#just to bryce he is just a sleepy little guy
mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
bryce really took one look at jensen, a whole 6'1", 215+lbs, w chronic rbf and tone to match and really said actually that's my baby. my cutie patootie. my snuggly little guy. and jensen just has to accept that
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hexagonalhavoc · 8 months
Can I request The Hax Characters With a cuddly sleepy reader hcs
Hex characters with a sleepy, cuddly reader hc’s
[Author’s Note: Heck yeah, stop normalizing the grind and start normalizing being a sleepy lil guy] 
He doesn’t get very much sleep because he’d rather play or program his games later on in the day but he’ll chill in the same room as you. 
Lionel isn’t really a cuddler but he’ll let you lean against him. 
You’re probably the reason why he’s starting to have a better sleep schedule. 
He’s a pretty decent artist because he designs all the visual aspects of his games so he might sketch you while you’re sleeping. He’s very shy about showing you these sketches because he doesn’t want to come off as weird.
Carla loves to cuddle but she can’t sit still. 
She has so many stuffed animals you can cuddle with in her absence and a bunch of cool blankets with different designs on them. 
Before you moved in together she would fall asleep with you on Discord calls. 
Before she started dating you she would listen to asmr so she would recommend you some channels she liked. She would watch the funny ones with you in bed.
If you’re asleep in front of other people he’ll make it very clear that no one should disturb your rest. 
Reggie has different records that he can play on the gramophone if you prefer music while you’re sleeping. If you don’t he can make the inn silent.
Will hum to you as you fall asleep.
Life can be so stressful so he’s just happy to see that you’re resting.
Jeremiah is a very awkward cuddler so in the beginning you’ll be initiating most of it. 
Even if you’re bundled up in blankets he’ll still give you his cloak.
He doesn’t need sleep but will sleep next to you if it’s something you want him to do. 
He likes listening to the sound of your heartbeat, it becomes his favorite sound to fall asleep to.
Chef Bryce: 
Bryce prefers to be moving and doing something but he considers all time with you to be precious, even if it’s sleeping. 
He may not fall asleep but he’ll use that opportunity to practice meditation, breathing exercises, or reflect on his day. 
He likes to tell you about the silly dreams he had when he wakes up and he likes to hear about your dreams. 
He doesn’t sleep with a lot of blankets so you can have as many as you like but he will steal your pillows. 
Laz is always tired even if he gets an appropriate amount of rest which is rare. 
He’ll sleep along with you no matter the time or the place. 
I saw a drawing of him with long hair once so that’s now my headcanon for him. His hair is super long and will get everywhere while you two are sleeping. It’s normal to wake up with some of his hair in your mouth. 
He likes to hold your hand while sleeping so he’s still connected to you. 
Chandrelle talks in her sleep and it can be really funny sometimes. 
She’s a little grumpy when she first wakes up but then again she’s grumpy all the time. 
Before she met you she was fine with sleeping alone but now if she wants to sleep she needs you to cuddle her. 
She uses some of the items and potions from her game to create skincare products so that you two have a fun nighttime spa routine. 
Doesn’t need to sleep but enjoys sleeping anyways. 
She’s always hyper aware of everything meaning it’s hard for her to fall asleep. Your cuddles do help her get calm and cozy. 
Unfortunately her hyper awareness means that even the most faintest sound or a slight change in temperature will wake her up. 
She enjoys building a huge pillow fort for the both of you to sleep in. This pillow fort will literally defy the laws of time and space.
Irving doesn’t really understand that people need to rest so he ends up pushing other people and himself to the limit. 
It’ll take some persuasion but you can get him to fall asleep with you. You tell him that you’ll only take a five minute nap and it ends up being hours later before either of you wake up. 
He thinks resting makes him weak but he loves holding you and making you feel safe. He tells himself that he’s only resting for you and won’t admit that he genuinely enjoys his downtime with you. 
He prefers to sleep and cuddle with you on a couch so that he can get up easily if his work requires him to do so. 
First Person Perspective: 
It’s hard to tell if he sleeps or not but he’s always down for cuddling with you. 
If you fall asleep and he needs to go somewhere he’ll just carry you around, he doesn’t really care who’s watching. It’s just comforting to have you close by. 
He loves glow in the dark stuff so if the both of you have a room at the inn it will be covered in those glow in the dark stars that stuck on ceilings. 
He’s great to cuddle with because he’s really good at staying still. 
Rust McClain: 
This man is so tired but will not sleep unless you drag him to bed. 
Even when he’s no longer in Waste World he insists on looking out for danger. After what happened in his game it’s hard for him to feel safe but he’ll sleep if you really want him to. 
He enjoys cuddling with you but you can only do it once he has all of his accessories off otherwise it’s going to be very uncomfortable. 
He loves sleeping to the sound of rain. If it’s raining he’ll start to fall asleep even if he doesn’t mean to.
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marsupials-of-mars · 1 year
Due to lack of sleep and new medication I have violently imprinted on a new hyperfixation like a baby bird. The kind that's out of left field but has consumed my mind for two horrid days.
I'm also kind of wary of the Brandon Rogers community bc he comes from like edgy stuff which is great bc he does it well but it can make for a rough fandom experience bc many do not do it well. and there's a lot of overlap with the vivziepop community which I'm also spooked by because a lot of it skews young and edgy in the same way. (I also enjoy helluva boss but it is very flawed and we need to be on the same page fr I honestly see more what the total stuff is going for now seeing the Brandon stuff but I think he does it better personally)
And this sounds like insulting but I am not trying to Im just sleepy and ramblin. I'm usually not keen on those types of fandoms bc it can be a lot of infighting and sort of like uncritical/non-nuanced views of characters and all? And that's just an assumption I haven't actually engaged much with specifically the new stuff maybe it'll be more adult because he's an older YouTube guy so the young ppl who watched him are grown.
Basically I'm trying to figure out the best way to enter a fandom and curate an experience where I won't get stressed.
I need to be placed into the water in my little fish bag so I am in my proper little spot. I must be accustomed to the scent through a closed door.
Basically I'm asking who I should follow in the BRYCE/helluva boss fandoms who do cool shit with the material.
Sorry I feel like I'm being condescending but my brain has been rock tumbling bobby worst and Bryce tank thrust for a couple days with nothing else in there and I need an outlet I'm in pain
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ffauthor · 2 years
Justin Foley x Reader Fanfic
Hi! If anyone has any ideas for a fanfiction, please let me know!~
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Plot: You were in a bad accident, a car crash to be specific. You just finished your job at Monet’s cafe, and since the only place left to the park was a parking lot nearby, left you with no other choice than to walk through that alleyway. it's late, so of course, they're drunk people, you thought you could make it past them, but they had other plans...
TW: Mentions of Abuse, Drinking, Car crash, Blood, Cursing.
You've managed to crawl behind a dumpster, You've just taken a full-on beating. While you try to find something, anything that could just help you escape. ''Playin' hide and seek now, are we?'' one of the guys says, hiccuping, laughing disgustingly. You tried to keep your breath steady, sitting still, not daring to move a single bit, afraid of being caught. That's when your eyes notice a can, only at your foot length. You bite the inside of your lip and leave out a couple of breaths before you rush to the can.  And grab it without hesitation to throw it at them, making it hit one of the man's eyes. You took this as an opportunity to run, and so you did. you Ran and ran and ran, till your legs stopped moving. you know you were being chased, but you at least made it to your car. Your hands were shaking, head was pounding and your body was covered in bruises and blood. you got ahold of your keys with shaking hands and unlocked the car. Tears were streaming down your face as you slammed the door behind you, started the car, and wiped them off.
''Come on, stop crying!'' you mumbled to yourself, as you made your way out the parking lot, driving past them fully. Once you were on the road you let the tears fall. you've put your phone in the holder and dialed Justin's number, still keeping your eyes on the road. It rang a couple of times, longer than usual. ''Come on.. pick up the phone!'' you whispered, frustrated. before you were met with a sleepy voice. ''Y/n?' you smiled a little, full of relief. 'J-Justin.. i-i' the smile dropped, you didn't know what to say. and didn't know why you called him. His voice was now full of worry, as he heard your struggle. 'Babe? What's wrong? Are you okay?' you grunt in pain, starting to sob louder. 'No... I-i guess not really, i-i don't know..' - 'What's going on baby? I can't hear you properly' you started to speed up, wanting to be home as soon as possible. 'B-Bryce.. h-he'' you didn't have to say anything else, before Justin made a strong fist, anger filling within him. 'What did he do?!' he tried to stay calm for you, but in reality, he was pissed. your sight was getting blurrier by the tears, as you noticed a bright light coming towards you, two bright lights. And before you know it, you were met with a loud crash, glass shivering all around while you fell unconscious immediately. ''H-Holy shit! Y/N?!' Justin yelled, hearing the crash through the phone speakers. 'Y/N, BABE?!' his voice was full of worry, as he started to shake.
He grabbed his car keys as fast as he could, made his way out of the door, and slammed the door close behind him. He made sure to keep you on the line, calling your name repeatedly, hoping for a response. 'Hang on babe.. don't quit on me, I'm going to find you..' his voice breaks, he gets in the car and drives around the neighborhood, hoping to find any sight of you.
After several minutes he did, as people were watching the scene. He pulled over next to the two cars. The female who hit you was already standing outside her car in complete shock, with some people comforting her. His car was barely standing still, while he opened his door and sprinted out of his car, making his way to you.
He got you out of the car, breaking down at the sight of seeing you like this, but also mad that no one checked up on you. He pulled you on his lap, holding you tightly, slapping your face softly to try to get you conscious. You snapped in and out of consciousness, him not letting you move. 'Babe... Can you hear me?'  he tried to say it as clearly as possible, but his cracks kept him from doing so.  'J-Jus..' You blurt out, happy to see his face, but also terrified. 'Yes it's me baby..' you tried to speak but ended up failing. 'N-No no, don't talk.. just.. stay there laying pretty, okay?' he gave you a quick fake smile, before hearing the sirens come closer.
He made space for them, still holding your hand like his life depends on it. a few people dragged you on a stretcher, Justin still not letting your hand go. you saw the change between the dark sky and the roof of the ambulance, as you started to panic. Justin took quick notice of that and kissed your forehead, before sitting down next to you, caressing your hand with his thumb. You moved your head to the side where Justin was sitting, his eyes red from crying, tear stains still on his cheeks, covering his bloody shirt likewise. You hated to see him like this, you wanted to hug him, tell him it's okay. but you couldn't, and it wasn't okay. you felt your heart drop in your stomach. not knowing if it was because of not being able to do anything, or because of the massive pain, you are in. ''Don't... L-Leave me, please..'' you whisper, not keeping your eyes off of him. He took your hand and brought it up to his lips, before pressing his against it. 'I'm not going anywhere, my love.'
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[early] birthday boy - vh
vinnie mood strikes again also thank you for 200+ notes on movie date! very excited ppl actually liked it! everything from last night just looked so cute i felt inspired :(
has this been done? idk but look! still kinda short but something :)
requests are open if you’re interested
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- first off you make it v clear to him that his gifts don’t come until wednesday for his actual bday
- he’s a little pouty but then he gets all sappy with an “all i need is you bubs”
- you guys get to the triller house early to help set up and he’s so excited but he keeps it lowkey because he’s just a little shy and doesn’t really want to broadcast it
- cuddling a bit on the grass in front of the projector while you wait for more people to arrive
- the party starts to pick up and everyone has their phones out hyping him up and he starts to nuzzle his face into your neck
- by the time it’s dark the two of you get separated, you’re chilling with aaron and troy but there are just so many people
- seeing him with tana makes you a little jealous because of how close they are, but once you approach them with aaron and the boys behind you, the two of you start talking and she’s just so sweet
- “wait you’re so hot- vinnie how did you land this girl? she’s way out of your league”
- the two of you get carried away making tiktoks and so the boys walk off but not before vinnie blows a kiss your way with a lil wink
- doing your own things for a bit because you trust each other and you have plans for his actual birthday :)
- eventually it’s time for cake and singing, but you’re still separated and trying to find one another
- bryce kinda starts to corner him but he’s like “wait dude i need my girl”
- he probably makes the dj turn off the music to call out your name and then you turn around and it feels like a moment in a movie making your way through the crowd to him
- he tucks you into his side and then he goes “okay now y’all can sing about how great i am” and you giggle and slap his chest gently and he just looks at you with such adoration
- of course with the triller boys he gets cake on his face so you pull him into a bathroom to wipe off his face
- he’s sitting on the counter with you in between his legs, and you kiss each spot that you’ve wiped off
- “you’re just so sweet vin!” and you pinch his cheeks and he just giggles at you
- once both of you come out people are hyped and they’ve started to drink and bryce is just so insistent about playing pong against vinnie
- “i’ll only play if i get to team up with her” and bryce is game anyways
- y’all absolutely kill it together and beat bryce, who paired off with taylor
- playing off the win and starting to get progressively a little more tipsy, which means more pda and lots of giggles
- tucked into his side like a koala while he starts saying goodbyes to people starting to leave
- getting to be a bit sleepy as he just chats with the boys, “you still with us babe?”
- mumbling out a sort of response in agreement into his shoulder
- finally getting ready to go, sleepily getting to the car, rambling on about how much fun you had
- “vin- baby, on your real birthday we’re gonna have so much fun! i’m gonna get you a better cake and we’re gonna have dinner with your parents and then,” you paused for dramatic effect, but it was mainly the effect of alcohol on your system, “i’ll do that thing you’ve wanted to do for a while,” with a little wink
- he laughs a little but gets genuinely excited about it, trying to hurry up the trip back to the hype house as best he could
- “you think you can make that an early birthday present babe?” but by the time he glances over at you, your eyes are closed and the sweetest little snores escaping your mouth
- shaking his head in slight disbelief but still smiling just in appreciation for everything you’d done and planned to do- his heart so full
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winterscaptain · 4 years
Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader
a/n: as usual, an ajf fic that requires very little context. i’m so sorry this took so long!! i was busy thinking about how to quit my job this week and then KIRA CAME TO VISIT ME (we’re being safe and covid-conscious!) so this took a couple of days longer than expected. also - i see your beautiful messages! i will keep chipping away at them :)
you can expect the route 66 fic on tuesday at 11pm pdt!
words: 4.4k warnings: canon-typical discussions of violence, some mention of canon-typical sexual assault, language
summary: as hotch recovers from the explosion in new york, you find yourself more concerned than you expected. (au!2008)
masterlist | a joyful future master list | requests closed!
“The Angel Maker. I remember the case.” 
It’s a fairly normal start to the week, with a case packed and ready for you at 10am. Aaron was out of the field for a week or so with his injuries, but his presence at the round table and the go bag you spotted beside his desk this morning warms you. 
He’s back. Not completely, but that’s better than not at all. 
“They caught that guy.” Reid’s flipping through the case file, but you know he’s got one ear open. 
Rossi’s on the same page, and finishes Reid’s thought. “And executed him.” 
“That’s right,” JJ says. “He was put to death by lethal injection a year ago yesterday.” 
You release a little breath you were holding. “Yesterday?”
That’s a clear enough trigger for a fanatic. It wasn’t the first time you’d seen something like this, either with your tenure at the BAU or in previous case studies at the academy. It was always a little shocking - the lengths people go to complete the work of the devil they romanticize...
Derek throws a finger at you as if to say Exactly. “So we’re looking for a copycat.” 
“Honoring the anniversary of his hero’s death.” Dave sits back in his chair, almost satisfied. You smile a little. 
The confidence of a seasoned profiler. 
Aaron catches your smile, and his lips pull just the barest amount. You shake your head, suppressing a wider grin. 
Funny, isn’t it?
His brows tug. What?
It’s so...normal. And so predictable. You sit back, peering at Aaron over your copy of the file. He huffs (you recognize it as a laugh, though the rest of his face remains exactly the same) and turns his attention toward Reid, who’s still flipping through the file. 
“It says here they found semen at the crime scene. Perhaps locals will get a DNA match through VICAP?” When you follow Aaron’s gaze to Spencer, you’re not surprised to see him already absorbed in the latter half of the report. 
“See, that’s where things get weird.” Her face screws up. “They already ran it, and got a match.” She throws the file toward you, and you open it. 
“If they already have a name, why’d they call us?” Emily’s confusion is swallowed up in your own. 
“You’ve got to be kidding.” You look over at Hotch, who takes the file from your hands. “The match they got back on the DNA is to Courtland Bryce Ryan -” 
Hotch lets out a sharp huff. “The Angel Maker.” You meet his gaze again. 
This is going to be a weird one. 
“Wheels up in thirty.” 
You lean against the back of Hotch’s chair, peering over his shoulder as ideas bounce around the cabin. He’s focused on Reid along with the rest of you as the younger agent spins a theory. 
Derek’s the first one to question his particularly amusing line of thought. “Reid, you’re not seriously floating the idea of an evil twin, are you?”
“No. I’m floating the idea of an eviler twin.” Reid looks dead serious, and Hotch glances up at you. You shake your head a little, and he shrugs before restoring his attention. “Traditionally the concept is good twin and an evil twin. But in this case, it’s evil twin, eviler twin.” 
You swallow a laugh as both Derek and Emily look at him like he’s grown three extra heads all at once. 
Before any of you can say anything, Aaron’s hand rises to his forehead and his face scrunches up in pain. You place a hand on his shoulder from over the seat, patting him for his attention. “Hotch?” 
He hums something that sounds like, “Yeah?”
“Are you cleared to fly?”
He sucks in a breath to cover a wince, and you take that as a no. 
You sink your hands into his hair as he tips his head back against the seat with his eyes closed. The tips of your fingers find the little pressure points around his head, and you lean forward, keeping your voice soft. “Does that help?”
He nods, just a little, and you’re satisfied. You look at Derek over Hotch’s head, and he looks just as concerned as you feel. 
“I give you a legacy. A breath of life from the Angel Maker himself. Those who prayed to forget me will one day see my face and shrink in fear.” Reid recites aloud from the letter, and you listen with your head propped on your hand. 
The sheriff sighs and crosses his arms. “That’s the last thing people need right now.” 
