#just set a whole village on fire
arikad0 · 2 years
Cloud emailing Zack to tell him Sephiroth set the village on fire is so funny ngl. like wow I didn't notice!!! I thought it was weird all the buildings look destroyed and it's suspiciously hot out
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specshroom · 2 months
Includes: Use of she/her, Slimy naga dick, Size difference, strangers to...fucking? Idk.
In which: Our Mage searches the jungle for a rare species to add to her "research".
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She curses as her boot clad feet catch on another root, almost sending her tumbling into the dewy jungle ground. Deciding to stop for a short break, she swats at the buzzing mosquitoes, taking her hat off to fan herself futilely while eyeing the map she bought.
The vender who sold it to her was an eccentric type, which is always a good sign in her eyes. If you're going to scam people at least commit to the whole "mysterious merchant" bit. The old hag managed to make her cough up 7 copper coin for this "traveler's essential". 
Her goodwill has not been paid back as apparently the map was more unreliable than she expected. The mage curses herself as she glowers at the useless map, trying to decipher where the hell she is.  
After a few more minutes of squinting and pointing to random places on the map, she just scrunches the flimsy paper in her hands and sets it on fire, burning it up before the embers could even reach the floor. She wasn't looking for anything any cheap map could show her anyway. 
She came here to follow an urban legend about a deadly beast that stalks the jungle. The creature has many different variations depending on who's telling the story but what is consistent is the shining gold scales adorning the creature. Stories vary widely from village to village, some say it's an old wrathful god sent down to punish those greedy enough to seek it out and some say it's a beautiful maiden with a golden tail here to bring good fortune to those deserving of it. 
Which ever story is the truth, she just couldn't hold back her fanaticism. A strange creature that apparently nobody has seen before but for some reason is being spotted closer to nearby villages more and more? That is absolutely right up her alley. 
Now if she could only find the damn thing. The villagers seemed almost relieved that someone else was going to try and find this thing, so getting information was quite easy. While the area has been narrowed down, it's still a huge chunk of jungle. At this point it would be easier if the monster just came out and tried to eat her already. 
The mage percs up when they hear water flowing and walks in that direction until she stumbles on a river. She kneels down by the waters edge, it looks pretty deep or maybe the water is just too murky to see the bottom. She hums and pulls out the flask she enchanted, fills it with water and waits for the magic to properly dispose of the dirt particles and bacteria before taking a long gulp. 
This river is wide and the water flows slowly but surely past her. She places her hand in the water, curious to see if she can see the bottom or perhaps any fish to eat. 
She softly chants an incantation, forcing the dirt particles away from her hand. This proves harder than she thought as she's never had to cleanse flowing water before. 
She leans in closer to concentrate her energy and eventually the water becomes clearer and she can see something glistening at her from the water. Is that really treasure at the bottom of the river? Could she be that lucky?
 She squints and leans closer to get a better look, the golden specs glinting in the murky water blink at her through the surface. 
She freezes and the blood in her veins turns colder than the depths of the river. 
Before she can even move a huge clawed hand shoots up from the  surface and clings onto her arm, tearing through her cloak, undershirt and skin. There's no time for a painted scream as she's pulled into the water with great force. She can feel the waters resistance against her body as it's dragged into the murky depths. 
Before this beast actually drowns her she manages to force her other hand against the current to grip onto the beasts scaly wrist. She casts the first spell she can think of, Combustion. 
Suddenly the surface of the water explodes outwards, splashing water high into the air. She propels herself upwards and breaks the surface to hover above the water. She curses and looks around frantically, she can't lose the monster now. Panicking, she summons her hat and starts chanting, willing the plentiful vines of the jungle trees to plunge into the river and search for the beast. 
When she feels a tug she wills the vines to pull the heavy struggling mass to the surface. The huge mass writhes and thrashes in its confines as it rises from the water. 
She can finally see just how massive this thing is as it fights and snarls at her. It's much bigger than any Naga she's seen before, the human half is near orc sized! The bottom half being even bigger with the long thick tail thrashing in the water below. She reinforces the vines to bind the rest of the ridiculously large tail and sets the beast down on the ground next to the river. 
When her feet meet the ground, she sighs and wills the water out of her soaked clothes. She checks her bleeding arm and sucks in a breath at how deep the gashes are. 
"Now look what you did. Fucking hell, thats deep. How long are your claws?!"
Of course she can heal it but it's such a pain. The monster on the ground hisses and spits in response. 
She takes a better look at it, or him, she discovers. His scales really do shimmer like gold with black scales painting a pattern all the way down his back and tail. His white underbelly fades into something resembling human skin as her eyes move up his rapidly moving chest. The gold scales fade into a darker black down his shoulders to the tips of his clawed fingers. Her eyes flicker to his intense stare, pure gold flickers in his irises. His drenched black hair gets in the way of his glare. 
She can't help but verbalise her awe. She carefully moves around him to look at him in a different angle.
"I knew you were a naga. I knew it."
She summons a book into her hand, not her spellbook but one for these special cases. She flips to a new page and licks the tip of her pencil. She crouches down to look at him expectantly,
"Do you happen to know how much you weigh? What do you eat? Most nagas are some sort of omnivorous but I'm assuming you eat mostly fish. How many fish do you have to eat to stay this size?"
She gestures incredulously to all of his giantness.
He just growls some more, quiter this time as his confusion overtakes his anger somewhat.
"Come now, I know you can understand me and I know you can speak."
He stops growling to stare at her incredulously. How could she possibly know that? The giant snake man tries to readjust but hisses again, this time in pain. She jolts up and immediately goes to assess the wound on his wrist, which is tied tightly to his back. She cringes at the red, fleshy wound she created on his body. So much for first impressions. Without much warning she immediately starts with the healing spell. This creates great discomfort for him, as his cells rebuild themselves but she knows this is better than dragging it out for longer.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry."
She coos at the massive man almost like he's a child or a small animal. This woman evades him. Once she's done and his wrist is good as new she springs up and clears her throat, looking somewhat embarrassed.
"Sorry about that but...you did try to eat me so..."
He looks like he wants to say something but doesn't know how exactly. By the scowl on his face it doesn't look like it would be anything good. She crouches down again, peering down at him.
"Do you still want to eat me?"
He growls, nothing but hatred in his beautiful eyes as he hoaursly spits out,
"I want nothing more in the world."
The mage tries and fails to hide a girlish giggle behind her hand as she rocks back and forth on her feet. She reacts as if he'd just complemented her outfit. The Naga man pulls his mouth into a snarl and huffs in irritation, hating how this woman continues to confuse him.
After composing herself she summons her little reaserch book again, holding it against her crouched thighs to write.
"Have you actually ever eaten a human before? Be honest."
The Naga writhes in his bonds to eventually turn away from her so atleast he doesn't have to face his captor. He lies there for awhile just squirming every so often, he's already tried to cut the vines with his claws but she must have done some kind of reinforcement magic when she healed him. Damn witch.
While he devises an escape plan, he can hear scratching on paper from behind him. The mage seems to be writing quite a lot in her book. When the Naga looks back at her he catches her gaze staring intently at the intricate patterns on his back, the way the scant black scales blend with the bright gold makes for a very unique pattern.
"How much will you sell it for"
She stops sketching and looks back up at his eyes. She lets out a confused "hmm?"
This only makes him angrier.
"My hide! It must be worth a fortune! That's why you're here!"
Her gaze softens a bit, kicking herself mentally for being so unthinking towards the man. He might be big and intimidating but that doesn't mean he can't be scared for his life.
"Look, I don't want your hide. It would be much easier to just fake one anyway since nodoby knows what you actually look like. I just want to ask you a few questions and then let you get back on with your day. I'll even cook you a meal as a thank you."
The snake man is obviously skeptical, all he does is stare back at her with those gorgeous eyes.
She sighs and opens her book back up, flipping over to a particular page.
"Researching rare and perculiar creatures is a hobby of mine."
She rolls down onto her stomach and shuffles closer to the massive Naga. She leans on her elbows to show him the open page as if they were best friends at a slumber party and she's showing him her dairy.
"You're not even the rarest or most sought after Naga species I've met."
She points to a drawing she sketched of a male Naga, this one with the torso and arms of a human but the tail and head of a snake. There's a bunch of scribbles and descriptions around the drawing in a language he can't read.
"Where he's from people worship him like a god. He's a very rare species that can hypnotise someone just by looking into their eyes."
She chooses to leave out the part where she willingly let the Naga hypnotise her and use her as he pleased for weeks.
He doesn't have a response to give the mage, staring blankly at the pages as she rattles on about other species she has in her book. His skepticism somewhat dampened by these sketches of Naga just like him but with characteristics he's never seen before.
The mage notices how dark the sky has gotten, catching a few stars glinting overhead. She gets up and starts assembling the tent she brought. Pulling thick fabric out of her infinitaly deep satchel.
The Naga man just lies there watching, wondering if it would be so bad to comply with this mage. They don't seem dangerous or malicious at all but the magic they wield is still a concern. She talks to him as she works on building her temporary abode.
"Y'know, the village folk are quite nice. If you want I could talk to them, I'm sure they would rather cohabitate than live in fear of a man-eating monster in the jungle. Since you're definitely a rare species this part of the jungle could even be named as a conservation zone."
She keeps yapping stuff the Naga man doesn't care to listen to. The mage erects her shoddy little tent, does some sort of chant and then hurriedly crouches inside the small space.
She stays inside there for a while to the point where the Naga man thinks she might not return for the night. He smells something absolutely devine and realises it's cooked beef coming from inside the tent.
The damn mage walks outside with a steaming bowl of that devine smelling concoction. She stabs a piece of meat with a fork and offers it to him after blowing on it a little. She doesn't really give him time to react before poking the fork into his mouth. His taste buds are lighting up and he almost moans at the taste.
The mage grins at how he accepted her offer and stands back up.
"I just want to ask you a few questions. I'm sorry for causing you trouble but I didn't come all this way for nothing. I'm more than happy to repay you for your troubles if you just come inside."
After that she turns and walks back into the tent. As she walks away the vines binding his body loosen until they fall from his body entirely.
He's free. She's giving him an out. He could just leave.... But he can still taste the meat on his tongue. Nothing has happened to him yet so atleast he knows it's not poisoned or spiked. He turns to where the dark water of the river calls to him and turns back to the fire light coming from inside the mages tent. He sighs and hangs his head. As if the jungle itself is trying to urge him, a cool breeze blows past that seems to urge him closer to the tent.
The Naga sighs, stretches his sore limbs and slowly slithers towards the tent. He takes a deep breath before parting the fabric of the opening and crouching inside.
As he expected, the tent is much bigger than it appears on the outside. Bedding and pillows cover the floor and there is a fire with a pot over it in the middle.
The mage is humming to herself while pouring more steaming hot stew into two bowls. He sits across form her coiling his tail into a pile to sit on top of it.
She holds out a steaming bowl to him and waits patiently for him to take it. He hesitantly accepts the offer and, after watching her eat a fair portion of her own bowl, starts slurping up the meaty stew.
After the first and second serving the mage places her empty bowl aside and picks up her book. As the Naga pours himself a third helping she clears her throat, making him look up at her expectant gaze. He huffs but nods, lazing back against his tail to keep enjoying his meal. The mage gleams across from him.
"I don't know how much I weigh, I eat mostly fish and I've never eaten a human."
The mage scribbles all this down as he speaks, very pleased with his cooperation.
"How often do you shed?"
The Naga rests his arms on his tail like it's a comfy backrest. He takes a generous gulp of his stew before answering,
"...Once every season."
"So you grow moderately quick then? And you're still growing? Or do you think this is how big you'll get."
"I still shed, so I'm still growing."
The woman nods and jots that down.
"You're a constrictor type, right? No venom or hypnotising?"
He gives her a deadpan stare, as if to say "What do you think?". She gets the idea and confirms her own theory.
she chews her lip, deliberating something before she finally asks.
"Can I measure you?"
He gives her an irritated look before he slowly unwinds his tail from it's bunched up state, unfurling it out on the floor as he lies on his stomach.
The mage wastes no time springing up and pulling a rolled up tape measure out of her hat. She holds it out to him and says,
"Hold this at your head, please."
He boredly does as she asks and she carefully walks back the length of his body. He doesn't know why but he straightens his tail as much as possible while looking at her over his shoulder. When she gets to the tip of his thick tail she exclaims some numbers in a measurement he doesn't know but from the look on her face it's clearly impressive. She hurriedly scribbles that in her book.
The measuring roll disappears and the Naga goes back to his meal. He pours what's left in the bowl into his awaiting mouth before he feels a soft touch on his tail and freezes.
He slowly looks behind him at the culprit. He watches her with a predatory gaze as she hesitantly tests his patience. He watches her, as if daring her to go further and so obviously she does. She inches higher up his tail to where is gets much thicker, lightly tracing the patterns on his reptilian skin. She softly touches his golden scales as if they're fragile.
The mage gets more confident and crawls higher up his tail, getting more inquisitive and bold.
"Is the underside more sensitive?"
She asks, genuinely curious. He doesn't answer, just keeps staring at her with a look that says "Try it", so that's what she does. She looks into his eyes and slides her hand down the side of his tail towards the white underbelly.
He strikes before she can even blink. He has her on the floor coiled up in his tail as he entraps her whole body with his. She doesn't offer much of a fight besides some squirming but his tightening hold on her body forces her to still.
"Is this what you want mage?"
She says nothing, only looks up at him with those same curious eyes. He can feel her heart beat as he squeezes her rib cage, it beats steady and bold. She's not scared of him at all and that intrigues him more than he likes.
The Naga looms over her, he reaches out to grab her jaw tilting her head around to look over her face. He's tried to ignore it but he's also quite curious about her and her own species. He pinches his fingers slightly so that it makes her lips pout together before he reaches out with his other hand to take her pink tongue in between his thumb and pointerfinger. She just stares up at him, offering no resistance.
He strokes the small wet muscle with his thumb, rubbing over where it would split into two if she was a Naga like him. It's so small compared to his fingers and much warmer than he anticipated, probably due to the warm meal they just shared. He sticks his tongue out to lick the air and pauses when he smells something unfamiliar but unmistakable, coming from the Mages lower parts.
He's smelled it once before when he caught sight of a human woman bathing in the river, he couldn't help but linger in the brush and watch the human as she touched herself. He feels the same need now that he felt then, a curious burn in his stomach.
The mage struggles in his hold,
"I know you're curious too..."
She says up at him, almost hopefully. She slowly struggles her legs free to wrap them around his wide torso, squeezing him between her thighs. As he looks down at her the snake man feels her warm body heat radiating off of her seeping into his skin, the movement of her chest, her pulse. He can feel his cock poking out from the slowly parting slit on his white underbelly.
He licks the air one more time before his mouth catches hers in a needy kiss. She immediately kisses back with fever, fidgeting more in his hold making him tighten the heavy coils which only makes her let out a pleasured cry into his mouth. His tongue feels so odd on her own, it's much longer than hers and he pushes it down her throat with abandon.
His tail slithers around her body, lifting her shirt up. When she first feels his cold skin against her warm stomach she's filled with need to feel him against every inch of her skin. She struggles in his hold, kissing him with more need and trying to grind her neglected cunt against something.
The Naga huffs a laugh and watches her kick her legs helplessly.
"Do you have other clothes?"
He mumbles against her lips, she nods into the kiss.
His claws tear her pants and underwear away as if the garments were made of tissue paper, doing the same to the neckline of her shirt and undershirt. She groans at the feeling of his cold skin against hers and the humid night air on her cunt.
She feels a slick substance drip onto her pussy and groans loudly.
"Show me. Let me see."
She pleads and struggles even more. He chuckles and nibbles on the skin of her neck,
"Little thing like you should be scared. What if it's too much for you?"
His concern is real even if he's insanely turned on by this situation. Her body might not be able to keep up with her inquisitive mind.
"Try me."
She looks into his eyes with determination, he looks back. One of his hands go to stroke his growing cocks as they unsheath from their slit. She stretches to pear over his tail wrapped around her. There's two, one big cock clearly meant for insemination, the same colour as his white underbelly and a second reddish coloured one, she assumes is meant for extra stimulation. The Naga strokes the big one with one hand, both cocks have slick ooze spilling from them and they're dripping with slick which she guesses is produced from the slit they come out of.
She worms her hand over one of his coils to grip onto his tail, she whines loudly at him. She wants it inside her so bad. He chuckles at her again as more of his precum drips onto her pussy lips.
He can't deny her pleas for long and against his better judgement he prods at her entrance with his cock, rubbing the tip up against her hole.
She grinds up into him and he takes that as the go ahead to slide inside her. The slippery tip sheathes inside her rather easily, it's the rest of him he's worried about. He struggles to hold himself back from pounding the hot tight pussy squeezing around him, he truly doesn't want to hurt the Mage.
Said Mage is almost in tears at being unintentionally edged by him. She squeezes her thighs around his massive waist, squirming around as much as she can. The Naga finds he likes the way her soft naked body wriggles in his coils, he especially likes the way her thigh muscles tense and relax. His sharp claws gently caress the fat of her thighs, curiously squeezing and jiggling the fat slightly. She whines again and he decides to be merciful and slides his cock further inside her while gripping her thighs.
He's too slow, too cautious and she just can't take it anymore.
She mumbles a little spell and the Nagas body feels a sudden force pulling him closer to her making him hiss as his cock is suddenly thrusted to the hilt. The smaller cock is rubbing up against her clit delisciously and the slick coating his cock seeps out of her pussy.
"If I want you to stop, I can make you. Stop, pussying around fuck me."
He stares down at her with blown out eyes, she stares up at him so determined while still being thoroughly bound in his hold. His breathing is more ragged and a grin finds it's way on his face. He looks almost feral and it makes the mages pussy clench around him which makes him reactively thrust back.
She's spun around suddenly in his hold, his tail unwinding until her arms are free and there's one coil left around her waist. Her arms are quickly bound by his own hands, gripping her much smaller arms. He gives a hard thrust into her cunt and growls in her face as she moans back up at him.
He starts a rough pace, having thrown all cation to the wind. Her tight human pussy squeezes him so tight like he squeezes around her body with his tail. The loud wet slapping sounds his hips make against hers make everything even more erotic. His coiled tail around her grips her waist tightly and he groans when he can feel his own cock bulge against her stomach where his tail holds her.
He brings the end of his tail to wrap around her wrists binding them together while his ramming into her soaked pussy.
He speeds up even more and places his palm on top of his smaller dick, pressing it against her clit. His other hand is gripping her under thigh so hard she's pretty sure his claws have pierced her skin. The stimulation on his sensative cock makes him frantically thrust into her until he releases deep inside her. He shakes and spasms as he empties himself into her. If he was more conscious he would be embarrassed at how needy he must have looked.
His orgasm lasts quite awhile longer than she expected, she realises he must have been really pent up as his cock just keeps shooting seed into her every few seconds. The poor Naga looks exhausted when his orgasm finally ends. His eyes are closed, breathing deeply with strands of black hair fall delicately around his face. The tail around her wrists loosens and she immediately goes to pull him down into her embrace, clutching his sweaty body into her warmer one.
He hums into her neck, enjoying her warm softness. His tongue flicks out occasionally to lick her salty skin and smell her on the air.
"Did I tire you out, big guy?"
She jokes, while her hands caress the comparatively massive expanse of his back. She tries to remind herself that he might be inexperienced and more sensitive than usual, she doesn't want him to feel bad about getting overstimulated.
The Naga lifts his head from her neck, his body casts a shadow over hers as he looms over her again. He gives her a sharp fanged grin.
"Don't be so cocky, Mage."
The end of his tail slowly comes from behind to wrap around her neck as the coil still wrapped around her waist lifts her torso up high. His softening cock slips out of her dripping cunt as he lifts her up with his tail. She groans low as she feels the copious amounts of slick and spend fall from her pussy to the floor.
The naga curiously runs his thumb up the length of the mages pussy, gathering up the fluids. He feels a strange urge to keep as much of his cum inside her as possible. Careful of his sharp claws he opts to push his spend back into her pussy with his tongue, feeling the way she squirms and clenches around his forked tongue. The Naga hisses lightly in delight and smooshes his face into the fat warmth of her thigh while looking into her eyes. She peers at him with a dazed look, loving the way his tail lightly squeezes her thoat.
"I'm far from done with you."
As it turns out she didn't get to ask him many questions that night. Not that she complained about it much.
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Zuko x reader - I want a future with you
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Zuko x water tribe/bender reader! Slime three years after the war he wants to propose to reader and so he ask Katara and Sokka about marriage traditions within the tribe and he carves a betrothal necklace?? And the readers reaction!! Thank you - Anon💜
Zuko gazed at you from across the water village as you smiled and sat in the snow, throwing snowballs with some of the children.
He was so utterly, and deeply in love with you, and he had been since he first laid eyes on you.
You were captivating and he was so proud and happy to be able to say that he was courting you.
But he didn’t want to just court you.
He looked around for Sokka, wanting to ask him about this, but when he couldn’t see Sokka, he began looking for Katara, and he found them both together.
“Zuko? We thought you left this morning.” Sokka said.
“I was supposed to. I have a question for you both actually.”
They nodded and the three of them went to the side to talk privately.
“I know how things work in the fire nation, traditions and everything. But I want to know how they work for the water nation.”
“Is there anything specific you want to know?” Katara smiled.
Zuko glanced around nervously and turned back to the duo.
“Marriage traditions…” he mumbled.
“You want to marry (Y/N)?!”
