#just speaking into the void
acheemient · 14 days
Thinking of making a list of fics that can be stand ins for season/series 3 if it comes down to it 🤔
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prettygirlgerard · 1 year
Dallon Weekes beautiful dress moment 2023?
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has anyone else come to the realisation that Heart Eyes Howell and Love Eyes Lester's respective acronyms are HEH and LEL
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rhythm-of-space · 2 years
maybe it's idealistic but I like to think josh is good with navigating anxiety. he'd be able to read you better than anyone, knowing immediately when something is off by your mannerisms or general energy. depending on what he knew you needed, he'd stay near you but give you the room to just be. to just be in your thoughts for a bit. to just be in your own space, putting his own needs of physical touch aside if he knew that overstimulated you in certain situations. but just his company and gentle check ins help you open back up to him and be more present in the moment. his love, patience, and warmth is all that you need for the time being.
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blingyu · 2 years
Why I think Byler HAS to be engame
Homophobes stay out, toxic Milevens stay out. This is discussing the Byler ship and why I personally believe it has to be canon. In fact, I think if it isn’t canon it would do a disservice to the show and all that it has built up. 
Im fairly confident we are getting Byler endgame (the 1% is just personal self doubt). For a LONG time I didn’t think about the Byler ship, because I had been through so many queerbaiting ships that go no where in the past. In Stranger Things 3 I definitely got the vibes that Will liked Mike, but I truly thought it’d just be unspoken. After Volume 2 of ST 4, it can’t be unspoke. We as the audience know the truth: Will Byers is in love with Mike Wheeler.
For the longest time I also said that I didn’t care who ended up being canon (Byler vs Mileven) I just cared if it had good writing. I am now of the belief that you cannot have Mileven endgame and it be good writing. This is for a few reasons. 
The Painting (Van) Scene: Will gives Mike his painting. The painting that was supposedly for a girl. Mike immediately smiles at this gift but looks conflicted when Will said it was commissioned by Jane. Will also lied about everything El felt towards Mike, because it was Will who felt these things. Will loves Mike the way Mike wants to be loved. Mike doesn’t love El the way she wants him to love her. El deserves someone who can love her for who she is, not what she does (her powers)
Mike’s Monologue: The consequence of the van scene is the monologue. Mike practically takes those words Will used and gives his own version of the speech. However, he needs Will’s reassurance the whole time. Mike should be able to say I love you to El, without needing someone guiding him. I honestly don’t think that he would’ve ever said I love you if Will wasn’t there basically helping him say it. Also the whole love at first sight thing is bs, in S1 it’s obvious that Mike wasn’t in love with El. He was caring for her, and helping her hide from the bad men. In return, she was helping them find Will. Now whether or not Mike did develop a crush is different, but the fact remains that it wasn’t at first sight. It begs the question of just how much did he lie in this monologue?
The painting plot and Will’s love for Mike is definitely not over: Will lied about the painting. At the end of S4, Mike and El aren’t talking much. I imagine that this could be confusing to Mike, who told El he loved her like she wanted, and Will told Mike she needed him. I definitely think the painting will come up in discussion between Mileven. Mike won’t be happy finding out Will lied, and I think this is going to be a form of conflict between Byler. The only resolution I can see is Will confessing that it was his feelings. It was him who needed Mike. So- we’ve established two things: 1) Mike and El are not in the best place, they might even break up, and 2) Will needs to confess about what happened in the van scene. I think the only satisfying conclusion for these plotlines is Mileven breaking up and Mike realizing he likes Will. Argue with a wall.
Will’s ending being about romantic love and Eleven’s being familial love: I think that this would be the most satisfying conclusion. Eleven and Will are siblings now, but they grew up very different. Will is gay, so he probably thinks that he doesn’t deserve romantic love, he thinks he doesn’t have a chance (remember in season 3, with his mother? “I’m not gonna fall in love”). Will has so much platonic love in his life, as does Eleven. Will hasn’t experienced romance. As a queer person myself, I’m rooting for him, and I root for him to fall in love with his childhood best friend. crazy together. Eleven, on the other hand, needs a strong family. The Byers and Hopper is that for her, but in S5 they’ll finally be all together, and be the family that they’re meant to be. Together as one unit. She didn’t have the best examples of familial love in the lab. She didn’t have platonic or romantic love either, but meeting the party and Mike gave her that. However, as stated earlier, Mike and her are at the end of their ropes. There’s only so much love you have before you have to call it quits. I think with the “From, El” letter that was her being done with Mike. I can’t blame her. This boy does not cherish her like she deserves to be. If you are a fan of El, you have to know she can do much better than whatever this relationship with Mike is. Once you give your all and don’t receive that energy back, you feel the need to move on. I mean, she saved all of Mike’s letters and we see Mike on screen crumple up 2 and throw away one of them. This is a textbook example of not putting in the same effort. 