“Reid, how does that compare with the original correspondence?” Derek ignores the sheriff, redirecting his attention to the letter and the genius holding it. 
You jump on Derek’s line of thinking. “It can’t be authentic, can it?” You drop your hand from your chin and lean toward Spencer, feeling Aaron hover over your shoulder. 
“They share some compelling characteristics. I’d obviously like to look at it under a magnification under a better light…”
Hotch’s voice almost startles you, right by your ear. “Best guess, Reid?”
“I’d say it’s authentic.” Rather than looking at Hotch, he looks at you. Your furrowed brow speaks for everyone present. 
“How can it be authentic if the guy’s been dead for over a year?” Looking over at Hotch, you hope he has something better than paranormal speculation. 
He doesn’t disappoint. “It could be an elaborate forgery.” 
“Or,” Reid adds, “it could be a genuine article, just written before his death.” 
You hum. “That's my favorite of the theories so far.” 
The sheriff shakes his head, coming up on your other side. It’s almost comical the way you’re all crowded around the letter. “Mail here isn’t that slow.” 
Derek’s the only one who hasn’t joined you. He’s still happily posted up at the desk, leaning against it with his arms crossed. You glance at him before offering, “Could have been released through an intermediary.”
“You mean the copycat?” Reid asks. 
Nodding, you suggest, “He could be buried in those visitor logs - we’re checking them out now to see who visited Ryan and how often.” 
Derek finally joins you. “That’ll narrow the suspect pool.”
Hotch flinches again and his fingers press to his brow as the front door opens, allowing the rush of a truck to sound through the room. 
He waves you off. “I’m fine.” 
There’s nothing you can do. 
You’re with Derek in one of the interrogation rooms, going through letter upon letter from Ryan’s time in prison. “What happens if Hotch actually loses his hearing?” You can’t help the overwhelming notes of concern coloring your voice. “I mean, what are we going to say to Strauss? ‘Excuse me ma’am, if our unit chief goes deaf because he won’t fucking slow down, can he still be our unit chief?’ I mean - “
You shut your mouth as Hotch walks into the room. Shame floods through you. It was more than unkind to talk about him behind his back as it was, and here you were - broadcasting your worst fears about his condition to one of your closest mutual friends. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean -” 
Aaron once again waves you off. “It’s alright.” He comes to rest beside you, and you reach for his arm in apology. 
“How are you feeling?”
He shakes his head, and Derek leaves the two of you alone, closing the door behind him. Hotch looks over his shoulder, satisfied that you’re on your own. 
“Dizzy. Nauseated. Tired.” It’s like a checklist - matter-of-fact and without bias. 
You take stock of him. The cuts on his face are healing nicely, and the bruise on his cheek is fading. The bags under his eyes, though, betray the lack of sleep. “What can I do?”
He shakes his head with something that isn’t a smile if you don’t know him. “Nothing. Just keep doing good work.” 
“I’m sorry,” you blurt. “I didn’t mean to be insensitive earlier.” 
“I know.” 
“I’m just worried, is all.” Your voice tapers off at the end of your thought, just a little embarrassed. 
A little breath leaves his nose, and you know it’s sort of a laugh. “I know.” He presses a hand to your shoulder for a moment before diving into one of the boxes himself.
Hotch walks quickly, and you keep up as best you can as he informs the sheriff, “I have to advise against this.” 
“All due respect, this isn’t your town. I have to convince them that Courtland Ryan is dead and buried.” 
Hotch glances back at you, and you shrug. 
Small towns. Serial killers. What are you gonna do?
The cemetery is relatively quiet, the sleepy town waiting for something to happen with bated breath. It’s not like anyone would be taking late-night walks anytime soon. 
His head tips, and you know he agrees. Nevertheless, he turns back toward the sheriff. “You’re indulging the killer by perpetuating the ruse he’s created.” 
Nice. Five dollar words for the two-bit sheriff. 
“He’s right. It may embolden him. Prompt more murders.” Emily says, watching the proceedings with a discerning eye. You can only agree. 
The sheriff shakes his head. “Celia lost her only daughter to that murdering bastard. We met when I was working the case and had gotten close. I thought we were past all this, but...I guess I was kidding myself.” 
The crane starts up, and there’s a sinking feeling that you’ve forgotten about something as the chains tighten and begin to lift the coffin. All at once, you remember and turn as Hotch steps away, his hand over his ear and the other pressed against his brow again. 
You hover beside him, not sure what to do. Pressing your hands to his forearms, you do your best to shield him from some of the sound with your body. 
He makes a weak attempt to wave you off, but his voice startles you. It’s so small as he insists, “I’m alright. I’m fine. Just -”
“Hotch -”
“I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay. Yeah.” 
You don’t believe him for a second, but as the noise decreases, so does his agony. He removes his hands from his ears for a moment. He’s blinking rapidly, looking simultaneously dazed and far too aware. 
He shakes his head. “Don’t. I’m fine. I’m okay.” 
Your lips press into a thin line and you remove your hands from his arms. “Take it easy. I can’t make your life hell if you can’t hear me, alright?”
Your teasing has the intended effect, and he levels you with his signature glare that’s only halfway playful. 
“The victim is Maxine Chandler. The neighbors say she’s lived here her whole life. All twenty-eight years of it.” 
The house is infused with the presence of children - play structures, toys, the whole nine. Aaron voices your thoughts. “How many kids does she have?” 
“None of her own. She runs a daycare. The guy who called 911 came here to drop off his toddler and found Maxine in her bedroom.”
That’s an eventful morning. 
“Well,” you note, “now that we have more than one victim, we can compare victimology.” 
Hotch nods, and you meet his eyes for a moment. “Different data points should help us significantly narrow the profile.” 
“I’ll get JJ to bring us the files on the first victim.” Morgan says, his phone already in his hand. 
“What did you find?” 
The coroner runs you through his findings, and they’re not much different from the first murder, but there is one notable difference. 
“Nine puncture wounds,” Emily notes, her dark eyes roaming over the body. 
You’re close to Hotch, watching them bounce off each other. It’s always inspiring to watch them. As close as you and Aaron are, you were deeply impressed but his professional relationship with Emily. There’s part of you that chalks it up to your age - they are only two years apart. They form their own little age bracket on the team while you, JJ, and Spencer make up the younger strata. 
More often than not, the three of you were able to keep up with each other just like Emily and Aaron. 
“Can I have your pen?” Emily asks.
“Yeah.” Hotch pulls the pen from his inside pocket, handing it over into her eager hands. “What is it?” 
You wait as she doodles something into her notepad before her head whips up. “She did this.” 
“What do you mean?” You’re not following, and you can tell Hotch isn’t either. 
“The unsub. She made this before she made the puncture wounds.” 
Hotch tips his chin, understanding. “That’s why the coroner found paper in the wounds.” 
“It was a template. The Angel Maker did it from memory, but she needed a guide to get it right.” 
You pull your phone out, already dialing Reid as Hotch says. “We need to go back and re-examine each of the patterns. Where’s Reid?” 
“Spence. Hey. We have something for you.” You pass the phone and a little smile to Hotch, who takes both with a grateful look. 
Emily watches the exchange, feeling suddenly like an outsider - almost an intruder. There’s something between you two, always has been, but this moment is such a clean-cut outline of it. You’re constantly anticipating the needs of the other, ready with a warmth and fondness at a moment’s notice. 
She sees it again when he presses your phone back into your waiting hand. You take it and brush past him as he turns over his shoulder to follow you out the door. It almost looks choreographed. In fairness, you’d both done it what feels like thousands of times before. 
When you pause in the living room, both turning at the same time when Derek calls for Hotch, a shadow of a thought crosses her mind. It’s gone before it’s truly there, and she lets it go. 
Reid’s finally cracked it, and you’re all crowded around him again as he explains what he’s found. He profiled the author, figured out the cypher used by the Aryan Brotherhood, and generally made use of his insane brain. The patterns themselves are constellations, woven into every aspect of their relationship. 
You find a smile breaking out over your face as you listen to Spencer spin. Hotch leans over and whispers, “He hasn’t let loose in a while, has he?” You’re standing on his left, of course, just in case. 
Shaking your head, you laugh a little. Emily’s looking at Spencer like he’s from another planet. She pokes him and voices the thought you’ve all had at least once. “He’s so lifelike.”
Her comment gets a laugh out of you and a smile out of Aaron. You’re warmed by it. 
You clear and search Chloe Kelcher’s house, staying firmly attached to Aaron’s seven o’clock position, right off his left shoulder. 
“Alright. We all know what the endgame is. She’s looking for her final victim. She may have already chosen one.” Hotch looks around, suggesting assignments with the flicker of his eyes around the house. “Let’s tear this place apart, look for anything that might tell us who she’s targeted.”
You follow Hotch and Derek into the nursery, noting the stars on the ceiling. The crib captures your attention - the carefully placed onesie indicating the pain of a woman in denial. Your brow crumples, and Aaron steps up beside you, nudging a couple of stuffed animals out of the way as a cursory search. 
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just...thinking.” The trigger is as clear as a neon sign, and you’re sure much saner people would break down like this at the loss of a child. There’s a silent prompting as he stands beside you, waiting for you to elaborate. “I dunno. I can just see how someone close to reasonable would be in bad enough shape after something like this, not to mention someone as unstable as our unsub.” 
He sighs. “It must have devastated her to think that she could hold on to Ryan by having his child and then lose the baby.” 
Derek hums from across the room, joining the conversation. “Completing his murders became the only way she could hold onto him.”
Something strikes Aaron then - something intangible. He turns and opens the trunk in the corner of the room. Its contents pull your upper lip up in disgust.
With a dubious pair of eyebrows, Aaron notes, “Not the only way.” 
“Guess that answers that.” 
You reach the final victim’s house, and you can only hope you’ve made it in time. Hotch immediately assumes authority, leading collaboration between the BAU and local law enforcement. He assigns Derek to find an opening into the house, while he directs the sheriff to bring all the cars to the front, no lights. 
He finds a megaphone for Emily, and you take your place at his left side, crouched to take the low firing point through the car’s open window. 
“Hit the lights,” he directs, and they do. 
All at once, it’s bright - nearly daylight. Emily starts talking, and you’re singularly focused on the front of the house. The windows, the door, and the curtains are all within your purview. You glance up at Hotch, who glances down at you. He unholsters his weapon, and you bump his hip with your elbow and return your attention to the front of the house
“Go into the pouch next to my extra magazines.” 
You can sense rather than see his frown. 
“Just trust me. Open it.” 
His left hand finds your belt while he continues to scan the area, unclipping the pouch without looking. You hear a huff of laughter as he finds what you left for him. 
“Put one in your right ear and don’t argue with me.” Your voice is still low, but you dropped into the tone you learned from him, only half-joking. 
He rolls his eyes and stuffs the foam earplug in his bad ear before unholstering his weapon. 
“Door,” you warn as the front screen opens.  
“Chloe. Drop the gun.” Aaron’s voice is heavy with authority, and the sheriff backs him up. 
The world slows down when she raises the gun toward you all, and the sheriff fires. Despite the earplug, Aaron immediately collapses, dropping his service weapon at your feet and covering his ears with his hands. You holster your weapon and turn toward him on sheer instinct. 
You retrieve the gun, checking the safety and slipping it into your waistband. When you return your attention to him, he’s almost folded completely into himself, pained groans leaving him. Rossi beat you to him, half-holding him up, but he shifts Aaron to you when you reach them both. 
“Aaron.” You wrap him in your arms and he takes some of his weight as his feet get back under him. He leans into you, and you do your best to support him. “Hotch, are you okay?”
He reaches out, finding your arm and gripping tight. You stay steady, almost in tears. It’s agonizing to see him in pain. 
“I’m okay. I’m okay.”
The next day, it’s decided he’ll drive one of the cars home, instead of taking the plane. 
You laugh as Derek throws the keys at Spencer. Hotch steps up beside you, throwing his go bag in one of the cars. Going out on a bit of a limb, you ask, “Want any company?” You keep your voice low, just in case anyone’s listening. 
First of all, you don’t want to out yourself in front of your colleagues - they all know how much you care about him and you don’t want them getting any ideas. Second of all, you know how Hotch gets when he’s alone too long. 
He raises his eyebrows for a second, but Dave interrupts his thought before he can share it with you. “Why don’t you two drive together? It’ll be a better trip with some company and you can’t stand the rest of us for more than three hours at a time.” 
Hotch snorts. “Fine.” He looks over at you and you shrug and throw your go bag in the backseat with his. 
“I’m good with that. What are you thinkin’? Straight through, or are we taking a the scenic route?”
Dave pipes in again. “I think a couple of days could do you both some good. It’s been a long few weeks.” 
You and Hotch look at each other. You look back at Dave. “Good idea. See you Tuesday?”
He nods and joins the rest of the team in the other car, slipping into the passenger seat. 
The car is quiet for the first half hour or so. You’re driving - it’s the only way Aaron can hear you in the car, so you’ll probably nap or post up in the backseat when it’s his turn to take the wheel. 
You glance over at him before you hit the state line. “You’re thinking very loudly over there.” 
A smile pulls at his lips. The heel of his hand supports his cheekbone as his elbow rests on the window ledge. “Am I?”
He shrugs a little. “It’s weird not driving.” 
“Ah. So that’s why you’ve been silent for the last…” you check the clock on the dash, “thirty nine minutes.” You’re teasing him and he knows it, but it’s also loaded with questions. 
There’s silence, and you wait for him. It’s another thing you’ve learned about him in the last year. Sometimes he’s quiet, but he never avoids you for long. 
“I’m thinking about Kate.” 
There he is. 
You prompt him a little, intrinsically knowing he needs a direction. “Did she have family?”
He nods. “An older sister. She’s flying in from London for the service, but their parents are gone and she wasn’t married, so...that’s it.” 
Still looking at the road, you reach out, wrapping your fingers around his forearm. “I’m so sorry, Aaron.” 
His hand covers yours for a second. “Thanks.”
You pull back, adjusting your grip on the wheel. A question pushes at your lips, but you roll it around in your head before you really consider asking it aloud. 
“You can ask.” 
Your head whips toward him for just a moment. “What?”
“You can ask,” he repeats, the shadow of a smile crossing his face. “I know you want to.”
You concede with a little chuff. “Fine. What happened between you and Kate?” 
“In what sense?” He’s totally fucking with you, and you shove at his shoulder. 
“You know exactly what I mean.” 
He shakes his head. “Alright, fine. There was…” he searches, “a moment when she and I were finished working together on the Scotland Yard case that something...happened.” 
“Well,” he amends, “nothing actually happened, but let’s just say she had a couple too many and made her intentions very clear.” 
Can’t blame her for that one. 
Yeah, and that’s why we don’t get drunk with everyone else. Shit happens. 
You glanced at him, suppressing a smile. “So what happened?”
He shakes his head, and there’s a sort of dry humor in his voice when he answers,“Obviously, she was pretty out of it, so I took her back to her place and made sure she was settled for the night with a glass of water and some aspirin.” A smile cuts through his huff of laughter. You’re not surprised to hear mourning in it, too. “She was miserable in the morning, and called me to ask what happened the night before. I may have...very loosely implied that something small might have happened, just to save her the embarrassment.” 
He pauses, and you know he’s a little reluctant to be this vulnerable - you’re almost sure he never expected to tell this story to anyone, let alone you. 
“The attraction was mutual, so I didn’t feel too bad about omitting the consequences of her…” he searches for a word again, “forwardness. It was - is - something I respect about her both personally and professionally.” 
“Did you ever tell Haley?”
He shook his head. “I told her the truth - that she needed some help getting home, I set her up for the night, and came right back. She wasn’t thrilled, but she and Kate got on well enough that she didn’t mind too much. I think she was more annoyed that I got home so late even without a case, now that I’m thinking about it.” 
You laugh a little. “That sounds like her.” 
“She wasn't always like this, you know.” His voice takes on something a little more pensive, and you settle deeper into your seat to let him know you’re listening, even if your eyes hardly stray from the road. “We had a ridiculous amount of fun together when we were younger - first married, I was fresh out of law school, everything ahead of us, and all that.” He heaves a sigh. “It’s really only since Jack was born that things got...bad.”
He pauses, thinking for a moment. “I wish I could explain the work to her - I sometimes wish she could see it, even though I never actually want her to see the things we see every day.”
You keep your voice light, understanding. “I get that. It can’t be easy knowing that we’re your family, too, and even that’s difficult to explain.” 
There’s silence, and you know there’s a tacit agreement in it. 
His next comment comes a little from left field, but it makes you smile. “She likes you, by the way. She really does.” 
“Good.” You glance over at him. “I’m glad.” 
There’s something he wants to say, and you raise your eyebrows expectantly, knowing he can see it in your profile. 
“Would you want to come over sometime and spend some time with Jack? I -” he exhales, and tries again. “It’s sometimes...weird to have him all to myself.” He laughs a little. “I almost don’t know what to do with him all day when it’s just the two of us.” 
A real smile breaks across your face. “I’d love to.” 
He nods, satisfied with himself. “It’ll be nice for Haley to see you as well. I know she feels a little cut off these days.” 
Another bout of silence fills the car. It’s comfortable. Safe. 
“Thank you,” he says, after a long while. 
You look over, letting your eyes wander down his profile for a moment. “Of course.” 
You stay at a little motel off the highway, pulling over after about four hours on the road. It’s only a little ways back to Fairfax, where you’ll drop him off at home before returning the car to Quantico, but Rossi’s right - it’s nice to take some time. 
In two separate double beds across the room from each other, you wish each other good night in the dark. 