Zuko slapped his hand over Sokka’s mouth.
“Shut up!” Zuko hissed.
“Aw that’s so cute!” Katara beamed.
Sokka slapped the fire lords hand away and share a look with his sister and they both nodded their heads.
“We can help you, but it’ll take a few days.”
They took him away and explained everything he needed to know, gathered all the materials for him and they showed him what he could do.
“Do you have any ideas in mind?”
“Not yet, but (Y/N)s come to the fire nation next month so I’ve got time, thank you so much.”
The whole way home Zuko thought about what he wanted to do, and for days he was stuck up until he looked at the bracelet you had made him.
The little waves you had carefully carved, and he smiled brightly, a new idea entering his head.
He spent nearly a week working on it, trying to make sure it was perfected, then he put it in a little box on his nightstand while he waited.
When you arrived to the fire nation you ran through the city heading up to the palace.
Zuko was just leaving when he saw you running over.
The fire Lord opened his arms and you ran into them, and he laughed softly, wrapping his arms around you, pressing a small kiss to the top of your head.
“You’re early…” he whispered.
“There was a storm coming in, so I set off a day early.”
He hummed a little and nodded his head, watching as some of the guards come over with some of your things to bring them inside.
“I have a meeting, but meet me in the garden in an hour.”
You nodded and jumped up, softly kissing him and you ran away.
Zuko smiled as he watched you run into the palace to go to your shared room.
He knew exactly what you were doing, and he had no issue with it as he had the box in his pocket for safe keeping.
He could hardly pay attention during the meeting, all his thoughts were of you.
The moment it ended Zuko made his way to the garden as fast as he could, and he found you walked around wrapping up in one of his jackets.
Zuko stopped, smiling softly as he watched you for a moment.
“Dear?” He called.
You looked up from the flowers you were admiring and smiled, wondering over.
You stood in front of him and he reached out, taking your hands in his.
Zuko raised your hands and gently kissed the back of your knuckles.
“I have something for you, close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
You did as he said, and you felt something being placed in your palms.
“I love you and I.. I really tried.” He said.
You opened your eyes and looked at the open box, a soft gasp leaving your mouth.
You reached out, carefully picking it up, and Zuko took the box and he set it aside.
“Do you know what this is Zuko…?”
“I do. And I hope you consider accepting (Y/N). I love you, I want to marry you.”
You smiled to yourself, running you fingers over the carvings of the water and fire nation symbols.
It was kind of messy, and you could see where he had make a few mistakes or gotten angry and accidentally burned the wood.
But it was perfect.
“I want to marry you too Zuko…”
Zuko grinned brightly and he gently took it from you, putting it around your neck and he slowly moved his hands to cradle your face.
He ran his thumbs along your cheeks.
You reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck, and he leant down, brushing his nose against yours.
“I’ve wanted to marry you for ages…” you whispered
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yanderenightmare · 9 months
would love to hear any thoughts you have of what you think sukuna was like with a darling 1000 years ago, in the past before he became a curse
Ryomen Sukuna
TW: noncon, death of reader, fluff to angst
fem reader
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Back when you were both little, Sukuna was just a village clown – a little rascal old farmers would shout at after he’d set their farm animals loose, skipping down the dirt roads with a sun-swallowing grin as they chased him away with their cane in the air.
He was the one with the unruly hair, bruised hands, and scuffed knees who’d steal bread from the baker and set the temple on fire. The one everyone knew to suspect but who managed to slip away somehow, always scot-free.
And you were his little cheerleader. Always hiding your giggle behind two hands, knowing it wasn’t ladylike of you to encourage him.
But he’d pull shenanigans just to make you smile. Often acting scary, playing in the shadows before popping out with a roar, scaring all the other children around the campfire, and getting scolded by the teachers. He’d pout when put in a timeout, running away and pulling you by the wrist to keep him company while the whole village searched for the two of you long into the night.
He'd found a spot for just the two of you. A cavern behind a veil of green, with a crack in the ceiling that allowed the moon to spill in, just bright enough to still let Spiderlillies bloom. He'd make a small fire, and you’d play shadow puppets on the rock. You’d make pine people and play the villagers while he’d put bird skulls on his fingers and act as the village monster.
Your father didn’t approve of him. Especially as the two of you got older with marriage arrangements fast approaching. Like always, it was unladylike of you to run around with the boy who never seemed to grow up.
You’d always loved the same person, but it wasn’t up to you. And soon you’d been promised to someone else.
Sometimes, you wished Sukuna was just a bit different – or, at the least, that he’d act somewhat differently. Maybe then he’d been good enough for you in the eyes of others. In your heart of hearts, you can't help but think that he’s a little selfish for never having tried for your sake, but when he surprises you in the night with those devious eyes and that childish smirk upon his lips, you can never will yourself to say no – let alone keep yourself from smiling and leaping into his arms.
Even on your wedding day, you wondered if he’d come – if only to say one last goodbye. You even selfishly wondered if he’d apologize and tell you he’d wished he’d tried harder, fought, and insisted on being a man who truly deserved you – that he regrets he isn’t the one taking your hand.
But you were a fool.
Maybe it was best he hadn’t, you thought after sitting awhile – a silent tear rolling down your cheek. In your wedding robes with your heart breaking. The maids gush and think it’s just wedding jitters, and you allow them that understanding even though your wedding is the furthest thing from your mind.
Your mother tells you that you’re beautiful, and it’s but a small salve to your aching – but enough to make the tears stop. She wishes you good luck and leaves you with the maids.
It’s only a short moment later that you hear screams. Blood-curdling, dying wails – worse than anything you’d heard in your life.
You follow quickly and find the ceremony in a bloodbath. So many lightless eyes stare blankly toward nothingness, their fine-dressed bodies piled on top of each other on the floor, blood-soaked and ripped limb from limb.
There’s only one thing left standing. Splattered in red blotches and black markings you don’t recognize. It breathes like a beast but stands atop the carnage as though the kills were all for sport.
But somehow… despite the second eyes, you knew that face.
He turned, and you saw the other side of him, a deformed mockery of his once so pretty face. His eyes had gone red, glowing like a wolf in the wild – four of them, you counted now. They all blinked at the same time when looking at you.
You flinched, looking back at the slaughter of your village. Breath shivering. “What have you done?”
 “I’ve ensured no one's left to stand between us- no one to take you away from me- no one to tell me I’m not good enough-”
That isn’t his voice. Those aren’t his words. This isn’t the man you know – not the one you love. Sukuna isn’t a murderer. This was… this was a demon.
You ran. Slipping in your drapes as you pushed yourself forward, heart in your throat with lungs bursting your ribcage. You make it out into the moonlight before he has you pinned in the dewy midnight grass.
He growls something, but you can’t hear it. There’s too much blood rushing past your ears, hot and deafening, as you shake your head – eyes squeezed tight while you claw and kick at the thing that has you pinned.
“Get away- don’t touch me-”
Two of his arms grab your wrists and push them down flat by your head. The other two grab your face – not entirely softly, but much softer than what you’d expect from a monster. 
“Are you gonna tell me I’m not good enough for you too?” His words waft onto your face, warm with the breath that feels so familiar – a taste you’ve swallowed so many times before. 
But it just can’t be him, you deny. “I don’t know you- I don’t know who you are-”
It angers him. His hands strengthen their hold, and you wince as he leans in closer with a sneer. “Sure you do. I’m that village pest you waste your precious time on. The one you can’t be caught with during the day.”
You shake your head again with a cry. “You lie. Sukuna wouldn’t do this. He’s not cruel- he’d never hurt me-”
“You hurt me!” He argues with a roar, cutting you off sharply.
There's a heavy pause.
His lips ghost yours with teeth, making you whimper caught beneath him before he continues kissing you with his words. “Whispering you love me during the night, with your hands and legs wrapped around me like a brazen little whore, before you go and marry someone else in the same fortnight. Who’s the cruel one?”
“It wasn’t my choice-” You deny then, finally acknowledging it’s him but still not daring to open your eyes.
“Tch-” He scoffs callously, bitterly disappointed and judging you just as viciously. “Is that how you console yourself?”
The hands he’d held your face with slipped down your neck, stroking your skin with streaks of wet blood and hot tears, traveling down the dip of your attire with fingers curling around the fabric before tearing it off you.
“Maybe you can seek refuge in that now, as well.”
You killed yourself that same night after he’d had his way with you.
You’ve been dead a thousand years now.
Every year, on the day of your death, he plants a Spiderlilly by his shrine to honor you. Sometimes, he gets the urge to rip them all up, but he just ends up shouting instead.
He can barely remember your smell, your warmth, your face, the size of your hand in his. But still, not remembering the exact feel of you just makes missing you all the more painful.
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ameliathornromance · 4 months
"(Y/N)!" Your Orc partner roared.
Where had you gone? It was a routine raid, you should have stayed back and help everyone move supplies.
The fire that had been set to burn out most of the humans (your idea) licked the sky, buildings collapsed with a plume of ash.
It had all gone wrong. The whole point of the fire was to get human beings running and out of the way so that the Caravan could run in, take what they needed and leave.
But that wasn't what happened. The humans had fought back. They had started to drag up water from the well, and tossed it over the fires. The Orcs had no choice but to retreat.
But the humans drew their swords. And the Orcs had no choice but to defend themselves.
Bloodshed had ensued and the fire had gotten out of hand. Once your Orc had retreated to go and get you out of the fray, you were gone. You should have been hiding by the treeline, away from the madness.
"(Y/N)!" Your boyfriend shouted again. He ran past bodies, bodies of his own and humans too. The blood that had spilled made it difficult to maintain your boyfriend's balance. He slipped, and caught himself way too many times.
But he reached the centre of the town, he saw you. You clutched a bucket of water to your chest, soot smeared across your face while another Orc barked at you.
"(Y/N)!" Your Orc Boyfriend bellowed.
You jumped, but the other Orc snatched your bucket before you dropped it. He ran off as your Orc Boyfriend approached you.
"I-I..." you began but you couldn't finish.
"What are you doing?! You need to get out of here, now!" He snapped.
"But the Orcs, they're injured-"
"Don't worry about them, get to the wagon at the other side of town, my others will keep you safe." When you didn't move, your Orc barked, "now, (Y/N)!"
You gritted your teeth. You knew this was no time to argue, but you didn't want to just leave him here. But as a collection of angry human roars echoed from the other side of the village, you flinched.
"Go, now!" Your Orc turned away from you and to the human mob getting closer and closer.
"I'm not-"
"I'll be fine! Now go!" Your Orc Boyfriend shoved you away from him. Once you had the momentum, you took off into a sprint. You knew he was right, there was no way that you could defend yourself from that many people.
A few other Orcs ran past you to join the fight. You still didn't turn back. You knew if you turned back now, you wouldn't be able to keep running away.
The wagon, holding a couple of barrels came into view. The only Orc standing, beckoned to you, "come on!" He bellowed.
Your lungs burned, your legs ached, your arms were sore from helping the survivors. As soon as you reached the wagon, the Orc grabbed you and sat you amongst the barrels, providing you good cover. Should the humans decide to use bow and arrows.
You dared to look back. Where was your partner? Where'd he-
An answer appeared before you could even finish your thought. Your amazing boyfriend, barrelled out from a cloud of smoke, brandishing his axe. Humans nearby flinched, screamed, some even roared and swung back in defence.
The wagon had started to move, drawn by the Orc who had put you on the back of it.
A few humans sprinted to keep up your boyfriend, waving torches and pitchforks. But they only fell further and further behind as your Orc raced to catch up with the wagon.
You leaned forwards, holding your hand out to him, "hurry!"
With one final leap, he grasped onto your arm and crashed onto the wagon.
The wagon creaked under his massive weight. But it did not break. The supplies that the Orcs had stolen rustled as your boyfriend adjusted himself.
He lay on his back, panting, huffing.
"Damn human bastards." He breathed. "The others were good diversions. They said they'd catch up-"
You flung yourself on top of him and squeezed him tightly. Your heart thundered hard in your chest, adrenaline still rushing through your system.
Your Orc said nothing, instead, just placing his large hands on your back and holding you there.
It was a close call. Too close. For either of you.
"Promise me you'll never do that again?" You looked up at him. "Please?"
Your Orc Boyfriend looked at you and huffed, "Only if you promise to never go into another raid like that again."
Nodding, you settled your head on his chest again. His heart had slowed to a dull thumping.
As the voices of the angry humans died out, you felt yourself relax. You were both safe. And that's all that mattered.
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iloveboysinred · 2 months
I won't say I'm in love [Prince Zuko]
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pg. 13, fluff | Zuko x gn! reader
synopsis; Zuko had never been one to express himself in the right ways, anger had always been his primary emotion. But, when he meets you, a rouge fire bender helping the Avatar, it becomes hard for him to accept the growing warmth in his chest every time you look at him.
cw; emotionally constipated Zuko, fluff, pining, Clueless Zuko, Zuko doesn’t know how to deal with feelings, awkward turtleduck, light fluff.
Zuko never had time to really sit and think about relationships. After spending his early teenage years on a wild goose chase hunting the avatar, and now having joined the Gaang, with only a week to teach Aang how to firebend so he could face Ozai, he had a lot going on.
However, when he had started to fit in with the gaang better, you had definitely caught his attention.
You were a firebender yourself, highly skilled and light on your feet. You made a formidable opponent in battle, your elegance and lightweight movements almost resembling an air-bender. Zuko couldn’t help but stare as you practiced basic maneuvers, your muscles flexing with every movement, the thin sheen of sweat on your brow, and the fierce look of concentration on your beautiful face. To say Zuko was whipped was an understatement.
You were the last to accept him into the group, having always been a bit of a loner and standoffish, you didnt trust him. Especially with him being the crown prince of the very nation that has caused you nothing but pain. So Zuko worked extra hard to earn your friendship. Doing good deeds like helping Sokka clean up camp, going on water collecting trips with Kitara, helping Toph with her hair, and of course, befriending Aang and teaching him firebending alongside you.
While Zuko was still miles away from getting close to you, he was running out of ideas on how to gain your approval. So, naturally he went to Sokka for advice.
“Its like no matter what i do, y/n still hates me! I dont get it, you guys all like me, you know i’m good now. So whats their problem?” Sokka looked over Zuko’s exasperated face, putting two and two together. Not that it was hard, everyone caught him staring at you like a creep once or twice already. “I dont think y/n hates you, honestly. Thats just the way they are. It took like, 2 months for them to really open up to us.” Sokka shrugged, smoothing his hair down. “If i’m being honest, you’re trying too hard. Seems like you got a thing for them.” Zuko gaped, staring at Sokka like he had grown another head. “What are you talking about!? I dont like them. I just want them to trust me!” But despite his words, the flush on his face betrayed his denial. Sokka raised his eyebrows. “Right. Okay. Why don’t you just talk to them? I mean, obviously what youre doing isnt working. Maybe you should get them a gift or something.” Zuko nodded to himself. Why hadn’t he thought of that before? He quickly stood up, a new objective in mind.
“Thanks Sokka.”
“Anytime, bro. And a word of advice, if you’re trying to make it less obvious that you like them, try not staring so hard. It creeps everyone out.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever. Get out before you burn my tent down.”
Zuko rolled his eyes, storming off with a deep flush on his cheeks.
The next morning he set out to the village nearby, wearing a cloak to disguise his face. He looked around the market, stopping by a jeweler, who had a whole array of different bracelets, necklaces, and rings. A peculiar necklace stood out to him. It held a beautiful ruby, plated in gold and held on to a thin, gold chain. Before anybody could see, he snatched it up, quickly leaving and heading back to the air temple before anybody could confront him. On the way back he stopped by a patch of fire-Lillies, picking a few to make a messy bouquet. “Y/n will like these.” He muttered to himself, trying to tie them together with an old piece of twine.
When he made his way back to camp, the others stared at him with questioning glances, momo crawling up to sniff at the flowers. “Whats with the flowers? You into gardening or something?” Sokka asked, eyeing the bright fire-lillies in his grasp. “I got these for Y/n” Zuko blushed as he realized how this looked, averting his eyes from Sokka’s teasing gaze. “Aww thats sweet, Zuko. Who knew you were such a softie.” Kitara cooed, fluttering her lashes in a mock swoon. Zuko gritted his teeth, cheeks burning hotter than the sun. “Yeah, maybe you’ll man up and confess. We all know you like them” Toph chided, smirking. “I don’t!” Zuko protested. “You’re lyinggg” Toph hummed, and Zuko cursed her abilities to see with her feet.
“Whats going on?” Zuko froze when he heard your voice, quickly turning towards you, hiding the bouquet behind his back. “Oh nothing, just teasing Zuko about his undying lo-“ Sokka was abruptly cut off by Zuko slapping his hand over his mouth, glaring at him. “What Sokka was trying to say is, we were teasing Zuko’s undying and super obvious crush on you.” Toph stated nonchalantly. The others snickered at Zuko’s panicked expression, his cheeks couldn’t have gotten hotter, wide eyes turned to you. “I dont know what they’re talking about! I don’t have a crush on you! They’re just trying to be funny i swear-“ “uh, Zuko-“ “I just want you to trust me, so i got you these flowers-“ he pulled the bouquet from behind him, presenting it to you. But what he didn’t realize was, he had accidentally set the lilies on fire. He gasped and dropped the bouquet, stomping on the charred flowers to put the fire out. You just gave him a blank look, the others snickering behind you. Zuko had never felt so embarrassed in his life.
“Wow Zuko, that sure was a good way to confess!” Kitara teased, watching as you just threw your hands up, being completely done with… whatever that was, and walking away to your tent. “Yeah Zuko. Maybe try not almost burning the camp down. I think Y/n will like it better if you just told them how you feel!” Aang chirped, just irritating Zuko more with his upbeat attitude. “Whatever, you guys are impossible” he snapped, storming off in a random direction. “And I told you i don’t like them!” Once he was out of earshot, Toph snickered, laying on her back against Appa’s side. “He’s lying again.”
For the rest of the day, Zuko avoided you at all costs. Leaving you to teach Aang by yourself, even sitting a considerable distance away from you during lunch. It was confusing you, but you didn’t say anything. You guessed he was still embarrassed from the spectacle he had made of himself that morning. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. Zuko was sweet, and if what the others are saying is true, you couldn’t deny that you could start feeling something for him too. You’d observed him ever since he joined the group, and his surprisingly gentle heart had impressed you. You’d watched him teach Aang during your training sessions. Appreciating the way his body moved flawlessly, his dark hair bringing out the gold in his eyes. You had to admit, you weren’t complaining when he would show up to your lessons shirtless. There was no denying he was cute.
So, you decided to approach him, surprising even yourself. You waited for everyone to settle into their tents, then you made your way to his. You stood outside for a second, thinking about how you were going to start this, what you would say. But your thoughts blanked when Zuko crawled out of his tent, now face to face with you. “O-oh hi- Zuko- i, um” you stuttered, lost for words. His eyes widened at the sight of you, sputtering like a nervous wreck. “I just wanted to u-um say, t-that i think the flowers were beautiful and u-um that was very sweet of you” “o-oh” you stood in awkward silence, the ground suddenly very interesting. “Anyways i think i’m gonna go-“ “wait, i-i um, i got you this too.” He quickly handed you the necklace, eyes averting yours and a deep blush on his cheeks. You looked the piece of jewelry over, smiling at him. “It’s beautiful Zuko. Um, thank you?” “You’re uh, you’re welcome..” you don’t know what took over you, but you leaned forward pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. You stared at each other in shock, now it was your turn to blush, face as red as a tomato. “Uh well, its getting late- i’m gonna go back to my tent. G-goodnight” the words came out quicker than you could think, racing off back to your tent. Leaving Zuko standing there, hand on his cheek, feeling how warm the skin was under his palm. His brain short circuited and his heart was beating 400 miles per minute, he swore he was gonna pass out.
Hope you enjoyed :> notes and reblogs are appreciated, comments, asks, and requests are welcomed! 💗
part 2
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bakugoushotwife · 3 months
𝖘𝖔𝖚𝖑 𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 // 𝖔𝖓𝖊: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓
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↳ cw: minors dni, dark content. proceed at your own risk. sukuna, human!sukuna, historical inaccuracies, murder, npc character death, gore, blood, knifeplay?, marriage, mentions of having children, smut, fingering (fem receiving) size kink, virginity loss, corruption kink, breeding kink, creampie, uhhh making shit up for sukuna's backstory, he's a soft husband kinda? ↳ series masterlist ↳ jjk masterlist ↳ part two
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before he was a curse—he was just a man. surely unsightly and terrifying in every way; abandoned from the beginning and forced to learn how to survive the hard way—the powerful sorcerer known as ryomen sukuna had come to extinguish your clan at last. news had traveled fast from the fujiwara clan—the high ranks of the village knew what had happened there—and what would be sure to happen here. you could feel the energy shift all the way from the estate, like a dark, lightning-charged cloud had swallowed you whole. your father was the lord of this clan—the first man. as his daughter and only surviving child, you were expected to be right by his side to greet—and hopefully negotiate with the heian era’s most powerful sorcerer. 
so you kneeled next to your father, head bowed deeply, nearly touching the ground. your betrothed mirrored the actions, showing respect to the man they called the disgraced one. your kimono was layered and bright–you were certainly eye-catching. sukuna always did enjoy the fanfare as he made his appearances around japan—the fear was sensational; the way villagers would plead for their lives or for the children to be spared. intoxicating. even smaller praises like this caused a smirk to blossom on his lips. supposed rulers on their hands and knees before him, all in the hopes that he would make one exception. 
too bad for this small, hillside citystate. he would brutalize the women, and slaughter everyone else. well, maybe he’d hang on to a few of the women if they were obedient enough. then he’d set fire to the structures your ancestors worked so hard to erect, there would be no trace of your bloodline. 
you feel the vibrations of his footsteps on the dais more than you hear them echo. “rise.”
you are the first to move, easing your hands by your sides and straightening your back. your stomach lurches. this was a man? he was humongous, nearing eight feet tall and seemingly just as wide across with a double set of hulking arms and sneering eyes. he was rippled in muscle, broad black markings wrapping around his biceps and thighs, lines scattered across his seemingly disinterested face. one of his four hands clutches a trident-shaped weapon, a second combing through his pink peony colored hair. the other set balances on his hips, carmine eyes combing over you and your reaction to him. unblinking, the both of you. 
your father clears his throat, afraid you had committed the sin that would damn your clan’s village. your fiancé elbows you in the ribs to get you to stop staring, to stop blushing at the monster before you. you bite at the inside of your lip, tearing your gaze away. 
what an interesting creature you were. it was hard to explain, but no one had looked at him like that before. he wouldn’t say unafraid—it was clear you knew what was potentially on the line. but you didn’t seem…disgusted. so naturally opposed and recoiling away like everyone else. like he wanted from commoners like them–like you. so why did you hold your head so high to look him in the eyes? who were you? 
