart, with your physically affectionate ways and sweet and sometimes suggestive words. But you always said them so innocently that he didn't think you were doing it on purpose.
When you came back, you were more awake and gave him a small squeeze on his hand as a thank you for the food. Sanji sat down opposite to you, watching you eat and talk, answering and giving his inputs wherever he could. Sometime in the middle of the conversation, your foot had swung over to his and it was now trailing up and down his leg in a ticklish way. Sanji saw your lips twitching at the end when he tried to remove his leg and oh.
You were totally doing it on purpose.
So he indulged you, not moving his leg and just letting you feel him up– even though he was blushing hard by the time you were done eating. When you finally removed your leg to stand up, he let out a small sigh or relief and just watched you bounce up to the sink and place your plate. You washed your hands and took a towel to dry them, knowing that Sanji was watching you. With your hands finally dried, you made your way back to where he was sitting and this time, you decided that it was time to be obvious. Clearly, Sanji wasn't getting the hint.
"Back up a bit, Sanji," you tilted your head as you spoke. He didn't question it and immediately put some distance between the chair and the table, eyes still on you. Carefully, you manoeuvred into the gap and plopped down on his lap, startling the chef. Sanji automatically wrapped his arms around your waist so that you wouldn't fall and the pupils in his wide eyes dilated at the proximity.
"(Y-/n)-chan?" He stammered a bit breathlessly. You were in his lap, in his arms, smelling like your citrus soap and it was too much for him and his poor little heart. "W- What are you doing?"
You hummed, picking up his tie and pulling it a little; not enough to get him to move or even feel choked, but just enough for him to feel the pull. "I like it here."
"H- Huh?" Sanji couldn't believe his ears.
"I like you like this," you murmured, letting your right ear press up against his chest, curling up in his arms. "I love that you can flirt with all these girls but the moment I flirt back, you're redder than a tomato. I love how when I touch you, you go a little breathless and stammer unlike your usual cool self. I love that I have this effect on you, but Sanji."
The said man was stiff under you, not even breathing.
"You never get serious," you pouted, taking your head off his chest to look at him. Sanji looked like he was in hell and heaven at the same time. "Do you not like me like I like you?"
You tilted your head at the question and that was it. Blood spurted out of Sanji's nose and he fainted, head dropping back. You blinked for a second before realising what happened.
"Sanji? Sanji?! Oh my god, CHOPPER WAKE UP, SANJI ISN'T RESPONDING!!!"
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
The fact that Leo can go literally anywhere on earth to be alone with his thoughts at a single moment’s notice is something that shakes around in my head all the time. Like, portals and teleportation are amazing and convenient abilities both in and out of battle, but they could also so easily be used to run away as well.
I don’t think Leo ever would, at least not most of the time. He loves his family too much, and is too dependent on their love and attention to cut himself off so suddenly like that, but it’s a very real possibility nonetheless.
It’s a good thing Leo’s overall temper is more on the mild side and he prefers going to his room or something to complete solitude, because it really is dangerous for a kid to have the ability to isolate themselves like that at their fingertips.
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crybaby-bkg · 3 months
Gojo has always been a bit of a glutton. it’s his worst trait, you think, despite the many others that he inflicts upon you in your daily life. but, it’s just not enough for you. he does that with everyone, this kind, funny, flirtatious kind of banter. getou tells you he’s different with you, shoko makes note of how he’s really not like that with so many people.
but it’s not enough. so you start cooking up different things, these desserts intertwined with a certain potion that’ll make his attention be on solely you. you crush your flowers and sprinkle them into the boiling pot, sprinkle in a little bit of this and a dash of that, before you cut off a tiny piece of your hair and let it flutter into the concoction. it doesn’t let out a tuft of pink smoke in the shape of a heart, but you have faith that it’s gonna work.