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @wandaswitxh @hurricanejjareau @ange-must-die @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @good-heavens-chris-evans @davidrossi-ismydad @angelsbabey @gublergirls @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @hotchsflower @micaiahmoonheart @ogmilkis @marvels-agents100 @hotchslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @joemazzello-imagines @pinkdiamond1016 @pan-pride-12 @lee-rin-ah @sunshine-em @word-scribbless @jdougl-love @sageellsworth05 @nohalohoseok @giveusbackourbucky @writerxinthedark @bauslut @yourlovelynewsbian @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @hotchnersgoddess @buckybau @sana-li @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandice-ray @dontkissthewriter @ellyhotchner @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @ahopelessromantic @violentvulgarvolatile @andreasworlsboring101 @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst @bwbatta @roses-and-grasses @lcvischmitt @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @averyhotchner @mandylove1000 @garcia-reid-lovechild  @cevanswhre @qvid-pro-qvo @jeor @spencers-hoodrat @infinity1321 @zizzlekwum @katiejuliana @popped-weasels @evee87 @nuvoleincielo @this-broken-band-girl @sapphicstars 
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rookie-ramsey · 4 years
Eclipse, Chapter 3 (Ethan x MC)
Description: Five years after the birth of their unexpected twins, Ethan and Olivia are expecting their third child. Even if they planned the pregnancy this time around, they learn that not everything goes as planned.
Preview: “We know now that she’ll definitely need heart surgery. She has what’s called an atrioventricular septal defect. She’ll be okay for a couple of months, but then she’ll have symptoms of heart failure. The good news is that the surgery has a very high success rate,” Ethan explained.
Alan nodded softly. “Well, you know that whatever you need, I’m there. I’ll watch Zoey and Jonah anytime you need to be with the baby.”
Previous Chapter
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At the end of the month, they left Boston for a trip to Alan’s house.
When Ethan pulled into the driveway, Zoey and Jonah clambered out of the backseat and rushed to the front door. Alan answered moments later and knelt down to hug his grandchildren.
“It’s about time you got here!”
They hugged him tightly. Jonah smiled widely. “What are you making for dinner?”
Alan chuckled. “I’m glad you asked. I’m making spaghetti and I need some taste testers for the sauce. I just don’t know who to ask.”
“We’ll do it!” Zoey volunteered.
“Sounds like I found the right people.” Alan ruffled their hair and stood up. The twins raced each other into the kitchen and Ethan and Olivia followed Alan inside.
“Something smells good,” Olivia noted.
Alan grinned. “It better! It was one of the first recipes Ethan learned how to make. His results back then weren’t nearly as good as they are now, but he learned fast.”
“Too bad that doesn’t apply to pancakes,” Olivia teased.
“Or dessert!” Jonah chimed in.
“He never did learn how to bake, did he?” Alan agreed,
“Nope. He always messes it up,” Zoey added.
Ethan rolled his eyes. “We’ve been here a minute and I’m already the topic of discussion?”
“Always.” Olivia squeezed his arm. A few minutes later, dinner was ready and everyone took a seat at the table.
“Jonah, Zoey, how’s kindergarten?” Alan addressed his grandkids.
Jonah smiled sheepishly, with the hints of pride in his eyes. “I got put in time-out today cause I woke someone up at naptime.”
Alan chuckled. “Has your daddy ever told you about his kindergarten time-outs? He had a few, if I remember correctly.”
“Really,” Alan confirmed. “One time he stole chocolate out of the teacher’s desk drawer. He even had an elaborate plan to get her to leave her desk.”
Olivia snickered, entertained. “That’s painfully adorable. How did he get caught?”
Ethan rolled his eyes, but his lips curled into an amused smile. “I wasted time trying to choose between the Hershey bar and the Snickers. When she turned around, I tried to get back to my seat but she caught me with a candy bar in each hand.”
“Such a shame. You could have gotten away with it.”
Ethan smirked. “Who says I didn’t? For all you know, I spent my time-out eating chocolate every time she turned her back to me. The plan wasn’t a complete failure.”
“Just when I thought the story couldn’t get cuter.” Olivia and the twins laughed out loud and resumed eating.
After dinner, they gathered in the living room. Alan gave the kids a photo album to look through, something they always wanted to do when they visited.
When they found the picture of Ethan as a child, his lips locked with the plush mouth of his teddy bear, Zoey giggled and held it up. “This one’s my favorite!”
Ethan cringed. “You remind me of that every time we’re here.”
Olivia grinned. “It’s a pretty fascinating picture. Little Ethan making out with a stuffed animal is pretty fascinating.”
“Nuh uh, Daddy.” Zoey shook her head, tucking the picture back into the album. She and her twin continued flipping through the pages, amused with the pictures as if they didn’t look at the album every time they visited Alan’s house.
Jonah found Ethan’s basketball picture from middle school. “Daddy looks like a giant.”
Alan laughed. “He was the tallest kid in his class until his senior year of high school. Then he met someone taller than him and refused to learn the kid’s name.”
“How petty of him.” Olivia giggled. “I’m pretty sure these two are going to be skyscrapers, too.”
Once they’d looked through another album, Jonah and Zoey left the room to play in Ethan’s old bedroom, which now served as a room for them to stay in if they spent the night.
“We had another appointment yesterday to check on the baby,” Olivia announced.
“How did that go?” Alan asked curiously.
“We know now that she’ll definitely need heart surgery. She has what’s called an atrioventricular septal defect. She’ll be okay for a couple of months, but then she’ll have symptoms of heart failure. The good news is that the surgery has a very high success rate,” Ethan explained.
Alan nodded softly. “Well, you know that whatever you need, I’m there. I’ll watch Zoey and Jonah anytime you need to be with the baby.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
They stayed until the kids emerged from the bedroom, both visibly sleepy. Jonah tried to contain a yawn as he leaned against Ethan’s knee.
“Can we spend the night?”
Ethan shook his head and ruffled his son’s hair. “Not on a school night.”
“School is closed tomorrow!” Zoey tried.
“Nice try.”
Olivia stood up. “I think it’s time to start going home.”
The kids sighed but gave in and hugged Alan goodbye before they followed their parents to the car. Despite their insistence that they weren’t tired, they were both sound asleep before they’d made it out of Providence.
Even though they spent most of their after-school time in the daycare for staff children, Zoey and Jonah knew the halls of Edenbrook just as well, if not better, than the employees.
When they  saw Bryce checking his schedule at the front desk, they rushed to the desk. “Uncle Bryce!”
Bryce grinned. “Hey, Double Trouble.”
Jonah pointed at the schedule on the wall. “Are you gonna cut anyone open today?”
“Two. I’m doing a kidney transplant. I cut the first guy open, take out his kidney, and then put it inside his brother.”
Zoey’s eyes widened. “Cool!”
Bryce laughed. “Sure is. What kind of trouble do you two have planned?”
Jonah glanced around to make sure nobody was eavesdropping. “We’re gonna watch TV in the lounge. Don’t tell anybody.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” Bryce assured them. Satisfied, the kids waved at him before they left, sneaking in the direction of the lounge.
They poked their heads inside to make sure nobody was inside. Then they dashed into the lounge and started perusing the available snack options. Once they’d picked out something to eat, they sat on the plush couch as if they belonged there.
They’d only been in the lounge a few minutes when the door opened and a confused-looking handful of interns stuck their heads in the room. One of them sighed and shook his head.
“Nope. This is the lounge.”
Curious, Jonah stopped clicking through the channels on the television.  “What are you looking for?”
“Uh… Dr. Ramsey’s office?”
“Which Dr. Ramsey?”
The intern’s eyes widened. “There’s more than one?”
Zoey hopped off the couch and grinned. “Yup! Our mommy and daddy. But Mommy usually goes by her old last name so people don’t get confused.”
“Uh… this folder says E. Ramsey.”
“That’s Daddy,” Jonah confirmed. He finished his cookie and pointed at the door. “We’ll show you.”
Looking simultaneously grateful and awkward to be accepting directions from five-year-olds, the intern looked back at the little group and nodded. “Thanks? We just transferred from another hospital, so we don’t know where anything is.”
Zoey and Jonah led the interns through the halls, knowing the way to the diagnostics office by heart. When they reached it, Zoey pushed the door open. “There!”
Ethan looked up from his charts and arched a brow. “What are you two doing, and why do you have interns following you?”
“We’re helping them!” Jonah explained.
“I mean, why aren’t you-” Ethan stopped, dropping the subject. The twins managed to escape daycare regularly enough that he knew better than to interrogate, so he motioned for the puzzled interns to step inside.
Curious, Zoey and Jonah lingered in the doorway to watch. When they heard a voice behind them, they turned around and smiled. “Naveen!”
Naveen grinned. “I think I need to put you two on the payroll.”
Ethan rolled his eyes. “Don’t encourage them.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure they get where they’re supposed to be.”
“I presume you’ll be taking them on a detour.”
Naveen chuckled. “Would I do that?” With a wink, he ushered the kids out of the office. “I’ll tell you what. I think we need to go check out the new ice cream machine in the cafeteria.”
Tags, part 1
@princess-geek / @lapisreviewsstuff / @silverlitskies / @paulfwesley / @dr-brianna-casey-valentine / @junehiratas / @choicesstanblog / @trappedinfandoms / @justanotherrookie / @bellcat2010 / @desmaranj / @lion-ess24 / @nooruleman / @caseyvalentineramsey / @xee-na / @edith-eggs1 / @oofchoices / @schnitzelbutterfingers​ / @tefigranger​ / @jlynn12273​ / @laceandlula / @crazy-loca-blog / @somegdchoices / @briefdreamlanddream / @forthebrokenheartedthings​ / @lilyvalentine​ / @parkerattano​ / @drramseysownsme​ / @misswhit12​ / @drethanfreakingramsey​ / @juneiswriting​ / @macy-ray85​ / @swimmingauthordreamerbonk​ / @myusualnerdyself​ / @siaramsey​ / @takemyopenheart​ / @queencarb​
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sophiewritesworld · 4 years
Dating Zach Dempsey would include
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Dates at Rosie’s because it’s where you went for your first date and you made it a tradition to go there all the time.
Zach can get extremely jealous when you spend a little too much time with any of his friends especially Jeff or Justin.
Proudly wearing his letterman to school and refusing to give it back when he asks for it.
“But Zach, it’s so comfy and warm...”
Wearing his jersey to his basketball games.
And you attend ALL of them because you’re his number one fan.
Getting private basketball lessons.
Zach isn’t too much into PDA.
Holding hands and kisses here and there but that’s it.
Forehead kisses mostly.
Proper kisses before any game because you’re his “lucky charm”.
He prefers to keep your relationship private.
Heavy make out sessions in the backseat of his car.
Soft first time.
You experiment a little in the bedroom.
You practically become his sister’s best friend and he complains that you don’t give him enough attention when she is around.
“You’re just jealous May loves me more than you, Dempsey.”
The first time you meet his mom, you are actually terrified of her but she likes you right away and keeps inviting you over all the time, even when she knows her son won’t be around. 
Being allowed to drive his car.
“How did you even convince him?” Alex asked.
“Do you really want to know my ways with him?”
Zach is the overprotective kind of guy and knowing how most of his friends are, you don’t complain about it.
Actually ending up kicking Bryce’s ass when he had the unfortunate idea of saying something about you one.
“Next time, I’ll make sure you end up in a hospital if you can’t keep your mouth shut, Walker.”
Study dates mostly in the school library because the guy can’t keep his hands to himself. 
Cute selfies. 
Late night calls.
His sleepy voice is so hot. 
Stealing his hoodies and t-shirts because they smell just like him and they’re comfy to sleep in.
Playing videos games together.
You rarely get mad at each other but when you do, you call him Zachary.
Your couple survives high school and all the drama that happened in the very last years.
You go to nearby colleges so you can see each other as often as you can.
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terrm9 · 4 years
Could you share more of Chiara's and Bryce's story? Did they ever make out? Does he know her family? That friendship is golden🌟
I will be happy to share their story <3 (this turned out rather long. Sorry if you didn’t want THAT much:D also I am once again adding my taglist and once again please ignore the tag if you do not care about this weird sort of fic:D)
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It was her first day. First day as a doctor, first day out of safety of a med school and known cities and Dr. Ramsey already hated her and she screwed up with Annie and this is not what she wanted. Chiara desperately needed a cigarette to calm her blazing senses but she couldn’t quite well leave the hospital to smoke and so she hid in the nearest supply closet and hoped for the best. And then Bryce - she was happy to remember his name - walked in and before she could tell him to go away, he sat on the floor next to her and smiled. And Chiara’s heart fluttered in her chest because he had Liam’s smile. The wide, bright, warm smile that looked like it could snap his face in two pieces. And he smelled good and leaned so close and Chiara didn’t know what has gotten into her but she kissed him. And damn, the kiss calmed her down just right.
Until she realized what happened. She broke the kiss and looked at the Bryce, terrified. It is not like she never kissed mindlessly before - even though she never dated in the med school, she did attend a party here and there and it’s not like kissing is a big deal. And Bryce’s lips were very kissable. But this was not a med school party, this was a supply closet in a hospital she just started to work in.
“I am so sorry,” she stuttered. “I don’t do this normally, I swear!”
“I bet you usually don’t cry in a supply closet either,” Bryce grinned, not a single hint of tension in that smile and after the pep talk, they both left the supply closet with the wide smiles on their faces.
And they clicked that day. The smile remained on Chiara’s face and she just felt it in her gut that this Lahela guy just became her first friend in Boston. Little did she know back than that he would become her best friend for life.
Soon, they started to meet on their lunch breaks intentionally and it was for the first time in six years that Chiara let someone get close to her, close enough to call him friend. And he still reminded her of Liam, with his teasing and jokes and that smile. And he was the first person to remind her her brother without the reminder being painful. It actually felt great. Heartwarming. She felt happy.
And Bryce felt happy too. There was something about Chiara being so sincere and just such a good person that let him believe that even if she did find out about his family and its history, she wouldn’t see him as an asshole. Chiara made it easy to believe that he could have real friends somewhere out there.
The physical attraction between them was undeniable. And so they kissed often. No strings attached, just two people that enjoyed each other’s lips. After two months of their friendship, Chiara realized that she hasn’t had a cigarette in weeks. Bryce’s smile and his words and his kisses calmed her down even better.
The first time their kisses turned into a hook up was after the housewarming party. It felt great, because how could it not. But there was no spark that would indicate that those hook up could turn into something more and they made it clear that best friends is what they are. Best friends that help each other blow some steam off occasionally.
It was at the time when Chiara admitted to herself that she truly liked Ethan, that she also realized that she and Bryce were spending more and more time as best friends without the benefit of physical touch. Adventures, swimming in the lakes and picnics, roadtrip to New York and karaoke nights, movies in his apartment and roommies nights that Bryce was automatically invited to.
It was one night when she stayed over for a night at Bryce’s place and he laughed on something, a genuine, rich laugh that had her stare at him for longer that would be appropriate.
“What?” Bryce asked when he noticed her intense gaze.
“You laugh like him, too. Exactly like him,” she whispered and Bryce’s smile fell of his face because Chiara just shared something she never shared with him before. 
“Like who?”
“My brother,” she answered slowly, still lost in her weird state.
“Oh, he must be awesome, then,” he grinned.
“He was,” Chiara nodded.
It was that very moment when the first tear fell from her eyes and she spilled her heart. She told Bryce everything, about Liam and Dorian and her family never being the same again and it was the first time in six years, the first time since the accident that she talked about it to anyone besides her family. And it felt like healing.
Then she left to Miami. When she came back, something was off, Bryce could tell. She told him the same day she returned that the hookups needed to stop and Bryce agreed, because no matter how much they enjoyed those, it started to feel weird. Their friendship was deeper than that. Chiara even admitted that there is a man in her life which she fell for and it feels all kinds of wrong to kiss anyone else and she never told him who it was but Bryce is perceptive and celever and he came to know her so very well and she didn’t need to tell him for him to know. But who was he to push her to tell him anything?
Their friendship kept frowing stronger and stronger every day and even without Bryce’s kisses, Chiara didn’t feel the need to smoke. One hug, one whispered “you got this, Chiaris” and she calmed down enough to get through her day.
But then Ethan left the hospital and with it, he left Chiara. And life became just too much to bear, because Naveen, her dear Naveen, was dying and Ethan left her alone and Mrs. Martinez died and she could lose her license and one night, she was so alone and overwhelmed and so she left the apartment to take a walk and smoke a cigarette or two. She called Bryce, instead.
“Hey,” his sleepy voice greeted her. “Is everything okay?”
“No, it’s not. Everything has gone to shit, Bryce,” Chiara sobbed into the phone.
“Where are you?”
“Walking around the block.”
“Go home, you’ll catch cold. I’ll be there in thirty.”
With that, he hung up and showed at the doorstep in thirty minutes. And he hugged Chiara and promised to stay by her side no matter what happens next.
After Ethan left to Amazon, Chiara couldn’t really blame him. She couldn’t hate him, no matter how much she wished she could. But it still did hurt. And after the year she has had, Chiara just... wanted to go home. And so she asked for a vacation and Naveen quickly approved her two weeks off (because Naveen knew) and then Chiara dared to ask Bryce if maybe he would like to visit San Francisco with her.
Of course he would like that. So he did.
Chiara knew that Bryce would be just fine, that he would fit, that he would get along with her mom and her sister, because well, it was Bryce. She never expected for them to love each other so much after those two weeks. Diana Ray LOVES Bryce. She found a son in him and for the first time in his lifetime, Bryce Lahela knows what a mother’s love feels like.
Bryce and Diana keep in touch. She sends him a gift on his birthday and Christmas and he sends her a postcard from every single one of his trips.
“Hey, Chiara,” Bryce smiled one day, deep into the second year of their residency, as he sat down next to Chiara. “Mom asked me to say hi to you!”
“Uh...” Chiara furrowed her brows in an utter confusion. “Why would she send her greetings through you? She could’ve called me.”
“Well, your facetime day is Saturday.”
“And ours is Wednesday. It is sooner.”
“You face-timed mom yesterday?”
“Yup! She is doing great, don’t worry,” Bryce smiled. Not grinned, not smirked, smiled so sincerely Chiara’s heart hurt in her chest because Bryce just became a part of her family and there was no better feeling.
Even after Chiara got together with Ethan, Bryce visits San Francisco with Chiara every summer and there might have been times when he visited without Chiara, too. He sends selfies in his scurbs and doctor’s coat to Diana regularly along with a caption “Have an amazing day! Love you!!!” and Diana shows those photos to her colleagues proudly, because her daughter is an amazing diagnostician and her son is an exceptional surgeon and of course he cannot replace Liam, but he can heal some of her scars and she loves him like her own child.
