#just ugh every day I wake up in this country
system-of-a-feather · 2 years
A little secret I would like to suggest people is to unsubscribe to the white, western, capitalistic concept of identity and the demand to be a "unique person" and have "unique perspectives and experiences" and thus define yourself by specific words and concepts and hobbies and shit.
As a mixed person raised in a house where both individualism and collectivist culture, the white and western idea of identity is just so unproductive and unsustainable and is inherently tied in to benefit capitalism. You don't have to identify with specific terms and groups or be particularly passionate or good at anything to be you and have your identity. You don't need to be Martha the Geologist who sews as a hobby and whose favorite color is green and...
I feel a lot of people get caught up in "not knowing who they are" because they get so caught up in the minutia of trying to describe yourself when you just... literally don't need to. You don't have to stand out to be you. You don't have to offer anything to the table to be you. You don't have to be consistent or limited to a box or any of that shit to be you.
What defines you and "your identity" is the fact that you fucking exist, that you've been living, and that you are a person who does things and wants things. You don't need to specify what things you do, or what things you want, or what your history has been to "have an identity" you have that inherently just by being here.
Identity doesn't have to be that complex and I just really pity / have concern for a lot of people who scramble for labels to define who they are because honestly its really largely western individualism that is driving that need which inherently is capitalist bullshit and having a defined identity like that is so stifling to both growth and just being secure with your sense of self because contrary to what might be pushed, people are ever changing and defining yourself by limited boxes is just... not gonna work.
Like honestly, you can identify with the specific things, that isn't wrong and honestly its a lot of fun to "identify" with things, but that doesn't have to be the foundation of who you are. I identify with a lot of things I enjoy, but like.... at the core the foundation of who "I am" is literally just me.
I am me. My identity is that I exist in the way that I do and the way that I exist is ever changing and thats completely ok because in the end of the day my identity is never leaving until I fucking die. It's largely why in this system I have literally zero concern about "disappearing" or being engulfed through fusion because my man, my existence is not going anywhere. It might change form, but my sense of identity is not threatened by my parts having different values from me or said values "mixing" with my own because those values are not - at the core - the definition of who I am.
But anyways. I was rambling about this in the back cause I don't shut the fuck up. I just really dislike the inherent inefficiency, over complicated, and unsustainability that individualism has on shit and how it literally perpetuates and fuels capitalistic ideals.
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dinogoofymutated · 5 months
I absolutely adore how you write Kurt,
Could you write something for Kurt being concerned for an overworked reader?
And or a reader that struggles with sleep?
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SFW!Nightcrawler/GN! Reader The amount of comfort that this man gives me UGH! He's just so caring and sweet, but I worry about him :( He's been the therapist friend in basically every episode in 97' and he deserves some comfort too so I added basically the reverse version of these headcannons at the end as well! Sorry I didn't end up writing anything for sleep, I've written a fic with some sleep struggle themes here but I might end up writing some seperate headcannons for that later! TWs: Themes of burnout/exhaustion. Mentions of the Genosha attack and Remy's death/funeral, religious themes. As always, reader written while picturing Fem! But no pronouns mentioned. I'm doing my best with adding German dialect while Kurt speaks but I'm not super knowledgeable, so let me know if there's something I need to change!
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Kurt makes it his absolute mission to make sure you're always taken care of. Food, emotional support, laundry, dishes, Hell, he'd give you the sun and stars if you needed them. He just cares about you so much, and he never wants you to feel like you're alone in this world.
This being said, when he feels that you're overworking yourself, he's not afraid to let you know.
When he first starts to notice it, He'll check in on you more often. He'll pull you into a hug and give you kisses and he'll only leave when you reassure him that you're perfectly fine.
If you're still overworking yourself after this, he will outright tell you that he loves you, but you need a break. You can't go on like this and he's concerned about you. He doesn't purposely give you the sad puppy eyes, but seriously, how could you think about saying no to that face?
He really likes to brush his hands through your hair when he's trying to help you relax. He'll move your head into his lap on the couch and hum you softly to sleep. He might take you to bed, but he won't wake you up unless he absolutely has to. He won't go as far as to turn off your alarms, but he just wants you to rest.
However, if you know you're overworking yourself but still refuse to let yourself stop, or take a break, he's going to be a little more "aggressive".
    Your computer screen is giving you a migraine, you feel like you want to tear your brain out of your head, and plainly? You just can’t sit still. You had been in this spot for about six hours straight. The last time you actually got up was to eat dinner, and even then you had only relaxed for what, thirty minutes? You can’t really remember.
    You sigh deeply, leaning back in your chair as you massage your temples. Working for the budding country of Genosha was certainly not for the weak. You needed to have this paperwork finished and faxed before the end of the week so that talks of Genosha entering the U.N. could continue. It was such a hefty amount, but it was necessary. Everyone else had done their part, and all you had to do was make corrections, edit, and make sure everything was in top shape. You’d been working on it for about three days straight, and with the finish line in sight, you didn’t want to stop now. 
    Oh, but your head hurts so bad, and you feel like you're starving. You look from your computer to your copy machine and the huge stack of mostly finished paperwork on your desk. You just want it to be over with, you decide it’s best if you just push through.
    “You haven’t moved from that spot since lunch,” You hear Kurt state. He comes around the side of your chair to brush some stray locks away from your forehead, and you do your best to give him a smile, although it’s obvious the expression is pained.
    “I didn’t hear you come in.” Your voice comes out a little gravelly from being silent most of the day. Kurt’s hands begin to gather your hair and caress the back of your neck lovingly. His hands feel good, grounding. You close your eyes to appreciate the feeling and miss the sight of Kurt’s frown.
    “Let’s get you to bed, Liebchen. I can tell your head hurts.” Kurt’s tone is gentle, although displeased, and it makes you feel guilty when you shake your head and pull away, leaning forward as you restack the paperwork on your desk.
    “I can’t. I’m almost done with this whole U.N. thing and the sooner it’s over, the better.” You mumble stubbornly. Kurt shakes his head at you, pulling your rolling chair away from the desk before you can get your hands on something else. You don’t even have the energy to express your shock as Kurt takes the papers out of your hands, using the table to straighten them before placing them in their proper place. He tuts at you as he does so, and continues to save your files and power down the computer despite your protests.
    “My apologies, love, but I won’t let you rot in this room for another moment. I understand how important this work is to you. Giving Genosia a voice that the world can hear is a very noble cause, and yet it is still a cause that can wait till tomorrow, Ja?” You open your mouth to attempt to protest again, but your head hurts so bad, and you are so tired. Kurt takes your hands to help you out of your chair, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he pulls you into a gentle hug.
    “Okay. But-” You don’t finish your sentence before Kurt is tucking your face into his shoulder, sparing you the view as he Bamfs you away. When he lets you go, you’re standing in your bedroom. You’re thankful that he spared you the sights, knowing that it would have just made your head worse- but it didn’t change the fact that you hadn’t been remotely done in the office.
    “-I still need to lock up, Kurt.” You start to say, but he’s gone in a puff of smoke before you can even finish the sentence. When he makes it back a few minutes later, Kurt sends you a cheeky smile, lifting his tail to show you the keys he must’ve snagged from your pocket earlier. 
    “Did you-”
    “Lock the file cabinet? Yes. And I turned off your lamp, and closed the curtains before I locked the door.” Kurt kisses your temple as he sits you down on the bed, beginning to take your shoes off. “Don’t worry. I’ve got you taken care of.” You feel like your heart might explode with the overwhelming fondness you’re feeling right now. When he’s done with your shoes, he carefully helps you undress and change into pajamas, something he knows you struggled with when you were as exhausted as you are now. He makes sure to tuck you into bed before he himself goes to change. It doesn’t matter how much pain you felt at this point, when he crawled into bed you couldn’t stop yourself from curling up close to him, pressing tired kisses to whatever part of him you could reach. Kurt simply chuckles, pulling you into an embrace as he whispers sweet encouragements for you to sleep.
    “Yes, Meine Liebe?”
    “ ‘Think you could Marry me?”
Now just because Kurt will do everything in his power to keep you from reaching the point of burnout, doesn't mean that he himself will stop from reaching that point.
Kurt is a genuinely good person, right to the core. He likes helping people, he likes to care for others, but he doesn't always ask for help when he needs it. It's not that he doesn't have emotional intelligence for his own feelings, he just tends to soothe himself by assisting others. Even then, to an extent, that's not healthy coping. There is only so much someone can carry alone.
After the attack on Genosha, there was a lot of work that had to be done- and Kurt, being a familiar and dependable face in the many religious communities, was needed constantly in a tumultuous time when many turned to religion.
It's been a struggle for the two of you, much of your time together being cut short in one way or another, and the longer you spent away, the more worried you became.
It all came to a head after Remy's funeral.
    Remy’s funeral was… Rough. To say the least. No one was coping very well, especially not Jubilee. You had walked out to the cars with the group after the last of the dirt had been laid, making sure to give her a tight hug. The X-men were the only real family she had ever had, and now she had lost a brother. You had let her sob for a moment, listening to her cries and the sounds of doors, opening and closing. 
    When everyone had loaded up and was ready to head out, you noticed that Kurt wasn’t there. You told everyone that you would catch up. You had a feeling you knew where he would be.
    You find Kurt in an empty church. He’d shed his outermost robes at some point, and was sitting silently on a pew. His eyes are closed and his hands folded, praying. You don’t disturb him as you sit down, simply reaching a hand out and placing it on his knee, squeezing it to let him know you were there. When he finishes, he places his hand over your own, opening his eyes as he looks down. His tears are flowing freely, and he leans into your touch when you wipe them from his cheeks.
    “I’ve been told that there is strength in a man that freely mourns, but… It’s silly. I can’t help but wish that I was stronger.” Kurt’s almost whispering as he speaks. You feel a lump form in your throat, your stinging eyes welling with tears for the countless time today. It hurts so unbelievably to see someone you love hurting so much, knowing that there is so little that you can do to make the pain go away, even if the loss is shared.
    “It’s not silly. I think that a lot of people feel the same- especially right now.” You say. You take hold of his left hand, tracing the cool metal band on his finger. You compare it to the one you wear, and find yourself thankful that the hand that bears his is still warm. You think of Rogue and Remy. The life they could’ve had together, if only they had been given more time. 
    You lean your head on Kurt’s shoulder, and he rests his head on top of your own. 
    “You don’t have to carry it alone.” You whisper eventually. Kurt says nothing, lacing his fingers between yours. “I know we haven't had a lot of time together lately, but as long as I’ve known you, you’ve carried so much on your shoulders- but you don’t have to do it alone. That’s what I’m here for, remember?” Kurt laughs lightly at your words, squeezing your left hand before lifting it to his lips and kissing your knuckles.
    “You are a gift that I’m not entirely sure I deserve, my love,” Kurt says. You scoff at him, frowning now as you look up to meet his eyes.
    “Lying is a sin, Kurt.” You say playfully. His smile is blinding, and you gasp as Kurt Wagner of all people rolls his eyes at you. 
    “Even if it was a lie, which it isn’t, as long as I have you near, Schatz, Heaven will be in reach.”