“I’ll give you a piggyback ride if you let me have that,” Gojo tries to barter with you the next day he sees you, sitting under a tree and unwrapping the piece of cake that you had oh so conveniently whipped up. you pretend to think it over, unable to help your smile as you think about how easy this is going to be, before agreeing.
it happens over time, the effects of the love potion. first, Gojo becomes a bit more clingy. he hurries across campus to make sure that he’s able to walk you back to your apartment, carries all of your bags for you. then he starts buying you all sorts of things that you don’t necessarily need (do you want breakfast?, do you need a new laptop?, can I buy you a new bed?, can we break it in?).
and everything is great at first. you adore the attention, the grandeur way he asks you to be his partner, how he moves you in quick, loves you even quicker. but, after a while, it just becomes a bit…much.
his love is never ending, which shouldn’t be a bad thing, but his love is also—everything. it’s in every crevice of your body, every nook and cranny between the walls, every exhale you take. he’s there—always just there—always just close and lingering and clingy (where are you going? can I come with you? why are you looking at me like that? don’t you love me? I love you, I love you so much, so where are you going?)
it’s not until you’re suffocating that you realize your mistake, all too late. Gojo is all encompassing, takes up all the space in your head and your line of vision and your breaths and the blood that flows in your veins. he loves you—this was what you wanted, right?—but you never wanted this, this obsession that bleeds from his very being every second that he’s near you, which is every second of every single fucking day. you never wanted any of this.
“Baby?” Gojo calls from the other side of the locked door, clawing at it like some forlorn house cat even though you know he could take it down if he so pleased. “Are you almost finished? I miss you,” his voice is a plead, as if his heart is shriveling up in his chest with every second he’s not pressed against you.
with a sigh, do you finally lift yourself from the corner of the bathroom floor, unfolding your limbs with a groan. you don’t dare look at yourself in the mirror, fearing the image of the hollowed person that is bound to stare back at you. with hesitation, do you finally unlock the door. you don’t even have to pull it open before Gojo is barging his way in, engulfing you in long arms that seem to wrap around you like some never ending boa constrictor.
“You’d never try to leave me, right? Because you love me so much.” Gojo says into your hair, his voice one that tries to convince you of its truth. and there is some there, along with the guilt of ruining him in this grotesque way that you have no other choice but to accept and live with until it suffocates you.
“Yeah.” your murmur, sinking into his body, let him hold you so close, you think you can feel his veins pulling at his skin to intertwine with your own. “Yeah, I love you, Satoru.”
(he doesn’t dare tell you that he knew all about that little potion you whipped up, how it never had any actual affect on him for more than just a couple hours. but this was what you wanted, right? for him to love you? so why not continue to just love you in his own way that’s somehow, convincingly, all your fault? why not let you take the blame for his greediness? you wanted this, right? right?)
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 months
giggling at the idea of Felix getting so spooked by Venetia’s ghost stories that in the middle of the night he’s crossing the bathroom to knock at Oliver’s bedroom door, opening it anyway when there’s no response, and seeing his best friend sleeping soundly like a freak
he sneaks over to the bed and slips under the covers, waking Ollie with a small start, his tongue slow from sleep as he slurs, “Wha…?”
“Too scared to sleep alone, mate,” Felix grins with guilt and shame, cuddling up to Ollie’s warm body, “That okay?”
Half asleep, Ollie nods and wraps his arm around Felix, pulls him close with a sleepy sigh, muttering, “No more scary stories…”
Felix nods and finally closes his eyes, relieved and at ease now, surrounded by Ollie’s familiar warmth and scent.
Maybe he wakes up being spooned by Ollie, maybe he doesn’t.
(He does).
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arkiwii · 3 months
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If only this night could last forever
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gold-rhine · 1 year
sub! character x Dom! Reader facefucking
Characters: Tighnari, Venti, Heizou x Kazuha, Thoma x Diluc
Warnings: nsfw, oral obviously, gagging, rough sex, bondage, spanking, slight degradation, vibrators. well, threesomes, if that wasn’t obvious.
Wordcount: 1,5k
Tighnari sucks your cock like it's a work assignment. He's serious and focused, there's no hesitation or shyness in him, despite him sitting naked on his knees in front of you, only a slight frown of concentration and ears attentively tilted forward, like he's figuring out the best solution to a problem. He doesn't start slowly, instead, immediately takes you in deep, starts bobbing his head up and down fast and diligent. As with everything he does, he's very good and he knows it.