And Alicia loves Bryce just as much, because she misses having an older brother and also because Bryce is fun. He is a doctor but he still manages to be funny, which Alicia teases Chiara constantly about.
Things change when Alicia meets Keiki (Alicia is 21, Keiki is 17 at the time) and whoa, Keiki is the funny Lahela! And so in the end both Chiara and Bryce are the boring older siblings.
I will end here because this is already much longer than I intended and I could go on forever, I think about this friendship way too often.
Feel free to send any more questions about Chiara! It makes me incredibly happy that you guys enjoy her character.
@takemyopenheart @maurine07 @senseofduties @mercury84choices @flightlessbirdiee @udishaman @honeyandsunfl0wers @ohchoices @adrex04 @queencarb @archxxronrookie @whatchique @drariellevalentine @gryffindordaughterofathena @mvalentine @doilooklikeiknow @custaroonie @secretwolfdreamertree @jamespotterthefirst @starrystarrytrouble @caseyvalentineramsey @open-heart-ramseyyy @whimsicallywayward15 @iemcpbchoices @stygianflood @tsrookie @fireycookie @canigetanawwjunk
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drariellevalentine · 4 years
Medically Inevitable
Chapter 11:- Beloved Birthdays
Characters:- Arielle Valentine, Ethan Ramsey, Mark Raines, Liam Mercado, Sienna Trinh, Elijah Greene, Landry Olsen, Jackie Varma, Bryce Lahela, Rafael Aveiro, Kyra Santana, Danny Cardinal, Phoebe Reznik
Pairing:- Ethan Ramsey x Arielle Valentine
Warnings:- Alcohol, Swearing
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Arielle’s PoV:-
You wake up around 3:30, not being able to sleep. After tossing and turning in your bed with no avail, you step into your bathroom and decide to start your morning routine. After brushing your teeth and a series of skincare steps, you slip on your robe and head out to your balcony.
Sliding the glass door shut, to make sure no one wakes up, you step outside and lean against the railing. The cool breeze makes you shiver as your med school memories come rushing inside your mind, against your will. You forcefully shut your eyes, trying to make it stop, but it doesn’t...everything comes crashing down. You remember everything...from the moment you met him, to the platonic hang-outs which evolved into romantic dates, the sweet Valentine’s Day activities you would do every year, meeting each other’s families and the day when he said ‘I Love You’ and you said it back….and finally the moment when your heart was ripped apart. You sink to your knees, head between your knees, and let everything out. All the emotions swirling inside of you finally pour out of you as tears, completely soaking the front of the robe. It’s been about 10 minutes when you hear, “Arielle?” Looking up, you see Elijah right outside the threshold. You quickly wipe your tears and quickly stand up.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. An eyelash fell into my eye.”
He looks at you. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard.”
You sigh. “It’s a long story.”
“Okay then, short version.”, he says.
“I was in a six-year relationship during med school and it came crashing down a few months before residency. So, he ended up cheating on me...with my best friend.”
He gives you a sympathetic look. “I’m so sorry Arielle.” He wheels his chair towards you as you slump back into your plush armchair.
“I’m fine. I’ve dealt with it. It just came back to me, reopened some old wounds.”, you say tears well up once again. He wordlessly envelops you in a hug, letting you sit there for some time. “Thanks, Elijah. You’re an amazing friend.” He’s about to reply when a yawn cuts him off.
“Looks like I’m a little sleepy.”, he smiles sheepishly.
“I completely forgot it’s so early. How did you even hear me?”, you ask.
“I heard sobbing from the side of my bed. It’s right next to your balcony remember?”
“Oh yeah. You should get some sleep.” He slowly wheels away but turns around, “Will you be okay?” You nod. He exits the room as you walk into your bathroom and decide to make yourself a nice hot bubble bath. Turning the hot water tap, you survey your bubble bath mixtures until deciding on a jasmine and coconut scented one. Pouring a generous amount in, you slip off your clothes and sink into the tub and let yourself relax.
After a long soak, you dry yourself off and go to the kitchen to get something to eat.
“Hey.” Startled, you look up to find Landry at the front door.
“You’re up this early?”, you ask.
“Yeah, I always leave this early. Even Dr. Ramsey gets in this early. I mean, he’s the example you want to follow right?”
“Yes, but it doesn’t mean that you have to follow his schedule.”, you reply teasingly.
“So are you coming or not? It definitely will help you in the competition, it gives you time to study your charts.”
“Alright. Just give me a sec.” You head into your room and pull on a pair of scrubs. You quickly pull your hair into a high ponytail and grab your backpack as you head out the door with Landry.
“We’ll take my car.” You slide into Landry’s car and drive to Edenbrook. You both grab your stuff and after dropping off your stuff, you both head out to the near-empty atrium. “Hey, want to see if Dr. Ramsey posted the new rankings earlier?”, he asks.
“That’s today?”, you ask.
“Yeah. You don’t remember?!”, he asks.
“Well, my mind slipped. I’m focused on my patients. Let’s go see.” Both of you walk towards the notice board and Landry slowly reads the list from the top. His face falls as he notices his rank.
“What!? How did I slip to eighth?”
“Well...did you make any mistakes recently?”, you ask.
“Well, I almost misdiagnosed a case the other day.” You look at him ridiculously.
“It wasn’t my fault! I didn’t know that she had changed her daily routine!”, he defends.
“Didn’t you talk to the patient?”, you ask.
“Why should I? We’re supposed to figure out what’s wrong with them, not listen to all their life stories.”, he shrugs.
“Learning about the patients and their stories is the best part! Anyways, it’s part of the job.”, you answer.
He nods. “Ok, I have to go.” He heads towards the nurses’ station. You notice your ranking, right above Landry’s. A small beam of pride washes over you. Taking advantage of the very empty atrium, you decide to visit Naveen when you notice Dr. Emery coming your way. Crap!
“Good morning, Chief Emery.”
“Good morning, Dr. Valentine.”, she nods in response. Quickly, you head back to the nurses’ station and go to pick up your charts when you hear someone call you.
“Valentine.” You turn around and see Zaid.
"Valentine, new admission in room 712. Dr.Ramsey wants you to handle it," Zaid states.
"Dr. Ramsey… asked for me?" You ask shocked.
"By name," Zaid says in a plain voice.
"Really? Why?" By now you can't help your smile.
"Gee, I dunno Valentine. I didn't ask. Maybe I should be more like you and badger my superiors with incessant questions," Zaid returns your smile sarcastically making you drop yours.
"Fineee," you raise your hand in mock surrender. "I'll go and attend the patient."
You make your way to the seventh floor. Entering the room with a smile on your face, you find a man in his late 50's laying on the bed.
"Good morning Mr.Platt. What can I do for you today?" You say nicely with a bright smile on your face.
"You can start by-" before the man can complete his sentence, he burps loudly scaring you with the sudden action. You compose yourself quickly. "turning down the A/C in this godawful hospital! I'm not a polar bear. And then you can send my doctor." He says rudely which annoys you but don't say anything rather play nice. "Enough nurses. Show me some-" he burps again -"respect."
"Mr.Platt I am your doctor-" he interrupts you." Like hell-" he burps loudly again," Like hell you are."
By this time your anger rises at this man's audacity. "Excuse me?" Your voice comes out louder and angrier than you expected.
"You look like a little teenager. You don't even look qualified to wipe my ass. Go and call an actual doctor."
“Oh, that’s it! How dare he question your qualification!” You’re about to rip him off when you remember he’s your patient. Taking a few deep breaths, you grit your teeth and calm yourself.
"I'm highly qualified. Mr.Platt, I assure you that I am older than I look," you decide to play the nice card one last time, "I graduated top of my class from-"
"Anyone can be certified for anything now-" he burps- "thanks to the internet."
“Oh my god!!!”, you think. “ Luckily Edenbrook has an extremely rigorous standard for its staff. I'm one of the best doctors of my year, nationwide. You are in good hands."
"Hrm. We'll see about that," he says, his voice filled with arrogance.
"Now why don't you tell me what brings you here today," you pick up his chart ignoring the wish to tear him apart. "Your chart says you have been experiencing chest pain."
"That's what I have been saying-" he burps again, "My chest hurts."
“When on Earth did he say that? All along he was just trying to question my qualification!”, you inwardly scoff.
"Okay. Anything else out of the ordinary?"
"Tingling in my arms like pins and needles." His expression turns into a horrified one when he says the next lines. "I read online that it means I'm having a heart attack."
"Well, that certainly can be a symptom. Have you been experiencing something else? Any jaw pain or maybe lightheadedness?"
"My damned hair has been falling out. Clumps of it in the pillow every morning when I wake up."
"Interesting," you note the point down "Definitely not a symptom of heart-" but you are again being cut off by him.
"But that's what-" he burps loudly for the hundredth time now, "-the internet said."
"The internet can be misleading, sir. Still, we'll send you down for an E.C.G to rule out the heart attack. But first I'll-"
"What the hell is an A.B.C.? You're making up this garbage as you go. Send me a real doctor now." You pinch the bridge of your nose as you make your way to the ER to get a head start on your shift before lunch.
Ethan’s PoV:-
You’re just finishing up your shift in the ER when a scent of coconut and some kind of flower wafts through the air. Turning around, you find none other than Dr. Valentine. You can tell she’s livid but trying to be calm.
“Dr. Valentine. How is Mr. Platt’s case going?” She weighs her options on what to say.
“He’s…quite difficult. But nothing I can’t handle.” You allow yourself a small smile regarding her response. “Dr. Ramsey, I have a question.” You nod. “Is there perhaps a certain reason you assigned me this case?” You were wondering when she was going to ask.
“There is.”
“Why?”, she asks clearly eager to know.
“Figure it out.”, you say swiftly leaving the ER. You can hear a groan escape her lips as you leave.
Arielle’s PoV:-
“What the hell does he mean, ‘Figure it out’?! Ugh!...”
“Dr. Valentine. There are no patients right now here. You can go.” You turn to see Sarah gesture to the empty beds.
“Well at least people aren’t sick.”, you think as you head back to the nurses’ station.
After rounds, you grab a light salad and a strawberry smoothie and spot some of your friends at a table.”Hey guys! What’s up?”
“What’s up is that’s it’s Jackie’s birthday today, but she thinks nobody knows.”, Elijah says.
“Wait what!? Why didn’t anybody tell me?!”, you ask.
“Well that’s why we’re telling you now!”, a voice says from behind. You turn around to find Bryce flashing you his signature smirk. You roll your eyes.
“So...what are we going to do?!”, you ask.
“How do you guys know?”, you ask.
“I saw a text from one of her friends.”, Sienna says.
“So, I and Bryce came up with this plan….”, Elijah explains the plan (with Bryce chiming in with (‘This was my idea!’) every once in a while as you chow down on lunch.
“Sounds awesome! Everyone on board?!”, Si asks. Everyone nods.
“I can snag us a reservation downtown.”, you offer.
“Those places have to be reserved months in advance!”, Sienna says.
You smirk, “I have friends in high places.”
“Of course you do.”, Bryce says. Just then your pager beeps.
“Time for my ER shift.”, you dispose of your tray and head to the ER after trading your pumps for a pair of sandals.
“Dr. Valentine!” You twirl around and see Danny waving.
“Hey, Danny.”
“Here’s the test results you asked for.”
“Thanks! By the way, we’re planning a surprise birthday party for Jackie today. You should come, Sienna would want you to.”
“...okay. I’ll try. And I won’t say a word to Jackie.”, he responds.
“I’ll send you the address later.” Thanking him, you look through the results for some clue...but find nothing.
You groan as you enter the ER. “Why did Dr. Ramsey even assign me this case?!”
“Having a bad day?” You turn around to find Rafael standing at the door of the E.R.
He gives you a sympathetic smile, "You sound like you could use someone to vent to. And not to toot my own horn," he smiles," but I have been told that I am a great listener."
"I don't doubt it," you smile back.
He pauses for a moment then adds, " Want to grab dinner after work today."
"I would have loved to, but I have got plans with some other interns tonight," you reply feeling guilty for denying such a sweet offer. However, you smile brightly as an idea strikes your mind, "Rafael, why don't you join us for dinner tonight?" You ask excitedly.
"Me and a bunch of hotshot doctors? I'm not sure that's my scene," he nods his head still smiling.
"C'mon! It's Jackie's birthday, so we are throwing her a surprise party. It would be fun," you say hoping he'd agree, " Also you could meet my friends. They are awesome."
He laughs at your excitement, "I am sure I have met them a couple of times. I bring a lot of emergency patients."
"Meeting them in the emergency ward don't count, Raf." You playfully roll your eyes. "They are a great group of people, they'll love you. And so will you..." Making a puppy face you request him in the cutest way possible," Please!"
Rafael bites his lips thinking and then shakes his head smiling.
"You can be very persuasive, you know?"
You grin at the comment. "So does that mean that you'll join us?"
He nods before laughing at your childish excitement. Your pager beeps.
“Incoming patient.” The pager should be known as the universal interrupter for doctors! I swear it just loves to interrupt people!”, you exclaim as you wave back to him.
“Well, It also does make sure that none of your patients are dead.”, he calls out. You laugh as you head to the emergency bay.
After your shift in the ER, you quickly update Dr. Tanaka on the scheduled surgeries and head to the 5th floor to find Ines.
“Ines! I need a favor.”
“Of course! What can I do for my favorite intern?”
“You probably shouldn’t say that out loud,...but I don’t mind.”, you reply with a cheeky smile. “I need you to keep Jackie busy with patients until I text you a heart.” She gives you a look. “Today’s her birthday and we want to surprise her.”, you explain.
Her face brightens, “Of course! I’ll make sure she doesn’t suspect anything.”
“Thank you!” You throw your arms around her for a quick minute and head off to the parking lot after grabbing your stuff. After a quick drive, you enter your apartment to see everyone except Jackie getting dressed.
Bryce notices you and walks towards you. “So, have you made the reservation yet?”
“Just about to call.” You head inside your room and scroll through your contact list until you find Mark, hitting dial. He picks up almost immediately.
“If it isn’t my favorite doctor cousin.”
“I’m your only cousin who’s a doctor.”, you laugh.
“So, how’s residency going? The last time we talked, you told me you were in a competition.”
“It’s...a learning experience. How’s Blair?”
“She’s amazing. She’s at the firm right now with Adrian.”
“Awesome. So, I need a favor from my favorite chef.”, you say.
“Ask away.”
“So, it’s a friend’s birthday and a need to make a reservation somewhere downtown. I would have made one before but I only got to know today. Do you know any restaurants in Boston that can squeeze a group of around...uh…10 people? Please?!”
“I’ll need more than that. Tell me what kind of place.”
“Hmm...let’s see. She would appreciate some a bit fancy but something where everyone can still be themselves and enjoy the night. The place would be nice if it was private, secluded. Definitely with like an open bar or something like that.”
He doesn’t respond. “Mark? Are you still there?”
“Yeah, I’m here.”
“Sorry if it’s too much to ask. I’ll find something.”
“Woah, wait a sec Cherry! I was just thinking.”, he responds.
“Yeah, I know. It’s a lot to ask.”
”Luckily, I know just the place.”
“Thank you, Mark. So much.”
His voice softens, “Who else would I do this for? I’ll text you the address and any other details you need to know.”
“Ok bye!”
“Love you too Cherry!” He sarcastically says after he ends the call. You come out of your room to find everyone dressed and ready.
“Ahh! You guys all look amazing!”, you exclaim.
“And so will you, once you get ready.”, Sienna exclaims as she pushes you back into your room. “Okay, let’s see what you have.” She rifles through the evening wear section of your closet and pulls out a black lace dress. “This is perfect! Now get dressed while I pick out some accessories to match.”, she says as she goes through your jewelry drawer. You step into your closet and pulling on the dress, you pair it with a pair of gold stilettos.
“Are you done yet?!”
“Geez Sienna! Just a minute.” You walk out of your closet to find Sienna holding a pair of gold hoops and a gold wristwatch. Taking the earrings and clasping them on, you slide onto the stool and touch up your morning makeup. Sienna pulls out a baby pink liquid lipstick and applies a coat to your lips.
“All done!”
“Thanks for your help!”, you reply as you pull a matching gold crossbody purse and fill it with all your things. “Hey, I meant to ask. Is Wayne coming?”
Her face falls, “No, he said he’s busy.” You look at her, knowing she’s hiding something. “...I told him that I need a break.”
“Oh Sienna, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know...he’s changed Ari. It’s like he doesn’t even care about me or what I do. You saw how he acted at the housewarming party.”
“I think you should talk to him. And if things don’t work out…”, you give her a pointed look. “Look Sienna, I get it. But you deserve better.” She nods as she takes your phone from you. “What are you doing?”
“You’re an influencer! And you need to post about how amazing you look right now! Now, pose like this…right by your armchair.” She snaps a pic and posts it on Insta for you.
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“I think we look amazing, don’t you?”, you ask as you turn to her.
“Nope…I know we look amazing!” You both giggle.
After one final look in the mirror, you and Sienna head outside and join your friends. “Okay, I’ve told Ines to keep Jackie busy so…she’s probably at the hospital. I’ll tell Ines to let her go so she’ll have just enough time to get ready as I text her.” Everyone nods in agreement as you pull out your phone and text Ines.
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“Okay, Jackie’s on her way home. Now I’ll text her.”
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You show everyone the series of texts. “Mission Birthday Surprise is a go!”
“Awesome! This is going to be amazing! Arielle, where’s the reservation?”, Sienna asks. You’re about to reply when Mark calls.
“Just on time.”You slip on a Bluetooth and answer.
“Hey, Mark. We’re all in the living room right now. Did you get a reservation?”, you ask.
“Let‘s just say I pulled a few strings. I’ll send you the address. We’ve already been here before but at a different part of the restaurant. I booked you guys a rooftop, so you guys should have privacy and instructed a few other things. The head chef will greet you there, and he’ll explain everything.”
“That’s amazing! Thank you so much!”
“Anything for you.”, you laugh.
“Okay, talk to you later.”
“Have a nice time. Love you.”
“Love you too.” You cut the call and turn to everyone to break the good news when everyone stares at you. “What?!”, you ask.
