#just to clarify: sans getting married
lazyasyoucansee · 9 months
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He can't remember how he got here. He ain't complaining tho.
Todays post has anomaly reader from @htsan
Read their fanfics. They good ;3
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chimielie · 1 year
my lover, my life, my shawty, my wife
summary: Ushijima x f!Reader. snapshots of eternal youth.
word count: 1.3k
cw: lighthearted manhandling, longterm established relationship ups (and one down), marriage talk and mention of toshi’s parents’ divorce. it’s basically all fluffy and silly tho
a/n: nobody @ me i wrote literally 99% of this a couple weeks ago and just remembered it was in the drafts today i’m working on the promised fics!!! it will just be A While i’m slow okayyy 💘 anyway enjoy some pure ushijima fluff
“Ushiwaka!!!” You shriek, voice breaking with laughter as you slam your hands against his backside. “Put me down, you—you barbarian! Kidnapper! Plunderer!”
He doesn’t say anything, just jostles you gently so your top half (currently upside-down over his broad shoulder) sways while your legs stay firmly in the grip of his arms. You know it’s as close as he’s going to get to a verbal admonishment, your current position already more than enough of an indication that he is fed up with you acting up in a public setting.
“Fine,” you scrunch up your face, sure that he can envision it just the same as you can see in your mind’s eye the near-invisible traces of amusement on his face. “Ugh, you’re going to make me sick. You are so bossy. I can’t believe you think that you can just pick me up and carry me around and tell me what to do. You don’t even say please, you know that?”
He probably gets the idea that he can just pick you up and carry you around and tell you what to do from the ten years that he's been doing all those things, since high school.
You've never gotten sick from being carried like this, either.
“You are bossy,” he says simply in rebuttal. "You say please but you know I'll do whatever it is you want. Even unreasonable things."
"I'm always reasonable," you say. He pats your butt in a way that isn't supposed to be condescending but is. You smack his in return and enjoy the way his back muscles tense up. "Ooh, you've been training your glutes."
He's been doing it in your home gym. You've always been loud about obvious things like this; he doesn't understand it, especially, but he likes it. At first, that had been much of your relationship. You were loud and obvious about your feelings for the up-and-coming teenage ace, and he didn't understand you, but he liked you.
He considers, and then revises his previous thought. He understands you better now. You talk through even things you and he know well because it helps you to process your thoughts, and you are determined to be shocked and delighted by all small things in the world.
"Hello, Bo-kun!" you wave to his teammate. Bokuto, bless him, attempts to bend over upside down to mimic you.
"Hey, Ushijima-san!" Ushijima is lucky that everyone in the facility knows you and you don't have to clarify to any security guards that you aren't in danger, for real. You take offense to the idea that you couldn't win in a fight against him, anyway.
You had been asserting this particular belief, actually, to the rest of the Japanese men’s volleyball team while they stretched post-practice and friends and family were allowed on court to distract them. Atsumu had been egging you on, urging you to try fighting another of the players since he didn’t trust Wakatoshi not to let you win currently. You had rolled up your shirtsleeves when the ace scooped you up and you had, already protesting, waved goodbye to the blond, a huge grin on your face. He had saluted you as you went.
“We’re not married yet,” you say, bonking your forehead into Wakatoshi as he stops short. “You all don't have to keep saying that. Please, call me—”
"Oh, Waka-kun said," Bokuto starts before being cut off.
“We may as well be," Wakatoshi says, turning to face Bokuto (At least turn sideways so I can see, you complain). "It'll happen eventually, so we can start practicing by calling her my wife now."
"What?!" You say. "Don't say things like that. You sound like you like me. Do you like me? Do you want to be more than friends?"
People have always talked about your relationship in begrudging terms. "Oh, opposites attract, I guess..." spoken in a disbelieving and reluctant tone. He understands. Most high school relationships didn't work out. Most people would get frustrated with him and his communication style. Then most long-distance relationships didn't work out. Most young professional athletes wanted to try new things, new people.
Wakatoshi doesn't understand why he would want to try something new when he had something perfectly fine with you. He had said that to you, once, when you were in Sapporo and he in Koganei. You had gotten very quiet for the rest of the call and then remained quiet for two weeks, sending all of his messages to read and calls to voicemail. It had taken a short flight and a shy, quiet apology to right his wrongs. He had known that he would spend the rest of his life with you, he said, forgetting to blink even as you furiously swiped away tears, a month in when you were fifteen. Barely longer than this terrible time you had stopped even fighting with him, just giving up on him. Why would he try anything else when he had never deviated from this path?
But what if you're just not seeing that there might be something better out there for you, you had said, voice angry but face already forgiving. Worse, what if you do see that someday? You’ll get tired of settling.
He had shaken his head. There isn't something better. Please, continue to be patient with me. Your breath had burst out of you in a single sob, and then you were yanking him toward you, ordering him to kiss you so you'd stop crying in front of all the neighbors.
Considering his parents' marriage, one might have thought that he would have more qualms about the concept than he did. You didn't seem interested in pressuring him there, though, and when asked just reminded him that living together long enough would result in common-law marriage anyway, so he just had to tell you if he ever wanted to stop living together. After several years separated and more reunited, he hadn't yet found any desire to do so. He definitely had strong negative feelings about being away from you for extended periods.
He was very lucky that you had chosen a career path which would allow you to travel essentially anywhere with him, find lucrative work anywhere with him. The home gym had actually been your gift to him, from the bank account you didn't share. It was the most thoughtful and horrifyingly expensive gift he had ever received. He had retaliated by hiring your most favored interior designer to rework your apartment into something both sentimentally familiar and not decorated entirely on the whim of two mid-twenty-year-olds. While they worked, he took you on vacation.
"We have to go," Wakatoshi adjusts you in his hold, nodding to his teammate. You’re quiet for a bit, so he puts you down, steadying you by your waist until your head stops swimming.
“You know we have to talk about these things,” you say, looking steadily at him.
“Yes,” he rumbles, considering his words for a moment. “I’ve been thinking about it more often recently. I still don’t feel strongly about the idea of a wedding, but I want you to be my wife. If you want to be.”
Insecurity sparks in him. You enjoyed your friend’s weddings, but perhaps you didn’t want one of your own, or one to him. Perhaps he had crossed a boundary.
“I don’t know,” you tap your lips with a finger, and a weight lifts off his chest when you smile at him. “I’ll see when you ask me. But I want it to be sometime in the future, somewhere more scenic than your athletic facility, okay? With a ring and a sappy speech.”
He smiles, then, his teeth showing. An explosive and momentous display of emotion.
“I’ll be sure to say please.”
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peachinthenight · 1 year
Black On Black
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
Rated: M
Read on AO3
Summary: You've always had a bit of a thing for men in makeup, especially that black eye makeup Bruce wears under his cowl, and you won't pass up an opportunity to help him get ready for patrol.
Any sane person would run and hide as soon as night fell over Gotham. But your boyfriend? He was putting on a bat-themed crime-fighting suit to go beat people up. He’s insane. You like that.
He was in his lair, preparing for a night out. Alfred was on the supercomputer, examining some security footage from the night before.
“Bruce is in his corner,” Alfred told you wryly, his eyes glued to the monitor.
“Thanks,” you said in response as you went into Bruce’s corner. It was a little alcove that Bruce used to get ready in. Behind one of the train cars, you found Bruce, in front of a table. He was wearing the suit, sans his cowl and gloves. The table had all sorts of gadgets, half of which you didn’t even know what they did. You also noticed that he hadn’t put his makeup on yet. Perfect. It’s all coming together.
Bruce spared you a glance as you approached him.
“Can I help?” You said, your voice quiet. “I want to help put your makeup on,” you clarified as you got closer to him.
“You… want to what?” He said, his brow furrowing. As if that was the most outlandish thing you had ever asked him.
“I want to put your makeup on,” you said. “Do you not want me to?”
Bruce didn’t seem to really register the request— he had shock on his face as if you just asked to marry him. His lips press together in a thin line before he finally gives a small nod. You smile widely.
You bounced over to him in excitement. It really was all coming together. Your master plan.
Bruce looked you up and down, only just now noticing you were wearing one of his shirts.
“Do you do it in a special order?” You ask, sitting on the table he was next to, pulling the small makeup bag into your hands. You unzipped it and looked at the contents. A black, jumbo eyeliner pencil. A MAC Paint Pot in black. Wow, they still made paint pots? Also various eye shadow singles. All in black, of course. And he had a few makeup brushes, too.
"Umm... No, you don't have to. First— Let's start with the eyeliner." He murmured, reaching into the bag and pulling out the eyeliner pencil. You took it from his calloused fingers.
“You’re just gonna let me do whatever I want?” You ask, with an almost devilish smile on your face. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him close. His hands plant themselves down on the table, on either side of your thighs.
He hissed out your name.
“Really?” He said quietly but sternly. “Now?”
He tried to sound irritated but his cheeks were soft, cute pink.
"What? You really think I didn't have any ulterior motives?"
"Well..." He trails off, flushing a little darker, "I sort of suspected, but I didn't think you'd be so... uh, blatant.”
“I’m starting now,” you said pointedly, taking the cap off of the eyeliner pencil.