So yeah, I don’t know how to end this besides saying Byler endgame is the only possibility in my mind now. I don’t see how Mileven could be endgame, and if they were planning on that, they really wrote themselves into a bad spot. I definitely could’ve articulated this better, and there’s probably TONS of things I’m forgetting, but from a story standpoint Will x Mike is the only thing that makes sense going forward.
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One of the greatest struggles I have when writing is, deciding when two characters need to be intimate or even IF they should be at all.
My rule of thumb is to go there when there is no other possible way to enhance their relationship/expressions of love, and nothing else to possibly add before gratification, but sometimes that rule doesn't fit.
We all know the right kind of and level of intimacy can strengthen the relationship between two characters and can even be a catalyst for change between characters and the story.
But, not every story needs physical intimacy. Not every romantic relationship needs physical intimacy to strengthen and grow.
Sometimes it is nice to read something that is less conventional. For this reason I think I will struggle with this decision as a writer for as long as I write.
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agrebel18 · 10 months
I honestly bond really well with my friends who are men so I just forget that sexism, misogyny and demonization of m/f friendships exists LOL
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bloodfreakcastiel · 1 year
desperately need to read the most filthy, absolutely vile, disgusting, religion-coded destiel smut
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skeletalhorse · 11 months
I feel very gross and ugly and just invisible lately
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d4rksusuke · 2 years
The funny thing about coming on tumblr only once in a while is that the app will always have a different era each. Fucking. TIME.
Nah but fr. Tumblr is a moody teen who doesn't know what they want to be yet and it's funny as hell
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tangled-affections · 1 month
There is nothing more hurtful than being told you are talentless, by someone who you thought supported you. As passionate as I was in this world of writing. The flame that kept me warm in the darkness of my life, seems to have died out, and with the lack of interaction between people in the fandom, I feel like those words speak louder now than they had when my partner first said them.
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smartzelda · 2 months
You know I mostly started reblogging it cause some of the art was neat and some of the concepts intruiged me enough
But like I think I genuinely like Marvivbella now in a domestic partners/qqp/polycule way now though
I'm not obsessed or anything it's just soft and cute and I'm liking the art so I *have* been bamboozled😂🥺
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maxthesillyy · 2 years
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cloud-gays · 8 months
sometimes idk if people are being sarcastic or if they just hate dan's guts akfjskdj
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rhythm-of-space · 2 years
now that everyone's gone to bed and I can be horny on main I have something to say
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thinking about josh after a show, how he'd be so worn out yet desperate for something. the quiet whimpers he'd make while you touch wherever you want and him so badly wanting to keep his eyes open and on you but they keep fluttering closed as he focuses on your hands and how you're making him feel. the way his head would toss on the pillow and how the only way he can answer your questions is with a soft hum and shallow nod. he'd be so gone in that moment
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taytay-the-gaybertooth · 10 months
Social Media Is Killing Mental Health Validity
I am not a medical expert. I am not a research and analytics expert. However, even I'm noticing that we're losing progress in the validation of people with mental illness. Most unfortunately, it seems this trend started right around the rise of self-diagnosis/"indentification" for mental illness. As someone who's been struggling with mental health problems since middle school (possibly sooner, but I won't risk being a hypocrite here), I've always found it tough to ever fit in. Now more than ever, however, I've noticed that not even circles that welcome those with mental illness are a safe space anymore. Again, this is due to the rise of people faking mental illness, self-diagnosing, or self-identifying. These people are problematic not just for those struggling with mental illness, but for themselves. In a time where we're finally making progress to stop stigmatizing mental illness, they make people question whether or not those they've grown to accept are actually valid, or else if they're just faking it for attention or to fit in. That last part is also something to take into account; another big problem is that some people who are faking mental illness do legitimately need help. They may have no one to talk to, may have a hard time functioning independently, or maybe even have a real mental illness that needs to be confronted. However, faking it not only makes people less likely to accept those with actual illness, but it makes people less likely to help people with actual mental illness. Anyone I know who's dealt with fakers tend to just assume everyone's just using their issues as a crutch, even folks who have mental health problems themselves, and it's destroying the progress we've made as a society in favor of those struggling with their mental health.
We as a society need to come together to help relieve this issue at the source. Not only do we need to continue accepting those with authentic mental illness. Not only do we need to fight for their rights, advocate for accessibility to affordable care and emergency mental health aid. We also need to help those that are faking it stop, not by telling them they're wrong and alienating them, but by confronting the issues that led them to fake mental illness, self-diagnose, or self-identify in the first place. They may be craving attention because they've always been an outcast. They may have an actual issue they're exaggerating. They may even just be following a trend because they want to fit in. I'm not saying they're right in doing what they're doing, but the issue isn't going to be solved by just banning them or harassing them. They need help as well, just like those in our communities with authentic mental illness, because in the end, they wouldn't be faking it without a reason.
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