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jungwnies · 1 year
☆*:・゚enha birthday special
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syn ' how they treat you on your birthday pairing ' bf!enhypen x gn!reader
author's note ' since it's sunoo's birthday month as well as mine i thought i would do a cute birthday special :)
word count ' 1.15k
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이희승 ' lee heeseung
he would be the one to do something so intimate
he doesn't really get a lot of time with you considering their recent comeback
but today he is dedicated to treat you well
either cooks breakfast or has breakfast ordered so when you wake up you can eat immediately
takes you out for lunch
takes you out shopping
literally treats you like a prince(ss)
buys you a very sentimental gift tbh, like a promise ring or necklace and makes you swear to never take it off
when you get back from lunch the boys pop out of no where as well as some of your friends and surprise you :(
heeseung took you out because he wanted to throw you a surprise party and let's say you were definitely surprised
you weren't expecting a party, but when you saw everyone your heart felt warm
(rest underneath the cut)
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박종성 ' park jay
kind of similar to hee
very intimate day but lowkey you guys just stay in
he doesn't want to go out
he makes you breakfast in bed, has your favorite movies
literally greets you in the morning with a bouquet of roses or your favorite chocolates
its like valentines day but your birthday
maybe a little more than a kiss in the morning, if you're thinking what i'm thinking hehe
makes you dinner and makes you dress up because he sets up candle lights
dims the room
and then pulls out his gift
which is probably so expensive, and definitely has your birthday carved into it
just a sweet and intimate day with the two of you guys since he feels like he never gets time alone with you :c
심재윤 ' sim jake
greets you in the morning with flowers & your gift
it's definitely a necklace, he loves the way they hang from your neck ;)
tells you to get ready so he can take you out for breakfast and lunch
literally has a whole bucket list for your birthday filled with things you told him you wanted to do over the past few months
he takes you everywhere
the amusement park, the han river, a Photo Booth, an aquarium, a cat/dog cafe, literally you name it and he's taking you there
you were confused why you were at the hybe building as the last stop
but when you walk in literally all your friends, family, and enhypen including some staff you've made friends with over the years of you dating jake jump out and surprise you
why does this lowkey make you wanna cry though? like why is jake so sweet
and then gives you another gift
a promise ring because he swears he will always be by your side no matter what
literally tells you happy birthday and tells you he will be at every birthday for you even if he's out of the country
he will come back just for you :(
ugh i love him fr !!!
박성훈 ' park sunghoon
literally doesn't know what to do so he asks for help
he thinks surprise parties are stupid tbh
he wakes you up in the morning with breakfast in bed though
tells you he loves you all the time
he takes you out to eat and takes you shopping
he literally takes you into a helicopter just he can show you around all of south korea lOL
will literally buy anything if you ask
he sees you eyeing something? it's already in the car
he feels bad for not throwing you a party but honestly who even has time for that 🙄
takes you out to one of your favorite places to eat, literally rented the place out just for the two of you guys
makes it all cute and romantic (jay told him to do this!)
pulls out a necklace and apologizes if you didn't enjoy your day which lowkey makes you sad
you did enjoy your day!
promises next year will be better, but nothing will top the night the both of you had together 😉
김선우 ' kim sunoo
omg he plans the cutest day ever for you
wakes you up with literally a dozen gifts
jewelry, clothes, plushies, just all of your favorite things
makes breakfast for two
it didn't turn out the best but the effort was there and that's all that matters
asks you what you want to do today because he something planned for you later
and he takes you out to wherever you told him
literally so much fun whenever you're with sunoo it's really unbelievable
surprise party at the end of the day at a really cute barnhouse
all your friends and family and enhance are there to surprise you
literally themes it after your favorite things
literally makes you want to cry
양정원 ' yang jungwon
wakes you up face to face with him
he's doing his bling bling eyes and he's like "happy birthday jagi"
UGHHHH sick to my stomach because he's so cute
when you get up from bed tell me why enhypen jump out behind the couches and yell scaring you but also greeting you good morning and happy birthday
surprise breakfast party :c
because he wants to spend the rest of the day until night time just alone with you
takes you out and around showing you everything and buying you whatever your eyes land on tbh
ends the night with snacks and your favorite movie
and then he pulls out the gift he bought you
which makes you want to cry because it's so
screaming crying and throwing up over this
waits for you to fall asleep before you do and then wishes you happy birthday one more time right before it hits 12am
西村 力 ' nishimura riki
so sneaky serious mastermind
literally pretends to forget it's your birthday
you ignore him and he feels bad but he's gotta go through with his plan
it's around night time now like 9pm and riki is like "let's go out"
and you're like okay maybe, maybe he's just been waiting
he takes you to one of your favorite restaurants, but why was it dark inside?
when you walk inside every shouts happy birthday and riki kisses you and apologizes
literally looks at you with such sincerity and he's like "i'm sorry babe, but if i didn't ignore your birthday i would've spilled"
pulls out a gift from the inside of his pocket and hands it to you
literally the prettiest necklace /or bracelet
literally took like like 2 months to pick it because he couldn't decide which one you'd like more
ends the way with the two of you guys in bed watching your favorite movies
being cuddled up with riki >>>
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2022 © jungwnies thanks for reading - reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated!
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vulpixisananimal · 3 months
Carrion!Sif AU, Chapter 1.
ACT 1, The Hunger.
(Au origonaly by @traumaboyexo. it's so cool. I'm 100% going to do more of this.)
(You're lying down in the field near Dormont. You had a weird dream about eating a star. You smell cherries, Mirabelle was calling your name.)
". . . Siffrin?" (She's looming over you now, your Housemaiden.) "Good morning! Or, well more like good afternoon I guess. Were you taking a nap? That's just like you. . . Only you could sleep peacfully at a time like this, hee hee."
(You're too sleepy to talk, you close your eye again.)
"You're still half asleep, aren't you. I'll let you sleep a bit longer, but not too long!!"
(. . . Ugh. You can't stay here, like this. The sun was nice, and you could smell the birds in the air. The people in the village. The faint and distinct smell Mirabelle carried with her. But you were getting hungry, really, really hungry.)
(Wake up, Siffrin. You have a country to save.)
(Statues, big and small, all with different faces. Some jump up and down, some are sad, some are happy. The Change God, Deity of all of Vaugarde, stands before you.)
(So much has happened over the last few months, since you met Mirabelle. You helped save them from a sadness, and you were here to defeat the King. They were nice, they were your familly.)
(Mirabelle, Isabeau, Odile, Bonniface. Each of them had been your best friends, or at least allies. You hoped you were friends, at least.)
(Mirabelle once asked if you were ok with following them on your journey. You truthfully answered that this had been the happiest you'd ever been. But, that just made her look upset.)
(You cringe just thinking about it, truth be told.)
(You're still hungry.)
"Don't worry about a thing, then. Can I get you anything on the house? A croissant, maybe? . . . Incredible, incredible. I've never seen someone give such a look of disdain when offered croissant."
"A Pain Au Chocolate, then. Only monsters don't like Pain Au Chocola."
(You like those! You nod!!)
"Ha, one Pain Au Chocolate, coming up."
(You got the Pain Au Chocolate!! Yay!!)
(You know they're really, really bad for your stomach. But it's still warm! Smells of butter and chocolate. You try and restrain yourself with one small bite. But you're so hungry, it smells so good!! You take one bite, and another, and another!!)
". . . Not gonna lie, seeing a tiny one like you eat like a rabid beast. . . That was distrubing, but also weirdly satisfying."
(Haha, this was future Siffrins problem.)
(The Favor Tree looms above you.)
(You look around for a good leaf, one to represent you. You need it for the Favor Tree, after all.)
(A wish, a wish. . . Favor Trees must be popular around Vaugarde, these days. Everyone must be wishing for the same thing. So, why should you join them, then? What's one more wish on the pile. Something small. . .)
(You wish for. . .)
"Phew, Bonbon! That was DE-LI-CIOUS!!"
(It was really, really good!! You ate every bite on your plate! It was sooooo tasty, but now your tummy was feeling upset. Damn you, past Siffrin!! But, you could still eat more!!)
"Aw Siff, are you still hungry?" (Isabeau asks.)
"Frin, you ate a lot, huh!! You liked my cooking a lot, huh!!! Here, have some more food since you're so hungry and like my cooking so much."
(Bonnie gives you one (1) carrot slice. It smelled tasty!)
"Won't that give you a stomach ache? Nevermind that, how can you still eat after all that food?" (Odile asks, concerned.)
"I'm a growing kid!" (You reply, cheekily.)
"A growing kid that drinks achohol?!?"
"You're older than most of the people here?!?"
(You wink cutely.)
"I suppose we're lucky to get some meat for you all the way out here." (Odile sighs.) "What a strange diet you have."
(You shrug. You've always been like this.)
(You step into the House of Change. It feels. . . Wrong. You have a tingling on the back of your neck. A tingling you'd always get when something was "off.")
(A house frozen in time. A faint smell of sugar slicing through the air. It was strange, but still you were confident. You could smell your companions following you, step by step. Each as distinct as the next.)
(You're hungry again.)
(You smell a sadness ahead.)
"Is something wrong, Siffrin?" (Asks Odile.)
(You look around. There, behind you, there was a flickering white. . . Star?)
"Did you see that light?" (You ask.)
"A light?" (Mirabelle looks concerned.)
"Something wrong, Sif?" (Isa adds.)
(You walk over to the light and point to it.)
". . . . . . ?"
(So they can't see it? It smelled of sugar.)
(You reach out and touch the light.)
(Traps? Traps?)
"A job for me then." (You say, cheekily.)
"It is your job."
"Protect us, trap master!"
(Not the first time you had to reassure Mirabelle. Time to look around.)
(You look around the room. Checking each wall, checking the floors, checking the pillars. You felt the brickwork for anything, a hidden switch, a pressure plate, anything. It all smelled of... Sugar, and old stone. Well maintained, it smelled of people too. You could smell. . . Fear, worry, no, no that was Mirabelles. She smelled of fear, it smelled. . .)
(You're hungry again.)
(There's nothing here. You can't find any switches, so. . .)
"So? So are we safe?? We're not safe, are we!! This is the death corridor!!! There must be a trap--"
(Oh come on now.) "There's nothing weird in here."
"But there must be!!"
"Aw, Mira. . ."
"Belle, Belle, don't worry about it. Frin isn't good at many things, but they know stuff about traps."
(Hey. . .)
"Right, if we can't trust the one who's supposed to lead us THIS early, this wont bode well for later."
"But! But!"
"We're not dead yet." (You say, stepping through the hall.)
"W-well, that's true. . ."
"We HAVE been in this room for a while. . . And Siffrin has been walking everywhere. So if it was weight sensitive, it would have gone off by now."
"Exactly! It's all fine!!"
"Oh. . . Yeah, yeah okay! I'll believe you! Sorry for worrying, I'm a little on edge."
(You smile at them.) "We're good, Mira, see?" (You walk to the center of the room.)
"Everythings fine!"
(. . . . The back of your neck tingles. Somethings-)
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
Morning Molly, take good care of that throat please. Faking a little COVID is not the worst thing ever.
I'm afraid I'm in the need of an expansion of the «one of us has to be the viscount» of Newtie attending the meetings, controlling the lands and taking tea with visitora. What a busy agenda
Okay! Let’s do this. Newton being the backbone of Bridgerton House. He’s got a lot to do
His life was so good now. Newton had to admit, he’d been very sceptical when his Kate had dragged him onto that bobbing, water bound, nightmare. But England was nice, for the most part. Sure, the ground was a lot colder on his paws and he wasn’t quite in love with the way the rain sat on his fur and he didn’t look as handsome when he was drenched, but it had it’s moments.
Kate had been sad, for a little while, He hadn’t liked that. He hadn’t liked the way she’d smiled when everyone was looking at her and the moment they turned away her face fell. He had been all she’d had in those moments. He’s curled up beside her on the bed and pressed his nose to his neck while she’d clutched his fur and her shoulders heaved. He had been there for her, hadn’t left her side while she’d slept those days away, so still he had thought she might never wake up. And then came Anthony.
Newton had taken one look at the man and huffed. Ludicrous. He had rolled his eyes and let the growl build in his chest.
Well, you can just keep your paws to yourself. Looking at my Mama like that. Shame.
It had only gotten worse. And then one day, Kate sat with him, her hands running through his fur the way that made his tail wag.
“Anthony asked me to marry him yesterday, little one.”
Well, I’m not living with him, Kate. I’m not.