Before you started, you couldn’t help but take one good look at his features. Bruce’s lips are on the thinner side, and well-formed with a perfect cupid’s bow. His cheekbones are impressive, and he has a straight nose and sharp jaw. His most striking feature, though, is his eyes. Bruce has a deep blue-grey color, framed by his thick, black eyelashes, with dark circles around them from the lack of sleep. He looks intimidating. And hot.
You began by very delicately lining his waterline and lashline with the black. He didn’t even flinch or blink as you did so. You found this to be one of the more uncomfortable steps of makeup, and you were impressed that he took it so well. That’s not to say it wasn’t uncomfortable for him, he could feel the eyeliner tickling his eyelashes, but it was a small price to pay to be so close to you, and to see your cute, impish smiles directed at him.
"Okay, so you're really gonna let me do this however I want?" You asked, just making sure.
"Uh— I suppose so," he responded, sounding unsure of it himself.
“Close,” you told him, and he closed his eyes for you.
You take the MAC Paint Pot and dip into it with a brush. The creamy eyeliner glides on effortlessly. You spread it across his eyelids, and down under his eyes. You notice that Bruce is squirming.
“The uncomfortable part is already over,” you murmured, “why are you so squirmy?”
He let out a breath and his eyes fluttered open. "Well," Bruce begins, seemingly breathless, "It's, uh... You're... touching me."
He was nestled between your thighs, your legs hooked around his waist, keeping him close. As he spoke, his warm breath fanned over your face. His breath smelt like peppermints.
You and Bruce have been dating for a year and a half now, but he was still uncomfortable with non-sexual intimacy.
“Do you want me to stop?” You offered, your legs unwrapping from his waist, allowing him to move away, if he so wished.
He took in a deep breath and shook his head. "No... I'm okay,” he said, shifting his weight. He leaned in closer.
“Just— when you hold me with your legs like that, it’s… hot,” he breathed out.
You picked up a matte black eyeshadow single, and a dry brush. “Are we talking temperature or seductive?” You ask, knowing his answer already.
He hesitates for a moment. "Just..." He trails off, giving in to you, "the second one."
Bruce just made it way too easy to tease him. But he was already a bit uncomfortable, so you held off your teasing remarks. Instead, you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his in a sweet and chaste kiss.
“Close your eyes,” you instructed again. You began to pat on the black eyeshadow atop the eyeliner. Bruce’s hand moved from the table to your left hand, which held the eyeshadow in it. With his eyes still closed, he moved the eyeshadow single out of your hand, so he could lace his fingers with yours. His cheeks were noticeably pink. His eyes open again, as you brush the black eyeshadow underneath his eyes, using soft and gentle motions.
You were done.
Well. It didn’t take long to smear black all over the eyes. He looked like a raccoon. But like, a sexy and intimidating raccoon. His eyes were still shut, and you spotted a bottle of setting spray. He really did go all out, huh? You sprayed a mist of setting spray over his face, and you used your hand to fan him, trying to get it to dry faster.
“All done,” you said softly.
"Alright... Let's see..." He turned his head to look at a mirror nearby, and he took a glance at himself. You did a good job, turning the area around his eyes into little black voids.
“Did I do good?” You asked, looking at his face as he looked into the mirror. “I may have gone a tad zealous, but I wanted to make sure I got the whole area.”
"You did pretty well," he admitted, "Maybe a little too well..”
“If I did such a good job, I should help you out more often,” and you’d never say no to an excuse to spending time with Bruce, and being physically close to him.
Bruce raised an eyebrow at you. “You don’t hate it?”
You couldn’t suppress an eye roll. “What do you mean? I’ll do anything to be close to you.”
"Really?" he asks, looking deep into your eyes, "Anything?"
“You’re going to make me regret saying that, aren’t you?” You said wryly.
“I don’t know,” he said, leaning closer until his nose was nearly touching yours. "You want me to?" he asks, his breath fanning your skin.
His voice was low and seductive, it caused your heart to quicken, and your body to feel as if it was burning.
“You’re teasing me,” you breathed out. Bruce didn’t tease often. Not like this. He must really be in a good mood, you mused.
"Maybe I am..." he admits, the smile not leaving his lips as he spoke. His peppermint-scented breath kept hitting your face, keeping you hot. His eyes were locked with yours, and his smile was smug. He seemed slightly proud of his teasing, but your reaction was definitely encouraging.
Bruce wasn’t like this often, so you reveled in the attention; in his teasing. Your body felt hot in the best possible way. He was causing your heart to beat so hard in your chest that you swore he could feel it through his armor plates.
“You getting tight in that suit, Bruce?” You asked, your voice hitching. “Or am I the only one getting hot under the collar.”
Bruce chuckled a low rumble from his chest. “Just a little,” he said, his cheeks still a soft pink. “You make it too easy, you know,” he murmured. Words you once told him, when he complained of your incessant teasing. You bit down on your lower lip and stared into his eyes. His beautiful, beautiful eyes.
“If Alfred wasn’t here,” you said, your voice quiet. “I’d have you out of that suit already.”
Bruce finally closed the distance, leaning forward just an inch so your lips met his. You attempt to deepen the kiss, but Bruce pulls away, causing a low whine to escape from your lips.
“Alfred,” he reminded.
“He’s not paying attention,” you whisper.
“Alfred always pays attention,” he responded quietly.
You huff, but relent.
“Bruce,” Alfred’s voice called out, causing the Bats within the abandoned subway station to screech and scatter. “The signal is up,” Alfred stated.
Bruce let out a sigh, being pulled from their own little world back into their grim reality was like a bucket of cold water being thrown on your head. He gave you an apologetic look. Your kiss had given him an emotional high, but Alfred had pulled him back to earth.
“Right,” Bruce breathed out. He gave you another kiss; tender and loving. He smiled at you, but it looked pained. He quickly slipped on his gauntlets, still not really moving away from you.
“Don’t— don’t forget that you have someone waiting at home for you, alright?”
Please don’t do anything stupid. Don’t take any unnecessary risks. Please come home to me.
“I won’t.” He assured you with a gentle kiss on the forehead.
Bruce grabbed his cowl and put it on. It was time for Batman to answer his signal.
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uchihaxitachi · 10 months
coincidences | someone asks you on a date |
it has been a few months since you have rescued the s-ranked criminal ninja, there have been several instances of cute moments between you two, you two have also had your first kiss. of course that was when you were too drunk & you do not remember, itachi has also not reminded you of that at all. despite everything, the one promise that the uchiha always fulfills is ‘i will protect you’ for protecting him. because he is in debt and bla bla bla. frankly — now you two are better off called ‘friends’ or maybe something different which you two wouldn’t ever explore easily.
you know he carries secrets, just because he keeps you company does not mean you have any right to probe through them. perhaps this is why itachi seems so comfortable around you. you don’t ask him about what it feels to be an akatsuki member, what it means to be an s-ranked criminal, what it means to be a shinobi, what does the headband signify? you’re more than happy being a normal human being who does not really know about chakras, about ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu whatever. just a normal cafe library owner living her life peacefully.
your cafe door opened, and it was none other than the man in the straw hat, this time you were at the counter & you beamed at his presence. “oh, itachi ! welcome back!” you cheerfully grinned; while he removed his hat and smiled gently at you. “glad to be back, it’s been what- 10 days or so?” itachi muses. aw, he has started remembering things too.. especially how long it’s been since you two have seen each other? downright adorable!!
before you could say anything further, a guy barged in. he was a regular customer now, he had just finished his usual order and was here to pay the bill. “y/n san, thank you, your cheesecakes, lovely as always.” he hummed, while you smiled. “aw thanks! i’m so glad you liked it.” itachi did nothing but observe.
“i was wondering if you’re free tonight, uhm, for dinner and stuff.” he smiled, a little timid as the proposal as you blinked. “uhm, is this a date?” you raised a brow, clarifying his intentions before hand. before you could say anything in response after the man nodded diligently, a part within you wanted to see itachi’s reaction. he looked torn, confused between telling the guy to piss off & letting you go on the date.
you gritted your teeth a little, sighing. of course… why were you even imagining things like that with the uchiha. his world and yours are completely different. funny how both you and itachi were similar in thinking in certain aspects — which is why you two have gotten along so well. you nodded at the man, smiling. “thank you, so so much for the offer. however, i won’t be able to join you for the date, i am not looking for anyone at the moment.” your rejection was polite but clear. the guy smiled, of course a little dejected but left with that.
your eyes then wandered towards itachi, not talking about what just happened. you knew too well, talking about this wouldn’t yield into anything. “so, itachi, do you want to join me for dinner?”
itachi half-smiled, his usual, content & yet so deranged smile. content for him, deranged for you because it wrecks your fucking heart up. he nodded, looking up at you. “is it a date?” the tone was teasing, and when you were offered banter by the solemn uchiha himself — you wouldn’t back down.
“date? yes, but don’t forget we’re already married.” you rolled your eyes, watching how his cheeks betray him with a slight blush.
he leans forward, flicking your forehead. getting a bit serious as the next words flicker out of his mouth. “let’s meet for dinner tonight at your place. allow me to be the chef. allow me to… talk a little about myself.” he offers, and you nodded, flicking his forehead back with a nod.
maybe today’s the day you will uncover him a tad, or maybe he is just going to tell you about himself so you know you can still run away if you wanted to.