“You never told us you had a boyfriend!”, Elijah says. You stare at them in confusion until it hits you. You burst out in laughter as everyone stares at you.
“Oh my god guys, he’s my cousin! I’m currently single as a pringle. Now, seeing that you guys heard everything Mark said, let’s go!”
Everyone cheers as they all pile up in your car.
“I call shotgun!”, Bryce yells as he slides in the front seat. “Kyra, Phoebe, Danny, and Raf said that they’ll meet us there.”
“Awesome! I’ll send them the address.” After a quick text to all four, you start to drive.
Blasting and singing to music all the way, you reach the place in 20 minutes.
“You have reached your destination.” Everyone cheers.
“Come on! All of you out!” All of you grab your things and walk up to the swanky restaurant. You enter the restaurant and walk up to the person.
“Ah! You must be the group Chef Raines has personally reserved. Please, follow me.” He leads you up an elevator to reveal a beautifully decorated rooftop with tables set up and an open bar.
“Damn! This is nice! Way to go, Arielle!”, Elijah says. You turn around as you hear someone call your name.
“Well if it isn’t the one and only Arielle Valentine! Or should I say, Dr. Valentine?”
“Liam! What are you doing here?”, you shout as you hug him.
“I’m now head chef of this restaurant.”
“That’s amazing!” You turn to everyone. “Guys, meet Liam Mercado, an amazing chef, and my childhood bestie.” As you introduce everyone to each other, you notice Phoebe, Raf, Kyra, and Danny coming out from the elevator. “Elijah, Sienna! Look who’s here!” The four of them start talking as they constantly blush, leaving you to giggle.
“Arielle!” You walk towards Liam. “So I’ve done a birthday cake and everything and food prep will be done in about an hour. So, it’ll be perfect for you to surprise your friend and play some games right before dinner. Just tell me once you guys are ready for dinner and we’ll bring everything out.”
“Thank you, we have to catch up sometime. The last time I saw you, I was still in med school.”
He nods, “And the last time I saw you, I wasn’t engaged either.”
“What!? Why didn’t you tell me!?”
“Because in a few weeks, I was going to invite you to Lara’s baby shower.”
“Oh my god! Congratulations! If you keep dropping bombs on me like this, you’re going to give me a heart attack.”, you shriek.
“Trust me, I wasn’t planning to tell you like this either. But I’m really excited.”, he says with a fond smile.
“You’re going to be an amazing dad.” He smiles as his phone rings.
“Excuse me, but I have to take this. It’s Mark. Probably to see if I’ve met the expectations of his favorite sister.”, he sarcastically replies. Laughing, you walk back towards the group when you hear Sienna shout. “Oh my god! We forgot about presents!” Shit! You completely forgot about presents. Quickly calling everyone over, all of you decide that you and Kyra will go and get the presents with the money everyone pitches in. “Let’s go!”, you quickly drive to the nearest mall with Kyra.
“Do you have any idea about what we should get? We don’t have much time either!”
“I know Kyra. I think we’ll buy multiple small items and make them into like a huge gift basket.”
“Awesome idea! That should work.” You both quickly rush to the mall’s directory and skim the list of stores. “Hey Ari, there’s a Sephora on the ground floor. We should start there.” You nod and head to Sephora.
“Okay, we’ll split up and just pick out a few of our favorite products. Then we’ll meet up and decide what to keep.” You quickly scan all the aisles, picking out products as you go. Knowing that every female doctor’s biggest struggle is dark circles, you pick out a tube of concealer, primer, and light-weight foundation from your favorite brand as you try to match her skin tone. Then you pick out a few different types of eyeliner and mascara, knowing that pretty much no one can spot Jackie without her signature cat-eye.
“Ari!” You spot Kyra holding a bag of her own. You go over and put all your products together. She’s picked out a perfectly sized eyeshadow palette and a few different liquid lipstick and glosses.”This is perfect! We’ll go buy a basket and some ribbons later on.” After finishing the purchase at Sephora in a record time of 12 minutes, you rush out of the store.
“Ooh! What about some products from Lush?! She loved the spa day!”, you say.
“Great idea!” After browsing around Lush, you both come up with the idea to make the color of the products themed. Kyra picks out a few soaps and bath bombs as you decide to go to Bath & Body Works. Ending up with a bottle of hairspray, perfume, and a few candles, you meet Kyra back at the second-floor lounge.
“You’re back! I found this amazing scarlet pink basket that matched our theme! Then I bought some tissue paper and ribbons and a bunch of extra stuff!”
“Amazing! I also stopped by the card shop and found this savage birthday card. We’ll get everyone to sign it. Let’s get to work!” After a tedious discussion of placement, you and Kyra manage to arrange everything in the basket neatly. She wraps the basket in a clear wrapper and ties it up with a matching ribbon and bow.
“I think we make a great team.”, you say.
“We do, don’t we!” Both of you quickly drive back to the restaurant and rush up to the rooftop. You step out of the elevator to find the place fully decorated by your friends.
“They’re back!”, Bryce shouts. “And come bearing a huge gift basket!” You and Kyra explain to everyone about the gift, then pass the card around for everyone to sign. After you sign, Si helps you tie the card with the gift basket.
“I think we’re all set.”, Landry says.
“Yeah, this was some great work! I can’t believe you guys came up with this today!”, says Phoebe.
“That’s cause it was a team effort.”, Elijah says.
“And one which will be wasted if the birthday queen isn’t here. Where is she?”, Bryce asks.
“She’ll be here in 20, Bryce. Meanwhile, we need to set up the gifts and set up the tables.
You help your friends set up the tables and gifts that you bought, with the restaurant’s staff’s help. After a while, your phone rings. You shout, “Guys, be quiet! It’s Jackie!”
You answer the call. “Hey, Jackie! Are you here yet?”
“Yeah, I just parked. What do I do now?”, she asks.
“Tell the receptionist that you’re here for the dinner that the Raines’ reserved. We’re up on the rooftop. Bye!” You shove your phone in your purse and shout, “Okay guys! The moment we’ve been all waiting for! Places everyone! I’ll switch off the lights. Once I switch on the lights, everyone yells! Understood?! Everyone nods as they take their places. You kill the lights, and a few minutes later Jackie enters from the elevator. “Arielle? Sienna? Elijah? Guys, I swear if this is some kind of prank-“ You stifle your laughter as you switch on the lights.
“Surprise!!!!” Everyone runs up and hugs her as she stands there like a deer in headlights. Bryce takes a picture of her wide-eyed face.
“Happy birthday Jackie!” You exclaim as you trap her in a hug. “You look amazing!”
“Let me guess, this was all you?”, she responds with a knowing smirk.
“Noooooo!... It was all Bryce!”, you sarcastically say.
“Hey! Offense taken!”, Bryce shouts as both of you laugh.
“You guys did all this for me?”
“I don’t know, do you know anyone else named Jackie?”, Kyra teases. All of you laugh.
“Well then, what are we waiting for?! Let’s get this party started!”, you yell.
Authors’ Note:- Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and make sure to comment/reblog below! Also, make sure to turn on your notifications for the next chapter, where the gang gets involved in....let’s just say a quite adventurous dare. Let us know if you want to be added to the taglist!
And a special thank you to @nikki-2406, this a-ma-zing human being saved my ass from editing pics! Love you girl!🥰
Part 1 of taglist:- @kaavyaethanramsey @rookie-ramsey @ohramsey @caseyvalentineramsey @hopelessromantics4life @realmrsramsey @binny1985 @maurine07 @alina-yol-ramsey @helloitsthiv @tsrookie @arcticlumineer @mary-c92 @sad-satan-herself @whippedforethanfreakingramsey @archxxronrookie @ethansrookie02 @semanticsandsea-lemons @mrandmrsramsey @starrystarrytrouble @deepikakkannan @siaramsey @katkart122 @openheartthot @imonlybibecauseofethanramsey @luvevelynclaire @literaryexpress @miss-smrxtiee @nadeen-ahmed11 @mrsalanrickman394 @drstellavalentine @ethandaddyramseyx @annekebbphotography @custaroonie @ladyrileybrooks @robbies-sutcliffe @cralinedp @bladesofopenheart @ezekielbhandarivalleros @daddyethanramsey @aquirkychica @romewritingshop @lilyvalentine @xpandabeardontcarex @in-love-with-a-trans-girl @coastalengineer @starrystarrytrouble @clowneryme @natureblooms24
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 3 years
Reset - M!MC x Aurora
Author’s note: I’m fully prepared to lose followers and/or the respect of my moots, but I can’t help which (old, deserted) fics are my best work!!!! 😭 This comes sometime after Behind Closed Doors, but takes place sometime earlier in book 2.
There is referenced Dr. ER x MC, so it will not hurt my feelings if you keep scrolling. Only my pride. 
Summary: Eddie has some things to work through. His new housemate might be the key to doing just that. 
Word Count: 2300+
It was four in the morning and Eddie nursed his second cup of coffee on his day off. Just like in med school, Eddie was stressing instead of taking a breather, except this time there were no finals or mid-progress ‘pop quizzes’, or unskippable lectures to study for. The coffee set his heart more on edge, but the bitter taste was such a comfort, he’d probably be ready for a third cup in a couple of minutes. That workout session with the guys the other day had been a mistake, and that was the last time he let Bryce talk him into anything. Sure it had been fun and games to hang out with Raf and Ramsey and get a good work out in, but Eddie had paid for it last night when he woke up soaked in his own sweat on stained sheets, a certain doctor still replaying in his mind’s eye. 
Two months. Two whole months Ramsey had been gone, and Eddie’s thoughts had never strayed once. In fact, seeing him at Donahue’s the night before his second year of residency had been the first time his mentor had crossed his mind. And he’d been just fine. The beard had been a sucker-punch to the gut in the best possible way, but Eddie refused to be swayed by facial hair. Facial hair that he wondered what would feel like against his skin...against his…
Eddie dumped the rest of his coffee into his mouth, jumping up to refill his mug. He’d rather his addiction be coffee induced than due to something else. Or someone. When he turned around, coffee mug lifted, he spotted Aurora shuffling into the kitchen, her robe tied against her waist, a floral, silk bonnet covering her hair. She let out a yawn, and Eddie felt a little of his frustration leak out. Brown eyes spotted him, and she gave a sleepy smile, turning to look at the time on the oven display. “You’re up early,” she said in greeting. Eddie moved over so she could fix herself a cup of coffee as well. “So are you,” Eddie laughed, his voice warming up from unuse. Aurora made a face before tending back to her drink. “Woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep,” she sighed, and Eddie stared down at his drink.  Falling asleep wouldn’t pose a problem to Eddie. It was what happened when he drifted off that had become his source of anxiety. Still, standing next to his housemate in the quiet of the morning seem to settle his nerves in a way he hadn’t anticipated. 
He watched as Aurora sweetened her coffee with some of Sienna’s creamer and nothing else before taking a long sip. Her eyes opened and Eddie was still staring, though he wasn’t sure what he saw on her face to make her glance away, embarrassed. His eyes flickered back to his mug, still hot to the touch. “Thanks for the playlists,” she said, and it took Eddie a moment to figure out what she was talking about. “Oh! Oh, no problem. Glad to know there are people in this house who appreciate my music taste,” he grinned, meeting Aurora’s flushed gaze. His study playlists were a must whenever he broke out the medical journals or any other reading he was tasked with these days, though he found he didn’t mind that it cut into his previous mindless video gaming. Eddie was juggling his regular cases, his new intern’s education, and being on the diagnostic team, but he liked to think he was handling it all just fine. Guilt wedged it’s way into his thoughts when he realized he couldn’t remember the last time he’d talked to his parents. His brother Quentin could only intercede on his behalf for so long. “You off today too?” Eddie asked, taking a sip of his coffee. His hands shook, but he opted to ignore the jitteriness. Aurora nodded, back against the countertop. “Was gonna walk around and maybe do some shopping. Get out the house for a bit.” Eddie nodded, a little jealous that she had plans that didn’t include avoiding texts from a nosy brother and burying himself in whatever latest research he could find concerning cardiovascular diseases.
“Sounds like a plan.”
“...You’re welcomed to join me. If you want,” Aurora rushed to add, scratching behind her ear. She held Eddie’s gaze, doing her best to come off as nonchalant, but Eddie didn’t miss the way her nervous fingers drummed around her mug. It was a Princess Tiana design from Disney World, and Eddie noticed Aurora owned quite a few The Princess and The Frog items. She and his mom would get along just fine if they ever met. “And here I thought you’d ask Sienna and Jackie first,” Eddie teased.  Aurora cut her eyes at him, communicating everything without saying a word. Eddie laughed. It wasn’t a secret Jackie and Aurora only tolerated one another, but it didn’t stop Sienna from trying to force a friendship between them. Even Eddie was still trying to find his footing where Jackie was concerned after she’d iced him out when they’d be competing for a spot on the diagnostic team. 
“You’re not cute, Eddie,” Aurora rolled her eyes as Eddie snickered. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he apologized, trying to tamper down his laughter. Aurora was far from amused, and yet Eddie had a feeling it was just a front. At least, he hoped so. 
He was cute, and that was the problem. “I really shouldn’t, but I’m here for a good time, not a long one,” Eddie shook his head as he polished off an especially decadent ice cream concoction from one of the sweet shops they’d walked by. There was melted chocolate and sprinkles on his top lip and Eddie gamely swiped it away with his tongue. Multiple times during their walk, Aurora had had to glance away, or awkwardly jerk the conversation to a new subject when she’d felt herself staring at her companion’s face for too long. A year ago she wouldn’t have even entertained the thoughts that coursed through her brain, but once she’d moved out of her aunt’s place, Aurora had been reevaluating a lot of things. And Eddie Love was one of them. She’d been downright cold to him when they’d met, but she was that way with every stranger. She couldn’t afford to be drawn into the ass-kissing or be affected by the snide, condescending remarks that had nothing to do with her work as a doctor and everything to do with being a Black woman. Instead of writing her off as a bitch, something she was convinced most of her colleagues did when she wasn’t in their presence, Eddie had been nothing but nice to her, even going as far as extending an invitation to live with him and his friends. “You sound like Feelgood,” Aurora supplied, and Eddie made a face that was a cross between pain and annoyance. “Please, if you like me even a little, you won’t mention his name again. Ever.” 
Aurora snuck a glance at his profile, playing over those words in her head. If you like me even a little. 
Sienna had told her a rumor and sworn her to secrecy. 
“I think Eddie’s secretly seeing someone,” Sienna had mused as she and Elijah gossiped in the on-call room. Aurora found herself drawn into the conversation, despite herself. It didn’t help that Sienna welcomed her with open arms, even before they were rooming together. “Alright Sienna, let’s say he is seeing someone...what’s your proof? Eddie lives at this hospital, and when he’s not here, he’s slumped over at the table drooling over his notes, poor guy,” Elijah laughed. But Sienna didn’t join in. “Okay, let me rephrase. I think he was seeing someone,” Sienna huffed, and Aurora’s eyes grew wide. “Someone we know.” Elijah motioned for her to continue, still unconvinced. “Remember last week when Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Banerji announced Eddie was the junior fellow for the diagnostic team? And he looked a little...pale, which, I didn’t think anything of at first, but then I noticed Eddie was looking anywhere but at him…”
Elijah glanced at Aurora then, rolling his eyes. “And on that note, I’m out. Sienna’s playing matchmaker again,” he shook his head. He waved to the ladies before rolling out in his wheelchair. Sienna rounded on Aurora the moment they were alone. “This stays between us. I know Elijah won’t say anything because he thinks it’s nothing, but I’ve seen the way Ramsey looks at Eddie when he thinks no one is watching.” Aurora took this information in, careful to keep her face blank. Back then, she’d thought Elijah might have been on to something. Sienna sighed, crossing her arms. “It’s selfish, I know, but I wish Eddie would talk to me about it.”  
Aurora remembered that night after Eddie’s hearing when he’d spotted her in the bar, perking up instantly. He’d excused himself from his friends walked over to her only to be sidetracked. At the time, Aurora hadn’t thought anything of Eddie making a beeline for Dr. Ramsey, but now she wondered. Eddie returned after a while, but so had Feelgood who’d made it his personal mission to be buddy-buddy with Eddie as if they shared a secret. 
“There a store you wanted to check out?” Eddie asked as he dumped his plastic spoon and styrofoam cup into a nearby waste bin. Aurora shook her head, allowing Eddie to fall back in step with her. Her gaze traveled over Eddie to rest on a shop display they came upon. Glossy mannequins sported handbags and designer watches. Eddie looked over as well, his gaze brightening and then promptly clouding over. His expression cleared again before Aurora could puzzle through all the emotions that flitted through Eddie’s face. But she noticed how he avoided looking at the wristwatches in particular. Aurora was hesitant to make a move. She was still coming to terms with her feelings for him, and competing for his affections with someone else didn’t sit well with her. Especially if it was Dr. Ethan Ramsey. For one, her aunt had been involved with the man, and Aurora had never seen the appeal. Maybe this outing was a mistake.
Eddie recognized that watch in the display. It bore a striking resemblance to the one his mentor wore and Eddie realized it was even the same brand. He composed his face into something he hoped didn’t reveal his frayed nerves and grinned at Aurora. “Wanna start here?” he asked, and Aurora paused, eyes flitting from the store front and back. “Yeah. We can do that,” she finally agreed. Upon entrance, they were greeted by an employee who handed them each a black, mesh shopping bag and told the pair to “Feel free to find me if you have questions”. Eddie snorted when they were out of earshot, glancing over at Aurora. “First question, where’s the clearance aisle? Or do I need to run out and rob a bank real quick?” Aurora snickered, shaking her head at Eddie’s antics. He walked over to a mannequin sporting a backward-facing cap, colorful, baggy graphic tee set against white material, and distressed dark jeans. He turned to Aurora with an arched eyebrow. “One guess, how much do you think this entire outfit costs?” She took a step forward, inspecting the clothes for a beat before she turned to Eddie. “Two-fifty.” Eddie glanced at the outfit again, trying to put himself in the mindset of someone who had money to blow and time to waste. “Four hundred,” was his response, and the two searched the outfit for price tags. “Shit, the jeans are one-fifty alone,” Aurora shook her head. Eddie peered over her shoulder and shrugged, but his eyes danced with amusement. 