“my apologies, my lord,” your father bows again and then casts a glare at you. “my daughter is still learning how to be a proper lady.” he says, smiling nervously. it’s clear to you and to every one of the villagers watching how spineless your father is. even your fiancé is shaking like a leaf right next to you—embarrassing. you wouldn’t be surprised if sukuna murdered you all simply because of this pathetic showing. 
his gaze just trails over to you again. he says nothing, mouth almost in a pout his lips were so downturned. you feel your body grow hot under his examination, at this point you feel it more rude to look away. that coupled with the wimpy performance your men were putting on had you raising your chin again, even splitting your cheeks into a smile. “it is ladylike to look our honored guest in the eyes.” you refute, and that has his attention. you speak out–you fight back. he’s always liked his women feisty.
that simpleton to your immediate right puts a hand on your arm, gentle eyes begging for you to keep your mouth shut. your eyes narrow in argument, and before you can speak again…the said guest speaks. 
“what do you want.” his voice is a silky deep pulse, bored in every way. your father starts to wring his hands. 
“your excellence, we would be of your greatest debts if you would consider sparing our people…i-i-in exchange for whatever you may desire!” 
how pathetic. and absolutely stupid. “do you think you are the first to ask mercy of me? or do you think i owe you a favor…? i have the means to take what i want. i am wasting time even entertaining your stupid pleas.” he seems so aggravated–it’s such a shallow solution. he could request every woman in the village—he could take the lord’s daughter in front of everyone here and now. boring—where’s the creativity? clearly the man didn’t care for his people with more effort than this half-baked plan—
“my lord, if you’ll excuse me weighing in..” you say, your satin voice wrapping around his very thoughts. “you’ve conquered every territory that you have set your eyes upon. if we yield our lands and our rule to you with peace…we could assist with trade and labor.” you hum, hands folded before your stomach. your painted lips are pursed, he can tell even you are annoyed with the lame fodder your father provides. sukuna enjoys your boldness–even if women are oftentimes if not usually the weakest beings present, you seem to carry the intellect of your clan. but your father has had enough interruption. 
“insolent woman!” your father says, turning to spew more, but it doesn’t come. you hear a blade whip against the wind, and he’s decapitated at the mouth, his body falling toward you with a sloshy thud. the crowd screams–your fiancé leaps back in horror. your body twitches with surprise, a splatter of blood painting your cheek. 
“waste of skin and bones and my precious air.” sukuna sneers, his attention now fully crowned upon you—the new leader of your village. you turn away from the cross section of your father’s face and towards the man that did it without moving a muscle. no, it was his technique—a set of words that made it effortless. you can’t tell if it’s shock or genuine gratefulness that floods your veins. “is this your husband?” the conqueror asks, jutting his chin towards the man cowering behind you. his eyes nearly glow with something you would call excitement.
you were your father’s only child–and regrettably a woman. you had no say in your betrothed. heaven knows you wouldn’t have picked the coward using you as his shield. you had no say in a lot of things—but maybe thanks to this vile man, your luck may have changed. 
“he is promised to be.” you answer, the unpleasant cock of your jaw when you answer tells the demonic sorcerer all he needs to know regarding your affection for him. his smirk grows into a genuine smile—pointy white teeth flashing at you. something about him makes your insides bubble. and not in a way akin to fear. 
“he is an utter embarrassment.” he snorts, and you smirk for only the faintest second. “very well. i shall accept your proposal. your people can live if you serve me. you will be the crown ruler.” he steps closer, body towering over you and heat radiating between you both in proximity. you don’t step back, and a certain hunger develops in his vision. you’re fiery, even bold enough to meet with him without flinching. you are impressive, even down to your cursed energy. “what is your technique?”
“black widow…i have webs, poison, and superior…childrearing capabilities.” you redden only slightly when you have to explain the perks of your technique. it’s an ancient one, known to form powerful breeds in the past as well as stand on its own in battle. his eyes turn feral, and his undressing gaze is shameless this time as he looks over your body. you are an interesting little thing indeed, and if he hopes to take over this world…he will need a strong wife to produce a long line of strong heirs to forever rule. you are beautiful and spirited. 
one of his hands reaches for your face, two thick and calloused fingers tilting your chin up higher so he may see your face in its entirety. yes, you would make good heirs for him. they would be plenty attractive if they took after you as well, something crucial for the success of his bloodline. your cheekbones are shapely and your eyes set in a beautiful bedroom stare. your lips are pouty and full, teeth perfectly indenting your fatter bottom one. his touch is searing your skin in a way you’ve never known. he is at least three times your size and a mystical beast in your world…and your insides are throbbing at his closeness. you’ve never experienced this with your fiancé. 
you look at him in a way that’s foreign. he doesn’t know quite what to make of it, except that he enjoys it. he smirks, eyes trailing to your body. it’s covered by the many layers of your kimono, but if your chest was any indication—you’d have no issues bringing heirs for him either. his fingers tighten around your chin, pressing your cheeks together. it pouts your red-painted lips, and you giggle at the carnal enjoyment he seems to get from it. 
“u-unhand my b-be-betrothed!” your cowardly fiancé finally says. peeking over your shoulder. 
sukuna never looks away from you, only thrusting his trident out into flesh—into the face of the man you’re supposed to marry. he didn’t drop his hold on you, keeping you from looking at the gore. 
“you’ve a new betrothed, little thing.” he grins cockily, admiring how you never got fully to your feet. your father had been dumb enough to do so–and your fiance decided to challenge the wrong man at the wrong time. but you, you only rose to your knees, thick lashes batting up at him, one hand still occupied in cupping your soft skin. the trident lowers to your face–not an aimed weapon. a gift. he grins, teeming with insatiable desire and excitement. his mind was made up ages ago–the moment you spoke. he has found his wife, and now he wants her to accept him wholly–to perform for him and him only. “clean the hiten.”
the flame climbing in his eyes made you tingle, even sent a wave of vertigo to your head. you feel the need to please him, the idea of becoming his bride was desirable to no one more than you. he had freed you from a life of serving your father and miserable husband-to-be. he was a powerful ruler–the most feared man alive. and he was strikingly beautiful to you, hence the craze in your stomach when he looks at you in this way. you have always liked to play with fire and the unknown. with your entire clan watching, you lean forward and flatten your tongue against the sharp metal of his weapon. the steel is cool, and the wet liquid warm. if not for the temperature difference, you may not have been able to tell the blade from the blood. 
oh he could give you an heir right here. the seductive nature you possess, on your knees and looking up at him so obediently, tongue out and splattered with blood so red it outmatched your lipstain. his thumb strokes your cheekbone, his grin turning wicked. this shall be the capital of his new kingdom, and he would build his legacy alongside you—the perfect mate, handcrafted just for him. clearly, no other man would have been enough to satiate you anyhow. the wife of a man such as he would be widely revered and respected, by none more than himself. he would give you a proper ceremony, he would give you the next little prince or princess once your souls have been bound, and no sooner, even if it’s a torture to himself. it’s a gift he could spare for the woman he shall keep forever. “we will marry by the new moon.” 
you lick your lips, leaning back with a nod, “it is my honor, my lord.” you bow your head again, but even that doesn’t hide the eager smile on your lips. you have to be the weirdest woman alive—and it intoxicates him. he leans in, one hand tilting your chin back up to meet his bedroom gaze.
“no. from today on—i am a king. and you…will be the queen of my hard work. and you all,” he turned to your people–now an integration of his own people, “are invited to the wedding.” his sarcastic voice carries over the crowd. he is smug, but you can tell the pride is real. this is…more than mere conquest for him. he would not marry you for sport. something in your heart softens at this, at his proclamation. you know you do not need to fear him at all. 
“we will get straight to organizing the ceremony.” you nod, waving in some guards to clear the bodies. no one in the congregation moves–no one speaks. you have to look closely to make sure anyone is even breathing. the silence insults you. you know they’re scared–but can’t they see? this union has saved their lives—has turned them from peasants to lords and ladies in their own right. upon seeing the angry look on your face, your new husband-to-be hoists you to your feet, red eyes zeroed in on the men dragging the corpses away–threatening them to comply. 
“you should be celebrating. if my father had continued down his path, we would all be dead! now, you’ll flourish! you should be championing his graciousness!” you announce, the showing of your own spirit only cemented his decision. no concubine of his could stand in your shadow—and he has hardly even touched you. his chest…it was tightening right where his heart was. sukuna never realized affection could cause such physical sensation, but it wasn’t a bad one. he was just acclimating to this, to wanting someone around. to wanting this life after being alone for so long. but he saw it when he looked in your eyes. he saw the future he could have, he felt a fraction of the love, of the completion you will bring to his life. he had long moved on from the concept of love. even sneered at the mere mention of such a hideous joke. his own parents hadn’t loved him. who possibly could? 
and why was it a little girl from a random village carved out of the side of a hill outside of the big city? why was it a girl with an ancient powerful technique that had the nerve to look him in his eyes and smile kindly? he didn’t mind not knowing why. as long as this is true. as long as you become his queen and promise to give him your all. the sound of your people cheering his name catches his attention, your sweet face looking at him in wait, such pride on your features. you were giving him your all right in this very moment. yes. the month could not turn quickly enough.
however, ryomen sukuna found that the thirteen days you had to organize some sort of ceremony were well worth the wait. you still spent everyday together, showing him your admittedly beautiful lands and estate, though he spent much of the time planning the renovations to truly make the place fit for royalty. you could hardly believe this was the man of legend, the evil and cruel sorcerer that had even his own kind running the other way sooner than fight him. if he hadn’t slaughtered two men in front of you, you’d be like to dispel those stories entirely. sukuna is…harsh, and rough around the edges, yes. but you can tell it’s more out of routine combined with his cluelessness. he doesn’t know how to be a husband, and he worries if he will be a quick enough learner. all internally, of course. he would not share such insecurities with anyone. it was hard enough to find a willing lover—a wife! you saw past his looks, even his base beastial nature…so could he run you off if he wasn’t a good enough listener or was too protective?
you planned picnics in gardens and walks along the forests. you showed him nests of baby bunnies and crouched in bushes to feed doe. you planted potatoes and peonies alike, and he was enchanted by you. your soul—he felt like he could see it at times. like a bright glow in your chest, a happy yellow that gave you such an angelic glimmer he couldn’t believe that you of all people held such tremendous power over him, such a dark and devastating omnipotence that had never lost a battle. except this one. laying amongst a bed of moss by a lake, your tiny frame snuggled into his side, secured by his right two arms. the sun has started its retreat, the hazy pink and orange complimenting the natural brightness you possess, the black widow of darkness that you are–still shining like the day. it seems you know how to sort your powerful black away from your brilliant brightness—an impressive split to you that he admired; the power to control yourself–to not be consumed as he has been. 
the frogs croak in a pitchy symphony, but you’re as happy as can be. you brought a book, one you’ve been reading to him all day. he found the sound of your voice peaceful, the lively way you theorized and asked his opinions was as entertaining as the story itself. under the leafy willow trees, he almost didn’t feel like a bad man at all. he almost felt reborn, at peace. in love. he had accepted this but had not yet said it. it was clear to you that he felt it anyway. a man like him would not tolerate you in the way he does if he was not crazy about you. 
the book snaps closed and you’ve turned on your side so that you could meet his eyes. “we’re getting married tomorrow.” you say with a breathy gasp, your smile mending his very soul every time he witnesses it. he nods, giving you that same deadpan look he normally does. 
“yes, this is true.” he raises a brow, prompting you to say more. his head is propped up on one of his arms, the other hand caressing your cheek as he is prone to do. 
“well–aren’t you excited?” you huff, knowing damn well he just expresses himself with a certain…emotional stuntedness. if the man had it his way, you’d be a week into your honeymoon by now. 
“of course, you pest. you have been mine since the day i arrived—but i will be grateful to make this official and binding.” he hums, pinching your cheek affectionately. you scrunch your nose and balance an arm on his chest, crawling closer still. the adoration–that’s it, the foreign look in your eyes. it’s adoration—it makes his own chest flutter. a feared man—now bowed to a mere tiny woman. he’s annoyed by himself, so he rolls his eyes as you approach. 
you match the gesture, raising a brow. “how romantic, my beloved.” you snicker, and this time he tugs your hair. “hey! i meant all the eye rolling and grumbling!” you squeal, laughing. he didn’t pull hard enough to hurt–just to annoy you like you annoy him. 
“brat of a woman. seems tonight’s sleep alone will be my last peaceful one.” he smirks, closing his eyes to enjoy the peaceful scene–even if you two are mercilessly taunting each other. he appreciated the humor. 
you scoff, playfully pouting. “only cause you’ll be so enticed by me every night–”
it was his turn to scoff. “you couldn’t handle me every night. you’re an idiot.” he says, peeking an eye open to see you scowling at him. even that was ridiculously cherished to him. 
“tch–you don’t know for certain. but i will be pleasing my husband every time he needs.” you purr, holding his eyes. it was only now that it hit him; you are attracted to him. you’re not looking past his grotesque form, you love what you see. until now, he assumed the power and promise of safety was enough, the companionship he could provide. but no, no, that adoration has always been there. that want, since the day you seduced him in the first place. 
“mm. i’m sure. i have no doubts, kozō.” he hums, his deep voice a comfort to you–as well as the lazy grin that spreads across his features when you lean up to bite his bicep—well what parts of it you could fit in your mouth. 
the next day, he was the first to arrive to the scene of your ceremony. it was nicer than most, even he knew that. weddings of the time were often not love related at all. just practical arrangements between the aristocrats. so there were no cheering townspeople, no lofty ceilings and stuffy rooms. just the sakura tree with her leaves rustling in the sweet gentle breeze that blew through the gardens as he strolled up to it, following your cherry blossom path to his spot. it was scenic–he should have known that you would opt to marry in the open, in love with the outdoors as you are. the sky is so clear today, another good omen in his eyes. you didn’t leave him waiting long, a different kind of rustling catching his attention—coming from the corner of his eyes. 
there you are, in all your beauty. jūnihitoe and all, you looked every bit the queen you would soon become. your heavy layers sway with you as you walk to meet him, that sweet grin pulling at your cheeks that makes his skin crawl–in a good way. he reaches hands out to greet you, and you slide your hand into the one nearest you–his bottom right. you are stunning, even your makeup was subtle, only highlighting your mesmerizing beauty. there wouldn’t be another girl like you for a thousand years. 
“my king,” you greet, your voice like liquid gold. “finally, our big day.” you grin even wider–toothy and precious. it betrays just how excited you are, and has sukuna giving you a rare grin of his own, lopsided as it was—you squeeze his hand in appreciation, grabbing his lower left too. 
“my queen,” he hums back, bringing his eyes back to your face, “you look beautiful. are we married yet?” he raises a brow, earning a giggle from you. it seems he must be excited as well. 
“well you would traditionally have to kiss me to really seal the union.” you tuck your cheek to your shoulder, fluttering those lashes at him in that adorable way you do. he rolls his eyes–too overwhelmed at the warmth that courses through his veins just from looking at you. it’s nearly pitiful. he uses his free hands to cup your cheeks, towering frame leaning down to mash his lips on yours. it’s hard, and you can feel the nip of his teeth, but it’s perfect. he softens into it a second later, his hands dropping yours in favor of gripping your hips, pulling you closer. all you can feel is him; muscles and warm skin–wandering hands and wet mouths gasping for breath every so often just to instinctually pull and lean closer to each other, until your skin is too hot under the layers of your dress and you need relief. 
you step back, cheeks flushed, taking your swollen lip between your lip–seemingly thinking of what you want to say. that simple expression has all the blood rushing to his cock, a simple grunt spilling past his lips. he knows what that look means despite this being his first experience, it’s carved into the very marrow of his bones; it’s time to put an heir in you. he steps forward again to close the distance, chest heaving against yours. “your quarters, now.” 
you nod slowly, so impatient and needy you can barely stand it—the walk to your room has your knees wobbling. you can feel his intense stare focused on your back–and his cock pressing into it too. your tongue is producing more saliva than usual, head already a little dizzy just from the imagination of what would come next. the heavy doors of your private chambers close with a prominent thud, and his hands cover your frame in seconds. he’s exploring, you realize, combining rough and soft presses over your body with one set of hands; using the other to help you out of those pesky robes. you’re still pressed to his chest, your now bare back soaking in the stability of his decorated abdomen. you can see the pile of fabric on the floor, his hands now pawing at your breasts—feeling them in his palms, pinching and toying with the nipples, chuckling in satisfaction as they harden in his fingers. paired with your pleasurable gasps, he doesn’t have to ask if you like it. your head rolls back to look up at him, leaning all your weight back to give yourself over fully, trusting his will with your body. 
he gently shoves you toward your bed, knowing you wouldn’t be able to stand much longer. as soon as your back hits the silk below you, his figure looms above you, standing between your legs that dangle off of the plush mattress below you. “my wife…” he muses, fingers trailing down your thighs, undergarments vanishing next. you look so inviting, so warm, it was fitting for a woman like you. he’s read books—he’s not braindead. he has researched the human body–the woman’s body—extensively in his spare time. like any skilled warrior, he had to come prepared for battle. above all, he trusted himself to know what to do to please his queen, and he trusted you to be vocal enough to assist him along the way. his hands slide back up over the swells of your thighs, creeping closer to your cunt, you suck in a sharp breath as his fingers ghost along your clit, tracing his way down your lips, splitting them…everything was slow…exploratory. it still felt shocking and nice, his touch in general had you buzzing—but he’s learning how to touch you, seeing the shift of your brow has his fingers moving faster, confidence bolstered by your little gasps as he rubs little circles over your nerves. his own desire was quickly mounting—outweighing his wishes to be careful and please his new wife. you were a strong woman anyhow, no? you wouldn’t have captured his soul in the way you did if you couldn’t handle the brunt of his devotion, after all…
so his fingers move faster, his top set of hands sliding up your abdomen to knead at your breasts—making your eyes widen at the new rush of pleasure that comes with the simple tweaks and pulls of your nipples coupled with the foreign delicious tingle his calloused fingers evoke with the perfectly timed circles he rubs over your pussy. 
“oh—it burns,” you whine, placing a hand over your stomach. he only grins in response, hovering between your legs like a ravenously wild animal, the devilish glint in his eye had every part of that burning fire growing and licking your insides. he finds it so cute that you don’t even know what you’re experiencing, that he gets to give you your first pleasure ever. the sadistic side of him relishes that look of confusion on your face as your orgasm takes you by surprise, your breathy moans are truly the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard—and he thinks that maybe all the pain and suffering was actually worth it; if this is his reprieve. if your soft body and loving eyes would be waiting for him everyday, then surely he would learn how to be the perfect partner for you, and this night is all about the beginning of learning. 
it’s a bliss like you’ve never known, a slight fog coming over your brain and vision as your body pulses with delirium, lightning like sparks running through your very chakra, heart picking up again as he lifts your legs to his hips and lets his pants fall to the floor. all you feel is a warm, wet rod of skin resting against your fluttering cunt, but his view is much better. his wide, lengthy shaft is going to tear your virgin hole apart, the angry red tip was oozing—needy. he was just as bad as you, having fantasized about this moment since the day you licked the blood from his blade. you squirmed impatiently beneath him, whining out. 
“i’m ready, don’t think too hard.” you giggle softly, knowing something of what to expect. it was to hurt, make you sore—but with time and the proper readying, you would be fine. you could feel your own fluids sliding down the crack of your ass, so you knew you were prepared. “i know it’s gonna sting—but i want to make you feel good…” you nod again, holding around the wrists of his upper pair of arms, which hold your face in their hands. his lower set keeps your legs secured on either side of his hips, and it’s clear you don’t know the inner war waging inside his mind. does he give into his desires and likely destroy your little cunt or does he rein it in and learn how to please you fully…perhaps both are achievable. he is an expert and a warrior–now a king! he can take what’s his and find the pleasure for himself that lurks between your legs.
with your boasts of preparedness, he leans back and sheaths his fat cock in your walls, snapping his pelvis into your hips. you wail out, legs jerking back in his hands, head thrashing from side to side. tears instantly cloud your eyes, and he loves it. the glossy look you give him, full of cock for the first time, he carved it into memory. your hands claw at his beefy biceps, unable to process the shocking pressure you feel all of a sudden. it truly does sting, and you feel yourself squeeze down around the foreign object in order to fully relax. he seems to wait until your squirming stops, until your pussy waves the white flag of surrender and acclimates to his size. 