“I’ll be so happy with him.” There was a smile on her face that made him feel guilty for putting his paw down. “He loves me and I love him. And you’ll like living at Bridgerton House.”
Newton Huffed, I don’t think so.
“And we can go back to the country. We can go to Aubrey Hall.”
It was okay, there. Newton whined.
“And you’ll have the children to play with.”
They might give me sweets I suppose. Newton sighed, I suppose if you’ll be happy then I’ll be happy.
And truly, it was nice to see Kate happy. Even if it was with Anthony. And he liked the plush carpets of Bridgerton House, he liked his bed and he liked Gregory and Hyacinth chasing him around. The only problem was Anthony.
The man was absolutely useless. Truly. Didn’t do a single thing. Not a day goes by that Newton didn’t have to step in and do something for him. Every day started the same.
Newton’s eyes opened slowly, groaning as he stretched. He rolled his eyes as Kate giggled from the bed and made his way downstairs.
Starting the day Late again, Anthony. Newton tutted as he hopped downstairs, following the scents from the kitchens. Ooo Sausages this morning, Perfect. Morning Clara!
“There he is.” Clara Hummed, stopping to scratch between his ears. “Are you hungry?”
I’m starving! Newton yipped, wagging his tail. I’ve got a lot on today.
He polished off his breakfast and sighed as he made his way through the breakfast room, where the family would be waiting for him. I’m here. I’m here, don’t worry.
Newton looked around rolling his eyes when he noticed Anthony was still shirking his responsibilities upstairs with Kate. He waited for someone to fill his bowl for second breakfast, accepting a scratch on the head from Anthony’s Mama and then his brother Benedict.
Your Son is keeping my Mama from her breakfast.
“You’re such a sweet boy aren’t you?” Anthony’s Mama hummed.
I am Violet, Yes. I’ve got a lot on my schedule today, I’m going to bother Katie.
He met Kate on the stairs, she and Anthony giggling as they made their way down and Newton bristled as Kate crouched in front of him.
“There he is.”
Ugh You smell like Anthony. He just has to ruin everything for me.
“Newton, Good morning.”
Newton Huffed as he looked at Anthony. When you’re ready, I’m ready for my walk, one of us to greet the people.
He and Katie and Anthony, unfortunately, took their walk in the park every day and Newton made it his business to greet everyone while Anthony distracted Kate, whispering in her ear and winking at her like an absolute Harlot.
We’re walking Anthony! Please!
They made their way home and Newton made himself comfortable on the sofa next to Hyacinth and Kate while Francesca’s gentlemen came to visit and Anthony lounged around.
He leaned over the sofa, tugging on Hyacinth’s hair with a stupid smile on his face while he nudged Newton.
“Newton, go and bite that man’s breeches.”
Newton sighed while Kate scoffed. “He’s not going to do that, He’s a good boy.”
Do it yourself! Newton harrumphed. I’m trying to have a nap! One of us has been busy today, Anthony!
“Go on, just a little nibble.”
Newton sighed as a knock sounded at the Front door and he leapt down fro the sofa to greet the new guest muttering as he left Lord, I just have to do absolutely everything in this place.
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zipperrants · 5 months
more of me and my mutuals as incorrect quotes because Imma do this until i get more reblogs on my shifting stuff
Mars: I love you. Maddie: Me too.
Mars: Can we get a birthday cake? Nia: It’s not your birthday. Mars: The cake won’t know!
Zipper: I just got the best idea I've ever had in my entire life! *Later* Mars, to Zipper: That was the worst idea you’ve ever had in your entire life.
*Moony teaching Nia to drive and taking Zipper along for the ride* Moony: That's a pothole. To the left! Nia: Take it back now y'all *Drives into pothole* Zipper, sticking their face into the front over the center console: Cha Cha real smooth. Nia: I don't think that's how the song goes. Moony, crying and gripping the handle: Please just take me home. Nia: Country Roads. Zipper: To the place. Nia and Zipper in unison: I Belong! Moony, crying harder: What the fuck?
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing* Maddie: Would never stab anyone. Mars: Would stab someone in retaliation. Zipper: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first. Nia: Would stab without warning. Ness: Would stab as a warning.
Daniel: Everything will be ok. You can not stop it. Daniel: Everything will be fine. You have no choice. Mars: What the fuck kind of pep talk is that? Daniel: Ominous positivity.
Zipper: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. Moony: Mine just says "Moony no." Zipper: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Nia, after sneaking into Maddie’s bedroom: Hey, wake up! Maddie, half awake: Huh!? Nia: I just murdered your entire family! Maddie: ...But I live alone. Nia: Huh? Then who are these people in your house??? Maddie: There’s people in my house? Nia: Well not anymore! Dumb bitch! You could’ve died! You’re welcome!
Mars: Hey! Wanna hear a joke? Zipper: Sure. Mars: Your life! Zipper: Actually, my life isn’t a joke, jokes have meaning. Mars: Zipper, no.
Daniel: When's the last time you slept? Zipper: Uh... a few days ago, I think. Daniel: A few- how many?! Zipper: Uh... *starts counting on fingers* I need more fingers... Daniel: What you need is sleep!
Zipper: Hi- Ness: Leave before there's a terrible misunderstanding between my foot and your ass.
Ness: Hey Daniel, do you have any hobbies? Daniel: Swimming.. Ness: Really? That’s cool. I never expected you to- Daniel: In a pool of self hatred and regret.
kitty: Life is like Zipper. It's short.
Daniel: Hey Kitty, check out this funny .GIF I found! Kitty: It’s pronounced “jif”. Daniel: Huh? Kitty: “Dot jif”, like the peanut butter. The creator said so. Daniel: That’s dumb, it’s Graphics Interchange Format. Kitty: The P in .JPEG stands for “photographic”, but I bet you don’t say “J-pheg”. Daniel: “P” on its own isn’t pronounced like “F”, that’s totally different! Kitty: It’s exactly the same! Daniel: Name one word that starts with “G” pronounced like “J”. Kitty: Gentrification. Daniel: Shoot, should have thought of that. I was just in San Francisco. Kitty: For your logic to be consistent, you’d have to say “skuh-bah” (scuba) or “lah-seer” (laser)! Daniel: Yeah? Well, you’d have to say “J-pej”! Daniel: …Wait, “laser” is an acronym? Kitty:Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Daniel: Huh. Didn’t know that. Daniel: You’re still wrong, though. Kitty: You just hate me because I’m right. Daniel: I just hate you in general. Kitty: You mean in “geh-neral”? Daniel: Ugh, I’m “joing” to kill you!
Mars: What are y’all’s favorite things to wake up to? Ness: Breakfast in bed! Kitty: Emails from AO3! Nia: My favorite thing to wake up to is not waking up at all. Nia: The screams of my enemies are a close second though.
Zipper: When life gives you lemonades, make lemons! Life will be all like "whaAttT?" Kitty: Life lessons that schools can't teach you.
Mars: Act natural. Kitty: For this kind of situation, the most natural thing would be to panic, so technically I can panic. Mars: NO, that’s not what I meant! Act like it’s a normal day! Kitty: My ‘normal’ days of late, consist of a lot of panic. Mars: Will you just cooperate? Kitty: When a person is panicking, they are not apt to cooperate very well!
@romanoffshifting as Daniel
@realitycanbewhateveridesire as Ness
@moonyshifter as Moony
@shiftingwithmars as Mars
@theshifterbear as Nia
@shift-dreamr as Kitty
@maddies-chronicles as Maddie
Me as Zipper
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shellxrls · 6 months
to answer ur questions (2)
2. okay so this one really depends on his mood!!
if he’s had a stressful day, or has just been doing a lot of his ‘business’ then he needs to burn off some of that energy!! these are the times when he’s rough, no foreplay, just straight to the mating press. he absolutely does not use protection at these times (I’m on the pill also I scripted a male contraceptive pill that he’s on cause I’m smart like that) bc he literally does not have time to think to. also this man has a crazy breeding kink like he jst wants to fill me up with Cameron babies and who am I to complain!!
but literally at these times he does not hold back, spanking, choking, really fucking rough shit and he’s into it. also does not stop and ANYTHING but a safe word or action.
these are the times where he uses those degrading nicknames every single time he hits that mushy spot, or if he hears a whimper or a noise he absolutely degrades, that’s just his mindset, he needs something to take his anger out with!! by the end of it when he’s relaxed a bit I’ll normally take a bit more lead, yes he’s still in control but I’ll suck him off, or ride him or something that he doesn’t need too much work for. also atp my brain will be the effective consistency of baby food and I’m just obsessed with him in that mindset. jst need to help daddy out ugh I miss himmm.
he gets a bit gentler at that point but he still uses those degrading nicknames, maybe wraps a hand round my neck. or if I’m giving him a blowjob he pushes me righttt down.
top tier aftercare after these instances!! he’s acc very good and knows quite a bit about how the female body works, and he’s not one to let it be neglected.
if he’s a bit more relaxed, maybe after a day of just playing golf at the country club or something along those sort of lines he’s less rough. he’s generally more into praise. he also lovessss giving backshots esp cause he got me this cutie lil buttplug that he just loves to see!!
more foreplay when he’s like this, like previously stated maybe he’ll eat me out, or I’ll suck him off. also off topic but he loves having his balls sucked on <3
he goes a bit slower, and in general is a bit nicer about it, like I said praise is a big thing for him. he likes to apply things from his own life to our sex life. so like he knows that he himself likes to be validated to he makes sure I feel validated in bed.
sometimes there’s still a hand around the throat but most of the time he sticks to giving hickeys, normally on the tits cause this boy is a titty sucker he can’t even deny it.
if he’s giving backshots he likes to push on the lower back or put a hand on the lower tummy to feel it bulge when he thrusts in. amazing dirty talk too!!
he can also be a total exhibitionist, he’s not one to shy away from making me hump on him or his thigh in broad daylight at the country club or a party. if he’s dealing with Barry and I’m whining too much he’ll just stuff a hand down my skirt to shut me up!! he’s also so casual about it, absolutely will not stop a conversation, literally complaining avidly about something ward said while simultaneously making me grind on him like there’s no tomorrow. making nooo effort to shush my noises.
he’s the softest when he’s tired, sometimes I wake him up in the middle of the night cause I just need him!!! and he’ll be all groggy and tried but me nods and agrees. bringing me to jst hump on him or ride his cock real slow and intimate, talking me through it real nice cause he knows if I woke up in the dead of night like that I probably need taking care of well. lots of kisses and praise and shushes bc everyone’s still asleep. it’s so rare to catch him being so soft I swear and I love it when I do <33
- Rafe shifter
— context (for anyone who doesn’t understand)
firstly, thank you for writing this all out again omg ?? i rlly appreciate that you’re so willing to answer and in so much depth too <3 !!
MATING PRESS FOR THE WIN ! i knew it, and also male contraceptives that is so smart bcuz as u said mans has balls made for breeding apparently.
i’m surprised ab the aftercare tbh, i always thought he’d be kinda a one and done guy but to be fair i do understand that if you’re dating it wld be hard for him to just leave you in such a vulnerable position esp after such an intense fuck.
THE BACKSHOTS THING ARGH. knew it was big enough for him to feel inside of u and i knew he’d like feeling ur stomach bulge too.
sorry the casual dominance is actually killinggg me. that’s hot as fuck omg ?? sticking his hand down ur skirt ??? IN PUBLIC !! i need him so bad.
awwwe i love that he’s capable of being soft at times too omg, groggy sleepy sex is lowkey my favourite and it’s sooo <33 to know he can do it !!
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beauzos · 6 months
Do ur boy nahyuta for the character game!!!
Send me a character and I’ll list:
YESSS >:] thank you!!!