It became a game; walk into the most expensive stores and guess how much the clothes costs. Eddie even began to keep score on his phone, but Aurora soon realized he was cheating by searching up the prices online. The last store they walked in to--one that was reasonably closer to their price range-- Eddie walked off to purchase a new belt. When he found Aurora again, she was quietly admiring herself in the mirror, twisting this way and that in a pair of blush pink pumps with a bow design on the back and double ankle strap. She glanced up, meeting Eddie’s eyes with a shy smile as she sat down. Eddie took a seat next to her, resting his bag on his lap. “Found something?” he asked, and Aurora shrugged. “Yeah, but I have nowhere to wear them. They’ll just sit in my closet,” she explained, carefully placing the shoes back into their display box. “And I could spend the money on rent. Or groceries,” she added. Eddie glanced at the retail price. Forty bucks.
“Wear them next time we go drinking,” Eddie suggested, nudging her shoulder. “Plus you’ll regret leaving them here.” Aurora cradled the box in her hands and he nudged her a second time. “I think they look nice on you,” he said sincerely. Her head shifted over and he held her gaze. Aurora’s eyes flickered to his lips before they reached his face again, and cleared her throat, suddenly very interested in the shoes again before Eddie had a chance to react. “Okay. Yeah, I think I’ll get them.” She nodded decidedly and Eddie stood, offering her a hand. Even after she stood, Eddie was hesitant to release her. He loosened his grip to give her an out but she gave his hand a squeeze. “I had fun today,” she told him, the shoebox underneath one arm. 
“So did I,” Eddie grinned, though it was his turn to avoid her gaze. He hoped for more moments like this in the future. 
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Why won’t you love me?
Present day:
You switched your phone into airplane mode, threw some headphones in your ears and sighed. Your cheek was stuck against the window, your eyes closed, holding back tears as the plane began getting ready for takeoff. You opened them, watching the ground get farther and farther away, the buildings, the cars, the people, and Harry disappearing as you ascended higher into the sky. You clicked on your phone, looking at the lock screen. You and Harry, cheeks pressed together in goofy smiles, his green eyes looking into yours through the phone’s screen. You wiped a tear and closed your eyes again thinking back to everything that happened over the weekend. How could things have gone so wrong?
A few days prior:
"Surprise!” You smiled standing on his door step like an idiot. It was drizzling rain, almost midnight, you were cold, tired, and hungry. Harry was in shock. His mouth dropped open and his eyes locked on yours. You bit your lip suddenly nervous he was not as happy to see you as you thought he would be. 
“(y/n)...what? How? I-”
“I figured it was finally time to come visit my best friend...” you mumbled, still standing in the rain. You had flown to London as a surprise for Harry, your best friend of almost 6 years. You had traveled with him during One Directions last tour, supported him and the guys through Zayn leaving, and then moved on to support Harry through his solo career. Of course, last year you had moved to New York and started a new job that did not allow you as much travel time, leaving your relationship with him in a hard spot. It had been around 5 months since you had last seen him and while you had been super excited to show up at his doorstep you were now regretting the decision. You chewed your bottom lip some more, letting him fully realize what was happening. Finally, he smiled, his body colliding into yours, his arms lifting you off the ground and spinning you in a circle. You wrapped your legs around his waist and laughed until he gently sat you back down on the ground. 
“I can’t believe you’re actually here...” 
“I can’t believe I’m here.” 
Harry pulled you into his arms again, your cheek resting comfortably on his chest. “I missed you.”
You smiled, looking up into his green eyes. “I missed you to Harry.” Your arms tightened around his body and you both just held onto each other as if it were the last time you would ever see each other. Eventually Harry noticed your shivering and pulled you into his apartment. “Wow.” you looked around. “This is fancy.”
“I figured if I was going with an apartment it might as well be a nice one...” Harry smiled pulling you to the couch with a soft smile. You cuddled into him as he tucked a warm fuzzy blanket over the two of you. 
“I like it...” you mumble. You breathe in his familiar scent, the tabacco vanille cologne from Tom Ford. You ear is pressed to his chest and the familiar thumping of his heart makes you sleepy. Harry yawns too, making you laugh. “What are you tired for superstar?”
“I was up all night...just didn’t sleep well.”
“I’m sorry...” you yawn and cuddle closer, your eyes heavier than they would normally be. You give in, allowing them to softly close. Harry’s arms tighten around you as you move to cuddle in closer, your body laying between his legs, your head on his chest.  
“’sokay” Harry mumbles, closing his eyes as well. “Something tells me I will sleep better tonight anyway...” 
You wake up, light is streaming into his living room. Harry is still passed out, his arms around your body and gentle snores coming from his mouth. You smile, watching him peacefully sleep before moving your fingers to the tattoos on his chest. You trace them with your finger, watching his muscles slightly spasm under your touch. “Harry..” you whisper. Nothing. “Harry.” this time a little louder. Again, nothing. “Harry.” you mumble shaking him slightly. Finally his eyes open, his hands moving to rub the sleep from them. He looks confused for a second before smiling at you.
���Morning.” His voice is extra deep, slow, and raspy. He wraps his arms around you again closing his eyes. You squirm trying to escape his grip. He whines and opens his eyes.
“I need to pee.” you laugh. 
“Ugh...” he groans sitting up and letting you go. “The smallest bladder ever.”
“I know I know.” You look around and then back at him with a sweet smile. “Where is it?”
“The bedroom on the left.” He groans rolling onto his side. You groan, running to the bathroom to relieve your bladder. You also take advantage of the moment to brush your teeth, wash your face and brush out your hair. You walk back in with a smile and see that Harry has also moved to a sitting position. You plop down next to him, your stomach growling as you sit. He gives you a strange look and you shrug.
“I haven't eaten in over 12 hours.” Harry shakes his head and stands up, his sweatpants dangerously low and loose on his hips.
“Well then we better fix that. I know jus the place.” You followed Harry’s suit and got dressed into something other than the leggings and crop top you had worn to the airport yesterday, then the two of you headed out for some breakfast. 
The diner Harry took you to was a small old town vibe kind of place. It was perfect though, exactly what you were looking for. It wasn’t too busy, there weren’t crowds of people or paparazzi, and the food smelled absolutely delicious. You ordered pancakes with eggs and toast. Harry ordered French toast. “SotellmeaboutNewYork” Harry mumbled through a mouthful of food.
You laughed and shook your head. “Ah what was that again?” you teased.
Harry swallowed and gave you a smirk. “Tell me about New York.”
“It’s okay...my job is great but the city is so crazy busy and crowded. But I also hate that most of my friends are in LA. I mean I’ve made new friends in New York but it’s just different.”
“Are you uh...are you seeing anyone?” Harry looked down, taking another bite to avoid the awkward tension. You also looked down at your plate, stirring around your eggs. You and Harry were always best friends from the start. You never really crossed that line, until last year, when you and him had ended up drunk at a party and he had accidentally let it slip that he was in love with you. Because you never really wanted to risk losing him as a friend, you had pretended like it never happened, which in turn really pissed him off. The two of you had ended up in a nasty argument that nearly cost you your friendship all together. Since then you had both agreed to keep your dating life private unless it was necessary. And now, you really didn’t want to bring it up because you were kind of seeing someone. His name was Bryce. You weren't exactly sure there was a spark, and nothing was really official between the two of you yet but you had been on a couple dates and when one of you was bored the two of you would have a little fun. 
“Uhmm....” you took another bite. “Ivekindabeenseeingthisoneguy.”
“Say again?” Harry laughed. “Maybe without all the food?”
“I’ve kind of been seeing this guy Bryce. He’s okay, pretty nice and all around a decent guy.”
“Yeah.” Luckily the awkward tension and Harry’s angry glare was interrupted by the waiter delivering the checks. 
“Will you be paying together or separate.”
“Together.” Harry grumbled reaching for the check. 
You grabbed it before him, pulling out your wallet. “I’ve got it.”
“No, let me get it.” He grumbled pulling out his wallet.
“Seriously H, I can do it.”
“Seriously (y/n) I’m paying.”
“Why can’t you just let me pay?”
“Why can’t you just let me? It’s not like I can’t afford it.”
“I can afford it too!” you nearly screamed.
“Just let me have it!” Harry hollered back.
“Uh...I can split it...” The waitress suggested.
“No. I’m paying.” Harry handed her his debit card and she walked away without another chance for you to speak up.
“You didn’t have to do that.” you crossed your arms and leaned back.
“Maybe I wanted to.” The waitress returned and handed Harry his card and check. He then decided to book it out of the diner and out into the street. You could barely keep up with him, as he was almost running back towards the car.
“Harry, slow down!” you yelled. You looked down at your feet and then hit the floor, tripping over the uneven sidewalk. You landed hard, your hand hitting the ground first. You sat there frustrated, blood dripping down your hand where a small shard of glass had pushed up into it. Tears fell down your cheeks as Harry jogged back with an anxious look on his face.
“Are you okay?” He knelt down next to you and frowned. “Let me see.” He took your hand and examined the cut before pulling you lightly to your feet.
“This is your fault.” You mumbled wiping the tears that were still falling. Harry didn’t answer, he lightly grabbed your other hand and pulled you to the car. 
“I don’t think you need stitches or anything.”
“Wow thats really reassuring Harold thank you.”
Once you were back at Harry’s, he carefully lifted you onto the counter and pulled out a medical kit. He cautiously pulled out the small glass shards before taking out the isopropyl alcohol. “This might sting a little...” he mumbled looking at you with the green eyes.
“I really don’t think- FUCK. Ow!” you screamed as he poured it over your hand. “Harry....” you whined begging him to stop. He was cleaning out the cut with a towel, adding to the burning sensation in your hand.
“Don’t be a baby.” Harry laughed, carefully drying the cut and bandaging it. “There. All better.” He smiled, pressing the hand to his lips.
“Thanks...” you mumbled trying not to smile at his gesture. 
He sighed and placed his head against your hand. “I’m sorry...this was my fault. I shouldn’t have been running.”
“Why were you running.” you took your other hand and wiped the hair back from his face. 
“I don't know...I was upset. I guess...I guess I had been hoping you weren't seeing anyone.”
“Oh.” you squeaked out. “Harry-”
“No. It’s fine...I get it.” He started to pull away and turn towards the living room but you stopped him. You weren't really sure why, but your body was following what your heart wanted instead of your head. You grabbed his hand, pulling him hard so that his body was set between your legs. You looked into his confused green eyes and leaned in, pressing your lips into his. At first he sat there confused and unsure of what was happening. Then his body gave in, reacting to the kiss. His hands gripped your waist, pulling you into him. His lips tugged and pulled at yours until they opened enough that his tongue could slide into yours. You could feel the heat dripping between your thighs and his length hardening. He pushed your back onto the kitchen island and jumped up, laying over you. Within a minute he had your shirt and bra off, flinging them onto the kitchen floor. You tugged his off doing the same, your lips never leaving each others. Harry had his hand on your pants, tugging them off and then moving his lips down your chest. His teeth gripped the lace on your panties and he pulled them down with a smirk. His hands separated your legs and his eyes locked on yours asking permission. You bit your lip and nodded, his tongue moving its way between you, and then in. Your back arched and your hands tried gripping the counter. His tongue easily slid in and out of you, licking you dry of what was already dripping wet. He laughed, not daring to say anything and ruin what was happening. He put his lips back to yours and used his fingers to massage the area. One finger went in and then he added another two, sliding them around finding your sweet spot. 
“Harry...” you whined pushing yourself into him for more after he had pulled them out. 
“Shh..” he grinned. He tugged off his boxers and kissed you sloppily, his teeth biting on your bottom lip until it was swollen. He then moved his lips down your neck, sucking lightly behind your ear until a purple bruise appeared. He moved down to your chest, sucking each nipple. His tongue flicked back and forth on the tips sending goosebumps down your arm. You reached down for his cock but he held you down shaking his head and spreading your legs. Kissing you hard, but passionately, his hips dipped towards yours, the length of him barely pressing into you. You groaned, gripping the bare skin on his back and pulling him down, his length pushing into you. “Fuck (y/n)...” he mumbled pushing deeper into you until his tip hit your sweet spot sending you nearly to completion. Your walls tightened around his length and you groaned.
Harry was moving faster now, his balls slapping against your body, sending it sliding along the countertop. You whimpered as he pulled out and shoved himself back in. “I-I’m close-” you managed to get out.
“Me too baby....” You bit down on his shoulder, gripping his back hard and sending him over the edge. You could feel the warmth spread inside you as his head fell, eyes rolled back, and a soft moan escaped his lips. You followed his lead and called out his name, both of you breathing heavy and not moving. Finally Harry slowly pulled out, trying to clean up everything that came out with it. You sat up, out of breath, cheeks flushed red, and a small smile on your face. Harry looked at you with a smirk but didn't know what to say or even what to do now that the line had been crossed. “Uh...I uhh.” he grumbled thinking of what to do. “That was- I mean-” He was flustered for words, his face reddening at the thoughts. “I’m going to hop in the shower.” he decided, leaving you to wonder what mistake had just been made. 
You sighed, sitting up and walking into one of his guest bathrooms to do the same. You checked your phone, noticing a few texts from Bryce wondering if you could come over tonight. You hadn’t exactly told him you were flying to London. You hadn’t really told anyone. You just needed to get out of the city and after seeing Harry in an interview on tv, you knew that you needed to see him. Ignoring the texts you jumped into the shower, cleaning up and getting dressed in new clothes.
You wandered out into the living room, finding Harry shirtless and lounging on the couch. You sat next to him, trying to figure out what to say, what explanation you had but Harry just smiled and laughed softly to himself. “What?” you asked with a grin.
“Nothing. You just always surprise me that’s all.” His cute smirk sent butterflies through your body.
“Shut up.” you laughed, playfully hitting his arm and falling into his chest.
“I thought that maybe....you might want to do some sightseeing this evening?” Harry asked, running his fingers up your arm. 
You nodded looking up into his green eyes. “That would be great. I-” you stopped as your phone started ringing. You lifted it up, Bryce’s name popping up on the screen. You looked at Harry who was now glaring at the phone. “I-uh I should take this...” you stood up and looked back at Harry. He had his arms crossed across his chest and was staring at the wall. “Hey.” you answered, leaving him in the other room.
After a short call with Bryce, you wandered back into the living room. Harry was still sitting there pissed off. “I have to work today. You’ll have to go sight seeing on your own.” he coldly growled in your direction.
“Okay....” you bit your lip knowing full well he didn’t have to work. “Well why don’t we plan dinner-”
“I actually won’t be home tonight.”
“I have a work thing.” He stood up. “Make yourself at home though.”
“Well when will you be back?”
“When are you leaving?” he asked.
“I have to go. Thanks for coming. It was a blast. Enjoy New York.” He walked out the front door, slamming it behind him. Tears pooled at your eyes, knowing this was exactly what had happened last year except worse. You had slept with Harry and there was no going back. 
You wandered around the house for hours waiting for him to return. When he didn’t you gave up, changing into one of his shirts and snuggling in his bed. You wanted to know when he came home. In the morning he still hadn’t appeared and you sent him a text asking if he was okay. *Yes.* was the only answer you received. You were a mess, worrying about losing your best friend, worrying that you weren't going to be able to fix this. 
You had to leave for the airport in an hour and without Harry there, you decided to just pack up early and leave. You arrived at the airport too early but you didn’t care. You just wanted to go home and forget this weekend even happened. *Where are you* Harry’s text buzzed through your phone.
*Don’t leave...pls*
You clicked off the phone. There was no point in doing this all over again. Around an hour later you heard steps running towards you. You pulled out your headphones and turned, seeing a very sweaty and stressed out Harry sprinting in your direction. “(y/n)!”
You stood up confused as his body flew into yours, his arms tightening around your waist and his forehead touching yours. “Harry? What are you doing-”
“Shh.” He kissed you, his lips lightly touching yours. Your arms automatically tangled around his neck and into his hair, butterflies taking flight up your stomach. Harry pulled away, keeping your body close. “Don’t leave me.”
“H...I have to-”
“No just listen okay? I love you. I have loved you for like 3 or 4 years now. And not as a friend, well I love you as a friend but also as more. There’s no one I would rather be with than you. I’m sorry I left last night. I was a dick I was just so upset because you’re with another guy and well I want you to want to be with me. I know you love me. I know you don’t want to risk losing me, but you won’t ever lose me. I’ll always be in your life, even as a friend, but (y/n) I want to try to be more. You are literally the only girl I can see myself with and I need you in my life. Please don’t go. Please let me try... Let me love you.” 
Harry’s eyes stared at you anxiously. “Haz...I don’t know...” You sighed trying to figure out what you wanted. Your heart said love him, your head said leave him. You couldn’t lose him. You couldn’t lose your best friend. He was the one thing holding your life together, and losing him because of a screwed up relationship might just kill you. “I-” Your flight being called interrupted your thought. You needed to board but Harry wasn’t letting you go.
“Tell me you don’t love me and I’ll leave. Tell me you don’t ever think about what we would be like. Tell me you love this other guy more.”
You sighed and hugged him tightly. “I can’t do that.”
Harry breathed out relieved and tightened his grip. “Good then lets head home...”
“No..Harry.” You let go of his tugging hand and bit your lip. “I’m going home. To New York.” 
“These things you told me...they don’t change anything. I can’t- I can’t lose you, I can’t risk one day not having you...”
“I’m sorry Harry...I can’t lose you. I - I need you.”
“You know what” Harry crossed his arms, tears dripping down his cheek. “You just lost me. I hate you.” He turned around and walked away, leaving you crying in the middle of the airport as your plane was boarding. Your heart shattered, you nearly fell to the floor but the last call for boarding was announced and you needed to get out of there so you took a breath, wiped the tears and boarded the plane back to New York.