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katasstrophy · 2 years
What are your favorite pet names for your fave blorbos??? Mine are beebee for Bachira and YoiCHU! *insert cheek kiss* for Isagi~
d’aaawwww nonnie you got me giggling over this how cute<33 i may have gone overboard like always lol but here are some of my takes !! (these low key just. turned into headcanons oop i hope that’s okay!)
this is my personal favorite because it just fits him so fucking well and i know it in my soul of souls that he’d adore it. like yes he is your feral hellcat<3 your demon spawn<3 but you’re crazy enough to love that about him, to turn it into an endearing pet name, even. bastard would probably purr and meow just to lay it on real thick pls i can never be normal about this man.
calling the ever stoic, foul-mouthed younger itoshi smth as sickeningly sweet as rinnie is the best thing since sliced bread actually idc if i’m basic! it’s true! ofc he’d absolutely abhor it at first, snapping at you to “fucking stop calling him that” which just spurs you on more tbh lol he’s furious with you. he thinks he abhors the nickname, then one day you drop the cutsy act to return to his given name and he’s just left standing there like🧍baffled and pissed out of his mind bc where’s his mf rinnie huh?? i want to eat him so bad.
i feel like reo – party due to his lavish upbringing but mostly because he is just the ultimate lover boy – would definitely gravitate towards more ‘classier’ terms of endearment. call him handsome, or go all in by calling to him as my love and his chest is instantly puffing up like some bird about to perform the sickest mating dance ever lol he’d be so smug about it. definitely, 100% the type of guy that still gets weak in the knees when you call him husband – doesn’t matter if you’ve been married three months or 5 years he eats that shit up!
okay so because i’m a little shit i can’t ignore the juxtaposition of the big bad criminal being committed to the pink aesthetic (don’t get me wrong i’m obsessed with it), so in my head i could get away with calling sanzu annoying crap like barbie doll or cupcake – or probably his most tolerated one out of the bunch, candyman (because of the, ya know, murderous implications lmfao). all in a very sarcastic vain ofc! i feel like calling him by his given name, or just simply haru, would def be all the more special then <3 (… BUT bc he’s sick in the head he’d probably love it even more if you romanticized his psychotic tendencies – call him stuff like my lovely little killer and he’s a goner he is clinically insane like.)
let me just clarify that this man is not picky! whatsoever! he’s so starved for love he’d literally eat any term of endearment straight out of your mouth if he could. everything is one the table: baby, honey, sweetheart, darling, love – you name it, tora likes it, he wants you to keep calling him sweet names until he’s drowned in it. but what gets him really over the moon is if you just insert a small little ‘my’ in front of it. yeah, he loves being called baby, but my baby? he’s on his knees for you goodbye he loves the subtle ownership of it. (not to get n/sfw but uh… call him your sweet boy when you’re overstimming him and his pupils might just turn heart-shaped he’s ruined.)
i only recently found out that “hitto” is actually a fanon made last name for kaku darling and i’d like to report that i’m still devastated over it so :( when you two get married – because he will marry you, if he’s in love like that’s it he’s locking you down for life – you ask him if he’d like to take your last name and yeah he cries a little he’s so touched pls :( so when people refer to him as L/n-san or mr. L/n he’s still not over it he has to remind himself that they are, in fact, talking to him. the effect triples when it’s you that calls him as such he’s so proud to wear your name brb gonna bawl my eyes out.
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domoz · 1 year
An a/b/o mada/hika/tobi (in that order) something or other.
(Which I need you to understand, is not something I thought I'd ever be writing. But here we are.)
In this au high status alpha/omega pairs often take a beta or two into their household to act as an assistant/handmaid/servant/etc etc. which is what Hikaku is doing here.
The moment Tobirama enters the room, Madara goes stiff. At a glance nothing seems wrong, and Tobirama pauses, seemingly as surprised at the reaction as Hikaku is.
A closer look shows Madara's pupils have blown wide, which means this is probably one of those instinctual things -- what's caused it though, Hikaku isn't sure. A deep breath of his own mostly gets him a nose full of Madara's overpowering campfire scent; if Tobirama's is doing anything different he doesn't know the man well enough to tell.
It's… A little saltier, maybe? Nothing so extreme that he couldn't chalk it up to a shift in emotion --
"You're in pre-heat." Madara blurts.
Oh. Well then.
The exclamation seems to have shocked all three of them. Tobirama's lips part for a moment before his expression tightens.
"Apologies." He says, "It's earlier than usual. I did not realize."
They probably should have expected this, all things considered. Tobirama may not be a typical omega, but spending so much time in the house with the alpha he had recently married and consummated with would wreak havoc on anyone's biology. Or so Hikaku has heard.
"Well, what do you -- I mean --" Madara sputters, color rising to his cheeks, "How do you want to handle it?"
There's a brief flash of surprise across Tobirama's face, one so small it would likely be missed by someone who's not an Uchiha, but it's there. Almost like he hadn't been expected to be asked.
"…I understand that I'm expected to bear your heirs." Tobirama says at length, "But if it is an option, I would like to wait to do so until after peace is more stable."
Until he knows they won't be born right back into another war. Madara nods, lets out a slow breath of his own.
(Breaths in through his mouth, Hikaku notices, but Tobirama's scent still seems so mild, to him).
"In that case, I think it's best if Hikaku takes care of you." Madara grunts.
Hikaku feels his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline, and wonders if Tobirama is looking at his clan head with a matching look of incredulity. What Madara's asking for isn't unheard of, but for a newly mated couple's first heat…
"I'm not ordering you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable." Madara clarifies, voice rising in pitch. His face has gone a lovely puce, but he doesn't take it back. "Either of you. Use your best judgement! But if we're trying to avoid… That, it shouldn't be me."
"…Right." Hikaku says, suddenly feeling dizzy. He's not actually ever experienced an unrelated omega's heat firsthand. He's heard plenty of stories, but all they're serving to do in this moment is leave him feeling woefully under-prepared.
But. He thinks with sudden clarity. Tobirama is hardly the kind of omega you hear about in stories. In cases like these it's best to just…
"Well then. Tobirama-san." He clears his throat and tries to fight off his own rising blush, "How do you want me to help?"
There's the twitch of an eyebrow again, the barely there surprise.
"Boil some water for tea and bring it to my rooms." Tobirama says after a moment. He hesitates where he stands in the doorway, and the silence stretches so long that it must mean that he wants to say something more, but some pride or embarrassment is stopping him.
Hikaku has already given in that he's not going to get out of this situation (this entire arrangement, really) with his pride unscathed, so he forces a smile and asks, "Would it be helpful for me to bring something that smells…" He nods at Madara, who is all but hiding behind his hair at this point. Like an alpha, he means, like Madara, like your mate.
Tobirama tilts his head in consideration, no trace of whatever had been stopping him, which meant this likely wasn't what he had been considering at all.
"I suppose it couldn't hurt." He says.
Madara gapes open mouthed for a moment before ducking his head.
"Okay. I can just…" Madara pulls off his haori, looks at it pensively for a moment before rubbing the fabric on his face and neck. Hikaku politely pretends not to notice the way Tobirama is watching with rapt attention.
Seeing as how Tobirama is across the room and how Madara appears to be entirely resistant to getting any closer, he hands the garment to Hikaku, who fights to keep himself from making a face as he folds it over his arm.
It would be a wildly inappropriate time to laugh. Still, the urge is there.
Tobirama clears his throat.
"That should be fine." He says, "You may also wish to bring a book."
He turns and flees back to his room before Hikaku can ask for clarification.
With the omega gone, Hikaku lets himself sigh. Quiet enough that it doesn't draw Madara's attention away from where Tobirama just left. He looks like he's about to vibrate out of his skin.
"…Madara-sama." He says tentatively, and those dark eyes snap to him, "Do you think you could handle a patrol, right now?"
It's one of the best ways he knows to help Madara get his instincts under control, letting him guard his territory and deem it safe. At the suggestion, his clan head all but shoots to his feet.
"Yes." Madara says, and now that the mortification has passed his voice is so low it's almost a growl. "I'm going to -- yes."
Hikaku looks down. He has plenty of reason to be blushing right now so if he is, it hardly matters. He swallows hard and reminds himself that this isn't about him.
Madara takes a step towards the front door, then another before pausing.
"…Good luck."
Madara, too, disappears out the door before Hikaku can formulate a response. With him gone, too, Hikaku groans and thumps his head against the table.
This is what you signed up for. He reminds himself, you knew this could happen.
The possibility had been there yes, but reality has him feeling so nervous that his hands are shaking when he forces himself up to boil the water for tea.
Hikaku scowls at them. Trained shinobi, and here he is getting shaky over the possibility of helping an omega through their heat. Tobirama is the omega in question, so he supposes some slack could be allowed, but still.
He only has until the water is boiling to dither around, then with another deep breath (and the room still smells mostly like Madara even now) he walks to where Tobirama is waiting for him, tea tray balanced on one hand, Madara's haori and book of poetry under the other arm-- which he's still got no clue about, but Tobirama suggested it and he's just --
He's just… Here to help, that's all.
Hands full as they are, it's awkward to rap on the door, but Hikaku manages, and also to maneuver it open when after a moment Tobirama calls, "Come in."
The pale omega is sitting cross legged on the floor, a series of tins open in front of him, the contents of which he appears to have meticulously measured and mixed together.