Favorite thing about them: Everything isn't really an answer, is it LOL. Uh! I don't know, I just love his personality a lot. I like how conflicted he is, I like how resigned he is to his fate to the point of willing to sacrifice himself for a scrap of assurance that his family will be safe even if he's dead and gone, I like his stubbornness and how smug he is, I just like his complexity. I also love his animations, they're very fun and charming and I like how many pertain to him messing with his prayer beads-- validating when I like headcanoning that he has OCD and uses the prayer beads a lot in compulsions. Least favorite thing about them: Nothing. Except that he probably will not return in AA7 and I have to live with that knowledge. Favorite line: "In all this time, not once did I reflect on my own conduct-- for I had believed it was my fate. Lost in my resignation, I was unable to wake from my despair." Just, UGH. So good, dude. I love him realizing he's wasted all this time destroying himself and harming others without thinking there was any other way to live or to protect his family and finally recognizing that it's time to start fighting back again. Mannnn. He's the best. brOTP: Barring all his family (including Datz and Apollo) because I love his potential dynamic with Rayfa, I like a potential friendship with him and Simon. They still bully the fuck out of each other but they have an understanding of each other. I like imagining that they just weren't friends one day, then were the next and they never discussed what changed. They just got along and continue to chat every once in a while. I also had a fun idea for post-SOJ after Yuty gets all his old cases overturned or gone over, resigning and becoming a defense attorney, but asking Blackquill to help with the prosecutor's office because thyey still hadn't replaced all the people that resigned, went to jail, or fled the country. I think that's fun. They would have a great rivalry, don't you think? OTP: Ema and Nahyuta like Skyemadhi is IT for me. I love them. I think they have a great dynamic, and Nahyuta clearly really loves and respects her during SOJ. I can't help but think he's got a crush on her and doesn't know how to express it initially, or maybe doesn't even know that's what it is because God forbid he FEELS things. Ema helps him open up and he wants to be a better person because of her, and he'll give her fucking Anything in return. Mainly opportunities for her to expand her scientific knowledge or getting higher positions.
Also when they get married I think they probably sprung for a double-barrelled surname (so Skye-Sahdmadhi) which, since Yuta has been restored to the royal family and she's marrying into it, their full surname is probably like Skye-Sahdmadhi Khura'in, but for ease, people just started calling them Prosecutor or Detective Skyemadhi for short 😭 nOTP: I don't get Apollo/Nahyuta at all. I know in the Japanese version they aren't described as brothers at all, so it's kind of a weird thing because in English they're explicitly read as brothers, but not in the original text, but it's like. I mean, I think it's fine I guess. Regardless of it, to me they have no chemistry romantically. At all. Their dynamic is so extremely platonic that I couldn't read it any other way lol. And I still view them as family myself, even though they may not exactly do so themselves.
I also admit I become less fond of Blackquill and Nahyuta romantically as time goes on, but it's not bad. I just don't particularly like it. Random headcanon: I've talked about this one before, but I imagine that if things got so dangerous that Dhurke had to send Apollo away, that he eventually sent Nahyuta away too. Like I think he probably initially kept Yuty because he couldn't possibly put his blood son away, his only family in the whole wide world, but after Ga'ran steals Amara and Rayfa back a year or so after the Apollo thing, Dhurke finally caves and sends Nahyuta to live at a monastery for safety.
I like imagining that this was before Tahrust Inmee became the high priest, but he was still rebel sympathetic and allowed Nahyuta to stay safely at his little remote monastery. Then, around the time Nahyuta finished his ascetic training at 18, Inmee became high priest and had to move to the capital for his job, so Nahyuta was sent home because they didn't know if the next head monk would be so sympathetic to them, thus leading to Nahyuta pivoting and joining the Dragons for real and then starting his lawyer journey. Unpopular opinion: Not only is Nahyuta overhated, he is a great character. Apparently that's controversial among AA fans KRKFN but like, other than that? I dunno. I don't think he's boring at all, though he's a bit underwritten and doesn't talk enough during some of the trials. Song I associate with them: I made a whole playlist for him, but I should pick out one or two. I think Looking Glass by The Birthday Massacre and Empty Page by The Crane Wives are two great songs that reflect how he's bending himself to be whatever everyone else wants him to be, and that's nothing of him left, if there was any of him to begin with.
I also like What If by Emilie Autumn for the "escaping my abusive situation and changing" vibes for him.
I also like Abbey by Mitski for him.
I'll quit going on, you get the point KRKF Favorite picture of them: Every time he's on screen I lose my mind. How am I to pick KRKF
One of my faves is the one in my icon. I love his lil smiles, he's so gorgeous it kills meeee
Also not to be deranged but. Um. JBNSD I like how he looked when he had a gun to his head. I liked the expression.
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I could list any pose or pic of him though and it would be my fave probably though, lol.
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azaarchiive · 8 months
holiday girlfriend; semi eita
chapter five
note: sos not proofread and tumblr isn’t letting me put my barriers to you get large spaces instead
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“y/n, wake up quick, it’s an emergency!” you heard semi say which woke you up immediately.
frantically, you search for his figure which, luckily, was standing right next to your sleeping figure. a crazed expression worn on his soft face.
“what’s going on?!” you quickly questioned, rubbing your eyes to unblur your vision.
“we have a day full of activities and you are just sleeping!” semi suddenly smiled as he sat down on the bed.
you looked at him in disbelief before you sighed, trying to compose yourself.
“you woke me up making me think there was an emergency when all you wanted to do was go out?” you spoke slowly, looking at semi straight in the eyes in shock.
“um, yes?” semi tentatively spoke.
“stress isn’t good for the baby you stupid- ugh!” you hit his figure after every word, making sure to land a hard one after your last word.
“ow! ok-fuck sorry! damn girl, you heavy handed.” semi pouted as he rubbed the areas in which you were particularly rough with.
“anyways, i thought i should be a nice husband-“
“don’t push your luck.”
“and treat you as you will only be here for about, 5 days before leaving.” semi stated.
“5 days?! you just couldn’t wait to book the tickets, couldn’t you?” you chuckled.
you wanted to say you were sad about leaving (country) and, to some extent, you were. you had an emotional connection to the place you were raised and born in. but, you really had nothing to stay for. no friends, no family and not really a job, so in reality you were quite excited for this move. just not that excited that it was with him.
“of course! so for five days i’ve book endless activities to do here as your way to say goodbye.” semi smiled.
“oh fuck no, i’m tired as shit and all the things here are so boring!” you groaned, pulling the covers closer to your body.
“to you! all the things here are so fun, like traditional dancing, pottery, jewellery making and so much more!” semi explained, the excitement oozing from his tone. you found it very cute.
damn semi and his angelic voice.
“ugh, well, since i know you aren’t going to drop this anytime soon, fine. but just letting you know that you are going to be so embarrassed when we are the only people there.” you rolled your eyes are you started getting up.
“trust me, we won’t” semi chuckled and he helped up from bed.
“oh yeah, i forgot the aunties will be raving the place, ready to judge me for being pregnant before marriage.” you sighed as you sluggishly dragged your feet to your bathroom.
“i wouldn’t be so sure about that”
“welcome to couple baking!” a middle-aged woman announced in english. normally foreigners book this activity so they speak in english as natives are expected to graduate being fluent in english anyways.
“you booked us for couples baking?” you whisper-yelled, now understanding why semi insisted on you two both wearing matching rings.
“well the requirements were that we were married so…” semi whispered back, smiling sheepishly as you glared at him.
“and you didn’t think that maybe you should just find one that allowed friends to do one together?” you raised your eyebrow.
“her credentials are very good! did you know she privately worked for the government?” semi argued back.
“god you’re pretentious.” you sighed before facing the lady leading the session.
“i think everyone’s ready, let’s get started!” the lady announced before rolling her sleeves and getting infront of her station.
“to start with, quickly name each other 1 and 2.” the lady instructed.
“i’ll be number 1, per usual.” semi smirked.
“ok mr man.” you chuckled.
“now, partner 1, go into the top left drawer under your station.”
semi pulled out the drawer and only saw a sleeping mask.
“oh, didn’t know it was this kind of baking. kinda defeats the purpose when you already put something in the oven!” semi shouted out, eliciting laughter out of everyone there while you looked down in embarrassment.
“what is actually wrong with you?” you took a deep breath.
“oh come on, it was funny!” semi laughed.
“i want a divorce.” you groaned.
“now, partner 1, put the blindfold on while partner 2 puts out all the ingredients.” the lady further explained.
“oo! it’s gonna be those blindfold challenges coupled do!” semi excitedly said while putting his blindfold on
“shut up.” you commented.
“not needed but anything for my beautiful wife!” semi grinned, now completely blindfolded.
“die.” you commented once again.
“you always had such a way with words!” semi gushed.
“eggs eita, i said eggs!” you yelled at him.
“well i can’t fucking see the eggs so excuse me if i can’t put them in on the first try, y/n!”
“then try harder!” you huffed, looking at the next step in the sheet given.
“ok it says to add 3 cups of flour.” you read out.
“the fucks a cup of flour?” semi asked.
“i forgot japan has a completely different measuring, i think it’s called 3 shou?” you reluctantly replied.
“aw you’re learning!” semi smiled as he added 7 1/2 literal drinking cups into the batch.
“woah what the fuck? one, why are you using literal drinking cups? two, why are you adding 7 1/2 fucking cups of flour?” you frantically questioned as you paused semi’s movements.
“honey, 1 shou is 2 1/2 drinking cups…? wherever you’ve been learning japanese, needs to refund you your money” semi chuckled as you started scooping out the ridiculous amount of flour he used.
“oh stuff it, i’m trying! plus why didn’t you realise that i said 7 1/2 glasses when before i literally said 3 cups?” you sighed before giggling.
“english isn’t my first language you racist, don’t expect me to know everything im just a singer.” semi pouted.
“there is no way you’re accusing me of racism when you live in japan.” you said dumbfoundedly.
“what’s that supposed to mean?!” semi scoffed.
“no offence, japan is amazing, but you don’t think that its treatment towards anyone that isn’t a japanese fair-skinned man isn’t offensive?”
“of course i do. it’s not perfect for sure but it’s home. and i love my home, despite its weird tendencies.” semi spoke fondly.
“i guess, but how will it be like when i come there? will i ever be able to call it home? or even survive there as the semi eita’s baby mama?” you softly spoke.
“yes, because i swear to do everything in my power to make sure you will never be effected by things like that. i get it, it’s hard trust me. and in not expecting you to adjust immediately, all i want is you attempting to, which i know you will. you always do, youre resilient as fuck, it’s one of the reasons why you run through my mind all day.” semi lifted his blindfold up to look into your eyes.
you smiled, finally feeling like maybe, just maybe, you could handle being with semi.
“as well as the fact that you are amazing at riding me.” semi chuckled whilst putting his blindfold back on.
your smile dropped immediately.
“i will shove raw eggs down your throat.” you threatened.
“food play? it was on my list but never expected you to be into it.” semi smirked.
never mind, you forget semi eita is the biggest pain in the ass you’ve ever met.
“partner 1, lift up your blindfold and look at your creations!”
semi lifted up his blindfold, only to see a half cooked, dented and moist apple pie. to say he was disappointed was an understatement.
“oh wow.” he muttered as he observed the nature of the pie, his it wobbled as every shake and how you could practically smell the salmonella.
“i know, it’s beautiful.” you joked, pulling your phone out to take a picture of the monstrosity you both made.
“wait lemme get in it!” semi called out before bending down to get in the frame as he beamed out a bright smile, attempting to hide his laughter.
you took the picture, in fact you took many and god was he fucking photogenic. his messy and disheveled demeanour only added to the appeal. you couldn’t tell if it was the hormones talking or not but you could definitely take him on the table and fuck jim right there.
“let’s get one together.” he suggested, taking the phone out of your hands as he pulled you next to him. he swung his arm across your shoulders as you both smiled, acting as though this pie was the best creation you both have made.