“there, you really can fit it all.” he muses, seemingly impressed. you whine softly, words dying in your throat as the tears finally slip past your waterline. he leans in to lick them off your face, long tongue pointedly tracing the salty line up your skin, making you gasp at the sensation. he finally starts to move, short strokes hammering into the little flap keeping him from bullying his cock any further. he grunts out in satisfaction, your tight cavern was obviously made for him with the way you clutch so perfectly around his dick—nothing could compare to the liquid smoke rolling through his body at this very moment, his hips pulling back further as you loosened your grip around his arms, soft moans pouring from pouty lips. “you look so wonderful like this, wife of mine.” 
he meant it to, your breasts jumping with every force of his cock, your gorgeously arranged hair now spread out around your head like a built in spotlight, cheeks darkened with heat and eyes rolled back in your head—body overcome with all the ecstasy. he shifts your legs to his shoulders, earning a sharp cry as he leans in, folding you in half and slamming himself into your cervix just to growl angrily at the stoppage. you’re sure you’re seeing colors that don’t exist, floating orbs of color melding your vision, you go cross-eyed. his cock drags through your walls, letting you feel every vein and ridge to the appendage. his hands held your hips, using your own curves as leverage to make you scream even louder—that burning stretch building its way up in your stomach again. 
“sukuna!” you yelp, hugging around his neck. your pleas drive him wild. he knew it was attainable, to fuck you like he wanted and give you everything you had ever wanted too. he presses his lips to your neck, nipping and sucking—fully nibbling and biting to leave marking bruises. the tickling pain has your legs jerking and pussy spasming out of control, the clamping rhythm causing your husband to groan your name in response to your chant of his own. 
“cum for me again, so i may fill you with my heirs.” he demands, his voice a gravelly purr against the shell of your ear. lightning strikes again, and you have no choice but to obey his command—the idea of growing his children too appealing to ignore. you were so worth waiting for–but he was now greedy and impatient, he would breed you daily, needing you to be round and hobbling before the year’s end. marriage was step one of claiming his woman, impregnating her was another, and your cute cries of begging only made his cock throb inside your choking heat. 
“yes!! oh–gonna cum for you, love you so much—give you a whole army’a heirs if you wan’!” you babble back, your brain nearly oozing out of your ears as you melt into the pillow, legs trying to close around his hips, body violently tossing and turning with the force of your second orgasm. he watches how your face scrunches up and your mouth drops open–your little hand pushing at his chest as if you couldn’t possibly take one more stroke of his cock—but you must. he holds your hand against his heart, rolling his hips forward. the little ring of frothy blood at the base of his cock has his own orgasm crashing over him like a tidal wave.
“good little wife, now don’t spill a drop.” he grunts, leaning back to let your body twitch as he uses the warmth of your cum to move without resistance, heaving a deep sigh, his lip between his teeth as he stills—warmth spilling inside of you that eases all the aching, flooding you with relief. it feels so good you moan a little from that alone, swiveling your hips to instinctively milk his weepy cock dry. he assists you, smirking. he knows the monster he’s just created, and now he’ll never get away with cumming anywhere but your gorgeous cunt. his hands map out your curves, his cock plugging you full. he meant what he said. one hand slides up further, petting your hair back. he can’t fight the lopsided smile on his face as he watches your pinched brows ease, your heaving chest calm. you finally open your sleepy eyes, grinning up at him. you were ethereal. 
“lay down, want to snuggle.” you whine out in demand. and what kind of husband could deny such a powerful request? it’s easy for two of his hands to slide under each thigh, the other supporting your back as he rolls the two of you over. you grin in satisfaction, leaning up to kiss the corner of his mouth. “that was amazin’...feels so good to..make love.” you giggle a little shyly. his fingers toy with the ends of your hair, a lazy smile on his lips as well. 
“mm, it does. you are the perfect woman for a man like me.” he says with as much gentleness as you’ve ever heard from him. your eyes sparkle and that only makes his heart squeeze uncomfortably again. another hand rubs circles against your bare back, and he nods his head to his chest. “rest now, little queen.”
you give him another toothy grin and bury your face against his pillowy chest, dainty fingers tracing the black lines decorating his skin. he never pulls out of you, just as soothed by the feeling of you as the reverse. he’s not sure who fell asleep first, but he does know he cannot wait to wake tomorrow morning. there’s coronations to plan.
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tags: @neon-crow @skypperlegacy @gis4greenandgreenisgre4t @secondos-slut @alltimenogoaway-blog @tragedyofabrokensoul + reply in the comments to be tagged!!
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good-chimes · 1 year
Grand Unified Scarian Theory
a single, overarching Scarian romance arc across the whole Hermitcraft and Life series as well as a primer for anyone curious about the early seasons.
We start with NEIGHBOR MEET CUTE in early Season 6:
Season 6 begins in a peaceful pirate bay. SCAR, an established hermit just beginning his third season, is happily making pirate caves. Into this tranquil scene comes GRIAN.
Grian, fresh-faced and new to Hermitcraft, picks a sea-themed base location right next to Scar’s pirate caves. He gets himself set up and starts his base. Even someone like Grian can get newcomer nerves, and he spends the first few weeks desperately trying to act like a normal person instead of the horrible gremlin he really is.
(Some hermits are taken in by this. Doc and Xisuma give him pity diamonds, something that—after getting to know Grian—they noticeably never do again.)
The only person exempt from Grian’s just-a-little-birthday-boy act is Mumbo, whom Grian already knows, clearly has a puppy-crush on, and pursues relentlessly.
Grian and Scar don’t interact much at first. Grian sees Scar for the first time while passing by his base. Scar instantly falls in one of his own caves and dies.
Grian panics.
Grian: I DIDN’T DO IT!
Scar, intrigued by his new neighbor, makes some overtures of interest:
1. Scar leaves a fully enchanted trident at Grian’s base as a welcome present. This is a generous gift for the cute neighbor you have a crush on and frankly the most normal thing either of them do in the entire years-long relationship.
Grian goes ‘huh!’ at the trident, never finds out who sent it, and immediately forgets the whole thing.
2. Scar entertains Grian’s traveling-salesman pitch and buys his overpriced armor boxes.
Multiple jokes about the size of Scar’s wallet. Grian clearly pleased by the transaction.
3. Scar makes Grian a complementary in-joke build (Spongebob’s house by Squidward’s house).
This delights Grian immeasurably for five minutes until he turns back to his prank war with Mumbo.
(Poor Mumbo. Clearly immensely fond of Grian but not sure he wants to be in a relationship with a lit stick of dynamite. This is very understandable.)
By this point Scar obviously kind of clocks that Grian is insane about Mumbo. This isn’t much of a leap. The entire SERVER is aware that Grian is horribly in love with Mumbo.
Ah. That’s okay. Scar backs off a bit. He recognizes when he’s not really in with a chance.
Maybe this thing he has with Grian is just going to be a friendship, and that’s okay! Having a crush is fun even if you’re not going to do anything about it. Scar is going to build some shops about it and be normal.
Both of them are going to be very normal.
FLIRTING (First Stages) – mid-Season 6
Both of them immediately forget to be normal.
Grian has started a detective agency and has no mysteries to solve. Scar instantly invents a cookie-based mystery supervillain called the Jangler and leaves Grian a series of tantalizing cookie-based puzzles for enrichment in his enclosure.
Grian has invented a game where you kill people with rockets. Scar volunteers to get murdered. Both of them are delighted.
Scar and Cub’s business empire is incidentally crushing Grian’s startup venture. There is no reason for this to be so flirtatiously charged.
At this point all the hermits move to a new village because of the Minecraft update. Grian starts a who-can-build-the-tallest-house war with Mumbo and Iskall. Scar notices and starts doing the same from the other side of the village.
It quickly gets so wild that Mumbo taps out (Mumbo does not do well with intensity, would rather just not, thankyouverymuch), and it's only Grian, Iskall and Scar.
Scar builds a wild giant plant eating his rocketship, and then a castle in the sky, and an enormous version of himself firing a canon at Grian's house. This is the first time you can really see Grian trying to hold in shrieks when he flies back in to see what Scar has done while he's gone.
Grian’s interest has been caught. He’s gone from barely seeing Scar to checking on him regularly. What’s our good friend Scar up to? What’s Scar done? What is Scar going to do next?
FLIRTING (How To Catch Your Crush’s Interest By Building A Secret Government Facility) – late Season 6
What Scar does next is put on a snazzy military uniform, team up with Doc to steal the time machine Grian invented last week, then, in the most effort someone has EVER gone to to get Grian's attention, spend weeks on end building a fully-functional 'Area 77' military base and containment facility to stop him getting it back.
Turns out this works beyond Scar’s wildest dreams.
Grian INSTANTLY obsessed with breaking into Scar’s base and retrieving his time machine.
Grian persuades Ren into forming a hippie camp with him next to the base and spends weeks entirely fixated on Scar. Meanwhile Scar, who is starting to really understand how to get and keep Grian's attention, builds more and fancier infrastructure to keep Grian out. This is also where Grian really starts looking at Scar's art—the insane cliffs Scar has build around his new hangers—and awkwardly not quite managing words, because it would be very embarrassing to just outright say the word beautiful, and Grian’s a very normal and non-embarrassing person.
In the climax of the season, Grian-the-hippie breaks into General Scar’s base.
Nobody can say that Scar making himself a top brass general and Grian making himself an anti-establishment flower power hippie does not end up with plausibly-deniable not-making-out Grian-provoking-Scar-into-holding-him-against-a-wall.
This is Hermitcraft. It’s temporary. Scar and Grian both know it was a bit. A bit they both got super into, sure! But a bit. Not weird at all.
(“Sure, mate, not weird at all,” Mumbo says, after all of this is over. “Then why are you making it SOUND weird Mumbo you’re the WORST”)*
(“Sooo....” Cub says, and Scar says, “I know. I know!”)*
*not canon but you can't tell me it didn't happen off screen
FLIRTING (But What About…) – early Season 7
Okay, so that was weird, but Grian is definitely still in love with Mumbo. The Mumbo pursuit is going great and Mumbo definitely doesn’t look nervous whenever Grian turns up with a new idea. Grian is going to get Mumbo to fall in love with him and they will marry in the spring and have a dozen beautiful children redstone contraptions.
Grian attempts to make it more official with Mumbo. Surely they have been flirting long enough, they are ready for the next stage! This is in no way a reaction to Scar becoming a weird wizard in a way very unsettling to Grian and building the kind of wild organic tangled forest build that Grian is fascinated by but can't even begin to comprehend.
Everything is very under control in Grian's life. He's now official boyfriends with Mumbo. They live together and have a messaging system and everything.
Mumbo announces he’s moving out.
You’re… you’re moving out? Grian says, in the smallest possible voice.
We’ll still have the messaging system, Mumbo says, unconvincingly.
FINE, Grian says, I’m moving out TOO.
Mumbo moves out.
Grian deals with this in the healthiest possible way. He invents a mayorship and attempts to give it to Mumbo.
Grian is Mumbo’s self-appointed campaign manager so Mumbo has to be round him ALL THE TIME, it’s for the CAMPAIGN, Mumbo.
Mumbo, a man who doesn’t deal well with pressure or responsibility, is maybe not the ideal choice for mayor, something that has escaped Grian entirely.
Mumbo builds a robot and attempts to palm off all responsibility for decision-making onto it. Grian immediately calls it their son.
Grian puts his moustache all over the server.
NO other hermits support them for mayor (except Scar, from a lost bet, who Grian has continued to have intensely weird flirtations with while all this is happening)
Things reach a fever pitch. Election day arrives. Mumbo doesn’t want this actually but try telling Grian that. The entire MumboGrian edifice that Grian has obsessively and wildly build has reached an unsustainable pitch and finally comes tumbling down around them.
Mumbo votes Scar for mayor.
Grian votes Scar for mayor.
Mumbo disappears for several weeks to do some nice soothing redstone and calm down.
FLIRTING (Civil War) – late Season 7
Everything has calmed down now. Scar is mayor. Mumbo is...somewhere. Grian is going to work on his base normally.
Grian has a new project. He wants to build in the new nether biomes. He builds a huge and echoing and obsessively inverse version of his huge and echoing and obsessively symmetrical mansion base. It's very impressive. It's totally hollow. There's... no one else here.
Grian decides that okay, he is going to bring PEOPLE here.
He invites Mumbo, because he hasn't seen him in weeks. He invites Bdubs, because Grian above all loves genius. And he invites Scar. Because of course. Everything major Grian does now, Scar is an of course.
Bdubs shows up! Generously builds Grian's entire mansion interior. Mumbo shows up. Builds a tiny upside down disco shack.
Scar does not show up.
Scar is being mayor! Scar is a very busy and important man! Scar has spent the last few weeks obsessively replacing every single goddamn mycelium block in the shopping district with beautifully tailored grass and making trees whose flowers are diamonds. He's also got his own megabase going on. For once Scar has so much to do it's even enough for Scar's ambitions, which have never been small.
He does not come when Grian calls.
Grian is Not Happy.
This is the point where Grian starts a steadily more unhinged campaign of leaving Scar invitations. He makes little tailor's dummies of himself and delivers them to Scar's house. He sets up a tea party of three grians in a secret space under Scar's mayoral throne. He hangs himself in effigy on the tip of Scar's megadrill build. Normal behavior.
And then when Scar still doesn't notice, he puts a tiny bit of mycelium back on one of the streets of the shopping district.
Scar attempts to contain the growing mycelium patch with warning tape.
Grian spreads more mushroom spores.
Scar brings in his allies to help contain the growing mushroom patches.
Grian digs out an underground rebel HQ, recruits several rebels, and declares himself Motherspore.
Mayor Scar stares into a camera and uses his most velvety baritone to proclaim he will hunt down Grian and the mycelium resistance and bring them to justice.
Grian sets loose mushroom-spreading sheep.
Mayor Scar obsessively searches for his base.
Grian and Impulse build several decoy bases and trap them.
Mayor Scar employs Mumbo to strip-mine every block of the shopping district with redstone tunnel-borers.
Eventually Deputy Mayor Bdubs, having his own thing with rebel Etho, tricks all of the resistance into ender-pearling into jail.
Scar gets to threaten to pour lava on an imprisoned Grian for ten minutes straight and they’re both enjoying this so much.
Grian: Scar! SCAR! Scar Scar Scar no Scar no Scar no listen Scar
Scar: Yes?
Grian: …Let’s take this somewhere else.
They ‘take this’ to Scar’s beautifully-appointed mayoral office. Grian sits on the arm of his chair (I don’t know what to tell you, this is on-screen canon).
Grian: So I know how to end the war.
Grian: We have to play minigames and make personal bets.
Grian: And Scar, Scar, if you lose…
Scar: Yes?
Grian: … you have to help build my base.
Entire room: [stunned silence]
Etho: Is this what it was about the whole time, Grian?
So! That happened. And the thing is, they could both mentally pass off the area 77 general/hippie stuff as Just A Fun Bit That Got Very Intense.
They can't do this with the mayor/motherspore stuff. They are basically making out on Scar’s chair. The resistance have noticed. The mayoral staff have noticed. EVERYONE has noticed.
Scar is into it. Scar is going along with it. Scar knows he’d had a crush for a long time, and he isn't scared of swimming with a huge wave, never mind where it's going to break. Scar has always embraced the rush. With Grian, you never know what’s going to happen next.
Grian has always loved being around Scar because there’s so much going on that you don’t have to think. Grian doesn’t have to think until everything’s calmed down. It's not until now that he stops and realizes… could this be… something.
(Maybe it already is.)
And then, by whatever eldritch mechanic you personally favor:
3rd life begins.
In the tiny claustrophobic stripped-bare world of Third Life, Grian makes a choice. Grian thinks, for once very, very clearly: what if it wasn't a bit? What if it was real. What if Grian took every explosive piece of who he was and handed it over to someone he's—okay, he'll admit it—someone he's been obsessed with for a long time. What if that heady sparkle he's been seeing in the corner of his vision is true. What happens if you grab it with both hands?
Scar—surprised, bemused, amazed but wrong-footed—almost doesn't know what to DO with this.
Scar is so used to Grian layering all his obsession behind a thick layer of irony and drama and second-guessing and schemes. ‘Sure we can make out but only if I'm trailing mushroom spores and you're wearing that sash.’ ‘I'm only here because Mumbo's not around.’ ‘It’s not a thing.’ ‘It's not real.’
But it is real.
And, for once, Scar hears a tiny alarm go off in his brain. Scar knows Grian better than anyone else does, by now, and even he doesn't know where this ends. Grian is a force of nature and Scar has never been his unfiltered target. But Grian's throwing himself into this, throwing himself at Scar. And Scar always says 'yes.' 'Yes, and.' 'Yes, let's'. Scar never wants less of Grian. Scar has always taken what he can get.
But with that warning bell, Scar does try to keep that slight layer of dramatic distance, even in this new world where you can die and not come back, even if they don't know if they'll get out of this alive. Scar doesn't fully buy into Grian's second-in-command-devotion, he forces a space for Grian to still be the Grian he knows, some kind of safety vent (‘here's a bee on a lead’). And it could be a lot of reasons, but part of it is…Grian's head-over-heels, for once, and Scar has the unfamiliar feeling of needing to be the one to look where they're going.
Because where they're going is: the last two, all their friends dead, not knowing if there's any way to survive but knowing their friends haven't come back, and at that point Scar takes off the very last of his brakes and the very last of his reservations and says:
For everything you've done for me you can kill me.
(I want this. I want it to be you.)
This breaks Grian absolutely and completely.
And not broken in the fun way! Grian is too far in. Grian let go of Mumbo, who was safe because Mumbo never let it get too far, and he took a risk on Scar, and now Grian is discovering that he didn’t even know what risk meant. Grian is in emotional pain he never suspected existed. Grian has let himself put all his gambling chips on someone who wasn't SAFE and he has lost.
Grian has LOST SCAR and he has LOST HIMSELF and he has FOUND OUT HE CAN BE HURT and he is never going to be the fucking same again.
Scar is in the pond with Grian’s sword at his unresisting neck. And Scar is going to die, and Scar (damn him damn him) has turned it into: he's going to die for Grian. Now Grian is hurting, he's complicit, it turns out grief is an inevitable part of love and beauty, this is all it's taken for Grian's worldview to fall apart in pieces he can't pick up, and Grian has no defenses against pain so there's obviously no way to cope except to beat Scar to death in a cactus ring and jump off a cliff.
AFTERMATH – Season 8
They wake up in Hermitcraft.
They wake up in Hermitcraft! Scar is delighted to find out they just reincarnate, after all that!
Sure, they've all got some lingering trauma but Scar has never let that stop him from doing anything. Scar thought that whole thing went well! He just about dares to think...romantic...? Maybe...?
Grian is Normal to him.
Grian is so fucking normal. it's like. s6 normal.
Scar is. kind of. confused.
Grian is NOT acting like someone he had a romantic death match with.
(Grian is falling apart, but if there's one thing Grian has proved in his building it’s that he’s SO. fucking. good. at facades.)
(Don't go round the back.)
Neither of them are ready for the death game to repeat.
DIVORCE (Traumatic) – Last Life, Season 8
Second death game. Grian deals with his trauma super well by isolating Scar, stealing all his friends, tricking a life out of him, dropping his horse in lava, forcing him into an extortion death loop, then abandoning him and—just as a bonus—murdering Mumbo as well.
This time it’s Scar who comes back falling apart.
A theory that seems plausible: Scar’s old friend Cub picks him up, puts him back together, gets him on his feet. What we do know is that Cub moves in next to Boatem, where Scar is still living with Grian, and incidentally builds an enormous dripstone megabiome that is coincidentally very hostile and might murder you upon landing if you're someone who flies a lot, or happens to be a bird.
There’s a hole with an endless dark void between Scar and Grian’s Boatem bases. They built it together. It’s around this time they both keep repeatedly falling in it.
DIVORCE (But When It Was Good It Was So Good) – Season 8, Double Life
Then the moon gets big. Gets close. Gravity breaks down and that should be the end, should be a way out of this terrible spiral they're in, surely they're better without each other—
Grian turns up at Scar's base and says: Scar. Build us an escape pod.
—and Scar does.
They go out together. Both of them can feel the pull back into each other’s orbit but they’ll die if they acknowledge it. At the end of it all, the void, the protective suits, the unbearable gravity of falling into space together, of holding each other until another uncertain end. They're nowhere but they're in it together.
Is this a good time for another death game? Of course. How much worse can it get.
Double Life, and this time Scar keeps his distance. My soulmate is this allay! My soulmate is my cat! I don’t need a soulmate. Oh—it’s Grian? This whole time? Hahaha. How funny.
Grian: Soo… do you want to base together?
Scar: Do we have to?
Grian: It…might be nice…?
Scar is wary.
He has been burned.
But the pull is still there. The pull is always there. You can’t forget Grian, but you can blunt the edge of him on your skin. Scar is here to take care of these cat-pandas. Grian can do what he likes.
Cheated of Scar’s full attention, Grian tries to tempt BigB into a pale imitation of the Scarian folie à deux (BigB is a genuinely nice man who does not deserve this).