But his seriousness also makes him very fun to provoke, so you turn on the vibrator up his ass and his entire body jolts up in surprise. He gives you a glare, disapproving from being distracted, but with his mouth full of your dick, it looks adorable instead of menacing. He keeps working on you with the same steady rhythm, but as you increase power of the vibrator, he starts gradually giving in into arousal, blush spreading over his cheeks and eyes lidding over. In a little time, his composure starts breaking, he loses the hard pace, his own cock leaking and knees spreading involuntarily on the floor. When you put your hand on his head and bury your fingers in his soft hair, he melts under your touch completely, his ears tremble and flatten back, tail twitching. You fuck his slack and drooling mouth while he moans quietly and needily around your cock, his eyelashes fluttering, eyes hazy from pleasure. He comes with a shudder when you tell him how well he's doing, what a good little pet he is and how much you like fucking his mouth. 
After, you pull him into your lap and tell him he's done a good job. His ears perk up, but he says with almost insulted peevishness, despite still leaning against you, sweet and weak after orgasm "I know, and I wish you'd stop interrupting me." You chuckle and kiss his blushing cheek. "You should let go sometimes and just enjoy yourself, baby."
Venti is wearing his favorite lacy lingerie, with high stockings that leave his thigh tattoo on display, and you internally debate whether to take his panties off or not before spanking him, but in the end decide to leave them on. In a few minutes, you're glad you did, the intricate white lace looks delicious on his reddened tender flesh. and he moans sweetly when you slide your fingers under it to grope his sensitive ass. You turn him over, and he immediately spreads and lifts his legs, offering himself up, his bright eyes meeting yours, open and shameless.
You crawl on top of him until you’re sitting on his chest, and when you lean forward to tie up his hands, he giggles, completely unfazed, lifts his head to lick hungrily at the side of your cock. When you look down, he gleefully presents his open mouth to you. You slide your fingers into his hair, your knees around his head, and ram your cock deep inside his throat. Venti’s form was made by his own will and functions as he desires, and he has been a whore for several hundred years, so he doesn’t have a gag reflex at this point at all (unless you want him to gag. Which you do, sometimes. But not today)
You fuck his mouth brutally, hitting the back of his throat at every thrust, and he screams around your dick, writhes in ecstasy under you, his own cock bulging in his panties, pretty pink head peaking from under the lacy band. For a moment, you slow down, look down at him and he meets your eyes, his own green and sparkling with tears under the fluttering eyelashes. You gently run your fingers through his disheveled bangs, your other hand reaching to stroke him between his open legs. 
“You’re such a fucking slut, aren’t you,” you say quietly, not really a question, and he grins around your cock, shamelessly raises his hips to rut against your palm. You grip his hair harshly and bury yourself in his throat and he comes with a moan when you grope his dick. You come over his face and he opens his mouth wide, his pink tongue sticking out, trying to catch as much as he can.
After, he curls against you, lets you clean and hold him. He created his own body, so he can control it, make it resistant to weakness like this, but he likes it, feeling raw and tender after being used, he always liked bringing others joy, at least for a few moments, be it from his songs or his body. And when you whisper sweet praises for him, stroke his hair and back, hold him close, and just for now, it feels like even as he truly is, weak and sinful, not living up to the visage of the Nameless Bard, he can be good enough. 
Kazuha x Heizou
They are kneeling in front of you, naked and flushed, both of their mouths on your cock. Heizou throws you a mischievous glance, draws a long teasing lick from the base to the tip, and almost climbs on top of Kazuha’s lap, both of them already hard and pressed against each other. Kazuha doesn’t answer a provocation, focused on pleasuring you, his sweet mouth working on your tip. Heizou reaches the tip and leans into Kazuha aggressively. They kiss around your cock, whimpers muffled with their mouths full. 
You slide your hand into Heizou’s bangs and he follows your lead, lets Kazuha go, giving you his mouth with a string of saliva breaking between them. You fuck him, reaching deep in his throat, while Kazuha holds him, their arms intertwined. You then turn to Kazuha, fill him in until he chokes, his fingers digging into Heizou’s shoulders, who watches excitedly.