"You can set the tray here." Tobirama gestures to the floor in front of him, "And-- hm. You may as well put on the haori."
Hikaku does not allow himself to make a sound of surprise at that, but he knows his face must be burning scarlet.
He really, really hopes that Tobirama isn't going to ask him to pretend to be Madara. Still, he pulls the over-large garment over his shoulders and shakily falls to his knees to sit across from Tobirama.
This is not how he'd imagined he might end up with Madara's clothes on.
The herbal smell of whatever mixture Tobirama has put together is strong; it too almost overpowers the sea-salt scent of what must be the omega's pre-heat smell, and it only grows stronger when he opens the teapot and dumps it in to steep.
"I would offer you some, but I can reliably inform you that it tastes abysmal." Tobirama says without inflection. Hikaku blinks.
"I take it that it's medicinal?"
Tobirama nods.
"It helps shorten heats and lessens their symptoms, among other things."
Oh, well that's…
Hikaku feels some of the weight leave his shoulders. However this goes, he can at least take some relief in knowing it won't be as bad as it could have been.
They sit in silence as the tea steeps, and then as Tobirama pours a cup without giving Hikaku the chance to do it for him. That taken from him, all Hikaku can do is observe and try not to fidget.
Now that he's noticed it, that ocean-breeze smell is really starting to fill the room. It's not a bad scent, he decides. Objectively speaking.
When Tobirama finishes, he sets down his cup without making a sound. Hikaku forces himself to breath, to not allow himself to grow tense again, because surely that will make everything that comes next more difficult.
"My heats are usually quite mild." Tobirama says at last, "With this, I'm often able to ignore them entirely, except for how they cause others to behave. Though the fact that its come early may hint that something has changed, I don’t anticipate anything too extreme."
"…Okay." Says Hikaku, throat dry, "How do you want me to help?"
Tobirama blinks, and now that he's looking, Hikaku can see the way all of Tobirama's movement has gone just a little sluggish.
"Just…Hm. Sit on the futon, for now."
Mechanically, Hikaku nods and moves to sit at the head of the futon. It's got a few extra blankets on it, he notes, but not the huge amount he's heard to expect from a nest. Maybe this is all a utilitarian man like Tobirama needs?
Tobirama sits next to him after a moment, purses his lips.
"… Stay like that." He says.
So Hikaku does -- stays frozen in place as Tobirama all but drapes himself over Hikaku's lap, loops one arm loosely around his waist, buries his face near his side where the fabric of the haori is bunched together. The omega shifts. Gets comfortable. Sighs.
"Is it true that you can smell me in heat and not feel the instinct to do anything?"
"…Yes." Says Hikaku. He thinks so, at least, because he's still not entirely certain what people mean when they talk about having instincts like that, "When I smell you I just… Think it smells nice. That's all."
"…That seems useful." Comes Tobirama's voice after what feels like an age, muffled by fabric "To not be ruled by your urges."
"…It has it's drawbacks." Hikaku admits, "I can't tell what a stranger is feeling through scent alone, and some social cues pass me by entirely."
There's a reason betas don't often enter the world of politics, after all. Entire conversations can be had just through scent.
"Hm." Is all Tobirama has to say in response to that, and then, "If you wish to pet my hair, feel free. Otherwise, I am going to nap."
"Oh." Says Hikaku blankly. "Alright."
For the moment, at least, there is no grinding or biting or leaking like Hikaku has heard often accompanies heats. Maybe if he doesn't draw attention to it, there wont be.
This, he supposes, is why Tobirama recommended him to bring a book. Which does come in handy, because Tobirama is apparently content to lay like that for hours.
After the first, Hikaku works up the courage to run his hand through Tobirama's hair, just once. It's soft, and the man doesn't respond at all because he is well and truly asleep.
After the second, Hikaku's legs start to cramp, but he remains still. This is well within the realm discomforts he's to handle as a shinobi, after all, and less than he thought he'd be feeling today.
After the third, Tobirama rolls off of his legs and blinks up blearily at him.
"If you're invested in helping, you could consider telling Madara to stop stalking back and forth outside."
Madara was --?
Well, he had been doing it unobtrusively to anyone but one of the best sensors in the world. To have done a patrol of Uchiha lands in three hours, though… Hikaku hadn't thought him so eager to return.
He takes a moment to stretch out his legs before making for the door. When he slides it open, he's immediately hit by the smell -- not just a campfire but spicy, now too.
Hikaku hadn't recognized the change in Tobirama's smell, but he's known Madara long enough to know what he smells like going into a rut.
They should have predicted this, too. After all, his new mate had gone into heat right in front of him. Personal feelings for each other aside, it would have been more surprising if this didn't happen.
Madara freezes from where he's clearly been pacing the corridor, eyes zeroing first on Hikaku, and then on the room behind him.
This, at least, Hikaku has an idea of how to deal with.
"Hold on a moment." He says. Closes the door.
"Tobirama.-san" He turns to the omega, who has been watching the proceedings with half lidded eyes, "May I borrow one of the blankets you've been lying on?"
"Mm?" Tobirama hums, "Ah. I see."
When he pulls the blanket out from under himself, Tobirama, too, nuzzles his face into it for a moment, before holding it out to Hikaku. He's decidedly less ashamed about the whole ordeal, though whether that's because he's currently in heat, or just because he's a shameless man, Hikaku can't say.
"Thank you." He says, and doesn't bother folding the blanket, because the moment he opens the door again and holds it out to Madara, the man snatches it from him, eyes blown wide.
"Do you need anything else, Madara-sama?" He asks.
Madara doesn't even seem capable of mustering words right now. He shakes his head, and retreats down the hallway without ever turning his back to Hikaku. When he finally ducks into his own room, all Hikaku can do is shake his head and fight back a fond smile.
It's a bit like introducing two cats to each other, he thinks dryly. But it can be done.
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thewritetofreespeech · 4 months
Could I request Tohru Kirishima's s/o being nagged by her father and paternal aunt and uncles to marry a wealthy man despite her and her mother being against it? S/o eventually decides to propose to him since they're already dating, much to her family and chosen fiance's shock.
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“Ugh! If I have to go to one more of these marriage meetings I’m gonna jump off a bridge.”
“Don’t do that.” Kirishima told [Y/N]. “I just bought you ice cream. It would be such a waste.”
As they walked down the street, holding their individual cones, [Y/N] had been complaining about their marriage meetings almost since the start. He got that it was annoying, but all Kirishima could do was listen to them gripe.
Coming from a poor household, he would never have to endure the burden of marriage meetings like a well-off family like hers did. Being rich and connected in their world, marriage was more than about relationships. It was about loyalty. Alliances. Finances. His mother only ever said that he marry someone nice, and that was hard enough as it was.
“I’m not going to. But gods, it’s so annoying! If I have to listen to one more idiot talk about his stocks or ‘the long family line’ he comes from….” She sighed. “It’s just really frustrating.”
“Why don’t you just marry one of them and get it over with?”
[Y/N] turned to him with an impossibly arched brow. “Oh yeah. Like that will solve it. Being eternity and legally linked to one of these idiots forever. Good suggestion Kirishima.”
“I’m just saying, if you get married, they would stop bugging you right? It’s not like anything has to change.”
Not all relationships were as dedicated and passionately in love as the boss & his wife. Since they were basically arranged, many yakuza couples were together separately. Fidelity was defined as being faithful to the family, not necessarily each other. “Just marry someone and then it will be done with. It’s the fastest way to get it over.”
“You know what. You’re right Kirishima.” He was surprised that they accepted his ridiculous suggestion. Which should have been his first warning. When he turned around to see if they were being serious, he found [Y/N] on the ground, on one knee, holding out one of their gummy peach rings out like a real one. “Kirishima-san, will you marry me?”
“Get off the ground you idiot!! People are gonna start staring!!”
His shouting probably drew more attention than their action, but [Y/N] stood up and a giggled. “Oh, come on. I’m being serious.”
“No you’re not.”
“Well….more serious than I was at any of the marriage meetings.” She clarified. “Come on, like you said, nothing has to change. We can still be friends. They get off my back. You won’t die alone like you were destined to until this moment-“Watch it”-and we get to get a neat cake. What do you say?”
Kirishima held on to his cone and just stared at [Y/N] for a minute. He knew that they weren’t serious at all. But a part of him maybe wondered. “I’m not marrying you so you can get out of paperwork [Y/N]. You can forget it.”
“Aww…you’re no fun…..”
They continued on their walk in a little more silence than usual. It was hard to start up a new conversation after that. Once he was home, Kirishima went to his room and got ready for bed. For the first time in a long time, he thought about his future. One with white dresses, and neat cake. He wondered if maybe that was a possibility for him.
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elizakai · 1 year
Ok keep in mind, some of these Are going through reboots or are ongoing! 
but these are BASICS and should mostly hold up!