The rest of the server turn red, one by one. Grian and Scar are the last greens. BigB is audibly nervous when Grian proposes a red-green alliance, even though BigB is the red, he has the power. But Grian can’t escape the rest of the server, and the red hunt begins.
Grian and Scar, hunted—trapped at the top of flaming towers, jumping from heights, chased down like foxes at bay, crammed into boltholes with their hands over each other’s mouths, Grian shrieks and laughs and falls back on Scar and Scar catches him and they’re both as alive and elated as they’ve ever been. Scar dies once to Ren and BigB’s zombies and Grian murders both BigB and Ren in revenge (BigB was right to be nervous). Grian has another unhinged murder plan underway when he dies for the last time.
This whole time, Grian was hit in the face by remembering that when it's good, it's so good.
Scar isn’t surprised. Scar has known that forever.
Back in Hermitcraft, its not magically fixed. They’re not innocent any more. But every time Grian looks at Scar he remembers: when it’s good, it’s so good.
And Scar never forgot.
DIVORCE (We’re In Love And We’re Not Done Yet) – Season 9, Limited Life
By now we're into Season 9. They’re still alive. They always live, they always start again, and the other one is just there. Being, infuriatingly and magnetically, them.
Grian is thoroughly annoyed by Scar’s new allegiance to King Ren, but he keeps coming back to Scarland anyway. Scar, I made you an obstacle course. Scar, stand here and get squashed by this anvil. Scar if you don’t do something I’m going to start a resistance.
Grian pretends King Ren doesn’t exist and he has more important things to do, and pretends this so hard that he incidentally invents a mad science robot pulls them all through into the Empires dimension.
Scar, assuming Grian is doing his own thing, shacks up with Jimmy.
It takes Grian three weeks to notice and be shriekingly outraged.
Scar we’re doing a project. Scar you can’t spend all your time with Jimmy! Join my cult. Get in my shrinking machine. I made you an enchanted netherite bow. I need your allegiance. (Another real quote).
Scar teases Grian for weeks then instantly abandons Jimmy when the choice comes down to him or Grian.
Fourth death game—they’re used to this, now. Nothing too intense. Nothing too weird. Grian can’t help murdering Scar.
At this point, Scar is starting to read it as: I love you.
And that’s how we get to the current Scarian dynamic we know and love of you're the worst and I'm the worst and we've divorced a few time but we still like each other so fucking much.
It's been years. They've killed each other every possible way. These two characters are in love and they're not done yet.
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spacebarbarianweird · 7 months
Summary: During your post-game adventures, you get sick and Astarion takes care of you.
Pairing: Astarion x f!Tav
Tags: hurt/comfort, f!tav, established relationship, post-game
Read on AO3
Thanks @tragedybunny for being an amazing beta!
It's bone-chilling cold. So close to the Spine of the World, the snow and winds prove as merciless as demons from the Abyss. Tears freeze on your cheeks. Even Astarion, wrapped in his fur cape, shivers; the cold seeping into his undead body. He starves. The dark forest is silent, with no animals around to prey on.
"Astarion," you muffle through the thick scarf, "take a small sip, I beg you."
"No," he refuses yet again, unwilling to risk your life. Hunger and cold torment him, but he stands on his feet. Meanwhile, you, a fragile mortal, teeter on the verge of death in this frozen forest. Your back aches despite Astarion carrying most of the load. Your feet are numb as if submerged in icy water, and your throat burns with pain.
Astarion grabs your hand and lets you lean back on him. The nearest village is still miles away, and there's no chance you'll make it till sunrise. Nights are long, dark, and unforgiving. You need to set up the camp; it might be warmer in daylight.
But Astarion desperately holds on to his sanity, which he might lose if he doesn't feed soon.
"Astarion, please. We need to put up the tent. Sunrise is soon. I will just lay by the fire, and you can eat."
"We still have time, darling, and save your energy," he grits his teeth. The starving monster within him looks at you through Astarion's kind crimson eyes.
"Astarion, take my blood!"
He doesn't reply, leading the way through dark woods. If only there was an animal, even a rat. Looking up, you see the dark skies filled with prickly stars.
"What is it, my sweet?"
Suddenly, you realize you haven't been cold because of the snow and winds. You are cold from within. Your heart, lungs, and bones are freezing, much like what Astarion feels every moment since he died. "Oh, fuck!"
You realize you now lie in the snow, unable to move, as the air in your throat burns with ice.
"Wake up, gods damn you!" Astarion's voice is desperate, betraying that he' is scared to death.
You hear the loud thump when his travel sack drops in the snow. Then he works on your belts, releasing your burden. A moment later, and you rest in his hands.
"Love, I need you to stay awake. You hear me?"
But you can't say anything. The cold rips through your muscles, turning into ice, and you lose consciousness, drowning in cold, dark waters.
So cold, so cold. It's a freezing grip of death on your heart, killing you. You think of Astarion, imagining him beside your lifeless body.
… You hear muffled talking and open your eyes. You aren't dead, that's for sure, but there is complete darkness around you.
And you lie under something weighty.
You try to move but can't, your. whole body shivers. You are almost naked, tucked in animal fur like some barbarian child.
The smell wood and herbs comes to you. And fire.
Then you remember the sun. And how Astarion carried you in his hands. Horror pierces your mind along with cold.
He is dead. He didn't make it till sunrise. It burnt him; he is gone. And the village people probably found you alone in the snow and brought you here.
While you think, you realize there are people in the room. Two people, to be precise.
"It's a freezing fever," the female voice says. "You two would have been complete idiots if you'd decided to put up a camp. She would have been dead by now."
"But now—is she ok?"
You have never felt so much joy in your life. He is alive and here, beside you. You can't comprehend how much strength he had to pull to make it with you in his hands by sunrise.
"She needs to take the potion. And then sleep in warmth."
You feel the familiar weight beside you. Then, two hands get you out of the blankets and make you sit up. Your head is spinning, and you shiver, though you notice sweat on the healer's face.
Astarion smiles at you and brings the bottle with the potion to your lips.
"Drink, love," he says.
"The taste is nasty," the healer shrugs. "Make her drink every last drop."
The potion is genuinely awful, burning your mouth. You start slipping away again, and Astarion tucks you in thick blankets.
"And people say vampires are soulless creatures. They should meet you two.”
When the healer leaves, Astarion lies beside you over the blanket. You wish to hug him but are afraid of his cold skin.
"Are you hungry?" you ask.
You hear a chuckle. "You are at death's door, and you ask about me? "Take mine," you insist.
"Tav, darling, I ain't taking a tiny drop from you until you fully recover. There is prey in the woods. I will find it."
You want to say something else, but the freezing hand of the sickness grips your throat. You feel like you’re naked on ice, in the howling wind.
"It's still… cold…"
Astarion sighs and stands up. You want to cry, to beg him to stay, but you can't say anything as he leaves the room, closing the thick wooden door.
You feel like crying, alone, and freezing. The healer curses, "You, idiot, stay inside!"
You hide under the blanket in the fetal position, trying to save warmth. However, it's difficult since the core of your suffering is still within. What if you are dying? And you are dying all alone in this village without a name in the middle of nowhere.
It's been years since you left Baldur's Gate together, and you can't fall asleep without him by your side. Astarion is safety. Astarion is protection. Whatever enemy is out there to threaten your life and freedom, Astarion is always there with his fangs and daggers. He doesn't sleep—only meditates a bit—and he is your guardian when you are most vulnerable.
But now you are alone. Your mind grasps consciousness with the last bits of strength you have. The thick blankets don't let you move, and you lie like you’re in your very own coffin of ice. It's been a long time since you were left alone, but you know it's still dark outside. And then you realize you aren't alone anymore.
Astarion crawls under the blankets and covers your body with himself, placing his head on your chest. He smells like blood, the hunt, and forest. He has already pulled off all his clothes, and you feel his skin against yours, unexpectedly flaming hot.
You can only wonder how much blood he has drunk. Sure, his body gets warm after feeding, and the more living blood he takes, the more alive he seems. But this is different. You can't see him, but you are somehow sure his skin has temporarily returned to its natural living color.
You wrap your hands around him and stroke the scars. Astarion groans and adjusts himself a bit.
"I've been hunting," he says, sounding drunk. "The healer told me there is a bear attacking villagers, starved and angry. I found and drained it."
"You shouldn't have risked it."
"I wanted you to be warm. I know how it feels to have a freezing grip on the heart. It hurts. All the time."
You press him tighter and kiss his forehead.
With him in your hands, you finally fall asleep. You have a strange dream—a summer day in the beautiful mountains.
And there is Astarion beside you. He smiles, exposing his face to the sunshine. You want to tell him to hide, to run away. But he opens his eyes, and you stare at him in disbelief.
They are green, not red.
… When you wake up, you feel hot. Sweat runs down your back, and the blankets suffocate you. You get out of them like a kitten squeezed by its mother.
"Hello, my sweet. You are so adorable with this bed hair," Astarion sits on the floor with a needle and a thread. You recognize his own shirt in his hands.
"How awful do I look?"
"You look like someone who finally got better. But I suppose you could scare away some kids in that village. Maybe I should tell them you are also a vampire. Food or bath?" he asks.
"Food. I am dying of hunger."
"My sweet, don't tell me about hunger." He mockingly kisses you. He returns soon with a soup bowl. You try to take the plate in your trembling hands, but Astarion forces you to sit still like a baby and starts spoon-feeding you.
"Good girl," he chuckles. "The healer said it would take you weeks to recover, and you made it in three days."
"And you have been here?"
"Don't offend me with such questions."
"Oh, don't be angry."
With a full stomach, you feel much better and lie back on the bed, letting your body fully recover. Astarion studies your face as if seeing it for the first time. Then he lies beside you, allowing you to place your head on his chest. His skin is cold again, but it feels more like him.
"What is on your mind, Astarion?" you ask.
"I want to stay," he says. "Not exactly here, but I can't live like that anymore."
"What do you mean?"
"Living on the road. I can't do that anymore. You obviously can't either. I... listen… I've never had a home. Never had a place to call my own. I want one. I want one with you."
"Didn't you tell me it would be tediously boring?" you inquire. "I wanted to see what life has to offer beyond the city walls." "Astarion, it will be dangerous. No one would want a—"
You bite your tongue. "Sorry."
"Dealing with a nosey neighbor doesn't sound more dangerous than getting some weird sickness in the middle of nowhere. Besides, we can prove to people it's better to have a vampire of their own rather than be threatened by some unhinged vampire lord.”
"Astarion, I am afraid for you. People hate vampires!"
"And I am afraid for you."
You are both silent. You turn to him and nuzzle his collarbone. He wraps his hands around you. Vague memories return, and you suddenly realize you heard the voices while in fever.
"Don't die. Please, don't die. I need you."
A scared voice of a healer. "You are a vampire!"
"Please help her. I won't come inside. I will stay in the woods. Please, please, help her! She is mortal; she is dying!"
You remember being carried to the bed and a strong smell of herbs. "How did you two end up together?", asked the healer.
"She saved me. From myself. Showed me I have a chance to be something different from what I was turned into. Tell me what I can do. Do you need herbs? Ingredients? I will bring you anything."
And then the face of the healer standing above you. She came to check on you in Astarion's absence, and the feverish mind remembered that.
"You are a lucky to have him, girl."
You caress Astarion's cheek. "Would staying in one place make you happy?"
He nods.
"Then, me too." --
Tag list
@tragedybunny @caitlincat-95 @tallymonster @astarionsbeloved @lumienyx @fayeriess @aoirohi @elora-the-slutty-songstress @veillsar @astarion-imagine-archive @micropoe10 @starlight-ipomoea @herstxrgirl @theearthsfinalconfession @ashrio20 @not-so-lost-after-all @vixstarria @wintersire
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slowbison · 1 year
Bottom! Leon S. Kennedy x Top! Male Reader
Summary: Leon had been caught off guard and got hurt in the process. Running out of supplies, you come across the merchant who offers a questionable solution which you take, in an effort to help Leon. Later on, he notices something rather wet staining his shirt. Coming from his nipples.
words: 2.3k
warnings: male lactation, praising, frottage, hand jobs
Heavy footsteps echoed behind you as you frantically scanned the area for any temporary shelter. Your eyes landed on a dilapidated home in the near distance that looked good enough to barricade. Determination set across your face, you adjusted your hold on the blonde man next to your waist and rushed forwards, until a familiar gravely voice rang out to you.
“Hey there stranger, got a couple of goodies in stock. C’mere and take a look” the shadowy man called, signaling over to his makeshift booth.
“Now’s not the time, I’ll come back later if I can. There’s a whole swarm behind me, I suggest that you leave.” You warned, sounds of angry grumbling and footsteps slowly approaching. The man laughed and opened up his trench coat, revealing a series of ammo, guns, bombs, and a mysterious red liquid vial.
“C’mon now, how do ya expect to protect the lad on yer shoulder if ya ain’t got the gear or the fixing’s?” The merchant asked, eyeing the unconscious blonde man whose breathing turned ragged, quiet groans slipping out. Your mind started racing as you recalled your dwindling supply of herbs and the last few shots that were left in your gun, firing so many at the villagers behind that just seemed never ending.
The merchant sensing your conflict chirped up “Since you’ve been a rather generous paying customer, I’ll give this to yer for free,” grabbing the small red vial from his pocket into the air for you to take. You eyed it suspiciously as he had never had this in stock during your sudden run-ins with each other and asked for a description.
“It’s an experimental drug of mine that I’ve been whiffing up, guaranteed to heal major wounds. It ain’t gonna kill ya if that’s whatcha worried about, heheh.” You eyed it some more before, a loud whine came from your side. As the man began jerking in pain, holding onto his side with a piece of cloth, a slight hint of blood shining. Earlier, he had made the mistake of letting his guard down at an old villager that jabbed a pitchfork at him, you axed the grandma in the head for that. Pocketing the vial, you threw out a handful of Pesetas, pointing at some ammo and few grenades since no herbs were available.
The merchant happily gave them out to you, scooping up the money before nodding at you. “Pleasure doing business stranger, wish yer all the best.” Disappearing into the woods soon after, forging for supplies to sell at the next encounter. You readjust your hold and resumed a fast pace to the for-mentioned home.
Reaching at the entrance, you swung it open and scanned around the room. It was a bit shabby, but so were all the homes in this insane village. The floors were slightly cracked along with walls, there were a few pieces of furniture that still seemed functional and a decent looking bed sat in the corner. Dropping him off at the bed, you went to the side of the door and grabbed the wardrobe, pushing it in-front of the door. You closed the window next to the bed using a piece of wood on the floor, hammering it shut with some nails. Though you were tempted to light the furnace for some heat, it would draw unwanted attention which was the last thing you wanted right now.
Soft groaning could be heard from the bed at your side as you put down the hammer on a dresser, rushing to the man’s side. Leon’s face was scrunched up in pain from the stab wound, still slowly leaking blood. You lifted his head into your arms, gently shushing him and dug your hands into your pocket for the vial. “Hey, it’s alright Leon, I’ve got you okay? Just hang on for me love.” You bit at the cork sealing the vial - spitting it in some corner and brought it to Leon’s mouth. “Open up darling, this will help the pain… I hope” You whispered, tilting it up as the liquid creeped into his mouth.
The taste wasn’t ideal, but it held a soft cherry taste with a bit of a burn which led to a heaved cough. “You did good Leon, always good for me” You praised, caressing the side of his face watching as his complexion became better thanks to the drug, noting to give a nice tip for the merchant later.
You moved to the wall facing the bed and rearranged your positions with his chest in your lap, head cradled in your arms. You stilled, hearing the sounds of multiple footsteps outside the boarded window, torch light creeping at the corners. The villagers growled and lingered around the house before taking off at the sound of a distant noise, yelling along the way.
Letting out a relaxed breath that you didn’t realize you were holding, glanced down at the man in your arms and ran your hand in his hair. “I won’t let them near you, so take a nice nap for me.” You whispered, kissing the top of his head. Leon cuddled closer to you, breathing finally stabilized and the wound seemingly disappeared. You smiled and drummed your fingers on his chest, keeping watch over the sleeping man.
Sometime later, Leon groggily woke up with a slight hint of red dusting his cheeks. “Ugh, I feel like I was stabbed by something.” He grumbled, rubbing his hand on his head. You chuckled, lifting his head up to peck his lips, “That’s cause you were, got a free drug thing from the merchant while we were coming here.”
Leon gave you an incredulous look.
“You gave me some random drug from the merchant? Much less free?”
You nervously smiled, playing with a curl in his hair, “He said it wouldn’t kill you, plus there isn’t enough herbs that could’ve helped.” Leon raised his head slightly, squinting at your face as you continued, “On the bright side it worked didn’t it?”
He sighed, falling back to your arms and closed his eyes. “Is there also a reason why my chest is wet?” he muttered, turning to face you. A confused look crossed your face as you looked down at the wet spots donning his shirt around the nipples. “Well he did say it was experimental…” You muttered, lifting a hand to squeeze the pec. A low moan escaped from Leon, slapping a hand on his mouth before batting your hand away.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” He hissed, more liquid staining his shirt.
“Examining your chest, now if you would kindly cooperate with me agent” You said, tugging at the straps for him to help remove. Leon reluctantly sits up to straddle your thighs and removes the holster, tugging up at his shirt to reveal two puffy nipples that dripped with white substance and a much rounder chest than usual. Grinning at the embarrassed look he gave you. “The assessment won’t take long now, be good until then.”
Leon quietly grumbled as you moved closer to his chest, grabbing at his pec once again — giving it a good squeeze. Leon let out a choked moan at the action and unknowingly pressed his chest closer to your palm. The sounds he made as you gently massaged the right swollen pec went straight to your dick which made you even more curious…
You latched onto his left nipple and sucked, relishing at the savory taste that flowed in your mouth, letting out a pleased groan. Sensing slight relief from his chest, he whined and locked his fingers in your hair - pulling you closer before feeling your hard dick against his own.
“You- you’re enjoying this” He said, face flushed.
You released the puffy nipple with a soft pop, flicking your tongue to catch any remaining drops. Grinning up at him.
“We’ve gotta make the best out of this situation and I’m willing to take the fall” You said, licking your lips. “Besides, you seem to be enjoying this just as much as me.” Leon, embarrassed, looks away before straightening his back and jutting out his chest. “Then hurry up… don’t just stare, do something.” He refused to admit that he found you feeding from him rather hot and boner inducing, as the grip on your hair got tighter. The thought of you fucking him while suckling milk from his teats spurring him on, whimpering at the the idea.
“With pleasure, love.” You chuckled, leaning in to resume your suckling at the nub, flavor bursting in your mouth. Leon threw his head back moaning, rolling his hips against yours, cock straining painfully in his pants. You could feel your head getting fuzzy, switching to the right nipple when you couldn’t suckle anymore milk while returning the man’s eager grinding with your own rocking.
The taste was absolutely heavenly and you could definitely get addicted to the taste, perhaps already so as you pulled more into your mouth, cock leaking in your pants. Leon whines were a mixture of relief and want, begging for more friction.
“Please, I-I need more, fuck please touch me,” He begged, humping helplessly on your crotch.
You dug your hands into his pants blindly going as you refused to leave his chest, fumbling to unbuckle his belt. Slipping a hand passed his underwear, pulling it down to free his leaking cock, doing the same for your own matching prick. Bringing them together with one hand, you set a rather fast pace — using the pre cum as lube.
Leon sobbed at the feeling, squirming as he could feel himself nearing his orgasm. Your hold on hips got stronger, thrusting faster and more slippery as you neared yourself as well. There were a few drops of milk left that you savored, swirling your tongue around the bud hoping to ease more out, releasing the sensitive areola when you couldn’t pull anymore.
You settled for kissing and marking his chest, focusing on drawing out more noises from the blonde. Who whined, tears prickling in the corner of his eyes. “More, ah- I’m close.. mhpm, please keep going.” He cried, losing himself more in the pleasure. You moved from his chest to his neck, trailing up to his jaw before attacking his lips, devouring his moans.
He could taste himself in your mouth, finding it odd, but it didn’t stop him from fucking your hand more. You felt yourself nearing eruption and wrapped your hand tighter, moving to whisper into his ear, “My good boy, waiting for me. You can cum love.”
Leon let out a broken moan, spilling into your hand and onto his torso, cock twitching as he lightly humped your hand. You followed soon after, mixing your release with his — cum trailing down your hand. Chest heaving, Leon draped himself over you, head resting at your shoulder. You kissed his nape as you wiped the cum on the sheets, tucking yourself and him back in your pants.
Running circles on his back, waiting for his breathing to stabilize before speaking. “We have to keep moving, love. They’ll be back with possibly more.”
Leon sighed, nuzzling your neck before moving to stand, fixing his shirt and putting his holster back on. “Well let’s get moving then, the sooner the better I guess,” he grumbled.
You followed after him, wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing the back of his neck as a silent apology. He turned to kiss you properly before breaking and going to push the wardrobe blocking the door.
Carefully making your way outside, you traversed through the village and onto a beaten down log path in the woods. Coming up to the entrance of a desolate church, killing a few villagers as you made your way further in. In the distance there was a fickle purple flame that grew brighter as you got closer.
“‘Ello strangers, good to see ya.” The merchant greeted, eyeing the now conscious blonde. “Glad to see you’re still kicking, last I seen ya, you were as sick as a dog. Good to see the puppy back at full health heheh.”
“Very funny, now do you want to do some business or not?” Leon rolled his eyes and scanned the items the merchant had in stock, purchasing a few before walking over to stand at the church door.