Present day:
Your plane landed and you managed to move through the airport and back to your car. You body felt numb, your eyes felt puffy, and your muscles were dragging. You drove home in silence, no music, just the sounds of the cars passing by. You made it back to your apartment and dropped to the floor inside the door. Sobs echoed through your body as you processed everything. You had just lost your best friend, the guy you had been in love with since you were basically a teenager. You realized that on the plane. You were so madly, deeply, in love with Harry. You were afraid to make a move on it though because you were afraid you weren't good enough, that he would leave you, and you would be left with nothing. But there you were, listening to his proclamation of love, and then losing him all because you couldn’t tell him the truth and take the risk. You could barely breathe, and you didn’t want to. You didn’t want to live in a world where Harry hated you. 
You managed to clean yourself up, and eat something. Your phone had been blowing up all day but you didn’t care. You didn’t want to know who was calling or texting. You didn’t want to talk to Bryce, hell you didn’t want to see him. You knew you would never love him the way you loved Harry.  You were laying on the couch, numb from crying and sick from the tub of ice cream you had consumed. Friends, one of Harry’s favorite tv shows was on the tv. You weren't really watching, the sounds just filled the apartment making it less lonely. You were about to head to bed when someone knocked at your door. You debated answering it, but the person was not giving up. You sighed and pulled it open, ready to face the neighbor who always lost her cat. Instead, green eyes searched yours. 
“(y/n)...” Harry breathed out. He looked terrible, like he hadn’t slept in days. His eyes were red and puffy with dark circles underneath, his hair was a tangled mess, and he smelled like he hadn’t showered. 
You blinked, trying to figure out if he was actually here. “Ha-Ha- Harry?” you asked confused. He sighed and took a step towards you, pulling you into his arms. You let him do that, still confused how he was here. “What are you- how are you?”
“Shh...love just let me explain...” he pulled away and looked at you as if asking permission. You simply stepped out of the way, allowing him in and allowing him to pull you to the couch. “(y/n)...I’m so fucking sorry. I’m so so sorry. I do not in any way hate you. I never could hate you. I-I was wrong to say that. I would rather have you as a friend than not have you in my life at all. I knew right away I was wrong. I mean I question all the time why you won’t love me but I understand now why. I can’t lose you either. It killed me to see your face- the way you just crumbled and I- I can’t take that away. I know I caused you pain. I know I hurt you, and I will try my best to make up for it. Just please please forgive me...” Harry pressed his head to yours, tears freely falling down both of your cheeks.
You looked up, his eyes were closed, praying you wouldn’t tell him to leave. You knew what you wanted to do. You closed your eyes and sighed, pressing your lips to his softly. “I love you.”
Harry pulled away, confused. “What?”
“Harry, I’m in love with you. I have been.  I just- I just never wanted to lose you...”
“No. Now it's my turn. I’ve been in love with you for YEARS. I just always thought that us trying something would cost us our friendship. But when you left at the airport, I knew. I know. I know I will lose you eventually if we don’t own up to our feelings. If I don’t own up to mine. I love you so much t actually hurts. Seeing you walk away...it broke me...I- I felt like there was nothing left to live for. I felt like everything I needed was being taken away. You’re the one I think about in my free time, when I wake up, when I go to bed...I wonder what you’re doing, who you’re dating, and who you’re thinking about.”
“You. I’m always thinking about you.”
“Harry the idea of us...it scares me...it scares me I might lose you one day..it scares me that I won't be good enough for you...that-”
Harry kissed you and frowned. “You will always be good enough. You are more than I could ever dream of having. (y/n) you are the ONLY thing I want. I’m afraid of losing you too...but love, you won’t ever lose me if its my decision. You’re stuck with me no matter what.” You smiled and hugged him tightly, your tears soaking into his shirt. “Take a risk (y/n)...love me and let me love you. Tell me you are mine. Tell me we are going to give this a try.”
You kissed him softly and grinned. “I will. Harry I love you, my heart is all yours. I want to try this. I want this to work.”
Harry didn’t even answer, he just scooped you into his arms and kissed you hard. “I love you too (y/n). This is going to work I promise.”
Let me know what you think!
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brycelahelalover · 4 years
Take care of you
Pairing: Bryce × f!MC (Tesse Sterling)
Author's note: Hi! I know I said I would start posting fics more regularly but then I didn't, so.. sorry:(
Bryce closed the apartment door behind him, having just come back from his morning run. He doesn't get to do much of those anymore since he started his residency, what with him having to be at work at 6 a.m on the dot. But you better believe that whenever he had a day off, he would spend at least 40 minutes jogging around the neighbourhood.
After disposing of his water bottle in the kitchen sink, Bryce headed straight to his and Tesse's in suite bathroom, needing a shower immediately. Cracking the door open slowly as to not make any sound and wake up his girlfriend, he made his way inside carefully, noticing the still drawn blinds and the darkness of the room. After all, it was still 8 in the morning. He didn't exactly expect her to be awake at this hour. At least not in her day off.
After taking a hot and very needed shower, Bryce got out, drying his wet curls, to notice his still sleeping girlfriend. He was quite surprised by this fact since Tesse is usually a really light sleeper. And even thought he tried his best to not wake her up, Bryce thought by the time he got out of the shower she would be awake. Waiting for him with a very strong case of an icy, steely glare for waking her up that early. But he decided to shrug that off to the fact that they had a late celebration at Donahue's with their friends last night.
Deciding that he was too hungry to wait until Tesse woke up, Bryce went to prepare some breakfast for himself. Making up his mind that when she did wake up, he would make her his infamous omelet that she seems to really enjoy and prepare one for himself too so his girlfriend wouldn't have to eat by herself. And because it's chance at a second breakfast, who can say no to that?
After preparing his meal, Bryce settled in front of the living room TV, turning on the kids channel to catch up on his favorite morning cartoon. He really doesn't understand what's going on since he's not home to watch most of the episodes and he's way too tired on the evenings to sit down and watch the replays. But still he trys his best to understand
After watching an episode of the anime and a whole movie which now when he thinks about it, doesn't have any kind of plot, Bryce decided that he was done spending his day alone. Checking his phone, he saw that it was past noon.
"So much for spending the day together.." he murdered under his breath, marching up to their bedroom to wake up his sleeping beauty.
Upon making it there, he found himself in the same atmosphere as earlier. Drawn blinds, darkness throughout the room and soft breathing coming from the bed which he approaches before shaking the body sleeping in it gently.
"Tesse? Come on, babe, wake up. It's already past noon." He whispered lowly as to not spook her.
But alas, his first try was fruitless.
"Come on, sleepy, wake up." He tried again and was met by a soft groan.
"Noo, I'm so tired." Tesse whimpered softly.
"You've been sleeping for the last 10 hours." He chuckled back.
But before Tesse could answer him, a coughing fit wrecked her body. That's when Bryce placed his palm on her forehead, to be met with a surface so hot, it reminded him of that one time when he placed his hand on the stove by mistake, but that's a story for another time..
"Tesse, babe, you're so hot."
"Really? Thank you." She countered back, cheekily.
"No, I mean, you're hotter than usual.."
Trying to sit up, Tesse accidentally knocked the duvet down which caused a gust of coldness to penetrate her body and go down all the way to her soul.
Bryce watched his girlfriend shiver like it was the middle of winter in Boston before he headed to the bathroom, turning the faucet on to fill the bath tub before coming back to the bedroom and carrying Tesse back.
"Babe, you have to give up that blanket at some point.." He said after setting her down.
"But it's so cold. Do I really need to bath?" Tesse said, tucking the blanket more tightly around herself.
"It'll make you feel better."
"Says who?"
"Says the doctor who's going to be taking care of you."
"Well, as a doctor myself, I object."
"Well, first of all, we're not in court and second of all, you know I'm right. You're just too sick and stubborn to see it." He said, throwing her one of his famous smirks.
"Ugh, fine.." she relented before giving up the duvet, crossing her arms and sulking like a petulant child.
Bryce shook his before pecking her pouting lips and then helping her undress.
"Now, in the tub with you."
He then helped her step into the water, taking a bit a shower milk from the bottle to apply to her body.
"You can be really whiny sometimes." He said after a while, breaking the silence.
"Excuse you, I'm sick." Tesse responded, glaring at his smirking face.
"You're proving my point."
"You know for someone this sick, you have lot of sarcasm to throw around." He said to which he was met by an arched brow from Tesse.
After bath full of even more whimpering from Tesse, Bryce helped his girlfriend out of the tub, taking one of the towels to dry her up before carrying her bridal style into the bedroom.
After setting her down, Bryce turned to one of their wardrobe drawers, opening to take a pair of underwear and then taking one Tesse's favorite PJ's. He then helped her dress up before taking her hand and the duvet, which he pushed out of the bathroom earlier, and lead the way the living room.
After tucking Tesse into the couch with the blanket around her, Bryce headed to the kitchen.
"You know how to cook soup?" Replied Tesse with a question of her own.
"How do you feel about some soup?" He asked while opening the fridge.
"I watched a cooking show last week where they made it. I probably still remember the recipe." He answered with a surety only Bryce could master.
"Well, if it's edible, then I'm good with soup." Tesse said cheekily.
"Oh, excuse you. You'll see that my culinary skills are unmatched. And anyway, if I faced any obstacles, there's always the internet." Bryce replied, mocking offense.
After a little bit more than an hour of Bryce struggling to figure out how to cook this darn soup, he presented Tesse with a plat that looks.. quite nice actually, much to her surprise. She really needs to start having faith in her boyfriend's ability to cook.
"Behold, the Bryce special. Soup à la française."
"Are you sure of what you're saying?"
"..No, I'm not sure of what I'm saying. Now, open your mouth so I can feed you."
"You know I can eat by myself, right?" She asked playfully.
"Oh, really? I seem to remember that you were so sick you couldn't go from one room to another by yourself."
"You were the one who carried me. I wasn't exactly going to stop you." She said, happy with herself.
"Still, I started this, I may as well end it. Now open your mouth.."
"Bryce?" Tesse broke the silence after a few spoons.
"Thank you. For taking care of me."
"You know I'll always take of you."
The end
A/N: Hi guys, so you wouldn't believe the amount of trouble this fic gave me but I finaly managed to get it out. Phew. So I hope that you would find it good. And please ignore the read more's place, I know it makes no sense but it was the only way of posting this fic whole. And I hope OH won't take forever to come out.
Tagging: @eleanorbloom @lahamseiroshoe @choicest @anotherbeingsworld @princesslahela
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junggoku · 4 years
(Don’t) Say My Name - Ethan Ramsey x f!MC
Tumblr media
book: Open Heart
pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Nina Valentine)
word count: 2,513
summary: No, Nina did not think she was working too much. No, she is not that tired. No, she is fine. Really. She’s fine. (*narrator voice* She was not, in fact, fine)
A/N: Okay guys, just take this. I have no idea what this is, but I made a promise to get this out there and I finally finished it. I’ve been working on this for about a month now and honestly, I’m kinda proud of it. I’m proud that I managed to finish it at least. HELLO MY DEBUT AS A FANFIC WRITER MUAHA. Jk, but seriously. Enjoy! Also, let me know if you wanna be added to my tagslist? I’m not sure if I’m gonna write often but I figured I should throw it out there anyway.
Rainy weather always brought with it a certain restlessness in the air. There was something about the rain that made her lose focus, distracted as it falls and showers the earth. With her head resting in her hand, her attention was directed towards the windows in the cafeteria, watching as raindrops patter and hit the side of the glass. Her eyes tracked the movement of one particular drop, following as it slid down the smooth surface until it disappeared over the edge. 
Dr. Nina Valentine leaned back in her chair with a sigh, taking her elbow off the table and turning to witness the smattering of doctors and nurses inside the cafeteria at this hour. It was later in the afternoon at Edenbrook and she had been pouring over a patient file in an attempt to distract herself from the bone-aching exhaustion seeping in from working 48 hours straight. In between putting her five hours at the free clinic earlier, studying up on diseases for the diagnostics team, and checking up on her regular patients, Nina was about two breaths away from falling asleep atop her file on one Ms. Rebecca Pope.
With a scrape of her chair, she pushed her hands on the table and stood up, gathering all her materials and drifting back out into the hallways of a bustling hospital. Making her way over to one of the nurses’ stations where a small collection of interns had congregated, Nina noticed the head of her own intern standing on to the side alone, brows furrowed as she focused intensely on a patient’s chart. 
“Anything interesting on there, Ortega?” 
With a start, Esme looked up, her eyes wide for a split second before schooling her features. 
“Not particularly, no,” Huffing, the intern lowered the chart, fixing her eyes on Nina. As the resident reached the counter of the station and set her stuff down, she could feel Esme’s gaze sticking, and glanced up at her intern, an eyebrow raised in question. 
“You look like the walking dead,” Esme states flatly, zeroing in on the deep circles under Nina’s eyes, purplish bruises broadcasting to everyone exactly how many hours of sleep she got—or did not get—in the past couple of days. 
“Gee, thanks. Mind you, I think it’s a great look for me,” 
“No, seriously. You look like you’re about to fall over. Do all residents sport eyebags like that or is that just a you thing?” 
Rolling her eyes, Nina doesn’t respond as she turns her attention back to some paperwork on the desk. Esme sidles up, and steals a quick glance down at the files and journals Nina had placed on the counter. “Stuff for the diagnostics team?” 
“Yeah. Gotta turn myself into a walking disease encyclopedia if I’m gonna be able to do my job,” Nina sighs as Esme pulls out an article on gastrointestinal viruses, ignoring the group of interns that was still hovering nearby, a couple of them glancing over at them curiously. The last few hours are starting to get to her as Nina feels herself slipping a fraction, her eyelids growing heavier as she stands. Her workload had grown significantly, something that she already knew and expected, and while it was challenging to keep up with, thinking about the patients she can help—can still help for who knows how much longer—kept her moving. 
Esme flips through some of the pages in the article, “Man, seriously. How do you do it? I’m getting second hand exhaustion just from looking at this.”
The corners of her mouth quirked as she allowed herself to take a breath. “I’m not sure I’m even really doing it.”
It’s getting harder to focus. She’s been putting off sleep so often these days that she knows she’s not going to be able to stand upright for much longer, but she couldn’t afford to. Edenbrook’s situation loomed in her mind so much recently it was hard for her to sleep without thinking about all the patients she could still help if she was at the hospital. 
Preparing to head back to check on another one of her patients, Nina started to turn around. She miscalculated though, moving too fast. Esme’s voice rang out in mild alarm, “Hey-”
It all faded to black.
“Is she gonna be okay?” Sienna glanced over at Nina, eyebrows furrowed in worry. Her friend was snuggled up in what looked like three layers of blankets, an almost blissful expression on her face. The light sleep medication was setting in, Nina’s nerves stilled and numbed. Sienna knew her friend had been working late hours and forgoing sleep more often lately, but didn’t notice just how much of a toll it had taken until Nina collapsed, head burning with a high fever. 
“She’ll be alright. She’s still running a bit high in body temperature, but with some rest she should be good as new.”    
With that the doctor walked out, leaving the residents as they all peered at their friend, now snoring lightly without a care in the world. Jackie shook her head, a strand of hair falling into her eyes, “I should’ve noticed. That kid we babysat a few weeks ago saw it right away and even then I didn’t pay attention.” 
“Not your fault. We all should’ve said something. We know how she gets about patients,” Bryce sighed. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this right now anyways. Let’s go and let her sleep,” Casting one more concerned glance at Nina, Elijah slowly wheeled out of the room, the others trailing closely behind. A soft click of the door closing and the world was bathed in quiet once more. 
The air settled, a strip of the moonlight trickled in and Nina opened her eyes, releasing a breath, and tilting her head to look out the slits in the window. 
Raising a hand to her forehead, she continued peering out, a small frown crossing her soft features. Stupid. How stupid of her to end up passing out. And from not getting enough sleep? This was the last thing she needed. Feeling annoyed at herself, the brunette huffed and closed her eyes again. The sooner she rested, the quicker she could get back to her patients. 
Admittedly, being in a bed again felt nice. Good for her neck at least, to not have to nap on the stiff boards in the on-call room. Allowing the numbness from the medications to kick in, she willed herself to fall asleep and relaxed her muscles. It was pleasant, to be honest. Letting her nerves and senses be dulled for once. It’s been ages since she was able to shut down her brain. Everything had been in hyperfocus mode in the past month. 
She needs to be better if she’s going to be helping anyone, if she’s going to save Edenbrook. Her sluggish thoughts are interrupted though, as the sound of the door click signaled a new arrival in her room. Assuming it was one of the nurses, Marlene, coming to check on her, Nina kept her tired eyes shut, “Mar-”
A pause. It’s in moments like these where Nina swears the world slows down just a little, everything suspended as time lulls for a brief second, like an intake of breath. And while her mother always told her she was a bit dramatic and a bit of a romantic, Nina would argue that she never felt these kinds of sensations, had these kinds of moments and these thoughts before in her life. Not quite in this way. Not until she came to Edenbrook. Not until him. 
Even in her befuddled state, she realized how sappy she sounded in her head. The meds must be getting to me. In this condition, she might have been a little too honest. 
The way he said her name created a throb in her chest, bringing up an emotion she refused to acknowledge at the moment. Still, she was aware enough to hear something else in his voice. Try as he might to control it, there was a hint of anger there.
“Ah. Dr. Ramsey. To what...” Another pause, “...do I owe the pleasure?” Cracking open her eyes, Nina found the tall figure of Ethan Ramsey by the door, his arms crossed over his chest, face carefully blank. 
Even in the low lighting of the room, Nina could see him scanning up and down her frame to make sure she was alright. Ice blue eyes finally connected with warm brown ones and she willed herself not to look away. That bothersome part of her mind started to tickle, but she quickly opted to ignore it. 
“I was told you fainted and landed yourself here from exhaustion. Why didn’t you say anything?” 
The junior fellow broke eye contact, staring straight ahead at the potted plant on the dresser across from her bed. “I just...it didn’t really matter. I was fine.”
“Clearly, you were not fine, since you’re now lying here in a hospital room.” Voice rising, Ethan crossed the rest of the way over, coming to stand right beside her bed. “If your workload was too much, you should’ve spoken up about it. I understand you wanted to keep working, but you’re not helping anyone in your state right n-”” 
“You nag too much, Dr. Ramsey.”