“wow, i’m so handsome.” semi sighed softly as he looked through the pictures he took.
“alright mr egotistical, let’s throw this and take our leave.” you laughed, snatching your phone away as he picked the pie and threw it.
“yes mama” he replied as he dusted his hands off and took his belongings.
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justagalwhowrites · 2 months
Bestieeeee! Halcyon!!!! OMG!! It was wild!! First of all, Joel buying baby formula and reading his spare room for Ellie with Sarah’s old things, being such a roc for Goldie… my heart! I didn’t think you couldn’t make me love him more, and this happened!
Second of all… ugh! Hot! Hot! And such an intensity between them! I loved the moment. And now I’m scared and worried about when they wake up. Perhaps Ellie will distract them for a while or serve as an excuse to not talk like they should because only these two would choose a moment like this to have sex when there are so many feelings apart from the love they have for each other.
It had been years since he’d been inside someone without one - since the night Sarah was conceived - and it was a heady thing, realizing that there was nothing separating him and you. But instead of any underlying fear or spark of wrongness like he’d felt years ago with Sarah’s mother, he just felt right. Like this was how he was supposed to be, a part of you, breathing the same air and feeling your throbbing pulse and shuddering breaths from inside.
This bit really got me. It felt like a show of how important she is to Joel, how what he feels for her is what he wants for his whole life.
And third and last but not least important… Ricky!!! OMG! It was the worst idea in the whole world. And Joel!!! He’s supposed to know Goldie and know it’s the worst idea! But I guess between the hormones, the feelings, and the terror at the possible consequences makes what happened understandable to have it gone that way.
You’ve got me really curious about the conversation they will have to have. Thanks for the chapter!!! Love you!💗
Yes, OMG OMG OMG yes, Joel in caretaker mode just kills me. I think that's his most natural state of being, looking out for the people he loves most. If he sees a way he can make things better for them, he'll just do it. I love him so much for that.
And yeahhhhh there's a LOT going on at this point in time - so much that it overwhelmed that wall that's been up between them and they FINALLY did it! But you're right, she's SO important to Joel. Even after she left, until he had Sarah, she's what he thought about the most every day. I think, after Sarah came along and she was far away, that dimmed a bit and he went maybe one or two days without really thinking about her but I think just about every single day of the years they were apart he wondered to himself how she was doing, what she was up to, if she was happy. Outside Sarah, she's his whole world and she has been for most of his life at this point. She just doesn't see that.
Joel really did take the worst advice in the world lol but his friend was trying to help and Joel really did want to do the right thing. But, if I were Goldie and overheard part of that conversation, I'd probably want to take off across the country, too (even if I probably couldn't have actually done it.)
Thank you so much for reading, Bestie!!
Love you!!!
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invisibleraven · 9 months
“You’re so cute when you snore.” / Royal Purple
"Ugh I want to sleep into next week," Julie groaned as she fell onto the bed. "Midterms can go to hell."
"Not much longer cutie, then all this will be behind us," Kayla assured her as she rubbed over her back. "It's only the rest of the semester, then we're done."
"Speak for yourself," Reggie said as he entered the bedroom. "I've got a whole year left."
"That's your own fault for taking a year off to backpack around the country," Julie said.
Reggie shrugged. "It was worth it, I got to see a bit of life. Plus it was all the sweeter to come home to the both of you."
"You know we would have come with you if we could have honeybear," Kayla said.
"Though let's not do the long distance thing again, it sucked," Julie said.
"Agreed," Reggie piped up. "For now, let's go to bed so we have the energy to get through the rest of this horrid week."
The girls nodded, and soon enough the three of them were tucked in and fast asleep. The long days of school had worn them out, and even though exam anxiety was rampant, their exhaustion won out.
Kayla was the first one awake-always the early bird. She usually hopped out of bed with the sun, doing yoga and getting the coffee ready. But when she awoke that morning she lingered in bed, figuring it wouldn't kill her to skip one morning session.
Plus the bed was warm and her partners were all sleep rumpled and adorable. Reggie was all but face down in the pillow, his hair sticking up in every direction, which made her have to stifle a giggle, given he was usually so fussy about it.
Julie was on her side, soft little snuffly snores escaping her mouth as she slumbered. Kayla did giggle at that, waking Julie. "Whas so funny?" she asked, her voice rough and muffled.
"You're so cute when you snore," Kayla replied.
"I do not snore," Julie protested, rubbing at her eyes.
"Do too," Reggie said, turning his face and blinking one bleary eye open. "But like like honeybear said, it's pretty damn adorable."
"Way cuter than the amount you drool," Julie shot back.
Reggie wiped at his chin, grimacing when his hand came back damp. "Ew."
"Good thing you're on laundry duty," Kayla said before jumping out of bed. "I'm going to do my yoga, either of you want to join me?"
"Hard pass," Reggie said, collapsing back into the pillow. "My review class isn't until two so I'm going to try and sleep until noon."
"I will," Julie said over a yawn. "After coffee."
"I'll start the pot if you get the mats out," Kayla offered. She then leaned down to kiss Reggie's cheek. "Sweet dreams my little bumblebee."
"Love you," Reggie mumbled.
"I'll set your alarm for you," Julie offered before pecking his nose.
"Love you more," Reggie slurred before dropping off once more, a little snore escaping his mouth and both girls laughed as they left the room, off to start their day.
Mid terms might still be looming, but at least they knew they were almost over, and their large and comfy bed was waiting when they were. Even if they all might snore or drool, it was worth it just to share it with each other.
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servin-up-surveys · 2 months
survey #233
When was the last time you did clay work/pottery? Not since high school.
Do you like art, hate it or just not mind it? I love art.
If you had to choose would you prefer dull pain for 12 hours or sharp for 2? Dull, I think. This does kinda depend on where the pain is, though.
Do you know the words to the national anthem of your country? It's kinda nailed into you when you had to recite it every day in school, so...
Would you rather be a model, famous scientist, singer, or chef? The scientist.
Would you rather be a pilot, crime scene investigator, or estate agent? ugh
Does making others happy really make you feel happy? Yes.
Have you ever pricked your finger on holly or another "sharp" plant? Probably at some point.
What do you have a lot of faith in [note: can be anything]? What love is capable of.
Do you subconsciously hang out with those with the same star sign as you or as each other, perhaps due to certain personality traits? I don't believe in this shit.
Name five objects that you don’t have but would like right now? A desktop computer, a new camera with more megapixels, a final PVC cage build for Venus that is the appropriate adult length (4x2x2), a backlog of books in my possession so I wouldn't have to keep going to the library when I finish one in the series I'm reading, and working PS4 controllers so I can actually play the console that's in my house lol.
When you have children, would you like twins? I'm not having kids, but even in the situation where I'd want kids, I would very likely abort one. I cannot imagine a world for me where I can handle two kids of the same age at once.
If you were given the choice to choose your child’s gender, would you? Yes, again if I wanted kids, I'd very much favor a girl over a boy. Literally for no reason other than I strongly prefer the girl names I like over the boy names. That's literally it lmfao, such a dumb reason. Well actually no, I forgot, I'm uncomfortable with the circumcision situation. I don't know what I'd do as a parent to a cis boy. I've heard this and that about both ways, and ultimately I think I'd let Girt decide because I have never had a penis and don't think I have a lot of rightful say in what to do in a situation I absolutely cannot relate to, but. I would just very much rather have a cis girl (at birth I should probably add, I couldn't care less if my child came out as trans, other than worrying for their safety of course) and not even have to think about it.
What’s the scariest story/urban legend/creepypasta etc you heard? Ummmmm... I always found the Rake scary. Just waking up and some demon motherfucker staring at you from the foot of your bed. No thanks. Sleep paralysis-sounding stuff REALLY freaks me out, I'm thankful I've never experienced it and hope to high heaven I never do.
Do you miss someone currently? I do, I want to see Girt but I'm sick.
What personality trait does nearly everyone in your family seem to have? I don't know, I don't feel like going through a massive list of ideas to find one everyone matches.
How many tabs do you have open and what are they? At the time I'm answering this specific question, four YouTube tabs and one for Tumblr.
What browser do you prefer to use? I use Chrome, but I wouldn't call it a preference. I know Chrome has traits that are often critiqued. It's just what I'm used to.
What’re five random things on your desk besides any computer-related items? Two plushies, a planner, a sketchbook, and a small basket for things like my flash drive, iPod plug, etc.
What’re the items closest to you that’re red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white, gray, brown, black, silver and gold? Red: featured on a blanket draped over the exercise bike seat. Orange: bag of chips I had. Yellow: featured in a plushie Girt got me on his vacation. Green: a plant in here. Blue: a pen. Purple: a pencil I use when I draw. Pink: a basket that's on a small shelf in here, I actually don't know what's in it. White: Girt's work schedule is printed on white paper. Gray: the outline of one of Cookie's beds. Brown: the cover of my sketchbook. Black: my pencil sharpener. Silver: the metal on the legs of my desk chair. Gold: there's gold flecks in the flower frame I use for a super cute picture of Roman.
Out of all the things you listed above, which is your favorite? The plush Girt got me while he was in Minnesota, I appreciated that he thought of me.
Are you excited for anything this month? Ryder's birthday party. The kids' bday parties stress me out to some degree, but it's always a nice change of pace in my days, too.
Is there anything special about today? No.
How’re you physically feeling right now? I have very symptomatic Covid. Guess lmfao.
How’re you emotionally feeling right now? I'm tired, haven't been able to sleep well. Feeling bleh.
Have you ever traveled outside of your home country? No, I wish.
Can you speak, read and/or write in another language besides English? I can read German rather easily (I hesitate on larger words sometimes, German words can get SO long), but I'm not fluent in understanding it all. I just understand how their spelling and pronunciation and stuff works.
What language course did you take in school, if any? I took Latin one semester and hated it. Following that, I took all four available German courses and did super well.
What language would you most like to learn? I want to be truly fluent in German.
What would you like to get a degree in? I don't think I want a degree. I want to pursue art (photography to be exact), and I've, in more recent times, become aware of just how flawed and unnecessary art school CAN be. Some people learn and grow in it, but it's a very overhyped and overly expensive thing for something unessential for success, from what I've heard from artist sources I trust.
What was you dream job when you were a little kid? Paleontologist was my first aspiration. I was OBSESSED with dinosaurs, and I still love them and find them so incredibly awe-inspiring. I desperately want to see a full fossil display one day, I might cry.
What happened to that dream? I don't want a career that requires frequent travel and also toiling in taxing conditions (like extreme heat).
Do you wake up a lot in the middle of the night? Once or twice.
What genre of books do you like to read? My all-time favorite is animal fantasy. Most books in this genre are for juveniles, but I don't care. I DO wish there were more adult-relevent series of this type, though... It's one of the things that encourages me to make a book out of the RP I take part it, but I just know I would not be dedicated enough to write a series, especially when I've already WRITTEN the scenes once, you know? Sure, I could just not rewrite a lot, but I'd be a shitty author to not reread and improve where I can, and that just doesn't interest me.
Do you prefer physical books or a Kindle, Nook or other e-reader? PHYSICAL BOOKS. I refuse to get a Kindle or anything similar, I NEED that escape from technology, my life is already consumed by it.
What types of magazines do you read? I don't read magazines.
Do you like video games based off of movies? I did as a kid.
Ever suffer from amnesia? Only when I woke up from a concussion. Initially I had almost no idea of anything and it REALLY distressed me, but still today I don't actually remember the moment I hit the floor.
What instrument do you prefer to play when playing Rock Band/Guitar Hero? I only ever play guitar.
Have you ever picked out a song to listen to on a jukebox? Possibly? Idr.
Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places in one day? God no.
Favorite way to eat a potato? (i.e. french fries, mashed potatoes…) French fries.
Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender? No, not really.
Have you ever cried in a movie theater? Yes. I specifically remember crying to Marley & Me, but I'm certain there's more, I cry easily.
When’s the last time you went out of state? It's been years.
Are the files in your computer well organized or all over the place? Well-organized.
Is there wallpaper on your bedroom walls? No.
What do you put on your hamburger? American cheese, ketchup, mustard, and pickles if available. I enjoy mayo, too, but I don't really seek it out.
Have you ever been described as shy? Is it true? Yes, I am excruciatingly shy.
When was the last time you saw rain? A few days back, we got some of Hurricane Debby.
What is one way someone could completely put you off on a first date? Say something racist or anti-LGBTQ+, act arrogantly, if we're out to dinner I'm fucking outie if you're rude to the waiters and stuff, be aggressive with me.
What about a way someone could make you like them more on a first date? Listen to me/just be attentive of me, be polite to those around you, make me laugh, don't be judgmental of my mental health stuff.
What was your first thought this morning? I was annoyed, Mom accidentally pointed her phone flashlight in my eyes at like 6AM and I couldn't fall back asleep after that.
Do or did you like school? School stressed me out, more than anything. It was too much pressure for me, especially college.
Have you ever sang in public? Yes, I was in the elementary school chorus and my childhood church choir. I also remember one church event where I was basically forced to sing a song I had to write with another girl. I was upset, I didn't want to sing with just ONE person doing it with me.
What do you like to listen to before you go to bed? I don't listen to things before bed specifically.
The videos that always make me laugh are… Vine-type videos. The quick, unexpected, stupid shit lmao
A trend I really love is… I've seen these videos going around of black men frolicking in fields and it is SO PURE and healthy masculinity as they laugh and have fun???????????????
My feelings about coconut flavor are… I hate coconut.
I think a good source of therapy is… Journaling.
Something helpful to lose weight is… Don't drink soda. If only I'd take that advice. Sure, I cut down IMMENSELY, but if I stopped entirely...
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brainyxbat · 4 months
Chapter 9: Ruins, and Lost Ways! Vivi, Her Friends, and the Country's Form
(episode 102)
The next day, after parting ways with Ace, the journey continued. Everyone was startled when a delirious Luffy suddenly let out a huge battle cry, before running on all fours. "Get back here, Crocodile!"
"Huh?" The others watched in confusion. "What's he freaking out about?"
"I'm gonna kick your butt!"
"Plus he's flying..."
"Did he eat another weird cactus?" Usopp asked.
"Ugh!" Nami groaned. "Can't he ever not cause trouble?! Chopper!"
"I don't think he can help," Zoro said. The poor reindeer was sprawled out on the sled, from the heat.
"Oh geez," She griped, "Alright Zoro, it's up to you."
"Why me?!"
"Want me to talk more about your debt?"
Zoro's eyes widened, before growling in anger. He began going after Luffy, dragging Chopper behind, as his shoulders were hunched, and his hand was in a tight, angry fist. "If you don't end up in hell, I'll gonna kick you down there myself!" He seethed.
"I look forward to it!" She grinned widely.
Venus sulked darkly in irritation under her hood. "Remind me to never borrow money from you, ever; even if I'm dying." She didn't notice Nami's displeasure at that, before she was suddenly shoved off of the saddle. With a yelp, as Vivi could only watch in alarm, she fell head-first into the sand. "Hey! Get me outta here!" Her legs kicked frantically. "Help!"
"Venus-chan!" Usopp quickly staggered up, and pulled her up to safety. "You okay?" He put a hand on her shoulder, as she spit sand out.
"I'm good," She brushed off of her robe, "Thanks, Usopp. I'll go help Zoro."
"Will you be alright?" Vivi asked in concern.
"Yeah, I will be. I mean, safer than up there." After shooting a glare at a prideful Nami, she trekked off after the swordsman. "Zoro, wait up!"
"Okay! Let's get going!" Nami announced.
"Eh? Shouldn't we wait for them?" Vivi turned to where they had gone off.
"They can just follow our footprints," Sanji pointed out.
"With their strength, they'll catch up in no time. We can wait somewhere relaxing."
"Agreed," Usopp groaned.
Vivi turned back in the same direction, now feelin worried. 'Will they really be all right?'
Zoro was still grumbling to himself, when he heard a familiar voice. "Hey, Zoro! Wait for me!"
"Venus?" He quirked a brow, his fist loosening, as she caught up. "Why aren't you with the others?"
"Let's just say I'm better off here," She rolled her eye, "What's he doing?"
"Hallucinating. You idiot!" He turned to the captain. "Wake up!"
"Hey, Luffy!" Venus called. "It's not real!"
Luffy still swung punches left and right to a nonexistent target, frustrating both of them. "Urgh!" He looked back at Chopper. "Stick him with a needle or something, quick!"
"O... kay," Chopper panted, but didn't move otherwise.
"Come on, now," He grumbled, and turned to the delirious man. "Can't count on anyone!"
Luffy glared menacingly at him, mistaking Zoro for their adversary. "Crocodile! I found you!"
"What're you talking about?!"
He chuckled deviously. "I'm gonna..."
"You dumbass! Don't make me..."
"Kick your butt! Gum-Gum..."
"Wake you up!"
"Submarine!" He launched a punch to his face, accidentally burying Chopper in sand.
Zoro glared down at him, now bearing a cut under one eye. 'Even though this happens every single time... stopping him when he's gone crazy is a pain! Urgh!'
"Luffy! Stop!"
Venus! She was running up to him! This was bad! "Crocodile!" Luffy was now glaring in her direction. "You have a smaller double?!"
"Come on, now!" She frowned in irritation. "Snap out of it already!"
Zoro's eyes widened when a punch to her face stopped her dead in her tracks. 'Venus!' He shouted inwardly, as she stumbled back. 'That bastard!' He went to draw a sword, but reluctantly nudged it back in, knowing he was unaware of who he was attacking, before they began charging at each other. "Stay back! Help Chopper!" He forced the small girl away from harm. They swung punches at one another, not landing a single one, as Chopper stayed put. 'How did I wind up following a captain like this?'
Venus watched from trying to dig the reindeer out; she paused when they both got hit in the face simultaneously, and were staying completely still. Were they okay? She jumped back when Chopper shot up from under the sand. "Oww! Hot!" He spit sand out of his mouth. "What am I-?!"
"Sorry, Chopper. The guys distracted me."
"Distracted you?" He looked down, and exclaimed in shock. They were fighting! And half-buried! "What are you doing?!" He jumped down with her, and noticed they weren't moving at all. They were unconscious in the position of simultaneous punches. "What's going on?! Venus, what in the world happened?!"
"Luffy was hallucinating Zoro as Crocodile, so he had to fight him."
"Hallucinating?!" Chopper hopped in front of the swordsman, and rapidly slapped his face. "Hey! Zoro! Hey! Get up!" He opened a bottle with a "Potion" label, and held it by his face. "A restorative!"
Thanks to the fumes, Zoro snapped out of his trance, and crawled out of the hole, now catching his breath. "Thanks..."
"What were you doing?!"
Chopper looked back at Luffy. "He's still buried."
"And not moving," Venus added.
"Leave him be for now. Where are the others?"
"They were gone when I came to."
"Those coldhearted bastards!" He griped. "But that's alright. We can just follow their footprints."
Everyone was silent, as the wind blew. "Umm, footprints?"
"Uh oh," Venus grimaced. They were gone.
Before long, Luffy had snapped out of his own stupor. However, he wasn't fully there just yet. "Say what?!" He exclaimed in shock. "You're actually Crocodile?! And a smaller Crocodile?!"
Zoro punched him in the head. "Don't be stupid!"
"Huh? We got separated?"
"You moron!"
"Why didn't we go after them sooner?!"
Zoro punched him again, as Venus facepalmed. "That would be because of you!"
"Chopper! You smell things good!" Luffy pointed out, as he was now in his muscle point.
"I'm already trying. But I don't smell anything at all."
"Then we have no clues at all?" Venus frowned worriedly.
"Which way is the wind blowing from?" Zoro asked.
"I don't know the direction, but it's coming from our left."
"Left, huh? That at least means that they didn't go that way."
"You're just makin' that up," Luffy groaned.
"Shut up! Stay here, if that's what you want!" Zoro took Venus' hand, and walked off with her. "Let's go, Chopper!"
"Yeah," Chopper followed.
"C'mon, wait for me!" Luffy griped. "Don't leave me behind!" He ran to catch up.
Venus groaned deliriously, trying to keep her eye open. "M-my... legs... tired."
Zoro glanced down at her, then with a small sigh, knelt down in front of her. "Hop on."
"Thanks," She panted, and latched her arms around his neck, plus her legs around his waist. As he straightened up, and continued on, her head slumped down on his back, her hood over most of her face.
"So hot," Luffy panted. "Someone gimme a ride too."
"No!" Zoro snapped. "It's your fault we're in this mess!" Luffy groaned in protest.
"Will he be all right?" Chopper asked in concern.
"He's not the kind to kick the bucket so easily."
"Is pirate life always like this?"
"Like what?"
"Always climbing snowy mountains, crossing deserts..."
"Ain't that the truth? But we're just a little out of the ordinary. Plus there's our captain."
Chopper slumped over. "I think I might've gotten on board a not-so-good ship."
"What a coincidence. I was just thinking the same thing myself."
"You're the most veteran crew member here, right?"
Zoro paused for a moment. "I guess, but there's not that much of a difference between us."
Chopper took in his insightful words. "Why did you join?"
"Why do you ask?"
"To me, since I joined, it seems like everyone's a maverick. Especially you."
"That's true. In my case, things pretty much just turned out this way. The others are the same. Our real goals are different from his. We're trying to do what we want to do. It's crazy; it's just like someone said before. On the outside, we have no teamwork at all. Especially given our captain." Luffy was practically dragging his feet behind them, tongue lolled out. "He's a real handful."
"I think so, too," Chopper agreed.
"But really, what is teamwork? Is helping each other, and protecting each other enough? Some people say so, but sorry, that only sounds like they're fooling themselves. I think teamwork only begins when everyone risks their lives to do what they can, and then says, "I did it! You're up next! If you can't do it, I'll kill you!" When you think about it that way, what's wrong with having mavericks as companions? That's my opinion, anyway."
"So that's what Usopp meant by, "Just do what you can!"" Chopper realized.
Zoro snickered with a wide grin. "It sounds like BS when he says it, though. As for why I still stay with him..." They stopped, and all looked back at Luffy, who was still lagging behind. "Being by his side all this time's given me another goal to strive for."
"Another goal?"
"Sorry, I dunno how to answer it." Zoro turned back to Venus when she moaned; her first sound in a few minutes. "Venus?"
"Mm... what's a maverick?"
Before either could answer, Luffy inhaled quite deeply, now enthusiastic. "I found shade!" Zoro and Chopper glanced back and forth frantically. Uh oh. "Gum-Gum..." He stretched his arms out to grab a rock close to the shady spot. "Rocket!" Once his feet were off the ground, he launched forward, taking the fearful three with him, before they crashed. "Whoo!" He laughed, as Zoro collided back-first into a large bump on the ceiling, and collapsed to the ground, oblivious to the witch rolling off of him. "It's nice and cool!"
"Venus!" Zoro realized she had still been on his back when they crash-landed, and took the brunt; she laid face-down on the ground deliriously, as he looked over her.
"I'm okay," She smiled weakly.
He then turned to Luffy with a glare of fury, two swords drawn. "I oughta chop you apart!"
He held a hand up sheepishly. "Oh! My bad, my bad! Huh?" He looked on in confusion. "Where's Chopper?" He had landed away from the shade, and was face-down in the sand. "Oh! There he is! What's he doing out there?" He wondered aloud obliviously. "Is he trying to act funny?" A sword close to his face was the only answer he needed. "Yes. It was my fault. I'm sorry."