You walked up buying a few before dropping in low voice, one where Leon couldn’t hear you. “So uh, about that experimental drug of yours… got anymore in the back,” throwing some extra pesetas on the table. Though you couldn’t see it, the merchant grinned, understanding the implication and opened a hidden pocket with the same red vial from before.
“Do hope it meets your desires, stranger.” He chuckled, slipping it into your hands as you stealthily tucked it in your pocket.
“Hey what’s the hold up?” Leon yelled, raising a brow at the both of you. The merchant let out a deep laugh before waving him away. You nodded at him before walking over to Leon, patting his shoulder.
“Let’s go in, wouldn’t want to miss out on any action” You purred, leaving a puzzled Leon who trudged behind you.
“What did you buy?”
“Oh nothing really, just a little treat was all.”
“Yeah that’s totally not something to be worried about at all.”
“Haha, don’t worry about it love, you’ll love it. Trust me.”
Leon blushed and bit his lip, guessing what it may be and definitely tried not to think about it again. You grinned watching the blonde in the corner of your eye, playing with the vial in your pocket. You couldn’t wait to give it to him.
a/n: hey y'all, finally dropped the leon fic (yippie). hope y'all enjoyed this one, kinda proud of this one honestly and gyaatt damn, have y'all have been sweet to me with all the praises for my last miguel o'hara fic. got some more on that cooking, i see your requests and it got me giggling and kickin feeties n' shit. working on those after this, got a structure down on that. also i'm in the process of making a masterlist for y'all to easily go through my stuff, i never thought i would write as much as i do, but it's been real fun. i will say that after like 4 more drops (requests included), i'm gonna take a short break. anyways that's all for now.
up next: miguel wears a collar with a bell and you fuck him???. whatttt. teehee.
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metranart · 1 month
Acting like a bird in heat, Hawks ends up fulfilling his mating cycles with you… but now that his mind isn’t a pool of hormones… why does he keep looking for you?
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Hawks x Student! Reader (Part 1)
Warning tag: obsessed! Hawks, possessive! Hawks, naive! student reader, violation of trust, dubious consent, mating cycles, rut response, obsessive behavior, uncontrollable thirst for reader, manipulation, forced, thigh riding, hormonal minds out of control, sexual content, first time, cock riding, teenage fuck, Dabi's toxically interested in you, Bakugo bestie yet secretly inlove wit you, love confessions, cock-drunk, Hawks trying to be good but failing miserably, gaslighting, HEAVY plot, lots of smut.
The last time you saw him, your fingers dripped in his milky and creamy essence, his cheeks were bright red, and foggy as the feather adorning his back, and his voice held an elusive pant as if trying to catch his breath, along with his actions. Self-consciousness, the new mask for him to wear as he disentangled your hand from his now flaccid cock, almost caringly, half-lidded golden orbs shinning in its post-delirium bliss yet hiding a regretful truth. How the fuck did this happened? And why the hell did he allowed it? What was that new confusing feeling inside his chest?Takami Keigo knew what it was, but had never had such a close encounter with it in his whole life. 
No man, no citizen, no hero... –shall call himself trustworthy, after what he did. After the kind of thoughts that now circled his brain...agh! and he called himself the Number two hero. What a farse.
A steady hand passed through his golden locks, disheveled strands restricting the smooth motion, as he heavily sighed. 
I need a bath, thought mildly annoyed. Maybe that would serve him to clear his mind and untangle the treacherous feeling threatening to drive him insane, a cold shower would serve the purpose of cooling the deep mortification, he was experiencing. Fresh summer wind ruffled the papers scattered on top of his desk and at the same time, refreshed his blushing skin. The memory of his recent untactful sin, raving his brain like a horde of savages attacking a peaceful village. Damn his luck. Damn his choice of actions and must of all, damned the day, he saved you. Hawks could still remember so many details, little yet so endearing details about you. When arrived at the scene never thought for a minute, would become involved in such colorful acts.
Everything went peachy during the rescue; Endeavor handled the Villain with upmost care while incinerating his head right away from his body. Tactful, the winged hero recalled to think quite amused, it would have been a scarring scene, if not were for the villain being a Nomus. Yet, he couldn’t avoid but to think, there still were so many more options to reach the same end. His job in this particular scene was easy, to say the least. Save the hostage. A sweet, scared and highly ordinary young girl who found herself trapped in the crossed fire. UA uniform hugging your figure, as the Nomus paraded itself around you like a bee setting his sting to hurt. There was little time to act, and the moment the flames exploded from the Number one hero, Hawks saw his window open to save the deceptive young girl. Flying through hell fire landed with a soft thud in front of you, displaying his wings to envelop you in a cocoon of feathers, the red flames licking his crimson wings while shielding you from harm.
His gloved hands went straight to your waist in a studied motion, at the same time his gaze fixed in yours asking for permission to touch you, you almost threw yourself at him like a trembling leaf who seek shelter from the chaotic winds. The winged hero was quick enough to pull you into his welcome arms and fly up, taking you both from the ground just in time. The scorching heat caressed his flying form before both were out of reach. The crowd around the sinister cheered the incineration of the villain, and a swift smirk kidnapped the blonde’s lips in a sassy gest.
He knew he have it in him, Endeavor just needed a few notches in the right direction. All those musings were curtly interrupted as his eyes focused on the civilian resting in his arms, your round eyes caught him off guard, nevertheless, was quick to smile and reassure your questioning stare. You seemed in shock, probable still were. These nasty things never left a sweet taste behind. Flying you to the safety of the ground, landed near the scene, but far away to gift you with some privacy to compose. Hawks gently unwrapped you from his chest and placed a comforting hand over your hunched shoulders, reassuring smile always present in his welcome expression. "It´s ok, you are safe now." His palm gently squeezed your shoulder, thumb doing comforting circle motions over the fabric of the uniform. "Breath, in and out, you'll see how you feel better in matter of seconds–" You managed to quirk the edge of your lip up, and your frame stopped shaking, the tremors slowly disappearing the more oxygen you gulped. "Atta girl" The hero cheered, lowly. "In and out, you’re almost a pro." His good-hearted joke reaped the fruits as a melodic giggle escaped out of you, and your tense frame seemed to relax. "T-thank you, Hawks" you timidly stammered, eyes glued to your fidgeting fingers interlacing each other, nervously.
Looking up from your hands met his gleeful stare, and your cheeks gained a dust of pink. Your lips opened and closed as if wanted to say something but didn’t dare to. Hawks pretended no to notice, to save you the embarrassment. 
He was used to have this effect over the female population, every woman in town was one smirk away from his warm bed, but the young hero had grown tired of those kinds of relationships. When you can have all, you can eat, eventually the buffet seemed less attractive, almost boring.
He liked sex, holly shit, he fucking did! as much as the next guy would. But he needed a challenge –   actually wasn’t sure what he needed, but something inside him was unsatisfied and restless, continuingly poking at the back of his mind.
“Don’t mention it, cutie.” The hero said simply and looking around, realized that your home shouldn't be far away.
“If you want, I can take you to your house" he suggested, in a carefree and friendly tone, "flying everything is closer." Cheerfully, added.
Taking a moment to think, nibble your lower lip a bit but you ended up accepting. His amber glasses shone under the rays of the sun and without preamble, he offered you his arms which you nervously climb for him to leave the safety of the ground and surf the sky, again.
"Are you comfortable?” Keigo asked, feeling your body a little tense among his arms, being carried bride style across the sky would definitely woo any girl, nevertheless, you seem more uncomfortable than anything else. 
“M´Ok.” you said, curtly, and hawks, merely nodded. “By the way, are we heading in the right direction?"
A blush swept across your cheeks at the realization of what he just stated, and timidly squeezing his arm to feel more secure, you glanced down and before you could tell him exactly where your house was, you noticed something coating your fingers.
“You are hurt!” You half-yelled worried, looking at your blood covered hand, and then, at his wounds. You had not noticed it because he had not said anything, nor had he complained, but his arm was burned and one of his wings was semi-scorched. To which the young hero, just shrugged his shoulders, not giving it much importance.
"Comes with the territory." He openly joked, but your eyebrows continued to frown. "It's not serious, a few of Endevour´s flames got me... nothing that won't heal in a few days." He encouraged you, but you weren't able to shake the feeling of guilt.
You had been training hard to become a hero, and just when it was time to prove yourself, you froze.
It was so, so embarrassing that Todoroki's father had to save you, that you refused to go back to the dormitory you shared with your class A classmates. Surely, they would be worried, not to mention, you had already ghosted, a few text messages from Professor Aizawa asking if you were okay. But you just kept feeling like you let everyone down. That was why you preferred to go home and cry your eyes out in the solitude of your bedroom, or among your mom’s arms. 
Now, you felt even worse, since Hawks, the number two hero, was injured because of you. Maybe he didn't show it since he was too professional, but that wound was serious and would take more than a few days to heal, not to mention it could get infected.
Ugh! you had to help him, was the least you could do… It was what a true hero would do.
Setting your mind, you decided to use your quirk on him, despite Recovery Girl several warnings. Without a doubt, you could heal him... now the only setback was, not losing control while doing it.
An idea suddenly lights your brain, and catching a glimpse of a well-known hidden alleyway, near your house, you signaled to him that you had arrived.
Hawks landed softly, and let you down, looking around the place. "I'll take you to the door, which one is yours?" The young hero, offered.
“...Is the one on the other side of the alley.” You indicated, signaling a house, close by.
“Oh, fine.” Keigo said, not really understanding why you choose to walk instead of fly straight to your house, but he let it pass. “Lead the way, then.”
Both entered the alley which was being embraced by thin shadows and before you reached the other side, you turned around and looking at Hawks with embarrassment, you fidgeted with your fingers for a moment. Surprise morphed Keigo´s features comically when out of all the requests in the world, you suddenly asked. 
“May-may I give you a kiss?” You asked, timidly and noticing his bemused expression, corrected. “...As a way of thanking you.... for saving me....”
Your timid request took him by surprise momentarily, but soon his features regain his cool, and was quick to nod to then leant down. A kiss on the cheek, Keigo thought it to be innocent enough, not a usual request, nevertheless, a simple one. If this put you to rest, he'll humor you. Keigo was cocking his head for you to place your sweet lips.... it's now or never, you breathed deeply.... if you were going to use your quirk, now was the moment.
Two slender hands perched in each side of the Hero´s face and in a firm, straight movement, you cocked his face in your direction, surprise registered in his face, and his golden orbs popped open at the feeling of your lips locking with his.    
⭕️ In my PATREON you will find NSFW art of this chapter and more spicy MHA NSFW art and exclusive smut fanfiction.... Plus 'Spicy Foreplay tier reward' like: voting poll privilege for the exclusively Patreon one-shot stories where you can choose the couple pairing and kinky mood for the story and NSFW art, along with some naughty animation like THIS ONE ....and my eternal and vast gratitude for your support!!!
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gallusrostromegalus · 14 days
Soul Society is top heavy when it comes to power. With rare exceptions (Ikkaku), the gap between captains and rank-and-file troops, let alone normal citizens, is astronomical. How does Soul Society handle the reiryoku classism problem in and out of the Rukongai? Do the lower seats think of themselves as cannon fodder? Are there any major political factions that try to tackle the issue (ethically or not)?
So the gotei-13 is actually kind of a solution to this problem on accident.
The thing is, as powerful as the captains are, there usually only about a dozen of them, and a maximum of 2600 shinigami total. They are VASTLY outnumbered by literally everyone else, and because they need drastically more food than others (everyone in soul society needs to eat, but shinigami are at a drastically higher calorie demand and risk of starvation), they are VERY dependent on the rest of society. Zaraki made a fair fist of being a roaming menace but even he had to bow to the economy and work jobs to eat.
Hence, there IS reiryoku discrimination but it's largely in the other direction- shinigami are extremely exploited as workers, and that's the GOOD job. Other psychics are frequently drafted, kidnapped, enslaved for imprisoned so the rich and politically powerful can exploit their abilities. Even if a captain class individual were to say, take out a whole clan in self-defense, the rest of society would come down on them like a hammer and kill them or let them starve.
Yamamoto didn't found the Gotei-13 all at once. Originally it was just him, Sasakibe, the 200 spiritually aware students in his dojo, and the dojo was there to train the postal workers how to defend themselves against people trying to kill them for the messages they were carrying, but secondarily so spiritually powerful people didn't get press-ganged into serving the noble houses.
The first organization for psychic souls Yamamoto ever made was a... Relatively Safe Haven. He was also up against a wall dealing with the noble houses and other political factions so he needed anyone who could push back to do so, so a psychic would be expected to serve in at least some capacity. But the souls under his care were free to marry who they chose if they wanted or have children or not, or travel if they felt safe doing so, and even to just be weird without major repercussions, which was a vast improvement over the way they'd be treated as livestock by the noble houses. Even 1000 years later, Byakuya had to fight his family to marry who he wanted. Imagine what a psychic born in a random village and no legal protections would be facing.
So everyone with even an ounce of spiritual capacity was joining the postal service for his protection. It was a boon to the non-psychic messengers too- not knowing if a random Mail carrier could set would-be attackers on fire with their mind made all carriers safer.
...and them the Quincy attacked.
Yamamoto was now even more up against a wall because while having a united front had been helping him it was now a problem-the Quincy were attacking psychics specifically, something that endangered his ENTIRE organization.
...so he hired every spiritually powerful person he could find, including thriteen real bastards directly off of death row and organized them into an army to fucking deal with Yhwach.
Once yhwach was gone though, he had an army. And a lot of nobles looking to exploit or destroy that army.
Fortunately, one of the real bastards he'd hired had fallen for his peculiar charms and become his wife, and what Lady Tsubaki lacked in battle prowess, she more than made up for in political shrewdness. Be magnanimous, she explained. Be generous and speak of peace in our lifetimes and extend the olive branch to those who harassed you for so long. They won't realize it's bait.
So with her help, Yamamoto proposed that his army become the COURT GUARD in charge of protecting the very real and definitely alive Soul King, as well as all the people of soul society from the hollows and other misfortunes that may befall them. Finally, *proper* employment for all those spare heirs and potentially dangerous village psychics, doing the noble work of protecting society.
Why, he even helped found the central 46, a council of sages and scholars and general brain trust to work on the greater problems of soul society (a problem later but at the time, a VAST improvement over the eternally warring clans), that Yamamoto himself would be beholden to, just to show how civic-minded he was.
And just to finally, fully bury the hatchet- Yamamoto offered five of the captain's seats to the five remaining great noble houses, to be passed from scion to scion, ensuring each line would have a place in the direction of this army... Not realizing it was a trap to trick them into handing over any psychics they had, but also the high mortality rate of captains would kill scion after scion and gradually weaken the clans to the point of irrelevance.
And it WORKED.
By the time Ichigo turns up, the scion of the Shihouin clan is in exile with no plans of returning, the Shibas are reduced to a roaming band of pyromaniacs, the Tsunyashiro clan has been gone so long they don't even appear in the manga, and while the ISE and Kuchiki clans still both have representation within the captainacy... The Ise clan only has a brother-in-law and the Kuchiki are at a genetic dead end, and both those men are FAR more loyal to Yamamoto than their own clans.
Yamamoto has done what he set out to do- make a safe haven for the spiritually powerful to work the (not great but still best) protected jobs in the afterlife, destroyed his enemies the great noble houses, and largely wrested government control from them.
It's not perfect, but you can't fault the man for his accomplishment.
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gglitch1dd · 6 months
A Wishful Time - Part 1
Omega Katsuki x Omega Reader x Alpha Eijiro
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Context: In the peaceful village of Yuuie, you and your best friend, Katsuki, hope to catch the eye of the Alpha of your dreams. Kirishima Eijiro.
Note: This story is OMEGAVERSE. This story takes place in a historical non modern setting so please take note of that when it comes to the jobs in society that the characters take and how they act. Bakugou Katsuki is an OMEGA. Reader and him are AFAB but there is no smut this chapter so its unimportant right now
You rubbed your eyes as you slowly began to wake up. You carefully looked out the window as the sun began to rise. You let out a soft breath before carefully sitting up. It was another beautiful morning and no doubt that Hisashi would be waking up soon. He was almost like a rooster that way, and just as loud too. You carefully slipped out of your warm nest, moving towards the basin on your dresser. The mirror that sat there faced you as you got ready for your day.
It was almost time for the Spring Festival, which meant a bountiful amount of harvest. It also meant that there was a lot more work to do. It also meant that there was a recent buzz in the air of courting proposals. It was something that all the young Omegas were buzzing about.
You carefully tightened the tie at the back of your dress before grabbing a scarf and slinging it onto your head. You left your bedroom, trying to make much noise on the old wooden floors as you descended to downstairs. Entering the kitchen, you made swift work of grabbing eggs for this morning’s breakfast. Scrambled eggs would have to do for today. You made a mental reminder to make more bread rolls today as you quickly set on preparing breakfast for everyone.
“Oh, Y/N.” You turned around to see Hisashi tying his hair up into a bun. His eyebrows were raised in surprise as he looked around. “You already started breakfast.” He let out in surprise.
You chuckled as you moved a hand down. “Good morning, Hisashi and it’s fine. Really. I don’t mind.” You shrugged it off as you continued on breakfast. “Is Shota and Hitoshi awake?” You asked as you moved to mix in the eggs into a pan.
Hisashi nodded his head. “Yep, Shota should be down any minute and Hitoshi is waking up Eri.” He reported back to you, moving to get water over the fire to boil for tea. You focused on your cooking, trying to make sure that you didn’t burn anything. You hummed to yourself lightly, as the savoury smell of food started to fill the kitchen. “So…” Hisashi leaned his head to look over at you with a light smirk, a glint in his light green eyes. “Any Alpha tickle your fancy just yet?”
You looked over to him in a mixture of shock and confusion. He chuckled at the look on your face. You shook your head. “Oh God, no.”
Hisashi shook his head as he moved to set the table. “Oh I know that’s not true. You’re a young Omega. I’m sure there is at least one Alpha that has you raising a brow.” He stated truthfully putting the plates on the table for the family of five in the house.
As much as you hated to admit it, there was one Alpha above the rest that had capture your attention, a bit too easy in your opinion. He was something you found to be a once in a lifetime type of Alpha. Large build, tall stance, absolutely gorgeous and came from such a big and loving family. He seemed like the perfect Alpha. The perfect Alpha to mate with, to care for you, to give you the whole nine-yards.
But you also thought he was way too out of your league, but man could an Omega dream.
You heard a loud gasp as Hisashi slapped his hands onto your shoulders and turned you to face him with a bright smile. “So there is someone!” He let out excitedly, having noticed the change in your scent. You tried to fight on the flush that threatened to come to your face, as you moved to grab some tea leaves. Before you could even answer,
“If there was, I’d kick their ass before they even got to knock on my door.” Aizawa Shota grumbled as he walked into the kitchen with his hands in his pockets. The dark haired Alpha frowned as he walked over to sit in a chair. He let out a yawn as he sat in his chair.
Aizawa had taken you in when you were but a little pup and you parents had passed. Him and Hisashi were unfortunately never able to have pups of their own but they did love all the ones they adopted and took care of. You, Eri and Hitoshi. They were such good parents that you couldn’t help but be so utterly grateful for all they had done for you. He was such a good sire figure to you, no matter how stoic and serious he might seem.
You smiled gently at him as you carefully moved to grab his plate and dish out food for him. Hizashi placed a kiss down on Aizawa’s forehead with a chuckle. “Now don’t be like that Shota.” He stated as he put his hands on his mate’s shoulders. “I’m sure that whichever Alpha came to ask to court Y/N would be worth listening to.” Aizawa let out a disapproving grunt as he stayed as stoic as ever, making Hizashi chuckle as he moved to get a cup of tea ready for the grumpy Alpha (to be fair, Aizawa was always grumpy in the morning).
You carefully made a nice warm plate of eggs and a bun onto his plate before putting it in front of him with a kiss to his forehead. “Good morning.” You greeted him with a gentle smile, before moving to put the same contents on Hizashi’s plate.
“Mornin’” Aizawa grunted out as he started to dive into his breakfast. You shook your head with a chuckle. Alphas were all very much like that. All hungry big packs of muscle and strength, and even Aizawa fell into that category no matter how much he thought otherwise. Aizawa watched you with a spectated gaze as he chewed on the scrambled eggs you made. He moved to grab something out of his pocket.
“Morning!” A chirpy voice let out as she ran in first followed by a tired Shinso. Eri had a bright smile on her face as she moved to sit on her chair next to Shinso. The little seven year old pup was in an active pursuit of trying to gain some independence and do more things for herself, however most of the time reverted to asking Aizawa for help.
Hisashi chuckled as he sat next to your chair as you drew it out for yourself. “Morning sugar tart and morning to you too Hitoshi.”
The purple haired Alpha let out a low yawn as he nodded his head with a wave, before settling with a low grumble. You chuckled as you waved a hand to him. Shinso nodded his head, picking up his fork. “Thanks for the food.”
Before you could answer, a heavy sack of coin fell on the table near you. Your eyes instantly moved towards Aizawa who had laid it near you before returning back to his meal. He motioned towards you, silently telling you to take it. “Take it. You’ll need it for today.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked to the sack of coins. You picked it up and opened it to look inside. Your eyebrows raised in surprise at the amount. “What is there to buy?” You asked wondering what on earth he could be asking you to purchase with such.