I only knew of a few of these sources before tonight, so I did have to skim a few of these sources as I searched…. I’d like to think I’m a decent info surfer 🫠 but take with a grain of salt as you should most things _^_
I may have to come back and edit this post :( lmk if any of the links don’t work, sites prove unhelpful, or if you have BETTER sites, please 😁
If you want other au’s, or if anyone’s interested in specific characters simplified facts and/ or analysis, I can do the research for you and write it up more swallowable, just lmk _^_
Au/ canon by rahafwabas
The ao3 link in this was especially helpful to me personally :)⬇️
Au/ Canon by jokublog/ joku
SIMPLE, HELPFUL SUMMARY, JUST FACTS! updated 2021 so beware of potential changes but most of this holds up from reading it⬇️
Dreamtale past archive , xxtha has been approved by joku and has some good character analysis things on their blog, esp on dreamtale/ and dream’s character :D!⬇️
Au/ Canon by ask dusttale
DUSTTALE is hard because the creator speaks Korean.  I’ve yet to find compiled info so here’s their tumblr, there is an archive of asks and such on blog!
DUSTTALE has a lot of intentionally unanswered questions in general, so if it’s confusing that’s…part of it😪
Ask DustTale — Can you clarify something please? You keep...
This is helpful and simple character wise⬇️
Canon Dusttale Sans Storyline, Character, and Facts | Undertale AUs Amino
the creator has several stories on ao3 about dust (well, technically murder) sans, but most are in Korean….if you know how to find translations I’d love to get my hands on it 👀
Au/ Canon by comyet
COMYET Being golden and splendiferous and making it easy for me by compiling it for us I will marry them just for that, this includes a personality section too⬇️
Au/ Canon by SourAppleStudios
❗️This comic contains gore and disturbing images❗️as long as that doesn’t bother you…ABSOLUTELY go read it!!! IT’S GOOD.
If the link is weird, just find sourapplestudios and you should be able to figure it out! Keep in mind the comic is still in the works but a good amount of content is established
K so for horror SANS this is a wiki ( :( I tried avoiding those…) BUT it’s quick and easy, slightly biased but still valuable⬇️ I’m sure there’s better sources but this is the first decent quick one I found!
Now most of you are aware of the underswap drama that occurred…and that most of the fandom doesn’t adhere to the original underswap, especially after the creator stepped away from the story
However, I think this still holds valuable information, even if just for reference or ideas, so here THIS hefty chunkalunk⬇️
Canon Underswap research
I’m afraid an archive for the Fandom underswap probably doesn’t exist, as interpretations are kind of just…accepted?but if the original was more your thing, or if you just want the info, there it is!
god I’ve analyzed this hoe left and right. Not even kidding.
We all know loverofpiggies/ CQ , you should easily be able to find the comic with a search ‘ask error sans’ , there’s also some fun comic dubs on YouTube :) ! Here’s the blog with start at beginning and archive options⬇️
Ask Error!Sans (Unfinished) (Posts tagged errortale)
Also. This entire thing is AMAZING I read this years ago and had a ball,I need to reread it but I managed to find it and 😪✨ great phycology analysis by she-of-many-fandoms…⬇️✨
I draw comics sometimes — themightymarai: she-of-many-fandoms: Preface...
That’s all for now, my arms are dying from Internet surfing🧎🏽‍♀️AGAIN feel free to suggest, request, correct, comment or offer more info! Happy brainworms :) 🐛
( @zucchiyeni )
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thatlovinfeelin · 2 years
Flightless Bird | twelve | Bradley Rooster Bradshaw
Synopsis: Josephine Wilson Miller is alone for the first time in her life. She got married after her first year of college and became a housewife, but that life is gone now. So she runs to San Diego, to her childhood best friend Jake, where she meets the man who could very well be her salvation.
series warnings: unplanned pregnancy, just pregnancy in general, talks of infertility. past mental and emotional abuse. anxiety. talks of women's reproductive systems (idk)
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“What kind of crib are we supposed to be looking at?” Jake questioned as Jose walked him through some baby store in the middle of town. 
“Well, right now I just want a bassinet. They make some with wheels so I can easily move it, or some that are good to have right next to the bed so I can get to her during the night. Maybe a combo. But either way, I don’t want anythin too bulky.”
“Okay, something sleek and simple, got it,” Jake nodded, trying to act like he fully understood, “What is a bassinet exactly?”
Jose smiled and pulled him towards another aisle, “C’mon, I’ll show you.”
They walked the aisles for a few hours. Jose carefully looked over every option, talking Jake through the pros and cons of each. Jake, who knew she was going over all of this more for her own benefit than his, nodded and asked questions here and there to try and help.
Jose had a hand on her stomach the whole time, smiling softly to herself when she felt the baby move. It seemed so strange to her, in a few short months she would be able to hold the little human that was growing inside of her. 
“Have you thought of any names?” Jake’s question came hours later when they were on the way back home. 
She had, of course, but not very seriously. When Jose was younger she had a full list on the Notes app in her phone full of baby names she loved. Sometimes she had their meanings and other spellings, other times just the name and where she heard it. She deleted that particular note after the gynecologist appointment that changed her life at seventeen.
“No, not really,” She replied softly, “I feel like its still too soon to be makin concrete decisions like that.”
Jose blinked, he hadn’t used that nickname for her since they were little kids. It was like they outgrew it by the time they were in junior high. The sound alone made her chest feel almost funny. They weren’t kids anymore…yet he was still right by her side. 
“You’re almost in the third trimester,” He reminded her softly, “It’s about time to start making those big concrete decisions. I’ll even sacrifice my dignity and put on a pair of fuzzy socks and go through that book of names you have with you. We can pig out on chocolate and watch those sappy ass movies you like, if it’ll make it easier.”
They were at a stoplight, Jose could feel his eyes on her. But she only looked forward, trying to sort out all of the thoughts running through her head. She was a week away from the third trimester, and she was told to expect a premature delivery. Her team of doctors were going to do everything they could to delay, but she would probably be put on bed rest for at least the last month of her pregnancy, if she made it that far. 
“I think I need to tell my mama,” Her voice was so quiet Jake almost didn’t hear her, “I thought about writin her a letter. That way I don’t have to hear the disappointment, and I can just be done with it. I mean, your mama already knows, and I know she wouldn’t outright go tell anyone since you told her not to…but it’s still such a small town, everyone is bound to find out eventually.”
“You don’t owe that woman shit,” Jake clarified, “She lost all right to be in your life a long time ago.”
She only shrugged, her hands gently rubbing her stomach, “Maybe so, but she was in exactly the same place I am now. I don’t forgive her, and I can’t pretend to understand how she managed to be such a terrible and selfish mother, I really can’t. But, I have to believe that, in her own way, she did the very best she could. And I want to be able to at least tell my daughter, one day if she asks, that I at least tried, for her sake.”
Out of the corner of her eye she could see Jake shake his head, “Josephine Wilson, you are a better person than I could ever be. Because there is no way on God’s green earth I would try anything when it comes to that woman.”
“You’ll understand one day, Jakey,” She smiled softly as she looked down, “The world becomes a completely different place when you have your own child to think about. I haven’t even met her yet, but I know I would do anything for her.”
He reached over to squeeze her shoulder, “ You know, I always knew you would make a great mother. Somehow, even after you found out that kids probably wouldn’t be an option, I still knew you’d have one.”
“Jakey, you need to stop sayin things like that, I’m hormonal and I will cry. You know how much I hate cryin,” Jose laughed, coughing to cover up the tears that still managed to spill.
Hours later, Jose was sitting on Bradley’s couch with her legs in his lap. Occasionally he would gently rub her calf, almost like he didn’t even realize he was doing it. He was sipping on a cold beer as a movie played on the tv across from them. Jose couldn’t help but take note of not only how domestic this felt, but also how right it felt. 
Everything seemed calm and almost perfect until Jose jolted and let out a hiss. Bradley nearly jumped, head snapping over to look at her. Her eyes were closed and both hands were pressed firmly into a particular spot on the side of her stomach. 
“Are you okay?” Bradley rushed to ask. 
“Yeah,” She let out an almost breathy laugh, “Sorry, it’s just," She stopped again and rubbed her stomach, "Yeah, okay I feel you, chill out.”
“Jose, what’s going on?” Bradley was growing increasingly worried. 
She slowly opened her eyes. She could feel her cheeks growing red, slightly embarrassed for worrying him, “I’m okay, I promise. She’s just really kicking. I haven’t felt her kick this strong before, just took me by surprise.”
Bradley blinked, lips parting slightly, “She’s- she’s kicking?”
She smiled softly before holding out a hand for him, “Give me your hand.”
“Just, give me your hand,” She nearly laughed, “I promise she can’t bite you.”
He rolled his eyes and put his hand in hers. She paused for a minute, feeling her stomach with her free hand before tugging his hand to lead him. She looked down at her stomach, smiling as she put his hand where the kicks seemed to be directed. Truthfully, Jose wasn’t even sure if he could feel them yet, but she swore she felt the little thumps against her hands.
“I don’t fee-” Bradley stopped mid sentence and moved closer, eyes widening a bit, “Oh.”
“Did you feel it?” She couldn’t help but feel excited. 
“I-” He shook his head, smiling as the baby kicked again, “That’s amazing.”
“Sometimes I forget that this is real,” She admitted, “Like, I’m in a dream or somethin and I’ll wake up and still be in New York.”
Bradley gently cupped her cheek, “I promise this is real,” His voice was deep and raspy, “Every bit of this.”
“I swear sometimes I’ve made you up,” She whispered, “If I’d known you were waitin for me on the other side of everythin, I would’ve left sooner. I would’ve found a way-”
“Shh,” He leaned forward to kiss her forehead, right where a thick crease was appearing in between her eyebrows, “We both had some things to work out first. But we’re here now.”
