#just the justice league getting into very heated debates and bruce just sighing as he watches them from the surveillance cameras
bbbbbbbbatman · 1 year
I love the trope of the justice league all thinking that batman is a metahuman, but he just doesn't talk about it because he's secretive about literally everything. Every league member has their own theory on what his powers are which they love to debate and cite examples for whenever batman can't hear them
Barry thinks it's an intelligence thing, like his IQ was boosted or something, that's why he's the world's greatest detective
Hal claims he was bitten by a radioactive bat and has bat powers like echolocation (yes, he knows it sounds stupid, and yes, he will die on this hill, and one day when he gets definitive proof everybody will have to get on their knees and apologize for laughing at him)
Superman thinks he was involved in an experiment by one of Gotham's rogues when he was younger and has standard physical powers (strength, speed, endurance, etc) but just at very low levels so they don't stand out but still put him ahead of normal humans in physical capability
Arthur thinks he has a regenerative factor bc no way an ordinary human gets hit like that so much and keeps going
Victor thinks he's some sort of empath and that's how he's able to do detective work so well and come up with such good plans on the fly
J'onn knows Batman is human (for obvious reasons) and declines to contribute to these conversations because "it would spoil all the fun"
Diana also knows (because she's not stupid) but contributes to these conversations not with her own theories but by egging on everybody else's because she loves chaos
Bruce is aware of the situation and hasn't said anything because he's not sure yet if it's more or less beneficial that they think he's a metahuman (though he does wish Diana would stop encouraging Hal's radioactive bat theory)
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