“Potatoes.” He answered bluntly. Under the table you heard a hard kick making Aizawa perk up with a grunt. He looked over to his Omega with a glare, however the blond seemed rather unphased by the occurrence. Aizawa rolled his dark eyes, knowing that there was no fighting with Hisashi. “Its for your dress.” He told you honestly, settling his eyes onto you. “The Springtime Festival is happening soon. You haven’t bought a new outfit in a while so we thought you might want one for the festival.” He informed you, making your eyes grow wide. “Of course I feel against Hizashi’s implications of you dressing to impress certain gazes,” He commented glaring at his Omega. “Is not what I agree with but…” He then cleared his throat turning back to you. “You may go for a fitting and all that this morning before your chores and errends.”
You were speechless, not because you didn’t think that Aizawa and Hizashi would ever do this for you, but more because you didn’t expect it. You always tried not to be too much of a bother. They didn’t have to take you in, but they did. They took care of you and swept you under their wing. They took care of you and put so much money in for you, which was another reason why you always made sure that your chores were always done for them.
To say you were touched was an understatement. You swallowed down hard and pushed a smile to your face, trying to ignore the building urge of tears to come to your eyes away. You bowed your head and nodded. “Thank you. I’m grateful.”
Aizawa waved a hand down not wanting your tears or reaction (probably because he didn’t want to feel emotional himself). “It’s nothing, Y/N. Just remember to buy potatoes at the end of the day.” He reminded you.
The village of Yuuie was always bustling with activity and people. It was a harmonious village built on honest hard work and ensuring the benefit of everyone in the community. The morning sun was already up and most people had already started in their chores or jobs. You carefully navigated the main road, leaving with the fresh new coin you were given this morning towards the Bakugou’s Tailor shop.
You tightened your scarf around your head. Making sure to cover your head from the sun. You weren’t entirely sure how you became friends with Bakugou Katsuki. He was much richer than you especially with the Bakugous working in tailoring and dressmaking. They were one of only two dressmakers in Yuuie and they did a damn good job at it. However, your friend, Katsuki was surely a character.
You carefully moved towards the door, entering into the cool shop. They had just opened shop by the looks of it, which was the reason why you were the only one here right now. You carefully put down your woven wooden basket filled with an empty metal milk cannister. You wiped your hands on your apron over your dress as you looked around. The cool room had cloths and fabrics lining the walls to choose from with kimonos, dresses, pants and all other sorts of clothing on stands on display for anyone to see.
“Mr Bakugou.” You called out as you looked around, looking for Katsuki’s dam.
Bakugou Masaru drew away the curtain from where he was from behind. His brown eyes widened in surprise at the sight of you. He had his sleeves pushed up allowing his hands to access things easier. He smiled at the sight of you. “Y/N, good morning.” He greeted as he walked over to the side door that led to the main house. “Katsuki! Y/N’s here!” He called out to his son before turning back to you. “How can I help you, dear?”
You stepped forward towards him. “I wanted to ask if it were possible for you to make me a kimono for the Springtime Festival.” You asked with a bow at your waist.
Masaru’s eyebrows raised in surprise at your question. He let out a surprised chirp but then a smile went to his face. “Well of course, I wouldn’t mind. Come, come.” He motioned you to the back where he was away from eyesight. You carefully followed after him. Here he had a wooden block in the middle of the room as well as some rolls of fabric strewn around. He quickly moved around, ushering you to stand on the box. “I was waiting for you to ask. Katsuki said you would need a new outfit as well but I didn’t want to impose or anything.” He waved his hands trying to imply what he was saying. “So tell me what you were thinking?”
“Uh...” You let out a gentle chuckle as you kept your hands joined together in front of you. “I’m not entirely sure. What do you think will look good on me?”
Masaru turned to look at you with his eyebrows furrowed. He tilted his head not entirely sure on what tone would look good on your skin. He hummed as he picked up a roll of black fabric as he lifted it up to your skin body. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he thought about whether or whether not it suited you the best. “Well… I think that maybe…” Before he could continue on you heard a door open rather violently.
“KATSUKI!” You heard a familiar loud voice come from the other side.
Standing in the doorway was your best friend who had his eyebrows furrowed in a frown, naturally of course. He was always frowning. His blood crimson eyes were stuck on your very form moving over you with precision and scrutiny. His eyes flicked to his dam before looking back at you. “No.” He shook his head in disapproval. “No, I have not been embroidering butterflies and flowers for our kimonos for you to go and choose a colour that isn’t right.” He announced as he marched into the room with his head held high with such surety in every step.
You chuckled at the sight of him. “Hello Katsuki.” You greeted him, already knowing how your bestfriend acts when he has set his mind on something.
Katsuki gave you a grunt as a response. He grabbed a roll of fabric off the wall, your favourite colour and one that suited you well. He quickly moved around, minding the skirt of his dress as he did so. He was dressed in a similar apron and dress, that suited his figure. The Omega carefully marched back over to you, holding it to your skin. He hummed as his eyebrows furrowed. He looked to his dam. “This one.” He stated confidently. “This one along with the white butterflies.”
Masaru nodded his head in agreement, seeing what his son was saying. The two Bakugou Omegas began to discuss your outfit for the Springtime Festival and you could barely keep up with them. Katsuki began to measure your body like it was second nature. Taking measurements with a tape and telling his dam as he moved across your body.
He turned to look back up at you, the blond Omega assessing your body and the image of how you would look on the day of the festival in the outfit he had in mind for you. He put on a proud smirk on his face with a knowing hum. “With what we have got planned, you and I, my dearest Y/N, will finally snag ourselves an Alpha or two.” He proclaimed boldly. “There’s no way we can stay unmated with how we’ll be dressing. We won’t be spinsters any longer, I’m tired of it.”
You chuckled as you allowed him to measure your arm’s length. “Katsuki, we’re eighteen.” You reminded him.
He scowled. “And still unmated without pups. We might as well head to the capital and give ourselves up to a nunnery.” He grumbled making you and Masaru giggle in amusement.
The two of you had presented at the ripe age of twelve, a normal age for pups and immediately you were thrown into the studies of being an Omega in the Village of Yuuie. You had come of age, and it was important for you all to know what it entailed. Same thing happened with the Alphas around your age in the village too. The Omegas were taught by Midoriya Inko and Hizashi, while the Alphas were taught by Aizawa and Todoroki Enji (since he was the Head Alpha of the Village).
You were taught all about medicinal plants and practices, about healing, taking care of pack members as well as midwifery. You were also taught about pup rearing, homemaking and what was expected of you as Omegas especially when mated to an Alpha. All chores and jobs, you shadowed, following along the older Omegas in the village like little… well… shadows. That was all done until you finally graduated your studies at fifteen as full adult members of the pack, fulfilling jobs and chores and waiting for an Alpha to sweep you off your feet and claim you.
It had been two years of this and Katsuki was already getting impatient. But to be fair… your best friend was never the patient type.
“Okay… I think that’s all I need from you Y/N.” Masaru told you with a gentle smile as he closed his little notebook and put the quill away. He turned back to you. “Come back in a week and I should have it ready and waiting for you.”
You bowed your head in gratitude. “Thank you, Mr Bakugou.”
“Where were you headed?” Katsuki asked you as he folded his arms over his chest.
You turned to him, motioning to the door of the shop. “I was heading to the market. I need to buy vegetables and get new milk bottles before doing my chores.”
At the mention of milk bottles Katsuki perked up. His face already said everything, that he was coming with you. Although you already knew he would, but it was amusing to see it either way. “Great. Lets-”
“Katsuki!” A loud voice echoed as the sound of heeled boots went through the open door that led to the rest of the house. Katsuki stopped talking as his facial expression hardened. You saw Masaru grow tense at the voice. Walking to stand in the doorway was the Alpha of the house, Bakugou Mitsuki. She looked exactly like Katsuki, it was uncanny. Her face was strewn into a disapproving scowl, harsh red eyes on her son as she stood in the doorway. Her cold yet fiery eyes moved to you and softened at the sight of her son’s best friend. “Y/N. You’re here early.” She spoke truthfully as she folded her arms over her white tunic shirt.
She wasn’t wrong. You normally came over to do some of your duties with Katsuki a bit later in the day when your household chores were finished. You bowed at the waist towards, customary of any Sire of a family. “Good morning, Mrs Bakugou. I came to order a new kimono for the festival.” You informed her.
Mituski nodded her head. “That’s good. Katsuki’s been fussing over when you would come order a new one.” She then turned to look back at her Omega son. “Katsuki, go and finish your chores.” She ordered, motioning for him to leave the room and get back to the main house.
He moved to clasp your hand which you tightened your grip on him in response. He lifted his nose as he furrowed his eyebrows. “I have to go to the market. We need more milk and tomatoes, right Pops?” Katsuki asked as he turned to Masaru.
Masaru nodded his head affirmingly, which didn’t seem to sit well with Mitsuki. With Mitsuki present at home and them having just opened up shop, it made sense to you now why Masaru didn’t have his bonded neck tie scarf around his neck. He swallowed hard but stood his ground. “Yes… I wasn’t able to get yesterday before the market closed so I asked Katsuki to go with YN now before it gets too busy.” He explained.
Mitsuki was silent as she looked at her Omega. For anyone who knew the Bakugous and how they worked, they would know that Mitsuki thrived off of control over her family. The blond Alpha frowned, her face twisting into slight disapproval almost as if she knew it was a lie as plain as day. She motioned to the door. “Go, Katsuki. Be back in half of an hour or I’m fetching you myself.” She stated, turning around to head back into the house away from the lot of you.
Katsuki waited a second before huffing, pushing out the smell of his sire’s glycerine scent out of his nose. He turned to you. “Let me fetch my basket and coin and we’ll be off. I’ll meet you outside.”
Which is what you did. You waited until the blond Omega showed up outside, closing the door behind him. He had a matching headscarf to you, keeping his blond hair out of his face too. He had his basket resting on one arm while the other took yours, keeping the two of you together. You smiled as the two of you set off deeper into the centre of the village.
The village was already starting to bustle with life as the villagers woke up and already started their chores and errands for the day. You said your good mornings and waves here and there, Katsuki nodding his head beside you as you entered the stone square of the marketplace.
“Winter is finally over.” You let out sweetly at the warm sun that already started to spread its warmth down onto your village as you and Katsuki walked side by side.
Katsuki hummed with a nod. “Thank the heavens. I can’t stand the awful cold.” He spoke truthfully, with clear discontent in his voice. Considering Omegas ran colder than Alphas, you often had to wear more layers in winter thanks to that, but Katsuki always managed to get himself a cough or flu no matter how hard he tried. He was practically sleepy the entirety of winter because of it. “Let’s pray the Spring Harvest will be good enough to sustain us further into the seasons.”
“Let’s.” You spoke in agreement. “However, I heard from Hizashi that Miss Inko said that Izuku has been very busy with tending to the farm, so she thinks there’ll be a great harvest this year.” You told him the normal femme to femme gossip and chain of information. It was the easiest way to know things without asking directly.
Speaking of Midoriya Izuku, the large thick skinned Alpha stood at the rather large stall, already selling vegetables that he had. The green haired Alpha had his hat on his head already but a small sheen of sweat was on his forehead, the sleeves of his shirt pushed to his elbows, showing how much work he had already done so early in the morning. Koda, an adopted younger brother of Izuku, carried around a crate of mixed groceries down the road away from Izuku back in the direction of the Midoriya farm.
You and Katsuki took a place in the back of the line, just two people away from the front. It didn’t take long before the two of you were facing Izuku.
The large Alpha smiled at the sight of the both of you, a white grin with sharp canines gleaming. He tipped his hat to the two of you. “Mornin’ Y/N, mornin’ Kacchan.” He spoke with an accent to his speech.
You smiled sweetly at the large Alpha who always smelled of rich fresh earth and paper. He was a pupmate of yours and Katsuki, only being two years older than the two of you, like most of the Alphas of your generation and an absolute sweetheart. He was one of the Alphas most of the dams wished their Omega pups would end up with. “Morning, Izuku.” You bowed your head to him.
Katsuki scrunched up his face lifting up his nose, but tilting his head away from the green haired Alpha, keeping his eyes down and away from the Alpha. “Deku.”
Izuku chuckled as he folded his arms. “Kacchan.”
Katsuki looked him over, noticing his attire. “You look cleaner than normal… that’s suspicious.” He let out with a slight hum almost as if trying to figure out why.
The green haired Alpha chuckled. “Ma’s busy helping Mrs Fujita. The new pup is due and I haven’t heard much from her so I’m running the stall till she gets back.” He explained, satisfying Katsuki’s suspicions. He raised an eyebrow as he put his hand on the small bit of table he could, leaning forward slightly with a slight smirk. “Why? You like me smelling like a bed of roses, Kacchan? Tickles your fancy?”
Katsuki scoffed with a roll of his head. “It rather irritates my nose, were I honest.” His answer made Izuku laugh making the blond Omega ease at the easy flow of conversation between the two. They had always been close, despite the difference in secondary gender and how much of a little devil Katsuki was to him when they were younger.
Izuku motioned in front of him. “What do you two fine Omegas need today?”
You pointed over to the potatoes. “Some potatoes, please and cabbage too.” You told him as you handed over your basket, taking out the empty milk cannister and holding it in your free hand.
Katsuki did the same. “Tomatoes.”
Izuku nodded his head, always moving fast and efficiently always making sure to give the right amount that nothing would go to waste and it was just sustaining enough until you would come back. You and Katsuki already knew the prices well enough to recite them with your eyes closed, which is how you placed the coin down in front of him. Izuku passed over your baskets, scooping the coin into the pocket on his right. “Where yall heading now?” He asked.
You motioned to your right further down the centre of the village, not too far to the Kirishimas store. “We’re just getting milk, next.” You informed him. Katsuki nodded his head agreeingly.
Izuku pulled on an almost smug smirk. “Tell Eijiro I said hi when you see him.” He teased.
That made both you and Katsuki tense for a second. Katsuki scowled as he turned his head with a huff, pulling you along away from Izuku. “Come on, Y/N. Let us go before this rotten piece of broccoli corrupts us.” He spoke boldly only making the only Alpha of the Midoriya family laugh.
He tilted his hat to the two of you again. “See yall at dinner.”
You waved over to him as you and Katsuki turned to leave. “Thank you, Izuku.”
“See you later, nerd!” Katsuki said his version of a goodbye as you both walked towards the Kirishimas store.
The Kirishima family were cattle farmers. They sold milk and meat, an interesting combination but one that seemingly suited them. There were a really well-respected family in Yuuie, having been one of the first four founding families of Yuuie and were some of the nicest people you knew. The Kirishimas, although a rather big family, were also a very good family that many couldn’t help but idolise, especially in hopes of marrying into.
For a simple reason as any. The Alphas.
You entered the cool store, where Yua was, putting away used cannisters and moving them into a crate to be picked up soon. The dark red-haired Omega with strands of grey, perked up at the sound of people entering, and she put a smile on her face the sight of the two of you. “Good morning, you two.” She greeted as she dusted her hands on her apron and smiled. “How can I help you two darlings?”
Kirishima Yua was a wonderful Omega who had such a loving and caring presence to her that you couldn’t help but aspire to be her one day when you’re older. She was a mother to nine pups, a devoted Omega to her Alpha and incorporated herself into the community. She always wore her black and red neck tie scarf to muffle her scent, it was something all mated Omegas did, keeping their scents for their Alphas and homes strictly. However, they say the stronger an Omega’s scent it, the more fertile and more wanted they are and Yua was the closest thing to the standard for what Omegas were meant to be.
You and Katsuki bowed your head to her. “Morning, Mrs Kirishima.” You greeted on the half of both of you. “Can we get two new milk cannisters, please?”
“Of course.” She let out with a chirp.
Katsuki and you placed your empty ones in front of her, sliding them over to her, already washed and clean for her. Katsuki gave her a genuine smile, always having found her like close dam figure to him. She was like that for everyone, just like Midoriya Inko. “How’s Tamami?” He asked about one of her younger daughters.
Yua giggled as she waved a hand down before taking the cannisters off the table and moving to put them in one of the wooden crates. “She’s well. Just adjusting to being an Omega after presenting but nevertheless, she seems really excited.” She informed the two of you as she reached to the back wall, picking up the two heavy and full cannisters of milk.
“That’s good.” You let out a relieved smile, hearing that she was doing well. She had presented just a week ago and you were curious as to how the little redheaded Omega was doing now.
Katsuki nodded his head, agreeing with you. “Very.”
“It is and-” Something caught her attention behind the both of you. Her face lit up at the sight of someone. “Eijiro, come put the new ones back here.” She motioned behind her.
At the mention of her only son, the two of you turned around to see him.
The big hulking Alpha entered the store holding onto a crate of new filled milk canisters as if they weren’t heavier than you or Katsuki. The large Alpha was taller than the two of you by a head and a half and dwarfed the two of you exponentially. In size and strength, you could tell that he was an Alpha of such a high calibre just like any Kirishima Alpha. Big, thick strong skin with large muscles and tall domineering stance. His large hands gripped the wooden crate easily as his ruby eyes moved over to the two of you. A scar ran over his right eye, fitting his image and large burliness.
You had to control your scent as you tried to not get distracted by his thick muscles or his savoury scent of sweet spices and something baking in an oven. He smelled delicious and your Omega couldn’t help but salivate at the sight of him. Katsuki always had to remind himself the same thing as he watched the large Alpha pause at the sight of the two of you.
He looked between the both of you. He smiled down at the two of you. The large Alpha had always seemed to have a preference for the two of you, something you didn’t seem to mind at all (you were both quite happy about it actually. He was an Alpha of few words some of the time, at least to the two of you, but you thought that might be a Kirishima thing.
He nodded his head with a grunt. “Morning.” His deep raspy voice, a voice that sent shivers down your spines and had your Omegas whining let out as he greeted the both of you.
You had to remind yourself to greet him back and not just stare like an idiot. You bowed your head to him, baring your neck slightly. “Good morning, Eijiro.”
It took Katsuki a moment as well before nodding his head and doing the same, baring his neck just as you, in submission. “Morning, Eijiro.” He greeted back.
Eijiro didn’t say anything more, an unashamed rumble coming out of his chest at the greetings from the both of you. The sound of his approval made you both feel a rush down your back, a flush to your faces at having pleased in some way. Remembering his dam’s instructions, he walked over to the back, doing as he was told easily, not bothered by the weight of the milk canisters. His long black hair fell down his back, thick and down to his waist, easily reminding you of his sire.
Yua watched wordless at the three of you, looking between her son and the two of you. She sniffed the air subtly, noticing your sweet scent along with Katsuki’s caramel and burnt sugar scent mingling in the air a bit more than it was earlier.
She hummed with a small smirk, before clearing her throat. “You know, Eijiro over here just finished his house on our property. He worked so hard on it with his sire and his older sister, isn’t that right, Eijiro?” She spoke looking back at her tall son. Eijiro paused for a second at the mention of his name and nodded with grunt, before continuing on with what he was doing. “And you know what they say,” Yua continued patting a hand on her son’s back as she smiled at the both of you. “An Alpha might have a house but it isn’t a home until he gets an Omega to make it one.” She stated with a nod to her head, like it was a well known saying.
Eijiro paused again, looking down at his mother with a slight tilt of his head. He wasn’t entirely sure where his mother was going with this conversation nor what she meant exactly. He did however notice the both of you listening to her and that was enough for him to trust that this was some sort of a fruitful conversation. He then saw Katsuki flick his gaze up to him. The blond Omega swallowed down hard but tried keeping his head up, trying not to win at what he thought was a staring game. Eijiro found it amusing.
Yua nodded her head. “Isn’t that right, Eijiro?” She asked with a bright smile up at him. “You would do nicely with a nice Omega, or two, hm?” She asked with a suggestive wink. Subtly trying to direct his gaze back to the two of you. “You’re already a grown Alpha, you need a wife or two.”
Eijiro looked up at two of you. You looked down away from him, seemingly flustered and not wanting to meet his gaze, and so did Katsuki who seemed like his ears were the shade of his mother’s hair. Eijiro set down the crate for a moment an walked around the counter over to the two of you. You both straightened up at the random occurrence as Kirishima stood in front of the both of you. He leaned forward between the two of you, still keeping a customary distance.
Something Eijiro always loved about the two of you was how your scents intertwined and moved together so nicely. They suited each other so well. Everyone in the village knew that the two of you were a package deal, which wasn’t uncommon here in Yuuie. Families came in all types of numbers and shapes and members. It wasn’t uncommon that in their community, Alphas had more than one Omega.
What Eijiro loved most of all was how your scents would smell so good mixed with his own. He closed his eyes with a rumble at the smell of your scents meeting together in the middle Katsuki couldn’t help himself, pumping out a bit more of his scent unconsciously. You tried not to get flustered, knowing that this was probably just Kirishima being an Alpha. Alphas did that. They sniffed. It was kinda what they did. It didn’t mean anything. You tried to remind yourself as he let out a louder rumble than before at the smell.
He stood back, trying to control himself. He let out a chuft out of his throat in approval. “Festival.” He let out lowly.
You were too clueless at whatever just happened to answer. Katsuki cleared his throat, ignoring the slight need to push his thighs together. “The Springtime Festival?” Eijiro let out an affirming grunt. “What about it?”
“Together.” Kirishima elaborated simply. “Go together. Three of us.”
It was Katsuki’s turn to go speechless too. You blinked up at him wordlessly, also in shock.
Yua let out an excited squeal as she clapped her hands. “How wonderful! That sounds like such a good idea.” She praised her son, moving to scratch the underside of his chin. Instantly Eijiro relaxed moving closer to her hand with a hum. “You know, Eijiro, Y/N and Katsuki are making dinner tonight. You do love their stew.” She reminded him, letting go of him.