She shifted so she was now more on his lap than on the couch. He tucked her head under her chin and held her close. He couldn’t help the way his heart seemed to almost skip a beat when she nuzzled into his chest. He liked that he made her feel safe. 
Jose didn’t know how to put it all into words. She didn’t know she could ever have a love like this. Sure, it was still so new, and there was still so much they needed to work out. But he was here, regardless of the fact that she was pregnant with another man’s baby, and recently divorced from that man. He didn’t seem to care about all of the strings and baggage that came with her. 
“I like the way it feels when I’m with you,” She admitted softly. 
“Yeah,” He agreed, “I like that feeling too. I think I might like it more than flying.”
Slowly she sat up, “You don’t talk about flyin, like ever.”
“I love it, don’t get me wrong. Sometimes I feel like I was born to be in the air,” He told her honestly, “It makes me feel close to my dad, it’s one of the few things that does.”
“I feel like there’s a but,” She stated. 
He smiled softly and brushed some hair out of her face, “I like that I don’t have to be any of that with you. All I do all day is talk about maneuvers and how fast and hard we can push our aircraft. There, I’m one of the best of the best, and there is a shit ton of pressure that comes with that title. None of that matters here though, because I’m just Bradley to you.”
She gently stroked jaw, feeling the slightly raised edges of old scars, “I like just Bradley,” She told him honestly, “But I think I could love Bradley Rooster Bradshaw.”
He made a noise, almost like a groan and dropped his forehead to hers, “ Oh honey, I don’t know what I did in this life to deserve someone like you, but I’m grateful for it. I’m grateful for you.”
Warmth spread throughout Jose, she tilted her head so she could gently kiss him. Once, the idea of doing anything with Bradley scared her more than having this baby, but now she wanted to just do life with him. Somehow, she wanted everything with him. 
“I haven’t felt this way in a really long time,” She admitted, “I didn’t realize how much I was missing.”
He knew what she meant. For a moment, Bradley even wondered if this was how his parents felt in the early days of their relationship. Somehow, he knew that his parents would approve of the girl that was staring back at him. He wasn’t sure if his heart ever felt this full before. 
He kissed her again, one of his hands gently holding the side of her neck while the other was on her back to steady her. For a man who swore he wanted to go through life alone, Bradley was far too content to imagine going through life with Jose. 
It almost scared him. 
When they pulled apart, there was a look in Jose’s eyes that only served to spur Bradley on. He couldn’t help but smirk a little as he really looked at her, “Do you remember that joke you made when I told you what my call sign was?”
Jose more or less whimpered and dropped her head to his shoulder. She could feel her cheeks turning red. She thought he forgot all about that, since he never mentioned it again. Of course, she blamed it on the hormones, and would gladly tell him that now that he knew she was pregnant. But at the same time, even though she didn’t know him at that point, there was truth to what she said. 
“Don’t make fun of me,” She whined, “I told you I turn into a runaway train sometimes.”
Bradley’s laugh shook his whole body, “Honey, I’m not making fun of you. I thought it was funny actually, this sweet shy, southern, little thing making a joke like that. You have no idea how-”
She slid off of him almost too quickly. The movement made her a little dizzy, but she needed to say a few things herself before he got any sort of ideas. His cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were a few shades darker. In another life, she would be climbing right back on top of him. Hell, she wanted to climb back on top of him and never leave. 
“I have some…restrictions,” She blurted out. 
His brows scrunched together, not quite understanding what she was saying. She looked worried as she chewed on her bottom lip. Maybe a little guilty too, which made no sense to him at all. She had nothing to feel guilty about. 
“What do you mean, honey?” He asked her gently, stroking her hair. 
“I can’t-I mean it’s not-” She took a deep breath, somehow feeling like a teenager, “I’m on somethin called pelvic rest. It’s to cut down on any potential complications, because I’m already at risk for a whole lot of ‘em.”
He was rubbing her back now. Somehow it made her feel even worse. They were grown adults, yet she felt like a little teenager turning down her prom date at the end of the night. Granted, her prom date was Jake and she ended up pulling him into the bed of his truck with her in the middle of a field. But…she just felt guilty. She felt like she was leading him on. 
“I can’t have sex,” She nearly whispered, “I can’t do anythin related to it really. I’m not even allowed long walks. I understand if that isn’t something you can-”
“I’m not an animal,” He replied calmly, “I would never try to pressure you into that anyway, or heaven forbid force you. My mom raised me better than that. While I’m sure sex with you would be amazing, I’m in no hurry. I’d much rather both of you be safe.”
Jose’s heart nearly melted, “I wasn’t trying to insult you…I just…I don’t think I’ve ever really done this before, Bradley. I mean, with Jake we grew up together and it all just kind of happened, it's like we never even thought about any of it. With Michael…I’m not even sure what happened with us now, honestly. I feel like I’m just fumblin around in the dark when I’m with you.”
He smiled sweetly, “Then I guess we’re both flying blind. Because I can promise you that I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. If I haven’t told you before, I’m at your mercy. You call all of the shots here, you get to be in control.”
“Why?” She found herself asking.
“Because you deserve all of it,” He whispered, “Every good thing this world has to offer, you deserve it and then some. I’d give it all to you, if you’d let me.”
She sighed, tipping her head back to his chest again, “How are you okay with all of this?”
He wrapped his arms around her again, but looked at an old picture sitting on the mantle across the room. In the few months since he met Jose, sometimes he swore he could feel his parents guiding him towards her. He even went as far as to talk to Mav about it once or twice. 
Bradley always seemed to feel restless before, almost like he just didn’t belong where he was in the world. Yet, with Jose, everything went quiet. Yeah sure, he had no idea what he was doing with her. He really was flying blind when it came to really loving another person, but he sure as hell loved Jose. Even if he knew it would scare you shitless to tell her  that just yet.
He could almost imagine introducing her to his mother. Maybe Jose would have her little daughter in her arms. His mother always loved babies, she made him promise to save the box of his baby things for when he had a family of his own. He knew that his mother would’ve cried when he told her that he gave away his blanket, but they would be good tears. He knew Carole would be proud of him. He wished that he knew for certain that his father would feel the same way, but he seemed pretty sure.
“Because, honey, I feel like I was meant to find you.”
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ts4-bacc · 1 year
Rule update Growing Together
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The update isn’t big since there wasn’t much to unlock but there are some things and we have the infants now as well also in the base game! And a little clarification on CAS-points.
Growing Together (GrT)
San Sequoia - Set it as a default world. This mean you can start it normally and follow the Normal start. If you want to unlock it later it will depend how many worlds you have unlocked. See the New world section in this part of the rules
Recreation center - Have unlocked the Gym, Arts center and have Nanny/Daycare unlocked
Ageing up traits
With the coming of infants, toddlers aren't the first stage anymore for which you can pick a trait. Before toddlers always got a random trait because of it. But this is going to change to infant. So... - Infant trait is always random. - Toddler trait able to choose if they get a top-notch-infant trait otherwise it has to be random. - Child trait able to choose if you get the Happy Toddler/Top-Notch-Toddler trait otherwise it has to be random. - Teen trait able to choose if you get an A as a child in school. - Young Adult trait able to choose if you get an A as a teen in school.
CAS-points / moving in new sims
I had to clarify this a little since it wasn’t really clearly described. I hope it makes more sense now! How to get them:
A sim get to level 10 Charisma and doesn't use it to open something else up
A new Community lot is unlocked
A sim Opens a Store/Vet/Restaurant (+2 extra for Legacy) 
How to use them:
You can use them right away or safe them up to move in a family or multiple sims at a time.
You can also marry townies and move them in with your played sims once you unlocked townies, increasing your population that way. However, skills, career progress or other achievements those townies made prior to moving them in does not count towards unlock requirements. (Former) Townies also can’t contribute to unlocking things, unless a CAS point is spent on them when they move into an active household. You may decide this on a case-by-case basis. So Townie A may be “just” a spouse with the soul purpose of helping bring the next generation in the world, while Townie B is moving in after a CAS point has been spent on them, being a full resident and unlocking things in their own right.
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader oneshot where it’s their wedding day and reader thinks back to when her and Joe met in college and how it was love at first sight? Also, after the marriage ceremony, can you include them having their first dance together as a married couple?
A/N Oh god this is adorable.
This is so cliche and a bit long so apologies in advance. 🤭
Joe Mazzello x fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Masterlist + Request Info
You stood in front of the mirror, a vision in lacey, crystal white.
Your eyes fixed on your engagement ring, the memories of your relationship with Joe swimming through the diamond. It was the morning of your wedding to Joseph Mazzello and you couldn't believe the day was finally here.
As you reminisced, one particular memory came to mind: the day you met.
It was pouring down with rain at the University of San Francisco, the cold chilling you to the bone, and you forgot your umbrella. Your winter coat was doing its best to stem the freeze as you ran to your bus stop, but it was soaked through, rendering its efforts useless.
You sheltered under a tree for a moment to catch your breath and when you looked up you realized you had no idea where you were.
The rain was so dense and heavy it was bordering hurricane territory and your hand probably would've vanished had you stuck it out. You relied purely on muscle memory to move you around campus each day so now that you couldn't see a thing and had to think about your whereabouts, you were completely lost.