You start changing between them, slide through the swollen tender lips, their mouths open readily for you, cheeks pressed against each other, pink tongues sticking out sweetly, waiting for you to fuck them. They writhe against each other, Heizou is unashamedly humping Kazuha’s thigh, and even the usually collected samurai rutting against detective’s leg. 
Diluc x Thoma
Diluc watches you fuck Thoma’s mouth, intensely focused, frowning so that he looks almost severe. He lost his youth to trauma and hunting darkness, and now he feels insecure and inexperienced. He’s used to holding himself to the highest standards and not being perfect at something makes him feel worthless, no matter how many times you tell him otherwise. He is not jealous or bitter towards Thoma, though, he’s grateful to have his support and guidance, an example to follow instead of feeling completely lost. He wraps his arms around the blonde and studies hungrily how easily and deeply Thoma can take you into his mouth, how good he can work your cock, expertly twisting his head while bobbing up and down. 
When you turn to him and ask if you’d like to be next, he looks down, blushing, clears his throat and says in a controlled, flat voice that he’s sure you’ll have better time without him. 
You catch his chin and tilt it upward until he reluctantly meets your eyes.
“That’s bullshit. You’re doing so good for me. I want you, beautiful.”
He blushes harder, Diluc can blush in such a brilliant scarlet like no one else you’ve ever seen, and slowly, timidly opens his lips for you. You tell him “good boy” and slowly, carefully slide inside his mouth. Thoma holds the redheads’ hand and wraps another one around him, kisses the corner of his mouth, whispering reassurance. You thrust softly, gently, but Diluc frowns, stubbornly moves to take you in deeper himself and almost chokes at the attempt. You stop, let him get his bearings, while Thoma strokes his back, presses himself against him, tells him to relax. With some time and patience, you move again, deeper and deeper every time until you hit the back of his throat. He gags a little, but it passes quickly and both you and Thoma cover him in praises. You gently run your fingers down the side of his face, press your palm against his cheek, stretched with your cock buried inside his mouth, and meeting your eyes watching him in adoring hunger, in that moment he believes that he’s wanted, and doesn’t have to prove himself worthy and that he’ll be wanted even if he “fails” by his own expectations. He moans quietly, leans into you so trustingly as you’re not used from his ever guarded nature, and you can’t help it, slide out of him and lean down to kiss his swollen smiling lips. He coughs briefly, but then laughs, a choked, unfamiliar sound from him. Melting in embrace from you and Thoma, his bright red hair mixing with Thoma’s russet gold, he finally believes that he might be okay in the end. 
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taktitty · 1 year
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“My name is Neil Josten, and I’m this city’s one -- and only?-- Spider-man”
I have the spider brain worms like everyone else rn, but instead of making my own spider-sona I made Neil one lol 
Heavyyyy inspiration from the Spider-verse Art book and I tried my hand at making an Alberto Mielgo style character spread ~
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pyrish-art · 5 months
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Finally “finished” this piece lol the saltburn brain rot has fully consumed me at this point. I love them both so much.
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zeb-z · 7 months
dude. foolish surviving a 3v1 inside a tiny obsidian box for over a minute, taking away most of the eggs health with phil before dying for the first time. making nuisance of himself, playing smarter not harder, operating as a distraction with half a heart and a dream as phil deals the final blows. then him and cellbit’s collaboration on their base, the large build and crazy fucking lava maze and decoy obsidian boxes making it impossible for the other team to destroy their egg in return. red team winning not by being the better pvp team, but by playing to their strengths - building, strategy, communication, and complete and utter chaos. they started preparing early, they made weapons, they built extensively and prepared traps and decoys. and with their gas masks and bombs and chainsaws and complete refusal to give up, they had to have been terrifying. if they played the tower defense strategy, they would have lost faster than green had. if they had spent time getting just armor and gear and none actually working on their base, they would have lost worse than blue. the red team won by playing smarter, grinding their ass off, and by turning the playing field into incomprehensible chaos even they couldn’t navigate. they didn’t even know where their egg was and they defended it perfectly. it was a well earned victory today - here’s to hoping there’s no repercussions
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