At the mention of stew, Eijiro hummed as he made his way back to the milk cannisters he was putting away. He licked his lips at the thought of beef stew. “Stew.” He let out, already salivating at the thought of it.
You quickly grabbed your own milk cannister, slightly shoving Katsuki to jerk him back to reality. You both took your closed cannisters. “See you later, tonight, Mrs Kirishima.” You let out nervously.
“And Eijiro.”
She waved a hand. “Bye sweethearts.”
You stood next to Katsuki as the two of you stood around the fire. You stirred the huge pot of stew for the pack dinner. It made the great hall smell delicious and appetising. You hummed with a smile on your face at the pleasant smell. Katsuki moved to add some sugar into the large put keeping an eye on the bubbling stew and the potatoes that still needed to soften. He nodded his head with a huff as he moved back to the oven.
You and some of the other young Omegas of the village were getting dinner ready in a room that led into the main hall. You could already hear chatter of the hall slowly filling up with pack members. The little shadow Omegas, including Kirishima Tamami who stood at your side paying attention and taking note of your ingredients and the time it took, watched at a safe distance not getting in the way but being close enough to see all the action around you all.
“He got it just for me.” Ochaco let out sickeningly sweetly as she showed off a wedding present bracelet that Iida Tenya had gotten her. She stood with two shadows and Pony. She giggled at the piece of jewellery. “Honestly, he is so sweet to me. I’m moving in with him soon soon.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes. If there was something he hated more than someone flaunting around the fact that they were being courted, he hated Ochaco. Now Katsuki didn’t mind when someone was excited about being courted. He was happy for Pony when she was courted by Sato, and was all hands on deck when their wedding happened a few months ago. However, when it came to the brunette Omega, he couldn’t help but get ticked off. “Well, he won’t want to marry you if you end up burning the bread buns.” He hissed as he swatted her away from the oven moving to check on the bread buns that were golden and ready to be taken out not a second longer.
The brunette rolled her eyes as she grabbed two towels to help Katsuki take out the other tray of baking buns from the hot fire burning oven. “Oh, don’t be like that Katsuki.” She let out softly. “A bunch of bread won’t determine how he feels about me. Although,” She started as she moved to set the tray next to Katsuki’s as he took the cloths and threw them onto his shoulder with a frown. “I can’t say the same about every Omega though.” She let out snarky.
Katsuki stiffened for less than a second but glared over at her with a scowl. He reached on top to the many bread baskets, taking them down as he started to put the buns in them. “The fuck you saying, squirrel cheeks.” He let out lowly.
You paused for a second, sensing Katsuki’s rising anger as clear as day. You motioned to Tamami to watch the pot, knowing she had experience with her own dam letting her cook, so you weren’t too worried. She nodded understandingly as the small new Omega moved to where you were standing. Mei was silent as she moved to help Katsuki move the bread loves into their little baskets, making the work faster, but also releasing some calming scents to try and silently calm the situation.
Ochaco shrugged. “I’m just saying, you can’t get an Alpha by your cooking alone. Alphas don’t like Omegas with such rotten mouths or manners. You pride yourself on being the best and yet which Alpha wants you?” She stated glaring at him from the corner of her eye with a gentle smirk on her face. She turned towards the oven once again.
Katsuki moved to try and grab her, but you quickly stopped him, putting a hand to the side of his face. “Katsuki, ignore her. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” You told him into his ear as you and Pony held him securely, restraining the blond Omega from effectively clawing at Ochaco’s eyes. Katsuki had a vicious scowl on his face as he let out a hiss at her, Omegan canines barred as he stood in your arms. You glared back at Ochaco but did your best to focus on Katsuki. You directed his eyes to you, anger on his face but hurt in his eyes. Pony put her head to his shoulder, with a chirp trying to calm him down alongside you.
“Come on Omegas.” Inko spoke as she clapped her hands as she walked into the kitchen. The round older Omega walked in with her head up and green hair pushed back into a ponytail. “Is food ready? We got a hungry pack waiting.” She paused as she noticed the tension in the room. She looked over at a rather smug Ochaco and then to a fuming Katsuki. She frowned as she walked further into the room. She let out a dam like hiss, sound making you all look to her. Her emerald eyes moving around to the lot of you. “Whatever is going on, we will deal with it later. Your Head Alpha is hungry as well as the rest of the pack. Now get the food out into the hall.” She motioned from where she had come from.
You all nodded wordlessly as you moved to get things rolling. Katsuki moved to your side, carefully taking woollen leather muttons to try and stop the heat as you both grabbed hold of the heavy pot of stew. Tamami stepped back, having stirred the pot to make sure nothing would get burnt at the bottom. You and Katsuki gave each other a firm nod before picking up the heavy pot, lifting with your legs and your arms as you made your way out, Inko keeping the door open for the both of you.
You both waddled over to the serving station, ignoring the hungry stares at the sight of the pot and the waiting food. You both placed it down without much issue, being sure not to spill a drop. The hall was already filled with hungry loved ones and people you’ve known since birth. The Omegas that worked alongside you and the shadows moved along with you, moving in tandem to get all the bread loaves out and another huge pot of mashed potatoes. It took a few minutes but soon food was ready to be served. You stood next to Katsuki who masked his emotions on his face with a head held high.
The huge Head Alpha Todoroki Enji, stood up first, his first wife, a silent white-haired Omega stood with him as well as his pups, Natsuo, Fuyumi and Shoto. He made his way to the front with his large plate in hand. At the sight of the Head Alpha of the pack, you all bowed at the waist, head hung low as you said your greetings.
The large redheaded Alpha had his piercing cold electric blue eyes on all of you, before resting on you. He let out a grunt as he extended his arm. The grunt was permission to raise your heads. You carefully took the ladle and made swift work of plating the mashed potatoes for him. He then moved forward to Katsuki who added on the stew and then to Momo who plated a bread bun for him. With Enji having his plate of food, and making swift work of diving in to eating the moment he sat down, the rest of the hall made easy and quick work of getting up. You smiled and greeted everyone, the pups coming first as they were main priority, along with any pregnant Omegas and then the rest of the pack.
Once everyone had had their first servings, all of you who had cooked and served got your own and made your way to sit together, all the young Omegas you had learnt beside and were friends with, plus Ochaco, moved to your own table not too far away from the Alphas table themselves.
“I’m a bit worried.” Izuku said as he chewed on a piece of beef. “Rabbits don’t come up dead for no reason.”
Todoroki Shoto hummed as he nodded his head. The red and white haired Alpha, although being the youngest son of the Head Alpha was one of the more civilised Alphas of the bunch. He wasn’t big into the more physical work like the others, and was following Aizawa into teaching. He put a hand to his chin as he thought to himself. “We have already taken away all the bunny’s natural predators around the farm and the village, they should not be a problem then…” He spoke as he thought, gears working behind his heterochromic eyes. “Might there be wolves that moved into the area.”
Shinso let out a displeased sound as he took a bite out of the soft warm bread bun that he had.  “The watch never reported wolf tracks.”
“They stay away from the village most of the time, either way.” Kyouka spoke as she crossed her legs and looked around the table. “But it wouldn’t hurt to have them look out for tracks.”
Shoto hummed as he nodded. He then looked to Eijiro who was practically devouring the food on his plate. At the feeling of eyes on him, the wolf stopped and looked around the table. He let out a grunt, wondering what it was for, only making some of his friends laugh.
“Hungry, Eijiro?” Tenya asked amusedly, adjusting the glasses on his nose.
Eijiro nodded his head as he stuffed more stew into his mouth. He sat up and motioned down to his plate. “Y/N and Katsuki’s stew. Been looking forward to it all day.” He let out lowly.
Sero Hanta let out an amused laugh. The woodcutter, leaned back for a second as he tilted his head at the sight of the large black-haired Alpha. “You have your eyes on the duo then?” He asked amusedly. He received a low but short growl which only made the others laugh. “I’m just asking.” Hanta spoke, putting his hands up in defence.
Izuku hummed as he glanced at the Omega table to the both of you. “Katsuki and Y/N are cute.” He spoke making Eijiro stop midway as his ruby eyes flicked to the green haired Alpha next to him. Izuku perked up before looking at the other Alpha. “They are. They’re good Omegas, beautiful, would make good mates. However, they do go together, so if you’re going for them you gotta go for both.” He reminded him.
The others nodded in agreement. Eijiro hummed in agreement as he sat up, furrowing his eyebrows. “Like potatoes and beef.” He commented only making the others laugh.
However, Eijiro was actually thinking about it. It wasn’t that he didn’t like you and Katsuki. Quite the opposite actually. Eijiro wanted a mate. He really did. He just was often busy with work on the farm that he didn’t really have much thought about it until recently. It was often said that an Alpha who built a house would get an Omega less than a year later. Kind of one of his hopes right now.
Now from all the Omegas he knew, you and Katsuki had always been a favourite. You were close with his dam and anyone close to his dam had his respect. However, what he like about the two of you was how well you complemented each other and how much you suited one another. He loved Katsuki’s spitfire personality and his hard and honest work, he also loved your dedication to your family and the pack around you and your loving nature. It was perfect in his mind. His mother nailed the head in the coffin when she seemed rather eager this morning on pushing him towards the two of you.
He was suddenly very glad that he asked to accompany you two at the festival, he hoped that maybe if he was brave enough, he might just end up with two Omegas to hold and to claim by the end of Spring.
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ranticore · 3 months
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so what exactly is a 'crawling beast of the earth' and why did harpies have to develop such extreme modifications just to defend against them?
nobody really knows what the crawling beasts are except the wyrms, and they're not telling anyone. the beasts take many forms but commonly they are eyeless and worm-like with large jaws but no mouths. they do not eat, they show no signs of intelligence, and it seems that all they do is crawl and bite. their bodies have a high heavy metal content and by their very presence they leach toxic waste into the earth around their burrows that destroys organic life. although nobody really knows what they are or where they came from, it's universally acknowledged that crawling beasts are not monsters or natural animals. monsters - not animals - are able to physically touch a crawling beast without being poisoned and you can kill one by ripping it to shreds, but the easiest way to kill one is to throw their bodies on a pyre.
in terms of behaviour they seem to show no response to injury or environmental stimulus but always crawl or burrow towards the highest concentration of large living creatures they can sense (through means unknown). if one gets within biting distance they will bite.. even if there's a layer of topsoil between you and them. they do not notice others of their own kind and can mindlessly form huge aggregations underneath villages or settlements, fouling one another until eventually the sheer volume and mass of the pile-up spills onto the surface.
the purpose of the beasties, in this setting, is to provide a common enemy that can be a catalyst for human and monster cooperation. they're kind of a macguffin that makes everything else happen, but i like them because they're undefined and terrifying for everybody. one big crawler will destroy a field of crops in one night and make the soil barren, and that can be the difference between making it through the winter and starving, in a small village. crawlers are the reason flighted harpies fear touching the ground. the whole land is infested with them (the sea, too) and their numbers are only growing.
for most harpies, attaining the size and strength (and talons) necessary to fight a crawling beast would reduce their ability to neatly and accurately forage or hunt their normal animal prey. so instead of everyone developing this weaponry, instead only one guy in a flock does, and thereafter he's the flock's bodyguard. kings suck at hunting and foraging. because even regular eagle harpies are naturally pretty big and pointy, they are the first choice for human falconers who want a partner who can swoop down, snatch up a crawling beast, and drop it on a fire. solitary monsters fare the best here since they usually don't attract any crawling beasties, except when they're pressganged by humans (or other monsters) into helping the general pest control effort.
only wyrms are known to hunt and eat crawling beasts.
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truetogaia · 1 year
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the quality is so crisp that I can see his ARM VEINS OMG I need him I need him I need him.
pairing: dom!dilf!jake x fem!na'vi!reader
genre: smut, 18+
notes: I am so sorry for this LMAO it's kinda filthy but: Jake’s intercom starts acting up while he's on a mission with some warriors from the clan.
warnings: explicit and mature themes, A LOT of dirty talk, phone sex, daddy kink! ✩ means tiny time jump!
wc: 1k!
!NOT PROOFREAD! I Jake sully masterlist!
You were bored out of your mind, wandering about the village in search of something to occupy yourself. The sun was setting and night was eating away at the sky, leaving a star speckled darkness in its way. Your face was contorted in a frown as you kicked some rocks, just barely missing the entry to a hut. Having spent all day alone, in the solitude of your own hut, waiting for your mate to come back from his hunt, you weren’t exactly thrilled to spend the night the same way. 
You made your way back to your hut, entering through the flaps and securing it before taking a seat on the woven mat. Your legs were sore after carrying you around the forest all day without rest, aching terribly as you stretched them. Jake had been gone for three whole days now, leaving you all alone in your shared home. With this being the longest the two of you had been apart, the longest without him touching you in any way, you were starting to miss him.
You were desperate, and your navy skin was on fire after so many days without him. You decided to take matters into your own hands, only daring to disregard Jake’s request for you to leave yourself untouched until he came back because of how warm you felt.
The air around you turned awfully warm as you panted and moaned quietly, overwhelmed by the sensation of your own fingers rubbing against your wet bundle of nerves. The sounds that escaped you were choked, soft mewls and whines occasionally seeping out from your plump lips. You rutted your hips against your hand in a desperate attempt to feel something, an attempt to recreate the feeling of Jake’s thick digits stretching you out.
Jake’s ears perked as a familiar sound erupted from his earpiece, making him halt his movements. This was unexpected, he thought, as your soft noises played in his ears, paired with the sound of  your squelching cunt. At first, Jake was afraid you were being unfaithful, that you were with another na’vi while he was away. But he soon came to his senses as he heard you chant his name, realizing what you were doing. 
“y/n, baby? You there?” 
Jake’s voice made you jolt, scared shitless that he had come back while you were so busy with  disobeying him. But the voice wasn’t coming from the hut, no, it came from the earpiece that you had discarded before deciding to… work on some self love. Your heart was beating wildly inside your chest as you picked it up, placing it in your ear.
“Jake?”  Your voice wavered, and he could hear how irregular your breathing pattern was. “I thought you were busy hunting..” He chuckled slightly at your attempt to redirect his focus, not falling for your little endeavor. 
“Well.. I was. But you see, I got a bit distracted.” He teased you, meaning he had heard you before. Oh how embarrassing, because not only had you disobeyed direct orders from your mate, you had also interrupted a very important hunt. 
“Oh don’t be sorry, sweetheart. I missed you, it’s so nice to hear your voice.” He chuckled, on the other end. “Why’d you stop, though? I don’t remember telling you to.” You couldn’t help the way heat settled between your plush thighs again, heavily influenced by his husky voice. 
“Go on, don’t let me distract you.” He demanded. 
You ran a warm hand down your abdomen, hesitatingly stopping right between your thighs. But you decided to keep going, slowly rubbing firm circles onto your needy clit. You brought your other hand to gently tease your entrance with your soft digits, whining when you slid them into your sopping cunt. 
“That’s right.” Jake’s voice filled your ears as you worked your fingers in and out of your squelching heat, covering them in your slick. “Tell me what you’re doing to yourself, baby.” Your pointy ears perked as you heard him grunt, “Include every little detail, can you do that for me?” 
You nodded to yourself, agreeing. “hmmn, ‘m fucking myself with my fingers, thinkin’ its yours...” Your voice was breathy as you continued thrusting your digits in and out. “Doesn’t feel nearly as good..” He hummed in delight, and you swore you could hear some interesting noises from his end too. “What’re you doing, daddy?” 
“Jus’ takin’ care of myself, honey. Couldn’t help myself at the sound of your sweet voice, using such lewd words..” He cooed, wrapping his large, warm hand back around his aching cock. Your muffled sounds were intoxicating, and he cursed himself for not being at home now. He could hear how wet you were, he could picture it in front of him. Oh how desperately he wanted to be home with you, with his cock buried deep into your tight cunt. 
He pumped himself as your strangled moans kept coming, “That’s right, baby. You wish I was there, hm? Couldn’t wait one more night for me to come home, ‘s that right?” You whimpered. “Yeah, I bet that cunt is fluttering at the thought of it, ain’t it? The thought of daddy’s fat cock stuffing and fucking into your tight pussy.” 
“Fuck!” You cursed, picking up the pace of your fingers. “Please, Jake, come home. ‘Want you here.. Want your cock” You sobbed as your fingers repeatedly hit your g spot, thumb busy rubbing at your puffy clit. Jake chuckled, having sat himself down, propped up against a tree as his fist worked over his thick girth. He pictured you now, with your legs spread wide for him, cunt drenched in arousal, completely ready for him. 
“Yeah? That’s a good girl. shit, ‘m gonna cum to those pretty sounds of yours..” He mumbled, grunting and hissing as his cock slid easily through his large fist. “G’nna come home tomorrow and fill that needy pussy.. g’nna fuck you dumb, babygirl.”  You moaned loudly at his words, finally reaching your climax. Your arousal coated your fingers as you came hard to the sound of his vulgar words. And Jake followed suit, spilling his hot cum all over his hand. 
“Fuck, baby..” His chest heaved as he came down from his high “You okay?” He asked, noticing how quiet you were. But he soon heard the quiet snores from your end, chuckling to himself, happy that you were finally able to get some rest. 
You were going to need it for tomorrow.
UGH THE WAY THIS IS MY WORST WORK EVER. I apologize, but I do have a good excuse!!
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gumified · 14 days
Omgg for a part two or ‘whispers of gold’ you could do on insight on their life after escaping the dungeon.. 💕
you can even show detail about satorus kingdom and his personal life with reader being human and him taking her there when other demons consider is improper or even hate it…
You can make it fluffy like a domestic day with them stuff like that <3
perhaps a wedding/pregnancy fic also? 🤭
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pairing: demon!satoru x human!reader
summary: domestic bliss after you escape <3
content: 0.7k, fluff, just a cute little drabble i whipped up <3
note: maybe maybeee i'll write a pregnancy fic if these exams let me, we will see <3 ENJOY THO MY LOVES
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If anyone told you that the life you would have found the love of your life while being locked up in a dingy dungeon you would’ve laughed in their faces. Yet here you were. The world you discover was vast and filled with so many beautiful sights that you found it hard to comprehend just how gorgeous everything is. Your whole life had been spent cooped up in the tiny village you called home, now with Satoru by your side everything seemed technicoloured. 
Days turn into weeks turn into months and you find yourself even more enamoured by the demon than you already are. He had teleported the both of you to a breath-taking meadow when you had first escaped. There was an abundance of wildflowers and in the middle stood a little cottage. It seemed as though he had plucked the perfect home from your head and spun it into reality. 
Satoru tried his best to assimilate into human life as best as he could. There were many mornings that you awoke to the sweet scent of flowers and him fumbling in the kitchen looking very out of place. He keeps his promise, taking you to the most magical places in the kingdom. Secret glades, glistening lakes, hidden forests. Satoru loves to show off his powers, teleporting you to breathtaking vistas and enchanting places, always with a playful grin and a request for a kiss as “payment.”
One particularly memorable evening, he whisked you away to a cliffside overlooking the ocean. As the sun set, casting a golden hue over the water, you sat together, his arm wrapped around your shoulders. “I thought you might like this place.” He whispered, his voice filled with warmth.
You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder. “It’s perfect. Thank you, Satoru.”
The seasons changed, and with them came new adventures and experiences. Spring brought picnics in the meadow, where you would lie in the grass, watching the clouds drift by, hands intertwined. Summer meant long days by the lake, swimming and sunbathing, the two of you laughing and splashing like children. Autumn was a time for cosy evenings by the fire, wrapped in blankets, sharing stories and dreams.
And now, it was winter. Snow blanketed the ground outside, little snowflakes falling from the sky as you sat cuddling in front of a fire. His arms are wrapped around your body and you lean back against his broad chest, enjoying the feeling of his warmth radiating off his body. Satoru’s chin’s on your head and you bask in the bliss that you were now so familiar with. Your hand found his and you smiled as he intertwined his fingers with yours. 
“Remember when we first escaped?” You mused at the distant memory. “Feels like forever ago.”
“It does.” Satoru hummed as you listened to the slow beating of his heart.
Silence stretched between the both of you and all that could be heard was the gentle crackling of the fire. 
“Satoru.” You begin softly, your voice barely above a whisper. “When I first met you, I never imagined we’d end up here. You were...terrifying.”
A small smile tugged at his lips, and he gave a short laugh. The mere sound has butterflies erupting in your stomach. “I was trying to be. Demons aren’t supposed to be comforting.”
“But you are.” You insisted, squeezing his hand tightly. “You are to me.”
He looked down at your joined hands, his thumb brushing gently over your knuckles. “You changed everything.” His voice was quiet. “From the moment I gave you my name, I knew things would never be the same.”
You lifted your head to look into his eyes, the firelight reflecting in their depths. “You changed everything for me too. You showed me a world I never knew existed. You showed me love.”
Satoru’s expression softened, and he leaned in to kiss you gently. “I love you.” He murmured against your lips, the words filled with a depth of emotion that took your breath away.
“I love you too.” You whispered back, your heart swelling with happiness that you found. 
The grasp he had on your heart was tight and you knew he would never let go. You knew that Satoru would be yours forever and you forever his. The love you held for him was something you always cherished and now that you were here, in his arms, you never wanted to let him go. As the night continued, both of you drifted off to sleep. The fire continued to crackle and the light flickered. The matching gold bands the both of you had on your fingers glinted in the light, the memories of the promises you both made to each other only a few months ago.
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