The sound of brakes screeching in the unintelligible distance alerted you that your bus had arrived, and you groaned when you heard the rumbling of the engine as it pulled away. So, you'd missed your bus and your only other means of transportation was on the other side of the school and wasn't set to arrive for another hour. You also had no idea where the other side of the school was at this point.
Deciding to wait under the tree in hopes of the rain clearing so you could locate yourself and eventually the next bus, you leaned against the trunk and sighed frustratedly. A few minutes had passed before you heard someone calling your name. Squinting your eyes and scanning the area, they fell on a blurred figure a few yards away.
"Y/n L/n is that you! Is there even a person there?"
You yelled back confirmation, and the figure ran towards you. You grinned when you recognized Joe Mazzello from your Film & Television Studies class holding an umbrella. I must clarify. This was the first time you'd officially met. You were working on the same degree, and you shared a couple of classes.
"Hey, I thought I recognised you. I saw you book it when it started raining and wondered why you didn't just grab your umbrella. Looking at the state of you however, I'm gonna assume you forgot it."
You nodded in embarrassment. He grinned and shrugged off the warm parka he was wearing, handing it to you and collecting your sopping wet one. Thanking him with a smile, he asked what your plan of attack was, and his face contorted in mild horror as he discovered you intended to, "subject yourself to even more of this hideous weather." His words, not yours.
"You're kidding right? I'm sorry, I know we're not too well acquainted with each other, but I insist, come stay with me in my dorm for the night. My roommate moved out the other week so there's a spare bedroom if you want it. The weather's only gonna get worse in the next half hour and is supposed to stay like that for the next 2 days. I just don't like the idea of someone out here for another hour. They're recommending people stay off the roads you know."
So, you did. You and Joe christened your friendship over pizza and study notes. He rifled through drawers and found some smaller clothes for you to wear for the remainder of your stay. You slept in the spare bedroom and awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs being cooked, grateful for the fact that neither of you had any classes that day.
It was such a simple event in your life, but it meant the world to you now. Wiping away a stray tear before your makeup artist freaked out and powdered your face down again, you forced yourself back to reality and checked the clock, hearing a knock on the door.
It was time.
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Oh. My. God. Mrs. Y/n Mazzello. Every decision over the last 8 years had led up to this moment. Joe had his arms wrapped tightly around your middle while yours were fastened around his neck. The two of you swayed together in time to the music, blocking out the gathering of family and friends surrounding you.
Taking your hand in his, Joe spun you out and spun you back in before dipping you and planting a kiss on your lips. The crowd whooped and whistled but neither of you took any notice as you guided each other across the floor. When your fingertips brush over your husband's ring, you couldn't help but grin.
"What are you smiling at Mrs. Mazzello?"
"Your wedding ring Mr. Mazzello."
Joe brought your hand to his lips and kissed your own ring before pulling you close to him once more to kiss you sweetly as the song ended and your families cheered.
"Thank God for that damn hurricane."
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part 1 here
An excerpt to my fic series "the fake human world" part 2
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"It's not real. It's just your imagination," Kanato told himself like a mantra.
"But it's not. This is reality."
His lavender eyes widened in shock, looking up at the mirror and noticing his reflection staring back at him with a malicious smirk. What's more, the Kanato in the mirror was the same Kanato in his dream.
"W-What?" he feebly mumbled in surprise.
"Don't pretend to be shocked." The Kanato reflection ordered him accusingly. "You did this to yourself."
"You came here because of Maya-san, right?"
"W-Who's Maya-san?"
The Kanato in the mirror sighed, tired of the human's nonsense. "Your wife, remember? The one you're eating the desserts with."
Kanato was bewildered at the revelation, only irritating his reflection in the mirror further. How can he be married to someone who looks like a child? Sure, they have the same rings, but they can't be married. The girl didn't look like she was 18. Besides, he would need adult provision if he wanted to get married.
To clarify the situation, the other persona jumped out. Half of his body was sticking out of the mirror as his purple eyes glowed red, staring at him while holding his face.
"Remember the condition of your spell, vampire prince. You are me, and I am you. Kanato Sakamaki, the 4th son of Karlheinz, the Vampire King. Born as the middle triplet from Cordelia's womb, now owner and husband of the vampire doll."
A seal instantly formed around them, glowing as the reflection chants another spell in an unfamiliar language. Before he could disappear, he informed, "The spell will be gone once the doll takes a bite of the forbidden fruit. Do not deprive her of her hunger."
"What the hell?! I don't understand!"
And then he sees vivid memories of himself as a child, running behind Ayato and Laito while catching bats. Him singing Scarborough Fair to his mother. Cordelia's death. The ashes inside Teddy. The brides he killed and turned into a doll. His other brothers. The nightmares and demons inside his head
And there was Maya. His doll. Her ribbon-tied hands. The bruise on her lips. Her dainty fingers. Her body lying in a pool of blood. Her fair skin tainted with his marks.
The lake suddenly appeared, showing Maya and Kanato inside a glass coffin, sleeping peacefully beside each other.
He remembered now. When he sent Maya to the dream world, he had doubts she would return after three days, so he took the matter into his own hands. The brothers decided to go to the fake human world and save Yui and Maya. They sealed their own memories and tampered with the dimension's timeline, making them a part of this unreal human world.
In Kanato's case, he created a spell alongside his memories that he would only awaken once Maya drank his blood.
After a few moments, his reflection was gone, leaving Kanato alone in the washroom. His body shook, chuckling low before cackling evilly. His laughter filled the four walls, taking delight at how his plan worked. But another side of him thought Maya would be disappointed, mad even that he would go against her wishes.
I don't care about that. She should be grateful I did everything because I love her.
Now that he is back, he thinks it's time Maya feeds on actual food.
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Chapter 8: A New Resolve
The email of this chapter shows that some chick named Magi is tailing Shugo. This will probably be important later...
Back to the gang. Shugo recognizes Aura and introduces himself. Aura just stares at him so he backs off, apologizing for mistaking her for someone else. Aura...calls him Mommy and tackle-hugs him. That's...a twist? Rena reacts to this as you'd expect:
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Later in a hotel, Ouka and Mireille are amused by the whole situation while Rena is freaking out over how close "Aura" is sticking to Shugo. Understandably, her yelling scares the girl. Hilariously, Aura calls her a ganguro girl*.
Rena tries to kill her but is held off by Shugo who asks for the girl's actual name. She answers that it's Zefie. Mireille nosebleeds as she recognizes Zefie as another rare type. She asks for her member address and Zefie answers she doesn't know. She's just her. Rena presents the possibility that the girl is an NPC which Mireille notes would make her behavior weirder. Zefie is understandably offended to have her existence called into question in front of her, ordering the others to refer to her by name. And she calls Rena a ganguro again.
Mireille finally figures out what Zafie is: A "Vagrant AI". Instead of being set programs, these guys are personalities allowed to run amok in the game. The gang finally get around to introducing themselves (and Rena clarifies she is not a ganguro.) Zefie quickly reveals she'll only be cute towards Shugo by refering to Hotaru as "Funny Accent" (Problematic), Ouka as "Pooch" (Rude) and Rena as Kogal (See the asterisk). The others try to calm down, led by Hotaru...who flips out when Zafie zaps her Pikey (named Grunty) because she's "smarter". Grunty now has a pink afro and, when the other girls get pissed, so do they. Shugo has to take her outside lest she get ripped apart by everybody except Mireille (the only one spared).
While walking, Shugo instructs Zafie to apologize to everyone once they've cooled off. Zafie agrees and says he smells like her mom...which causes her to miss her mom. Shugo asks her where her mom is. Zafie responds she doesn't know (Duh) and that she can only follow her scent. Shugo's bracelet has her mother's scent. Then it clicks for Shugo...he asks for her mother's name. She answers Aura.
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Shugo rushes back to share this information with everyone. Mireille wonders if this means Zafie came with a quest while Shugo mopes over the more important "fact" that this means that Aura is married (I mean, there's no way he can lust after an unmarried underage mother!). Shugo is still gung-ho about helping Zafie though and everyone jumps onboard with him. Zafie is touched and thanks...Shugo and Shugo only, by kissing his cheek. Rena flips and Shugo helpfully reminds us that his Cassanova ass has been kissed by both a mother and her daughter.
Meanwhile with Balmung: he's working on updates before Reki informs him that a group called the Cobalt Knight Brigade is active again. Apparently, they're after Zafie. That's right: they're AI Hunting.
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We see the main bitch, Kamui, bullying another lone AI in front of her crew. Apparently, Kamui and the knights do work for the CC Corporation but it's clear Kamui likes her job way too much. And then you take into account these AIs are sapient and have actual emotions like the fear that little girl is showing of being killed by her. The same girl is killed gorily on panel by her and Magi, the chick sending the email at the start of the chapter, is revealed to be a Knights member. Say hi to Kamui, folks.
The chapter ends with Zafie giving the girls (again, sans Mireille) different hairstyles again. This time, it's topknots!