"Geez! What was the point of that conversation..." Zoro went to sit on a rock, but he dropped down into the ground!
"Zoro!" Venus exclaimed when he disappeared into the sinkhole.
"Hey, I didn't know you were a comedian," Luffy remarked.
"I'm not!"
Luffy peered down into the sinkhole, with Venus close by. "Oh! You're okay?"
"Dammit! That hurts!" Zoro griped, before standing up with his hand on his head. "What is this place?" Before him was a large stele, half-buried, standing out amongst the pillars. "What's this?" He walked up for a closer look; it was covered in strange, carved writing he couldn't comprehend. "What's something like this..."
"Doing underground?" Luffy finished for him, now behind his back.
"Why are you down here?!"
"I used my arms."
"I'm asking why!"
"Just 'cause."
"You idiot! With you down here too, we might get separated from Venus and Chopper! Without them, we'll never meet up with Vivi and the others!"
"Oh! That's okay!"
"Why is that?!"
On the surface, Venus was helplessly looking him over, as he was sinking. "Because Chopper was falling down here too!" On cue, the screaming doctor dropped down from where he landed from the launch. "See?"
"Oww," Chopper sat up with his hand on the back of his neck. "What is this place?" He turned to see Luffy and Zoro approaching him.
"Heya," Zoro greeted, "You seem to be alright."
"Zoro! Luffy! Where is this place?"
"No idea," Zoro replied, "But whatever it is, it's definitely underground."
Chopper looked around the area. "Underground?" Out of nowhere, he yelped when someone landed on his back.
"Oof," Venus rubbed her head, and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, Chopper."
"I'm exhausted!" Nami griped. "Let's take a short break!"
"Yes, Nami-san!" Sanji swooningly complied.
Nami was annoyed at Usopp laying on the ground in exhaustion. "C'mon! You're pathetic!"
"Easy for you to say! You rode Lashes! We gotta walk the whole way!"
"Thanks, Lashes!" Nami happily petted the camel, before noticing their companion was silent. "Vivi?"
"Will Luffy-san and the others know where to find us?"
"I think they'll be fine. We're on top of a hill. It stood out clearly, even from far away."
"I hope so..."
Sanji knocked on the stone wall, and was startled at a small fragment crumbling off. "Say, how much further to Yuba?" Nami asked.
"Seeing as we made it to these ruins, we should be there by night if we continue walking."
"Close, at last," She smiled in relief.
"Oh?" Sanji turned back to them. "So these are ruins?"
"Yes. I believe they're from quite an old era. Civiliations first began here thousands of years ago. Many kingdoms have risen and fallen. Resettlement in search of water, the occasional war... ruins of such things remain all throughout this land. Many are full of mystery."
"And time flowed on, leading to the Alabasta dynasty of today?" Sanji asked, sitting with his back against the wall, his hands behind his head, and one leg draped over the other. "That's an epic story. A prosperous kingdom, destined to disappear... it's almost romantic."
Vivi's head hung low. "Sanji-kun!" Nami scolded.
"Sorry, Vivi-chan! I didn't mean it like that! It was just, you know, a figure of speech."
"It's all right. I've often felt the same way as of late. Just what is a country? Even if the ruler of a land changes, its people will keep on living. Culture, lifestyle... if those stay the same even when a country changes, I wonder if it's really necessary to struggle to protect the country. Certainly, there are other things that need protecting. Ever since the sand pirates, and the town with the fake rebel soldiers, I've been thinking that way a lot." She turned back with a smile when everyone was quiet. "I'm sorry! That's just me being strange! I haven't found the answers either! But I do know what we must do now! Baroque Works' scheming is about to cause a meaningless war! We must stop it, at all costs! What they're trying to do is throw this land into ruin! I don't care if it leaves a dark splotch in our history!" Vivi glared angrily at the horizon. "I absolutely refuse to let Crocodile have his way! Well, we should get going!" She was alarmed when the sniper regained his footing. "Usopp-san! Are you all right?!"
"Are you kidding? I can't control the strength welling up in me!"
"Liar," Sanji snarked at his legs shaking.
"Oh, shut up! They'll stop in a second!" He regained his composure. "I'll show you how gutsy Manly Usopp is! I'll never fall to my knees easily!" One poke in his leg sent him wavering to his knees. "What's the big idea?!"
"You fell easily."
Nami turned to Vivi through the argument. "Well, we should get going, Vivi."
"Eh? But what about Luffy-san?"
"You're such a worrywart." She reached back for her hood. "He says he's going to kick Crocodile's butt. Once he has a clear goal, you can let him do his own thing." She pulled it over her head. "You know that!"
"Yes!" Vivi nodded.
Underground, Chopper was looking over the stele in curiosity. "My eyes've adjusted," Zoro looked up at the ceiling, "On closer look, we're inside a giant dome."
"Built by people, no less," Chopper remarked.
"These are probably ancient ruins or something."
"How can you tell?"
"Look at this," Chopper looked back to the stele, "See all this picture-like writing on this wall? I saw it in a book or something before. These are ancient letters."
"Who cares about that stuff?" Luffy cut in, sprawled out on the ground. "It's so nice, and cool in here!"
Zoro turned back to Chopper. "If you're right, then what is this place doing underground?"
"I don't really know... was it built underground, or did it get buried after it was built? Either way, I get the feeling they were trying to hide this building."
"Dunno who did it, but they sure worked hard," Zoro remarked, before turning back, "In any case, it's none of my business, and it doesn't interest me. What we gotta do now is get the hell outta here. Right, Captain?"
"Really?" Luffy looked up. "But it's cool in here."
"Just get up!"
"We gotta meet up with the others," Venus added.
"No! No!" Luffy rolled on the ground in protest. "Let's stay here a little longer! It's hot outside!" A punch to the noggin changed his mind. "Okay! Time to get outta here! We gotta meet up with the others!" He turned to where the sun beamed in. "So that's Zoro's comedy hole?"
"Shut up!"
"Alright! Gum-Gum... Pistol!" He launched one hand up, but wound up punching the ceiling, and sending a large chunk down on himself.
"What are you doing?" Zoro asked in exasperation.
"Darn it! I missed, 'cause the target's so small!" He made another attempt, this time successfully grabbing the ledge. "Alright! Got it!" He was bombarded yet again.
"Again, what are you trying to do?!" Zoro exclaimed. "Just grab onto the boulder above the hole!"
Luffy popped out of the sand he got buried in, and swatted it away in frustration. "This is getting annoying! Gum-Gum... Gatling!" He rapidly punched the ceiling, unaware of just how close to the boulder he was hitting.
Zoro and Chopper panicked when large fragments began raining down, one heading straight for them. "Get back!" Zoro yanked Venus away, and leaped back with Chopper before any of them could get hit.
Luffy caught his breath, then looked up at the now bigger hole, feeling satisfied. "Alright! All better!"
"Are you crazy?!" Zoro raged, before Luffy ran off. "What are you gonna grab on to, now that you broke that boulder?!"
"It's okay! I got an idea!"
"Chopper, you should probably turn little."
"Gum-Gum..." He coiled his arm around a pillar.
"Oh, now I see," Zoro remarked.
"Grab on!"
"Just give it up," Zoro ordered to Venus and Chopper, "This is the only way!"
"Okay," Chopper nodded.
They all held onto the captain like ordered. "Here goes!" Once his feet were off the ground, they began spinning rapidly around the pillar. "Spring!" They rocketed out of the dome, and up into the sky. "Yahoo!" Luffy cheered, as Zoro, Chopper, and Venus held on tight.
"Woohoo!" Venus cheered.
"How are we going to land?!" Chopper exclaimed fearfully.
"Heck if I know!"
"You don't mean-?!"
Zoro turned to him. "I told you to just give it up!"
"Nobody mentioned this!"
Just then, Luffy bounced off the ground, and landed hard, resulting in a cloud of sand billowing around them. He laughed jovially, as the cloud cleared. "Successful escape!" He then frowned in confusion, glancing around. "Where'd they go?" Another sand cloud up ahead caught his attention. "Oh, there they are!"
Chopper was head-first in the sand, while Zoro was sitting up deliriously, with Venus draped over his shoulder. "I think I did choose the wrong ship to ride on," Chopper remarked.
"We're on the same wavelength today," He agreed, "I was just thinking the same thing."
Venus weakly held her head up with a grin. "Let's do that again." Zoro repressed the urge to lash out at her.
Meanwhile that evening, the rest of the crew trekked on, with poor Usopp lagging behind. "Usopp," Sanji looked back, "You're falling behind." The sniper panted wordlessly. "What happened to showing how gutsy you are?"
"I-I only said that out of spirit," He wheezed, as they all stopped to let him catch up.
"Hang in there!" Nami urged. "Just a little further!" She noticed Vivi watching on in concern. "Still worried?"
"Oh, no," She replied.
"It's written all over your face."
Vivi timidly looked down. "I'm sorry. I do have faith in them, but..."
"I guess you never get over being a worrier. But that has its good points too."
"You people are amazing," Vivi remarked.
"I've felt that way ever since Little Garden. How can you have so much faith in your friends?"
"How? It's not something I'm conscious of. I've never even thought of it."
"That's what's amazing. Having unconditional faith in someone. That's not very easy to have." Once Usopp was close enough, they continued on.
"Hmm, I'm not really sure, but maybe it's because we all do what we can, as best we can? A while back, he said something on the island I lived on. I remember those words very well. I thought, "Oh, this is how these pirates are." Alone, there's a limit to your strength. Sometimes, things you really want to do are too much for one person." Vivi looked down at her own hands. "You need friends. But it amounts to nothing if those friends don't do what they can. Whoops!" She grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, that wasn't an answer!"
Vivi shook her head with a smile. "Thank you!"
"I can't keep my thoughts straight in this heat!" She laughed.
'That answers plenty,' Vivi thought, Yes... that may be one of this country's forms...
"Hey! Hurry up!" Luffy called out behind his back.
"Of course he gets energetic when it starts to cool off," Zoro snarked, but stopped when Chopper lingered behind. "What is it?"
"The wind has changed direction. I smell something!"
"The others?!" Venus perked up.
"Yeah! No doubt about it! It's Nami's perfume! It's this way!"
"Yes!" She cheered.
"Way to go!" Zoro praised. "Luffy! We found Nami, and the others! In the sunset direction!"
"For real?! Hey! Guys!" He rushed off into the sunset.
"Don't rush off on your own!" Zoro scolded. "We'll get separated again, you moron!"
"Usopp-kun!" Venus dashed ahead after him.
"Venus!" Zoro shouted. "Not you too!"
Before long, Vivi saw them, and pointed them out to Nami. Luffy and Venus jumped and waved with joy, while Zoro and Chopper panted behind them. When I'm with them, I start to see many things... these people may have the answer!
Usopp looked around when everyone was no longer walking. "What'd we stop for?" He panted.
"Usopp-kun!" He was taken by great surprise when a body tackled him with ecstasy. He looked up from the ground; it was Venus!
"Oh! Venus-chan!" He perked up. "Thank goodness you're safe!"