“...Excuse me?” 
Rolling her eyes up all the way to the ceiling, Nina turned her head towards the window again and tried to drown out the deep facets of his voice. “I passed out from being too sleepy and the first thing you do when seeing me is to nag. How sweet of you.” She was growing frustrated for some reason, the medication making it difficult for her to control her emotions now. Would it kill him to be honest for once? 
Ethan’s mouth was opened to respond, but she didn’t let him, her words spilling out. “You always know just what to say. Really. It’s very cute of you. Are you a pine tree? Cause you’re just full of sap, aren’t you,” 
A moment of silence as Ethan waited for her to finish.   
“...That’s a maple tree.”
“Oh,” The brunette frowned. Was it? She really needed to sleep soon. 
They descended into another bout of awkward silence. Glancing back at her boss, she found him peering down at the ground, scratching the back of his neck. In a quiet voice he broke the silence, “I’m sorry.” 
Deflated, the junior fellow shook her head slowly. “No. I’m sorry. I got mad for no reason. Thanks for coming to check on me.” Being around him always made her feel a multitude of emotions, but it was worse in her current situation. She didn’t have her usual self-control nor her filter and the fuzziness creeping at the back of her head told her she wasn’t going to actually remember this conversation the following morning. ‘Least I won’t remember calling him a pine tree like a dumbass. 
Eyes softening a fraction, Ethan spoke again, voice pleasantly gentle this time, “When I heard you collapsed all of a sudden, I was...it was concerning to say the least.” His hand came up to her forehead, lightly brushing away her bangs. His fingers were cool and felt pleasant against the warmth of her skin. Staring up at him, the soft stream of the moonlight accentuated his sharp, handsome features, and her heart stuttered again. 
The furrow in between his eyebrows was irritating her. She hated when he made that face. Like he was disappointed in himself. For not having caught on sooner. As if any of this was his fault.  
“I’m okay now though,” Fixing a smile that probably wasn’t all too convincing, Nina tried to reassure him. “And besides, this was on me. If I can’t handle it I’ll let you know next time. Alright?” Stop making that face. 
He didn’t say anything for a while, seemingly content to just gaze down at her, as though he were trying to find something. Sadly, the brunette wasn’t in any state to try deciphering it now. His fingers had moved lower, caressing her cheek softly. “I’m sorry again for raising my voice earlier. I guess I was just frustrated you weren’t looking after yourself. You make it very easy to nag at you.” 
Feeling slightly indignant at that, Nina pursed her lips into a small pout, but she quickly sagged again, too tired to reply in her usual spirit. Instead, she tried focusing on the feel of his fingers brushing on her skin. 
“It’s alright. Really. I’m sorry too. For snarking at you.”
“Mhmm. That was hurtful,” What looked like amusement lit up his eyes, a minute smirk playing at the corners of his lips, “You even tried calling me a maple tree.” 
“To be fair, you’re as prickly as a pine tree. So I guess it still works.”
Chuckling, Ethan shook his head a little, a quiet fondness crossing his expression as he watched the junior fellow’s eyes begin to droop. 
“I should let you get your rest. It’d be a waste if you didn’t use this time to catch up on sleep,” With that he began to move away, retracting his hand and Nina already missed it. “Goodnight, Nina.” He whispered. As Ethan began to turn around and take his leave, the brunette let the silence linger for a second before speaking up one more time, voice so soft she wasn’t sure he’d be able to hear, “Please don’t say it like that.” 
A pause. There were so many pauses tonight. 
“...What?” Bemused, Ethan spun back around. 
Nina avoided looking at him, keeping her eyes on the ceiling. “Whenever you say my name like that...it hurts.” He’d be able to pick up the rest of what she didn’t say. It hurts to hear you call my name like that. Like you’re saying everything and nothing all at once. Like it’s a wish you want desperately but can never grant. Like you lo-  She blinked, turning her head slightly to him.    
A deep sadness flashes across Ethan’s face, reflecting her own yearning back at her. He audibly released a breath, piecing together what he wants to say. What he can and should say. 
“Nina, I...” It’s always the same game between them. 
“...Yeah. I know.” 
With that, Nina adjusted herself to at last allow sleep to take over, pulling up her blankets to her chin and shutting her eyes a final time, “Goodnight, Ethan.” In her growing drowsiness, she could hear faint footsteps crossing back to her, but she didn’t open her eyes again, sleep quickly overtaking her senses. 
An undefined emotion tickled at the back of her head and her chest throbbed again. She already had an idea of what that feeling was. But tonight, she didn’t want to think about it. She wasn’t ready to give it its proper name. All she wanted tonight was to dream about blue eyes and low chuckles. In her dreams, she could feel a soft brush of her temple, the faintest touch of his lips. It’ll never really be enough, but tonight it was everything.
tagslist: @openheart12​ @ethandaddyramsey​ @noboundariesplease​ @ethanramseysgirl​ @sekizincimektup​ @drethanramslay​    
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just-my-type-x · 4 years
Confessions-Noah Beck Part 2
It was an early morning. Our filming schedule was modified a few days ago and all the actors have to be on set before 9 o*clock. I always got along with the early days of filming or the late nights of hectic scenes that had to be shot even at 4 AM,but these past days have been so tiring. I kept thinking about Noah and i still couldn*t understand why he acted like that ,but i made up my mind and chose to ask him what is going on. I made myself a venti Starbucks cup of frappuccino and headed to my car. As i sat down,i rang Kio.knowing he*s the only member who doesn*t silence his phone in case of emergencies.
*Hi sleepy head*, i greeted him and waited for him to answer,but he yawned. It was the only answer i needed to see that i woke him up. *I*m sorry i woke you up boy,but can you help me just a second?*
*So you woke me up from the sweetest sleep just for a second? I might kill you for that.*, he laughed and the thought of Kio being my best friend in the entire house was a blessing,he always helps me and i always help him,we*re always there for each other and we are each other*s pain in the ass. I don*t know i would do without him. *Tell me,what is it that you need before 8 am?*
*Can you please check if Noah is at home? I don*t wanna come by your house for nothing.*, i took a sip from my drink and i started to get a little dizzy because of this whole pressure i*ve been experiencing ever since all my conversations with Noah were swear words and sarcastic comments.
*He*s in the kitchen,apperantly. Wanna ask him if he called an uber?*, kio offered and i agreed. *And he*s waiting for you apparently. You can come and pick Mr Problem from home. Yo,Beck, your uberista is coming. Don*t be a dick again*, i heard Kio comment and i told him to cut it,because i didn*t want him to have problems with his friend because of me.
i hung up and started my engine,heading to the sway house.
When i arrived,Noah was outside,looking for my car to appear in front of him. I opened the doors and waited for him to hop in. No one said anything. I didn*t want to be the only one trying to save our friendship. The thing was that i felt awkward next to  him. In the past weeks i only thought of how everything will be ok again and also maybe there could be something more going on between the two of us, but i*m only getting my hopes up. I thought that now that we start filming love scenes and our characters actually end up together ,we might get together at some point. Or at least try. But now,i*m the one crushing and he*s the boy that i don*t have a chance with.
*can we talk?*, i asked in the end and stopped in a truck parking lot.
*we got nothing to talk about Brooke.*, he said bluntly and i scoffed
*Yeah we do Beck. Why are you acting like this?*
*I*m social distancing from you.*, he glared at me and i frowned.
*I can see that,don*t you think? But what made you do that?*
Silence fell between us once again. He sighed and kept looking out the window,making sure to avoid me at all costs. I did the same and finally understood that there*s no place for our at least friendship and that my thoughts of a real romance is not going to happen. I started the engine and when i got close to leaving,Noah finally spoke.
*Ok look*,he finally looked at me and his sparkling eyes were looking deep into mine. *Let*s get this over with. The only thing i want you to know is that from this conversation,we either make up or never talk again.*
i freezed and took a long breathe. *Ok,speak*
*Remember our pool day ? The one after the 4th episode,i don*t remember clearly*,he paused and waited for my answer. I nodded. *Remember what we talked about? How you and Blake had all that touching moments and Bryce said how you made out in the pool that he was actually surprised that you two didn*t bang,nor you started a relationship? I mean that was pretty rough for me to find out since i*m crushing on you like crazy.* ,Noah hit the board and i flinched. I remained silenced as i remembered what happened. it was a celebration for our 4th episode as number one worldwide on netflix and we threw a party that escalated quickly. Noah was not there that night,he was back with his family ,resolving some problems. I got drunk,along with the other guys and girls and having fun with Blake didn*t sound wrong,especially since my feelings for Noah weren*t quite there yet.
*Oh my God*,was all i could say
*Yeah...and seeing you two in the kitchen,hugged in that way,tore me to pieces. That*s why i was such an asshole. But i guess we both know where we*re at right now. I*m in love with you,you*re with Blake,there we go,we*re late for filming our love scenes,damn i love my life*
*Noah i like you*
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agentnolastname · 4 years
Three Days of Christmas
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Washington Middleton (M!OC) x Rafael Aveiro x Bryce Lahela
Word Count: ~1900
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. Washington (the OC) belongs to the giftee. While Ethan, Rafael, and Bryce belongs to Pixelberry.
Note: This a short fic written for @homeformyheart choices potluck event. I have written this for @gamechoices-player! I'm sorry because this took so long, and I hope you enjoy reading it! Fic under the cut!
A week before Christmas
"You mean none of yours fully matches with my calendar?" Washington says with a slight frown on his face as he looks down on all the schedule cards laid down on the table. Ethan, Bryce, and Raf all sat in front of him. Ethan just nods at this while the other two shrugs, giving him a smile.
"It's not that bad! We all have a common holiday with you, and we will spend it together." Rafael says trying to ease the mood in the room. It is night anyway, and it is cold outside. A little warmth inside would definitely help in one way or another.
"Right, spend it together, but not you three at once." Sighing, Washington leans back on the couch.
Bryce immediately moves to sit beside him, 'We all know us four can't be absent from Edenbrook. They need the best staff out there, don't they?"
True enough, they already expected this. And yet, Washington can't help but feel sad. Maybe he is just feeling greedy, but it's their first Christmas together! And it needa to be spent with them altogether, which seems impossible now that only him and Ethan have the Christmas free on their calendars.
"Let's just make the most out of it, hmm?" Ethan says suddenly, making all of them nod.
"I guess it'll do." Washington shrugs, and they all laid out some plans together before they decided to call it a day.
Six days before Christmas
"Good morning, babe." Bryce greets as soon as he opens his eyes. Washington smiles at him, basking in the feeling of having a complete eight-hour sleep without feeling guilty about it.
Maybe I can sleep some more.
Bryce must've noticed his intention to slip back into sleep, which is why the man had immediately placed a quick peck on his lips, lightly tapping his cheeks in the process. Washington groans but proceeds to look at the man though, one eyebrow raised in question. Bryce laughs at him before finally reminding him of their agenda for today, "I believe we need to head into the mall, your majesty."
Washington playfully hits the latter's chest at the nickname, but he gets up anyway, heading straight into the shower. Bryce followed in after a few minutes. And together, they showered, got dressed, and left the penthouse to the mall. Hand in hand, and with happy smiles in their faces.
Maybe this isn't so bad afterall.
It really wasn't much. As always, he enjoyed going out into the mall with Bryce. The activity was very usual for the two of them, but somehow, today was a little different. Maybe it was the continuous christmas songs playing on the radio, or the cold winter air that wraps them. Whatever it is, it sure brought a smile to both of their faces. So Washington is thankful.
The day went by quickly. Before he even knew it, Bryce was leading him into the parking lot as they push a cart full of christmas decorations approaching their car. His boyfriend smiles at him, the kind of smile that is sure to make everyone swoon- him included. Then something in his brain snaps, and his eyes grew wide.
"You forgot to buy your gift!" Washington says.
"Did I? I didn't." Bryce says and shrugs.
"But I did not see you?"
"It is called a surprise for a reason, babe." Bryce chuckles squeezing his hands.
"You've got a point."
And now that the worry is dropped, the two enters the car. Finally driving off home as the sun slowly sets on the east side.
Four days before Christmas
It was once again, Washington's free day. Today he shares it with Rafael. There is really nothing much to do, but to continue decorating the tree and placing the gifts underneath it.
It didn't last long, a few hours after they both woke up, Rafael is already placing the star on top of the tree. And it is the last of the trinkets they'd have to put. Now there's only a few things missing– the gifts.
"You got your gifts already?" Washington asked looking at Raf who is smiling brightly at him as they make themselves comfortable on the floor, sitting beside the tree.
"I got it a few days ago actually." Rafael shrugs, "Can I go and get it first so we can place it under the tree now?"
"Of course, love." With this, Rafael stands and walks into their room. Only to return with four gift bags in hand. On each one hangs a gift tag with their names on it, including his own. "You got one for yourself, too?"
"Yes, I did." Rafael says as he puts them under the tree. Then he immediately return to Washington's side and wrapped his arms around the man. "How are you feeling about holidays so far?"
"Great. I have you guys, what's not to feel good about?" Washington says and smiles at the latter before he leans his head into Raf's shoulders, "How about you?"
"The same as you." Rafael says simply as casts yet another bright smile.
Together, they adore the tree that stands in their living room, now fully decorated with red and gold trinkets. For people who aren't feeling Christmassy, it looks nice. Washington thought. And just like that, they are ready for Christmas.
Two days before Christmas
"Why are you up so early?" Washington asked as he strides into their kitchen, seeing Ethan wearing his dark blue apron on, and his hands are already so busy kneeding a large dough.
Washington approaches the man, he stands beside the latter.
"To finish preparing for christmas eve," Ethan answers before he looks up meeting the younger's sleepy eyes. Ethan's eyes visibly softens, before he leans in to kiss the younger on the forehead. "why are you up so early?"
"Looking for warmth." He says truthfully and shrugs. Ethan chuckles at this.
"It's good that breakfast is already ready then." The older man says, briefly leaving the though to get a plate of food on the other counter.
"Will you eat with me?" Washington asked as the man placed the food on the island closest to him.
"No, I already ate with Raf and Bryce earlier."
Ethan just hums in response as his focus completely falls back into the cookie dough. Washington sits on the kitchen bar stool, eating what the older man had served him. It was their usual bacon and fries, but with the mash potato that he loves so much at the side.
"Are you making christmas cookies?" Washington asked as he recognized a santa cookie cutter. It's fairly new, they didn't have it before.
"Indeed, I am," The latter smiles at him. "Sienna had told me that you liked her cookies, so I'm making it all for you now."
"You're really so sweet."
"I believe the cookie deserves that compliment instead."
Chuckling, Washington returned back to eating. And the whole day was spent with Ethan just continuously preparing foods, after another. Washington helps him whenever he can. It was a fun day, all in all. Specially when Washington gets to steal a few cookies and kisses from time to time.
And no, this holiday wasn't bad at all.
Christmas Eve
Washington sighs as the last patient in the emergency room was assessed. It was nothing serious, and he was so glad that the patient was just dehydrated. So it really wasn't much. Finally, the emergency room is now empty, they can atleast take a little rest.
Heading straight into Ethan's office, he can already see his boyfriends through the glass walls. Once he enters the room, the three smiled at him, and it is only then that he noticed their clothes. The three are wearing the same christmas sweaters, and yes, even Ethan Ramsey is wearing it with a smile.
"What's all of this about?" He asked, making his way to sit at the empty chair in the middle of Raf and Bryce, facing the older man.
"Raf's gift to us. It looks good, isn't it?" Bryce said with a grin on his face, while Washington unwraps the gift Raf had handed him earlier.
"It is good," Washington says, smiling at the thought and slipping the sweater on. "Thanks, love."
"You are most welcome."
They spent a few minutes more talking with each other. And when Washington yawns, Bryce had immediately stood, looking at his clock, "I belive our shift is over now." He says, looking over the man beside him before he smiles at the other two, "Enjoy working on Christmas Eve, you two."
"My gift would be at home." Ethan suddenly says and smiles, "You two will see it first. Raf will see it in the morning when our shift is over."
"Of course."
"Take care, you two." Rafael says and stand to give each of them a peck on the cheek. Washington does the same for Raf and Ethan.
The ride home wasn't long, especially when Washington's view is of Bryce smiling widely on the driver's seat. It was a sight that can absolutely treat sore eyes. They immediately enter the apartment once they arrived, seeing the cookie jars resting on the coffee table with each their names on it. The cookies in the jars are each different. Bryce had chocolates in them since he loves it.
'I hope these will be enough to satisfy your sweet tooth. Merry Christmas.'
Both of them smiles at this, at least now they will not pester Sienna for sugar cookies. And it was a very thoughtful gift. That being said, Washington's eyes immediately went to the man happily munching on one of the cookies.
"Where's your gift?" He asked Bryce, opening his jar of cookies to do the same.
"Under the tree," Bryce paused and smiled, 'and also hanged on our door." He says pointing at their bedroom door where a mistletoe hangs.
"Did you seriously get a mistletoe for a gift?"
"Why not when it will earn me kisses?"
"You know you could just ask." Washington shrugged.
"Now, where's the fun in that?" Bryce said and the latter nods at him.
"In the morning then, so we will all be here. Now can we take a shower and rest? I'm literally so tired." Washington says and leans back on the sofa.
"Alright then."
And on Christmas morning, when Washington awoke, he finds all three of his boyfriends sleeping beside him. Ethan and Raf must have arrived a few hours earlier. Bryce stirs and smiles at Washington before he stood and got the mistletoe out of the door, placing it on top of their bed instead.
"Good morning." Bryce says and smiles, placing a tender kiss on his forehead.
"A mistletoe kiss on the forehead?"
"It will do for a while, extremes later?" He playfully said before he leans down to do the same for Ethan and Raf. "Now, we should go to work."
"You're probably right."
With this, Washington followed Bryce into the kitchen, preparing for work. And as Bryce prepares for breakfast, Washington sat in the dining room, thinking about everything that happened during the holidays. It's Christmas, and they are all together, it's the only gift he ever needs.
And despite their schedules not matching, his boyfriends were still able to find a way to spend time together. So no, this holiday isn't bad at all.
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