Awesome chapter, downright good I must say. I'm not saying that because of the petty 12 year old boy in me who likes the fact that the girls are being made butt monkeys for once (You can't prove that in court, anyway) but because, again, Shugo is allowed to be bearable, the plot is moved along and we get another piece of the mystery to work with. Also, Kamui's introduction was simultaneously disturbing and infuriating, making me worry for Zafie's safety while also wondering just what her fucking deal is for hating "bugs" like that. I am genuinely happy that I get to read the incest VR manga tomorrow!
*Ganguro: A now kinda outdated style among teen girls in japan that involved tanned skin and trashy make-up. A push back against Kawaiiko so I can't hate it too much. Ganguro girls are often stereotyped as mean and slutty so that's why Rena was offended when Zafie called her that.
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mee-goweng · 2 years
TNJK TIMELINE ENDING (🍋's side) - 🦈🍋
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Warning: suicide, shooting, mention of murder Word count: 800+ words
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Aki looked down, seeing the waves crash with the rocks under. The view from the cliff sure is scarier than he thought it would be. His mind wandered somewhere, recalling things teenagers of him did in the past, then came back to reality after hearing the loud sound of crashed waves under that quiet hill. He glanced to the side, seeing all the footprints on the shore already washed off by water. It would be a perfect time to vanish from the world without someone knowing. Unfortunately for him, this particular someone had been following him.
"It's so cute seeing you following me like this… you won't let me leave, aren't you, Taiju?"
Aki turned around, seeing Taiju standing not far from him. The slight hurt in Taiju's face was noticeable, and Aki couldn't help but feel something heavy in his heart.
"Can you… just stay?"
Aki's smile faltered slightly yet forced a gleeful laugh as if Taiju were only joking. That wasn't the first time Taiju asked him to stay. It had been many times. Aki couldn't even remember how many times it was already. Hundreds? Thousand? Maybe, millions? Who knows? All he knew was the more Taiju asked, the more he didn't want to leave that man.
"Stay? Oh, silly, if only things could be that simple, I would love to. Maybe, even marry and start a family… isn't that such a beautiful dream, Taiju?"
Aki's laugh toned down slowly as he shook his head before lifting his gaze, locking with Taiju's with such an indifferent countenance.
"That thing won't happen if you are with me, Taiju. So, stop daydreaming and start to move on. There are many better people than me. Even if they aren't eye candy or physically pleasing, at least they aren't a murderer."
Harsh? Probably. Aki just wanted to clarify to Taiju that there's no future for them together. Living together for months sure was a pleasant experience for both of them. It was different from the past, where violence was the answer to every problem. This time around, things are better. No punching, yelling or kicking. Nothing abusive, verbally or non-verbally. Aki would miss that… if he survived the jump. But Aki knew better. He's a murderer, no less. Living such an innocent life was just wishful thinking for both of them. For him.
Taiju tried to reason with Aki, but it fell on deaf ears. Aki was tired of listening to the same sentence about him not being entirely guilty about that incident in the past. Every time he remembered that past event, Aki felt more bitter and hated himself more. It was pure his fault. He was the one who held that gun, shooting people with it. Some were injured, and some died.
I was an idiot back then… did all of that just for mere attention from people and to satisfy my boredom. Idiot. Fool. If only…
Aki sighed as he walked near the cliff's edge, rechecking the waves. It was more ominous than before, but his willpower to end everything and the guilt he had to endure for years were more potent than his fear.
"Aki, there's another way to…"
Aki shook his head, stopping Taiju from giving any useless advice. Deep down, he desired to continue living the life he had with Taiju. It wasn't perfect, but they were happy and enjoyed it. Something he never expected, not even once in his life. But, the more he thought about living a peaceful life, the heavier guilt he carried in his back. It was sickening. It was stressing him.
"I'm sorry, Taiju," Aki said, turning around to see Taiju. "Maybe, if Take-san changes the future again… maybe… we can start again for a better future than this."
Taiju's expression was a mix of confusion and concern. He was genuinely concerned about Aki's position, which was awfully close to the edge, while his head couldn't get his head wrapped around Aki's words. He got tense when he saw Aki's leg step back, stumble on his own feet almost fall backward.
"Aki, don't." He said, pulling Aki's arm to distance the older man from the cliff.
Aki cringed at how hard Taiju's grip was on his arm. It would leave a bruise later, but he couldn't care less. He only shook his head, smiling weakly at Taiju. "I'm sorry. I really am."
A gunshot sound was heard. Aki shot Taiju in the foot, causing him the let go of Aki's arm. Aki could hear the younger male cursing under his breath, not expecting Aki to bring a gun with him.
"I'm sorry, Taiju. Just… let me go this time, yeah?"
The face Taiju made was unbearable for Aki to watch. He whispered apology after apology as he walked away to the edge. Aki stared down, seeing the wave no longer look scary to him. He glanced back at Taiju, locking eyes with him, then smiled.
"Let's meet again in the next future." Aki whispered before finally leaving Taiju's sight forever.
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2006 - A week before Kanto Incident
"What a weird dream…"
Aki sighed as he shoved the gun into his bag and then packed the other things he needed for his plan days later, trying to ignore the uneasiness he had felt since he awoke that noon.
"Urk, I need to take my medicine. My body isn't cooperating enough."
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luuxxart · 2 years
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some people just don’t like noodles i guess.
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nishiannoya · 4 years
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ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴜsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴄʀᴜsʜ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇᴍ
ft. (Atsumu) (Kenma) (Noya) (Suga) (KITA) (Tendou)
gn!reader x kita shinsuke, language, humor, a smidge of fluff (800 word count)
۞ you botched your graduation confession to your classmate and it comes back to haunt you 7 years later.
(part 2)
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"I know it’s kind of useless to say this now that we’re graduating, but I really liked you for the last 3 years!” 
Graduation day. Your last chance to let Kita Shinsuke, the boy who drove you mad nearly every day and night for your entire high school career, know how you felt about him. You know that there's no hope for a relationship, but the thought of keeping the crush to yourself didn't sit right with you. 
He stares at you for a few quiet seconds, cherry blossoms fall from the trees, and you think that this might be your shoujo manga moment...
“Oh, thank you,” he says and bows. A nice, respectful 70° angle bow, but nonetheless this mf had the nerve to bow and say thank you after confessing your long-stewing feelings. 
You are stuck in a thousand-yard stare for the rest of the day and vow to erase this memory from your conscience.
7 years later....
"Don't tell my girlfriend, but I'd marry you just for the food," Aran jokes as he takes a bite of the okaka Osamu brought to the table. 
"It's nice to hear that you're dating someone," Kita says with a smile that quickly fades into a more serious look, "Granny has been asking relentlessly lately about when I'm going to get married."
"Farmers Only dot com," Suna says under his breath, but Kita catches it.
"What is that?" The white-hair black-tipped man asks innocently. 
"NO. Stop Suna, stop searching for it on your phone. Kita, we'll find you a date the normal way," Aran insists as he slaps Suna's phone screen. 
"I dunno, it might be what's best..." Osamu says sheepishly as they all stare at Kita, each going over his dating statistical data in their heads, giving him big fat zeros in all the social categories.
That's when you walk into the trendy eatery and immediately spot a group of guys who went to your high school. Maybe you can quickly slip back out without any of them noticing...
"I think that’s y/n-san from high school over there." 
You freeze when you hear Aran say your name and you slowly give a stiff wave and an equally rigid smile. You wish you could just turn to dust when you spot Kita-san's hair and note against your will that somehow he's even more handsome than he was in high school. You desperately want to ignore Aran waving you over, but you make your way over out of politeness.
"Oh, from graduation day," Kita immediately says without a hint of restraint when you reach the table. 
You're stuck dead in the middle of wanting to punch him or yourself in the face. 
"Yeah, when you bowed and said thank you after I said that I liked you," you grumble bitterly as waves of suppressed embarrassment start to roll in. 
"You what?" Osamu and Aran scold their former captain while Suna mumbles "farmers only", but it goes ignored.
"It was a nice thing for you to say. It felt good knowing I was liked by a classmate," he says simply. 
And then it clicks. A tidal wave of even more embarrassment threatens to knock you off your feet. 
"D-Did you think I meant 'like' as 'in general?'" You fumble slowly, not really sure if that was better or worse.
"What else could you have meant?" He asks genuinely. It's hard to be mad when he's so sincere and stupidly handsome. 
"Romantically," you clarify with confidence that your crush was a thing of the past, though you worry the heat in your face might be showing through.
He continues to look at you with his usual unreadable expression, but slowly over the span of 3 very long seconds his face turns an endearing shade of pink. Despite whatever he was feeling, his face stays neutral as he says, "Oh."
You and everybody else stare at Kita-san incredulously - they're just as shocked as you to see him get flustered. 
Another awkward silence passes before he speaks again. 
"You wouldn't happen to be looking to get marri-" 
"GO ON A DATE! He's asking you on a DATE," Aran interrupts loudly as he slaps a piece of nori over Kita's mouth and gives a stern stare at his friend when he emphasizes the word 'date.'
You stand there in shock, not expecting to walk into a restaurant and get a marriage proposal- excuse you, DATE from the man you vowed to erase from your memory. You glance around at all the guys at the table, all of you feeling unbearably awkward.
"Give 'im a week. We'll fix 'im by then - promise," Osamu says earnestly, though he's a little pale from being so appalled by his senpai's horrible lack of social grace.
"Should have just used Farmers Only," you hear Suna sigh and you wonder just what the hell is happening....
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