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lightningmickqueen · 2 years
f1 drivers as underrated and/or unreleased taylor swift songs that altered my brain chemistry
george russell: "i'd lie" because listen "he tells a joke, i fake a smile" he's the least funny person ever but i'd still laugh and also i definitely lie when people ask if i love him (i do but i refuse to admit it publicly if you tell anyone i said this i will lie!!!)
lando norris: "thug story" because of the second hand embarrassment but also i wouldn't be surprised if he knew every word
yuki tsunoda: "today was a fairytale" but unfortunately today was not a fairytale!!! maybe one day he will live to fairytale again but til then he's still feeling this magic in the air though i have faith and i believe
alex albon: "crazier" because listen this is like THE slow dance rom com song from the iconic masterpiece rom com the hannah montana movie and if that doesn't describe alex albon idk what does
nico hulkenberg: "lucky you" ok i love taylor and i know she was like 12 when she wrote this but this song is mid just like hulk <3 however unlike hulk , taylor is no longer mid !!!
lewis hamilton: "superman" i don't know if i need to explain this one i think it makes sense this is just him he'll save the world or go to work it's the same thing idk
pierre gasly: "we were happy" ah a song about young love. love when you're young. love when you were friends and you were young and in love . and then it stopped . no longer friends and young and in love. i wonder why that makes me think of pierre gasly.
esteban ocon: "i heart ?" because listen . "another mess i didn't plan, and i'll bet you thought you beat me" listen!!! not only is that esteban coded but also he's definitely blasting this in his driver room at alpine to piss off his childhood best friend turned rival turned roommate turned ???? aka a certain pierre gasly
logan sargeant: "who i've always been" listen u cannot deny that logan can drive and that's what he's here to do !! the easy ride was never his ambition
oscar piastri: "welcome distraction" SOLELY for the bit where she's like "gone and spilled my coffee trying to get the phone because i thought it might be you" because that is the most oscar piastri thing ever it's so adorably awkward
max verstappen: "beautiful eyes" listen his eyes are SO pretty they're actually illegal in 197 countries if you dont see the vision go to specsavers
charles leclerc: "sweeter than fiction" aka the reason i made this post. this song is SO charles coded and you know what ? ?? ? i will be there time and again and in that perfect weather it'll be like we don't remember the rain we thought would last forever and ever and there'll he'll stand ten feet tall i will say "I KNEW IT ALL ALONG"
lance stroll: "point of view" because from his point of view he's doing GREAT the grass is really green on his side of the street or maybe that's his car. who knows who's right but he thinks he's doing great so
carlos sainz: : "love they haven't thought of yet" it's very cute and honestly very 16 year old taylor but there is something just sooooo carlos about a song about not wanting what's normal but wanting the best and a fairytale even when it doesn't and can't exist <3
zhou guanyu: "superstar" he is literally too powerful for the f1 grid this man is the most well rounded well dressed mfer there and everyone else is no one special theyre invisible
sergio perez: "stupid boy" he is SO. literally any time you expect something decent or good he does the opposite. his most consistent trait. ugh
kevin magnussen: "R-E-V-E-N-G-E" it's on his list of things to do this week he's gonna make SOMEONE feel sorry. not sure who yet but it'll happen
valtteri bottas: "matches" but it's his attitude towards mercedes also "i gave you space you took my place and gave it to her" he may be besties with lewis but he will never like george <3 that's ok tho he looks great w a mullet and he's gonna burn it down
mick schumacher: i don't want to lose his face i don't want to wake up one day and not remember what time erased and i don't want to turn around because i'm not scared of what love gave me and took away and i don't want to lose his face
sebastian vettel: "just south of knowing why" listen it's about driving all night searching for something you'll never find he's definitely done that irl and also he doesn't have a plan he doesn't have a map he doesn't even know if he's ever going back
fernando alonso: "only the young" i know you're doubting me but this is about winning and overcoming the odds and also only the young can run (from him)
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tchaikovskym · 11 months
anyway i came here because i had the spark on to write something for my thesis but then that spark died
anyway did you know we are living in global obesity pandemic (source: articles and statistics i read like a year ago) and that obesity rate is growing in almost every country there is, it's not the 1st world country problem anymore (source: there was this WHO statistics sheet i think). this honestly calls for concerns in how society is operating, not the individuals (source: my own mind figured it out), because, like, if it is affecting so many people, it smells like systemic issue, ya'know?
and since the abundance of food we have now is historically recent event (Paoli et al. 2019), we could just say. Hey! It's because there is so much food that we are fat now! We are all like cats and dogs with an owner who always fills the bowl with food when it's empty.
And honestly, yeah, that would be an actual hot take that's probably it.
But for god's sake, I have some faith in humans. I think it is an issue that could be solved. It don't think it's the stupidity of people that is to blame. I hope.
I think, if we modified our lifestyle, we could get some better results. And by our lifestyle I mean politically. On a large level.
What are the characteristics of a modern human? A modern human is busy as hell, I don't think I have to look up source on this. I just believe it's true.
No I can't. that's against scientific method.
Yeah, well, if we take working hours, that's a big fat lie. If we look at the time period of like 2 centuries. I'm too tired to look up sources on history before that. If I recall correctly, the 19th century was, like, the start of this whole boom in the whole work week stuff (source: middle school history lessons), and of course our life is better now than it was when the average guy was breathing deadly fumes to feed his family.
Besides, are working hours really the measure on how busy a human can get? Don't you think our lives have become overly fast? There is so much going on in one day, thanks for the advances in technology. And it's a good thing, but it's a lot! Don't you think?
Anyway, regarding our society, sleep is weird with us too. It is quite possible that people did not sleep the same way we do (Source: an article I read like 5 years ago where the author mentioned literature work. was it Charles Dickens? who mentioned two sleeps of night. like you go to sleep for about 5 hours and then wake up, do something, and then go asleep for 5 hours more. or 4.).
And besides, our sleep is all messed up. Who is getting enough sleep nowadays?
anyway. i am tired of making my point (i want to go to sleep and i won't finish this).
but my suggestion for better health is to let highschool kids sleep in the mornings, like make the shool start at 10am earliest, move their extra-curriculars in the mornings so they get up earlier in some days, but not all. let the kids sleep. moreover, make a shift towards promoting lunch as the main social meal, not dinner. forget dinner. and. slow the society down a bit. don't make something new for the sake of something new. please. im begging. you just have to wait for my thesis process to finish to see if my statements have some value.
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alder-saan · 2 years
Till death do us meet
life 2 : gunshots
Death of the endless x reader
Warnings : mass murder, death
Wordcount : ~1200
THIS IS THE SECOND PART. life 1 : Shooting stars
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You were looking at your lesson. Why the fuck did you chose a math degree ? It was far too difficult for you. Actually, you had not been paying attention for months. Since your best friend just disappeared and blocked you on every social media, you began to wonder what was wrong with you. Sometimes you didn't want to wake up, an you just stayed in your bed all day. Sometimes you tried to motivate but in class, you understood that these "few days off" were in fact a "few weeks off". And from now on, you had to catch up on your work. The few "friends" you had (could you really call them friends? You mean, yeah, you liked them, and they seemed to like you but... You weren't that close), tried to cheer you up, unsuccessfully. You sighed. To your left, 'lyn shook you a bit.
"Hey, wake up"
"I don't understand, 'lyn"
"I know, but you will once you catch up. So don't give up. If you don't want to take notes, listen."
"Yes mom"
You sank into your chair and watch the half-empty lecture hall from the back seats. In the front row, you noticed a young woman. She was... well, beautiful. Really beautiful. You wondered if it was OK to approach someone at the end of a maths lesson that gave headaches. Anyway, what would you say to her, uh? "Hello, er... I was watching you from the back of the lecture hall and I found you beautiful. Do you want to go to the coffee shop with me?"
You knew that wasn't ridiculous. But persuading yourself was the only way you found to protect yourself from being rejected. She wasn't interested in you. No one was. No one would ever be. Your eyes rolled to the left. Marilyn was focused. You let your mind daydreaming. You thought about your best friend. Your ex best friend who just left you without a word.
About your mother who was never happy with what you did, what you became.
About your big brother, your stupid brother who left you and went in an other country. You missed him... He and his stupid hair, which he plastered back with gel. You laughed, hoping he'd change his hair style.
About your father who prefered his job over his children.
About 'lyn, who never let you down. You really liked her. But you felt guilty not to be able to be there for her like she was for you. You never told her she probably was your new best friend. You never thanked her.
About that girl, in the front row. You were sûre you had met her before. But you couldn't remember when. It seemed you always knew her. She may was your soulmate... Ugh, since when were you that mushy? Soulmates? Bullshit. You must have seen it in class but not noticed it, that's all...
" 'lyn?"
"See that girl in the front row?"
"No, to her left"
"Er... the wall?"
"No, the girl with a black shirt"
"Luna is the only girl in the front row"
"The person with the black shirt then"
"I really don't see who you're tal-"
A gunshot.
Everyone froze.
An other gunshot.
The girl you saw stood up. You frowned. Why did she do that? No one else noticed her. The other students were hiding under their table, as the safety regulations provided for this type of incident. You didn't move. Why? Why did she stood up in the middle of the room. She gave the class a sad and sorry smile. Then she crossed your look.
"Can you see me?"
You nodded.
"Hide now."
You hid with Marilyn. She held your arm, silent tears rolled on her cheeks.
The door crashed open. A man entered, you recognized him. That was one of your ex best friend's friend. He had two guns. He pointed the barrel of one at a table and fired it. You startled. Then he shot the professor, under his table. He screamed in pain. Three other gunshot. He remained silent. But the girl? Where was she? You looked down the stairs, through the rectangular holes in the wood of the table.
Your eyes widened. She had now big black feathered wings. There was two teachers. One of them covered in blood, motionless, the other looked normal and the woman took his hands. She flapped her wings. For a brief moment, the second teacher was out of your sight, covered by the black wings. When you could see again, he had disappeared. All that was left was the bloody corpse.
The man turned towards the empty chairs. But all the stuff on several tables couldn't fool him. You shivered. The silence was deafening. Marilyn and you held your breaths. For how long? You didn't know.
Other gunshots.
You heard 'lyn sobbing and gasping, and students crying in pain. You couldn't stop your eyes from watching the woman, walking from table to table, fetching students from under their desks into the other world. She was so sweet with them. Wiping their tears away, hugging them, comforting them.
Luna, the third student who passed away, disappeared.
The police and ambulance sirens drilled the silence. The woman turned towards the man. He shot himself. She stood in front of him.
"It's over"
Her wings flapped. He was gone.
You came out of your hidding, not paying attention to Marilyn, next to you. You wanted to talk to the woman before she goes. She looked at you and went up the stairs.
"Sorry to have kept you waiting"
"Don't worry, you had work to do"
"I've missed you."
"What do you mean?" You said, confused.
"You don't remember? Not surprinsing though, but kinda disappointing... Anyway that's not your fault so don't worry."
You searched in your memory, giving you an excuse to close your eyes and avoid the view of the corpses, but didn't find anything.
"I... I am sorry what was I supposed to remember?"
"The shooting stars"
You frowned. The shooting stars? What did that mean? The shoo-
A shooting star, a big shooting star, with two tails. One fire-colored, one bluish. The woman. Beside you. Your kiss. Was this...
"Your previous life."
You opened your mouth. But no sound went out. You didn't know what to say.
"I must admit I quite liked your kiss... That was... brave."
"I- I need to process these things out. Can we discuss about that later? I can offer you a drink sometime... But with what happened I'm not sure it'll be today, or even tomorrow. I have to talk about this with-"
You turned towards 'lyn, still under her table. She was holding... you? Your body?
Then you saw blood on your stomach, and a whole in the wood of the table. 'lyn was crying, her hands were red, living marks on her cheeks when she wiped her tears.
"Please... tell me something..." she moaned.
Death took your hand.
"I think we need to talk about that now."
"No, no it can't be possible!"
"I'm sorry. You'll be okay"
"But I didn't thank her!"
"I'm sorry, I can't bring you back. Come here."
She ran her thumb over your cheek to remove a tear.
"But what I can do, is being sure you'll see her in your next life. You'll be able to thank her"
"Can you do that?"
"Well I'm not supposed to, but yes, I can."
"Thank you"
She cupped your head in your hands.
"Can you kiss me again, before you go ? I want to feel it one more time."
A smile appeared on your face and you kissed her.
And you were gone.
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